Northern democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1844-1848, October 14, 1847, Image 4

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- i IlleibeTtntintsits• ~,.
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7 ' . ‘ e`kr ' " ' t . ! .-. ' . ss' N‘k : - •
THE ' s
_glorifier will sell of : ';iidnesday
IMMO day bf Ootober initt lo o'clock
A. M., by R Oblic vendue, at his - 'residence . in
Franklin, tbe following described 'property,
TiZ : , f ' - ' -I,
milch Cows,
OneJFarrow Cow ;
. Oni fat cow if not disposed of,
Twelve Sheep ;
Abotit Ave cons , Hay, •
Car* in the bundle,
lat,Potatoes, •
" *cooking stove iv , ?
pipe t '
Irsit7Were s
Ting Ware,
WoOden, Ware,
and many articles of house-bold furpitiirel too
numerous th particularize here.
Tensfsei SALE.—AII sums oven $B, nine
mein' credit with Good security.
Franktiri; October sth, 1847.
.1d n4nistratorls St4le.
Notice. is hereby given, that, bi, en order
of th 4: Orphan's Court .of the County of
Susquehanna, will be exposed to safe by pub--
Itc.ventine ir out-cry, at the houseate ofJas.
Fheartnanl t; , tieet•ase , in the townsh p of Dim
no,l4csu ;.::, 11,e 11'1h day of
next, :;I , 2.1 k ,' , in-li - in the afternoon of that
day, alt. tedse ttk ,: C.tra in lots. pieces or par
cc:s of lotto. s , tl,:lte, - i ing and being m the,
tr..%% esh p ;II Ft • ~.....i. ttfort..z.atti late the estate'
of James glteartn t 4,1 , ;ate of the sa MI toattnship,
tleceasetl, sn,l severally bounded andideacribed
ea follnws,l to wif:—the first piece or ,parcel
titer-rd, Wing /he flute formerly Owned and
occupied 4 Allen Upson. Bouned on the i
North, by land of Richard Garretsqn—on the
East, by hinds 'of Gordon D. Hempisted, and
Diana Tiffany—on the South, by lands of
i i
Charles Greenwood, and George Ga es, and on
the West, :by lands of Jacob S. ills, and
Dud ley B. Ami th-conta i nine one- h rind red and,
sixty-four 'acres, with about one hundred and
twenty-6rd acres improved, and hating there
on, one dv4,lling house, two barns two orch
ards, and ez,.' cider mill, ~ .
ALSO—irit the sane place and I time, the
other piece: or parcel of land beink the farm
known as the Henry Barkley farm :i said farm
being bOuti,ded on the North, by lands of Avery
Bolles, ant Francis Tingley ; on the East, by
landirof Jitinft Dennis ; on the South!, by lands
of E. T.Wilber ; and on the West; by lends
of E. T. Wilber, and John WoodbOnse, con
taining 14 acres, or thereabouts, With about
110 acres proved,' and having thereon two
dwelling kipuses, two barns, three; orchards
and other*purtenances. - - I
, Terms Made known on the day oil sale. ,
R. 17., STEPHENS, Administrator.
DimockiTOctober sth, 1847. ! •
_Lands in \Sidlivan County. -
TIIE Con' my - of Sullivan having been lately
set off from the county of LycOming and
the Conntt Seat located by Commisioners ap
pointed by the Legislature on the lands of
the Subscriber, he offers for sale Village lota
and land enjoining being part of a large body;
which he Will sell to suit settlers. Mill seat*,
and timbo plenty.
Enquiretof Lewis Janer, Cherry l'ownship,
Sullivan County, of Michael Meylett at pres
ent. in said County to make the necessary
surveys of of the Subscriber at New Milford,
Susquella tine County.l l ennsylvani at,
35-3 m
Sept. I
LIB;: OF lAIEATT ra it 4 S
REMANING in the Post orrice ac Montrose, 1
Pa., , • bct. 1,1847. .. ,
Austin MO* F Heeler George 3 3
•Ayres Scillire ' Lewis Charltas -
Backus *ss Mary E Lyons James
Barker Daft. • Le Gross Milts Jane A
Bray Abrila Marshall Dater 2
Brown John 3 Mott James 4.
Bradner William, Mack
Wm Jont
Bryant C Moron Ja m e
Barnam Miss Jane L . Meier John i
Burrows William Morse Ruth;
Bray Dediais Newton Dual - . •
Bentley Stephen T Newton Saniuel A
Bush Andett R ' Penrith Isibc R
Bush Ca(eb Poit Daniel is
Crandall Robert L ' Peckius MrarT
Curtis Nithaniel, Perry LesvisiS
Chamberlin Rebecca PPark Mrs Dt.
Cainpfteld Geo 0 ' Pier Miss Mry B ":
Caswell Mrs Celestia APierson S IL ' '
Conran *s. Caroline Roach Mrs Nancy A P
Chase SIl Robinson Ect '
aril I. '
Clemons Lbayid ' Ressigiue M ss Jbne'
Coustantfite Mrs Sarah Stephens Pe , r '
Denisun t o M • Sexton Pearke
Dayton A bner . Smith Miss jaw A .
Dean Jesie. Swton Lewis ~
Dewy Moi H ''. Seumnns Joshua g
Easnl,F J4k,=..erih Shay Timothy D
E_*.!Lr Almfm Striinplar POter JOban 1
ETh r^h, ll •r. an C Stebtnns Rufus M
ifrt.irg , ,,estrtij 21.. • Siephida Orin je ;
Fgrosoti t ili; 11.,-.:: ••,,iiih William i
t:: ft! i'vli. i ls ..N.,.ri.iii. : , :i . ...Fig.\ Wiiliaiiii
, ' ,-, : - .f,...0 ..-!iced ' :Sinifigiiima..4 ,
C:%rificr i.'ef-, , , 2 T-.:tr Johri K . 1
ri - Tirg '''zirycy l'arrell Ab4l •
• f".•••3.; 31. rd Ef. - ishn . ' Virgil Atm; 1
1.,., -1:!;or, fir : Emily A tY4II-Miss II rrietl E
li.'t Ivrooi Wm H Warner Ti°thy
..?':trimult 111 is 'Sarah %Varner Joh i i A
'Hassan Hemp? - Wned Cam'
Howeilliit. Susan Warner-MI 111 •
Houstotittliss Between Wood. Salt
HardenbOrg Mra,,,klaryWatters Jain
BancockeJohri! - •• Warner, Mr 4 Fidelie
liowai44mea -.. %tamer Masi .: Mai erva
Balding 'iG M • T Young Jobb'
Jagger Vuke
b ~
. ~..
oolii, , ssExp. jr.t.ti,
- LNOR t hiehihe highest price If be paid
AL"'-io - -" Aag,'At. -theliat & Cap ore Or`.thik...
Subserii4r—bae door south olibp Paupers,'
Store. 11- -, - -'. r •.;
~ . 1 - - ', -,- :-: - irk M. P057,.4-,ce.
alciairfore,.Bept, '22,1847, '
THE Tall iiirm.Of this Institut' , 'will coin
- meihceAnt Wednesday the day of
Sept:.wider the
~c ! l arg e o! + • , 41 N.1 ,
'B., smarts' froa!BilluillOn Unix
WOttL*llfaidg,-0414#04.- Audimats
Arithistic; atria 91.01- 00 1
mar, :;r,,..::,`.
Latin Grimmar, tad -idessow, retry. ;
Phil • ,
*phy, , llothii:4*4 l . l4 14 '7' •
lipr•s7l-f-= 4; is
Greek ei.0011•1 1 .' •;•. fin
B y '
order of" he Um'. • , -if
WM. JESElUK,ftwOris'
. - gwOttiWs, Aug. Mk,.
tr -
.kiAsiaiiraiiim luipesivet ' 1
..HP lig
-; ~•_.:„ui Iritiellitlhigi Illietlghie t t ,
Taix Eke
':•,, Pills are , ope of the best Medica l
cep poutids in use
,at the preaeuit dal.—'
As a coitimen family , ph ysic, for adininistratiom
in alt.temporavrcomplamta of theitornacb and
bawialso l ba i sii•itebe s ,' Colde,'"&c., th ey ,roitYi be
'fully' dOendaAttvon c indaVrompt uscrof . them
on the.fiiseappearartee4( indisposition Will in-.
variablf sae tiatiaisiekneas. They are pecu
liarly adapted OAP cases - of weakness endive.
eral debilitynydisiangitiniint of the system.
and espittchttlyiwitb . fethaies.—and a ateadt, un
intern:'tedi . usef of Ahem, in strict lxiiiffirmity
with th 1 diiecliOns wtji very , 3,0°6 restore the,
;Organs fti
.le' atnniacii to their • natural ton i and
action, nd'ifegulatetbe bowels, and renovate
tbi_wbtile iyitetn.
• ~
1 :Them fistd iaposition , to -givi, extravapnt
on ;
conOrneUdati . of tbein. Vipiat is here stated,,
ieffie.ritaulf ei; itetual • experience with
and dial titritti a period of fifteen yen It
is not a -TP,O. or pretended, that they will
raise &Idled fl neither are :hey designed` o be.
used asftettly 'tss We use our roOD ! Suet ils not
the tpurpobe of medicine. Its only appro
IfiCe la to assist nature in restoring the
system, Oa. prisper tone and action. whea'uott•
boidablY, or through carelessness or excess, it
vecom4s derapged. Many ars careless, and
henceneed this aid. And the most careffil are
liable : ,o irregularities of the system'. fit is
needle' atmoist to say, that a prompt nee of
safe an 'ejreetiiie remedies, on the first appear
ance o llinessl is the part of wisdom, 07:Such
a Afediiinelhe i Proprietor knows these Pills to
be..a , And he is certain that in forty nine ca
ses out of fifty, where a fair trial is made am
cording to therdirections, they will be used a
gain as a stiffidard medicine: He has i never
known tsp, ,instance, where' they have been thus
used; ia which`; they have not met with naval,
, trip AITIKIVAG:i
1 Nu Brous tpstimoniale may be seen at the
General Office of stile, and references wilt he
given to substantial -living witnesses of, their
valuable curative properties.
The Tills are purely vegetable, are of two
kinds, ¢tirbulant and purgative, purifyieg the
blood, and producing a healthy action through
the enfiresystm ; are a valuable Anti• Billions
' Medickrie; and eminently useful in all lingerine
ItrcorriplaintS-- , ekkness, General Debility, Dys.
pepsy.pulmonery A ff ections, Liver Complaints.
Rheumatic snit Spasorodic Affections, Female
Complaints, Palpitations, &e.
,No Falsity, alter a Fair trial. will be wtihout,
They are pet up in FIFTY 'CENt and
DOLLAR PACKAGES, each h mg a ntmph
let embracing'a valuable fleatige on D sea,-e.
with fill directions for use. The Dollar !puck
ages are the cheapest to the purchaser. ..They
may be ordered through' Druggists, giving the
Street land Nci. of the General Depot.
Sold, Wholesale and, Retail,.at
No. 140 Fulton street, &and Floor, N. Y.,
Between Nassau -street and Broadway.
• irr !As Toovateke Health—*ry them ILott
1 41.geflts f. BENTLEY & READ, Montrtise, E.
TIFFOY, :, Brooklyn, H Grass . Orwell,•!Brad
fora enualy,#d R. C. Tatvears, Binghamton.
NOTICE is hereby given to all persons in
terestedi that. Lucy Hyde. Administra
' viz of the late Jabez Hyde, dec'd. having re-,
signed, and aurreudered her letters of atiminie
tration, -- the undersigned hai been duly aPpoirn.
errAdm i .nistratbr de bonis non of said Estate.
All persons th erefore, having unsettled liusities,
with said . .Estate will please call on hiM antic
clbse 0 t without further delay, and the who
are inilet4ed to said Estate will make intmedi
ate payment,
P 1.••
20 1847
N OricE is hereby git;en to all pers o
ns i
n-111 debted to the estate of EZRA Bi
dec!di late of Brooklyn Township, to m ake im-;,
mediate payment, and all persons having anyi
claims against said Estate are requested td
present them to tte subscribers for settlement.;
-EZRA S. „BROWN, j r ...,
I,OItENZO G. BROWN, - --- r 1
- Ts ' i
Sept. 15, 1847. ' 37-6 i;
A BOY about 17 years , old of_ goodl Mora& ,.
11CCItaracier, ran have a situation to learrt,
the Tailoring Business by applying at
Montrosel Sept. 15, 1847.
, I Administraton Notipe.
MOTICE is hereby given to all persons ina-,
3debted to the estate of RICHMOND
GAVITT, deed. late of Dimock Vowrisbip,
milho immediate payment, and all personi-hav
ing any Willis againsteitil Estate are request` i
ed tOresent.them to the subscriber Joe aettle,
.ixi 1 ' removed from Oi t a "04
Actidemy," to an eligible - situation in iI L ,
1 1 " ' '
cometodious bona% where Miss Willard. the
PrinCiital. is :now prepared to receive young
LadMs to beard and educate. Having bad
much experience in . fitting young Utlies foie
Tetiebers of Com on Schools ,and Academies',
she Would bellap y to receive a Class to whore
particular initfuetion will be given !on the
scieime of teaching. The Fall term Will comi
menee oil Monday. Oct. 4th. The services of
Mr. [Fitch, and Miss Blackman, will be:contio4
ued in their Hepiirtments. , 1
PepilirnaY (tiro ishlheir own bedi and bed,
IlioiLfor wbiqh i reasonable deduction 'will be
matte on the':priee of boalrd. •
1 ''
• ',
I TErtato.
CoMmon BnitlishStudies , i 62
Jisiter. iirsnciies, • 1 ,3 1)
ligebiior - C*PertetrYl ' . 450
. ,
LatinatwilPreficb, .i ' '..5 09
Music on the 'Pomo, '1.4 — 8 0 0
I Meier ,P,iami, .......
;! i :.:2 9
• rnws.fixlmardipit are from Awelve,mtfour 0 p
t> _., ; shillings per:Amok. Tins 'Delude* waslo.
in Arelond ligins. ~
-T• v
• 4Theringe Of the ,ACadelT/Y.
~• 1 _ -
1 - le i , , trash. 414,31. 11147.. , 'i l 34:5#:
H. J. W
, Executor% Notice.
Diinock. Aug. 16, 1847. 03-6 w
164111:02 Zst CiataLOZlLi
„ 2 '4,,0r•
4*), SI'ATIONARY. A • nevi isuppijr
OA .1
0011'irgi3ing Raper 'et-12i ete: aqtlettii
piPer #lO etc, per quiie. -
• ti 4 - J. Lyons.
' ''
GROW f ' '
' -4 '
- 1 :tp• i '
~- • 1. ,
Attorrat ' tir —Has :',ietioved . ii Milee i 6
.f , TOnadillitiatiford ,Co.; biitr,* keg§ a d d
- il
.cilia" Or,Steaquehaimit CO - - .-" tj r , ._
1 - 1.. 1 - _ .. - .
..IWOrs - WANTED- 1, ;:i
aii 1 1 - 1 , BS, WOOt inOited;:fo::
l ieli‘Viiii4l . pricsrellt be 1P ekl
7-71 113
Cask.' it'dift, woo, bi
-'-. ---- ' 1- , lIILLid & affEi4fArkl
ilaninse, A'l—
.1111110LESALi & - RETA
;-' HE Subecriher would, inform 11
n .MontrOse and vicinity, that he ha
4oriled from Beeson and 'New York,
r ?, .$159000 I
i, .
4orth of Dry Goods,- which have be,
Od- for Cash, since, the reduction of
tend will be sold from 25 to 50 per
thein Spring Prices.
I.MERCHAN TS invarticular. wi
their interest, to call and examine hi•
fore visiting New York ; as he is c
lidvantnges are such as to enable
an better terms than they can b
York. Call and satisfy yourselves,
end of Exchange Buildings, Bingh
- R. J. W
t &OLD 7111Za2 (94tIttil
T HE subscriber is now receivinl.
assortment of
Dry-Goods, Groceries, Har,
Crockery, Bonnets, Fi
'Palm leaf Hats,
4-c: 4-c.
'~TEi•V Rice ju s t received at
MACKERF.I2, \ Shad; Picketed
Codfish in
TUSCAN. Straw, Lace, and L
Bonnets, cheap ut
1.1. splendid Ginghams, ior sal
Pro 13ono Public&
HEREAS, Nature, having.
the head of Man, no coven
le protect it from the Winter's s
burning rays of Summer's sun, it i
I essential to his comlort and bet
'provides himself with acme human
lated to supply the deficiency. A
prudence requires, that every one
chase such articles as they may
-those equally rood, can be obtain:,
'est prices, therefore, RE rr KNIJWN,
,itants of Susquehanna County,
,whom it may concern, that
WM. M. POST, & 10'
Have established themselves at
ione door south of the FARMERS'
they intend to manufacture. and ke
on hand, HATS of everrdescripti;
lion to their unusually large stock
''on twill, and manufactured at th
ment, W. M. P. & Co. have just
NEW YORE, a full supply of SUM
& CAPS, which gives them the m'
and varied assortment of Goods
ever offered for sale in Northern
All of which will be' sold for cos
Montrose, April 29, 1f347.
50 DOZ, Mens and Bois, Si
Cotten Glazed Caps, of n
tiful styles cheaper than at any
lishment, may be found at
Wm. M. P
YOUNG Hi - sop Teus at 1S
44, 50, 6A', 75 :mil 100 6
Sugarl4 lbs. for one dollar.
Loaf Scß:lverized Sugar, ti•
121 7 2 as. per lb.
20 yds Calico for one dollar.
And all GOODS remarkably
ling for the Ready at the Store o f l
July 20.
ing performed by Dr- Jayne's Emu
Mrs. Sabra, wife of Capt. John Uunid
braitd's Court. Philadelphia, had a v I
soreness of the breast and side, sore
v MMD.
habit, lowness of spirits. with weakne
the small Of the back. Spitting of b
complaint has been entirely cored
Jjyne'a Sanative Pills. Alterative an
{From the Great Falls, N. H )No
Erlt is with pleasure that we gi
following letter from Mt. Ira Huck in
Who was supposed to be past cure of
but was restored to health by the use c
Expectorant." We can speak with
this.medicine. **we know of many
litho have been greatly benefitted by
Tamworth, N. H., DI
Dear Sir—l feel it my duty to
you, for the benefit of the public, t .
from the pie of a bottle of Dr. June'
which I Purcha of
se_ you. I hail be.
five andssix months, caused by the ton
left me: in,,a very low state of health,
cough, and for about three mom)
speak in a whisper. My friends all'
be in a decline. My physician said I r
for me he could. About this time I
advertised in the papers, "Dr. Jayne'
for sale by you. I immediately sent
and,in two days after using I be
ter—in about ten days , I recovered
could speak tolerably well, and
Whole bottle I was nearly u well as u•
is now good.
• ' I attribute my cure wholly to Dr
To Mark Noble Dui., Great Falls
, Prepared only by Dr. D. Jayne. Pt,
abld on ageOce by N. Mitchell &
arose. Pa.
NEW GO< i✓
T HE subscribers are now rd
and' desirable stock of
sputum & strum=
which were bought for Cash, a
fpr the same as cheap as can be
thern P.-nosylvacia. Our frien
mere; Willplease accept our t
;fteiliberal patronage It urin g the'
REMEMBER that any.thing; ,
line for the year to tome will be
on the principle of • Live •and k
TO D4.IINDER OLD: is ou'r
intend' Strictly to adhere to
Country produce
.rereived in p•
as Cob, Old silver; Flaxseed •
Moolvose May 20 1847.
ilE;Copirtnerihip' hereto
(green IlihSubscribers, in the
l iinettn.lias this duy -beep; (limn
consent:' The accounts ands`
are Witte:heed:to( A.''Lathrop
A. L
'Aug. 1847. I .
fit OLE Ltd THEA.- 7 4 .
receive 47—. -4680 Upper L.
Skins of Slit `rate quality, an
by I
;% 1 1 1 011)
'he citizens
a, Just re-,
n parehao
tie Tariff!!
cent. leas
I find it to
mock, be
fident, hit ,
to cell
y New
• (the East
TIE subscriber having been appointed
Agent of theLye'ono." ,County Mutual
ipsurance Coinpany for
.Susquehannn countY,
is prepared to receive unpile ,tions for insu
fiance, against loss by fire, in accordance with
the acts of incorporation and Bye-laws of the
8 3 a
The great resources now posgesSed by this
4nmpany as being much the most . extensive in
Northern Peongylvonio.' offer very strong in.
ducements to nil who , wish,to be secured a ,
going loss by fire• to become o•PIP hers.
• "ROBT. C. SIMPSON. Agent.
-a general
r: ‘...... 4
-(.1 - .1 ' vo
'IA -'
_ (41 7 ,1A1111L 41.11fiallialiall
T..E undersigned, having est.iblished
LIVERY. STAPLE at Gen. D. I). War.=
tier's. in Montrnse, is prepared to accommodate
the.publie with fast and gentle
Horses, and Carriages
'of every descriplion, on reasonable terms.
Pleasure parties will be furnished with two
kind tour horseCarciages, and careful Drivers,
bn short notice.
wn Sherred
• was, and
low nt
Relieving that a LIVERY STABLE of good
horses and cariingeswill be a great accommo—
,Aation to the citizens Mentrose and the pub—
lic, if not profitable to the. proprietor, he re—
spectfully solicits the patronage of the riding
public. D. M. Dtnispn.
Montrose, Idly 28, 1847. 30-lf
N !
furnished to
g, sufficient
rm, or the
tity, that he
atria calcu
id. whereas,
should pur—
need, where
d at the /ow
n the inhab
d all others
AILT IL BURRITT'S, may be found - a large
and most desrable assortment., of Dry
'Goods. consisting in pan
of rich calicoes, French and English Ginghatias
"rit superior s"tyle.4, Gingham and Printed Lawns,
Muslin de Lanes ht 17 rents and upwards,
Printed Barege., Fancy Silks, including,
rthe newest styles.
IP ()I'd stand.
TORE,, where
p cunstantly
of Hats i.ow
.ir establish
ceived from
.st extensive
in their line.
Ridh Silk, De I.3ne.Strndilla, Barege, and fan..
cy Net &awls i n i ,Setrf.e, very cheap.
Florence Braid, (Nina Pearl and Coburgh Fan
iey, Plain Straw , Liovn and Common Fancy
; Morin/Is, with Rich Ribbons, Trimmings, unit
..Ylowers,at reOurcii' prices.
A splendi t a ictit), talent, of Sllk, Gingham, and
I Cotton Parasols, and Umbrellas at very
• or READY ,
he usual prt,
Broad Cfo.hs, Cassimeres, Sittincal, Tweeds:
Summer Cloths and Vestings. both rich :anti
Cominon Irl va riet y and cheap.
k, Linen and
w and beau-
•A elin;ren.s•iorinieat ol Fur iN:ippell, i ear
ere•d %Via&Hats; Ge•WS IY.Erhtirn , and
4'aricy Pal in Lea f fiats; also Clote, Velvet. and
Glazed Summer Caps, of the new and latest
i ber esta b-
& Co's
g V ,
S, 31, 38,
Is. per Lu.
Gingham?, Checks, Bed Twits, Cotton Sheeting.
Yarn. Colored Carpet Wafp, Butting, Carpet
Bugs Stc.. &.c. ; •
MI which in the, vari ,, us Kinds, Styles, d*-
seripti•in4 and pricis will furnish the most de
sira hl“ 'neementt; i.. purchasers, who are in
virf-,4 to examine his 1.1(•-k with the
that a his Impel - H.:es' are matte rtitirely for
cash and !ar t :4-1y of the ariritinciurers
in the city, and It be mild at smith profits
they syi'l not f a t ta ti.•
• New Mtliont. M iy 27. 1847.
'or. lOisins,
NO now sel
! •
J. Lyons
cioNlaril Iv be
. No 6 Gal
ry bad cough,
throat, co:stive
and pain in
istrat or's Sale.
-NoTicE is hereby given that by on order
Of the Orphan's Own of Susquehanna
county wi,l he expesed to Buhl ie s Ile or otn
cry, at the 14ouse kite of ABR \ HAM 1,0 f r.i
dec'd., of the township of Auburn, on Thurs
day the twenty eighth tiny ut October next, at
one o'clock P. M., 611. that certain piece or par-'
cel of land, situate;in the township 14 Auburn, I
in the cnunty • of tsusquelniona and Slate of
Pennsylvania, and butted, bounded and desert
bed aM follows to wit: Beginning at a Heinlock
tree, the Northwest corner hereof, and in a
line of land-surveyed' for Philip Myerly; thencti
by the said land'hundred and twenty
five perches to a (leech tree, the Soutti.eitst
corner of the last 'mentioned land, and' the'
North-east corner Iteiebf ; thence South one.'
hundred and. ninety-three per'ches to a Beech
tree; thence. West; one hundred and seventy
five perehes.ito n He,Mlock Iree ; 'and thence
North one htindred and ninety-three p€Tehes,
to the beginding, cOntaining two hundred elev
en acres and-fitteett perches, with the appurte
nances, a tranfe hopse and barn, and a large
shed. ` There are , two orchards on the said
premises, and pie of good water.
Terms made kni*n on the day of sale.
and liver
y using Dr.
hero Light.]
place to, the
of TansWeirth
• Consumption,
f "Dr Jaynes
confidence en
f our frtendf
•c, 10. 181.5.
alto known to
le aid I received
sick between
fever, which
with a very' bad
a I could only
thought me to
had douc
.rtonatety saw
'Expe ciorent.'
o you for a hot
an to feel bet.
my voice and
fore using the
• , r. My health
ANDREW S. 1 ,0117 . / Administrators
Auburn, Aug. 24,1847.
Jayne's medi—
V 1241313 2aoMag
II iu Hccsuss.!
N. H.
ladclphia. and
druggists, Mon
Q TA-T£ .BOOK of Pennsylvania—contain
tJ ilia an account of the Geography. History,
Noted Citizens, St.c., with a Map , of the State
and each County—by T. H. Burrows'— ,
• ALSO, The Business Man's Askistant,,(con -
a`vailety of Practical Rulea. Tables &
Forms. Book-Keeping, &c.—Juil received and
or sale
lying a large,
1i7.210= ARRIVAL or
d will be 5i , 1 4 4
ought in N -
a and cum o
anka for their
iiiat year; and
wanted' in our
furnished tiv-rni
lire.' NOT
motto, and we
. All kinds of
yment, us welt
mit Beeswax.
icy Read.
y B. SALISHIERY most res•pecifullyan
.. nounces 'that he is just reeeririps a fresh
supply of'
SIMIMEIrt OQOplll, 1.. •
of everiy variety: carefully:Selected, and w hich
Wil, Sell as cheap as the ehesiliee l t •
and an hutnbug.
N, B. 8..5, is aiso the etity nen; in
the cOunty, , f4 khe CANTON TEL• CONPANTI
Those d4iFOOS of prckuring ruse ut Tour
imed : bed be 47: tler*ivakim a eatlx
.!uirt; 18
SP '
A T ,
. I
' Jun.
led if
re existing be
resettle tig-i
ved by j mitt~i +l
•ter or the 'firm,
and c jufbt oj
I for saki abtia
'sky ¢ Read.
G4Aki virtsB - I;AWIATSOM• DE'
1412VdHAlit WAW,liospe
ept~ld ' p 4ittartistjui# receilisil avid *ping *ry
cheap for cask by - .1.
1 '
hi, ft. WIIO3ON'S, mat,i)o 4ounti arfri•
ral 4i4cirtyneot of.Goodsi '441 . 14,110.,ferY
prites. • • - I
;11.1sors find 'it to their.:iiiiifilage,:to,
id exitotoutiQuodl• nirpricetk befort tfitiy
L ge etsewheta
10,4847. , '
3 ../
' ' ; 164.r°4; i 91 ? 4 9 17 9 ' . •
. -i" 'i: '.c. . '3 ,— = .: 4 ' , '• '3 ''', ':3
..... 333 43 ).
. . ...."/'
• WEWMti r g. ' lr° ll / 1 '
COLLEGE - . .. I. •
20i Inaba , are •
' ; ', • et, , Bigida: sik,lra, I ...
ii) C. y A. Uti ill N'S...VEdPTAIROE4LITH i
1 4.1cAsig. t Ss" I COSSaVitt Dirn is tlysit . eiripit
cally.l the case witlii' this arm. Distlaie halt
yielded to ifs owed mervello s medipal: powe
I Wherever n•has gime, and tiff tit AmcOeft. Pigl
Cantida, and the Uiiited States have pri)vetd thgv
of this statement, the above geltattoo ID 00 0 4
pithy, sentence, tells the . who!'li story. '11441'1145;
1 principle upon whiith rim are eured tniycnot be Ito.
to you, but pie rash of a-trial of _the artiale tray
kfactory ; yoilaro icstored, and the sectitpf , the.,
, remains with thc.proprietor..
_The Meajcine Wit c
pound of 22 distinct vegetal; bligonciiiii each i
vidual rout has its Mien partied ar, cschistve, niedi
al property, conflicting With ,na other.,"Aknpen
cacti; root makes ita l owa Cure+.and• as a riodrfedt
betatron, when.takeh into tbeTstem, 'tildes the
which N A TOLE,' when her !stir WeretirSt tii - , tablis
intended ii I should do—Fitrifits.iirenitlitns. ion.
starts - the tirtiken - doWn, debilitated 4oristittOi, in till it's characterv, will he eohngetelke
icatal from the syiitesi by its 1490. Sttci p'ssiptile
aginits' hands, for free carculation—they treat.
all Litsiasesp and miaw-tcstimt of et re*. Vies
and all complaints of the urijuiry organs, feria
the cause of great ,suffering„il and VOCHN's Lrr
raienc has acquired-no ainal4eelebtitylnver.the c
try, by the curof it las:rnadein this h tstr e ssi ii g c
of ali tctions. So famed, it seems, isithia medi
'that it has !hue attracted the) mice of ondof our.
ical publications. In the 'N l oyetnber t : No., 184
the ••• Buff.i.lo Jai real and Monthly Revidw of
cat and Surgical Science." iiiiaitartilepon call:
diseases, and ...solvents." l ie
• writer, after; n
the fact thatthe English goi t ernment Once pod
a secret remedy / and also nbtiiing the pur - Cti
1804, of a secret remedy, by 'the Legialauire of .
Vork, thus' pays tribute to ttit'farne'of the Me ,
—... Why do not iAir' Represcritattves iniSenat•
Assembly convened, enlighlten and !dissolve'
suffering thousands of this Cuntry, by the phr
'of Yang hies Vegetable Litho i i
triptic. than .whi I
solvent since the days of Ale envy hair irsease
half the fame 7" Reader, herb is a petiodical ?t'
standing, acknowledged throughout a large , 1
of this country to be one'of II; : hest conducted je
of the the United S - ea, exchanging isi
ockintific works . f Europe certain . kuoisrl
edited by Flint, M. D., andontributed to by lm
the , highest professional ability, thus stepping is
notice a ...secret tewedy." You wilfat - once I
stand no unknown and wortkless rwsliunt, could
extort a comment for so hig'lt a qUarter l -and c
quently, unless it directly conflicted with .the pr'
of the faculty, it must bavi been its i great •+ f
which has caused into receive this 'passing n
L KIDNEY diseases, weakness of the back and spin
regular, pair jal glut sappreitied Menstruation.
dlkas, and the entire eqmplieated trali; of evda
follow a disordered system oire at ois4 relieved
medicine. Send for painplilPts front! Ageitta, a
will find evidence' of the , value of tlie Lithen I
there put forth. - As a remedy fey then,irregulart
the female system. it has to !the compound a .. 1
which has been resorted 'to in the north of Euro
centuries—as a sure cure for thtl couiplsitat,-An
restorer of the health of th 6. entire isystem. I
Commaisrivistrztrgics. i3ices6sirisisses,,&,c.,
1 staidly relieved. People aline Weiti wilt find
I on/yiretnedy in these coniplamts; as: swell .4
am) Aitiee, Ther4o) no remedy likeiiti and no
met or,quinine forins any part of this mixture
Injury wall result in its use, and its ectiire pre
ace hianifested in the use of a singled) oz tint
For Fovea aplo AGM. Bilioas,Disordero, take
erinirdierne. Ruseivirtssf:-Goirr, vOll find ie
The action of Mot iMeicine upon the Sion .
ctjange the diseasq—which.originuten in thelb
and a healthy result will liillow. ,Di:.ressi i. I.
Tli)N, tir..c.. yield in a. few days' use rat tins 4
1 1. 11airsinithon oPTIIE LUNGE Couctl, goNspatril
h.i. ever ibUlidtCl6l. Z . eittorut.t, Eltir,,reas. I
inflamed :Eyeri-fail caused• by ititture .uto
find this Artie:id the reMedy,' Toe eloqega. Co.
!y acted upon, by the IA edt!..--'veo different 11i I
of the mixture, is Ourified-and lestuird t., as .ta 1
cure Bill nut follow. The twin o ' ectit4
p4lttts Palpitation of the /kart. Stdk Headac
bik ity. &el., are all the I, snit or 11' , 114 derauge.
the nbleiit, and this UP.xx'r RE-YoltEa carts
work.. The promises set ,iertli in roe ' advertisa
amp ,based - upon this roef el tetra it; limi (betel
i past , four years.'
,The ve.rtititi tcliditiony d 1
' Aprils. iit Canada, the (bitted 7' ta us. :etiglari
Sipit 0 A Merlea, DI the" poSsession tii . Me inty
and can bp peen by all ,ititeresied; :.ia,siillien„
Menstrailun that )t is Old best illeilvine eve t,
10 the World. . Gp . t the tttuplilet, aiid e4,in1y..,111
letple as there laid down, oi ih. t retfiplofi•oft
up zi;'.39 oz botifrii. at' 8.2;-; :1 - 2 .ez.: it., its 64, i
die larger, holding 6 oz. inote that, Lien mmi,il
Leek out,:and oat get imposed upon. i Eqi,e
i l ,
has ••Vangiti's V. getable LitirmiCtiptie 14
iiliitt n upon the giass • the wriven iiguatnr4.
q Vaughn" on the dirt-Mums, and t'• 4 C. . ;
, BIAL1r)." stamped on the cork.." - 'jls;U'ne: Wil
gUnume. - I',, pared by Di. WC. Vatiglin. artl,r
Ake prin.:ipal tidl.,e, Zrt Many wrest, Bull ,
!wholesale and retail. Na atirritimr! ;riven to,
unless poSt. pa,nl T ordersi. 1 Finn reg iilai;ly colt:
*eras excepted ; post paid letters; 47 veriii.a
Isle:am:la soliciting edifier, piurttris' 010;
gr,aais. t
' 1;
liofficePdPented, exclintiPely to thtt Pile ..t
itch, ; hu Na.sad ht...NeW York city ;1 295 Fr
Salem, Mass.; and 4 .. y the principal Dfuggsaut't
odt;the United Status and Cariada,}as. - acivei!
papers. 1 - i
• A gents in chin !county i'BEtettAitTAatt(at
rose; lIEMIT.BVNnITT. Ne 4 litifor4
itY, Great Bend O. %V.OW,
No. WI, CEDAR-o•riii' tET, Yi
LEE Jt7l,lBON at I,ItIEEi
Acc,UPY:. the ' ppacioua EIVEL *.
I) EIOUSE.I 4 4. 56. CE6A.R STREET th
of which isfilevote,d to the eshibitioti.'wed,
single article of ,
t maattf,epaz' itiiitattgs4o
Their ilieseet Stock cone taof nearly;_
Embracing rionte!THOUSANDS of ditTereet
and coloringe; end wino:tying every • , thing ,
itilhe tine. FoRgIoN end DOMESTIC.
Ati of which are offered far :saleiifar•cash,
factory credits the Lawetit Pricas,tfry the
1 .1 Now. Stylee are rectified ihrumit
lhany:ofthem are giit .oji 'for our own sal
tit' be found • •
1 -13" Printed .hits ofprice,. conVa-e0 • fr.
city, With every iariatioyilk,the
fit the hands - Of havers.- •.•.!
hickhaots*ill be, able to . form ! nook
extent and variety -or odr sesortment, who
that.the afoot towel 'Stock i k t
' leaet,• !tyska:the valhe -this , titkis i e
I_,Wertisslally-keik by d ory targeokl*Loymer,
togoth . cr. wits' that lour,
i .
t i
our atte n tio n , midi:ad eatg int
.torieti -of . articles: 'orte +fader ; T hAly, , ,..t.
obiii4 ii theldiaduiriiiiloh,o g 4140400
psrfoe y`mbirfaua.;:itiidlk4*o44- bectizi care
mo io o ff ir, oue.elt E rlialiork,
l ippienake..o
oriii k oortaie
' . jwziont,
- I-
P. 8. : -B..)% lAN lof Winn
tielki‘Oti: 14e. Otiprt;pir4o0 L ,Sl'
Cce & Btefe‘er4tioni,thielt eoneeekiekke
elhae item eiiee,! reeitteiti
! . .f.4*J4litott;:tiniii# the fiitiild . fLE ltr
1414.111- eleitthresitiii serest/phi Omni
ObtiriAllet the
retlelt, injhht brAtriehli4.!l i tO kflik#i v i3l4l l 6l
4 stingugieli,th ethei - toulve.tor hich
ii, . .
/t4IM'4 . I.g . ,..ii.kigitilkil4? '•_-.., .
. ~
tFINg: Nglirk TEA'S)._
, MAKElClPOlribilamilede'ittresnge.
inenthweth ili seNEWA4 - 11 . 41.*TEtt Cog_
PANT, for the sale of LAS in nirallirrinnon, tad.
can /urnlib lilittlinnome4. and tbemide. with Te te ti
the innintlgerktirs4 trai: erriiPonfairlgrr. for th ew i e
N it eilr o e , Whiell ia, ai l leait Irma Gnetri Two Skit
ling. cheaper on eselrpotind than theCGrotters tel l at.
Andin every - use , wliere !thews _Tear rt o no t g n, titm,
faction, tho„money will, be paid hick for them.
'21 1 2p 0 'GREEN:
Young. Man% tends - 2 -
1 Do. do. sweet, cargo, 50
DM . ' do. fine nitro, • • 75
Do. do. silver. leaf, '", 1, 00
Silver ietif.—seldom sold Sven by large dealers, hecto r ,
of the very small profit. made on its salea-i e am ,
au'perior Tea.
Lk) 1. , • '
• , . do. gold( Glop, 1 150
I v,
Golden Op—Thia,hititt n,ylll Orem Tea rohino e d
in Chiba. It is of thelfi • ' le/girls. ind elrels t o
, other Greet, Teas Anita. reacy of flavor. im a m
and arbmi. Heretrifoiri irTes has never m at ,
ed thin country. etheitth'small lots to suit thr.p uz .
sal- - t-,f '
riri`k fine , 1.
DO"..- very fine. 1
- - ,9 . uqpo;d e r, fine. I
Do. extra fine,
Imperial, fine.'
Do. extra fine. `
HyXon Skin, good.
I olk
Nilig Yong. strong and good flavor, 37 1-2
Ning Yong—The grocbrs sell this at 50' cents, la
call it Oolong. 1
Oolong.. a delicionßlack Tea, 50
Compare this , superior T ea with that sold by gToteft,
as being Oolong TeL The different* is to
plain'. and, the deception too palpable. •
O o long, plantation; growth, 75 '
Ettglistißreakfast fine. . 50
110., do. extra fine j 63
Erliwgna'siMixturei a rich &
flavored, ; 175
Pekce Fl'ower, 00
Do Scented, j •1 . 50
Ne Plus Ultra. I ISO
NE P . 48 1/Urn—This Tc; is as fragrant and net
as a nosegay. It yielda a perfume that . * truly de.
• lightful. is of gatden•
, gratirth and sap Re
.anytiting of the itind , ever sold in.this country.
Ur Thi above Catalogue dues tint comprise all the
varieties contained in - Rey assortment. I have every
varittlyitoported, and Aires) , shade °finality, sue tin
suit the most fastidiona purchaser. The above Tm
are alf i done 'up in Chinese packages, in iluantities
1-4 lb:, 1-2 lb., arid 1 lb. eact.
• ,••_
.. -
We have tried the Teas , imported ''tOtre Pekin let
Company. 75 and 77 Fulton- 7 tit.andlf we live will et
them often. They are selling ther.m.nst delicious Tiu
we ever, drank; and retail them, se iiiiol listdeprices
Evening 'Pose:
Yei cling. he au re of:obtainiq at ill
- times pore tni
highlnflairered . tea's. by the single pound. ,at whole.
sale pvilasa,Ml the Pekin Tea -Corripady, 75 &71
Fulton-it., , They have probahlY the largest' kook
and gOsitest or ne Green eh& Bitek .Tenve
any cill3eiitablisiliment in ' , the United Sia, tt.:i..; they
are doing,a large busievss,and arc kgreal,liedefsticon.l
Bothell of tea.-.Atlus." • - o. • : ..' . 1
. ..Heritofore it has been, very' diffreidt. isiAti im*
ble, tei.obtain good Green and Black Teta • Bat no
voir hive oil) , In visit the ware.roomalof the Nisi.
Tea Company, 75 and 77 Fulton-at. to obtain iii 4
beim* and fragrant teas as you could.liiil for.-rtsi,
ty Sus ! , ' . ,
[ • A - 00d to Tee Diinkers.Tiie PekikTrea Cori
' piny ; 75 and 77 Fulton-at, hive imported into .ins
market someone hundred'thitinSind diallers Worts s
the fiziest grades of GOen iiiiiiPackilmisi grown it
the Celestial Empire, one up in ailltbe 'parlous fang
packages that Chinese ' ineenuitreili invent. II s t
tprivilege to buy teas it this great establishment; ~,{
luxury and, comfort tb drink - them. 'Toe) , sell pi
Teas only; and retail theinat WhOleaile'priees. Cone
ry m lichants who wish to always sill good.teu. es
si.ways obtain thent at this place, ou reason-IWe terra .
—Thriporium. . ~.
Oat Tile above TEAS a'refor sale by
-.•,,', „ L.A. 11EXFORD,...
Scifkitzentliii-Briimbe Can t u,
, Eri?ngliamtbn; May BO 847:,.- ' i No. :25 6.50,
I Inch
1. - you
o for
re in
it the
0 °th
. will
Ell 2
a iso.
1 , I tst les
•- •
sok i r 1%.
'ArlitOWN-71.-1 high; 5116 yf.oirsp,
Fkt -ode:3. 1-16 Iron' Arid .rffir. 14
oval tlii.
wnlc frotirirm 'rev, 94q, i /t. a
DI DING —l4 9f kriell wide.
i (RI .
Rt r IV, n rpil saPit in Now
t l 7, irk on ', ,,;;Ntoh 4111;rby
4 - ri- n o w
r 0 and 'or(ii,.lict , t
• , De.
I in the
1 3 li
GREAT v-t riety of laces. 114rtii
401.11.:4141411tur: lush Lit tens - ,, J.lcotte
f : 1411"7.
wl_ .
but ttt
et e re
gold at.
to, at
, tasted
1 .1 earn_
filed to.
- 'i -,',', SMITH & sHutr..§ - - -cl n
~_ „e. ,-
Piti.4iteintis & Siirwioni. 1...-ineO‘Ord...'7 , l;q t 4)
,( filli-i ' (Olt he fi rst &Arnett in 11. c ti fr ipvir:r.3.7
'.- - Enenteer's Wilde,' of the lane,htit.ii
(1,11,1.4.-1, ; :' ' -
E.:..5. S MIT H . -I . s 41. ''slftrin . . :
• .. . . .. •
hiq sift'
l isied in
'• .gAIN, AND uitu-Eos.
tfiveliilig third bduset'east'ot t
Will he at bailie Saturday ,
- , rotiherelite - will be bappyto
Who may fa,vor i tim witti ti a
liitortfrbse, , Mayl, 1847.
. st.
• wax %
,le of the
br lido,.
A. • "r
sod no
day lo'
ea of the, ,
we spate
nide kt:
k of dry
eons lad
eiry, will'
kat' niiae•
saY dia.
Zit - • -
10 fitto
7 -911 A
Co's. .
silusiness earDS. !6F--
Attbine; at Irtiw.f—Has removed , hW.
urn ike Street, one door East
• eee's OHM; 'lO4 three doors Wed 04 '
Register;Printint OlfiCe. • •
•-•`' D:. H. SItiITH,
GENTlST—SetifiTeeth on Gold Plate ti
.4*lall , ttentiati work in, thi best,MP°. 61
woOt warranted. Can be,found att. &mit'
MOriday na °Needier 'or eneh week.
.s . . , MTIAL§: SEERM4N.,
DIM" groc.eijes, Hard-Wo
'::crOckerY• 'rot), Fish &c. —One iot
llovr ludgegtist's.
~ , Ei -TIFFANY, )
Maier in.Dry-G Ns 5, Groceries, T I T 4
: fi4 = BiliktY!if 80 s4' 1 ! , `Co. , Pa.
. PARK ac Er&
GQli, '
---............. -
' i
ph3rsiiinns and Surgeoeis,•Montrose,Ps.- *
= itlitiviit IL Stole & Woe.
;l: : . .. :
DAVID cmcers,,,
or t;
' . 11, jiiiori ' P. 13,1;ii.1i ',Blaioirecturer oa
'-' Ritiir-.Shop onAtie.Williesbarre TA
"-.l.tir rm 4 !"It° llol6 * -
fifi.L.d.rti, At 0. littEV.,
.v.,„y... t i.„4 , .i.
1:11414644 e
) 421 .1 *Ws: ehlePriest H it
'Crlidk6f4=l4oo.ll4.ol4llolP, SttiO4,:P9o,k
''. irsitevrifilimcs,;4•Sicerrirst. - Store.Pr uw .-
%PfitutliCoufm; Eli' sidiiiif Public Atom.
ußtyj e u„
-0f ' fin
g r.
i tt '1111; o''''f-444"1:143-t—PPiltriekli Co :l'o the raoar'~ rrt°'
lien Trt-:
'l . T . ' 7-77 ' 7 7BENTrivr.: . kit44,-,__-- ; D r ip
F' 2 a Pry P" :
pye-MUAD, truck.
e i Jkl e t ßift Fl AP P Yti l r t i f s aid ;
-,-,--'s#l44o"' 'l44linoet
yet.' osliwaliTak ttio-kgillutrqap,
iok9u#oY4illittioi•WOl4"lait orseuill
0,1,011T1 330-114)
40•01" t ,
1 00
I 00
1 00
37 14