and the village ,of Coh : Tcan,. Furth er , on, on the other;sldeof the dirk at the Wage, and , about three. hundred yirds from the road, if , large building, well tirlapted_ for the -. protec., tion 114: infantry, and . which' the enentyysad e l se posted' an irtimens9 body. - - Th e g ro und in.. th 4 vicinity '(it all thetial - points was completely tovered - with win, midi other fields, cut up in direction by inn ,wiae and deep ditches, p ting ;obstacles .u-1 merable to the advx4e ..of our troops. , N o teconnoisanee df the -Osition of the enemy had been made, and contegiently its strength could -Only be ascertained byibsird blows and kneeks. divisiong of Gent)rals Twiggs and Worth were at once engagett the .former_ with: the church and strongholdThf Churabusce, and the latter with the betterio at the bridge; and in the meantime Gen. Shield's: brigides-4e York and South Caroliha volnnteera,,togeth er With. the 9th, 12th :and' 15th regiments of infantry under Gen. f ree, were berrying on inirkfrom Cohoycan attack the hacienda:— Solari; they too were erged, and now the bat tle became general. he enemy badjover 20 ilet4 of cannon, all iiadmirable position, anti ; are a with more dram-ordinary. skill while but few of oniitinscoullibe brought to bear.— The battery of Capt. rank Taylor, it is true, opened a well directed fire npoti,Churubus so, but so exposed wail its situation that it suffered most terribly, tooth in officer and Men. The strength of the nervy at this -battle is mown tohave been air least 15, and I may say 'O,OOO, all fresh troop, and in a position of uncommon strength. pppofied to - them were about 6,900 American jaded and broken by . marebes and counter-Marches,' and incessant -foil at Churubusco. The Meiicans say (at Santa Asina com manded in person but retired early. The young men of the Capital, from whom so much was expected, nearly ail fled without firing 'a gun. In the different works (but mostly, in the church )' taken by Genf Twiggs, nearly 2,000 troops were'captured. ?Among them were Gen. Rincori, who commandei4 in person. Gen. An ava, lately President 4.stituto,. and Gen, Are vallon, as also ea Gofiakeza, formerly Minis- . ter at Washington. -en. Garay was cap tured at San Anton-14 by Gen. 'Worth, and several influential offrirs, among them Col. I )li ran on, hv Gen. Sqelds at the hacienda but the rn.;:i importunticapture of all was the entire renegade battaliOn, mostly made up of; deserters from our owe?army. with their (min..; 'wander, the notorious•c:. Riley himself. "Vier are all row under eloselguard, and I trust will , be strictly dealt with. The loss on our sidel;has fallen most beavi- I; upon the South Carftina. and New York vol- unteer. the 6th Infantry, and Smith's .light; battali attached to i% ; ‘'orth's division, and; the hattenes of Capt's,,blagruder and Taylor, The South Carolina regiment was nearly cut] 'to pipers. hosing 1.37 it of 27 men, with which it went iat.o acticon. The Ist - Itas suffered severely inofficers. • The Mexican aceoun:ls acknowledge the loss, i~ killed, wounded' and prisoners ; of no less t‘lan 13 Generals, (arnotg them three ex-Pres idents.) and forty-five pieces of cannon. One of our officers says thag.v.-e!have, captured more ammunition than Gen. pe q t. has used since he has been in the count/. • -~ Our entire loSs in killed and wounded is- short of eleven hundrec; that of the enemy is not well know. Hisli.ssin killed alone isle heved to be. equa4to our entire foss, and it is estimated that atpeast 3,000 prisoners were taken. The ntrna4er .9f his Wounded was not asckwalned, but itt!s:i supposed to be very large. Gem Seott.hinOelf received a wound in the le_ below the k4e ; but from the man ner in Mr. Kenctrall speaks of it, we are led to hope the injury slight one. News frost Europe. Br the arrival of thd.French steamer Union, at quarantine New Irk, on Thursday last, we have eleven days liter adviees from Eu ri.e., There is little liniprtance by this ar rival. was antkitiated, blead:stnits and provisiAns have,experic.peed' another slight de cline. Several importani failures in grain spec- Ulators are announced. The Duchess of Pras lin was nntrlered by hOr own husband on the night of the ISth nit. IThe cause assigned is, that of revenge. the Dithers hiving rettroac'h ed him for an imprope intimacy vrith'=nne of • her domestics. A treakv has been made be tween-Great Britain aid Tuscany. Tye steamboat Cricket blew up on the morn ing oftle ''nth, with iliout 150 passengers on board. Almost all wee blown into the river ; six were killed and Considerable number wounded. Her Majesty is hunting in the Highlands of Scotland with Prince Albert and a lot of fine Lords and finer 1t0.141. A hundred years since, it would not had been go `safe fon the members of the Brn iswiek family to hnpt them • • The Queen of Spantiand her husband are on worse terms, if pll . ssibli than ever. He refu ses:it is said, to 'see ler for four months— whirl'. we should thin*, so much gain to'both parties, unless they mil meet in better temper. LATER.--Fune the;tbove was in type we hare received news of "he arrival of the Brit- mania with six days toter a.dviees. We find little of intereat to adii to the above report.— The steamer Great Aritain was successfully floated off the rocksU the night orthe :17th eh and arrived - in Literpool on the 30th._ Further extensive failires, amounting to up wards of two millions, aterfing, are-announced. .A.Ttarrorsn Wol4.—We learn from the Cumberland (Pa.) -llountaineer that a foul murder was committed by a woman upon the ye.rson of her husband some few dap; ago.— This woman is the grime identical Mrs. Frfs.9 who was accused of awing accessory, to the murder of a former Asband, (Mr. Frey 4) in the upper part of AlleOeny county ; Md., some two or three years since, and for which Wm. S. Crise suffered death' upon the gallows. She committed the foul peed while herAmsband was sleeping, by pourtog hot lead int& his ears. riislast tragedy wrforrned Pents. is Itia, and near the M ayl and line. She Apar :confined in jail to aw&it her trial. , TI 814AItlair i'iWAI3IIp7OTON returned imather trial -trip yegerdarafternoon, and her Pe erma* farnughoht more than anineMied 411 . 114 was expomtediif 14ii;.:1510 made loamy time: passii4 tlioollllol steamer New York on her irip ont.lll - LiOdily she mould a sal mat ITherelo:4lo reasonable , asobt that tor nemttrans-Atlantie trip like her at the imatV of cur ocean steamers fi lWaaaa , --N , Y.:trite-1m • Nine hindtml men pre now envoy* at the Brooklyn Nay Yart4 • MOM E ' ll ' • ONTROSE. • • Titairedgiiiiki+, 1 28,144 i. Deniocoltic ii,endh a ti onne ; - : - i ii FO -GOyERNOR. -,,, FRAN i LSI.. SHIM, 44E914:it co,crwrir i FOR !icANL , COMMISSIONER, MOOISIIONGST4ETIL t 64. itionro'ox'atY courre ‘ . ~ ~, ,• :- 1- Ai. FOR SENATOR, • . -1,El• t B4STREETE ,' )li d q Menitrose. s . . .. , irVa REPRESENTATIVE o, SAI4L TAGGAIT, . • . 1 ' of Middletown. l f, ' -•-, 1 i i, • ROi ERT R. LITTLE, .1 , „ 1 cf Wyoming. 1 • • l i i TREASURER,,FOR HARVEY 'TYLER, • , ~ i l of IBriflgewater. ,' FOR; ' COMMISSIONER, - : E. P. FARNAM, of Lenox. EOR AUDITOR, JOHN - SMILEY, of Gibson. , ,1 Electionr—THesday, Oct. 12, Is4 l l. clop! woos) • Wanted 'silt 64 office a few cords of eight een-inch 'seasoned wood. Who will supply us ? Demock•at'S Almanac for is-IS. A small siapk of the "Democrats . Almanac IA Political lße6ter for 1848," by Wm. C. BRYANV, jut re4eived'and fur sale at this of anil a quarter cents. Every Democrat sbonliilmve one. ` - • WANTED By Stearns 6.7 . goo, near the (treat Bend, thirty Os to ems l ititih wagons, or carts, for mor: ing_Stone and Gravel through the winter, for which Cash Ind ad wages will be paid month ly. " 1 * AZ:i The folk wing items in the List of Pretniuins theitkgricultural Society were ac cidentally otaitterl last week, to wit t For Old best pair 4 Oxen, S. I )7 /1 S. ,00 I Lunn,. The listiS nout corrected. • Are ?roil Assessed? Examine; he Tax list an 'd see if you are as sessed. ' Remember that the law requires every voter to be assesed at least ten days before the day of thwelectioh, which willbe by the second of Oct4bef. 5 . e4 tea it, Deinocrats, that all is right. The Federal plan ofOrpinizatlon A word of Admonition. The editor of that vigilant Democratic Print, the Bastop. Argils, has had placed in his ha - nds a copy of the Seriret Circular lately issued by the Federal State; committee, which, dotihticsf by accideat,-wasirected to a t4tauneh Demo- crat in NOrtbamii , ' ton county. It is signed Is "Thomas; E. Fi:anklin," of Lancaster, (a per- 1 sonage somewhat notorious in the political! world,) and contains suggestions and directions I in • ' ha l relation to tmanner of conducting the 1 campaign. identical with those of their circular of last Year. Tlte following extracts from it are furnished by i the Arg•us : • I..—Bieek each election diArict into two, 1 three or four cliiisions, and appoint a Committee of three,five, -orseven of the most active and intelligent Whigii for each division. 15. Make it the duty of thei remaining mem- 1 414 of tle commtittee of each division; to pro. cire front the friends of the cause a sufficient number/Of horseS and conveytinces, and have !them in readiness to convey to the polls every 1 sick'or hifirm Whig .voter who resides within their division.', After two o'clock, let one of tle Cominittee of each division, at- an' interval of every half hoir, obtain from the committee a the polls, the Umnes of those Whigs in his division who havi not then depositedtheir votes, and let the committee, of each divlion . thereupon immediately despatch messengers, With conveyance' to bring to the polls all such 4 are remainin4tack—alwas-s taking care to sOnd first for those whose places of residence tire at the greatiist distance, and so on till all tle whip . votes in their division have been de . Po sited. i '.I After detailing further the duties of the Committees, it lireceeds : i . . 1, "It is believet.that if the Whigs wlll pursu e tfi,e plan,of organization embraced in' the above sarestions, they may with confident assnr , . auee rely upon the success of their cause. The less parade there is made in such an organiza tion the' more effective it Will be. It can be i rried into effe4 without the aid and expense qpublic . or. ass meetings., Large pane o ti eetings wouldlinly arouse our opponents to, Lo. eater vigilance and activity, *l4lst' they hld add but little to the. activity and real of' friends. The time lost and money expend ea in attendinitliem 'min be saved lrylearrying ito full effect the organization auggested.— Onr adtiee, themfore, is to take car of your Ormilideict,'anlttritst yonr brethren elsewher e ti?- 4 9 life 'district, is brow tt o the po li o . ~ where '' Wirer* suggestions in this , , Camila:. , are prectseirtili same as Zhote•con' "'biled 1' ' ' ' 11 a 4bailikootsuritit lust year, and .will ,;, we 'have itto - daubto44usfirgidly enforced 'as then: i It !is by tbi vain the Fed etalieti It if it #ll, t o -e,-,0144, 1, r fw!tiot, thi s , talk :Opeo, cal( , 0 6 0 0, 10 , ~ , Int.);?t their .iiriiiiiiles j( l'r . , they hoe ley;)1 br •it th e qnslifieations -tind ilkiiiii* . O6liiCtrikndidates they dare 114 break tint rather eTotti r ii nil 9!Lngtiao yas the evil • doer pore Yalak" 4 ' .'4 O , :it i t.iii . % Amy that . pike sgpeet ' Fie , - lIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII where p - r . np ie s an d ;c l a .m.'" s ar , u s u ' a , 4 y : - cussed "wooed only arouse our I [their] opp netts to OM vigilance and adtiOty, wb Lt they warddiudd but, little to the akiiity, a d i s zeal of our etheir] own friends ." What ap: of warning t Democrat s! Xii on not aro , - sed 'I Look:at their idefnisi;lisOl ;:e4*thefor t t sts going, and iwake _ tit Yanzr,ituty..i ire the P 7. ikineS iee. ou engreii ~.iti'- 1 A z 'TpOier . ,! Thanksto-tegilvree..4 , on , ftleudiN t t this prograe-has iilitinaisel sea. Read it; all, and be OmOnielled, eiiititeledi , swakentid. Left serve b us all as a lissom of ictiiity aid vigilance. Depend upon it, the efforts of oirr opponents iill be desperate as well as eland r - tine. They must be met and coknered y their ,own Weapons, upon their own ground. If their mine we must countermine. If A y prefer a quiet unknown system of diseipli e, such as the above , indieates, we must pre to give them enough of that same fight. - ganise, theii; beup and doing while his t* e. Let nothing be lost by supineness and inatte - don. We tiwe much to our party, and more our principles, which forbids that we should - low "ourselles to be taken captive withou a powerfurst4gle. Again we counsel Dc . crats to lose no t ime in preparing for the conte l - t, and we will cheerfully biao the result_ f? MAINE VLECTION.—The result of the eh Lion in Maisie on Monday week proVes to be: brilliant viaory fur the Democrats. They el ted their GO.ernor, adarge majority of the L islature, and the four Congressmen to sup . 1 vacancies. But we will let a whig paper Tribune, glie -the result in its own "plaint strain : "The teljgraphie despatch which we g leaves us nfi loneer the hope, of even an un sided defeat.} The Waldo Congressional P triet, whieltyesterday looked fur a while a lit promising, is with the other three against and pur last plank is broken. Six:, Democr and one wldg will be the character 'of the ul delegation from Maine." • SAD CATOIALTY.-A carriage .contain four persono that'was being driven on bo the ferry bdat at Troy, N. Y., on Thurs last, was diven off the boat into the river, a l two of the qunates, a man and his wife, wil drowned. gi ANNUAi; CATTLE SHOW t IID FAI of the Sail'. Co. Agricultural Socie y.l - The Sociiity for the advancement of Ag i- I culture and the Mechanic Arts, will hold is second Annual Fair in the Borough of M - true, on TUESDAY THE 19th DAY 1 F OCTOBE} NEXT. Persons having any of the animals or a i cles enum/ted in the list for Premiums ,u- i nexed to tests notice, or any articles nut et ,- 1 merated, which may be deemed worthy of ,x -hibitimi, either on the score .of superiority,or curiosity, ate requested to bring them to M n trusc at th4tinte appointed for the Fair. Although; the provisions of the bye-laws re such that One but members of the society, or persons contributing to its funds, are allo ed to become !onipetitors for premiums, yet of er persons artir"Uot thereby debarred the enj y ments of tlso benefits and pleasures ef the 1- hibition. 4.1..., therefore, who feel an in , st lin the !willy are invited to attend; and -i is I hoped. that; as the annual contribution requj ed jto constitute member hip is trot the trifling S m of fifty centis., hundreds of our citizens who !-e I not yet meinhers will become members betw en this time and the day of the Fair,- or on t at idaY. i ' t _ All wholilesign to compete for'premiums arc requested tO give notice of such intention to Geo. Fuitei; chairman of the Executive C m trate° at mast five days pfeviouS to the ay appointed for the Fair, specifying the an' al l or article 4 be exhibited ;—,and those hat ng I specimens.for exhibition, of any kind, are e quested touring them or send them in, if con= ! venient, of ' ; the afternoon preceding the exhibi tion. Th4ebject of this into enable the cent mittee to Make suitable arran g ements in seller , ence to thqin. And "air animals intended to 'Le. exhibited, must be on the ground by 9 o'- clock in the morning of the day of exhibitio . All artiej t e sas well as animals intended t he offered for iremiurn or 'presented for mil bi tion, should be Labelled with the owner's n me and place oFresidenee. Animals will be brot uh to. the officle of the Hon: Wm. Jessup, whit is now the office of the Society, in order that ey may be eniered upon the books of the Ex _en tire Committee. Other articles and speci ens will be talOn to the Court House, where t ere will be a etimmittee to receive and take ch rge of` them. '5 , No preiriums will be paid on animals or specimens:of any kind taken away - before the close of 64 exhibition without permissio of the Exec4ire Committee. - The follinsing Committees for awardirig I re miums arAppointed for the present year, ho 1, are requeged to report themselves to the . on. Wm. ,Jessilp, President of the Society, at his office, by 4):: o'clock on' the morning of the , ay of exhibitiip; in order that if there be va. , xi cies, the sine may be supplied. It will lie observed that there are on the rions committees several gentlemen who not now +tubers of the Society, who h been appoieted in the expectaiion that t will give their influence in promoting the ous laudaltle objects of the Society. It is desired orlexpected that any gentleman serve on aOy of the committees unless he member ogthe Society at the time. This strietion illinot, however, extended to the dies. These committees are not allowed by Bye-laws fox be competitors for premiums they may ihe called upon to aware; but provision i t t., ill not extend to any article or mal upon I,eoose merits their judgment is required. iel I . - . -- . ire I Committees. Y . Variettrisi of -Grain.—Abel Cassedy, . beret Carpenter,;. kloet-Turrell:t . . VarietAs' af - Roats.—Frederick Bailey Bu AI. Bu , a George Plink.. Butter. . C heece. — (eorge Walker,. ... Catlin;X, ' Gregory. . • . 4 " al ; . •. Impkweents:=ol . Mey Time. Joatoto. lialTeY Tyler. ' ;:iitorisia l t bWriip. Ward, Daniel Sea datigs 1) 9 . .fr , . , • I I.Netril?" .:T=Ritfila Sid* Dalton Tara' Geo. W: ' ptens. ' - ' 4**Wglim.ol.Main, Jos. 1., Merril 41. 1 41Willitunt. . **A.,.VB. - tk;caiicit; • atm' lf. PY ..... 04°.Pkfik.-,,* IRE 1 ; = -' - - * 4 Poultry. - 7 T. . fl, John ); in. Wm. j: Tuirell. , ; : , is 4 - Garden Vegeiciires.--tuirecrt , hamb,erlin, Wm. D. Cope, ` - iariinell.)3lfril. i • , _Flotoers.—Mrs.L Wm. deal - nip, "Irs. .R. J. Nicer', Mrs. Thomariltebolson. J ' Needle Work.—tliits &rah, Witlier,,Mrs. T.. 1": St John, MIL F: .tusk.. ' , - 1 1 . Domestic Manufae4ueds—ciomp i cing Car pep,- lkd-quilts, Sllcrtils ; Blankets Flannels, ',I e.—Mrs. F. Bailey, Mrs, char s Tingley,' Mrs. Win. Hartley. .. i . Each - of the Coro miitees-trill be • equired to{ report in writing, ai id in each r6portto set forth I the peculiar point, qualities , s344 ad antsges of I the animal or article obtaining thei preference .they are requested to furnish th r award or report to the Society by a oiolcok i the after noon. ' , 1 All these proceedigs should be understood, trolled by, the ConstitnlT.- - -:' the'SoCiety, with which it e interested to make the, nselveWr The Society will meet .in flee C at. two o'clock, P.M., at whicb tim may he expected, ; and the bus - Mess ety Will be transacted.' The Exe'eutire counnittee, in tb • name and behalf of the 'Society,. desire tto • o brace this I awaken the attention .f their fel low citizens of the County. to the eat impor- I tance of the objects sought to be btained; by ' it—to wit, the I advancement of . gricultitee the Mechanic Arts, Horticulture, .- Domestic or Rural Economy in ,SuSquehan ‘ County;" I and to solicit their aidland influenc in Tirne- I ting them. It is not Supposed tha , arsruntent is necessary tp this purpose, fo r no ti who Will! give their attention to the subject can fail to ,comprehend at a glance, the gr .t benefits, which may be secured; to the gener , I pecunia- 1. Iry and social interests of the pco le of the ; county through the-aids and info. t•e , of this; i society, if it be properlylsnstained y theta:— ' l lt is not an organizatibn ilesielted for the iv ; elusive personal benefit of thdse or stinaliv ;as- , ,. I sociated in it—the object is faT be •ond thfs r -- I lit is the advancement of 'the gene. al good of , our county the society see k ks:';'. A , Jit is ;not I presumed that any individual who 'as, or ill+) i may, become a member, .is oromp', il , in dciing ! so by a desire only to plaice private gain otA of! jit farther than a realization of ti. p oportion of : the benefit acerning to the comma' ty of which I he is a member. Froni the waren : backwalrd- ' ness of the great massof our citizen , it is fOarz ' ed mistaken views are entertained n reerence . to this 'society. We cannot belie eit is fiom a want of the proper public spirit It , is hot ! the individual in most,cases who ybtains l•he I 1 premium for the best llorse—or co—or cop,' i , that receives the greatest benefit f m the op eration of the Society., It is often t great ex- I pense that animals of superior bloo are i 4 I ro ductd by an individital, yetthe_ ommunity shait•the advantage ultimately. Ile who pro duces a superior crop by a stieeesiful experi- I meet, is not More the gainer for thq small pre- , mium the Society awards, than thelcommunity around him who thereby gaim a knowledge of! the process without the trouble andrsk ortna 7 . 'king the experiment. ' Immediate nd min ' sive personal interest, or -dollar and cent con siderations, are not in accordanCe with the spitit and object of the Society. Yet it is ho t ped there will be a geueral.and zealous compe,. 1 tition for every class -of preniiumsi at the ap t proaehing Fair. It is earnestly desired" also, I that all classes of our citizens will become in- I wrested,. ittanontritmte as . circumstances may permit to the general stock oflniatials few ex i hibition. M shall then see a display of 'l or ! ses, and cattle, and sheep, and pigs, and poul try,—specimens of the agriculturall products-- of the arts, &c.—of bur own counts, that will I surprise even ourselves, and afford lto all arieh gala day that may serve to make 4s both !ip pier and wiser. , GEO. FULLER. HENRY DM:IN,/ FLER,. P. LUSK, Xrecutive 6 Montrose, Sept. 15, 1847 LIST OF PREI U[73 For the best acre of, winter wheat,) 2n4 best, " . ~ ! .1 For the best acre of.Spring - Wheat 2nd best Al i For the best acre of ,Corn, 2nd best 44 lt . , k For the best acre of Oats, . I For the best half acre of Ituta Ba i : Sugar Beg id E.< ' • Carrot% For the best acre of Potatoes a- Farmer's Instruct Or. For the best Rutter not less than For the best cheese, For the best Cow, 2nd best " For the best Heifet, the " Cul year. For the best Calf, a copy of thl "American Veterinarian, or diseases of- Domestic Ani mals." For the best Ewe; # 3 00 2nd best " one copy of Mo i elrs Ameri can Shepherd." For the best Boar, 3s. 00 " Sow,' . 3i 00 For the best Bull, - 2nd best " 3100 For the best pair Oxen, 5100 " " " Steers, 3100 For the best Stallion, 4OO 2nd best SG 31 00 For the best Breeding Mare, 5100 For the best pair of gelt Horses wised in!!the county, a copy of " Youatt on t e Holler For the best Buck, ti 3"00 2nd best " a copy of tali n's Agri cultural Chemistry" For the best pair of dung-hill, F' Beeman's "Yoult4rist's Camps For the best specimen of garde from any one garddn, a copy of Kitchen Gardener.' Vor the richest collection of Rio . , by any one individual or Ifami t t e the "Hose Culturiit." For the beat:executed articlei . of e'edle work, combining ornament and Utility opy °fin .I . )incretiornui , Prenliume, i 4 ~B ke or Pqn -1 odicala, will be awarded to the Jiamplea'of the following vreiolee; of Do Meat ' I blenufac tntes:--Carpet; I Idedg:nilt, libi ;. 'Blanket, Flannel, tad Pei4i)! l ;'9ther :itrticg that 114'y be, etbilited, nutibere camera ' - . 1 , , If ' -• allinj -- i$ hereby giy . e 04 the Leittool Bridgewater , Doittipt, ivipl- r c l ee Court Mew ilk 'Atte Boreilg of Sanwa, the 25th; leitt.: itt ..:( By ,order of , the 11104.4 . . ...., ,_-_... BtW~lri~,~dr; sOpt~Zl 18~J:°` ,Post, 1 FEYEE A NDAG 0 E-:=.IA , ve Adtz PILO are sold udder a GEAEANT Ellie one bottle. them] will core ant: person off ter aria Ague or Chill? and Fever; and it il.easea i , •ttshoild fail tomere, . the money Will he roamed. . 'Bit they nem have fadedlet, nor will•they fail o , lid* iii it *ease*, c aur ,, , 1 ,.- Bassta. A. X. rhilleo le Co. sir :wst.littplentllolll, 111. We are much pleased ,wi It your imeditiois._ AIM, kumft that they.lrrehboth good, d popular. Ws rit. gret iyou did rot aeu l i Its more. . the Awl P 14149.1. them is a greaulemand for tit -tn. and, ,they. have al waY, b'een aucceiaid in curio Fever 144 Aria. i - , ~, 14 J. Bostick.' raj, Dr ton, dewrgia, aays.:4 , Novi 18th,1846-+Dr.,D. Jayn _Deal Air-, -, My! Illier of your preparations have es - ... m expectatioitict Your Expectorant; rerniifug Daimfolie e &helm and 'ever and *tni Pills, all U well, Come of *WO I anow out of. , I want an truntiliat• so of •11 the bore ,namid Medicines morel particularly * • larg supply oftlie Expeetora I aid AglarePDld. We ni have yet among Its a good ma y longlatanding ea+ of Clhills and FOyer, in,' whie your Agde Ras Are. nerd r failed to tare. Your terativia is just bits ,ginnling to be knOwn here, a, . appreehated. Ifl hild had enough of these Fever • d Aged,Pilla, I could have sold mom than a hundr- , dollars worth of them. Yours, Sr.C. 1 11. J.,IIOSTICK. ' bpn, Mimic, say.-(o4t. -e about gone, and,haye shibitiona, it r !at t d and ann.: ye-laws of 1 ell forial minted. nirt louse addreises 'the Seel- Messrs. J. & U. Moore, /... alati IBIG,) younjAgue Pills a given universal sirjefaction. .1 Wm. Bell, ksit.. Walnut (Nov. 9th, 1846,,), I have soI. l and ToNIC Vcutvvoe., The y I aill'aOrrV you d' not send 1 G. C. Carmichael, Lanier,' 30,h, Is46.—t a' happy to . • 1 , Lions are excitng eneral favo , AGUE PILLS, rider a ws -, heard of their:fa . tirt-in a sin lIALD ERNIiN & C 0... NI 10th, 1846 :---D . D. Jstric 1 einrii, so far as they have bee country, give ve6 'general s your AGUE PILLS. We trines the amount we did, if w i Sanative . Pillu are Very much locd them. and aro fast takin! Pills as a .purgatiVe \tilt If Prepared only he Dr. D. Ja , sold'oll agency bi N.-Mitchell 1 We wish to salt• to those w, mmHg that Medicine PO mi written about alSo as for that l them to look over our colutru sold and call Mete. instead of ject,,--we hare too much else litres to continually Fulmer tit shoots of Dr..VLlgtin s Agen to our cointry friiends do not thing-t:hin tarn nor pain your eye 'catches OIICAT A read through : and at the hot you will find the 'Agents pamphlet and read th)t; and 1 of tie of the nook wonderful huy ; butnot expect to We wish we liad the secret tram ie. Mixture; that is all w In Forest Lako on the •2 Esqr. Mr. EiII,ASTIII3 'to.Ms Euiteu LATII In Eridiewate, on the 1 Din:kook, 311;1J/outs Su OST Lands in. Still In HE Ce-tint of &Ally I_ set uff fr m the cot 1 the County Sent locate I pointed by the Legist, I the Subscriber, he - offer. and land.adjo nin.R. bein i l which he wii sell to so land timber penty. 1 Enquire of ;Lewis Jon i ' Sullivan c4oltity of Mic ,ent in said limply to surveys rd. of he Subse tzusquehanna County, P. 1 I L ' 'Sept. 16, 1847: HYDRO' B. ! Y the, advice' i gin in the' North, the North-ens , tarrying 1 ., i were throwin , away lb • ,-citing the al n est, angtvs, ' benevolent ;equalled on in ire)ai,d. Now, 1 r;es can be cu e‘i . by rre,l ridbl l v throws the pati:i mmittee. $5 00 3.00 500 3;00 ,5 00 3 00 3[oo 3,00 prob:a bly the corn pbimts. is ens malady, by I 3100 Montrose, 1 . N. B. Off] Store. 3;00 copy of ;the 0 lbs. 3100 3!00 5100 11.00 rntor" bne THE subscriber hal Agent n thn cot , insurance Cot ►ilttny• is prepared tO receive 0 ranee, agaitst!loas by fit the acts of incorporation company.. • The greet nsslurees n company as b tog much . Northern Pe raiyhtatiia, dueements to 'ell who gaiast-loss by fire. to•bee • OBT. C. a, a dopy 0 ion." N'w °Pe I..vegetables 44 Family ANTE V atx. Sept. enitivated y—copy '.of NO MOSOP I Lot 0.,e - Oe t IX so, other' poird and Soi just ppe WAR. OWPe 10 of, LEZts r • . 1 irectors of et at the oitrose, on ._tt c e 3 - ,P. 311: --..- .A.: • : ~ •, i, . ei• • " -,...., 001;8 !1.. _by _ '"`" . 77-, EAT' josi waved a • tune, ,11;labama,. Fait, all your Atom has I are doing wbn dein hake: more of them: - IGenrigiii t ga y. v that your "t+opirit. ! I have 8014'111 joitr IRAN'ree, •111111 hive not 1 1e care. t. Carrel, 111, say, Oit. Dear Sir mciP: tried iir tlris sedtirm tisfact ion ..partidularb , dould have .sold thiee had had theet% The eked by,all viho hate the place of all other 'LDERMAN 3 co.l Philadelphia. aid& Co.- hiontrotie Paj M. watitinformation cu i.l ch is said 'born,. and . nntiterothat we desire s, and find where Rile 'troubling us on the 80. to do our own Wei. eel - ions is to the where. s. Once for al! we tisy expeet,us to kdow Ore. every, which Way fill RISMEDr : th n : run of the ativertirem nt arum Go and get! a hen- if you are in ue:ed tanaceas'of any age. go find it in' our sanctum, preparang this lattin• wodi 4ihout it. taxaut IBMs, , th inst., by, H...Altnn DAY, of Forest Lalie or, of Jessup. 1, th 'by 'Eld. w, of Dolhi, 11011 T i . of the thriller Abi3rfr MME ran county.! n bavine beefi !wily ntv -of Lycorning and by Cdtonhisioners ep tore on the Wide of I . for sale, village iota .part of a large bnor, i t settlers. Mill Beate 1-. r. Cherry Township, se,- Meilen nt pres m'alte the neeessiry iher at Ne.w . nnsylvnnin. S. 111EYLERI1 38-Pm 10 PAY. no Lemma; O-CURE, VW]," 1, the elia/ory was ia and the Lock jaw:: in consternation'; many 1• , r coats, vests, e., gt. • . in the minds of the a t by the late famine it say, Mtn nil disia but MY RULE Min. nt into fits, vhieli is y known for cbrohic nve had great prae to tell i the partica)ar e eater earment. i I , GROVES, T. lifi best • rerne nd as I for me kingatt JOU • below the Farrnqrs' 383 m e two don inn ...en appointed sing County. !Unseal -SusquehanneleourOy. epplicsitiOne tor inan e, tn,nccordencew,th end Bfre4itivi of the P. b. 0 w posseveli by this he most exteosivillo offer very ish to bo secured a% me members. t SIMPSON; Agentl W G 1% OD% I be sofr ell'eap by !LYONS l ine and wi =I ds77inni=re -5000 7'E 4 rzwyr, Cimip4447'esi, ;il l' toper. LY IN IFekin Te Tees at a sate b 7 iraiioo 66 o, tybor se I ins. Indite, wood& &c..; e,hespfai El: sirticie for pi plyi Oir 1 11 4 :Ai L s RY; ;• r 14% tree" • ' Rs' !Vitrol, Dy ; , ,gar..a au pdado,,&t.- *ATION , . . ficlOoll4 Ysntltck han.4 4e. I eoterisitiglitoteSsitigt. rTiow Azr. ;-' r t _ _ • t • , I I ".• ; arl s tf • ,;a, .7 - -7 - 7 ' • - Adiiiiidaratoes - . . IOTIOg is llsnagxiven to in P. rolli_ . wrested. thst.,Luey fivie, ansiok trii Oretrei Iste Idiot "Hyde; signed ! and. sornksOrd "sir tratioo,ltrtnisrifonni,has ed AdminOltratordsibonis' son, g) 1 MI persons tberefiirktivie i with said -gstatelrall-pkime' I close it without fortlier.stele , ire Indebted-to said pests ; sis,layment... .• ._,"' -,. ‘,, , t - 427110 WANTED • 6410 iet*E i• 'PE which Om highest priest will -bt peg r ° ;1141A*, at the Hat &C. store or 1 sufteriber...spoo door south oC Fanlielh v Store. • *]f. M. POO, .s..:cq f j m HoroseiSeM. 22.1847. • i ... AFRESH 'loply of Dr. Jay' ne's. pcumilir r Medicine, received ibis dtf. Alio Illien ' erel and other Gnerrivv. i • . - 1. , ' SEATLErit ILMitik _,Sept, 22, 1847.„ . , , '. ;• •I`i' *,.. HYER'S PILL—k fresh Mock 'cit 111 44 celebrating PM”. just reCAVed by ►llO A. BENT.fiErr & RE -D 171:= gxecttorls N OnCE is hereby given to ell peritsuiln. debted to the estate of EnA BROW, , dee'd, late of Brooklyn Township, to make iln„_ - mediate • pa yment, and all persona . *Ay claims against said Estate are requested:hp present them to the subseribers for settleme t tte M EZRA S. OWN, ) LORENZO - G. BROWN, . ' . NOW,: Sept. 15, 1847. • • i • Art APPRENTICE *ANTED.. A BOY about I? years old of good.M4ral A Chftracter; can have a sit4rition toleiret the Tailoring Busitteas by applying at LOCKE EL,TAAIESOIO4 Montrone. Sept. 15,1847. . NEWVI.OOI)B4 .i . FIRST : IN MARKET: - ' '. f.. • E • invite the attention, ot the citizettf•e( Susquehanna-Count?. to ourstoe and Winter Gonda, which is noW eft lied. assuring -them we whi do IS , if. not a link. better than at any,: in town. • • - • Fall *el taw t, F. B. CHANDER & Cq. ontrose, &pt.. 17. 1847. ' 1000 Yds. Ginghams. colt. , Prints. • 500 , ". De - Lain. • 0 600 " , Alpacas. I 150 41. Brot Cloth .1 cassivorf. " Sutinetts 4- Full Cloth. l 4 2:100 " Bro' iS• Itleciched Shotitigs. ShniVls, sbenrs, shirts odd shod. And every thing thneedond to use, CHAN(ThER & Cot . GROCERIESI. EA,sugar.valecatusonoteuisel. spice d , *Ja ger. ciovei.,nutmerc F. B. CHANDIAR 4 Cats. ' 77N STOVES. HE • and lamest best loaf pock 4nd • - stoves everefiered inAM' ttiattel; ' ii tt'll er prices than can be found this siirp cif any, at P. It CHANIALAW & ROOKS: STAT/OXIRY, • CH9OI. Books, Toy Books, Blank Mid* Fa'ney' Reeks, large aoosmall Bibko. egg, Waters, Wax, Wrapping Vl* sung Paper, Rubber, and lubber Bind% • I Pens, sand, Sic. cheap at; CHANpLER . ~~ ~,~ I NDOW Sitati„ an G , ‘ Nails, mad Iron, Hardware C tlery, aud. H. • allf re, at reduced prices, y : i • . ~t . C ItLER • af. •i ho dat lie, 8p Pu - TilLORI&O I' TA LO 1--I'-'. ...: j _,,..,. ....„ .... -A. , LOC, KEA ft. K . ABEES,Otiata ~ pt •,, associaten'themeel • in , the' Tethering . inels, respectfully soli It 'the , ' - , irweieti a l ime Fashionable Publics; p • gin i ~., II in their power, to pi ISO '11146 - y .r them with theireust • •I '• •.,-..,...• :-.....,•,-,.. Aging from plot we - ;hey flatter mohat,theyleag give • • Act astisfactso, II whO may emplor c tbe : .:;1,. , ~---, 5' 4 1 , 11 •!* utting donncin abort A . . 0 Sed-Wiltra made ill* tif properly ma. - . •. : ,•••:6: :.. '.•‘' , . B. , SNOW the bui • ing ifonseily by,R4. Locke, as o 'FoilOriot tiltab ti li r oppopist Mock & Roger's} omgoiiiikop . f , :.P. A. Loam. i ' 11.-F. Ulm's; .~ ER IfEl I 3T • OntroPe• O . I OLI . ! ' " 1)E -1 41 .:: 1 00 1 40 '' 44 0- 14 1 #*' , '-, 1 : t ,:. Vli . !.: ' ' , l;?` :, ti.: LE LE-TAR; &'e i vixt4 4 44 o of alit* tote quilt Ski by AP& Elhoesilled Cord , • petestsibriliabt by ~I 'Odeon MPROIN, inue~ iii to .bc 01 EE MSS II 131 Eil rial tO,l Lawns , far ankle to at r neirsuiv 4 et .0# ~k a a , . . , a , . and for salii, , , I hipileY4* . .. ' Balclseyt,iiid ' II '110411,; sed Pie ek.oo: