diametrically oppos4 to tho se y• ou hue been l, . PO RTINT , N EWS taught to believe correct, and go for any man , iou can elect, iithetil referencU to his political vi , > OVEMNTSOF OUp TOO 0 ' - PS! dews ? Can the mop who thus advise hove l; M been honest in their professions heretofore ?cr - .. . can the inconsistenct of their present course Dell ef the B?t tt e or Puebla. recommend and midi* 'them to ,the confidence , . P. • . .. . . . of the Democracy oVihe country ? , 'Correilpamience ofthe l'ennay Iranian. For ourselves, thwi.nla fashioned princiPlewot ; , PirEi t sanan, Oct. 31. • the Democratic party; find its established usa- f,a 'steamer fumes L. Day arrived at New ges, are good enoughlfOr us ; and we have nu Orleans on the 23d, -from Vera Crui, bringing disposition to abandciii ',them, and to this senti dates to the 17th. There has been' no later ment we feel that wilhtv lamest .Democrat in larr , ival direct from the Capital. t big, country will restihnd with a right, hearty g ezd will. We Aialli . therefore, continue to Santa Anna was at'Pueblit on the - 25th Sep tember, and had addressed; Col. Childs, eta of the party, as aseeadvocate . what we believe to be the sentimeets iron that h bad taken possession of the city ained by the - resolution, of nearly every meeting and convention recent- with 8000 an, and requesting his immediate evacuation f t at post, pertnitting him to form Iv. held in The State-4-Democrotie conventions, con - , a junction. Gen. Scott ;or the, American Sent and National , best means of erntrati end !forces at Po' ro but threatening in the event Q the stre*th of the party, maintainn n y , its pritciples in their purity. fof a refusal, -the an immediate assault would Fr he made upow his positions, Col Childs re- A Day' of - Thanksgiting. . plied that with regard to the threatened attack ' It will be seen by 'the annexed official , proc- 'upon all his positions under.laiS con imand, lie lamation of the Ex§eutive of Pennsylvania, [Was fully satisfied that be should be able to de that TurEso.ty, the', 25th day of November lend them successfully, and ; having been hon next, is recommendeh as a day to he publicly :ored irich the:duty of guarding them, was de dedicated to the duties of prayer, thanksgiving I termined•to defend hetn to s the last., and praise. Never Wave people hat greater ; The Arco Iris, the 23d October, furnish-, mason return HMOS to the Giver of all good es further importal news. , A-letter from Pur fir the many blessings; bestowed upon them, ebla, dated at so' ock on the evening .of tit , ; ;e d we„„have no doubt this day will be appro- 27;th Of - Septemlier,l says the pointeof San ;Tu. riately observed thfoughout this Common- an de Dias, San .Lian, Santa, Rosa, nd Santa r . wealth. 1 . - Monica, commenced a heady cannonade upon. the American .workt. • The latter immediately - ' PE.V.VSII I ANI . ,S. -C --- S. t began to throw cannon shot, bombs, and gren- A the name and by ike authority of the Com- lades into the centrwof the city,- which Suffered' monwealthl 4 . ' Pennsylva.nia.[ ponsiaprable injury.. ; . , , _ - FRANCI R. SHUNK. , . I Abthiti, 8 o'clock the cannonade ceased, but S 1 comiueneed again at dawn on the following Covsaxon oy THE SAID COMMONWEALTH. : daY•ti .By order of Santa Anna, a breastwork A PIROCiAItIATION. of cotton bales had been erected, with four rkullv 1 C ir tzszis..:—God i s lliundred cotton bales, which be had eomiiiandeel . /., - '' I the commercial houses of Valeseo to furnish for I ...: v 4 t great andlgood. It is our • to dut y ; • ;the defence of the city. To. prevent the corn ", ..4....X1): adar - e, Hill greatness, to acknewl- [ pletion of these works, the Americans from 'the . .... • edge Histoodness, to confess to ' first had kept up a continued fire from San Him our sins„and hltubly implore their ; for- [Jose upon tho workmen, which being strictly gireness. It is fit and becoming . that 'we returned by the Mexicans, the tfiseharge of should do so, not nay as individual's, but as a, bombs mid greriades from the American Hues C inmonwealth of•frep citizens, who, during the , greatly increased, but night supervening, every i.a,t year, have recelyvil unnumbered e benefits ;thi n e. became quiet. , at his hand. 't Sept. 3 . 0 th .: - A partial tranquility reigns in %Ills 4, Under his guardiabsbip our free institutions, founded by the wisdinm . of the Fathers of the; l'al-mblic have beenlueserved to us inviolate.: We have richly enj4ed all our civil and social , privileges:and the tight to worship God as our consciences diettite. We have been pre-' .."rued from wasting iiestilence. Enterprik, in. its various forms ha4i been -earnestly put l rth; and has yielded a rie! return. The fruits of - tuc earth have been 4igathered in a.bundanee, and safety. Our I,*ers are, filled With the , tinet of the wheat, minister to our own events and lA.+ the nee ssities.of the destitute.— InTefli, ,, . , cerce and morplity hare steadily ad vanced, s'ismined and invigorated by a pure Lnd heavenly whose institutions t end nlinanees, unullieitl.v any alliance with the State,.emitinue to 14, cherished by tie volunta iry devotion of the r.4ple, and th; , ugh , in the titcons judfmcntstof God. we have been in oired in the direfullealamities 4 f war, vet Fe' have ne.t been giveoll) 'to faintness of heart,' hut the noble courage and conduct of our sal ,li,-re have wren. , ht.tfor vi, try in the midst 61 , 1:Ingtr. 11 In view of all thiii:goodness, I do hereby re c,,inmend Thursday designed to rise an o ther twyn'y, with which to renew the combat against the enemies cif the . Republic.l' 1 • All the letters from the coincide in The oltinion that Santa Anna considered him self tee' impotent. to effect any thing — more, and state that he Was making his way towards Gua aternala, for the purpose of leaving Mexico for ever, and that his rnwrch to Onjaca is only a pretext to aid in the quiet accdmplishment of .his designs. PuipLA, Oct. 2,—Since Santa Anna's de parture, the cannonading; as entirely slacken ed off.; The cottonbouse of Valesco took fire and burned down. The inhabitants of Puebla, j hearing the ringing of the: were which announ ced this incendiarism ere very much alarmed, j believing the Americans bad left their enteneh- ' ments and were storming the city. It is reported that Gen. Scott has granted a' passport to Santa Anna. ' Other Mexican pa per deny that he is endeavoring to reach Gua temala, and insits that he will .continue the war without respite. ~ The Genius (1 - Liberty says, that Pena y Natiieniii convennopo 1 Pena was diScharging the'duty of President, at We arc glad tolice many influential papers , Queretaro, but had refused to recognise his as -11 favor of hokfirie the next •• Democratic Na- , soeiates appointed by Santa Anna, mid propo nom! Convention at Cincinnati. Iv ought to i ses that Congress shall elect. , • be held there by at means. 'lt is now much I A report prevailed at Vera Crux on tbe,lBth nearer the geographical centre than Baltimore, that a company of -Texan Rangers being at and affords-all thelacilities of the butter place, tacked by viqillas,i,welN;,e miles distant, all 'So delegate from t. l he "uttermost part bf the" , but two were Cat off. itn express had arrived country will ever ilgret his visit to that empo- : stating that one man was killed and eighteen rium, 'viewed in ally light. The : eastern. and mis'ilig- • .., northeastern delegates who leave never seen I Some difficulty bad occurred in the Massa the west, and wltkiprobably think the account 1 chusetts regiment, and. Gen. Cushing bad . a pt' its true greatnilsl3 exaggerated if not entirely armed and detached 65 . *oni the regiment. overrated, will fini% that "the Inaltbas not, been Col. jacitllays had arrived at Vera Cruz, told" them. -For,the,,ir sakes, thtit on their re- Gen. Lane was at Pernte on the 4th of Oc t= to their constituents, they may be able to Ober, and no doubt 'entered Puebla a few days Ray "I leave seen.* elephant," let them agree . afterwards.. . . . and come I "Come and examine ; and if the.! The Arco Iris of the 16th, speaks of eaten-, .high inducemeatslishich will be found are roe sive preparations i making to•despatch •a train .fintfirientto leausitAhem to "leave the graves i for. the interior, and says;that more than- 4000 i if their fathers," rind settle in this land flow- rtrmPs are all armed and ready to start. The] ing with "milk and honey," "b og .A n d,h un u ny, ty ; editor eonjectures that Gen. Patterson , has •a, they may at lea* be inclined to send out a new ex, edition in prospect against some Stater, portion of their-sit:plus females, who at* very I not hitherto invadedby che Americans, instead; lunch wanted as-lelpmates, wives, and moth- , of ieiging Seett" .Tie re paper contains ( Ts." We go for.rsciNxikri emphaticallyl—isomespeculations as to e probable "action of, Indian State Sentinel. ' !the Mexican Congress at Queretarok.aml among t .. oulters, thinker that the minds of the people of I GEN. SCOTT'S , F ones.—The, f o ll o wing is a „the interior bad undergo'realchang. since the .suramary of the fhkee under Gen. Scott, and 'on i occupation of the capital; ania were disposed to the may to join hiM, 'as estimated by the Uni- favor S p e ace. / -' ' • , , en : The expedition against the pierillas.planned l. Troops sent by-Pen. Tapirs, 2,957' by General Z;iatterson, had returned after sue; Troops reported by Col. Wilson at . - ceasi ' vely ern*, ,cantering aid dispersing several Vera' en* • 8,538 i parties.. , , I. ~ Regulars arrived since, - 2 . 631 1 • Ail was quiet at OoL gughe l i camp at the. •Volunteers, :-. - 2,114 . f lifai4nal Bridge, The ;Uteri*" force there Volunteers behig enrolled, 5 . 920 1 was Strongly fortified and well prepared to re l . - , ; eeive or repel' any attae4s. . The Legislature of ,tlto State of Vera .- Criii assemhed, add was•organized on the 27tii of ~ September, at Bustuselio: , i Major Polk, acting as a .veluttteer, had bete ordero to the command of a detaCblieLlt ,pf ' cavalry heretofore under{ Major ,Gook. -, I i-, !ferrets, according tothe Arco his., had cOt. rented 10,060 - toen at Qnsietaro,laß of thelial., tional Guard ." .1 ,', • ...,:1 -1 .4 ' The guerillu have full sway at Jaispaiiiiits , ) . - . 4 king.'lrar only von ' defence lessthec wilt itai olon,Z,nd•the Meautaa nethorities of the. $ of Vera Cruz were talkitig of adopting incitr ewes to put dem down.l . .. ;i. The 251 h darn of NoTember nest, to be obserlved as diday of golemn . tliatiksgiv- • ine to .Almighty Goo ; and that the citizens oft this Commonwelltitido abstain on 'that day ! from all their worldly avocations—assemble in, their respective pla(;•es ..w.o.rsilip—buirtile theMselves before ttic .Almiglity, fur their sins, individual and national—render Him their, .earty thanks for F is many and great mercies deprecate the jud*ents onr transgressions! gave merited—beseieh Hini that peace may be speedily restored, aid tL biessin,s we now so richly enjoy may b6. ; contintied to us, and to ours; down to the l4tdst generation, and that the whole family offinan, united in one vast' brotherhood, may . Blare in Ills richest mer eit.. 4 ;iren - nander my ht d, and tire . frrt.at Seal of the :State, at Irarrisburg. this nineteenth day of October, ;In the year of our Lord one thousand eight litindred anal forty seven, and of the C,ommontrWth the seventy-second. .1)Y Tee GovErmet: J. MILLER, . Sdcretars of the Corn tamiaccalth. 5 Total, fi Add to . this 4en. Scott's probable- foree, which is about 22,000, and, the Union, Ewa, be will, within a taiirweeks, have 30,000 under 'Ms command. Tbere are, besides, Col. 'Hay's rangers; estimated at 400 ; a battalion of Xis= sisaippi riflemen ..t 'be raised; and a battalion called for from Alabama. • eirAn advertisement *wired in a news- Pow, which read aa follows t- 4 !Ran alwaV— A hired man nuned John ; Ais nose turned ip fulled eight inehes high awl had on a pair ' bf corduroy pints 4ch worn." - the cit.), hat Ged. lien having concluded, the erectioneet a battery to open upon San 'Tose,. the greatest entliumasm prevails against the Americans throughout: the city. n the tst of 'October, Santa Anna at the head of 2000 cavalry and infantry, and three pieces of artillery, sallied out from Puebla, in tending' to attack the American train which left Jalapa on the Ist, and teached Perot-e on the ,•Ith, but before arriving Topeyalmalaco, his designs were wholly frustrated by all of his, memwith the exception of 130 hussars, comp' his personal guard, baying pronounced a ' ti'aiUst him, attributihg the unfortunate events 'oi the war ai.d their want of success • against the invaders, to , his incapacity and unsuceess fulness. Some loudly declared him a traitor, and unworthy of holding any command in the .NljeXicati army. t•:anta Alma having reached Toperahualco rwith his 230 htissars, received an order from the government at Qucrerito, ordering him at! once with all his into' s, but he did not think .it conVenient to comply with the demands of his g6venunedt, and broke' up his line of march for lijaca, ho having publicly declared his in ' tention of proceeding to that place, where he •- • raise a- • 17,461. PPAlre44 l ralite . 11,4 -.threatenedAP:kaliKt all that. Barr - The - Di/la publislieSit:itotest Will:1011 , 4 the MeticiimillWeittrfef - Geberal ikott; toOther. with hie. answer. E It also gives his proelatiiitioti of martial law. • ComMcitiore Perry, bid taken up:his— quar ters ,tempiirarily on *ire. , • • The yotaito had +in • niadeits appearance at Vera Ctiva in a midi form. i Cols. Wilson and. Miles and Major Arthur bid been Oita sick; but were convalescent. The Stquner James Cage had burst ber.boi le thirty riles from Vera Cruz, injuring sey ezal peri4s. RETURN "Of THE IGaZiloNisicr—Conivo- tre:Pe *ay presented ,td the President on ednesdw:Y morning -the address of the Ltird. lklayor and Alderman of the city of Cork, givi en him in)tharge,to deliver whilst the ship by at Cove of Cork. The Union says: The ciao dignities visited the ship in their robes. of °tee, with their clerk and officers ; and in giiing the address into his charge, al leged that!many thousand lives bad been saved by the titiely aid brought out by this ship.— Stibsequelitly it was formally announced, that in ene.collinty 7,000 persons had been saved; and it, wait estimated that over 9,000 persons ()Wed t4r preservation to the alms of the American! people forwarded by this single FIOLITMETWEEN AN RAGLE AND A Boy.— During tfie latter part of last week, a largo ea gle was' jaaptured near Jamison's Corner, in Warwieletownship, Berks Co. The Boyles- Own Derliocrat says . : A small boy went after the cows in the even ing, and !vas attacked by the bird in a furious manner, and after having battled with it unsue cessfullyifor some time, was relieved by a dog that at. tto time came to his rebcue. Between tile boy ind dog the eagle had to surrender, and was Taken home in triumph, with the assis of some teighbors. " It is said to -have. been a noble bia Its length from tip to tip eight fret. • --;:" TIIE xtRT EXPANE , ER.--4I appears that gentkmin of the city of Troy has invented an calls the' skirt expander, If a lady should be walking' and wish to • appear larger (* . lima* the skirt is so constricted that she may enlarge or diminish her, apparent eize at , pleasuret, This is an invaluable invention, and will ent4ely supercede the bustle, over which I it has ninny advantages. A lady may pass,, down cab side of a street as thin as an awning post, ants, if she fails to make . a sensation, can go up the other side as full as a hogshead or a hale of cotton. . . . . ntlPEi f ESS LoVE.—A foreigner, of a noble family, 'named Charles Albert Jasset de la Marie, aged 28 yetirs, committed suicide in' New Yolk. recently . . He was possessed of wealth, .ral the only . supposed cause of such an act, iysa the, fact of.his having fallun in love wit, a married lady in Rome. NEWOAPERS lOWA.—This State, four teen yeafs ago, was the habitation of its origi nal Indiim tribes only. It now has a popn. of thousituds, and supports sixteen newspapers of whieli.six are - Democratic, seven Whig, one Neutraltone Religious and one Agricultural. T. .052; . ... v..„ 419 1 "" , 4 F 1 ' 4 , Our "orst fears in regard to New York, are but tocv:a adly verified. The State is reported to have;'gone Federal by 50,000 majority.— Too baa, but what we might expect as the eon sequenOs of an abandolimentof so wholesome a measnre as the Wilmot Proviso. 11 h. RikET MONTROSE. NEW YORK Film, i $6 50 $6 50 Wheati 1 00 1 48 ye, :; 56 97 Corn,., 50 ' 77 Oats, ..; 31 4R Butteritfresh, 15 22 • " i' firkin, 14 17 12.11M11121112)9 In RuSi), on the 24th ult., by the Rev. H. H. Gray, Mr. JOSIAH lionTosof Rome, Brad forqo. to Miss MAU' Lv?b, of the former place. •a DIED• In Franklin, at the residence of his father,; on the*.4th alt., IRA HARDIN, aged 20 years. We Rave heard of eurea in many and various dis, eases !performed by the celebrated Lithontriptie tine, Pi. G. C. Vaughn's Great 'American Remddy, and ha'e oited.cases often, but we think rho eittlact belnw+scrves notice. . Freinci ALBERT GRANT of WERT NEwDERRT. Mass.. Jan. 24, 1847. ‘.l. On a blaceamith by trade, and fur many. years have bden failing in health, it last gave up business. and kl.d. my house: my month,, throat &c. a com plete nker, body wasted to a skeleton, and • camp ie loss of strength of codrse. I tried the doc. tors aifil discharged teem.l6ok some dozen of adver. tepid rimedies, and found no relief whatever, and what induceid me to try yours I know not' but did so, and sari todP. lam now firm believer that your article a one of i the grea t medicines ever - put forth." See our coomns. cal z lenOoti Agent, get • pamphtet and read shout it,/ :T • EOLLOWING EXTRACTS, from letferii, show that DC. Jayne's IVledielites are universally esteemed. Meiliya. Dyer & Co., Middletown / Conn., say— Will please to send us some more of your Sant. live p r . . s we are out. Pleaserientfthein as soon as yo ism], as they are in, great demand. 'g Dr.klr. De Witt, E/yria. Ohio, says—YourEspee— toranvatands high in the estimation of all who have used its Indeed the same may-be said ,of all your Medicines left with toe, so far u they have come into . r IDr."pe -• mu is a Physician of high standing in LI , tni)h- T. Price. %Morristown. '',4sliii!). 4sayfi__Year Metii4ner sell well. sad are in high repute hem. The Sariative.l l filit are Very , i highlrestecnied. , L _ ---. •Wttl. Millington, Ashland. phio,.,axyt,' Ms . 's , . 3 184547110-Expectorant and Verninfuge is now sell ing vay fast. The Pills are priddipill sotif. .1 want a rietqauppl of all your articles. • , Wro. Mclothib; , Bevelry, Ohio..Mareh, 1845. says --11roOr Medicines safarlhave proven excellent reme. d, r flit the diseasetthey xre recommended for... rtit , ' 8 atlire •Pillsitnd„Verntifoge in particular. • EISs MinehaltEaton,l Oliii:1, Deli. S 2, 1845, says , .Yot,),r Sanative Pills . are an excellent, FelnitY editine. •Tbie Carsoinatitir*llatillselbr ivelll. - „;The A ue?Pilla 1, think a good, er,iiele. ' ~L . Thilrupion • Graben!, 111ercer, , , AL, sari-ia r pur ediOnes are:highly valued 7 =herif tiy - all who . hese a (4_ - -them, •-:'- '- .. t <;- •', - i,- , ... pOoha G. Schmldt,lNVoedetock,Vai, *Aye-You 4, I Sane ee,nd,sue tows more Of your. : „expectorant. Or .aaleable Medicines are Janina well, ?artier:llet. ii then taiiiretorerit eisd:Sinittite PO* ," litreSted only by - Dii'D. Jay)* libilledallibia, and *la ca agency by N. Mitchell daVel.pidoetipeih ' btirtt r UP TO 11EA1 3 0, ATION. • Iv ONV I ndini irices shatfe'fal -11 Isn) d . rect irk. and since the arrival f thi imbria and Mis souri, A •lar e am id stack of DRY GOODS, o almost ... 7lety suited blithe seasoni which witlibe nffeSed for sale na low for Cash or other goad payl ea at any other sore this side of Canted or Pekin. Among his4li4gt 0,03AD0 may be found 2000 I yard! ' of. American and London Prints mostly entire new attires, 500 yards Alpaccits, Orleaniat Mohni and French twilled plain black, browld, stripe and Plaids for La. dies dresse4 and lelonks. Also DeLaines, Me. rions, Lades, Edgings, Tibbs, Flowers, Cip and Bonnet Rititioni, new styles. S,hawlv, Blenched Goodsid Linsielli, Checks,' Tickincs; Canton Fliienelsi knil Wqol du. Cotton Yarn, Batting, Waddiuop Twines Candle Wick, and 1500 yards Bw. ilheetings. _ LSO iron. Steel, Nail4o4 (best kind) Mill Saws, Sleigh Grain and Other Shovels. with a general axial-op/ of Hardware and Cutlers, Nova 'Scotia Gr nd StOes, &c. 'Also, Cod Fish,. Mackerel, 'tickled Salmon &c. VrittierAttiraSel Among which will be'Off4red good ,Brown Sus ti gar, for liid per Ib. Crush d and .Powdered the do. for Ittii cts.,nlso fres Teas just landed from ship 110114770, a d cheaper than any humbug teats, in the city r country, warranted not mixed, also Tread wellos N. Y. butter crack ers, Soda Biscuit and 4piltlit tread. • a1iZZ2264 1 -giT.Vjgg Men's and Boy's rhick ,taater proof Flocks. Al so Ladies IF'reach Kid S4ppers. Alorocdo and Learher Buskins, India Bubbler Over Shoes Children's' Shoeri, Sole LaZher, Upper dn. a so Ctilt and Rip Rough & Ready Oil Cloth Caps' for Men and Boys, itlgn Cloth and Fur bound do. Ladle's Alutis), Drawers. Goods. Etc. & Also Blue Black an., piece,Blrick Work Dyed p3road Cloths, Olive Brow!). 4 Boudlrr arl Auc• Tios,, some as low as sl,lrii cts.!the Please call, one and ally Before you buyiaa4 make a tr*, at 1 1t".1.4"T El D t Flannel, sorks,'Butter. Cheese, Lard, Chin of all kinds, Beeswax, 'Mikity, also Cashand settlement with .all whose second's hav l stood over 3 years, nod some others. Nov. 4th, 1647.- , 111. C, TYLER A Few Door* East of Pahlpr, AVENUE, ON TUTINIPLkE STREAT, IL S. WILSON'S' STORE !y • : AXTEIERE. can be folind the innSt extensive i V assortment of GOODS in Towil—ami 1 • not oidy.found bit purcho sea asliow Brut many i articles lower than etSewdete—lie has litst re— i • plrnished and added largely :t6 his tormer i stork. EiTy Goods as uSual- in Va Hely, - 9and in i addition,l Carpets, Rug Window•Stia4s; Pa- i per H•ingings, etc. . 4 :, GROCERIES.. CROCKERY, IRMI, STb i EL, t!ii;. ! ;1 )1 HARDWARE—a" more extensive 1 ssort merit than.ever—Malatle Castings for Yaghn mskers t •Harness, Saddlle "Prank and for Trinfini6g.: Shoe Kit and Findings. ' Nov. 1. 1847. • . . ' maluatamtliz 4:5 MAIM ..41Q. . t, 4 1 11 1 .1 AKI. NG. • 1. •-, - THE Bi=sita have ;the plea ure to announce to their friends tend the ',while, that haVing received the latest FALL & WINTER PASBIONS for I,alies # Bonnets, presses,. etc., they are now prari red to execute all work in thimr line in the most approved style. Grateful for past encouragement, they •solicit a, ,continuance of the saute. ar shop /2 doors east of M. S. Wilson's store. , Dlontrose. Nov. 1, 1847. ' - :1111U1F S. !!. ! Nlopening at 1-I Burritt's, a large and s l e of dark, and fancy colored! Muffs, of atm* . eveil , quality; and price from 81.25 to 87.00. Alio some beam'. tul BOAS, which wit!! be,soill _at prices that cannot be beat. Lad* interested, will plyiase call. . : 1 1 111 IBURRITT. N0v.,1, 1847. ' t-- , . tes „ ! € , Latest 1 Style ! .. HATS: 6{l PAPS'- k i, LI BLRRITT, is:nw openingan e extensive 1. 7 1• variety of Hats, and Cu i ps, of the nel.o- Flats, ect styles and patterns. Amo4g his assortipent may be found the Palo Alto. and Roughinnd Ready!Caps, the ne‘es styles; Also fi ne ?ars, Fur Trimmed, -C l lotti, elvet and Glazed iips. from /sand 61,t0 $7. Hats of almost eycry style; price and desOrt tier) mnv he found lit IL BURRITT'S.• ROBES 1 • BUFFAL JUziT opened, a Oe Buffalo Robes. jvl) cheap; will 4e 0014 Wail! 9f a vial Rol#'9 v lot of Superior ho. I cb, being bought very tiosal4l low. Thi*e in ill' do ;welt to en11:-nt . IH B URRITTZ. A - Mew Milford, Diop.l. 1847: - - - Susq a e , ademy' . • , . TIIE Winter Tenn of this Institution will Fornmenee - on Wednesday the Ist day of Dereinher next, under the charge of A .1; BU- EL, ,8., Graduate froth Madison Unhtersi ty, N. Y Tfiltlon p' Writ4ng, Reading, Qrt Arithmetic' ) Oeogre in* Latin' Grammar and Philosophy, atO9y, .... Alge_bra, Surveying, r . Latin and Greek By order Of the Sou Vif Montrbie,linif. 9,1 Admintste VOTIcE boob /,.i deited io the, e dec'd, late tif i lAnot T Mate', payditirii, arid clairila against 84.1 prOieat theni to thii JOS.O.P /de ox . 3,1: NEM =MI STORE : WE,the ; undersigned ! tender ' thank., to ti the people generally, rot. the, , eaMnsirel pattonage we have herstifore reo-elttml ,in our} line of buriness.and would inforM theist that we have fitted up a new and ;. • • ssllentl4l4lDaloott, 1 on the first - finer at the' door on!. N. El— dridge a Cabinet War establisbrnento doors west of M. S. Wilson's Sfore; and -Op ite 1 , . ; L. Post & ee's. Store. Please 011 and will; be happy ' o wait upon you , ink belie ityiei than we have been able to do hertitofnte. We have one Ellie room expreisly for the " dies eat OirateuiSnd Pie-niea, &e.' 'Also;torer have a new and splendid style of China ToysJ of all kinds. On !rid assortment that ever was in Montrose, which will bei sold cheap.; Confectionaries, Rock Candies, and Jujube Paste, upwards of forty kinds, fresh from piew York. Fresh supply of I. Nuts, Groceries, Eigs, prunes, IRal. Slut, dic. PIES, as good as ever. MINTS, APPLES,, - • EiGinger-bread, Cakis, Crackers; Herrings and• Cheese. dopmenily on hand. • C. BALDWIN 11 - E. BACON. Montrose, tlov. 8. 1847. , , • HE subscribers are now openingii large T and well selected assortment of Goods embracing almost eveily article called for in a Country Store, which they offer on !their usual accommodating terms for READY PAY. We woOlit tender onr thanks to a liberal public fun the generouS - patronage, extended to us during 'the past year.and would only say if tuiedealiOg - and low prices will merit, welope to receive a continuance of it. MILLS 4 SHERM.4N. • Montrose, Oct, 25,1847. rYLEO'S EME r Qupirter. r ography. Rudiments of 'hylnnd English pram !2 0 lessotts,; Chemistry, ,Logie.bu4 Rbetor l . 800 eotnetry, Astrono- " 400 .sics, and French, 5 00 f. igSOUF, Presiaenl. tors Notice.: I. .1 L 1 : given o nil persoo WO of !ZERN SCOTT, virottitt, tomuftolimm e. 11. !pertains bovirig aqy Est,4lt6 I are regtitided, to ,bscribier for setttemeot. ff.spoTr, "aro, =I NEW popco. NEW Cr O.ODS. BOfYTS & SHOES. one of the largest as sortments ever offered' in Montrose at 4. SHER2VAN'S CLOTHS, Cassimeres.- and Meat; Goode, of all prices and qualities. • MILLS 1S SHERMAN. r EM TEl.9.—The genuine Pekin TPIL Corn- J- pang's Teas, for ante at, the 'Farmer's Store' ourcup street - neighbors tothe contrary notwithistSnding. MILLS 4.. SHERMAN./ rriOBACCO f:rum 611 per pou nd up 1 MILLS &S WANTED, any quantity ot.Wheat. Rye Corn, Oats, Buckwheat. Rearm Flax seed, Butter. and Cheese, for which the WO est prices will be paid. MILLS 4 SIIERMAN: NEW GOODS. num 611492% NEW GOODS. HENRY BVIIIIRITT / is receiving a ver extensive usiontnen 'pf STAPLE ;FANCY GOODS, for the Fall and Winter , trade. which he Is offering at a small advance from cost. In his stock will be found a full assortment of Dry GoOils. including splendid selection of Dross (foods, Makings_ and Sbawls,con— silting in part of , A Rich Cashmeres at *25 cents and uparaftla. Muslin de Laines at 16 do dO - Black and Plaid Alpaccas. Mohair and,Gala Plaids. Extra rich twilled and, plain English and ..French Ginghams, and in extensive assortment of new Calicoes from 5 cents and upwards. Richßrodha. Wool net, California Plaid, and Rob Roy Shawls s t&c. Also, as heretofore, a large assiortment of G accsetts, Cancerstx, leis ik NAILS, Panics, Otis, MEDICINES, BUFFALO Roe4s, to' which be would Invite the attention of put chHsers, and which .fie is determined to sell es cheap or cheaper than the cheapest, far catb; most kinds of produce. or approved credit. • HetvOuld beg leave to present his thahks to his triendS and the 'public for the 'patronage so liberally bestowed upon' his establiehment,and hssure them that stimulated by , : his success thus tar. he shall strive to secures eantinuatke of t heir confidence and support. , N. 8., Salt - by the barrel or load; end S uperfine W-neat Flour ut the Most reduced prices. New /Milford, Oct. 23, 1847. FLOUR, liprEAT and BleciatheaCtlour for eiale by , Bentley^ DR. TOWIVSENATS SAIiSAPARILTA. JUST received, a good stock of this (mic brateid Medieine—,pot up in Quar* Bar— TLEI, and, for sale by the 'Agents; BEWLEY 4. READ. GROCERIES. • • IV EA, sugar, saleratua, Mole - saes. spicy,. girt J.. ger, cloven, nutmeg..., indigo, alum, &c at • F. B. CHAN.OI.EIt ¢ Cos. AGAIN IN TIE FIELD Or HON Olt haVLIEI COMPETITION. • H. 1 ‘ I EBI3, • O . .TLD inform his ; tod'fornier cue tomer&& and the ,pUblic gefteral y. that he is again on habd, at .his old stand.:,in full blast—having just returned from New York with an entire new stock of Gotids suited to this market. which he is now opening,_ end of. feting for sale, cheap foritstsidy play. • Having, made-hist purehases for Cash, he will be able to sell at suck-fates as aiinnoe fail to please.. Those aim 'wish to save 25 per cent; will . pleaae call and examine. Montrtiee. - October 6; 1847. • f4TRLY MORAL Came' inuf the: eficioeure or/ the subidtlber about the 19th inst. I dirk braise b!1 bating one ufhit'e bind niotothou4 tee faller/se years elda Hie oWder ja requested id prorkOoper ty, pitY charges end takti'hirrVeiray.' i. •Y ,/ REUBEN ilirtlitß. Erldge!vater, Oct: !gib, 184 y. viD jEwitaii.....KtentiLever. Zino and English Watchea(nri entire rteri stb4k) Goki Bair-MO/4 , Pei edo and P9us. I:lockets, Pins, lingua 81ideai Opelika*: 41$1- vei BppOnii and Thitnit ea. -Pupa, Tlmial *O4 Vimtniaga for site cheep by • - BEN TkEY ¢ REi4l)! •---m ti0 4.0 1 4..e kv ,..,, t „.„ • , ....-;-..:•-:' . . . L sniilictibilif n ow - ~ ~raft( svistal FALL AIDVIA 110011, ,41 ssa 'II will 0 1 1 efis i r cubits ebisP, s t is s i e' be , Otis- °Mown PearsaYlviakt., customers, ohs tall; plena nedept thanks for youttay.rlibsnei - Oronigs. darks . the pest Year, aid itatinter .that any. Wog in my tine • will-be tarnished yia„ois tin pets. ciple of PLiVe - ind let live." - 1011,_ PS! profits is out sifts.' a. . 11 kinds of pimalico receivoi kag&- - EDWIN T •4!" rooklyNect'. 18a. , i e all ANTIMP4•OIIuner. nee•_, x. F1a11061. , Dried Apid* Fury and Poultry be. j• . • • IL T. , . ROADCLGTHIS4 cas i i m e rek B e d e i tt4 Tweeds. Jana. Widow •od Minot - !ri• LAM, Striped, Plaid andltratiooe Alpacas, Colored Celestifies. Cash' y Lind,'OrigoO it'd Sark** e RAt ' I ' 11FPAN Jen s ha RINTS ° =a" larger variety• now militia at - . TIFFANY'S. ILE leather lad Illoroticti akin" iridrig cheap at r.2:2774Nra. OcErsand shoes a large ';i 4 lankiviefr • TzfrAitrs.. AILS, hott,and steel at' : • - tIP ; PANYIS RESH Tents selling ye A Ts, Cattle and MufN tar sale hi - r TIFFAN3-. Do AINTS. OILS. Drugs end Itiedicinor • TIFFANY: . NSW lieb11;4104 uranium a lump r . ' A RE now,receiving a very! largii,aud deaf.. LS. table stock of . I 'FAIL AND WlN2t:ROoopt - • 1 which have been bought for Clas s and Will liff sold at a very taudt drams film opits.f We. still adhere to our