Northern democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1844-1848, December 02, 1847, Image 2

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    • .?'7"-----r-----.---:•T
-ing a like 'artniad, the omminind of the New
York volunteers) fell ; to Peat. Cot Baxter ;I and,
. on the fall of the lamented Cul. P. M. Butler
earlier badly attended, but continuing to lead
nobly in the lijntest part of the battled-the I
command of th' South Carolina volunteera de- ,
solved first, onkLieut. Col. Dickinson, whO be
ing severely wounded (as before in thesiege of
Vera Cruz,) di* regiment ultimately fell tinder
the orders of Major Gladden. '
Limbs. David Adams and W. R. Will'
of the same carps; Capt. Augustus .`Qua ;
and Lieut. .1. B. Goodman; of the 15th, an
Lies*, E, Chantlitra_NOWAf4-39alunteeri- 41
gallant officerslimobly fell in the seine action::
swam 0 . 041080 prisoners, including officers,
and it eannotba_donbrettillat r titerav l:_the
coopiait betweelf itiAititireinenlyAiiietrillie
rear j ottbe tetP**44,3linii Vic aliments 'hid
semi. inidetitieilibli'thii , lstirrentitekof -the* for.
a t i t a bitiA n i t igi . 4.-,r ,:-. , :...-il , . - •1 ~.._.: '.. 1 , ..-'
Ai' tarn -MAO 'fele de ponr was' carried, the.
greater part li b iti-Vhith's and - Pillow's forces
pattliA itWiltigieletn rapid: petnitit of the fiy
ingtiettethy:l,l Theie-Qiiitinoisted Generale4
coadarrsay Witiklliigidier 'Gem' Shieldtminil
shoo victorious ;?the three•novititinettaktstrop.
, onitliaffulgitiief#44 irithin Iv iniletnd.itilalflof
ftlia*Oidig-Itere CerHanieY, erithi-a4ismat
pail abitinikide- of .:Ctivrft , rapidly*
Ito the front and charged theitniterlip4to: he
-zsiakettla, tii.: t. ...r! ,- ..!..;. -1-._ .., - nit :J.
ibtilnittary+hargewas`beaded. by captain
Velititn,, , eftbielstvirsgootts,iliaving itilepath
rell,4ol hie oitrirtroop: -tiler-a : Col% 'llc O"-
.ntibbibttheldk--teekibt Thai usual er4ltirt tto
roil hard-tifaatters ;- hut , being earlkin the
al; data for gettnril seritiee,. was now- un
-4let,R,A.Jiirfin+ls-ovderii. ' Thegallant captain
mot: tiesiing tl4iccalf thatbad -been sininded,
-dttlbeltup'to ebb' San'Antonid-gate, sahreing,
iiikhis lief,. ill'Ooreirsted. .. Gf the seven et.
fieeremf the •s ln itadron, . earinly lost - hisileft,
aro I 4ffelteiv4da-mid tient: Lorimer Graham
werchothievefelywourided, and Lieut. R. S.
Ewalt wiimoubbeeded to • tlie-eominamlOf the.
eaten* had twiihOrses killed under Eno Ma-
Joel& D. Milts,'l orthe 15th infantry, a 'volun
teer in this oinstge,' was killed' at the gate; :
!So•teintioatell I tieserics of events Whichi I
haniaibut •feebli trcsented: 111. y thank*. were
friairpouredolat On-the different fields—to the
abilitiel and scbmee of generals and other. offi-
ciire.;•-te the gallantry and prowess of sll- , -the
.raidrand file -euCludett But ti reward infinite."
lly higher—the iipplatise of a grateful -Country
-and government, will, I cannot denht,-- be ale
-coded; is dtie:tinte, to so much merit, of °refry
sort, dbplayedilby this glorious army, which'
ban not crierettine all difficulties--distance, cli
mate, 'greeted, Oirtification-niniibers... Is: .. -
It basin a single day, in Twiny•-battlesas
often defeated .62,000 men ; made about 8,000
prisoncia including eight generals (two -of them .
. es-presidents) and -205• other officers; killed'
•on wounded-4,690 of all ranki—besides entire '
•cr . itintliiorinied- , and -dissolved ; -,-eaptured"R
-pieces of ordnince--more than trebling
Amp train anti:, field batteries—with-a larite ,
mother toremail arms, a full supply of ammu- 1
.nitlowefeneery kind, Ace., &e. • • • . 1
- These greav l reittlts have overwhelmed the .i
'enemy. . - • • • ... .:;1
Our low amatints to 1,0531 , -Lkifted 189, in- 0
.eladiag 16 officers ; • woundedi 876, with 60. fl
•offieers. The greater number of the dead and' I
'disabled were of the highest worth. ',Those..
under treatment,' thanks to our veryable med- .1
ieel officers, at* generally - doing well., •• • . i ,
I regret having been obliged .on the 20th. to .1
lemma Illiti,-GestiQuitman, an able commander,
Ili* a part of Nees-division—the itue.biltenn...-,
sylvinia volunteers, and the yawn*. iletaili-. 1 .1
ma •el-Unita Statis marines, at our impor- 1 ,1
tiatli•pOtCSl4 l Atignstin. It was there :.that k
I bad Flared cider sick and woundedl".the siege,
wapplOuitbaggege trains. :-Ilf.these had' been
10et,;411.3 army Vould have been , driven almost
to despair - oci considering the: enemy's very
grisetweeeis tofimutabers, al :the many ep,
I paxiskee;tivtilidepot,ithaig t well have be-4
• ciese . , phatikally, the porlolhonor.
.!'Aftifirlemearvictories, we might, with
belt teat
re& additional, loss, have occupied t he - capital
AiNk saiissisOfg,- , But Mr. Trist, commission
-4sck-; at wallas myself, had been admcmis
*r ,
ale of peace—intelligent nen
-tialvaat'sm'''.6 American reedents---egaiest
primipitolinnest; .by wantonly driving 111411
theigevernienit and others =- dishonored—are '
St-seetterAibe elements of peace, excite a
olfaltaisig desperation and thus,• indefi
mtely postrnfi the hope of ° dation,—
Deeply impiresietwith this daeger,,and remelt -
badmen:• asiation-4o - conquer - a' pintee-.-tbe
ate' vet ibtikanj saerificTit'pat4inlisin-,4 1
ti the treat Wish and( want ,tif our country,
the add that!lreuld havefolleited•an entrain*
.ssiiirtis bsit4 into' s. greatinipita). .ily.illingto
lisselosmiittig - to this republic—of no-,i
diste nine t# us—on which to rest herptide,
inaLte-reeeree her temper-4 halted oar.-victor
Tiowesrpiskpqie gates. of the .city, (at )edi t,
IN 4 , tailft) 'O4 have-them now, cantotined ,
slosioeigbliporiOg villages, where ,they f are tret . I
eilmbinnel and, applied with all necessaries.. 3 1,
Oatlierino(tung of,the ;Usk being nhout tti,
sabot, istigar:sesselideg positions, Y:t aer
&arise ate tcostaraga-tim city to surseti4er, cnr
ill 4.1114U1 ariii. Liee• wil•Ph a fi/Ogentonter At
cane .into •neiketiationa :for ~fi !team, p.,0 8 ,49,...zi
MOO ern: to liprepees 4i trePe, lteitetbg iks. ,
tl , . dellipitebeti _my elm plated .note 4
4. Axe; emit kog the ¢Wrimpuil•
The 22ti eitedesions , were
. appoiated, by
, tihr.
oposissuess..#.thestwo - 'elk; the i sr**
was signo4,4l#23d, and ratifications. etehangi--.
si) lbw 21Sit.i:0 • • , .i. .. . ..-. •, 1
lAD waseis in:iiiirito.betsTpn4be t*Ogov-_,
ettulltllte; heib been thus -havalt turned a c v ecl
tll4l67 , l llo 4 o tiltiaries , •ir 0 aFt.nolf,itta,'
atteteeLaanbOtheot. Ina , wlth,--1 411 4- -scOP. I J
bepe.a figniog a treaty, of peace.,: - T
beie wit,oo -rtmeiniuk4 to tki4 4 4.1 1 4 141
--editelfr , Alivi.;- -- 149.kfieft, cr
r fre
nti ; Cal
iti ciliqtist
patigati t
ling *el
Wi a, sad(
1r turf'
mt . C
, '..
titbit' : il-de-k
41 1
, , ~,
tor out of
[cei , in a sip : i t / .
'ea ' , , nitirso
the ,_
10', I at: tun-
Leer . ,of-IWi... i. Of
the pay , department, always eager foi activity
and disthmtion ; a n d of a third, the gallant
: 3 1.1tiet..J....r. Gaines, of the Kentucliyvolun
'4R4-_-i.-4--,-7.--,,,,_ --. - ,,:--,.. ----- 7.--.;4:+: ,
~, ~Liii n, et h e ., Wy me_ te be airynick bigh respect,
Your itstabedient.servant. :, i ~
','„,,,'- .1, -:' 7.. .• f-,-..NITINFIELD SCOT.T.i _
i* - nom', WaL•L. lifitiviroSeer'y of _War. . :
_,. ~ ,,, i-,; , .' ' ' I
prie,sadTtill'§tpr.f . oftlial o ptyireqi., ,
:; The following deplorablillicionnt o , the - 9if"
14i9gb :of 09 survivors of 'the.wreek of, ,t i lie
-Schooner CarolinS,,bound . fro SaVannahi te
) 1 14i1N. Area fpriiislied to the vlito of BOs-
A94 , 1 7 i
11kYeller, I).Y ioie 0s1 4 0 1 : 0(1. ' .C4A . 4*
After, delieribiag i :34, 'facet, - - Cipts' . Sit4th
Salir , :l+-i r l., it .1 s , ' :\:,,, e
-!tOni.tirovisions and-Water,wern all stnte4
~ i
An ithg‘ trunk:cabin on deck, save one barrel i e f
wateiliv the , runt; By the disaster, hotlitpro
nrisions an& water...wore carried overboard,: 84TC I
that below, Whiclil it . was impossible to get 0-
Tipis we weie.- without food or drink.. • - ,1
i -95-.ouri onlY-shelter wamone•berth. whielkre
pained of tiro cabin on deck,,the hold beingfull
t!of water,. Three; days after,. Henry liqhps,
tin s el Of the.crew, lwent on deck; ;and wastiever .
, seen afterwards ;le was probably washed ovg
'board.- , - :r - • ~-,.
--" On the-pd inst.; we caught water, enough
fronvrain to last twenty- fear hours. From
-that time to-the 10th, weretotally without wa
ter.orlood, and began'Ao..feel as if dcath:Was
very near us. The 'gale bad lasted eight days.'
We hod had.: nothing ,to eat .for ten, ior j drulk
for-sif , days. • We , then began VS disguso the
question of drawing lets to see who should - snt.
4br death 'to save , „the lives of:the others.
is,: was agreed that\we should use sticks.
--We Area, and it fell to tbe'ot of an Irishman,.
nained Charles Brown, who bad S. I. marlied
-on. his arm. Hes; was a large \ athletic man,
Weighingtabout 176 or 150, bed , shipped; at '
Savannah, and was unknown to the',-rest of the,
crew; •
wHe alone was . . armed with a sbeathe \ knife,
hich he drew, and declared he would prang
it into the heart of the first one who approached
to, carry -out(the fatal chance. Upon this tit'
Captain 'tired to the cabin, saying .he would
'haTeniotliing more to do with the affair,-think
ing.thatlliey were:all near. their end.
At :this moment a boy. named Hughie
Rose; of Bangor.. Wales, aged 19, spoke up
and-said, that the youngest -should dip fiTit ;
this,frec-ill offering was about to be accepted
by Wawa; as . the ,Captain with the bay went
into the cabin. Captain Smith.states that, as
.be, i tireerkintSelf.„-epon the berth, his e:ye Ntas
-attracted to a handle sticking ep near, Which
he thought belonged to „an adze. He told the
boy to fetch it, and it proved to be an adze:
. i' Thiuking that- soinetin ng. wrong was about
to be enacted on deck,, he followed, the boy
when he .returned, - and saw the boy siesed
round_the waist by.itheliow desperate Brown,
`with the intention of making him the . viOtha.
At thiw manila the certain states that, he, felt
.gifted vrith..!extraordinary• strength, stePOect
forward,- and drove the adze twice into the bepij
of Brown, and he fell dead upon deck.
".It was supposed by Captain Smith, frOrn
the fact that S. D. was marked upon thenttn
'of BroWn, that, be shipped under , a
name. '; He was about 35 years old.
'-After he was dead, the
. Captain bled and
dressed: biro. L -.His flesh was partly enkinto
thin strips, and laid upon, ,the, deck to dry....—,
But the crew. did not. hunger for foodtlfa,ta
being their /chief desire. 'Ms blood was used
for drink.until_the morning that they were ta
ken-off when.about a pint, remained, whie:h had,
turned black. .
... ._ . . .
Ar•On the morning_ of the.l3th, early,, three
r eisels hove in: alight, one of which, the brig
Tampico,, Captain Bown, bound from New fia
reri for ; the West Indies, took off the three
initivoit, - ris:—Wm. Smith, of Biddeford,
MlSiae, the captain; Horace . Smith, of .do., ;the •
mate ;-:iiiiik linghie.Bose, of : Bangor, the boy.
preserved froMdeoth by the action of the, cap
taiii.7 ' 'The:two former were transferred to the
British schooner Splendid, andanived at PI& •
idelphia. - ' . • -.. . .
. , i Pirko boy was retained on board ,the Tam
' 'pin% the.ciptain promiging to take care of him:
. Captain Scab states that if Brown, had sub-, •
iiao,ta q uietiy3,o his fate, they would not have.
hethearti- to Jail kip; but he.did. not, think
i right that the boy, after running, one chance.
pr,his ._ life, should after all beeoree, the. rietim,'
od,boapr!ears to. think that be was sudd,4ely
ated-with strength to save him,
~ '
-,,..An idea.may be formed of the nearneis of
sb, to this unfortunate crew fr om "the fact,
that. the ciptain's . feet and nails both turned; ;
OW; gke4.. his Emil i a have not As . •et, obtained;'
their natural c010r..,, The blood of Brown,P i rOb'-'.
Eibly*iYed their ; lives, as they, subsisted on it
two.whOle days. , - -
'',..The Caroline, is", loss. She, is ill-
Berea at the Neptune Office in this city, for
4Q.007. i ,. . - • , . .
, r ikT.r.rr. .—The New York 'Thirald •
states - that . two Volenclid steamers', of similar
mOnld . iind, Capiteity to the Northerner, have
Vidn' contracted for, to TOn on the coast off Pe-
ru, the 'stilliniiointTroba Pubes; 'orerither
Clillotr:to extend ' fir as the !tenth OftkriOrJ
ern yiver, toneh ilia the various plated* lieJ
bred : the:satire Ikte:' . They are to eirrithe
t'g2lila Oregon *nil, in connection iiitkitiri
4 1 0 1 itSiii4iitilet. ire*** thi tae' mbin=
fie aide-Wing eirogreins, the terriiinnii ' i
""DEUCES in. , Alit* Dot/A.—The: New, York
Giebb hreillietl Vie:attention Of ~ Congrtne to
toltire' l beis , mari:of gating , the- reerni,.6ot 1
Spanieh , nitiieneni and abilliojga - net of eirnula li
tietfriltarayi, :Owe weigh , w ii2Peneec aid , s4
gileirieinlielf-illete, we nhalifirnillint thtrindf
dime-tab nentwaenvil:nileni , finitilion the
treice;cOniterridtly,4ithe ratite 'Tabula in
sa l t Ito tr iea s c ob, "..7 'Z ' ' 11: I a 1 , -.' , ' RI 'll
4tiair.c4l , ':t 1 ;1 _.:
_of, r . r.,,,, ,
democratic maiAiettini - thikAdiscAsiik-B.f;
4. . L.,, , ... Toz4 and the 4i4jeieliCienagee;
Ti-f4-t!Tilili eta' . &tete, iiii/VpAvese" l " I "' 'th ' th e
i , ;i'! iitiete IlViittig* "
Mittl 4..17i'i1'''.11.;1.11i41b
'Ocilif * *l l 4 6 t o 4 i Ccitinuini N
..„. , ~ L ~-, Jli t , "a. i a ,. Vi ktr .";i:r- •: 4
: • , b vt. , ! i
f ? I fir .11 11 1 " , o illlt' l r r ilt ir l e 41 1111 ? 1
CT the fe4841 # Me i ptepitter last i) the ni
it '' , ; e, t , i f
etes „ IT I)4,eLit, addrttssett a Democta
meeting et , ',PitisiOrgi, ont-'B'f ihet tfries of IS
rehi ks bliing lid exlensidi ' fit Slaftwy. `2l* '
&lads l o we Wil then eiciftted, Irid ai - Fmiii`t4 ren yompin.
1 , 4 ! . . 1.
Mr. Clay's Palk fo 111134c0--11/0.1.
pO, , s , seqter i ntlyat r lEOlkayslgirg,
There is hi 1111:',Lptsets proliimeiantel4: er at
act jus * e toitio iiiiinisho a ' ;. ates an,
no 1 s fh i t e mpli h , arequeitt net by i Lexington, a studibd appearah eOf forgetful
, '-' f; Oil, sit ther'inelifitel t en- I ness of all the argtimenti by Wideh his country
t ,
'' -"_ I can justify her . coOrie iteregaiiel to the foment
nor % is e -Slone rortcy ' i v/ "Os'tel'i .of
war with Mexico He is notithe arbiter be
motzProyise. tween, if you please, two excited republics, sit-
After an able pad eowoeftil areMen t lt fa - tittig l in 'solemn judgment upou the actions of
vor bfsustainlrig hod preseilittitig tittle wit h&tete and dehidieg upon the, cold and unim
lkilleted,t e- - ---, —-- --- passioned merits and teeth of the ease. On
ere is another questionbefoce the ople,l'the contrary, he is the accuser and the judge
(great his own country 'before the world. His
of great moment, and which oxcarts a
comi enothsptech is heralded with a flourish of: l trumpets,
deaf sf attention, that is •intimately
with this war. If, upon‘ the conclusion of a i ilke that which , announced tlie approach of the
po s. ,l.kipgs of old, in their visits ocstate, and is pre
treafy with Mexico, we should come into
carefully drawn res o lutions constitu
session of one-half or twothirds sf her
- ! ceded by
i ting the stamina and foundation of the speech
to , what are we te do with it? This is e ques
loser. When the latter appears, it will of course,
time of difficult solution. -Of one thing we are
quits nertain—the Y an kees will in time over- ,be found to be consistent with the resolutions.
titif,that portion of their territory: and though ilt will indeed he nothiug more than an elabor- 1
there is much • Mexican blood upon it, we may , atien or" t he peints" contained in the resolu
look to the period as not more remote than a i tions. It ( will, therefore, be a solemn accuse
tioniof lily country, ana a solemn defence of
single life-time, when anninber of.large States,l
i 31eXico, before his fellow' citizens and the
kit:retching front the Gulf of .lexicoto the-Pa
.l word. Let us see in hew far Mr.
eifie ocean, will he distinguished in the con
stellation of our Union; The question towbich title
v in, taking this extraordinary and die-
i gra en! course—how far the offence and prey- 1
\nifero. anticipates the acquisition of •this ter
to this war, can be, justlY chargeable }
rithi-es It is known as the Wilniot Proviso.—reegimle
against the administration of the National goy- 1
And list is the meaning of this questioi ?—,
A otirtion of the people of the United
_Suites, ) ernment• Let us see if 11Ir . CLAY Las not i
have thei hearts set against the exteasi.n of
I sliame'ully suppressed ferts. which simple jus- I
slacere ;sled there axe scarcely any means I tit eto his country should have led him to make
vrbitth some do, not deem justifiable, in order to: knowu—and if, further, he has not perverted
, awl falsi fi ed the record in favor of Mexico, in
beacciimplish thepurpose. With a large rum to such as he Conceives to be requi
r,; this subject th,no doubt , a matter of con
isciepeo and of principle ; and , they assume that site to make up his ease
a certain portion of teetitory is to be derived
In resolution No 1, Mr. says, in the
froth Mexico, as an indemnity for the wrongs following solemn and emphatic manner :
done to us, and our expeithes in the war. These I " That the primary cruse of the present un- 1
people say, that if we take this territory, there i happy war, esistine 6 between , the United States'
should he no slavery tolerated , within it. To of America, and the United ;States of the Re- I
this,• another portion of the-country object.— . public of Mexico, was the annexation of Texas i
They ray that if we acquire this territory, it, to the former ; and that they immediate occas- i
wilboome through the toil and b 106.1 of the i ion of hostilities between the two Republics, a-
conptry in common—that of the North and rose out of the order of the President of the I
I Soueh ; and we are not disposed to say that United States for the removal of the army un- I
thicterritory shall 1' appropriated exclusively 1 der the command of Generel Taylor, 'from its
to the people in the North iimeition at Corpus Christi to a point oppos ite
Pith is one of these difficulties which have to Matamoros, on the cast: hank of the Rio '
. t
surrounded us from the organization of our , Breit), %intim territory rlaimed by both Repub-
government ; and it can only be properly set- lies, but then under the jurisdiction of that of 1
tled,in accordance with the Constitution of our i Mexico, and inhabded by• it,4 citizens."
country. t Shall we be deprived (Attie oppor- I The very- first sentence of this resolution is
tunityof gaining this territory '1 What shall false, and we perceive by the skeleton of the'
Toldilo with the Wilmot Proviso ? For me, I 'speech that followed, that it is reiterated and
hold myself in readiness for the crisis, whenev- t amplified. Mr. Czsi knew better—nay, he
case-lknew exactly the reverse—when he proclaim
er iti shall be presented—even should 1 be
:trim my position.• to give another ter- led that - the primary cause" of the present ,
I war between Mexico and the United States, I
ale aI:4W vote ! I shall carefully eiaraine
tiersubjcee, weigh• well the able arguments on t was the' annexation of Texas. How did he I
both aides Of, the question, which may be pre- know this ? He knew that Annexation, on the I
sensed by the" iant intellects of our couetry.. part of Mexico, was the pretext, (possibly col
atulireserre tort7lf the right err do as I think I avoid indemnity for Our wrongs,) instead of,
right, when the ti e may come for action. , the cause of the war. Ho knew that there
There is but one , political course which a t were other and grave causes for the present I
marl can take, in safety to his consciende— , war. He knew that •many years had been I
that, couree is a strict adhe.rence tb the Consti• spent in hopeless e ff orts to induce Mexico to i
tution. That is the char tc by which w i de- , make redress and indemnity for iijuriee etidu- 1
termitic our powers. That the compaee by red and claims pre'erred against that country
whthh alone we can safely steer our polilit•al by Arnericen eitiztris. He knew that after
1 barque. If you can accomplish e abolition, many dela is, she had at last made a treaty 1
lof slavery in the Southern States . dough its ; with us, in which these injuries were admitted 1
instkumentality, why do so. i• But I h there and these claims adjudicated. Re knew that
Are;none who would do so at the hazer 'ii oer Ithe nlilirinOrrnq of this treaty were searulalouely
1 tiiiwn, liherty and independence. The nly i neglected, and followed by additional outrages
true", test, however, to which we can sub 't • , upon our ministers and our citizens. He knew
thth tnstion, or any other that may ariee, i • that as long ago as the sth of ,
February 1b37,
the Constitution. But it is -unfortunately the, % t eneral JA( • LON, in his message to Congress,
case, with many of those who seem most inter- de red :
esteiii in the , question of abolishing slavery, I " The length of time since some of the in
tlnzt, the ,are not much governed by such a • •
. !Julies hare been committed—the repeated andl
principle as this. There is 4 somethingaoove i unarailing applications for redress—the!
euesConstaution, above our laws, above our e k t he
1 wanton c h aracter o f seine o f outrages • up-
world itself, that is invoked. These persons on the property and persons' of our citizens,
end remember, that there is a means by
, end upon the officers and flag of the United
which to accomplish their , ends, if they be right, States, independent of recent insults to this!
tnii6 more safe and sure, than that of destroy- government and people., WOULD JUSTIFY, I
in the only ,safeguard which they hare for
their own liberty. If they be indeed sincere in 1 s i
O . F ALL NATION, 11l- i
ilth- designs, let them toil on until they
held:de to effect such a change in the Con-ti- I All this Mr. Ct. kr knew when be proclaim
tution itself as they desibe ; bet, while that ied the extraordinary misstatement that the an
m positiVely prohibits any interferen[Lee t nexation of Texas was the " primary cause of
ne State with the inttitutions of another, I 1 the
'Y' ° present War!' It will not do for Mr. Cl q tvi
coffid hope that State pride alone, if there were ito plead in extenuation that these were causes
ect,:nfore liberal and general principle, would I not sufficient to create a war, and that they!
foil:did the people of Pennsylvania to'interfere I would have been ultimately and peacefully set- I
with the peculiar affairs of her sister S,tates, al i tied. fie knew that if had not been for the'
re lily as she Would re s ent even the appear-I
forbearante of this government, and
atkee of meddling by another State, with affairs our earnest desire to be at peace with Mexico,
especially her own. 1 that wsn would long ago have grown out of I
_But we' hear, in some quarters, much talk of these exciting provocation& He knew, furth
wlfat is called compromise. I am of that old I or, that England and France had settled their I
seool of Dettocteittewho will never compromise
It respec tivt• difficult!ies with'. Mexico almost in- 1
thh Constitution of my-country. This igen& stentaneously—England, through Mr. PAREN- 1
oil .be•Word* not to be found in that instru•i "", her Minister, by a demand for immediate
ment. It Was itself a result of compromise; reparatien Mexico eiclded at once. In the
be, once halving become a thing of shape. of tease of France. (Which nation had suffered at I
liZ of spirit, then all compromise was at •an; the hands of Mexico outrages not half as great;
e ' . It was a settled • pr a inciple, positive' as those endured, by us,) by a demand foil
rule—a thing which might be broken ; butbat ,_ l s6oo,ooo, as indemnity for these wrongs ; by
lit* no materials in it which were capable of a solemn agreemetitson the part of Mexico to
liticsne bent. In it are to be found all the pro- I pay regularly and n od esrotly the just claims of
, e
.vetions fur our government; aw l if you w i s h Freech citizens ; y 'the disgraceful dia l
other provisions, you cannot put them there:chatge of the Mexican General who bad asses
_J.,,,e t h e l eg i s l at i on of Congrese cannot pat einated two Frenchmen at Tampico, and the,
them there—unless in accordance with its pro- I payment of $20,000 as indemnification to tbe
visions. At 'the ling of the admissionof )1'
. es- i
stem into the Union, I found the same semi- !two fams of the rictiths. This was the
1 French ultimatum dated Sn board the French
in ent,very generally prevailing i n some eee ,„l marl-of-war, and signed by the Minister Pleni
thins. I had •tbe same opinions then Off this,' F 4-teatlar Y of ran'cei who'' added : "If th
eir s4bjeet that I have new ; • and in the midst Ply of the IFlexiban government shall cont a
Om agitation then manifest, there were maey I neghtive upon dny one of the pointnproposed ;
wlto . coul not see where the agitation would i
a.f even its languai* shall be "ainbiguens in any
eld. Then men got together and of- i talked onelparticular ; if, in shbrt, it shall 'be de e ,.
eemproithes, and made compromises, and cue- tepid beyond tile 15th of April, the undersign-
Nil/piloted on • what, they bad no right to , 4 . led ill immerliatelly place the farther conduct
44 tbe other half :submitted • to that whidi lof t he business in Ithe hands of M. Hezoenz,
they, foie:. sheyJd. have stibnatted, to. A i ly li etrelmander of the naval farces of his Majesty,
sjuifiispitem.ert Alas is' ealeWated graduallyito o f *hieh a part ere alre dy on the omit of
uf f derp l opp the Constitution. Far better Would. Mexico, and tine officer II
, proceed to execute
Itlirmii Potaptanemm Phange in its provisio/8. the,orders be hes received.' • Mexico employ
whataly. l ed her usual arts and ffissimulation; made all
ineonsistent with that instrumenl, itself. 1
14 iC9nRintiPd , 91 1 9 Any cctupromise
governmen9re'l kinds of promises, kind pot off the settlement
of the Freneh d" nity for several - months.e
i l
The offi ce rs of the general
x is , . 10 l i b • 'deb' e t
The. result wits;kn wn tot no one better than
.. e . e imp , et isle : su bject; ad i
1 iiere is no doubt %twit 'there 'la be muc h i I..teIIENUT CesSr. In thelbllowing November,
i i .
;tipe,iii both ilkdkses ef bottiresY' upon it. • the French squitdrbir opened upon the castle
1 . the senate , iliave'ino.dinibt iiiiiiy b e e . _ of San Juan, and took it alter a pretty deeper
a lad. in 4 Itt ,14riiiori i t a 1 , 0 1 ; 0 6:0 y ate resistance.' i Tael Meiicaps we'© compelled
, that som4hinewill lerfeunditi arthefeem, to pay not only the •$600,000 originally de-
Iteitilculatik, 'toteplaci'au l r initittitiona ? b ol l i inanded, , butsPoJooo in, addition to defnkying
ii,t,,;,flict r e fi,, t imkenaliltit,hisiirltipi tile ' .i.' thelaxpeemiof th 4 atta ck ,
' o ld
DiR Sihliirt. r I to; t ri ! pste, tviniivvitt tiii i Our el t uiltsUpo Mexico . amount to million k
* dine:"lrteli aii non 'raii4ii'lle iliblea Ad —and nut titilifina robbed. murdered, :insulted i
MT be id, dl be, to ie - iii Anti Atillety—". ,
• A ,
, -
•4 .- t.. Clet nation, enninnt to
ant- inaprisorie,,,, y l I
*4, rn ,b ee iggukth se it y rte e le se _ huodrede, instep/ fl as i the ease .ef England.
s forted• lthin lige redress,: the eneiby tt
Both , these: pa=
I Ilik . lll"lll leri lit sla tfi t 6 4 :t n it ak e ii ^tfo ftek4 etis tell t: a t ill a Fralleer
i el: olio; -14 i i , - 'f 7
tt;alt,tiielegtsiatuitf of 4 Conkreas ssonldhe Istbst .11'044 eve been fulned, hist for
Prerairkittsiltlitiste*Tiatat itlietriii ittirfuskte, tilin4i Ot sung! 44
l w etbertt t
; ,
find it to exist the. people of i 4io-country have
themselves ado the sti,t t i ¢ n; they i. have
the right, Mem , ,
detoreninel. heir owninisti
tutions ; and, at A mitt
be tei o4 exists else-;
where, they are klet)tt:, to '',lm itiondetnned for its
existence. 7
victo 'ens cannon, and at i l l* i ]petut of sWor4
reeki . gin - the Mexican bltiolk. llur 'deniandi
upon.Mex,it,o . ; are,,not ati, i 'it 'the pase.of Eng;
land 'and. Fiance; tironglra "OW : ort months,
t e
but through a period of ?wally l'' TS. [Our re
peated dealands fortastimi *ye , n • denied:
our itsreata of force ; have itealitirg ed ai r : our .
treaties with that guerrilla natio him , beeti
tiro - : : and an acereffitedlithe , r, *ming
with' epeated offeri,of peace4has , n ripeat
17 t 2,
edli insulted,- persetuted and traisplekon.—;
Andiet with theserwrongsfesterisg tq illead;
and ready every day for' more thaetenyeare
past, to lead to a collision between the two
countries, Mr. CLAY deelares the told untruth;
"that the annexation of Texas was the prima
'ry cause of the present War." tie insults his
eouny by this double wrong ; Mid levee the
worl to suppose, fi r s t,
i_that .we i bad: not the
nery to redress the aggravated injuries we had
suffese,d from Mexico, and, secondly, 'that brit
for the annexation of T t Kits, dime injuries nev,-
er Would have been r (tressed: t Row mush
better for Mr. CLAT in, is pleafer 'Mexico, if
ho had not forgotten to vepeat,even a portion
of the facts which have; so abundantly justified
this country in her dig'ity - with that nation I
But did not Mr. CLAY now fUrther that Mex.
i r
leo offered to acknowlf ge the independence of
Texas- if Texas would not annex iherselfto the
United States! Did-hi: not knojw that Texas
had achieved her independence for M exico, j by
the best of all titles, tIM 1 title won by a suc
cessful rivolution ? Dithe noilnow that her
independence 1m d been {;nowledgeed by most of
the leading gavernmentafin the 2 obe, our own
inehtsive ? 'Did he notlmotv: thaSANTA As-'
NA himself, when a prisoner at S in Janeinto,
acknowledged this independence, and 'observed
all that part of the treaty there !made benefi
cial to Mexico, even if he disavoWed the rest?
.But Mr. Clay knew fnither ;lie knew that
1 Mexico bad agreed( to treat with Ira upon the j
annexation of Texas, tie Well as upon all other
subjects of dispute between the two Countries.
i He knew that our Minister was fornially ac
-1 eepted by the go vernment of Herrera" , and be
knew that this minister was subsequently, re
f fused admission into Mexico
.only by one of
those tricks of diplomacy so peculiar to Meal
! co. All this Mr. Clay knew, and yet we pre
!, sume he has not' honored his poor - country! by
saying so in his speech.
As soon as it was known that :Herrera tre
fused to receive our minister according to pro
mise,rl (upon the miserable plea that he c nld
not treat upon any other question but anne a
non,)Mr. Polk, in order to defend °trier to
ry from invasion, sent the army under Gen rid
Taylor into Texas—an set that, cannot be oar
warmly commended. It was a wise pree u
tionary measure, and no doubtsared.the lives
of many of our fellow-citizens of Texas: Mr.
Clay, if he had been. President, With annexa
tion altimst ready made to his ' hinds' when he
came into office, would have done! the same, or
proved derelict in the discharge of a grave du-
ty. Indeed; he finds no fault wit!'n that act, in
his resolutions, but attributes the itnimediate
cause of hostilities' to• the march from Corpus
, Christi• to the Rio Grande, over what he is
j pleased to call " dispntnd territotty.",_
I This branch of the subject we reset+e for an
! other article, in which we' shall prove not only.
1 that•the war was not that of the but
of Mexico herself, and that Mr. Clay. has 861-
ki6ed himself by the allegation that the Rio
' Grande. is not the boundary of Texas.
're!trap Despatches for the New yuri Daily Globe.
Terrible EarthqUake,ati AtMateo I
PET ER 63.13 RG, Va., Nor,t '26, 1847.
The schooner Sarah has arrived at New Or
leans from the Brazit, whence she saild on
the 9th instant.
By this arrival intellig ,
letters . had come from the c ,
nonneing that on the 28d of t
1 .....
, ti t,,
of Atlixeo was totally destroyedibv an extth
quake. Not a house was left, stalAng, and a
large portion of the inhabitants were buried un
der the ruins. -
Much damage Was also done to the s
ding- country, and in the neighboring villages
avid monasteries, many of which were ovet\,
Canales, the Mexican guefiilla 'chief, died at
Cerralvo on the 4th instant.
The sickness was increasing-at 'the lirazos.
terrible Steamboalt.Dilitster & im
; •
Meuse Lois+,iej[lte!
PITISa' Nov. 26.
On Saturday morning last a bout 4 o'clock. the
propeller Phamia,; bound up to the likes, when
within 17 miles of the Sayon, was discovered
to be on fire - under the .deck. • It was 'found..
impossible to extieguts' h the 'flames. She had
more than 200 passengers . on board, thirty, of
whom took to small lietitsi: and were picked up
in 4he steamer' Delawarewldili goon- hove' in
I sight, but not in time ler iiiretheae on board. -
' The remaitidgr *ere InireitteidrOire, ed. , Capt.
' Street wet sick in his otittioioinn was ea
cd, •• - - 1 I . -. e •
One hundred aedil 7 were e m
grating Ilollintlerit •
!Every atteition . eitetde,i . O'Abeinfriti
er by the captain andliareirjef iistatstltirtire.' .
Later freatilitala
- atuctittsil Itternt s .7. •
Late news has been irseeliedf , , ihut s Fe;
coining ddwn to Oetoer Another in-,
surrection had taken -p , acrid , sbna, and i
the American residents tbora•fo ' to flj' to
escape being massacred; leaving ugh of their,
prOperty behind. Col.! Ealiton w mustering
a fordo to marebagainit thS insu gents, and a
battle was "
shortly expected to take place: '
At Loa Vegas, 4welte g4vera eat Tip*
and one hundred men were p orithe
as i an, escort : in going
_in -they l thad! , fievend
skirthishes with Indians and MI me, who
had several mon killed and their h rapt*.
ed.l , Tho Americans sustained imb
Lt *,•704)1. 1 4he Stol of tiieprojoeted
ma deo ii,etweentibeDuke'of Wellington nook
Mlasi !Burdett Coidtstlka ‘ 6 4 41 to havapriginn-1
red iii a,niere jeko, ritinis inrife bung ogl
ed 'ppm; the. DukO,•Witkil lisp , o f p ono y
for toe erection of leharlbes ia, the eolonlia,4he
D o praised hee l moron iib e ity, a ddi ng
Pla VIY, 9 You 4€ 4 , 1 11e , t•P be fv, ehess("3o
wh e the ileum whaiiras preseat
re arked,..-" Yea see Miss Coat*, my 644
rita4, you 'ln (de* " •
—• 1 - • II •II ,
!' lll .o°rY Inv- to t ind:y#t the 'Floor
of, be. Oien#l4 "ii
,ber tale, also;:fr:
!pi! yla ping that ! Was la 004 endn in at.,
hMeariked. '' 1 i 1 'l.-.
I .)
e - litisons:lo.4Chtirlestoo 4ire Sonde*
g n e` k i hiel4ollo4lll ibbper;
.. , .,:t
c•,:::; f..ri.1,4'-'
i_7 l ; •
• _I • !In • • . •
tir, ,1
m‘te«4 irbliniw, bee. 2,/11147.
Vox PAL* Elit: Es(l4 N. W. coiw
Chestnut stirtii, 1011 Num street Mime
a i v 9 4ll !P) l4 t 4 iv,irOtiOC* 4 , l, 4 1 111 " 411 . 4 Allatc9critehtag
Advert ise ,
and Elubserip!kril tot this gapes.
'? Will no tionie` our wood-laying Subsril,
bens bring us sinieiroitillortbirith Y - We e re
entity 00 1 . . aid must have senifisrjthcpt a,.
lay. F 5141 I -
Or In anpthe column of thin paper tiny
ir found the '
prospectus of the Union _Map. ,
zine, to which we invitei , attention. We sit
also, add that „this magazine„..although quite
new, has already acquiied the' reputation of
being the ; beet one , published.
The POl**
We are heartily glad tb see. the press—the
(country piesirwe ring o eourfee4al<ing sue r
'a united and decided stand against several of
the proyisions of the Postage law t eetbe last
*niers 'di 'COUgielis,' especially of That one
which re-imposed postage on all papers circu
lating within 30 miles of the office of publics.
tion. We were: among the first to denounce
such a retiog,rade, refcirm," and we hare as
yet seen nb reason to change our position er
moderate Our hostility to it. We then regard
ed, and still regar4, it as a palpable iinlibge
ment' of the only legitimate object of the Post.
loffice law,. viz : the diffissioU of the greaten
!amount of information among . the people. It
may indeed bed source of a billet more u rere
nue to the , depaitment; : but it west also; be
remembered that in a vast many cases, where
men arc too poor, or toopenurious, (as is some
times the case,) it entirely shuts out the news
,paper frorotheir dwellings—thug accomplishing
a tiofoldeilForno knell magnitude; the rob
bing of the people of needful information, and
`the printer of the suppOrt he ought to hate,
and which is indispensable to his subsistence
This is no ideal picture but fact.
Or perhaps, as is not nrrfrequently the cage,
another consequence engines. 31en will resstni_
or rather
,cogitate without reason,
" My county paper cot me now full as much'
as one from the city of! twice the size 'would,
cost, and the same Postage; therefore, as this
latter item is the sam4 in both instances, I
shall be the.gainer by taking the city paper'.'—
not considering tor a moment that his county
; I
paper, if well co ducted i ( which surely it would
be if well, ayppo ted,) would be of farrnOre in ••
terest to him thin thelinammoth sheet from
the city. .; Ilene' we ate not surprised that n
a genera thing 'ty publiihers, who hada deep
interest in the repeal of that law; should nor
be arraye(t against its re-adoption .: It is fa
their' interest , ad as they are selfish, as well
I ,
as every body else, thief will, of aurae, oppon I
a retnrri to it.' By its : operation they hare.
double advantage over country publishers; I
first, by, havingl a circulation ot, many thou- Il
sands of copies ' land second, by, the same
matter and type that they bare already rea l
through *daily! edition; or some \magazine, or:
both, and (been paid for!. This is the waythey !
can afford; then so cheap. And if, ia addition ,
to - advan , gee, they can send hem into
the intericfr, -or ~ e rhap4 300 miles, for the samer.
tee'. is Teceivea that
• or Mexico, an
40ber, the city
it costs tnisend
four miletiLoff, i
.es, and - organ!
• • to crdsh tb
to • torelithe
Pets ell I b e 8
the coon in
the adtati L • ••
try preis!u;sO
upon thiStsubject
the most deeplir
hand, inetitorialis4
mediate Represel
on thisviestion,
amain. We. trust
will himself hts:Coa
ando. Peefireee
ix zestorcd.' •
TiyLegiilattire of South Carolina met i
last Miiiik4 week, an the Goverhoeti loess J .
was ca.f9 l 3,pnivatod on Tuesday., it Matifo
Mr. Calhoun in relafrfi to the war, and with
vengesnie against the
PiOviis","' . Uisuming dist, "sooncr or later,. ev i l
SOUthliviii have to nielet find' finallq decide Off
questionimooted inififut Prey*, and it ought
nom to commence pr4arations to meet thee.
The latest adticeiTm Mexico repre .
sent Smita, Answer hkriat fixed hie residence, ; ,
L .
conformably in all to the: mrders which be butt
reeetied'imi the Subjetit frOM the Supreme Govl,
eruirie - 44Mit:that theirehe luteias to defect i l
hitopelf • !!&144t the 'Olarell ,, brcTght aPI L4 j
him at a i teilitot7 MO* , eempaniol
retirement only chaplain 'sod Gesell i.
&Mc with 4:01:11 'Sires or cavalry for th.
fiecitritY Of Lii Pers9i ' '
!Demtooriatie meeting was oiled sti
Liialigt#(,lCP:;'Pwifittullii:l4t:;:b tilt
4 14) Wittr*I"K'PA. b#l l,
to itic: l 44 4o **l4 , 0111Y4,14t0 }l*oo l '
tfodi , sita,,tido4the t: sad the Sri
Iml 1
A .
. -;"', :. L. , • 1 ,, 4,1, .I'‘. + .. . , : k .. .liar, a , ....?...,4, ik,,,,, 40
r.BStirx.,.ropr,oi. -. vv o implu • .-e-,, bej,
to'llielainimaik ilembille, 116%4 4 call . MO'''',.
iii k tas.
ii44-1401,4*--,-;-w trot** , op— ifif ;
rip m erf k 4....
1FrA.,., , -,_, 4 4440, 10
1 imaiiing - ' 'MAO 0. 'MeV i i
1 ilF , `" . • 1 - . i ' '
a papa_ printed. nearby, my
t tends io accumulate - advsatst„
ice a mdbopoly that opens tic)
counttly papers entirely. '
law in question, so that aU pa.
lent free of postage throughout !
which they are published, spi l l
wbuld takeqUal, while the coax•
greatly bendtted.