NM t ill VOL. IV. • .ghe tanuicrat If PUBLISNIETIIIIII:SDAY 3101iN1140, • SR FILLI.I64dC HEM STED. - , T Eta M S.- T ap a leatslfPlal la ilidiaaCes or 12,00 IC paid at 'the clew of the Ye". 23 cu. charged forVW*rsx: if carried a t the publishe • e ream DlseentiananeereptionUl, , :except when arneantees nre paid. horarriinmeirre one driller personate of twelve line*. or wet, for the drat three insertions, and twenty-liteeents threw" erysubsequartansertion. Ai liberal discount will be made to owe who advertise by the:iyear. ' ccr BUSIOCIS letters and, onsmunicatbna for the paper wow hews' rite to ertinill!stteolloll. POETRY. Growingtiild'.Together. You have frionii:sed that through life We shall jou'iney heart-united, 'Husband fonit*na faithful wife, •:' And I trust4be vow thus _plighted Hand in hand,*nd Side by side, Through life) storms & sunny weather, We will our one fortune bide, - • . And at last grow old together. What if Time'it unsparing wing Of some"pleaSures has bereft us? Let us not by Murmuring Lose the many that are left us. • What though Outh and bloom depart.,, Swift as hircls of lightest featLer • , Why repine with feeble beart ? - j Shall we not4groW, old togeti,er ? 'Few ineeed bate been our year 4; Yet crioughlOir M=arts to bind. love; And to show IrOwmany teas In life's brig_ test can we find, Iwo ! Since in-our united We twain sfp;)rted on the heather, Dearest! it istinOt in ,truth, • That we - sholild grow 011 together ! s dud in tae distasee. +9 •, 1 her.' ; 1 ' , : a little apart' from the rest.; ; i 1.- i; . P. • ; .It eoihes again—hark I .', exclaimed the first! 1 • . • !•In a whisper Harper directed thetato fire at,: t; speaker,' as he advaneed to tin: door and o- i ' '; the last i ir air/ Itit v: I " 'the Word. ' Asid• when volt have fired,' 'eon- 1-. pened itkto listen. I_ t' The Ifouse.of Mr: hart was anions ; ;attaekkl. • The fathily were aceake'ned -from tinunl be, 'All like. so many. pan sers, g and ti Toe sharp report of a rifle was heard from and the , their sktinhers hsi the assaults of the Indians Lac /line e- /1 4.i spring . noon. them bef,i're they h fit r without-S-a bullet :whizzed past him ;! .• :S. .'N fierce.w.ir whelp of a d zee Indians at the same s an d „hi,„„.h .1 s ;,,,Ills SilVlisCli . rke 't them at ba ! 1 Sarah proved herself truly II Y raver from the 8 1 10 4,2 , ' The order was given; Simultaneonilyithey . 11 s . . instant ming upon tee nig,"-t air, and startled f„ r s „ m L, t k ne. . The litunitOgged Husband. , f- .. . , . a! poured a murderous! fire upon the enemi; and 7 ' ! Sarah Hart,'!—shouldil • t, -.ender if' i.. true,' , the ioniales in their mirth. For a moment all! h ero i c .. She's r.ot, wbitilfanelv painted her— . , , . . girl. Diming the whole Of that fearful - iin another moment they hid bounded over the 11 ret,lied a third;iless smmtical tiles the rust. !was ecritnsien. There was hurrying to 4‘nd' ntt eel:. she stood; by the side; of her' father, en- ; intervening- space, aid were - grappling with' lam sadly t4keni in— .. s . . conrasitor and riiiiisg lino in every manner ,•,. • By bokey, ' i l'is truss asseverated John, in Ifro-'-a ,gta.' 'aping of rifles—a flushing of knives •• ;• • : 1 - rl If same one elge bad won her, Ips .. ! their savage; foes. . 1 • Should not liave eared - a pin;; - s carnet wanner.; ~ 7,sse most , "and inali; a- fair one's cheeks blanched, e n d -; , . - -- . ~• sibs. !Twice watt the: door forced sasen, and as! The Indians recoPed—gare. way bafore.tbat 1 t ' . Well then !she's a noblegirl,' exclaimed I stout liter's alirriettquailed at the -thoughtof• ' I thought thatsilie was 'mild' and good, ; -7:.• ' .07 - • " • •e 1- often had Mr. Heft sisn down the Indian win,; impetuous . attempte s i to thrust himself thtiengli. Sarah-, auset ; then, for an ins ant, rnllied 1 As maen Ire could he ; several in th - e. same voice.. grappitt with such a c. •c. with th . e_onrese!and Strength of a man, each 1 and made a stand, e figlifitig at - di astaatage, I € • 1; The neighhar,,s now a.daressed tiumselves se- ', 'lis I ran: 'a Ingins "exclaimed Von Sella.; I wonder how she ever could . le' 1 -1 •1 - • th k- ' , but with still : thorn tiouragq. .. er couldta 0 ,riously to the Matter befOre them. Although . ; Mel. iroVia•• :shout troth point to. point : Teti. ti me s! s i ng i, - .i s „ . 0. , o , e ass , Have so much humbug. me. .7 • ' Press oil ! presS on ? shouted Harper is ' deal-. l - . they had neither magistrate nor sheriff, the ne- i i we'll shOw em a drieit as they never' know a- ; the pla; e oi . his !fallen: companion. A.pparant-',ing m''st pewerful blows With his eitiii elabbed 'They cluster r.ouncl and shake my hand, ;oessltse• . - . ! , of Lire eas,e Warranted the asss minion re, I fore.' :is: ' lv iinWi lino. to hazard more heels the assail- • weapon ; • They tell to r t lam blest,- . • . • s al power requaitm'. Sas:der was searshed ;— 7 i , Flarplsr Was absent, and on Von Scheme] at , ' club your pieces ! Courage! meal!: My case they d o not understand, . ; the : leiter from .Carleton read: hat net..ingi mitt del Ali the dire: oftheir de-bnee.— ants pr siered to f s7et tin to the bundles. Th e leouracP. They give way ? - ,.. ,.. .. . 1 inmate :,eard thshen and Understood their per- ! the women sun t• pose. b t Ncith tifitlinibine eierase . made I think thatl keg , . )lest ; . i- :i .LA en y there was a rush°war s lepris Sudden!} ad I '• - t 'd 1,1 '' •- 1 I more. ‘96 found that tyOuld farther disclose the The do,s was well secured ; They call her 'fairest of the fair,' ; •-. • ; .• the ; .• .. I • , imentiens os i Toi Torte Le was then firml s s into tbe i Vrper part of the- building : and . the positialm far thoworst. - Taltin; his station at -ni s _ l ,isiser. , The prisoner:. shouted Ha et; ‘;;Sarati They'll drlit me mad and madder, .'-:, ; Noun. ' placed' tinder a strong •escost, and :start- I melt so issiesed as to take the best advantage the their with the dansliter; sea mother b lii 1 —"secure her.• Ali ! .ha! !Snyder 1 1 : 'be Onticer, Nchat do theynneart? ido declare . • !•si ,..e..o'a ~s Way. $4 the Committee of :.- aft..ly for! of everyjmoveinent of the foe. A man w 1 side, 1' II ' - .' l y ' • ! d S der : ' b' ''t 'd _11• ; 'il ''lll ; as .is art - prepared at the last extremity, , Ile ,as 7- 11.) ene un ere nn e rus ng I only wishilmy had her. - "s' s l i T i a . t iCemitY., ;with Such information as theiStatioeo at each of the few port holes—ter to•nire his wit '-11h ' : 'I ' 'f , r:the orisliner. But a Shot strnict• bird, and 4 ; ~ . - i -'- • . ' ' ' 'Tis true that .'she has lovely locks, •• e-, . -s:„, . #ugressl•nf settles - a; bad deemed.ofany : ithe.se..vo.re mantnenin many of' the builiiiags nil i s hs a , _ ,attempt, T .4 . 1 : Ike rolled on the ground With a her vY green: . • That on lie shoulders fail— • . I milio nee. ;; • • -the vall#3-- with directions that wherever the I The - flames ()fele lighted;combnstibl It+ " -` " -.l.irßive blim to; me!' oielairtrest. ',Mr:I - tarts . What would they sayers to see the box ' -'I lflasTiinsa of a rifle discovered an enemy there • 1 : ;17 p'll . pring Pranf s Ingins tosder 'Va., ess , . . . . .., ~ . npwartil and , kindled With the roof of the e - s b:il7l- 1 whO-at the moment recOgniied, and iiiiirang In which s*,, keeps them all!. • lelt,f eXelauned Vou Schaniel, as the little ea v--1 they m%ht, the more snecessivel, direct their; nos I.Now. tlispered Mrs Hart to Sarah.— towards. hips—. leave the ;wretch ty me !; ' Butt Her taper fingers, it is true, .1' ialeirde Imoved .'„off ' der Kommitty of i•-•afticlylfire. 's 1 " ' 1 .1/1100/ noise the nbstructien . hv the door was ! . there was need of nothing farther ;1 the Miser- Are iriffieult to match—.l ' I rejinlar volleys wenow • I will dale care l ,of you a coot teal pester as yot., .r 0 . . re directed against: removed and Mr. Hart s 1 ' hie wretch 'was aheaddying: .prang out among tie a; ••,• , i Ithe building=the pattering of the bullets-upon ; I 'Oh God? he exclaimea, il: bitter agppy-= What would (hey say if they but knew can d4e mire of yourself.' , the walls sounding like hail stones. But these ! 'Let the old man pass I' shonted a familiar i' I 'am dying! But I mast not, 1,171111 not die! .serss ms a - tem ia lly h they scratch I . . - I , . , Jaliaa s ore,.. .himself at the head'of` i 2.o 2.. i• • CHAPTER /V.: ! were w, tll returned from the port holes—the 1 voice s •but sectire rriri !:• - I—no, I'm not fit to die 11 Save me—sasve me the o . , Restrain .) our . 0 mertr. P° stem by 6of the Mexican StatQ AmOngthe Powers exercised by the Commit-at bad. formed ii coalition to %pose Sant 'tee of Safety - for Tyron county was that of ar ra, so says defile rumor. cstind icrous stersoes, imprisoning Orfibing I ! i ll:mid% of every rifle was a mark for some set- !fi re ... ' . tier ; alid few shot were thrown away. But his manner of fighting did nbt seem suit thili foe 'lt net contin le:I when'l i . . 1 1 The command crime ts,o fate,;--- a ball, • to; at 31r.; ITart, strait. the tnitheri, and she ' lay tea Quitman had caused all the church them, the - Case:seemed to demand. It was I ; s., , • bad - 1 ' long ~ weltering in bl,spd up u; he's own threshold.--I, • again, . L.,.. he Capital to lie re-opened. 'there san attempt made to force the door. 'n - •• I - beforei; this:body that Snyder was sent, anti . 'tl l . • •, . arab, attempted to fidlow l her father, but NV3 S ' - Heevylame the blow- u o•-s the solid wood, re- ; • 1 • —oh ! Mr., Hart i.'Hhe ae.ased. for .a motnent, a im e d ! :rid there was a strange rattling in his throat. Li'e seemed extinct; hut lie opened; his , eyes Partially raised his head, b lared around, and whispered, ' What's this.:?---bloOd '7. Oh - de putation of merchants bad reenes frourthe nataie,of the transactions Lo was im- I: . ... .P • • , seized:by two s• ut iavases, 'who immetliatel, ' G•t'il I where am n — mY'bra lll----4 bat'• 0; •st Verberatingtbroush the building. - Von Seha-' l l • • 1 1 eral Scott to nitriploy every possible mea 'fated in, it . ..,lU'aa . 'deemed • expedient to keep - - - alma( her tow rds the forts/.' 'el m tie re ared to re el' the atniek —1 • k• . s ,. • His *, head fell-rthe eyes .ejosect—tl i e rauteles!telax-, open the magnnunication with the coast_ ini.'a.While: iiii-eustody. Hefter accordingly ta orV P•P P . P - 1 S:l 4 der . w you'? !Vitale l wre t c h .1, 1 ed e -and the spirit; : nto... the . , sex- Ang some of his men so Ss to command,' 1., t • - 7.7 Wm, 13 \ en. Seek. replied that he would im. fined at Chnisry-Talley, a place of no-ineoti-sSe ta t , - - 1 releas. e at gut . eXelainied "Mr. Hartsas he aAr and direetin them tO fire the inst nt 1 plorefl land. ; . iately apply himself assidnougy to this o h- siderableimpti l / 2 1 tanee in. the border warfare of l lne -°, s 7 .. g_ •P: • turnei, and with the butt or hiS diseh ar oed s -i_ 1 ; !Retribition his followed close :upon; tbe and he hoped !with success. - the - rettelitfietti • ; ' - : en •he noiselessly removed the fasten- I fl u e j a ... lit was pp , rays milting his feeS.' . s . . ;heels of crime,' rernarkett.Mr. Hart.. as he bas-1 . „ s 'l' . holding it to itsplace with Hereilean ‘sl , . ' ; • r • A letter, published in Let Patric, from a, It would beditfieultto describe faithfully the :Inn : • . • A-9 • I wisb Yon much joy at our Meeting; Itened to another portion :of the field. ~. • hly respectable Spanish gentleman at l'-'era inetital;phenernena: of this man during his im e dated the gd instant, says that Gens •ffisouMents ' /,The action, of a bad mind is .nis ;Ile 5w 11 .7 Anna and Rea were endeavoring to pre-ssiewi:ut;thente for contemplation at any , time; ', the entrap of the detachment (if Gen.bad ollegiithe.f.nior ; al. nature is so dieeasest that ! elan, Puilild4; Santa Anna bas men ecniaideratiOnS -a. right, •and wrong are little ! r him and 0 en.. Rea ‘-'soo'. It is alSo.)seededi and the passions' are roused into full : it partly. rourn upon' its loges, shou ting ni; voice of thunder T ‘Gii* it to der rascals . that if he d` es not succeed in obtaining OlAy,'Unlinary:rules of judzmeht cease to be a ~..St ba* l ss in g advantage in his entermize, he will retire .•rtait'ai and site reliance, . Moral inertt and re 4 himself` while augm - entineless sh.ruly defined than physical ~ . reei in thatt.itate, -which is in the imnie • -• I S.nyder hadigleaned enounh .from the eon.. (• strength till a ll was sea d iy —sh s , in i. an i ns t an t my geod friend to the' ill7Y,''. replied SnYtler--.1 Around. the trep , where Sarah divas sPL . .tured, , Qtqk as thought, a murderous fire was pou -1 rednpim those around the door; and Von! i y , , his own rifle, sprang out upon • 'MI , pat h o l oin , is ethe folilte a tiger, followed by half ' a-dozen ' ;brave ;nen. Fur a moment - the work of death ; `, r 1 for he it was. 'Bea:little ?mire sparing of , I yotu•blows, or Vtou May find miurself leis able : , give era. sate..an n thatfellow . . 7 , . P •• . fits to - them. - - "s'e• d b i rd • ' - was disa'doil. The . whigs - met the Indians , cried Ihe as 3fr. Harfdealt ;on the mere fierce- I' ' the contest s/ for a short tones was terrible: , As rWariltal Seenitst '' ria the Indians rushed fo lie. r p t , I or, er Ifar 'es and men- cldsed ' Around her, t. . L - and hand to hand Scut them haelt, i s T4ey Tal i lied and returned: to the, enecniet r i brit were L... order tis executed . . • : agabi drisen back. blarper scented: etitleied 'skied now,Mly e*ellent! friend,' continued , • SnYdsr, with a hit' .- • 'l' leave - to . .er sneer 'l' )on t . , carry; nor compliments to. the very worthy" Ilis daring with she strength of a lantas . ntore than one. of the foe fell beneath lids hatid.s . :ObServing e .. a powerful .I.adian darted„ , ferward i-ricinity ofiGuatamala. 'Saute - Anna'stersatiotz of the settlera at - Von &Earner s, 6 !'h and hand, and beat them back by main) denies Harper, it yen should be so happy as to L and grappled wit l l: him- 1 13..Y'ethnliuou motile anent - is at this minima. in a small town in thet patisli :him -hew Harper obtained his informs- :. It is believed that Santa Ala- ' Von: i'# sqarah. - .;Hart—seho, likM many of ber' t ill in this. at4n all. his former ets t er erises, coantryiromeitt, felt it ' right to do what she :tally mafortanate, and findinff hims l elflost tould foistheeause of liberty—had been thellvbigsliad sSo suc/#len and unexpected was the • m eo t ihi m . Please tell him; to; Inievetent the Indians were taken completely tat adeantage, and before they could rally, the; s h a ll retreated, and - were again protected; h ave lquitel easy on. the stare of your daughter, fel. I Make her ender : my especial care, and I hopes of spinew.hatjtapreving her amiable- Make . himself the combatants -palmed le ' witnes,S the!'reault. {But the strnggle 'was alt' long.: ; With'in al= !,:most superhuman' effort, ;Harper lilting the le -1 dian to the; ground, 'wrenched the s tomahawk pursued by ),he •maledictiess : of his COUil- infonnest. i Rapidly did his mind run back. by the} of the building.. : rprepensity to carry pews.' ' ; from; his clenched hand, l and sent it cashing ten, takt:srefiti.e in Spain. ' lthrougle the -events of two or three years. He Fersa time the conflict ceased, and the enc . - P . tle'next momeat! Mr. Hart was alone. 'through his skull. ' . '• , ', s ~, m Mexican Congress was to meet at Quesi - emendibt6d that • Harper had been chosen.bYilmT seemed making dispositions for another Iln ; this eituation;Harner. and his little- band. The conflict wits over.: Uttering IV . .e n ll oL t ' on the sth; at which date the new Presithefairigirl before him; that when be presse d i manel of assaidt. The sounds of their prep • ; found hits. The spautaele which met theirdsaPPoinieil rage, the savviving Lettering - fled lena v Perin was to 'he there. 'ff,e,..W4 his snitiWitli„;Warnith, he had been coldly, air ' , i l aratiOs were occasionally heard, buttlieirlaue s jeyes Was horrible in the extreme, but no more, It had been to them a disastrous Olkht.:! . 'as be eUntersied it, cantemptueusly rejected ! -ceis lihd already given fresh courage to those I,s . 'than many, before witnessed; that ; night. . . 1 --4 - I .i i , . . Iwithin' -., itod - abiciehelh,ad nonimunicated to hie rival the /. Q : • i . 1 These are felling,s•which lie ! too deep for lan- 1 It Was iri the summer :Alt.*, i:iltiliv. on a., tnfutritiitien' that led i to his arrest and imprison 7 1 . E isr there a new cause of alarm.—; .sueden . , ryas .. iguages there are times when we feel how ut- !visit to the Mohawk Valley;-that ;4atilesllar , A shrtek came from: the upper start of the i ; per, then fast verging toWards threpeseornears nient..;t• As lie faeed the . narrow limits of his , - - , : .L - - ' '' bu , - d i builiiiit.g_ prisow: , t tope desire burned in his breast, an - the soul' : and as the deliverer and de- a ; ,atts ten, related to me the .ipeideptx of he as 'The on fire". 1 , - ! that s ierhapt, 7 s - cap best be indicated by . the" , o _, ...., 1,,1, • llivered met; looked rather than told their: hove sketch. -ie ./ .. i • , it i . escaped i i i .• . h his i s 7. mn utter ansmay it passed from mousn• te Ito i. oug'its. 7 :: ; • • . l ' It' was a disastrous- tight, to I the ii4tlers, ic.eil, MISCELLANY. A Sailor's Letter. A. good one is tOld.by an English paper of an old lady who fad received a letter from her son,w 'sailor on licard a merchantman, which tan thus:: "We have been 'driven in the bay of Fund; i by a Fampoosa right in the teeth. ItAllowed . i. great gjuin and-Orned away die bow-sprit—al heavy sea washed overboard the bilk:2de' and 1 companion—the.gaPtain lost his quadrant and could not take nikobservation , for fifteen dayt —at last we tirrittd safe at Barifax.." : ' The old woman who could -not read. ;he . got a neighbor tirepeat it to her2threi or fo' times, untif,lol* thought she had iit ,it ti 1 heart—she theniallied forth to tell the. sto 'Oh, my itoorAton'. l ,' ' • ' i ' (Why, witatVite; matter, . _ mother—l hope 11011111ohief ?- 2 ' ' 'Oh, thank GO, Ws-safe—,but lii 'lvi4tWr• en into the hay :Of irminateent by e. - himbOnzle light in the te4r-it-:b4rged' great. Plis.:l ll 4- tbky oulla *mil tliol-SPit , --i,- h4iY, , -;sea winhed orerboaid iliciatiFade orth6 : :.tab,4 ll3 " elt-4im aptai4, *‘,JlO .conjurations: Awl wait, g",saynatrationfor fifteen .tinYn4H-ni, last ihey .emir 4 o,oll,lleltijith! . •- , 44alieur 414 AntL . lol4g the ' . 't heat tostmikrlV ) ~,:i ,-f ,c 44; ,, ;., ' • - :, D ition Awrillt l ll4l 'petdoiiin - 61 $ll ad m iol t that *no! - • so vidowlM &posed vl• the in* tote .1.....--..., -,-..:"'..-a,-,•;.1..r...v.tr,*...-rx.4..0.,A1tuwt.:.:-.W..r.nr.Y.,....,,,„..-..1..:>,:1,7440102.-14.•*".r.1-,, . *F ''"'' : '" 4 -' t 'l!, r,, ; - , r, f :•k•-: :i?. 7 31. 1 - ii r .1410'14 ,A- Ftl ds ,t , ,..?!1„ : l ~t x t 1,. ;, i ..; ~ .;, ; ..., : i .. . .., ~ ' , l. :.. i. . t , ~ 1.• .....: , ;...11 . '., , r ,i, ... ... :. ! ' , ,:,., ;.. r [ ~: i .. ..,,,,. ft: : , - , r . ~, •,, ~, .. , , , , i .. L. . .. , :. !:-; ;:,,, , •.. !i - - - - 43 o 1 • . . . . . • ~ .. , .- :4 - • ,-,, .. 11114•4 '- • -I,i: -. : .: • _, / : l' ei • • • k • . , 1 . . 1 - ii,„ . : ~.". I; 1 1 ... , - ', -. , ;:..1 4. •r .' , . , 75, • - .z . ~ T --- . ',. ' ~.,. . ' ". ' . . , . ... . , <. t. ' - . i , ~ .1 : • , ' 1 - 61 - kidi \ VM/M/j . - ' . 1 „:. ....1 ; 7 :„. _.,.., , - - , I . .ii'. 1•. -.. . A ~1 , . .F. . .. 1,. ~ •.. ' q • 1 ' , i - , ; : . •. , . 1 „, MEI ,Froiti.lhe Deuioe t Review. -.- Tut itopprit. S TTLEMENT; t, 1 . - 01t.-7 . • 1 Tiff,ll' , OßY'S .DAU Gli TER, A .1 qi.it i c ii4,-Bioi.Awk Valley In I TVF!. I ' . . i(OO7iC/ROhd.) ''' 1 1:1 ' •` t . • • . ~VON•§Cg,I.IIIO ti t tst gained:upon the if ngitive _ . 1 hei4itt.wa.s kinneding fotward with inunertsel 44?.1.141,141,1:00atea strides that seemed to; f0r13441,11. 7 ) em.S of escape,. Snyder's object WAS **OA and r secure the papers en-' trusted With hie i his.To'ry friends from be-- 1qw..,-B4,.alrent4- the pursne.r'S4orse was close uponlitn, anklAc could almost feel his hot urged his faiihfid itmenld..not t do--every moment was les- Iseuing ithei distance between the horsemen,- 4nd uoW Nott.§ehatucl. was . at his side, ready{ I t4_gritsfr, liis rein I Drawing Catiotenrs letter fipt4his pecket,! he w t as abouyto tear it into ftamne4s, When a strOng .Irfid was laid upon as =inland' heVelt himbell in an iron grasp. -suy4er...Was Ia prisoner.: (44 ,uliehtle yery well expected, the thun dertng of those itotetnen ttrough the settle ment,'had brought (fmt, nearly eyery one ; and, ; as . V. em!..Schaostll again appeared ',before own ,-door,;w.it,li the e,,,itive, was ; well attended :by hiS nei.ritborS eafier -to 4now the e4ase a. of thiii Ailditen ilpr..ar. In a lew words Ilar per explained to them the whole matter, etre ull,x av idinJ a tailu,i .n as to tie sodree ii - um wi.htnee lie `yeeef,;:ed ;.is i ' Weir-4we'dliike t: ka(ow: .- • I r4lidn•l. q'un gliess..iput Lithe mau :Linn; And ytasAi:lis arciP:nd the iit..e kn ,t of s.ttlerF, be . whisi)erW sr,sinetl:ing iutt,,e var of ea..A, that tuade them stalk and sarUg their shuul ers , t I clan' 1.).31i,eve it,:. 5..t . 41 - one. .. "‘ ?zit:twit that's rt.ins.:aise ." e.leluim anotii- lt . ttori.t i)ist. : frequently ~. ,pi i rtug _.7, .4 . . imonta . ; aid the tumult began to grow alnrmL i cleric *teeth,— . . „ . lids is no time toe of the past, Mr. . :• • tag. ; pne....f the men was sent to • reconatotre.--r Has - - 111, Venge •• .. • ,' said-Hainer as he out the• cords around r . ' said he after eerinm cautioesl thnue4 1 • • --. ' '' . ' ' *l 4. P y ~ lila 1 mbs; we have,yet fearful duties l to per : •r; .! -.., • ,-fia ...A ...,-=-- _ . gable window, "Is the house of Dal-1, f or *? ....„ - I ''..'• vr, ii#illrgtvoritipwto. the little border set.:, the 0,..,'ail rid oI'OUPSIDTI' the fiends have set it on• fire 1 -.... i. .. , ilement.•... TliCittenOtgers.wll9 had conveyed. _ - ' •• I 'My nobltkfrresid' but utterance was -cho- Aral 1 . 4 . ck farther down—by heaven, the whole Ik e & • , . . . i • Smya t ir,araybrronght.:information beck that :Pariefea!s iplit4o4l344TbefoTe been 'tPf'n"vered... eitlein. eat is in a blaze l See the light Yon- t rper noir lnadeimtnediate preparations for Ider b4.l3ind‘ the I 'tis the house of Ha eir • *nd Oat lie. *B4, p r abul),ly ,returned,•to Canada 4 11. •• .. trees& rP ifollo ring the retreathigroe. !From Mr. Hart as:no knowlehtilof his. 30.(tfeabouts could le:i.-- r -their'll find warm worli around that, for hello he I reed thati the intriv did ' not consist, of I no' child when his bloild ig•un ' .- --. -,4ireliendqd . tberefure, -no im-..., 'l.. .• -k . '.• l` m or th 'l. m i e . 0. an elgh and hail taken a southerly di 1, gained. Threi l .appTellen4r• mediatcida'nnef frfft ,Chatligir ter. - -` ll4 # it ITO 1:114i. %i-..ef the year when . , ,- 1 )!' 11 # ncle4sEarY 4 ,0 1 Tooke lorTAßgerailits for, 1 1 )oir *fey Ooting,..iliec.appmeifipg_ fponmsk. It was the loractice-,Apar.q, 49 ._lll.e .oPtingl -opeSed,4 o Temovo : tlitii-tamilies to,bohoneet 4.; Albanytflor ; others ruitified oFt'. own. dwel, l l ling* *!di fired thetoselies'itnto_ Filitaiyll door** ':, l bowing nifieei fot7 : their ,litticl, teridi.,so tp n in * body -tined., each other' ftglaskt4a, with arms literally initheir tandSj: 4 1 wilittierfi4 5 / Was adopted; by. the , tnesitieri,, , -tbiliSit*Aettlem o 4 - Therewore' , w41 4 1) 1 ,1 urestyiperannsiticit capable _of bearing *nisi, t 4 O nia4e,Bno.iitionmeay.s7-on seinmeis #4 / l ec tod r their leader,. and made*lk oil i ilit** — isoesisrPto.-Timi t: l3 4;tiOds t 4: getbeaii. 444010 defend t 144 tiOwo..vt : 4 44, , •,'.-lici-lanilyiksdaie* I**Oca- fro* 't, i 661.04**0*‘ .13*14,--sor* r -- 1 .. • •• H E !Bat,. wlio told you all this l',ia faired one .0 ti,11),41:1 matter,• Harper. . - . lAIONTROSi PA., THUitSDk 7 ....._„......___ z; -- 7 --- ,--. . .. • . , after the tiventi above narrated, again retiirn , at interve .; a few slMt/i were, fired ; but 'in- ihe joined them; on their pPriliats march., Ihe Mho 'hisNild 'haunts around Vfindilla..;- lais decision w s manifested'. in evCry movement. = ;trail leak!' thqirectitin of Unaililla, and r- 1 1 first expedition was against the little 'townoti Von Schwind Was making preparations fur a peireas6 4 nablyeencluded "that the -•assailalntA 7, Sprillgfieg,M.Al l 6 :head - ,9f tilt) OtsegC ;Lake,isallY, to, u lite with: his friends, who .were • evh- were . ' a . ; p4ttk kit Brant's, India? , ts, - probably-.5n- a , which, he. burnt.,, trom this time forward, fhe . idently approaching;, A.ll at once a suddo,lAtigated•p - ,uddertake this adventure by Sp, y peoPle in 01 Paris of the valley lived in'alniest l pante seemed t o Seize the assailants. Theyi . der. .....Asr,tl4 'passed along the broken bran-' P' daily fear" . ,4 attack from him :or• some of ' his were heallhurrying to and fro with a. 'quick cites of trees, he disturbed leaves, add "oe:ea lw•idatbryl bandS. • '; 4 these Na , no . o i ?n ad dCtze a n nld rifles. tame a shoutarid the report :sionally a foCt,.• kin in the soft - soil, 'lndicated 4 , 1 .Still, 4 the season - advanced,• , ithaf, their guid , • as ell edtthAted; i, . • - ! intention panifestedto attack them ; With all' ~ !' i ris , Harper l' exclaimed Aeve'ral in" one i DaVlig,ht w, p just aWning, and 1 they „baa(st . their watchfulness, no Indians had been found breallt: 1' i, •ii : 4 -proceeded six: . 6.1. eigh ' Miletc . when . Jack hellan_t 11 lurking mound the lathsettlement—an event !Oy i nie:on den, nye . : shouted +on SAsmel, ito eihibit sighh •of u sines It WaS -With, m that ciftelf fereshadowed . evil to others, in like; as be) sp .; ng out ,cff the open door • 'we'll send ;considerable difftmilty,th larper 'dOnld keep Ihi leircumstabues,. • During the summer, _his true, Vein pack o old Prant, i'vith settnei , u'llela round !him from bounding away othe' trail alid.'ltia- iSI , .., .Snyder, who had been released on parole, made their ears'.. , . ' Iving them beldnd. 4' i l ilt. 1 s'ordereA i ' is , his appe#ance among . them ; but his stay was I AssaulT ; lit-Rl),. •iOr ! ' ; on Both sides the In- I 'Examine the primings oflenr rifle's: Otis- ' - hi short,-,.l4.went, no, one knew, -whither. Thb , dians soo ,g,ave way.,atid the two bands of set- pored limper ; I think we are in the neigh- it johabitauts planted and cultivated their fieldsl tiers mel'.• Warm greetings folldwed ; a few,. borband. Silence ! ilickl be still Sir 1' . 44.1ie JD] in'securiq ;., and some aver bec - an to. flatter • hurried i Imites were :made ;' and they then dog was tittering a loW'groWll ' ' ' I • lot ;., themselvils they should escape all harts. • turned tit ,li..ttt.ten'tion fti.the-dangers.Atill men- l i Harper went cautiously forward to reconimi- Ibl 1, . t• acing the . - " • ; i ire: In a few,' moments he •Isurned. ° •; ..:. •1 u 1 , w ' ' ' Audit.* came with its mellow tints and be- 1 e.voi had:some hot: ;work: tei-night,' said' 'There they are,' he whispered fired, .pointing to Ira [ my breOes: A number of .the settlers had Harper ; %ht. there, is more for ,us yet—see 1 the faint glimmer of a li g ht n a hollow 001 al rriet at tlie house of Von Schamel for a merry- i yonder ! the Indians are in the upper part oi l half a Mile off:;. 'the? have aped for break- im making ;2,•but even in this they did not neglect' the settlement now.'•-:' .. i fast. Now follow nte,--eoolly, coolly . 1 ' 1 'the precaution of farming themselves with their, Casting their eyes iri that' direction, they With theLutmest 'caution , and A noiseless •fo rifles an knives. 'Add it was a novel ceeta- 'saw Cle flames bursting from a divelling same' treed, they obeyed .their leader. ometimes lo ~ de to see,: them e4g-.0, in the rustic danee,the • dista•icorther up. , , i sereened by the hashes, Audi some gips crawl- I w khite glitilering in the girdle' while the laugh I ' 'iris the house of Mr. 'Hart l' exclaimed ; ing upon the ground behindtbe remains o g fa i, ila 'and the long were heard'—thus making grim I Harper ; - tonne my friends, it: seems even he ilea trees, thei reached wit in a few yards' ofl g , war and the pastiMes ,of peace mingle. * ; does not escape.' 1 the roe unperCeived. • The dians otitnun*er- thi ' 'What?s that •?:askedfone. as - there was ai- But he's a tory,' interposed otle. ied Harper 's party, but they were.' dispirited Ihl pause in abe noise of the merriment. I `Still a man!, Harper's vtlice trembled', from their losses, and! evidently not 'aware they.' ILI `Teat 4 0, nothing bit the crowing of some/ With indgnation. -!• . . I had • been pursued. 1; Clusthred around their 1 1l cock, thgt ima , ines it is mid light,' was the an i '-krici saralt,' s'iggySted another fire, some wetie standing, leaning cardesslY, np- i shier—and the dance went on. ; 'The old tory's flaughter ? • f_ihn's a noble !on their arms, and others sitting upon ti But m ain a noise as of stifled voices semi- ;'girl :I' cared several at once. 'We'll defend offered. Sarah, the 'prison& was ti4(t tv ii tree) i A lkillet that struck upon tin window frau. him of his inlprofienne in' approaching he returned to hiStwmpaidons , so uei t ir, an_ lovr..rl ' - ' '. - ..s o o n . after the sound of distant fire arms, ag comOnied with a shout, was borne to them.' "Tisi•he imiee of Harper?", exelaithed -one ; 1., l'and X could almost swear that is the talkin ofhlrifle. He's Umnogst them-=tuad he-is' t ialomil: 'th&e is more'than one good rifle by his liide. - - ' ' - - • - : - I I- T e sounds of the distant eonffiet,i- denoted that 4 'rim imit*, , , 'Volley followed.welleY: in Itifetsuctession. inif the fierce. larar whoop of the itaian'aud the shout 'eflhettlers''.'F let / gled itith'thelit4- -, 6f-litstileJ . 'daily A 40 11 i 1 Via dteaYerkthertieise'of t el' fr ay in *6l ilrt4cOlningtiore d a tind. ~,,,,, • i . : 2 ,4 4iesitiliess stillness now 4 , 4 rvade k . ,i :g.: . 4 Thetriaof Os' .In4bin.wiiii'h 3 _ , s'eery:'lF4'ss"~ner. , ~~ r _7s. + ;rl,, , OCT. 2.8 i 1841. reetion as they ' left'. ] ut, altbouzb the force that ; attacked lodse. was so small, lie . 41 *rty bad been in ;the ...d Ir. ,e'qlt certain larger party lA. ... ~_ i. settlement ;:f t clat several', points the assault see ed'simul • neons. Calling for volunteers, lie and everyfroatiwillinV - to. join the expedi ; libel; but pivking ten ;of the post active, the. ntherti. with Von Selminel, returned to attend the titles tl ' '—iiinded i them at home. • ere wr hill ithr'eelours to morning i b l AA the li :t . li was ready to move off,and 'the' }mho /clips 'of lovertakine. the foe be, re the arm of 'daylight, : Calling Jack wii had hi. 1 Constant . 4timpanion - during' tha 'teirful he set hum upon ' 'Ai) ;track I "oft 'e'en& "la . dog)mdlbeen Well trained 1 a and i,l lie felt !ant:Wet:kee l in his 'tihnikk to leadd the -on thi . Ottlielretratimln4jaPs• ' ~. 'Clij-* te i une of i tint bale , pes 4 sty.— ling titilliteedergy • 'of : `de spair; ..„ i - • ttlat deriti tore et little purl itriln b e fiir kn is A - 171i hi, ful er doii l.r il. Ilarf ' • his' e EMI a w l ' I reinart• ' Yes—Nye had reason _ to remen4e tt. 'for , many a year. • We y was far worse. manly of us _ ad lost and 1 dearrelatiTes.', ' Bat Sarah—' '1 • • after'l - Oh; Wei were TriaiTie,, 13 . ,war as o ver. And! better the the fire of Month mice Moreibeatned in'his ' ever after that Mr. Hart was ash good Orhig If di 'rld • lt ajfew.titces bore swats in as any of us, and not, alien . 6fence of Vis` uninitrY,'l learai.cletgy man' ia Maine. ffAa, ainoatpa in the , folleving_maarinii*. - in illiterate lir - pad:l )7 er, , who despised 04n - cation' _ 'Sir ; yon ilarn:been. I'..suppf;se sr . .a k t,boeit am thaafu):,rnplge..tliiP forMfit ‘Oatilbe Lord 144 4 - nand, mimtli; witliout leer ~iig' .; 'A similar neat,' lattif,rtook place ,48 , ,B#atn'ii .time 4 ,bltteplektillOySre ofj Tara oneurreimno . • - • IT , N-10 A Qfrigi irrtrii : 99:—" liiiiiii Voblirsitictiiii ifelloii.) [n4Atc',..•41 , 14i 71 Or tell. 400 1 0... i bilge ypilYlliiarif .Yoh.: 614.kirefl •DI ! - 15:Wiiitieti , ' •Audditi 4 11112111111 II fteminllsteoce of Iliormtliga., Correspoadent of tbeAprnai o , Cori relates tin) following: thrilling' . rO l .4 l Ls", n 'at catinnt he, read witinnte aw,l#o#ll w ifidetiintitat I I .tand with nie bitbis pillar and Imaloll onu lose story4' • , 1 ;:will be ter , t, years , next...month, Moen I ;o.d. here, as we, noiir.stand; Wtth two 4.ienib. fo well I loved Wein I The - titiewin4lousg is iny=frreud ii,s;seinior-irafincetori; passing is Vacation before,commeanementi..-00 , _ : ,,L140 ipr ngi The other:wasVetitio /1 1. 4 1 ire ne•here-likli!her,. none. ~1.44 f:So , P a seen none to compare,With„ ra• a fairy chdd of, seventeen„ Ilra 6 • lug tti ; lleaven, and had in it- a wpinmerg estoess, that :made, her .ten tines 3i, was the wohip"of a. host sof admire' tia.d• - : le teat iir thedrawing-roomiwas always Mo o dea by a er4.md. and she, never lacked for ord r or tt,itaile • Jt was deseiT i sVOTA of him where, have said she ' in form: der 1 fell as lightly en! carpet; (as Longfel '' said of PrOosa,) as a Isunbesm on 41te, ca er.' Evefy,,:moVeatentwas grace„ • every lu.h a 'thrill or melody: Her song 4nit's ;11 s' of such ovtitilowing sweetness as-Inever ie , d surpasse.d „n0,,,n0r eqUalled, ThatOng La nts this,spot;qn which we stand. lingor ,O in the night' to listen to is.tlthiihit es . me love 'Old Congtena;l _ . ffe stood together that night haying egeatO croWded•ball room, , and lby thia•piltar Inv i• nd and - ,L—t---, ;,_exchanged the word": -,,e, • is tincr, which are apt: to be eichangedbilWeen ~ 4 , se tine love. • It 'was -aro orditiarymutini,t. SI. teaks nothing but emilesii • He. was tore- '""!, , r ,u atto Princetoup attend the connnenwmat,, -.7. , uru to'the Springs,.and trieY'Fe3e:f'. l „,g°:. , :4 l ? N . • gara togethcr.l Hqr father amatiotgep,t il I alth, and;, devoted' to his "da ughter;' &bid F . der - wateldni'ith. • I reniember the • w.II, how , welli ill : '. :: •l'-• . . .'.• i.•-; . ..-.1 'Do not let item make you forget me, ; sts:d . F ed, with a smile. .:._ 'A: week is - a lees tine t. be away, ' tiadln Mai 'be Wetied — "ata won b some one in f'i'at time. touTernenibef the ... rf who Was wooed, watiattd married in why! - ' Don't 'speak so, Fred,' esaid she,' I Aon't • -e to speak Of forgetting .evenin that way. ' Well; I will'abt then. • Expec t s me oilStin- . d.y. Good bi l l:::and he iitOsed his manly arm 1. , and her, ind'press.ed his dips to hers, and s ying, ' take gond cafe of her, W--- 7 ,-,,,vrang. o his horse aad.,rode swiftly - away. 1., : , , • ' Give me your. arm,' said / 4 .---„!! and let walk bore awhile. I can't go, hack tiitlist rota again.' •n ; - 1 . • , I I ' 1,:.' ' So theY walked till midnighti- MTh* if 1 red, for •• L-4—, would listens by.tllo`,l,lkouri:- '. bile .I. , :priti:s4, ll7 V , friertfl,: . .§4e to*:4*n ;,_ *ih a holtto*! - Ii is a ble*llllrif i tiiiai* 'th such 16i e:in this wOrld4adf&Pits'lgr, is , smile.'of GOL among .t 1 iti t utikitiiet4ii7 of • 1 re. She was hopeful, :aiskttwstful, .Iweet I n.t say faithfut : But Fre4 . aritlL: misr met a aio. He . .died, alone in a lonely pham.,— aturtlay came`,and, he caraf. not ; ' she wiarlio ' . pointed and sad. ' All day Sunday I'cleirille - d e. cures ,for: °bibs. .11.10n4 mid _ no, ~ Fred.— nesday, : 1 1 kdesday pas ea, and ,# ;length , ' aturday brotig t Me, a let !or from n . itiimipr ' " _ and, ' r write yen, Sir' - .said.theiletter; 'as . irected by Mrl Frederick . 4.-..- - 4.,'. Who, dietisAt ly house last night! .• I . need not att.enipt:to l' . enrihe.ray'feelings as I went;. mi in read.* artioulars of his sudden death, VS' last.w 4 eida i t ' me, his. Inesiage to L. They his _ .nt by a stranger, takeo di4n, ft:01 hia,YPa;•"— k ow, full of warmth, of`love,"ef agotil.''':, : ,-, ' Tell him tPitell her.; - Pk will 66046 I `eai. .. Slie,inlo not weeP. , Shntf ; k if', I,V :he (Midforiet ire.' . •,„-:: I rotethe news' toher.:ns well' iiaeOild. ' n ing again hit' at lilii ''''#,- ' ,11i14; ' , , She ' es 4 I . ant; ibtiolcbra& itastet , l tail 1; 1 ' y . I'm 4 1 kit l yo.i.4 i ISMS MEE SE ME MEE d''-:*:::,g-,.:-'-:;'''.;.::,1:-.:,!:',fr:-.; -: I ....2:,.Pf.',".:::.',i';F:;;!.:',"- ',.•;i:-' :.i ..,..,,._,_ „. . -..:.-,.%:. ; :-.., --- ?..!• 01.-• ---. , . :-. ,. . , ;--.1.; - .1';;: , .:•.,- - 2 • •',;.:.:;5,,.. .1 • , _ ...,,.., 5_,,, : : : •,,.. : , .....,„- t ,... ! ...... : .,,, , , , ' 'l -''• -, --,,;1•,.;••••••,•-,',-., ..„,......,',,,:,-_,„:,,,,,--..-”,:„..„,":,- P % 4 :''''i i , j! . ( 1 5, - ; , :" . f '''. ' a 1 -.. • ‘ -. 7. ' 7.-- 1. 7 i X - -.1 - -if iii , .t,,00a si - africklilililand hstened 7 -then A, ji a , awl, pers:Qti hi oy:aris. iS,,inc!pgi,e,d;'s l ifiPlio . I as,fal l o.A4 6 Po - , 4 . . gr 146, Snell .0.50.4,=-- ' ,eigliiiiio,ii,s,'Yii i 4 44.6 tsc • '4.fiii Al7t4; ter oiee haileirao i ne* afict i fifeYriiaiidy: 7 ,I ' tand here noW and thi#'Of iiiCiOilliAbg nun& 'orrei:el l r`feenie ffiTtly tchaii.eiti . .. .1 . 1 kw puitil'rni*elf in -omrannion..iiitliAliW ehd.. ethou 'ot this be a sae*d ; :pkinct t 4 1 . e 2 , ; :,...,',;:.,.:. '-' -,i ~!, : -- 1 - ." IN.eettitil-•ram In igeetitig:'': ' Sewall relate thei: , followin,e4need*'. ~ Hendkerehief-*eody" z..; i i, ,_. ~,,, 1 -, - I „,{. I When'-3,1r,.. A1 M00dy watLen'n journey,---I Oink in the iFeitei,fi" art 6f 31 - 4*huse,,ttiVlie i'illL i, I : a brother in illa ,ininief r ry, On %Safi:A3 , hinlink,te spehil the Sabbath -with"--tt* l sr n `,.. teeible. `:'Jim ;wen appeared very gina:tokee [ in ; :ana4aid i should.bfiveFY.glad -40-1-1.00 l'ett stop and fleachia-arkalY. bcit, A 1 :e,1/ 0- I halnecl, to tisk: on.' :' I : - ''' ' 1 - : 1 - ' .Ittiat is - the otter 4keilAteedys i . 'Why, on:. Tie tile 621'8 gotiniVirnelifiCiiibit" .f-going ant be for e =kith:iris; olosed,?, that ,it oems.toba an 1 P94.o94:fin'a 1 1 ,traDeF4. 1 f„,-.E't i I * 'lf that is, al TIIIg LanClrlir, 14k." an a 'read' fOr ipti;c Wiii - .,6lod„fsieply:'' ,''':,''. When the liaili',(liiy'lCaille,itla*ltoo y bioterien - A, '"ittietiiiiieaniiinesiftioels o lookektero' tni theAsicimbltoinClittrtapy , carers 4141, Oir_igitp"fiffe* 4 bigo .. . ; loFts of (ass ,Y 1 a4Yr t-a 4114, sallets i t7finiiiii: I th geifikie . 4 `,,.y . 0u yiiilitiitan*VO4 -1 • odd 1 . 38 : ve y i : i g i v e goe il itte r itiee:_ -1?:* - ;!._ i _,Wlleixilie s _ . ii:i:AO - haitoiliell:#9:l9Pg . ' ag .e, !,houilikii 4 le-,p4:isel; 141164 - eikinenr. r .aigliiie li4 V ; iiivioiii . ;!iiiii4iiy4skik?*nr ittesia or : ItitiliejitietingAidisii isrt so* 8- 0 1 lileaseq - Bui. all *Oa !,-* ,:-..- - !:liqi•ii:i-4, -- 'llri;azlizai.::,AVili e im 1 61 " 10011 *-- - Vim 40110164 '* zioii-1" - .: 1 ( lAvir Vilt'dit: ' , 'l4 4 ser 0 1 4 14 z siNifteraes; we Vie!,lu4r A* .. ~1:2?-ii to 1 , ' , ; will,lestdifttitong,:l 4 l l :_lmilfictipi 6* `CounriOisiitifraislta; 94 t, ii. dl z -.. I , r,t; e 4 ..f,, , ,v4 ~',..4.',,t,i3,46,:,i-,,,: ? . 7 - 1 - 1 - L i t : t. - eo ii i : - i mis v ~., ...r. , -.• -,-,,,•':''. 1-'••=•';,1:`. ;f." U ~~.?: MEI I II I , 1- -1:, MIMI r