SE= [: El '' ~.r. El A:114; 4 4i/4i e the Pritnte., 4 143 ,!!! )1 1 1- • . , ;Fr. 1. 111 fikt A ectittYpWdliti llbatikt'Atlaa gives ItEffiertgien'atitl the `wooing - 4nB Woacio; eit 3tifinire 1 1 ,4 *.-royal ailate,fromithespiaW. the The fl th of Seplemben hieheas .d'Aumalo, tv1?o is a Nee= politan by hirtb, • and .an uglratbodyi pa-one oftii,,aees, 446 diamonds the. fi nest water and her dowrymtn large,. Film calls her s; , n rie t .heat ns his„-father. dtaa Irari'l he vastirode estates, which the King so po cell n4naged Obtain for The tlitintboit , 4 °irk*, Creests was; the Pritt . I • • cess l ,de ia as.lduoyant wii,h health erred htlrits,44o 'refusing to submit to endeavOrs to °stab ittist insurbordination she is • moat galla - ntkj, up fi eld- by' her , sailor liusband, who ba.Ceite't Wasted that her whims shall be It 0r.:114'41 come out (as he fain wa tt do). id fotoidition to the pacific policy of 'the t hriscmaiTiage, by,the way was rather rotruuttio be and may be new, to American readers: 4'Diplom4ic etiquette requireS that an A 01:. lassador slAuld go to propose the hand et a loyal suitorilsettle all the preliminaries of the affair, and ffpally,marry the Princess scleeled by prosy. ,::,!Then it was proposed to send Theirs to Bazit, thus charged with ,the hi l od .of that Pre de Joinville, ho refused to sa4e. , tion the mission declaring that he never wcold nutrry_a - ynt 4 piii he had not seem, or, have any other man act for him. To this determitiat4on be remainet)..-firrn. The Queen entreated him ' . 4 in vain; . tls King s c olded 'to no purpese, and matters codld only be comprised by allowing , the Prince 4, joinville to act as AMbassador himself. . lls orders were Very positive. lie was to asklior the hand of Ithe Prinecss, if She suited his piste, and 41 accepted, Avas.,to have put her arc lier ladies pukbe_ard of one' frigate And escort :.:Ser himself in his own vessel, the Belle Poula,back to France, where ' the mar riage .was tii be celebrated in due fern!. 'Arrive at Brazil, be becanie deeply !Olt ten .witb 'tie Charms of the Princeis, offered himself, *Ali accepted, married her despite the . !plies,. ordirs, and conjegallrtook his bride on boaid his 'On ship. Once out at sea, he rer fleeted tin t 4 he - lecture which awaited him at :liomeisind #y way of avoidiig its .first outbreak initeati of '-ketrireing immediately g i t' France, i he indnigetthimself in a lengthened ise, and rettifined 4 sta'until the Xing sent a corratte to Oder biiii into port. The sight of his un sophisticat4l daughter-in-law (and \lam' sub stantialdoiory) soon .appeased his Majesty's _anger, andttlae, story ends ,bY,the old adice=l - wellibat ends well.* l ; ~, •-.::,,, ,,,,:, , ' . 9 " • Oliewican Mooniltht. Srby moonlight alone" canoe Fra n tiealize4 in Mexico with beautiful effect ; W,e ti judging from the followiniei tract frotia Art army letter which Was published mittleng sihce in a Southern paper: .T‘erhap . s you will not believe me when 'tell , you thh:ti. am writing , this by moonshine yes, thefteautiful bright moonlight of 31exi - Fleavito bell), those in the United States 11. 31 rth ey *now what mootilight Ihoitt it. . Moonlight in 'fC t.—pure; Magnif iecel,„l..teytiaci Lic 1.• ripliorri it is tkif::, • essence of i m - inFALLT, r4tifita, Ever}- object'so.ut go -clear and-pure is the atmos phere frat3the stars and-the broad unclouded seem 'Forithin reach.- ;I have enjoyed this - -enchant.inti moonlight a hundred. times .while • :sitting with my mess- in front of our tent, Or shirtitiineawe thirri rt' protein& , around the as - the guard-Will perinit Its; said at other twines pass out aid ' wander through, l " -the be,autitid streets of the city and listedlo, l , the chatter of a thousand Mexeean, tongues . jabbering ;to one another across' : the greefp. It is 14 stieli times thit we, inhale the sweet -odotor tit; wow ripenirtg • tba -grow so -plentifullY 'itt this eity-sach as oranges, lemons ; Mmes; figsi , dates-and almonds; and then that best of alk i frnit the juicy peach; grows liere gr*test perfection. All these things ocmbined sill ever give a soldier t seme , hours," :Vr` ,Ai , iskiii'i Iffitli. -4n the time illidign -, , ' - *oil* *lineal - Indian Tikited'tberimine Of, Ooirein'orannlia, ' et Abode Island, when tie' din:einc4ok occasion in request him,,icariy 1 vin airline thMilkleonM to bin wigwam, to ..Jet r , hiatimtntr ,it,_ This the Indian promisid to' do, and ttie Governor 'told' , him - that when-he Anal . iiin`nielilitotinaltion 114. 4 sionta :gitr . e 7tiii a niailof lip. Some tinie after" the Indi .-ean sass ' . and on ' meeting , t i , ,Goreniln lila-La : -Mr. - Gaberdei; -'stiiniger•Bain , . „-1-1,- , ~, 1 10 , 111 ‘ 4 . P i 11C last `lll ght. .:‘‘ ,154 1! ; '!'ls w r. uthelloveritor ~i.,‘ *lst Aid lie nay t i , •", Hind spelt," reped the Indian. -What, -- -not 50.4 at aPtiiiiit6ed4iienoil','-utee no s T peal 6 : i iiii .l ii ' Orhatlioks iniiiiop* " *4 = iiikEil -,,,, .0 4 -"- L• 13;• ; ' •f• • _ • •• . • - 1 . 4 . 1 • i ',64o a ai* i • 4 4074' ;I *k " ! r9 if# l ,• re 1 . 1114 Being to4tist ite was::l,iiiia ainterugir oriered tliapr4l4o~filip. -Wild this V - a 3 di l i S. 46 : - ,firialtdi t . he , :lorosit. var. abort . :440 *pla t ov my u w L i e : .... . :1' ,...7. - -. ..4 , ,.. 7 , f - . .-r - ; t , :: : -.. r " , rr ,a -c d iC /41 N A M WI t 11 ',ltidtfifr'Goveriftt- '.,,: r t 5 u 1f , 44 144y.; :44 1 - Tf u r:4 l .i i, i 44 3iii .l - I (*. r i 0 tipionsi k , OW no rind tiers inialuoinislei • - ••••A -.-Pa• , ?.. 1 - ..; ~ -‘,...:;,1, i -• ~ - .t-t.---! . • ..-.-1,-kliriP 4/ 9 ',d* -- 1 , , -,1 1 -, 9 f "e meanest.; • , -.46.54 1 , -nt geeitepeono Preleffiti-iike, Poi.j. iilStintie: , l- -;:` • :, -':. ,-- .:-;4• , ,, , .."1',;',4.:.',:..- 4 i i --- New *nth ate* ifi Oteifi li ' ' Se,io 1 Y - -, : - 4 .1/ 4iiiit 40 we 'With R. *0146 ''' : xoi *jib* 4vr., , ,n;:•=e;;w•;,,WT,;.,171 , ,,•Mti ;Pm, ~'cra"•'r~t 4, TRE,T)IFAV-Y 0 BK. sClWeirrik* idAttir/C.TX • , . ,•',.r.s , ,i'•4CAALAA.AA,Ar -siacielugsp' frtliff . t i pOptlffir, , :fictentjfie,i and s -Mechanlcal trottiCh'hak, already , ' audited the lar gest eironlation of any • weekly paper of • the Ithtd world,) commence its Titian. VOLOMR Od . Satarday, Sept. 25th. ' fINb nu mber • the.'Stientific - Ameriban . rtvE to e EVEN ORIGINAL MECIIARIT"': CAL EIGRAVINGI a Catalogue of AMERICAN PAT-' :ENTS, isstied; ,froln the. patent office 'every .weelr..notices of the progress of alLnetv MECHAN acsi. and• ecisarrinci inventions ; inStructions in . ,the • ,v4ious . ARTS and , TRADES ; With Eso,R.A• Pirlsos.; curious sau,osoentcAL and CREM.iCAL experiments ; ,the latest RAILROAD INTELLIGENCE ;IN EUROPE AND AMERICA ; all the different ME tCBANICAII MOVEMENTS published in a series,' und• 41.LtisTRATED with More than A.BUN'DRED ENORA , Toms, &C. • IL isln. fact a paper that mEßirs the patro nage of all stsatlptics and BiArturAcrunsas 'throughout the UNITED STATES, end • should be iti'the`hnderisf Evivr otte . th4l feels an. interest in the advancement or mechanical or .Scien tific improvementi in this country. • it publithed in QUARTO 'FORM. convenient ly adapted to mrsDum, and furnished to Coun• try Su bscribersat the LOWTEICE of TWO DOL PARS A YEAS—ONE DOLLAR IN ADVANCE, and the remainder in six Months. Address, MUNN Sf. Co: Publishers, 128 Fulton-street, New York. -Lands in Sullivan C'ounly. IV HE County of Stilhiran havin been lately I- set off from the counts of Lyeoming and the County Seat located by Commisioners rip• pointed by the Legislature on the lands of Subs the Aber, he oilers for sale village lots and land adjoining being Erin of a large bhdy, Which he - will sell to suit settlers. Mill seats and timber plenty. . Enquire of Lewis' daner, Cherry Township, sullivan• county. of Michael Meytert at pres ent infield County to make the necessary purveys fir of the Subscriber nt New Milford,' pus q uehanaa County, Pennsylvania. • • S. NEYLERT. I ' Sept. 18. 1847. • 38-Sm ILL be sold by public vendue or out !' -V tiry. on Wdnesday •the tenth day of November next, at the lielse of Ezra Bibwn, late of the townsh of Brooklyn, deceased, one ;span of Mares, one yearling Colt, une ucking ' Colt, three Cows. three two years 'olds, two Yearlings, three Hogs, five Shoat., twenty-one Sr.eep, 'one lumber %Wagon and. Sleigh:A quantity of Hay and Grain, most kinds of Farming tools,.House-hold furniture. &c. - Sale to commence at 10 o'clock. A. M. All sums over five dollars,, eight months credit with. app-oved security. EZRA S. BROWN, 1 E - xecutors. LORENZO G. ROWS.P C Brooklyn, Oct.; Mb, 1547. NOTICE Ti) CARIINTEiSs P ROPOSALS will he received until the 238 of October nest for erecting a !raffle hull ding 150 by 20 feet, at PITTSTON FERRY. Plan and .Specifications may be seen bV en— quiring of R. J. WISNER, Binghamton N. Y. September 28, 1847. irele'L'EOZ! S hereby Oven, that an application ha% I beeti made to the Court of Common Piens of Suizquehanna, County to grant a charter tit Incorporation to the Prebsyterian Congrega tion of Silver Lake—according to the Act of Assembly of the 13th day of October 1840. I..BLANDEVG, Proth'y. Prothy's Office. Montrose, Oct. 18, 1847. NIV E su in ,li vi u t e e i t a h n e n a a tt e en o t t i i o n n ty. of u t , he ou c r it s iz t e oc n k s n ot ( Fa)! and Winter Goods, which is now being received, assuring them we will do quite es weal, W nora .little better than at any other -ship in town. F. B. CHANDLER & CO Montrose. Sept 17, 1847. - INDOW Sash, and Glass, 'Nails. and 'TY Iron, Hardware, Cutlery, and Hollow Ware, at reduCed prices. by CHANDLER 4..C0. , < THE largest end best lot of Cnok and Parlor stoves ever offered in this market, and at lower prices than can be found this side of Albany. at F. B, CEIANDLBR & Co's. WANTED IN exchange for Goods, Grain, Beesivax, Flax seed, Old Iron. Pewter, and Copper, Flannel, and Socks, Butter. Rags, &c. .. ALSO An apprentice to the Tin business, a lad;about 16 or years old, of good moral character, will ft4anopportanity by calling on CHANDLER di Co. • •••, e. BOOKS 4. STATIONARY. CA.061.4300k5, Tay - Books, Blank Books, 1.7 Fancy Books, large and small 'Miles, .• Pencils, Ink; Wafers, Wax, - Wrapping and Writing,Baper; Rubber, and Rubber Rands, steel Pens sand Ike. c;bea'p at CIIANDLER 4. Co's. 1 ' H P NEB! VI IVTOW openiet and will be suld cheap by • J. LYO,NS r"'y y ANTED:- •, - -'80 . t:15. - • QI'QL ' 7P THE TEA A X-4.:79rtWreitin,:fes - C6mpaors Ti4s, eo a other Teal at acheaper rate. - . ;vat o -o.o!l*ldtcor gale by: y ; L. ARLENDID , Iot orNewand Cheap ON:ids , jnie,opened'and'aelliog rapidly at the 1 /1 3 telat , ; ' J.•.Lirni t •V' the store of GROAT variety of Br9adelotbe,•fia4inett.s, lliitaerneres, Tweeds; Xerituck Jon*. juk- adived 'and seltin very kni by . '.', ‘, INOT^ra. soperior article .r, inea, 1.4 and Lemonade itc. for sale by ;,1. L. EXECUTOR'S SAILE, NEW GOODS. FIRST IN MARKET. 1000 Yds: Ginghams. 6000 " Prints. 500 " De Lain. 600 " 211paccas. 150 " Sri; Cloth'4 Cassimere. 100 " Saslimas 4- Full Cloth. 2000 - " Bro' 4. 'BleaclzedSheetings. Shawls, shearvy shirts and shoes, And every thine that's eonil to use, • CHANdLER di, Co's. TIN Fr STOVES Yds. Flsnnet—Socks. J. LY9.4,15, Rain os, Indigo, iftikurn, fol,-Dye.wOodi r &cOleap at MOE glitinliiiiliapee • Sole. ' OTICE istereby given, that , by an order of the Or dian's Court of the County of Sh l squehanpa, will tie exposed to sale by pub -14.1/endue or out-cry,- at the house late orbs. Spearman, deceased, in the township of Dim— dke ,on Thursday the 11th day of November ne:XV, at one• o'clock in the afternoon of that dity,,all those two certain lots, pieces or par delssof land, situate, lying and being in the township of Dimock aforesaid, late the estate °flames Shearman, late of the said township, diceascd, and severally bounded and described erifollows, to wit:—the first piece or parcel thbreof, -.. being the farm formerly owned and naupied by Allen Upson. Bounded oo the North, by land of Richard Garretson—on the Etist, by lands of Gordon D. Llemiisted, and Eilsna Tiffany—on the South, by lands of diaries Greenwood, and George Gates, and on h! . i West, by lands of Jacob S. Mills, and (*ley B. Smith—containing one hundred and e.kiy-tour acres, with about one hundred and tvienty-five acres improved, and having there -4 one dwelling house, two barns, two °rob attis..and a cider mull. ALSO—At the same place and time, the other piece or parcel of land being the farm khown as the -Henry Barkley farm : said farm being bounded on the North, by lands of Avery tujalles, and Francis Tingley ; on the East, by litrids of James Dennis ; on the South, by lands , E. T. Wilber; and on the West, by lands of E. T. Wilber, and John Woodhonse, con. ltiini t rig 147 acreS, or thereabouts, with about 110 acres improved. and having thereon two dwelling houses. two barns, three orchards 011 other appurtenances. Terms made known on the day of sale.. R. T. STEPHENS, Administrator. .•Dimock , October sth, 1847. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE WOTICE is hereby given to nil persons-in debted to the estate of EBENEZER OILLARD, dec'd. lute of Auburn township, to itike immediate payment, and all. persons 14iving any Claims against said estate are re gliested to present them to the subscriber for sbttlement. ANDREW S. LOW, Adm'r. :•L AubUrn, Oct. 7, 1847. i - ADH4L.NISTE - T - ilt - IX'S NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given to all persons in debted to the e-bite of ELISHA HARD. 1P:G; jr. dec'd. late of the township of Herrick, make immediate payment, and . all persons laving any claims against said estate Bare re. guested to present them to the subscrib-r for sptlemeni. ORPIIA A. HARDING, Adm'x. 3 , Herrick, Oct. 11, 1847. NO CURE, NO PAY. HYDRO FASHIONIO DOCTOR. 8 1 1 the latest advices, the cholory wag ra ging'in the North, and the Lock-jaw in the Nurih-ea.l, carrying consternation ; man) mere throwing away their emits, vests, &c., ex qitlng the Itrutest tingu , sh, in the minds of the tjenei , olent ; equalled uoty by the late famine fit Irelaid]. Nowt du nut say. !hat all dises es can be cured by rne, but MY RULE itiva,- tiably throws the patient into fits, which, is probably the best remedy known lot chronic' :complaints. And as I have Imd great prac lice. It is easy for me to tell the particular trutlady, by looking at the outer garment. JOHN GROVES, T. M. MOM rose. 1847. i -N. B. Office two doors below the Farmers' 4,tore. 38 3m I g t _ HE subscriber having beet} ,appointed i:1 Agent of the Lyeorning County Mutual iinsurance Company for Susquehanna county. 5s prepared to receive applicitions for insu• rii4.,ritainst loss by fire; in atcordance with itt berms of incorporation and Bye-laws of the I Company. , t The great resources now pos=essed by this Ilt ompany as being much the mast extensive in UN•orthern Pennsylvania, o ff er very strong in• gducements to all who wish to be secured a. rosinst loss by fire. to become members. 1 ' it ROBT. C. SIMPSON, Agent. 2,, Montrose, October 15t,1847. • TAKEN ! ' ILZKOMM U41E1111110Z17 9 IF'ASIIION.ABLE TAILORS, AVING just receibed the New York and Philadelphia reports rd Fashions, for the Pall and Winter 0r1847, &8, beg leave to in form the citizens of Susquehanna, that they ore prepared to 4o work entrusted to them, in - uch a manner as will please the most fastick= Pus. 4 Cutting done to order, and warranted to fi t and please, if put together 0. K. (17 Shop opposi , e Mack & Roger's wagon :hop. al the old stand of It B. Locke's. Montrose, Sept. 29,1847. ;! • P APES. ' GOOD writing paper at 12,1 cts, and letter paper at 10 cts. per quires', Fpr sale by J. layons. • sidministratorla .I"otice. ITOTICE is hereby given to all persona in terested, that Lucy Hyde, Ailininistra riz of the late Jabez Hyde, dec'd. having re signed, and surrendered her letters of adminis ration. i t he undersigned has been duly appoint ed Adin nistrator de boots non of slid Estate 'All persons therefore, ha ving . tinsettled busbies. with said Estate will please call on him fulfil :close it without further dela.y, and those who tire indebted to said Math will make immedi pm payment. Sept. 20, 1847 oVrets, ..eria /che,l cotes, __,, 11 9be I fully depended uPo, sed a iprompt use of them on the first * dppeara cesd indispositiop will in t. variably so much sickness. They ore pecu liarly adapt id to all cum of weaknessland gen eral debility -. any d raegeMent of tho system, and especia ly ivith 'females—and a steady, um interrupted Of" theM, ih strict cdnformity with the di itionsivtll very soon reStore the l organs of the stomacietb their n aturatone and &Clio!), and! regulate the bewels, anot renovate 1 the whole ststerM I t 1 There is i o dispovltion to give intlravagant' commeodet ons of them. What is have stated, is the multi of actual eiperienceswip them. add-that through a period-Of fifteen years. It is:not suppOsed, or pretended, that ibey will raise the dead; neither areithey designed to be utied as freely as w use out FOOD! SiJch is not the true purpose of 'medicine. Its only appro. priate °trick is tolissist nature in restoring the system to a Ipropitir lone and action, when una boidably, of through carelessness 0f , ,, excess, it vecomes ,deranged. ', Many are careless, and hence needl this aitl. 4nd the - most careful are liable to Irregulatilies of the system.. It is neediest allmost to I say, that a prompt use of safe and effdctive rernedies, bn the fi4it appear ance of illness, is the part of wisdom,f arSuch a Medicine the Proprietor knows these Pits. to be.„co And he is certain that in forty nine ca ses out of fifty, wheren fair trial ia made ac cording- to the directions, they will he used a gain as a Istandaro medicine. Hi 4 has never known an instance,; where they havebeen thus used, in which the have not met wit UNQUAL IFIED APPROVAL! . Numerous teiitintionials may be len at the General Office of dale, and referen es will he! given to scibstantial tivirtg witnesses of their valuable curative properties. The Pills are pritely vegetable, are of two kinds, stimulant and purgative, putifying the blood, andiproducing a healthy action through the entire system ;taro a valuable Anti Billious . Medicine, and eminently useful in all lingering complainta--Weakness, General Debility, Dys pepay,Pultponary ffections, Liver Ccomplatets, Rheumatin and S asmodic Affections, Fema r le Complaint, Pulpit tions, &c. , No Tamil*, after a fair trial. will tie without Minn. . They Hie put up in PIFTY CENT 'and. DOLLA R I PACKAGES, each h.ving a pamph let embraciing a valuable Tleatisa on Disgm.e, with full directions for use, The Dili a r pick ages are lie ehenpest to the purchaser. They maybe ordered Orough Druggist., :giving the Street c and: No. of the General Depdt. -Sold, Wheleszle and Retail; nt No. 140 Fu lton street, Second Flour, N. Y., THOS. JOHNSON. Betwe9n N assa u-st teat 4 d Bre4id way. I:Cr A• Ikon valtie lavali e h—Try them I -CO fur Agptits : BENTLEY Si READ, -Moot rose. E.' TIFFANY. Prookln. H GIBES. Brad turd counlyti ..od .C. TRIVERTS, Beogharet on II AVEVDU TRIED 1 - r ?-11 . not do riot delay a. nother day,trit send iiiinicorately; it you have been one of the wise rid prudent. arid already booed a battle.: the queatioi is aelo4—yoil have recovered your health.. Jayne's Carminative Balsam, for Bowel and Sum mer Complhint, never fads. •It is the only medicine that will enre. Thbusands of persons hare vim' their teatiniony in its favor. No family should evef be without it. WHY WEAR A WIG 7.1.-A majority of the W,gs worn are wholly orinecesstaity. The use of Javne•s Hair Tonin , will alwlys prevent the hair from falling off, and itsicontintted ion; will in most cases re-clothe the head with a beautiful crop of new hair. FEVERi AND AGUE; CURE JAYNE'S AGUE PILLS' ARE to cure thej worst forms of Fever money Will!be refunded in all cases nt,trtney nOrer do fall. A STRONG EVIDENCF that Dr. Jayne's Ex. pectorant is superior to all other remedies for Coughs. ConsumptiOn, Bronehitis, Asthma, and , other Pulmo. nary affections, is, t it the same persons who com— menced the use of i in their families ten years ago, still prefer it to all thei remedies of the kind ; and where any belle beetX indleed to try other prepara4 tions,,they have alinxist invariably been disappointed, in receiving the beefit which was reasonably antici. pated from the high praises bestowed by the proprie. ii tors, and have retur ed to the use of Jayne's Expecto. rant, as a remedy hat never has failed to relieve them, and which pr Wilily never had its equal In ar. resting Pulmonary iseases., Prepared only by Or. D. Aayne, Philadelphia. and sold on agency by N. Mitchell ik,'Co. druggists, Mon. trine; Pa. , . , MORE EVIDENCE OF TAE VIRTUES OF JAYNE'SI FAMILY MEDICINES. , Dr. J. N. SittithdWinsbirro', N. C., says—Some of your Family Medicines have reached this park of the country. They seem trylo much good, and Are eagerly Sought afteby ell who are acquainted with their medicinal virt es. I Should be glad to have an Agency for the of II dr thud, as I flatter myself, that my'reputation as a hyaiciah is such, as will promote your interest in that sect The Exeettorant appears to be in the greats demand bete. . Mr. 3. 0. Wallace, Milford, Pa_ says— The first. six "'tenths:very little Medicine was sold, excepting your Worm Medicine, which was soon disposed of. . It is but a short timb since the Expectorant was mac li called for. I had ud One bottle in .my family, and found it an excellen Medicine for celds. This spripg there have been . an unusual number of persons corn. plainicg of heavy C.l . ds, and . the most of them have found relief by 'AI yourEspectorant. ,- Mr. Tnos. M. 'T rner, Savannah, Geo., says—We hirebeen very successful in selling your Alterative; and we have but al few bottles left ; we wish you to Send us - a Gross byhe first Vessel.. Mews. Whitney 1 & tsifiin; Mount - Mitrris , .N N. Y. t say—We are about i out of your Vermifuge and Hair Dye, and have dail y calls for the Vermifuge, which stands very- high id this section. The bales of all your Mcdidincs bit been good, and continues 1.9 itii. create. , 1 Ezra Tuttle, Wi hiughbys,' Ohio, says—Your Ver miluge and Pillsoe 1 very. readily here—l could hav sold much 'more of them if I had them. s E. P. Steadman,. avville, N. Y., says : I find your Vcrinifiiiel and Ex torant give good Satisfaction. and we shciuld. beg ad to have another lot. 'Il • I Prepared only Dr'. D. 'Jayne, Phila.. and sold on ti agency by. N. Mite ell & Co. Montrose, Pa. 'diultßlVA%r. VP.7I B. SAILItWina Y' most•respectfully an , J. nounces th t be is . 4ust receiving a fresh supply of . 1 • i GOODS. ! ~ of eery Variety; carefully selec:ed, emi whicit he. Will a II iti cheap; as the cheapes fi t nale° h mbilg t . t ', • • , i is B. J. S., . is else the only ngentAh the I coutqy,, for the; CAIgTON TEL COIRANT.4- Thatse dearrous a procuring ;elm TEAS at i a j o ri— had better give 101111 a cud.: . `,. II iv 1.111347; '' • ' i Coe% Notice. iv! - , lOTIOE bi given to all persons ih debtied 40 , .0 estate of EZRA. BROWN dio'd;lati of. okl rn lownshiP,A makkini mediate paptieri and a persons .hiving "say o tiima against said Estate are retreated.' 46 p r_ei p e thentteihe oubteriberig for isettlonent; EzytA „BROWN, • --) tORENZO'G.IIIIO,W.ti,:' ':'" !v. -- sept. 1847. FINE NEW . ; TEAR f • , 1 - • AT NEW •YOAK PRICES. t•' ViCEAX6 I 4 / 0 . L. K. notrossi has Mader -mugs. . .... . '''r t, ments wits the NEW-YORK PEKIN TEA COM. PANY, for the sale of TEAS in Ringbannou, am A Al A ~,1 V "411 V ID • can furnish his cuidomers, spa the trade, with Tamar ___ .......- 4 • the same prices that the Central charge or thee, la - New York s Which is, at least, from One to Tiro sid. • WESTERN 'NEW ORK COLLEGE OF Fl A.LTH • • lings cheaper on each pound than the Groooll kali .. a . And in every Me where these Teas do not give so & G.C.7 Main street, Buffalo MY' faction, the money will be paid hack for them. • RR. .' VAUGHN'S 'VEGETABLE LITHO N- CATALOGUE OF TEA.% U I TRIPTIC ADVERTISEMENT FOR_ 1847.-1- • • GREEN. __,• , . f , 1 CAME. I Saw, I Coritattriten in is most emphatli. Tatting Hysort f ,gooa, 37 1.4 1 tally the case with this antic e. • Disclaim has ever - 1),o. do. ' tweet cargo, 50 - Yielded to its most marvellops pi edical ,power. Do. do. i fine cargo. -75 f Whereder It has gone, and South America, Engler]. , Do. do. 'diilver leaf,, •1 00 Canada, and the United States)have proved the tru h Silver teeif—seldomisold eveh by large dealers, bea n* of this statement, the above qu4ition in &strong a' d of the very 'mall profits made on its; Itaiti4-is a ter. pithy sentence , tells the whelp story. Invalids, t e Impeder Tea. . r --, .i principle upon which you are Wed may not be kno n Do. ' do. golden c hop, ' 150 Golden shop-T his is his of is t - h tb e e fi test pie G ki zz T a e n iL d s r u z it e rt in to ybu, but the result of a trial; of the lartiCle is sari in China., factory; you are restored, andithe secret of the Cu remains with the proprietor. The Medicine is aco . other Green Teas for its 4elicacY of flavq, Arena pound of 22 distinct vegetable agencies; each in i. and aroma, Heretofore this Tea• has never' meek gotta' toot has its own particular; exclusive, 'medici . ed (hut country, except in small lots to wilt theft" • al property , conflicting with no other 'etintpound chaser; • a d it ash root makes its own cure--and as a perfect co .. Biwa/ " Baer i 75 bitiation, when taken into the system, it does the wok Do. , very fine, 1 00 which wear. when her laws were first establish.., Gunpowder, fine, ~ 'i.:s intim* it should do—purifies, stren g eh ens , an d a ,,. D o , eery fine, ,1 00- stol'es the broken down, debilitated constitution, • Imperial, fine, 1 75 Morse. in all its characters, will he completely era. - ..p.. ' warn fine, ' 100 tatted from the system by its use. See pamphlets in , ilYnna fikin,llood.e 37 1-3 • emits! hands, fa free circulation—they treat u ..n ' BLACK. . • i 1 all &stases, and show testimony Of , eurea. Gasv 1„, Ning Yongoltropg a d goo d fl avor , 37 I_2 and all complaints of the urinarst organs, form a so Ning Yang—r The 'grotere.seg this at 50 [ con t a i n , / , the cause of great suffering, and Vauottn's Lum.i.i. call it Oolong. ----- I, Tawrni has acquired no small celebrity over the co D. Oolong. a delicious Black Tea, 50 try, by the cures it has inside in this distressing ed ss Compare this superior Teat with that sold by of afflictions. So famed, it seems, is this medici e, as being an Oolong Tea. ,The differeaca is too that it has thus attracted the notich ofone of our Md. plain, and the deception too palpable. icgl publications. In th NoveMber No., 1846, of Oolong, plantation growth, .7 1 5 • the " buffalo Jet rnal and Monthly Review' of M -ch. English Breakfast, tide, • 52 cal and Surgical Science," in an utile upon calcul•us Do. do. extra fine 03 ducases, and o solvents," the- writer, after not ng Howqua's Mixture, a rich & highly the fact that the English government once purcha d flavored. 115 a secret remedy, and also noticing the porch •in PekteFlowey, , Of) 1892, of a secret remedy, by the Legislature ofw Do Scented, ' 190 York, thus pays tribute to the fame of the Medic ne Ne Plus Ultra. ; 1 *lO , -" Why do not our Representatives hi Senate nd Ne Plus Ultra—This Tee is as fragtanf and ni es t Assembly convened, enlighten and 'dissolve ' he as a nosegay .' It yieldera-perfume that is truly de. suffering thousands of this country , by 'tie porch se lightful: hma is of garden growth and :so to .1 of Veuglin's Vegetable Lithoiritriptic, chap which no anything of the kind ever sold in.this unwary. solvent since the days of Alchemy has possessed ne 07 The above Cataloghe does.uot cixeinimalithe half the fame ?" Reader. here is a periodical of' hgh varieties contained in my assortment. I have every standing, acknowledged throughout a large sec on variety imparted, and every elude of quality. sea eta °fillet country to be ono of the best condupted jour ale suit the most fastidious' . purchaser. The t rovs Teas of the kind in the United States , exchanging with he are all done up so- Chinesikpackages, in uantitia of scientific works of Europe, to our certain knowle e, 1-4 lb., 1-2 lb., and 1 lbi each. edited by Flint,llll. D:. and contributed to by me of ;RECOMMENDATIONS ' . ' the highest professional ability, thus stepping fund to - . , We have fried the Teas imported by the Pekin're notice a-• semi remedy." You will at once tin er- - Company, 75 and 77 Falcon-et.and if we live will try Stand no unknown and tcorthless nostrum, could -t acs ' extort a comment fur so high a quarter —am) eo se them often. They are selling the most delicious Tele we ever drank, and retail them at wholesale prima quen i ly. unless it directly cunilleto AV all fee prat; ice of the faculty, it must, nave been its great '•fur e " Eve"inff Post- %Mien has caused it to receive this passing no ._ You may be sure of obtaining at all times pure yid Ramo diseusts, weakness of the bark and erne. it highly flaVorediteds, by the single pound, it whole. sale prices, of the Pekin Tea Company. 75 & 77 regular, painful and supprebsed Menstrualson, F uor Fulton-at. They have (irotiably the largest stark ettiku3, and Use mane coin plteated train oh evils is I iett and greatest variety 61 five Green and 4fflow a disordered it .l etefu, ate at once relieved by the Black Teaser medicine, Send lair pamphlets from Agents, an d „„ any one astablishment in: the United Stales, Th e y are doing a large business e atel are a great Leucite.= a , -there put forth. a remedy for the irregulariti of . i, , , t " Heretofore it his been T ry di f f i cult, indeed impost- Jaw .Ltnaie system, it has ii the compound a ..r ide, to obtain good Green a whiciii has been resorted to in the north of Europe for lid Black Teas. But now. centuries—as a sure cure for Allis eontPl and. and as a you have only to visit the ware.rooms or the Pekin restorrr of the in alth of the: i mire Nystem. Lien:, Teo Company, 75 and 77 Fulton-34 to obtain as de, CoAIPLAINT. JAUNDICE. Bitiou. Disc/e.g.., &c., afC in licious and - fragrant teas sis you could wislf for.—Dai st.ii.ll) rehevi d. F. opie of lie iit ist will find it the 1Y Sun. .. . A mord to Tea Drinker'.—This Pekin Tea Coe 12soly ri int:ay iii th e se complaints, as well as F Es , AND Acme. 1 here is no r. tnedy like a, and no cLo -'any, 75 and 77 Fulton-st. have imported into tus market somehne hundred thousand dollars worth of Mel or quinine twins any part oft, „.iiturc. N . the finest - grades of Green and Black . Tees growate 1 injury is iii resu l t in ite use, au dits active pc.ripe, tn... the Celestial Empire,_aone op in all the virious fauey are uhtulltst. a ,n ii., use of a 1.1111 alt; 30 .1n 11.,1110. -- fake "Oh park ages that Chinese ingenuity can invent. It is a For FEV ER AND Acme. Bilious Disorders. torivilege to buy teas at this great establishment. and fr medicine. kiii•USlATl-51 lour. will find retie -- ~, Minty and comfort to drink them. They sell gain I The act of ibis in. mein, upon the Blood. leas only, and retail them at wholesale prices. CM. change t lie disease--o.i.ich ortgilimi, a m me ill. d— iarist a health) result will . DV=PEPHIt. IN DI E... ry met chant" who wish to a l so ,' sell good tea. eau ALWAYS obtain theta at this place, on reasonable term ilott. &c., yield in a few dash' use of this N1,,11 me . I Inflammation or THE Lesos Count rorssusternm also. — EmPrifiolo• ' , has ever found relief. t•icaorm.a. Eaystrimas, Pi Es„ 0:1" Thy. above TE AS ,arefor sale, by . (Inflamed, Eyes—all caused hy impure, blood ; it LM. It EXPORD, , .. find this article the remedy. 'like tiyolein. Comp ete. "' Sole Anent for Broome County. ; V acted upon by the twenty - two dffferent. props ties Bingham ton, May 8, 1847. No, 25 Gam ,of the mixture, is purified and restored; air a pa tint - HOOKS & STATIONARY. An e w supply WARRANTED: 1 1 cure will 'not follow. The train of nt Coinent Oin Palpitation of the Dealt. Sick Headache, De " bY , - • , J. L. W ARR ANTED ,;bitity. &c., are all the result ut sonic derangement o and Ague. Tnei the ~)",.,,,, and this GititAr RE:minim will du its if they fail to Can; I work. The promises set forth in the adveriiseirer are based-upon the pr.Oof of what it has dune in ti past , four years. The written testimony of .OL Ageote, in Canada, the United States, England an :South America, in the • possession of the proprikor f and car, be seen by all interested ; is a sufficient de f moniteatton that it is the beat Medicine ever o et to the World. Get the pamphlet, and study the rii ciple as there laid down, of the method ofcure. P. up in 30 oz. bottles, at $2 ; 12 oz. do at $l. ea h the larger holding 6 oz. more than Iwo small bottles. Look out and not get imposed 'upon. Every bottle has 4. Vaughn's Vegetable.-Entiontriptic Mixture" blown upon the glass. the written signature of •• G. C. Vaughn " on the directions, and .• G. C. Vie rho, Buffalo," stamped on the cork." None other are 4. genuine. Prepared by Dr, G. C. Vaughn,, and so dat the principal Office, 207 Main street, Buffakt, at wholesale and retail. No attentionAiven to linters unless post paid—orders from reguLsrlpconstituted Agents excepted : post paid letters, of verbal coin. munications sohciting advice, promptly attend - ill to, gratis. , ; Offices - devoted exclusivelv - te theeale of 101 ar ticle; 132 Nassau st., New York city ; 295 Essex at., Salem, Mass.; and by the principal Druggists through. out the United States and Canada, as advertised in the papers. Agents in thie county ; BItriTLET & Ramo. Mont. rose t Hamar Bussrry, New Milford ; Wes. F. BRAD LEY, Great Bend ; 0. W. ()WEN, Traveling agent.' No. 56, CEDAR-STREET, NEW TOR • I - ...RI, LEE, JITDSON & LEE, . AI (L 7E, LEE &JD DI3iYN,) - iI.CCUPY the spacious FIVE-I:TORY •• WARE UHOCS E. No. fi, CEDAR ETIET-; the note of which is devoted to the exhibiti a and Me f the single article of • , • - - They present Stock consists of Nearly i• ONE - THOUSAND PACKAGES Embracing some THOUSANDS d itTerent patterns and colorings, and comprising every, thing desirable in the line, FOREIGN and DOMESTIc. All of which are offered for sale:Jur dash, or ;ratio factioy credit, at the Luyicst Pried% by the PIECE OR -PA.CO,OrE. - ! l ow Styles are received ahricurt every di • , and marty of them are got up far our Own sales, it d-ao a he found.elsewhere. . t 07,Pritrted lists of prices, corrected 'from ay to i day, with every variation' in tho tilarkut, aced in the hands df buyers. - • • 1 Merchants will lie able to form (soma idea .f the extent and variety of mu aswirritterit..wlien we state - ha( the value awns usual stock..tif thief* a r il, l e i s , st least, twice the value of the - stuck fifty goods usually , kept by our largest 'wl.bletiale jo bets. This fact, together with the fact •tha - t our mea e and aur l attention,L instead a( being ditridediamang vain variety of articles. are devoted,',wholly tar or( ovi' render the advantages which wnlan offdr to d alt perfectly obviuos r end it' shall' f e outlarothat Om who visit our establishinent'altallinitekkirkh in di appointment. , Our asaorttpent is, eamplete 4111111 itcasonr Itr it year. fi f o r merly ' Zees of r • B.—P. t. Lee, „the - tic tit of I .I;ertotrid `tote INCiliOr partner ' iiiilin oriiinal t • Lee & Brewater, train whichmann - ditto tie witl !gams inners - Mc% itaa reaunttpt 41), ides vital hi Lee 4 Judyett, under.thri firm_ ofj,LEkl, j'JVDOI LEF T ; indite ventiiiMy io - int ritti itle.friOdeik iiitilie, that the new • 'firm 'Witt tottintat& ttptsam Ottiiiiiibeis in thie - branch of ttmlirptile;-- iiibli for kiiiitionthed the othili two houses,lo wi leit,iiii tit 1 lad:. ,- , ' 1 -- • f' l' f :,- 27 --- 1 It I I ! Pt l "ADA~~roi. Nair I ( • .1 , ' 'l4 I - 4 150 i .„ 2 • 4 01 40 1 " I :WAREHOUSE ,OF PRINT% OWLIE. Spring Fa'shioit for 1847: ROWN,7I-4 iaches hi4h. 5.16 yeoman-, ' t! bell at sides. 1-16 front and rear, 1.4 . 1 curve. TIP -4 oval s flat 4 Batas—lf hides wide, front and rear,l, and # 1 0:46 at aides.- BINDING-14 of an inch wipe. The above new style, introduced' in New York ori Saturday, MilOch 6th,bY Beebe &Co* 'et tar, are now reKly and for - sale by , 1— April 8. ! MERRILL & ROOT. es. DR,I W..N GOODS. - A GREAT•variety of laces, Barred and strive Muslim, Irish Linens, Jacorietts, &c. et Tgfers FISH. MACKEREL. Shad. Pickeled Salmon, sad Clidfish at • - ' • • -1/11!rs' , . iwO_USLIN - DP. 1 MINES , Lawn! , lug .171. 'splendid Gingttams, for sale low at TWen. Nustness garbs. "SMITH - A SHUTT, Physicians & Surgeons, Laneshero, N.- Of -. lice elate first named in the firm, ever Ile Engineer's, office, of the latter at bier* , denee4 • E. N. SMITH. DOCT. R. THAYER, BOTANIC & HYDROPATHIC Plriff- CIAN, AND StlßGEON—Offiee 'at In dwelling third honse.enst the'ConriHoto Will beat home Saturday. of ea* wet, where Maria be happy to wait uprio,iiittaa who may 'favor him with it • Montrose, May, 1847.- , ,J. It, pintoo, -, Afferent at Law.-1114 removed 64 Office to Tura!) ke Street, 'Dee deer 'gilt of B.T. Casaiel O ffi ce, and three doors Weal o(11 Regiater Printing ;Office:. • :DR. H. SMITH, DENTIST—Sets Teeth oo- Gold Plats ssi dues all Dentist Wprk in the best style. Ali } work Warranted. Can be'fotiod et L. &sties on Mondn'y and Tuesday of each_ week. muxs. , Elealeis in Dry-GoOs, Grace4ll; in llaiii-W Crockery, Iron, Nails, Fistir&c.--Oas d oor below/ Judge Post' S. - E. TIVRANY, • iSiz±BrobbklYmi Q .; ; - -PARKPIeDt.gOOK, -5 . no Pbsiysians Lind §urgeonsl.hlontiose,'.Pi..4s - over a; Betileigi,.!Vosit'9iive-.7 ' I CLEMONSf Cattebi" Wot Art & S eigh faeta rer 111 , 111 hop , on Abe. Wilkersbat re Tqla" ' 7 1 111 ‘1.•: 1 , 1 ‘ (ei i rfotle_tie.lpsor Village; I, n i & !rm of TyT,ER ; , - erieti; straw' G°°°, & CrockitLixiking a.m.!, bewo o th . k*h &a.4iirit'•store ware.r 0--OeSt d eot p ublic Avenßet Colintliab' si; - Eatl!! 41- lit). - & CotinEselicieat :lAw4l—,t, MC*: •, 4ttntner f'd4Co' ' ' ria ti 131,0109f.-4,- g r i a keG =-• 9Cot.igied tdte ..emere. & d' the e netiy slr K Saorrs