.~x wE~~r,.A .. m::,..-.~~:tzr•~ ,:~ t.:rvesx~x;r'J~`a#aa~.~~ .1 - Isl-.3. .- r. ~- ... t ~... lialimv44ittrnis• ~ tii -• - v , 4 - ';!‘ - , -,- I ' -! --4 I ----*--- - Ireigngt tii (it riatiit,tt9 . 4 • illi - ......31•411, tr. .11 •,, ~...1•,. . -,-',- _ L ''' ~." ' I .sittetilli .: - - - „: _ -ii _ ',._ • ' '. n•.•,r , 411+0;11;1 . t. , . . • ~“ il.hot . l' ,nta:/..1 to '4' . •. if•' • • - ' •"..:an'io'..,-!!-;r; ~,,,i,, 1 ,,, , Li - esloot , td t,.,.;;; -., 1 •, ~air ti „..., : ri"!s . t ;r1 '-7'...-It , ...:1131111 . , hrl4 miff (;GlifflalliAr Li ELECTIONO:r' ,.. . 7 , Ag.,.(1,1 bnit, , r...; , ,-.........f. : ;!..4 , :tili , ' 21 Qxob * Drs UfaUltieiNOrt llll,ll :ail Ofethi3VenEitii "As sembly of the Commonwealth of"Peansyl. i.l veyascafititlisl 'SAW:Mt •relating to the'i Elms, lions .of this Commonwealfittiffilovat''.; that ...- second day of July, Anno- Domini - onOArrosssi _ and eightrAttrltelll'afak tjfiriW iie, I.lNEljai SON GAIEIRNER, ifigtefteitlftef the County of Sumuchiboa, In, ,said „copronsosspaith, dill her giVeitaticeiethe Electors if thercoant4 l 1 , , isr, aforesaid; that d , GENERATi ELECTION' sorillt tee.beldjii said enionti 4 orSiespettenna, on ._ 4 IberSECOSOI 'TUESDAY 'OF - OCTOfiER next, (being'g the 13th . - day of said mortib.Yot niftidh liiiietATATE :and CO(JN rY OFFIs. CERS as fotiolli t .arisid be elected to*if: -",'. -ONE PPASON, i - q ! -, ' •I I__! , .EP -_ To rillAiiisiotlice of Garentor of the Coininotv: wealth oftPinnsvlvania. ~,, , RI I.:ill -- . r : • ONE PERSON P To fill the'. office of Canal Corintiss'idner at 'tlittiDomtith4srealtb of Pennsylvanisk .1- a .-. s's. , , 1 i-t i rs • p • • . ,z; e .!...,, . . f . , .0/ P ER S O N. .. • `.. • ' , TOM tbitafte:e of member of the Senate - of -the Cornmor►rand of Pennsylvania, trilreprw sent the-'Otis Senatorial Di trict of said Com monwealth, composed of t e - counties of Sss -quebanna, Wayne and W omingi :1 i .•.. ' ~ . ' 1 TWO PERSONS -•': To fill the (Office of Member of the Hoe ‘ if • li . frinssittUntitett, to representi the county O us f Sna .,quithannrs aid Wyoming, is the House of Rep . .,issentativeskil Pennsylvania. .1 , , I ONE PERSON : t Teifill• tht Aide of County CoomnisSioner of AO:county i f Susquehannk. „ -ONE .PERSON 1 -,- , 'To fill tbee„office of Ceuruy . Treasurer of-the . county of''SfisqUehanna. • :, • I i . i ONE PERSON tr. .zrci fill thm 6 - office Of County Atulttor 't3l the county of gpsquelianna. t WO PERSONS-, i f . For-To pt the Dundaff Acedtimy in Suititze 4 hatitir county,. ._.. . 4 - also hefAy make knoivn . and give notice that the plates of holdingthe general ejection linithi.severerwards, boroughs and townships twithio-the county of Susquehanna, nit:ill's fol ;lows, to wit. . 4 ... TbeElectiin for thd Oho ricteomposed of the townstotp,of. Auburn, will be held at ibi house of George Haverty, in said township. It ' Tbe_Etectitin -for the "District corn;Posed of he townsbitt Of Apalachian, will be held; at the -bmise-ofJoseph Beebe. in said township;,, The Election for the District 'composed of the townshirs of Bridgewater will be het& at the house of Geoe. D. D. Warner, in the 11prougb' of Illontrose. ~ . ir! , TIT Election for the District cempesed of 'it townshirt of Brooklyn, will be held. 41 at the house forme ly occupied - by 0. A. EldOdge in 1 -isaid township. tr The Election for the District compOsed of tht townsh4of Choconut, will be held' 1 at the bonse ofJustlosown, in said township • The Eleceon or the District comOsed of the townshiti ,•f iffnrd, nett 'gorough (if Dun_ dial" will be lield at the hou.s formerly rieetfpied by Arthur Smith in the Borough of Deeded'. The Electkort for the-District co', posfit of tbe lowihip of Piroosio, will be toeld at the house' of John Bats r in , said township. , _ ‘ ;The Election for the District • comp r ise d'; at (, -the township •of Forest Lci/x will be held at `the{ Aouse,,of Preserved Hinds, in said towriphip. 1 - • The Eleaon for the District composed of the townsbiii of Franklin, will he held at the school house near Bombe' Douglass :in said itiw,alibip ! I ' ,' rt. ' . ''; . 'Tioe Election for the District' composed o f f le township ,of Great Bend, will beheld at ilia twine occupied by ,John itudsoni in said - iciii;firthip. t l :The Elec t iloo (or the District composed of the -towidifft ci ti - Gibson, will be held at the house . :at Joseph. Washburn, in said - toienship!, I Iva The Eleftion, for the District comphsed,• of the township of Harmony, will be bend at the bottselatelynsecupied by F. A. Ward; in said - township. ?„ i , The Elegion for the District composed of „Ithe l towtosbiti of Herrick,- will be tent- at the *Noe of Ole late 'Warren Dimock, in said . towtHshii. 3 2 The leclion for the District composed of the 0 o stOp of Jackson, will be held at the Irootitirt of Nathaniel Hill, in said township. ,• The Eleislion for the Distriet conidsed of the townshbt of Jessup, will be 'hel d -at the hottieof, ' D4riiel 'Hoff, in w a rd township . ' The Election for . . thtf: District contposed of the te,yiesshiP of Lens e s -will be . bel l at the bireseifflGiotow delfrothers,• in saidicnilnitup. • Tfiri.ltiointi for the -. District • comiosed of the towaslik f •tL'ileity; will liof belid at the L sohotdbotup - r the' resident:lo of TsriadZoin stoolOn said township. t'• , , - - ;i • r The Ele4tion of the District composed of the township et Letkrop, will be held at the house - st,slohn Sgtferes,tniudd township. !. Tbe. Elea) on ofthe District composed of the township o : Middletown, • will be held at tbe- 1 douse of,.liiit9phßoas, in said townshipl. The Ele4tton - for tlid District coinposeti of the Briino..l,,of • Montrose. will be bed at the, nie of Ltiohard Searle, in said Rerekb. oThe Elottim' for the District conipied of the 'township:ft -New Milforcf, will be h:ld at the - - MIA e Wel "' nerorned by Joseph - 0, Pine, in fdli*ils ip'. 1 , .. . • . i - '•The.:Elieftioti for the District conipcged of , the teirricsh p - tit Rusk, will be held at the how bit glithio .T: t ptiprwlsod, in said townithip. ' ~.: Three -non - Tor _the District compfiSed of Dirt oship of Sprittgilifie, will be held at the Ifitibitcir p#T Hicli9L• in said tosi,iship. ThEl- 'lolof the `DisltiOS'OMPatitta of the T o" township :S"ilier - I will be teld at the le,mase sow 'Alec-vied by scoeft • folegrerigli,i,n selittoviotiiip. : • ., . . 1 : H I .' :, ?; t*ll eg €.on oinef the District , sompuSed of tbs. ka lyeliP„,,Pfisas; spill. be - held :Sot ebOuse ei kto Y i.PDA,Sus ffisniking. , inlaid-township:' township, I also mike known andisive node ' hail:rand bribe I.Btit'section of the aforesaid , liact.tam - directed; tibatevery -person :exceptijtittice of the p_estcelvtio shall- hold'any office *tiPpeint - sheet of p fit or trust 'under the 'United Oates. or of this State. or Of any city or lfiini*oirpioitted districti whether a conwitissiotiodltelsr Or othl - ortirite. a •inbordirnite officer or' agoit,'Who lir,-1 or abaft biternployeiJiinder-tbe legiOativeijig! cliciarroriptecutive department of .;this State or. Unitedlftates,:or any city: or in ' porated district; tuld also, that /evei - y: taitielo eftiih geess r and ?of he State Legislature% iskttfAttp, sgett oretroon eistmcil'ot rinke , ;lit. r•Oir, rnissione,ti: t rilby • Incorporated - 'd i ilet:isliy la w•Thettiratbie ofliolding or exerc" Sir .1 401! : silii . ne lione4 . e.O 114c6 -or .oppoir,ninept Vodg** ;r ' i4F , PAFt9I -c dt oeo' 43 fillY. eteoion li tF,ITA.P.anW,__ recrnweelfti, knit fli:tit ~ito ' inspectqFpfears",uF. other' Offikera:nftitiy ickli altctiptiV Airtieeti ligiblelo ithy',solo then to be vvite ,for.' - ..,,, d i" •-iirartbylibe nude sttirif Ateembl 1 itli also made `,l4ellluty 'of every; ilayoreSberiffi'Del tity-Sherit r Aidemism - Jqstice, 9U - tt v P: ;PeOr";, COot i tige ' rleputy,cattaitim,, , ii ► errOity;l ttiViMY'teigthibl - tole-distile:t stiflliiithititortel niiitiSidultfi; SY ' - '-' itilfed'UtitielOr - 1006 1 t er. 'ter Of ae by anyThreequalifieifelaW," torpb,crecC 0 , sie,.‘iiy,wiwcisconl qq;!#l4 anyliiiid*orjlilteritactistif Gear' sree,ft whidb igallbe - obstructed is such ' way to , ff3!!EIIIIBM=M= p..‘VArityr,teof from 'approach ng the sarne ;-r -0, , d it-sitinik,W - me duty. ,ofi tae respeCtive . nistatithrofifueb , ward, .distOict. or-township, 'thin-,6lis -I Contitnonwealth,.. to be present 'in • -min iirtrdepury, •at • the Oise* -olbolding I. s ch E_Uctions, in such ward'. district or town- 14 4 0 4he -purpose ', of ,- preibthing the peace ; 1 alb*.:aid:. ~, -.-- ~ .1- . , I .. , ' 1 Alio that in•the 4th section of thfl'Aet of As- tribry; ll entitl4ll • An Act reliting: to• eieco-. 6 'its; 'ifd'fbehttrei: perphterit ;:ipprtived . "April 1 , id, 180; 'Chi enacted that. t e aforesaidl3tb liOn,,libill net be r Construed as:to:prevent s tOr lvilitiitofllcer 'Or 'borough', officer front ser tirfgrifatidgOA iristieetOr or Clerk at any gen-, .f.ill''4r.4"ipetioil'i•gteCliolS, 10 1 l ;this ' COintlion? 01 r eii.41,3. ' r .: ~. 2, , ..,- .. , 'f ' • A : Li r . afil l6 the . 04Viltionei (contained iit)lie 2 2bl :' „. ftie4the actorter,esald, the Judges of tie aro iC district . shall rkspectively ,take ..chargeAtter,nertiticate or return of the flee fioitel he F ir respective., districts, and produce theni On meeting of one Judge from each dis tfitt Int ;the Cubrf Douse in :the Borough of liOnit* Non the 'third-day after the darof s-i ; i lipa.keing the present Oar on FRIDAY, ttiE 'lth • OF•btTOBER NEXT. then and 're•ter do nOitperform - the duties required by Iliv . 'of riaid-Jihrges. - ; Also, gift wkere a Judge by sickhess or unavoidable a'geident is unable ltf '. - uttelid said.meeting of - Judges, then the air tjficsite itir - return aforesaid : shall be taken `etifigallof by one of the Inspectors sr Dierks cif„the.tilection Of said distriot, who shall do 'stud ,petfortii the duties required of said Judge• knable to, attend. ,1. AlsoAbst io the 134 st section o f sai di aCt,lt is enacted that . when two or more countieeahall ' inompode a . district for the bhukc of ‘ a member or meirfhers of the 7 -Senate V this common wealth ,pr ,of the ,HoUse. 0/ „ ErnEssNTATIVEs 1 Of the Gaited States or ul this Commonwealth, the Judges of the election in.each county, hay ing metes aforesaid, the clerks shall make out a lair statement of all the vptes which shall have been given at such election, within the county l l for every person votisil for, as such a . inenibet br members which shall be signed by Said judges and attested by the clerki; and one or the said judges shall take charge of such car- i 1 titicatelood shall produce the' saute ut a meet ' lag of Orietjudge from each county at such - place in such district, as is or may be appoint ed by IQ w• for the purpose, which ideeting shall be held! on the seventh day atter.the election.' The Returri.Judges appointed by law of 11114 :Senatorial Districttomposeil of the Counties of 1 Susquelliarma, W t iyne and Wyoming will therefore meet at the ,flundaff Hotel in the Borough of DuiliAttr. SuAqucituitina couniy, on :Tuesday the 19th day of Octrher nest, then and' . there to perform those dities required of tllein by law , The (Return Judges of the R-presentative Districi composed of the . counties of Susque hanna and Wyoming, will ineet at the house of Sperer Hicknx, in Spriniiville, Susquehan na cemplY", tin Tuesday the Mill clay of Odder next, tof perform thole _duties enkuned by law upon the said Judges. . Also, hrit.in the 61st fiction of said act, it is enacted ibid• every general and special elec: non shia.itie opened between eight and ten in the forenoon, and shall continue without ioter ruptiorOr ,UtljoUrnment until seven o'clock in the evening. when the polls shall be closed.' ' Giv.eh under my hand at i my (Abe in the • Borough of Montrose, the 14th day of - -September, 1847. . • ', NELSON C. %VARNER, Sheriff. Sheriffs Office, Mnnttose, Sept. 14, 1847: Aiiilt` - al - isti • i ators N'otiee.' WWI IV - O*lOE is hereby giv,en.to all /Arming in.. 11 ddbted to the estate of RICHMOND 'GAVITT,:clee'd, late of Dimock Township, to make itnmedtate payment, and all persons hav ing an* claims against sai I Estate are request ed to ptesent them to the subscriber for settle krzient. ISAIAH MAINE, Adger. Dimsick, Aug. 16, 1847. .; 33-6 w MONTROSE zaviazo mamas /FENS School is removed from the "0:d:, A. Academy," to an. eligible situation in u ,I commodious house, where ,Miss Willard, the Principal, is now prepared' to receive young, Ladies-to board and educate. Having, had much experience in fitting'. young Ladies for Poachers of,Common . Sclools and Adademies, she would be happy to receive a Class to-whom . .particnlar instruction will: be given on the scien4 i)titachiN,r. TheFall' term will com- Mencepn Monday, Oct. 4th. The services of Mr. Fitch, and Miss Blaclirrinn, will be cumin ueil in ',their Departments. , Pupils may furnish their own beds and bed, ding, fpr which a reasonable deduction will be made On the price of hoard. TZP.:4O. Confmnn Driglish Studies, Brunches,... Algebra or 'eometi'y, Latin Or French,.. 'Music on the Pqmo Uee Piano, Tering for boarding-are from twelve to four een.shilliogs per week. This includes wasti ng, flit and lights. keirenel—The Trues of theAciidemy. Montrose. Aug. 31, 1947. 35-5 w C SUSQUEHANNA ACADEMY. iTH' Fall term of' tlais Institution will corn- Mence on Wednesday the Bth d'iy of Sept. next.-under the charge of A. J. BCTEL, A. 8., gr4duate from Madison Univirsity, N. Y. [ Tuition per. quartir. Writhlg, Reading, Orthography. itudiments of A tn r a i ri tbinetic, Geography and English Gram -82 00 1"..,- • -. Latin Grammar aniMessons, Chemistry, • Philiisopby,Bottuiy„, Logic and Rheum- - ie.,.,_ . _ . 300 Algebia,:ziirvey mg, Geometrytet'strono. - my, and ; ; French.... s-...... 4 00 Latin and „Greek Classics,. ... 5 00 By" Order of the Board. ' 1 I WM. ItSSUP, President, , Mcultrose, Augnoth, .1847. , . . . , ' 1 i Adialnistratarls Sale. TiaceryicE is hereby given that by an order ,Ll, of . the Orphan's Court of Susquehanna Icountirwill. he exposed to fpublic sale or out !cry., ai.the House late of ABRAHAM LOTT. dee'd. of Abe totrusbin of Auburn, on Thurs day ,tire.tWenty-eighth day of October next,. at vone.tecteckP. M., all that bertain piece or per eel of lend, situate-in the township of Auburn, in ihe ;My of 'Susquehanna and ' finite - Of Penni IVinia; and putted, hounded and' deseri. bed 'follows to wit: Beginning at it Headock ti t iep„i W Northwest ~corner, hereof, and ,in ;a i the - 6 . Slid etirveyedior Philip Havc4y; thence' isu , y' - t ' Jpiir:4l_Etist;ohe hundred - and twenty, fifieVr*lretiter....a . •Reecti tree, the ',Soh% east, re ' lif the ` last mentioned land. end the _. ‘', - If cornet ; hereof; thence, South .one V' " l i(nti pinety,three perches to , a 'Heed . t ' .4 ))stlOiVirest'one hundred an d,eventy. five perehes; to, a -Hemlodk tree; and thene.. NorthHwit,t'hundied-and - riinety4hreo'' perches, 1 to ithehegioning, , containino two'hundred eleit,- en 'tidies and fifteen perches, with tbwaTiptirte: Mincektilframe house and barn, ond ',A, large. sliett fI„T oie Ore "'tiro'. orchirdt ' on 4 r the said Pre 44, l ~ a tid,Plellif.t of good Watili t f '•1 '' ;T,.5411! twe.kbpolimir .he 4a,rigialit. , ' -,,-: 'AigrEw S. LOW, A ii a ii n ii ra ibi l ''' :•' • . 1 4 0 4. 14 Crrf 1/7 I Art .lll lA 0 • , 4 0; 18 4 7 . 1 ,;:::' ~, -_-.' -i,:, 0 'fir' 0 • 0 P , ktiukil•iiiiiiii6it-fl , si, ::-i, ,-.1: .4ir :41 , ~1 Phanlier & ceet. [ . . • tioti Or Hair 'sail iialtiiie '4..! laemedy . ear 'abet Dr. QiiigTE, - * ( "aye: ' • P. - dientratcmis"TireinipVi. ',„ ANL 1.. Hear. 8 irt—Ymi linguini tirmcirb'etried, yodi Hair Tonic, sod ilM'eltiticte,„ '1 . .4,Cirertikyears ago my ; hair began to • 'trio the tali), tea I Ittiftlhe proapeet • • hadness. Duringbeieral years I-used * ard4itaisiecommendelfor thebair, rms. ' rival otthenefit.,• At, length , a friend - yoiiii Hair Tonic, I, mood throe. or four .• • Mil to the printed directions, anti it t ' inO , the my hair was thick oet,•ind nisei 1 jo i nt, rrigray ersairteeted. 7—• • • ; dlhavo lamer laden tem a nertilicato intatent modiste, which indiacchniva th i f often are, do numb minty, heti" 4 e prt ent tihers I know the article to Nis • th il dean do no harm; I Imes no setup (silts within my own kiwi, ledge. • • t Your", ice. JOHN QUIGL.II Ito Dr. D. Ja, . '-'. 'biladtlphis. P. ~.. Pi c :'., ,, ,i:i4 t HILDRE.' I ! , , .' F WORMS—Ay Itli t opts r`; . -z::;: . ;'4S:.dIYNEIII V HRH ar been k , ' , : : • ;Ail wears in the w•, r l• tureens •.' :t .. . 4 . sts.--thoss are bead g gjialanera o -, 'lipi, with fluatiied chile' ' t ii teeth Mimi limp, disturbed Minim", afty,fright andaereaming, sonvulsion", at, it bad taste in the mouth, WB[lB4oll' di Resift breathing, itching of the nostril. at Oachinanees, squesmishomia, 'oriel., leakiness. ten mss, slight chills or ihive I f ' ei4sa,*fatigue, welled etteniaCh et rim: ci4ing in the hroat. turbid urine, frequ , ' e acuato the bowss discharge o f • um C. For ncreouiness, sick headache, palpit .l 'h 'lie, &c., it ilivens immediate relief,' it . 1 I iz ' acidity of Stomach, creates he appet i etthe whole "pawn. and cures the PIL: i repatcd utkly -by Dr. D. Jayne, Puna r iold on agency b y N . Mitt:llo M I 1 Si. Cu. , .0. OWEL AND SUMMER COMPI I If; - CURE NO PAY. pr, Jayne. ' will guarantee that hie B,Esam 'will tare Diarrhma, Coln -a, Cron Plane. Cholera Merhus,Summer Compiali chltangements of the Stomach and Bowel 44e - eases out of a honored, and to lefoi tiple it eau he 016:led by ar. ) Lahtir roc ilt la ex or trrily ti plciaant, aLlriddrun a DI as equally 26 eacclual for ;Oahu WI 1:1 witicri the directions are followed; end a e Nord, the money trill be cheerfully ret 2.sasid .50 cams a battle. 11. i 1.4 • • From the Rev! Charles C. P. ritlessEt.. A. B. &R. Sands lam 14to you that the_ medicine sold , biiwel and summer complaints has gPlarly efficacious in my family. I) NO. years iieen extremely! liable to t Pastng ityseatery in hot weather ; U'4 td . JAYNES CARMINATIVE BAL.; aSons, the attack has been (diva, curse of two ur three hours. 11. c ildren. when utlacked by a doll rfibea. cured immed;ateiy by this i I lOonsider Dr. Jayrie's medicine pre g'cat skill; and highly beneficial to bltiman nature. Yours respee,lully. C. C. P 4.l'lew York, Sept. 1837. . • !.• Dr:D. Jarie Dear Sir : /fairing ox ift., Tor eight years, your Carniinatiy! ill#:10,7 it due toy . ..ousel( and the public t hAve. uniformly found it efficient in rcli • iloiri;Oving the complaints fur 'which it u a strongly opposed to all mischrrv. • fit above medicine, • I have testified dm yrow,' and that which 1 Aare experien c Rcepectfully youis, .1 ,, 1tS C. IVunel.LQ , .33 . Pastor of Baptist iftblowtt, N J. ,! ; Prepared only by Dr .D. Jayne. Phil! rld un agency by N. Mitchell &Co. MI FINE NEW 'Tr; . AT NEW MK PRICE` L . . M. REXFORD has ma :items with the IN EW-Yplili PEKIN PANY, for the sale of TE.is in Bing cph furnish his cosloincrs. and the trade, the same prices that the Company char. ?Ow York, which is, at least. from One 11'#gs cheaper on each pound than the G VW in every,case where these Teas do *lion, the money will he paid hack for CATALOGUE OF TB . GREEN. lilroling-Ilyson, good, Do. do. sweet cargo, Do. do. fine cargo, Do. do. Nilvvr leaf, leaf—siddom sold even by large de • j of the very small profits anti* en its s •superior Tea. Do,. do. golden chop, ,Alden rhop—This is the finest Green' in China. It is of the first oicitihgs, ` ; other Green Teas 11 , r its d