Northern democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1844-1848, September 30, 1847, Image 3

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    terday, rday, they resolve to sustain and uphold?
I '4;
However deeply the democracy of this county
may regret that Mr 4 Buchanan ,should differ
with them, upon a #estion so .momentous; as l
the preservation of Pee soil for 'the homes
. of
freemen, there is nothing iii their past history
or conduct, to warrant the, imputation, that
they - will surrender their deliberate opin
ions and prinCiples, fdy those of any tnan, how
ever exalted or respehted. The democracy of
Bradford have showii their devotion to Rrinei
ple on more occas oiio than one ; nbr is the
Wilmot Proviso the first question upon
which they have had the misfortune to differ
with the Secretary of,State. The tariff of '46,
is a memorable example that the finest intel
lect may err, and the udifement of 'an honest
people be correct... n gle handed. and alone,
in Pennsylvania, did 66 indomitable Aemocra
ey of this county an ongressional district, .
fight the battle of ri against priv il ege—of i
labor aga inst monepo .. y, unsupported and ue
autained, save in that consciousness that their
- c al m was just; and 'this democracy, is delib
erately charged by thi resolve of.a Whig meet-
ing, with the abandonment of a principle they
ioli dear as life, scot ed as freedom itself
The object of the Whigs, in their attack up
en Mr. Buchanan, for the exercise of his un
doubted right, and initheir unfounded charges
against the democratic party, is ipparent and
almost undisguised. ;It was prompted from no
exclusive attachmentifor a principle, in favoi
of which, nineteen twentieths of the people of
the North are united,but from a desire to ob
tain a party triamph,,,ven tat the expense of
the principle they profess-so zealously to up
hold. Gov. Sbunk, a)id the democracy of the
North, must be deno*ced as opposed to the t
" Proviso," in the hope that some democrats
might be misled, and induced to vote for the !
federal candidate Jaies Irvin. - We caution
our democratic friends against the hypocrisy
and deceit of the w'dgs in this respect. The'
sincerity of those men, who openly declare
Henry Clay to be their candidate for the•Presi- I
. .dency, may well he doubted, when they assail'
Francii It. Shunk, alj being opposed to the
"Wilmot Proviso." g The principles of that ;
Proviso," are in no 'iespect involved in the i
coming election. Wn the day does come,'
and it is close at han that the question is to
he met—boldly, fearlessly met, we shall then
see which party is th4most ready to abandon
it, and which the most steadfast in its support.
When a voice from Afhland shall declare to the
faithful, hostility''to the " Wilmot Proviso," we.l
shall then see whichOny submits its neck v.;
the yoke. . -:,
bas been some days oil our table, and merits
an earlier notice. It is a number of great in
terest, being made up'-of several valuable arti
cles, and decorated With a likeness of Hon.
W. Woodworth,
,M. 11. from NeW York. The
Review is deserving atan extensive patronage.
Price only $3, (formely it was $5,) a. year.
THE Roma Jot lIN 4., of last Saturday, is
first-rate number. T containsl part "SIT of
Dombey & Son, besi#e a great many other
'nod things. The JiiHRSA I, has Attained a
high reputation, and merits the extensive pat-
Tonne it receives. f l 'ubrisheti by Morris &
Willis, No. 107 Ftatoi St. N. Y. •
VIECONSTN.—The ederaliAs of 'Wisconsin
have elected John Tweedy', Delegate to'
Congress over Strong,tDernoerat. This result!
is not claimed as a pkilitical, hut rather as a
moral triumph, the Opular`Democratie ma
joiity in the District *ling about one thous
SnamtsTED.—Gert. Caleb Cashing. now in
Mexico; has been nominated by the Democrats
Macs. for Gncernor.i Gen. S. Catlin of Con
necticut, has also beeninnminated by the Dem
ocrats for the same oce.
The Democrat of Luzerne and.Colnni
big, have nominated dbl. V. Best, editor of the
Danville Intelligence, for the Senate. He
wilt certainly succeed.t
The following dant:selected by the Liberty .
Party has been poiitety handedinftir publica
tion: • {)
of Wadi* igtort Co. -
of Phadelphia.
of Montrose.
"J l O/Di IcieKINNEY,
of G4at Bend.
of Btrilt 4 ntrinz.
reR 001611118SIONElt, ,
'OH IifiZABUNN t a,
Ataaralgil BALDIVDT,
of lkoiarbse.
FOB ?AlirDITOll, •
of e Ftet 'Ake.
Tbn Iteatenua War.
The Union of Bataan night, in an editorial
in relation to our respnt triumphs in Mexico,
thus foreshadows thel,'-eourse our 'Government
will probably laireme,iphoUld peace not 'take
place from present n4otiatione
"We believe that our govermient, and our
people are alike une4mous in the opinion, that
If our propositiomki' of peace be now re
jected, there is no Imoger room nor oneourage
*lent- on our part for" policy of conciliation.
We must 'offer theollve branch no longer.—
The war mast be remised at - pace, and with
new vigor. Its bue4ens sni t be thrown, it
;once upon the eon. We must levy eon
taibutions. Its realm Inuit Ike severely felt
—gad while we eonduct our military opera
.tioner with that etvieCand aerupulone regard to
t!keireers et war Iffhieb bemoan a free Chic
lan people, and which an Arkericart army ran
never forget, our cony mita yet be made to
that pa'hira
~rentirtuance ofwar,which
be edeeM; coratioubooe of "'Amity,
and loos, and It •
1 Ear The atinistration of loseph Ritner .
aid Co. cost the people of Pennsylvania as
f4llowa:1 .
*whet't War, i _ $147,000 OQ
ZOO of tate Mocha, 750,572 00 k
Big Bre Huntington county, 281,000 00
11 ;
illegal's Star!Chamber Report, ;80,000 00
GettysbUrg Ta . , Wor6, 600,000 00
so nnem o oni ng Extension, 160,000 00
4mounting ina to the sum of $2,068,572 00
f If from this slim, the $125,000, for which
_the Repairs on he "Big Break" were offered
to be made, and could have been made, is de
ducted from :thilsam,ooo, you have the Te
niaining sum:ofi'
st t es2,4l62 IS Cents,
filo not a single bent of which the government
of. the people received the benefit.—Easton
rpm, I
I Federal Explanations. . •
The Federal papers are-filled with explami
4tions, document's, letters and certificates, to
sow that J. W PATTON did not defraud his
eted, hors out -of $ 22,000 when lie took the
benefit of the nkrupt act, and that i those
efeditori only let by him about $5,000: Aii
ta d
to the amount t he loss, we regard that to be
tie the
'of the matter. It is the ' prin.
ce which t e emocracy object to, and hence
tiey are de ned to elect that• honest old
farmer of Monttmery:eounty MORN 18 LONG
ORkeTn, who d 't require any certificates to
sftstain his char ener for honesty, integrity and.
Otriotism. . ;
I Jour; A. thi.—A !lew York paper, which
advocated the nomination of Silas Wright . till
14 decease, has raised to its mast head the
rtiame of Johri 4. Dix as its next choice.
"His sentiments; as held forth in his public
speeches in tbatr dignified assembly, are well
known to this ntion. -On the Oregon ques
tion, he was th calm, firm, amiunfiiiichingad
vheate of our n4tions rights; and in his sub
sequent speeche i s in that ody, he was the
arm and able lupporter of popular rights.—
Fle has ever been a man of the people.
i, .11E RESULT.
'Twenty-six .0 the twenty-nine States have
voted 'for mem4rs of Congress, and the result
briefly stated, i+--Whigs ll l, Democrats 100,
Native 1, vacancies The vacancies •(in O
and Michi n) will be filled by Democrats
villioh will give he Democrats 102, Maryland,
Mississippi an Louisiana, - have yet to vote.
Their delegatio s last Congress stood—Whigs
3, Democrats 0.. If they should return the
same this year, the parties in the House will
stand-114 Whigs, 113Demoerats, 1, Native,
631 r. Levin, echo will vote probably with
the Whigs on most questions.)
OF G. ZCOTT, according to a
accouOt :
&night by' Scolt to Puebla - 7,500
Volunteers arriSied with Pillow - 2,000
Do. do. Cadwidader 2,500
Do. ilti. Pierre • 2,000
Total nerrilli l er arrived
. - 14,000
Sick. deserted 1,500
garrison left in uebla - 1.000-2,500
Force which * arehed upon Mexico 11,600
i. SANTA ANs?.ll4 Excusr:—Santa Anna's-ac-
Count of the late battles and fiis defeat is, we
think, not wort li the room it would occupy in
dur paper. 1T says that some General whom
he does not nalne, disobeyed orders, and thus
instead of enneemtrating, he had to divide his
tinops, and wa:Nrouted. He then touches up- .
(in the pronrietl (f an armi , tice iu the abstract
and conelndesk swing that the present ar-
Mistice Bees not resnit in peace the war can
lie renewed. He is still at the head of a res
peets:hle.bodO3r troops, and the nation will
support bim i n ' maintaining his honor. At the
same time, hell;reatens to punish factious and
SeditiouS , oppot4ion to the supreme authority.
McCarty math) is escape from the penitentia
iy at Pittsburg,jon Saturday, by getting from
the tower to tbe wall, with a. rope made of pie-
Os of sticks tdid to strips of sheets. 'The
Chronicle say ,McCartyis a cute rascal ;-
4 couple of yeiris since;he walked out of the
Court house 4 Orreensburg, while on trial,stole
a horse and_efuiped. He got out of the Mead-
Ville jail shol L before, by pulling the jailor's
virife 'into his ee taking the keys from her and
lockinglier in.
While in jig here, sheriff Trovillo found it
impossible to keep irons upon him, and now he
has escaped from the ever watchful *lance
0114 Beckham. McCarty is a travelling
'juggler, aid very successful at tricks. of
1 _ •
1, BrWARE 01! COIINTERFEITS.—There are
in this city, conOterfeit notes on the Merchants'
find Manufactuzers' Bank of Pittsburg. They
are tolerably good imitations but the engraving
is rather c og e
and the dotting in the circle
enclesing the .ft re 5, is irregular. In the
genuine it is tly regular, bang machine
Fnado. The mites we have seen are s's, letter
Ai ll,
~ payable to . Henore, or bearer, signed:T.
Scott ; Presid nf, and William H. Denny,
Cashier, dated rch 1, 1845. The signature'
Of Mr. Denny ' rather coarsely done, and
. t i lle
Word Pittsbnr is lighter than in the genume.
—Pktia. Ledg . ~
Romans. The negro boy who murieted
his mastei near flemingsburg, Kentucky, iFas
. executed at tilt 'place, accordingtn law. The
`Flag says thereoras an immenseArowd ofthe
people Present: l *ho. prellsed forward to the gil
ows amidst hyllung, jeers, aUd awful oaths."
After the execution, drunke*ness and fighting
became the or4er, of the day, and before the ,
I corpse was cote trials f*W fighting were being
held in the eouil,...heuee.
Tim ur
prniscr.,—The President . 4 the
United States fa allowed a salary Id $25,000 a
im ii
year. The cluer of England for' rivy
purse poo,o*, housebolierima 6262, 504 ):
salaries a bodsheld $656,805 ; , yid bounties
65,000;1 teiwiens 66000, land other mat
iters,3.4. up an agorega!,4i of $V125,-
'OOO : ' 'eh is # preqy good pride to pay for
the ices °fun arable' p ers o nage .
' 71as PsumptP4T:Laa.--tilete prefidunt'
,Th i pi i , his littei realties q" visit in the *Ate
1)4E04 this St*, mut every where he *lOOl
the heir tY-6 1 r,04f"9 10 friends OW Sic
higkpositionAnd'enurient toplenti so jutitly en-'
titiel him to, p •-Allagbfily, Wer t moiWlen4
and'lPayetttenitntiea; the Dennmei trued
out in
n great n4eibers, and pave *
bilk' Inch' a
metig_ as D e a jwcf st ic . S*Mlin **IV
Proud Of•-.4 4 0/0, Pa T
m " .-.
. - -,-
Pram thellaszsa.
General' Marshall, at Monterey, has been
dered to *weed to Vera ens without del
'ColooetTibbats, im his way from Monte
with sii ,dompaniee of ,infantq, eacortin
tr in , witi,:isttacked near Ramat by a large I
dY,:of Mei/cans, but stuaceeded in beating'
off. it • '
General Urtea continues his operatioi-,
He has lisitted a manifesto to the Am ;
soldiers' thing them to leave their camp,
throw tilaselves into the arms of Mexico
has ne njured them.
itiny in the North Carolina re , •,,
bai be eniffectually quelled, and the reg . ",
hati been ofd" ered to the rear.
lispotti of threatened aggressive in .1
molts by [litres had induced General Wo.
adapt rigid precautionary measures.
.11tunpy IN THE ÜBE 01 11000 Z.-i
fonind, thei other day, in an old And rare
we were blaming over, a mention of the first
of rouge, which, by this aecounkseems to
' been some, What perverted from its original .1
poi*: lerwas worn by the Roman Gene
itheiitpumphs, that they might seem
blusirvantinually at their own praises."
.LuctrOrt Matenzs.—One of our exeha I .
tells a long slory about an emigrant 'to 1
country Who made a large fortune in a a,
time by making heifer matches. This hilt,
ing. We;tave heard of scores of young
who have4inade fortunes by making
matches-4t-least they were such matches,
are certain, as are not " made •in Heaven."
t'ANK4 PLOUGIII3.—An -American
chant, at the Cape of Good Hope, had, wi
twelve yeiirs, sold one -hundred thousand
kee ploughs, chiefly to. the Dutch, for the
of their vineyards.
Tns COAL TRADE.—Tho amount of .1
carried though tho Delaware and Raritan I
nal, from the orning.this year to the Ist •"!
teMber, exceeds that of last year by 142,1 1
tons. - WO, Ruin! ,
Wir Ili° Hon. Richard H. Wilde, fo i I
ly a member of Congress and a distinguis
poet, schotar and jurist, died on the 9th i
of yellow fever at New Orleans, where he
recently taken up his residence.
"The Vehigs are sound on allgreat nati,
questions.4—Springfidd Gazette.
Yes—"all.sound'—Like a Chinese gon
and no substanee._Nrw Haven Register.
SILAS IGIIT.-GOv. Wright's
have had I county convention, at Canton,
which their resolved to erect a monument
Sgir We see it announced that a new a l
slavery patser, called " The Crisis," is abo
be !publisht:d at Moundsville, Western Vir
easierto say than do, but the Mexi
for kiss is ienunamquiliztilis.
110.- It=-is said words hurt nobody; ne
theless, Sampson jawed a thousand Philis
to death.
T ere is a boy out West who •
bright that, his father uses him as a 100
glass to`elMve by.
146ve is like a diamond with a fia
it; it is precious but imperfect.
The Yellow Fever, by the last accounts,
abating irq.New Orleans, bat had broken
at Vickshlrg.
'Re It is stated that the late Mr.. W
leaves pr o perty to the amount of only $lO,l
- - -
There are 27,000 Daughters of
peranee ink the United States. .
• New TorktiNarkets.
'heat Flour is selling at from $5,66 to
75. Whfiat is worth $l,lO a $1,25. 14
65 a6B els. Rye, 85 cts. Oats, 48 a5l
Butter is worth by the firkin, 16 and 17
fresh 22
25 cts. Beef, at the usual m.*:
ate rates.,,
Who areienacks, The administrator °real°
the professor of the Water ewe 7—the disciple o
great Hahnemann who administers his minute d •
and wonders at the non-belief of the 'million 1
Steam doetr 1 the Botaniial doctor/1 the - •
ter! and 1 ten thousand inventor* of Patent t
allot 1 which is was one true system ? we pause
reply. Oui courts of Junkie ,show the blisto
bleeding. cilurnel faculty often arraigned for
slaughter ; but kits a band of brothers tbey, a
each other through thickl ii thin. The Water
haa men like Sir E./..0 wer to prove its pow
mcdicenal agency' , over, all other remedies.
lath). forth C hosts of lieltercrs in -Homcepathy,
orikm true system sit - ti thev-Loh, no, it is steam
sate a mod. respeetibTe group, which you can
upOn, it cured us,Vvlten all else failed'.-.hold!
another pally, botanical treatment has proved
the only safe arid reliable means ofcore, we have
through all*Our systems and they all failed ; • .
cal treitrnent cured as :—A loud cry waa he
from mil `sans of voices.... Vaughn's Vegetable Li
triptic nature. the Great American Remedy.
allot r triils in all othef medicines. had proved,
saV 7, l
7 nue eves. So we go reader, and the igen
m . min e in this place will give you a pamphlet
i. o it. D. G. C Vaughn's Lithontriptic sells
le of miffs thousands per year.
pUREP. CURES CURES are constant
ing perforated by Dr. Jayne'a Family wediebe
Sabmi, wife of Capt. John Dunham, No: 6
br&itd'a Cottrt, Philadelphia, had a very ' bad e
soMeress ofihe bream...tad side. sore throat, c•
habit, Imam's* of spirits, with weakness and psi
the small tithe back. Spitting of blood and
complaint tuts been entirely cured by using
Jay ilia Sokities Pilo. Anerslies and Expect
, :: ----
Irrom the Great Falls. N. H.) Northers ligl
rar• It itstith pleasure that we give place to
following lever from Mr. Ira Mackin... of Tans
who was siimeed to be past cure of *Console,
hut was tailored to health by the use of ''Dr Js
Expectoreist." We can speak with con
this medicine, as we know of many of Our fr
who have eso greatly , benefitted by it.
ti . 1 - Tathworth. N. H.. Dec, 10.1 5.
84-1 my duty to make kno nto
y , for the benefit of .the publie , the aid Ir' 'red
fy . the tree of a bottle of Dr. Jayne's Eapectr nt,
w ch I piirchased of you. I had been sick bit
ri /
Din and in . inonths. ceased by the lung fever, tab
let me hi very low state of health. with a bad
cough, a for about three months I could It
speak in eivhisper. My friends all thought tit
in a decline. My physician said be had all
f doe be *Ad. Abort tbki time I fortanitely -
vertined la the perm "Dr. Jamas Kap
1" pale by)oe. 1 lausediately,sest talon far
1 , add id two days after using I began to f
—lll 'Watley days 1 recovered my veieti
ukt speak tolerlarly well , and before seiiir
w ' betile 1 war nearly ultra a. ever. My I
is now pia • .
1 attrabitie my cure wholly .to Dr. leyne's a
. ,
I : .li
:- , '.-. ~ . -• , IRA iffill
, TO Mit* Noblei Esq., Great - tank 11, 11.
frepitrO, only b,y_Dr. 1). Jayne. Philadelphia,
. .
On 60 Cy OW. *Wall 111rco. drums%
.ta. ' ' .
Wanted at this lofficO s few 'cot& of
cow-inch seasoned wood: IV ho will sup
Democrat's lAblOusac flOr 18
A Mall supply of the ".penurenit's Al
& Political Register for 1848," by
BRYANT, jut mills/Una for sale at t
flee. rriee sit and it•,, quarter cents. •'
Denioczat should have'one. • 1
WAi rrED
By Stearns & Heath, :near the Great I
thirty ox teams with Wagons, or carts, fo I
ing Stone and Gravel #irougli the win
which Cash and gnad wages will be,peid .1
TS'hereby given 'thatl the School 'Three.
I. Bridgewater District. will meet
Court House in the Borough , of Montr.
Wednesday the 13th day of Ocniber
9 (Mock A. M.
Those who aro desirous .to • he !tope
School :metiers, will please to attend• at
clock P. M. of the above named day.
By order of the Board
Bridgewater, Sept. 27, 1847. _
Uta'Jall333ll:ll;og 1 "
In Honesdale, on the 2:3linsi., by Rev.!
Guild, Mr. JOHN B. MAcK, of Bran
and Miss MARY J - iNE BA1 4 108; of H.
In Brooklyn, on the 26th inst., by, Rev.H
Srilimn, Mr. J. HARRISON ; Bscalr,
Conklin, N. Y., and'Miss ANN . WSB7OI
Brooklyn. -
In Great Bend, on the , 29th inst., by Rev
McCreary, Mr:, NonLE T. Itters, ani
11 I
In Bridgewater, on the 26th inst., MAE
TETIA, voungept daughter of Albert
Mary Warner, tige& 2- years and 3 ra
"Mrlu abbrrtispttEnts
PROPOSALS till he received until t .
of October next for erecting a tram
ding 150 by 26 feet, et PITTSTON Fl
Plan and SpecifiCations may be seen
quiring of R. 7. WiISNER., Binghamton
September 28, 1847: - I
1114541MT8 Cs: ZrAXIIII2;(D's -i
•111fAV1NG s just received the New Y.r j ,
Li Philadelphia reports of Fashions, ~
Fall and Winter cif 1847, &8, beg leas
form the citizens of Susquehanna, the .
are prepared to do Work entrusted to t • '
such a manner asl will please. the most fa'
. 1 '
ous. 1
Cutting done t order, and warrantee
and please, if put°gather 0.. R.
Er shop oppos , ft ack & Roger's .-. .
Ono, at, the old stand of R S. Lockes..;
- Montrose, - Sept 20,1817. „ ,
"Lauda hi Sullivan Cou
HE County of Sullivan /timing been
set off from the county of 14comii.
the County Sent located by Cominision'
pointed - by the Legislature on the la
the Subscribe; he - afters for sale villa
and land adjoining being part of aiarg
which he will set to suit settlers. 1,1111
and timber plenty.
Enquire of Lewis Jane; Cherry Tovin
Sullivan county. of Michael bleylert ai, i
em in said County to make the ne
surveys or of the Subsrrther at New hf If
susqueha nine County, Pennsy I vatilis. li
Sept 16. 154,7.
A FRESH iwody .f Dr. litiyne's 1. •
Medicines rCceived, 41.10
erel and other Groceries.
Sept, 22,1847
HYER'S' PILtS.—A, (yeah stock o
celebrated.NlA, just-reoAved brO
WE invite tha attention of the citiiii
Susquehanna County; to our :t i t
Fall and Winter Pocals, which 'is no I
received, assorina theni we will do Oh
well, if not a lit* better than et any
shop in town. , 1
' Montrose, S&ptf 17, 1847.
1000 Ydsi.
6000 "
500 "T
600- "1 Alpaccas.
150 " ; Bro' Cloth * 'Cassini •
100 " Safi netts 4- Full Clo . •
2000 " Bro' 4. Bleached She
Showla. shenrs, shirts And Moen,
And! every] thing that's good to u .
TEA,sugarsaleratus, moles:ma. spice,
ger, cloves, nutme•ew indign, alum,
at F. 11 CHANDLER it C
THE largest and best lot of unok and
stores ever Offered in this Market,
lower prices than can be founit this s F 4 B. CHANDLER di ij
SCHOOII, 800 Toy I . loqks, 'Blank
Fancy Book • large and "mall
Pencils, Ink, W fent. Wax; Wreppin
Writing Piper, libber, and Rubber'
steel Pens, sand, . cheap at
v • Irue; Hard,
Ware, at reduced
sh, l and 9lass, Mail
aro, Cutlery, ;sod . M
prices. by ,
wAvTEri d
Goods, gluin g Willie*.
1. hon. Psysitr, s sod Copts'.
Bren es'
ALSO . 1 •
be rdin bodes* lid &bat
unityof! plxil motel ibirsolsn i
by itiOd
N eschipp
I Flax 4404, 01'
Flannel, abfl 80e,
Ai aPPrentices3
16 or 17 fearil l
will 6od an okto
G • r •
oOD - irriOn
paper at A.;
II ss
-14 of
3. •
k et
1. 4 et
De Lain.
, Itill
, Zra.
• 4.
1 ..
or it IF*, eto. Ind kitsr
per Tore. tor .oritby
• *Pic
, $
1 , .
•subOriber having be'en app o i a iW
Agent of the Lycoming 'County Mutual
Insurance CoMpany for Susquehanna cbunty,
is prepared to receive applications, for loiu.
ranee. against loss by fire; in aCcordance with
the acts of incorporation and Bye-laws - of the
company.,, '
The great t!isources now possessed - by this
company as being much the most extensive in
Northern , Peit nsylvania, offer very strong )n.
ducements to all who wish to be' secured a.
gainst loss byifire. to become members.
Frill: undersigned, having e stablished;
nee& in Monernse, is prepared to accornmodiAte
the public w 4 fast and gentle
. .i
Homes, and Carrniges
of every descr ption. on reasonable terms.
, 7
. Pleasure parties will be furniShed with tWa
and lour horse Carriages, and careful Drive/so
on short notioe.
Believing thnt a LIVERY STABLE of go d
horses and carriagei will be a great accomnin
datipatn the e 'igen& °Montrose:and the ptib
lic, if not profitable to ( the proprietor, he re
spectfully solicits the patronage flf , . the riding
public. - - D. 111.'Deixisoni
Montrose, .1 • 30. if
OA which the highest price. will be paid
' in Casa, nt the Hat &- Cap store of She
Subseriber—one door south: of thi, Fames&
POST • n 4
NOnnose, Sept. 2„",1947.
ly 28, 1947.
itraw GOONS
N OW opening dod will be *old cheap by'
' J. L YONs
WANTED 5000 Yds. Flannel—socks,
&rt. L YoNg„
Sept. 15.
Lca of the Pekin Tea Company's Tess,Tal
A so. other Teas at a cheaper rate. Just o
pened and for sale by J. L.
D iu
A , t PLENDID lot of N4w and Cheap GoodsA
jut opened and selling rapidly at the
store of •
SUGAR. Coffee, Raisins. indigo ,, Allhm,
'Copperas, Vitrol, Dye.woods, dtc. cheap at
the inure of ' • J. h.
I "
,Sugar--a superior' article for pies
_LI and Lemonade &c. for sale by J. L. -
A REAT variety of Broadcloth*. Saltinetts,
Kerseymeres, Tweeds, Kentuck Jeans. &c.
just, arrived and selling very low bY -J. L.
AL'S. Shoes, Bed Qords,Bilicbels and Sus
pent'e.rss br sA le by • J.
CASH b 1 ER ES, Orlenn Plaids. Parma ttas,
• Alpacemi. Merinoes. Ginghams and Prints.
a good assortment can be found at the cheap
storei_of . J. .4
ODFISH, & MACKEREL, *fresh supply.
IVA splendid Ginghems, for sale low at
ii . ,..,
111 OLE LEATHER:--A new supply just
"',i'eceitied—illso Upper Leatheriand Oalj.
Skala -of a tint rare quality, am! for!isalexbeap
by Bentley 4. Read.
- Immo 3111011110 DoctroiC
11)101Y the latest advice.s, the clinkty was m
.1...P! ginglin the North, and 'the tfocit-jawi! in
the Nonh.enit, carrying - consternation ; many
were throwing away their COtilS,Veliti.tte.,Cx.
citing the newest anguish, in the minds of the
ben6 , olent ; equalled only try. the late famine
in Ireland. Now; Ido not say, ibni nii
lea can be cured_ by me, but MY RULE in*tb.
riaho throws the patient into jlts, which is
probibly the best remedy known (or chronic
complaints. 'And as I have had great rac
k... it is eaq for me .to tell the particular
malady, by looking :it the outer gArMent.
'Montrose. 1847.
4N, B. Of f ice two doors below the FArmars'
Store. - 38Orn
4 .ldministratorlN A'otice.
NoT ICE is heretiy, given . to all Organs; in
. terested, that Lucy - Hyde, Admi n i s :k a ...
irix Of the-late Jebez Hyde, dec'd. bavint re
signed, and surrendered her letters Of &finials.
tratitM, the undersigned hoe bee i i duly appoint
ed Administrator de horde non of said
MI persona therefore, having unsettled busitleas
with laid Estate - ill please call eit .him
close, it withaut farther delay,' and those-who
are indebted to said Estate will onakeiam*
ate payment: :' -
THOS.. :1011101104.
,Sept. 20,1347.
lecutor , fir Noticel.
NOTICE is hereby given all personsin
i‘ debted to the estate of EZRA . BROWN,
dee'd late oftrooklyn 'Township, to mak.
mediate , paynient, and sill persons having any
elaimt, against said Estate are reibestedkAo
present then i to the subieribers formestleaeOnt
.401 Bimi / re
tba Tfiliatin new by applying fi . 4 l
f.OOKI JAM , ,
Montrose, Sept. 15,1847. • I
r • • . ' _Li , 1,
ton 4 ' , Aidlniulnistra . NOLl , el,, ~ ,
1V TlCt ■ Ail hereby esisii fa ail iieriN3iil!)n.
IT iteliteli lie the, estate . O,CRICHMOIP, ID
GA TT. thied, Isle or,P)n*k TfOilibliti 0
me lastneiktte paining, aetairpenimia Nat ,
tag y 4141114.8p1eit illitfgatit. eireliegriem.
ed 1,0 at 'sheaf to 04 iubscriti#3si ae.
meta; i _ , -, ,) i-- 1, ,
, , , 48444/IMAM.F kihs'i; . .
plepecky Aug. /0044 ' , N-411r '.
• ...- I ... -.4 ... :4.-
Amnia ~.-,....- MAIL _
SE riilli,are one of limbo* *aid
campimino ialikykt the preseet atty. , -
common noisily Optic, for administration
I telaPoltary.uatiplsiiits of ttiestionimnamt
Ai - heed, -ache s 'coldi 'dcc., they he
Iki Pellded Plmeireista prompt gild tbs.
- Sestlippoirieoe of,i indiniosition will 1110-
' bly much Ilickaliese They us
I, adapted teall cases ofweakneseeses poi.
debilityatiy deratigement ; of the : .
especiallywith females-41)de -to,om
rimed use cf them; in strict Matfonnitr
thrill directiensirtll - very soon neer ible
ns of the stomach to their saturate:lN and ,
o, end regulate the-!bowels, andeomarate •
hole system..' :` ~,. ~..,
' ere, is no disposition ito -give emeirepas
1 :ndatioasef Abet!..;,, What is hers stated,
result or &deal . ellperlence With lbsy
that through a period of fifteen yeti's:. It,
supposed,' or pretended... Mist theyoise
the ;deed ;: neither. lire theydellge4 to b e
es freely at we' use our moon I Such bug ,
rue -, purpose of medicine. ,!tri only:moo.
to Mfice is to assist nature.a reattLivilieglis
-m to a proper tone and-action, whiteems.
ably, or 'through earelessnesi or except,*
...mes deranged. Many ars, carets*, Jiod
i e,need thnsaid. And the most careful are
le to leregularities of the aystemai `lt ;Is
. less almost to say, that a prompt vie et
!andleffectiver.remedies,•on the first 8 4 1111111 '•
of lioness, is the part of wisdom .;graiest
edicine the Proprietor knows these - Pilig i liks•
• And he is - certain that in forty•nini,el.-,
out of fifty,! where a fair trial is madeaci;
, ing to the directinds,' they Will be used a
as a standard.! medicine.- He fig near
aan instance, where they have hese thus
inwhich they have not met with vistissfr
umerous teitimoidals may be seen arum
feral Office of side, , and reterences will be
1 n to substantial liviag; '.witnesses of their'
a hle,eurative pro p erties. -
he Pills are purely vegetable, are ,of two ,
a. stimulantand purgative. purifyinglhir
~ arid, producing a healthy: action throng
mire system-; are a valuable Anti-Billions.
mine, and eminently usefill in all lingering
plaints—Weakness, General Debility. Dye
y,Pulmonary Affedions, Liver Complaints,.
umatic and ;Spasmodic Affections, Female.
ipla iota, Palpitations, &c.
immar, after a fair trial. m 11) he wlthmtlt
. them.
hey are put' up in FIFTY CPNT and .
LLAR PACKAGES, each havalga pamph•
mbracing a! valuable Treatise on DiseaMe.
full directions for use. The Dollar pack
are the cheripest to the purchaser. They
be ordered through Maoist., giving the
eel and No. Of the General ;Depot.
Sold, Wholesale and Retail, at • -
140 Fulton street, Second Floor, N. Y.,
Between Nassau-street and Broadway.
is I
is it.;
li. As yen villas Healith—Try num lA*
• Agents: BENTLEY - 8i Run, Mown" E.
Amy, BrooklYn, H. GIBBS, Orwell, Brad
county, and R. C. 'remits, Biighantten.
Stanums , steatoigt,"_
HIS School is removed from the "QM.
• 6
Academy,- to ap eligible situation in a.
modious hiimie, where Miss- Willani, *a
ncipal, is now prepared to receive young
dies to Wird and educate. Having bad
ch experierice in
fi dog young Lethal for
cher* of Common o
afs end Academies.
would be happy to re ive a Claes towboat
• rticpler ineructiiin •will be Klan -al- die-
II ce ofreaching 4 The -Fall tetra williceret•
ace on hionday,Oct:4lll. The services et
. Fitch. and Miss Blackman, will be.conda—
ini their Departments.
:pile may furnish their own beds and bed.
g. for which a reasonable deduction will be
de on the price of board. .. ,
moron English Studies,
4ot so
• her Branches, • ...... 50
ebiseir GeOtnetry, 1 • A5O
in or French.— .: " - '1 00
sic on the Piano,— ... . 8 416
of Piano, , ...48‘80e
II ermi for bearding are from fear.
n shillings per week. This include', intsbi
• , fire and lights. , • , '‘
I jerenee—The TruPties of the Acad% hr
“ ontrose. Aug. 31. 1847, • ~ -
. ~
Fall team 'of ' ibis Inetitution,iiill Cftst—
meace on Wedrtesday the - Bilidity lof
:pt. next; under the' charge of A.J:Bitilsi i s
I graduate from aladison'UniveraityitiCY.
Tzdtkin peir,Quaß'tere• "
a' icing , Reading, Orthography.
rithmetic, GeographY'lkna Englith 431 0 111 :,,,
ar, . ' .....!...., ...,...' . ,'. -, ... ;:...4:11 l iur
n Grammar and Beteoea, Chemistryi - 1
Peilosophy.Botarty4Logtc and Rbetar..
lc,. 4 ..... . "
__As " .' 300
Algebra, Surveling,,Otornetry, Astrono. 1
y,in . ed Frenebi 4. . 4. 1 _.A Os
La in and Greek plosis, •• -11 'ln
I y order of the Board,
hi: JESSUP, ..PraAlen4 /
iontrottit; Atig. with. 1847: • ~ ,;. • t I
I T' H. BURRITT'S, may be loud a large.
I and most desirable assortment of Dry ,
•s, consisting m part •
IN LADIES DRESS 9 0 0Ds ..., i
ich calicoen. French antEoglisb Gingbamei
eget ior sty les, Gingham and Printed LIM*
ii r de Lanes at 17 rents aud uriwittaa4
turd Baregar,
• Fancy Bilk% te. ketone!
, newest ; styles. <
' I IN SUMMER SILetWLS—:t ,- ~-
h Silk, De/Lane. Stmdills, &Me i Mid 111614
Net Shawls nnd Send* very cheath ,' t t
IN ROIVATErg .... 1
. rel i ct) Braid, China Pearl and Cobariblim.
Plain ,Straw. Lawn and Common Faacy
rine% with Rich . Ribbcies, Triain2ings. and
wrs, at red_oced , p_rices.
plSnditintraitent of Silk. GillilltarN ikad
toe Pa s, and Umbrellas at ve ibis
1 1 11 r GENTS DRESS • GOODS—r
'ad Meths, Cassimeres, Saltine ts, e ds,
er C10(110 111311 Vestings, ...both ich and
n on- n large variety and chetip: 'I, 2
IN RATS AND OAP -- • 1 .
b ice assortment of Fur Nap d,i'elq Col
d or, and WoeLHats; Gents lioq!,and
1 c Palm Leaf liars; also clot Tel sad
zed Summer CePft of the net sad l a
via. l"\
Wis. • 1
I l i IR \ DOMESTICS i i
g • anis, plaids; Bed Ticks. Cat 0118beetillik ,
ra, Coibred Carpet Warp, Bel
1 ilite. • tm ' ' ' .(
I I'whieh la the various tilde. Elty as,
. sloes aid prices ; will furnish meet ilis
i I illaeollmenis to Porehen lohs)lre b.
ta eternise his *lock wall loolhift
1 1 hie ;mann ore Mob emtkely,o*.
F end largely elite eleettreeteOen efilits
tia, city, -aad•wilt 'be. mite* mill 'pregh
. y will eitil fail to he leased: - , - , 1
1 sw Marevil:Wirto 1 10 17; 1
, ,
oogs,*, STATIONARY. Aam
I kr
." "