MEI W „.. 1;4. • - i ' ' - ~ . 1 - --,)•;-, - 41Pekhi - orthe es '1 - The folloWing graphic account of the pas .- .. !ItMobeey ha my neat :• ; sagr of the Steamer Saratoga- up the ;Lakes. 4nl 6;;Tii4'oo:o-tiilViiikviiiosejuiime has sliiineti I her) recent ' trin is taken Y from the 4 Tlreehl . 37, . . - - liiimetnori . , once asserted that he had . never Irtiebuscin,” published at tilwartkie: ' I '"OtVeried! a;bitiok or newipaper bit what he learnt 'k..Tl4 ,51ratego left Bilffelnin' TueAday eve- 1 ea Bonethiik. , . Ls an offsetfc this, I , da , ti safe. Ding, the 28th, the wind,blcring heavily at tile ;- 4itne, ands few miles the ttherride f Ashta 'l t 'ifi t 1 vier fide ed to the I • y lugger , a -lie n "bar- b o l a . 3 d h sne,passe t rough a . formidab eNvater ,, nom ya.rtik Of, any company, ; b waver tinini, spout, w inch • rained don' torrents . upon her iltellectnal in appearance it were, ithertigeinJ deck, anti nearly deluged the forwaM part of ...- , , 'jog alew i d es and occasionally one w roi eir. her cabin. _ Many a the passengers ~44, ere rel y °lllation. much alarmed, and such as bad life . preservers _ I ! putithem on in 'anticipation of the worst. Oth . A week Or two,ago, during my peregrine- ' cm; however, took matters more S ally, and dons thro, Northern P l entsylvania spread ing biugted between the spasms of sea-sickness at knowledge 4moug the deniZens therfof, (I Sell , the ; feari of their fellow-passengol, The : books !) I i i lnst dropped in," to a . emnfortable [baai, in consequence of the unespeit i. cd delay, looking ins;;; where ; concluded to remain a day Nadi now got out of ftieLarid the captain. order looking ed ker to be put back to Erie. After obtain- I or twe. A4er a good substant i a l ; supper, I lit i n ii attem p ted gas pply, she to continue her! s- "York Cittut3r Principe"-t-the like of which poufse, c but after proceeding some twenty miles, sell in thole regions at the rate of four for awas! compelled, by the unabated violence of the k I penny--amt seated myself in the ,ring formed winil' again to put back to Erie. After lying. at anchor ‘a couple of hours, it was determined • around thi; bar-room store. Amway buither, the effeminate t:railloer7a."Yasnktilee to Make a second attempt, hut, after Twoceed- ‹.. mg about fifteen miles the boat was again &iv- ! 'fiddler, two torse dealers, a speculator, a blank- 'en - back to Erie. Here she lay till inid;:ight, ! •!-- leg, the villitge Esculapius, 'and "the Captain," lichen the wind having lulled, she tags atf ird , who, in consequence of being able to , livo , ron It* beaded to the Lake, and reached Cleave- ! . ,_. • 3 land without further difficulty! , his moans, was a person of no small importance, i Theirip now went on smoothly tan it Sun- I and therefote 'allowed to sit before the fire-stove davl evening, the boat being midway between I with-the piker to stir up the fire—a mark- eflthe!Manitous and Slulboygan, when the wind! respect grated onl-y to persons of'standing,. - i again blow terribly, anti at every roll. he seem- ed sinking into the depths of the waves. The i Yarnaftkr yarn had been spun, and the hour stoutest !hearts quailed beford, the fury of the for retiringind arrived—the landlord was do- tem an d •thel• • yest, again i e -preservers were fit- ‘ sling,-haltitidlbis bar—and the spirit of eonver- ted' on. The waves dashed completidy over t ration was heginuints to flag, when the Doctor the decks, and ran, into-the cabins in! streams.; The wind continued to blow until within a few ! whispered Co me that if I would pay: attention, • ' mites of Milwaukee, when the storm "dwindled! he would "top off," with a good one. rto6 calm," and no new trouble was 'experien- ! • '‘l .belies Captain," 1! said the Doctor, "-Iced till the boat neared the north peri of our I never told fon . .about my adventure with a wo 7 town port. Here, owing to the daikness oc- ' man at my boarding house, when I was attend- leasioned by the rain, it was with the utmost, inn the lec • t =- ure 9 ' , I dif fi culty that an entrance was effected. As it ' "No, lot have it," replied the ' indi v idual a ' ) was, she narrowly escaped running in to a yes- I ' rAnaltafTi addressed, rho was a short flabby, fat Man ,or shout fifty,*ith a highly nervous temperament and a verykred face. • ' "At nth fti time I attended the lectures, I boarded at r fa house in-which there Were alife • males but :Ahe lan flatly and an old "odlered f000k . ." Here thi Doctnr made a slight pause, and' the Captifl• by the way of requesting him to go on, Isaid"Welf." ofte4 felt the .want of 'female society to • soften the severe labors of-deep study, and dis pel the entri to which I was subject." "Well," laid the Captain. "But, as feared that forming acquaintanceit smong the 4diesitaight interfere with my stpdE lee; I avoid :d them all." " One e4ning after listening to a long eta tures orf.P4sical Anatomy and after dissecting a large negro 'fatigued in body and mind, I went to m,t lodgings." "Well," said the Cappin. " I wentipte the hill, took a large :lamp, and went directly to my .rocm, it being then after one 410 ck." , . placedlthe light upon the table, aM corn %-raineed u4ressing. I had hardly got 3xibccat off when to:y attention war. attracted to a . froCk, and a qautdity of petitcoats on a chair acar the bed." " Wen l's said the Captain, who began to show sign4hat ho was getting deeply . inter- ested." ..4n4 a :fair of beautiful - small , slioes and stockings 4it the tifmr. Of course I thought it strange, atiii was about to retire--but then I - thought aniit was my room, I had at least a right to know who was in my bed." " Eiactly, e3actly,"- I ;nodded the Captain ; “Well! ' - ‘• So I took the light, went softly to the bed, and with aitterobling h'arid, drew aside .the cur twin. Ve,fvens ! what a sight) A young girl I shoOsay an angel of about eighteen, was in there asleep." "Well!' {said the Captain giving .the chair a hitch. As I gazed upon ber, I tbongbt I never witnessed iinything more beautiful. From:un derneath tiigbt cap, rivaling ' the snow in whiten*, crept a stray ringlet over a neck and 'shoulders of alabaster." "Well r! said the excited Captain, giving bis -chair =totter bitch. "Never ?lid I look upon a tan st more' per-i. feetly foritii,d. • _I todk hold - of the coverlid-4-"' "Wall lil c traiallie Captain, throwing his riot up nvntllis left. , - r • "Arid_ siftly -pulled it: l down,” "Well rf :said the Captain, betraying the nt most eiiibibuent.. - ~r . • " To-her? - tralst." , I Well e l , tho , aptatn, limping the . Paler, sudyeaewing tlia.posittorroihis le,gs. '' :"She Iskon amight 4reSS, buttoned up he fo.ilitAsitAty I,unbuttoned the.first two , bot • tens-----% •. • 4- Said thee'Cs tails wr ht • - to the higlost pitch of excitement: l And 'ten . ye• Gods 1 , what a e i ght toti gate iiebe--pshsw t• words „faiL digs th , eri t_ 2 ;4 ' 1 • said the Jpap tarn hitebirt - I4 ehak . 44*l-.left, soid.,sgitirtiog hig tobacco 401-111L,t4e fWly 4 74 0 again. , 1 , -4 - .• „ Abe iminatafe I „ , ....... ~ • .4, , t 1 i r i s -...,...h: • .‘„,t,4 still --z ,l-11;00,, ~. • . - a l e ,d` nv -,-,-IT ~ ..,.;,-:- , - --' _her rib Air' op 114w,....aiviiititual OF / 1 :1,41: !Tti;li 6444, tll*.,____,..Ll-410ited...__i '• 4 „,,t-feir,-#lte ~,:v-,,,..-•---ye*liis ,-.78i,.1t. 4 ..4 „ , :,. , ,, , ...„......,., k licabitailuityvz, f ,. ~_.;.liett.ll liet'rll,,-70,. . . :::":7-.. . , frilao been ali s* tkeao two haute ,4Ak;if r bail usvelis to fir as 4 sk-kks isastY, -lei bee° p BE sel g ,. .492 in the opposite. direction. , • AGAIN IN THE FIELD eV 11 0 oit PA. :SA IL OMPETITION. H.l WEBB, • VwouLD infurto his aiemis and fotrner COS lorllefii, lin4l the public generally, ihnt he is bond, at his o'd st.rnil, ni full hlast-;-havieg, just returned from N.w Yurk with an'entite he stork of Goods spited In this mitrkrt, which he is now ' , penult!, and of fering tor side, cheap fir ready pay. llaeml made*srs for easlt, lie will he able to sell nt such rates /IR cannot fail to please. Tlsose who Wish to save .25 ;per cont, w;11 please call and examine. Montrose. October 6.1847. itikX IMO UNE. Came into the enclosure of the sabscriber about the Bth inst. a. dark brown hora.,linving one white hind root, about ten or eleifen years old. H s owner is requested to previa proper phy chargts and take him .Wwny. • REUBEN WELLS,, Bridgewater. Oct. 19th, 1847. THE NEW-YOAK SC I T,,rTi TEC .0.711 47?./C.1.1. This popular ienttlic and Merhariiral Jouro,l l , (Wl , elt has. y at'aineil the la:- p•.: circul.,titni °I/111V {t. f . kly paper of the K 1,41 in the world.) will commence its THIRD Lciiir. on S urday, Sept. 25th. E outti , •er of the Scientific '4l . 6Di - icon ( . 0111illnS rum FIVE 10 SEVEN oRIGINAI; CAL ENGRAVINGS; a catalogue of AMERICAN ENTS, as is,ue.l from the patent orfirti every notices of the progress grail new imuAs.. ICaL and sCLE.NTIFIC inventions ; instructions ni ttie Various ARTS arid TRADES; with ENGRA VINGS ; eHIEnSOPHICAL nU'd• 'CHEMICAL experiments ; the biti-st BAIL INTELLIGENCE IN EURoPE,AND,AMERICA ; nil the different ME CHANICAL RI•6VEMENT,. published in a series. find ILLUSTRATED With More than A HUNDRED ENGRA% VINGS, &C. It is in fact n paper thnl MERITS tho patro nage of all MECHANICS and If ANUE'AETURRRs throughout the USITCD STATES. nnif should be in the hand- , of EVERY (meth t feels no interest inithe advance:,iebt of mecbanical nr SClen• ti6e improvemen's, in this country. ' .1t is published in QUARTO COnVenient , I)q,adapted in BINDING, .n4l .1 urritstied Cairn trit Subscr.berr , lit the LOW Macs of vim DllL riftS A YEAR—ONE DOLLAR IN ADVANCE, and the retinalnder in six inontb , i. Address. t; MUNN & CO. Publishers. Fulton-street, New iinrl;-.. 'ATE invite the attention of the citizens of 1 V Susquehanna County. to our stock of F4ll and Winter Goods, which now being received. assurine them we will do .quito as well, if not a little better than at nay', other shop in town. F. IL CHANDLER & CO. Montrose. Sept. 17, 1647.. • INOOVir Sitsh, end .IFY • Iron,lisrdware. Cutlery,. 1.1 Hollow 'Clltirei . at peducett prices. CHANDIden &Ce. TLTh rit).VES. , /PH hirgestand hest llot of C.olt atid parlor stoves ever .ofte 'red in this rnart , et; and et lower prices than ,n men he. totind this side •sit Albans, nt •T. B. CHANDLER 4 co's. WANTED. INlchti,nge_ for , Goods, Grain, PeessVila Fl••x.eced- - Old Iron. Feiner, ond'Copiier ?Janne!, and Soak' , Buster, Rags, &c.' , 42 s 9 • • An npprentice.lo.tbe Tin business. alad Maim 10 Jar 17 year,s9l4;"of , gond moral idiaracer, *AI find an open - Minify htreallini . CHANDLER & Co. _ 0 4, '' ..130. 6- 4 STATIONAR . t.:, f s tfiool, Books, Tay Books, .iiintlt r Oki, I.Panay. Books, , large,. and fifllla 1 . idles, pencitu. Pik, n Wafers,`, Wax: 'Wrappi, g' and - Wining' Rubber . and Itubti#:;l Ands, atel'ren could, &C. cheap at ' '' 1 `CHANDLER if r'cy's. I . , I _ NM I=lEll :?..r.licrtitrinfuts THIRD YEAR. NEW GOODS. FIRST IN MARKET. 1000 Yds. Ginghams. 6000 " Prints. 500 " De 'Lain. b9O" Alpaceas. 150\ " Bro' Cloth 4. C'assipnre.• 100 ," Satiletis;4- Fitli 2000 " 'Bro' 137cacked Singings Shawls, simari;Oirts and And ev.eryitnn , r Reno" ennli to use. cliAftpLEit & r 'Addinitif#.lraftes I . • NOTICE is hereby gored, the t by an order • et the og:thaw's court of the County of ri ::•!Mittehanna, will be expos , al : tt4 snit' by pub- Vendue or out-cry, :at the bootie late of Oenrginn, deceased, to the township of Dim- Ifekvon Thursday the 11th day of Novembei ekt,litone • o'clock id the 'afternoon of tha'2, , fy, all those two tertkin lots, pieces or pa,r-. ref land, situate, lying and being in the. :mishit) of Dimock aforesaid, late the estate If James Shearthan, late of the said township,: aceaged, arid, several)y bounded and described' 4 T S follows, to wit first piece or per&l' thereof, being the farm formerly owned andi copied Or Allen - Upson, Boundeil on the forth, by land of Richard Garretson—on the gas!, by lands of Gurden D. Hempsted, and hsna Tainy—on the So iii, by lands - a l: Charles Greenwood, and George Gates, and on : de West, by lands of Jacob S. Mills, and Ouilley B. Swim—containing one hood ell and ::tiy-tour acres, with nbotit one huod ed and penty five acres improved, and hayin there 4n, one if wOing bau , e, two barns, tw arch Ards, a nd a "cider Ak o SO—At the same place and tine, the Otter piece or parcel of land beintile 0111 Min as InOlienry Barkley faun : said hunt 'taring houndrit .-ti the Not tb, by limns of Avery tied Francis Tingley ; un the East, by Ru,dsrif 11111.'S D antis ; on the South, by foods .0 E. I'. S\ ilbrr ; and on lb r !Yea's by kinds' ,v E. Widier, and J.,bn AV..ollbnn.e, con imarg 147 acres, or thereahouts, with ahead acres unproved, and baying thereat) two houses two barns, three orchard And other uppurtennoePs. Terms made known on the day f sale. T. STEPHENS, Administrator. 7: Dimuck, October sth, 1b47. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE OTICE is hereby oven to nil persons in 1. (Jellied to the estate of EBENEZER 111 k.LA RD, dre'd.- late of Auburn t,.wiottp, to make imaiedistA viyinetii, and nil persons j.seimany clniins.neninst said eswe tiro re (pieste to present them to the subscriber lot Settlement. ANDREW S. LOW, Adm'r Auburri, Oct. 7. 1547. IN o de l 'l,CturEt IS tllle:ebYtafelv:tfl'ElL'lns"lllell°A";tiDn !NG. j , .. dec'tl. late of uminedtale pa)•mrnt. ni d all perAm+ tpliviileany el .ims neaiiist said t--tale we re. .Feted to itrett4lll. them to the subscrib r or tieittemeht ORPIL•t A. HARDING, Admix. Herr ick, Oct. 11, 1t3.17. NO CURE, NO PAY. HYDRO .FASUIONIO DOCTOR. Y the latest advice:a, the theory waR 're 41J1 ging in the North, and the. Lack-jaw m [:he North-east, carrying consternation ; were throwing away their coins, vests, &c., ex Citing the ;mutest angmsh, in the minds of the benevolent; equalled only by the Into famine kt Irelami. Now. Ido not s iliat all iti.ea ites can be cured by me, but MY RULE invit,. ti , ibly throws the patient into fils. which is iirob ibly the best remedy known lor chronic faimplaints. And us I have hid great pro.- pce, u. is easy for me to tell the p articular . ftialady, by luuloog at the outer g nrrnent. JOHN GROVES, T. M. Montrose. 1947 N. B. Office- two doors below the Farmers' Store. 38 311 I ; sfirEC TION," Wel l 10 ' C /' ' . _ 0 ..... k 4.:,.., . . ~6.).A1 . . \ ~ .. , ... we,,,,, 9 ?/ , . - .7k.,4 ... ,tt.„ . . i., 4, . . ..... , ,ii.v- , =„., ,,:,,..... ~ , r , , ~..,„. ~ -..,c*-4,..,.. c-, , ..,- , .., , mil-, I - -F ,. 1t:,„.c.„--...„.„,,, . ( i,„..i. ~-i,r: ~,,....•:" '''' ` , ...r0Z.,.,•...9t - ,„ 1,-.—.0,5) V. . . i yr";.._ / HE subscriber having been appointed Agent of the Lycnming County Muftis! Wnsurnace Chinpa - ny fur Susquehanna county. Is prepared to receive applic•itions for insu• tance, against loss by fire, in eceordance with pie acts of incorporation and -Bye-laws of the romps ny. 1 , The great resources nntU poszessed by this primpany us being much the most extensive in gcorthern Pennsylvania, offer very strong in. Bueernents to .alli who wish to be secured as ifalast loss try fire, to become n•embers„ • ROBT. C. SIMPSON, Agent. Montrose, o,loner Ist, 1847. TAKEN ! zzawm azamazzoo ..FASHIOAVABLE TAILORS, iiAVIN-Gju.i received the New Cork and FILI.. Philadelphia rerp.rts c.t Fashions tor the jj slit and Winter of 1847. &8, beg leave to in !.170 rut the citizens of Susqu-hann t, th..t they ire prepared to do work entrusted to them, iu 'such a manner as will please the most fastidt ,fpuQ. Culling done to order, and to , o-ranted to fi t led 'please, If put together 0. K. 1 1 Er Shop oppriC“e Mack & . Roger's" wagon ', the old stand if R B. LUcke.B. bluntruse. Sept. 20,1847 I q PXPE - R. FOOD writing paper at 12.5 cta..and ;eller 1 paper it 10 cts. per quire. For sale by Lyons.. ddministrator's utice. ,NOT.IOE is hereby given to ntl_personk. in 1' - wrested. that Luoy fiytte.:llltninislra irts of the late Jahrz Hyde. itec'ir..having're „signed, and surrendered her letttrs nitt iniiiris tri,lifln,the undersigned has heenflly appoint !'eit Adtii nisi ratan de Gouts nun id st al Estate frAlts' itersiwstherelote. having unsettled hurt-yes ''witti said Estate will please call on him ands ''with it without further delay. and who %re indebted to said Est tte will make irninedi ?'to pu}.trient. , ;?' .. THOS. JOHNSON. Sep•. 20, 1847.4- f ilm; ,undersig•pe f l, having established a LIVERY ISTXRLE at,Geu. D. D. Virtu ip !dooms% is iltrpired to'accoinmotlitte Pie public with Tastai4gentlo Horses, and Ca r prevtiry" description:too relaSoriable terms. Pleasure Omits be:furnished with two Ond - tourborsmi - cattbwi, *ad catetiti,Driverp, 0 short, nutlet!, Believing Ptietit t,IYERY EITAUE or - 400 d" tigh,CitifingerVirjit,tie pest a4cornino,'.. Oatioti totifecitiientof Montrose / 41nd the pub 4 Paginfilebtelto- OW proprietor, he re-" Apectrully solicits the:patronnee - -4. " • „. D. M. Aditir .; filebtrose s J ) uly 28,1847.7 304 f MI .arct otte of . aim . ...!t_•,..iical Conipounds irl'hse elk the, prestrt day.-- As'a (Tahitian] fiimily phyitic.for admristratiOn L iniitlltenaporary ernplainis ol tbest machatict bowels, fiend tip 4., ecilds, ik.C:, the may be fully depended' uptin;!and a prompt tt , of there.' on 'the first appearance of ;indisposition will in vatiably‘slive Much sickness. They are pecu f lialy ada ted to all elises Of weakness and gen eral debil y—any deitingment of the system.; and .espec ally with temales —and a sieady, Mt , i interrupted - use of them,iin strict rionformity' with Mel ifiretitions will. v 617 soon restore the organs of (he stomach to their natanti title and ac‘jion, mid regulate the 'bowels, anki renoygei thei wholeisystem. ' - '• I there is no dis;:osition to give eitravagan( commembitions of them. What is lwre.Stattldr is the retait of. ktctual ' extierienco With them. and that ,through a perioCcif fifteen years. s lt is ant supprised,sor reterlded, that :they will raike the gad ; neither arh they desined to be used as freely as we use our roon! mach is not the true purpose or - medhrine. las only appro • prime oil*:e is to assist Maitre in restoring the sk :Item ton proper tone c} id action, ,when una loath bly, iir thrOugh carelessness o`r excesi; it vjontes aeranged. Itl-iiiy are careless, and henve raceil this - aid.. 4110 the most Careful ere{ Itakile u, I irregularOies 10 the system. • It , is nei Mess hhonsi to say;, that a prorttpt use o . safe a iiileAreeirre reiWilies o Con the titst a •peri r- 1 au •e iit iiiriess, i . ,, the pa rt;,of wisdom; ozi• Such i a ilediciot.ihe Proprietor I knows these Pills to! be. , 4 1 Mid tie is cerfa in that to forly nine Ca- ! st•ii wit of fitly, while it Ifair trial is made uc. - curd rig - tit the directions.iPley will tie used a-1 gam as . . Ft standard medicine.. H has neveri kniavn an 1 instance,. where;, they havo been t flu , i iisird, in'%viliieli they have not met with UNQUAL . IFIIED Areg ; OVAL! Nuiimiro+ teoimoilialsi - may be riiien a; tht.J, cif/writ! (Mice of sale , ilial referenres will !lei keen hi slubsta mail /him; wit nessh of their , vaqii T .illie kur,diVe preievros. 1 The Pails rat'. purtly vfg table, are of two kiitils, stimulant and purgative, ptiritying Ni. I 1,10041; gem 4 prndirelng a timothy tiethni throe& the col iielsystem ; are a itainahle Aili Pit i /011 , INNbd Ir inPii.ll4) eflll, filli I V 6 , 11/1 in :, II 1 1 ,w-ril l roinpi.i up s - , - Wen k I , ess: ( 1 4 , •iw r, IPbifiv Di 4- pilisy.Polnonary A (D.-vioas I,l,ver (:imiolaitits Ilheimiatir iiel S'pat: uodic Alf-cticins, Fermate Com phi Mit.< Pa I pita aim.. l &c. No Fatuity, ttrwr a fair it , llll, will be without thr Hu :4 'They t rn hrit with full fig- 4 fl ru m .v 1) Sireet it 'ro pat up in IFIFrY IiENT and t PACKMIES.earh h , vinh a ti 'ph inug it sid;iiii.l,lli T , P.plisf! ?in D m im-41-e. .1 .„ iret:l MIS fur use, The Did .a r ipit•k• le.•he . pest u) Ilse DMA:4er. They r 111' ri 'ti Ihrl;U g h Dr..:lgi..d.. givii,g the I N... I.t . the Gonnral D"POI. . I .t. Whid, htvi Ro!hii, , it ultolt street, Secoid Floor, N. Y., , •:1 N , issau-street. and 8r4.1d way. . you i-aluo ltralth—Try them I _CO' • niq: BENTLEY tit READ, ' E. Brookh ... It Grafts Drivel', - Brad V, nod R. C. TIIIVERTs. BUrigha noun M. 140 Bet we Inr A. lur Agf TIIFFANY fried el ,liii I OM:OWING EXTRACTS from ow that Dr. J4yue's 3ledieines are v esteemed. & Co., 711iddittown, Conn., say—:. vale to send' 1.0 glrnu ;sl,ro or your Sana a we are out. Pkase send tiern as soon n •as they are in Oie at demand THE ietlters, sl. universal 11t•tcara. Will von p tivtt Pins, as VOLI '2 Ur, E. De Witt, Etriaa, Ohio, says—Your Expec— torant man a lalla an the estimation of alt who hays' sgStl- at. I Aced the same may he said of all snot 'll,lo,4cines eft with me, so fat' as they ,haSe come into notice. • De. - De Vitt is a Physician of high standing in Los rain Co. fonith .Price, Morristown, Ohio, ~says—Y.iiir Alcdicines ell well. aad arc•in high repotp hrrc. The S;niiive itle are' very highly esteemed., I Wm. 1 .11ington, Ashland. Ohio. sirs, May. 3 1845—Th i Ex',returnnt and' Vern) 'fuze; is now sell— ing very fa t. The Pills are pridcipall wiht a new of all vont articles. ;. Win. Matlioosh. Revelry:Ohio, March, 1815, sirs —Your Nledieines so far liaYp proven ex4ellent reme dies for the diseases they are, iiccommendid for. The Sanative: Pills and Vermifuge in particular. Ellis Ntrushall, :Eaton, Ohio.• Dec. 24, 1845, says —Your Banativc Pilts arc an excellent Family Mozlicine, The Carthinative Balsam trell4 well. The I • I think a god :Miele. 1 n Graham, Meieer, Pa., Isays—Your are highly valued here by all who hive Ague Pill 1 Thumps Medicines uged them Dr. Jolt rill please' ! G. Sdhmidt, Wirdidock. Vai. says—You send me PO/ne mOre of your Expectorant. • ble Medicines sre Pelltnfi well, particular. I Icctorant and . Sanative Pak ?.., . only by . Dr. D. 41ylit., Philar)elphia, and !nay 4 N. Mitehal &•Co , MAantrose. ! MEE ly the En Prepare mild on eg OU TRIED IT 7—lf not di4 not delay a. hut send itutoedintelyzit . ypo 14ye been one and prudeot, aud already bo4ht a bottle, seultit—yoli have recincred your., HAVE rutdher day or, the wise tile quoit' , hlaltit arminative Balsam, for Bmv;el and Sum , tipt, never fails. I It is the c4ily medicine re. Thousandelvf persons.; have given ony in Rs favor.l No) family should ever Oa vne's• I ilq r Comp iliat wiU lestla . b 4 wititoutl • EA CCA IVIG L.—A majoriti of the Wigs •holly. •unnecessaly. The use of Javne's will 21 w aye, prellent the hair; from failing continued use will in most C*134.1i re-glolhe ith n beautiful crop of new 141 r. h WHY % I wbrn urc* ((air Twit.. off, and the hcadi FEVE AYN eure .: l money two! but they ti AND AGIYE cTIRE WARRAN TED: AGUE PILLS, ARE WARRANTED wo,rea,boine of iFever and Ague. T!;c be refunded in a caste &they fail to cure; eer do. fad. . • Ii N G gVI DE:Nek that Dr. Jayne's Ex. I: 61'in:run to all"o0ter reinedie , s for Cotattii.S. in, 13roneliiiis, 4th ma. and other Pullin, qns. ill, that the same personsNsho enro -1 Use of it in thug ten/years ago. it to all other remedies' or the kind ; and have been induced io try other prepara imve.2lmust invxriably been dine ppotnied g :he bent fit which was reasonably anitei. the high Praises bestowed by the proptie • ye rutty:m(l to the use of Jayne's Eapeetn entedY that !wirer has failed to tubby r vhichprobahly neyer had its equil in ar. 1 , 'comity 1J1NC.21 , (11,. • by Dr.i D. Jayne, Philadelphia. and Sr. Co. druggists,' Mon. A STOt pictoraM Gamin in lit , nary a ffee.t, nienced sthl prefqr where auy I tuna, they I gated from core, rlisir. al 4 aced sung Ru Preps& tld on a ore. P,a 1 ' by given,, that an application. has lade to the , Co?,rt of Common- new, :henna Countylin gr : ttit 41 charter .tf io't to the Prettsysereln Contirvglis Ivor totke—lfe{oorthog to the Act-,nl of the 13 h d , t ti, of Ot•totter 1840. I. BL4NDING; Prot!? thyPtpOffire. ,' :-e, ,Ilit. lit - 1817. } 1 r 'her , teen o (1 ) Su qi focorps , r lino of S Assembl Pr , I if arOntro AIEW ivenik and w J be iald - cheap by ' J. LY9SB,. ova, • • A N I dt Sept. o:: ‘ ArCi n, . .. , , MD-4,5000 Ity;.ls. Filinat-is oc i ts , • 5- , ' • - J. LYONS.: ea r,OPOLr IN , t 4E TEA TRA.pkpI 'the.Peltin•T Cointiany's Teas, f her Teas at a , etiyer . !ate, Net toraale b 7 !,, . . , .o:,* ~, ~e 1:, Q.! 1 , r,, , a' 4arietV ,i c v lit Oroadclotbs, lilnttinetts, Dyisks, eeihocKentueliinancilife: rd and selling ireryskw by J,/i. IA GO , j4l 1 arrive =I UNE= i . CoLLEE (f i 'lltAlaft, . igiri iii 1 .12071y/s4sh*t,; la .0 , ~. y. 11 t G: C. vAtiqursv,s ywEisofigLlTHoN, TRiPTIC ADYEEIISEMENT FOE 1847., " LCaste. I Sativ,ll Company) ;"": hi Meat emphati: Citify the ease 'With this -militia., !Digests° has ever yielded: to iss meat marvellous Medial power.— VY,fterever . it has. one, and South Amerida, England, Canada, and the sited States have preVed the, truth 1 of this statement, he above quotation in It strong and pithy sentence, tells the *ludo story. Invalids; the principle Ulan which you are cnred,may not be known to you, but the result of - Oriel of the article is satin-, factory ; you are restored, and the itecretlOf the cure, remains with the proprietor: The Meolialk l e i,, a corn7 l pound kif 2:1 ditnihet vegetable agenekes[l each indi. e idual root had its own particular, exclustfro, ineditin al property, conflicting with no }} other eumpeund— eaoli root makes its own care--iiii as a ie.s . fect. coin. 6 4 , At , 0n , w hoa taken into the systein, it dues the work which iIATURE. when her ,!laws were first estahlished,itinded It should do-4-ptinfies, strengt4ens; and re-, stares the broken. , doWn,. debilitated constit ution. Dumpsv, in all its characters, will be cuMpletely erad icated from the'systrm by r its use. "&i: pamphlets-in agents" hands, l'or Tree eirpulatiuti—thes treat upon all' . d asiosest and !thaw testimony of Cif nit.. GRAVEL , and all complainte of to' . urinary orgariii, form stem the cause of great; suiferip,g. -ail& Vadcola'a LtrtoiNs TRIPTIC sae act:i/CI atesinalleclebrityhVer the (woo -1 try,, by the cures i . has mode in this distteksing class ! of alllictimis. SviTatned;, it seeing, , is this medicine, I Viet it lip thus attracted the nutmemfone of our Med. lest pu blications. In the NoveMbsr Nu., 1846, of lies '• Buffalo Jul reel and Monthly keviva of Medi. -I cal and Surgical Science," ,in an artily upon calculous dikases, and •• stelvento;" the Writer, After noting 11114 fact that 'the English !governing:tit oncim purchased sr - Secret remedy,. and also noticing thoi purchase in . 1802, of a secret remedy,, by the Lcgial4ure of New' York..thus pays tr..liiite to the lathe of Ille Med:cute 'I t'l V 1 hy do ma our flotirescrhati yes 10 Stlmite and i - A asenibi y eon vened, enlighten and .theist]ive • the sa Ire; nig 111041F:11MS of ilits country, bi• . I.iie ' purchase ' of , Vaegun's Vcgei able Pttiont:ll.o:e. Lb ,11 which Ito hiddirwit iii...: , . 111 c +l,) , 04Alelieuly has pLisAes.ied um , 1,41 me fame ?" It. MI. r, here or a iwslooi-di of high standing. ark tom ledged throughout a Purge fie,Clll/1 ~f this ettlitilry re It,. "tic tif the boat cood4ted journals untie Hied it. illeUmett States. exchanging with like cc Wii Li ifu• works •O Eatope..!titsir . cert it:l4 know I. dg.:. e. 1110,1 '0) F 111,1., A D., and eGlitiquiteil üby iii , -ii of tic ogled pr.,!eSsit.ital abilety.. thus sti)iintig 'trod,: to notice a • se.•rel Leda. dy." You will ad once. Under stand tiJ unknown and tabrikese uostrat, couP.l thus ex,lort ! a Colillilt ilk for su y ingli a pudrie4—and , L1,),....1 mien i ly, unless it 'ilirectly ,coliilimed votti tbs. pca..l:l6e 01 the faculty, ir, Must bpVe bi.ieil Its "fame " , whom has caused it 4i) receive this liaising nod.— ' Krorutv diseases, weakness of the . back aid erne. ir.l I ',gator, painful and sankeseett• illenstrUotiOn, Rao,. ,Itbas, and tile entire comp:mated Ira., dy cvii,whu l t, Ifull. a disordered s) stem, are at mice r4loved . by the in§diclne. Send fur pamplilets.,fttn o Agtirits , and you Iwill fled evidence of the. V3lllO of the Li.hoiltriptic ikre put fuith. ;As a remedy for the pi:gut:lca ies of the reiltale s), , telp, it has it. the compoullid a t root " 1 which has been Mewled t, in the northdr E drope.for I centuries—as a sure Coke for this complinp, inrras. a I restorer of the Wahl' teo the ~ sh ire sytitcui.l Ltvvrt Cu3IPLAINT,JAUNOICE. BILIGUS 1.) . 15Ed0.E..4(51.C., !Zle in. staidly relievt.d. People of ,the Nest NNI . , ,i rind' it. the l _only remedy to these complaints, as wcill as •Ficia n: , AND AGUE. The le GO remedy like it, ,i,itt.l he rain met or yatnine terms any part or thus Mixture. No illptry ..I.[ reedit. , in its use. and its actiVe. iiroperties 1 a•e manifested in! the mascot' a single 3.1 z bilitilles.-- FOr FEvEri 55 . 0 AGUE. - Bilious Disorder4„.•toke no nth. er illealCilde.' BUTUMATIsiNI, Govt . , Wi , i if/,d teiiii-- ! Ilk 9c. , .t.iiii idriDis inedione upon the, Blood. winl Lining, the diseasii....-w Melt ortgioates ill 1.14 C tikOd— land a healthy result will follow. ihti.riliik. lxurev..4. , Ton; dr-C.. yield in a . few 'days use of 4,,-- , .,,M,Ju1eu,,, iloYantointionoettietuNus..Coucu, CoNiuuvri4s: also. , has eVttt found retief. L•ItoFf.K.A, EirIY4I . E.LAN. PILES. Inflamed Eyes -fall cadged D:v. iritpur 'blood Cull! find this article the remetly. The system, ceMplute. !y acted upon by , the tisesily-twit ditil:ripit, i!ii:perties 1 of the mixture, ash purifie d and restormil is a partial 'cure moll not funow. The train of eetnind entn. I plaiuts Po/pi/ern/4 of Ihedremt. Sick Readdelbe, De , bitity, &c., are till the qvult of some Orangelnent o the system, and ; this Gkaav Rtheronsit will Ido its I work. Time pro - Mises set forth in the in.!iverliacinent, I are based upon the proof of what - 1t hail done , in the .--mt 4mr years. he- written testimony ll 1000 1 Agents, in Canada, the United Stites, ',Engle td and SOutli Ameriea, ,in the Possession of the prorietor and can be seen by all interested : is a Nutlini nt'de. maiinstratron thatm is the beet Medieirils ever offered - to:the World. Get the pamphleLand a)udy t e prin. eiPle a* there laid down. of ilie tnethridOf cur . Put, ~" up in 31) oz. bottles, at se.; P. or: do at sl' ',each— the larger holding 6 oz. Mori titan two I , Sniail hottlea. Look out and not get imposed .upon.. /Every bottle di Vaughn's ati 't s Vegetable Lithuntrikie Mixture " Moved upon the glass. the writien,sigtfotnee ..f .. •• G.' ' C. Vaughn" on t tic directions, and •• CI. C. Vlanlio. i1t.4414," altimpo on tbe ...pork," 14e, other are genuine.. Prepare:li by Dr. G. C. Vasiglite, anasold at ,the prmdmil Orliee, 9.1 Maui stree.t a 'Buffalo, at wholesale and retail. 11,e attention viten rill lettere , mijess mist paidi--ortlers front regitia4- canetitutrd Agents excepiect: punt paid - letters, oe, vert coin. m ' munications soliciting- advice promptly] atten ed. to. , ; ! I gratis.. I! Ot , -chili 4 ....nioes devoted exelnairely ta the of his' aT ticle ; 13:2 Na;sau at.; Nitat'Yark city.; P 5 k.. - sex at., Sileintass.; and by the - principal DruOists t trough-- ant. the,United States and Canada, 'as ~ , advertlised in - the papers. : .. - !4 ;.., TR t; 1 Agents iri I tii ! ii mtinto ; tiettft,iv 5r.,.., Es ~ Mont rose ;• ti KNRY 13dattirr. New Nt!lrord ; i-) 7 H. F. Bast)* LEY, Givat Hand ;*l3. W. (IWlEN,l'rkl.ttcling, agrui. :. - , "wARE4 . 9* stoFI PittNl*%.oNlB.. • No. 58, CEDAR.Sir RE Ti NE YORK. (LATE LEE .TGDSON;IO• ACCUPV the ,sp.heioo FIVE. , vl'o.(t V yrA RE -1.1 I I SE. No.,*CEbAR STREEt ; ITT - illy/110LE It.ll IS deCtill..ll itl.lhe csh i bniun nd .4;f the to'4gle artml , ' it' • .0:11-11144a2i 'Their pr SA. ht n^k yon , oos tf noirtk ONE THOUSAND PACKAOES,; : Eiobjachi, (0 . 3' 14 OVS'A, NDS Or d tftworti: patterns ckoOko , ing: e;s;wv _ttlott diworsble is the we. FOgEtt4Sl ja nLI • DqinEtritle. :All of which on: otierls4.fiir '4le: for !.Tash,. or satis fat!tury credit, :the 4,nvest Prows, she.. . - 11 PIIIICF 01 PICK -1G 6 • ? • .. ~, • ,New Styles arc rec ive'd aiiriti;t e ,ery day, and ITlil4 of them Ore ••get up for 'air ovinisales, and`not hi he found °Nowhere; 1 lazt Printed , fista. of lirices,_ corrected . , from day to 64., ' w ith every variatido in the marinft, _ale placed 1 inlthe,liands of buyers, I '• : , - liiii!teltanis of II liti 'able to .frirm Ro4le Zidc e v •eerit and variety or . r assortment, When' ; tate thir the valad-ofour usual stock of thiii! L eivc . avti c hi i s , Ail fe4st, twice jilie : value a 't.lin , notirp stuck of dry goals 'meetly ke pt by our largest whir;esale jobbers. This. -fact , toga; with the feet" that Jir'inctins and our adientihn, Aliste'ait Of being divici among a vast • Variety of arti4leii,....: are devottll whol v" to brio; will rchtler.the advi4tages which we cair 'O'er to dealers pOr ec 9y, ohiiiiida ; and it .aliallleour aro that nano Who vied: our lota ti lialirochi:shit meet Ilith , any dis ap!polntinent; :' :-I ' •:.. I . ',- .; Our itesortM , eht is templet° at °O . ' 'soh, ef.the A/ctn. 1. : '- .' t ' - -- 1. , 1 s .. ' • I :,:Juds 4V -Lee. r,,-1). • F. hpe, y of, the Lin of Lied Ai Ly l e, lake i rtnior itertneoo the Ortginaffirr ~ ' of Lep iicltiretvite ~11.:tmt ielfith.torierictioit he witt-,. , ~ etime lime eine., has riliumed 3 6111intiliiiiiit 7 i ' -7 L'j dr. Jodsot4iiodeitl `firm at LEE, *:"jkl'irat o ; * L, Ell lied iteTt itofu to aura his :i'• i nk da an d t i lt , ity Os,[that the • va!Or wilt Ittaintair ti ae i,,,,,,, , t! Oie:: ° in.thi hrent, e(thertradeh - -4.ich for r at 411 rt., ieheilthitheit teis• nook* t ~,„6 •- h h • W o o ) - 2 - - iti 2 : • ''i 1 ••" -4 , ;::'-: - --1.1 -' r" . -r al : I .!" , ".,. , .-- 'ARDW - 4 E . l - iiiii . , '' ► ''' -;: i .-77. :f: 7-7. .1 . i - - - Vkg.Rdler + h'e'rb. , , ~. .1 'r r.; RElMPeatillit•Va- a i nge. - ' ' Vb . ' EK 2'. '1461i - with! t i -NEW—_ ____ ... . 11 ~ . EA Cox. 'PANT. Ar aa fat O-or ir-4A 1 , , a s .alla!aaflo. and c an, 'flinaalt . l . a, c:nat timers, and thcl trade, With 'Pek in . Ar the elikfriCea that itin coi , npanrchare &ill*, til New,tiOat whte4 hi. atlesikrtrOot Ono to Two ShiL ling' ch'it tier on enclwonnil thanttie Oiliceri Ne u it And in anti *sae' wfiettliWr caw doknot tne qui& faction, i none q. hack:for. them.- " . ,42.'4L00f."`6P - TEAS. . , kv- - ,- ESN. '' '. , You ' I liaaar good. Do 4 40. Aweett.pitgo•- nol i(o.' fine ciii4o; ': r''' .-. _ Deo Art;. silver - liaif'•:.... ' 'l - 'OO . Silver feadh-ac(lom soldisseinhylargitileaterkbecause of the qr'y AM I SH profits Made . ..on itit'iali,, —is s s e , . superior Tea„ '— .. r .5K, ' i--, .(s, , -, ' Do. do. golderr Ohnpi .-; . 1 •1,00 . . Gaden.4°P..,Thii i 0.111., finest Green Tea cultivat e d •in Chitta. It it of the firat pickings, and mei, di other f,kreen Teas for its delicacy of flavor, atielet-h -and aroma. Heretofore this Tea has never rea c h ed itlia•sountry„,caeittpt id smalllota lotion tbi ---* , Pet " chaser, ° - • , • r flytion,.fine, Db. 'very fine, • 'l 00 Viruripowder, fine, r 1 -75 ii..i rs ' DO, extra fine, , , 1, • 1 110 Imperial, fine, ii •1 ' -75 • • • , . 03. extra fine, ' I B pi . 1 liyaon Skin, good, • 37 ),-2 BLACK.' ' - ' Sing Yong. strong and - good flavor, 37 1-2 Ning Yong—'ll . le greeers•sell this at '5O re; asl call itOelong. , o o l on g, a delicious Black Tea, ' - 511 . - , Compdt this Superior 'Pea.: with that told'hY groan, as being, an Oolong, Tea. The dais/ants ht tiu plain. and the deeeptioultoo palpable.lV . . . Oolong, plantation gniwth, - 75 I; English Breakfait, fine,.so - a Do. • do. extra fine 65 .......; Flo* qua's Mixture, a rich & highly. ' 1 • ' 1 flavored. - I 1.75 Pelt m F lower, 00 i i Do :Seceded, . 1 -50 . 11 Nei Plus-Ultra. ". 150 - • 1 • Ne Plua•Ultrit-=This Tea, is aslragrant and m e t I ias a nosegay. It yield'a perfume that is Italy ae: 1 lightful. It is of garden growth and superiut.ta i abything uf the kind eyer Soldin,this country. 10" The shove Catalogue dune riot comprise slither varieties contained in my rassortinent.: - I have every ; variety imported, 'and every shade of quality, anti van i suit the most fastidious ptirehaser. Thelabove Tea, f are ail Minn no to Chinesn packages, in iiiianntiel of 1-4 10., 1-r Ib:, and 1 lb. 'each. i 1 .RECO3I3I.SIVI) 4 TIONS. we have tried tlie Teas imported by the Pekin re 1 c.iipariv, 75 and 77 Fultu i-st. and tfwe livewilli T y !Uteri, open. - They a rc selling the most delicious Teas ,ve ever drank, dud retail thent at wholesale prim- l Evening Post, - . . • • . You may be sure of obtaining at all times pure and i highly, flavored leas. by the stogie pound, at whale. Isile•priees, of the Pekin Tea' Coinony, 75 &', Fulton-NI. They have probably the largest sleek I and greatest variety-of fine Green and Black Teal q i ail one establialiment in the United States. 7".4, t !are tiling a large Imsiness,and arc a great benefit woe. i sumers•of tea.—Atlas. fleretUfbre it has been very difficult, indeed imp*. • his, to obtain good Green and Blae'k Teas. But non von nave only to spot the wartrirroomilot the Petit. Tea Company. 75 and 77. Fulton-et. to ob\lin as de. 1 licionto and fragrant teas as you could wish for..--Iltai ly Suiz.‘ • :• , , I A r 4 oorri to Teo' Driokera.—The PekiriTea Can- ~ Ipattyns and 7-7 Fonon-st• have imported into tin market'some Ofle hundred, thousand dollarsi suclith of the finest grades . of Green and Black Teas grown in the Celestial Empire, none up in all the ti-ar'' uslfaiity i.. 4. pacitages'that Chinese ingenuity can.inven It it a torivilege to buy teas, at nits great establishment. std' usury and catty - on to drink them. Tney sell gout Teas only, and retail thetel at, wholesale prices. Cons ry 11141eltallU4 trim wish to always sell good teas, cal A LWATS obta in them at this place, on realonable term —Emporium. . GUIThe above TE S are for sale by. : •.' ~ L.-M. REXPORD, .. . ". Solo Agent for Brcte Comity. Binghamton, May 8,1647. • c. 25 G ino. 130 1 Gk . O.aS ' Si STAT - ION AkY. new ID l' i trt '.--:;-- - . S'p»r`z, at g Fashion for. 184 • eIROWN-71-4 inches high, 5.16 yeoman, ! - -:4eil 411 sides. 1-1 f front and rear, 14 curve;,; Tir 7 .4 oval; tit. Bant—li hides I wide. front- nd • • rear, and 1 9-16- at sides.- , 1 131-; , :1-4of an - inch wide. • I The-uhnve new style, introduced in New York o! Saturday, March 6th, by Beebe & Cos ore ng w realy and fpr sale by • April 8. „MERRILL dr: ROOT. DRA WN DS., A oßgAt'va - ripty of I j aces, linfrgil Ind attire 519slinii, Irish Linens, inannetts. • niers, :FISH rur A C KEREL, Shad, Pickeled Shlmon, and IYI CO4 ti4 l l P I '-' Tyen. , : • VIOITSLItsT DE • LAIN ES, Lawns, and 'll4 splendid •Gtoglianis, lot Ode low et Tyler, E SMI.T.Fr&-SIIVIVS, • • icia • & Surgeons, Laneshoro. Pit: Of th fit•st named in; the firm, oiv 'F44.ltrteer'it 911kec, of 'the latter it hie feu iiqutie. • • F. N. gMITTI. • ' . I.II 4 IYER, BOTH MC• & HYDROPATHiC Pins! CAN,,_. AND SURGEON—Coffie'-at d arelt tug thirdliouSe east of the Court at haute Saturdays of each %yeti, where - he will . betappy to waitupon all Ow wha,mity, favor, him with a call., lifontripe, May; 1847. 'J. IL DIMOCK,, Attgrney nt 'Lriw.-1-tas remove.' his Offo 10 §treet, One 'door Fast' of- 11.-tr_ Office, and three doors West of theyq Iyiister Printing (Nice.- • '• DE: N., SZi DgFTIST-,-Sets 'Teeth on Gold> Plate, anti Denkist• work in the best style. Alt Cm wOrk:ciarranted. Cbe found' , L Searles ory Vontini and Ttiesdny of earn week. MILLS • & .SHERViAN bry—Poods.-Gror - eries, grokeiy, frail; Nail; veisi t 4 l , o .—ono door bOciiv Jitdp,e i!isstes.. , Den!ei in ,Dry-r,odsi G tgce sies , nordwart, 144:BrooktyP. ; Susq'4: 00 .1 1:41"; Phisli , xni., a nti Surgeoi clOre R. Searle ili:1 . ' .I " ' 1 , :DAVIV'e' . r t.,,, Wdgoa` 1 .::_ • orbs;. • Conch,i ,w, g 6. 4 sip gh,,:iilintifiewye, end , . titoPaker. , -..Siktifritia ip ,, = din► ilifilloilittatio Tura" 1.. - 0 1401. 00 b 2 1 °21 1 :tt i " . ..—:-- - - . .- . nistitr Do ree,:::.)n4)o-vomik- arceei*lbrdt roll 1 1 14 00'.Y., 1001 4ing ,thitilies,-1 & Pis" w°ol-4'shoes,=&C.-41,4 tsll,belqw tM qoUtl'Eolise, East sidevf Alio* Ait feet- & CoungeliocAtiatromP tit*of 1.-LR - 4 4 44 04 , 41 Olt IP9fo. it occupied:,by Heart - - PINE, NiN 'TEAS, AT NEVI YORK P u.sfittsp.Caros. II MO K. a, Montrose, PL-4 6- • o's Sidre.'e _ ECM MI 37 1-2 50 75. new supply J. L U. Snows.