t'msY!ns~.yr.. - ^zv.:rt'-r.:^ .. :'r^;~~~.'Ja,., .ta-5_:..~_~~~.,~.-.,~+ , tl~s~s;,r~:.ti ~zcslFaHws~s~,~i:,y' ~. }, 11M2=1 W Y',,7r.r - .... ' ii- ti .-;:.'" , , C.:4 4 114 -! H. --, a i ..... , ~ kIP I utsr -i" , '', '''• " -.-'.''',.. '' :' ' $ 54-17 e ".'1: - -e" - -"'""'"5 , 06 - 4;.-- , - , ..'" - - - ~ice .2.- ci stir k s. - 4 .... 14 .' , - . Agriculture In .1111.... f ar .).: „,,... tr ,...4 . iiii,of,gexio seem ift,biickehPl4, slit :...: of ciyilizatookk,w4* wittotick, judgiog from thwf , ,isequent , ,,,,yl well-written awitlotuitslrbecat/yrgeitted - hbOrati ! j, thentic sources of the genenVatiliO:efAitie Cm — WOW ,customs, ,094*C1**4 - wre:,' of the peoptheii adEvanceinetit'*)n primitive 'Thu00149414 igliittarti4eig'.7.-e);nill e.lathough possessing one of the mast- favorable - climates and gene . rallyprediretiieso - ili th, eigrkulture, - ilia a science by theiiihibittinta but little.un &awed. It is said-they_are o p posed to every °lunge that ; -hinAirtlitroditeewl among them, which tends to'iheir improvement in this, re speel,htheitlirming utensils being of therufies,it ptieSibleltieriPtien3 =the satini4kind 'as -thowie eilliehirerenia by - Cortez; atfthe etinquest in the sixtceritkeentlary,,being used at :this day - 1 .in triolii)lt. ,-, --- , $ The prineWisgricrintu'alprcidtiefions Alm • greater portion Mexico, are iSugar, corn and e,;. the hitter of which grows - with luxuri4 Ctheltalkheing never killed by the cold andit'utight be profitably. gultiVatek if there Was atlemantl fot it, which,. howevii, - - is not thecase, there being-no mills-or4manufae tureslor itin the country. • $ ,t 4 . 4 oOrrr grows well and yieldt abundantly.- Tiiehrops of it are 'Made in a ,iear, if the cie snpoM,of,the ground , is not t ..top _lazy to tend - it, Thslmt.iaplanted..in March and gathered in !. June: and July. The Secondplarited in ju- lAD Important Cure by Dr. Jayne Xv_ef the' finit of •• • an d` ' thered in ' No- • - Alterative. • , ~ . We have. been Mfortntel b NI Mahan,(a grand -11-*11:1-*C'TS4ILD6CembrA% : „„. damvhter o' f old Gen: Vliatne‘) t r l g ja; she sudere'd fur a -. , --.,...&,wi1ter from the army 04eives, "•.yv net' u• hen of years from the growth of a large Goitrous Wllt , iitriVed;at Mondove, the first.of November, i Tamer, which betieles great deformity, produced both roasting ears -and green foddeic. Were•ablindant I a difficulty or dcglotition, and of breathing : Indeed. Vi OlitSCl'hs *Fett,d 'horses, fromfthe soeond' crop., AP' says, too yre l unre upcin the o ind-pipe • was so Tiiii44 the principal crop of the year, v it is i . great . , as to pte r vbnf her from sleeping in a re v umbent • , position, and nito suffimatiop appeared inevit a ble.- ' Um liable to- injury from, the - 4eissitude of the 1 sh - e'. iilsO l a b'poricil 'tinder ,C7e.re iiidispositiofrom Weather than the first drop: The yield' of cornitiveasCoatrr4uNk:& JAuNioce, with a horrible rrain of ,hkebeet, fifty buShels to tbd acre in ;a• ti ll ed !li 6 l'voiss aff , -10: 04 :Jor!wlilultslie used Dr.. l l•TNE's AL , tela..-- With,good'eulLre Oleg quantity would , T w ear s :v . - 11, alit '- e h a's s i l o 'e nal ic' dtr r s eg ::f la i r • T l Y , r Zai s la ix „ ' , ' :l 6 ' l t e t: le.)wreaseci very considera Illy. , The stalks and hergenerbl health was thorrby, completely roxs. Awrow.,to an enormous, heightw i . I have often tablished, antic now pereeeiing some.aitninution in the acterthem around NonClova ao tall, that when size of the Go - Reline'rum I or, sae, Was CIICOUTagt li 10 sitting-on my horse, which is full.sixteen hands pi.rseccre-in tilm has of dm A urenATlvt, until every vestige of the painful Tumor was cmtrely temortil. , bigh;. I . -could net reach the eais of corn. .. Tt - r, We cannotisPe4,lOo highly . of this itnroiiaNt prop , k ~, might not be profitable ii to plant corn in i aratioo.of Dr. Javiie, and for tlie sake of siitfe-M g im 2tylilali • but there is a. wide range from Feb- , rnanily, hope Ilia it may became more generally •=4, _ .tc4ugnst, to. pet it inen the ground andl - knm". - Public 'Ledger.' still've a good crop." A . t,gar grows finely and only needs a little care, andsdequate niachinery - Ao enable the in habitants to -produce large quantities of it. 1 1t is not grained, as with us, but lrben in syrup is run into moulds res,etniding stall loaves of loaf • sugar, called pilonees weighing' about a pound. , ' Beyoml Monelova, howeve4 where the coun- , try becomes more elevated, siugar cannot be produced with much advantagp. , Wheat may be raised in 310xico with great facility, and although in latitude 23 deg. and' 26'deg. several hundred miles farther south than Louisiana:, where, the grain can't, be pro 'winced, It is grori to perfection, ,S.o,are apples i "arid peaches. _ This is; owing to the elevation 'ofthe,country'above tie liv4of the sea. -4 -- , -At gimps, a village fiftk miles • west of -Mcwnclova, large r i tiaMities oflexeellent wheati .'nrersised. There are two flourishing mills at littineloya, propelled by the sfream which pas- , ..les ; through the town., 'The flour, however, is Inferior-to that-of this country, the best Mex , luau not being se fine lor equal in appearancel • to that of the AMerken artieVe. . ;.. , Oats and rye are not growiin Mexico; bar .ley, however; grows finely, arid might be pro -Ahmed in large quantities.'!", . " - flfearly all description s oft;vegetables grow, loair., With Twit. i nds, a person may select '.o,o`an time for . g-fresh peas, lettuce, abinnsir&c.. thefiyear round, by l them - repeatedly. Peas six inches in _ 'Verktli, Were growing at lianas, the 16th of 11;leenitiber which ar e planted for a winter crop:* -.A; the climeifso propitious ; and all t. l_ ,d cpbritirliave to be rem by irrigation, a plant-1 sr or . lardener may elect his own time for I t..t/ 1 4,-, - I r. --,•;:scettame writer says, " Itiding on the 10th Altikeember; up the valley fp: which Parras is ''sittuitek I came ton - field whore they were sow ingithelik , The sower was Awing - the' wheat, Awroaffcaiikon the unpletred iromid. :-Twenty %three plows fallowtach o f _er,, , ori -the-same. lank plmiling the wheat in. 1 - 1 A contrivance 'illhirrow leVelletl•thelgroumt after the plow. livery plow, was a 1, ,, bf6two alien.,. The n i a i,-were of the , e ,pattbrn used., by the a- ttg two-thousan ears Owe. Theywere - Wade-of the fork of *lsmail free, one prong' of r iiiiieh'sinatvered for' he 10'4, and was cut long ,enough to fasten the women two; the other prong , was cut off about four feet lOng- t pand sharpenii Id at the end and a Single fiek fastened into! rthtforlearal,projectLeg back, made the Wardle. lus:irai.the whele.silow-lileK,'Sto'clirandbar ,,iel.7,„-Vben.alormefi tree cannot belenukt,be . abort Astick is"morticed min the long - one.- .• Thellittert ;tong wuS - h e, ccilter÷-the Jong one ; the . lwe'arn; - MS ,- ws - ifasterka by a raw-bide ; 'thong 444 cia,l4 Ajar, in turn, Vas fas . temd it frat of,:sn -to tbei horns of, tltdoxen; by another:Aw-liide hong. ''4 The handle was :held by ii ... pi.on, wh o w as armed in the other - .1 1 itta-with:a.:144,44 .:, .1 with;; : a sharp goad, in tile eta- of dt, whietr unsparingly plunged in- 1 I , tellieoxemtO4tiiik fitlieirhteekt,ir to.elkengc • their direegtiie P ''''''''' -- ''''' - ' 1- z- 1 i'l. P Puctilla`ipaa A._ eV. ,I fcfg . as4.%frviz. .:abundantly and ard_in i Uela c` , i . -.Aa.aigetwer=sl -wal,thfrigi Ivry few vegetableii - nrellita, - Arik4: ---- ?krtaitni. "'" ''L . - ;‘,''' --" '''''-', -,,;;":•, ';': cr. jrial?- I Potit* eariiiat, - 6r iii leaSt".Wriiifiiit; beau _ Arownirr many .{parts of Mexico, althotighl Triailrudwzot why in ome parts:of the-count - rt. Kthermight mot - Win ' alluvia to awlyentitge-. *tli i ,a_t. 'were - disepi• fedbx,o - 9 t.r4Sl3.ltOir i f r ''. ‘ „ii,ir . icya,-tbrougli th e count weifafe per' I. - ,nt - SsItallo„ and they *ere-. ile size .of m a ilifi s It _ea UnCpigionte'%gs, i land: buf'of ;little'Valne to. I Y ', i t_ i t i t :,,,:i-, ~,,e, , • • ,• , 1. • •_•. ,i--;: :•-: , ..-o, .. •,.-• • .„, .-. -•7::,,, • .: .- - 0- ii4409 . *:;',i1: kvattli*4 - 414:iii - 014- IM: 74 4 . 'whined ni - everA biAle4ltne, itribiOgia times :the finie4fati, -in theilsweler 'atilt northern Ortioug,orth6:6 un . thecowitial.Ton, -111, are nil o f ig t p - seine kind. ,:, glwetmtan - ges, fac i kar i i , AViit. 4 are cultivated farther sonthinnd in loiverifiab us ifi tr au r rytios - 40" 'mid ri.piek:nety-filii.Ok APist4- --2 74irer4..4 1 / 4 Teas otitvaiaht4, l box . Mochanio.. ,, ;i• . .!,i• "t.; .tt-, , ,,r 4 7 ' , .f.: ,14 . . .: , n :, , ~,,, '..f . i.;- : I/ zueleftlehlkW.4ll:lA -1 6 ..„.5 _, , " . -• "Illifd:"ADlVitt, la -4.41 1 Nck : t7 - „,.. IPall'AeCtiem_Ple -Eaquifiai.: , 7! , tk . lC . -- 01-" , IA fiark ' 43 44' , ea1i**0.44.14410.4 1- AO - ct,tre- :AlZiribe,ibco.:rEAsZikriforl , lane; and taikiitigl , 4ver - 6-.;4744terti*c.048, _. .... : *,O ,1' 4; , ,,Nr. REXPQRD; - ' 4441011- s*: l OY thudirekilt*cttiiia &ilk' ---- Bo' iiik) .4iii:TiiitZt. for Br a , liglifU:sua Oje.rii - kat • Ofti -i- iiiid leitrft.- ,, -, --',,, apimpheTivni.l sudabnil.l4*Awilii.**34. .. ,. ,1 liMin` eigity4,4llCloving, „map - 10441C start ,ai though :;: theyl4 ; rec-i...ed pl , . ..,-.ll.lisirca'O - ' pii:it.)ll4l - throwirwl; 112 e a I ,:", 4:ATI;;S:'- i'ari:44:val.' -I :6 . thiiiiriek Luf . r, - ,llp 't '':: .1.:,- - ---- - ------:1-.:-. ,-,,rri4:. -• ' ' l' , ..4. • . C'-..:3 "9,,i .41,1;riidic. talL 'l3lr= Pthii'Maaieg 'WE- God, tau Ilire' -1 ed with great severity:Vi , q peretysittit - ANTRMA4 .a disease with whiettiiitartrbeesiailieted, Air „Tapp „years past 4. it wia itteciapd,w4ll , a _lniamenets in& serencsirOfthilitrigi and - thiort' I,idgethiii With a Is— horioni".4litigh; ind caliph/tele orengili; outiiittesuffocatiorti*beii4 , lretiletif your Hsi* Kaat4Wlts seat le ttlY.***AAtirrit tilicloght .it-was nothing : hut quackery, brit seirigrit was so high, ly-tesorautrided by . 1304. Gisteg t :WWWhoht I ima,Fell acqviatotei g ; Itii”nducemilts,tt;tit,Ao,l4 , a fey Oir! it ant etelycurC , raw_tinm,,Lessr, hai leak te. turf'of,the,dreeue *herr, Tfiriee noir formed so high an r eploion of - your inedicirtathrit if I ; had ` but few 'bittles.of-,it, and caiild.Olthin ,aci Atari, r would not p l i f t‘ - ‘ittahediroi ten dollars clieh. Yours,'rooat respectfully, • ' Joan Stara. Pistoi of the DaPtildeliurch,attainbertville, N. J. 'Ea VD, -"r ES .NQ EXCHSEFOR A BALD HEAD. From •the Whig. Some time suite I called- upon Mr. P.- Mason:Of! Solnersillei for Dr.', dmrsuss celebrated: Hai n TONIC, to - re e tOTC. my hair, Which was then falling out daily. I' procured one bottle, amtapplieddta - contents according - • , to the treetions. W hen the bottle was exhausted, I diseovered.,te myg reat surpr'ise, , and satisfaction, that it MI the NG this was eriyarna iliandsomely ; I there fore pitichaSed - anoihr, , and BO on till I had used three bottles,. and now; as a conipeneation, my hair is as thick as ever. • . • t And what is more surprfsing,tmy baldness was dot ter Oceisioned by siertneei. in,whrell.iiiee there is grew hope of rettoration—Vut.wastereditery. • • J. o.itooceeN, Moth'whet 'Minister. Momit Horeb, omerret Co., N.J. Prepared only by Di. D. Jayne, .Philadelphia, arid sold on agency by N. Mitchell, &. Co., Druggists, Montrose, Pa. N,SiORMS WORMS !, WORMS . , To rcmpve those trpitbltsome and dangerous inhab. itants of the stontach-and bowels, which so often itn. .pair the health anddestro the lives of children, use JA YN E's Tic VEII.IIEFUGF certain-and safe prepare bon for the reMoyal of Uie Yarions kinds of worms, dyspepslai. sour o:nn a eh, want of appetite, infantile fever and ague,jantl debillty , of the litomach and bow. cls and.or . gans of digestion.. It is without exception one of the most ralmitile preparations in the world. PreParod only by Dr. Jayne, Philadelphia, and sold on agency by. N. .Mitchell, & po., Druggists, Mon !rase Pa., . FINE NEW TEAS, ; AT NEW YORK PRICES. • M. REXFORD has made arrange ments % ith the 1 6 :VW-YORK PEKIN TEA COM PANY, for the sale of TnAs in Binghamton, and can furnish his cnstortiers, and the trade!, with Teas at thcsarnc prices that the Company charge for them is New York, %hick is,al least, from One to Two Slid liege chtsper on Cacti pound than the Grocers sell at. And in every case where these TIA:al-do not give amis. faction, the money will be paid hack for them CATALOGUE OF TEAS. GREEN. Young Dyson, good, ___ Do. do. sweet cargo, 50 Do. do. fie cargo, 75 Do. do. silver leaf, 100 Silver kaf—seldom sold even by large dealers. because of the very small profits Made on its sale—is a very superior Tea. ". n , , Mi. do; goldep ebop; " 150 Groidenlcop—This is the finest Green Tearultivated in Cbina. It Is ofthe first pickings; , and excels; all -other,Green Teas for ita delicacy of flavor, strength and aroma.- Heretofore this -Tea Ins never mock • ed thki'dountry:, except Inismalikits to suit tin:pie ' chaser., ~ :Is ' • . li n fsom, fine, , Dm very fines Gunpowdersfine, - Do. ,S 5, extl n tifitN Impinial; fine, DU. extii - fite, Hylton Skin, gond, 1 .1. , , '.BLACIE. . • :Nfng Yong.atrong and good flavor. 37 1-2 1 liritilf -Yong—The grooers sell this at 50 cents, and 1.,-sail it Oolong.' - - i . , ' Oohing, a dcliefouli Black Tea, 50 Compare; his superior Tei With that mold by grocers, as being an oolong i Tea. 'The. difference is too plain, and the deception too palpable. 0 44 n. Pli ' ffisil 0 - Crttwth, 75 Erfigruth IlivairTis fine, 50 -Dn. - dor aux Sae. ' 63 Bourque; Mixture a rich & Welly p ifliVo r iect ' , 175 -, Pace Flower, - 00 ' I 'DU S. ented, ' I I' 1 50 1 No flua;lifira, - 150 Lire Plusl4ll4l.l 4— Tbie Tea is as "fragrant and 'sweet as a 'nsegty... It yields a perfume that is Irtil.t cle. !relic t& t is'uf gorden growth arid ..scipertor to' anythibgeff the kind ever sold inothfs country. fu- -roe iiii,,c paialo g ue dots,not 'minimise . all the varieties Icon aioed in my ailsortineet. - I have every land variety irlipo - ed. d 2:very sliade - of finality, ana can I t isuit the trios fastidious purchaser. - The above Teas ate all ddne tip in atinese packages, in quantities of "-1-4 lb., 1 1-2 lb.4eil 1 1.b.-'each. RECOiIIifENDATIONS We; UPC - tried tlre.Teas imported by the Pekin lea ( Compaiii i 74a*71 . FUltun-st. and if we'live will try i, them ofttirt.,,The'y a:eliciting the most delicious Teas we. eiptt.drank. add ,zelail them at whojcaale prices.— i [ Ecenivk POL. r ) . You May be sure of 'ohtaining, at all times puce and hie,l:l/ fl!arered teas; . fry'...the singleputind. at whole.. ' kiwa - -...pfie. ~61,-9f...,..40: rewir re. Company., - 75 - 4.....717 , FtiltOn-at.. They' have probably - the largest stack and , p**l.cet, v e Fiitly sr. fi r rie 'Greco ,and Biack Teas of alyi..nnelditabfitiliment -lar'the -Uo it ed "S tatia. They *zed* a large basin' ' and area great ornAt bison ""4:14: r-lea.-t-.l4.this. - ' - qfirnlitifirre.it hits been' ery difficult, indeed' imp:will. htif,Air,;AiiiiirOMXl, Gine' ;and Blatk Tess. But cow, iiintliavtit only to visit (lie warmromni uftlie Pekin Teacorikail, 75 and 77 Fulton-00.D „Obtain Ila tle lirto.tismil4Vrilial testikalou . .could wish for.--pai..., liViii: , i% ; °, : . , : 4 ,_ -,, , ,r, i %' l . -, _-'' '''',:;,:,`....-,--, . kworii.__, 'lO ril Dirakeri.'a7The''#ekiii Tiii''Corn-.." pany,,,,15 4 :Ar41 , 77 Fulton-q. have impOikcifinto Ulla. •-taiiirketsannuemit-Lliiindreil.thitusand. dollars worth of ' the fintiqradiatlifgrirtiA?siaidallieli Tiniii4rtiwn in, theCr.deatial,finipirnit Acme tip in all the various fancy packages that Cii . nykaringnonity cap Invent: ...it is a tprivilitixao,bui i !leasittalini . great estahlishment„ and lazoryaufds - usvfdrOtealaii*-I.helan' They sell good Teas otify,-agAtisAihnitiridletwillisale prices. Popo. ry metelisittkw,4o'.*iirfitalwaxii eel! good teas; caW \ uria,iiithttilhilbitilllitaitfidane i 'ndreasUnibleirnini. • :Arzrioo.,iboAilt'Aszikrif9l.-,010.17. , , ,, 1 ,, , , ,'*. • , Agent 11' - -I.:LIC 11:EXIPQRD," L- •-• ~4 , .1 - 'ii Sple for Bruonie• County. 4t1 T 11144e4' ilita./44047- ' -- 4.hla. 25 Ssno. _ - Qs3l' itAtiln 1 . eiv chat-0. - • ;1104i l ine .=. l 5,. 'mg t , Qpif .:;Pl ell ,', IY:tic itv ''r- 't . , 1 O'fi'. , ,S,;' , £: • t ' • "1 .: 44 ittilS 1 - 4CI tki i 4 , i, . .1, :f.~.~~TT:!T.i i.~.'l~!:~'::+'.'S :. IT-_ Y'".e:.>~'~~ :e.T M; :'i~" EW' ID •." r S . 4. 1 firlif&aubsaiibeasnow receiTing, a general ii evelrtinent of VI • hf,;Groodf; Hardscarc' Crocker ; Bonnets, nth,' Palitils-lestfiltatA - 4v- - • - Thankful flit. pastrakora he Wirtild -most respect. tb fully sailor the palronage.of-Altia.frienda,„ ,and m• the pahlielenernlfy,. and will entivivar to sill thenr goodly,: es-11411* for the ready, ,in ,for ' approved` those w 126 'boast fonder, I. and drum Unriperiyik On M. T i in NiITSLIfsi M DE LAMES, Lawns. and C L splendhl Jar saleolow at cis Tylers. cUMiIdE i STUOYS,Croton Cloth, Tweeds, • ►7 Gninbiones, -- sifipes and plaids uncommon low at 4y Tylers. TEA 8. FRESH' teas selling low at . . • Tyler N EW Rice just !feceived at 1} ACKtREL, shad, Picketed Salmon. and Codfish at Tylers. 119NNETS. • MUSCAM.Stra*; Lace, and Lawn Sherred Bonnets, cheip at Tylers. DR IVN GOODS. A GREA'T. rarie, 4 ty of laces, Barred and stripe 111. Mastitis, Linens, Jaccinetts, &c. at • TYlers• NEW GOODS. AND CHEAP. rig Siibcribt:i . i's are receiving a welt sp JL lected stork ibt 11:11,7 Cr' 00=0, which will make iheir assortment very corn , plete, nod 'they ar'4 determined to-sell un terms that, will be satist-46ory U. Burrows, $• Co. Gibson, June 5,3547. . 0••••„•„ ! A .51 zyn • A.rtrA • Idusseline 11, Limes, hand— ci some pattq,ns Is :2d to 2s 3d per yard, • GOOD assorOn' Pnt of Fl,)rt nee, and straw nit Bunoets,arißonnet Ern - Innings at URINTED WNS, • 6/NGHA3IS, and 1 Laser dress b Li'locis very chip al_ U. B. S- cos. P4V.TS 1000 lbs. ‘Vhill I,ead in 011 at last - 3:ears prices. (the prio has advanced in rnarke:,) Paris G.leen in Oil, best quality, which is a notch ha4dsomo green than any t.ther, for window—blinds, c. Varnish. Silts. Turprn tinc tit U. B 4f Co s. NEW GOODS. FB. cn A N D6ER, &CO. are now receiving . a large n4weil selected addition to their a stock of Goods, to which they would invite the a attention of purckasers. Their stock is hoW quite large, and they are .determined that for Cash, Barter or otra ppro ved credit, they seli at least as luw as any establishment in the County. Montrose, /dart°, 1847. Pa grin'd assortment, Atnerican and a. 1, English, reli cheap. , .37 1-2 S ULISIEB.Stu I s, Tweeds Drills, Bro Linens INGHAMSa Lawns, DeLanes and cther lam'Dreis Good's. LEGHORE and Sttaw Sonoma, plant and fancy tali; itibbonit, Mowers &e. Chandler 4. Co. HARI)WARE, Itait, Nails &a. at Chand/Er 75 • , 1 OQ . GOERIR EO; a good stock, among the rest. the best and cheapest Tea and Tobacco in town. F Chandler 4. Co. 75 1 00 75 1 00 37 1-2 CLOVER SE; D,la fresh supply. I sale 10 , 4. 8 CHANDLER & CO. SH a Erl.N9Spro. and BteaChed, a variety Chandler 4. Co's. PARASOLS and Shades at Chandler & Co's. AMERICAN,. I • ; ; French and English Cloths antiCassir4res, Satins and fancy Vest. ings far sale byi Chandler 4. Co. NEW DRY GOLDS. A T $ . BURfiITI"B, mny. be found n Inrge and most Oesirable assortment of Dry Goads. rbnsisling in part, INILADrES DRESS GOODS— of rich cillicoes49'prench and - EagliAi G inehn Ms i of ,Ruperior st);l4, plo t :ham mid Primed Lawns. Muslin de hales at 11 cents mid upwards, } Printed ttarege4 Fancy .Sillis: tfe. including therieSt'd RI ,i 1.4. . . IN - STAildfillEß SHAIVIL S Rich-Silk, DeVine, Si radilta,.B.irege,.and fan.' cy Net Shawls Oral - Si-arts. very cheap. • 1 -' ' - !' - 'I/BONNETS : — , 4 . .. Florence Braid; hinaPearl and Coburgh Fan-' cy,Plaln Straw' Lawn and Common Fcincy -Bonnet*. with icti Ribbons, Trimmings, and i FlittiFerSiat red :' ed prices. • . ';-.: : ',h..' At PARASOLS - ~ -4 A splendid ass9rtment of -Silk, Gingham, and I Cotton Parasohi, -and Umbrellas at very low prices; '.; • • -''' 4- • - . .l • - nA.GBATs - DRES'S GOODS— ' Broad Cloths, ' -?%-• ' -1 , " • e a ssimeres; „gattinetts , Twe . .es, ' Sumniett - Cloth; and Xestdngs, both rich aad Cornmoyin tare variety_mid cheap, nyrimAND CUPS-- ,A:eniiireaasor ent ofFur Napped, , Fear Col erea' Fat, and . VYnol Hats; Gems Leghorn ;a nd Fir Rahn Leitrilats;also Clote, Velvet; and' G a7.4llSurom#retiphoafihe new• and latest .111;11004- lii ,' --..-.- .. . -.., f" , INODODIESTICS , - , . ' l ' Gitigittlita;h ', ks. -Bed Ticks , Cotton Sheeting. yarn'...4lOietia. - ipet.W . irp. Batting, Carpet 410111V.L , am,-;4.-.-- - • - , ,_ AlfWbich Aline warions,Einds, Styles. de. scriprio*ciinitAriees willAirriiiiit the most de. sirabil ilidage*ncs tei-jr'prehtisers, who j ute in sifted:lit Otajtn*liii:roc . it With tbe•eivarance thatgaiiAtin liti*tinies - are made,entirelt - : for cash; ''''aOd'largifly of the Mani ifneturerip,ogerita i 'in the i etty . ,Zanit . will' be seld.tit;:ilmali profits. !they' VIII Iniit4Ml , -te be,4leiiied.. - - -, , 1 •-N .6i*lltiOritiff4 27 i .1 : 847 . • . pfliDiNgTi9"; . . 0d Bonnet Trimmings, Silk t . 41 C ract;t3, , flo. Berit!eY • . L ; it Csubscribenrare now receiving et- rge And..dq/iritbje'stock of bi h`weie bought for Co* land`will. be void se con be bought in tio'r-1 it `Fenititylianis Odr friends nud cyisto er. , will please. , neCept our: thanks for belt iberal pstrenrigc durtair the past year sand ' E. that-any wanted .if our ne or theriatiotomeilirill be furnished *ern 3 t principle nt'7 Zdve, - and let Uri.' ' War '0 LW, UNDERSQLD:ik citir mottoogal We tte d'stiictly to J , 'sdhere' td it:, All KirlkiVof ou try produce received in- pennenh i skwell 3 5b, , -Old Sliver, Flaxseed and Bees,w(Tx:, Bet/Wei .t.tofd. M ntrose., May ?0,1847: r • I ' OADcLOTIIS. Twebd4, Merinoeii anti 9 fancy 4 7,assimeres, `Satinets, Jettn's,Xes ig and Suinne Goods ofla great. variety, si ipened,and s elling right hy Bentley 4-'.Recid-, I , MBROIDERED, figured and Ginib4m LAWNS, Mouslin' De Lainrs, Crain Is i i 24.3 d, per yiird, Tngliiih, Irish arid A can Ginghanis, Oregon Plaid, and 4 Wen. of, Of calicoes now ripening by 1 . , .134ntley 4- Rg4d. "1" ARDWA RE and Erockery—a full Stock L- on hand. ' Bentley 4- Ripci Tylers. ROOMF, Patent Pails, (common an 4 Ce dar) Butter Ladles and IStamps . for. sale egt by LOCKS, A full sis9rtrneol, watch, s,tidw— clry, I) ig!ey's cf-tebrait-4 Gull' Penis, 4..5. ) Bag Twist. Sieel :Betti, Purse and 11 4! ps and trimmiugs. , B9rl;ey Retid. -.!- --- , N and STE.,f..—Swetitg •,nd E-g.t. - Rot ed IRON, Draernettr. hand, Hoop, tVotni Scroll Iron, Cast, Co.rtnt tn. Ate+lcon, l ing. and Ent:. lister STilt:El. --Albt.i Nail [ s —as ales It as. the ettettPc-- 1 ',' , I Beatley 4. Re4l. iTINTER Sperm; lb4lmM whale. E.,''fr. - med liv and OelOl LS of thQ purest quifily— ,, Paiute of every -eo!ortund tfrseriOlori, rant, d to give sntibu acuo,und will be sold. late by - ' 'i . 2iad a ISII --;....; . v.,r,1 Hrla CoO II! li . S'acid.P•aek • eral st.lling cheep by BeirPqr-i & it*d. ' U. B. NEW ,ni.d full ;Issortnient of Piouss and Pbaigh Casting (,itbt. ini,t pprnvi ti con. Jost rteeived, and Q.; Ifo pri ces, by jl. BURRIfT.' - tvOf - or-4,A py ot il 4th, 1841. IN : GHA MS. DR ESS' LA . W.NS. PE LAINE.S, GINGHAM LA tV.N.SI some ndtd put:urns just received and svllirlg rery p for cash by J. Ltnis. SPRING & SUMMER GOODS, ricer • , ricer; which cannot fall lobe satisfactory to II who desire great bargains, Ilia stock com , ri es a full as.ortment of . DRY GOODS, °Rotuma, IFE. STUFF'S, CRDCEERY. ' . HARDWARE, MEDICINES, tint;ns. D liaii.s, 7IN-WARE, FISH, &C.. i 111 of which will be sold at unusually lot 4 prices tsi lay 13, 1847. J. Lions. .B. Nochardeforexhititinggoo:fs, charm =ie for exhititinggoods, It refore don't fail to give us '3l Cull hefr.re 'par h sing elsewhere. , J. Lyons. Chandler Co Chandler 11. Co Chandler 4- Co OODEN Pails; Butter s,tampsznit Ladles, Clgthea Pins, &c. dr.c at J. Lyons. L j ANDlp—Home manufacture, iiir sair . by • J. Lyons. It • HEREAS,it,beiox venerally soi.erstood that JOHN GROVES, the "General ylur of Montrose," execii, tes all iiinds of Irk in his line of business, in a little better !le, and at as fair prices us any oth4r TaY. this side of Mexico ; thin is to infirm all o have, or may favor him iwith tneir pustom tlytt.he has just received fro#l New Stork his us latvariety•of • iPREVG AND 511111314 R rAsitroxs, 611111ENT lIE subscriber having •'•" *. itittlrawnt for the' J_ • present from all connection with )he tui wing beehives 4- xcept cuttipg, will I,,Oreafter ive his atten urn W that particular brinch ex lesively. From u long and euecessfullexperb:l ce,•wiih recent ffiprovemehts, and - airegular t l (-rept or the latest fliehioni.he has entire . Cop. ! ence in his ability Io pleaselitrwtko May' ;ripiny hirh. To!prevt-Pnt rii, , uppreheheiOn he eu!ti lurther state, that havitig*orkedlhereto ore fur thrcakemf working, he intend in ((l ure to work for the suite of the pay ; (except. vhere charity may dictate - otherwise,) . t _Those herefore who are able to.paY but alwais with-. !d o will please also withhold Abel r eititom; Shim over tbe'llat Store,. north . ' the *lnge butler!. • P. LINES. • Itlontrnse,lll. , y 5. 1847; r '201113' NEW STYLE GEN'T'S : piing Fa sit•iist fo•14. 184 4 7: - -•- `ItOIAtiNT-71-4 incheihmh 1, , 5-/Oleonen, bell at sides, 1-16 front and • rear ! 1-4 rio. Tw- oval,. flat. ; 11ntat-1 - 1 inches de, front and rear, and ,1;11-16. atisides. paerto•-1-4ofan inch widel The above new .style, introdued 'New ,rlronSaturdaY, rbit bjr,,Bdetat ~are now ready and lor •41e-,by- • , pril - ,8. • - *-24ER t • _______ . . _ . , ! . AdlplailiStratOFS NOticti,,` "' - . - 6' '---.-' ''''C' Ir . - .°' ' k ' °TICE- is hers! y gaven t o s orso noxi _ t I deiced to.the estate ,nr loaEp : A tj*. 0, N, deceased:late of flartnOny Tow sfiip; to ate immediate payment, Ltd all per ns bey. :g any claims against - said. state 'flit :ileit,.. to present them to the suhseriberftsettle. ient,r . , : .„ R. , ~.. ~.. , / JOHN N. EVNOlSDSi,Adnifniser4 J1. 2 . - riri.,l: - . :1.."• ,.. p: "1'..! :;,-.. i 7 1 . --- Iti:7r-1 f " ,.. w." I =I 1 gtaCeij & ReiTd MA ~i ~ ~ . NEW GOODS. HE Subscriber is now receiving nn ! f;nffers for sole a- new and desirable- stdek, gl 000 Yps* Summer' Cloths, alieapest ,in Towqjor .ale ,bye i . . J. Lions. . . - ®OO YDS. Hea*y Sheeting at 8 cents per Yd. for cash,' tor sErh: 102 . J. 1407t5. 1 • P AMUR . • OOD writing paper at 424 cts. letter ' .paper at I.o ; cts. per quire. For kale by J. Lyons. une 17. ." ONIET RING NEW 1 • is now prepared. to watt upon Get)tternen en it 01%11 suit their eouvopience. lay sth, 1.817. . A 18 3,41 === P E . it r idLA A - -it I'l f tolsaprovtibwtt:-.- '-- -.., . : _,.....a1,...t.,...,,,, ..,, WHE EAS, 'N h itarelbov:loi , lurnished to Iv v 4- - - tli bead bf ini Winter's corelkingi Sufficient to;protect.‘ it from tho Winter'sjaorm, or, tae burning,r sof somMer'osun' i jtAscottod Olga. ly essential !to his coinforr and beauty, that - lite provides, Outsell svitii sMne hitild7ifabrk-v_tku* Toted to supply the d 6;00110. Aid: wußr„oa,!it'i rtidence 4 equiresA a t every one, should i'ptir chisel' such articles a Akey .faey neediloterej rI F those eq!laiir good, ;be obtained sik,thiS low, est Prices , therefore, ' ii. Komi, to itjlielg mutts of SusqUebit " County,' •and all *theft whom it by coneero, that _ • , '.,, ~ .. -, : TN - .-1 , 1• TOM, 'Afr !CO • , -- Have esta fished thlnoselves ,at the old stand, one door s th,Of 'the p',,kiiiiqtaf •..'Etroz E ;• - wheire i theyinten to3,l7l**Aaitre. and keetarialintlyi on build, t Aritlif;evily description,.in„sddir lion to their unusually large stock of Heti - mow on hand, and manufs - ctured - at their'estiftdisb=; , mint, W. gl. P. &. Co: have justireceivedlromi New Yon*, a full au ply of SUMMER-FLATS ; dz. CAPS, which Oyes them the most extensive and varied assortment ~f 'Goods in their-title., ever offe d for sii folio Northern Pennsylvania: All of whi , h will be, 'sold kir cAsu ,or. az..ioy- PAY TWEN - Y'ITYP. PE)lt- - CP.NT under the tislial pri‘ biontr.ose,..April 20, 1841. - ----_-. , : • Si' • rvo' STYLE FOR - 1847, , A NI) eery Ptyle r t f Otter.' . Zen ver, Nutria, In: Bus i, 'Catisittiere; • SlOlcskin, •AngOt Muskrat, Mai - Cone Hats, of - nll.Enapea,is'aiis. Mery qualities entl prices frqin $l,OO tu,T55,11411 t tie. 114 & ~. .7 ' ( • I. P0 7 1',;.4- tO.l • LEG t . rii-11r, rt.-iw s. - t, .. A ./ EN 71 a and liiiitk - tirilni 11-4 Lelhornottse; American Eitglisn- -ii,m! (; ! ,,burg fat, aka iAmericuit Re , l9ml R 140: Ql.illtl:renp: (pi 1 I 'ties; 1-r -; de etpeip ?it; : . - , .. W M. M. PO - ; . r, ts• ctrs.L GLAZED• CAPS. , D Z. ,l/t•tintiAl Buss, Silk, Linen a • 1 5411.11 , 4 ) Jien lilnlyd Cops,of new and ben iiit.l Sty' rhearerflion ninny other estah— lis,iment, In y be telanif •it Wm. 1111. Post,_& Cu's. - -- LNLEAF HAM, ' F every kind, 41 in any - quantilyi. very low 4it WAL. POST,A CO's. o ° -11 C WAIN and tatoti.4tn-ade of light cloth, and & • suitabla fortsignmPr. at . • M. Post, it Q.'s. Iknacy 4- .14d - 1 - 4 13U ' RITT, is now ,receiving an eaten—' RA. Zil le.. nd sOlivt assortment or . SIIING LS- SI73IMER .GOODS, to which jte would Solitit Elie -,attention.of his! friends and the pubic.' His stopk as tistil:wlll etimOrise large and, full varle 'tea of Fonpy n tai . stip i Dry Goo s, • Orn'cerieg, .Crall-cry,' Hard If" rr; Piollow Ware, - Stolle ware, Iron 4- s ecl, - Atolls, - " ' Medicines, . Paints,, Lamp 4- Linseed Oil; RA, Palm'Leares, ' • mhs 4- Casti4s, -- Ploii ~ . .! Grind Stonis, 4-c., .' - it! of whioh will ltd sold on the mo=t favorable terms, acid at the lowest Cage, airier or Credit • i. priees. . ' New Milford. Mly 20. 1847. 111 E §ubseribei . would inform his friends. rind the pubti , twit he has . purehnsed the shop formerly ocehrited•butP. -Jenk, but more recently by Mr. U. Patrick, a few rode west of the Court [louse; *ere he is matwcarrying on the above businesslin all its branches.. tle so% Itdts a share of the, public patronagei %V ALTER: -FOLLET., Montrose. ;18f7. • . VALUABLE FAMILY ` MEDICINES I irk R.. Regur's gristorative.Pill9. - -Dr;srionyi, .15 yeti Hygeiriii. do. Lee's,- Eirxiptr..'s. arid 1* omattoi, do. ..4tltio,-. Dr. - Raileriji.'s , ..V•truilY Med icin , cons,iSi`iiig of liiiin of Gireal4.Warin Oil. Veg .table Pars, Dye Writer, Strengt h ening K iser, inbractition. &c. &c. - ' For their superiiir excellence nifif*i.elittise fatness. ihese medicines Bre-entitled46l - plate in every 'family: ,!Pry &m i . , : ' - - , OPODELDOC. Dr.: J•ty no's Vermiluge, God, frey's et:lf-dial. Cthillit's Barra ill ItikPkillPho:, 11orehou0d, Fareg.iilici- .I.iceiipe:*:*....forl sale by,. I • . '` J."l 40N$ April ! 5r.1847.' ..„, _ pusgutztarati coIiNTT-.-- ----„,- ,- IT O- .- :, ..., in ENNI...EYig. PpF„AD,,,: have thia.day—meetii , .1..2 r4l an acid ;I it4i to - their, , sti . )ek..pc. : `Drugi. _Ned7net. Dyesairsi ~ ..oii-, ,f .tr,,,, ;11-e,.,j, ,411.hke4 1. i , wahe Weil' winte4 nOnAtngni.coilpiet,Nateiiiii • %ilk. 1 they irivitqlxqfk!temrtike - ribeirTriiecrilyt in S'equ Vilna caupty;" . l?iiyikraiiintiniiizotk 7 ei'e suppfield 'wkth kv4ry tiOititiie'iiiifliiiiilitets` Pow a ratias at.- ring ' n'ther- iAtibliiiiinent* North.rra Pennsylsinia.. ,- '..e. :.. - -- :,... hinntilne, Dec. A. 1816. -- , • - - . . , 10114 - I.J4E f . vinier ateiinetkFai4r,_ (1111 "A l -i 1 fiii'filleti--Wita!,,r. i ...oii i , - airtiv sa!it irl pfkred and Tanrwr s da,fffslale, .7-P- 4 ' ... - ehelip by .' '„ . i''.. BENtftY ' de RsAtj":" l _ , -.' MILLS' .68.SHER31. All,. I - 4 1R A ri.TIC 1114. BR ' S;:. Liefgkr p enle,rloo, OF.) - : •.!Giklts,,,Orneeriea, Ha r.l- Wart JL • Pre{serratire and 'wirer E'tdof.- Oillitoi4rV: , tiack.ear:iltod,:jiall4,Fish 4.0.--One door 'last ft:lathing hn-ttiia waratter,f - 0r..k4 11, 41/3 7 -.4 •---. ' - balow Judie Pc*O'i.' . • • I- • : 1 1- ;- - l ,-.2# 011 e-r:f 4 ;.4.r :;. ., ' ..., -- 7 - 7 - . -------- - , . -.._:, a.,_ ___ i .I, Pirt/teteiV, - AGICA PAIN X"VII.ACTO/'.., a!'iikfr ITN for Snre eq. ''C tirs t - 8 wel , t Bruisoalt6.•&e. Ast t•eedived'And . I vßeirti9-4- Itrant' _ STilr PunsO C of ,oveilt.jusLoi P AD tS 'LLutal large &e. • - Li • el RP I CERJES.--Suiai and Pirotastes very'i _.,.. 1 L1F.chi1pp.... ~ T0b390_,), TPlLl.kAiliflint4 C2fteel L;boll.lti, mirk .Currents , . pepper ! , ~....pi9e,„ *lei 'His:ainit e ' Sixqr s _iorittaida snutTmoi,4 1 ga....D:!m : ife,... 016 .1-nleil;11V6: - .1(.6- 7 ju,it'ieceiltedi ' - anu'ioi. Aleplow ti r ri , ~ , , it, , , ,, ,, , ...:z , , . t -?..... , ~,,!, j O A VII r •o .1,444 , N O '0 D }S. 84.1Cli r .S.'111 - roldro. (BEE/ itlut POW ETW IST, anew ty jtist'i ccjvql, also. 'Steel Lln 'toll 44PC 74 , tliri;&d_,..e. -' 'Benft=if ReV., , D eiNts j !-- A ; ci t sso,il-0 6 7- " 10 :0 1-1 4 1- ißedd = inKiSlippers' find 'Gaiterit' ssortiiient.Ofcblidierl%shoesl =~- Ileand,Upper iteceived addtbrOtilett —`-lie-0414-414(ak j fiER. Skinaj ING GI I.OOIOPP' ssas & Plates ef alreieeit *tvecit. • : Pena,*Re a - 11111 ID HYlittS - PULLS . Il=ll - 1 119 ,Th• impririt4 medichie, EfESR Pill, ire' oki of the belt Medical, i; Corn peonds!in Item at4lfe, cireechtt Asia commoit-familyiithynic. for administratiee fill tcuipplllo copoptoints of thistorsch'esd eoPrela. Ete,he't coyfy, _4IC., they May b e fatly Depended "upoN'ttifil u Tirornnetitte of the % eit'llic.firstatipeasine.pf indisposition will lo• Vu, ablY akve - rneekef4aese• The)/ are Ms. li my adipteMelf Cages ertPeak gloried pa. evil debility-11)y derierigentent of-the - system, and especially with i tema!es."-andititteady, Am, interrupted usn, pi:, ia strict conformity Witti the direelforis'Wtfl 467 soon'restore the ottans of tile stOrnach totheir nitturtil tone sod ieqpion,, en , d regulate the bowels, ;anti renovat e the whole system.' There is no dispositioo to give extravagest ciiinmeedations . of . Ahetit, :What. - -is here stated, 40; 1 11w : result of scUpit egperience vitith them,' tltid that through a, periPti of fifteen years. It ilignOt.titlispoSed,- or pretended, that - ` they riltiise'rhe.clead; neither , 'tire.t hey designed tot e diced as freely as we 14Se our Form!, itich is not 'the !hie purpose of medicine. Iti,anly appro, grist() office is to assist nature in restoring the si l stemioa proper tune and fiction,. Steil 11 1 / a Iflitidatilly, or through 'c,arelessness or excess a 'becomes alera . are careless, and h/mee need This said. *; - And the most caretul an. irre t eularhi6 cat the, system. Ii is n t, almost to say, ti.? a pronipt use of safe fertire Ib e 11, .1 a; 1 „.„ ; ! sties. ~•t I the 'pa rt of wGx.loafa . it:r.B u d a e the Proprietor knows Melte Pala t o ibts,4l, et-oitiit luny nine-. ca se;;u “I vvlrt! a t.iir lain is tonile oc. to the ; directions, they will he used' a 101It US 16414. h as necer lot,iritt an instaiicewilot% thk , y 10ive been. thus which they•tirve not mei with UNQULL. liIED APPROVAL . te,timonials may he seen at the qiirieriii ()Like rind refereitres will he t 111(11 to substantial . riliciirg witnesses of their . v;r4uahit cur.itive .The P Is ‘ purely V,,egt table, ttre of two Inds, nt p4gativei TiCiifying the b; oud, and producinqw,hgalthy „rietion through the en:ire system ; rice,a;vl!lttble-.Anti Billtous Niirdwinv, ;Ind emir cnilyi usefui in all lingering rimanlaints--Weakngsv, peni.ral Diitaility;Tsys. - r pgpsyNu'moist ry ffuct time, 1 iverCuotplauits, Itheuinatie and . .Affections, Female gem pla lots. Pal pitatlonAl &c. rin FL/ rtm y, after a without They are put Op in FIFTY VENT and I i AGKAOS.,kmeh hiivtng. a mrnphi• 4it embracing a (1 Tiealli .- Ze -on Mr:lie, tt hfull directions Air use. Tl iDoli lr pack "ges are the chriapes!t to dm purchaser. They may be ordered through laruggistiiii giving the 4treet and No. of thg General Depot. WholOkile.rinii Retail, at o. 1,10 Falt•in stmt; Second Floor; N. Y, i• - •'• Ai you value #.lleult•Try Ilaem T Er — The above Piqs are also for sale at the ti)ore of BEN r LEY* . READ, of this place: ~ HE Su i jis:criher would infor m the citizena ,ir Mum ru,:e end vicinity. dint he has just re- turned troni 11-i;iton strulNetv York, with I: $ Il,o®® i • .. worth el Dr! GocolF,Whieli have been purcham. Itir since !I'M reduction of the Tiler! Anil will be told Trurit ti..) 50 per cent. leiti _Orrin spring: ririreA. ' MERCJIANTS ih psrtieulnr, - will find it to (heir interest, to calhatfil exlatnitie his stock, be. forevveitilig New Ye.rit ; as he is confident, hie etivierttages are each Is to enable • him to eell ttn i better terms than they can buy in New i;York. Call rind satisry -yoers-Ivesi, at the Bost end of Eachange Builllings,, Binghamton. • • . vv . „9 .1\ ,rgiNl sitsys) vv 611114 1 t 6 ii dwolaW . : j N exchnnue fiir'doWill, egg's, Beeswax, Tow ;')IL Cillitt, Flax, - ; Butte{, Dried Apples, Rsgs, 'rain, Old. Pewter, :Beaus, &c. &e- . , i J. Lyon,' c . I n GO9ll.ll3,stiriTe it i t of . L:Pites' -sliese.Q, shim L gaers, buskis t palcireas s h. (B „ ca rt, !Palm leaf Mita; .I.lbiiilCups, . Umbrelliis, Pars. iaols, Sz.c.. jug landity; at . . • J. Lyons. 77. L. • sit hf -WARE. -- -FULLasstirnaell.or Ste re Ware this day received, and Ihe soil cnv:Ar. by • ,etr. 1847. . •IBENTLEY & READ. IWPATIAIC tiE - 6N—Office at by g,thtml 41ou ! : east ut the. tmurt tlatau Will be :Ottani: - atartiays of each week. wfWreliq triii : tie . itii l ppy to wait upon all those h . II v o I'l y if or. of -a cull: ..7:-.lllosstrosei taraey Law.4lEacCrenayll4l hi,a Office m -Str,4 0 Alga door- East of B. T. °lnca, nftd'lh•oe di rs 11'est of the ifrialioi Office:. : M r At.:,.S.3lll'll; :PtaYlST—S.els •:Te - ilth „ion Gold :Mato and does Dtiritis's . -+;r:k he best style,- All -.work warranfe.d.r.sn he found at L. Searle's alt *unda - t-tiniPrtse4da.s. of thten week. trrilaNY, iDiifiler - iliy.::Gi) . oo,46 l o6eiiei, Hard were, ,SzZl—Brobli I y eh; :Co:, P 4 . 1., Iton, • Pirinrcian nod , Stniebn— 6 ffjeo 6m: the Ex t.. :change. Springvinet 'AI K: 4' DI IOCI.C; . ir'hyqlcynn RaiLSO,cgini, on trose, rn.-01b oe„OVei 4 Suaie's • --- I . • DAVIDACIaI .Virl . goif der eig r!Repitlier-1-Shi?et• pike; a4 . ew 49ds , pritt TYL.ET,t, Dealer in Dry. q 9 _o,lB,•_Grocd r i c s, Hardwire t.'o" Bentley '4:Acad. . eryl Hardware.- arOoneliimkitig'6lB9Bl.s' Cll°44Writchelq tuiicpl Inatriunedts, Jew. 1 1 4 kitittlillVVEqeo -Von, Naito, ke, Re ilkifir:ti4tbrAtie ,ottitgt 110 , Betivet.ii Nassa '4 . street . 0111.. B , oul way NEW DRY GCOODS AT WHOLESALE & RETAIL' BITS alo (earn J. 11. .DDIOCK, MMMI R. J. WISN F.R MONS, litiobfacturcr end Wilktikbarre Tura- Vttlage. 'l* •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers