Northern democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1844-1848, October 21, 1847, Image 4

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    ,4gagg i a —
~ f:, 't
, 7,.. :L . P • 7=LT:7 ..., ---. ~.....ii it ait..., : ..
''' a. 'W 1 1 ‘ InU O fill,.
~ • , t. :, ,i
i t %
"- 441 Th iree lil f , iilo4! diist:i4ii noi liaothi•-130 , -,
I I „ itieenon the sidn-walk; ''', `l'' ' :-‘
'''.- '' Wbeiiill tifr 'On itith'4 - Winteiti ,f;'',;'”,
- .1, 11 4' e)**ontiti49 l o o 4* * P4loii --
' 'And ifern...F.M filed . ow Wil.: ,-.,,
.` Bhieriwg harpockei . handkereher; ..
i.. As wePweetrushie , l4— , <• c .-, ;!
r, .. No bests ihat ever.killeditrY, or,k' 1 -
,-- '
Was happier thaw'. , 1
. t ,.
I felt' that Iliad dons it;l, I.
Arid Ass liiid wOn'her - innileH '
'Twee ilim enibroideied Btaees ,
„Aid tWere immortal tile.
'I *ought -;her entaffidahall, , 1
Afore that,place was- abet—.-,
Oh ! t*luippy, 'happy evenin'p 1.
I molter. ztyet. 1
- -, I gilt heiceorda kof pea-nuts, '; k
'., •.. YAM iipple 'and a.. wet" -J- q '
Oh ! that fialipy, happy evenin l i
'''-!..'" '-riesMllex tr, yet.. - ' , 1;1
't I took ll** bit to Herfetn- - --
' i :',*- Iti tliaLioad we - made "a - n#o.4',l:;:'
Andlio , ing wo had afore us,
Went *we've mile afore he felL,
An thongb yen he strack the_Ravenient,
t.:. The. !":grab" be&an to feil,,_ t.l.- ; '''
l' g ot another mile okt, ' 1
- By oti6tingVflis tail.:
I took het to the Bowery— - - :,c -
She sit loag side - of tee— • lc
They, aeto out a piece they, called' l
“Thelirtsitra of the Sea.", :
' Ali-What
./.. tie'sea-fiaht Was fetefiC4
I /SU za Gird ; ", hay ~1 hair
Aml lke,so emu
,raiontes there i
Five laSurs slipped away. .. ;
Before the bridle halter,
I thought to -caner mine—
The day Was fixed when she to me
Her hOnd and heart shOnld jine. ,
The rum'; Ad hoss, the father, swore
He'd im-her out of hand '
Two hun4red cash—and also, treat'
' To number 9's men, stand.
Bat bless,me if she didn't slip
Her biter on the day ;
A pedlaorom Connecticut, .;[
He carried her away.
And wbeti the news was brought to me,
I felt ramighty blue ;
And thoUgb I didn'A shed a tear 1
Perbaps I cussed a . few.!' , •
WEll, let: 44i
, there's other gal
As beiqitiful she ;
And mato , a butcher's lovely
Ifseoltst sheep's eyes at me.
Iw/sirs-lip crape upon my- bat,'
• 'Caxteeiret a pack-in' sent— I'
- I only takes an extra
Obseriiing; 'ildET HER WENT
g Hogs on. A pies.
, .
Among tiemultitude of farmers whet do not
ToS*cuitnral paper ,and have not., learned
.. `ins-value,efiapples as food for stock, it is 4
women ob,Serration that Sweet apples may be i
_ food toy fat4ng hogs, but not sour. ones. This t
is i great m i latake: If hogs have a large run 1
is art-orchasld, -so as to find nil thovarfety - they
_ darn the4will only eat a small proportion of i
are* lipplet Even the delicious gate:, apple ;
an the fallTipin seem to cloy the appetite, and!
they nll eat but few before they wpl leave ti
r ithernfor t> se of
,Moro acid or other . flavor.
_ Their' taste_sn.this respect Iseeres like that . of
ikelovers of hard cider. : - " ' ---
.; e
A hog w ei gh in g ; when-slangliter4-3004115., 1
vim first it nrito fatten, ate about one bash- 1
..,el sod al4 of sourish apples, and' about four
. salons of ipt and wate,r, with, three quarts off
ban, dally' ivith plenty of salt, and it fattened I
rapidly. At the end of a month, onebushel of 1
apples, witl the. same, quantity of milk. and
bran, was Ind:dent. This modes e feeding
teemed tolatten, the animal as rapidly as if'
fed entirelon corn. The pork of apple-fed
bogs itswAter than corn-fed; and .generally
healthier, iiastauch as eflile-f4 tog do not
brooms leirish 'or .etherwiso diseaScd, eve +
when C l 4 P? nrui eP' If i na i4 e 4ll7°l?-t a '.
I liberij in, Orchard; whichis - the heat mii. Of
-loading, ihip , of , tomse' consume tante , -than /
hen confined in a pen. Apple-fed giA Tglii 1
_lViii_s . is-eoit-fed; ,and the lard is beautifully
- "bite' .---/Oston . Cidtivator. -`: ' : k
As Acrisi. OCOURSENCE.--In tbal()tut , of
filir* Sistdop, . one "day last week; *ore , *
. :g4ro, the folloWing circumstance ac= 7
st l .o l , ositiHt
-- ' l Aii'liialiiitiii . 4is zAiiine.a,tor some iiiiiy
Aina..lri4lleNriii :stied the usual questio . n, ,
:.000 2 1 . 054A50f theindictment, wliellieilie
- ** l olprj l os.lPillti , . ~ • . . 1 , ...N
T04;14;4 ' 71D can:heti er.izonor initibl *mi.
the . -16 lie replied;
i i; .
ifjpro , p0**4490000 :SpOricstionlick4.,
n ''*kby i tire,:inigkeeerdsocli4ith
1110 **01: , F2p4airiWitibe
eittaNNW: :Ai 11,
:-410,11 1 1 1 14140 164 119 12 :+I.pat i ieleei l ly**
CMIWKIMS*IO I IIOM illCMCaraillaikkititi;
e i t.:lP ihnowlxii*okir:verp-iiiitiiO 4 . -
4:.:ltorr:=4; P4ON•T
iBllllher* Kt
üb l iti 4
tisper — s4l2l,,ete . ,•.:ealletter y
L'Parf it / gle; per
,:quirek;' , lFor , le. e p
C - 1:1 r 4 - • - i` -
-pt.Ora/ 4 ?ft'.;alTotiile L :
~. 'i , , r. , ~: i,,
r 1 f- ~ •*. i.' 9 , , . ,
N6 , L a. l 1 /..!__,'. .r, M.,..1.7:11111,1 ~ ~,i . ,
OT teR r areas given to nll par4s . iti"
ai l
-,:._: I.:4retteoA-PlatAiletz-4Y*44‘dfpi, ie:m._,l
WfT''O f 0 1 0 .44.4.4itticit;gyafel,Ldev:, s aL, Ph gre
s4, l .lktkfttrO d9 ri a M lr' h it 4 l : 644 , - .4,i iiini a
41 1 4514 vi .6
09,.er§i00 11 4!* OTT gliPoint l
Ai Atil_ r _Tiit,iktitliP). llo .„Rillf.4?!li 0 ' 4:1,41-fstate :
~,s,- pe f sonii i um-clot*, i pavy lg pmpA lo* sines t)
itith stid Estat# will,plense- call', okkflakiMai
I Otos° itAirlit..fertheri.elay,hol.
. , _ ..
are an ;'toimaktastats* . 4lll, make imane4;
ate pa s yinent. il-- .1
atiV.,.:,:-. t
47 , 0! ~T 1
•1 0:4. J ii OITA SDAp:,:
'' 1 • •
fE •
EX4cUtoes,-111011,ce. .1 ,•
NO ICE is iterebrgi*en to 1111 - -perintns ifi
-4.11 'A !Add istatti'OTßZßA 'BROIVbi,
dOttyi telorßilooklyn'T*syip,"to,i4e
au,4 411;i6T010 any
00 ..14144 1 1:1010`41.F#5itt0 aro ,regoci,,,l
•Pretie*A ll 4 l 4.4o,thesubsoribers for aoegemeiit.
ligRA S. BROWN, • „ .•
844." 15, 1847: .1,37-6 w
Adiii ot!co:
Vii ; lbb li4iib'ikiireit ( tit li ali fie rscins in-
L' l ebted tct — the — estal: of. 10CHMOND
deirit:gate:iif Di cicit VicilkYiiip, to
tistk`ejnimeditfterphyttteht;undltlrpitr,sos httv . 4
qig di* c tit Whites !DSO sail Estitte a riqklueSt.
4d it:lll:rejoin 1101'1110 pie Sutiscriber 10i 4 settle*,
Aug. 16, 1847. 34-13w
cIUtNO Hvson ,Teas-at 3S,
124A4050 % )63, 100-cis.' per Ib. „
14 s. Suffdrforptie dollar. ,
Loaf 4: 40friied Sugar,* i36,l?aisins,
61 7 1,6 :
it) ids eal4:o for one dollar.
-andall GOOD g. remarkably low, now
'ling •Pr theliea,dy.ait , the , S4ore of
rul 20. 140ns
COPPIH klAiatEgEL .11 (rest! 4upply
_ J. L,
itOnce` *AA' Wir..
A Ipy aboutiz s p i s 614 of goad Morn!
qbaraCter,inallave -.a situation ta learn
the T4ilOtitlg re4;nrlis by , iii ) piving al) k
litotftree,ert. 15.1547. ,
TH'PPall term of this Instittitloo4iir coat
mente ow Wednesday% The Bth 'd , ly of
SePt• Oext. tINIMthe charge Of A. J. Bon. A:
grtt.dhate ,f i rpm atad moo Uoiversaty,V. Y.
A Tuition per Quarter.
Writing, Reading,,OrthograPhy. Itudinients of
. Arithmetic. Geography add'"English
marf.l..;.... .........:,.- r. OO
Eetie:Grarimnr:and "
pOpsorty,lCotany,,, LogiC •
..... .f. 3 00
'Algebta l ' Geometry, Astiorio:
01 - 4 1 nd ... 4 00
tont Greek Clbssics, 5. otl
Ity Order of the Board. ,
Wltt JES3UP, Prisident.
'Atig' Oth 1647 •
? -
Atiarxtav •0=6411.41 - et
9 . 7lHS"schttril 'is removed - from the "0:d
- Atademy,'* to an Ott ible situation in a
.eonam4tdiousibotise, where Miss Witlard; the
Principal, is now prepared , to receive.iyoun:i
"Ladies: to board and educate. Having had
,much ',experience in fitting 'young Ladies for
Teadthrt of Common Schools and Acittleinies.
shewould be happy to receive a Whom
particelar instroctiou will be .given on the
,scienceioljirachir4. - The Fall. term will corn
mencilion.Mondity, - Oct. 4t h. The services of
Mr. Pitch, and Miss Blackman, will be Ciontin
bed initbeir DePartments. • • • I'
Puphemay - tarnish their own beds 4nid 'tied
, ding, Which - a reasonable deduction Will' be
made pp, the price of board.
Coinnioh English Studies,. , ) , „S . l 50
Ilighe ;.3runches,....',. . • 350
Algcbia,or Geometry, • . • 450
Latui M:". - French, , 5 00.
itillisiclon the Piano, ..8 l_lo.
Use. oi . • INacio, .
Teri* for boarding are from twelve tWour
teen shillings per week: This includes iwash
ing,,'fileiand lights. , .. . ~,
_,.. Re j trelwe —The Trusiees of theAceileiny.
Idontiose: Aug.' 31, 1347. ' 35-5w
.. 11' /:645Z1 4 • • •
1e 1 „atm,
TEi undprgig.rfed," flaying establisbed a
I_ IVERYI6TABLE Gen. ~D. 1).. Way
: r
ctier'elle SlOntrirme, pfepated to actinintitpdate
Itbe.ptrhiie •sil.htfast ond"getithj -• • • '
llotl~s s ,
lOf,ty des:pr./Inlet), onternis, I
~.eieesure."parties.yeill be furnished ,tvith two
and tor )10-rs,e,cotf,l3..ges, and careful-Drivers.
, . 4, ,
STARIX" of -good
,bii.cse!i i tinti-etictlages,will be a great necamme
ilatek to the eiti . zeas,ef fiforitroneArd.; . the tab
tic, if notproSiable to • the .praprjetor, fie: re
epect(ully.salicits tbe,patronage of the riding
ktontrose, July 23,1847, 38 : t1
•• • 1,01.! , •I
I Subsgtibg,j j§ - i9)vreeiving oesCOesOl
"'afigOrtmOie.O'f'T ; `'' •
‘• !!,
qrWries,. Harr/41,40,i:-.
Crac4try ~.Bonnets,Fiski• ;• 4?-1.
' • V••-• • Palm leaf Flats, • • 1 ,
. • 4.4
IRIC "•:•1 • 1. -
a . st. tcpetycd at,
jc WEfi
,- Rice u
, '
1 1 -- -. t ., , 1 ,, i
-,L:I-_ I
,(FISIii :.i"?l,:',W ; i`"
fig 44
.iSad, giqickied!Aitfticinan4
.' t- --.;
' 4 - - ' • ----' -7- 11ONNETS 4 . 9 --', , :' , -41'i- ;Al .L.
1 ..„ 51.1)!
. 1 ,41 ....e.rri : . ,
,1 , . : s
; 1;1:5 illoghtiets.l ' efAt,.:e. tcs. , t, , -;:::31,1) zhip.l ,
i , - . p.,,. : -- 1 , - , • . --11 i.. 4, , - '-' , ...'iyo, 1'1 , 4 1 1',...i.
...t0r......„.,...4„,„.....,.... bivini,.- Aild
splendid iGii3 hams, lei sale lei #c 4 : ,..
1.1.41 myr e o4
i• • .-',/' *- -- '-'—''' -- '-•,se .1 1,
Ztit AWII,
, N. lllll
,f ,„
1 . -i.'w- , ,,i ~_ 4. ,;, , ~,- ,4 ~,4 , 1 , ,[1,
!..k.. 9 0.. fiAllkkr:L*o-. 1 %!t-ki
o * -1 4)4440 , 31 1 .110 0 14 . PridAtOinfli*, p aid
-:- c,, ,, ,.4, , tht - iiiikiit.,g.p_miv:icvoT,
s' "- Pitet,r,.o o , c ”iffm tu : , -.4 ,, w.P.Ar0q ,e , , !.
4 14 . 0 0)-.4 .
ro g .
i . ~..1 1 1, i.: 1:::14 4 krt.i..* .. ~ .
~ il
~ i
.4.11 . 11.10, - .0,17ALA1 - VVEIt . s
'EMAIDI - TNG: in the•TOStb Mae : at Itlo9 ' t Ns°,
11.1. 'Pa:, Obil - ,18:11.:'' : ':- '.--'-" • -
Itustin-Dana F' • .; ' :'''/Kee)er.GeOrge':.
Ayres.. Squire ' ---' ' - ;;Le*is Chitties'
i _dkus i g . lp ary E.,l;yons :ijathes ~ .
- fifei:Dan. --• .'.,. 1 .. -Le',Oressi - Miss Jane A
I ,
i a y Ab ra m,,,,, .-r : Marsh a 1 I Dexter 12
Irown John..: - 'Mott James M '
Imam , William - . 'Mack Jonas- • ~
iryantAlim C - - -Moron James
4israam Miss Jane L Meitirlohn . -
furrows' William - _Merits - Kith '. •
'Brat Dennis 4 • NOWA - 4011s
Dentitiit Stephen'T Nenitp Saran:ol A
116'0i - 496%i R. - • POniith tsaae K
!lush' Caleb '': Pose Daniel. S,
I ci•iMdall Robert L Peckins Mrs T, • , '
Curtis Nathaniel , Perry Lewis-S 1
Ohamberlin Rebecca FPark Mrs Doer: !
CamPfielti Geo 0 Pier Miss Mary B ;
Caswell. Mrs Celestia APierSiin S H .i • ...
.Conran Mrs. Caroline -Roach Mrs N'nney A P
Chase S , B Robinson Ed ward P
Clemons David •Ressigiue Miss Jnne .
ginstnntine Mrs. SarabSteptiens Peter' .
eniSrinD M Sexton Parse I
Dayton Abner Smith Miss Jane:A
- Dean :Terse - . &we'll' Leivis :
p ew x.,Alti H- -Seargens Joshua i '
Eistits" Joseph - Shay Timothy • • :
tekler . Aiwa: ; . ,-Struppler • Peter Johan..
i ratelfild e lliirineti C'' Stebbins - Rtifus M •
If ofgeson Zerry Stephens Ora.*
lerglipon Phineas • Smith Milani
I CiarilMiss Sardinia Strange wimom
Griffith Alfred Smith James
Gartner Enos 2 Teeter John K
drilling Harvey . Turrell Abel
l'iluard Elishn Virgil Almon
Gaillon Mrs Emily A Vail Miss Harriet E
illolbrook Wm H 'Varner Timothy
Hammons Mis Sarah W'arrwr John A '
tjassiin George Ward Capt L '
izkyell Mrs. Susan Warner Miss M
HOuston Miss-Rebecca Wood Sally
Hordenhdrg Mrs Mary Walters Jahn
ancock John Warner Mrs. Fidelia
Howard James • Warher Miss Mitnerva
'Harding G M 1 Young John
4a gg er Luke
• I
J. W. Goodson, Bellevue, Ohio, says—Your metli
hinessold have given very general . satisfaction, aad
die demand is increasing. The Carminative B lsam
ip selling well.
,•D:Dear4„ inchester, Prcble . Co, Ohio, sa —I
Your Expcdtorant is getting very popular, and n
tact taking the place of all other medicines of the
kind. Your. Verinifflge is deseivrdly popular, as-al„
so your Carminative Balsam and r Ws, and require+
rib certificate to reponunend them.
1 D. A. Barrows. Galena. 111., juke, 1845, says-1
im out of your Yerrano :a and. wish you send me I
itome as soon as possible, as I have calls for it every
.ilay.—alsu send inure Sanatitci- Pills. 1 am also
nearly out of'Expeztorant and Hair Tonic. • I 'have
4uld conOderably•by the dozen,
Jesse M. Allen, Columbiana, Ohio, April 1, 1845,
Otys. You will perceive that I have sold all your
Yermifuge, and 1, may tell you that I have been out
6r a long time, with a great many calls for it.l You/
Itermithrje particularly stands descrvedy high as a
/Vain' medicine, and has uniformly been attendikl
iiiitit,good effect. Please forward as soon As ,posii
Williams & N C. Jung. 1845,
Oty--ISend us a fresh supply of yoar• ; medico. *
your.Carminative Balsam to highly spoken of by all
yrlin havcd useed it.
b. 0. Wilson & Cc., Portland, Aui , ...9.0.;
1845, day—We wish you to send tei some more of)
pus Carminatire Balsam. Your medicines sell rap.
idly this summer. The Balsam Wand Verinifuge
kood satisfaction.
A. N. R illiants, Parkersburg, Va., says ; Ynur I
Carminative Balsam," tried in the case of an infant
bf o.trn, afflicted with Diarrhcca and IlepaticAe
tringetnent. with Marked s recess.
A Prepared only be Dr. D. Jayne, Philadelphia, and
gold on agency by N. Mitchell & Co., Montrose;.
CURES - 1 CURES ! CITES : arc constantly be.
performed by Dr Jaynr's Farndy mr•dirines.—
'gm Sabra, wife of Capt. John Uunuuta, lea G Gal
4raild's Court, Piiiladelphia, had a very had cough,
101:irenews of the breast and nide, sore • throat, costive
Oabit, lowness of spirits, with weakness and pain in
the small of the back. Spitting of blood and lirrr
bmplaint has been entirely currd by using _Dr.
Icynt'A Sanative Pills. Alterative and gxpettutant.
[From the Great Falls, (11., If ) nithern Li g ht, ]
!..! . 0- It is with pleasure that we give place to the
rlluwiogletterfrom NI,. Ira LI onions, of Tansworth
4 . h0 was supposed to be past cure 'of a COW , ill4oll,
Oui was restored tohealth by the use of —Dr Jayne's
expectorant." We can speak with confi,awnee su
Wm - medicine, as ice know of many of our frieddf
16ho balm been greatly benefitted by it.
Tainworth, N. IL, Dec. 10; 1815.
Dear Sir-4 feel it my duty to make known In
; pm. for the benefit of tie .public, the aid 1 received
Porn the me of n bottle of Dr. Jayne's Espeetruraet,
..nhJeti I purchased of you. I had been etek lietwycli
live and six months. caused by the lung liver, w ntcle
tert me in a vent low state abeam,. with a very bad
Oiough, and fur about tluvc months I could on!)
, peak in:a whisper. ,My friends all thought inc to
be in a decline. My physician said he had done all
ror.rne,lre could. About this time I fortunately_ saw
dieftWCalnthelli .. Dr. Jaynt'a .4"Xpe (Vora qt.'
lovate by. you. 1 trout Gately scut to you fur a but.
Ile, and in two days after suing I began icr feel bet
about ten days
„1 recovered my voice and
OW speak tolerably veil. and before using the
Whole bottle I was nearly as well as ever. Nly health
Is now good.
I attribute my cUre wholly to Dr. „Layne's medi
To Mark Noble F:sq, Great Falls, N. 11. • •
;1: Prepared only by Dr. D. Jayne, Pniladelpida. and
Vold on 'ageopy by N. Ainslie & Co. druggist* Mon.
Boar. Fa.
tt, - tiro Zone Vutilito. I -
,WHEREAS; Nature, having furnished to
the head of Man, no covering, sufficient
to protect it from the Winter's siorm, or the
urning ray,s•of §ummer's sun. it is found high
lyessential to his comfort and heautye i that he
provides himself with scme human fabric eaten.
:fated tosupply Ott deficiency. And, whereas,'
tudence requires, that every one, shouid put—
;phase such articles as they my y need, where
those equally good, can be obi hied at the low.
Psl prices, therefore, lit.tT kt , lotvtr. to thO initab
4tants of Susquehanna - County; and 80 others
Avhom it may concern, that '
. , . ,
g . - ' 11011:111.`POST & CO. '
lltive estBtiliithed therriselves, at the olt stand..
Irl'ne docir south of the FAttittcBst sxtitrivitere
. `,,.re.i intent ki manufacture. and loep Ustatitly
~, tiland, lisis of every description. 18 midi
lido to"their unusually large'stock of ilits now
I %niltard, end manufactured .at their lablish ;
hiinf.A/ 'P: & Co- •thivejust•fee4v d from
Tsw You. a full supply of IiUM i taIER..IIAtS
.ititE CAPSiNt o hieliiiie.sthera-Abe 'inolitJexlensive
*ld . Y.a•rie..4.asscAmeutref, : avds ~ in,th it tine.
W'airee,.,64 :ftir.stale la Noriliera,Peaus Iv.anis,
iAiror iv111,04.111 . be: sold far. cisa or /tEsn,Y.-1
*AV l 'llviiriririliiti . teriit. t `tiOderfilie iis atifiri.,.'
es. . • " ,
i . f Moniriiii i Aftrif2ClB47 , t,...,1 ,-. :
' ' ' ' • G. 142.47,), 6i41.0'.;,-...,
4 . —. _ . .
54) , 801 - Tin ,,1 Gelsaw2taBAtillkul: 1,
-.1f it ,..1 4 , 1 1 0 , cheaper:that, 4,1 ifoy :iallier.
111 * i i t i-O!i.: 1 0 311 4 -at-4_,,,•.'--•-!1'.1-,
.t. . -•
p.,-I,,i4eiited---41so Upper Leatimr at
4itie iif,a fiat me quality; imt for 'sail
, y gaol ',..-4.; ~.. • ,
.. .. , •
.. Thrm a k ,-, A
i -:.s• i ,: -4: - .- 7 : ,- ;:. ' ,
P . 7 t l t'onpoithda in-usel4 the -preient day.—
As e comtinefttniilyiphyllic.for administration
in all temporary coMpla hits Of,thestornach and
boihyls, healit.ache ; ,Coldi, af.c.; they • triay be
full p; tippended -upprq upd!tt prom pi‘use of theni
on, he f*f.appearante of': indisposition• Will in.;
v iablY_Sii*truichjiickness. - They ste pecu.
d 4
ly-nclatWitcrall - cases of weakness,. nd gen ! .
e I dehilljtay, deirangement of the.systeM ! '
ant! espeniii ~.. itti'ternules—and a steady, txn , '
interrtipqatise. of them." in !strict ednformity
wip:the direCtions wtll very soon restore the,
or ens of:the , stomacit to their mituralltone Mid_
action, arid fregulateithe 1 bowels,.andlenovate
the Whole syilem. . ',
. . ..
", here is n§,iiis;iositilin to give. extravagant.
commendhtitinS of them. i What is,here stated,
is the re.sult, of actual eXperience- with theiM
and that throligh a period, of then years. •, It
is hot suphoktd, or pretehded, ulna they wlill
rai4e the:_c4adc; neither Ai Otilitgy desiV,lleo to be
used asireeiy, as' we use our Form! .Such is riot
thertrue purpOie of tOodiOtrfe.- Its on,ly appro..
Prtate otlice isi to assiSt nature in restoring the
m tem too 'pinper tine and tiCtion. when_ min ;
beittably,.or itirough'earelesSness or excess; it
veecime4 deranged. ' Many are careless, and
hence need this aid. And the most careful are
!aside to. irregurarilies 'of the NPZI en). It, is
neildless,:ilmost to say, that ti, , prompt use of
soft and effeciire remediesi on . the first a 'pea r.
anCe of iiimeS . ;s, is the part of wisaloni, re Stir!
a Ilediaine the Proprietor knows these Pills . to
ba., i a ' And he is certain ,that in, forty nirte ca
sear oat of fifty, , whore a (air trial is made ac;
coilding to the directions,. they will be foie(' a
gain as. a standard medicine. lie has never
kaawn an.-instance, where, they have born t hus
used, in which they have not met wall UtiQUAL•
Noinerooi te,timonials may be seen at the
Gelneruf Ogee of sale, rind references will he
glen to stilastantial living , witnesses of their
va untde curative properties, •
The Pills are purely veg , table, nl`e of two
kinds, stimulant and pmr,gative, purifying th,
blctod,nrul producing a litalihy action through
the entire system ; are a valuable Anti Billions
Medicine; and emieently tisefol in all I ingeriii , ..!•
cemplaints-,Weakness. Genera I Debility. Dys
pepsy,Ptiimottnry A trectiiins, Liver Conitilaiets.
Rheumatic and t;;plisaindie Affections, Female
i i %Fl a.. :
i sf:j4st.
7 :
.Cal i f
I ..`dbeiip
No!FaatltT, after a Lair trial. will be witbotrt
tilt sp.
They Are put up in 'Fi . .FTY CENT and
DOPLI.,,AR P4CEAGES.surit 11.1vinga, naniph•
NOtnnhrtipit*n valvahle Tw
atise on Disease.
roil) fuir directiOns for use. The Dolktr pack
nOs are the itheT pest in the purchaser. prey
fl)be ordered through Drziggi.ttk. giving the
Sheet and N.n. of tile General Di-tiot.
Solil..Wholesule and Ret it, at
N. 140 Fiaton:qrcet, Second' Flour, N. r.,
Betweeti' Nassau-suri: B , old way
Enr As you value Lie :lath—Try hem I
13 - ENTLir St READ, Muni
TiITANT.. Brooklyn. 11 I.llnts. Or m.ll.
for ld county, and 'R. C. Tlurzurs,
T BVII.RITI'S, )trip be found r‘.:
—'ll- and mast desiroblf‘l ussortment cif ply
G4Tlg. eonstiftinc. in part
IN L..41).11;S DRAWS GOODS-=
of -icb calicoes, French (iin , bams
of huperier styles. Gil:eh-ern and ['Tufted Lawns.
,111Oshn do. Line: i'7: , eints and urtvalrds,
Printed Borege_.. Fancy iSilks, iriclutileg
the norms! st.iv les.
Si!k. D Latin. B.tregv.uod - fan.•
cy S' nn,ilrl4. ve,y
1 ,
Flrrnce I3ntid. C uin Poprl und Cobttr'gh
Pta 111 6.1 rdt%'. 1,1.1c,1 ttlia CU111,11,111 F.lOll .
wuh Rich Ribltolts, Irhotimigs, and
Fliwers, at ecdttrell imres,
A 6plendi GinOorn. rin d
Ciilton Parasols, and Unibreilas at very tow
pr*.s. •
• • e
Broad Clivhs. CdsAirne'res, Sattinetts,T‘eeN.
Suinmer ClOtlis and, Vestinrs, bekrich and
Colanloo in 1 .r.ze variety anti rhPnp.
I •
4 0h0;re:0§..,,,,,,,i, 1., Fur rent Cnl-
Prdd Wool ILits.; G -11 , s L e,orn.ittql
F a h e y li,r,s; CIOI,
GI izeti *um uer Cul)s, of the mew untl latezo
fa hions.
Gi ghains. (;harks, Bed T ., ks, 1.7 , ,,10r, Sheeting.
Yarn, Colored Caring Warp, Baltiog . , Cari't
13a i F
s &c.; ttc.. , ' , • , •
H which in the carious Kinds. Slyles.' de
se l ip:ions arid ; prices will, furim,h the mo,,t 4e.
siritbk inMeements to purchasers, who are in
vit d to exiirnine liir. F t ock with the ti-stminee
tht t ns his pqrchoss are made entirely fur
eash. and largely oethe :manumeturers ag,et , is
in the (-Hy, and Willi be !sold at small profits,
thelv,wil - not fail to be pleased.
New Milford, ttLiy - ,:17. 1647. .
I A dini a is,trato r's ?ak. :
(YrlcE; is hereby giyen that br. an Order I - i - --,
nty ot
w f l \i i e ; ), ? e ri x ,i i , , ,, as n;: i q .tp uurt a sus Tk ohanba , , • . 4 i •.. .. ,
- , i
public sole t.r 6!
cr ', at die Potpie late of' ABR A lIAM I_,O. l' T. I ' s:a..°G, cEPA H
111'17:I.' 1117
, LVEi JILT . SON Si. af.rt
'de 'd.; of the. townOltip: &Auburn. cm Thurs., ,.,
daffy the twenty-eighth day of October next. "n t I - (L4rrE LE A-:.11111R1;) . •
on o'clock Y. M., all tlidt certain piece or pnr 2 ! fiCrITY the tk,aaet4e . je i lliE- 41.1.4zy I,tr,,
cel ot laud, situate ih tbd township of Auburn,' v ii"'s E. No. 56 . CE - 4 4 1. .;S
;, thei
or which is devoted to tbe eihitutiecrrind sale I
of b , t i stiottanna
nod state
.ot . i
Pe risylvania, and biltted hounded and delcri. I s '" I F a ruc i le '` ) r„,.:•i- .i. -: . si- .?: :j .. c ~. • s
be as follows to wit i Beginning at udleinlock 1 „ .1. 4 W171 1 ,-Dl Zr) l (9,11,11a11.1i 4;t I MO
tr e, the Northwest :cornier heri•of, and la • a , Their presesL .*elt ti npitits_cif,tiesi j..,..
line of land stirveyetbfor Philip tiaverly; thence I . ONE THOUSAND , iPACKA ES
by the said-land Etst, one hundred and twenty- , - at . ' ~ 1 . 4., .. . ... r
live perche.4l.o• a. .134echl tree , the Sunlit east 1
.t l ' ; i t", l b e r :i c a l r n i g suln ; l-1-1 . °44 ". A.. N.P. S.`°rdi,a, 1 7 1 Pa
co tier of the last ` mentioned land; and the ,„ 6,, I ,„, v ,, g ;:6l4lM.:,:t„ili o l c i r E v ' s:l oo 4 6 n . d "
All of wh.eil are,eifereLafars,ile, furicashi or
N rth-east Corner hereOf ; thence &mitt, ohe
h ndred and ninety-Or - 0 perches to it Beech . , fa'eidryered it, it .the.Li' i'P - 'ti
%es , rules, v tiro
tr e ; thence West ope hundred and seventy - t,: , i , v . ,i!: ~.-: ,r, - ~ .4 --do • :I; r; ,- ~,- 2-
ECh. 0 ~,P ACKAG-Pf :
fie perches; to n larnlodlc t ree ',7 nudrt hence ' ' :1 1 1
Noth one hpratred nd : minety-tlitce perches. • New- Styles ,re sere vedsitalciat'Oery , ',;da:
to-the beginuing;To
. taining two hundredelet.-dtrian,y of them - are, : p.-foiibarkoatkirsle44
en acres acres end:fifteen. erches. with the appurte.- 1 to, be found elsevi here: . -A ' ',l 'r.:;,, , ,....
minces, a-fra!ne boo q add barn, and a large ..Er Printed hilts of
,p, ,ices : iallseted.:trorit'
sh d. There are tWo . 4 rchards op th e said 43:,.wich everyieriatil e in :die,. uikitt4 ar e „I
. i e n n il:e a l s ta:d m i a o ri f e b t il i iie io r r i p4 . ' . ..': ikei, - , - ' 61 : 116 — :: 0 7 . .:
, lot t -' l f
st - retort) that , the.ralueliqiur piyil;stlielt&llitl eat vitt
L T in al ' ".•—•-' -•-- ' •
A : AN i i s; su ar: o ,p 7 l .. t.i . n i: tyc lv f .4 ,,.1 0n d- wate i r.
ermsMade knoWo cal the
A da d y of sale. ;• . : e l a e s r t e:la i n w ta ice wi.: l l l l o ii:a l V e t o o f r .,:: ::::::di c i ,
Ittoburn, Aiig. g 4, 1847 i . 2 . .„..
, i.- - 2 eiodir usually Ittpt.if - .our • largest wt.elcsalei'
, .
rz==:4l7. --- A1 9 - '' 1:7 ~.
NEW ' 1: GIO OD S-
, . .-noloits-,0 000 • roost.. respeetthjty, n •
"'iiniiiices!'ilin.(lo, !sleet -receiving. a. fresh I
1 pl . y. of ~,1 ! : ,'r. ', I - -'•- - -% - •-•-•d , !
• strzoinrair;.!'cOODs -. ' ::,‘,.'
ieverf :Varlets..en rerul.t.y Selec;ed, snj..whreli.
g will: sell o s iheOp,,Fis :ther-ctiestpest.o
II a no - inn)nig.r. , --4,. • ',;, . . : ~, •.. ~ -,-.-, ~. •:. 1
1 - -- -- ,
~- ., n,
. ! ., -.T113.;--43.;lifa*O the only agent : '..;
. '.v.otrntyi.f:.for. thq . ' l Cm+o 6 ??‘Tii:lPOSll:iiiii=7-7: I
go doirl*s:iif
give.,. l i4t.'r ik, - 0 11 .,...,. - --
1 uiy; t1:1: . -1 . . ' ! l-- -." '
001c13 - 4 . lTftT
`4 bt '':. 1 .- .,..• : : - :•:-1: i : i •• 4 , • ) i.., ..e! ,- X.::-..-
,i •
r clith ii
M14 4 / 1 4 ~ i • ..V .
di ,..: ,_
.•., , . :
i " . .
' ~,, „.."... 1.• , .,11. , _ ' ~.., rt'lt -nit: :
...`‘....:....7" -, v.... , i'lZ:M.7.‘i ' !w...7- -.'""7•f - I L " , • L ,
.. • ~
WESTERI ,NV,liir,lFfitii.i.
' COLLEGE:::` , 9.F :1-lEAii.aTth,
•.. 1 ....... ,-- - .., .~ •t,
207..raiin striet,7;llElfilklo,' !CY* 11
s. I Gaits.. I Sa'vi, I CeerhuertEDlf"is-i' init.emp
pally; the .case utli . thrill :arliclei!r:DisOrultr:ltae,
yielded] to its Most re alikelleuk.. tnetlital v iprovit
Witereller it liasgone,:vid oath Atnerma;Zng
Catiarl4, and the !Jolted. ' have prflved'thel,
of,ilaii siatement,! the Shove quotation ii , t "astral'
pitliyeentence, tells flawl *hide story- ' , llletillitlidlif.
principle uporravliittli you a t4.4:ONd ma,,ftat he' itli
to you, but the Minh. ofa trial of, the diliele is ii
factory.; you ire !restured - addlthe'secryt cif“i hi
remains with thelpropriet rt ;.- T hu Ittedlcideis it.l
lidund ofFI2 distinct ve etab agencies ;!ekeit
own pkirtidula,r, ckeltisivei.tne
viduarroot has it 4
al property, conflicting4i r tli no .oihei crimped
cacti rout make:tilts !mu, .err—and as it perfect; binationi when ta!lten intolhe system, itidueehhe!
-which ivrectinicArhen liltawi Were fltik Qif./liiii
411 IDtided; it shifdld do-t urifies • slreroif hens; an
stores the broken dowp ;debilitated tionstiLutil
.. . ,
binitsv," in all ibs,lcliara4rs;avall beretiMplCtelv i
l'cited front the 7 1. e • teirn by , lhi,,tise. ' S . ..ici . p a ie p -i I U
'.agentSl bands, ordiee . .4irculatton-:-tilevtu e kt
at/ dtsiases; and,whow Icititiliany, ofluth-es. I Ca,
and all complairils of th 6 .MlearyergOn4for in
the cause of great suffelingi anti Vstrimies- Li ut
'vawriu ha's acquired noilinaljeclebriti.uv e l r the n un,
'fry, by the edresiit has tuade in this di,streSsirig classl
of afflictions. SO'faritefil, itAielarns,,isAliii toed eithes),
that it ha,, t bus att,ractedithenntice of 4e of our Mcd_ii
feat pliblications In Ile ;Neaten/heel - No., 48 G. of
L ille o Bidialo Jot rout anti NtenthlY fie:view! of ledi.
l cal and Surgicarcience," hi an artifel.hoon chi luus
i diseases, and .".soiverits," t h e writoft, after rioting
1 I the fact that the !English( goternment 'Once purchased
.a „secret remedy, and ahiouiuticing, the Purchtse in
1802, of a secret remedy; .blthcls.:giilature ofilaletr
1 York, thus pays tribute to the Came Oil ihe 51clicinia
•••-••• %Ili by do tint! our
Rtipreselatatives i lln Senat : and
Assembly convened, enligliten and i ldissolve- , the
imilbring thousands ofethis country, by the put' testi
of Vaughn's Vegetable Lithontript'ic. Oran: will la no
1. -
solvent since the days of Alchemy h a one
i half the fame 7' Ileadcr,herC is a._ periodical of high
i stranding, atikeroylcdged throughout. 01, lam,s 'elyetr.,
4ef this couniry-to be one filtheet'OriatlAitofjf frits(„t
I of the kind in thelliittediSfaiteer excla4li - gin:7; wt la data)
I ;
scientific works trf • Eiirope to , our cerhilit. linovq go, I
edited by Find, M. D:,.e.rid eonfributtr:9 to by_fir u of '
the !ugliest profirisional kbtlity, thus stepping as de to
notice a•• secretTenni!, yl." f . "Y r* -epee ou'vii u fri er. !
i stand no trnknown and taPrthiees nostrum, vanidii,thual
liiktort a CUSIINEICI4 fur • so,liigh a- quarter—and o.nse. ,
' qtaently,, unless it direct lyl cofftlictiai wlt , l,v the pr: puce, !
! of the faculty, it must liiive e ibuyn Its 'great ..f ore "'
1 which has caused• it to receive this_ pitssing it d..—. 1
KET diseases, ~ treakness of the b r ide and spi : ir.
'ircaular, painful and eu . ,ppr . es . .i . ed ,illenifinutian. 'door
At7l2 . .na, and the euttre couip:Mated Irak:y i n!: eves I, Inch
follow a disordered systeib. 'els:A.o;l9 relinvtd b i ;ilael
medleltlt. Send fur parMildirts from Agpirs, an. you,i
will find evitletace. - of the value of !her Litfunit'liptie,
there put forth. As a reinedY. for the l4regularti es of
the feinale system,. it' has it , the corepoiiird a - dot".
which has bcen resorted tp to the nintla,,lof Euro
co.; urics—as a sure cure ; for. this compinini, surf' as a
restorer of the lotalth of tire 'llittre system: tvFa
CUMPLAINT,JAUNI)ICEI lilk./00:S DIOeA,O; .&.a., 11 . e int
staidly reisevcd. reopk: i (Ai 4., 'A est'srili find t the
'Only remedy in these' huntplarjtits, as welt as :NICK
AGUE. 'There is tin t . eitioitiy like it; and no i i is
nal or quinine forms anyi part of this" mixture. Nu
injury u tit resultin its &tr.', knd its a , itivc prep' rile!.
'ate inantfestcd. in 'he use of a single:1111:oz trottf .s.-
For Feign AND 41.,c,z7F . .. 84:ane Disueda, 4 ,s, Poke, ri. e
<r vied:, rue, 11D41.1.11AltStrt, quirt.. tA 11 'Jinit reli
The uut,e t i of ihts nr,liiiiine!" upon the .11louth .
strange tie dista+—lti,l'll oiiginatt sOf tue tali ,
and an a neattny resultwilt ollifiv. Dv•iirsix. IN
i t.
'T .K elt!
c,',l. &e.. pin . a few ' lava' use of tires .sAleth
lajiartimitttoljoir TUE LißiiiS bin:Gll. IrOr4SUMPTIUS!
..x.- t.,,..1 reltef. ::+net:rn-t, E,q,treer...ts. I,'
I,r:flamed Eyes—all • caused ;lit - pupil e lituo.l .
6 apt this ate to le'Ag.rthnetly. ; T/Ic ' syyl:Farh eont;'
, y•attted upon Lixiihe twe!ot.y. s .two tiitilititht priip
of the to Ixt um, is! Purstieti and restoredi as a - p'
.ear. ,, '‘t ill 11441 . 41;f0W. 1 ' .1 , t: ;traits of:e - oin moil
p,intiS Pa/pilaf:en , of the; /ice/ I, Nicl. - .;_lejeadrichri
Wit!). &e., are a li - ttie rlhitile of sour tt , rangetit
true t.) ;I: iii, held : this Git.r.aT RlC•Toiti-il..v. ill it
work- The ' prorit.s . es sO ' filelh ii the: adverristhr
are Itasca upon 'he proof of ;that tt Ir4.s &fie `'
past four years,. The lwriocir-lestfi.incitiy off ;
Ag,rats. to Ganatia, the [' t hrice!! :q..itiri,, Etigland
:south A iitertea, in the iltersqsfon of thp propr
afol eat. be MCI) by all thteresitcd; is:a•iiiliieieti
ministration thatM is tilt' brai•-illedi4iii. 'epee is
tu the li:tn id. (let the paniphlet, - ara{4diiBy Ilk:
clv.e :.s tt tare laid.!fliac-inetlifitCori-hre,
up in 39 oh. bottles, al $;:;-: - P...: ilz. d,fOrit $l ,
' tile (alter liolcithq, 6 01...drorti'jhan two-Purse 1
! Look out Cul out get iilipasetl upon:. ,
, Every ,
ie..s •• Vaughn's , ( ..enable Imblnatriptic Nlii i
i.iti . ., ri noon the g;ass. the freitten signature of '
.C: Vaught, " on the dir , ,thointl, and * *it? , C.: va 1
tit,tltl..," ,clutale.A en t 44. cark." ?rite stile!
.....t,ilit ie. I',, pa ;.Id by ))e.G.:C. Vatigjin, and h :
;I. 1.,,, .11,3 i o.lj;liz., 2 ili Alain 5t‘7,... , ct, IlutEifl
It linicsaic aiiii.iciad. d i n a.lteut - oto tieeu to f
11111( 1 7s p..-t pa 4k-ordersi . frulil regtiqrlll cu'rtsli
:dermaextrptrd ! rum , d id ',letters, 'or vi!ibal
mil ittcatio2la ruili:ltileg, a
. 14C4; prt . nitptli , attend
grail's. - • I •r . ' i'.;!.. -.
chr ;c cs devoted, exclitsl s vele t to thefisle of thi
I;cre ; 'NA:4I2h st„ w:1(9rl; city
sateen, M ate. ; iil
out th e LI utted Staten ant," si:dverte. , e,
the papers. 1'
- Agents in thin . County (;-• 13164TLEY SF; REA.
roue; HE:my Buitgarr.l)iird li % FT.
Great 4eridr; wrOs..yEs,..r4veLing-
• P=q7'%. PNLItAY.
.. A. - 37.7.t. 0 .. . yz
Titii fact. toge . theiosit i tt, th I,ei teuf 4 etir gm.'
t ittentiOn;, teld If ' 'dpoicipi atilligi
lety ut-artiel ,:tre"ii• 4i vilinlikle`eri
!eilder thn advaeigstitelai Jiro Ins*kiltr.t,4 d
1* *
PeirettlY obv i?`?.l l 4l4 i 'l l WtAikitiCatv tilal'
who•iigit eke 10 4 1 : 11 1 1 '„ ' V n. .f4 ll .9 3 .eftiffilh 'tie
apNintotent. .. 1 , 1 - 7;c -- :1..i1i -1; .'
Our isitortinentt.le' leht ki alPlseitio`ns .
, 0 i,,, , „ -rap: ---...' -,:orrt ,- ~. i
I ` ' nl ' '' ' • :: :1 41.T 2 14.01 1 7.1 % 4. 1 -,
I ! iti,
.t. R. s.-0. F. Lee. = o r 013,, : ',eithe q - piA, on .
lees, and -late tte i ninr)p t!iik i ,is.._ir!lto'. , ?rifilta) it fi l
!,; (i t cuat js li raga, r singe r ), Jim ktillti.Mi:int!dniell'`A
lete OFieshterh widerAls finltocLFFl4 • D0 , .._
t4tt .' atid rid' 1 (Mikes 'i n ti alio re! , libi rrieß l ' : a
`pith "tc . that the , fleet fir wilLiniiittitlit'lfiti )4
j i
eiii,t _
_e in this br,anithfortheTtftide,. n hick for
010 ed thiitthee Lyn he4liee to tell' t;
edr 1 .„,-.. . ~,1 ' ~."-. 1. ,- _3 *,,;•, : 1,:i ,:;' , 1..4.. 7 _, '2IIN!
itaw4t ,
t. •
K llt. of
•• du
s an.
IT st.,
1 0' the
no ! :
i I 0
e it.
• d..ia-
of ,
y yk,
1 (611 , 3
, pre,
iritoi;',l:ffit - r ,
mcnts'.w~iilitlie NEW-
tillitriVr . the
c*fainish his . duktoin
ct1i4.1464 - Oriceslhat th l
New .York , whi i h is,
And ittAtiiry'titsit .whe!
factioii,j,the a~oifey_a it
RD has made arrange.
TtAS in Binghamton, a n d
riciiid the trade, with.Teto at
Company charge for them in
Lieut. frdm One to Tyro
Mind than the dr*ori kilts
e`ihese Tea.3l4i:aora give 44 ,
be paid:hiekfilrthatn.
tUE or 224 5•
- Gk
l)(14; - --,,rii,j,
d;llweet r o)tigo, : ,.- - 30' I
. . •
:21* . dcri'll.fine cargo , i ;;;-,,•:••/ 15 ..
04: dos,'''xii%6r-lears'' j ` 4-**o9
4 1 /rer ; l4'af—seldtith so d even by largedellera,,, bea u ,
• of tholvery a" it'll pro tritiade on itiiiiile--is
L ' au Peri'"Tea. , 4" - ,'' . "?•-`'.' ' 4117
O. dii,"..," - rgol en - 11 . cip, , - - 1••••'50 --
Golderr* , frop—Tftis is he finest (weep Tea caltii t t e d .
• in ClOna. -It isfof the Giat piekings.:.and excel s a ll
° ll4l 'LOYeerl Teesfor,itadelicacy of Savor, aut o
:J. and a roma . fltirritorure: this 'Tea
,lias never ' re tt 6 .
:• 0 vi iCcou n t rfaxdtip t. - iu 'small lotiC tO edit the
•1' . ch ' ° #' - ‘,li . :: 7 ' ' :: I ;` r„
~•, -4-. Y A, fiLie ~- i ,
.:7.,- - .• very,fine,l .
Ginifsivider, fine,l ' •
1 ph. extra fine .. : ...
„Imperial, firm --
, - pa. extr;fine
••• ; IlYikon Skitd,,,good, • '...- .
if. r ..' L. . • ' BLACK: I ',' -
,• ` 'Nfrit-Yong,,atronk and good frarvor; 47 1-3
,King Yi!ng—The grrizeis e'en Wig at l :so Vesta, ssi
- call ifoOlong.,. I : ' •
' (34[0? g., a.dleliciolis Black Tea; 1.;'56 1 ,. ..
Compare this stitithor'Teit with that eihidlifiroten,
as tieing an Golon#. Tea. The clitleretibi'Or lai
. -plain; rind the Aecei. tion too palpable: • .:•`"*'- - *
Qd l ong, plantation growtn, ~;.' - .15' _
Eriglish'Breakfaat, tine„ ; 50 '
• Tlri.• .do.'" i extra fine i' 63
- IlOw"qua's Mixtur i e, a rich &highty . .
• ~ - " l, • *livored-i 1 •• • 175
1 • Pckce Flower, 00 7
Vo.Sa I
mted, I * II 50
„Ne Plies Ultra, 1 •'' 1 50 .
Ne..P l 4flltra—ThiaTei is es fritiant and meet
as knosegay. , It yields a perfume that is trui de.
light:fel. 'lt ii . of grden growth 'and superior to
anything.of the kind ever +sold Lin,thtir country.
Ifl llie iiiov'e' Citiang tie dors:Doi cioloPT ire All the
cartetie'pfcrnifained in my assortinunt; I hare every
F y.Rlol.s(#toported, and every shade of and an
is purchase'r*: . The above Ten
' arc - all done, up in di l inese packages, in 'quantities of
'l.-4 1b.4 I - --21b., and 1 1 lb. each. ,
.-•" ..: 1 " ' . .R.E100.11 BIENPATIO*S.
We hive tried the • t icks imported by the Pekin re
CornparrY; 75 and 77tilton-st. and if 'we live will id:
them often, They ar selfing the rnost delicious 'feu
we evell diaiik, and retail them: at wholesale prices,-
EreniriA ?oat. - ' .• ' I 1
You Inv bemire cr obtai,ning at all :times puritan&
highly-flavored teas, ly the, single poUnd; vat who!,
sale prilces;:of the Pekin 'l'ea: Company, 75 •fr.. 77
Filltontst.: "-They hare probafily the; largest nod
and greatiat variety o ' fine Green - and Black Tenni
any one establishment - iii ,the.' United Btateir. They
are doi4; arlarge,husiriesS,andare agreatitenefillson.
aumena'rattea:z - - - At/osi ,! ,' • •
Ileretorore it has be , very diffictilt, indeed impan
ble, to Obtain good G+eir and Dlaelf Teas. Ihn nos
ie'ou basic only 10 visit, the ware-rocnnii of the Pekin
1 tea Colupany,„7s an I,77Fultimi,st..lll. - ibtaitiliii de.
licions •and fragrant te s as you t rould Wjeb.tor•- 116 -
• •._ d . - frag rant , .
7 ; Sun:: - 2 • . ' T. ; ..., '
, , A re';iird to Tea Drilters. titt.PelOn Tea`Com
l '
parry, 75 and 77 Finti n-st , : have .iriworted.into thu
1 inark.ct :nomenne hundred tlioheanddrilbers worth si
, the fine St. grades of Green and Itlack..Teist growaiii
' the'Celdidial'Empire, isonerop ' 4 i . r all thd various fair
pact:vies thatt'hinese inteninty eau invent: It iii
tpriedeqe to tiny teas .at this greakestahlishmrni; a n d
luxury nnd comfort tit•driiik them.: - They yell - pouf
Teas oar, arid retail t 'coy at wliolesale , prices. Cour,
ry in . ..t..ifiunes who wiilf to always self pied V 3.01211
A tsrii4,ofairi the.n 'all! thi4 place, on riy.vrolable Icon
ly,The above TEA sam fur salety , ,, ‘:
I L. 51. REXFORD, '• : - ; ; s:,.=
Spin A 24:,ii . t par,Broomo Colony,.
' :.11i nibi,tOt oft, l'itay S,' 184.7 r .'" • No: i 5 6.,,,„
----- T , ,
Spei ;! e.- ,; 17 4 .5::11 i 'Oil for Iq7.
ri ROW N —71.-4 1 inches high. 4,16 yeoman,
`e) -,'hell' lit side. 4 1-16' front t e nd rear, 1-4
curve,; ; ! TlP—ii . nail, fl:rt. - Bet —li . inched
I will - -(Vctrit'und _relit, nod- 1 9-1, 6 - At *sides.-
i Ettrottso-*-4,4 of a nlioeti wide.
1,..T04 , ,,k4keTv_e ilew i, style, introlture4 in . N...‘
Yoric.9lo 2 B4turtlay,,piarch Gth,,Beette & Ca
tar; renir l tind tor-Ka le,-by
.April _B,- .. . 1. MDRRILI.4 di .11001'.
' --• .1 - ' - DRAIPT GOODS.
,A GREAT N'a 6e-oil 'of la cts"l3,,lrreti Anti mire
.La. - AltiSiins, . lasi Linens; Jneonens. ect. at
~.--00 , • , Tykrs.
• 7~.Ftsf
'r: ~.. ..
rtts?J earbs.
• - .
. ' -' ' . I ''''' - 01 . 111X . .'&7, ''S.IITErtS, •
. 1
.Physi,dpmrs.&/..*tir ' ortsi..lithe,shorn. Ai. Or.
'flee 'of the fl rAt ..!unteit ih the firm, ever the
— P,ntefife er's Dine of ',the' latter at his re,-.:.
E. N:
Dour" R:" 'T.TIAYER
''.' MANI .. AND U.R(lEON=Dfrldati_alil
. .. ..
. d.we 4 lit4tniid I+use:east of the Cotirt Hew
~7 . %Vi1l heist florae Saturdays of each Week,.
iiiketii.'he sr fll be t , happy In ivait tipett All lhoi
. whci, may 'favor ie, with a call.
I : -Affcttruse i ltlay 1847.-
, .
'Attorney Low,
uritoiti6' § lree
Pius removed bis:Officem
one door gp i st- of B.•T.
il Iheee door* '.West, °l as
- . •
doet aitzDentiat
`‘Kirk, warranted
, orb 11, • cia,day and
V. SALM, -
Teth 'On 'Gold Plate sal
, work . in tlie•l*tiiyle. MI
! Coil fie foundtat - L Searles,
ITuesdar Of each . week.
u , ht
e ' fi Fit;'try - G
Vol Judge Pos.
'&'.sirgitimix • •
ode. Grocories,:liard,Wine.
§s. --One doo
utio, Gib4iiites, liarlY4rts
41. e,
'kt is I
toe* tells
:4 1 0'0<ria
• 75
1 00
4 . 00
1..00 ,
Aciunir icd
0181 P
Ake ,itt the
144 4 11 . Drum
itro, Crick,
Ip atc,
Old oriklai