Northern democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1844-1848, November 18, 1847, Image 3

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    TUE .1111LECTIO1QS: . • ;. 14, •
. t (Max In thellel4! .
j The,Rennsy/vartian, received last evening,
ver,,th, F ,,,,„ g re...i... Gibbs land Appessitil..
Will )SAtte this Prospectus to apprise the
, . , p:tiblie.of renewed preparations on our
part to publish the CONottissioNat, GLOBE
and .Arinsintx for the approaching session,
and to ii*ite subscriptions. The two Houses
having cqntracted with us feor the Work, on such
terms as enable us noio to make complete re- I
ports, td l multiply and issue the numbers in
quicker gliccession than heretofore a and with-'
out iner4ing the price to subscribers, we hope'
'to makeagood return fora the liberality and
high offiiial sanction thuS bestowed on the
publicatian. We shall iti4vaae the voluthe at
least oneithird beyond theiordiffary bulk, and
endeavoeto add to its useilulneskaby extending
still further its large circulation. .
1 1 .This last is net the least important point in
the view a Congress. Faithful and durable
reports of the debates of the body are of value
in proportion Oahe' extent', of their circulation
among tile people. .It iS in this way that
Congress;la brought into , the presence .of its re-
I mote coMtituents—that it obtains easy access
and holds communication iwith them from day
Ito day. aid renders the go+ernment really rep
I resentative.
Jinxing received from all parties in Congress
" GAZETTE kli. rnE UNION." ii iis is the i the strongest marks of approbation and confi
• • id 'the liberal means and permanent i
title efa comparatively new . paper, devoted tol contraat . T ' oteo' to continue the work, we shall
.i" Literature,Saiente and the Arts, Odd Fel- :not be lquin.l wanting in the impartiality and
jowshiP, Agriculture, Canitnerce, Army an d industry necessary to the due fulfillment ofthe
Navy Intelligence, Humor. and Passing Occur- engagement on our part. The next session
rences," a unmoor of which, will taskjo the utmost the best efforts of those
(No. ICI, of vol. 1 .) ' ennueeteil with the undertaking. It will bel
.a. 1 has been received . It is iif a large size (
Ohio Democratic' • e... • • eigh tdistinguished by discussions of extraordinary
columns the Width of-ours to the page,) beau- rititerest and
. results of abiding concern. The
Altlionith the Federalists hare small major
,, ,
of 01110; !Vol in typographical appearance, anal ably ed- , war, its Origin and conduct by officers in the
itits in b,ll, branch 4 of the Leoi'sla , -i r • eabiriet and in the field, will furnish subjects!
1 . 11 colitnibii , s - statrimen. elves the fnuewilltt 1 ited, ;by, I.lessrs. A_. C. ;' L. !ARNOLD, J.. . . ,
•of profoond inquiry and consideration. The
• , ioy
a.; the.late popular vote, compiled. from the of- .HaitalS i , and (.3 'W • INI-
, ERs, b • whom it is • terms of peace, the disposition -o be made of!
fii-ill returns, from Which it will be seen that also published, at 111 Nassau St., :•C. Y.—' conquest,,, the consequences to lie drawn from I
Terms .$2 , per l annmn. - . all that has been done, ns affecting parties in
ha 1 the contest been fir Governor, the Demo -
, To a Member of the fraternity it claims to this cou4ry, and especially as ,bearing on the:
cries would Lave carried the State :• - !
. 105.3:3. repreScu i t and advocate, as well as all others in • dppueqii i i ,,, presidential election, will, open upl ,
Ilsmoerats. '=l. :pooch apt powerfully eperati IT discussions, i
~,,,. . want . of It good family newspaper, this
I!,,larft!it.-ts. - PaPer , rendering the councils at° Washlueton duringl—
'k , will positess rare interest and attraction. 'the next year RS pregnant of good or evil t o e'MORSE'S•SCHOOL GEOGRAPHY for
iiil;erty. :::
'this emitineet as those
-of Rome were to the: sale by 'MILLS & SHERMAN.
Intl - this in the State of Giddings and Cor- Ttitll a r DEllocn AT In REvirtv. for November, _ ( : ) 6 \\t w ill i'„ the days ' of her . early energy;— : , Nov. 10th. •
1,- i, tie notorions revilers (-tithe Administration . is out With its usual proMptitude, and possess-` ,duna dell for deliberation and actionAsi
anilthe war : Tl;t l ton. in a State which the - es kvi ifsnal, attractions. It. contains an elab- never piresetited to any previous Congress.— I
le, ug rt - : , 1;•ral (Crg.aits declared ha.l Immo-mit-, orate at l titile on the, " Condition, of China," li N • . All thati'llas transpired, or may hereafter trans-;
tire be'ore the close of the approaching session • - IN exchange forliopils, for which we will
eel n favor of -stotiPing the supplies:" This the lamented AtExaN DER EVERETT ; also ar- I
I '•ss, in New Mexico, California, in the ° the highest market price- 7 ,
ii AiState almost aid hopelessly Fed:ral as titles -41 the "„,Oceupation of Mexico," ,' Pro.: -" f c ' ll g l*(
capital a 111exico and the provinces still de ' -'
ahatarldisetts , ‘r• Collinfet :fut. the j hot-beds kil cress of Civil Liberty," a scathing " llevk'w "f 'pendant4on it, will come under the considera- i Wheat . . ,
a' : ;war, Hartford Convention, Alex-al . :so: in Coopers Last Novel," and an able dissertation tion of the next Congress. Its debates will 1 Oats, Rye, Corn,' .
1-;3 - -15 .! on ourii" National Prosperity," besides several eontainJire history of the war, and its action, Buckwheat. Flaxseed, Beans,
determiim its results, whether they be decided; Battar, Lard, Flannel; Socks, Feathers,
Tallow, Wool, Dried , 4pples, ere. 4. c
- other Literary and Poetic lavers of high mg
,- The HarriShurg Post-Office. - • by arinS; or diplomacy. And whatever is de- , Beeswal%
it. ltiii embellished with a portrait ; of Hon. ' ve i np , con( einieg this vast and interesting Nov. 9, 1847. BENTLEY' & READ,
it. JAMES I'EArVE, post l i ter at Her- \ ~ ~
kTII L. Ur EFX Post Master (4 . Boston• -
r-11,!, has been rehroved, ard .Mr. ISAAv G • '- s °' • • matter on the floor of Congress or in the Ex
will be toni.d recorded in the
CoenT MARTIAL.—TiIe Curt Martial to et '. uti v 'e I ti legs '' ( "'
XI, v al'. the abl4.' editor ° of the -Demieratic CONGR ttqSION AI. Ii 1 oar and APPENDIX. •
'1 . :1 , ::," iii,p,,inied i,i his stead. try Cid', Fremont, on charges of !nu tl et -, an d ,, ' ' ' "
'the t;oNo it ESSION AL, GLOMF: is Made up of
• disohoilienee lit Calif ornia, prefert.d by .Bric• i, e
1 c native flat this circumstance is male tdaily proceedings of the 'two Moises of '
Cielia-is ,if aMte a Igtiorl deal of eiimPlaint and ('en. Kearney, convened at Washington . on tougrt-ii, and printed on superfine ilonble roy
anidailvet-i;;11 hy tYe wit; le fraternity ~f -o ne T"e' 4l4 Y s'eel'll Quite . a number of witnesses 4 1 1 alter ; with small type. ( brev kr and amnia- ,
reel, )'iii quarto form, each 'number containing
tent - orga; sin :11,State. friar) the "Ilarri-- are present. anil the investigation bids fair to
.., iixtt en iroval quarto The speeches of
1; :1 Agra,- - t , :t- 10:-In. t and ecli ,, ~ f t 1:i.- I.e - rt : Arractod . iar Some time yet. Col. 'Benton, , . • .
this first pa_
( , '„,,1, :F ! • eno. ii t t S . lather-in-LW. is-,his counsel.
. t;iie members, in this first form, are condensed
•t—the fall report of the prepared speeches be-1
-,.:, , t. -11 a: in irk t';,• r -:],i,.t . eur-,.! : M r '. l' r i t ..
' -••• , , , ,
4- , I :,:144 0 , RI 1::e 'Ar. , ‘ ,•!' P ••-,t i , •-w ,• t ' N- • • Leel' ' li , reserved for the APPENDIX. All resolu-
c. • • • 'l , - 'cr d ti'at ' ... Ew bill: lst-Arun ::.—The Senate of g
lions, niptions, and other proceedings, are giv- i 'WM landing (since the prices have fat
rho ;or a period o f , Years, in tire form of the Jourtails, with ' the yeas; IA
and New•Y, rk wi:l Ile} co of fl Democrats, ' F ill len) direct from New York anti since
''''9 l :"t• l''ivi• - a` - ail . ''''" - n g'''.. 7-* i" th'• '"J 'Y- • t0.(.1 Al Federalistk—the House of 3.1 In an- knd nais on every important question. I the arrival of the steamers Cairihrla and Mb+.
Devi of its ttmolanidw.g. al d having '}: • • - t • 1 - . q
left , Lis' crats, a . Id 94 Ir4eraliat :.. Gin r ea d ers ma y i .vt ..., intm•ter will it. have an opportunity t o I souri. a large and well selected stock•of DRY
eail his remarks before they are put to
$. .
rart Ab e has 1,- •?••••'•,.-A, -- '--,---,- " •-- . • --.4...:',..:,... , 1 t.L.. ....litiTil.y Ou ball,t for-press, i GOODS, of almost.t,very variety suited to the
shall think it iheor- Y''''''''°"'' which will, be offered fur sale as low for
s••vert Wili vituperaillye to stigmatize the Gen- I thents e ly e : I . i rd alter our report if he
or other goad pay, as at any other Store
teal Xdiniaistratiop : _Marvell-us sensitive- _ .___ crept. ;
- 1 • 1' oXlin.:;tlx.r..e..r.tx is made up of the President's `Cas h thia side of Cati xl io: l4. l e-1 4„, r P. 1 4. 9 1 1 .4 1.
Amm , his
I Tole or the Voluocepre,_ ..
ile: , -s : Pow lie:llltifully CO leCiNtent. the. , il -era, 'lle i entt.9.rati tan (1 _liobilay contaullt kt- le, . , be
.. ' Oeers ref the g•iyeninieut that aceanipan) ,v... . -
, ~ ~ , i , ,
tom argans tiro ~ nut :litre is na; ease niale tern from its regular c(e-responilitut, which
giv" 31:1•1 all'speeelies of Inc oil;ers of Congress, writ- Alpaccas. Orietins, llohcir and French ii;:ill'EX
out luvithe inttatpitVeditiir of tl:e Betufrd fi a-
,the result. of the election among the V"1""- also-:t en ou , -.41- re . vlsed by themselves. It is print- plain black, brown. ,st ripe and Plaids for lit
cri01iF ..,..., 51 ,, NA , L dies dresses and cloaks. Also DeLeines, Me
, wllieh we eite.orse fully :. teefs in Mesie.r. 'from this State. 'The-follow- r ;eil in tl!,_e saino form as the rinos,.lnces, Edgings, Tibbs; Flowers, Cip
"Mr. Peacock Was held the efflee for a greater l , l 4,i 4 the vote : . 1( ; Lour; atld usually makes about the same
. tool 'Bonnet Ribbons, new styles. Shawl",
manlier of years, ati,ilst, in our „dui .n, Lc pe- '''.,, , G ,,, ER: , :c „ .. numliet ~f par.s during a session. , Bleached Goods, Linsies, Checks, Tickin a s,
vssed. less .elaini tit it than almost any ot,her her; . During the first month or six weeks of a ses- ! Canton Flannqs and Wool du. Cotton Yarn,
l ace in LlarrWiurea Tice only time we i
r) in k , . • . . : si.o, tc , irre is rarely' more business done than Batiing, Wedding, Twine, Candle Wick, and
have ever known him to take an ACTIVE PVT ' Irvin, '' -- 20, I will make two numbers a week-one of the .1560 yards Bw. Sheeting..
"1111)o:titles, wits wlien he sat as Vire Prtest- . : . Canal Commissioner. 1 CONG6'.S.SION A L GLOBE and sine of the Ar PEN- ALSO ,
DINT tit , nornintite a candidate for the 1 - )a Est- Lonestreth (Ili. PIN : -lillt, cluiiißZ the remainder of a sessiOn
' ' ' Iron, Steel, Nail Rods', (hest kind) Mill Saws,
1,0,•''," WITIIoCT ILEFEJ: ENCE TO lIIS POLITICAL \there lis usually sufficient matter fur two pr
• Patton, . 19. ',Sleigh Bells, Grain and ct.her• Shovels, with..
oristoNs. by whiith he hoped, n oftalit. to re- .., •
I .' three timbers of each every week. The next i geneial assortment of Hardware and Cutlery,
twin the niter °rites: even though the PELN- 1 Murton, • sessiott will be unusually interesting; there- Nova Scotia Grind; Stows, &c. Alio, Cod
r!ttrs of Detniterliey should be torn asunder) The rorrespondent olds : ,fore, we
-calculate that the CoN ct a EssioN at I Fish, Mackerel , Palk led - Salmon &c.
by rites a movement.- The NO TARTY Pre44- I I Be nd the above list of votes given here on G toll Find APPEN nix together will make heart GROCIERITAI
dontial Conventi4 held in Harrisburg in Sep- t T ue sd a y last. The entire effectiveforee of the • 3,0 0 0 F large quarto pages, 'Printed in small i Among which: be offered good Bro t am Su
timber: was heathid by men who Were known' garrison were away at the time, which anceunts ' type--abmvier and nonpareil. We furnish • ear, for Sd per lb. Crushed and Powdered the,
ti he bitterly hostile La" the re-election of -Mr. I
fur the smallness of the vote here—none but chniptete Indexes to both at the end of a sesrldo. for 112,1 etc. elan fresh Teas just landed
- i • 4
Slunk, yet profesSuig to be. Democrats, and, as,siek and foot-sore left in garrison. Col. Wyre. ston. • ' from ship
I HOLATIO, and - phen per than any
:Imes Peacock was AMONG THEM, we most tau- tkoop had gone to Puebla with Gen.„ Lane, tel W - will endeavor to print a suffieiept num- i hunibu,l teas, in the eily . o . r e2iti . otry. •teeorget_ed
butter crack
iv and sincerely rePiee at his removal, and eon- the relief of Col. Childs. The-whole regiments , her' or surplus. copiesto supply all that may'Le"
e n ` r 4 s t re t e t u d i :
e T it r e e n e d d w t e ) :: et T ire Y ud.
Adptinistration at Washington i both ISilayd c2d, will ;vote above. No chance , inise*ried. or lost in the mails; but subacri- 1 ' t
~.„ ~, ram ra i-uaiire t .
upon the promptness with which they acted iin i inintediOly of sending returns to Prothono- berg lilimlrd he very particular to file their pa- i , ri l it :C ti .„l 6 i ii ii ik ii iii Xi i ,tAg7oi
) . i pers . trarefidly, for fear that we should not be I Men's and Boy's thick. Lea* proof : Roots. Al
the matter." • Itaries. • , •
•so Ladies French Kid .Slippers, Morocco and
i - . , able to supply all the lost numbers.
A Compliment. r A ti , ,,--, 3 -.G•iv. iiissel of Connecticut, h" °P - Wb have - f loftheC
a ewsurp us copies ,on- ; .Lert her Buskins, Iniin Ituqbe r Over .Shoes
, Children's Shp, s. Sole be her, Upper do. also
We clip the fi;llowin ,, h i ell compliment to • pointi..•d. Exal ; nvernor Roger S. Baldwin, of
. gre.sional Globe for
,the last session of Con- ;
, !Colt ant Kip-skins.-
the Democracy o ol l i s ,county and ourselves. New-haven, United States• Senator in place of , gres., l , which we will sell for the original sub Rough tk, Ready Oil Cloth :Caps for
from that able aad•steadfast journal, the IV lion: Jabyt W. 'Huntington, deceased. This r scriqiun price— 1 a cops. We Lave no sun-, Meu and Boys, aku latotn and Fur bound do.
~p lils .(. , pies of the Appendix-for that session. I Ladies M offs, . Drawtns, Goods, yid. Also'
leAlarre 'Tarim* . \Ve Inow we shall be appointment will bald -until the meeting of a (-'Pies of
IBlue Black on‘i piece Block Wool Dyed Broad
eNcused fur what i : way 'ai l lt:ar "vaunting our new Legislature of CAnecticut-in May next. ' For O cop yof the Congressional
one_ IClortna Olive l Brown, 4-c.. BOUGHT t i AT' Ave
own praise" this4ime. as the compliment is so 1 "It will be seen that Gen. Quitman has
.F• Globe
,- - -
- - r. 00 rtos. some aglow as S IB7i cis. the 'yard. •
o • 00! at 71Y.I.ER'S,
coupled with thalt to tile Detnocrats of tai S resigned the Cr' vernorship of the City t.f Mex- ' or One cop) ofthe Appendix - a ~.
county in generSl, that, it would "spoil thee', ice, and isti rt d that heis to succeed , I ,l' •
it Tpo e , For 41x - copies of either, or part of ~,
, c. oh - - - - 10 Oi.
'whole story 'to ,er,itirate it. In a preface to an I Gen. Taylor. I ' 1 Iloprietors of newspapers who enpy this . a ,,
article in this piper week before last, which it . i --- ---------- • I
of a prospectus before tit first day of December, , watt,
aa2J-, ..It bill In relation to the formation ~,, ,
eopitS3, that paper remarked : , i and-tend us one copy of their paper containing ! over 3,
• • i State movernment iu Wisconsin has passed the it - Inarked around with a pen to direct our at-' Nov. 411
- There are.fetcouritles in the commonwealth I '-' e • - ,
where measures feud men are canvassed with t tc
Contidil, and was-before the nouse on the - 0 6th ' i en a on to it, shall have their names entered on -
more general ability and closer srutiny than ult. . . i our books fur one copy or the Cotigressiotail
---,---- I
ill' Sinviehannai and the fact that the "Nor:-.., . Globe and Appendix during the session.
am' prices for these papers are so low that'
then' Democrat;" as the organ of / the demaa.4l e
we e,annot afford to credit them out: There
racy of that eoubty, is able, not main-, ,
fore; no person- need consume time in writing
tain its pasitiiiniAtgainst all opposition ; ' but , to ,
render essentiataid in adding annually, largely for Pem, unless the money aceompemesthe or
to the democratic Majorities in that county, is de
a 114 proof of ;the tact, skill, and talent with tlubseriptions should be here by the Ist6
which that jourital is conducted." December, at farthest,-to ensure all the num
berit. ,
, - .
Washington; Oct: 4, 1847. ,i
11 Ass4causErrs.-t-The Federalists hare -a- !et:int:l4W a - brief report, telegraphed' to the
gain carried this Sta# as usual, although hy a philade t
ilia Inquirer, of the ous Leiing
g reatly decreased mrrity. The returns front
tonmart festo of the Sage of Ashl ndt In plain
nearly every county fuot up, for Governor,
38,857 ' Enflis:h4ml
it May say, .ho is . a 'net the war,
Cushing, Dem., .Ac t OrtsT Tzeßl
- arm, ‘, tell not in Grath!"
peace and{ points to the
Brier, Fed.,
All others, . 12,048 TORYHIO sighs for
drwal of our troops to accomplish it._
show* a clear Democratic gain since last year
"In a , word," says the Pennsylvanian, "his
of 9,199. Legislatifre Federal by a large ma-
iexpeetellit would be, •
repoiled disonrse, ,and 1 his published 'resolu
jerity as every body
tions: are a sort, of admixture of Corwin's
Mienro AN.—The-Derreit Free Press, Nov.
speech and Berrien's amendment."
56. says : " The Niuocrats of Michigan send wa have no room for further remarks this
g reeting to,their brdtbren :
A Democratic OnVernor ; ;
A Democratic Lialit. Governor;
A unanimous I)Am-46e delegation in Con-
A unanimous Perneeratie Senate ;
A Democratic House of Representatives;
And all of them q increased majorities !" "
L Ot 'IMANA.—Thti State held her . election
hn konday w4k. -the 'returns indicates De
mueratie triumph byti i nereased. majorities. The
4 1ressional deleg4tinn will stand as before.
T. Legislature is rClinitedDeinocratie on j
by a majorit i or 13, which,. if true, se--
eiros us a United Slates -
The city of New Oilcans has gone Dctuoerat
ie by a duchled
. Sr a A in BIT I P.— Th e• .E,'aston Argus,
York Democrolic Press. Pittsburg Post, and
several other *pars, are out in favor of our
MOW! JACOB '7,4IEGLY.It., editor of the Butler
Herald, for 64, Speakers* of the next house
of Bepresentafjves. We concur fully in the
notnination. jAcon is a Democrat'of the right
stamp, as mush be apparent from the fact of
his having been elected to the Legislature byil
more than a iundred majority, in the Whig'
county of Butler—a county that bas not gone
Democratic before in fifteen years. Beside he
has had considerable experience in 'Legislative
again, and Once would be qualified to dis
charge the{ drities of that office successively,
and we belies satisfactorily.
. , ..
The Immunicatton between Vera Crew
and the eiti of Mewicois now open. - '
I. , Amionde Honorable.
1 The North lehnerizan bas. handsomely and
honorably refricted the charge it, niade against
I lion. jESSE NILLEu, of his being the author
, cert 4 in arti les published in itie- Chgmpiog
defamatory of lf. character of the lateJiss ELY,
'A. 3114ttrinda:p. We shall hope txi see its
kindred print f this place doing " thud same "
soon. .Shill I.e . be disappointA ?
Co t rumtaivan.v.—The Delaware County
Republican,, a very rabid Federal paper, thus
pays his respects to the. men 'of his own party:
i“The quiet 'system" defeated the Whigs*k
Pdnnsylvania, this fall. A red hot coal dire
• L pyt on a Whig's back, or a moth in his potket,
renting up his specie and notes, is, the only
thing that makes him - spry enough to knoW
that something bites him. He may then- probe
'ably inquire when election takes place."
7P.Otat BITTEN.--A Miss Frost in Massa
chusetts, has.recovered three hundred and six
ty five dollars of Mr. Snow, for a breach of.
marriage promise. lie courted .her a year,
and'has to pay at the rate of a dollar a day' for
Tula LICENSE LAM.—Tlie ground upon
which the Supreme Court of Pennsylvonia de-
dared the recent license law to 'be unconstitu
tional, 'was that the Legislature. could 'not del
egate its powers of legislation to the vote of
the people, Judges Coulter and Burnside dia
iented from this decision.
Os THE SAFE SIDZ—It, is Snlaithat j r() l n g
Man in New Raven, Conn. of grea t economy,,
was accustomed, before his marriage. to-ride
out with his' betrothed, but with the xPress
itipilation, that in case he did not tuartllaer,
" She should pay half the expense °file team.
nighty Important News front the
Sonth.—.4Tthe ',Mowing extract of a letter is
froM a very respectable mercantile house. dated
;, Washington, Rappahannock Co. Va.,
\May 2G, 1846.
ill . . D. Jayne—Dear Sir :--06, Mr. Janes has been
lin iii very bad state of health for 'more than a year ;
Ihe 011111. had the benefit of the best medical advice
ourienuntry affords, and also visited four city during
lastniumnier, but film] no relief. On the 15th of A•
prililast, we purchased half dozen bottles , of your
TONIC VERMIFUGE, and - half dozen boxes of
SANATIVE PILLS. Through carelessness in
paiking the articles in a dry goods box, one hal f the
Veimiluge was broken. Mr. Jones commenced with
tht, Pills, and alter taking a few doses, felt a decided
improvement. The three bottles of Verntifuge, which
Came safe to hand, brough t from him, be thinks, nut
Ica, thin one thousand worms, and perhaps many
in 4e. He is note lu better health . than ilb has been
in for years. and we hope a few more bottleit of your
Vemitugeand Pills; will effect' a permanent 'cure,
4ltour phyaleians have entirely *Aiken hie ease.
l'OftSantual Jackboo t of your city, at the head.
Mr. Jones is m6stanxious get more afloat Pills
and Vermifuge itsrmea.aa possible. ' '
Respectfully,;J.-RR Jones & Co.
Prepared only by Dr. D. Jayne. PlOadelphis. ,and
sold on agevy by N. Mitchell &.Co. druggists, Mon.
trove, Pa., where alio may be had Jayits'a Ague pills,
warranted ln cure Fever and Ague. Intermittent
ver, &c. Also the AMERICAN ,HADI DYE, slsia
warranted to change-the hair to a heautiful auburn
or jet black corourorithout staininrthe skin.
We shall put forth m a few weeks the history of
one of the moat singplar results oftha great dilate.
teristic of the Atheriean people, (GO a.head.a.tive
neas).Which has ever taken place in this country. A
business of one hundred. thousand dollars per year
built up from not hitig in t exhort of four years.
We arc told that the sales 'of Vaughn's Vegetable
Lithontriptic Mixture, the great Amdrican Remedy
have been . brought to their present etiormoue rates in
few years only. So famed is the article for its sin.
vier medeinst properties; that it is used for all dis—
eases in al lparts of the world. Agenisteß wonderful
stories about it, call f on them, and get a pamphlet.
See advertisement in our column..
111oETEosE. NEW YonE
$7 - 00 - 1 .$6 25
Wheat, . 1 12 ‘, 1 35
Rye, 62 • I 90
50 I . ' 72
Cats,' :31 l' 46
Butter, fresh, l4 22
firkin, 14 l7
I .‘ (11) 'abbrrtormcitts.
• - /s - 1 AA! E into
. the , enclosur e of
6 740r,1 the subscnbcr4 in Oct&her
last, a red and white STEER--
1 !I 40 1.!: No. grtificial mark noticed. The
ow'ner is requested to prove property, pjd-char,
gee, and take him away.
Lenox, Nov. 15, 1847.
C%%it paid, for' all kin 6 of Shipping
Furs— also for Sheep Pclis,
Nov. 11, 1847
Vegetablit Litiu►niriptie.
TUST received n fresh stock of this invalu—
el tile Niedwitie. put up in large sized bottles
anti for sale by :he ,Agents;
- : IV.IXTAD, 1
lannel. Socks. Butter, Cheese, Larit, Grain of
kinds, BOxwax. Tallow, also, Cribb, p,nd al
lent wnh a ll whose account S, eve stood
a rs.! and some other*
..ov. 4t 1.841. - M. C. *LER:
A IFew Doorsiittei of Pibliie. 7,
r-. .
, ,
THERE found the musk extensive
assortment; of GOODS in 'Town—and
not only found but,purciliased as lo4;nd many
articlesigwer thatt elsewbere—hell4s.just re--
plenisbed and added largely to his tormer.l
stock. ary, Goode n 8 usual! in• variiity, and in
addition, Oil-pets, Rugs, Wlindow.Snades,Pa!•
per Hangings; etc. . ii•
STEEL, 4e. ..., I
HARDWARE- 1 -a More; evenekve assow
ment men ever—Dilatable Castings' or Wagon
,makers, Harness. 13;1(101e Tonk, atid.Oorriuge
'Trl o mm oc in l g . a l . B . 4 h 7 o.. , K. , andF H ,
Vow ktpe'ning at H. Brtitt'a, large and
splendid,assortmenti darl!. t : end fancy
colored Muffs, of almost Ovary ~! ale,: and
phetirom 51.25 to bZOO. t Also Ime beauti.
ful - B ,which besold .at yrieea th at
eanhot - beat, -Lad eb looristedt
4 • ;, • .;
. . Bolpitnt
rlov.i, 184 N, - 1 -
LEMON Sugfi-1 aril hi for
sod Lernon,adf, skt. tor's& J. L,
Tunde UE
rsigned... having remo v edl, LIVERY STABLE lito the stable fort?lrly
occupied by Stephen Hinds, in Mootrosei is
prepared to accommodate the publiClskith Boit
Horses, and Carriage .t.
of' every descriptioni-on reasooshietermg.
Pieasure parties will be 'furnished Srith Itto
and tour horse Carriages., and' careful-1)061ot,
on" short notice: • , • -
leving'that a LIVERY STAPLE of , g:ood
horsesanii carriages will be a great accomNto
dation to the citizens of Montrose sod; the irab
lie, if not profitable to the proprietor, he =re
spectfully solicits the patronage of ;betidi ng
pubic. • • I D. 41., Den4of".
Mentrolie, Nor. 18,1:47.
.4diatiitis : trf7l , 9l7 9 .! Sale.}
OTICE is hereby given, that by `an order
of the Orphan's Cloud Of tbe robot)? of
Susquehanna, will be 4ipOsetil. to Sale
,hy pub
lic vendue or out-cry, tit the house.; lotenflits.
Shearmati. deceased. in the townsitipitti Di*:
ock, on Thursday the 1234 day ,oltieuegt)ber
next, at one o'clock in the afternoon of that
day, all these two certain - lots, pieeett-or par
ceis or lend, situate, lying and beifiglikthe
township of Dimock aforesaid, late the eStite;
of James Shearman, late of the selA township.
deceased, and severally bounded and described
es follows, to wit :—the first piece or palrcell
thereof, being the fu,m tormerl,y owned and 1
occupied by Allen Upson, BOunded on the lii
North, by land tit ,Richurd Gartetson—ot the
Eas't, by lands Of Gordon: D. HOmpsted,',lbd
Dlgha Ti ff any—on the South', by land's of
Charles Greenwood, and George, Gates, anfil on
lie West, by land of Jacob S. ' Mills, lend
Dudley B. Siniib —containing °use hnndreclitind
sixty -tour acres, with about one hundred:l,nd
twenty-five acres inaproved, and hating Ow
(in; one dwelling house, two barns, two"drch
urds. nod a cider mill. ! . 1-,
-i'l • ,
ALSO—At the vote place and . timei the
other piece or parcel of land being_thd firm
known us the Hen! Barkley farm : sakl,farm
' being bounded on e North, by lands cie Airery
Bdlles, and Fran i Tingley ; on the. Easl;by
la ads of James Dt;on is ; oia the Smith, by thuds
lof I. T. Wilber ;"and on -the Vest, by Ihnds
1 or s E. T. Wilber, and .Tohn - Woodhouse, :ton
fining 147 acres, or thereabouts, Witti about
110 acreA unproved, and hating' there9rt two
dwelling houses. two barns, three °regards
and other appurtenances. •
Terms muds known on the day of sale .
R. T. STIIPHENS, Administrizto.
Dimuck, October sth, 1847. I t
Susq' a sicadenst
Winter Term of this Institutlon will
commence on Wednesday thelstrOly of
December next, uuder the charge uf. AU
EL, A. 8., Graduate from Madison Unitersi
ty, N. Y.
- Tuition per,qt*tet.
Writing. Reading. Orthography, Rintimeins of
Arithmetic ? Geography and English Gram
mar 62 oo
it, Grammar and Lessons; - Chemistry,
Philosophy, B Tiny, Logicend Rtietoi
tc • • ;300
Algebra, Surveying, Geometry, Astrono.
:my ; 00
Latin and Greek Classics, kind Frimehi 5 ,00
By order of the Board.
WM. JESSUP' Presthent.
, 1
Montrose, Nov. 3. 1847. .;
Ntvi Gimps. -;.
extensive us'iortinent of
j ;
for the Fall end Winter trade, which be is
offering at , a smallsativance trom!cost.
In his stock will be foul' a lull uSsOrtmem
of Dry Goods; dncluding,n. splenOni teiectioc
of Dress Goods, Cloaking&
s and con—
sisting in part of
Rich Cashmeres at 25 cents acid upards.
Muslin de Lames at 16 tig 110
Black and Plaid , Alparcite.
Mohair and Gala Plaids. .
,Extra rid! twilled- and plain l pngl46 -and
treach,flingliarnsi_ , ..,...> ,• r. , 1 il
and an extensive assortment of ne* ' a woes
from 5 cents - iind • titiWardiL - - Rich (troche,
Wool net, California, Pitild, ani.i lob,
Shawls. &ie. ' . . I„ . i,; i,'l i , ',
Also, as heretofore, klarge aasertmitnt of
GeocEntE , 36 ~CIVICICEIrt ' . r.,I.OIFASE. --
INON & I_" ?EEL, 'NAILS,' ' • Ann* OILS
t i t ~
ito which he would Invite the at lair xif , pur
ch,iseni. and. which. he is deterkitnqiiitci hell as'
cheap or cheaper than the che w aiit.tpecasti,
most kinds of produce, oilippre ed driiiit. '
He would beg leave to present: l his Wanks, to
his friends ard the public ter the patrofnage so
liberally bestowed upon' his 'esta tifisti*nt,and
to itAsure them that stimulated' by hittiticcess_'
thus far. he shatt'strive to ieeurela continuerice
of their confidence and support. - 'f•
• N. B. Stilt by the barfel'o il entl,And Su. ,
1 perfine .Wheat Fleur tit the least keduced
prizes. - • ,- -1 -
New Milford, 06t.23,. 1847. 4' '' l'
Latest - Ste
_SD .CAPNINV I,' ' , l ...
BLRSITT. it _now Opening' an eltensive
variety , of 'Hats, and -taps, of tite netk
est styles and patterns. :Among-his tistitortment
may be fotind the Palo - Alto, 'and •Rtitigh`and
Ready Capt. tho newest styles:; Also fibe-POrs,
Fur Trimmed, Cloth:Velvet-and Gla*ed caps.
r b in 2 s an d 6,1 to S 7. Hats of alma* every,
style, price.and destription null? be flitind at
it BURST , 'S.
- kiiiittanzart sa
_mug mrtsvl Bissxts havel the pleasure to
JL announce to their friendOand,tlta public;
that having reeewed the Itheati
for Ladies' &octets. Dre
all w rk i w they , are
i i
now prepared to execute tith e ir Hee l
in the mcel approved style ..: Fateful for past
encouragernento they solicit, al coutiabattee of
the same: . ' -'
.' ' • I .r.
lIT s t
bee Si tiocire east of I M . 8 1' '. W Ilsoofs '
Moetrose. Nev , 1, 1847:-
WEAT end -B cliwbe_iylPlilukAer sate
:npility , +(lead. t.
. 1 4'0 ittElt,tt4r •
ai r
JtErST • received, a, ; good , -stock; , eels;
brined . Medicine put , up,itriktiire BoT—
natio sad 'let fti by theit,-Agtiotti. 4 i•
B,ENTI4r paw./
t .!) !, •
~ -y _
Vprtltho teider air=
• • the people generally for
eitrona t ite we have herattiforl:ival eeel
line of CI lifOrin than Mit%
have Sued up a . n ew and
SeitIVOC=;P: -. : '
on thetrokt tote it urn wee door of al
dridge's Cabinet WamestattlishMeat.
west of M. 6 . Wteen t sAtoret, !kW - .
L Post &Cott:Sidra: Plessetitil
he happy to wait upon yotr'itc,t,
thtin we, have been ahle to du hen*, , r—W•
have one Acne room eipressly for the'
eat Oystets and Pic -ales? &A! I
new add splendid sole of r in•ChlaikßOxii Tai all
kinds, the best eseßtteleV. twit evert rub*
Montrose; Which *ill be sigailleite.""
CofifectibU4tieW,ltliOk tido:ha s KJ
Jujube ,
orforr 41
,IV!crielib., Auks' r 17 9 41.
sins, ate. , PIES, '
as good as ever. MINTS, APPILEBi, Cakes, Crackers, illtlerdoP
and Cheese, constantly no hand.
, C. BALDWIN & E. 13APDIF. -
1110UtrOSC r
NEW GOO:Miger,
Vile the affintitin of
SusquotisimifiepOnty, -to- oar itaeltat.
Fall and Winter, P 004.1, r Avbich iiimr,boßE
received, assuring. ihhtn 8o uiii ad
well; if not !leiter than at soy i'iytilh
shop iu Kowa. it '':-3 - -
• l,, F.. WIAINDi .* CO '
Montrose, &lit. 17;1847; _
100.0 . Yds., OinOanti.
6066 pti2itc.
500. ‘2‘ De Lain:
600 " - Atpaecust,
, 16 :`f ,Priff; Ciati t ,t.*
100 " ,Satinetts Full - C10tk.,,..
2000 gr ./froi
And etery ihinv wind tataiff.l' •
ORA/VabElp Stogr?&A;
Y r Inin, jiard*ore. eCutlim *tut , triktyt
Ware, at reduce 8
ed pric, hY • •
COX/Vb . /Jilt* 6. 1 -
• • TIN 14; STOVES!;-
rrEl E !attest and : best lot o(Cpciii.and*ailit
' 1 stoves ever.offereti in atis filar - kil l led at
to prices ;tlion can be Irolinitihii
Albanr i . at F. B. CHANDLER &Wt.
N exchange - forr 43 9:17;!
I . Flux Seed:N.46sn; Ater;
Flannel ; and 'Sticks, Boner: Rage,
- ALSO: • ';
An apprentice in =the Tin •tniaineld.• Lind 'Mat
10 or. 17 years old, of good , own' cl*ricifil
will find-an-opportunity bvi calling
1004$ 4- ST4 2 `IQ,N4 I 4L
SCH(101, Books, Toy Ik?oktr,
Fancy Books. large; and small Bib
Pencilg, 'lnk) Wefert. WriiptilOciod
Writing Paper,:ittibber, t(nd Rttbbet
steel Peos, land; dte:. eheapst •
TEA:Augaty saleratus, mo a. .: 0 ..
ger , clo;ev4,.nutrnexP4 MOWN. alum,.
• F. B. CHANDIBB aI cost.'
4 • • .
1.4*(14 . iii
. 04111113060 . 110 . 1" KJ:
1. HE cety of , Sullived batribirtien lately
set d ffftom the "earthy of,Lyeoutinuand
the County(Seat•incatedlir totOmisioriersAP
pointed . by , the 1 4 egolathre-,en tite,,1444,
the Subscriber, oaeit 4'4 saje Vain, lots
and lona adjoinilfg ;belit€ pert latp
which 'tie'. v4O sell to euttehttleis: l Ala '.'illehte
and tiitiber " '• c-
Enq6ire of Lewis lentil; Cherry;TiSkliip,
Sullwee_ebeety. of Michael filtixlettLid - mi. 6 .
wit in Isaidl Coital) , to make , th i"Baty
surveysior of the Subscri4et at $0 iliordi
Sisquolianna •Cobatyaeetrrie..,:
NtW, - G
• ,
m tio subscribeTs are :bow ciP9O4 tjand
and selected ninertinent,ot...*Qpin
embTaqingaliiNat Oi/erj?brtice.citilitTOr49
Country Store s theit offer, d' thiel'r Vaal
We 4could tender obv- :thanks.' tiviM libbtd
pu bl ie !for hi - generons lie Untie ge. eiteiiited td
us duripg the punt yen and. would - 0 1 3 1 744Y
lair &tiling unkiene pOce' wilt metijotfo.bqed,
to reit4eacoutlituance pc it..
. -
nOOTS tz.SHOBS, 6ne ei: the la4oo- . .14:.
JLP sortmeute ever offei.ed ip•Moot • rev.
JuLts,l4. aim
LOTHS: Cassimeres; Ofiti riteits t ;
ill=pkiteli andgin I(t les. •
• 1V1LL,444. &ERMAN:
‘ , s
View T.EO. - -.The-genlinarßekia altlo—iiNia.
A. • p,nylii:re.a"; for sale.. ai Able "6 fa
Sioiet, our uv s hoat neiiii btir* to the" " it*
notwithitOdinit., illitha' 0 ArtpiLt
mOBACCO -frontthitt pitu& REAM nti,Mbitta.
• - Mi 4
WANTED; wiy viintitt 'of et
Com; Oatit. BuekwheaV
seed; Butter and Cheese.' for - *lol) l 3.fie- MO.
est• pricwk will *paid:- 4. • c 13 , •-• 41 , 44•1'
. • 114U2A$ 4`,Sifgfilita,
tvittiiiii , itin Imiiiii:=Vititeiti 'sti'eti
Y V ',- - Ligon ,. aind Engl . :iih:lliiitcbee tin Pith%
new dock) Gold end - ell veiz tentilb antrenee
Braikeiniline;, Rings.; Sjiiiint iSpietiiitink4fhil
/ s
Yee, Opens and l'bid*te - ; rum /011 7 1441.„
VimPolliktiw,imilt9healu ‘7-'; r
••• 41 !li'; , e4il - .
~1' -••'1 • ?' • - BRNT 4 : IKV4 I €It - -
GENT4_EME 'S '' , 4Vokileik — Draiviini ,oriud
Or silo eheip . _br '.- t_qc4 - 4 4011!
' / , BENTLE Y
,4‘ Rat&
. ? I]M7,E C - A . O---- I') -V,
~,-- , :lir .., 44 61 ,iO3 - Tii - Ifiv.,lll
IFUST. - OPtnede a ner...1.4.: o f:. 1 AO,l,
itv-Spsairm6be.,*h_Oi. *fp ' it kiflry
iiisr j t
t .p? * l l .bi ' l ° l4- 'undatir c. t.iii
al or 0 1 §
kgoksd . ' ikillAtt - tiOtAli''eli 1,
~,,:„. tb, _ ;I ,
~ 7, 3 .. rti: ••, ,• - =
_, i -Vi-lioteraiurra •
Nniff MOW, NO: -IVta
• , :1 1 %P.14 *1:-='‘:4,%."4-7=7Z.',-*-4;1'0;U:
FIRST +IN,M-Alitri."--r