i Tit # tit 4 Wet Bleutket.!. , ' The N. v.. Vibune, a leading Federal pti; per in the istion, (but one that did not exact , .. ly fancy thp Taylor movements of its co-Ist:Pot ers of the fress,),:holds the following longue: " At thoicommencement of this [the Taylorj Otation, slue of our papers Mulled off in 14 1,,, vh l r of GentiTaylor. They have now Aly.t, ni;-; c esti frot4 the position thus suddenly taken l'. The ottje:ct in quoting the abbve is th 4, 11d: first to disprove an 1113ScitiOD .* the Re ter that Gitn. Taylor's " Signal" letter net a " wet,,blanker to the Whigs, us:we 114; effirmed; tecond, to show the'fulfilMe4 of oilr' predietionOpon that point, and third to ex.h4) li. the reasons for this Whig deseriion of the old hero. • - i r 1. In relation to the first pOint anything fur tier seems s uperfluous. That the ' while co maienting upon our introduction to the Sige:ll" lettcr,did unequivocally deny thatiit 'rasa c oolor upon "Whig ardor," and e n deay. or by, :r chain of sophistry . and lame reasonint . Leo shift' itsmffeets upon t.hc Democratic partly, 1$ n otoriou. Which told the truth, the 7ifi 4une, whicli avers that " some of our [their] papers started off -in favor of Gen. Taylor," hat " haval ALL lIECEDtD," or the- Register, 'which denies this fact, or which is die best au thority, oui readers can judge, !2... That We predicted thli cool abandonment of the old hero, by his Federal-: new-born ad mirers, or admirers of his popularity and honors, (about ivhich they cared far more than for him, and which they meanly sought to ap propriate-to thei, "party schemes,") needs not here be repeated, nor will it be denied. That it has bee(t-most signally and completely vbri fled the above ineontestibly proves. 3. Thefreasons. .Are' they not apparent ? so clear and tr4sparcnt that he who runs may reatl? 'L at " Signal" letter Sealed his fate with emland procured him his "walking pa pers." It'-ref used to be a candidate of any " PARTY OR CLTQUE, " OT lend himself -to the furtheran4e of any " PARTY SCHEMES, " and still further, he , (indirectly) pledged himself to make pub*, hi; . principies after the close Of the war, which was enough to damn him in the es timation of the Federal party, that never has any priOciples," especially " for the public N such a min would not be so very BE •:availal.le7 after all, and overboard they have thrust hint-our very courteous neighbor of the 11.7isOr to the contrary ,notWitbstaiWing, We hate one or two questions to propound in conneefion.with this subject, which the should like to h4ve answered. 1. Wilt our ueighhor Veil us why the North Itherica4 au(l U. S. Gazette, which wete thQ first to lin up the name of Taylor fOr the. -- Presiden4, and- most boisterous in urging him upon the iienple. hauled down bis name imme diately after the appearance of his " Signal." letter? 'his is a questi.n full of SigniUance, and we should like to see it answered. Iviiy did nearly all of the Fderal (•• WhiEl'iflndre Palatable) papers pronounce . that letters " forgery" upon its first appear caeca, and When its genuineness was established lwyond a doubt. why did they ruro upon and ridicule a,id denounce the old hero's objectiorni to being . ti" candidate of any party or clique ?" Such biing the case, we know not how to ITN - Imile it with our:co temporary's denial allu ded to ab:five. • Fruits of Federalism. Inastnncli as the Federalists avow no set of prineiCeir Sr measures for the future, in vase they sle,u'id succeed next fall, but rather njain lain a tinged silence, an unmistakable [evi dew of rottenness in Denmark ".—we have eoneln.led that the " revival of old m,emotieS," in relation to their past principles or, measures might not, be wholly i?tapprofrp,§. The folow- , ing, which we find 'prepared to ha,nd in the Penn*Oietnian,• does it most effeOtrOri Rut their performances in Petntsffiania aught net to be forgotten, inasinnch..4 they are at till's time asking to be -trusted with its. ] govenpn oat. For the sake of the militia-igen—, eral frnn Centre county, who wants- to bepov-. ernor, u are willing to let - the. public.reinent--I' her how gravely, h9w admirably; andwith what' eonsnmutate. ability, diszretion, judgment .and honesty. the \ aff,airA of the Cammounnealtli Were, managed under the rule of his party whetrit was in power. before.l • , - 1. Tiler.- chartered the United Statestank whi , h defrauded the people. inelmling ladOWs . and orphans, out of at least fifty millinns ef.:4l-, Lars, by the most stupendous swindle tifit'W er was practised on the face of the *rtir,..... .. '.. 2. Thlly gerrymandered the Statelpixman; net that.was intended to prevent a tir ;epic.. mutation of the .popular will. , 3. They started and partially . 4nisheit-tbeil Gettysbtirg Railroad, a monument-of folly and i dishonesty. ' l' 4. They expended about thirteen millionor l of the Ceimmonwealthismoney, without tatting into operation one mile of canal or railroad. 1 5. They were guilty of enormous corrnpl tions on:all the public works. 6. They committed the most 1 „shameless frauds at the elections in the country; al -well -it in this city. . . . 7. When the election terminated against them„they attempted to treat it as if:tit-ha "never been held. ! These would be fair grounds-to pntlelliea electionmpon ; for these are the "gloriesookio - Fed - m. 11.16 gained when it was ttriedij..ift il t$ doubt these ire just _ the kind 4f iiessureit4„ would_ carry again, if it had the Eitattgovent?' tneldiniips hands. It may perhaps be objected it 'this aiew 4' the casi. that General 'arts might not 01)4 heldl.reSponsible for the miecondlicenf IttirlOt and STillass. Rictr why not ?' ' tliepiiicipka til l of the party have undergone no change thlit we hart heard of. . What Federalist. -... 1 bake 141 7 NEB d.O, it. could make Into/ AD 11 more ease ; f or .we speak advisedly rhea ire say that 'taint is a weaker man than R FR was. Besides, Mr. Inns approved all ' absurd and winked measures at the timeAbr were enacted and since. Insteadi of turning away from them with disgust-and loathing* a just and wise man should,4e4ered the WTI . NER adthildstration with itt kfketa9u wilivitiri? g 3, einided - Intli --- its Aokedneas ' n d' , foity. :11e*.a4 then,a4"isii,p4, _ he,,,, init . ; de l ! . voted admi,rei-ofthe !nen : who lamp' ed lt:-i He *as at candidate on the ' samali et with Ittriatr , ,iuni thought it''. et)! rionougk - s - servcilurider,such a chief.". Who pt.etendilbit 141 i, a *bier or "a Itett,er mate - •thati ti .. tead?ra b -utellowed with such obedient revere . cot • t - :'**Vlte Registir Chap is *deo the.'sloriho call,d'efiretrein the in' blaehuardismAii which h§ has been tti'reso4 to "keep tip his end."- - .'1 praline° of any man in a desigrati s we tclieve, to appeal-to a . *agar pre."' make up fOt-ii deficieney'in niguitent. light , 1114 into atiatlts , ":upon the . kW:, .. paper are. generally. understood.. ] his ingitmation..that the senior editor is 1 of th'e.Characterof this papete, libelous 1 temptible as it - is,:it is no less an in ' and direct, to ottr'thousand patrons, I trayi a ,recklessness eminently chal The 'single fact that ho is at liberty t joint control of its editorial departme r time, and that the paper itself, under i 1 editorship has doubled its circuiati STILL INCII.EASINO, is of full as MU 41 proving its character, as the Mean tions; orreckless assertions of the courteous, and truthful (?) gentlomani ducts a certain waning ooncern c 4 Slocinobanna Register." If , 1),) , swoop, our cotemporary thinks he h lid the, reputation of this paper ; we / ca him that he has bunted his head aga4 thing harder than a "street-post ri till. We were about squaring o the task of inditing an article upon ject of the revival of the thrice " home market " humbug 4, the F when . the subjoined, from the Er • came to band. It is not less - pungen, portune, and we gladly avail ourse without furtb€r apology : An Old Absurdity Res•ls i An error with an interest attael .whether the interest be political oil is rifodigionsly long-lived. The eat, 1 adage, which could hear killing nine nothing to. it. It Tisen again. With - twenty mortal murders on i and often even the twentieth -does no, the error ix revived from time to ti as the interest lasts. • • The old nonsense about a home-n; example, which in 'reason should 1 deed months ago, has again made• it ante in the whig and protectionist joil The pretext for reviving it•is the t cline in the price of wheat and brj generally. :” You now see your f the whig journals to the people, ‘: ini foreign market., How much- bette have been to .create a .market at secure stestclyi-irices." But do cwt thr not, hese persons see thL ry tlfi new impulse given to our commerc underN freer system of fade, we have been creatino home market for American produce, and a milt extensive one, for several months past? Whta have all the boatmen or. our riveri, the foes' warders op our canals, the persons employ-4d on our railways, the seamen who man ottr vessels, the builders of boats and ships 411 steamers, been clohig since the new activity Of tin& began?" This vast multitude have been consuming the grain and the beefr4ifttl by the Anleriean farmer. Add to th Se theriil habitints of Cur commercial seapo , rapidly increising in population : add the ohabitatill I s of . our' towns on the lakes - and ti e interim springing up under the new kora givenao Commerce; add - the hungry swarm. whom ciUr ships are bringieg over from Enroji , and Atu Nave a hoine market for the products of Ameri ca/3 farinsefar larger and, wider than could . :,e created, by all the manufactories .. led *#,h machinery which the strictest ap liCation is i if the protective. system.could force int existenoe. at shoulstoot be-forgetbarliowever that in the 1 smeary-tame our manufacturing t., lishinefits Nave been as active as ever, and thit Oven new ones havehprung up in almost every 'part of OICI jaCt it not be pretended, then, th t tinder the frile , _trAde system we forego a home market for tbefiliits' of the earth. By no neans; iiye keep the home 'market ; -we enlar it, and ;we add to it the market" of the world.. It is the shallowest , of•yretences JO say t at we titin bare ahome market for our farm rs onlytby. grtiiteing 'exorbitant ~ .itilventagis to l L . the emirs of#llls., lialinglitore,lial;e nn tive por lateki; well-emtiployed and yell-pai we pox -ss ..he*o- - licruiimarket that it is poss ble to 14e. Such i-population purchases the m st and *- stones the most. tt: • But those journalists inveigh a inst a fio ei„,vn . market. We answer, that ut for the opening of the foreign markets, t e wheat„ of Western farmer's would still have emaineiiiii thelegrunatieli. 1f itle a misrort ne that he 1 healers or Blinds and lowa . and - Wisco4in Ittitre'lccen able to part with the pr uoe of their :Was forpriees which in any. 'de a reteMrd. AgitLibor, then'we admit that on mittehliiv- Ams ioimetptence of free trade is p ved, *ad theyhhen obliged to wait for a hoe 'market, 'their harvests would- have rot on 'their 'hands.. .- ~.. '7NOlther.is . fluctuationin price o mitt pf - litiogallowcd access to . a hi. '' Cirille hotittrarY, it is the o disposing of _.our surplus produce ,keeps the market' steadiest at lio well eaahristed commercial m ' s i wider timmarket-the less danger extreme- thictuatiOu)n prices. raise wheat, ttnd matte-in this2cpum Em ed toile truitedlitittif , for itu Will Obtain • large - Priept• irhau tbei , mina i but, wbowilie 4416 are alma' 110 illunediatelideoltutVaud tbu liven' remote from thomarket - i -- as was the cue under the tariff of 1842, gist his wheat- it not pay the Cost of sendiiiii it, to' Market: • . •,..,- -4.; , 2 . _,.- 11 - Ore them the-market of the w ' ld ind 4at -I,e the ; result ? More Omit berabaid_, _ 'filch - the-Crop is small it will i eerYor be einiiiimption oftlitnatiokfut :r•esso slap - Eviios, tIA anen - it is,larige, the sniping - -ill be taken 1 4 off to foreign cOuntires and the price at hiSne inil be gush Ilk toxepey the; til&l. of the it s il. -T w q. A MlCuill be .avoided in. a:, • ter ,deree than would be possible 'in a mere honie,mskefl ..-kvcidomil scarcity and occasional . exasiiiel 'pied.udiou., . - , 1 '4B ts, the decline in the price 6rbread i _ F One , causes which whether the max Or.'ihicitdoitirow off *Me, et airbid4k ,They are I causes,,, produce a worse, effect -the merket.?;:. " Goal News :404. 11 0_ , -.. : The - intrepid editor ,Of the '.4 gives a Vary cheering aeienatii?, of . &Oat, and LO:tiasilintit counties of this State. He s5l -,.We happened iii;Old Westin week,; anA, trasiliutt'affoill4 a consult with DemOdati:trortid the country, all of.whowt2conen that the '', Stir' of the West Fit*aqs-lt.-13fittaitltn4 yet thO, laricitmajorif:y ever yet 0 ocratic candidates. Il r e had a tion with, our talente d` and wi man, Gea. IL D. koster, who-i encouraging and cheering info' mice to the prospects in Westi adjoining counties, and says but that we will carry the St witching majority. . I We also,lathe pleasure f meeting with the lion.. James, Burns, (Cana Commissioner,), at Pittsburgh, who assured us that he had found the best of feeling pr ailing in those parts of the Commonwealth, i the vicinity of the Public Works, through w ich be had re cently passed, and spoke of tl o re-election of, Mr. Shank as placed beyond he shadow of a'' doubt. Mr. Burns is of the pinion thitt his riliirefr own county, (Mitllin) will giv one of her lar gest Democratic majorities at he coming elec tion, and Mr. Power, Superint ndent of Motive Power on the Portage Rail oad, gave a very flattering account of the tuti and harmony that exists at present in . Ca county. Those that advocated the nomination of a new man prior to the 4th of March, are now the most warm and enth,usie tic supporters of GO': Shrink, and are acting s oulder to shoul der with those who preferred iith from the be ginning, as a matter of just cc to a faithful public officer. Democrats who, last year,- were " warring to the knife " on tl e subject of Ca- I nal Commissioner, by whichans the Federal r i Mexicans obtained a tempo y triumph, have now not only laid down the eapons of their rebellion, but embrace such o her as brethren once separated by some unm aning - or unnat ural cause—a fact which can of fail to satisfy the world that our triumiili Oat fall will be complete and overwhelming 'in the noble old Keystone. To prove that wl at we say is cor rect, it is only necessary to refer to the fact 1 I that the Federalists are unable t o point to a single individual in our ranks that is not faith fully supporting the electio of Shenk and Longstreth ; and under su h circumstances, everyman of the least disee ment must see that Federalism will be a merd, " obsolete idea" at the coming election. We discovered, too, :that the ill-feeling that was engendered by the election of Gen. Cameron tohe U. S. Senate, has been happily lost sight f and swallowed tot he the 'general harmonynd good feeling ,that prevails throughout tl State—and we 'are truly gratified to be able to state that we u.e t found- his particular person 1 friends among ho most ardent and enth *astie supporters of Gov. Shuck—and, on the other hand, those' , that had been the most denunciatory of Gen. Cameron spoke of him as kindly as though no hostile feeling-s had ever•exied. We, there fore,l proclaim to the world t at " all is well" I in Pennsylvania, and we trust in,Gnd that many years will be suffered to roll v before - we again, are found quarrelling among nrselves. We are all toge th er once snore, an tat ns hereafter move forward in one grand, 1 solid' column, in support of our Onions country and deMoerat ic.printiples, without even referring to the dif kallties that have heretofore existed, and which were so happily and honerably settled at the last State Convention to the 'satisfaction of all. o a' I I mpelle4 p Is 'O4 latn mime tq l tld i of thiit Jam: ashamed, and con*, It, grosit and be.Y. oteiistie, assun4! at anl: ' s present 'AND weighi inninuat ignifie4 I who con led tbi that fell Ldestroy.3. '' n assuri st some' That? selves (0 the salt; oxplod4 deralistt, Pot , tbenoif 'lves of it 00 red to if, persona), lin the of imee w.tis I • s crown, z , finish iC; Icf as fori arket, have be* to appeat. Meent iler;- , otd stuffs st• WUUI(I It home arid. irl DEMOCRATIC CO. The Democratic citizens Susquehanna, are- request° respective election' districts, holding the General Election 14th day of August next, a gates in "each district to tion to be holden 4t, the Co; trosc on-Monday evening th for the purpose ornominatin supported by the Democrac the various offices to be General Election. - The Committee respcc not less than six notices . . township and that the time of opening the iswils and the hour at which the same will be closed, be distinctly set fortl in your notices— and that so far as prneticabl the hour of open ing the election be 3 o'clock, P. N., an ;the hour of closing the polls be 13 1-2. o'clock, P. N. . In accordance with the uslages of the Dem ocratic party the Standing Committee here appoint tjie following to. who are requested to give pective townships of the del attend the same and serve a election of Delegates. Auburn—l'hi s ams Ada ,1 James, Harry Carter. -Appalacian—William Re Timothy 'Griffin. Bridgewater—Enos Ne Williams, Reuben Wells. Brooklyn—Wm. L. it Goodrich, R. 0. Miles. Clifford—Thomas Bark T Langdon, 4 Ch s oconut—,.. Charles L. B ley, Benj. _Glidden. DiMock--Charles M. W. _Maine, John Young. Franklin—Titus Smith, j yens, N. P. Wheaton. is of thiefie orcign insr portunity, of abroad that e. It ik a that *he sudden iind' they •ilio ty are o'en *et, tfey, crops Are It , 14Pes semen" often find,' Forest Lake—Salmon Platt, C. B. Griffis. Gibson—S. Payee Chan mon Clinton.. Great Bend—Geo. Bald itenpni B. Tuthill. Harmony—lituay Shutt Wm P. Conklin. Harford—N. W. Waldro J. J. Doper. Herrick--J. " Erantus , Day. .hickoonyinor - J. G Atones B. -Wheaton. • 7 oetniP -- /s O 4 'Stone% Tioaell, • .141,64.4 r Comstock,. Mai 0, carrell: CriOnor.-=Join Bead. 1, , ,, - -1414utel)—Settaisbeo, lltieirn. iitotiim?,o—Henry. J ilenapated. • it is owing to Ot:be v at hotft i nifot wholly "10 I..owerer, which 1 ore liinited the Ell 1111 torte*. odd'. Gazette :Ittlie,pronpeats in ~ t he interior Creland in Court l.l,.OpOrtunity - to very -section of in-the opinion g4to to IS IaciNGSTRETIF en , toUny Dew', long oonversa-, rth'y Congress- 're us theinost illation in refer oreland and the in has no :doubt to by an over- NTION. of the county of to meet in their at tile tilace of on Saturday the elect two dele- County Couven- Honse, in Mon -IGth of August, candidates to be of the County fur ed at the ensuing el} suggest that , put up in each 1. ship Committees otico in their res gate meetings; and the.board for the Thomas W be, Ilarry,Barndy, bomb, Orrin J cliardson, Eli B k, John Baker, J own, Jasper Stan- ngley, Alansan , Edward T. Ste- Win, 13etijainin er, G., C4rtis, Al- David Thomas, Levi , Wet•aU4 , Wm." C. Tiffany, r W. Dimook, A. J. Soymor, niel Picket, John Lambert Smith, , • a Mt Luke lis bit lord, Ezra 6b, C. F. Read, „. ii 7 IMiddieb;nan-.M: t i N ti a w, °tiff BROIL'. 1 ' ' . 17 , 1 eciMilfo■rd-; - -L- . S ' i jr, WM. Green. - :::'', Sprigville—Justtiii S.: rick, Amos Williams. , Silver Lakeßemi t id ''.,; lard, Vhilip Leouard.C,' :7;T Itusli—Buckinglimit 8 More, Alanson Lung A ';ThoMpson- , -Ebentiiter , Write_ j r: Chester Steil& - ,,,g ' "F.. lit STREETER; k r . ',"4” 0. lit . Gine, 1 ' 1.1 1 • Tiroi. JoimsoN, a, TyLaa, i 1 : , IIAOr TYLER, ‘ ' LLEiIA, GRIFFIS, I t -. 1 . Dento'eratit ;Tulyi 22, 1847. ' t:i . i __, 4 f 4,1a . ,'. Through tiii e ‘. 1: 1 4 Itel, Treasurer of Bradf that tile State taxesiilue I 1847, bare just been4mici Bury. •This is creditable to the bounty upwards ofl as a bonus. • VOLPNTEERB R s4ls dui terrible stories octile nnteers, many of those their homes are re-enlist of the Second Ohio - P,egi officers: and men to vtilunt and the Ohio Statrsinan can learn, there wir reorganizing the Si der Col. 'lrvin. T' generally, arc high paign in Mexico,_ al war out." " The 11 7 nrld.miz. of Mr. Win. Tinker lately 'resented II Tinkers. ,?'l. Mrs. presented her Dunns. Mrs. F. 13 Tuescl4y night wee with four small C DEFINING THEI Post and the Wash tvarady in favor of tion to nominate a the Peesitieney of MAUR lAGE.-1111 shot her seducer an , lately married in Klapp ? a writer of LAT) By the Pennsyll New Orleans datCs ing further from _ Tinies, reiterates an aeel viously published, and wl dieted, that the overturd ewhere, have beeb re); gdvernment. • -.- , • . . %OT .. S. • The proprietors ,;of t , Vlontrose Burying Ground are request:Or t ;rot at the Cmwt House on Friday einnin 4, - : e 30th inst., at 8 o'clock, fir the pirrpese '',.!,! :appointing suitable persons to take ebatg-,3 0., Aid Ground and se4 - that individual rights ar :.,:„:1t infringed upon.' i . By .1 est of a number. . July`27th, 184'4, .i. . . , . In Dimock, on the 11th i 1 c-, Mr. CHEZ.* r[OLt LISTER, in the 5 lth y.., z. - of his age. His sickness wit.i4 lo • yq ! and 'very' painful, which he bore iffi - lieliris l'," patience "and :vs• ignation,- and (lied in th t.'..Tri . 11 assurance of the approbation of his diviaii.-.) • • tog,: Whom he had served faithfully alient't . '.., y ge a rs,' . H ai I n t o . .. a native of Ct., where hed ceived his first re rigious impressions", 'buil , ,e made no pubAn profession,until he:s z *mo to Ale - State of, . : Y., where he united Zvi Ila 'Baptist Church, b and removed to his last p - eof residence about ten years ago. 114 thee ned: the. BritlifeWat ti.ir Baptist Churcli .at ' - ntrese, and died in full-fellowship & cimrau ' n with that Church. At the time of his death,' was living wiili his I i i i second wire, whoiln he • s left to mourn his loss,. tegetliermithii n ' aof ishildrea he hail by iiiir', first wife. Out hese,' tegether With a numerous circle 41f rela ; s and friends, and the Church have the cotiablation,i that ho has "aesteirfrom his labors ;it'd that his (good) -works will follow him." His funeral tool placO en the .12th, and a sermon . preached h'?,i Eld. D. Dimock, froth P. ! 116 r 15, " Precious - in th 3 , sight of the Lord is the death of hisAiiint ' . [Com. , Everybody Prais' JaYia ; s Hair :- Tonic. ~ And for the best rq.gton in' . the world ; .because it Is the only hope that the bald.4eaded cant have of conic more rep' ' g the hill , floWing locks, of hair, Ina; which nature adorned then heads in youth, 'which It dots to the admiratidit of all who use 4 as, idirected. Try li, all of you tvliii need mote or handscinwr bah.. It is the very thing, fr you. , 1 , ' —.- i • ! WORiIS!IWORMS! WOMS! •. To remove these trotitiles4me and da gerone inhati. Want, of the stoina'clii,and bowels , whi t so often In? pair the health and th!stroy the livei,o . thildreii.. lite Jsrst's Torus VertutSvos.. a certain an safe preparit tio(for the removal Of the various kin of wormit, dyspepsia. sour stomach, want of iippetite, Infant+ fever, and ague, and debility of the stomach and: bill ets Slid organs of digestion. it is withoiit *Sullen one Of the most valuable preparations On the world. i . . • , .., • ' t HEAR DRiMIGUY'S DPINION. o 1 I Di. 1., J. Hi by' Milwaukie,. W. T, iiitii* : : i84;5 , .. • , i ii I writes to Dr. faync, and sap; Your Carsoiniitive Balsam. Hair Dye, a d Hair 'Z'Onie, a 4 go well, and the Balsam goes fine ye •It frti saved litany Hasp this season. I had to get twieli supplittil fr'ul NcwAroilt in September last. [shall want of yai at least 200 bottler.. 1 hare on sal% and Itasca - con tried many al I t the .! crack article." of thia Bilious Di rrhcea which we are subject to . ; • d' of all. yours is nsaluable. I c e ouln get 8,5 - per bott e for it, if it eau d not ho hid for len, and anyqua tityof certificat of the•stiong. 1 eat kind. These Diu rhieas are the wo i diseases ale haveihere. and your ' shwa Is the o ty thing- that curet! them. . • Pripered only by4ir; DAayne, Ph ladelphia. atilt soli,- int agency by . 1 2 .ArTCHELL I& ell. Drug? gists: Montrose Pa., . berentay be had !Jayne'. Am* Pillejteitick *eget fit kligre ' EVER AND AGUE.. 'Ntto '.,.)bert(sentei -'. i , I ~ ..1 - , -. 1.--, - , rlttlit into the:lericlostite or t IL", 0n . ..T-urvdp) diefirst 'lay of a bkiiht. bat ;mar, supposed to be ; h i reo ll old. bionC ~ one eye and o tnotisize. Vitep nor le requiredi ward, prove pioyn ty,•pay, chars - her *way. : 1 •. a .1, ',-John HitrforJ., Juti 173847, •'t ~ t ;Pk John Br Allyn 'Tenant, . fr aberlP" it'd . : e rb......._ ___...tietnri,....... . W 11 1 ,.. e/NU Mietedee; , *firepireil,to accommodate ' it' patifie:.ltith- feet and.geebe,- • -, ''''-- - i • ,t 'lllogemr,'aiid tEatittratieet ' . ' ! ' - a • - l‘ ' 1: 'l' iin6.! of everY acrlPtioie. on reasoteib ble ,-..'i ;.- • Reiser* pattieiitill be lurnisbed cwithilwol and-tout bersepirititiee, antV, careful versa. On' abort notice, , :-. • :.. .:- ..-,,,, { .'.-,...:1 1 . 'Believing *Le li - . IVERY RYABLEoft- 104 liol6eiend - tetrbikee - will be n'grent OCCOMUM* ! Pilitbil Iliiile:citieetOrt.of Montrose "and the tteb.• Rt 01 . not profitable to ' the pPoprletor , be re;:•1 ‘flpeetielly solicits the patninaite of the'ildieti public. ~_, _, D. M. DeniSoit:' 1 ' Montrose, Ju1y:44484T. ' 304 Matthew rOan- , I , menu; £loes :;, L. MEnnisiatz i f litt - Biii*Orrip., ! - iii ethiTtn, 4 '. iii . VOLI,ET, . i CAIIPZ,NTER, 1, , . . FIII;IMt, '-..1. 4. ;' ! I:,(Yinity' Canimiiliv. ons of Mr. Ja lii county, we letirn aim that county for to the State Trea around, and saves ; 50, which she gots TAILORING' ' TAILORING!' I • PA. LOCKS. - & R. F. JA MESON, having . associateMemselves iit the _Tailoring usi ness, "respectfu I ly. solicit ''t he patronage of 1 1 1 he Fashionable, Poblic, pledging themselves , to rdg all in their poweroo pleh*those who may, `favor them- with their custom: Judging from Piet succens;lthey flatter them selves, 'but they can give perfect . satisfaction ;to all who may employ, them:}'. , Cuttin O s done on short notice and Warranted to fit if properly made up. N. B. Shop in the builaio:g forrnerly Wen,. pied by R. B. LOeke. as a Tailoring establish ment, opposite Mack & Rogea'swagon shop. ' P. A. Lamm B. F. Jamming. Montrose, July 27,1847. .1 0 rso.--In spite of rings of the vol have returnedlrto i Lt. Col. Irvin, t i t, calls .npon -the '• again for the vier, i eir s :' " As far as WC •tulty in ot 'en s, very LT earn ing•the Physicians & Surgeons, Laneshoro, Pa. Or fice of the first named in the firm, over the Engineer's office, of the hitter at , his resi dente. E. N: Flamm !CM York, female emit", e little Lion, on lusband CODFISH. -.A fresh supoly just received by .!3eziiity &ygiad. J. AYNE'S 'EXPECTORANT, Abel**, Tonic Veriaifuge, Cortnin aive Hair Tonic and Sanative Pills. a new supply. 'ust opened, and will ~be sold right by • Bentley lk Bead.' Boston both out. lon N no tate for 14IEETINGS & COTTON YARN.—A good 10 'simply of these goodwoulhand.and will be sold extremely low by ,Beniley & Read. brother ,war. my W. • . • SUlLEaligab's FROM the enclosure of the Subscriber about the Ist of May Ihst, a sorrel three years old mare colt, with 'a white stripe in its face, mod one white hind foot.. Whoever will return said colt. or gives inicirmationl -Where it may be found, shall be reasonablyifewarded.. *nos Burrows. 'Bridgewater, July 14,'181.7. we have!' it notb-i 'cid:, wilical it bad pre-_1 la bad been contra-, ypeace Mentioned .6( the Mexican EiZEI ! . ) e subsiiiblir i t a) - uty ißite t, b.Aiv utel e About to comef And lugs,. • .. I .• • gOrifk: I ": suin & VALAII.L3II43I 1002.ga TATE BOOK of Pentiaylvania—contain- ID inu , an account of the Geography. History; Noted Citizens, &c., with Map of the State and each County—by T. U; Burrows— AISO, The Business Man's Assistant (con taining a variety of Practical Rules, Tables Firms, Book-Keeping, &c.4Ju,t received and for sale by , J. Lyons. CWILIZIkP GOOVIDtiI 1 ITOUNG Hyson Teas ayllS, 25, 31, 38, 44, 50,.63,.75 and 100 els. per W. 14 lbs. Sugarfor one dollar. Loaf 4. Pulverized Sugar, 4: Box Raisins, 121-2 cts..per lb. 20 yds. Calico for one dollar. - And all GOODS remarkably low, now sel ling for the Ready at the Stare of July 20. - - • •J. Lyons •Imerican_ Este Salve. A Rosen • ____ le Reinedy la 411 races of acute or Choice mitaidation of the Optic Neive, IVe4kneks, and affections of pant delicate Organ; symptoinatic of , otheediseases, ; viz: gerOfilla. measles,:settrietfiser. scurry unlit! pox, spinal cli.easesorze.,: , &,l)Testorinlg its briianey _ and itiengthAin. eaies.cif debility and dimness of light; ineidenhdeld age, tiOd all. whose vomi . =.' titan requires its intense action, for sate by lIENTLY & READ. Montrose, July '2l. 11,347 J ORLE;Nq AL SOVEREIGN RALM PILLS. THE subscribers are agints for. these mall uttbie woulthconfidently fecom+ mend them to persons afflicted whir trintaas;' TION, impure BLOtm, Brurbus Bi.4eases, NEB: k 70175 DEBILITY, HEAD ABIIE, I IDOITDIES, COLDS.. lllentley& Read: July 13, 1847. ,f • MUSS WILCOUrS iitemookroik YOUNG' VADIES, I,N itIONIUOSE #CAPERIV. HE next. terin'will Ononence on Wed; mes Say, July 7th. Grateful for thei liberal patrpnagi already received, she wouldOispeOtfully inform Pa. „lentil anti the. friendi j of Education generally, that hei *hoot will ensiiriten. the, usuallaystem of governinent and InstruCtion, puriued in thefFernale 'Seminaries of ,Masiticluntetta; ;-Giio'd board A l lin bit obtained cin'reai r 'annible tMinilii'reir - pectatile'fainilicii. , .. • -: - TERMS OF TUITION, Common EngliskStodies. ,i : - 82.50 History, BotaiviNat: Phil4ov„,Chernistry, 3 . ,59 . Painting and Hawing, I it.s!ra) . ....31.. Music on the Plano, FrOt and Latin will '' taught, tf desired. , . -.. r • - ',,,., ',.:1, ', lisreann ;t--,- '. - , -i. H en.' '.lX'n. lim. .14N. „ -Easstrottit, Esq4 is 1 ,1: i f ' Tom: Jousion. Esq., ' N. p. WARSIII.. - " ,t. -1. : .,_. B. S. BgNi l2 . - T• " , 'ne e. Heiastqlkan.ic v-' , . M. s. Wo.sox. • , " 1 WU, Rilthipt • , 1 Montrose, ,lulyJl.,, • i - ,ii, .4 OPRING 'SOL\ AT m's.'woopi?s, _ eral assortment at' 1110 - erg iowest price's. ;:Turchasers wil I .it tc their e to Call-andexamine ,Goods pricetbef,akihky ,Ourehtise -elsewhere . loos 30;1847. 3_ .la .20 000 - Ibo w 96l ' . * antl . • at this tam: 4 . ~t 7 , • 44,41,111,4„. PINNING WHEELS'* WHEELS* HEELSrior ei H. iheriiit.l-1 NewHilk!rd Sne MM -147. • ; WANED s, I excbinge for goods ati,..k l 74argliklat - lbw Cjogk i ßutters BeestoaXvg.P!,C,l and Pink ii‘teel.°4ll,t By • 4 1 1. C • *en t . FORE NEW OOD;:;, F.:4..... ' - -1 - `' ' . - ' 03444;141e - -to. Just OPl* , , 0111E/4 8 41 5 4gam il a l 2s . 4141 1'.1.: 'algid goint Obeitp4 X usrs . r ,• i , 4 mtillon. ' i t. 'iluy 54 , , - • - ,ri t „,przzamdpi.Aaia• ; 44,.i5K, _,,,. 1 "e. 1 13.11n1rEllilit TOPPldlii, ,-.' o4o l ll l litrite ii?,..04' ree el *Ol ____.o , _I. ,A..- .- : , . ~ _.2..?, ,, "Pri . ;,'- - ,- 4 :V ;''''';="" :- , - - •- . - ---.,. '; ' aInIMIM, 4 100 1)11 k ' Amyl areleity - clever) , VA f ^ - he .will 'ell s" ‘ltterlki .W -lr _., ~ end eo ttutthet' _ M. IL L'Bi EL is A • ar ' "0... 11 4' *unity, for the turteeiTttee-pe... le i tael Thome desirous rit yl. of-: pupa_ .disrimt74 4::: '' pet* . hell better give itiorikier ;.- ...Tut VIM ~ ... ; 4 . . '... + ''"ri . PI, ti . . , . .., MEI ~i; i: +'~y_. I:~ NEW TOR*. • ' -/ '; „;,EE, JOIMION LE14,.; - 43 ; • (LATE LEE.lir - , iIiCCIFFY ;the spaeions utiopeE, No,,S4.PEDAR STREETOW. of which iitslavolektis the, e=hibitio eieggiie singlet article • :• • IPtßagtti l linD 4/7414ka , • prement !Reek gan 4 tlets .0014 i t ONE THOUSANt3PAtKAGES, - Entbilming some THOUS'AIIDO- 4 00Sies,__I anikelorings, an& compriabilt **mg; - in thentine. FOREIGN and DOMESTIC,: _ AI of* bleb are offered Ric . thikc.for Milk'. en ficteht - credit, at the -Lositnit - PiirSekrty • 41E6E ' OR, Ndw. Styles are received-alined eves,: INF:Ansa many of them are' got up for our own seintine4.l,lo tb be frond elsewhere. @ ' Er Printed lista of pike,, ein'ineted,fseme".lll4llo day; !with every variation in the mishit,: senfphinisi inchibandr of borers. • ••—• • chants will ,be able to form some , " gibe -e,.ttentatiti satiety of our assoriment; when ntithe chat tbe-valoe of our usual stock of thistle's' 'in, at kept; twice CM value Of the cadre' day goods Stsualty.kepcby air : .la rgest - * !:dials"' _ wc.r ' • 10 H. Sntrerg. 4 .iiiitfact,--together. with tkef ct'ftal apits .opd- Our attention, instead. tif king divided" . avast variety - 'of articles; - arc deioted 'wholly to ..wal ilend, the advantages-Which : - wo .t":in offer tis dialers pc' rtlictlylitivietur t and it shall 1p mar wanitlaat rise piticOisititaiv establishment shall meet settillayalio. _appointment. . - Oar assoKtment is complete4t aU ' it*. year: ; .. -- --, . it 1-,,, , • , ; Lee, Judaea - 4 , i :r , l' . . P.; S.--13. F.'. tec. formerly Of the firm or ' lc 1 :eel, and fate senior partner i n the aright', firs : at Lee Ar, Brewster, from whiChstinnentioa - he. saint -time since, has resumed -htiliansatioilk, Lee Judson,. under the firm iii'LEE,- , :.T13 Rirlia. ,LEY' and he ventures to asshrelii Biotin* ' ,IM - ; .., pubite, that the near firm willit aintain area ../. s" eminent° in thia branch of the ' ado, iillich, diathiguished the other two house' a to which ht hailitt• ed. i s l-d ' 074 . v ir t ue nimi 1 yof writs of Venditioni Espmes,, oat of the Court pf Cbromon Pleseil of timeounti of SUS quqiinna.,and to nig directed, Will OS. expo sed to pub. lie Gale at the Court House in *ent . rose, On unclip the ;lei day of August next, attone•o'c!ocki :Abe af ternoon-All thole two certain . ieces of la v Sit tia tig, .- Iyirig, and being (o the township of lierf .ia the • crag -of Susqueliannalind State of Peaniyl . la.-- i : i first of said lots butted, boOnded and filNl4lllll t . ]bows, to wit : Beginning at a heap of st . , in. an original line between the Drinker and POyn :atom, being the. South East corner of i lot of land. to Silas B. GOile—thence by the said, Dr* ' 1- -Mallsi ipet i south three' fourth's of a degree ;acetone ha liad ' forty one,perchee and three.tenths'Ofiqeieh ta,eipeist and stunts thence' y land of William Kai - - Windt eiOdy•five degrees west nine perches to a•"" ' ` .- and% ' *nos ; thence by land °Oomph-Peek south ' kisi degrees west,' ono hundred trick limy Me lad. five tentlui era perch to a post and stoats; *. land of Harlen Fuller north forty &mine a leaf ille. gime west twenty one perches too post - iti4nee by the same North fat; fourdegrom hundred and six perches to ellost and ' : 4i.: a line of e lot of lend surveyed ,to Darius . inkisit ir - = . thinee by land ofAllidow' Richardson north: Forty 'slit dCgrces East twinty Wine perches to . a Ipolt -Awl lal ut itsneri. formed - yet - sugar tree ; s thenes by 3 . frogisk. ly nf,tacob P. Dunn north eighty. threeii Y!llitibli fourth degree! East fifty amenland finites! -,paaidmis • to„.,itbe centre of the nßichardeori itoldh4 long the same 'Muth siity, add a half' -'• - • frAirteen perchmt thencesouth!miteityfaki*iFaUlt degrees sixty perches, to ill Pad-. At 4161111WI:arifie a j t Blake lot ; thence along the . centre of-thie - . 2- ' tINIIIi ., and - along the Gbile'road and hylaietiaftlif -., EsOut north seventy sir degrees" EMl, Obi band ied - :We. enty four perches and five tenths of-a --:: _ 'OP* `plitisi of beginning 7 ..l•Cootaining two hi satglif,, tyifour acres and'onelinadred andthirty ' :,:, ** l s half perches etriOineasure. 1. , _, ~.,{, ~ .,, '..7 _ i‘rril tbe other ofsaid - lots ;hounded' le ' ''_iw. wit:: Beginning at a Beech ib the sou :Aloft, corner orthe.or:nrinal .stirecy,,i thence, - i ' - iiiffity sis and halfdegrees West ninety eight " ' 3,16 , 0, becch , thence North thirty ei* and. a ' iiiZell Piet along the original line o t bailie" see - SM .- seventy yerchea to a ' Yolk - Ind** *rives. Trues iMrthitieenty - fetirlindiliele • - -: ;140,, - : . -: - ' tau -Sod seventy one and lined ! winks, • .*:,..., - nygnnon'in"tho Eastern most un-of sarisi s ; a-. ili_`wigilie'origidal,liec of - survey winiiiiiii . .: mall 'thirty minutes - West. ono liti-00,04.-* 4 - ' '. ''.*ro ..i r perches and three fourths of* _ ' ti r thii ' - 'cif beginding. containing !Oriel,: ft sea4*nd' ehu' pitches of lamtimi being :MO,' thejny, fle kik.., Ad ii n ' described. together,With.therairpurtenuitsa t a„lywnmed b4ine, framed bkin,,wigottlinese,, drubsid : 'Oi l * Seventy seisiiiMproved: , I -= ',-,-,-,.. ‘f-Ttilitri in exec, utionratithe itit citteier V. ° tow itir'imuitight , ariltbitiattleir'eis:, - :Gitiisti - jAilthst certain lot aria Dintock- S4mPiehanita-'Coonty.hodurk4M. Dalhnibt, - Elinictig sta peat in-the Aatt iiii'-ihit . ,t oboe °fen easterly - coarse freasthelassit • J4Milis; thence ,by land" or.ll l rbene SO' st i!sk .. # degrees} rasa one:hund?ed and 23 post in the south liun of thelirmitli, lot t Steelier:along said lien* ihe Itosburielo!, .I:4l4tilesitiOt eighteen Ptiflhes toe be bil:alter;lenif of Urbane:Smith north ; _tilt: tz perches to theetete toad vitamins ollaaro of thr-awme. Borth 88 degrees. we!! trithaptsetefbegining.contain aggrierfs, ;.;eii - iti the'sppiattenincess-.attamedliiiise.. - ia orchard and , i,ijdutfotty tiv en i eetees Tahoe in COCapOillatiir . : ' I of ; " OlOr 4 4 icreph Ba'tisr. ._ ~ 4 .• ... 1 1...,,i;i•";,......;;.: .1_ .. 4, • AgAirW,_, .::' .., , I AllthaEcettiiin Pico?* 14F, 01- 4 -66 4(.. 2 . ha 2fier,Lakei'llfWnehip in the ecduit dy- ' State at Pcims.ivenis.-liettitCbile ' 1;04, ' '`Oihrill se follows to wit t Detinnletat : 11: ieesis , *., Ideinhit ifoward•slot_where the turapike_la ' the Eaiiecrn boundary line,"•ofehittlers IL iih ' - ''Pat 50 uerehee 'north ot'said.Tohrieonit S. B. ' p sajdztornPiii . "A?-ainibel 140#'irdli.';'11' N.E. 20 per che s A. or*, post on-the'laqtbetii : ,-' :i:• of-SliAlArtilot, theme atoft' . :ltab l it ji. A s u it," I,,,wal:ll4Wptiebet Si :oc - ' -30 iikiit -• V. .to ilk 5. i4thinec.s: 90,1 - *heir . :,Biiiiiiiiii ,, -* - :Mull. Dinjoitr *fetches Lit a': ' ,iiihe , :li ikai k a t i - l'eriario,pe. Finch ' s 1 •13: .000 k W.;. -- t. fi, , , , lhrs a c j w liva , r itithim t'-upWird's laud to; , _O. plaea' of itdiiiik eitaknintibent ciosbindrediree more,: : lir. 'Wit „ipeirteee,ll6 l ‘ i-kilica iisuN4biiii• ' . : ..-. 9"#!* t- libel filliet.ilaty.eidrol - nieprOved: - -. .f:.: - .... ~:,, _ . j _ fr4l. ralteifiti-eatitioi )-- ...kik. attrOciiit'if mite .1111 k• 4-41 its. ati 44 403 railitl; • 11 9 111 "14 .- ' - - k - l4rit. . All that eititeliiiiaj - pieee. c.,epitrettlor I 4iltiehlowceltipla the count, of IhrAii sgbitstesaiia.logn#l l , 4lo o l l,.7 • 2 ***lit.TStilitYMOrkPani °a ll .'n'F'...- vicisiir.viiiii , on• the iouthliy landaus *ll4l2l****ltAt illn!le:efltikkoketitik girlitA.:4Cr e s. 1 /04--,___ 6 l) l 2P l 'Alit ;41;..tsrn, dud s ly ' , If 1 407 .11 . : _AA.* eiii, , ude#-.. 1 - 4 4 -I #,l, - iir . ; • Jii - caniselk - - *L"•*Z4.i... = F.W.i.'. 4.. h-?.. .4 =i' - - tl. - "C: , 41111191 ''• • . MIMI% Oillee..-- - . 4 : t- - ,4,3,i.:,. 11 , 4,loppose, ;or 21, lett .V...',- OPZ Eft GODS ;uIY be fouyo ,N , ' ^.4 ~. . WMAROVE4 - 0 -IrallVOli.ONtari',t, Aheriff's aRs. H II E: 1 1 *I I • itiet I v_a-'s -LI 1 , • SE .;‘ 4 4. l• 61.71:-. , S~ ME I Vint to oohip to • OhA-- .atiz pea, • Asia . swab. . to. eand) ir °Weed oek tied I 7 eilitgla taw I §-4 4 1 14 i• 7 1 Eink*I4 ot , • : 1 40 . • •saiid b 7 die ' - ; . * 1 44 1141110 b, -, - "Clot - MEE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers