Northern democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1844-1848, August 26, 1847, Image 3

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    Ibilli---------------- ___.)
A Ladictotts Mouses • .t " •' ' The Nest Senator'.
We have seen befiene federal paper, (and] i The Wayie-Vounty Herald and Wyoming
that one of very questionable authority.) whichiPatto4, claiming to speak for the Democracy .,
pretended either to jiistify or excuse that stu- . fif their inipective counties, are each out in
wrong attempted upon the people of nor otteneeding 'to Susquehanna county the
Pennsylvania, in thi. bill to sell the Stain' senatorifor the next ensuing, three' years, p re -
wor ks, by the Federalistslist' winter. Tii4ctaidid she bring forward a candidate tbit they ,
t ie, whether in casuist or' in jest., we cattiii, I can consistently support. • This leaves a smooth,
say, broke= oininol, silence, last week, and, i.see and a clear sky. Such a man, (one who
by false and ridiculous 'assumptions and spec- i will in every way answer the requirements! of
i a l pleadings, first justified the act, and then our • Honesdale'' eotempo rary,) are think our
declared its convictida that the 'project would Convention has placed on the course: We
not he attempted agi4n even though the Fed- print portiona.ottheir respective articles below,
eralists sholdd succeed in carrying the Legis- which we doubt not will be " read and appro.
lature this fall. Whit atsadmissien I What ! •ved" by the Democracy of this county general=
The measure justif 4/e, acid yet . the Federal ly. The first is from the Herald :
party resolved to abandon 'it 1 Why is this!? This fall a near Senator is to be chosen for
Wll does that print-ihold out this inducement, the Diatriet coMposea of the countiesof Wayne,
if th e ; m easure is designed for the public, good ? Susquehanna and Wyoming. A tacit. 'under
standing Obtained at the last election, that the
people draw their own inferences. To
' Let the next Senator should come from Susquehanna,
us the reason of this kemi-official (!) announce- and so far as We knots; it is still eicpected by
. s .entof the Federal-Ommeiset is plain. Not the citizens of tins-country. Not anticipating
that the party leadeM and conceders of that any oilier arrangement or result, We only ask
measure are less.anxiens to consummate it now of Susquehanna that she shall propose a good
,and sound demtlerat, mho heartily !supports the
than formerly ; :hut ;Ole. they feel the lash of
.. the State , amt National Administrations, is a
public indignation, aid tremble in their shoes riend to the, tariff established by act of Con
nir the result of tho approaching canvass, if, gross in 1846, and is willing to aid the reselec-
'their infamous plot Shall be made generally tint
. of Gov. .. hunk. To such an one we think
ktibwn. Hence theifi pretended abandonment' the regular esnoerats of Wayne will g i ve a
hearty support, inasmuch_ . as it is due to our',
•of this - measure. Miliebat a commentary up-,
k sister counties of the District, who so cenerL ,
on the party measures, upon its• integrity and;
• oucly gave our nominee their support in 1844.
ability to govern ! What a eulogy upon the; It k due to the character of the demoerats of
conduct of the entire Democratic delegation, this county as well as others, to givetheir sups
cheerfully in turn for the same favor ex
who, with acts-more sletermineti and laudable porttended by the democracy of Susquehanna, at
than parliamentary, Ormly and successfully op-
t a time when i t must be conceded their distrust
posed the nefarious seheme. But, fellow citi - was excited by the action of W.vne. It fills I
- ,
zees, be not dwelt-et - 1i by such. promises. De- o ut necessary that in the arranginent of Sena
Pend upon it the Fe4eralints have no real in- torial Districts, that some counties in the same'
districts must and. will contain a larger pope-I
tention of abandoning that measure. They
: 'Winn than others, and a mutual spirit of eon
-may-tell you .F,Z) t 9 git your votes, but believe i . is to . ,
cession necessary preserve harmonious an
them not, they are as:fl, se-hearted as their acts tion, and strengthen the denMeraey of tbei
are contumacious andirepugnant. whole 'district ; but we doubt whether a. wise
policy would dictate the continuance of the
office in a single county for successive terms, I
for that. reason. Such a course would deprive ;
the lesser counties of the integral consequence
and influenee to which they are entitled by i
their independent organization as counties, and ;
place them in the position of dependants upon!
the'enerosity of the stronger and more popu
lous counties, which Would 'be ' , contrary- to all ;
proper ideas of an equal voice ire ; Our legisla
don and the framing of lOrs which are to goy- !
ern all.. - We have abetter feeling toward Sus- '
quell:lima, not, only becaltse she favored our
candidate at the late election, but alse because
she endured the shock of the anti-administra
tion high tarifftitcs at the last Congressional e
lection. We honor her for ehosing the right
sours°, and sustaining fir. Wilmot, 'in the face I
of the most desperate efforts to carry the c orm-
ty for 'the tariff of 1842.. Some of the promi
['eta citizens even took the stump against Mr.
Wilmi)t on the tariff issue, and if we read the '
People's Advocate newspaper aright, the same j
gentlemen are preparing the way for boltina
the regular democratic course on a different is-
sue this fall, in relation to the office of Sena-
tor, We hope our suspicions may he ground
less, and that in the coining contest we shall
see every one claiming
, the names of a demo- i
erat, engaged heartily in promoting the good
cause, initeml of endevoring to foment dissatis-
faction and confusion for personal anti selfish=
mills. We are willing that those who play in- I
to the.hands of the whip should fearlessly de-
(dare their adherence to that cause, but there is i
. •
somethmg too repugnant to our feelings, to see.'
' mon professing an ardent devotion to democrat -1
is principles, seeking by every effort to. divide I
and &Strut the democracy of his county, by a
deception so palpable. ' • • 1
.- y'. The following are the remarks of the 1 1
,- The Record. with undoubtedly sinister mo-
Oyes , in view, is out in favor of selecting the i
1 Senator from this county, and in its remarks I
takes the occasion to say, that " the citizens of i
I Wyoming county of both parties" are in favor!
lof the measure. The Record may
,freak for
1, l
its own party, het by what authority
to be the mouth-piece of the Dennieracy, we
are ignbrant. On the subject of the next Sen-1
ator we have been to some pains to Ascertain i
the views of our friends in this County. We I,
. have ecitiyessed 'with democrats from almost
every township, and the general expression is'
lin favor of conceding the Senator to SUFI/11E
-1 hanna county--in face we have beard no oth
er sentiment expressed. Wyoming is willing
to bide her time, and as the smallest and youn
gest of the three in the Senatorial district, to
i award to her sisters Wayue and Susquehanna.
s what hi justice they have a right to claim by
1 virtue Of numbers and size, enders the last ap- ,
portioninent of the State,—the first - and seeond.l
benefit in the selection of a State Senator. 1
, We can clearly see through the designs of
ithe Federalists in thus early agitating the sub-1
Iject of State Senator. It is evidently to ere-
ate disunion in the Democratic ranks. To;
'them it!ii a matter of indifference whether thel
1, Senator is takeit from Wyoming or Snsque-;
hanna,fenly as :,to which selection will secure,
the masts Votes and most enhance the prospect 1
of suceess. A • candidate from Susquehanna 1
county they could not hope to elect under any i
circumstances, but by , selecting one in Wyo-
liming and alleging some 'supposed advantages
, to be derived to. her citizens, and then reviving,
some old feuds between the Democracy of
Susquehanna and Wayne, they hope to sac
; recd. lush hais always been the case in this
i t'ountA No sooner does election come round I
than Federalists discovers some great and hn-1
portantiehjeeW to", be - secured by legislation, i
land son Federal teadester with only brainsi
enough tis determine the relative value of airs
and coi.P.Re; is 'selected for' I candidate and
, held,np to the..people 'as their only political i
leaviourii-and who if elected—which thank
' God hasinot bappened'yecz-Woulit only be a
nother liOr in the federal combination to sell
otir tittl works or some Other ickeme eeneee l ts 1
i edie : irdStulty, to rob - and-plarnier thei . .coeintem- '
weilari.lill ' . .. , -
We **rely hope our • Democratio friends
will be tnverned, in their selpetjon Of eandi:.'
'datest* corning election by instice and equity.
Th . e, SeillitOr
.by right of -precedeocabetthigki to
,'Stis l ipieliiiiiii'eptinkf.' • Award it to her by a
resointinn in 'Our Convention arid' when
anothetiin to:be:selected, advance rur;
daises pdun ttee r prikiple ,ef ,reciproeity . tkel ,
will be iai,nteitiere4l. aiuLallowed, I
Yar.Ow 1001 it - .litilv Oil, I.NA 1g 121.••••• Tbiti
tertMeiliBe,gue;has alreadyaule itsappertancn
.. . . . •
inlre*Oileauti, twills 'Spreading at a rrigltiful t I
rate, according, to late accounts.
Singular} Discovery 1
The last Lycomiqg Gazette mentions at
'most e xtraordinary circumstance . of carekss
ness or frau'il, resultitig in the choice of a Fed
oral m ember of the, last fall, who'
served his full term, When in fact a Democrat
cat electedby the ptople. After speaking o f
the singularity of tht.,-;rosult, it sa,s :
But strange, as itl may seem, it is no 'more
strange than true, thOt a majority of the votes
polled in the districti were cast for 9en. NV.
F. Packet The faci has recently been
ed, that inTorter to ; ivuship, Clinton County.,
the actual Vete 'giventfor Assembly, instead of!
being as reported 14 , the return Judges, for!
Win. F. Packer -0, Was actually and in truth
Q 4-20 more than thii number counted for hint.
This mistake—if sutli it is, and the President
et the Board of retuita Judges, is responsible
for it—reduced the Cote 'of Mr. Packer, from.
an actual majority otEIGIIT over his compet
itor, Mr. rattling, to an apparent minority of
TwEt,vE! 'The tally-papers and the gen
eral return for Porter township, agree in ma-.
king Mr. Packer's vole 69, and indeed there is
nothing conflicting irt!l the while business, ex
cept it he that the 104se statement usually sent
with the return judg4s, as a •memoramium for
their direction, after reading in tikirds at length,
• For Assembly, William F. Packer bad sixty
nine votes." contain in the margin opposite in
fi t :lays. - 411.7 This was, however, no part of
the return required to be made by law, and
011;14 not to have ben notified by the Presi
dent of the Board, ififreading off the ret urns of
the township. ,
Such is briefly a *or). of this singular af
fair tan occurrence. whether by accident
or design, has 'deprive a regular member of
Assembly front his scat an entire . session, and
tilled it with one no titore entitled to occupy it
than the t; rani Turo Verily, this looks to us
like an improved sysibm of " treating the Eke
tien. as if it had nut risked place.",
Money t#d for theFn.
The felbiwing boril and signi4eant Wagers
vp find in a late nuttilier of that spirited d)em
oeratie paper, the litullidaysburg Standard.
NV hare Leen desiretl to print them for the ed
ificatien of our- Fetleril opponents
" $lllO reward for higal proof that there are
over sixteen Whigs ill the American Highland
ers, now in 3kaico.,
Will for legal pro4f that there i are over 8 . 11(-)
teen Whigs in the Cambria Guards, now in
Mexico. •
$lOO for legal proof that there are over ten
Whip hi the -310nr04 Guards, now in Mesiim.
$lOO fur legal pro/f that there are over ten
Whigs in the Jefferson Guards, now in
c. *
$lO O for legal prof that there is osiMig
in Capt. Binder's qemian company, now in
$lOO for legal proia f that there ib ONF. Whig
is Apt. Porter'ci pii,mpally of )rich Gteenii,
vim; in Mexico.
$lOO for legal - pritiof that there arc-fifteen. ,
nigs, iu the Wyotning .A.rtillerist„s, now iiil
Me%juo• \ 3. ' ', • 1
$lOO for legal proof that there are over fit..
teen Whigs in the Uniontown company, now hx,
Mexim- .
't • ~
$lOO for legal protif that there ire over fif
teen Whigs in the Westmoieland Guards; now;
in Mexico.
$lOO for legal pr4ef that there are over fif
teen Whigs in the Treading , 'Aitilprists, now in
• Treading
'Mexico. - , •
$:)00 for legal pr4f that there are'over one ,
hundred and fifty iNliigs in the two Regiments
of Pennsylvania Volunteers, now to Mexico.
And, fiwily, $lOOO forte gal proof that there
is a single Whig in the American armtwho,
approves of the atrlieious se,ntiMents uttereol
by the North Anictian audits :kindred spir
its. •
on our table. 'What we have said of the merit
of its predecessors, Is also true of this
it is an invaluable work, and oc c upies a proud
position at the headV of American monthlies.; I
'lt should be in the hands of a vat many of our
Democrats who are 'get without it, and unac
quainted with its inerita. glitcd by T.
KarrretL, and pulkshed by Jno. MOas,
170 Broadway, N. Y
Somebody tbinksAat if nate e bad deijign.'
ed man to be a.druakird, lie Aso, have been
constructed like a e)4urn, eo Oa the more fie
drank the firmer be would stand, ' "
Aritelliinigera or OviS4itthien 6. .
' ; The re It of the election hi Tennessee; • ys
the Penn,iylvanian, surprises every hod .
Bitt the Democrats are quite as much mo ifi
ed, and 01 Federalists quite as-much ifi
ed, as the are altonished. Although the ote /
thrown hiboth parties is large—quite as large
nathat eat in 1844, if not larger—the remit
is but a ziliw instance of the effect of over-con
fidenee. Vothing, for instance, contrib m
' 1
muelt to Life disappointment of the Democ at
as i . the factthat all the aspects before the e el
tion in thi State in-question were; the str
est assuralces of success. The spirits 01
Democrat] were high. They laughed at a;
pmhensioits, and proclaimed all doubts as s
tors. Every indication in every quarter
atispicioui of victory. The wars of the kJ m
L., gc
ing ones were offered in vain td the opposi 0 ,
who Slunk' away from the test, and by t
despondetiey seemed to yield the election in
ranee. What the latter should succeed,
the formlr should fail, under eircumstai
late thesqis singularly well-designed to e 3
universal itmazement.. - , .
Let us ;Of Pennsylvania be forewarned byttl
mink in Tennessee. We are exulting, as
=Frets, dyer the prospect of certain tritunp,
itt'Octobt*. We are confident of a cro in,
.$ll every county of the Comonwe tit
the auspiges are brilliant and cheering. Wha
adds to tllis state of false security, moreo -e
is;the fad that Our adversaries are more tia
unusually inert. They seem to be wholly it
diketent te - the issue.. They pretend to be ul
teddy unctlfieerned about the result. The c
forts in behalf of lavis are ridiculously , a
and ill-difected. They make no argument , 1
Imake thelia only to be overwhelmingly o .e .
thrown. fln all . these indications of a fe 'ii
lopitositioti they far surpass their party-fri ti ,
M. TennAsee, who, without forgetting t a
party duilits, which indeed were zealously 1
etithusias,tteally discharged, were appare t
laboring upon a desperate and a hopeless Itt
tare. ' Here however, the antagonists of h
meteracy !preserve a profound and auk( -o
pilot, antk up to this period of time have niat]
no serioo movement against the friend. 0.
)fr. Situ* •We repeat, if our political a
ciates in lennesnee were overcome by ti
who poss.Osed but little hopes of success,
yet labored to secure it, our danger in
State is f4r more imminent from a party w
diiarms suspicion by its external indiffere
and establishes a false sense of security by
, .
iavoidaneelot all the exciting topics of disk
situ. t.
Let tl4Democrats of Pennsylvania be
monisbe4therefore, in good tithe. That I
eridism i.4teager for the ascendancy in I' ....
sylvania. .here ,an be rio doubt, and it lot
learned Om experience, that the best wa • I
establish it is to profess a want of inte e:
which it tocc-not feel, and to assume a i
and cotton. atory tone wholly different fro i
htinest tethper. At this very time—even tto
when 164:sands of liemocrats are felieitat '
themselvtift upon the prospect of an easy t i
ry, th 4 in4ithes of the net of an industrious se
crtt orgat4zation are being woven around us.
It is thit jossible that it should be otherwise.
The partiptus of Federalism are anxious to
eAry PeOsylvanM, but chiefly that her it u-
mace Mut ilatrottage may lel( thrown into the
succeeditig contest fur the , Presidency. tic
fact that they have been defeated by the uc
eeSstul ()Orations of the very measures w del
they opptised, a few years since, and have 1 met
compell4 almost in words, to bear teAionlott;
'to their Offteieticy and usefulness, may lo . t
good ream for an outward coldness in re. art
t o th e elation, but Ito suspect that it will Ise
I prove thelthure effectually to cloak thier an
1 gerous dOigns.
Much depends, therefore, upon a speedy no
a thorough organization of the Denmerae • (1
I Pennsylviinia: Much depends upon the av id
, :ince of that spirit of over-confidence whieh- ha
iunopiestiOably led to the discomfiture of ou
i frientis itilennessee. It is right—it is int ee
esseittial+that we should go into the eon cu
with a ptoud consciousness of our stren tl
and a relliious reliance upon the rock of tut
ithperishaltle faith. lltiLit is equally inett I
eat uponms not to underrate the ' strengt 1
lour enerq. " Know thyself," is a good lilt
but " knOW thine adversary" is sometim .s
better. .IYe invoke our political friends I
!think of these things, and above all nit to n
: pose confidence in signs of the _times, Irbil
promise sb favorably, but are also well Call"
tad to lead us to our ruin.
We learrffrom the Pennsylranian that a
destructiye conflagration visited Made)
nn Satuadav night and Sunday morning
The largeisugar-rehning establishment of
Brown, titi Quarry street, valued at one It
red And,tiirty thousand dollars, and the sx
sive' Breii.ery of Messrs. Abbott & Newlin,
joining, *hied at one hundred thousand
lays—twig of the largest inamtfactining cs
lishmontliA, the city—were totally consul
besides , seVeral other buildings, stables, &i
This -catamity, which has destroyed. Ile
half a million of property, two valuable li
besides Wowing several hundreds of lab(
out of employ, is without any doubt the
of a vileincendiary.
`the BONE JOUIrNAIa, by Morn
Willis, afteared last week in a new and s
did dress' By the way, the 'Journal is a eh
big liter4y sheet, - and deserves well of the'
'reins $2. Published at 107 Pulte
N. Y. .
gEr in lowa the Democrats have not
eleeted 4tli members of Congress, as
LiSt weel, but also a majority on joint ball
the Legiiilature, which ensures us the t
8: Sena4swithont any further trouble. ,
IRON niTnzsts. r -They are making
Aphi els i4 . , siw York, which are said to co
beauty, lightness'and strength, and are fur
ed at half the cost of wooden wheels.
ler A slight shock of an Easthquake
flt in Caiin bridgnport, )sass. and several
jOioing tiiiwna on the tnorning of -the Bth
e ern s eve, e eetea
air h e Fed ' I
ekovern4lin Tennessee *tout 800 ilia
r s
~ n e Larat:rigi :Whig Mans Out
are six thousand visitors at. the 'Boriiiis.
Court Proceeolllo-1144Wei
GRAND Junv f`onntt truB Bills vs. J .,
Brion for larceny of 00 -in nione,
Roberts for Assault and' 13attery.,; vs)
Afore fol larceny'; do. Chauncey Van
Assault and Eatery ; :vs. Dtriiio C; .
Ifor firing woods, do. larceny'; vs. Saila)
ruifforFo l rni aree ca n li y : vs. Abel A 4.B bel G tard r4n, ; vt
Stark for
Green and Fdam Hawley for Forcible
vs. Rosina McCoy foe larceny ; and vs
an C. Miller for disturbinga Jtuitice:
3, Bills vs. Wm. C. Chandler, ~Ezra Cl
~. and Ist•i,ah Harrison ; and vs.Retbnan)
,_ ler for larceny, ignore/ - Grand airy sl.
'ed on Wednesday afternoon: •.„ A
IC PrOCeedhigli Or the Cisme
i'' On motion. of B. S. Bentley Eaq., ,
i - McKune Was admitted to practice in
Is 1 eml Courts in Susquehanna Cohntv.
r- i Com'th vs. John o'Brion, verdict
in Ssenteneed," to pay a fine of $l. , sui
Isis. „months imprisonment' in Count ,
' ir 4 Streeter &Grow for Com'th.; Dintock"
LII -- , net for prisoner. . ,
mil! Com'th vs. Hart Roberts ; verdiet i
e „l'Assault & Battery, fined $5O, and
titelStreeter, Bentley & Dimock for Ciinith.
Newton & Williston for deft.
Conetli:v. It. C. Miller ; vereict
c fined $lO and costs.. Streeter . 4. G
- Clom'th, Ilodgden & DiMock for prier,
Cnm'th s. Sam'! Woodruff,
g! and C. Vau Allen ; . reeogniianee fotfe
o l i t irli.coer ( .ll ` l o:::' , tl l l ) : o . , :o f lt.: r t i o , :e ne ;:eft )hat .11 '
• t I sentenced to one months imprisontuenk .
raeonnty jail, fine of $l,: and costs. . Stre.
- I Cotrith'vs. Rosinai McCoy, proseca 1
t- • appearing the prisonUr was discharge
- vs. Stark - ; ?risotto' 14Id to bail to ap i -:,
, k court. Streeter for C4na'th, Dimockfo ..1
, 7:
COM'til Ts. Greens; verdict guilty
lei cation for new trial was made. Streeter.
Is; ley & Richards for Cuin'th, Little,Dik
„ .
!ir Skinner for defts. ..: i.
al ; 'rh os , C. Vance WWI tlivorced from
1 3' !on account of alleged cruelty of the 1311 id.
1- i Coin'th vs. John J.. Whitman, in E[uret l the
- ! peace for ill-treating his wife ; • Court sett eed
. nil the Deft. to pay the costs, amigiVe sectipty to
le , the ororscers of the poor' Of Dundaffso her
support. . . o:
• ; CT VILL / ST .—BOVITS vs. Lee t appkalknce
,se ! withdrawn, judgwnent for the PDC $44 . ).
Aid . Richards for Pltff., Little.* Streeter firt, eft.
his Terrine vs. Lathrop; appearance a iplea
i('11 : withdrawn, and judgement for pliff. ' tley
tee.. for pH., Richards fur deft.
its •
Case vs. Seamans: in ejectment , :
,s- ' fur deft. Willi ton and Richards fo i
j Little. Streeter & Wilmot, for deft. 4
d- I Rule to show cause why John L. •
ed.. ' Executor of the Rose Estate, should 4 '
I-retaovell from his Extientorship, was di;
as ed. 31allery & Case for the Rule ;
to , & Richards fur Executor. - t''
st 1 Oarinalt vs. Dickinson for damages
Id 1 fulfilment of contract , in building a sli
is 1 judgement for Deft. tl 5. , Bentley
w, 1 atds, fur Pltlf. ; Litttle, Streeter &11
lg for Deft. . . ~
to- 1 '
On motion of Azur Lathrop, the fi
eutlemeil were appointed Committees
lance by the Democratic County Con
on Monday evening week :
, County Standing Cotninitt
11'31. C. WARD, AMASA
• Township Commii4ew.
Auburn;. Chester Adams, Thonias W. ~
Edward Dawson. • - ' 41;
'A pal:win:in ; James McMahan, Pobrard
I narion, David Robhr•i I L
e !
• ,
Bridgrewater; J. C. Curtis, Reuben tiiy ell.,
t A bijah Bush. . . i l'
1 Brooklyn ; L. W. Kellum, I. 11. S 4 ini,
• Nelson Tiffany.
• Clifford ;.. J. G. Cuddeback, Martin 1 ker,
'Jas. Burns! . . •1
Choemiut ;C. S. Brown, Jasper ..... I
Edward Borg. : i l
Dinioek ;, Lewis Brush, Perry Lit ri
Robert Foster. ; ..
FranklinTolin Green, J. L. Itlerrinii , i
`L. Blowers: . •
: ,
Forest Lake—lL .N..Brewster.B. W. at
David Taylor. . . i
I Gibson—S. P. Chandler, Josetli• WYI iv
ljr.. Almon Onto!), • •
j Great Bend—Oliver Trowbrige, - 6-mil al
win, Samuel Finch, , • Il
I larford—Charles Tingley, 4. Swee t
wenn l'uc4r.
llarmmiy—R. A. VOA 5.14.
John Taylor.
Herrick—O. S. Avery, Alanson
Henry Lyon.
Jackson—A. Peckin; Thomas \orris, E. S.
1 01'. 1
ab- 4 i
Jessup—Tbeadore Shay, Abel Sherman,
Robert Griffis,.
Lenox—jlazard Powers,',Elislia Bell, E. It.
1G row. • . . .
Liberty—John D. Turrel!, John Gun, Rich
ard Bailey.
1 Lathrop—Seth Bisbee, John `Wood, E. S.
i Brown.
1 Middletown—F. P. llollister, Charles Camp
bell, N. Camp. ; ' - ,•1 .1
1 Moutrose,A. N, Bullard, Da n iel Brewster,
' Geo. Keeler. . ' ' ' •
iNew Milford—Daniel MoMilloi, J. 3.1. Ward,
N. Alitehell: . --: . .
j • Rush—Lyman Gaiter, It. a. Shoemake,
1 Gilead Picket. ; • ' :
I Springville—Jonas' Phillips, Benj. Thomas,
' Seth Stark.
' Silver Lae—Henry Hoag, Dennis Sullivan
Mortiwore G.
Thompson—Charles Wrighter, Samuel Wil
liams, M. T. Whitici. .
The Ship Chanunga, Capt. Pattern, - -from Liv
erpool, bound to Alostpn, :on the 9th inst., in
foggy weather, ran inti the Sweedish bark In
dua, bound for New Y,ork, with 206 persona on
board, and slink kei hi 30 mint - Mr.'. One hurt-,
dred and *verity-two were buried there, and
among thetu l the Capt„ £ mogrg 34 on.
ly were saved. j •
1 ,ad-
; FROM CAI.I#OItNIA.—Ate , O I I( I 4 from Clili-1
fornia are receive& , by a party Who left the
frontiers the'roiddle of May, the,tialgttote
to Califonda' and Oregon were inking mild
p.rogreei. Col. FreniOt bid beWistrestetby
Gov. Keirki,ey, for. disci; bedlei4 - 61biaers•
ordered Petit tor triat Oof. K 415 keiKlit , ;
ed, will be home in Sdpierober,
F 1 Vt.'
1 . 71, its
f • :.„
'k ton
• ;
':o tut.
• •!trg
El's} e. A. $ i%i , itgl at the
meeting of the Bridgewater
thin, indtintiose; to reeeivo,onbett r ions now
duo' to Buda); Coinutittee of . Baptist
Meeting gotisi m WilkiAarie. tf4
1460 talibettiltUrldt
- 1
TRAYED from the endeare of theflub-
OF scriber on the morning of the 15th 164,
a Illackarilw. Oeut or Any
*non giving information where= s he any , he
round will be liberally rewarded.'
Aug. 24,1847. IL 3.,'NIVENI
16 . 10SifiAl3TION,
THE Copartnership heretUfw4 iaajatingiUt•
twee° th e Subscribers, in the Itlelttsehle
sines.. ties IlUs day been dissolved by muW
consent. The accounts and note. *gate grin
• are in the bands of A. Lathrop for aettlemebt.
.Aug.g. 16; "47; t F. CH II AP3L44ii.
y of
Anintratorls Sale.
Ivariet it hereby-given that by 'stir cider
.11; of the Orphan's Court of Susquehabna
county will be , exposed to public:salts or out
cry. at the Wane - late of ABRAHAM LOTT,
dee'di.. of the' township of Aubtirn, on Thirir•
day the twenty-eighth day of OetOber nekti at
one o'clock P. M.,, all that certain piece or pal'-
cel of land, situate in the township of Auburn,
in thicounty of Susquehanna - ,end Saki; 'of
Pennsylvania. and hutted. bounded and desOri.
bed as follows to wit Beginning, at a Hemlock
tree. the NorOwest corner berenfb and .ii• a
lineof land stirveyed for Philip liatterly,tbehce
by, the said lend East. one hundred and twerity
-1 fiveperches to a 'Reed' tree, the Bouth•dast
leoreer of the last mentioned isnt and )he
1140 rib-east corner hereof; theue:a 'South One
Inindred and hinelysthree perches to 'a Beech
tree; thence West one hundred and severity
' five perches, to a HemlUck tree I and thence
NOFth one tutridred and ninetpthree perches.
to the beginning, containing two,hundridefpv—
en acres and fifteen perches. withihe llPPurfe ,
nanees, a tranie house and barn. and• a large
shed. - There are two orchards on the' said
premises. and plenty of grind water.
Terms made known on the day of sale.
ANDREVit S. LOTT. / Adm i n istrator .
Auburn. Mg. 24,1847. '
T 1 ty ;
Fr for
I ext.
-1 •
•1 • nt-
G. A. GROW, • ,
Attorney at taw,--Has removed Mike to
Towanda Bradford Co.. but will attend (the
cools or Susquehanna Co.
' , OOO
000 • LDS SVQOL : winted,lfor
which the high6l 'price Will . ; he paitft
Cash, if delivered soon, by
M 11.1.8 &. SHERIIAN, .
littnotrose, 'August 18, 1847. •
Adminbitrators Notite.
- NTOTICE:is hereby given to•all persons in
dehted • to the estate of tucHmoIND
GAVIrr. dee'dflate of Dimock - . Township, to
make immediate payment, and all persons bay
ing tiny claims against eail Estateare reqtiest
ed tq present; them to the subscriber for settle
men(. .
, ; • ISAIAII.3IA/iVE.Admtr.
L Dimock,-Aug. 16, 1847. - • 33-6 w
' '. -04"1Alt ELECTION. is
CVN Election will be held nt the eboOs of OW
liii & Plint. in Dundstf, ottTuetidin*, the
31st inst. between' the Fours of 10
M., rind 6P. M. for the purpose of electibg-
Maki? for the Volunteer Battalion of Washing...
ton ?nerds, in place of . Major Arthur Stith,
removed. -
4 - • A. 'CA RPEN TER, Brie. IlspectV.
bispector's Offiee,
Ifprford. August 16,,1847. I ' r
. L
- I
a' M. NCBLE. has the honor to rinnotinc
ilo the ladies and: Gentlemen of the ' %Aug
of Montrosei and ;Susquehanna Co. generally
I that . ' he has taken rooms on Turnpike S
7,lueariy opptnite thestore of I. L. Post kico
) where be 'is- pre pared to take
wo i
oppt , , ilia A ithil i
by this wonderful progess, daily. without Te
ll. Bard to weather. He has at length 'suet:di
ed inmbtainitig an apparatus ef the best er
imen manufacture, one of the latest and lIICti
lappmed Vtlightlander Camera .by which b
Its enabled to produce perfect - • i 1
ir • '
I n pine 4turapialir Miniatures ,' 1
l A_ In _Ray wea th er. • and...consequently without.
”" using the direct - rays of the sun. liitherte,
it has been ;generally supposed that sunshine
1- was mdispensible to the production, of 1p
guereutype . Miniatures; but the importantim
provetnents just perfected proie that,thisis
mistake. Those who* never enjoye the- ; o
portunity of viewing , a perfect specimen
Photography, can hardly - forte an adeqhat
idea of , thelextrente, perfection,- beauty and
wonderful minuteness, of a IDsccreaeteirrs
Picruse. •14is a• work of Nature.combined
, with that of art, and as far I ,aurpasses 'tli
rproductions of the _ brush -andl pencil. an al
Nature's effects do that of map. lit,there
ation of theft , pictures, the light or Heav e l
constitutes the pencil and Nature the aitist.
I to no case Will persons, be obliged to *shit
likeness. unless it, is perfectly satisfactory}'
UrLadies and Gentlemen are invited" t
cell and examine specimens of ; his wtirk. 1
R o mps will be opeil fromdA. M. until-4
, i
Prices for; finished . Portraits. from 81,50, to
132.50. ' : . . ,-, ~;
N !,
N. B. Instructions in" tbe s given on r •
amiable terms, and apparatus . Chemicals, sit etel
furnished - Mt city prices. --....-,.,... , I
g. Reform and improvement, Are thoi
Red leading! features of the age. By ,ei
ecireinned , influence old errors are being ICI
idoded, old abuses. are brought to light. an
gigantic evil -Ste tibrlnking,,back,and - ,bidin
themselves the 'darkness if the. Pon. r'i '
The in t of-man has not only gran.
the elemeb and , rendited them subservieh
to his' will.but las -fort:Wait iteit ilghnijii
of hineeni become the semeenger of is ite
umplis. Im rovtiment, is-aimed, at as 4 east
ed in all th 'idetiartmeilt , erbtealnenkwiWi
ell,dm phi, I t a daft, 4 migiou ans. , c
are toot bah) ' firiOt .1: 4 6 . tbdit nayiliciant: WI -
vicious`de notable Of learning simpli ! ~,
andiba tree imp of knowledge opened to id'
~maips. . The ivai,inCcoach';,orti gi in
" ilt
01,1ce:tethr liticid'And'MitOtrid:' *WO
trtlivbeie rapidity
.0,10109 n 'bill
Ws. All 6 - ailibligg 'kis beenaml . , ' , i
'iattititigettrigast etipciAtion ', Of Wel_ 01 .
_ . who bathtub:lW Abair. 'filth
37- 1 1bedonglibid4ndstake,caluolly z jinin
ifest thilr 'lege bugrl)lingclbeiri *41030
BanYweciiintit, P.44:l4oluling A . volibt .
hitiMl4ll as . wlra* 4141, , 0r 01 01 ,044 ,
of roil , " : I ' .;
'' ' f—
antron, August 18, 1 847 . ' ,
• t 1
'REclitner - Autvinuoitss,
THE WI Reginvent of Volunteers willPinilid
in the following order
The2dllattalhat will meet tit•U ilfo .
Gen. D.D.I! Wainer, in eallrethmea
day, tbelMni*ptember neakatilrn'ehnit,4l...
01 4 annetend'noinani, far _Tabor! .Peraa.
and inspection, ::.. • --;j0
The lat &Militia Will Meit lithe Elgin Of
Watd(en. in liatratd, (Tilt. •
loth day' of September next. at 9 :tem _at '
M. Armed; • 1 34 equipped. lot
.P f inity . • •
and inspection
sp:- • .
ASA an 04
, ,i - a
3d 8rig..114 Db. P r
Mutat& Aug. 1847. • •
'AmOtripar Tittici# i
, 1 • 1
mHE mq inber e -- Of the ' J ackso n T Troop: l o t
ire hetet)? notified
,to faintine '
the Housebt N. W. W,aldfint. IN etWdo* /
Monday the 4 4(alqr a,gePIP l ' A r i &. iii & •
othiek, A. M. armed . 41,111 equip is .#1.154
direete for drill:: . = "
.._.,k_ I L
STEPIIpar K: cAItPEN ficMPT,.. .
Hayford,' Auifi.16.1847. , •' -1
, s.,'/4.E.eirs; .44.4; 1
Id Y Virlae . c4 - .4 writ of vet: ti, $l4 sHijatil
of the Court of :Common Pfer4r of (fit. lt
of Sliequelianda„tri ma directed, will d e' '
cp c.
sad to public side it the Court House in red?
rose, on Elatunley _the of SeosEifter*
nem, at one ri!olock in the afterreser—all got
certain tract ,orland being. sad lying bidlhe . .
township ofGreat 'Bend, in the . , county of ti es ,
quehanna, amilstale art Pennsylvania, to I ;
—CoMMenchlt :at an oak and tUnniall OAS 40
perches to a chestnut , thence south 40 ei
to a pilenf stones T hence West along . 0 11nes
rri l
of theltannell Sot sf, perches tie atcmin,4„thence
south along said Bunnell lot 19 degrees giet
110 perchesie IL beech; thence , . Wealth:a/air
line of they Wits:ton tract 150 perchei to : Our
place of beginning. containinglo 0 acreedlind
more or lesSi .with the apputtenteces, a, )og
house. li. , • ; , • L
Taken in niecution at the_ suit. of 'Eliis
Thomas vs Williant Cootie and will file old
at the Court ifOuse on Saturday, the: Otit day
of September rrlclt:- , ', 4 . I
i ';:- N. C. WARNER;, maellit
Sherill'S 0100. '" • '
blontrose, AO. le s 1817. t 4
. -.- I
~ . .
in - T
-- ---- - . . i
', -- . - •eall 01 lIK i'llt!..,
TE 'undemigneil. having. .establisba_4 a
LIVERit STABLE at Gem D. I). Ikar- ,
ner's, in Montriwe, is prepared , to accommodate
the public with fast and gentle,
morale* 'and Cai . riasea
i of every •descOptiobom reascinablelllTlMlLl!
Pleasure parties.will be-'tarnished witt4wci
and lino tiors4 CLirrlageis i and - cateful Bit
on short notice. '
... ' • " 2
Believing thbt a LAVERY STABLRof" -
swagherses'and cavviages\ will be a great
Idation to theeltizeni . of Montrose iota die *Ow
tic. if not pfofiteble to' UM ploptimatibe re.
specttullfselibits the patrotufge or HM , ' tng
politic. „:.
.1 ...
Mentri3so,luly 28.1847. 471 , • Mr.
1 It
• .
, _,
P. A. LOCkE,&.R. F. , lAlltik.SOß # ha 'se
. associated-themselves in the Titil . ng
business, respectfully solicit the patron ot
the Fashionable Public, pledging thentsel to
do all in their Power; to please thoerirbo : y
favor- them with tlieir custom. • ( I :.
- Judging. ft** past success, they Batter
selves, that th4 l cari give , peifeet, attiafit
to all *bo inalamplOy them:.l ,
Ctitting done (*.short notice alai learnt ted
Ito fit if proPerft made up. ; . 1 .
N. 11. ' ShOOM the building. formerly 4
pied by R. B. (Locke. as a tailoring ati l t); 4
meat, opposite:Mack& Itnger's *lgoe •
1i , , P
R.r; JLoen
. .hontrm x idly 171847. i •
CAME into;the enclosureof the;euihteril
about the middle of July last; two tieo Our
heifers, one brindle, and the; otherof
red color; ivitk one lopped beim. Tab t
is requested tk i prove prOpertY. pkjr Olt
and take thern!atkaq ,
• ' • - itt(
West Dirnoek.- August lltkilB47,
Q TATE B OOK cfl;;;ohylrc
ti, 1112 an,at4ont Of the °maw
Noted , Citizerfai-dr.c. witb ;a - Sh
and each ;Coardp—b T. ii. ill
-Al;$0; The ; Beal eas Man's , .
mining a varietY of mike! Rul
Fortes,. Beok•Koeping, dte.—Judt
for sale by
tomtit, Alterative Balsam ,
Hair Tonic - slid Sanative Pi,
SarvaparilliOretirliftige and''
Moffat's Bitte& runt-Pills ; WA,
intr salve andlrtolaoTinctdre
Wistar's ciughlalld_ worm . L
Alnerican Dr. Vatigl
tic Mixture Swain's Panacia,
Extractor :# sdarint's AC011414)
rim; lialyam, ;•ol Wild Cheri) ,
and Turliogton's -Balsam; Dte
can eye Lave;wiaundiee-Bith
neys,_Brandrethse Houten i t
Hyer's, Pocahontas;
sugar coated ‘, 7 rinc
, and selling cheap' by" • "
ANEW supply of I ' f 4 NNER'2'Ol
right kind- jusfreceived pied eH
by ' ' 11FI1iT4r 4.11,
Aug- 1e41,! 347 ,±1. , I.°
ROLEIEATHER:—°A into 'sat pl
teCeitied -4 4149 UPPir. : 4o4e, gad 'sit
SlOns or first rate ipiality v aail, for ails cheap
by ' Batley it It
ZIRZSIt tier: lot ill4oll Obi
will be solo as COUP i t*TaX Cl4/WPT: I P
ood •
L R1M0.,.
0DV14.4 fresh wpntylust`i lio it it
%A by 13 1 1 ,1 :
nno ithok 4 .
plielludiotoo,Pcit Yirll,lollli
i 01*
i m o r
Stivoy OH!"
11014 Witten/el, 1001 Mil
.3 •