Northern democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1844-1848, November 18, 1847, Image 2

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turned uport them A venerable, looking,. oli,
priest now fnmes out' from the: sacristy, With.
his sacerdotal robes upon thim. he walker slow-:
ly around, find bows at the foot of the altar.
The ladies aucLgentlemen witoni we saw alight.,
ing from ttni carriage's, aro kneeling at the mi.
lbw, the o 4 priest turns around tothem, they
T 6, and he commenees the ceremony. It is
erer. ThO::€lergyman pronounces a benedic
tion, bows,cgain at the ' foot of the ..altar, k and
retires. Tlie bridal party is coming dowfl the
aisle. Well take a glance. There'goes4lin
groom, he it no other person than our hero,
Lieutenant Parry B. and Rosalie - du Francis, :
too, is his:blooming bride 4 —the bride of Mon
tere,y. -
i Rosa, 14t, achooroiiiAT e13448 - 4ro
11, aril returned home, to-the city of Madrid ,
. in Spain,,wltere her father was an enanently.
It/mildly mei'llant. , 1, contitterable,ilm4 after
her tetum Ulnae; 'her 'father determinedepen
\ travellint ttrangh 'litexivi and the 'United'
States' withlis family. When the - fixed time
a *red, he departed with his wife and ' ilitagh
tr, , and after a remarkable short and . pleasant
7p, spina :at the -port of destination—the
et . of . VeriUrtrz. It happetied that, nt the
t'ytte,of tbitit, arrival, the disease so peculiar to
ihatiand otherportions of Mexico, was Sweep
of the inhahyanta of thaeity and itaaeigh
lortmod, with frightftil'rapidity. - Among' the
victims of . the destroyer Wasßosalie'it father.
‘ Altnost innitediatel . y after his death and herial,,
,lerltuother 'Wks prostrated by sickness. ao
Was:evidently drawing to the close of her mor
. tal career, Witten her husband's brother--akind
aund good hettrted old gentleman, whowai then,
and had,. 114,0, 'for a long tittle previons, a real
dnnt of Vet* Urni--learning, the 'arrival and
iicath of huili : other and her dangerous illneis i ,
hp • at tine ',called on 'her and endeavored to
,li hten the lourthen of her sorrows. He asked
it r What I)6:tnight do
.for her and her A:melt
e, . She was sinking fast.' She 'called Rosalie
to hip bedsle, and plaCed . her hand in that:Of
her uncle. :il'hen turning; to the old gentle
man, With tears in her eyes she Said •:—II have
' often beard!, my husband speak of your good
ness ; now that be is gone and I am going, I
leg of you (6 chertsh and'protect my daughter}
—my only e'hild - . Do so and God willbless
yen both. 'i:These were the last !words she av
er • uttered i the grave was soon her resting.,
place, and the green, turf her' canopy. . After
the death of Mrs. du Francis, the discasi ap
peared to he,inercasing, and Rosalie's uncle
thought it bPst for her and himself, to lea*. the)
city and, move to Matatnoras, which placC was 1
.said to he quite healthy at that time.They} t.
removed aciterdingli and had not been living
there long, When the war commenced beiween
the twp Iletuhlies, and when Rosalie ascer
tained that , arry was a Lieutenant in thelar-}
my at Corpits Christi. 'She then thought that(
there was a probability of again seeing the
companion of her younger years. Pedrp Ve
lisques was uncle's servant. At the break
ing opt of the war he . enlisted in the Mt...rime(
army. When he made it known to her that
ho had been ordered to march with the forces. }
Roselle gav4 him the miniature of Harry, and ' •
his name, written on a small piece of paper.—
"She enjoined him to take the greatest care of
tlte miniature, telling him aIA, at -the same
time, that it it should be his fate to be taken
prisoner of tar, to make searches for Harry,'
and if succepfill in finding him, tint to let 'him;
:know wheri) she was, The refnder alreadi
-mows that ;Pedro was - taken priAticrrand.holv
'he found Hiirry. 4,
. ' After the taking of 3.ta , ------- '1 ,0... -
lay, Rosalie: and her uncle remofed to'Monter
ey: ,After their removal Rosalie visited the
prow; she Saw Harry in the cell; hat he did
not see her' Subsequent to this Pedro either
- made his eiCapc, or was discharged, and finally
reached 31Onterey. Ile returned -again' into
'the service of his old master. Knowing "all
- the ins aneouts ” of the prison in which liar
'vy was confined, he conceived the plan of his
escape and made it known to Rosalie. He
told lier,hevould write some lines to Harry,,! ,
pay a. visit to the prison, have a vast deal of',
curiosity while there, and macage in 'Some way
Cr Other toleast the note into the cell window.
,And, finallY, that knowing the entire guard at!
;the armory: and magazine he could with ease.
-consummate the whole plot. Religiously was.
his word ttept, and admirably his, was plan
executed. '':
Harry fil;und the residence of Rosalie after
the storming of Monterey and visited her often
and regulAly. It is not my province here to
picture a 4nrtship—the reader nireadyknowa
the result,of a love formed in early yearsl. .
—The following are the particulars of the ter. ,
Irilde accident which occurred on the Woree' s
iter Railroad, near Boston, on Saturday :
About iwo o'clock, P. N., just after the,
train had left Boston, and when near the, Iron,
-works +(Tait the mill dam, (Brnoklyne,) the'
litunker en the forward second class pa.ssengei
rear teeame unmanageable or broke, - Ad when.
the iisin iappreached the bridge, the wheeli
I - fel through, and the ear striking the abutment
was instantly smashed to, pieces - and tinewnreff
the tracki:, Seven of the passengers ha this- ,
ear were iustaitly killed and their hod* man
sled in the most horrible manner, I ,leaving
twareely Is - li mb unbroken. Others eneeped
"with alighy, injury, by=clinging to the fragments-,
of the ear.', • 'The car belonged ;to the Nrester.n
RailioadJited was not provided, like the- Wor
cester cafe,- with safety , chirins. Of these-kil;
led we tree enabledf to leernAlre: names-of but
two; 111ri•Richard Warren, of -Jefferson,
and. Idr. - 80eorge Frye, of Portsmetab, -
„ Aire. 'Front their diem they-ere sup
. tObare been all laboring men. t-lbe.
• • oftthose killed presented a trulyalanck4'
leg and fosat.sickenitig spectacle. Pot shine .
distance the road was strewn with the motile ted remalits ef the unfortunate men. Another
aeeount attributes - At.. aeeideet to tbelimPr4-
er adjus*ent of the switch, and states that .
most of 4e killed were Irishmen. One man
ebrther killed by his side ; and ettephew
in front :ost bis life at the - same time .
Rzcirwerry -WIT& BlLASAL.—rThePi`eli
dent bU his Protkuistion.einneixindieg,
sniAllisOntinning duties Oft tonnige ap,a;
pots of:the United Stalt,eN ep fa,r
ireisele : and Inerebeiniise:444l.niiit
-'lotiefsetory Assurances laving been
that powerhed - dene same u 1;
Amelia* vgisols, • .
thz.Ops. WAsursorax.H Lf4t*s.fivint:l4)l
r: meager' *rho went outali,this:-.3resseli epeehAf
b 4
'-- her- h I O I Y. - She limit teli „nib's - Au. ell,,
...Abe thew t o the Xis li sh et„ with pee L 'iiii I
, y. 4-pkgii heft , ' the wholibrook,
_She‘.lrjli "yeti
:..., _ wei tiii British . .iteuvere. , -IN Aotirse,l - [ A-,
s p e d is onechrtima =not be enrpaseed. ' , -1
• _ A
.L - Ai. F.'Flol#,Milg
:GatAnf Capt+ Wagmr4`angiiiii`ari Baq
tie at Httanatz.tla—Akqutet at the appitO
t .
he ste.Opsilip
,7ew Prie '4
is a 5"
ea iii letr
Orleans on one !7tbi, wit N dsmai fro `'le t Ort!
t o c ibllst af'lrcivAitbk - -7' L'i..-....F,:i., - &•1:4
I.: Gen. Patterson was to leave Veo Crux on
'lit inst. The Whole nutnber of the train - and,
escort i. 5000 strong and 'l2O wagons.
The brave Capt. G, H, Walker of Texas,was
01101 - iir - iiii - aetititt with thelgexictins- at - -Iluz*,
*antl3i : . ...
4t die-Englisht courier ,arrived. at Vera . fp,
)'n the-31st ult.; bringing news from the ,;6ty
4f Iktex.ito -4),th° • 29th
:Nothing very im.
:POrtant has transpired iu,tbe capitol since{ tbe
I , reviuusativices; ...• - . • • 1 :
' . We extract the following items from.tho'Ve-,
'i,a Crus Geniusf Liberty, of the Ist lust.
••,1 ,Atlisco has been taken possession of by 1000'
coe.our forces,. : Thi.i large' city was. yielded
oout the least resilience. ' -"
,ir s i) i tip t litt is dOUlatle. by this time also hives
esston of tlie .tl.lnerieatt forees, .' - • '' - -
. .
, ~,Tite! Alexteati government , digs - snp - erOded j •
' . S.inta 4 kilnalcks the Cocaine:Mer of the urniv.—,
Nneori ii4B 'beenappoiitteil tq that offic e S an=
14/01a laupy : protesting tgailisi" the 'violiz-
tio4,Of - his,r4ghts as, the ffistillkiatiate Of the,
I.llftion, as he styles liituaclf, - 4d refusing, -!obit- •
clienco to the government, reires to Tehttican.
113ten;Secitt and stafrhave ftely visited -the
`.city. of Guadalaupe. •
I , 4erot. Almonte reached qUe'retaro on the itk_
i the sezir York regirrient - of volunteerS 'have
.pi anted swords to Capt. A. W. Taylor' and
, .: J. Griffin.
1:.- . .i. ,
,e . city was filled with rumors of peaee,and:,
Hit.iwass.aid that-a quertun had met at Qiiere-
4.4 12 1, ;and that the maj - o,rity!decided in favOr of
'4.atilleable adjustment of difficulties. " 1
'..r, : ,'Tbere seems to be but liith a doubt that a
Bice of Americans have eUtared and 'takenl
',pp issession of Oriiaba, and it 14 altogethe.r'pro- i
1oable„ that 'the.fercU, did not eXceed 400 'men.
!Orizaba contains a population of 'something'.
4,1.1'1.6,000 - l i ihebitants, yet they hail tbe'griod
sense to, surre der their -city, netwithstatiding
the forth was ' so meagre that &Mended it: •
The following officers have leave of absence
i l a r itd proceeded to, the-United States—those who
Ate not incapacitated by sickness, to recruit for
rtheir, respective regiments - :
, ,' Brevet Col. Garland, seth infantry ; Col. G. ;
V. Morgan, 14th infantry I Ward B. Burnett,
1 71sle . w York volunteerS; Garrett Dykeman;New
ZorkNolinteers ; A. King } 15th infantry ;--
Pkobert 'Porter, 2d 'ennsylvanie volunteers ;,----
',Ttrnes Murray, do, ; David' Hopkins, do. ;—•
James D. Potter, New York vois ; Lorimer
graham, 10th infabtry ; Cbas. H. Jones; New
iYorit volunteers ; W. - Brown, do. ; Llewellyn
[Janes, mounted rifles ; M. A. Van Buren, do::
Iflenry A. M. Fillmore, 2d Pennsylvania yel
-1 unteers. _
W_ . . C. Toby, of Philadelphia, has published
a paper in the city of Mexico, called the 'North
] American;' It is a beatitiful sheet the Delta
The affairs in the city of Mexico were in
quiet state. a
The following froin the "Genius of i vx,,x4
of the 25th ult., contains the .
items we can gather from the Vera Cruz pa-I
pen- :
From four French ,, eritlemen, who left the
, e
city of Mexico on, the 13th, and Puebla on the
16th 'of the present month, we have ree,cived it- i
itelligence of a very,rportant nature concern-
ing the state of affi rstn those griarters. Oen.
Lane having arrived at Perote, vas there join
ed by Capt. Walker and his command. Both
advanced together ,on the Puebla road till they'
reached the town of Preyed. - '
At this place, Capt. IValker;by 'order of the'
,! Commanding General, took up liis line of
march to Hrianantla, by way of the towns of
San Francisco and Gimpastla. On his • arrival i
at,Fluanantla a sanguinary erigagement took
phice in the streets, between the force of Capt.
Walker. consisting of 250 men; and that of, the
Mexicans, numbering 1600, the result of which
was the total expulsion of-the enemy from the
torn and its occupation by our valiant httle
army, which lost iathe battle only six men,—
But the gallant Walker, after Performing
igies•Of valor, and feats of the most daring
character, fell in single eombat f pierced by the
spear of an enraged father, who goaded to ac
tual frenzy by the death of his' ton, whose fall. e
beneath the arm of iCapt. Walkdr he bad just
witnessed, rushed forward, heedless of all dan
ger, to revenge his death, and attacking tb ;
Captain with irresistable violence, plunged his':
ipear into his body and slew 'him almost in-
Otantly. .ii.
I The Mexicans lest 200 men and three pie -2
es of artlilery. The latter was thrown into ai,
guiles adjoining'the town by the victoill, wild,.
pifter the,Ohicvement of their object, the , dis 4
althe enemy, for whidh they were Oes-i',
)patelied to Huanantla, evacuated the place,and
directed their course towards . Final, on thaPu=.-1
el& road,,whiela they reached without any,op.'
position, and there Meeting with Oen. Laneoi
the conibined,Ameriean force . continued' iti
rch upon Puebla. ;
! ..T.utothis' city, in a state of insurrection, it,
eutdred ui ; platoons, delivering at every step a i
constant and well directed fire of musketri r , I
which ceased not until the enemy retreatetland
_Order i'as restored in eve& quaxter: Genf:,
Rea, afirhom,weiieard se lintel :lately, L fle4d,
iiith 00 guerillas 'towards Atlipio. 'Oen. SaiL4
te . de was,,,itt the last' accounts , at 'Tehua4,
On e las Granadas, hiving been deserted 14„
ill h s followers, with the exception of 200. t
.A large American train was to hid left: tit
city of Mexico, on the 31stt tilt:, Ain its *ail
-pit to' 1< Crux. Thefeseort for ' its 'prat
t i, ct io n , i s composed it of four or five .' hipanii44
of infantry,' battery and some cavalry ' uhdoiri
the command of Col. Harney. The Capital A
aireifli •Y=ewing with hale's, taverns, i.billiqi
r 9 q* , ,eafes,a4.theitres.alladvertise'd in,..tht
Ameirliwi, 440... ', , — ; i ! , 1
0 44 5 1 1 , W1 1 1 3 01 40 ?_..,f s; 1 4 1 ):?4, e,k ` kail been
biprenecd in the vapgai... ,The, heal tit
aIPY , ofSr tiVn,ihfiPfgoP-,•,The „ .
4 nag. of : 4 !!'nz'ol/LA9:i. , AP it:uppears,"ipoi.
ganiallo.tha ecmotutioos gfithe South. i iiis
i'is!,l4l:inervoitip"iwifkiatal.:, 6 . :iii:o lo oe 6 ..ifik
thkitPf N r .ra F 1 , 1,0 ib ' e.igiOe r 'CPo-0 414 .ti 0 *
'll%e-440,i:filet of tie "tii*AT' n *li - :T.fdli''
.44 ten : Air .., : ' Per-trl3t. WcOsPqR,C I 4 .' t
-:: . P41i.•,P .' — 8 1 :4 1 iti04 1,4) 6P1491 14 4ft
. .. ... . ,
s l s,oo.rmlor Pt A .. city lor 3 texigi• - , PIP A,
Naylor, of the' Pennsylvania - -Viiiiintenta, 44
Governor of the Palace tend Keeper of the Ai.'
rei,-,. Gestrals Shiers and Quitman will.
me down iiiih the train, on their way to the
i i i 1 0 mte tates. The ships Ossia, ~
irotk; 4, *of, piiied atXiiiki
aDtli ultimo.? ',. ti 4 1- !
q From the Plitt - Ingo 3:ourtyli, of
i iltil - Ei• . dip. ive.,d the inforMUtinn that e
444td. il rstiticitth' armed in the: w
gazatla'.orn the 22d of
erriy, intalifornia.E Th`p,...1T:.8. squad
.4isting. o 4116 'figia els cOngriss,Deale.„
iiiii and* tiabspc4, l Mtintereton
cif illepteMber tor lazailan Od Sin I
r4hositif G4ayanias,liand',4Acalifileo
4 iltlrfoit"Olitn Cie CIO. ‘Oisissinsld . '0
.leady, Major Borland, Capt. Danl
Ti.e - ndiill and Midshipman .Rogers come!
14 Mr. Bard:bead, the'Rriiish minklter,,,,
it Vera Crui on tht :lilth tilt., and' Was
it . ..,.-with military honors. t
4 Capt. 'Layall, and eighteen men of hi
~ 12.0 of Mounted Georgians, and from
,:n'ef the ri fl es , are known to have bee
* the charge of Capt Walker. A inanl
horg, of Baltimore, interpreter for I
Walker, lost a leg from a discharge of aA
OPUWynkoop writes that the Mexican
fcla i ughtered after this' like sheep.
Torres, the editor of the 3lonitor lh
&no, was eowhided for aspersing the (
0r of a lady. A duel was fought neadVera I
'Ortiz, outside. the Gate et' Mercy, ,on' tb Ist i
iiiit., between Carts. Warrington and Ihite,l,
*ith mnskets; at sixty paces.' Atllie flit fire
. 6p . t.:Warriflgtoyi received a ball thrimi, the!
lteshy'part cifloth kit below the, knee! The
aeamer Ann Chase, and two 'three fisted
it•hooliets have gone ashore in the harp' of
Vera Crnz. ' All, it is supposed will belitally
ftst. A duel was fought about the 24tbu11,1
Vietween Capt. Porter of the rifles, and rapt. I
:B.reher ofthe vOltigeurs.' At the seenti - tire
'apt. Archer was shot in the abdomem4,a se , -
iere but•not a dangerous wound. '.
.':i Gcn. Mora y Vitlamil has been appcnted
I STexitan Secretary of War. Lieut. Shakle-.
(t . .ird, of the"2il artillery, has died of his writ - ids.
As far back as the 14th ult., Generals Plow .
ind Shields were able to be about. Thiipo
11tical intelligence by this arrival is vagmiand
tnsatisfactory. One of the above duels grew
i but of the fatuous Leonidas letter, it is sa il .
4 ti
new paper has been established in tthel
:ipital, entitled La I?azon. It is publiiiied
Intirely in Spanish, is a Democratic paper;lnd
.1!a romtes the re-establishment of the consitu
&ln of '•2.4:.
We regret to learn from the "Star,;' '.hatl
(d. Roberts, of the .2d Pennsylvania reginent
Of volunteers, died at the Capital on the 313 t of
Lieut. Joseph D. Bacon, of the Sth infantry,
4ied on the P2th ult., of wounds received at'
tie" battle of Churubusco.
!" Earthquakes, says the -North American!' or
the '9th ult., are at the present time of very
fyregnent occurrence in this beautiful country.
few days ago the village of °coda - was to
tally destroyed. The Canton de la Barea
bas also suffered a severe shake, throwim
down houses and the tower of the principal
church. We haVe had four of these unpleas
dnt in this
,city since our occupation of
The Mexican Eazlr is the name of a new
,Ifesiean Journal juit•commenced at the capi
tal. The does not believe in opposing
I.n amicable adjustment of the differences, and
'ays that Providence has decreed the destiny
a' the nation. The following is the substance
ttf a motto at the bead of the "Eagle" : "An
onorablezace_gpx,Ve natio.wei - eglie mag
i ..
I terms other than honorable."
4timate of the value of the different
contained in the Queen's crown :
Twenty diamonds around the circle,
‘! £OOO each,
Two large centre diamonds, £.2,000
' each
Tifty-four smaller diamonds 'placed
at the anules of the forber,
,Four crosses, each composed of
twenty-five diamonds,
Tour large diamonds on the tops of
the crosses,
Twelve diamonds contained_ in the
Eighteen smaller diamonds contain
ed in the same,
Pearls, diamonds, &c., on the arch-
es and crosses,
One hundred and forty diamonds on
the mound, . 5,000
Twenty 7 six diamonds on the upper
Two circles of pearls about the rim,
Notwithstanding such an uncommon mass of
jewelry, independent of the gold, i elvet cap,
ermine, Sce., - the crown weighs only nineteen
ounces, two pennyweights. • It measures seven
inches in height, from the gold circle on the
upper cross, and its diameter at the irim is five
inches. ,
Justice at Last;
By reference to our report of the proceedings
of the court of Sessions, it will be perceived
that Madame Restell, the notorious abortion-
ist, has been, senteneol l to one year's imprison-
went on Blackwell's Island. From the time t ,
of her arrest, and during the progress of the`
trial, we lave abstained from making any re-1 • Ma. ', Wisz.—lthsciisions are going ' the
marks relative to her, either as regarded the ; rounds 'of the papers as to the course of 'Mr.
case whi h was on trial, or for any acts of her; Wise, which for a time suspended our relations
I previotts life ; but now that the - trial is over, i with Brazil,'and attempts arc made to itove
' and the verdict of the' „jury has stamped her i that he' acted in the matter with zeal and Yde
k guilt, and the punishment awarded to her crime: tormindtion. Some drunken sailors behaved
lwe feel called upon to make a few remarks, I improperly in the Streets of Rio, and'Were ar
which we do in the full belief that they will be I rested by the police. pOMe cdficers -from r our
responded ,to by .an enlightened cOmmunity, ships thap #1 port; drew their swords to i res-'
For a long series of years, this vile tracer in i •
cue tiniiallillimates, wlieti they were all Over
; human life has pursued her unholy calling in I powered andl4priNned, Mr, Wise. detestr
-1 thisveity with impunity. The 'seducer aSid the led their instant release, aria ordered our Sidps
female, who, in an unguarded moment, has to fire On the town, in ease "his demands hero
' yielded to that seducer, have found a. safe- not cothplied with, • This treated th'e difficulty;
gurd from detection in the house of Madame '
g i
his zeal outran his judgment ;his - energy should
Rests'': The 'poor girl, wl4o, tempted from I have been exhibited in Jlefegilin -not anal
i poverty to yieldto ;the entre4ties of the seducer 1 rights,' and hot in interfering with personal dis.
I also fuuls refuge from detection. By her vile " putes. But no one 'Who kgowe Mr, Wise, ev-
And Uefarious business she has amassed a for- 'er gave himeredit'fOr Pool judgment or-discre,
tune which , hitherto. Although once tried, twice! t ion. The man, Wbo on the floor of ConOesi,
itidicted,;bas enabled her Ito defy the ministersi thanked God thatLthere 'was no . newipapir
of the law, and go unwbipped of justice. Butt printest in bis district, As 111 r. Wise 'did, eVi
-1 he r ill-begotten metinsetudd avail no longer
dently insinuated that: had there been' i news
' heivounie bas at length been arrested by, the paper published there, he never Irouldi have
Aar ng arm of the law,:administered as at has been - plected.—Paity Globe, ' '
i i
. Paiwrzus.—ld 'the Pennsylvania Legisla.
n by , fearles*,,fum and, independent public -', T- - ------- !'
ti ors:. Wbo.are -entitled to the -thanks of the
v ture there are twelve* ftiurieen printeniii edi
community fofthe,zeal, energy and ability they
r services ; :. ukin 'return it is benOcial
ha* disploytiodiirviudicating the supremacy of th , rl l:l ex.- O itors. l i Thiiileratlppreciiition
thelaws, which : lea : resulted in the conviction o ' k'
9 the! comnlunlity: i . The mere ' trrperiencii,edi 7 -
land.sentenee•ranai.tbe very existence of whom . t
m besm o oo re tp i t e ed w fuo tim ioisi 'a ttiti an ceb, :c' ,ii a nra t t_ t i e oe ti tee t tr i s C of, ,n; l:, ' t iro oe..,F. L b it tt et iliei l i ea tt l n : T Y d '
,has been Illoi*blot. upon our fair oity.—N. r. , t9rs stdYrintirs, had of public ' l effair,Bl : the'
Dei/y-010be. , 1 .... •-, :
tutblitilit rOlotic, c . ..: - - -:, : , 21 r . , 2
, , • •
Ll*yr4o,ptkes,l4.lnsclf "sbeep" ,
- 11°44 tt - ' ry
Tl R ospzenvz ' , Purxr:um..llSl) 4 . EST .1 ,
ikiii I siyi Later . , ! Dit Europe.
IT .. , ; .E.Si Sri g.. ...
.- ... . 7 , 7 „.: . .....„ ~, :.:4 „..,..,, ~- 44 - 4 ,+40i tii . :,- _ 4 - 4 - ,, ~- - 1 - 40„, t itt.,-,
C,ontinue4 fqilit s ts *Ni t !--Peikr
c essill?n—Tae Liiion4,ll lu
.-,.o. l lUns i a j :l, P',llg-'
71te Grain'liiitrketi 4-c.; ~ , .: '4
1 ' • atiiip' t ye: a 'tatilinglini4owlfut
, n, ere4 c — t
The U. S. 'lste eta er Ik's. xigtott , fr oni — ,Sistith-, Ti/ I thi'; the 41 ,4 tiltils W . ce: tutY rA l i rotrAl us
it tlin ,.,. e !
the '; ~ - dr in
.. 1 + ''. III:at New York te e tory of the United o t tge s IP )CO to
ampton on the Ath ...„, a ve
~,, ,4,1 ;..llta ts
ncuspnS, I and s
on Tuesday !week. The Yews ~.ehe brings is aiiopu tion :of late
14 ,
i, c
' t -
highly interelstlut and,:im s' . ' .rta ec. i ,, . . ' that in ; Isa than lifty yea.
~., lt ,. . ! ilvi . 11,renontn.M
Intl ' '
Since the 4iilig of tbk,llaledoitia :v.:complete 'benched / millions ? t, ia indittd ,interesti 4 ,
paralysis ha eeled ektery.t..reneh of ih,uSitit'ss, 5 40. 1 , , ,i R a •strikiig light t v t . 6444.1( ti O the ;
'fbe monetary , preasirt-. It .s., increased duffing 1 ,4 mo l ij i ly 00 1 100 , 4 „ , , vek , 14,, , 1th ; _
the week, :said Otraol'ilina':y thieinatiOnsitaie 1 Pt' •IL
hereafter haNte the' destinies ofthisiatight Jle- -
taken place; in Abe mane . market. Consols
have been 4wdas low as 78, which :is a lower public:in their hands. The - calculationsd not
'point thaq they have' Marked: sfor many years. seem to be extravagant, and are probably very
It haS been almost impasitlile to obtain aecom-I
near the truth : ; .
modations oh an terms. I. As evidence of the ', ,Ta
. I s4 ci l i6 -u n t te a . Bei d io ni ci! p lif
11 - ti'
severity - of the pressure; it is stated that the
of , 17,068;666. :" AlloiVingits tiitikrOnere shin
:Rothsehildslwere induced Ito take some paper I. be
at the rate•Of 8314'percent - rot eae sue
pu the 23rd' on , the condition that it was not I
iceeding:peried'of tats years;: we shtiltnumler in
,to be paid f r under two weeks. The pressure
11940,'803,101,641t,' Paat niperien§evarrants
has been an still is severe beyond -ail prece- i
us - to expettlhiS increase,: In 1791 ,our hum
dent. Fail ires continue ) to take place; mein- I h e r' as 3;,0 ,t ,827:i . suijos b ig ,- it . , fiai la
,than eur'actna r i nuniber ai - allowirily tli , bet . i-
I than 150 tn . the Rquare mile" for gift/ :W It °lel ter - .
severe banking estalishnients, and many I eteased e t aeb ,r dee it a i; itt , Th6 . l , titivot ts 1 m.
more antici ated. cent., -it Whilld iti 18-t0 'Bevis: atitisti4ed:; • 16i,-
, The wor -Ina classes, however, have magi- i 660,256, beipn, more than h4t.• 4 .:i n iiii o - l ess
tfestly not, flt the worst of it. Suspension of i t
,work, redu ion of wages, short time, and RV- I StIS. NV itii-200,1)Q0,04:16, , *e'151i0n10 leiV,. , less
ery.sympto otbard times are now' their por- I
Lion; and elliiioes bet Ween employers and ;
ri . err,
their work en are freqnent. The approaching I t and but '2 9 0 to the srphire mile fat : our i
t organized States lital territories'. England:llas
winter is evidently destined to he the hardest ;,_3uo„
to .the square mile. It iloes not then,
the people:of Ettglind have known for
em probable-that
otir: 'pttigressiVe increase
many years", • ' l Will be materially :checked within'the one bun-1
The failure of the Royal Bask of Liverpool 4)
"tired years under tonsitleratien. - ::At ' the , end'l
has caused A great excitement in that town. 1
There has been. an extraordinary pressure in'
' of that period,
ir e:nada:Will :numbdi' at least
the Money ' , Market; a rua upon all the banks. ...'"'""'"'" u "' ' "'we .suppose the P° rti°n of our'
and a general 'want of Confidence among all :country east and west of the Appalachian chain',
lof mountains knisifn as the Atlantie slope, en'
classes. ,
I i possess at that time 40,000,000, dr near five
Oa the :20th it was announced: that the time , . s
sit present nutnber, there : sitill'-- be- left
" Liverpool Banking Corepany "
payment: , This bank Walt established had isnt4ll72e6d. ' 9 60,000,000 tit' the great cent all region Le
stoppage was caused by the withdrawal of lit:r.enesn, the:Appalit‘thian and the R,leky moun
t and between the GuitotMeiico'and Ca,-
its usual facilities from the Bank of England.
Ittada, and for the country west' ofii. the 'Rocky
On the 21st •it was stated that the " New
castle Union Joiet Stock Bank " had stopped Allowing :the 'Oregen , 'tetritory
payment. , This Bank, was established in 1837. V II , :
,r. loo n O t o h s i O n o B 6, there will beTeft 250;00,000' for
t tport:ices of the American'Stat4lving infile
with a capital of:L:152,000 , and recently ,shares' ``basins- of the Mobile. Mississippi Oa - St. % tau - -
which cost A:5; 861 d for double that aunt. Its
stoppage is owing to the:great difficulty of ob- renee. If to these ve.add: 9 0,006 , 1,000 for Ca
nada, we have ' 9 70,1100;006 as tole 'probable
taining discounts. ,
A deputation from the 'bankers and -nier- number that will inhabit the' Nor American
valley at the end 'of the one hundred years,,
chants of Liverpool, at the head of which was
Maybr, came tO town andwaited tip - cominencing in -1840. If 'we suppose one
the Lord
third, or 96,00q.000 of thiStiumbhr to reside
on the Premier with a inemorial, asking
t r ilt; in the climitry as cultivators andertisans, there -
G over ntneut ta adopt immediately
ures for the relief of the mercantile csomotuemmeuasni-ii-will be a 54,000,000 left for the tqwnS, enough
- 'l, to people 360, each containing half" a million.
ty. lord John Riessell admitted that the
..t not seine as - incredible that the
pressure under which tee commercial :classesi
tie . v of the .NilC, scarcely twelve miles broad,
labored was vets great, but he regretted that ;i
shmild have oncelas historiaiss tell us, contain
he could tint hold out. an 1
y hope that Govern- I
ed 20,000 cities: ,
ment could interfere to allay public apprehem.
sioti, and relieve the pressure...
It is stated that the general trade 'of Birm-,
inghamis becoming decidedly worse. Thou,
sands of mechanics are discharged from work;
and the large establishments have resolved to
close their doors.
A Cabinet Council was held on the 18th,
and another on the 21st ult., at the Foreign
Office, which Lord John Russell, the Chancel
lor of the Exchequer, and nearly all the Min
isters attended. It is supposed that the mo
netary and: commercial erisis ' was the subject
brought forward on both occasions.
The Queen and the Court ,remain at Wind
sor Castle. , -
Tke,Dake,agkelljArleinAtived at the Ape-
Queen at Windsor Castle, and left London the
same day for 'Weimer Castle, where he was ei
: eeted to remain till the first week in Novena
The Morning Post ,of Oct. 23d mentions,
!that it is rumored in Political circles, that Sir
i Robert Peel bad•been. Sent for by the Queen,
• and that the ex-Pretniek , had a private audience
1 with her :Majesty. The Post, however, scarce
-11- believes in the truth ,of the rumor, but. says :
" The Queen canho' t have dismissed her pres
ent Minister, :and we tare much mistaken in
Lord John Russell, if he should have tendered
his resignation in the Mere anticipation of dan
ger or defeat." • I - !
1 The frequent Cabinet Councils, the visitlofj
ithe Duke of Wellington at Windsor Castle, the
severity of the present) crisis in mercantile tif-;
fairs, the refuSal of the Chancellor of the Ex
t chequer 'to coincide with the Premier in grapt
i ing more relief, may have suggested to politi
' cal circles the rumor rOntioned by the Post
I Things on the Contihent wear, on the whole,
' a more placid aspect. : ,
1 The King and Queen of Spain were appar-
I ently truly reconciled. 1 4
Tranquility prevailed throughout India:i
In Italy matters are less warlilte.
The reports from Ireland teem with alarming,
accounts of distress and outrages. :
: Eight hundred of the populace had made an
attack are the Rathkeale workhouse. , ,
In Switzerland, the: rival Cantons were on
the brink of war., .
The Korn: market : looks somewhat more
cheerful. Flour is in fair demand at the prices
eurrantion the sailing of the Caledonia. corn
is abOukene 'shilling per (Platter better,
'Cotten has again receded, and - is down fully,
one-halfof a penay in• the five. days,. prier to
the departure of the Washington.
U. 8.
, can
: Oy
, Ist
x to
.ar t.
is an
~ 4,000
i 100
- --__*_i'~_
-. :-,------- -- - . ;‘
THE DR OT ER. 0 ASE.--41111.1.15 Vir . ill t. 41304, ,
a respectable citizen ni Tiffin, ; Ohio, left home
in the latter part of July, in the prose3ution
of his businesS-4hat of a cattle, dealer—and
has not`been heard froth since:the '24th of Sep
tember, when he was at Chathhtn. C I
county, Pa.- He had sold his steielt of cattle,
and had a lar . ge amount of money i and had sta
ted his intention ofleaving for Ppilildelphia the
next day. A man answering lns description I
arrived at the Mansion Hoi_e, ibiladelphia,
shortly after thehbove date, epoilited hi4ort :l
manteau, started out to sue , . friend ; was-seen. :
it is said, near or in one of our theatres-in the
evening, hintneVer returned' to tile hetet. 14.
,„,.,, fA cw*s a citizen - ot -greatinoz ! -. vi..- ..„...-.4 ' r-...
4 VEtigiliq; and his fatally amli friends' are in
great distresh on :his . accolint,:—ids wife and a
friend having started for Philadelphia in search
of him. _ A 'droVer who bad beda in Company
with Mr. H. was arrested by 4 'authority of
, Mayor Swift, and several hearings have been
'had before his honor; but t notlibr elicitad a,s
1 vet to insure a Commitment: Nis to be hoped
I that if Mt. ll..hasbeen foully :dealt -with the
- .
1 culprit may be Apprehended.-4otes Weekly
Paper. . .. ,
Hamm. or in Pteastivirs'i:—Almost all
of our Presiqents have been'tall Ulm as if we
hulseleeted our rulers as the *Oren of Israel
did their firff monarch, for - his height. '
Gen. Washingtpn ......;., B feet
John Adams : . . .....1:;:5- "' 10 inch.
Thomas Jefferson f ) 1)
t' et 1 2
James Madison ..... ,*" 17 -
3 ' 5 9 :
.;James Monroe 46 "
:John Qdiney Adams- - ' - : ..i.,-.5 , " 10 t'i
Andrew jaelcson ... ‘,.. ' ,i ; . 6"'l "
Martin Van Thiren ...........5 ." 8 " _
Wm. H.: Harrison :-..• .... .. i. 5 " 10 "
John Tyler. ..........f.....i.6 ", • '
James - K. Pulk ..
5 " 10 "
These are he,igllts , aboie•the average of man
f kind, ex9erit in!Kentuckyrand TOlne,ise. -
MoenEa.—One night last week, a party of
young non who run with opposing fire compa—
nies, had a brush in Arch - istree4 during which
John H. Eastman, residing with his parents at
the North-east corner cif ith add Cherry sts.,
ivas stabbed in the right groin, firodueing a se
rious wound. A young , Man, Inatned Henry
Barthel mew *as arrested , as : f ee of . the
era, and'ocimmitted by the Majt in dafault of
On Friday night, anothei paly had a quar
rel in Catharine. street;'„ isoutirark. ,in this
broil, -a young man,- by the lupin of Roger
Ke3ly, was hilledliy a, pistol bill, fired by one
of the opposing party-, ; .Very, .things areJ
I coming, .to a ,pretty' state.--*nott's Weekly
T --'t
-11 E NEW liroremoN lotAT4iv.--Tlio Mor2.
nions have,ideated their grand ialbeiing plaese
about half way .bet Ween - the 'Utah and ..- ,,a1t.,
Lakes, in tarijniiia on a streanikOlieh connects
f Vie two waters. T 4, distance betneehthe trio
. lates is ,aljont sixty teile-,.- , a'fOrtile valley el.
1 tendjn i g 'the whole '4'llW:ince or tio t ..
. , k•or . 'al, . ' m ire p in'
i l bedtli t :Tilerii t4 - y.
i i.4l . lfidllott's 'tity and
emnruenedd making, inpthven4ots.' ' They are,
1 1n the midst' Of tholAtelaeet,Vtali and CroW
I tribes of Indiana, ,wll4l are
or, kaid'Aci'heldailealde,
arid fa this"sett r lenient.' ' r )14 " .. ..1 . ' -n 2 -4_
1 4
' Larrinn 'rot -VtrtioPn.,-Tii a; Pistihastei-
I Glerieral has issued it'. shat.' , 1, in *hick Id'
states 'that no trial) , nittitefi destined' for 'any of
the British p'essessiens on'-thhirenntineptrwilt
be' permitted tO leitve.theiThilied Statedndess.
the ilaitAld States - poStttge' therien is previous;'
11,y full paid. This iti dono , nisi iV'tnatter ~a f re; , ,'
I taliation,lbeetnise ' e'Britiali jOveiTtnenti has
I charged' the mail n atter of thd Stealo.lei Wash.
• i ington will; ' f4ll'p tap; i!. , Tlii":,nOlC artan,gi=
i l men t gees . inte' :e t on 1 'and 't after 4hd. 19th ,
11 init a nt,' J ~
`! ~::', •, f , t.', '-'• 114... r i'l.4‘ -1.,
' •
Mr. *illism , Slutw,,foringav, ) ; 0040 *fhlitidY
its4ectedtitisett or:New Itorki JAstoffbo-liso yth
ci'oatfy si c itberb_of
W* burnt death tar,Fridinfilkiwnsequeime
of bii dreitinettoyrurtaltios *Cy - A '
• - •
Ar I `. Z --.
- •
i - '- V- - 'l. -- • ..?'
r 2 (3 1 4 , ' .40 4 - , r ' ,' •
:' - i I t il• VP . t:' ,„, 1144 - '2 4 ~,,,.,, ;'' e •
i l P i , * - -c,'''' -; :5 :.
:€4' tl • - ''- •
il 1 I[THE
I*¢nlrrie, Thursday, Rov. 18, MI
3 :;i414 woon
WILL not some of our subscribers whimant
to pay for their paper in Wood, bring us some
immediately 4 We are out, i 44 nil4l are
Will address. a Meeting at the Cond Ho we
on Tuesday eveniognext.r
The TllrtlCth r Congiess. -
In,g litijp,clyprotwo weeps ,T4iTtie;,l
gress.will eonvone for Its first. session. - Its po.
tied mini - 16 -te lienilyiiseertain•
i pxt ry
Cd r an4geuerally-understood. , The Setisie,
whielfiSonstittited of fifty-eight members, 'sill t
be',liemneratic,;.as usual by. a majority of at ir''
I least thirteen, (giving the Federalists John P. 'o,
Hale, 'the New Tlampabire renegade, and 'the
I.doubtftaloonefrom.Tennessee,) and the How
Federal by _a onajord4y,inntislefinitely ascertain.
ed but ranging from tbree to five., ' _
Thesiegiiiirrinotods'es in his:brie Of more than
14:ordinary interest, and Much speculation is in
dodged in political circles as to what will cm
[ stitute the Character- ofits mostimportant bu
siness., - Undoubtedly the- war,and th,e incider.- '
tal questionSlto whiel l oit ba4 O•en'.or may give
'rise, snolaal ifs prosecutipoo, its object, acqui
sition, no more territory, slavery,&c., will com.
pbse theehief topics iof exciting 'contio;erov '
and partisan strife.; ilm the'" popidarbraloch"
we may' ieedeed Joel; rot considerable mama. .
vering and'4ltercation. Thorn even the Fed
eral majoriiy„,bids fair to be anything but har- 1
mouious. Already has the programme of the j
Corwin and, Webster, braue4 been issued, 1
which proclaims hostility to the promention of
the war. by "..stopping the supplies:" and the
" marching back of our troops to the- eastern '•
boundary, of the. Sabine," While another. icing, i
by no means inferior in point of numbers mho.
fluence,- and probably about to be rallied by a
" voice from Ashland" will aenoun c e there,
'perhaps n' d,ly, and perhaps`"vet t ferons
ly, but t
mive'their influence and their' votes to - sustain i'
it and aid-in : conducting it to an honorable fey.
mination. t ,We do-mot think; -tlidi t efore,'dar
the Administration have 'aught to fea,r, from the ,l disgraceful toryism of the Messrs. Corwin 5:
Co. •As fill Of Bei*dict Arnoldi ns the Fed.
eral delegation is, there are 66 Many friends
their count ry-,too. many ca. :134,,, r , fld.)f . a...
Gaines—luonong .them ° ever -fo allow ourforel
l'to perish by " stopping the supplies," or to be
NV 4 11(11ai:11,unt il9,'a'PPle-nsrlioilorible pones
is seciaredand the dountry indemnifiedfor ti 4
treasuort•lliti.strUgOe has cost, ns. At heist ii
therlaavt• not 'the patrioifsna. they c'er4inli
have the fliseretion i sto ~alistain from doiig,ori
act that Would consign them and their party to
Ia grave so deep and , infamous.
The ,questions of the 'acquisition of territar
and of the extensionOf slavery will each dolibt-
I,skits,tcd to a greater or, less extent, and
I either be finally disposed of .or .let in a shape
1 to be' deeided. by: the people in' tile! approaching
Presidential p cairipao,-we Vald:the former. ;
Many other
,ines,kopS . of eoliiio.erable maz
nitude wilLumiluesti nably be ag4ateil and ad
-1 iiiStedibut the 'foregoing, we it.esutae, e
tilt ! : thelpiecedence, acid elieit the deepest is.
State` Treasurer.
One of the:first And'indgt ) ihniortant,tbsiel
upon the;neit f4slat'urc wdbeie
eletion of a State l'reasurer to succeed tt..:Fa
sent encitinbent„.Jud7' Severalhigbly
deserviug !elitlettieti have tech 'mined in ce
nection ,with, ;office bf their dipectic
friends, .;Amorld:whCau, wernotice the following:
Col. Asa. Diniook, of this eourity, late chid
elericufider •. -r;
Hon. • Biokr , late Senatiir 'from it
nth, Oif Claarfiel . cf,D,istriet'.
Gen. G r.l3tArittan,- the able editor!
the. :gedford. Ga..4tte, and present l Adjutd.
C eneral: of this
. state' .7
late of C
gress Ven . anko District. • •
-.NiiniO(l , Strieklinil, Esc" ,4dittintif the Cie;
ter County .Republican, One of the ablest Per
eeratie Journals in the State.
, Those are all good then and sound -Demo.
orkkouil 0411er of them' WoUld 'fill the office of
&aft-Treasurer with ability, and, are doubt not,
l'ci On; satisractioni of all 'concerned. With 1
'strict idlfertiefee to formerusageS 4 good 1 411
ivili'lilUi' tis.' sitredl , be chosen,. < '
Deniitttliis drain:, ,Gen i , '
1 ., scot,.
'hi, Washington otirrestiondont of the Penn.
'sylvadian, 'l ll or . a e of- "'N6vember 12---Em
I,filne," fflerafpiled i& r fOlfiiViii''."'toesialeh ,
es isere-,roloixed,t)4s Rvoningfrom 31r, Iwt.
414 contain notliing of itqortanee., , They do
not liOld• out any hopes ttifinnaediate peso , . 1 `
tliOtiOY WOC,(4iii# ,o:ihof Wiltagether, —
Oen. ‘,,, l 4lliA#9BPOiP 01fp:AVOtilT144118.) SO ire
IliOlitiMlipOril fr0)1i11 . 4,444/filel OffiCer3on
d§4ii 4minixtitof,:the ;various Imolai that
110 ' V Ipiiitt;ttOtir 'alit bt • PoOds to the 1
Pg cl. ,t 4 Plitiiiiri Their iiiibliesHoi in . the
i' . 11 1 . to' ..'f4iiiti...4 zr..cs, :- , .
-- • ' , 9 -rAT - , ,!!Ths- -...,... ,
v 4 4 1. tc Ro i tti
fift,:niliali4ll4il/63f,iif the
th,l 40,5
- 19 vw ,( 27 1 '
itlntithr , .the.coneiroccAlpOrtiAlp 4ho ( ff
OA° rtke:Aleieflefir,ths=o4opuillisbeiliti- Ithi
0113i0tliir.V . toyelA Ago inust-be ttli
fr h atil9 oi6' : 6l4 l4#; l6r Fiat
, tieb