_y- Corot Ptpreedullgs , A lll r , : ll 3 l . l i 4 "! ll "! l ".4% • Firm 1 1 ,- Pres.Cotirt called ' Monday Nov. . .Oh delivering.hisi ich t 'Le ing!nii, Mr. i 1 1847. CcimmonWealth vs. Geo. W Stark, ci ay .-t.!i : . mu,r-wtento ne . epape - fr per !ming:made for larceny ! of money-4erdiet, not, guilty. .of it, he Wishes not to be r,oisrep esented in a Three true bills were - returned vs. NI. Post, , . . , ~. _ I stogie ib is' on tMei memento questien before for libel; 1 vs. Wm: C.flhandler, Uriah Chand-; him. lore desirehis speeeh to go before the t e r. Ezra Chandler , and Henry Chandler for, ' c onspiracy to defraud,; &-c. ; 1 vs. David Wat- world tviikhig revision in order that no after er man snit rfatlow Shtions,.for larceny; 1 vs. explanations .shOuld be 4equireff. We have Evan Richards and M 4 0y E. Richardi, of,Lib thereforereceived but an imperfect synopsis of ertv. for keeping a tippling . house ; 1 vs. Geo. f or the speech, but we present our teadeti with the w. Stark, and 1 vs. Wm. C. Chandler rasing counterfeit Money; 1 vs. David L. Resehitions offered to the meting by .Mr.', Meeker, of Silver Lake, and 1 vs. Thos. Rog. Clay and upon which his speeCh is founded.— el s, Silver Lake, for keeping a tippling house ; They in tact embrace ' thewholepith of his ar -1 vs. John C. Clark, for 'obtaining goods under " . Iftt ment. , 'no meeting was larile, and Mr. _ false pretences; 1."- q. Abel Green, Wanton g u .- introduced to ii by Gen. Leslie Green, and Elam Hawley, for forcible entry , Clay s wagli and detainer ; .1 vs. Norris Fargo for 'colln- reombs. i 5 ding with debtors, to.-defnand creditors ; and ' On mot on of Gen. Combs, the Hon. John' I vs. Orrin W. Tarlori for disposing of prop- Robinsons appo - mied Prestdant, with th a long erty to defraud creditors. Bills vs. Benj. B. array o f.. ice -Pres i d e nts and Secretaries. Gender, for assault's:ha battery, and Mahlonl , Twining, for maliciont mischief, were ignored ~., Mr. Ci. :i• then role) and offered the follow -prosecutors to pay 'the cost. Grand Jury 3ing deepl important , resolutions i— dischargetion Wedneiday. ' 11, i Ist. Resolved as tile o in' nof this meet- Coro'th vs. Geo. W, Stark,.for passing coin , • , , ..• , P lO ing . tuttue primary cause of the present un terfeit money—verclibt guilty, and prisoner happy 11 , ,r1 existing lietween the United States sentenced to two yew* and ten months impris-• of America and the United States of the Re- D umont in.the Penitentiary. Debi otMexico we'i the annexation „ , , of Texas Coin'th vs. Waterman & Simons—prisoners • to th efonder. and the immediate occasion of Plead guilty—Waterman sentenced to County , b, . i . li , Me . between the two republics, arose out ;ail ten days, and Sinpans one month, and each 43 " 1 of the eider of ',the President of the United I to pay a fine of one diillar and costs. States foi the, rem vof o .1 1 . the army under the I Evan Richards, imfieted, with his wife,'. for ' command of Gen. Taylor from it's position at keeping a tippling goose, plead• guilty,' and Corpus ChriSti to apoint opposite Matamoros, fined $.2 15 and costs. :Vol. pros. entered as to wife'. & 1 ... on the east bank of the Rio Bravo, within the his terrttoryclanned by both republics, but then Sher c wood vs. Peck: - -pltf. took nonsuit. Eiihrt S. Page wag appointed Constable of under thp jurisdiction of Mexico, and inhabited Jackson in' place oft,Nathaniel . Ilill. Cn...., den ctizens. That tbe order of the Presi "“ f or the removal of the army to that point, adjourned Thursday.' , . . . Sccoxn WEEK.—.. : erkins against Elias &-, Taylor—verdict for tf. for $35,62, It was improvident and: unconstitutional, it being without the concurre nce of Congress:or even v:i •although consultation with it, it was in session ; . Backus vs. Seamans. for usury, verdict for 1 deft . = . 1 but that; Congress having, by its ,subsecptent .. acts, redAgnized the'war thus brought into ex ,smith vs. Beeman -&- Maryott:•-i-Jut3- sworn } istenee without its previous authority or con and ease settled befoie trial. ' i •stt, the prosecution n of it became thereby na ea,e vs. Seamank, ejectment—new trial . ranted.rtional.. , - t Jury discharged T ', esday night. I 2d. Resolved, That in the absence of any ti - i • I form's]; tind public declaration by Congress of!, I the objects for which the war ought to be pros- ecuted, ; the President of the United States, as chief m agistrate, as commander-in-chief of the army add navy of the United States, is left to the guidance of his own judgment to prosecute it, for such purposes and objects as he may deem the honor and interest of the nation to ; require: ! 3d. Resolved. la T 1 t by the consent of the United States, Congress, being invested with I power 'to declare i war and grant letters -of m „arque; and reprisal, to make rules concerning captures by lind and water, to raise and sup port armies, to - prolvide and maintain a navy, and to Make rules for the government of'thei li`uil atiltnaval forces, has the fullest and most complete war making power of the people of 1 the United States ; -and, so possessing it, has a rizht to determine upon the motives, causes and objects of wars when once commenced. 'or at any tinie during the progress of their exist ence. Eleven Days LOter from Europe. The British Mail 4camship Acadia arrived ^.t Boston. on Saturd#, bringing eleven days later news, of considerable importance. Bread- Anffs hare advancei a little, and the Money Market was easier;, but the accounts from manufacturing • and Oommercial districts are in the extretni.. Flour had risen from '2Xi to 2.9 s 6d since khe sailing of the Caledo nia. -The .English Pirliament was to have as sonhA en the I 36 inst. The Pope's mccript has been nmeived, c0n .3,7119ipz the proposeißomin Catholic Provin t•sal C.illeges for kelt]. A feeling of univer s. rrva .and disappeintment bad been caused ; r it. The raMie Bishil; of Ireland had address.s. (.1 the I..ird Lientevnt on the certain recur roce of the famine wi(h the approaching winter. Ih. pronlisA that g , :vernnient would interfere ;,, r t h e prw;ervati.n imman . of '4wit4erland are fast approach, iuz a crisis. The h?l,figere'ht forces are in view of Isar)/ other, and hotilities appear to 'be inev itai,le. A 'reconciliation 1,39 taken place between 7'l Queen : of Spain: and her husband. The linister of Fin4nce, Senor Salamanca, is :tar?,ed with a fra.nfulent issue of bonds, to extent of 160.90,400 reals. The affairs of I.ta , V are not yet. satisfactori- J. - adjusted. The Kiiiperor of Austria, contin ::, obstinate, but (Iles not seem dispo - sed to , :dze any aggre'ssive reps. it is reported th.l4.the French government ra during the nex4 session, bring in a bill cci repeal the law whirl - exe.ludes the Buonaparte Lati2ily from thaeco+try. Trial _oftol. Fremont. The trial of Col kernont; like the present rentary, is - "progreisive.." It daily fills up some twe) or three . e.alumns in the Washington papers, which of eonise everybody reads—whorl takes an interest in the subject. If Col. Fre , meet is convicted, 4 will be liable to be shot, I ve believe, according to military law ; but his j life is in about as mlch danger from the Court j Martial as our OM). !; The fact is, that in these! pr.n..rres!-Ive days, ''44 have altered all that"— aid perhaps wisely? We cloak radjether if Gra. Scott was to auftompt "to set up for 'him self in Mesico," as he 'has been very comically ecteommended to flit (as our readers - will see ,in 2 7 /other place,) whether the idea of punish in: him fur it, exce p t by degrading him from :be command, woul ever:enter anybody's head -unless, indeed, f., 1 eqnsequences w c;- ere a vtiliv to result fro* such a coarse of conduct, and then there is ilo knowing what might be dune. ln the samei',way if the American arms had been ingloriouqy repulsed in Califottad, mving'to CoL Frencsnt's refusal to recognize ';en Kearney as lii:i superior, some one would have to pay for iti pretty seriously-rlnit, as it is, no one will sullbr materially, save in. pub lic estimation. Evty body goes for "the lar gest liberty" now- ~-dayi—and the stern laws of war are in necesiary antagonism to the re publican habits ail manners, of oar people. We all feel and Ir4ow this, and therefore all nuns that even ifTol. Fremont should be f quid guilty of muty, ttsobediance of orders, &e , and sentenced be shot, it would never do t'• ,parry the sentence into execution.--... Satu rday Post. . SYZAMBOAT ItptLT IN THE WOODS: -A steamboat of 300 fons has just been bat on the 'Kentucky rive4in the mountains; fifteen .miles deeper in th Interior than a boat was ever before eonstrulted. She hal:been built, out and out, from be forest tr9e 044 *did tea finish, by four ;nen only. THE Fs Es es S*.uisuirs...—The lest Frisch steamship earriedi+tit the enonnollsl3lllolM 4 foer passengers, if his speaks trolunies as .to thepoor manatinmfit of:the line—the vessels of which generally pin ont of eoal before they get to the end of heir voyage. A royal 'decree as beenpromul ga ted ' Pro daimin f the abolitton ,of sled erfin the Danis h colonies. All slates under sixteen years of age areliy this degree declared absolutely free from the 18th eurr - Ot, (Sept.) and those above that age to 'be helrl the condition of appren tices for four yearifrom that.date• A youncwomaul lAissAixii Moore, is exci ting some ettentiott so NewYork' kriaitating the lion -tamer ialtaymond it- liVaturg's mess. f°r6-4 fatering Jai aliened plxyittg , with the 4th. aesolved„ks the farther opinion of the meeting, that it is the duty of Congress fo declare; by sime,anthentic act, for what pur pose and'objlet the 'existing war ought to be further'prosecuted; that it is the duty of the Preside 4,• inl his official capacity, to conform to such a 4Cclaration of Congress; and if. after such declaration, the President should decline jor reftise to endeavor by all the means, civil. l diplomatic and military, in. his power to exe lcute the announced will of Congress;- and, in defiance of its authority, .Should continue to iprosecnte the war for purposes and objects oth ler than those declared by that body, it would become the right and• duty. of Congress to a !dopt the most efficacious-measure to arrest the farther progress of the war, taking care to j make ample provisions for the honor, the safe ty and secnnq of our armies in Mexico, in ev- I ery contingency ; and if MCNico should decline lor refuse to conclude a treaty with us, stipula ting, for the purposes and objects so declared by Congress, it mould be the duty of the govt I erment to prosecute the war with the utmost vigilance until they were attained by a treaty ‘, of peace. ~ - 1 sth. Rlsclved, That we view with serious l alatm,.and art - utterly opposed to any purpose 1110 the atinexation of Mexico to the United I States in any mode, and especially by don- , .lquftt ; that we believe the two nations could i l not be happily governed by one common au , ~ thority, owing to the great difference of race, j laws, language, and religion, and the vast ex- 1 I tent of their respective tetritories, and the large amount of their respective populations; that such a union. against the consent of the J exasperated Mexican people, could only be ef- I j feeted and preserved by large standing armies, land the constant application of military force; in other words, by despotic sway, exercised o- j ver thel Mexican people, in the first' instance, !but which there Ivould. be just cause to appre- ; bend might, in process of time, he...extended o- i'verthe people of the -United States; that we ` depre c ate, therefore, such a union, as wholly 1 tti' v eoto atible with the geniui of gOvernment, land with the diameter of our free and liberal institutions. ' and.we anxiously hope that each I nation maybe left in the ' undisturbed posses-' sion ofits own aws, language, cherished relig- ion, and territory, to pursue its own happiness ^aceonclin j t , to What it may deem best for itself. 66:' ResolVed, That, considering the series of spleb?ild and brilliant Victories achieved by Li* i our . armes and their gallant , cowman I , ders, during the war with Mexico, unattended I- by a singe reverse , ` the United States, without] ) any danger of their honoi, suffering the slight-1 at tarnish, * iiactise the virtueaof modes itionmad tiagnanunity towards their ',discomfit ed foe . ; we have no desire for- the dismember- , mentOf tbeitertblieof Mexico, but wish only j , • a just proper fixat ion lof the limits 'of Tex • ' 7th; Resolved, That ie do positively and! ' eMpbatO inally ds elairalan disavow any.!wish or Alegre, on our pert; to acciniri,..uoy foreign ter ritorylwhatever, for the p se-of propagating , slavery ; ;ore( introducing slavery from-ithe U nited Stites into any site toreiviterri s tOry. ' 7 .rpo • IStli:- Itcsalred, That ", i `e ,invite our fellow . citizenslofAbe.,treited Statea,,whis. are anxious for the restoration of the blessings of p'mice, , or if the Saisting7ar shall continue to ; '6 prose cutedr oi ilesironi that ita - parpoSe and obiect, shall be .11Mined'and known ; who arc giOons to avert ireeent, and further perils . and lan gem with wki4kitr,:tiMy kfra - nght, and who Are aliniiikalpiM tO, pirdue:e contentment and aatiafactb:in at kome,_and in elevate theiatiOns atClistaCter i c a,!wPiA, * . lMimmble together in their respective ...iniavities; and-to expire* their ` respective watt - "brims on the sub s L I A - MFFROm -- : , MEX1C . 0 77 . ESCIVe ofltS'anta Anna—Death of several Pennsylijania Officers—Battle of Huaman gla--tho loss of the Pennsylvanians en kaged in it. PETERSBURG, Nov. 18, 1847; New-Orfeang papers of the 11th furnish ad ditional itejns of pews brought from Vera Cruz by ;the iiteimer James L. Day. Pie CoMMercial Times' correspondent say that just a 3 the Day :ells getting under weigh, news readied Vera Cruz from Tampico, an nottocitig the astounding fact of the embarka- , tioU of Santa Anna at Tampico in a British, steamer. - 41 e has escaped out of Mexico, Col, With, ascertaining that Banta Anna I ns in th4eighborhood, had taken every. pre-, 1 cautioU te - Oevent his escape, but, as the result preve4 hews unsuccessful. , . 1 This nets was discredited at. Vera Cruz but generally Oelieved aTampico. . • I A long itnd graph e account of the battle of Ilimmantla, from th Pueltla Flag of, 'Free -1 dont, is published. Capt. Walker's whole force did not esieed 195 men. Those killed, beside Walker, %fere Corp. Alocykea, Privates Huge non arid forbox. Wounded i Corp. Glanding, (sin 6 dea s ll,) and Private Weahen severely ; Raborg lOst a leg; Welch, Wayne, McGill, Scott and, Myers slightly. Missing: Serg. Gosling; Privates Deuient, Darlington, Collins, MeClearyknd Richards. Of company C, rifles, Capt. Leiyis and Private Murray were wound ed. Of Oapt. Logall's cbmpanv, killed : Pri-. t rate Richardson ; slightly wounded : Privates, Fornly an! Milton. Gen. Marshall had issued orders. in conse quence oflthe.fever that all troops arriving at Vera Crui should proceed immediately to the interior. ;: • . Col. qnkoop was to return to the Castle of Perote ! ,ivith four companies of his regiment. At theibattle of Iltamantla an interesting struggle &pored between the Indiana Volun teers araLa detachment of the Ist Pennsylva-i nia. Regiment, as to who should first reach I town an&plant the American Flag on the walls. Lieut. BOny and Private Stebbes of Pennsyl vania we successful. The retrains of Capt. Walker were at the Castle otT.erotb, and would be forwarded to the United States. • : Feeling in Mexico. the following from the Union of Wednescbt' y, as even speculations about peace, in the Aimee of positive negotiations, may not be nnintdresting : Extract Lf tletter from an intelligent French gentleman, for many years a resident of the itaxican Republic dated Vera Cruz, Octokr 30; 1547 •• While General Scott prosecuted the war with moderation and policy, it is certain he had the sympathies of the people of the villa ges.and tpwns where he passed; but the prin cipal peiionages of those retired to other pla ces, dnt from the scene of war, where, they formed-nos,' in which they continued the War, err, rrsuaded that in this way they could nentra)ie the sympathies thus expressed in fa vor of th American army ; because.they pub lished false and exaggerated bulletins, in which appeared excesses and horrors which they wished the. American army should commit. " I3ut4he stroke Which has just been made by a dirfaion of the. Americans, composed of LIAO min, on "A disco," (a town 10 leagues, from Piiebla,) where the Legislature of the State ha met, and where those who advocated the war had assembled, .has caused the great est ina4ession. The consternation caused. thereby has seized the principal families, who now kno)v that war can no longfr be preached without `'causing the greatest danger; they see that thelnvading army is every day increasing,, and they consider themselves unsafe every where. The,magnates of Mexico—those who sub sisted upon the Government at the Capital— ,can no linger live separated from the theatre of their fortunes. But, for a few days, Quere i taro is se.enough, for appearances, to cover the shape of national dishonor ; but it has neither the elements nor amusements of Mexi co, .sq indispensable to a Mexican, and for which they would sacrifice everything ;- and this is the class of men who have the most in finence,!and will in the end control the wishes of the cpubting. s x x * " Mropinion is. from my own observation in the interior, that the United States can at this time (Again whateier they, may wish, because all—although not publicly manifested—are in favor of' ; 'peace. But one who knows the Mex icanchiracter, will not be surprised that they vociferaie war, notwithstanding they think dif ferently.'" The fame letter states that " there are sev-1 eral pities in Mexico, composed of the weal-, thy and influential; the peace party wishes our protection for some time; the annexation party desire to merge their nationality in that of the' United States; and another favors a military , occupation of'the country until they are prepared to take care of their .own inter ests." ;adful Steamboat Accident ! Buistiog of a Boiler—Collision of two Boats -Forty lives Last_ A leiter published in the Courier, states that the steamboat Carolinian, from Pittsburg Ibound p 3 Pearl river, burst her boilers on Fil -1 day last when , near Shawneetown. Mr.. Pea ' Bock, Of Pittsburg, who was a passenger on board, was instantly killed, and four of the {leek hinds were badly scalded, one of whom died sUbsequently. The boilers are said to 'have been defective. It alto falls to my task . to narrate a still More dreadful accident than the above. Early, Ap Thiirsday morning last. the, steamboat Tem pest; hound down the river, and the Talisman, from Cincinnati for St. Louis, came in Colli sion aliout ten miles below Cape Girardeau, on the Upper Mississippi, by which the 'Talisman was,ao Much injured, that she sunk immediate ly itk diep water. The total number of pitmen gers tllat.were carried down with the sinking boati4 estimated- at forty, but some say the jos is istill greater. Thelsdies and other pas- Sengerl rescued lost everything, esapin; in their night clothes o and in that condition ta)ten to Cape Girardeau on board the I Tangiest. • A 1 41.01101 A Voctko.—;The Mountain Ea gie ;states that great excitement and alarm pre; vai atlpresent among the inhabitints of Walk anti Dade counties, Ga., produced by Imrnitig voleano.'which is said to hitvi but 41dfrom the high peaks of the LOoliont Main ,ll*, * * l4e 4 ' called t he owe," On .the 1196 Some of thp inhabitanta, .reisorwarom,the odabixocea. • Loulevu.LE, Nov. 25 EMI WM Taylor. Thelini6dissfetFederil li44o.43asnertd Taylor do not affect the new, notions of the Lexington oracle, :no inure the idol of all his former adherents.' We see itat such papers as the New York courier, the Ncw:York Mir ror, .1)0 Washington Nation 4 - W4ige; all de nounco it. They i understand: its 'igen object instinctively, and they axle nee inclined to sub mit without first expreasing heairty dissent. Pretty, soon we shall have old &ARTY himself; and shall then see bow :ready hel . will be to "get out of the way for old Kentucki."—Penn syhanials. Not long since , a Catholic - cl4rgyman, in Massachusetts', refused to dpdiedte a church because it had- not been paid fpr. told the congregation plumply that he would not be their agent in giving to heaven what did not belong to them. This excellent ixamp e has not been lost on other congregations. STEERAGE PASSENGERS TO TS $R The congregation who worship in one of the most gorgeous. churches in New York, are about to construct a separate . tind- cheaper place of worship for the poor. This, says the New World, is making• steerage passengers of the poor on the voyage to eteoity, Prince acronie Bonaparte, afto an exilO o f thirty two. years, has receivedperniission of the government to reside in Prance. he has been introduced to .Zonis PhiHipps, 'and dined with him. A pleasant mecti6g. abbritisrmcnts. THE GREAT REMY 1 9 H F E FORESTS, VELOSZ t"Cite , 4oZ sl s vv. u tAB-LF, PHYSANTHROPIC PILLS. HE Proprietors tiike th» s . method of ma king known to the world tlie•most valitsble arid im. portant discovery ever recorded in the tustoryt3f med. mine. In testing by. chemical experiment,: the medicinal properties of a rare plant, which grew* along the hanks of the iVspalpinicon:River. in lowa, they dui covered that it poasevacd a healing and restoring pow. er, which, in their Opinion, in cornbinition with other remedies, the result of their medical reeearclies, would render it GRAND CATHOLICON for a suffering world. The remedial Powers or this plant were tested with the least passible delay, and in hundreds of -instan.es, they proved fully adequate to the complete and perfect removal of disease in any and every form. and it is confidently believed that the remedy is destined to produce an entire revolution in the triedeeal world. FscLs in their prissessitur fully warrant them in making' the antuunding announce. mum, that it immeasurably surpasses iu tas power to uproot and expel disease, every other medicine mile known. ... This Great Rermidy • has been administered in order to test Os power to vast numbers of patients, in themost hopeless casts, such as bad baffled the skill °t i the most eminent physicians. and bad proved too obstinate to be removed by any of the numerous remedies orthe day, and to the perfect astonishment of alt, it effected complete add perms. neat cures; thus brilliantly triumphing, not only over the greatest remedies known to the medical profession. but over all the Pills, Syrups and Panaceas, whose virtues are so loudly trumpeted throughout the length and breadth of the land. e ; AS A GENERAL FAMILY MEDICINE, the proprietors challenge the world to produce its eysal It acts in perfect. harmony Mitt) .the laws of nature. and completely purifies the flood, a vitiated state of which is the cause of all disease. It , basbeen administered in Asthma, Apoplexy, Barbera' Itch, Canker, Catarrh. Cholera Mathias , Colic. Colds, Cough. Consumption, Croup. Cramps and Cancel. 5101/1., Cancerous Sorts and Ulcers, Dropsy, Dyspep sia. Dysentery, Epilipsy. Erysipelas—Enlargement of the Spleen, Fever and Ague. Female Complaints, Fe. rers of all kinds, Gravel. Gout, Hysterics, Inflame.' Lien of the Liver, Lunge, Kidneys and Bladder. Indi. gration, Jaundiee, , Leprosy; Liver Complattit, Neural. gie, Palpitation of the Heart Piles, Scrofula. Spinal Complaint. Selt.Rlieum, Scald Head', Syphilis, Sup oressioa of the Menses, Tic Doulourtue. &e, The proprietors have - yet to learn that it has .failed fn a sines Malone, of effecting a cure. As a Frey - stall* of disease, it is entitled to the fullest Confidence of the community. • An immense amount of suffering, time g and money bas been,pased by a timety use'of it. It has already crossed the Atlantic. arid measures are now in Pr OVITION to extend, the :blesitin;a of this GREAT REMEDY throughout the; world. The, proprietors invite the sick to try a isingie boa. and they feel assured that they will be perfectly wit. fird wsth the ,entire truthfulness, of their tepresenta. (inns. PRINCIPAL Office, S 5 B4wery, N. Y. Sold also by C. BALDWIN, Aprn4 Montraioms Price 25 Cents a 4ox. STRAY STEER.. s ,-iamp into the enclosure of , 61 , tr0i , ,k t y 'AN., the 'vebseribcr in October, s t a red and white STEER-- No ' artificial mark ;noticed. The owiier reitifi e ested to prove property, pay char.., gee, and take him away. 1117 pH MEAn 'Lenox, Nov. 150847. C ikslll paid for all kinas of Shipping Fars— also for Sheep Pelis,4 by M. C. TYLER. Nov. 11, 1847. . MORSE'S SCHOOL GEOGRAPHY for 111 sale by MILLS Nov, 10th. • WANTeD. N exchange for .Goods,: forl- which we will pay the highest market- price -A ! . ! Wheat; • Oats„Rye, 00114 J • Buckwheat, Fiazdeed,•Beano,. Butter, Lard, Flannel,i Socks, Febtherei, Beeewax, Tallow, Wool, Dried Apples, 4:c. 4.c ' Nev. 9, 1847. • BENTLEY dc BEAD. AGAIN 411 TO. ) ME L D • 1 ' or - no I wit A.Bii&r. COMP EtIVION . i . . • 1 ~ ...,.........4 I _ . I I ! , , - _, R. J. 88, ILICOULD inform his Ir . uds.and foymer etts• V V wine* and tbn , p Witi; generalty, that he is agaitrott.hatt, at b s old stand, in full blast—having 'just returilW-I f itorn new York with an entire r-riew Stock' of 'Goods/ suited to this timbal, isbieb.blt tlitlolligillod of forisale.,cheap,for Marty, • , • inlfor Cal Ilavin4inatlif hie parch r i ll be will ' ' . '' t il t be able Id sell - at Judi ra _AI cam*); I ,a . t o Pim*. Those. Who, %jab, it sti;ve 25 lie ,cia will. please call as* fora nti.!i q . 4 , Montrose, October .;8,. /80: 1 • ri,Ar4.,167 largest arid tiest 1 . stodes ever lower prices tbari can Aire,/ . /; - Flattnel,,Sorks, Butter, Cheese. Lard, - Groin of all kinds, Beeswax, Tutlinv, ulso Cush, and a settletnent with all' whose accounts have ittood over 3-)ears, and same ethers. ; , 'f • Nov. 4th, 1847. M.- C. TYL4R. AVENUE, ON TURNPIKE. STREET, IS IL So WHAM'S - STOREI • WHSRE can be fnit t id the most e xteOsive .asiortment tit* GOODS in Town t -and not only found but purchased as low and any articles lower than-eliewhete--he bas,j us t re plenished and added •lar g ely to hist ermer stock. Dry Goods as in variety, andin addition. Carpets...Ru g a, Window•Sbadei, Pa per ibtn g ino, etc,. HARDWARE...a more extensive wort- Merit than over--Dinlable Criatings for Wagon makers. Harness, ,Saddle Trunk and Caqiage Trimmings. Shoe Kit I:nB4'lM:lingo. NOV. 1, 1847. NOW opening. at H. I &writes; a large and splendidoassintmera of dark. and fancy colored Muffs, of almost every bad price from 61.25 to $7,00. Also !some - beautip ful BOAS, which will be sold at -pricelt that cannot be beat. I,itilies;intdrested, will please call. N ,, OTICE is hereto) , given , tha t anbrdirr of the Orphan!s-Coutt of the Cotdity of .Sysqueheona. will be exposed to sale b pub- Itc,vendue or out-cry, at the house . late pfJes. Shearman, deceased. in the township of Dini oak, on Thursday the tlid day 'cif December inext, at one' o'clock in +the aftetn.oon of that I day. all those two certain lots. nieces ot par -1 eels of 'land. situate; lying and being ;in the I township of Dimock aforesaid, late the ;estate ) of James Shearman, late of the sitid township. deceased, and severkly hounded end desOribed iea follows, to wit t—the, first piece nr parcel thereof, being the fu. nil fortnerly mined and occupied by Allen- . Upton: ' Bounded ISti the North, by land of Richard Garretsinr--kin the 1 East, by lends of Gurdon D. Hampstedi f . and :El alba Tiffany—On the l South,. by feeds 'of Charles Greenwoodoind George Gates.and.oa he. West, by lands of, lacoth, S. Milli. bpd' Dudley, B. SinithL—containing Otte bontiiiiitand sixty-tour acyes,;with' about - one ittindro end , twenty-fivestreaimprOVed, - and-havinelthere..; on, one d well ing I house,l two barns, twit etch ' ards. and a. ciderf mill. I. . , -• ' I • ALSO.—At the same ;;place , and time, the other• piece, or pityce . ,l '4 land ' heing thh farm known As t h e Henry Barkley farm-: said farm i being bounded . oethelitth, by land! orAiity - Bolles;and Francis Tin feyi-on' theElist, by landed Jarrett He, note r : b Oa the Sauth, . lands of E. T. Wilber i and tin . ,the West, by. lands of E. TAlViltiet,l and Jlihn Woodhouse; eon tAiningi 147 scree; or thereabouts, - : Witbnibout l 110 ems Improved, and .bay . ing 'therein) two dwelling twine', Ilio beini,. , :tbrett orbbords t aoir - iiketeatioirteetiO*.*: ~'.