Northern democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1844-1848, October 14, 1847, Image 2

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''not be openedi So, if a thief should
of them, he wefiild find that he has got oneywith
the end of the,liandle gone, and moreoveqthat
ho could not de it, for he would he
open it.
. , ;., . .4.4. ./-::- -
".Tll kr '`..,-; • E r' k
...., • t , ~., .., f- e - • i.- ~ ....,.-
' ••-; '' - U• l ••.klsYr-Thrri - I -!- r -l'-'.' Raiiie• '
I,l l hlldr",e, * 11 . 1 *, 1 0 11 , - ; Oct. 143 - , AIX IWO& StSIWEILLICIAt
.• " 1 ;
~•• -t---
800 rojdrity for Shook ji
-epl -. 4 . 1:::: , ,, , i , -.•; I::::,.;-.ii-,:-: , -. ,
-t.cL4 '7.7. ...:.. f . : ... 4 , 4:. ,;,:,... 1. 5
x f 2: • : ; E. , ,-.-c- - z..1 , , , • 1
v' i i
„. 0 isday ist was a glorious day for i'he in
.,Alentiteble Depocracy-of staid old Snsqueban
'l,z They'dteaded no rain so - much fas the
h'illtExnX of Fiderafism, and hence turnH out
t the returns a round and .over
fn' • •
„„rtieltuing nullbers, carrying every thing be
aofore with a perfect rush., Cans(dering
'the condition of our party one year ago, and
the-despoil:de' efforts and corrupt scheipes of
” eni'opiainent4 t° diminish if not. annihilate our
,•E' k • -
~,,,Ataiority,:theesult is glorious beyond 'lmece
odent, of eve expectation. Eight hundred
.3 , .pmajority 4 all any one claimed tor Mr.
14. :Snusx, heneg the addition of another hindred,
ivhile it rove clearly his favor with the Inas
aps, exceeds i 4 our antieipatiops, and mortifies
e ,Attud overwhelm S his opponents.
i. -The majolties, so far as ireceived, We give
they - •
k".. l ' below, ,PreSniaing that n ere generally cor
, rect a althougli - not official. *
. Gov. C. Com. Sen.
Townships. 4.D. W. D. W. D. W
- - Apalaehian, 23 25 2
Auburn, 7 • 00 • !00
f- -Bridgewater 4.83 76_ 72
1-4:. Brooklyn,- 32 3`2 36
Choconut, 415 14 * 3
Clifford, 63 59 33
51 47 148
Torest Like ' 9 DO c
-.Franklin, 12 ID 18
-Gibson, K 56
f; i :Great Benkti 45
sr Hanford, 002
r c Harmony, A3O
Sn Herrick, .11 00
skimp, 53
Lathrop, a5O
Lenox, t 147
7lc• I‘liddletown,i 33
r" Montrose,
New Milford i 49
:Rash,- '4 871
Robt. J. Walker ---Whig Calumny.. l i
It 3‘fill beremviiily,,T d by s.,,rre of out read-
ers t-lit several timesurin:.-, the campaign
has ju4t termivatod, the Federal organ of Clis.
place Oositively charged Mr. W Ats La, !wh , ,se
Dante liends ti,'...: 11114 : 10. 'WY, I.:;Vin .4 I: , len C
' 4 1111li 3 g t : l .. n, .1 1 o • • • , s. 1,-;,,.. .• ~g t l, e ... 1*
ba...dirupt law of I'4l ; a: d that lie' evon;
went tiirther tl an h, , s icd,ral eo-w, , rk( r, and.
I tocic the bernifit of.' it himQ ; eif. Not knowing
ito the elntrary, and as it has proved, enter--;
1 tainic - quike -too favorai lc an opi , don bf on*
cotom orar)'s iutolligenee cr li,nesty, wo were ..
i not di4posed or prepared to contradiOt the;.
i chargd. But it appears from the following' ar-;.
1 ticie, 'bich we find, in the Pen n c•ylv c nicht that '
the _Mirth. -American has recently bandied t'.ie
same Calumny, and that , it- has beenpromply
mot, dzposed-and finalja- retracted, IWe give
! LIM Pennsylvanian's reinTarks : I
I • Mr] Walker never applied for the benefit of i
the hapkrupt laW, or ever erteMplated ist.eli a: 1
proceeding. :Ile, never tooltate benefit.ef the!
bankrlipt law. He never tilok the. fienefit of!
any lit.olvent laW; or applied they or, or ever
! conteMplated auk such:; pri/cee 2% Qn the
eontitfry, the benefit of-itre . tikrupt laW was'
taken iliy' his debtors, wh, Were thereby dis-
F charged Erb= their d:e . , toiiin to the anicouit
of nia4-thensttnils , dollars. %So far fr,inn Mr. i.
Walker ever tang,
,or proposing tx, take, the'
.benefit of an • anl:rupt or any insolvent law'
whnteer, .e proceeded. while a Senator in.
Congie , - to the payment of his debts / : ineln - - i
din. '. use in winch he was an accommodation ;
. ;Oilier for others,-and. it wa..r proved as, an in-'
, dlipurible'fa , :t and eoneeded upon the trial of
the case of "Walker vs. Funs.tall," in ; 1';•".:1 '-
that *r. Walker had not only pr,,?...c:Fled to'
the payment of his own debts, I 4 al,
i• , •,. l i
, jayr4a . D . 1 :Liu, de l had paid many thousand 'd Alarm
1 volun / arilv, a,s an decointr , ,,:atien endorser,'
and" Lava; just a
ry in -the election c.f;f e .,t, c , -
I when.' he was released at la+. Lv a techilleal de-
notice,,uld not, tl,t:ref‘i re,' be'
xis, fur Governo'r, and a t collec t ed at law, and there was only - at- moral'
hers of the State Leglalature. i obliOtion;
awl where al o, in consequence of '
3,30 , th , e insolvent; i olveney of the principal debtors, .31r.
to that in .Ig4-1 gave cliy -
I\ alter never wtiuld be refunded one cent.
j, i4onsidered no mean triumph: ' P f l As fregarcis )fr. Walker's vote in favor of
. ConPreOlonal delegation, ite.eaniliOt speak i.the bankrupt liW, it was given hi obedience to'
' 1
,liogitively,iitliough it is now presnme4t'ostandlthepdsitive instructions of a Federal 'legisla- i
• Democrats'
..i,'"...ryderalists 4.. • The ic,#,,41,e f ,„. (tore, and- so an op
, as those resolutions Were re-1
..; ,
rstitided, Mr. Waler voted Tor the repeal of,
. -vial', speaki)dg of this result, says.: - .; ~
. that
and hiS pante will be so found 1 reedr- '
f" - Mary Lin 4 has heretofore gone duildediy r". j
:he'd pthe journals atthe ate of tho. repeal
the Federalists, at nearly every itnper4tlelee7..oftheact. 3.l.i.lWalker's opinions on the sub
,n.,:. tion. • The'kesult i under all
,the eirentt ; taut* feet of a bankrupt law, are shawl) by hiti votevotes s
via iaw , nnexpietgl to the'iDemocratie _l4 ;
3 , , . 1 „ . iL
,imtlm - Senate ; and especially by-his vote, as
;11 - seen .wultati spiech,.in favor of ineludirg' batiks and
will be found pleasinfqo them, It to fie .t'eri , t - ra '
- didg , eorporations in the'eompulsory proves
. did of .211arliland 'in jator" of the ,country's
,-.... ,
war / ' It ir#: the expression of that- State whie& their debts;' an 4 when this arid, and.'oth prb
Las given stifieely:to the cause of the lopnblii; 7isio4 - for the 'protection • of.erediters twin.i ,]-i•o-:
~..1 • '
in her tosolit, conflict with 311 ..i • the - ted:44wa, , belottily.verml for the bill as ' itios:,
'..Enierlttlre4 32
Springville, 1 .1
`• Thomson,; "I 00
~; > ajority or .„//EN sSO far 840. Two town-.
ships yet. reitain'to -be heard from which will
-7.- doubtless 8411 his majority to -nearly
inajoiitt for Mr. 1 ON4STRETII will pr0ba
::..:„..14 exceed loic). -Mr. SraxErun's majority in
l: ~his gogntp be nearly 800, and places 11 . •
-11 election bed a doubt. The remainder
theDemoeritie ticket is elected by tnajoritie
iata'ging frga Six to eight hundred. f‘ Glory
forme day." •
The eattdidates are, for. Gov„ L.A.. Shank,
aas. Irvin, W. ; foreanal Cemner,
Dem., J. 'W. l'atton, W. ;
for Senatori.F. B. Streeter, D., Jos.
- 3
; Reps.;iSam'l Taggart and R. it Little,
Abel Cassctly and Benj: Edivaitls, Ws.
WYOMING, 0. H. I :;!
Weleara . lroin the Tonkhatmock Record and
Other sourieit that the Democrats of "little Wy-•
- hav acquited themselves nobli, giviri g g
it 'majority ?or Shank of about 1/50 ; fist Long.;
afreth the Bike ; fur Streeter ; of 140,
c,,,,i ; :fragprt 1914 Little of 170 eel::
- Al - Ahakt . they gtive'in 1844. Veil done
.r. 5-4111
a,g =G O OD riEws FROM-31,
•Thp.Deniperaey Mn:
Odaved 'a g•ltnious Sig
F4tv.x •T;
• , A
.4•,1146, itra
_4l, Anal exie,o, azainst _
policy of 01 - M i er:dist - II Which looks te; the iii:.,
ri l
terruptick' 41'te;the 4118 . griCefril conetrisipTi al
that ,wari. 11:q:D'elii°9ra4e40didatel9r.G6T-1
cruet To : ,114 e amoutreed_.:himself *a. the i
eaudi4te. " 'THE PARTY TEAT aTJPPOE.; '
i ''raltiolAY'brilie . 'the massii Instal* ifiiii,_i.--,
2aaameer Clotssi7 Replisr44lll.,
The -Penl/ranian anotherVDelm4
OFOrli ) 1iet. 4 4.:**J40.0M.0: 203 !44
aefv9 , o 7 #sr4Tedeniktii"
imissiditii, , baf.suppose.ii . isimsi` e as there !is Iht i ki
•1, • • V
:11q. PeO r gl i tt• - , 1 T 006..-
arii Si ink lia : addateii . it
pyramid nett week.
?g, _
f. ~,
• ft 0
G 0)
Or 4 • arazicellints ceased to,be - li "
:r'' 1 vidarrE. '1 ri
The ashingtof Union—skaks . our senti= i
Meats i,.' thelolloilng article, to. a- "nicety.7l
, ,
W-are t 7 ontilent also, that they are the . Sen.
Itimenti:. f tine-ten
t hs of the .eitizens 0 our
~., -
1 anuntryl . . i _ i '
The exican government having declined to;
aeeede the liberal picipositinnS of our gov 4:.
I ;,
l er p me 4 for pece, - -er'even it Would: seem to
give them a semis and res.pectrill hearing, it'
is now .riifest tlip forbearinc , spirit and ob- 1
jeet whih has induced the administration to ;
tender peace has lleen wholly Misunderstood.
The lopositiom , of Mexico—that we should
pay to B enean citizens all the -damages !sus
tained, them during ' the war,-surrender all
that po • ion of TOtas west of the `Nueces, a
bandonl ll of Newt Mexico, all of Lower and
one-ha'of Upper California, leave the imports
of our and all , other 'merchants into the
!ilex - ice' ports opeM to new thities, or even to
Co:ills= ion, and give up our claim to any `right
t a
~. ....... 1 1 %iC0 IVIIii vu,,- - - __ _
Ot way tcross.the isthmus—are so preposterousl ting
as to pill all hopes of peace, at least for ' the ktocomt.
them there will probably not e:
for the first six Months
present/ out of the question.arci called out. from the expirati
Weederstand it, has been determined
b yltittle, we can make the occupied cot
the go rnment toimakeno further overtures t ail
Of peat 'op our, part. When Mexico wants
his is one side of the account.
peact:h Teafter, lei sue fur it. %
1.. ‘- 'e are riew thin/ other ? Under American ru
I.n the iossession of her capital, principal pities_
would be worth to the United Stat
ports. rind possessions. 'Large reinforcements
calhtilable.. In 1840, under a t
[are daily moving forward from Vera Cruz', suf
rilliibitor,.. and in the midst of all
'llcient to support the gallant column in the iv s f- ng
pt influei,c•cs of bad and unsta
present , occupation of the capital,
Pa`bi''' ii c., i miMt, tile revenues of _Mexico ex
Laird to pen and ktTp open, the:line of comma- . A
toplloo. Astable government a
'nicatieF. betiveen the seaboard and the
army. iln addition ta, and besides the regi- ; i
I •' 4l nieriean tariff would very soon qua!
ati Mint, and then leave it to increo
meats itow organizing and moving forward from
I intireasing prosperity of the counq
dientrqky,TenneSsee, and Indiana, other re-
lit be conquered and annexed, thorti
linforcetnents, to the extent authorized' by the
ismlltions should be introduced. 1
law of ;Congress, till be called out at once,- t ol„,rrrh . lin estates of the plundering sera
Intake dortain of the security o 7 the army in its ',: . kconfiscated, and sold as public li
resent,'occupations and operations. 'renal restraints upon Landed prop!
As the continuance of the war is forced up
be:removed, as a measure for esti'
lon us, 4 must be waged with vigor..
Tae !fschievous landed aristocracy, am
country conquerel Must be occupied, and gov
i tlii actual cultivators into land own
erned by martiallaw, and its rcsoureps . must , d a in . mf
million surely should , be i
be reused tributary M every practicable man
:Aid this would relieve the land
ner'to the Support of our occupation and: gov
ernment. I fr.*tri many exactions of 'the Cli
!whole rabble . of Mexican military of
tkre happy to learn that there are ample
means in the treasury ,( thanks to the tariff of,
18'&6) ifor the Most vigorous prosecution but the;
war, including the organization, equii4ment,,
transOrtathin, & - .b..,!0f all the new troops re-,
quiredj until simt4 time after the nieetita!z of,
Congrlss. -
Meico never ‘rould have offered sturh ;terms
so prepnsteraus, if she had, not -been etnioura-;
ged V i the "no territ , ry pirty," by the N treecs ,
party tu]. the Mexican !Arty at home, by the
party ichieb has ilem; ‘ uneetl the war as agrt
lye, unholy and unjust en our patt. Lit us
hope, however, that her rect-nt treacheroui and
vindictive' course will roar,. ar.d unite the na
tion in t / the prosecution of the war, and in ex
actinglfrom her lay -thilitary • contributions, as
far hs raeticable, its future expenses.
seholiast nettettantly, .iu obedience to tbo - pk- ,
lweis instr.uctiod# of a Federatelklgislatine.. ' ' '
- Azrli6 chitin of the - Noilk ilinerisint/' ' le.-
1 gainst ! Mr. Walker is diteet•and,positivennd as
Item ecintradiatitin is made in yl)a,ao - .le flistinet,
t i
inaun `
r,. and viloyi the Intit:anibo.iity,;wo Au&
'see w ether &Ili.' 'Allan' Mr. NiriiikOr the jus
tice rajf thatit: was mistake- - .i
The MOIL Amerfie.div in a veryr:et.ei
itable• . r, retrantsits.charze: ngu the,
jlon. left J. Walker . of having..4oi n •the i
De of the IlankruptLaiv—Petn4 ani4al
11'°c 1 8 th.' I- , ' ".- - - 711-! : .0.
4 „le ' mine Lo be seen iiketlier die , , aster.
*Mai Pais*.'eat ,, ,edl,y iterated,' and:~rei erated
the ..,P r al:os4f 4l iiiMl nalnitu4oninocuiatio - ,eud
ma r
ibinil ''' 444 an- sanctioned tbialtroith
a -1 44.'6 7 44CW, IVill! : ilso illitAtells ton
! I , 'l , l .. ' •
and as honorably retract '
,311' to ,record such an act. '
; * . Counting ,the Cost.
4 .
The Pederal organ of 'this countl last week
ea[ 401. apd'endorscda thprougb goijig Cory ar
tic+ ~ fromAhe North flaterkan in relation to
thtilaiist of the,w4.; 4articlea,ticle ~abennalrig in
th4nostiixtravngant eUg4eration,' nd which
no pne bat', an enemy obis count in an un
ip4ified sense, - could etthir write, c py, or ap
proe. We do not attempt to rep yto it at' '
all for it does not merit it—it deft is its own I
olOct ; but we have deemed it-pr rto off
setithe subjoined remarlEs which we nd in.the
Philadelphia Ledger, R. neutral pa 'ei, as di
reepy to the point.:
Oar expenses in the:Mexican wa , from its
coijimencement to that of the ensnipg session
of tl, t*igress, will probably be $l4)- ,000,000.
1114j:do r
ing that we occupy and , rrison all
I.3lexico with 60,400 men, our expe sea in get-
bq thrned out of commission, and
tlfeir living by 'honest work, insteti
aildtobberv. Liberal inducement
n!.lsl of public lands. should be off
giyuits from the United States and
pil l eiti;ly from Germany. Schools s
t#llshed at the public expense, in
altd,village, in which the teaching
dish ;language should be required
ree.irds. legislative or judicial, sin
inctile English language. Na Me.
ha ld any Alice underthe Mexico-A;
vtirement, without a competent k
Sonle will say, "Here is work
ciinturies." We think differently..
cluld be accomplished in one yea'
i 6 in a r•encration. And of the
Dien, the whole. excepting - the rat
:ail:fly and the lowCr clergy, would t
(ifian2 - .e. and bless the day that plat
r A n zlO,- A meriean rule. An
M,XICLI would be
0,1. Its gold and s
mere l‘ro , bl-zive than ever. It
ce!‘ver and lead would be wr
!malt. Its home:lse agriculture
'*ottlil be developed through railro:
si ies for reaching markets ;am
,elation growing wealthy uhder pe
!ill's. would be a great a:A increa
Or American manufactures. Th
.tonnts t , ) force inanufactnrei
mink( he abandoned, while its agr
ruining would rapidly increase
mon of ten years unaer.our rule, :
0,000 men at the expense of Me
ipake a thorough change in the i
g vial conditiotr of the Mexican
en' fast to the: Union by the ti•
With Such prospects, we should
$ . 200,000,000 as very profitably
New-York Politic
The Democrats of New York,
trrntion et Syracuse on
Sttled upon the following ticket
obis :
I t
for Lieut. Governor—NATlLL
Slagaraeounty. For Conytrolle
linxnEnvonn, of Jefferson count
efttry nr Statc—EDW ARDSANP
Fork. For Atty. General—LE ,
,!lIELEI, of Otsego county.
The "Hanker" party, as it is ca
liavetriumphed. The ticket is
4,:iod one, and ought to be suree: :
4.:e little to lu fAr unless the p'
tiarm,,nized than at present.
t? , :moerats might he eminently s
irrangling among. themsf•lres, as
fcar, inc: itable.
ens Goods . ! New GO
It will be seenfrom our advert
hat our fi finals Bentley Read,
:, Lyons, and F. B. Chandler LS,:
'peived their general fall and win
;09ods which they offer at great .
•:,- m
0 lira DamocaaTtc RaNtaw for
iinlA, of its predecessors, is- full.°
is eMbellished'Nvitli a portrait of
i.a.. ~
I .VLIFFORD,.. Attorney General,
iieveral excelJeat articles. The
I: 'f
order Settionient," which we s 1
i t ; üblishing in•our next, is cone
Ib:PRINT of the Lon.
4` ll .shiit*To — r October is also be!!
• im
, :toore eresting number of the
Lit seen.
. .
I .B,y the way, what has become
*Kok foF Sept.• and Oct.?" His
I:l( iat . Oaia9naintance?” ' '
~„, ..
,r,f,14 tigulp.i weekly and teleom.
, ye a great„paFtiality.for the, go
oqg have .duubtletp Judged . fpl
: 4. 6 .,..6-ji - o_.l6>nuently . 43l , d -hugely' ,
0 o.,.slarqns. _ It has ,lately ap
illti beaut;ful ati.i . re.,',4‘faiiis pp.
110 inisb. ..- ,•• •. '.., :;1
ti '- . • • 1
,i or! Some'o . f the pinoia pat , :
peg of peaehig elevefilud •elti., ,
in circuoiference. '- •
!Hi: [Ohmic hill' 844.. •
The Harrisburg Union - publishes
lowing fro tVe [Tait edßtates Gazette, writ
ten Mit e and pri din that resOctable journal, af
ter the elec ion' in 1844, assn excise, proba-,
bly, why Di l i. 011IINK got o'er such obstacles
as the Nati ' and • Federal majority against,
him of that year i• il .- .
i l
l• ‘.! Rano' 103 hunk his been, for these last
25 years, ( rhaps 80,) in public life, and for
much of th t time as Clerk!! of the House .of
liepresentaives, where he had an opportunity
of firming More acquaintanne with men in ev- ,
ery county lin :the Commonwealth, than, per-
1 haps, any Other citizen ever possessed. - Mr.
-Skunk used his position 4o make friends—
used it legiit itpately—used' i lit obligingly, kon
orably. • lioasands who,'44uring his Clerk
ship;' occu ied seats in'iliel'; House-of Repre-
sentatices,rwill bear testi:deny to his obliging
manners—;nay, more, to his kind acts, by
which the greenness of their legislative expe-1
riche° wasearly Matured, and the incipient er
hidde , or delicately Corrected ; and this,
we.aro tot , net alone to his own partisans, but
to every member of the Legislature. Add to
all this thelho'spitalities of his house and tke'
general kindness of his ?whiners, and any,ditel
will see thut _Mr. ,Chunk k4d laid up far him-'
self a sto.ri; of popularity,founded in he kind- 1
est feelings of the heart; 4:s•tcent for the man,
and gratiludi:, for his faro's. ,- -
"Mr. Slimil: had also, ps / Secretary ol" the
...Commonwealth, an ex-officto care of the Pub
lic Schools, and he won u-gard by his atten
4iotr. to the duties Ois station, and increased
his personal connexion in the counties by cor
respondence alti intercourse with citizens as
Superinteedeia of the Sclitiols. These means
of aequirilig
_personal popularity, thus skilfully,
(nay, thaf may be injustice,) thus properly
used, could not fail of pialcing.• Mr. Shun/'
4 , enerally[popular, while his conformity with
the requisitions of his own party, Endured to
him partylfaVor and partyzeal:"
What afeentrast betw . een Mr. gilt;NK la,it
week, anal :Mr. SHUN li three years ago, when
'he was not a candidate for office ! And yet
in view otthis warm and: hearty eulogy, that
same U. S. Gazette, now wedded to a more
i -
unscrnpulbus.sheet called the North American,
can find no language sufficiently derogatory or
abusive to charaCterize hint ! A strange world
e shall be
coed $50,-,1
fter they i
n of that .
ntry main
What is
e, Mexico
-, sums in
riff almost
the para-
e govern
led $16,-
d the A-
.o With the
f. Should
The over—
:.:ndsruls. Theshould
frty should
g, uishing a
larantied ;
d property
urch. The
cers should
eft to get
d of fraud
in cheap
red to emi-
we live in !
Europe, es-
Mould be es
levery town
The Expenses of the War---.t Con-
f En-
All se phblic
d be kept
can should
One oflthe; favorite arguments of Federal
, ism againkt the , present vtitr, is the allegation,
every wh(ire insisted upon, and daily repeated,
erican go- in all thc‘:varlieties of exig._ieratioo and false
owledze of hood, that it is costing the nation many mill
ions of money. It is this allegation tlmt is held
up like a frightful spectre,: to alarm the tax
payers of good old Pennsylvazia.. 'lt is this
which is expected to arouse the energies of
nough for
Most of it
and all of,
i xican popu-
the anti-war. Federalists, in the county of Lan
caster and elsewhere. Notwithstanding the
estimates.presented as to the actual amount of
this debt, are in every ease gross and wilful
misrepresentAtiors, tht;y Mintinue to be repeat-
1 1,le of the
ejniee ip the
e4l them nn
then the
rapidly- de-
Iver would:
ed and circulated with malicious and extram.-
dimity industiry. Let us cintrai,t the course
mines of
ught exten-
' resources; which Federalism has tan on this subject,
ditnd other; 1 '
aailit„ pop. with its policy on another.bighly important and f
ce and good c exciting question :
jog market! The Bankrupt Law, for which, and against
abortive at- `.the repeal orwhieh, JAMES Inv IN consistently
to Mexico
enittrai find , and bitterly voted, was enacted upon most dis
nd occupa- 1 honest pretences. It was called for by no ex
upported by igency of tbetimes„and demar.dcd by no ex . -
'le°. would' pression of public opinion. It was carried nn
"litical and ' der the whip and spur of ;the Federal jockies,
and bind '
of interest. , in a rederarCongrets, and became a law al
onsider our: most before the people began to realize that it
expended. I was under. discussion. What did this favorite
Federal measure accomPlish?. It plundered
the 'mechanic, the farmer; and the small dealer,
and in less than a short twelve-months, it cost
Inc PEOCLEi in hard-earned money, more than
LARS--;that being the amount of,honest debts
which it released and obliterated, and which
still remain, and will prolfrbly forever remain,
unpaid. . Here; then, was a single act ora
Federal adniinistration, Which, • i:: less than a
year, cost the people, in Money coolly abstract
ed from their pockets, more than three times
as Mach as'the present for has cost the gay—
ern:meat,. thbugh it has been waged fur nearly
eighteen months, carried lon a distant
people, and taking in a theatre of operations
embracing 1,300,00€1 sqaare miles, and extend
ing from the ; Gulf of Mt4ico to the Pacific o
cean, and from Texas to the 'boundaries of
Central sAnierica. i
:Look at :the difference, voter ! The war
carried on against Mexifo is a war to avenge
Wrongs Which have lleen Witnesseff by the world
for: twenty years, and which have been_sub
mitted to inipatiently and almost disgracefully ;
by former . administrationS. It is a war to a
venge your injuries ; for the outrage inflicted
by : a foreign power oponionr citizens, becomes
the injury suffered by all ( , and unless promptly
punished, defies and; wioll,ttes the great princi
ple which lies at the vei3 'foundation of our
liberties. It is a war?begun for your sake,.
i' -•
and for you(' country's, and there is not a true
heart that dnes-not beatiWithardor that it may
be, vigt4usly, and' tieve+ly, and -successfully
I i oseca ed, let its 'Oa, e.what it may. , •-The
eXpendi ureti, however, Which it has madd, and;
May he .af4r makei necessary, no matter how
igtfeat till aro,. will be felt very little by the
[citizens Id this reytthlic i i but will be made-up'
'abundant; increasing,'
foZ in oar
ing riationil . revenues. &fo timit - Federalism
*lt End that is to eierite alarm and
panic,, on aoottnt of
f the war, twill amount to
i tle or nothing. .-, l ,
The batiltrulit law planed the citizen
with a' bold and darmg hand.. It reached him
0 1 i
fellow e°er :m i ri n al
ti t -
a b a is 4,
y si e tra tiis
430 .Iii iid br e l l
ce e do i ' n wn b l:
4 'Mb 'xi labor. It encouraged eztrava,,
b* sfmn - ini off the; honest. debts --- of litatirkiiis
- ' izzoi_ ti,, sad li*On& their poor:creditorl du
4 ati cliested. • It Wiliest ii lid . the poor
. .-,.,.
week, and'
r State offi-
_ _ I
For See-
inn, of New-
ed, seems to
aid to be a
ul ; but %re
I rty is better
United, the
eeessful; but,
.her now are,
sing columns
U. J. Webb,
- 243., have re
! er stocks of
October, like
inforest. It
on NeTnAN
nd - contains
tale of " The
11 commence
ded ' in this
n World of
nrus, and a
ork we. have
f the Lady's
I still . pays us
.visits .We
t, as our yea
our . having
row its *ell
eared in new
ularity never
is sap boas=
and half 311-.
debtor who failed or fewltmdieds,lbut pr
tected and libera ii the .Operapir wk.
mov6mente.aff cinn*Oties,... Irhpao
ulationa involved bousandkand wheee.visio
ary 'achemee . look d to the ;formation of pa
cities and water 1 ts. mtriteri.
whom it relieved, where and far
ti ncllthelrecords the con* willehOr tint
was; caxried,into effect, as Oenrol liivtu a
its -authors intendek.aa, aystan of
pudiatien and fraud, intended for the
capitalist and the wild and reckless tamest
NO wonder that the whole nation started
and indignantly demanded the repeat of a 1
which bad thus deliberately taken from
.citizen s , ntoie tho, foin,.. hundred Oitions
dollars, I
Let Pederalisin complain of the
the present w as if tiny here is a flag()
its oirn histe4--a. single,sOiled, and blot
page ft)atei a !volu te filled„with man other
tack/ upon the ititeresta and rights Of the •
~ple—Which puts 'all such aemplaints,no ma ,
how exaggerated 'and distirted, to the bli
Make the comparison bet Ween• the expense
414 war against Mexico, and the expense
the war upon Labor and ;Private Credit, •
1 tied oil under the aupiees of Gen( , rai Ta
and his favorite banft4rupt law. !%lake
comparison, follow-citizens, and yo)t will,
!found the opposition, •and make their f
statements against the war stick, in t
throatis.--Penn-ril - canian.: t
t'roni the
Federal Opposition to the Coun
The Nora American, for. the Vain pu
of operating-against Governor Sumis,
its hatte'ries, with renewed ferocity, againss
war it exaggerates our losses—it accredit ,
our disasters—it puts the very worst face
on' the ,very, worst
_intelligence ; 4nd ye.
would scarcely be believed, that onthe
April l 1846, the'very newspaper, now so c
orous , and so embittered :against the pre
War, and against all wars, nade useof the
lowing language in favor Of the de.elaratisi
war against Mexico, by the Exneutive :
.• *. The aspect of our Affairs . with 4
ico is sufficiently grave to demand 'parties
tection. Our country ii - niade, by the Me .
Government, the 'subject of -the most diSho
I ing vituperations ; a quasi war istleelar,
rninst us ; our Minister is discarded ; am s
i short. we are subjected to more of humili
and Wrong than we have, endured; since '
Ttipolitan war. Where is the Eiecuti •
All that was characterized by the Fresids
demanding national resentment, hats oecn
The insults we have invited, .by nendini
Minister, we have received. What new
honor is necessary to arouse cur Dover
to action ?) •
* What will 'our government - ds
The ;wrong has reached the uttermost.
that Mexico tsvapa.ble of doing agttinst
has done- Her proclamations are 4eclara
of war. She does not .invade our territor
meet'us upon the sea., only imeausfi she ca.
—and she says so. Every effort tb•insuls ;
grade s and wrong us; she 'has eknausted
will not be denied that such a poltey d's
action of some sort from our govertalient.
cannot be
,amicable, for she has -
MiniSter, and rejects, as an aboitiinatio
proffer even of a Plea for negociation."
"* * If we were at , open - war wit s
most powerful European -government,
proffers would not have' been so received
is an, insult so deliberate, it wrong l iso prof
that to endure it, is to in*ite, from the
est off the communities of the earth, indi
and oppression. It will be admitted:that
is no propriety in leaving such an issue
and 'neglected. The honor of nations, lilts
of individilals, brooks no delay."
It would hardly be supposed; that' tht
thusleagerli , and imploringly invoked—
could notecSe too fast-which had bes
Itinedelayed—which ought to hake been
ineni.ed years before—in order to gratis'
ea g er animosity of the North America
• '
ever, .'ire been denounced by the same
las "'unnecessary ".and " unholy !? Afte
log given the signal for Battle, it' +aref
vadts the crisis which it aidedlo 3lirecip
and not only this ; it openly' oppres: a s
terrtspts the very war for t, raise'
veil+ eighteen months as , li What ade
fill picture is, not this of Federal bleonsist
Io their hot Irastit, hciwcven t ..tei eppr l
eoudtry, the piirtisids of the Nort h
, Amil
d., ilot stop to reflect, whether t h ey ha ,
f - .av nbt recommended the war iti whi
are ow engaged. • They bare a happy fi
of f rg . etting every thifig but their insS
hostility to the Democratic party, and,'
success of the nation's calise. i
Ilut' the North American (Meets tc
mariner in which the Present warluis bee
ducted! Does that oblivious priht forge
the policy upon which tile' war . ll'iii bee
. I •
ducted—that of of eritig peace after eve
tory—was suggested by 'that leading en
die!Demneratie patty, -S'enater .bdirr .
of .entue'ky ? •If our ad'yersary,' will ._.
trotiblo of looking.„ovettlie proceedings
I Sedate.of the United • Stdtes, on' tho
May,. 184 fr, he will find thatMr.leltul.
Iwhtle speaking upon pie war, used :the i
ingila.rigimg, , e : .
great.consequences might iiiirivo
this war.. 'We would thereford,utildit
peridious as possible. +• He ivintl4"eig.n
had his way; *lid a Ilii4Stor . p4,:,s;
ipitkoue , Gctiertil. 40,4b7LWEE
, 0K849.1F7 11 ° . P.9 0 T.:-.ZUE:p :,
,OE,RE4E, ,, f , t/.': ,; .-4,, ,. , . ~!
.. -:,:, .
~ .
And 1 ir-th.9 , 0, 40 0,40 6 i 11 03 14416 1 1 .4 1 *,
toil PlAie il B.4l oolrkeeCi6ul-4*44,.. ;710e'
Noah 4, 0ri44,1, ': .. We : - can . ‘it1y,":390044 2oar
fitilUbn expressed opi44n, Ouit !t- 14 pol . t .
V *Moil, we de.::nititiPrito. an4i'Whjel/11 4 ,:it 8
Oa IS to be roldifoow 01More 'loon" etek* c ,
emppre it tsing!sy4em.: *et ettoulditi4 ~ box,, ; -,
( . 31*-t -'
, the:AreilNAtiaiiedot ' 6 Ai' ' i, 4' 4
iliiritY.lld , Oe s ioo to - *it '14 . 4 . Ili iik.,
ri4tidt4'aud *o4;mill - toy - QUO 4 ; the 6iiii
Fi?etiiiisto:o the country'.,' ,1 . .-.. i
,Nhe NOW& •American i►aa mi°014.04.4
if not the fl;et- , to . ezehdifyin fuer ere wo e
iritfi , Meikso. It did ao, , tipon.reiaom ot th
most uvetwhelming 'character. It. dale, l' o ,.
ei nsi. - to use its own *gauge, "onr cow l
is mimic 4 the Mario* iGewerwit, the ot.
jed Of *mast dishonoring !Ayers:io n ; A
US;_T our minister is d iscarded,sed,iit dm
toe are indoectal to more of - Uinta:h os ' ou t
wrong than we have endured since the Tripd,
itan wan" , `These were the provitatires t o
war. Now for , the , remedy. " Where t " cri es
the North. American," "'nail 18 - 1111 1.111 -
CiTIVE ?. All that • was: ebaracterlail by. d ie
President, - as demanding 'national.- retardment,.
nes oceunazo I filiglNSlll42l4 V! HA,
dishonor ia iffcessaryter'arouse our prem.'
meafionOion?" -
Thes&are *eras that bnrnr They-are elo-
Auent proofs of provocation tolhis.war. They
are strong i lbecause they are enthusiastic sad
siseere4 The writer seemed to feet ger the
country which be has since forgotten, So mach
for the : necessity of a wai- which 'the Nord
Anterican now denounces as
_unneeessary and
outrageous ! •
As tb•the manner in which the'war waste
be waged, Mr. CR/TTENDEN s policy WU*
tually - adopted by the administration, as the
• policY of Humanity and of magnanimity. ;And
yet the forth American assaili; that se
lently,as it did its formeropinions on the le e
. of
Such. Arc thlinconsistenciethe_ &rue.
• all
ful inebnsistencins--44 the Federalists of this
State on the subject of the. war. First, they
PRAY and sbrutcarn that war may be:de
claredii and to this end they urge the most
powerful reasons, involving thyiation's honor.
Next,,Whew war is commenced,: in cone fence
of the outrages-of Mexico, they interraptiridi.
cule, and denounce it ! Such is the position of
the friends of Jas 'arm in thii State.
1 1~
1 foI
!EL of
War Meeting at New Orleans.—A•luge
meeting was-bell at New Otkanw on the eve.
ning:of the 30th ult., in favor of!proaccutier
the war with all the power of the country, wail
Mexico shall honestly seek a peace with the
Unitea Staths. 'The Mayor of the city pre
dett . a.Ml the greatest enthusiasm prevailed.
I' ez
MEXIet). .
The,administratipn is determin e d to adopt
decisive measures with Mexico; their is to be
no longer any peace aisoirments-.-aray paeifie
propositions. '" We have exhauptedavcry effort,
offered the most liberal terms, and 04 most (a.
vorable propositions, to alkwhich Mexico bp
replied, "We will snake istkpeacc !Oa you anti
you abandon-our country, and payus en idea.
nity for our losses." ' , Great Britain placed
our situation, and defending herself against a
.war declared against her by Mexico,- would
.havc demanded the - following terpts after a.
chieving victories such: as we sate a chieved:
.Ist;A.full indemnity in momey for all the
expenses of the war: ' •
2d.: The castle and city offera Crni to be
cedetto 'England, together With upper and
iower California and \Santa Fe.
3d.. The valuable Silver mines belonging to
go7rnment, mortgaged to.F.agland until the
inde nity is paid:
4th. ' he Isthmus of Tetunatepee ceded to .
England, make a canal 'uniting the - Pacific
and 'Atlant . . -
These togeth with all the moveables in the
cathedrals, would are been the terms dens.
I ded and obtained by England.
Now mark the difference. We offeeta ply
the expenses of our war, about seventy five
neilllhinto pay the indemnity duo to out
merchants—to surrender all the captured Cities
and content ourselves with the line of the Piio.
Grande to the Pacific. including California,
Which Mexico -barvrefused: •
1 our
1 cut
L. not
1 , de-
1 —lt
;: nur
1, .the
t nd,
n too
That; country Will never obtain_ such terms
again. "'lie .War ••will be prosecuted with en•
ergy_. 25,0Q0 % additiorial truops will he seat
to lU.xice ; and the general try will be
throughout the whole country, occupy Alnico
and kite
,her a liberal zovernment, .and
ish, alblter menerals.-21r.. Y: Globe. .
'tate ; •
k in-
Good' New ; for the Farmer.
Tge North AmeriCan, which advise,/ dr
farmers to sell off, .and induced many of them
to•do, before ptices mlvanced last fall-aqtrir
ter, is now again telling the farmers not 2
truse:tlie advance-in rates abroad. It
Makes a fling at the' present prices,- se far
boveithose whieh' riled during
the entire eils•
tenet' of the Tarifof 1842, when our
ituralinterests - weye to ruinously .depressed
The ityrirthy of Inft_ires friends for the fare
is pr.mligums !--Pennsy/tioniern.' •
e or
I 'eh we
I ,
, =Ay
o the
The: ‘lnt'amous Sub-Treasury."
. _ .
' S uppose tto Government funds were in tit
vaults- eta great Bank, 'as - the Federalists ile ,
siredA: pow easily that institution,. . a di
stpsigth of the. bad cernmerehanewsf ag•
land; and t* demand for' specie' for 11 4
eouldynekui) 'a panic:. The result now, hOl r. .
every pis sbis ; the money' eirelea are Cala el ,
'changes wre: equal and-general ! . security is. felt'
braßeiasies of -business, men. . The ulna'
zoos sullotioasury" in- only exalted- by 'et
infaMoint Tariff" in ruining'the country.
t thftt
), vio
-1 ' •
my , of
of the
th of
It,, may painfutto the ilrotti,4o o
asks ;to' sagit, but it 'cannot, Itedenied 40 6 '
price and the demand for fp seige fron N r 4
be, seen by the state,of - the _Nage marilo.
ocfplaimed in the news ty,Ahe steamer, 10
044 Y inareseed. We, lite to ,w9nad
geig_ feldinp„. but inadvanee m the !Irk!!
of itelijasieffs and iroa„l4 bad io n f o r Om
I • 1
ved id
if he
tor 49 0 0 .1, rarrell 'Blade
tem pt e
. itapiifican the Mososetimila Bwif
tnaP) 4,r F eigning siekim*lie Was mos
0104 tromow)keneo endeavored b. 10'
hit / i b e kV b Y diggik a P 1 4 1 . 8 40 out- lie , "
,44444 0riosnau i e d
it; Sturiritscix..;.Pae , 14 " 1 "
CoOt HoO, from 1410,014 mo; Of* for*
York 81. 1111 drivei Wtike ,; is
B i krit a iniek; l , 4 lo ortS
0 m i e. fLO 11°
to pooch: Theimp, r
. wit
. h
kAraw-04 lii ii UV ,
"kat 410044104%'•