Northern democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1844-1848, September 16, 1847, Image 3

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T6ur4day, 4b,: pt. 16, 1847.
yoR Guy ERNOR,
of Itiontrose.
of Mi+lletown.
of Woming..
of Bri4gezratcr.
of .1. nor. -
• "
of Gibson'.
Election- nesday, I — •
figrTbe ne a fr.r6 the 'army this week,
is important and lM intelies.ting. Pen. Scott, it
will be seen, has 'readied the city of Mexico,
and that the 31exicanst,appear to feel a 'willing
ness now, when no onaer alternative is. left,
to entertain the propo4tion of our Government
for a restoration of pOce. A consummation
ardently to be (desired certainly. .
‘. _ %.
'The noMinatiopslor the present cam
paign are now finny niatle on the part of the
Democratic party,, anti the Tteket is complete.
An unusual dagree of I :panimityt has prevailed
throughout in the arrangement` of it, and We
'spread our banner to the breeze,' in the con
fident expectation that the Democrats of this
district are prepared to do their whole duty
in the work which is 1n .re us. Wo see s•
cause for division in (Ur ranks. and ant. hem!
mum. The candia:,:ci we landieve to he tinex
reptionable from "hon4t Frank Skunk" - dOwn:
and the ticket will, an it ought, we have no
drabt, receive the cordial support of every true
Democrat of the conniv : its success, there- i
f ire, in this county, is morally certain. d
, Bu
ve must admonish on: friends, nevertheless,
against the daiVer et. beim* n over-confident.
Sur opponents bare mliopted a course o: quiet
hut of zealous and efficient action, and to meet
them successfully at I.he ballot-box, action •
mtst be the watch-tvol. on the part of the De
mocrats.. However muplinnd ardently we May
'cherish our priuriples,!; and 'Whatever ma . );, be
nut confidence in thi righteoniiias bf., our
rause, action, promp4nd energetic, 44he on
ly safe guaranty of 14ess. ..,
"'Vigilance is the price of liberty," be it re-
membered ; and every Democrat should un
derstand that as his pfinciples aro, constantly
being assailed, and th i too in a . iray most for-1
midable at the preson : time, duty ) calls upon
'than to be vigilant. 1 ~,e trust, therefore, that'
'the democrats of the itarious townships of this
calmly will lose no tinip in preparing .for any
itmeTeney that, may a4ts, e, and making ready
to meet our opponeno on any ground they
may choose to occupy, f and at any point they
may make la deinonstration. • 1
James Pi Langford...
This wretched and uilty man who ,it will
be recollected by most'Of our readers, murder- i
ell his wife last wints. at Rome, Bradford
Count 3-, by shooting hir with a', pisteL'wben I
'intoxicated with. liquoi or suffering ,urrder its
influence, as snpposedi was tried at the late
Slay term of,the Coma of Bradford. County,
-and found guilty by tli';', Jury of murder in the
first degree. The sen t iebee of the Court was
however suspend al on-jia motion by the counsel,
of the prisoner for a ntar trial. Last week the
anion was argued, bit, sufficient ground not
being laid, the Court em - tied.
The prisoneii, as wel learn from the Brad
ord Reporter, pn belt asked if lie bad any
thing to say why sentence' of death should not
be p um a upon -him,fatoe - ' eeded to address the
tr,tiet, at some lengthAffarming in tho course
ofolfia eemarksitbsit litilta,d AO intention of kill
ing his wife, thngh h# bad threatened to do
". He elm* Somti of: the .witnesses with
4riguitig false lagair4 him, and gav,e notice
that at a subsequent 'Omit -he would-make a
full and de' dateinent of the ' &MINI
tragedy,. . . .• . ;
• His Hono r age VOisragham, afteiraddres
sing the 'ptiso er in la appropriate - *nen
proceeded 'u intenSe feeling -to prononce
npoti him the ientenc#, of death, as- , foliews: '
"The ambeitea of e Court, is, that you,
James P. Langford, Se taken hen . ce to the
place or'placei providid ,' by . law for the Sn'44.
leaping of 'persons init ? our situation, and from
thence to the plaet• - otfet_eention, within the
vallspr yard (if the, gd , /of-;;Zmdford Clinuty,
'when theti7xecettive frariii-ihell aireet it,
wathe them hanged Vtke litkiuntil pin MO
'mil. ,it4at q - od 144ve Meiggiti our soul:
... ..i .. .Rei*ter,._ ' PrOlises tim:-.raluirka of
vuLige Conyu." , a*
.itiallo the. 'testimony ta.
iv the ' '1'4;14 Ire shall prtrWA who).
ly or inOrt Irak.. to . the columns of the
e!earhest convenient time.
ajt,ameo;,,A, tgracelesa scoundrel named
Calvin Ix' Ball who ha l t for a few months past,
kei t tir+gh the country with ;a
&JA* &meat fei thoushnd in cash,
whih?le swindled fth . pi a widow lady of Dai. •
ien4Ofian. after indut:thg her to marry him, and
basely deserting }IN was arrested in this
Inge Sunday ening last, by 1 a
,Couplo of
men (rota ifingliamton, who - took the rascal a
' w 4 with them, we nnde:rstand.
, Lang! Plikamber.
r. Chats BloW i ers, "of Franklin, informs
us that he:his a
.i Cucumber, raised this season,
whichmeasures 17 inches in length., The old
ger4lematirsays the "long kind," and we
incline to the opinion that he is prettjr near
fight about it. s4ntendit bringing it to the
Fair. Who'll beat 'Lim t
' 'A; DeMocrata* Wayne county have nom-
Popc.Bushite / for Representative. •
Ue Dpinocrutie °mimes for Assembly in
Bragfordi are Fr i a 's Smith and Arunah
Wattles2L TM Nathaniel A. Elliott.
• I
Sir We insert, the following for the benefit
of those whose-Alutylit'may be, perhaps, in the
commg election, to ;decide a similar question
to that hero settled by the Court:
A Curious Ces.---1). M. Curry. Esq. of
AlligheurCity, Pal had the inspectors and
judge of one of the wards, indicted for a mis
denieanor in !Ace, ih refusing to receive his
vo4 ; the spring ellection. It appears that
the ipropecutor eat in one ward and slept in
other. The inspeotio decided that he • could
onli vote in the tiani'in which he ate, and ac
cordingly refused vote.
The court charged that ho had a residence in'
either of the wards, and that, the, inspectors
were bound to recarve his vote on presentation,
urdep it was shownithat he had voted previ
outly in the other; viliud.
of the Sa n . CO. !Agricultural society.
. The Society for !the advancement of Agri
culture and the Mechanic Arts, will hold its
second Annual lair' in in the Borough of Mon
trose, on TUESDA THE` 19th DAY OF
Persons having Any of the animals or arti
cles;onumerated iii the list for Premiums an
nexed to this netite,! or any 'articles not enu
merated, which maybe deemed worthy of ex
hibition; either on: the score of superiority or,
curiosity, are requested to bring them to Mon
trose at time appointed for the Fair. -
Altlningh the provisions of the bye-laws are
such thateone but Members of the society, or,
perlons contributing; to its funds, are allowed .
to liecome competitots fur premiums. vet other
pelions are not thereby debarred the enjoy=
ments of the benefv*and ileastires of the ex
hibition. ALL, tlierefere, who feel an interest
in the society are invited to attend; and it is
hoped, that as the annual contribution required
to constitute member Ship is but the trifling sum
ofAfty cents, hundreds of our citizens who are
not vet members wiatbecome members between
this time and the du:4 of the Fair, or on thatTl
rilio'design to !compete for premiums are
requested to give notice of such intention to
Geo. Filler ,, chaiqn4n of the Executive Com
mittee at least fire days previous to the day
appeint(lil for the Fair, specifying the animal
or article to be embiliited ;—antl these. baring
specimeis for exhibition, of any kind, are re
quested 'to bring them or send them in, if con
' renient, on the afternoon preceding ihe exhibit.
thou.', The object of this is to enable the cum
mittee to make suitahle arrangements in refer
ence to them. Aild : all animals intended' to,
be exhibited, must. 4 on the ground by 9 o".
clock in the morningiof the day of exhibition.
All articles as hell , as animals intended to be
offered forpremime orpreimited for exhibi
tion.;ishould be labelled with the owner's name'
andlglace of residence. Animals will be brought"
to thie
_office of thelltm; Wm. Jessup, which is
now the office of the Society, in order that they
may entered uponi the books of the Execu
tive Committee. Otter articles and specimens
will be take 4 to the Court House, where there
will be' a Ciniunittea,ti) receive and take charge
of Went,
NO premiums willt be paid on animals or
speefniens'of any kind taken away before the
close:of.the exhibition without permifsion of
the Executive Colniittee. • . ,
The following Committees for awarding pre
minnis are hppoint'ed for the present. ear, who
are requested to report themselves to the Hon.
itrol.', fesillii, Presidqnt of the Society, at his
offiee, by 94A'elock on the morning of the day
of - exhibition; in wider that if there be vacan
cies, the same may be supplied.
It .will bwobserteA that there are on the va
rious! committees • s ev eral gentlemen who are
not now members toll the Society, -- who have
been 'sppointed iiii the expectation that .they
will gitte their influence in promoting the vari
,ip laudable objects Of the Society. It is not
desired or expect.d that any gentleman' will
sefveion any of the committees nnleis he be a
member of the SocietY at the time. This re
strictiOn it not, hOwet"er, - extended •to the la
dies. i ' ' , 4 1.- l' - . , ' •
These..epmmittees are not alkured by the
Byelitkilo be coMpetitors I for premiums that
they Outylle i called Upon tosward ; but - this
proviSion *lll. ( net"4tend to' s:4' article or ani
mal upon whose,Merits their jiidgment is not
requited.' '• 1 1 f , • - '
1 :, 1. Cote?tittees.
Votketlett of Grats.—Abel Comedy, Am
berv'tgarpenteti4Pel Turiell: '° '
rolilettes of litiots ;;;;-Frederiek Bailey, B.
A. Bhttelfield, gene Trili,k. -' • °
d .
atAi,EttGrego y. i
• -
; -
Agr . eaursl Imisens.-& , dey‘
Thosijo!nsoo,lirveY Trier.
/PTsee"_ , m.i C.Warl,
Daniel ,Sea rle,
Mirk* Pqrign: 1 -'. ,-.. : -,- J T. JI - : --,
Neat BtOek.--Aufu%
•, Smith,,
n Y,
Gen. W-14teTheDis ,'
'.' ~
gheesilWilliau. Main,'Tos. L. - Merrinan,
EDsht,iillians. i I , - , ,'''
-..sufwei—a-, ,13,104drioh, Coo. 'BV ;Foster,
Stepliee Breed: - ; i' ' • . .„ ~
~•• 41 John, Wm: IL: -Pk'
N4:-. 'COMM /
Garde 'Vegetfb/ef--Albeit%*dasua r
Wm. p.,43ope„SiMuei Bard. ~. ,',....
- "kneeis.:.4lrei Wm. Jessup, iktri. , Ri,-1,
‘Nivert"Vs 12;704 i 4likeholeOl•
• Neadk jfetk.;; t Sarah
:Wn r M.4-'; .
T.l l t 2 :9 1 i1,1.T4 - -,',
it Mssffi4tirie=itiiiising tii.
petiti Beekii Ms, Shaw's, Bkiskets,, ~P . i.,
itc4.4-01ftak Bailey,' Mts..: Obarkst Tingle ,
blra. 1 1 1*.Parttey. ' . , .
: . Back pfilmcomtrittees will be required c
. .
'report, in tilting, and in each report to set to , .
the peculi47 point, qualities and advantages , i
thit lanimaosr article obtaining their preferen , e
—they tiriequeited -to furnish their award .1
1 report 05 the'Society by 3'oiliock - firthe afte -
noon. : II • •
1 All• 641 pummel- clings and exhibitions, 1
shOuld bis., iinderstooel, are .retulated and co , -
trolled by lthe . Constitution and Bye-laws .1
the Societt with which it would be well for
interested, melee themselves acquainted. The'Sodiety will Meet in the Court Hon e
f ,--
at two.° elerk, P. M., at which time, addreAs
may be'expected, and the business of the So -
ety will bes. transacted.
The Bx4entive Committee, in the name a. d
behalf of the Society, desire to embrace th E
occasion itel awaken the attention of their fe -
lowjeitizeni of the County, to the great import.
lane° ofelie objects sought to be obtained i
.I i t s t h It a •
"40 W i$ e rancement of Agricultur ,
thellifec4aitic Arts, Horticulture Zic Domes' c
or .ilurca Vconcrmy in Susquehanna County , '
and to solicit their aid and influence in prom -
tingtheetel, It is not supposed that arguntet
is nicesAry to this purpose, for none who w I
give their tittention to the subject can fail a
comprehoud at a glance, the great benefi
which maYlbe secured to the general pecuni , -
ry and st4al interests of the people of tl e
eouhty thrhue* the aids and- influence of th s
society, it' 4 itili properly sustained by them.
It is natilati orgmization' designed for•the e -
elusive personal benefit of those originally , -
sooiateddtkit—the object is far beyond this
it is the Advancement of the general good .1
our county the society seeks. And it is n I
preanni Oat any individuakwho has, or w c
may, itica member, is prompted in doi ie
so by a ewe only to make private gain out .1
it fertheti than a realization of• a proportion .1
the benefit! . accruing . to the community of wit' .11
he is a member. From the apparent backwar -
nesi of theijgreat mass of our citizens, it is fea -
ed mistake:re - views are entertained in referee .e
to this spetety. We cannot 'believe it is fro .
a want of the proper public spirit. It is Tel
the indiehlpal in most cases who obtains t e
premium 4r the best Horse—or cow—or cro •,
that reeelVes the greatest benefit from the o -
oration of Pie Society. It is often at groat e -
pease thatreimals of superior blood are int ,
duet(' by inn individual, yet the communi :
share the ti zi ll vantage ultimately. He who pr
duces a superior crop by a successful cape
melt, is not more the gainer for the small p ,
minm the Society awards, than the commun . :
around hitt who thereby gain a knOwledge 1
site 'proceS4l without the trouble and risk of m
i Eng the okperiment. Immediate - and excl.
sive persotial interest., or dollar and cent co
siderationi) are not in accordance with tII
spirit and firbject of the society. Yet it is hi
ped thereliVill be a general and zealous comp.
titian f .r , e ery class of premiums at the a.
proaching Fair. It is earnestly desired alit
that all classes of our citizens will become i
terested, arid contribute as circumstances in 1
permit to the general stock of materials for e •
hibition. )Ve shall then see a display of Ho,
ses, •and cattle, and sheep, and pigs, and you •
try,—speeveens of the agricultural products
of the arts;l&e.—of our own county, that wi -
surprise even ourselves, and afford to all a rie
gala day that may serve to make us both ha
pier and 'Wiser.
„;i • F. LUSK,
Executive Committee,
Nontraie, Sept.. 1b,.1847.
Foithe biit acre of winter wheat, $5 01
2od best,
For the bc; i li't acre nf Spring Wheat,
2nd best "
For the by) t acre of Corn,
2nd best F; " f."
For the bek acre of Oats,
For the WO half acre of 'Ruts Baga, 3 0
" " " Sugar Beet, 3 0
"- " " Carrott 3
For,the bOst acre of Potatoes -a copy of t e
Farrnerri Instructor,
For: the beiit Butter not less than 10 lbs. 3
For the bust Cheese, 3 I
For the beat Cow, 5 I
2nd , best 4i; " r 3 I
For the hest Heifer, the " Cultivator" o'!
year. •
For the blot Calf, a -copy of the ",Americ.
. Veterinarian, or diseases of. Domestic A
For,the beia/EIVe, 3
'2nd'best " one copy of Morell's An3e .
can Shepherd."
For the befit Boar,
For.the b6st Bull,
2ncl'best "
For the in* Stallion,
2nd best "
For,the heist Breeding. Mare, 5 i
For'thel4t-pair of gelt 'Horses . raised in tl
cuunty, '# copy of "-Youatt on the Horse.'
FOr,the beat Buck, 3 0
2nd - best " a copy of Johnson's Xgr
Foit the beiii pair of dung-bill Fowls, a copy
Beemanls " Potaterist's Companion."
;For,. the 1i t, specimen of garden vegetabr,
-from , anione garden, a copy of the " Fa
For the rietiest collection of Flowers cultivat
by any kmis individual or 'family—copy
the "The Culturist." •
For theexecuted article of needle wor ,
combining ornament ' and utility=ecipy of n
D A is:r n etienary premiums, :in Books or. Per -
odicals, 'the - best 'samples ,1
the following .articles of Domestic Manuf •
tures :-.—Carpet ; -Bedquilt, Shawl, Blank •
OA ,peenips, other articles that m
be exhiliftol,`not bete . - enumerated: ••
A ix , r,tAND Loss - es ,-Livis l i t. Si . l
IIROOK,-70F/i learn rfrora thp Newbit
Herald, t iat• the bituii\ - _ofAiSfajor Sarno.
GeOrit6 .11i! Seabrook, tooklbw on Mon,
ereniii4;stbi ttio ;owner , ',bisitlitueto.tin-jo
1,19111igri40.101 narrow esogiOp t ilAvini, j
retired to test. Widow 'line Dow,the bog
keek pe*bed , ,,in the,listnes,. She' first,
discovering the, fire, which wasWenitleata4
seroes,the roused four young,
who';eams itrith !Ater. She was not paw!
enter tts!' !Ouse lipid; halt' is. supposed .1
yiktborslins . ide were getting out some f
oionsy L abOwteipatbe houise sn4l Went 'vita:
baMiturti**.neYA,na:OPOss wbiehl , were
1 - I**OrtOk_fro *0 W; mat Ago . ; there t
iiiio/0404 utofielit-OVetrWerei:;fler,::.
*tins wipilfoi4i,rg 'f
, . . .
.. Mirtille*W 6 -j
tu i • '
_, . , .
.- Human, ;.4kettionr?tr -.1
- On . the 18th hist:two Men ,_ nnteed Van
living'q Oneida DePotcin the out
Madison,eounty, N. 2 heing ut In the, ;;
swampy woodland interVening hetWeen t:::
& U. Eailroad and Erie: , can it diseoVe
bumatt.skeleton: It lail)boutiontitaid _
miles northwest from the depot, :half
south from the - Erie Canal and about
from any habitation. From appeatanee, ..
supposed to have been exposed do 'or
Yeats or more.. Upon the body, hiiivev
some remnants of woolewelothing twhie
peered to have
.been a coat and panfaloo
ribed eassimere ; a pair '- . Of isiots :we re
near. . A coprr chin wa s also found wit
letters "C. B. ' stamped ;upon :it ; 4bese4•:
possibly be the initials'of hiS na ve.
ner E. It. White being ealled,lield lan in if, :
but nothing more-was elicited to gre an . .
either as to wfici the liersen was, or ho ',...
came to his death. The Skeleton Was ev
ly that of a male, slim _ , and tall, Su fe ;_.',
more in height', and wit the exception s, '
double tooth from the right under jaw, h4:21!
a full set of perfect teeth. , ' Thin wauld . i l ! h.
A young man. The remains 'wer roll
and deposited - in the burial greund at I;: .
Depot. The remnants of clothingrf are i.,!.,
possession of E. It. White, at .li.enoic, N.
' you like the busile. am
fusion of Boston 'l' asked the , shupkeop
Mrs. 'Partington stood by the. counter.
gives me confusion to see 'cip,' , said the ~
dy ; folks.didn't do so when I +gas! a girl'
besides, what an awful sight ofbr9i and ii)
'it takes, to say nothing of their +rkwa ~,
when they get slipped on one Jsitic—r' I 1 !
broke in the shopkeeper,: the bustle an. 'il
fusion of the. streets.' Oh 1' said Mr; 131
' that is quite another thing r i andomme t
ly left the store.--4Bdston Post. i
fa - - A largo number of countekieite L 1 e
arrested in New York city, on S turda li A
broker in Wall street, named Brai art'. al 'Ails
son, were implicated with thorn. ' he ri '
der, Hannibal Bonney, was arr e sted a his
own house, in Williamsburgh, while iiiq t
of prparing counterfeit WIN - nearly $8 of
Will h, together witli several plate ti were f' .n
poslessiun of. ' 1 '
.`;... • i
''' , i, r •11 :
. ;
• • • ;
f 1
A 1
J e dh'
- ,ili tt. r e
'n I: . Ii
, 6
4osB of Hair ano.ll4lldaitss.-,
Rem Ody:
Hear what I)(Aoiglay -4ya: . -
SHEFFIELD'S Toww. 04.10. 11
Dear Sir—Yuu inquire ufoie have
- your !lan Tonic, and the elleeto•
Several year! ago my hair began td fall
from the scalp, and ',had the prospect Hof prei
i baldness. Duringseveral years I used frarious,
I'rations recommended (Of ii 43 hair . ; front which(
no benefit. At length,. a rri c nd !iecomr
rived -
Hair Tonic. I used three or fourloott lea
,I ding to the printed directions, and at l l.he end
inontlia . my halt was thickset, and ,
:sisicir its te.
to turn gray was arrested: . 1
I have never before given a certificate recom
- ing patent medicines, which indiscriminately as
) they often are, domuch injury, hut in 4 ease Ii
present where I know the article hi be kienefici
-. that it can demo harm & I haVe no peruples in
Y farts within my own knowledge.
- To Dr. D. JAYNE. Philadalplinui"
.1r CHILDREN DIE 01 7 " WORNIS—A. and
' up pantile toe. Dr. JAYNE'S VERNIIFUG
I rieverAtreen known to fail to cure iiithe iivorst It
[ Srirprotis or WORSll.—Tliuse nip headaches,
en. palenees of the lips, withr flushed cli6eks, g
the teeth - during sleep, disturba dreamii. sleep
vet' hy-fright and airea in mg. CimvulSionia feveris
thirst, had taste in the mouth. offerniive breath,
difficult breathing,•itellirigNor the nnst?ila. pain
stomach. nausea, squeamishness, Voraiiictis ap
leannesa. tenesmus, slight chills us' shiyerings
sines.. fatigue, swelled stomach orimills, rim
choking in the throat, turbid urine,-r frequent d
evacuate the bowels, discharge of *linnet and
Ar.s. ,
For nervousness, sick headache. palpitation
heart, &e., it civesunmediate reittf.• It also nh
izes acidity of Stomach; ereatot an ppettte, etre
ens the wtioNle systeni. and eitrea the FILES.
Prepared only by Dr. U. Jayne, Philadelphia
11.914 on agency by N. Mitchell & Montt!
3 01
5 0
3 0,
Extract of a letter writien wt
DUNNVILLE,- Grand Riveri C. W.. Apr. 24.
My wile has been afflicted ter a, num . ;
years witb general dropsy; abOut a. year
increased 10 an-alarming stale, sd much
her limt4 at times have sWolled to One tbi
natural size. The disease continued to
her in stength. After trying 6tahy kin.
niodicine, I came to the: conclusion that'
case was quite hopeless: WWn your Ire;
ble I. , tnontriptic Mixture was iecommen ;
concluded that I would try once more, an
do doing found it succe4tul. ini -curing.
using two large and one smalli bot tle she
liesrs herself entirely cured. Ore yo
testimony hoping that it 'hay ptlove;a ben
those who may be afflicted with the same
ease, that they may try it-end ftndirelief
I also wish to express my. gratitude 1.1
Vaughn the inventor of this Medidine.
This• letter was handed to the Agent fel
sale of this Great Remedy in Paine:wile, s•
da West. Rear'er go to the A eratt,in the p;
ask for a pamphlet concerning G. C, Van..
Veg. Litt'. Mixture, bid idvertisemenis
our colmns: -
In Harford, on the 12th inst., by Itev.
ler, Mr. ABEL Rtca, of- Gibson, to
BETSY M. TBATPIEE, of nartiii.
In Harford, on the l2th yßev. A.
ler, Mr. STEHLE:it NY: i BREED, of Broo
to MN StIBANNA . aUBLE,.O Harford
" In Braintrim, Wyoming County; on th. Gth
host. Mrs. MARIA LACIA7, widow:of the late
Daniel P. Lacey, in the 53d Year .p of he age.-
She had been sick .and.l gradually failin for
some months, and cohcluded ih her own ind
that she should'uok lil `long bui, wa s fully go, and fre 'wetly relies ' be
children and friends. not to.mdurry for ,-as
she was fully. satisfied that she • should -ba,ae
cepted by her Heavenly Fathiar, - thiaugh the
mediation of Jesus ono, ~. into thit rest that
remains for the people Of God. ! And she gave
the fullest evidence thatber faith was - the et*.
feet .of the "patofr !end, 4risdorit of God, 1 and
not, oftkelligy of mpi r i . for, 4e % *darned the
doctrine of God , r which. ' she prOreiWied,with a
well ordered' life' and aT,,iidly &Alienation, for
many years,, and iiitir a tisefol., imetoberefihe
Baptist Church of Clas't untittheday. of Ater
death. Thp%pear will-feel that -they have met
with a , great lost: 'Ai' lattitli*e ,0,030.1f4Y I
e4rePs the ' liiar! ,- *Euiilk . o f}. Ai !rua ion*
family a(ebildieu who *ve - -,,beekberea of
both of their ilaroota jrithia i a few me ths:
But they have the sympathy.of , clarge • e
of relatives sad frieudi. phi', realise. at a
bright and„shininglight`hu . goueloo! 1
,Plice: - - -.--, f ~. i .
,Her &tidal . ,r(eintem(,4l4,4lipaehed. - ott, ii iii
7th, by Ali Dur k froßil bi /4 146 ;
21--^7l7.die is. ten." ,` „ -. -z-. ,-coW,
' ol
wis-. An Act ft
tient! of this. Coninotwe
second AbsY of fitly.' Anna
and 'right hub red. and 't
of Saquebanit i in •siti - 4,'
hereby give n o te ihtt i
ty aforesaid, 11? t s GE .
will beheld ii 'd county
next (being the 12th ~ d a•
which time STATE and
CERS as folloivio. are to b
,To 611 . 1 he of Ce of G
: rne
• nab
e 4
weutth of PerinsVlvsniti. (4
ONE PEll SON • •,' -
• - To fill the ; Office of - Canal Costetissiond of
the Commonwealth of, Pe nitYlvdttla• '
' ("./.A•P,E'' SON ~, '
To fill the office of me tier of the ,Senatil of
the commtmwealth of Pe oxylvania, to rani°
sent thelOth Senatorial D strict of said Colo+
meolsealtb. composed of , he eottoties of Sint.. 1
quehunna, Wayne and * oming.. . ;
T 6 fill the office of M ber of die Haase of
Serweseworises,lo represen the county of-Stis
qtiehatinit and. Wyoming i * the House of ItOp.
resentatives of P.:nosylvito a. 'i. I 1
Ti fill the office of ,• my Ccnoistisii of
the County of Builuinani a. ----.-
- (NE PE ' ON -. t l
To fill the office of
,C ,
_y 'Trainer& of the
county of Susquehnnnn. 4
, .
To 611 the'. nice of Co Asitttor of the
cowl y _ of Susquehanna.
' 1- ' 4 :
r r Tiiiistees or - the D odaff Academy 'lin
;Suw, uelialina c unty. ..
1; also bereft' make kn wo "find i give notice,
!that the places of holding he geithral election
in t q several wards. boro ghe aril towoshegs
Iwitato the county of &mot/omens, ure us Col=
towsi, to wit : _ '
T e Election, i
for the Dist riot cemposed of ihe
towto stop of Aaburn, min held at the bebsa
Gorge Haverty; in sal township 1 '
T e Election fur the iswict of
the township ° composed Apakichia - will be held at the
house ofJoseph Beebe. in - id township. 4
TheAlection for the D strict cant:irate& of
the of Bridge ,will be .hetd at the
hem* of Gen. D. D.. War er, ha •the Borodgh
.1 ,
of Montrose. , i
The Sleet'for the istrict compose&of
the township o Brooklyn .. will be held at-the
hauls formerly occupied b 0. , Eldridg e to
said township,/ , , ' ,„
The Blectimi' for the istrict 'compose d of
the tbwaship of Mmas, will be• , held atOie
house of Justus' Brown, in asiti township. 1
Tee Election for the District (composed of
the township of Cli/Tordand , Borough of Dart
doff Will be held at the hou- e formerly occupied
by Arthur &filth in the _loroUgb of Dundhffi
The Electiorl tor the Distrtanoulposed °fide
township of biftioek, will bet.beld et the hoitse
(Alibi, Baker' in said township: i
The Election 'fbr the District composed of
the township,•6f Forest Lake will beheld at :itiel
house of Prescaved Hinds,lin said' township: :
The .Election for the , istrict .composed of
the township o Frank/in, will tie held at the
itchedl house n ear Senate ' Douglass in said
township. I
~. The Election for the istrict dom
the township of Great B a, will by hel4st
the house occupied by Jiihn Hudeon, in id
township. I I._
The Eleetiontor the District composed o f township of Gibson. will be held at the h se
of Joseph Washburn, in said township.
, The Electitth for the . District composed of
the township of Threw* will beheld at.the
house lately occupied by. P. A. Ward, in sitid
The Election for the
. District
.cnesposedi of
the township cif /lend. 'rill he &, held at the
house of , the late • Warren- Dinicick. in said
The Election • fbr the District composed of
the ;township of • Jackson. t will be• hem 'llt fbir
house 'of. Nathaniel Hill , in said township. t
The Election for the District 'composed of
the- township of Jessifp, will be'.hild at the
house of Daniel Hoff, in said township. 1 -
The Electionl for the District composed '.,. of
the township o sr, Lenas,- - wll ~, b e hsh t at Me
house of Grow Bothers, in said l'otenshir, •
Tire Election for the District nansposedlof
the township of .cibertot 1 , ill -be- held atlhe
school house near the residence of Isaac dent
stork, in said teiwnshill.
The - -Election of the Distr ict Con'pored of the
township of Lathrop, till e lieliiht ttrefholise
of John Squires, ia.silid to nship. ' 1 - i
The Election of the DultHet comPosset . d of the
township'of Mk, &War, will be held lathe
hou10 . 0 :' Joseph Rii / ci sa i d toWhatiip. 1
The Election tor il ; ;strict cOinpoipeclof
the Borough of Miner* will bd held „at the
house of Leona r d Seal*, i said *Gush. i
T Election for the District cominteed,of the
township of New Milford, will be (held at,fhe
house lately . occupied by J oseph. Q. Pirie,iie
said township. ' 1 1 I .
The Election for the ;strict Composedief
the township of Rush, will held a 1 the bootie
of Nathan J. Sherwood, le id .towiiihip.
" L e
The Election' for the District cempoiedinf
thelownship off Springoilks will be 'held at the
home of Spen cer Hickni.iti said•tinsiiihip. t
The Electiniii of the Dist ict composed of the
township of Slicer Like; t ill be % held at the
house now occupied lik , b ` Cit` MiGerigielin
said township., I ' , • -
The Election of the District comiswed. of the ,
township of Thorpson, will. held i the house
at /omit - Bhiniting. in'said townshi p .; • i 1
I also make:known and gisentitk•eas in- and
by the nib don of theiforreaikaect. lam
dirented, • titse very pe tn except' justicgiof
1 the peace:Withall ltold a '7 officitne appoint
ment” of prat trust mid: ihelliOril Simis.
or of this Sista Or of iiili• ity oriiicirpkiriticd
district.•'heater 'coma° . and offiger or•dlt
-1 alo a Ilabailint‘lb,b l ll:4. Or 101 . 11. , _Who 11,
or shall be. en,. nyed _mid - r the logalativo,s9,
diciiiry or ease tive - depa men q o littis shoo
or Utt i t t ed &at or -any..c y• Or i' ' poni c td
diatr ; and al , 'that eve., member of,
I greglk and of ih Stoic" . .isiontritiiind of chi '
1 select Or 'COM , . , 'Council' , ' tilt AitY,, kcal*,
miolknio - .4:0(' . i illeclt' ; W ' dh i t r e l i g 4 11 *
taw ofopabli • ?Koh* -., , ligeti '
_$ ' lit tile
saMO ihne ,- the'.MbeOr,i'' otatolite" . 7 irgd4:
hispiethr or de kiiatiy, e - lea of this - ,
monarealtlk air that no.• 1 . - RIC judge or
other alters 7 any such eetieft; shall Isesk
ligiafe'lbbl/,' ' l l ° l . 11110 ti!• be voledl l o4,- - - 1, i
' 'Ant bir the Voluted .. tir ;*pmetiri it la aft°
Made stbifdir. 1 10 . 444 17 • ' ,1, . 1 Ol4 1 :1 **!
WY:: ' ritcli '; riSk4-., - 41 . ,!..'" l 3 - 0;
- biii, 4 lo '-- ct 4 r, bk. " : 7Vl t it!
*it i tow* .or d ., - ' l i gffitle. * *ki FO IT
lib, r.. . , , .i.o -, , ppii:-I*\siow, _ ,
o l r of in, . 'Oar agii , r 4 194101 6 4_ _ !“'
tom . ,10i nay lit.liwasuar.4o
ear wof Ow plow i'. .GioelairtleFito(l4
wo ibillbe!obitruatet- +llocll.l worst,.
r '
5 i
. ipp7 •
if4Airii)&itrnili`-':iting - the eacial E -
tied it abill'ihirMa l 'illnY/Or the • -
IConstabki oft:inch intitrd, • &Wet. ors
Iwithii this z r,Entittinin*Paitlio 'it!, ~iin firtifiat -
*kin oiti . 7 - 40iMty; - at - the/place . of INlft i
auelf:EleCkPalli'lii (KWh *lirdgdistrigtki • •
IMP , ' teri .lsll Inio*l:,* of
. Pitaeri 11311111. : P i iiir ' --
' "Also thee in iheito section : Oiliniet.loll
sernblY,' l t elided rinAtt relating to ' 1-. - ..
tint*. an for iithei,"purlitaPes' liolnower '
18th. - Ie4CI. kis enacted that the aforesaid 11111 k
ti;34l.lVilot !tie nanatitei sate MOONS
anyAniilitia officer : Or tdroughOctir, filial- - . .
violl4 TOO, Inspector or ,Cltirka,:aisy
Brat; I "Pl* Election iq . _
wealth.'" • , ,'i .
.: ' •
.Purauent lb the. pfrovisions thined4
71kb Patti= Of these!, aforesaid ; thai '' le
the aforeiaid , district :- shah rWpeetively,.,
charge of thee. certifica te er rewn i f uiir
tionof their palpates. .districte, and:
them. et et ti meeting cif oneJudgafrom mail' ,
tfrict at the. Coe rt 4: 1 10not in :111' s &Minh . 3
montrose;,.oo.tbe third..dify tam e th e Et h n ,
E lection belnethe. 'neat .ileai. ear arbil p.
THE 151 h _OF 'OCW.GBEIt - NVET, then
there to do and perform Or-duties mire
hi t y °t i mid Idgesi ~ AWN, that Where a lad -
by sickness 'Or unavoidable- aceideny i s -
ta :atte nd' said ar4t , ilig ofJuil Oa, tbek.thease.
tifi,„,a o f rettirn,ieforeaild .4vair....0: wo,
'charge of by one Of the Inepectora ; or , eladia
of the. electii in_ Of inid . district, *Oa sitillide
and perfOrin the - duties 'iCiptired - of laid 3
unable ta attend.-4-. ! ,' - •':
Also. that iu thatillit seetionesaidcet t lit
enacted that , ' When two or mo Tcountieit *Mil
composen,district fot9the choice-Of n i =
"ormemberfr of . thil Benito of ;hie
weitjth oriof. Ilia' itaIISE-or ainizszna ' '
of the United Stat4or of this Gornmoo -
the Jodges Cif the election in ee h acme*:
mg met as ifforesaiii. the clerkW shall mak.,
a lair atatemerit of ill the vo MO& sr
„ al
have beeh,given atr auch .el - width(
ee l
county, ton every person voted or, aa muck
mem,ber 'or members which *hell be Signed
said judges aniratteiit - ed by the Ilarkai.end'
of the stintju'dges shall take charge ofsuch 4
tifieateranclihall produce the tine et a '
ing of ode judge 'erian each ounty at' isuo,
place in Muth distriflt.Ws ii oelasy be appOint- -
ed by law ter the purpose, which meetingolllll
, be held on the.seventh day afhar the electiO ' '
[ The-Return Judges appointed by law fl t if
Setorial li,istrinepomposed o 1
the Counties t
k r
ISusquehatina. Wayne and Wyoming., iEw 11,
therefore meet at ~ the ponder Hotel to 't e
Borocan Of Zurteaff; Suglehanna count
the.' 19th !day of Octrbeki Ilex!, the
, 1 11 d
there to perform - those duties‘required of th '
by law; :, , -; .E; . ' •
",„ . 4; .
flatu . rn Judges Of the'i . lll.epresentati
District. compased bf-the countycs - of Basco
henna and Wyoining, will met at that,
'of Spencer llickoa, in Spriniville. SUN a '
na eoutity, on T u esday the 19iii day , of . .
next, to iferform those duties enjoined by; *
upon the said Judges. • ":. - .-‘,
..Also, that in the' 61st section
,1 . 0 slid actist . la -
enacted ihrit every'general' a speci al a
tion, *hail be Opened-between e ght and tan
, h
forenoon; and shall caution" witholit ia
ruptionnr. adjournment until eleven o'ilidk
the evening,l, whentibe polls shill bicksed. .
Given tander-mi hand at am' ofilea
Borough -of lifontrole, the 14th'd a ,of
September, 1847. -'.
BberifPn L ffice; .•
ittiontroiw o !Sept ''`l 14, 18474 : l'
. .
01, 1
,f ,
i„. it,,i:
ming. iii ibis s EI :
RV opiirined ..t i
Disiniakinse f
inn. nine; 1. NE '
beriff ofiiie t ic :,
nitiiiiiielt . OP
Ikbieiiiif the =
- 1
' or ibmi_sebnnna, on,
1,: , 0r ovrosEß
4 armid niontb.Xlit
MrtitY ,9Flft=
'4l,lliim' !tii , tu wit yi
• ' -
et the Commen.
l' betel 3-7—
VOTICE os y given to
1 -w' debted ta - thi,eststo ofE
ri l
dec'd, late' of Brooklyn Tn . /is
'mediate -I ,poeyt alid sit, '
eliimS igamst ssid * Eiiato '
present them to_thecoubse • ',
• . ,EzRA.s., BROWN, •
Sept:. Xls,' 1847. • -
A _
i t BOt about i 7 years olde r peel 14.
ChereCter. akin have a 110,11th:et to r
the Tailorini Engem by eppl ing at
' Scl AMMON'
Montri;se, tept4s,lBo.
WE ' , invitcithOttecition o the elide** of
V F Susitisehsene:County * i
~ -our stank at
il bite
Fall sad: Wintei,Goode, -.whin,. is now
received; assurint-them we'. at II do quite 'ae.
well, if: mile W il k ..better
_the at any ,
shop in town _;... 1
_ ~
" • -. . .F. 1.11: CHAN]) ER kc # •
Pdontil:Ste, I ,..Sejit..l'i. .1847. : . " i i . 1-1 -
. -
".1000; Yds. Gingham*. 1 - - .t.,
- 6000, :."_ Trints• n : ,i,
' - - A60:1 '•,"•• Be 'Lain- 1 • ,• il
• . . - 6001,, is, : i
,44 . 1pgccae. . l'.
• f, 160 , , '"
tßeo t Clad ~ C,., ! - -
; .100 i i'. i Satinetts CI Ciotkr
1 1 9 00 ; " -- Bro' ¢Bleached 8
- Bitaiv(a, i ehenre,ibirta itti shoat;
And - rivery!o4ing.kthat'sik* to oak ''ir
at 1 - -1 . - CHANDLER & 'Car' .
- ' .--
; GROCERIES • 1 ' 1 '
'- l' - - . t . ,• •, f ~..,
/11EA,sugar t .s s aleratus, ireinosea. !plc.. i •
I. ger, waves, ',lititMeirAr-hatits, *luny!, , -
at • 1 k i ." 4:. - _CILINDI gi--41 -Cie,* ..-.-=,
' ' ! TIN4,I' I STOVZ ' .
TYPi,.rE4s.c.l4* - ,llt.'lo.t'okPCii,iiisi,,lNi,
. atures,ay . er ; olleTed in t his market,,intf#
lover' prices l than, can be fon d Ibis, alde,
Altianv. at ''' !.r.ll. CHAND ER e Cioir ,
BO ?Is 4;•STATIO ARY. - .::'j; :- .
Q•CHOP_LBooIci, Toy Booki, Blank Port s,
k'. -Pa nty 4: 46 °ki‘ r iafge I l odi•sinalk - ---# I M - '
'Peneite,.. lak, 'Wetete. • Wax, iWrappiw i , •
Nritipg Peinfir,, Retoer,..and Rubbp!,,,l..*. e i ..
- steel Was, sudd,*C. cheaP-at 1 - ;., 11,
[ , • PHAN S,. tit it' s a
_ '•'
WlNDOW_4,isli, , end• GIO. ' Naila.;Al ,
Irum, ani*are,l Cutteyi! •*k-11 0 Y;0Ware, at reduc e diticek h Y - ': l 4 '4,
.I, , CHANA ti.,
N OlitilkiW 1-5 G. 11 11 14
&wtoiii.wod tAP PPIFe 1 . -
Good _
Flannel, and .
tIPA Lid about
sloe -16th•MIGOm m i . t ehate o rs
.101111.,_ ' -
Wiar - 010 iii f
MOW oPe#lo,ll,l4tivilibinOtheiibii,
- WO 0 L I WAP/Tt W - I'''''
2,00 !
- 4 .
W •
ilklli the OW Pr lol l Wilk', 4,4 stfr . ',;;,,,.,-,.:
... ' .
Executor's No
4t.01010.. - Afiii...-rithile .- --..
~, , „ , . .t.,,,j,...., - 1.,,, , ,4t - ..v.ii.Vsl4'
" - -1,
all , ,
Alm . I s ,
i • toinsi4
rog . nested lo
cat -
• ,