Northern democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1844-1848, October 14, 1847, Image 3

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    " • .
yrou Um! Yourutinntan_of - Tetoity.
LATZIR :SOU 24,21,11,00.
l, Confirmect—' -Americas
Capture of the City,
officers Woused4Santa "Inn's- Reek
edam—Mexican dikrumwement , of tke-
vacuation' ,
Tto Trani& In Georgia Certata
PEvarisauro, Odt. 11, 1847-8 A. X
An Tatra Picayune,: dated the 4th ingant,
contains intelligence:ft:Con; Vera Cruz the
16th ult., and from Tampion to 80th, re
ceivel at Nor'Orleans fry the arrival, of the
steamship Alabama.
There had been no
; liter 'hews diteet from
General Scott's army, but. the Picayune learns
through a source enaltatogreatrespect, that
the American loss in ; offmers during the battles j
of the Sth and 13th ,tift.44aa 27 killed and 45
There is no confirata ° tion of the death of any
o f our Generals.
Letters received by commercial hotist s at
Tampico, from their eel-respondents in the city ;
of Mexico, confirm entirely the Picayune's'
former reports of th'e battles of Mill El Wry
and Chapultepec heights, on the ,Sth and 13th,
in which Gen. Scott carried these tprong holds
ai the point of the bayonet.
A circular published by the Alcable of Grua
daloupe, dated on the 140, addressed to the
Commandants General of the departments, de
clare that Santa Ani had evacuated the Cap
ital, but that other Means might be pursued to
harass the enemy. j`
It goes on to say that' heroic resistance had;
been made for the space of six days, but
enemy at length established himself in places
and positions from which his missilei •could
reach the peaceful thousands of the city, and
that their Supreme; Government, seeing the
State affairs warranted a departure, changed
their abode, and the t eat of Government would
be very soon announced, though the site bad
not yet been agreed upon. •
The American army charged on the nth at
day-break, with' all their force. upon Chapuli.
tepdt, which yielded.after a spirited defence of
six hours. The 'American's immediately march
ed,upon another strong. fortification, but the
first advance was checked by the Mexican
ti.oops led by Santa Anna, disputbig the ground
inch by inch ; but the Mexicans were finally
routed from the citadel after nine hours' hard
• fichting.
The rapital being: in this situation, Santa
:Anna, anxious to avoid its boinbardinent, dd
termined to evacuatO the eapi!al.
Verbal reports received at, Vera Cruz ar9,
that be retired to Gnadaloupe with ten thona
and troops and twebt-fece pieces of artiller.t.
No mention is Made of •the repotted bord
bardment en the 14th and 15th.
A letter received' at Vera Crnz says : After
the Americans carried the Citadel, they turn
ed the guns of that fortification on the city,
when the Mexican ft.rmy retreated to Guada
loupe. The :Minister of Foreign Affairs m.d
dressrd the Governor of the Capitilrifireet .
him to arrange affairs as well as be could
be received official information where! the seat,
of government was established.
There is no confirmation of the .report that
Santa Anna bad b&tn wounded:
It was reported that General Quitman wad
on .! is way down o . Vera Cruz with despatetie
and :our thousand men.
C,,1. Watson Ansi seriously ill
1; , n. - Patterson would take command of thq
,forces in the City and -State of Vera Cruz,
,t 4
proceed to join Ga. Scott, as he should think.
proper upon his arrival there.
G en. Lane had been compelled to sena ba ,, k:
tern Cruz for a flupply of ammunition.
'bad arrived at the National Bridge without Se'r
lions opposition, though the gueirillas
their appearance Jon several occasions
retunisition for ten thousand-rounds ofball car
tridge was complied with.
It is reported;thatl the yellow• fever has
made its apitearaute in Gen. tatie's cotmnal ,
and that there was some scarcity, ofimovisitina.
Another rumuf is,:that the gsteriillasitad s't-'
tifted,Cerro Gortlci 'A letter from ILajor Lt -
ly, dated Jalapa, 'Sept. 23, says that all Wits
, quiet there Biiiround in the neck came**
killing him, hilt 10 was then doing ire&
A letter from Vera Cruz-of 251 alt.,
that a proelamatiO bad been 'rimed 'by ..Stitif:A.
ithna,',annonneini his resignation as Pres*int
of the Mexican Aepublie, and that Senor Ileint
y-Pen badbeenlinitiated iti his pinee. e:
pipzys t ne &kults4he truth pfthestatsmen .1
I 1
ITims Lillat FROM GEoRGz,j• '
.Democracy surel y Triumphant t ' ,
Returns from emptiest of Georgia give
'Clinch, the Fedirsi. candidate 'for Goveoor,
27,541, anti Tolols, 28,803. Tat the
same counties, ii 41845, tray;foril, the reliciral
candidate, receifed 30,146, and Malliter,
Great Fr e d+ hi th e fgegisdilhomilL,
A corresivadebt of Ai Peunqlvanisp,iiri-1
ting frail:L*l'4u/, Oet.'llth p sap:
We hawked inns in thiiso#oo( L !tri t :
for several daysiast, in consig,r t
the Sesquelanni and its tnbuihssipllre . ..7,.1
swollen; 'Weak the fill/Ignea*Nlit
four filet of itstiong as higUlogitaa e
.j., J,
liptin,t oft yewilthe year 4tiktiViiket. tiaMe.,
quantities of *walked iiiiaber are cowing
down the river. 1! Sobs of `the . ireffniiti *Vibe
Old Briar tlarnain,eitught the fide Of:
a holAia
mud barn Alostid, *VI/ , y -"sterfiiii-,-
bedstead and initiiiii- Wete futhils iii t
nook Ido Ea - Am : ; trop mie- ...t
the aniline, exfapt s siren breach' up t io ligtit. l
. nista, whichis utifortaite.sithin bust iii(
We hope it.* pot oflieetiede*reetet j_i - 7
I 11," Bina heallild - " ire tile' hid
trze-4100,449 I - 14)i '.17
raakfort, 414
""-, Mno. Br es ts - Lo h. - . 40 jap , -1
rifled that;oue fi e afterimen, thiii-sumail our
Idinister'eNife,' Its. Bangroft; ‘fralkl4 down
gegeht . st.i : and eitat afaiblotialde 'Store to '
purchase .a dui . She un t i . l- ,an '4iteelle l t,
) 02
olle;*iting,oul 1.29; a ndwising Oi s e; it s
vistues, - Shi - threli it over *0 ' shoulders: and
Taft her °Munebe sent , home , '.l .Slia,` sallie d !
out againiisailed along ailiegetit street 'Oesi-:
ring, to, Make a venation "with ''her splendid
Onvid itird:sneetilded ' wonderfully *,, ' She soon j
. .
perceived• t hat . She was drairinvinusual atten- 1
ton. Some stoo d . in great Wonder; some stop
ped and looked, iome laughed outright; villa-1
nous boys:pointd with their,eanes, young la
turned roun on pasiing, and blushed, i
gentlemerpon log ing at her, suddenly examin
id the sky:for st4rs, friend's rode* , by inmil-ris
es nodde d , singed ittid . bit. their lips' immedi
ately afterwards , What Could It 'ill mean ?
It certain 4 was muslin' and very singular,
end Mrs. ;. hu d home, out of breath and
'ot of heriwits,
_lto°. He'r timid soon solved
the m.)'!teTY. i itleihtiwtiproved to -be one
which was exhiintedlti the front windo* of
!the shop, the Inerehant having forgotten ;to re-
Move . the allot lihet,;. ands:there it was , still,
-hearing the YollqWing announcement in maanif
ieent oapikals;',"WEßY CHASTE,' cheap at ,
i2o." , —Post., [ ,
1 . .
Nzw Alimit;t miT.—Tbe:Washington eor7
YespondOo oft e BaitiniOre Patriot states that
' tow i t sq., of.that city has invented
.4 new Army Te 't, (calla Dow's Eagle Vnt,)
Which Will soon hake the ;place of all the tents
note in. use. It is an :admirable contrivance,
land meets the viarm approvl of all he 'Officers
litho have ;seen The tent is roomy, cheap :
durable,-Withciu► a _kilt. without ',cord,
button,. hOok or pin, is perfectly ventilated, ha
s'lag a floor, Odar and . cpumey. It is light,
indestructible, ntPcan be struck in one min
ute's time. A. specimen will be set up in the
front grotinds,ot the War Departinent for gen
'Oral inspection, in the course of lam days.-
31. r. -Dow :almatly has orders' from the Govern
frnent authoritiet for several of his admirable
tents.- , Post. .
Ttti ONDERkIO:IIS. Casr. , --The Protestant
Episeoptil Colivntion, Sitting in New York:
lias adjourned 4ne,die,!after a short session of
two days.:BefPre the 'waters became troubled
or the passions pr prejudices of the members
'got exeited,-a spries of resolutions were intro
duped by. the Tfev. Mt: Forbes, virtually lea
ying to the Geperal dotts'ention, which will
tweet, tlie case of the suspended Bish-
I pp, for '&4l adjudicatiOn.
i • i -- .
Sehoolin'aster, "Bill Tompkins, what
is a widowtr' "Bill= 's widder, sir, is a mar
liried woman, what ain't' otany husband, 'cause
ihe's dead." .Illfaster- . -I"Very well. What is
'a widower?"
. 11fill—'1A widderer is a man
(what inns art i er they widders." Master--
1 ;"Well, Bill, tkot is not: exactly aaeording 'to
;Johnsen,: bat itiWill dv."—Boston. Pod.
.. -
SiNGRILAR TARAS.-1-.1.16 , 0 persons, the male
apparent, a dapper young tailor, with a splen
did form, agreeable manners, etc., the female a
lady not so young, 041.1 possessed of
charms, rocendy entered into the holy bands
of matrimony, t 3larseilles, France ; when, 10,
and behtild it-turned oat that the "male" was
not a male. suit at, law has grown out of
!this affair.
NEW INTEsrroN.—.A. liaird working me
chanic of BostOn,.namnd John E. Tucker, has
invented a "130 t Crimping Machine," which
with nineteen pairs of "yaws" firmly fixed
within a wheel emakes at erry revolution, e
leven pairs of t'cippers" crisped in the most
perfect manner. :• .
' DEirdertwov NEW ORLEANS.-A geetle
rtnan writes that he dived at the St. Charles"
with but one oiler pdrson at the table.
. _
reEr ThreTboys Went out a. fishing one day 1
1 when a thundir stord coming up, . they ran to
- a_laro:e hemlock : tree) a few rods from the;
brook, for \shelter. Just before they reached . .
1 the tree, it wak shivered into a thousand pieces'
iby i a, stroke of lietning. lThe bovs stood a
' ghAstl At length mit of i the urchins said to
the neares,t :H
-i '
", ean 1-pu pnair 'I
, .
1 • i..
"Bill, canitlau ?"1
.linTl eitlier ; bat by poky, sou: this=
!Inapt \ be doile.r i
GMAT was a spiritei race/
on- gong hat Wdriesday, between
the: chamPion mare of the North;
and Passis - uta, the great gun of the South,:
whiektenninated in For of the latter. The*
were from 101000 td 15,000 persons present,:
including ladibs. The sum run for was $l5OO,
but it is surged that thirty times that al
mount stbled
_upLrai' the- result. ' Fashion
hortie,imillarge.odds were of
fered:on her beali; The Elonthern gelding, howl
ever, lnisheill her 'ilpt4ti
wiittteis 42-5 A- , Second seconds. Secon
. femile•
was tenet, ~11. the Nevi'
Thanpsh: _ a, widow and al
lipangerchtAadin er•retiPT#e..ber husband's'
carilonf-Old• ellow i4p 'and , the members o r
the tiler . 5,40k,e - hargelof her, watchell
Pv4POler Ri n gs itl brOtherly Witless.
and on' her buried. •114 with respectful,
cerenionY.• • irsounilibad to hear any ebrist
'fish Waist' er preieNitgainst , the secret •of such
z,4o l err --- 1; • LOW* Reveille.
•• •-;' , I
ODD t i iiiiriii.-
Ti ;Ntnnher of Lodges in tI4
nrted'pb,t,&,, 1 4 39 F s itnt44ons the last yea 4
32 , ,,7 94 ; ennkrihntiqg 1.18,964
nuniberieliereil theilast, year, 16,764, who ref
ceived •,3424,ff ? 41; revenue Lodges,:
f , 888,605,07i,j` i s ;• , •• •
or. JF- • 1, 4 filoni bad .4
lii SPAiiiiO4teri*re:Pulg- .: Qu i eb
' vtottOrAlie . -' 64:terbet.1 wfi ef i A.' l.. .nY °ll 47.i l i di i 66,
iiikher iin ! , : : 04 _4)V 1ZZ.;4-i i ii ., '4'l
t i ts
*ii:ltiioiiii 'i?.' tifieliii,7:":.l.l,-iiiiiiiiiikriplbi
'La..- 8- '''.tik r'- ir svang , ga% - - - Likai
nio•..!.- .- . ---, , f ig .640,04.0, „.„
'iiiiiii:4l4 . • *4 llBl' .'- • ' 46.; , _ ther - f - i - ortir . 4.
i PaiWf ' * arrYlit 1 - 4 "!!'• .. ,O.'1110143k•
I y : ioife:i(*l ft i a ir i t it i
...o.OFfigliti.;.. ' itiii.
. 4
i,...,..,,,, ~the,,e„,.„..,.,,.:,,„ 4 . i .
ia ~....,.,..
' ..
' Aii:
l'erAisi d it''''' ifdisivr.iiiisicilkiv.
:: , .. - -..1. -,--77.- :,,,,..L.2.14-oiii,..i'alith4nispeci-,
1 * - o,l::r!;_tt el it'i.'" w :o6 .7 7 .. .ti',lfK.
-:40r44,,,,,,,„, ,„,,,,,.•,tbe, atif4f:.fekkAr"l7,
16 ' -- , :4 , --.14i1k.404 . 441 0 , 4 0 07 F z 1
1.00..,-,701,..,1!44:4-,.:1---iiit*-2,14•.7...ti. et) ,
.. i .: A L •.:3 7, 1ki 1 l
.►• ,
- ' '" lgre v irEgnik , l 7 o l osAink ~
• -',- ----,--r - 1: [ 7-..,,!?.
..: , ,
1 11. "
. l ow •Git-Dodge, of Wilco csin, hulas
Ilia proelaiation, calling a specia session '
Ai legi4tare of that Territory, to take
'comilderat • aits adMission Into the ljnion
The llith rthe present month Li the day
I apaSt for t e meeting. ..
pen. tip lor, h rya, being
great adttifror of 1 in, deck]
hia intentOtri, of m la after I
IM the cmiise 0f'....,._ , became
father of 41beantifill datibt. . True' to
pMpose, *ll6 "never surrenders," be had
baptized-Tbomas Jefferson Taylor.
Jt is said ithat the divorce of the Quee
Spain will;be brought before the approacl
Ctirtes at An early-day of its meeting, wi
tliat, after the death of,Queen Isa
female4liall be capable of inheriting
1 , village pedagogue in despair wife
stUpid bopointed at the letter A, and al
Itiiu if he liew it. "Yes sur." "Well wh
"Otriows him very- well by sight, bu ,
Me if I can remember his name:"
. ,
The Nyathington Union of Monday ni
pillilishoOnine colomns of official correspc
eneo relatlng to the terms of the proposed t
ty. i lle;,Union thinks that Generals PH
Smith an Worth are neither of then' kille
he telegraphic communication
tweet!, BiO • gliamton and Ithaca, went irrtn
ration on Wednesday week.
t AN hat d sP. Jacobs of Centreville. stale of M
iginn say t larding the medicine we alluded 'to
wi'vk. lieu 1.1117 dated Nov. 12. 1846. hr 'hold
following "wigwag u. ...We shall certainly out
fore any inure gels here. even if you tor ward nt
pitrilly of pamphlet*. I must nay t
no medicine we have ever dealt in which tias
rained so Oval acid decided a reputation as you'
Tilt: Mt tit . igu , or 36.1 Willt,otinlahle part. of I
ts. Itte uniform and one.rceptionab!e Uri
ny of tin ciirative proper ti. Bin rrery role. We_l
grd Mcgicincs for oy emiglr complaints
curs seettis to olls.late The one of da other liana;
-- I .irgots the o. hole grunnd. You will he
mined to learn that in every raw-of Fever and I
Iltave tri(4l il for. Berri' Jailed 1,1 ciirc.
0: only • limit, but all lit. Js.,i Frllitots dr
iik a:net'rhos writ. 5
ninE. , the great A mwricat, record). C. C. V. 4,1
,M tore. 1.011.
for his atneritsetnent--call upon Agents tot a
: J. W. Goodson, 1311evue, Ohio, says—Yourcdi
einessolitlhave given vary general satisfaction, sad H. J WEBEt, .
the Uernattd is Increasing. The Carminative 13 saw 1
TOULD idfurii a his lrie..ntis and form,
is selling O VII
rell. • I
tamers, and the public generallL,
tD. Beater, Winchel4er, Preble Co. Ohio, rits—; .
he is again on hand, - at his old st•ind. h
Your Eaka.mtorant is gettiorr , eery popular, an in ,
other mothoinot , t , the blast—htiving jail reiurned frnin New:
tixct taking the place .of all "
kind. VOur V ‘ crinifugels deservedly popular, „1. ; with tic entire riew study of Goods suit
so yonr Garminaitvc Balsam and Pills, and re tun ! this market, which he is now onenins. iti .
no tortiaate to recommend them. I faring tor sale, cheap for red pay.
.D. A. 13arrows. Galena, 111., June,' 1845, sais—l I Hiving made his pUrchaqs tut Casa, h
1 "In out ollyour Vertniftige, and wish you 'sea me he able 'to sell at sudh rates as .citonia
MIMIC as iioun as possible, as 1 have calls fur it livery I please. Ti,ose who wish to , save 25 pel
day.—alsir send mere Sanative Pills. I am also, w ill please call and examine. '
nearly ont of Expectorant iind,Hair Tonic. I have I Mont rose, October 6, 11347. •
sold considerably by the dozen.
; Jerre g. Allen, Columbiana, Ohio, April 1,845,
says.. Yo3t will iSerceive that I have sold all your i NOTICE TO' CARPENTE
'VermituO, and I may tell you that i have bee null .
i t
for a look time, with a great many calls fur it. , our !
Vert:lll4c particularly stands deservedy high ia. a, RoposALs,witilhi• received ui
J of October next for rrerling n
Worm, ojedicine, and has uniformly be-en atanded '
Wit h . goog effect. Please forward as soon 58 BM
tile.l Plait and Spei'llickcstions nuts , be vi
Willistris & Haywood, Raleigh, N C. iliac. 845, : quiring , ol R. J. IiVISN ER, Bingha ,
aay—S'etid us a frer•li supply of your medi incs.l September 23, ! 1847.
Your Calnimaitve Balsam is highly spoken of y all I
Who havtid useed it.
i C. 0.1 Wilson & Co, P,rtland, Me., Au . 201
1845, sayt—.-Mic wish you to send us some m e of ~
.our ,Carminative Ratsam. Your 'medicines se I •rap.l
ltdly-411.4ueurocr. Thollitsaco an t i Verumfu_g give
good sit(isfaction.
I A. N'.4 tliilliams, Paskershure„ Va., safe) ;
t..!arniiiiiitiVe Balsam, 1 tried in the Case of an
•,(. my n , .0, afflicted with Diarrhma alnd tfepal
irangeniiint,' with marked- terccee.s.
II Prepared only be Dr. D. Jayne. Philadelphia
ilsold on ligency by - N. Mitchell & Co., Mums,'
, I!
, IBy St 4 rrs & Heath, near the Great
'.l h . rt .
'I t., i,, x teams with wagons, or carts, for
iiing Stine and Gravel through the wint,
iirnielii3ash and go, i waged will be paid n
II Tl 2 ‘‘ '.2MItlilD9
In Dicitoek, on the 13th inst., by Rev.
Gibbon, Mr. JAMES. 0. BuLLA.Ito, of
denpe, Pa., to Miss Rust E. CLAIM,
tort:oer place.,
In Sffingville, on the 11th inst., by
. Beirdsley, Esq., Mr. Wimaatu. B. C.
• .tatiesboro, to Miss ADEUA ROBE
. DiliObk.
• -
In Brpoilyn, on the 7tb inst., Amos STE
,agep. - ,23 years.
fi Mtirrtiormruts.
-t A T,ILL be sold by public vendue. o
V Vi i k ..cry, on Wedncifday •the tenth
- ,, at the hunse o( . Ezetk
late ....niwnsbip - 4- Brooklyn, th•
, otte ;'span of 'Mares, eine yearling
..suckctig 4:341t, three dews, three w
Yearlings, three . Hogs, five
txetl = 4 cmo Sleep, one lumber Wag
Sleig quantity of Hny and _Graf.
kindsof Farming tools ; House-hold to
,Sale to conmienee at 'U) o'cloCk'
Alt4imi over fie eight mouth
IWith'Opp . oved security.
4BENZ& a.'BROWN. zee ,.• .
• •.*rbolilyn,•Oct;:l.lth, 157.• • '
- A L llci is: hereby liven to all pe P
J.:11 Liiiebted to the estate of EDE
.„Mi;liPlll,D; lited. late of Auburn tow
lishe,innbeldiate payrnent, nod all
asy. ebbs* against said estate
4uesttecl to present them to - the subier
-" :ANDREW 11:-.LOW, ,
Oct; 7;1847; t,,
Ni TlCEisliereti given. to ell pe
1 debt id: the eitate ofALOHA,
ig i Vi;.: deed. late of the township of
iti. he imniedisto pottisent;.' shit - OW
. 14 ,titill'any elaiins - Awkio 4 4 4l . , eiosto
writ4l ed to present them to the sobie
Whit:ht. '..,- ;., '.. , . - ---•
' . 1 - 1- . Oii,P,k,4 4: kAll.third- : -.
godolt, Oct 11. 1847. - z -
a latiNETiNAtitins and:Yrive*„..
' ID 1 116 00.. 1 ,1 1 4"; Z404 6 .44 16' 1 ,
ii,q 4 C"..'l i t,, • ',#;m4rs
,iA) • • '1 4, ,, ' , ' ,
N"MIVI -6' - 0 1 Zato .
' ifirsailai, itiliu) . -1 ' -
RlZtoreceek l o v r ine , a very, llargeaodittisi-
F:4Li AND , TiViTIZ GOODS' I i i
which haveJmen bought for aast(, andviri
sold at a wry, small advance from costs.l
s till adhere tto out tillt,tttottoil- , ,
by any establishment this aide bf the 11
ware. and tOvite our, customers add the
generally, to give us a cad and t est tb 1
of our assertions. • '; - -
Montrose, Oct. 13. 1857,
1 ,. of
DRO NDCLOTfiS, plain rancyl
r•eymeres and .t4iiteitt4. (11 ; very .31
nssortment)•Kentuck Jeans, Tweeds, Fla ri
Vestmes, Linsey Isoolsey's.l3twetings, I
Yarn, Batting &c. as ow .n as the cheap
LIRENCH Meronoes, Alpace49,
r fancy: Coshinert4, TsloteiNip De
Gmghlign9, Oregop COlicoes.
9 , I «.(rig„t by B NTL Er& RE* ;
- .
ill ,
A RIPWA o , good tismorfmeOt, 11 1
1 _ ding; elebraird A.-cel, for s
n -
I RON and Steel,' of almost every 81z;
quidror ever biou* In oil.; markpt
SOLE sail U,,per Leather.--niso—Cst
,IlurOcco Skates. ilcoartat and
Brorzan=, Isoliss and eirderetis shoes. an
,ha Rubbers, a first—'rate ai+Lsorlmeat
right by
A FULL st. , ,ek of Groeeriee, Cro 1
Al. Slone ni,d T.u—wurs, Pdinf.9. Oil I
Dye stuff;, Metlicipeg..Bronrei:. Pail.. &s:igy
r I
- ,
il p y ATCDF.S AND JEWEL,RY' — .-: r...a tent ~).
LaiHne and English Wat ches (an {:r
_; ire
!‘..Nv stoc4) God and .Sorer dieticils and . H9.
Brackrts, Pins, Itiogs, Slides ,
ates Spectac'le...r, i ,1-
4 ,
vr Sp"oas aird Thimbles,-,Purie 't 06
Triironin'Os, for sale cbrp by . '
. . .
S .
1:1V - 3 .
t' ,f
CODFISH a nil. 14...,1 by
1 ll'h I
2 411- ,
(Iv laqiNfaitA,Tivi,
%We=lß Cs U 51111721 l o .4 )3 LE TA
ig - 1114 -- re' eOliealfre 4 New Yi
1.1 Phi odelphla Operrtsjr4 Fashions.
Pall nail %Violet+, of 1847. & 8, .beg leav
!Urn* the eittz-mii of St.isiitiehanno, tho
are prepared toci do entrusted to r
i:uch a manner as will please the most
owl. -
is du-
Cutting &me l t() order, and .warant
and please, if pUt together O. S.
Shop npiswi.ellack & t Roger's
shop. 4t the old 'stand of R 13; Locke's
41nrarosr. Sett!: 20,1847.
r, for
BY the latent ad.vices,, , the cholary
Ring in th North. and :the LA
the North-em4,learrying oonsiernution . many
were ihrowitiglawity their goats, vests. . 1 ex.
cittng the totutem angwea, in the mini of the
Leoevolent ;_ 1. Itof only liy ; the In mine!
Ili Irehthil. °Ni. I do nio l aty, 'that al ities-1
ses ca e bi-' cup .i by. , no. hut MY RU invam 4
rribiy l throws i he ;patient itmo• fits. kit) isi
probably the test eemeitr liortiv,a for ronig l
itoltipto sets. AA; ns I hove' hod tr.Jerti tirsc—
Lek:, it is ezisy! for.hie to 10 mite p. icular
maiii4y, by look - meat thei outir.r giiiltn .
301111 GEOVES, .. 51...- ,
Montrose. 1847. ..-
N. B. ;Office t wri doors below the rt
of the
l' lbert
I I It, of
ITs, of
A •
g of s Dr. Jayne'a
iedietneo received tbs day. 'Als
erel and other I Groteru.44.
' ! tiENTL4Y 4. R
ay of
getitS l
row n.
It. one
.heat 4
!ft and
lAITE invite cif ens till
Sip:quel,ito CitUn t to o u r Yock• ul
F4 ll i)1:11 Witirer Gmits, ,w inch is' novi being
Tcekvetl.,assur,ine tfiem V ibe gig
well,or not bettO othei
'shop . : in town
mew ,
A. M.
ons toe
hip. to
ere re
ber for
as in.
bet kir
.bboks r
- OA .
SeiA 22, 15347
yi - yER , s PILL.— , ireo stock
11 celebratOd Pjfls just rOcoived
. 8.E174EY Si Kj
NEVI 1.0031)
pt. 0.1847)':
1000 rds. ciriglan;s.
0000, " Prints.
500 -" pe Uri*
600 10 ;41paere.N.4 ,
150 I " Pro ciott. Caesinere,
100 " Watiftetti Ar. (J the
2000'": - Pre t Pfrarled*tetina.
9.44avvi,shears, sh,irt;stoti ewes,
Aid e try 4wio ,I
diNpLpekeirgoof Eß.& t up.
EA. sugar, sal4 rytoi asses, spi
ger, cloyps. rwt • initignr P 1
• F. B. ' ANIM;F;11
i ' , 006.if's Micitzt e x. l l
.0001. gookl'i f roY , 111 4 a1 1 , 4 3 ) 4 n 6 6. 3° "„, 1 ; I :
Par4ty . , Bookw,, : br er , ipa lime! m a.k ,
iiii.l'lnk. [ Wilfera , • 1 4 , - „ L , - IXIB P1 14 " 5 " u `
log iPapq, aubtie. land isizY4F- Safid i si
'Penis, seto,lo. ph
. itit„ i , •
lx cipilybpat 7
Iff i DO : Stith, 'Et e•r o lai ' Na
14in . ardlpip?, o l i er y, , , 4
w n
' e l 44 t 44 **fCelyrilr' , . ‘...
;•-i .i
'-',"'''''. ••-.. i "• CitAPlP;rl t I tc l
-, }--,...- 11. ~•,,r; 1,31 i. ••-: ,- '', rr
Jr l •-, i •-r• r. `".'
1 1 /N4 , . STOVES.
'Mr ii4iiistaiii`.66trirtoiliciiitt Pailor
, ..,
i i
.i."Zstoyes./o.,ooofotrit ittrmartiooiOdin
tow:er prices ~ an kiiri - Apek:f.itirtertiii yid ' of
A)banviikt 4i .= P." ; OlitiltrDtEßC-Col.
IrN ' eximahie 1 , ' fo'il'Vciridio, I. o"rain, .1-11reswaye,
'Plat deed, eta ironi .R:4* 'a 04 COpPer,
Flannel, and Sockp 'Butter; Ragni-&e.; •
Anapprentice ttoillelln.businaie, aledntioul
16 or_ 17- yelimoldnf „gond . rncira.o4, !alter,
will find as opport u nity
. [WI
ow opening end 'T./e - gad 'ripip . bt
lArj A NTEDr- t*O . Y44.`, Fla i]det.--g,g i cks,
&c. •••
-•-• ~!•f ;-i
sept. .c
No Moiv001;Y-IN I TIENTAtiltApE.
px_ of ae r
°the!, T,cas, Itist 0. d
riled and lo'risalelby
A spLENbiD tifbintv and Ch eap goods g
orienFd Ond saint. billtitiq -at the
attire ' ! ' 1 47# 1, - • t
SGAR, ;Ctiffee
Copperai4 Vitrl
the' wore of
j f, N ',sugar
II ',and Lemonac
GREA-r variety of Broadckaha. Sattinetts,
Kerseymeres,lweeds, Ketitucti Jeans.
just arrived and sitillitig very tow J4L.
CA PS, Shoes , BOd Cords, a-teli6 , ls pnd;Sus
peneers tur sltie by • . J.'
,CIASMIErt.tti, paean Pfaids,
NJ, Alpaccats l , blerinee.4.lGingharn.g.and Print%
a good assortnsent 'cap be found at the dhenp
store of • r• J.? E.
&_e: • . - 45 . •
• / •
• 0 -74 .- i
nu . iseriber will s'll on Wecine,stiny '‘)
the 20th ;day of October inst. ni 10 o'iclork I(
A. M., hy-putitie. yendue, nt rtiy.lene, in
Franklin, the iolinwing, desgs,itie4 . , prniierty.
Two nrilchi Cenos,
One Farrow Cow, •
Ond fat Cow if not before dia-posad of,
Slibep, '• . - - •
.Abciat jibe' 'tons' Hay,
• Corn in 14e bundle, •
Sinful lot ,Potatoes,.
Some; arniing Tools,
One eooking atone and pipe, .
, One . . Clock -
Iron ill'arc,
Tin , Ware,
Wooden Ware,
and many articivs , of ffiroiffire, too
numerous to pnrticularize here.
- Trit.sis or sums over .$3, nine
months credit %%ith ent,ll ceel)ritV.'
CHARLE - S 110. W LET.
1 Frank:in t October 5tK1847.
d lo
I will
aqministratorls . Sale.,
11C - OTIdE is hereby given, thatjby alt order
II of the Drphares,Court of the CoMit)? of
Susquehanna, will be exposed to 'sale by pub ` I
lie vendue or out-cry, at the house late of las:
Shearinati, ilecerteed, in the township of Dim,
oak. on Thursday the 11th day itiNotembe r !
next, at one o'clock in the afternoon .of that
aay_s all those two certain lots, - lileces or par
ce of; latid, riitilf477,l3rftratid beinkri,lin'ttfe,
invrnsbip &if Viineek tifaresald; late the, esta te .
of James Sh,earritim, Tale of the quid township;
deceased, se%lerallf bounded antideacribed
cs follow%
,to wit:—the, first'piece orl parcel '
therrof, tieing, this farm trirmertt,owned and'
occupied ty Allen 'Upson. Boandedi . on the
North, by land at Richard Garretson-+Mrthe
East, by landsof Uurtion D. ilninpstiiit, and
I 13,iisna, Titr4ny-Hon toe South, !by hinds of
Ow ries Groetiwood, and George Onites,and on
. Ike West; • by Inhds of Jacob S: 51111.4. and
Dudley B. South—containing, one bandied and
I. sixty-tour ogres, iwith A bout , ,opel hundred and
tiveitly.lrii adreillrOpipifed; and ha ringthere
nn, one dwelling lhoUge; two biiips taioeorch ,
ards, no& a cideti mill.' - - ,
;' and
.r the
to in•
'm, In
to, fit
B rti-
thei,sime place arid Aline, the .
Other pi&e jircel-tif land being the farm
known the einry Barkley tarn said farm
being bonnitekokthe plcirth, by hinds of Avery
Bolles, ind FranbiliVengliey; On the East, by
p l ods of James *malt; on theiStiblittfT lands
Of E. T. +Wilber antil on ,the,%Vesti 3y< lands
at E. I'. Wilber, and John' ,WoOdhoile, con
timing 147 acres, or'xhereabnuts, with : about
110 seriisiunprovedi 'and , having theOpqn two
dwelling- houses Alva! barns, ttimo cir4hatO
awl other appu lennnces.. t
Terms niadelkOriwnrin the day of stile.
R.: T. STP,PRIBNS, Admirtistiatr.
Dirnoak, Octo.ier 5113, 1547. 1
48 3m
- lIIA n k tr : 114FAT'il IR tit`a
EI'AIN IN in thi: Potil9triißea; Montrose,
ILI, Pa., Oct. 1, / 1847. 1, 1 1 1 -
!Austin Dans V 1 Keeler:Gl:M:oi ,
Ayres Squire. , • Lewis CliAiresi
(B iCkusl Miss Mary E L'yoriti James : ,
' Barker PIM ; , i I.e
. Gro.4lMissilane A
Bray Abram .. , MarskalliDi-xtlr -,' :2
-Brown. John , • , Mutt 2 a meg M. s
jirmineri WilliaM • , .
Mack Joqa4 i
- Bryan ilVin 0 4 ' Moron /Eagles 3 .
Bar m, Miss Jane L.
~ M eterlo n i,
B row* Wi ll iam it
. Morse -.. tb. ! .
1111;y Dennis ' . ~- , -1114wItay4 its i , ,
aley'l,Steplirri T , • Ile,Akt•ik, Itqwo A
1-Busn Annett a i i. , Peurini Odvic!jt '
Bush Caleb-- ~. -1, .. PoitLDaniel 4,
Crandall Rider l'i., . , ,p e . c kid ic w rs ,
Curtis N. t flitteri I - -1- -", --Perry Lewis 8• • •
Ctramt?irliir Re Peeri PPeiloM re Duei , , ' i-- , r:
mpfield deo 0
Co '-i 'Pier MiSit.Marylz 4 '
CaswellMrs-0 estiliAPieriii6o , ltv•ti - .1" 1 -
Conran Mrs. Cticoline EVOkeluitlri sink ray 44
Chase $ B ~ , - ' Rqtiintiiik - EdWard P
Clemons David ,' • ABsgigiiii; Mist s/4 1 e
Conattirdine 'Milk Bittritlitetibelis Pere'r.,
Ipenisbti'D MI • ' 1) • , ':EletrionOaral .• i •
• -A' l h. Ars '-"J ne A
- Daytoil Abner , :: .--- at t.: I s , .
'l l f en ' Yje O li ci`' ' .I"','.ol l ;.,l3diton•Le'siiiii ;/ ',
'Dewy Mrs EI.:C .:- . l '-' , i'-'l'-arimoriritiosfibs - 2 - : 11
040,4 lliiseA ." - L'A ~.i . P.,biii! :Tirtk,Dry ,0'
..Eikler 'Atirititii'` . ; - I:•lr r '' EfililiPt4 P D
HiirOsen .o . ..l3.tetikierrßuids Al '-'...!
Furgesou .ZetrY:t 11' , . .',sl..CP)),*f,t(lc li n e '
Ferguson Phineas : Sinitti %1 , ,i.t1iat1,.. .
Gird Mitti..Sardinial, ..slistao , Wilipm;
Griffit.B AltmeiAl P -t' 14' 1301 0 ; aims f - 1
garinq griiiii•/,;,-I,lql:TeOrti*ri4.‘. ;7, -fit.
G;itting Harvey .r.. 5 I.!o.oll,Attert.., ' , 'l V. _
thiscii P,lisha !, ~ 1 „ 1, , Virgil/ Almon- ‘1,4 ,1 1: ,
.. , ../.,,, , , , ,z---,,-.. ~,-•, -41 4 .-;',,,,,i , i n ka,i..:.:,
G4.ll4o,ietra &Wily A-.V4ii,Miis4l4Ariei .1 - • 14 1 ,-,,',0,''',1V11011. 1 114111417mP!'" , -, , F24 4 `MCi. - -._
I§g o lb r o*Wail:ll..- i s'/Warimr Timpthi . 1 ,•:4141, -. , psscitk:rii#,,=?As, l o.bilts_l;,4S,
il i. ,.*, o o44,SArfkit-,- -,WikrmAeiVeN . , 1 - ., : : a iz,., Y,:.i . . 4 4i.". - ,C44, 16 -PRlstr il Aithr .!!;''
k.giliillutOtortij , t. hiiVlL'Wfrfkli,lthAt 1 ~ ,,,—:irlqik P )4 , q, A,"-;-.::„
1 it**Siri o ltle , 3 , i :' ,NYlllllWR,itii Li, :,-.,.. ' bie ,,,ridiiirizeci g q ts i ti.,2l , 4 l ollai sins,
• 1194 ' 414 * -14.i 54 ,a i-4144411 1 TY •'i '•'-'.• ' :•':; • t114:04 . ,' 4
fliiiooiitt ,
.ticmiarre l 4lo 6 l ,l l o 'l. ....' -.• r .."'Ziii oiitiogo ,b -- i4ii i ":44,4 ? — ;.‘ , .-44A'..: -
114 1 00 tl:: L ll - . 114e 14 • 1 P . -4 1,1 4 1 41 - '• - , il : :;' -'41 1 7- 401:11,0,041): es''idis.,:fiiicl , 6l4ll.6l - p," set
ri#l l It ' VI-. I . - ..,i,"*•:We ,) , 7 . k. t ...1 1 -,, , ... . '-.. 1 :-..liA r .„,‘AtiN-Eisi l itfoAk., . -- . •
. ,-; &a. - ,..7. 71.1.; , -...?c, :747 , - •F;,.."%!
jailer Ibikil . ',' , ‘,..-.' , : , , - t ~ .. .'s 4.i--- - -4..1. 1. 4ft , ,.; *LJ' . :? idv;viiif . ..t-i,i.-1),;;; ,-,,, : , ;i?7 , 'A - 4 07 y, ,s
.., 'lima Ilbrvi r 4 - :,? .: 'zt
11 ,i .41.: :' 'l"'-'4 ,- - -i 5 4.4.#= , -* - - - 'l' ,- ; '4i -,1.5 .11 ,- .V , z71.1"-`'t=,s.4.-Ar,A.A '„, ,'.. . 1 i • .
- . , T.l , ', a. 7' E. ''' - '-it• "'.. ' -,... '.:....‘iirp, - I --- 0 , 4 •q?..A., ^ 3 - , t;3sl:''' I 1 ' -'
puln r
fay k
.• those
the A
e, gin
m, 14:
r Coi
r I, L,
a superior iirticie tee pies,
&c. fer sale by
,J.I L.
Ritie)as. `indigo f AIWm, I
I, Dytive9ds,i4.p. che of
.1.1 ap
.. t
411 E subs6riber, h av i n g bkn- appo inted
1 . Agent oqtuf Lycnnitlng . COuntY, 'Mutual
its urance Company fol. ' Siiititiehannit couqty.
~ re ared ' int.reeetire- - 40plientiittis lint' insn
ranct# ago int.t_ lose by fire; in citcCorditilce vt', llll
1) • amp of incptpbratiott awl - Byfti-kflors of. Ene•
” . .1:....-'
'hp nit'
./e great resonreee nnw i PosprOso4 ,, by, this
.0 pa hy as being, much thei, inlikmitigiiskir,o in
11 rther . s. : Pekasyleania, offer', iier3r: Ai* gi, in. -
1 „ men u by j'a!l' %Oki wiitip:ber:leictoP - 4 114 '
; fist lois' bilca*iriterrltierii.. '
ROBZ. C . gIMPSON, ;Agen t.
.... . ,
~. .
n MitaValk Coinly,, '
4 LlECAnniYiraf - Stirlivattitinvin; bien.litiely
... - set off frOrn the. eouoty triflaycolning ittitt
i .
I CintritylSeatinciited by COMM iiiloners l a p-
J . lined by.tote '.,. Logislattirii on the lands of
I Subscribif, be. oftern fol. :vile Ifiiiage ;lots,
t it tand,ndjobting tieing. part of a large , lant#; •
i ich: he- wilt sell - to *mit settlers. '-: Mill Seats
4 timber plenty. • ; t i .l
Enqufre otl'Leyris info Chet ,ownsbir
t!ti., _JrrY
Illivan - couitty;-of Michael ltjeylery at pres
nt in said pounty to rtrke' the necesartry
,urvoys oPthO,Sutiscritier at Nea(Milfbrd.
r • 3. 111.E.YLERT.
Sept. 10, 1847
e2dnitg4stralei 9 s .Iretice.'tk:
i .
TOTICt. is heresy given to ailpersons in.
ie i
si ned, and :Surrendered her lett - Ors of adminis
tr tints. theuadersigned has been duly appoint.
a Adm i nistrator de bonis non of said &itat:as
i h e e e a d t : e
a a ti t ez Lu i riy yte decd.
iitiri av in in ist r n
; r x of,
A 1 persons therefore,- haviing unsettlad buist . inefn
Sept. 0; 1447. .. 1 1.
w ;
ee ih ipn a iye id nbite E: ndt. i tro te sil w i i d ll a p: t s e e
. ca il l:• m oi a i k ,:i ith i ßm i e n d d . s .
fl se i t's tilidut further delay: and ttresit'whq
i:x:Lcutcir's -- NOttee:
OTICE iSlereby a perions i in
debted to the estate•pfEZßA. - BROWN,
• c'd, late,of,Erooklyn Toriasbip,
payment ; and-ail:persons:4*g any
ims against said Estate are recprested to
esent 'thenile the subscribers for kettleMent,
EZA ,' •
560. - 15, 4847. ;•.17-6-4
I - AN - ArPO.:airraCO 'WA. :I'
N' ti r •:' •
BOY nliwt 1 17 years 04 of: . g''po.d.:,...Pilorel
Gila rictei-: can' hlt ve 0 sirt6tifieto learn
It'. 'railoriog: Bus:ales:: by I.)piN.-i•oiat. : .... 'l -
. : LOrli di &.1A Si P.S01i118.;
. . .. .
Montrose. §ept. 15, 1t4.47'. . • ..-,,i.
5 0,0 - 0' ,s P u-LT,$;
oft witinh the highest' price van b*. l imitl
in CAsii, ut the att., & q!p the
übseriber-7,nne debt south of thie‘ Fariners'
Lure. • , - • '
: POSI'4'VO.
litoptnistc Sept. 1.84 T.
. _ - -.'' - ggkliEHAtitth-:!ACADEIif '';' t i' s .
- -
*:.: ; ~... •
HE Fall .term of this'lnstitutionlirili-com ,
mance no -Wei:Mesita y the EkliFday mt .
.apt.. ineirt, Ceder the chtlile of A. P.Aitruw A..
t ~ graduatefroni Madison Univerpityitl. Y. ,
Tuition Pei Qtitiatelei..., l ,li•
Vriting, Beading, Orthograpby—Budiirijipta ,
Arithmetic Geography, and English Omni—
enar.....:. -- -- •• : • ,-..,..:.-....,,,,i62 00-
- .- ...,,
atin Grammar and Lesgons. ebennstryil -
Philbs,opbY; Botany; Logic and Bletnii . 4.ll
_,l*-- . -
llgebra; Surveying, GaoMetry, Astr,orm
my;and French. .r.,. • • • ... r, 4 Ott
n, in and Greek Classies,, .. ... ...'...!..; SOU
By order.oq the Board. ,:, ~: t ) ,
- , ‘ , ~... WK. ,i,E &SUP,. Pitaient.
Montrose; otuelOth, 1547.', ' ~:„ ~ r,f,
1110N1r140S0 • L
ItiiiiCOMEM 9 -61/6111141)01116; 1
~ ---;-4....-:. ....,1 , ~,, , :: , i.,
mats 8.,' ihoot ' is removed- • frorp ; ribe; 1 .041'
i t ..11_"Atarl;vroy,'5'.1O art- eligible iutuali.* in II
'commodirieree . borise, whelp ' Nils!Niliiird t the" ,
1 Princiimi; is ::nemr, prepared to receivelyoud:r
L adies to :beard. need ei,fucate.'illeyffig hair
much' eictierieiree•ln f fittiet youeg'iladiee fur
Teachers of Perrimon. School entlAYearlbmies.
- oe *oultl - heliatniy tl464elce tiVlassle*hotei
1 partiedler iliblelzetioe - will he - given :Orr the
' -- -
The :Fall tefm'will corn:-
mqiCe-pn"- filehdity, Oet.4th. The services of
Will be kvotin-
ued in;their Departnientsj..
Pupils may furnish their own beds and bid,
ding o ,fer . tvhlch reusonnble deductions will be
made on tbe,ptice of bmird. 1
Common Eiigllob . Stud .......50
igher Bombes, ; .3 130
Algebra ori.GeOmetiy, ' 1 .4" 50
tAtin or. French; .. . , ;AI 00
Mnsie.oo,oce Pinnek, . - ..13 00
Use..of ... . . 1.......... :; aOO
l'eriyis boarding are from , tTetkin,ifo four
teen per wy.ik. This,igclik4oti•ovash—
ink, lire:nod If
4 ReferWel7Tife TrUS l 4es Of 111, 401 f i lfi r i
toi~trtise, ce. _3l. 1847. 'r;3s-5w
-----7-r'- ~ .--- - " --- " --- " ---1--
1 4,
A:401111i Strat#VP-.iftlP s k , v i ,
- p
94 { 1C11,:i ooreby gikost to. nil pPrions ll
"liebteti to the esTde . of-. RICIISII.OAD
G V111.,-.oc,'.d. foie of Oimoilt" TO*Oiltiiri, to
1 iiitatiriathediiileraYtiigtito'ilid ali pffkiki_tio bay.
nlog x4kiitie. ago i oq l l,4ii ZVtie-jOire.quellt'
ett tii pr*nti:titiontilbt*ibisetibiik.tor ti r ed
thent:' . "., -;*"''''' - ''
,l i-er' ,s :' .4 ' 4 , ' -
.., ~,.,,,.-.1-.9,trAlito l f p .; npi.,
~, - Dio i kk,,,i-ur.lo,lsign4_,--4.-, -=-*.i4B-6w.
G d " 41 " i g Poo.***?l.4i;tllo4nd Ntter
• :14 1 .4 a.t' Y)'et0 I ,:q. l l l sittli ,- := rot- 341 q "bY
.4* tl,lll Lyons.
TIOPRII.:(4*..S . APWR•q I . 4 . 414;