g - tOL r• - 1 --- zhe; Drinotrat IS PUBLISHED EVi'ILY THURSDAY VORNING, BY Oft LAPiiio G. lIEBIP,TEA D. . I Tii 'ItM. S. . . • si .30 a year,if Paid* adVanee, or 32,00 if paid at lb L ;lose (If nit:Jeer. . 23µs. charged for pottage If carried at - the publishers •ex pense.l Diw.allitinuatres optlo4l, excett when arrearages are pall, Atwilsvisitur.wrs olterilellat per squtwe of twelve lines... leus,l o the firm titree4rtions, and twetayrAvecenta forev .ry vibration Insert lon,:l A liberal . discount . ; will- be made er, nose Who advertise by tfte year. ~ - `` .1 - . . . 01- iluviness lettentatiii eonaniii4ationi!iltive paper Until MIT PAM 19 . 01MIPP ItilletilkM. ''' _ - (' ' • POETRY' --- , Thi3.Velllal,Aanctuary. i I ' ay TIIE REV. JAMis GILDORNE LYON;' LL ID, • .--,,-.:, - P ,Where iia -sttpxs4turches is -the place for the 'oar? I asktAktqueifion with shatne, and wroiv. Wasillt*lills , tttE - 'PLAO2. FOR - THE, Ot) 11 1 ,*' l , 4* . * :;Afpiit, that here land there a toprerson.hasa•leaf i ' Wl= E Ik IT? b ein ited to :§ it 'w-tth. us " in a goOd place," or f 0 w - Fay to his; q stand ..41ton there ; or '3li .ere Under, inf.- fofiAstooll"--Rjelt • Itercren4 tishap Iris. - . ' .: -! ' , • . i !,-* • --, ---'_ -1.. - . I {FILL WI INO YO U Rd SA*2IIOAR lES U.N.To . Li ,11240LA.T.103,.. ,'" .... n Etc„ageo, 26,311 -it:''• i:,' -,--, I trod the hallo4d '.land tlial , labro A Christian templo,,t4and,"piqua ; - • . i When at each itiyean . d.toftg' door 'Wei - it streatrtirx : niii:Or*otti (crowd: . A fair and ancietiqiiitiraf;', And the glad' ortansmighiv4ttlice t.:huok the strong;roo - raid Gothic wall. " Full many a tolce7inaae'd the Feld, ' Where rich andliiigli.ttelie4enieet, The sacs ed volwie elaSped, in g , .,111, The e,,stly robe, Ind ilrowsy‘teit:— Are!), colnntn:Akoltitquli.alld gate-4 That amp l in fane trent vatili to spire eked s. Lenin-ift and . caln4 great. - • But mark !. Anlttl,tind Weary'lman— A stran7, , r eladiri raiment vile," With fai!in : ! stept.e.nd features, wan. Went tottering iip"the fair brdad aisle:— They east hilt: oikr—Oli faithless ra a ! ) 0 a rude benclrfur.seen—rovete,— - Found guiltN z that hour-am" ri a(! is, (If—a :can pgrs4 4 initl threculbarccuat Yes! and if lie Ntho:,,sav"ri the list Stfod faintinz 4.4.Atliat :haghty Oner, Arrayed in wecd4of little a t, ,leek as he soimlit, our world before . ; • In spite of wardift'ilfich none might , blaine, And iv. rits of gi,'„icidnesi freely dyne., That solilid post.o wzong and Shame li - uuld greet-Ji ovsfi s tisrr SON. . • 0, f the or a rfket!,..i tongue or pen To warn great in wealth and birth, Wh\i bUild .their:t od a house, hnd. then Earl thtl4‘--thelleanest pomp's. of :iizyth. r7 - Tu brand . thatel+relt which spOrlis the . pbor From eyeiTvain f . uid, venal pew, • Where "ilea - led ik Purple lierdlseeure,. To kneel or slegiaLthe lordly : few L Give me the shed] low; are and: plain, Where lore' aed,linmhle truth abide, Rather thaw 4 - .all'-vinost Defiled by - serial pomp andiwide : - • Give me the damp and desert sod; Walled" in by°darli old forestltrees, , Roofed over by. the skies of God ; But perish tensplis r such as these! MISC - Fro% the Baton Odd Fella I .1 r : i ' 1H >'..: . ' . Ill' it",..M. -AYES. 1 .., . , 1 • Edward Morris 4s fohnne's favorite. He •uld not boast of along and nOble line of an- , estors, nor of wealt,b and affluence. lle had', ,is origin in Vitginia ; his native' village was 1 ear the Blue Ridgi and here ho spetit tim i vs of his - boyhook lie was an 'orpltruffrom,, is infancy, and thiittgli destitute ofparontal 1 • vice and instruction, and obliged to labor! rd to earn a livelihood, yet, by peiseforipgl dustry and attention- to , business, ho niar z r-,4 4 II to amass a sant -ofjnoney'quito sufficient f defray his experleai..Atud allow %ii to ac , -,1 e a collegiate qi.t .. tteitiqn.-:12 - 4i, oli : an unws_ only early age, _lse , eiteicd:t4,lFilliam P. 1.1474 ,ary's. He grad4ted'l4.:gikAgii6f*.nts:-4 o. Morris.was 3411 art; it .401 feeligi. , miuebl rength of raina.:*ia. 44,3„iiii**4ait,'. , in" i , e Autumn of the featLyilkfiir,iAtiiiiio - 04 C tour of the SouthferiiiedOeste:OWtee.... ) .4:-.' e had travelled.inieli.i4;l:***l4#Yr44' • e peculiarities j!_ , ,f,4 , ..itgrefikkA:;iti ;',Tiriona, rts of the eountry... ife44ooC':*•-•-luis . rly in .September{- ifeWS:e4e.fetfasidf2i eras, (a young arak41.06,1',,ai1 , 10 , ':), - ; : 0 11- 4.. 71T nued his journey ; gib baivel 6 4': - .rt 1 -- . .velling'all day thiottiltliT4 "' ' : 4, - t-fia,a. at thinly peopleditthic*: . unfli '''::„`rt ' ' , dely erected bib giriCit 4 WW - ", ~• 1 7 440 i , eivilization.serVo. tiieUer...,l4*;,)iklie'rinir d on' Toward 4 . liti ; :, l * - -4P0 4 044 1 1-1 . - 2 kii!' I ,iese houses...-,.:X:A*:..etititetll-1114k40:`,..;÷ om the stckisk - il‘no.iiikiifii,l'.i"*lo, ,! om the baught4filiee4 l . , ';efirlibo 7 l34,.. .1 hapes,it rose tn - 4:"4 1 .40:,:4 1 4,11001,,*, , will a was tliiTinit a s Pti , l 6 / 1 1 -ntoik l 4 . 1 *-' t no greaftlistaae4tifoiviltKlirikitlaii, used to addir'e tliCeliktimitz.;_r ,F.l*o l - J - t tle• All nature.r?'`lWiiifite4ll.o4lPii ever. ne, auts_S' '94494o — Ar'li: '"i'", lii-1 a le western hillsi4o.4?-' 'eiiiiio , r, :fs,,L' 'Oit'i:: : ` 1" ;: -. ...,-1 skirted the - leekieria, yi,iii. . ~, 44: - .444'"'-:i distinctly, 0 -:Thiiv:-.444401:**1ti-00*-04,1 All was .qui,k-4,4*uo r i s it: ---. - :'.4y' A itiel voice of gp:to,fiiftt7:4l*iti .. #: -.* tna4o;l44:ihiii , herds to.slieltjeriVoAel4l,4W.,loll*o44-.).,:i0 irdrd to the.jriketik5034111644441.444, _ - • .44 • .;;;H1.4!4 12-11 47, y'v;.; „3" ••• - • 1 • • .;••: 4 ry 4: -t 4 4 • ;IL • j;,-; t, 1; „4 • '!!"' - - • :-:•••, • , . • 1)•-•• !;• r , • • • .5 • ~, • 'it; ,••••±. •P• " • e H• • . •-• • •",";• 4- , . " •t. "rY c. .. • „." Ya f• 4 1 3. 4:: • • • ' - •° 4 ; - - ar • r t; ;il l' 4 - it - .z• - 4. ••• z• ". , • • 'J:. A „., , • . • lk . t 4 71. L. . , • • ji Ok`f a ° 7.41 1 1 . 5 - j1 ?"' -4 • ••: '• • • - • ••••• .k, r . E. ' S l .4' 4•1,1^.?5%,4- • • -• • "'" • I er9,litnge,,,i !V ,A1Ly . ..1. open fut. thtvece itic=ll i ttreller.::::44War,d,:aliitittsli and throwing tii , bridle oter=roJ . "Stnrup ''tibia. stood'-• by th , tide of thirlittliforitpatkleadin„fito the' 'dace ;-, • _, %; - ,R.:l. • ,, t,•••••• •-•.,. .....` . " .... •"-- 4 --• •• • • t --". iAS /113. Vir.Q.rteneai'lla -•,..yas _surprised,. t o ` 9p !Seiv.oitifers'ElittlilroWerZteds 4 ,111 ebsectill , tiaift:ttie*.4)lii . 444'.:: - Ijj , ' - ra: 411ecii1 - . iika:...TV i t inaioild4C4Wtrip'4sitildig is 'ctinppied i I ....,11,,," - :„ 1 ,t , .„,' - 41 , Ed r a ' - nutted a . .the doo was' pino:_..et,,..._,war-.. T r 4" , j c • i • •t . : f and 4a . 3 0 ,tlO. -by 411,01101 y lee Ing ., farm c a r, who` bad: luqllyelconyi, ~Efe, , .. as the onl 1 obenpattiTaf . lie -Toone; but ,in a le moment t old man. .., fleklus daughter, a 4 . batio -hc pap, supper fqtlte 'stranger, tella ma r appwatieS'spou after; and.. Inc rmed the i that' tea tiailradY. ",.4s shit enter d, Edgar was struck with her interesting ap caranee. - 'she m'-aionitt seventeen. On see 1g him, A rbeeatne tonlearbat einharrassed. lie howe, gracetullai, and hhislies sensed be face. • she turned to retire, ,bc,leeked afte her, weit dering that oo beautiful a fl4cr oilltl 'bay: sprung rip amid the :deep shade of he forest EdWard wits deliglited -With the araily"ar: tirneriasseil away pleasantly'. ,He elt -dpeen liar plensur&as 'her 'silvery 'yeice,,till en lii• 1. ear. !Ile ha 1 neverr i believed. in Ithe at tight nor dial he n w'; but howl° accountfor the i i , 1 !'ect she createdwas beyond his power, 111 retirta'at a !itte hour, .tixdreatik of the Inl4;ltti s fill titt.lla. ..fris slninbers welii deep riot] on bp)ke t n. ,Iti ;dream. be was carrier] hack to th 'tiitys orbls eflihitioba. ..I.l4'):is-caressed . by; all' he sees yfiln r?ye where, so oft.itt infancy 11 had ,pursoed his - childish sport's. Now wash arrested fbr murder,, but - from death ii the.timely, and carnet 'intercession of Steil': Ritynietkiti: -.;11a weite" at a litte . liOnr il th ~ nn. rntpv, er'i el at nit cen ea e with .he t . 4 . 004 , 1.b0,-.rlffered to rest his weary links 1jt?n..T41r.074 sun. had arisen. The ftimilyhr 7 ief ltiin3.- - ::reMain with= themfin. a few claps, NM _'he 4440,ini:a trir'elintin -a- iitiyer two w o rth 1 1 thati&..Arter *hearty rneal;'Farnierdlaynuind 1 and il i ejievs, ( ! .stuitbr sons of the forest.) i Slunrildered gieir as'es, .and wen t 'forth :. to. their 1 1 Ajork.; , - Stella invited the Stran e ntr to go . 'Witli , . ~ ~ . hir tqinelTront-hroolc_which - Was-Itear to the piace. - where the bop were at work.. He chebr -1 ftidli . emnplictl,. and taking tier brother's fiSli. . itig : taekle and her own,- they set out for the j T-lirool4 They soon lost sight of the. ouse,litli I wan4redslowly along. Their conversation ' Iwaa VYely - , and was - only interrupted by ti e ?discordant ii to of sotto lone, bird. which ever Land anon cruwned the songs of the feathered i , warblers. . I " There is pleasure in the pathless wood."'— , I Nothing can' e more agreeable to a person! or I.conteinpiatiite mind, than to wands t: amid iI:C foresta Here Can he ;i.ten the yountz and t‘iii- I-der "tiiliiii?' - - and' there the mihtv oak, and the, , ? - ' .all pine tree,- whose giant head bids (.I.4ianee , to rho. teuipests. They re n shed tl , ':rook- Ind • were-Successful in the employmr•tit of tislanr.r. i tqta day • bad gone , before. Edward wasi a- . war¢i . the pleas:' int minutes, as th , y passed,, 1 . dra. : 44-d along'witli them the more tardy limits. • Theykreterned tome. - iNightvatne on, and the youlii!'fartners,onee mere congregate around the : 1 olleerful.board.eftheir father. in the evening I the eenyer.sation turned on the subject of Odk, i'Vellou‘ship and other secret sociel ies. Edward learned, that Mr. Raymond and his eldest..lfin, /: (a. skint, "athletic young mart of twenty-one,) Ilwere ; MeMbets of thelNder of Odd Fellows— ITheylapelie in an *pent manner of.the mer lits- *the , Titstitutt4iii. Edward was • not a inember of the. Son : ietiy, bat felt_ a high rem rd 0 for ,- th Order: . f... - -Thil_ne*tinorning he had his horse brought 1 ' to. - 3 '.•• tije , tl t i l or,at•aMearly hoer. lie shook ha:Ws ' 1 with=- ohl - lnan ; . and : with all the family;— Siell4-Wasithe.last c and was it the noveley of shaking-kinds,Ulth a man, übich caused these blush=es j ffe;trtrued to mount his horse ;lull I were .iierreisfuVlaut--none more so than the beautiful 'Stella. They parted ;. they looked - after ihiinAill - the brandies obstructed -.their view andlid lint froUt-their .sight. As 7 StOla tprned4,„ , ,,,*thea: 4 ,o:way a tear. that baks - . ._ . *nbiddell - loler pretty eyes.' -Ed ward.::Wetit:fotvarti: hut - ihart:distance, for i lte hadltaiSta len.. tiOi',44; . and. had .gone in .a foot- Ipath4)&i4i: 4 to the jipart . Of` the forest. , t ine 1 1. saw.: 'j3° linkturifed - : hank, but this lahy, • rintlitanSP tli'cOnid hardly be 'distinguished i . frorniiithir - :.',Z,;„4,f,ter much delay arid diffnMity, 'the fat!Mirt l".;iiiad. - , It was now late in time i ;ternoiii:hillthergfOre 'wiled forward in hi es ~ . ~ ii_ 4... t befl't unikr-riiiii4iiii . ,- .:i-ait eliie.°6.he b-Pai'dricliP*:!` Ili ciil-g ; -i-ff.fartef*Dr and ' the eT,:bacic,f i. Otto fq,,..y..,#.1: rifo,o,44argi, A looking It light tad --!.?.f.7 tc6;aii.,‘,, . fie/3. '',/1,11.1,0 iht),ug ii‘.:,,,,p4t„, -iiii)ligl -it kJJ*OI.I64A- LI ,sip-gi -,,.a•ing,e.' 9.°,--',lb-'4.,_,:e1..--''..434.1.' V. 1.: TLEdW4r '-'kene`c ~1.1...,-iiiiig..t.".':9- iiild.,- ...-M6!.g,-. t. 'o'4: Ovici;3 ' "t.11P.3.4:i1l .I.'. -::...A64114Pg.:hin' lint.. At ' h4oifl--.-elliPgr- ''''e'e'''Pt - -d.f2,1:- "IA -94 ' 1 ltii;lll%crgliall-3:11*4• .-,;e-:-.-,.-1.f,.iic.8 11-si liat ! liliii'llt:-:ll6l44rvtqnial.':#. - i;"'a4ll:4 ... ... ,,1.,. , .., ;bitr.p. -it.ilo-, . ~.ii,:impa,ffl .---., ii.O, ''- Ilit'lf• tem -,ive..;-' s ii.fr;' L.- -ilirent et, ii 10.k,.!,441-,alliq:4" '-1.. 'ailMg .'4i :o", ii: a ~I• r----",-4.,- -.-: •-tie:mi: ,•••••••,,,teii - ,_.• _ r.,,,,„- epic - t. • - d . As ..'0,%,,,L,6;CAL,;,--fark,ql;_,,,:,,,,ia r7,--lis"drv.,'.,..r,t i t,ll-41iitigio* 4 -'-i--e--•l4;:ire.-4),-,1,4A7-., pest - . .'-,:1ik.;„,---kiiii#l,4-641Pcen'c:isen,iiie':4-9Pi," 1k.,-.74.1i0,ip.r.:-.,-,f3.yipl.flaii -j4-',-; had - lits , 7 - iilel9P.l.,,Oait-.-41i.041;•:kxiv,4±,a, liiit*"..g: .:tW.I 9 -...,litilii- 47 :...,birx - i:',:.ty#4l,FlF.,li-iiii4,-.. :11.- ir l ' ; ',. :'::..t.' 41i. 0,9# Itiysiit-IF-.-eP.,,ii =mentioned, -:iii•O--. :"241c;5ii*":----itatrri-4"4--'ik-r:-- .-31/ 0 " ? -•!ilidhe.- ,ib-,tlNT,il;i;.-40411"01,•*°17,tiiiiii 1:13:, 7.,,;1i5§0. fa.r.-'l4i#.-nto"'- no's; .froth ~.,_ Av,r_.l.•ecii..poi,,E,-14,T-.;.ltlrti74''" tit: 11114,•,--Y isuk-•4,.',11.2_.01__,447: ~- ...-.7410,14r•-•' - - -44..i,(1,ik',",',:liitki!Ii: ;.-At0?,60 "tice.V.!.s.--,7iiiiiink-INitt4:'', -7414"A.T.,_.-wiiiii,,li ..,:. :0?-.. ia;:Vii:ik.o:•-atrbis. '-tAtie-.--iiinm-.---fli: !.14,474i441.4' • 3k4'44.144411A-1/10 i.11611,,,-,,- ,444.T8...641-3:40.4144- 11?* 4.1.-'•' ..,,A t .....1...-,:12,.5......5.,tw.., ..., • ea,.., , r - t.,..,1 ' ' ;. . ,v- i-tice % ' ' er Ik'''-:, -01214, -,,,- ) i' -I',',,,,,l''..;fiafi:' ,111,,,,,in01t,1irw,v,„, tit of: -:-,• , -5„,-.•••4,,t...,,,,.6v;:nc,,,,..4..,, ii,,,N,„,„ 1. .., -"' .. -..' ii-',II ••_.-L: "" ~,..„,. , „: . 7- .1 . g t tii)jo ,:onix,..A. ~;..-,,4...„---- 40.1047.......r.X ....., „ ... i , , 4 - - ''' tttc , s'AitlV''l4;:TrtitisFo,74' 101 - sollk , ; 4-- rz_*93,!„.1.-- •-,: --It".. >' -11*Ikz ilii4f9leont'''—: ~ ,-,ibat_.*.... ~.,,. l4e to. (t 411: . '..:,— #._..efu lt 01 4,t5:t1ii......." -. 4. , - . ha ' -c*11. 7, F.--441111it,,40 ''444)„'4k's, :, 4.6.•f:ct*:::;,i1,41-•,., ~,•,-•i _....,... 4•, „.„ . '...i.••-. 4, ,..be--4610.4 0,...4;,. f ,.7,,r,?;. •14 :77 - : ; , •i.! , -,,,,1 ~,,...,,, • IM,„ --14,..9:.; : -'4.; , i , ', 11, : . li:OsijAyltiAlifAßx' -;:io•48. oi,A fry '• from 1.. • •-- , l_ ! *r pion. . 'peat, to peak, the rattling 7 .li-erti g sltiliiong,- :. •• - - o . !.. ! 1. sps4fie.,lrYe . thunder. ‘ Not 'frcin 'one lone i f. '.•! , .:1:! . . gclOittl,...:"! :, ' ~ i:, • , ?-. .'.,,,: ! , „--it ! iit, .oery.pumuili nfiw„ b nth , !found oongue, i)1.41 . .. ivarkauSwers through_ her misty 1 ilg'Back .0 site - Joyous inlls, which . call to lieri a-, 1 ,! ; l''' •'?1 loud," !:!. ''7-'' '' • - : • - ;± " ; i. ‘.' . 7 I ..s r oji. the iiiiick rain . -came _dancing,, to the y eatitli4nittering anumg the dried loaves y„ ; ! D,o'*olt camp. J o tweilts; the: fire was extin c; 0110 ; and ; .all ,#l * dark,— ! ole awful and 1 ! Iting*itinued b ''' luelglare oflightning!4' paint i !fi . 14 on the inky ' Then came a pcid - Which d 1 i enieg to hive rent Heaven !asunder. , Crash t. s a e l ie t e4 .lo .t s ip til r l e 2 st T fr li c e 4il lr it a s in ia ' s c t ea m s i e g t i f ) , ty ai e id ft., ' )lt nature. d nOble hak bad been• !twisted and torn from its' !lied feXling, as it came, numeromi trees of, a ... ” sitiallei kind which! obstracted its Way, tui.d ,!:Tirli4 Li proStrate.ll)lOrris was kit to •gm ic aboutili the wet, and vainly endeavored to ki i•-• die' hikftre : ho was ! finally successful, then tl ' - :tprnett!to his camp,, and had been there but a , ' s' feW, 'flaunts, when a tall fi g ure entered. if‘ -the reflection of t 4 fire-light, _dim Edwiard ! • , I, • could pot mak() out Nilio he was. He grasp , ed his iiistels, and Was much startled by the appal-Won: The intruder addressed him in bro:kotainglish,sta Ong that he had been tray , c elliti : , , ,lhad.ad been overtaken by the rain, and h. , ~ rint bettn so fortunate as to erect ! a hut, and c ' !asked lithe privi!ege of remaining there' till e mornit. - Morris gavo - his reluctant consent. • for he felt suspicions of the stranger. They `;,• laiil du, vn, and soon, his strange visitor was snoring., and-East every appearance if b e i n g a e sleep. • I • t Edward could not sleep. Soon the un : 'we eunip guest mse iiind stile softly out of the i camp. ri Yorris'now nerved himself li.e some-, thing, tie hardly knew what. He thought of;, his horse, but could see nothing of him, hut isonn heard the sound of his steps as - he f:,l.' i;lle , ,rep:e.,• hed . l i ds fire, and ventured fo return ?to his gimp, reflecting •on his loss. in 1 , sadly carafe the stra ger, who appeared much sur pried ko find ..zt watd awake, and appeared as 1 --- --1 f!th , nighlbe had been thwarted in some design. illeitt4ed very freely, and with unpaan.able Ittilliliafity. Edward's - answer's were short, it ;a 41 did tone indiealed his displeasure. Ile 6rety inpatient, andyequeste.d the stranger to t:;'be , tiuhit, that he might sleep. At this the lfellow drew a whistle frein his dress, anh in- Istantlvgave a sit.mal. Edward seizeilldin by' t.,lieiti,rnat, and placing tipistol to his b. -east, denianded the !pearling. The man roturnca, no '4uu.iver; but stru! - /glvl to free-iiiirsclr from : his .I.Tr a; i i ,. He voluntarily relamed his hold, but iflrst can:ioned the scoundrel not to • stir from o,l,oslion, or he would blow his brains out. du an itistant, half a,&zeir men irMar, their ap ';peavanqe in frz rat of his camp, and by die fire 4i:dit ire tl - c - appearance of •so, many devils Ti:: . s up-:n Morris, and before . I.e lad ~. r,ran .- g tine ttait, or hardly think, he was disarmed. IThey tkiek from hirnr\his watch, and what men 'ey il.efevuld find about his person. It, was i:i Vailito resist a , ftinst such fearful 0115.. ; Af:ler slatis! - ving themselves that they had ta ten every thing of any value to diem, they set ; Ithe,.caiiip on fire ; and not satisfied with their iltliabo4d, acts, the 'one of whom we have slin g:en, sei!z4. , d him by the throat, confined as he liNvas, slid in cold blood plunged his knife into 'ihiS'hoSem; again he stabbed him. Edwarti 4feth e4ered with blo4l, .ainl the vital tide liflmihrifrom every wound: The fiendish as'sas isin, nalet satisfied, dgain struck him with 'his weapon, And left him fur-dead. They had not rdhtted. their avarice and thirst for blood. liThey decamped, after setting up a hind hal idoo,las ;Findicative of their triumph. 'Edward l':laywl4:re he fell, .alone and unconsbious.— Tlit,blilitkness of the crime could only be et - ia l ided:byllie darkness of the night and the fury : of die tempest. Daylight dawned, add as the AiCarty r'ays of the rising sun-shone through the biek"figiage, they fell, upon. the lifele's's form of Our - pen). The itte reached' his iriiridian altittide; and ,wa.i l deeliaing, yet ..here .he lay en the cahl, dareip ironed; liapooi,toOd4 and mingled wittl.the dews of heaven. The day 'Was frog; - thedlhat was sultry the daybetare, was How . ' I ;coo omit invigorating. All Iras'iatill, Save the cryl of be carrion bird, aiia the howling of the I.ttuir yilivolf. ' . - f r . :4 - 1:10,0t sunset, a Wood -cutter, wno had been dlinSy ail day in_leattmg wild land, was, now re tr * ' h0n,. 7 .4.1 t turning homeiinrn. l ' As he drove along, the. litt ' ully wilistline, his mcditations were distffl4o by the. sudden start of hia horse, jwhielt4rang from ,the road, tbrowiwiihe tel.:fr . + the wagon. and entangling , the ppe tigearingi of the. harness . The man 'anteceded on,reigklng his horse into the road again. .11e IstOppeit, and )(miaow . around, 'saw stretehee -915 on the ;round what 1 he - believed to 'be i 4 bloody Brotiu Ira§ muell.shooked by the ,§pehtatile. He raisedAhe ;Lady, and preased lbisito4,bardened bonds to . . the bOsoni of tire_ ~.. .....____ :614464d man. .HO thought :that there was ~heat- a dd ailight ptdsation. . He.took the bgdy. 'o t iitallyin• ins:arail:agd *Dealt in , lb girt,: Itoolc;oirlinvliva , old frock mad:. pineetti - it : I *',l In eat I; hialleadlor- a-pillow: and .drove forivai!it 1 'ghilto)o !raw-Tough, - and the jolting eaused,the , bleed 0 flows- again.; Ithis alarmed the good map; ;and he =took e , 4 - 9 47 In his • ,arans, .niii though. IliV liaolliie7.4 but - X;f 11411;,..:44a41i - ;w.‘• stfm: - ,-.4n4 3 th ' c ' jimiry44)iiv;ihlti r ireOliii3:gart; , : . .- . :ltytas - near- - 11 ,i9far/Orithe. ll - he*Ui -611 0 Aigiti4olMMM. r.• kit: ItPi - kiliraPiilrt;'.:44..*tieliid 4,lii,',,ate#4 it!it#*i;# ) ot ' PciodYiii; , ..•Alo4lll 4 s dW.))1I ; a*6lll*4akit 4 --.)5 4 4: 111 'eettliiielDs , .#l. 13 1 .- 4. 4 lnediek 3 .l lNdali,ll l ‘e fa' . enaeaw_diA4o* - 40_40. , 437nkiiiii-I;gert, i!ti4:63mli‘ipidiehile, w brpht4o ll r f 01041, 0 01, ,eofiet- 44J ) rAir,e4l 04.. , ,'0nfti011 if. l 4 -1304 Or ARc tfik ` , 03-1 —'ll4 ,A.K4i a -igiym- -_ — :.- r. , '!Triet , Ti-- - , •'' fl i ti litt AliPtOkilii*Olw $ 041 0., 11 0‘f 04, a l i ti WI 'itit(l4*-', g - 1 iliW4 l ,ll l, reijip ! ke.l#. W, ',OW:44m tax= a . -t'OPO3t .. , 'keol '3los64 l 4tes - Artfoiewiiii i:#/iiiil , ' V cliioll44-104004 , c - :thi ika. . - *hi 011 1 44fitiekroilo: it ,D(ViliB lir er''. ''. :,1: 014 4 1- e4 l l.l tAiiiiilltSfMtPKillia 00 1 klilt i °' ':, ' f:i';'tibill ) l 6l o4 lo Oft Oy.l f ••I, 0 4 . 4 •Aa y 7 . ~ ~ t-:`. . „.v ~.. 4- , ;,, , c.,, , *-74-4„. "t.',-, -.,:i7.:-, .;'- . 1 , I; 1 , -4 if Si • i' 3 - d man indicated retuning i Lt.'' She vOu lug her efforts; and he opentdildit yes, east' l a,'iiit cant glance On'her, and- elbsett ' thent . agat`- ll'.=' She.-had' observed. the cifiresaion 'of- his I.4yek and' s'aerecognized him. It w4sEdward! „'lShe sank into a chair, and burst into tear4...4 He, soon- onened . his eyes agidn,. - Old wildly " zed around him; . lie , seemed•not• tfi-realize th4he F was:wounded, or to- knoxwhe,re he was ;.I:vith ' great effort he feebly exclaim4l:..- l' , k.Wlisy am I eonfinedlier l ti by a bawd of thieviug scoundrels?' bacunillitibin my aims, and. I ant free. Where - is .my 'horse - ? ' tE*- hatisted he gently:sink ici!ileaft.; In the'i•ve- - ning the doctor arrived. 1" Hp is not rin ti fe-.1 verf. and will require qoustant'eare and. w+h- fidtless . by a gnotrnu:Se, Or lie; will not survive / lb - Hy-eight hours," Baill the i doctor. -glen:11 needed not the kind athnonitio'n of the doitor, 1 hut:would have bestowed ti 4 mist unt•in , ' ,l • . ~ 44 . t:, - , 1 1 at tiintion. She watched by his hedsidol many days, he- fore returning reason gladdened her effort .- 1 - 1 :zlic endeavored to intenist and amuse him, .andi thus sooth the bitterness if the wearisome da.yis. When he was' awake, she -frequqntly read to him. Ile,lovtil to-heir her reads f or 1 her seft, musical voice fell; on his ear, and lull- ed bls troubled-spirits.. Hail.woman, hail! lastfurni Cd ilt Eden's bowers,', Mid humming streams and fragrance breathing flowers; Thou art 'mid light and glom* through good - i and ill, , , Creator's glory, mans chief blessing still. Thtiu calmest our thoughts, a 4 halcyons eTtlini the sea, '. Sontit'st in distress, when' serfile minions flee;e • c; , ova. see le nim,,..... . . ! Ann oh ! without thy sun-brirlit smiles below, Life were a night, and earth ;waste of wee: Stella was motherless, her pi rent having di ,A in her in'aney. There. is a)leoling of sym pathy which leads two-mimls i the same chan nel. who have alike bedti liel•e•iVed by the loss • o', - friends. Thus. it was with Edward and Stella. " The liftman Ihealt," . bays ar‘ebutuent Freneli miter, " resembles Ortain medicinal trees, which yield not their Wing balm till they themselves have been wottuded." Ile had . been, at 3ln RaylMind's nearly two mouths, and was now So far• recovered ,?as to e4,nitinne his journey. Bat the family would. not allow him to depart until lie had recevered. his health and strength. ,E4ard thought- of his lonely situation, witl4t. Inonev, without' mcaus for travetilig, and hthiffred; of miles! :from home. But the bitterneis of his thoughts I Was removed by, the presence ;of his , kintUtt- 1 tendarits. He was daily viSiteil by kind-beart ed. men, but strangers to bin - 4 who app . cared i ' igresitly interestA,4in his health and bappmcss. i , They furnished tun with 'evil-3- lusur,-, and were untiring in their attentions. .1,0 this i . was new and strange . ; why sl4mld those moil be s tf, w so many gilts ; bestowo nine!! ia:ten- 1 Lion, or visit him 4 1 0:1.! I? . lit worried him, ! f; rhe coutd not divine their Motives. lie no ticed, what appeared to him itjgreat peenliari- . : ty, that two men visited ,' Ling, every evening, and seldom the same indi+idulls. Was: there' not some plot in all this?' setrie .intentinn on his life I It was even so,:' There was a mys tery which shrouded their; edn4uct., an iMpene t table secret, a well-laid plan, and well matured. There was something oddin tlieir appearance and behavior, but it .ii-as iooto.evealed. ! , i One afternoon, aftier having been visi4ed by. i these strange men, he called 14r. Baymfmito : his room, and asked an explanation of their vis its. i, 1 i 1 '', i I " Ha! ha! my -boy, thong men 'arii Odd !Fellows. bid you, not sav''alinv week since I that your father was'an 45 . 11t1 V'ellow 2 ' ''' I did." • ; i i i l . . "Well; those are our principles. ~, I 4pns.e, {they do appear rather" odd, aid for aught If knew that was the origin -ort4 name.-" r EdwarA now felt more at ease, for rho se , cret •oftheitl oddity vrtis-intloiig good. i Stel-' : la was lijs - f l aitbful 1111 ES 0 . IY4 after djay the' sill . ° smileilaye'd 'Over her fa, slit. man , ' ifeated the Same;lvatehfull attintion. , Hderaiii . really began to Loyd het foil her afteeSionafe diapetiitiowand kinds heart. l',,She trl ivoul ~ fre quently sing to-.him ,the ari i y songs;t, she had learned on the ‘:. swept Kenn, eek," that Hudson of the amt.!' 1 But whyldoes lib `eonOnnellicre len" r?— Probably be would have left but for !Stella le Et:4l=nd. ; One afternoon, wated• nail . ' rliir •a at waving.branehes of a gignotin 'crest - -,: .bd-. ward declard his love,-- , -ofreted her hi hand and his heart. 'The blushing: vcied . -nyt ' I ac cepted. But he must nowi . licare there- for a while . and re , turn 'to Irjrgiiiia:t 4 . arrange Ilis pe cuniary aff4ra., tie was furUialied withlt boric and. a small nem of ineney,l bylilymer Itajniond, and after taking .leave oft liiiilhind frields, he counr:enc'ed hi§' journey. .0,5 'arriving tin St. ti inis; be f4riitit.iietterfcir bilit 'from It iifrta ' ,rem an admibistrator jof his uneje'jf forttli, left the; ivrent4.'l il _....... .1110 MI l• i et:, part of hi`, to ; 3 orli t ... 4e tkoTefore i continued insjouiney .iii,l ho 'th . :4 , ...t1e11y. 'lx, Niiiktu in 'October whene. gated. The genij ed foliage of, the treell,spolco' of the aPplielteli of 1 a colder ..4011$011.,:',..110 : air ved t ittiL.,afteti o)oni and tiresor.tekjars . -Rey:, : ,;l e ; was there ditained .until iipiin . gi yhen,..baTii g , Atiang6l hi,s husi no-s' to his'l3atilitietidn i '!:s erteo-`'ogain. for the' Yfeit, .'lnifetid ',Of being ii :dOtitnte , ipit#li, heApiti tieitfthif iitisseitoOrigot fintO'fottni.—=. 14400 ,40ki1y gieeted. by ,O,tias at iiejg,l3;.; :bOrs pp.tis:ifrriy#l.,6;4j,#43 - Frie4•4 an #f ter to , t6l4iiiititTlOSillt.'l , o:lliiii spied. !lab( - fi ---, -,ltttiaoge444l 14- itittiieriln.4lr _,Alouie"-pr = 4410 4 ntiks 414-1 11 i, not i p)9011;i t n i,4 Vli3 't* 1 9f B,:•?' i' ':: ,- 1: ( !''' . 1 4 .. 2 L , :. `-',.. • .; ' l ll'lll Acicedfoliiii4 WI Ova I . 4(i'bftlki,till cjtolitfie, liv .... • - - , it t h i ii * viti hi v - eAr isliii:A .60111 ))1 3 """ it:: 4 OatiFel 7 he** tipeteftlOthlhf3 4 9.41:,.....- , ti e I' , , 4Mk. , t.r fb g presage • 0 divor ir ,,A t Et . 42, vp . , %uliti.ii arie, 4 4,1 - 4 6 4/6; 'Peg Iv"! 9 t7,1t1W lk:-- iiinerAlli aiii IrnU. _ _ l in i 11 .- ,° 'lgl l i bi 0,i4,14,114°2' lieleviefc',F,W,ffs l`PkY4Th ~.' • - _ -s ratimr;rl if tPO Aesge°49 T l ' l'9 ' . ` 4l 4l llr it,tilo:ol l a Fel*, eir -4101!)).44x9.ti 0:114,01kp...,----et.A.6traiiiial jai 00 io''' rfinieff!, - _i_ s l - rii- e , ei i giYiiiiia, <erallreitifil. 4 4 ,l ;-,4• 114 5,u 0 1-,-,., ___ . , . . ' '' ' ' ' • - 1 , -,-----.".-• 4, - •il, a d. lie istnow, ii - rio"„ottlieee.odd . ' leeslOW .ut tl e sick end ininisteitellie'Watitiloftlie7.-d t 1 to and Wi•eteli4:" ;:t '' , l,) -'"?':- ~- ." ft . ..''fii - :. - - , ,•-,..p..,4 . I- -- ... ''' -_ , --1 - :;•::';' ; '-:•- q''.;, . -. I -., .- -: Extritict,'44Xo4tOr i . ':j. - :1 't. To. the Editor pf;tli9ll4o Tin - et4oi .date& r . - .....,- i . 1 8r0P1ay_0r. 1 1::,P44.14,.04.7 i - : 1 / 2 4 ' 1.-7-i ,", -liav" ngl9f, . - : -P,a's n ehlinfii -1 co nty, Ithle county tlat,igave oiolkirtli,,,,lo ! OpredMe. - topnaiihinUl, I c.aiinot leek ,haelt..- - itifeills,-.,.,.,,, 1 -at valleys, theugh*; 6 l*, ; l4.,,i#i m sol344l, Ivil L thout.fielings'ofiladlie!!.s dr oui 1 :sornewhatliwithpride,,,ABa4,llifirt4j,,ni,, l 4, :the: _many happy flays . ):*a7fg, Otlt-,tkeo7-.4!! t he coinpany. Of near and ilea; relativei l futlifrio! . l4f,ski a.nll regret tlrat,inine. lias- been-the - lot 491.ipi 'separated from them at ,this early dappflay: I•life, and that toe, perliep.s, foreveif . .H Yetr,wit i'theSe•spirits hoveringshont.me4and ,ak , Ai!u.Pli II deply wo - Unding.my:fe'illogs,...l;.*citen - otih4 .r.t.41 [joie°, then I think l'ltdil . - frotif - IsusqUehannal: I , coinity, and am proud that Ta'nr9o e of her, sons., Ilecintrast her with WhateVer,cotinfy ye4:;plcaae,: I' througliout the State,' boinpas ineearefiilly ", the, I , 4(ll% ,, entages and disadvantages:otlitaelli,and itl i will be seen that she lias:got - : - ficilil ; y"oti;egnal.l " r ling any other county. 'in' polo - Air, ..prtult - erity; , [ I' poSsessing like.advantages,,whilit,shelas left' ~ , - I , seine a.. great : distanee hebia4;lier.l., ;Fur:beg ' weialth and prosperity, - ; sheii-"indOited, entirely; to 'the industry and enter,prise, ooherl:citisen%- i' she has_ not had - the - , benefit.,94;any.,Rubliejni yripremeat.. No ,rail , readl9i'eknfit.,ll4l-hiretti-,,, • fore touched 'i•erilier .liorders;: ; :siedy,et'AVeSerr her hills and ralleys,ininy. : :of, rilifoh..witkiij,,niy. i i [reinenihrance, were toveredWith"ldetigelfere,sts,= l ! checkered with. roads, and riUt.ouli'dOttedl 1 S not, ' i. , , , , ' , as l it were, with improrementi - Ariade;here- and 1 1 - 1 thew, but there can he iseenin-eo. , inexiinimi !es -1 °riven improved and Well citaek d farins. ..with fine buildings 'thereon; 1 „.11%.i - '* . •*as ; this,- tieen i breught about, by the! existene4; : „ .. witiii9Ji,er... l borders, or near Abeer,,-o•f.-.laggcOneetporated. conipanics for manufacturing pnilposeii,l(Witk 4. - ' Whig tariff for proteptiOn) op alt 0) : some SaY"; I and perhaps believe, depends th ',!" prosjierity,qf 1 ani• pion. or e01111try: i Aloqe of t esc,.9dvp.nta- • - / I geS has she had, but has :risen to the stand:she 1 now occupiei by the united .effo tsof.inclustrY l I' - • ' -• ' '-' - , au.4 enterprise, (as. I have ,bef 'a, -remarked): 1• - . i dcroted., principally . t9_ agrioul ~rat. pursuits, • ' IC ,[ ril4e. : in my humble oPinion,- . - is " i tlics k iily, sure sale road to wealthand to ut atmen't Thus i haS-Suscpielianna risen, from he " infancy stop 'by istcp,_until fib 9 has-not - only 11:r floe farms,,,l 1 , ! but several littlovillages'have s .ung up wth-- - 1 ' '- w i ' • i in her limits, whilst her, OpuntyiTown ;(iliont- [ rasp) is one cif, the, most i pleasalUt and e'nter-. I priiiing inland-Villages to be:fiuid throughout the state, irlierelik, is. _located a [Rank, ' which," irligst managed by its present:, ii[ilie'Airs „Inust,. anA without doubt will;: tend tdi advance the , 1" • . . -J.:. ' interests and benefit the eititeps Of theieounty. Til'en . your Agrieultital B•ociety'(ivfiich 'llbe. i Here to be one af i:hi' best 'soci - Uq” Over formed' 'in any county) will,-if ,'s,Uppiirte t il, 041:its AA-. Vaitagcs appreciated by-the' fanuinginterests, , hcioflasting benefit .td them, 4 - 's it serves to stiendate each .te 'out 7 4o 'his neighbor; in the I , prOduction of the finest 'and lat•gestlereps, as ire i a's tlie raising of:the:hest Stdak"; and when 1 , each farmer is striving' ;this, ' wtieritliy" lie ex.', 1 I , -, peets - to get a pretnitil;' or that - ivliich 'is of I ~. . , ' - - I toubll or mire corisbque l neo to liiiii, "t he:name . ~ ' of getting it,.' it needs ritphiloStifilietio 'gitess ' iit the great benefit of siiiili•a - -soiety to ell ;b1;'1 I: • ,_ - r . , i , . , -._ , _ s . tersted, nor esi) ltoOrritionlrais t o;• 9c awatueg ' . . to these 'lrbil laiikthe'fenUdiitioritforit, - 1-,--fiape 1 anti tnist . i .jiye; I wilt 40tiite' tiprediet,rth*, - , 'Piet wealth ;of. Biisittielarina 'Ftiiiityi' in,' - ten i years; will be nearly. _drcuble .whi,ti; it : is lion.-'' ' Allie,focation of the Nevglriirk,sand - Erie..Raili Road, though it passes throngl l l nly one e'er- I 'tier of the county; Will 'prove- cl `gr eat" advan- 1 . , . ~ . itacre to the ' eitizenk' •aricl . 'ci'gr, 0t -- he l p- 19-,the - - 6 .„ ~ 'enrichment of the-Cciin s tY. - The,fariners . 'need' have no fear-tif p'radtzeing - , tea .Ignieli , Of ;any thing:- The.N. V`. and- V.1. -- _,S.'li annihi,: i at 4 both ispaCe aUd/ye4eliser fOr 'them ; - of ;at I leasi it will rciluceAheiiife•that. - tif aftirper 'iv-. ' ing 'bi.it a ,day'iclrliV,ii - outlerl'Nevi*.k•:- ',F.vc -, iry thing they choesel&rtiie'Willl':Clinntind , cash at-Nor ii;c;rk.priees,:lesSt-thic 1 rge. Of .triies,- - , . , •-, 1 ' . : .portatiTi; whilstAtivilt-ceiiiYif.:tica`PO•s - 0016'' , ' i ilialt the pEleglafkhtiiireliatiAl.„l l 746fihieb::till eeSSes haVe s io..litivOulli iiitoiej.43JesS: , ? . -lie.a -Word - alli-thei: : iiiiviiiii,6 - iielilifibiiiii: r . , Oecti=" - - *iobltcilii4tivifilrliiie.,iiiioited;',4liirediieing, - •"-iii ' my'if ' . a tilt:'iiW - 4i 4l :iii' - ''e l l4ii 'try aid liei pieloci,-, ,l: .., ci., e. , la ,- ~., ....,.,_ ..... . :citigenk,tliittlt : 'haly,3: : * . be redidted. , fr eug,l , I. :l,lll k* * T-ijo* 4l- 0040ltiir, 't*"060 1 4•0 Ethan" Ora watch tIo ':nicivii*Onts : ol.thoise ..that , rer- 1 ..1 ' - ":' • and - iii t• - 4ti'i,.. ,. tri l' y -- livCeto 0366 : 1 I t'Oti -. - :-..gueb i ' . l s : a : , i IL . - ~ _ ~,I *lli 'AObeiiiiik 7 ": 6 oooY;- -I ,!44 . :;•'*i.lPe'9l )l oi'. , ' l i l o': 6 '. 1.1 1 ~,.: s : '.,,-,-,,•;,:•,;,--.-- It:; -, ,••; , -''-'-''' - 41. . 1 " - - , , - 1,i iadfinklaiii 1 -; ro,pw, l o - au47-,.T l . l 9r o. =i.PPTio ,..:_,. . , , ,,.'1 .•:` , :iir. :ritibiliatii4kilit ioiliiiflik# , 4tiltlit4*4l AO rejo ice-ne AP:-.:.Pt 6 op.ortjl'fsPy:. 4 ,o9P.t.n; .' - - Eriii . 4,'lotlilONiiio - .::4otri'iiic4tl.F.z: : 1 ; - : r.-":: , ',.:.V. , ,'- 1 4 - likoiiiite.:ll}oii#47 1041,SWP, --.. 4: -, - .,r, ...-..-,-„,=:-.-•ii.': ki It! [*ii4tifulU, age Lt, Oren(4l,;seifiii hli icbirivar?" lA ol lano,#ler '3ii TOtimi a gAmil ose ,ia 404 1 . . 11% 7 for ilearitszinot iiid.oheiac'aiit4A*lo:tiiiiid qa!pit t rbik I,ylrte; i • , • - • 54 - 3. - 4,-4:-."":::,,7;-.,.: :.-, - lil? L'UIY.,.. ,4k, :.,..L.5;;. - ! ...:. , L, ,1.VfF 4 .7 1 1 % ,:M1Ar.itY.45.1. .: -..!..'.-, i7A.*"7.:...; . .. I t ria tt ; fo titi tAT iiiot t,aftutii.; t itativW - :. ..._,..„ *:: .. 4 ,...„ l -._ 4: .. , : m -.: , - , - , ,,,ZiK , -,:,;041,;.4^ -, I ' C ' :44 1 40 4 40.1 .14 0t*4:111tie - ' 8.. 4 • :Ottitze , 4yiNt,lo:4 .i a.e.-,,,4V,,i_,44:11041504*, ~j 9w - 4 d;ciib s hat: - •doiiititii: lir .- 4:-* Is4ii . ii - l*tift(ef;iiiiiiiio - :0.. }i n - 1 -- i v.; ..., tgr4o44eso4itil,f(e. A"V 4-41 6 ijeci ' i tipt i re • • ,-" - ...k., -:. :. .- !-. &e.o: l iditairti l , Utibt„ 1 AltOitleiliii - '-' ' i - ' 1 3 * ,, !i- . ,e'4T 11 4 1 ,#-fi.lo :4-* tr l li* l : d. imii*-lheritaiiiri''''.7 '..- ‘-`i;;#,:'... , ' - --• . , Our .- ,..4v4::---', , ' - ,v.'r::'-4 - •i' :: iid Abe' ' m4ilift-41 ":.''.l 3 *Oiiiiil-''!'' ' ' 4. :- r. : ' .'. ''e ' 4 , ; ',ltrit.:3f O lailika- 4 icg ....: ~. 4 , soigr." . •'.•''. 1 1 It'eannotWd* k bOdit ''' '''' Alr'''fie t e -- ; k1Y,...46!Y.:Pf: .q. •• 1.,:ioileolio 4treops4.: ,- ‘ iii„.00.,p44 .. -- r . '''.. -- ai l . i'ir: . - , -.ii - .isii:f4t:t:'i_i,-# . ' IttfOi;44 - r.4V44i4.-:... fiiliktais .-,_.--.-, ' - szon .in tan .luitted ll 41f,,,,„.., ~.,$.4:„.r,,,.*T.**•- --: 1 igrepto..areitipei A l#l , ., :. . 'ntelyireq ''.• • 1'ir;i:'4444#1 1 .44.ft ?i** l :: I . 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'i , ,o, ::-.404.:1'407'.f - Oliiiiikilifillit i 1 liiiiiii6vii w,ik: Iritirp! ,, ilitti'd!'' - '1,44 - iikiiiiiiiiiit 1 , ailii:A'o4oool.l, #4lk* - tikAiii'"*".4jii - .41-liiil4ll I 1 1 4.;t0i4t4iti."94 :":..i4":40 - 44•:':: : - 44. 1 - s:oo*Wri-i 'I yet _ 9rec),Ailjt . #l4llg.ti,ie*AVlif 0i.;, 2 , 1 lies ititilig(tAl44-04ctqfTti t tOitilkiiiil i`' k• the:iliet,!Otl i ?Z?--P".'".41.T.,..V14,.1.5t.j).14;,!:',#:';':::::: • 1 -I . I,ti.4si' erne ! i '-,' y.w..bitiutoiktsipitiii:tus: -. i.noktiiin!f,torsi '. he grgtielOiglie**lo:,F-i. anti o,t,:iiiitfaii - c,e(ii1y:,i,0044410014.1104- 1 ..1 - Ijfil6,iiiiiiiiiiiq4,t'o4so.i44.o4l44t,boOnl. iw.theitit4li*taiiiligiiii":llliiiiiiat*f*il7ll:-: .1,401: tn :hgi*O-5M4:04.40 , e1f00k - 04)0•0 -.-I:lla*OLFOTO.,:i.:*tlo:•`:t4s-1 Vs , sc.4 - i - . - Yit.0,•.1.:0:9 - i StigF:e:ailti:-.4iiiiiO4 01ri*I0.# 1 ,',*(PliW - Ap4 .. 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" iii*:;'. tire. influence of ; ' i ileklaciilii.Al44o.44 - 4 "ifri,.:, i4g - t0,0P.t4-044, ,-, c_•41,1140104..11Rit .I ainbiiki*, : #o - ‘j. - 6:::Ond. d,-, - 412: - .'0044: - 'l6? - Iwiieti:itpiiiiiei'4 Aaniiiiilt.6.4)in g fik f - :; . 1 •,:for6iinle4i ) o6' 4 460iiii4tiliaOtli: 11',-;!:i'i I" prosperous, fiig;::4`,l4-tiitiiiitßixklill*. -- i$ . - c.le?e,yl . 6ilf., l 4ati, iii tli* 'O4O ti044:4 , ' I thWt4Fj.fr',el:4o44ll::r-41!. - k ttio44l4*i4 ',, • ''''.,:,i''f: - cl,, cn ig iejo A a,--4it.t.y l: # 7 :6: hi t radtitO" . iti:i. is "eoifirietrt4.o4;r9o:iiii . 1 - 414gaeliii i ii ?, o:',. + i -pull" masteii-::',W0. 6 .;:-_ - .', 1 Aqqi.oEl . 44o-4 1. ***:' satlV**.ii*iP: ; i PgtefitYkiAtbift*C- ~ iii, I ukitc4 ,EitT i ti*(l 4ith4itti:,:apprelifinsiok I f l-.!'. Avitlii3o,e4r t ie.-:-: + 60,ale*:*Orit:61;iitiiie ii.;" ; 1 ist only „i*po - te ;I.op-rii#fri**ii'ii-siiii - irib, - i. litit , ii - ,af i i# - eilolit-,Jic*f,pktOitiiii4)C'7': ihii:i:C-. ivowsil:'6l-Abisifkiptiiei*Wl4 plisTsoi/ :ttiiiii - T 9 ,ep t -o,c :s iiol l , a-,:.00.:(.0L0 - c epe:ii# 6 4liii - : ...-,.; -,, n'iust,bg:lttjti.::4t.tikieTioqtl#64itiOkiiit4: i 1i14.- :06;:aiiif6 ; ,11:64,:lifix. ipt 01611 4 ;y:4... , ,:ita*4W - :. _big istiiiigii:i - iOlt r it+Ove l lite l o.ooll4*V*ll - the - s4iii . e.:*iiiAifeleititiftii44ool64:'' edi bY ....Safe Ogle ;:,,tt . sAiii4:itij.itt*****#* ; T „ --, i m iallea.-*ii4 : ,,,e; m ry,.o4BMite24-7 - ,l. ---• '.. 4. ::- 9,loi::,jtiAcc,t''9o:l)*4oo-,4t.ti11e.14 '. l: 4'. ,. -,-* 7 I such 14IttliftiOrt6:eiliiiiitii - 404 , 1 q ' itO:lii' -64 4 46 Y 1 0 1 4 C flieOltgea,i/Vbie Pv*. f 0.A*035054 ? •5.444 - 04iiti: 1 41 11 0' i,:.4,. sePiWz."4.p.c fai Y W_ol , :tlipl,„prioxillim iloi, , , , i d Pgq".llloll44( l ,:iiit: OA*, 71440. _..4110,_,,, -- ' ~,!17. co6i;64led-2.-1)0' Wilk •.'::4•:,6iiiiii**Araliiiiii , i i.-. i fromroiiiitekiV o - thikritYpie-iiiiiiii*lftitititi4s . 4- : `,, : '-.. 10.iiiii-'o'iejittliol ';i4-o(iiiiileti:4o74o.Wie:Oliel I- rrWi e 'Ot; lif t ildef:; iii .'i:-,,Nt4:; : A.:T:fil.-il..gt-:i.:i 4 .: . : 'L:4,-!!A' ' - ,4., 0P!'?4i..,,ii1f',..1,0-„ it ; .7...,0*.: hie.t...l4l)**** n4WP.:1 6 ,0 6 0011i - §T .x ipi'44:.:l4oo.tt§:i*rdi:,, .siootisiiititaitof it.':,.l:q . .. ,- ,,.OktiinijOa*r.,-:.:-. - , Ili:thk' T ,iiie'uliiir. 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Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers