IngaCiLLAMtg The tilt Stesemehlp. The first ii.thiitio steamer Was the 4avunnah, Capißogers, hint 'at Nei_ York.: She was 300 tuns•burthin, ship rigged: Mr- engine was 70 or 80 hrse power, low pressure. Rh., prooseded from Ibis port to Savannah, Whence she lad in 1E1,19 for Liverpool, makinglie passage in 22 ddys. In passing the, TriA the =Are and:item from her ehitnnies gave hei the appearance of a eldionlire, Ind Vas soli were despatched from the Cove.ot , Ciirk to list relief. Frets Liverpool the went to Co peihsgen, Stockholm, St. Petersburg, and A.r ItinWs making the voyage from the latter port - (iti.Notway) Oick to' Savannah in 25 days. Crovied bmnbOtainisters, officers of state, &v., *ailed bakaudivalnable service, of plate, jaw s/0.4%. ivirstresented to her officers. She ‘tebeeciantly made voyage to Con etantinotle and back ; being the first steamer that traversed tie Mediterranean Sea, u well air the Atlintii Ocean. !Mei. was afterwards parebesed to inn as a packet between New Ink end ilailanab, under Capt Roldridge, knit sip wrecked on the south side of Long lelead. Capt. loses Rogenkof.Groton, comaanded herlou her first voyage out. Capt. Stephen Rog", now living at New London, was the sailing master. Re it is who made that memorablik reply to the British officer : 1 I have no rndFtcr. Sir!" The circumstances which drew filth that reply wore these : Allan the davinnah approached Liverpool,nl boat from a Biitish sloop of war came along. wide and fiaued, Where is ,P l aur master 7" , Capt. Stephret Rogers replied: " I have no '- '-master.. sir!" 4 " Where's your captain, then?" " He's beloi ;do yon wish-to aeehim Capt. Moses came on deck and asked the British officer +bai he wanted when.the follow leg nonvenatian ensued: 44 Why do yin wiar that peaaat, air ?" 6 !Beeaaae al* country allows me, sir 1" "3Jfeos‘wis4er thinks it was doue to insult end if yolf-don't take it down he will send fasts that inil do it." _ Clap. /11Loseit . ' turned in tho engineer and tix claimed : Get the hot water nine ready is Tim max- of boat turned about in an isidanst sod wi:s off. Nothing more was id saint the pennant. It was suspected at Li Jer re* that the illarannah came over to resnue Netteleso. H& brother Jerome had just **T reks lards rewnrd to any one who would take hilt meths islaid of St. Helena, and honee the -excitement& bei:appearance created' throughout Seitiod. 814 was the first ocean steamer sins son in Eii"lopean wsten Philadelphia GraXo of Aaron Burr. A correspondent writing from Princeton, N. J., to the Philadelphia Christian Chronicle, tall the folloiring notice of Aaron Burr and lia father. uTbereis anletinesting graveyard at Prince.. -ton. Within its narrow cells are imprisoned the remains ofc . ,meny distinguished men. An roe Burr, Sr. lonathin Edwards and Dr. With warm ell fpshoter presidents of Nassau Ball, Are among thohe who invest with such a awl , sucheßy interest, a visit to this city of tombs. t i Berl also is be grave of Aaron Burr Jr. so ad - dusted in e American history. But no stone marks , e spot. It would seem, that Providence anent to frustrate any atteMpt-te 41eirote by a :Monument the last home of the linsitom Semi years since a subscription-of 0,000 was 'raised for this purpose, but the treaenter of ttbe fund, ran off with the whole *usenet. In hx&ing upon the tombless grave, stud on the stidied monument of his father, the nonttast between their lives forced upon me. - The parent ai a soldier of the Cross sought to wins Crown!of Glory which fadeth not away. The ion WA the battle field, and among the =mmi Of PirlY, strove to erect for himself an kierken. A sanctified-ambition im tieWtted tlie father—au unholy - thirst far madly how* consumed the *en. The one Ben In the siffeetionate iemerribrancei of the =of GA and the other in the eneciations citizen* of America. Yet widely differ eat aswere itheir paths in life, they rnscbed ~ the mum modal inn, and are slumbering in the same monldeikng conch !" Fru Bir l Fttx.—A Yankee who tea ie.! tosted,a nee i kind of "love letter ink, ' laud widelik k. heilbeett selling as s sure advised ariaat all rations for breaches of mirrine probe, inn much as it.entirely fades &Um 'the pecteriatwOmmtha from the date, was Mont lr nest *ldly done brown, by a lirothet Donsu:Selatee, who purchased atUndredi bozo ; dohs WMI4 giving him therefor his 'tote 84 siseiy days. At the enpbation of the One the isk issiostortalled for payment, but on opening ebe_icrip, amid nothing but a piece of blink poril note had been written 4th Vs, _vane 1 N GMIIII Cate or AN Elito.--The 0)1- 11islisroseered in s school , not Ouelkioditil from t•ondon: f . 0 • i :lretruter. ~:-Wbat part of speech is! the bid e A v . No i. air. .TisseAer.lWiaat is its poder ; t ta. . VAiistangs lossiSno fesialikfr‘a4 -1 Wl' 4- ,agy.;;Ckset say, sir till s . „,. 3isckirigWA:l6l4 BIT kd. . 4 : 10 1 06 till amp Go . 1 ' lity• • 1 N3 11 , 1 4 Of SO? • . Alinnu ~ , 'Excin.-411. Oil* elthel tin ‘franiese - iiiii, '4 iiiiiiii neki'g ' . 'l' , . '' h. air : , . ? ~ -,-,-., . ~ - , ~.• t c / eitorial Wslleltk 4 1 1 i, ~ flibeiasiagtogiolin thilAiat . t.... ' -,„ Ispits *fun g i R. Agutordigi. . - s ', hil allint. til it appinow --,4._, - /I 'tiny asoismat— , 4 ' sonii who ries. A • , MEM=EII•I NE GOND& VISNir (INVIDIDto NJW Goo'Ds. II - t " , ---4,...... T . iitign.-:-CL-.. )3 ' .re 'ye' ' iving a' ary .LJ. extenieve aasortinenAto . , • STAPLE 4. ANcY •000:DS; , • ' , fl;: the Fall an Winter I trade, whicbhei Is o .firing at 4 sm it advance Cram cost. ', In his stock vr 1 be fOund it full assortment of Dry Goods. i eluding a splendid.. selection otDress.,Gonds. Cloakinp and Shawls, Con sitting, in part of Rich Cashmeres at 25 cents and upwards... • Muslin de Lames at 16 do de "'Black and Plaid. Monceau. ' ' Mohair and Gale Plaids. - • Extra 'rich twilled end plain English and ?tench Oinghains, ' and an extensive issortment of neiv Calicoes from 5 cents and upwards. Rich Mocha, Wool net, tdlifornia 'Fluid, and Rob Ruy . .1 Shawls. AC. 1 , 1 Also, as heretofore, i large assortment of - Ganerlites. I CsoCitv.' ar, - Itstri-Wite.t lime & 1 2 1stz., - NAtt.S. - - riiNtai' 0/14V 1 lUttatittit, BUITATA Rosa', dr.c.. to which be would invite the attention of pur ch..gers, and which he is determined ,to sell as cheap or cheaper than the cheapest. : for cash, most kinds of produce, or approved coedit. ~ He woliid beg leave to present his thanks to his friends amt the public for the patronage so liberally bestowed upon hicestablishonent,and to assure them that stimulated by hirsuceess thus`far, he shall ,Itrive to secure a continuance of Iniiir con fi dence nod support. ' 1 N. B. SOU by the barrel or load, and Ru.H pertioe Wheat Flour at the most reduced prirx.i. . ,New Milford, 0ct.23, 1847. I • I ainrintrge - 'WONT opening et H. Burritt's, a '' larg e rind `l.l .splendideitssnrtment of dark, and fahcy colo 4 0 d bluffs, .or almost every quality. rind pri from $1.25 to 8.7.0. Also some beep. fu) AS. winch will be sold at prices nisi tan* be best. Ladies interested. will please call.! f • Noy. 1, 1847 BUFFALO ROBES! JIiST opened, n new lot of Supeilor No. 1 ft, Buffalo Robes. which, being bought very cheap, will be. unusally low. Thnse_in Want of aloud Robe, will do well to call nt - IL BURRITT'S. ew Mifforil, Nov. 1.1847. Latest, Style of Hats & Capt lir BLIRRITT, is now opening an extensive 'LA. Variety of Hats, and Caps, at the new est:Styles,andt patterns. Among his assortment may be found the Palo Alto. and Rough and Ready Caps, the newest ,151 y les. Also fine Furs. Fur Trionned, Cloth, Velvet and Glazed Caps:' from 2s and 6.1 to 87. !Hots of almost every style, price and 'description may he found at H. BURRITT4. TVIEW 000DS. WE invite the attention of the ciCzetis of Susquehanna County, to our stock ut tiff so %Vititer Gnnris, which is now being receive, assuring them we will do quite as 1 1 well, if, „Act a /ink better then at any [whet; shop in town F. D. CHANDLER & CO Montrose, Sept. 17, 1847. • 1000 Yds. Ginghams. 6000 " Prints. . 500 " _De Lfain. • 600 " „Alpaccas. . 150 " Bro' Cloth 4 Cassimere. 100 " Sati tests 4- Full Cloth. 2000 ". Bro' 4- Bleached Sheetings Snots''s. skears, shirts and shces. And every thin._► Itutos gort•l to use, CHANDLER & Co's. IN exchange for Goods, • Grain, Beeswax, flex seed, Old Iron, Pewter, and Copper, Flannel, anti Socio, Bolter. Rags, &c. ALSO An appetntiee to the Tin business. a Ind about 16 or 17 years old, of good moral character, will find-awopportanity by calling. on CHANDLER &to. BOOKS 4- STATIONARY. 1 qHOOI, Books, Toy Books, Blank Boni's; PJ. Flukey Bunks. large and small , Bibles, tneibt, Ink. Wolters, Wax. Wroppink and Paper,ruing Rubber. and Rubber Bands, iiteel Pena, sat,4te.-eheitri at - CHANDLER