Northern democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1844-1848, October 21, 1847, Image 2

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    MOtte,Ci Thoirstay, Oct. 2N so..
I ' 1 Tilie - • : RESULT - ' '-, R 1 :
~ , ... '
it is with feelin gs' of übminglf4Ads'.anti
pleasure thetwe are this day enabled tie reeoii,
one of the i4st brilliant Democratic triumphs"
over Federatism and its allies andadjuncts* l
'the the people ef the good old Keys4ne hovel
eve a l e ir h s ie ti v o l i :n e ce oia t ti h e e nc - tht e ys in of th e th i e n :::::
Jac on: ItIS a 'victory; in fact, notwiihstand ,
, patrioth, of the masSes; ihos - e verdict it
hicill We i)ittle anticipated abd for Which we
__tinot preOared. Wo expected aviitory for
our 1 principliii— , a decisive . victory-1 ot not
Imaa tatalOxterminatinvout as has befal.
lea ederalifin.
'I regardAtherefore, to the issues which were
oho nby oviii: opponeits there- can be iio doubt,
oft e verdicii What those issues Wel'e is- e lf -1
ery here k4wn. they were the ;war, and a l
protective Tififf. The .Federaliste ma lethese
the issuesa4we accepted them, and' triumphed
with them. Theie is no disguising t4ir posih
tin - upon thili Point. The 'combined jFederal
pre s s of the fltate, from: the omenla'r Nort h
American down through all gradations - if news
paper irrespiinsibility, to-the smallest 4wers of
filth; slander „toad falsehood, emblazoned these
as their leadik issues, and labored With'ill
theit might, itrategy, and corruiptimr,ito :sec
t:teed by thmil. The purses and pasSions of
the people were appealed to in strains of al
most superixi man eloiplence and pathos, the
war was grosiily caricatured, its objet studi-;
only concealed - or else shamefully misrepre. r l
'sent d, its cot greatly exaggerated, 'and the
b /
dove i n dent ealumn - iated and abused-i-all im
part triumph:, for a lap at, the spoils 0 office
in vain; The people accepted their is
suestad ren4red their verdict. They!refused
tolls n to t4ir tory appeals or dommote their
country's ho4r for the disgrace Voudhsafed by
Foie lism. = They shirked none of the Yes-
ponsi ilities of their position, but manfUlly and
gall tly•we4 forth to the charge. : The cry
of " ariff fraftd" they heeded not, hut elo
quently rebuild those Who courted their ven
eratien for thequite putrescent carcase i)f "pro- ,
tectien," and It.aught them a lesson they will
mg '
Ctheni;so far as Petansylvania is eon
tbesoi questions, are settled-forever
• We *ere once sadly in the Vocative
he effect . of Federal Tariff-panic, but fear
nore. r'e have regained our lost posi
nd morn with it. We were tast4ed with'
beeausii of the change from a piotective
venue Volley ; we were challenged to
hat as A issue, and Shrink as- our stand
. .
er, b y; tbo l
Federal organ of this place
jve done both, and how do we sand 2L
-1 ':
ly 18,000 majority for Snug i s, with
two tone members of the Legislature,
'is appalled, overwhelmed, disheartened ?
. i
r aettll
it no
to a
We hail
°porting Voters.
Th = lasit 4gister, in its effort to elt;ense
tern a tbrastiMg its party had just 'received
in thkseenntyglook occasion to vent a moiety
of its spleen upon the Democrats of Sping lle
whom it coolly . and impudently charged with
having "imptirted voters from another COM..
ty" to eat doWn the Federal majority. 'What
"othei countyy is intended we know not, unless
it is Wyomini. this is the one, Vve
beg td know mere the
.Democrats of Ilia oun
ty "fitiporteditheir voters from change
their ininoritkofsorne one hun.. to a. •ina
jorityiof !marl} two •hundred ? f.tutt 'perhaps \
our nighbor 601 not received the returns from
that County when the paragraph - *as Written.
Seriously,' t invever, how starlit the:- facts in
this alleged ii!portatioa and fraud'? Is there
any' truth in tbe charge We have t.llFen con
siderable paini to ascertain, and are 44 en
thcciaed by tli:e Democratiof sprin ! :.Eille
may thcreit that the• whole. stay is a
abeer t fabricatiim on the part of some I { one who
liesshc i axed of kind neighbor, therewith. Oh
the contrary ley assure - us that the: Whigs
didopoil asva 73.1. TOTES which 'were palpably
and shameful il legal, and that arming them
tearlnte sae 1 WiOMING Cotsvt, which was
sniped in in tbe morning, and the dividual
inunediatelyejivrted in the stage to YOMing
probably there" o exercise the rights) f sufri,
.rage again. Theie-we are certified .1 Mani
responsible meb; are which are wellknown
iii,47.ngville,!and which defy .succes4ful ton
tradic,n. Admits might be giverk(if neces
nary, Int presuming our neighborls Aware ere
this tbehoak that has been Played Of Up
wil Urn, and the will , take the esrPest op-
Ortunity to..cikreet it,. they are withheld for
thaprtsent., t • •
=Tim COe Show suil Aix of lie Agri_
Soeieti of Boguelams County, -took
pLoe . this V .i..AV I / 1 11 10 3 t ciat
dal ii*s!,,Mreliave not roo*fOr_an3fdeoprip
tigni t**l3,4 uport Will be
giuenSlekostit t # our next.
f I
„ , :ix Birsis.--Tjle N: a zitßatria,' ,
*B ,” ispiri:o6thich no Teas* taw be
placedl publhas * stilasedlo the +it thet
iti64 adou4oo4l)TsOlike#',l,‘,llli#if
dr ''
IY o .l** l o l lhOwmcOfblor,
that *ts AhOut;'haft retunra 'fr'l
p#thilimdistebeiftwodistemk4 l
el M 4 "Mei Gem . 8 4 it4'144 re - tiie4*
Me: The Achill eveor witiitts '' 'eirictl' t'ed.
1 -
, ,
'i, . sf‘seur Grapesm—Am , ~.
f-..-,KllY ,, lri-412i4inniefouritirmtar; - . ,,imieli.
the iiing",laitA4.o7 # s l.*_oo' ! l4."eT
Pm:: ' overthieiy,.Of toOentlkimid, i State
On iiitues,vn :ioile ~.: F•• f ' i„ .
.. , ~i,. 1 .-, ,,. i - . ~.., 1-,
pzirisibvik , 'havintoome ovei, us in
s to4tA g t ye s iii so pears to have go iback
a ga i n i t e !in oth,—* least, out! ießor I, look 1
ilki titt:: i T*o ; elegant Nativel party *Lis
• t.;• )la 4ffleiii tbeil,eMiie Olio whiet net/al
ly de4lifeionifie. RiniFtOolitiofiiiits."' Veil
lotliellirdt Niitilifigwal o depiadini so far as'
Nationial, 14_41. ;tie irgarde&: and, !thou g h
irezdeelAY-TeStOithi]defeatolso - goOd a Wing
as James Irvin,ire shall see th 4 the aseeridan
rop of therW t hig:pause does not :depend I on a
State naturally siverse to us as •PennsYlca
nia., t . It
.Antitlet It wit-scarcely be'oredited, Ithough ;
it is truth, that the same paper on the 1 day
prav,io s . to. the election in an article headed .A
vtord, , t , yeznisYlvaniti,' exilaimii, with great,
' , ernphais •: "Punsylvania; ! the :Union loo t hs L
itaaiOUSly 'to yoU I. Shall the hopes yo have ;
authorized be blasted? 1
Thciaffected Sang froid of the Tribune re
-1 .
rianids ;us .
Very fqreibly of. the story we :have'
often card 'of the boy and the •rabbi, , with
which . ;Urreadec r a are no doubt all familiF.--;
' gaol! , ;aa the Tribune-man has any Dope of
Penns lvania, she is of great t importance in the,
Oyer o "the Union," but the moment she' -Iris- `
appoints those - falsely "authorfied hope's"' then,
s!le is f)f no col)Sequence whatever. !Mack !
The rabbit, was fat j iind nice, and would , Make'
a charrbing "soup" while in the boy's arms, but
the ' mein enthe Nies on terra firma,scudding off,'
`it was h "confounded mean thing and would,l
'take more butter to cook it than it was WOrth."!
A correspondent of the N. Y. Tribtihe, on
the ruotniag after the election, says ' "Our
State appears VII have taken 'in eceentriccourse
yester4ty in reference to its election, 'and the
unexpeCted gains for Shank astound 'equally
l.his Apporters mid opponents. Just as our et
ty pa l closed there came a heavy shower and
freventidthe reCeipt of returns until three or
fbur in morning, and such returns! It
seemed MLactuahrain of Lcco votes, and Ido
not beli l eve t6re is a man in our State can tell
where they coind from.
-All the figs es received are disastrous,to the
,Whig Loco-Foco counties increase
their i majorities, and Whig counties fall off.—
it is Ucit longer a question who will be elected,
but how' large §hutik's majority will be. The
retains "Ure still
incomplete, as the aeluge last
cvenlimpompletely knocked up all express ar
Datuage to our State Works.
We Agret to find our apprehensi4is of hit
•eek in,lregard to the damage to some portions
sf Our 4.ato Canals, jy, the
,late fr i eshet,_ but
do welllfetind The Pennsylvanian of Mon
day sayi, it is informed .:that it will be almost
inposi4 to repair the Juniata canal the pres
,nt seaspn—while the W. Branch divisiOn, it
thought, can be rendered navigable in two
or thre4weeks. ' The. North Branch, we learn,
sus sustained no injury. The PennsylVania
Canal, between narrisburg tud Columbia, is
also somewhat injured, and ta Tidewater ea- ,
„„ 3 • • . . LULU condition.--
se pUblic works west of the mountains, have
4ufferedess, however, than was at first, appre
ended, And can soon be put in- good oilier
he Po#a'' ge Railmadi though injured consid
, -rahly on the mountain, is still so far used as
o pass, the passengers by the packet Wats ;
ruoi l between thelinjured parts. •
•; One 4.entleuran, who • recently passed along .
he Juni, , informs ns that he did not "think
he d ge so serionS as 4resented, and that
-w weeks active work would open the navi
gation, Illut then winter, will be upon. us.",
!The Next Legislature, •
We are pleased to announce, will be largely
Democr4tic. The Senate is composed of-33
membe4 11 elected eaeli year—this year 12,
(me to tap a vacancy. Ai, Democrats have
tainea no losses, but lave gained two mem
bers which will give them within one of a
joritylin that body, or 16 t 617. The House
of Reprellentatives is conceded by the N9rth,
Americo to stand i 5 Democrats to 35 Fed
explist4almo4 two to one, and nearly the re
verse ofiast,year. That was a glorious "stern"
far the !people' of Pennsylvanii . on Tuesday
week . ,
Liti.tes "Home Popularity: l '
The Subjoined table of the majoritiei for
Shrink Cent f re county, the home of tho re
doubtabl'e ilrvie, in 1844 and t, will show most
„bparitifni,li the ; character and extent of his ;ex
cessive lloine.popularity," which was so rthich
vaunted beforeithe election
ShunlrSimajl:in . '44, 598
" ' 47, - ‘OO
4kirt4r comment is needless. 'A gain for,
hritilriater his majority three years a.go; of
upwards tiof 100 1 ,, in the very region of Irvin's
"untionaded pOpularity," and despite thelin
,atitl appliances of his immense wealth, l
. po varidslr to imale it sigriifieant. A
little , more of 'such [inverse] ; popularity would
mike a gal finish oldie so-called universal
*liie-"Orty in Ile I,i.eystone.
1 1 ' 4 ' Judge tii *Cs rCtil ' Elecie4Ll •
i . _ ; 4 I - -', - - -
II r . 7 4 have iiHat mison to eongnttulete 4he.
people ofjlE'etinOltr*tut that - ~our : popelei t ij u i.:•
#iilate fai i T2the - 1016te:1 1 . of 'Caner Ccimissioeei,
4140* has.. been elected by - a.
I *o# iit: sl, 13e4 0:05': lt '! 1 0 ' 4*-. P/a4 .9 6 1 7 :-
1 iilileiiii'eq ' This 14414reif' AB ... tk , majority ofitbe
1 0404 , M04.,beigidei the . services. of o ne - 9ttthe *
- 1. - - - .lL.. t ' ',
d , 6iti- teen in 'the - Stittet •
r#4 1 0% -. P 4 7 i l . IP . ?!T ,
. .../ . .-..-:- . : :.: - . ...:// , , r .i/;
7.5!.. 77 17,7 ~.--_;-
~ : ', .. --,
.7 . ,i ! ...1- t .. -- f.•
• :.i***lf o Ok i FPgli'Falnf - ' 14 F3 4 - r
tl.:—.- ''oili*l'iihwitiOsCD4iiiiiciititili4dieti
01441444:41411iiiagi iiiiiiiii*oi:....l::" .
,-I:.;. v p.,. f vp. ~,..:: , 4 ~, .., ~.. ...,,,:.:,;,4,,,,
:..:q - 1 . , , , ,,i. - - 17 ,14 - • -,:- . 1 , v
. 1 _
.Fe4,lleral Version.
is C,oomui t to your poles,
i : - iiiii,g/Elo*Sr
, - ;.
SIIITNIVS majority, 1%000 I I
Derriseratlir gun for alerekberti'Ate
We &vie met the enemy and they are
is a glorious, motto, literally true as
.r4Oards the result of the late election. Nobly
aid gallantly have the Deniocratio hosts of
liiinnsykania come up tp their duty, and visit
c4 overwhelming defeat upon their political
";enemies," the Federalists, Upon the issues'
inide tip and presented by themselves, on a,
lOorable day to both parties, they' have been
bOelesaly defeated. All their anti-war and'
"IP.otection" weapons haie-availed. %them no
tiAng. They fall beneath the blows of an uni
te 4 and indignant Democracy, who aro aroused
altheir opposition to the country's, war, and at
*le attempts to deceive and humbug the peo
p4.- This is thd only excuse they can make,
ay.' the only one they will not maki.
irrhe following are all the majorities that have
ro4ched us up' to this time :
Cqunties, Shank's maj. Irvin's maj.
Adams, 3SB
Atiegheny, 1310
AOstrong, 400
Bdaver, 60
B&Its, 4731
Ntiford, 253
Blair; 601
G l tlpene, .
L reom
Philad. City,,
Su livan,'
.Bnumr.'s majority thus far 17,765.
The State is divided info 59 counties and 1
, Philadelphia, which is returned as a coun
t}', o# which 3 remain to be heard from.
,OlRclal Returns for Senator.
Streeter. Richards. Little
Saliquebanna, 2252 1448 59
Wape, - 1196 735
Wioming, 795 650
4243 . 2833 • 59
Streeter's majority 1410.
R epresentative Official Returns.
Taggart. Little. McKinney
• -
Surtrinehanna, 2319 2287:1_ 45
Wlntaing, 793 823 ' 10 ,
; - I - 3112 3110 55
','' - Cassady. Edwards. Kinney
Suihitehanna, 1450• 1439 42
Wy*ing, 621 632 'lO
2071 2071 .52
1,-aggart's maj, 1041; tittle's, 1039:
par The Register attributes the rout and
vanquishment of Federalism in Maryland to
thejimportation of voters."Woofler if that
wasmot what defeated c tha perty in Pennsyl
lanfa - .
i‘I4SOI3GIA ELlCtlON.—Returns from tbe'en
inOtate have been received, and Towni t 6
deuveratic candidate for Governor, bail been
eleOfed ,by a majority of about, 1600. The
*big" have , ,al,jo - rity of not leas than time,
andil ptobably five in the Senate, andstwo in •
iiiiiip*se,:utakiiig a majority of at least seven'
11,40 mt 'ballot-61nm, aecunng two United
to Senators. • •
• ,•
0 I NT I M. ent!aisiosr.--.lthe steluners lowa and
e lra
E. 14 ' *in came_ in collision on the Mississippi
au : ' 40ft - inst., sinking tlie,lnara to ker , bur.
4 : . , 3 ; si l ec k. Three or - four deck passengers
nii, V)yrff.wer*.drowned, mut 11 , , Clunteer, on
i,hocebiratiOlk : was killed by.' splinteri aces
-01940:1Y the concussion , of the two: boats.
/ 11 111 . iwOl ida,k 3 a. total km.. Her niails-and
,tlie 'l .04in ftirniipre were. tweed.
. i
~,t>~y it T~ i';-:
'fr26 t
1535 s
4 Fro, tbo ;Ankast'er ft‘teingencer. '
.proved- ito hie: a blesdag. to
ree Fartlieif, Mechanic mid' Lloa+
r -
the toVowirig letter, front the Hon.Boutririt
Bu an, the diStingniShed Conimissioner,_of the
Pa nt Office 4. 'Washington, and .one .of tha
mo t able an ii prefoind - tlakera of the day . ,
, t
will berefid with greatlntereskin! the present
s, by the hard-wcirking and intelligent far.
me anti M
anechanics of PeppOlvania. This in/
vaillai;le dqpikent, showing; as it does, the tri
un3oant I.esults of the reviled Tariff of 1846,
wasteucatt i
i!. by. ii letter from Colonel SAMUEL C.
C. STABIII, Vol; long and well=knoWn as a lead.
ing Dem4rat Of this State, and now as hereto
fore' a cit' en of Pennsylvania . ;It is, in all re..
. :.
spects, a ocument full of extraordinary i - nter.
est, and We hire all good reason to thank Col.
STAISIIAII,Ini for his e,t ertions in inducing its
able. and (jlear-ininded author to - put his ideas
to paper. • .
Mr. Blaxs, the anthcrof the letter Which
we subjoin, is well-knowaas the author of the
masterly 4rgumerit against the -Tariff of 1842,
so warmly approved by the Democrats, and so
injudiciously and vainly assailed by the Feder
i alists. riis objectionilo that favorite federal
measure, as all can now .perceive, have been
(powerfully sustained, 'but 'in nothing so much,
as in the iriumphant• success of the Tariff of
1 1846, whibh is mainly constructed upon the
great prineiple , of eqnality and fair dealing, so { '
I deliberately violated in the Tariff of 1842. I
To every son of toil, Mr. IiCUKE'S letter is
deeply inleresting. To every farmer—to ev
ery mechanic -4o every laborer, it is a proud l
proof that. the Tariff of 1846, so far from cov
ering the land with ruin, as predicted by the'
present enemies of the Democratic party, is a
measure calculated to, dispense blessings and 1
benefits upon the whole Union. lie gives the!
facts and the figures. lle, shows how superior!
it is, in all respects, to all the other Tariffs that I
have preceded it. Ile shows how it has aided!
the farmer, by opening to him the .markets of
the world, .and how it 'is aiding all classes of in
dustry. Read his unanswerable statement for
yourselvesl and then dare Federalism Co deny
WAsitiNing:g, Sept. 23, IS-17
Dear Sir:—Agreeably to your request, made
tome when you 'were in this city a few days
since, I proceed' to give you some facts illustra
tiVe of thej operation of the Tariff of MO.
You are aWare that Rut Very partial and im
perfect returns have lieen received of the trade
and commerce of the Vnioti, since the last 're
port of thcj Register of. the Treasury has been
published,!and dinee tbe close of the last COM
mercial year, which is:considered by merchants
to end the last day of August of each- year.
But such returns as have been received afford
the most gratifying results,
1, will endeavor
_to give you a view of the
eommercial.operatiums of the last year, particu
larly with rieference totheir connection with the
agricultural interests of the country ; although
1 must pren'iise, in the outset, that neither my
time nor the general returns which . 1-have been
so fortunate as to obtain, Will permit rue to go
much into detail. . .
1 will first give you, in contrast, the returns
of,' 1 •••• otp4rt trade for the Port of New York;
(those: t4."r.,," s it Laving
bean receiVed,) for the first eight months of the
years 1647, lwlli, and, .1.47 They are ;as
follows :
1845. • 1846. 3847.!
January, $1,467,955: $2,100,8.44 $3,118,K5
February, ! 1,830,635' 1,0-5,845 3,464,069
March ; 2,31;7,'_'0:_' 1,651,817 3,903,t )09
April,l-2,4 - 59,0.53' 2,399,181 3,6(30;116
May, i 3,779,689 1,823,508", 3.901,F , 61
June, 13,131,745 4:062,249 7,120,960
July, 1 2,103,593 3,038,532 • 6,809,671
August, 2,356,362- 2,621,03" 4 4,979,10
Total, 18,427,14.1 20,453,314 37,157,599
Excess. of 4xpor,ts the first 8 months. of 1847
over exp4ts of said period in 1846, $lO,-
Excess of exports for Fame period over exports
• in ,1845,1518,t30,455 !
The Tariff 0f,1846 went into operation Dec.
1, 1846, cOusequently the: exports from New
York for the period above mentioned of the
present year, were under the existing tariff.
The exportb for the years 1845 and 1846, were
under the ariff of 1842.
The 'who amount of the exports from the
IPort of Ne I •
In 143 was: $20,558,416
• ` " 11'44 " • 28,536.739
1'45 r •• 29.112664 • • ,
. " 1846 ; " . 34,938,542
Thus thel exports from ;the Port of New
York during .thofirat *ton! mnxfits of 1547;
exceeded, b tniitions,ithe\ WHOLE- AMOUNT of
the opoptsl for • the years;:lB43, 1844, 1845
and 1846 ! . And all, this I has been, done da
ring a pericid irr-whichlthere was toilm, accord
ing to the prophets of Vederalism, unexampled
ruin and diStress• brought upon the •suffering
country by I the Tariff of 1846! But I have
not yet done, I come now to the exportation
of breadstuff. •
' It appeatts frota tbe;returns of,thecommer
cial year ending August 31st, 1847, that - the
following tpiantities of Flonr, Wheat and other
grains during that ; Year , exp.orte,d from
the linited.l3tattis, viz: I • ,
I 1847. lB4O. i
Flour, bills. 3,150,89 2,899,470
Corn me 1, do. .847,280 - 298,790
Wheat, 4usli. ' 4 ; 014,1134'• 1,613,795 .
Indian Corn, do 17;298,744 1,826,068!
Rye, 4c, 1 i. . . 8f3,01 . . ,
Opts, doi !• - 1 4364.1;81 *1.000,000'
Birley, : '289, )
I: The,qu ntity of rye, o
poR d it(l 6, riot being
commerce, havrinstimate
one Million f hinibelli, lwhiel
the amount.'::::lll 2 , 1
' Reducing the *mita bug
lowing five the barrel, er
allowmg.thr e t4-ithe Barrel,
lum4eridf ui:Op exilortec
ending An et 37at,1847,1i
Number bu allele ,expor
• 1846,during the fLseal
ending unei 30, ~ i
. 1
.Ei est; lui the taLint of tl,
rt4i• 18_#T . , ovei. 010
' - f the' eport,s of 1846 ,
L'... , .
It ap
the T
Ex ess, " - -- .. 13,166,
Th s the Tariff_ of 1546 'has: Fla . ' lneed
!wen e, during the first - ninemontNs of its
eratio., commencing Dee. 1E34 184 q, than
piOdu dby the'Tariff4 1844, deritlig the E .,
perio I commencing Deb. Ist,{ 1841 .
Th. average rate of duties4mOthe T
of 18 0 , reduced to the ad Italoreffi stan
was 31 4101:1 per centi Under . the Tari
1846, the overage rate is 2:6 -215i:PD . .-pe
Ther. ore, to give dm great increase of rev
Oboe. stated, under a ditninisherlrnte of do
the it ports inta' the country 1114.1.41' hale
il „
creak d osE-Taian -a1 least;!' Thus has
coma rcial business of the countryl been v
ly inceased in both its branches of,export
impor , under the beneficent 'o.pera'tion of
Tari of 1846.. This is another it
fl i
for se Bible people to pander upon,' and par
nlarly l i the advocates olthe Tariff 41 1 , .'q. 4 .,
king iHer grauted- that they ace siasibk f
pie. 1 ' • . . , .
• 141 now proceed 411 Simi+ that while tl
has b(ien no decrease, 4 lore has 'Veer-ally l
the sane improvements in re and 4 prices
well of Coat-and Ittox, i as•ofi.roatiets of a
culture. It wilf:be'recollected thqi, Coal
Iron *ere not 14 appear aboee grotind dui
the oPeration - of 'the Tariff of IS-Illif the :
voeatcis of high protectis 9' duties Mere te.
lichee4l. I contrast the prices of 'certain,
ricultfl ,
ral productsin the markets off New iV
duriug the years 0f 1 18 , 14and•1847 In 14.
the Tiriff of 1842 banCen two tears in':
eratioit :
. i ,
PriCell in '44. Prlii•eq in .4'
~ ; $5,25 111=,25
3,25 ;: 8,25
Pork mess, 8,50 ,111,50"
" , prime,, 6, 12 1- 0 . 11,.2.5
- ,
llog's[ lard, , 06 ''' 10'
Butt e ''--prirne, ' 13 " 191,
ordinary,9 1- 1 . 41'
Clicese--American, --- 41- , 2 71!
Ilainsi-- smoked, 5 4 9,,]
Flon7}--(;enesee, per bbl. 4,50 • i i 5,75
.. 1 i Ohio, ' - 4,37 1- 2 j 5,37 U
" 1 pal tinuiro, 4,76 . 5,51 1
Alexandria, 4,75 ' j 5 ...7
;Eye ItIou;., per litl ' 3,00 ~, 4,00 i
Corn,,leal,- " ' a , 2,00' '? 3,25,4
' Graiii-Wheat, per hubh. 96. ' 4 i 1,•25. ,
Eye " - G 7 74
i Corn-Northern "50 'i
63 1
1 Southera, "17 '1 62
I 517,4, $42, 111
The prices for 1844, I have c , lpihd from,
Jour al of Commerce, a Federal r4per, anal
1 eoursd good authority, for that palty. '.lifel,
- are die prices quoted on the 7th (If June, of
that 3-,ear. The prices of 1547 areLthe lowest'
trholeiale prices of the same artielesiin the,,'ew
York L'ilarket, and are enidetl frail]. the ,Aetz ,
' York I:Shipping and Commercial List, dated ,
the '1 tli inst. And what -6 these ,factS and
figures, whieli cannot lie, prove to the Farmers
iof OW country? They prove thigl! that 'the
ag! . *reate prices of the- agricidturall products
aboveinamed, were, on the 18,th of "this month,
la 14tmore than nine months afteg the 'ariff
of 18,46 went into operation. nearlyioNE pc's-
DRED IPER CENT L higher aftit they were' in
1844'about two 1 years after, the' Tafiff of 1'42
, - - ~
I went niVa operation.
Bul have not yet dope with Pries.. I re
. ,
beforef, me the National.ltitelltge4er, qa ed
Sept. I',l, 1847, containing a reviewt . the.. eiv
York lour Market, for, the. Commercial yar
endini Aug. 314, 1847 : copied from the N
Y. oomercie-XdrerAzsir, a leadipg Fed, a
phper,ipublished f in -that city': Th,§ follow ng
are thii lowest and highest prices, dr Oono:ee
Flour For, each Month
.during that y;ear :
~- .
qr. UNDER ICARIFP OF 1042. .;
184 '.
.14Rest price.: Iliiiiest irrt
r r
I :er,
Octoh r, ‘ ' .5,50 ; . 6:25
UNDER\ ' 7 :Alt o r o r; l'4 :"'
`oven ber, • i 5,25 ' 6J25 ' '
$ 1 5 84 ' , 0 6 6 . 14'
.5;00 .:: . 5156 14
I :January. ' 5,50 ' ' 700 ;
February, F,87 1-2 7175
Maivh,, - . 6;87 1-2 , 700
April, (light stk ' _ - . , •
021 hank 1,75' i • 800.. , •
May,' 7,62 1-2 -' siBl I.g
June,. 0 6,93 34 9- r :so
" July, , - 5,121-2 6,50
" 'AUgust,, • 5,00 ' coo ,
The table shows the range of prices Mk' t le
laSt, nil e months to be_froni TIVENWY.-E - k i l
to nea ly ONE ;'lltiN,PEEl)' FEE. ,op f . T
higher than they were An the three
.40108 14
the s:, e commercial year,) dliring 'which - ,t
'Tariff f 1842, was, in operation. , I , ' : 1 :
' .I wi now takO tip the article • .0,0,1144,
I bare efore'rfie the Banke.ts' 11 7 1 ee4fy
_Oirc 7
lali, po lisped in the city cot New 'lltrit irt, 0 -,
toiler,. 845, 4 thre. Years,' aftil. c tlieliTttrilf if
1842 e4into force t . mid t also : ii4voVoro 0
inel the I ry. Goods-Reporter; a'i'rs l id e
same el i; dated' sept; 110,84 . 1,'.. Jt 6i ih q ,;)
twlrpn licatins;Teetiy: tlielelleithilirgep if
..4,: . , ~.. ...,„., ,•,. _
„! • ~Tricei in Qat...,lPiteihi hi:Siiii)
“ • ; i' l ',. ; ',. ,1..545-'. 1 2 ' ,! - '',i
'Amer. ~ asony, PerlbAat4 . 3B s' pi ',40144 c i
42 - full blootl, 31 . 0- '. 'q .':-
"; - 'lltino, "' r.'' 1;.;i35, - atii - ',Bll,o_4(ye
.., 1,1 1 4 & 34- i f, -2 9f402' . 4: . 32:tirt: e'
1 - .N4ivel'4'4'' 2 - 1,6 ter ',6t,,i' , 2S to - 40 ti ;
'This; have the' , '''"" of' Wel bear iiitian
Apd,' on r the geohtt ,t•4 - pithitlo:7 . lopero4k . i:
ief the ' • of 184 q; wypi'reit?..i . 9:447 clitjtj)9
t rut tl'h o i h l eii 42 tht . tti hi.i -.w... ercili#:,lBlos:l46l4;4ll_.
1 -I' 1- , _ , -:i ,-
• Al . t .. inlea.
Beef Incas,
" prime,
1 4 46
ts, and barley ex
yen in the tables - of
tbe :aggregate 'ati
probably exceeds
els of wheat, 'al
(11 6 . 13 *orn nwal,•
white aggregate
durin,,A• the year,
ed in
'it Appcays „thaktlmiiians4,ol,l6,
I d other kinds - of grain, the PROINII
! : FARMER;..7cti . liii , „: l o ,47 io:xi
.antitY of tie tut e kinds 01 aiii 34 l l -P
1846, - 7'llearl WEN . -skA..
1 1 1
TONS' OF. 13_ R
,1 8 lt i AMI
'the same: expo a 113:1847 czcied
: ofthOse 0f 1846 1- biltlie itu!of • :
3 b.,: IeLLIONSIOF 00144.1151,1 1
t kind of RITIN is this, liChkeh m ore:
1 s our expitrts • o ' .. gtriiitiln o ye4ri '
Inwri-six MIL lONS pp DO Ant - .
national 'I/ea/Wand *Tit fr,'
5 the sionc - kind: f pkodtiOco 4 :...the - ...
' With such facts staring them in'
1 o the FARMERS'Of fhiSccrunti t y deli
back to the PttontOrotell Tart/ .
Rut this is no all. 1.
Tariff of 1846 has pindnce the s i
y effects ill;OD the revenue otthe Ilan ,
cars from it statement df the `ll.egiste
casnry, recently !published; ,at 6
of revenue-collected from cuitome,,
st, 1840, to Aug. 31st; :184i the pe
he 184 - 6 went intiii opera()
1 - * , •,:- , -,- '- $22,961,
ue collected during the same I!
iths in /846 andl(B46, under 1,
Tariff 'of 1842, is, .i. i
- i 9,79,6, -
- 4,---
.9. -. .. , --- - „...b.1'1,? , .,-1 -- ,-;:..qifi .
184‘ , 844,- , i, p ee /co
$100.1„1847, Sept.:lBlter ton $l4O to $15 4).
~ ...Pnteit)s OP COTTON.7.Neworleanst:fair,lB44,
per lb, 1 7 ,2 cts. 1847,; Sept 18,
.nr lb. 12 . 3-4 o'l3
L 1
Sept._ per Ib. 7 cis. '1847, sept. 18, 71 72
emits. `.
Sept; 7, per, lb. 6. cents.' _ 1747, Sept. 18, p e rt
lb. 74.2 cents.
PnresS OF Linn, 4mer..Pig. Do. /tol/ei,
1844, Sept 7, per ton, $30,00 $80,4,
1847, Sept. 18,, do. 35,00 85,4
PRICES of Coar , -Anthracite : 1844, S ett
7, per ton $5,50:' 1847, per $5,50:
the prices of 1844,. :have copied fro x
" Hunt'ii'Merekint's 3 , lagiaiiher tel. 12,.
468 and.o; an .that fdr.,1847,..fr0nt the hew'
York Shipping List. Theyprore, conclusive.
iy, the- Oferalfarf of 471 . advance in prizes
oai of
all the
.aitielOs rile* =o,4ptildtb:racite a,
whichr4zalus:' The Same geo. •
al fact appears statement rf
the Cinertuiati Ohinnlief of. Commerce, fort,
year - ending Sept;. 1114 which
havereme. It appears from that Repo.,
very drawn up by A.
_Peabody, E N . g .
that city,. that, at the conrentiment of
year, the current ratesiof flour per .111.1 r ot
$2 88 to - $2 90: . in; June they ranged asi
high as - 's6 50 to $6 65 and at the end of
the yearr; Sept. Ist, they ranged at 04 and $.l
55. ,
- A:inote - ifeady and permanent adirancetnert
' of
prices is visible in't he staple article of lard
—the first•qUality of Mtge() as Who ,
[since the•,,tiea-tariff went, into effect, viz :
Price sit LAIID, as 1, per lb., ,
14.16, Dee. Ist, 5 1-2 ets. to 6 cit.
1847. 'January, Ist, 6
February Ist, 7 1-2 8
March Ist, - 7 3-4 , s
April Ist, 81-4
' Alas Ist. • 812 ,
Jimedst,„ • ; 81-3
•Jnly.lst, - ,8 3-4 9
'August -Ist, 9 91-4
September ISt, 99 .10 ; , 114
t;or liav the INIANUFA p•run Rs sok!.
ed Porkthh operation of thtrariffZ,f
the follotiiit g quotations fro the Ne Teri
Prices Chr eat fully prove:
Anna f 1844
Brown c6t on flannels, Ha-
, st
37 u,cli lino.
din ittva
27 do. silt:
Ils, per yard, 11 1-4 ets.
11 sheeting, In-_ ,
4 7
Inc prints,
It would'
fined undOr,
as their
eral presA
The h 4,
have beet,t,
the ye-arsq
seem from !the above th 4 the man
apitalists, have not been quit! ra
te operations of the !feral' of Nti,
d friends id Congress, and the itr:-
enerally, predicted they would
ble, but equally worthy operatives'
like fortunate, as. will iippear by a
of the average wages, per week; far
44 and :
Waga off,
males, (clear
I) " • .$l;7
nef - briefly - recapitulate, 'the trim.
,legoug resUlts of the Tat,ilt of I
e established by facts and Eger&
lot be shaken, • because they are
1- the most authentic uourCes., They
44 7 bow*
Non' let
pliant and,
which I Oa)
which 41
drawn fn I •
are: 4 • I!
. Ist. .4'l
port of Ni'?
of the pr&
CENT, O 1 !E
round nuni,
of aibth
ring th . e.,.*e
in IF-16,
increase of the exports from t!.e
York, daring the 4st, , eight 11191:(4
At year, is , the ratio .of PEL
ers oreritkase of the corri.nundirz
nerose in. the number .clbushe.';
erted-froin the tpit< d States, (k
-m Ik7, over the. numher.exportd
the ratio of more than AE.IO.SI) ,
itY FIR 'CENT the txcesi•arnnubt
tintity of grain exceeding in N';
t - exported in 1846; in the rani , rf
fro III:III:MED PER 0E71'4 or 111.11-
ILLPaNS ! !'!`
:pc, to TiviE
lie same
the glint:it
.mere TTI4
3d.. A,
nine aintuth
amount rest
rind of thou
of more thi
. 4t11.,
tured artici
if of 184 Q.
6th. An,
I might,
and rail re;
cent ovei,lt
time and:k
have before
.ofglevenu during 60E11,
• under the tariff Of 1846, overt e
Med during the cerresOondine.
ast year, limier the Tariff of
THREE .11 1 r,LION , OF DOL-
irncrease in the prises -of man nfar
s, &e., the prkiluetion d
lo be entirely mined" by the tr.
increase in the ItYlg es- of the " op
wanufactairin. establishments.
how that,_tite asiness of.our canals
s had increased at lesvhirty pc
- busineSs of last 'year., if I hail
ce to use the amide materials I
~in conch - 41ov, that, ' never rag ' 2
1 '
'to more -ttiurnphantly iindicand
/Paced resulti which' it.hrts wroTtes
Tariti of 1E46; and never.. wir
•ns of the panie-makers ,'of Feder
iverwhelmingly refuted, and their
4 trateelbythe irreiistible argtimen
inthey have been by theifnets fur.
e Operation of the present tariff.—
ifthey had either honor or eon.
.that they would, in view of the
etailed, a*nowledgetheir prodig
mi" thus atone in some measure
and shamefq imposition Which
tempted td practise upo'n the hen
and Mobanici d this
very respeetfuliy , ... i '
Your friend and ser*Tit, •
• ; • i I)3IL'IND BURKE.
Siimnaverr, Lancaster, Pa. '
I tray ap,
public r
o ne4sl
in the nag
out, than.#l
the Firedietti
authors pr O:
of facts; tEi
cashed by
It 7 oubi*
facts above
ious errori, '
for the- - gr4l
they halo h 1
st „Fanners
GoL S:,
;¥c as!
lie carrieS
to the Jour
lieelUse th 4,
Tb9., o frer
Pr. 6 li9d
iZS'FCIR'' G. scoTT.—:Col. Wm.
ift.....Washingtori otv S.aturday foi
1 carer of deppatehts to Gen. Scott.
!. . Mr. - .''Trilt -nn - oider 'of reed!.
nt ,, iviealls!-.p.r. rflisi 4 . ateording
al :q le °llll / l eree. , 'ties: pondent,)
18 ' 11 90inifirther flirldm to do.
Mosoi-ertnnoßt, hating been re
nOSti*liiil'aeiti/.. he nskdd for—
., !?,Ivit4,,nd, o fort*offelo
.iiildsi. I
,s_trcflott,leas4, ; litoPro' •
'ttl'e iiiiitniatioils sent °Vt.!'
, Arrttatotit 's!tr - Yo)ut-.-:-Atoiffiay 'occur
red in a bi4i4idrsaiMmililtivadWon Tucs
.day averlioige.LTite , liarttes ivenr otlight
, reputation, - Al of them, Oharlea.Dnane, ' W 2
attacked 14 tyn °fliers named - Wittiam Fuca
and- Themawßuitta.';',_ , Diltuni "iuittigoll them bff,
but thuPt?#t Tx - alio& upon:him pbg &o dre4
it revolver.qmd 'Ant thorn Voth=r4tittlirr iithe
neck thee-bodt:i.-BOtleariie:qiet
e4 to die. 'Duann'anrtendett.d himee
",t - t Oe - iterta 8;00 ,
et! . 100 - t 1106: '
av _ t he
rzoratakr*4ol9li4t ibe,Nity,ef
4.004,17 geadcnce
6 L 4