Northern democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1844-1848, November 18, 1847, Image 4

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    11 /".
~..0 , s suld-ltiedlet#o.'?
A # ! , ) .`4 , ouri i , coming_, down:osi Sound
i i i " ;() il sbott, tbne_ftgo,*as dreadfully
. . 7
- eirg , ' Mandy —anatszteli:vl44o
01)40771#0,;VazaeiliitHbay,iag, _no ,bax: 1 41?641.
r pernt.irig against it, .he was deter
-110 k4 .a #: a:ny ' tiiiiig could be made out of
e tat:marl* : • -
"Stewstlirmsdr—any - bratuly on board?"
-01 di*, Ilial#til326 pressing in his stomach with
111)iffiee;. ind:seretring his faCe into all
conlortions, as though he was 'entering
-Wish a weiete choke.
is that on' what'sihe
Mattlermrstiiiit's t h e matter r' •
" 1° fet4 , terylad; steward; stomach dread . -
** out ofgentlemen in the same
bt6y—g4i*nrwtiti,g some peaches. Alittle
brandy I've no deals would relieve us.
LOT Vrcla me, I'll bb bac'k in half a secOnd.','
.4s.!They,,d,RS, and then . soked what they hid
to pay.
"Eighteeh pence a .glats; gemmen."
steward, you are high in your chat
to- (4.7 r
No, Itqu'or is sixpence, and
thawa s:higling . fri; physician's fees." —lGcr
nuf*".ollleoaPh- 1 '
CooL—i,itti'.:--The Boston Bee is re4Tion
ei):4.for,thi, following—as rich an instati i ce of
tvetdancyaime have met with lately. Algen-
Akiniatik from the country, says that paper', now
,Auppu 4 r,, *one of our hotels, entered into con
versation ‘Vilh one of the boarders, asking
ciA t es\iiiti . aVciut the t'air,at Quincy Ball; fee.,
- after - some fewminuteaconversation, the board.
er drew out:his aegar case . and asked the cdunr
"Will yob take a segar, sir?"
vtlY-a-alt f dent mind if I dew," was the
z reply. - •
segar was passeelo him, and also one
which the hoarder.' was smoking, for the pur
of. Ogi irig. hint a • light.' He carefully
sjWsed .theie,gat first handed to him in his
lookit toolehis knife and cut of that end off
tha,light4d,.,tme - .which had been in the month.
-4-his generAns friend, and commenced smoking
the rcmaindir reinarking 7
';` l -"ltitrn'tiiften that a man from the country
4. •
Jung a fodl qP so clever a feller, in the city as
t '
- - ..t. -
The reit Boots- or liow a Young
111*u *eta into a Ball RoOm.
About fivi r / yeara ago I happened et a wed
ding in one'.'of 'the back woods counties of
lA*OO., at the house of Major S. Being the
- , 'healthiest m e an in thOse parts he was. desirous
tiring a treat flare up, and for this purpose
lad invited a large number of guests to wit
- ness the rtupitals of the eldest of three blooming
773". 'lipped;' strong 'baled; dein footed
—t::*. 'it t i, i , moogthe invited guesii'- b
„es strz.P4a
representative of the county
at the "University," whom, I bad known as the
iitittlotlik:eaks While there, yut Who vas des
--tihierterat4fionspicuous part-owelrprescotz
morablo Oisckifba.- ' - itb.l iria4 an ‘origihal—sui
`.. ' 'ens. Has peculiarly attached : to 'his,
-'' pad;:! . 'bi.XlESrd's unique. in shape, and: clothed/
With &AS Which resembled less 'Hyperion's.
itll4e„ setting:sun in view. He was six feet:
-ard e In lifs skiekbags, with legs meeting a long
, IRV up, smut more resembling a pair;of com- - ,,
;paean, thanXnytbing I can at present imagine.
!Added -to this, he wag twenty years of age, and!
'''Tielting* with verdandy and bashfulness, and
4 .10ii-litre IdS dagnmotype. The ceremony,
' h i iil been peitonned, the hour was waxlng,late,d
mid . air seemed to be enjoying the flow of soul..
. -,,Unurl exhauk •
ted the fun from various[ grohips,:
-Fand was limi t ing about for a subject orniterest,:
I per4ived Bill, sitting like Napolesn,'
itaititif and '-','..alone I shall never tbrget. Ap
prnstelling*, I kindly inquired the ',anti* of
Idi - distreki,lnd proffered my assistance.
' "Give me ..your arm," said he, I am` deathly
sick : lett mifind a:o°m and go to bed."
He irispdltiiy arm convulsively and limp
•eiPliqfig, wokwent into a private room
Major; .-wliich,
Majop. had assigned me as my quarters fori
the night. 4 soon discovered - the cause of;
Tar! Masai; which was a pair of srp4l boots!
'-nlns large Beet, worn with a view of .ttrtailing;
ri fair. proportions of those meinbehs. 'He'
endeavored ill vain to release his feet, and as it
;Alfas impossible to get the assistance Of a ser-
tant, I volunteered to tug at them myself,.
q -apbesbe had vmpletely exhausted his strength. I
ull‘te,'simeeedea at length in puffing off one—buti
as ttifi 9l,her_resisted our efforts. Billwis in ag- 4
-=his 'fool was badly swollen and yet he 1
would not cal: the boot. At last he arose, his ; i
..t eosin. a , . ..4e plirenty rolling" and drippingj
100 'per ispnisition, and iprimonneing anathemas,
nbt lend, imi..deep, upon all "gatherings" in,
o. giannil,.ank; country weddings in particular;
he divested Ilimself of -every garment—,andi
atfatel4"..'nnatioumbered, save with that one
- tble_ltootii The merriment in the adjoinin g .
rm - li4r ionfrastatatiatigely with the nrignisE
4iY sine, ;The guests had tow a ll gone into the
. o , l a _which was separated from the room
asing:A me ),:iy a thin wall. - I could hear er-i
a , g• nit* of "preparation Made', by ilin fiddler, ; )
i , .' irriii 7 lieirer the' wall, I 'discovered ail
• .F,nrbinb t ,Aiiii nett into.the room Where tbeyi
t silte. about Oinmeneing the daneel By ' i is
1 0
ilniellill haxEreooveretl his strength;;and co -
meneed the trig with his boot. In vain.he s
aiietiverjr', iiosition and attitude. At4engtki
, - Xa d. thiatiglit liX. might accomplish his obi : byj
e t,...
..,,,,,,,,,,,...,,, lawk., to the wall, his Tight ;foot.
.. one,*tfo-... fret and obtain my '
,= - Illillaeatl himself firmly against the
adtiiiiidl' r ight his leg and began to pull-;
frally t it slildiiii. ilid bidding bum make "a
I iiiiil, r j a - tlt ing a pull all together,n
I ' Pi. wly gave way, - 1411,4 *ith. it
the dAxor,,sed u : ' meat tumbling itvtrthel3all
riaisk - V,. .4, ,ith .V.. --- (.11-...
.sllteiNsesesaisis,.froas the frmales,, and stieh"
eandsesatkiatainoitgatitie Vett= J never
before seen., tln the - midst of my Jeirth up
-I.oariiiiiliiii4the vilitteetrillipMfnliook
.lail„Potais. : -. ll,tor..oo,.idriaaf,"l,*.#o at O ll H
s4WIRFP4O I .O* Siit.k4. l o flji,../ 44) 'd
biajtAg 1 hair iitieliming' in i i Win
4 106
li. eel /l k . ' fah 6 . ll orgia -o f stiaXe,,solrit, a
f.krsixakr 201 it pair Of lipiire: It - was ptior'
111 1 --- SPirie.ffilis Tim":
,1- ...1111,i1,ertiorments.
Goods -!
Irs 7 A NTED - 5000 Yds. Filim , i—sorks,
14 1 ,1' dr.r
THE subsciiber is now r e ceiving a gcneral Sep t. 15.
.assoifineat or *. 1.
which will be sold for cash, as chvirm as' can
be bought in Nortlierh Pennsylvania. Friends,
cusiomersione and all. pleast accept my
thanks for your very libero paironyge during
the.past.Year. nod Remember that any Olin
in my line will be furnished you on the_prin
oink? of "tLive and let live." .Ready pay and
small profits is our motto. •
• All kinds of produce received in payment.
. Brooklyn, Oct .19th, 1847.
1/ 1 (7.4 Beesiinx, Flniseedi
V V Dried Apples, Pure and Poultry by.
E. T.
111% RCiADCLO T RS, Cassimeres, Satinetts,
JuP pas, Jeans. Beatings and Winter
thbods oiv selling by 'E. T.
B LACK. Striped, Plaid and various colored
'Oaks, Colored Celestine's, Cashmeres
'„Tenny'Lirai, Qregon Plaid and Earlesion Ging
hamis at TIFFANY'S.
InbRINTS—a large variety now sPlli n g a t
lILE leather and Morcwrn skina going
cheap at TIFFANY'S.
' and shoes a large agcnrtment nt
NAILS, Iron ant steel at
F RESH Teas selling very rhenp at
H.A•rs, Caps null Muffs for sale by
PAINTS, OILS,! Drugs and • 114pdietrip4 by
HMV 002 D a)
ARE now reoeiving a very large and desi
rabic stock! of
which haie been bought for CAsH, and will be
sold at a very small advance front costs. We
still adhere to oUr old ii•otto,
by any establishment this side of the Dela
ware.,, and invite our customers 'and the public
generally, to give its a call and test the truth
of our assertions.
Montrose, Oct. 10. 1857.
13ROADCLOTIf S, plain and fnncy -I!:.erL
JLI eeymeres and &then& (a very large
assortment) Kentitek Jeans, Tweeds, Flannels,
Vestin - gs, Linsey, Woolsey's, Sheeting•, Cciuun
Yarn, Balting.dr4: its chem.) as the chenpeiii.
RENCH Merinoes, Alpaccas , plain land Fl: fancy. Icashnieres, lariat:Lain Do Lair's,
Ginghams, Oregon: Plaid, Calicoes,. &c. • for
sale right by BENTLEY & READ.
ARDWARE.; a Brood assortment, inO
Hding Coilink ; ;Ceiebrated Axes, for sale by
lr RON and Steel, of almost every size and
quality OW brouffht to thig market.
SOLE,' and Upper Leather—also—Calf pnd
Morocco 'Skins. Bonis, coarse and 'fine,
Bro , r ' ..nno; Ladies and ,chilerens shoes: and tin
4sa Rubbers, a rim-rate assortment -soling,
rtght hsfi •_ Yez REAL!
.A FULL stock of Groceries, Crock4rY.
Stone acid Tin-wars, Paints. Oils find
bye stuff,, medicines. Brooms. NIP. dm 'by
11[11110NNETS, Satins and Velvets, Ribbons
1.3 Tabbs, Laces. Eigines. Jacnnetts, Itfus
&c. by BENTLEY 4 READ.
.21. POST .11'
A RE now receiving from New 'York, the
.4131:1011. T.43INT 0 .7- C. 0 0 D - 13
in; their line ever brought into - Northern Penn
syitinia Which they offer to the Public at yirices
!from, 25; to 5 °per cent. low'er than, they
bave - ever been ,sold in this conntry—Consis ,
ing of , over
84114 ritTla 2ititaate
Ancl etery fashion, of , Fine Nutria. /Otter
Mu)'skin; Brush, Cassimere, Angola, Mush
rat p igl piney ; of all colkirsi qualities and pri ,
ces; r (ITS'S cis to $5,01X . • •
5 1 Common Wixil, Glazed, Rough &
0 Beady, Ashland . and 'Sporting Biers.
t l
. I i 15 - 0 .110 ZE N •, .
MEN'S - sori:a CHILDREN'S C:PS!!
ItA4 DWFERF.NT styles of Fur. Fur trim-
WlFlUrmed Plain and Fancy cloth, Mohair &
siitt plush—Velvet, Silk and. Cotton glazed
Ceps. ' ' 1
• 1
A RE Particularly invited to call and ekgm
, ..L:.
the gin:assortment of 1
LAlllto 9 , ANDMISSES , MUFF ,
I Embracing every'style and quality from aleom.
1 Joon CONEY tot he finest LYNX—and , Stior-,
ding".an 10pportunii of selecting from; the'
i f
VARlE7T.whicb las ever been °Sere&t
sate in thig region f country—and at a lower
price thaOhe sameiquality can be bong t for,
elseirhereq - • - I . ,
• AdiderAtade Clothtng!, , ,
A • LAR.G and' general ass‘rtment of. oats
bill.Overcnats—Vesteand pantaloons o f ,' di f_
ferent patterns and s qualitiesjat aaleot almost
the price of i the.clotp., l 1 , ~
, ''! - C.V:117, 01M,Bailiili I--
10Ilf suPeriot • ilia IL , ' Bak/6 Robes—ch aper
than the gbgamst. kl - Q , ilaa :.*; •
_ f .i 1 '
' c Oake Wei* more as ,tailee 1
1 Tinting byntghtlage4 . 9f.gvery, artiellt n our
line, we bOu litliki, 41. Si We are will in 0 take
. wilt- . • 1 iteiteAkrikAgtwiti)ned n9t to
be 1 but ' , will-sell every article as
'44eisji and . Abinkekgapartban .• at littyT Aber
eitablisbiseet.. , ,f,Tboircell-is nit's doe:tie:Kith of
die e'Farmdell!torei.soii.lotit Git youi.vebteq.,,'
~CMI2OI .4114411.01J101tirudo_ce taken in trade
—and CA M paid for Sheep pelts and Fora. •
.Montrose, Oct. 20th 1047.
• NrAw Goops.
vow qpening and wilt he sold .ehesp
IA tot of the Pekin Tea - Company's Teas, a l
so, nther a cheaper rate. Just o
pened and for sale by J. L,
c 1 000 writing paper at 12i ctn. and letter
NIX paper at 10 cts. per quire. Fp:. ,sale by
J. Lyons.
ASPLENDID lot of New and Chenp Goods
M. - just opeped and selling rapidly at the
store of J. Lyons.
SUGAR, Coffee, Raisins, Indigo, Muni,
Copperas, Vitrol, Dye.woods, &c. cheup at
the store of J. L.
WOULD inform his triuuds and former cus
turners, and the public geneially, thpt
he is again on hand, at his old stand, in full
blast—tlaving just returned from New Yurk
With an entire new stock of Goods suited to
this market. which he is nowimenine, and of
tering for sale, cheap for ready pay.
Baying made his purchases for Cash, he will
4:te able to sell at such rates na cannot fail to
Otease. Those who wish to save 25 per cent,
, please calf and examine.
Montrose, October 6,1847.
171 Y the latest advice% the chnlory was ra
t ging in.the North, and the Lockjaw in
the North-east, carrying consternation ; many
there throwing away their coats, vests, &c., ex•
Citing the (mutest anguish, in.the - minds of the
benevolent ; equalled only by the late famine
iit,lrelatid. Now, 1 do-not say, that all disea
ties can be cured by me, but MY RULE inva,-
riably throws the patient iino•fits, which is
probably the best remedy known for chronic
Complaints. And as I have had great prac
tice, tl is easy for me to tell the particular
Malady, by looking at the outer garment.
Montrose. 1847.
N. B. Office two doors below the Farmers'
Store. 38 3m
'TAKEN - 1
zuviam Irauna:l3(DlT,,
AVING just received the New York a nd
Philadelphia reports rd Fashions t'r the
: all and Winter of 1817. &8, beg leave to. in
tbrin th, cittzens of Sip:go-halm i. that they
nrei prepared to do work entrusted to them, in
such a manner us will please the most fasfid,
t --Cutting done to order, and warranted to fit
rand please. if put together 0. K.
Er Strop opposite Mack & Roger's wagon
atismi. at the old stand of R. B. Locke's.
Montrose, Sept. 29,1847.
-( v
\ aws L
' .
1 "44V 4,4:4 OW
, .
p •
fir HE subscriber having been appointed
Agent of the Lycanung County Mutual
Insurance Company for Susquehanna county.
is prepared to receive appli:c itions for insu.
ritnce, against losa by fire. in ' Pccoidance with
the acts of incorporation and Bye-In ws of the
The great resources now possessed by this
¶mpany as being much the most extensive in
Northern Pennsylvania, offer very strong in.
ducements to all who wish to be secured a ,
g s inst loss by fire. to become o emheis.
ROBT, C. SIMPSON, Agent. •
Montrose, October Ist, 1847.
11S 1
. TOTICE is hereby given to all persons in
debted to the estate of EBENEZER
1% I LLARD, dec'd. late of Auburn_ township, to
Make immediate payment, and all persons
having any claims against said estate ore re
quested to present them to the subscriber for
Auburn, Oct. 7. 1847.
VOTICE is hereby given to all persons in
1j:;1 debted to the .e-tate of ELISHA HARD
HVG, jr. dec'd. late of the township ~f Hetrick,
tOnske immediate payment, and all persons
hitving any claims aganist said estate are re.
guested_ v present Ahem to the subscrib'•r for
!Herrick, Oct. 11, 1847.
; administrator's .i'otice.
NOTICE is hereby given to nil persons in
teresfed, that Lucy Hyde, 'Adminis:ra
tits of the late Jabez Hyde, dec'ti. baying re
signed, and surrendered her letters of atiminis
tOtion, i the undersigned has been duly appoint
ed Adm nistrator de bonis non of slid Estate-
All persons therefore, having unsettled beanies.
With said Elute will please call ,oti him ands
clime it without further delay, andthose who
lees indebted to said Estate will make immedi
'ate payment
'!Sept. 20, 1847
110'210 S 21
hereby given, that an application has
(been made to the Coon of 'Common Pleas
ofiSusquehanna County to grant a charter of
Intorporatiori to the Prehsyteriatt Congr. ga.
ii4fn of Silver Lake— , -,lccorduig Lathe Act at
Aiisembly of the 131) day; .11 0011 1 )er 1840.
C. J. BL4INDIXO,Proth'y.
prothys 01E4e,
Montr M ontrose , Oct. 18, 1847:
0 Administrators ;Notice.
VOTICE - is hereby given to. all persons in
debted to the estate.of EERA SCOTT,
.tree'd, late Of Lenox Township ) to make imme.
dietelstyptent, and all • persons having any
or...lima-against 'sail Estate are requested to
pr4erq them to the subscriber for settlement.
• JOSEPH S. SCOTT, Athn'r.
!.snox, Nev. 3, 1847: •
- E. TIFFANY, Pry-Giwds, Groceries, I#araware
fk.o—Brookiya, Busies, Co., Ps.
As a
in 'a l
buwet. , ,
fully depended upon, and a prompt. ule of them
an the first appearanee of lindispoSiticin will in
variably save much Sickness. They are peen-.
liarfy adapted to all Cases .of weaknesi and gen
eral debility-0y derangement of the systerat
and especially With temafes—and a steady, - bas
interrupted use lof them,f in strict conformity
i with the directions will very soon restore the
l organs of - the stomach to their natural tontrand
aciton, and regulate the bowels, and renovate,
the whole systein.
There is no dis; , osition to give extravagant
cotomendations of therii. IWhat is herd stated,
, is the result of tmultl exPerienee witt(' them,
tiled that through a periott of fifteen years. It
is not supposed, or pretended, that they will
raise the dead ; neither are they das , gned to tie
used as freely as we use our mot Such' is ran
the true purpose of medicine. Its only apprii
ipriate office is to assist nature in restoring the
Spnem to a proper tone and action, when una
boldubly, or through carelessness or excess, it
YeComes deranged. -.
Many are rareless, attd
hence-need this aid. And the most Careful are
liable to . irregularities of the system. It is
needless almost to say, Holt a prompt use 011
safe and effective remedies, on the first appear-I
' ance of illness, is the part of wisdom, (17 Such'
la Medicine the Proprietor knows these Pill;v to'
be.xn And he is cerium that in forty non; ca z
sea out of fifty, where a fair trial is made ac
' cording to the directions, they will he used a. i
I gain as a standard, medicine. Ile has newt!
ikniarn an instance, where they have been Out i
I Muni, in which they have not met with trItQUAL. 1
Numerous testimonials may be Seen at the,
IGerierar Office of sale, anti references will hey
IgiVen to substantial 'living wanmies of their',
valuable curative properties. : ~ , t,
The Pills are purely veg. table, are hf two
kinds, stimulant and purgative, purifying the '
f blood, and producing a healthy action through
, i the entire system ; are a valuable Anti BO Imusl
'Medicine, and emieenily useful in all lingering
i complaints—Weakness, General Debility. Dye-
pepsy,Pulmonary Affections, Liver Coniplaints,l
Rheumatic and Spasmodic Affections, Female
Complaints, Palpitations.l&c. 1
"No :Family,after a fair trial, wilibe without'
i , them. H
They um' put. up in- FIFTY CENT rind!
DOLLAR PACKAGES, each b lying a oamph-1
I let embracing a valuable Tientise on Disease, i
i with full directions for use; The Dollar pack- ,
, ages are thdeheapest to the purchaser. The Y-1
rroly be ordered through Druggist=; giving the;
'Street and No. of the Gelieral Depot.
I Soltil, Wh.oles:i le RAO Rvi a ii, at
No. 140 Filiton street; Second Flinn, N. Y.,
13et ween , Nassau-street and Broadway.
Iri 1 " AlLyoU valor *lra Ith—Try Them t „„Cli
I 0 " AR,rDIS : BENTLEY til READ, M./DI rnse, E.
TIFFANY Bitookl vit. H Glass. Orwell, Bradl
ford counivoinii R.. C. TRIVERTS. Rioßtla ffilt)D,
letters, sltovi that D. Jaync's Medicines are'
universally esteemed: . 1
Mez.srs. Dyer & Co., Middletown, .Conn., say_...,,
Will You ulea , ie to send , us 'some more or your Sana.
five Pills, as he are out, Please send ttiem as sUOIII
as you can. all they are in, 51eniand; •I
Dr. E. tit Witt, Elyria,liN,. F.:
vays_Your p ee— 1
l i p
torant stands high it the r. 'lllation or all who have'
used it. .10/We'd the same may he said ?of all your'
Medicines lertkvith me, so far as they hive come into
Dr. De Witt is a Physiciaripfhigh standing in Lo,
rain Co.
Smith T. Piice, !ttniristacim, Ohio, ! says--Yenr
Medicines aell!welr, aad are in high repute here. The
Sanative Plll,O are very highly esteemedi
Wm. 111.111ngten,
enri'verm ;inn is now .1•1 , -
lug very fast. The Pals are, pridei'pall sold. 1 want
a new supply of all your articles.
Win. Mclntrech, Beve4y, Ohio, Maretp, 4E45. says
—Your 'Aitia... 4 '.mes so far have proven excellent mine
dies for the diSi3Bt:P. they are recommendid for. The Pills and Verinifoge in partiviilar.
ilia Jlensh<tll. Eaton, Ohio. Dec. 2i, says
—Your Sanative 'P.IIO are an excellent Family
Medicine. The Carminative Balsam sells Well. The
Ague • Pillsa tbink a good article,
Trionipson IGraham, "Mercer. Pa., E says—Your
Medicines tre Ihighly valued here by ail who have
need them.
Dr. John G. Schmidt. Woddstock, says—You
willplekse senil me tome more of your Z'xpretoraid.
Your valuable.ll.4licines are i rellinfi wril. particular.
ly the Eapectpraiit arid' Sanct . . lye Pills.
• Prepared only by Dr, D. Jayne, PhilOelphia, and
poktOri agency by •N. & Co., 'Montrose.
ATIVE.—In the spring of 1831, 4 cancerous
rwuler appeared In the right breast of Mrs. Phcebe,
tar of Peter Stretch. at Salem, N. J. It was Casio.
IMO by many physicians, and wis considered by all
as Canueroos. end besides bore all the eharactertstie,
: marks of one:: All probable means - of ,removing it
were used witilout the slightest bene fi t.; It coot 11111.
ed to increase both in size end painfulaciss, until all
hope or saving her life, but by a painful ca)ieraton, was
I abatidoned,Which, after a ccinstiltationi of einievtit
' phyinctins, ;Willflperformed, Jan.. Ist. 1832, by Dr.
John Rhea Barton assisted by Dr. Heilman, Dr.
Jayne,' and two other inedical,gcntlemenf The whole
' and entire righ( breast was removed, and lafter esami
' nation of tire tumor, was pronounced by fa'l resent a
Cancer of Lire joust malignadj clic 'soles: In abort
three months. eller enduring ihereOitile slider:rigs, she .
: was enabled, thOugh broken in spirit, toiget about a
: gain.. She ireMained feeble. and her general health!
I was exceedingly bad, as Mdc;Cd it had beAtt for seer rel.
years before.. 'ln the spring nrlB3l, u;ewards of flee
years after her breast had been removed,la painful im
mot made its appearance on the right side, immedi.
atelif over the part formerly occupied by the nipple
of the right breast, previous tri its reitiiii.l. Toe tu
: anor :steadily increased for several months. and be.
I came so painful as to deprive her of rest. i Tire glands
lundet A the heti,: arm were enlarged ; slid Seirrhns,
and hard. arreglalar, and at tunes pattif;l tumor an.
: pearhd in the.lefl breast. : No Operation dould now 'as
rest the disease.' Her COO Wiio cormiderell hopeless,—
She !:vas of a very Scrofulous habit; both oaf her parent's
1 havnig died of Pulmonary Consumptidn. The ex
-1 periment was now Inade. with !his AUVRA7'IVE.
1 was at first gibed iii steal! doses, .three Runes a day.
i and ' the doses very gradually; 'but steadily increased
..daily as long goalie took it, Which wa4 about .
niontha, and the skin over anti argundifie tumor was
wet night and morning with testrong sollation of 10.
dine and Hydriodate Potash.,' Tip turriur increased
,in size for about six Wed{s. 20 seas ali times very -
: painful. when the pain 'suddenly ceaseo ohm:4l'er,
and !the tumor swelled' out at Anew base. And became
I softi and thee began to dlinimith, and continued grad.
uall ' decreasing until epery ' , enlarge of Oitivase 'was
removed. The.tutnor in her left breast, And ihoSe in
fthe right *Atha were also disugised. Ma Cancerous'
or Slc ruin haus tuanlars ever appeared aftelwards ; and
her t i cimial ii... 11. 1 4:,, Inch bait . bei n so bid fir four.
teen, yearsas to make lit a farlien. wits effectu ally,
, And 'permanent restored.. The, proprietor , is 'in pus
sessinn of the diecesed breast. and those' polio choose
may examine iti 'Ho would also say quit he cdald
inentiom over a dozen eases equally i interesting. •
wheeeirrhis ALTERA TIVEI dial subdped Cancer
and pancerous tuntora, solareit as immense numbers:
of Genres or Bronehocele. Pitmared, only by .Dr. D.l
JaPie. Phila.. and:sold .On agency by N. Mamma &i
Co. alluntrate, Pa.: ' , 1 : : .
'W•T . 11.0u.'
Came Into the enclostOe of the Isubsdriber
aboat the Bth inst. darkl?rown bomb haviog
ona !white hind ibot, about,' len or*vet) years
ilia owner ; 101E1[6810 to prove proper:'
ty, pay charges and take tifp away,
• .RElFingx. 'WELLS.
*dgetiater, Oct. 1001, 1847.
-.. saSTEltit Ilik 7,7--
ill R, 207 Main street, 134,110, N. Ti
. G. C. V Auum N'S ;VEGETA Bl'ig LITHO2.
" I CARE, I SioAl" I CONQUERED ;I' is moat emphati.
tally the case With this.. artiele.l Diartlise has ever
yielded to its most marvellous ; medi4al• power.—
Wherever it has gone, and ScittyhiAnietica, England,.
Canada, and the United States have pro'yed the truth
of this statement: the above quotation inia strong and
pithiyaentence, tells the 'whole story. . nvalids,s. the
principle upon which youl are cured maycMat be known
to you, but the result of a trial ufithe article. is satis
factory ; you ate
. restorecl, %lid the secret of the cure •
remains with the , proprietor, Tliel Mei/a:inn is a cont.!
pound of 22 distinct vegetable aeiteilik ; each indi
vidualroot has its own pi/tictilar, jeezcluipvo, medicin.
'al properly, conflicting with .no l otherioompound— 1
ach rout makes its own cure--and as at perfect corn.
bination, when taken into the system, it Oues the work
which NATURE. when her laws welru fire t established,,
intended -ti ahould do—putt/Let. strengifren a , an d re .,
stores the broken down, debilitated ennstitution.—
Lhtussir. in all its characters, will be coMpletely erad
icated frouillie system by. its use. See ...paiirphlets in
, agents' hands, fur free circulation—then treat upon
o/t•drseoses, and show testinm s ny of mites. Gsavkh ,
and all Lumplaints of the tirtnary!orgaha, form also
the cause ut great suffering, ancllVatrOus.'s Linton.
I znirric has arqutted no small celebrity Oyer the coon.
try, by the cures it has made in tlits distressing class
,of afflictions. Su famed, it seems, is this medicine,
, that it bas thus attracted the ndtice °folic of our Med.
1te..11 publications. In the November No.. 1846, of
he, .. Buffalo Jot rna I and Monthly Review of Medi
cal and Surgical Science," in an at i ttle 4on ealculous!
diseases, and '. solvents," the writer,l after noting
the fact that the English guvernment ofice purchased
a scent remedy, and alsb nuticink the purchase in
• 1802; of a secret remedy, by the Legislature of New
,' York, thus pays tribute to the tame of file Medicine
1 —•• 11 by du not-our Representatives in Senate and
Assembly convened, enlighten and . dissolve ' .tlie'
suffering thousands of this country, by ;the purchase
j of Vauon's Vegettble Litlionlriptic, than which DO
solvent since the days of Alchemy has possessed one j
half the fame 7" Reader, here is a eriddical of high
standing, acknowledged througho ut a large section I
I of this country to be oncof the best conducted journal;'
l uf the kind in the United States, michanging with the
I scientific works of Europe to our *awn knowledge,
edited by Flint, 51.. D., and crintrfflutcdi to by men of
-1 th 6 highest pro/C.81;1mml ability, thus stepping aside to
notice a ••.stierel remedy. 7 You Will a€; once under- .
! stand no unknown and worthless nhstrum, cotild thus
I extort a comment for so bigh, a qUarter i -and conse
; quently, unless it direct ly.euntlicted with the practice
of the faculty, it must have been fie g'..reat -fume"
which has - caused it to 'receive this missing nod.— i
( KIDNEY dgeasts, iceaknes?, of the hark and spine. ir.
regular l painftif ‘ hrid suppressed Men*ruation, Fluor'
Adm, and tile entire complicated ltant ld' evils which
follow a diSordered AyAleltl, are at 004 relieved by the i
medicine. ,dull e r pantithlets froM Agents. and gnu!
, wifl find evidence of the - value of-the tLithontriptiel
Ulric put tomb. ':-As a remedy for the iqugularnies of
the telltale systetn, it !tabu. the compound a - root '!1
whien has been resorted to in the north fit - Europe fur'
, centuries--as a sure cure fur this cOmpland, and a's a
I restorer of the health" ofrthe entire syStetn; LIVEN
DIA44IIV &c., are in.
stand ) . relieved. People of the Wdst t jil find it the!
' only remedy in these cuiriplaints, - as well 'as FEVEI; i
AND AGUE. There is no remedy like it„ignd no - cola ,
ma or quinine forms any part of this ifiliturc. Nu l
injury will result in its use, and Its;actaVe properties
are manifested - in the usemf a single 3J uz bottles.— I
Fal. Fi:v ER AND ACUIE, Bilious Disorclerik take rid oth-i
er medicine. RiiirtimaTi•isi, Goer, will !And relief:-1
The action of this tnethilline, upon the. Blood, will
change the diseasc-,which originates in the blood-- I
and a healthy result will fellow. lirsresst L. Inners, i
riot:, ..Szc., yield in a few pals' use of this' Medicine.
Inflammation or Tug LoNos.Ceutin, if;u:ttusirriusi also.l
has ever /mind i4l2ef. SuauruLA, Efirst.reL.As, PtLEs" I
Inflamed Eyes--all candiedtiy impure blood; will
rind this article lle remedy. .Toe systom, cum e loto. I
'y acted upon by the twentyHtwo different
of the mixture, is purified and restored ;i as a
. partial
cure will not follow. The train of mmunnit cont.
............. J0.,/,,........;,....f /he ;Hem t. Sick ifikorlache, De-
I ity,
bil &c., are all A lm mull of sonic Mirangeme n i 0
(tile system, and this GREAT Resruaii will do its
work. The mobilises set forth in the ativertisetnent,
I are based upon thie proof of'what it has dune ill the
i past four years. -The written testinjony of 1000
i Agents, in Canada, the United : 4 tates„Englaiid and
South America, iii the possession of the proprietot
, and cin be' seen by all- interestetl ; is a sufficient de.
..monatration that it is the best Medicine ever offered
',-to the World. Get the pamphlet, aid 'shady the prin.' mph: as there' laid down, of the method-brews. Put
up Lai 30 nz. bottles, at 82 ; 12 uz. do it $1 each—
the larger holding. 6 oz. snore thaietwo bum bottles.
Look out and riot' get imposed open. 'Every bottle
has .• Vauglin's Vegetable Lutliontriptfe. Mixture",
blown upon the glass. the written Ifignituie of - G. i
C. Vaughn " ,on the directions, and .. a; C.- Vaughn, I
l'BuffaliiT' stampeel oh. the cork." None other arc ,
I genuine. 'Prepared by De..G. C. VaughD, and sold at
j the prinMpal fifliee, 207 Main street'', Buffalo, at 1
I Wholesale and fe'a'st. -No attentloll.giv'en to letters'
- unless post paid—orders ,from reguliirlit onsiitutid I
t Agents excepted r post paid leyers, or; verbal
Inimical - tens softening advice, promptly i attended to,
gratis. .
Offices devoted !exclusiveli to thosate of this sr.
ticle; 132 Nassau st., New York city ; .:395. Essex st.,
Salmi), Mass.; and by the pririeipal Druggists through.
gut the United States and Cinada, as idvertisied in
the papers. ; . . . .
Agents in this county :. BENTLEY & READ. Mont.
rose ; HENRY Became, Now 111 Ilford ; So . te. F. Bu/.
Lev, Great •Bend-c 'O. WA/WEN, Trawlin g agent.
"LEE, StiDgolll LEP, .
CC UP Y the sivacious iTOItY W A RE
119USEL No. 56, CEDAR StREE:I4 the WHOLE
It which it, devoted 10 the eXhlbitllM alid ode of the
I ngle article of . •
, .
- •
' Their present Stack entisisis of nearlyi l '
4mbracing some4IIOIJOAN D.Spf different patterns
i and colorings, and compreiine. every . thing desirable l 11 the line. FOREIGN and DOMESTIC. N .
Alibi which are offerer:Veil- sate, fur cash, or saiia
-1 factory etd it, at the Letitia( Prines. by . l .lhe
,New Styles are received almost ivory day, and
many of them °Ye got tip for our ownsales,,aud not
te be found elsewhere.
Er Printed lists. of prices, corrected From day to
I day. with every vailation in the marketi are placed
I In hando of buyers. .
I •
1 Merchants will be able to ;form Nemo idea o f
extent and cutely of our assinienent, when *estate
that the value of our usual litelt, of .1 this, otoe article • is,
i ut.least, twice the value or, the enpre:vateckof dry
1 cowls usually kept by our largest wl.9lclialo jobbers.
This , fael. together will' the fact that etit. mens and
our aticiition, instead of beiiig divided a'ynong a vast
variety ;of articles, are 'devoted Witqlyl to oaa, will
rendez . she advantages which we tin titibr to dealers
peil,fectiy obvious ; and it shall be our cite that none
wlio visit our establishment shall 1 ect oath any dis
apnnintment. t.
. I
Our assortment is complete -at I seasons of the
-Lae, Judson 4. ,Lee. -
' P. S.-2; F. Lee., formirlyTof iiie ell'l4 ofLord &
Lees, and late seriMr partner- in the' original firm of
Let & Brewster, firm which 'Connection yo withdrew senile time since, bas.reaunted• business ithleivni.
L et &,Jimiseri, under, the firm'OrLEE, . Jj.TDsta N
Llli a4d-ne veittutes tO, alintre his friends and the
pu hlie,' diet the bow ' firm' will - Maintain MO sanie pre
ernintneein this Minch of thtOrade. whiek formerly
distiirtguifbed the O'er tti , ofiotises to !Web he belong.
ed. i 11 .- -. 1 v - , -.I I . 27-i7 , t
0 :-._ ± . . . , . i
EFARDWARt, jron,NCI le
'..,Chavecner •Oes,
This. popular [entitle and Mechsoirai
Journal, (Which has laiready attained the la,.
g - est circulation or any.weekly; paper of th e
Kind in the world,) will commence its :m u
voLostkon Saturday] sept; 25th;
Eecti number of it Scientific American
contahis from rintorierEN
CAL 'ENGRAVINGS ; a Catalogue
Ears, as issued from the patent Office er e ,
week notices of Progress of all ilea iit Emi i,f .
ICAL and SCIENTIFIC inventions ; infatuation s
Ithe various (tad 'TRADES; with axon e
vmcs ;, 'rodeos rittr.cisoputcst. and cattincAL
experiment ;, the latestsitatoan lNTELLl GEns
IN EUROPE AND AMERICA ; all the dtffereo t
It is in fact a paper that MERITS the m e .
nage.of all MECRANDM , a rid usiverecrtatita
throughout the ammo st.sves,, and aboulet e
-in the handiof EVERY ,ONE 04 feels an Mam e
in the advancement _cif' mechanical or &m g ,
titc Improvements in this, country:
It is:published fn oast° rossic,ixivarenient.,
ly adapted to EINDING 4 and- furnished fo Cala
' try. Suhscribers'at thelLow rime of ‘iwo
remainder in six months. Address, •
•• MUNN & CO. PubliShers.
' 128 Fulton -street, New York.
P,A /D.
- •
L. lit.lllE/00111.11khaft male arntnp.,
ments wltlr e NEW—YORICt EKIN TEA CM..
PANT, !for the sale of TEAS i?!...Bingtramt en ,
can furnish his customer* aed the trade, with Teat,'
the eain.prides that the Cutepiey charge,for theta)
New York, Which, is. sideaSt..from One ieTwo
hugs ehriaties on each poun - d than the Grocer., e e l n
And in eacrycase where these Teas do not gitietw
faction, ihe money will lie paid hack for them. •
. . ' • GREEN.
Yoling,Hyson, good, •
Ho. do. sweet eirge,• SP
• , Ho.- - do. fine cargo, 75 •
lib. do. silver leaf, 100
Silver /eV—seldom sold even by large dealers, hectare
of the very small profits made on its sale—is tarry
superipr Tea.
Di). do. golden chop, 150
Golden chop—This is . the finest Green Tea cultrated
in China., It is of thcfirst pickings, and exc.!' all
other Green Teas for its delicacy of flavor, stench
. and aroma. Heretofore this Tea has never each.
ed this. country, except in small lota to suit loud
Hysion, fine, •
Do. very fine,.
Gunpowder, fine,
Du. extra fine,
Imperial. fine,
• Do. extra fine, -
Elysbn Skin, good,
Ning, Yong. Rtranvind good flavor. 37 k-"
Ning Yong-•-1 he grocers sell this at 50 ceuti, and
call it-Oolong.
.Oolong, a delicious Black Tea, )SD •
Co this superior. Tea will that sold by grace.,
as being an Dolour Tea. The different:* i Wo
plain. and the deception too palpable. • 1 1
Oolong, plantation grosi;tn, 75 -
English Breakfast, tine. 50
• Do. do. esp.& fine 63
iloWcua's Nliature,i rich & highly t
flavored, • k
Pek ce,Flower, ". ;00
Do Scented, - 1 50
, No Plus Ultra, .1 50 '
Ne Plus Eltra—l'his Tea is as fragrant and sweet
as a nosegay. It yields a perfutnw that is trey de,
lightful. It hi of garden growth and sispeist to
anything ofthe-kind. ever sold in,this coltish!. •
037 %he above.QataloguiS dues not compriscallen
rarrerew cotettiteitd my asaoitriseea. - 1 hive evert
variety imported, and every shade- of guilty, sins en
suit the moat fastidious purchaser. The abese
are all dime up in Chitteie packages, in quantities of
1-4 lb., 1-2 lb., and 1 lb: each.
We have tried the Teas imported by the Pekin It
Company, 75and 77 FulCou-st. and'if we live Willie
them often. They arc saing the most delicious Tru
We ever drank, and retail, them at wholesale prix.s.-
Evening Post.
You may be slily of obtaining at all times pure ard
highly flavored teas, by the single pound, at whole.
sate pride, of the Paid Tea Company, 75 rk
Fulton-tt. They have probably the :largest oat
and.greatest variety of fine Green and Black Tea 4'
.one.establishment he the United Staid, ', 4 h tt
are doing,a large businessiand are a,great benefit to=
suniers of tea.—Atlos.
Heretofore it has been very difficult, indeed imps&
tile, to obtain good Greet' and Black Teas. But its
you have' only to visit the ware-rooms of the Pete
Tel Company, 7$ and 71 Fulton—at. to obtain lode.
licieus and fragrant teas as you could wish for.—Dpi- y Sun:
Alear4 to Tea Deinkeee.--The Pekin Tea Cm-,
pail, 75 and 77 Futton—st. have imported into th tli.
market ao:ne one hundred thousand dollars worthy`
the finest' grades of Greei, and Black Teat grotto in
the Celestial Empire. donie up in all the various linty
pickage4 that. Chinese ingenuity can invent. liltt
tptivilege tabuY teas at this great estabiislunent, and
luxury and condort to drink them. They sell gooi
'Peas only, and retail them at wholesale prices. Coos,
ry merchants who wish to always sell good tcas,cia
aLwAys obtain them at this place, on reasunableterea
il:7 Tbc abovel.TEAB - ,are for sale bi '
• . Sole Agent for Brame" County.
.IRay 8, 1847. . No: RS bow.
iSsintis eilras,
Physicians. & Surgeons, Lsne.shoro c ya. Of
fice of the first named in the firm, over tie
'Engineer's office, of 'the latter at his rev
dence': r •
dwelling third house east of thw Court How&
—Will he at home Saturdays cif each week
where, he will be, happy to•wait upon all Ono
who may favor him with
Montrose.; May•- 18 4 7 : •
' , J. H. MOC
Attorney at. Law .—. H s rernoved , hie Office to
Turnpike Street. one door East of D. T.
-Case's Office, and three &ions 'West of the
Register Printing Office. . •
Denlive to Dii*Goads,; Grivetrie;
Crockery. hat), Nail; Fit11 .1 40,..--Oce -dos
below Judge '
Phy'siciatis and Surgeainsdkiontroie,pa.-00 -
ce over R. Riede & CiesSvire.
Coadb, Nragon I Slttgh Manitlacturer Ind
Iteptirer-+shiiif the Wilkessiliarro Turn
*Film -
, 2 ' 11. •
Heeler,itt Good& Groceriti, Hardwire ,
Looking Glows, Stone & thai'
Ware'''Shoite,'" &0.--First Store below •• taw-
Cciurt HtWeie, East eidepr:PottliorAvenoe.
' • .. - ;..1-3171. • •
AttonieTA poinaellorroit JAllV,.—Offies in the,
Store of 1.'1 4 . Poet the fcifixta•
ly occupied i by HeOry
1 00
1 00
1 00