MI 6 Ili, • f:th e Demotrat •-. it PUBLISEIVD EVERY THURSDAY *Cift:*lWO, BST FIL, A L ES de siimpsiriao.. '" TERMS., , et . so ,so &ear, if.paid in advance ; or 1044.110 , 1 f paid at the 'aar of Me rar. p 3 co. charged for postage if carried at tcie—publishereox 'pear,' ' . .. -! Di v eontinOnres optional, except when atr . a '' rig ev are paid. i llovsartsaasarrs one dollar per square 4r 'Waive lineitAir Pest. for thejirstthree ineertions, and twenty-five cents foveae; giry outnegio6 4 l insertion. A liberal discount will be madetii 010• P who advert* by the sear . I miloairtenarlette , s and communications for the paPer,M* tre roar rate ; to rnMire 2 , tendon. POETRY. ' 6 YANKEE LALIIIDI9* Oh! go'ntly break the fk..atning wp,vos On Italy's fair slewe, And flagrant are the flowers thatliloont and oer: And biightly gleams the smnmersurt • - On iftany an ancient dome, Yet lowlier far than these 1,0 me, .; Is ni3 Nevi England home. - - Thgr",6n plains of the fertilell'ost In Mb luxuriance spread, The st.4..andet gently tuttrnfiuring., . . Alnrig its rocky bed; • The bondless forests, in whose shades The wild deer fearless , „ roam, . Are ehtrictis !—but I prize them lets Ti.au uiv New-En,,niand home. • What tlu' her bleak and rocky hips l;awearietl toil demand ? What tle; the harvest which they yield S.are- tills the Mai cr's hand ? 2t 1;11, , • her cold and cheerless roast Beal; hark the ocean's foam? - 31 're oar than fairer climes to me h Neak-%England, home. , thciro my merry youth was passed, M el,l,ib oo d' s from was tlif're ; 'Twa;.: Dale I knew a mother's loYe, A father'i constant care; A mi witcreSoc'er my lot is cast, Wheierei I may r"am, u4t Wrn. with love and pride, To M:y Seiv England home. And wen the toils of life arc o'er; And slowly fade away All earthly joys and earthly iv . bes, Befote a brighter day ; Then me sicep where in the wind • The elm's long branches wave, Protecting with a ibafy arch )Iy own New England grave! MISCELLANY. rtial the F,pethern Litetvu, Memenerr TIIE GAME OF CHESS. ' I can scarcely believe my senses,' 'laid Chaunceyasile, was ono morning sitting' with : Mrs. Atkilus; ' can scarcel believe my still . - mg, when I. see my old classmate, whom I left' just out otcallege, and my little friend s Susan Leigh. wh4m I fund sitting on her faeher's, knee, wheri,l called to take leave b6fore inv departure for ..F ! tirope—note married—settleil --established iii , lire'? It seems impossible ! I have hiviiiys:thought of. ymi'as i child I" Mrs. Aikin.s,smifed. You forget that we, six are all Ye.al4 older than when ,you left us; and perhaps you forgot, too, that I was the youneest child, and Gad-tile privilege of sitting on my father's .knee much -longer -than dangh- , tern are Wont to do. You aed Chatips are about the Fame age, .and Lam but nie years ray Imshalld's junior. Do yon feel - 100 young to marry ' Ul,, njt—l am now six-and-twenty--one ytar your husband's senior ; add .now that my; wandering are over, I should really- like marry souk could I'flud a woman possessing those fnil4ies f wish in a wife, Who:wetild ,unite her fate with mine.' ' I conclude tour taste has hecomd fastidious fipbm our1(1,-ert i):1 of lwatity and ~.aceanip li,halc,:t in Eur , pe; said. Mrs. Atkins. g \,,—n it • 1.1 - t rr4 in close °beer- . t 1 4. .I N , vtoi ~ f till) I life, deign be mdeil it“lzmciit rather than fauey in my choice;! am 4 sineerlv hOoe I shall never be so much , fascinated by the charms of any one, as fu be linable to t tirm a correct opinidn of her real. einrarter.l You wfil_not find it p rtiettlarlv easy to Pall in love deeig-nally: said, Mrs. Atkins, laugh., ing; ' nor ;to save yourself from falling in /ove by the effqi ; ts of reason and judgment. Of ode thing, hover, your remark has satisfied Me —at presitht you are completely heart-whole: 1 1 ' That certainly true ; and it is „equally true that t am perfeotly willing to' fall in love with the fist lady I meet, with whom there is 1 a reasenalde hope of living happily. You ripally contemplate the, subject , wit the most OLN iable coolness,' said 313 r. Atkialf, again latt4ip,g. Ido not recollect to , heard a”:a u. ,, titlornan talk of love arid •Triafri4: molly 11'4 such perfect ealninessfitrid' possessioM.. hoar charming it will be,-144114 the lady otyour choice exercise as vuuclijurlg meta, and•; have as little entlinsiasm i ls.„you* self! Trtily, nothing would belikely tO tarb theeven tenor of your way.' I"4' ft is very possible to:talk of fire itititedl, growing *arm, said Dlr. Chauncey, But serigusly, I hope to love my wife,.shou ti 'leve r matey; with my whole SOUL • - Mute ihie ery to hart one with *such discordant l'inalitieit," as would tlternately kindle and Track'. fu rounderec The heart must Apon.ii: er such a pro r ceis! It ill my that ' • 9 laymen et wallow Beni t. Nue vends ou des sultli OP dee Mats. and I would therefore use cir - etOutposetiotfirt,ii matter oflinuch consequence. let inio - rathiq r pursue thi journey of life itlome, 04 1 0-0 .fiel 4 iou bt-wh4ther,thersoclety d)minisb , my hanniness sNnif..a troi E=E=INI,=I MEM - -t''`-'t—___`"'"'•*P4lieli Net -t •Ce` tt ee• -t t•WIV -t tiet -*Y .' • •I'm • ', 3 •..etti-te„.zu: ' ,.,,t.: '',', .....,., .4.4 ' . - -, ••••tte•.- ..,'' „...'' , , * , P NIIIMOMMIII--- „._,...............1.111.11k , . .... ' ' F-` l 7 - :+ 4;'' ' T,-i •••rrr "r ic , \''' , lSt 1,;•';‘,.,, , ,r''' •4, "..'''t . 1 -- „,-,4-1, 1 ,, e ,„„ t , 0 , 4 , t 4 4 .14 ~-4 , „. ~:„. ~ . _ ~.- .• , • _,,..- Ft.: - 0.2.4,-.4 , 114 - . `4.'" , .a..41 4 . - :: :- ..;;tevisle at..nit • i - e". - ....1 *l•.'sR•f- It . ••• . .11. ttt• te * le a' .? -tt 1 ';.ei.t, .., e • t't ir , t Nor '''' ft '1 ._ ': ' " 'l*: :-' /.. ". 1 IV : '. *l 1 . i• t, '? t. , ::: ' l ' iltt ' r -": ‘ '''' , e r ', ' ' '' - : ' ,,,,, 1ir --.-'' 4 ,: .7. • '' n. •1 1 1 31?° .1 3 -' I l i '. - *S e k."7ll . - 'i * 4 ' 4:1 1 ' ' .'• •• ' '' r 1 ' ''. i'- , • • .. • i , e ",,,,,..; . .* I, ' ' ' e• rlr,prtgv• . t - ',l i ' 1 ' 4., . -.1 ~...• ~..-. , ~..• ,••• • • i5..., r ,•••; •:g, - , ~. • ‘,-••• _ : . e e ''tsr r - 4 -- - • --. i .... . . I , l' , - .. '.," t., 4:::. -• -- - .c. ~ • ; „re vi.• -.•, 1 ,t.;.r.a..1. ;I ,z;t2, , --' ~-,-,...-,,!... 4.,,,, z ,. - v e , , ' -.• : :,.. '; --, - .. ; ' - ' ;7 • It: ...1 -- , ~ , :.-4.-Y ~ - -.--: ). . 1 . 'lO • , t', '• -. ...' „, :- .„, - - , - • , • . ,; • , , - • i .f.z , 1 ° -. , ; ''. °,,-. ' `'',.‘-- ,r,',.1-. : . ~''' .°•.- • 1 • i, s 1 -„ - .4x -,•.„4,...1, __l4 • t ; , - „; 1 ,4.-.,. .4, 7 _ ~.,•, i _,--. - 1 , ,.., , 7.•,:i_ ..,,, - 1 -,4:. ; ...,- ~•, 1 .- [Kt , , ',„t- .74 - t ~... .4,. .- ,t 1.? . ,. ' , ,t • t -. -,.4-- ;, 4 4, .. .- 4.: . . .;;.., - . 4‘ [ / . • 4 , 1 :!:. ‘ ,l :, • _. ,_ 4 , r . "- -,, ° -- • , ....!..°- -: , - t,: - '... ; --....— '-, Ai Z..' ... . 'n v 2 •:. .1)" ; -, ': 1..4.': ,, = .b, -, ?:;,-•_ , t . :` , 4 ~. '1 . 1...z,-_,„'.. :A - . ".. .." t * t • ...:e • ' a" , t i t ~ -- - - r• ti ' -; -.- * , . I r" ' t :i • . • -.' . , , .• ' ',.; ... ' I f , .., ~-.- t. , . .„. ', ~ t •, 1 ' ' ' ')'''' vi ' 5-r T 4 ,..i,. - .. . ,-.,; ; -Ti.r.::;:*":,':.;,i f'l 2; ' , ; ' ',.;:i; 1; ; - : .-1 ,• . 1 ...4 '' ' i : ' ..4 "PI *, '-} . 7 . a • '.. ~,, 1:, 4'S ;./.. ' , .;i' r '' ' 1 , . F , . , 4, • . '.* --t -- • ' : ' 1,..-; ,`, ''' 4 , - -'" f , ^7 . 1_ . ^:. - li:') .;,. ;• , --t. - ...4 t t": • A `.:,'t - i' ..* , I '' ' ' ' , • . -• ji ' . _ L lt:t 7- *•'-'• ' .1, .A. 4 .i• L . :VT .t.1..:t ./ - 1' . : 3 .!' 1r , • ' V! , , . ''''* '''' 1•" -*-''' 'nt , e t c ,t, , ._, _ , -,, . -. • ...:ett t , •,t- , c ,te. ,. "•,: , t ' 17. "! • tp- - - ..- 1, ,t • • 1 1; 14.4 - el -,, ... 40,,Itirrt*'"• • ":t ~„.0 . .t , *o-... 1, ~1. , , .: ...-•;:i 4 .„4?„-...--1 -4 ,--, ', ''''' - . `", -i" li 11 , ~4_ . .ti ,, ,, Vyi.. Visr. , • ,%. 31 . ".. :4- . 4 r -21 .-,..- - L. il • 1 .., - . 0 _ I. .- t•-• , , i _ E I hear limb -- heititiitind tii Joie ' he lidded, while 1 his -ii esbeiitti:Pflitkluanlver:that showed howl clop s iili** -- eblfrrd i - ! - Air.'—' YSlioittd tiy 'lMiiii eitii he wrmedlirtottOtely'ittifire be unceasinglyi fed' . firsatiletdapirlifuld: that first kindltild .the, auktitintl2,nity--it l- -,bum .brighter ' aiiik clearer, eutillioSt in that wOrldi, the .only elh-. wentof whit% itilive I May iny wife bi i p,.. , 11'ey 6- spirit to.accotnpany -me in the path ;lo .h.... , .: :..904ittrie. me hack ; tort, it,teimpted '4,0 j - 8 . :y7-4,.itd, nptik. spurge Le .dilve- An' e , thi titer' 1 -‘: "the 6io place of refugetOliei-Selfr .. : :111 ' - letciiiiiitve'grotVil sci:stilenitiltr: - Oh:Weedy; titilif•Mrit:-Atkins ; - '' rind scorn toiooklor a wife ' {ti free. imperfections, so angelic, that I.,.ant almost afraid - to. tell you that I can • ,* pOtlttl% a visit from two of my young filens, 44- 1.4 ' - otie-iii = the other of whom I hope you mj i it• the •pleiscd:' - - - • ' • 'IP , -Z.' .. 'l r an not eapect - .freedom from human . 4- ',Oerfectiorts, 'said Xr., Chauncey ; but I:hope An. fivedi m from trrf /1 . 4: dIf . CAS„ 4110. who 1.1.1 T. tilt:,e I.triends, of whlin .yiei speak *:" . . ' The eldest; vilioisnot taffeera my own a*, _ ;is Julreousin, Augusta Leigh and, the other' ' Indeed! said Mr. Cliannet is Abby l'histatv my favorite schen!. fried& 7 s tainly has not been so when I q who s twoyearaSeunger7 -.' !I think. Miss - Leigh peculiar ' And' can voirtell nie nothing concerning ; pleasing iu conversation. Sh •tli'erre het' their names and ages' ' asked l‘tr. : fine—a noble girl.'- , 1 ...,., . ~ kiltailllety:: . • - " - . _, f ' They are both fine, noble 1 • flio—ptisitiveky I will tell sou. nothing elie, i Atkins. 'lt is not every dal 1-eseept that either of them is, pretty enough for:' those equally so.' ama Whe-dOsticit. thakelmauty his first roir ; Mr. Atkins had not often b i , iiiiisite - in a Wife -;. and each has fortune ; enough 1 his friend was at his house, be for .one who does u'otanarsy.expressli furmott• i remark led him to notice - Alis4 , e.g. , •IThis is all that I will tell.you ;- but, 4st larly whenever hr: witnessed they ;will behere ikt tire caurse of a week, you ; intervi e ws. O ne e ve m ng M f Will'have opportunity of studying their respect : - . with them, and Mr. Atkins 1 tire r liarac ters for - youfself.' ''' i seated a little apart from his After alew moments' thoughtful silence Vl. and Mr. Chauncey, who were I Obanue-ey: ,said--• ir: : full tide of conversation, who Airs. Atkins; I think I shall not 1)& faslitljons; I think 1 abletoover-loqk imperfections in my wife. Si I hop . e she nunlil be willing to 114 in me. ..9,ealitirs antlacquire ' :; meats which-many -migl.otent indispensablO t I could dispense with; but there is one qualtt ty that I consider of prituarl,importance , —an4 nest to.pure and arm principles, that is what shall seek for in my choice. And whatis that?' asked Mrs. _Atkins. 1 Dui trill forgive me ifi do not answer that question. I wish to observe and jtidge fnt ray,self, and shall be more likely to judge cLr reed, r if it is not known for what lam look; • • .„ .. ' 'Tell,' said Mrs. Atkins; ' you appear very • times when I had much ra mode to and reasonable in your demand— talk.' and yet, were I ari unmarried lidy, I should 'I ' Especially when my friend be more afraid of you than of any young genii r ing his colloquial powers, hey tieman I have seen. Really, you are so calm', 1 ' Just as please, sir,' au,..; reasonable, and scrutinizing, as to-be quit ,smiling, but with some little a terrifying. Give me the creature of impulse—.: : barrassnieut, and withdrawin; of- passion—of enthusiasm, who w:11 lie toe I left the room. much carried away with his own feelimes, t'l`)! Mr.. Chauncey did profit b be able to investigate my character too nicely j' of Mrs. Atkins, to visit her, • • whoie *arm imagination will •elothe inc irA !Miss Eustace interested him. virtues and attractions of its own rr.l3y; hued.! not too much engrossed in e. LSniety, she added, after a momentar,t ',pansy I self, to watch .the bright, the . 'sure* had Charles been of your ternlM:rn . meng ! tellectual, the ever varying e • [ I slrdttld never have knovin - the ,haripmess of I countenance. Her eyes see Lbeingthis wife.! "" ", - li, light, and love and happiness; 01M.:tray, ilOut a week after the .ireeeding jubout ber4nouth and cheeks, k tonvetkatioalhad taken plaie, Mis... Atkins wan lof joy - and content. There 'seated in -betparlor with her two "friCnds'whf; about her to soothe and est@ hadiarriVed'i - day - or two before:Whin Miso time. But Miss Leigh soon Leldb, talsinglier eyes fire _the Wor`tliat WO a deeper, a more engrossing in. in her intad;ti)an opno.sith . iiindow,. ingtiired tents which were neither coneet An et - elekit;it:l4 ,, king young inn was, conqed, commanded his - admiratic versi g - iwith'ra lady, on the . other . - Side - of thi,i ,sionrate feelings and elevated p i cr•ilesteem; go that threeweeks h `l, air,Aaid` Xtra, Atkins, advancing to tbh I the commencement of his am winciciwm—:',that is slr. Chancey, one of Charle4 flier, erelewas more sedulensl: old fifends.', 0 , how he might render himself ~, ' Hirrice Chaneey, Who . - recently, ieturned' to -her; than to ascertain. Whet from Europe I' ,asked Misi 'Agit:. - , - 'il.sable-quality fora good Wife; 1 ' The same, -answered .-Mrs. Atkins. :- `lie part of her character. • • • -- - will .give „us a call, presently, .I. dare . say, as he •OW he morning, Mr. and 1 1 eome.i here very .toften.' . .. -: ~ ; . p obatincey and the: ladies,- , wei - dieforeMr,, , t.clhautteey -arrit'es,.theie is ju.l, horseback.. The three former time ln„sketch - a hasty_ outline of the. portraitfitivaiting in the parlor, when of . the :two - Siang *lige . Miss Leigh.was-ta4 i from - their chamber. Veil Mado;tcaa.coremindingin her person.l • 'Yon have very becoming Her face wss - „lnilliant,•with • black eyes, aid, ladies,' said' Mr. Atkins, but dark. 4ir,..hitt rather. pate. than . otherwise, ex-i of you have put their luitt ----..; . eePtorlimi,tiotedll . some.do&vaeoteT.cltpuenc:i , Abby, he added playfully, let Miss Pr t . istico „was...rather, .below the inieditpti !more to my mind.' stature Zf..weinen, , heautiftilly: , leppy-di ;and the 'O, do,' said Miss Eustace, I most. ieheerfulllappy .looking,pre*ute..in the bleoming face ; make the look , world. Tier eyes, sliailed,-liyiong AV,en lash' can? es, were.•fif f .*:untlefinahlo c4;dar k ituils-v l cre cleric . i ' t-There,' said Mr: Atkins, or light;Asintellec.f and feclipg,Weret wilsenitite - cap a iiitle inoreon one sit ed, 611 lif,qii#,:. ,Lier fave waS - AlAnjulttg-, -11it' , to -thereonipany if that is n the etdor was se.-izttOStantlyshangmgitssltel',ftient. • Now, Augusta, let me that it seemed biitiattindant - tiaileart ',..ilit-yours - . ,- to e4ery touch efloYer wi!te." , *" -i' . ..4 .• •-4 , 4 1 '- ' No, think yori, sir,' said -N -..., Mcs. Atkins wail right; ~ I ‘n afe - w imitiutqfvatinkter head, while her cold bir,CillaxinCeY eatn6ll4-4114"P1iM40-aeguainq: heightened—' I ,will wear my ed yritktbe.young,Lidipl4, _.lV,fien 4E4' 44W log to my own taste, this name was mentioned: ,stie..e . altoly raised her please. efek'ind answered blectviliiibk With' the - self" if>, beg a thousand Pardons-1 • ; leiksien that is &United:lo welt-hie ..SounCtion; said Mr. Atkiits,.-:•`,YoUr dies] on being made known with st_ts :ger.; tly inueli,niore edriedithan ini but-whenXissYMSS . .t4ol_,:c4ll4P,.. . "colt Aur . .pirdon.' - ' _• " 4 , was. licightet4o 4. YERiPifIIPY., -# 11 4,z, slight I Miss Leigh made no reply, and init4OfeMiglikaAotli,tea„Yi... l lA4,.:49 °nit hand tti`,lo. - Chatificey," who w anSwer ehe made- to th0;:pw...5y07,44 I . epere,plittl`reeis;e' it, 'aid illaittte:poiyin, meat he -= utteredi, j j ' 44,10:5 4 2tgp tt thoughtolo ' ; col' iiiitheji 'excursion: .For a sVe, as she tei . t . ,44)ier lieiWti,n litr ha4'itliilent; Ong •Se'e,tied entirely forgotten r ''' '-'''' iz's - ' 7. '•''''.. l7 .i .*`- 7 -1,.,.'"'' f: lii6ihedt; Of their hqrSet; ?liraChaiineey:kiii i iAtit4-1 1 2110t*fnee0 was 'eharining•theirnii_ereiie ei. Wat*ur, tuit4 , .Ailrfieo6tr'.iriatiiti4l4r o . l 4 erg..log igle- 11 :9- 1 1e, , T.gf 91'..19Y,i'l 1 ntheririsits.ef a aitnikr Lind-• , Spirits , i4i,seve . .;il m I fi '' -of - " - ' l ' . ' '' (1 .- 4' ' ffio - 0. ' A ir " -- I . , ott_was a , geper4.an ~..00 . r 51., ara e retyrionae enetrin red: a. go 'and 'carried (of" in'elifire,V7.loloeoeliliat people, men, yoroentad . ehildr( 1 AtiOnOlt:'Clittnieei,libd"Miiii7l:o):o43l l 4:, ed xny.iirotp ilindilreary.;. And rßistaCe 'saver ,uttek4,-"ta *pia; 'except: iiiiorCiA4.lm.oliildto„.eyen:.woto r enl . . 1 ilireott .addresiled,, '• 71)41 Aaiting,.;lnco;-..1441 ietyland depression, 4 if they, .egitigle4Xll:o too I:ty _tbOT 'Ofatioil of the, friendlessness, the helplei :4 - 4 4-tOoicke,'*it theM very Treipeittlyy gets' iili:w:.!iitrAinge nand:,- Mr. , : t • . :- 14:iiilif ie.iioithchrinitfertniT ik-fiietobiatolitied:l6-I,alitiritri, 'tt 1 waffl. :`•• ' iiisbeetteim" -."ree' - ily±ti*Vi444;witli,, !utif. ~ - -i Ma- -- begto* - :ctiarity :Rea 1: 141616 .1 -° *$ *ilea* •Olek•in ilboalf: tbiro.iiitt t one's ability ,or inelinatiod; and 1 i otilio,l ll *.from the:tfirmt, mos*f4iiir hi* . .! 0, m,r.-, Obannaey,' saisi -Ma I that annakn'ilgtihem was lappoiliibig. :''ll - 41103itogo; aftei riding a little - Vo_ friends' of lifil. - Atbinewnre &i l ia - pip 'notll•nibiffiltiabin'objbeta those 1) 'nf - ittis 4*lb - it; 4itid his ititik 'tit itieirtlibilitiZl good by nature, undoubtedly, s bent bean intei'estinet•;,thate -,. yastAngt more amiable in ji ff • i 0 ",-- ' bee"i' •Il i be - hatt fk grOatf,ioaLo , p4,olfi-.-hy irkit that there 1 „ehirit*;l - wits-1”: 04ertaiehig, etvt. Anteif fereoce-in Our lots!, :Ow iii - At hating ;in itnpreteation, with a 'heart 'Oeill'oiv-r or he ungrateful or perverse, w) 9 ~~L4 ~~~t~l.t ~ i S: )-.~ • 1 • -: - . =! 4 1 NONTR 1 . r , a' EIRI ting-withlindly feelings, and.: irtoblo. sentiments, and- -inde (that, of Miss lustace, bolo= 1 ther by -her eountenanee,:aeit l retiring and taciturn, who b. Her face, however, was no v Jor.of.ber, if of any one, it mil . been said—' her body though I ally when he met her eye, t aerositlis memory- of sontet 1 before - seen, or felt, or dream ble sensation of pleasure, be ' to 'be caught or retained. ' How do you like Susan's -. Mr. Atkins inquired .one day Iliad' seen them a number of ti i s ' How am Ito form an opi 1 taco ? Aoked Mr. Chaune,l looks very much alive, but ne l 1 1 when she can avoid it.' ' How :' said Mr. Atkins. discovered that she was not a !entertaining ,as Augusta, au, ?NM on rising to-leave the room, tie caught her hand, and dra him, said, in a low tone -. Where is your voice this Voice :' ;said she. .1 0, I am,glad you have not ; have you not spoken these two 'And have -1 not T she ask Scarcely,' said Mr. Atki, ' Then I suppose it . was be ing to say,' said the smiling But you are not usually marked. Perhaps it would be bette. truly, . though you may don • . I SE, PA. TIIIIIISDAY, JULY X 9 ,1847. IMRE head #.6iledWith #nde.nt...thought ; .he had to judge was'extremely . was present.— t . Yt. d ee p . p erhaps st u dy; have: 1 and Occasion ere was a flash ling he had long # #-an undefia too evanescent ..„ , g . ttishedi by unnumbered or undeserved bless . I :4iii - tiey ,not` ,,- ;:i: .: itngsy 1 Her tone Was .that of the deepest symi., aeon .: , yr,n*.-.4t.Asptet:ti--:48 pe,siiii4re:2,4'• pathy and humilityl and her eyes were swimf, p 4 you Ar, ,, p 3 iMkt:40.14141 , ..400-46,10,' : ing in teats as she *poke. ' 1 ter holditifi- the Had Mi. Chauneey uttered , the theights4 view*-' kis, ina4zit.4aildy;l4.ingliiiiii ; .1 , his heart he would have told hoz! that vas ;wilt gtr4t 450n#444 , .##4 , .110.411, kfiiN4l' the most amiable, the most lovely, the mostAlet „wilLbe:deligkted,l74:Wit!ksaicA4o; 144.,:,.,;,1.A -serving; luhoug the whole family of maul A 4 unothec.;f44l.l.t,file'.' his eST (lid utter it, as far saeyes are capable ~ ~. 9..ric, / ,:..Abby4* - 11)411, 1 „At)iini..i ,:. oulig, 1 lof utterance, though his tongue onlylsoka.or not take Oiik..trlAti L !.. , ~ ,t .his 0., re .'YAliaid+ the vast disparity !;that Infinite Viallom see* same; 4eieeti.'„ : ~.'.l.- - :—, .;-•;,--__ 1 2 . • ..._. • t. -- , ,4 . .i i : , best to make in the:. outward circumstances or i ' so. ii.,thoMbk:- gaist ousli .'.. L 'AP: ci A , ' , Pni . " . , his creatures in this world. When about la; Augusta helped to ppenhin eyeA•io.-iti!.g . *:4, king leave at Mrs. Atkin's door, Mr.. Chauncey. defects.;... No t , tte,lil rill ;: ~ 4.,..apaiti:ei,foA. , y* received: a pressing invitation to return to tik& • Sllonld.you carii :.this ;nix, be:: thtniettAilftt I tea, an& spend tire evening—an invitation bd '',2 sachem had40b,,,,, , , septi#u7imo,Ofl44i* P accepted. • ' '. , 1 and laid Aie.spoi .at yell filet. - -1-shottl4.take'l C474.7:4;'77:-7::::*::: At an early hourin the ev-aning, Mr. Chaim.: , ro pleasure in _wingion.alyttung.lio_ -*,.. 7 ,, , e 0 was' seated amid his circle• of friends ii j,mg =4 1 113 4 . 13• 'cl - taste!,_ i: -/: . i.t . : -T. Mrs. A tiin's parlor: Before_ tea was bronghil 'Just - .you. please, dram said:Mrs. Atirina,' ,- in, and whil e at th e .t a bl - e , conversation flowed . ' thou, i 1: tun, sorm.that:you,shOuld give pity - . 4 as usual.; and it wits nonce; sation : the' - exer4 i5cit' . 4 :9\ 111 ,3 1 .c. 14 , 6 :4,- 1 ,1 0? - • -. -1:--., -.- . ..- - r:'..."," case of " I 1 - J-Sb ' aii;i9e - est.ttem. it- a ° „ttroUble,..satd Mpg' tereh a 1 . l' ' ' A -her t a . 1:1:A ustace,. As s eresume . sea an , time ment . ;- same time bertacitainity. ' , ests, Horace ?' after Chaueeey on of Miss Eus . • She indeed •er utters a word have never conversable and far more play- y. ' hurt. it eer have met them: brilliant and appears to be a nor th 4ossy the t&; settl Mr. C girls' said Mr = read a 'V. ed. at liurad when Mr. Chauncey's Etistace sueededing 1. Chauncey was !appalled to be wife, her eosin as usual, in the Miss Eustae.e, assail near him. ing her toward `rich an • perfect 1 the ful presen, of the ' el the I 'Tl:._ _ .11 Dc) you think so ?' All,. except Miss IllitztaCC 4 !expressed their approbation: of it in . warm, !terms. ';.3.he, remained silent. ~ ' What sass my little Abby 'to it ?' .. sanil ;Mr. Atkins. 'Do you dissent from the com-ii . • ;mon opinion ?' . II . ' I think it highly int.eresting and initruc-I1 I tive,' 31iSs Eustace replie.d, ' but.not, fauliless.l i ' Pray point out the faults,' said Mr. Atkins,ll i' Let us have the benefit of your critique: upon i it.' . , . • i Miss Eustace blushed, and begged to be!ix-I 1 cused. of was sorry she had expressed anti feeling of disapprobation: .."Thit, Mr, Atkins persisted that she should point out the defectS , she discovered, in which he was joined 4. thoo I rest of the circle. 13lashing still more deeply4l Miss Euatace said: •I• Clara Could not haVe felt{ true - friendship, for Eleanor, .or she would not have manifested such indelicate joy -when thel j latter was proved sot base.' • • ' Clarn:s own exPlanationthat. - she had. 1 dearer friend, at s t she Whose eeape rejoiced ; ! ~ I' was a sufficient apology.' . • This Opinion, though , diffbreatly expressed, , was . uttered.by every one 'at the same time, 'Mr: Chauncey, excepted. ' . : i '' That; as I think, is another 'defect' said Miss Eustace. -• Wtils' tliern no indelicacy in: .her permitting that 'lllearer friend; to see flint! • She limed him, and +ciliated on tlie - offer . of his' !hand, Ville he yet li - ad made no deelniatied‘of I attachinMat to her?' I, , • • I ' Her amiable sincerity would atone for that. I fault, if it, oould be l alled a. fault," said Mrs. Atkins. ' r , _ -.. I ' Hardly, I think{ said Miss EuStseel- 'I I always Was sorry the passagewai-syntten,.es pecially is it was .. *itten . by ~,a weman,::and m have eyer been inclined to jump it - when read tug the tale: I like inot, tht4 &Male .delleaey should. 4sacrifteed; OM at the,. shrine oc.sid eprity. But Mrs. Ottie netiMilietinintlk .. against the More retVngdeliciMY„Oflier set.'" In what other intstanco do' yii#, think she has done; it, Miss gd . 4ace,' - diked! 14f., chaai i i-, cPY. ', ).. -- . • 1 .-'? 'O, in tnany,'' Miss EuStace replied.' Any one who understandslthe true fedialo Chttrieter, And who Will read;her :works carefully, will itt,: sily det4 r t them.' •' 0, dime thedi, :mune them,' Abby:,, said Mrs. Atkins. . i ' Yes, flame some Others,' said.Mr..'.Atkias. ' There is one in `Madaline' thakdow occurs: to me said Miss .E . iiiace, .. that,. struck-. me as grossly indelicate ;•, and, indeed,,not t'vte• to pa-- turn. - Madaline sayS of herself, , , - thati she: sang louder thi usual one evening -when .alin,sug posed that Mr. Falcciner teal listening-404nd the hedgii, that ha-mightliean hen'. - - ', .•-•'`'' : ' Was -Oat false to nature, as -well ns indeli , I cacy, Abbv ?" asked Mrs - , - Atkins. ;;;-;Coloring mere .bi g idy than ev4r,' while her, silkenlashes, fell over her eyes, n 4 'if-to borteenttheir_deep . expression ; -she replMdz- ; • -,-; ~ . --,.• -1 ' I should have 4pposetl that/ . the- . idenof the pr , rxiinit . of one p - y dear -to her ittid4Such eiretunstnaccs, would_have rendered it impossi ble for her to sing sig. loud' as ttStial;if indeed' she could; sing at all) - • - -'& by - ii: . 4 4 . - Mr. Atkins, who *Ai S,eake„ „ e , le.- pe r rea in her ear—. Wl i nitliappiltelttittja:deit' You so naticb of the, effect ofilie!tertitefilasittiO! \bby ?' -i This questiontauverorherels . bolo face" ening Abby ?' ost it—but why hours r use I bad noth- k) anent,' be re- if Imere. But t it, there are er listen than orace is exert- :aid she, again pearanee of em her land, she the invitation • cry frequently. He loved, when versation him eerful, the in-' !PreSsion of her a fountains : - .of and the dimples the: 'very abode was something te at the same wakened in him rest. Her tai led 'nor display her cm:apes ineiples won his ad elapsed from uaintante. with • diming to learn ore acceptable • r the indispen as a component rs. Atkins, Mr. e •to 'go. ont•on • ere ready and latter came do caps, young i think neither right. Come e adjust yours holding up hei . pretty as you I after . drawini 0, 'I will leave an imptove ry -my hand at ss Leigh, ele .wati sothewlyit iwn sap accord °ruing, if you rimy presump nsfe is eOtabi= really beg butgdve her and neok rwith a glow ofr cannitte-ti'lbut t in a t low, and iininewbat. taimuulaus: tnn sr,. 5h0..414.—; )- , I May' not instinet f,teack.fir..tWaglafli how iibe r• should ?prebablyslie:affecteffUtidfteuch-Aircilyo 1-stateea. I - . - ', .1 ri .`a :,-,;.-;-..••.::!", t , v:i:'T.:.; -,1 '• F " Possibly,' said, Mr. Afltiu,S 4 ,:• 4 :r Lat 'fir 01' - tllat, I'dd suspect y' :litiai; ',M irit`6o) ; • 4' All the little party- coMmued Vi,Yetiii'vm!Saitt':the 'ilholit miiMated inamifir; '3liiit - Eid3tice'mteepted- She.was making a fe)cithor :iloireMt• ffii;3l.iit.'At kin s,, and:ali . erlaclr itpiliq4 '. herself -vi her ;mit:* wAb-. 0 10 : 1 Most Porti,a734:ol;eßck*ti l l perfect. silence,. .: ; . - It , ~t. , ... . ' Aq- : 4 Do let us. bear the sound; pf IPtir':voice .41 - . ~02, Abby,' said Dtri Atk ins,in , an under , 10ne. ..` Ythliate WOW iilaiS ' ' itihiirittioto4. 4101;6' 14 morethaj airit;.. ,, „ ,- ,. .., t once ifkalii.' - (" , .7 1 ;1 will: said _milli _Vms..4 „..4 0 n_ H .4 1 14 PIA - 1 going 40- ask. A1411641)10! '' eregitwisii ,. 4P.-. i" , r `-1- ow tell yist th#4 milt 601044400, , f'' it:is Teliandsoody , :npoe,awitibutro: th ' differed from'.him .in opinion. 4 it if/ bet , tia pretty-ast might= ik *bby,t. said', eltata4 Tile ffftenttokliedtriii4o4ii,jare f :lrt 401 " 14 * as to protium Ittebeit sileat.,V i ; :5.* . 1 143.' ; `,itt' ''', waiting t - O fa . .- etbately start bile• they were Ingrossecl tu the the iv . ea tiler illeiatin#; and P k A fine flow of is:infllin,tbeir tt, a Trish ! rany„. . n. . They look ° liteen:ofscene ..s- reiuslow of gap, elkallthe force '!. " fees of drin king - ;Al his nt _a-.llwr min riling to:. each. . then rodeznn. it SS Leigh.. in a way in . galettee, , people ire - Asi Alio Of them; :at diFiErositibn than 12 . 130 Plika ~lii,ift iwi on W ile ttnig dietin- - 1-417 3 4,7,..; EMU . 3 liss ,Leigh ( .. w4k Pegßlia4Y, 1 1 4PPY - t l4 § - ef' bp"elirfw. ii. 6,- -00 - 49 re gt l .- th fl X t .-- 01 4- 44 ," ' ,lung. , M r.-C h an Chauqey_fpi not, it, is - true ; cog :' aluiraud nunor - Atttenturns.', r vAttea44l . 4Mltil t el ,verse Avitii. hat inYimor( tlitl4,.uslial, nor, - eayi 111 ill forgetpihia :are= -9 4 Yelirsi '... .1 .4ch ea Lamy thing, to.her ..ttiiit; ,be mielt .not:ka.vt • Bitii n -iinfolve nieitt teiSerni - -mitite ..p.;„1.,00 to another ; ,but-, there Nia,..- . Romething . in ' his.;*ech already;hneinly},heo, .Deollt • . 0 1 - ,;paoncr, in the toilit of lit.avpiee., rand in the Or= Weft') IfeaVeninai -V a , d)-41p14i, 44 . 1,.40- Pressiou °I . hr 3 eyes, Ir•h e eqj . 1 ;: ' .4 4 .4e45a - fi 1 1.64 i''afrv.e . ..thisoireriot..' :: ,,, -P 3 nittinPal -' .. 41 . 1 0 1 14 arl. that betrayedhis ittlniiratv, hiagriwiagPret-..itlipwertr_exalt4iii-v u - • . ,' and:.y.:lo , . _wow. .crel - ice... :Mrs. Milins .i.lbsirvipiljtliitlClltuch.Ppil he3s , i , -..,a4ir.;.4r140Y : all; dais 4 ,11 14,11 [ pleasure. ,Sllolitik loved;Ensiate - aid 'Wenld'AnVe.iiefei4 , .Yet:iltei 3154 - ' - 'il , 1 11 4. :,.iiiis . .4. not lave .been dissatisfied.* she beetnue the ,p4Mit hint.-Ja",engrowse. Much -L of tkaalinra ;orplooma object, aNi. ChannepyY,a eltniek; .s( . l.t*Cx eon-. Whieh heroin,: flisp-StOrett. etlitarri....f if ' . sin ,knirliSta was the one Italie hnd - .ua' her , ocin should be theirak"Of altfo , ' - *Awl 4,44 . . . ...,. 'went. ._. , ii A: , , k ., 1: ~ • • ~ ividis 5ke .„.... l i s - , • ogees num]. selected fop ins . Bat ) . t, Ina-ler ; =she elle . le' -'• P .; ~ saw it. with,„somothing lik4., regret. • .Thottlo--Iftereni , +: :draw nly.A i e.-, ons i,,tbystall; he really thought that • Misls Leigh...i4S k 0 be l lthouah my-heart-416141,4 .0114: eiitri ° had said to Mr. _Chauncey, 4., fine, uOble Mind= ~ , I'.• -. i . (dd i nebirdan' Aocei.)...,]t , -''`. ,efl girl, yet. she was not his layorie Of th4wo , i.!,, ' ..F. --7 L , : --.,- ~.- v• t:. - ~.. young ladies:. HO, loved Al l i„,. Nhe..,oheq. 4iir l' -f fll";-- Facts for= AU ', , Hasid. a warm attaehment,- and:fliss.isnstacei.ae-, !,,i---,--1 -. •--,: , 1 _.- - '.4..;4-,,. , :•7 , ".. I pording.to b, °pith - cm, waa-pie , very perso*to r i:,..„,,,,--k , .-„, , ,ir,,x4 c - .;.c.0.i,Ei °emir. „" gCtlire, his, beppineas. `-, • , .. - . ;,'[-. t ...,, , ..-„,- } l, , . -.........1- . 7 , - .r.:..., - .., -, 1 After Mr. Chauncey toot.lenvo, - mr. Atkins i t In'ttir,-*Mad travels at' he.j . lit*-tit and Miss .Eustaeo_ehaneed hike. left iloaefer 139.- - t6l,l4o.feet per.secon; Artinfib a short time,,whetcthelorrnekaruptly said :.-"T le'aaSelf.at the tate of 4;708 ,' • t liar .1 ' You mai vex me, Al ' ili? • - --- •.:.:. ~,, N„ ands , are dlitinet at twi :: the -di: Miss Vex You! how ? 'I. ,i very., sorry,'.. clad , 1 , 1 0 ,0 , 1 - thinedibind. , ~, ~- - at Eustace. ; ~ , -,, „ t , , - ~ : ~ .a-sri,e ha w k, and ma q o t, ' Why, here is my friend Iferace, whfila de":- -rate Ono less than . lso - m . eidedly the finestifellow I ever knew, whom yew 1 1 t Leather= -eatimons were 'are permitting Augusta to ` ‘ eltrry" off, without, able s iM e .di s by,the Swedes one effort to contest the prae l' , - l'ti.Talleople4rt Smyrna p L 'Effort-! Mr. ,'Atkina,' sifid 'Mies - .Eustaee, 'irisligf4fis . , and uh.serve thre, 1' would yoa _have me make tin, .effort to- ittiact, tile w eek , for Sabbath:T Ibis attention l' ,! , _ -., 1- . `?Christians, Sunday, and . th ' No—not, exactly make:i an effort ; but.... 1 d' igq ,,, 1.1 , 1 ,, ~ would ,have yinti do yourfielf justice --- wou4 t•'t TAO Suw ilor i 5590 f .. have you let hitrqsee a little what ~You are. =': iiiiiiki l ia''' Va n ii-32;; 1 Why cannot you ' , talk as • ronekwhen he' - ielter! , , , tio ..-iiiiihoig.l96 wide as you do at other times?!; !;, ,- ~....2 ..,i,...c"1 1 -ei t - mi te elm ...i tem . ' Y9ll are '" w )au g hig g lat ine ' r- TV li f.t_ lll * . . - 4:bir thitsitea4afie Eustace, ' I .havObeell quiti .48/1 - 4 ;4u 431 rr - ,.... wlliileor any , jliinf , ; self, ever since I' wasdrawn ; On to saY: BO . , -Int.!e° tt,iiolal.‘":46 - `'Lida - „t abotit Mro. • .. °la's worlitti4 ~`',llir'latal- t hilk i, - 4,- - o r iitaxeiile„, von have spoken tills evening ' . said Mrs.-At 7 :- ; -. 444afiu ,...: i ,...„ kins .., - . , :- . ~ 4 .- • ,_ t . __.. l , !lie* or - 1 [ .1 1 ,ruly . ,youisay . O.,gteat - tatise • to:ue.asnamen 40trootti t ",.. ef-yeittrioqmteitYil.'; Why.Aogust . a said -- more : ii i i --rl ,, ki t o .- i : 1 , , words to-,bint What 1 41:1 3 O* . to night, thkil:ho_, brri -, . •-...,.. -rft.rl , -. halkhoaril.Pilkltterfihtee - t4-have been 4eriiT: :44 - T4,0:,' '-... a . i tt It may .1.e*Ei15 1 4.4 Milifi4 l 4o,l ,i- lutu ''''- 1 :-.; 0614 rig yfoi miii‘44eiari : k. , lk *tiiii#': : *hilti jiiii -! , . I V ' zs: , 1.- 41}.e- Lnever'PPe* A- - W.o4..* l oi'rla; 6l / 14 : (411 ." 3 * . F 4 1 ;11MS a, et Z r LeT, n * L be silentiinii.ii#49#,thi9kittrereiffri. 4 4o# '&-.4,-.,',. - - . 7,' , 1 --- ' I,:sitsida,iiihii-wilk;aay.Sa,-, !Oak.) Ilk la - tatiO • -4 T-. 1 ! 4 ?* 3 -!,Yi-,,,,P F L . or - ,l4eat , , tiii - g.l,4o,o4irli*::4Fiy -. goreo*4 ~'•,, A 14 . 10 k 21,916 : 11 the iverlo-::1,, , ',4,; .- :_-,.724..!,..,,,,: _,•' : „i,;;',, 11 ,•: - ..,r.p..,....,4 .You - iit;4anetiliblet iiilci - lif' Atiins. - -= Abe, ' , InßeffPc.,,: hi . • --* - 1 And another lidi. 8-:;4 1 ~ ih 4 ,', l) ft:' , A ll 4-C -11. - Pr.... , : - . ''''',‘"' .Fr --",:'----,----_--;-' - tiichea- to - 40146'0A:et- until - . lig§Ttt,a4 ll k,,_- 4 -, , ,', ,- ue"-,or. ara• a. - , - - 2.--'''' , 'tl-1 ' " ,birth- li k ' ' i aspect the latter; .:l,llatd itac l 4 . riFiliP l ' 4 J-ITift P,,,eip tre• this evonini er itAjlotkitt*Atia . da orsadness A41103e#1 .. 4kr +tirieliPolhorYt.*:,OO:7,-,ii,litieirt :that -T*3` ,44 ** 11 ,14 , ' , -4q4.0 46 1 i,th"uielefore. ; ; ; ;r ~o * Oliailkilei' 4o ,r4l.l ;‘' W*01 3 44,4 11, -. , sl y liyi from ioic ,-, 46) .. *; - .46, - tiflo4:"filo - i9di* 114 0"leitic*I 18 . og Put I € l oi*4it , toYT.4 o F4 l l lll 4 7 4 BI TI:#.. - ir e PA '74 ..“lol ion correct : ?' ..1,.:;,--.„ ~ , z ' -,.:,',: -„,-...- : 4 .., :4' A.Obim-.-1454-tu,-ANt , ' Ilia . nibiki6lyAntife - Ai it , i'ilot:' - - 2 - 3 1 iss it,(4 4 1.4%;PV-9,,j?Ptt l tUstacoihUd jUittimelo felay i ,"eiti::3 - lisi:l44A ' fa-14 filhemt.„l 4 % l lv-entir,ed . ,thapaijar, and f*fop,Pe)' . l 6 ; l 4o.t . - tlii - "terralfCC-'2 alefiklt'fil63.:rol* i l , ,:i- ' ' , 2 - , -:.?, l 9lCtiiieiNeil,44, l ' 0 hoW ,tankful I -am: " I tlionglit;:ehe; paiihe. int OitIolkliu: kk,Olf shut beiselfili*';Durn fkan,i,lier,lik . tEhar: ri ivo(rilsikr., ,, 4s4 gc I:olam:flint Jps4Umect hislaVe:piTp . ..uoK.iliat. Ahtejr l'al - hY.01, 0 ? othOtiyise, :Oat 'cola - I` har,e ,dene f - 14.10 e t#,, , grO --)hti;;h4P,P„lY i i, lioraaa:OliannOy.l,.:Loie .so other - niaulill,,,,p''. ~ alit:. , ~-..,i o*Wolltilligirlfier-iere true r 1 0-41 4 14 4 '';ili s i . .oli -,• 811gu5h4.1. , pt,i4ea through ! 1)0 .: .-131 . 0 .,) . 1 0, 11,0 .-. 1 ,4_. 11. $.1!Il i ll io ' **to - stettja, secret Ileeliio 4Y,91 ) ed 1 -i111ii,P4 64 1:- . --1, 1 , 1 4, - , 1 19! 1 ".tt-aA i4;rialkdActo* fineo., —I wi ll soPP g° , ;49 11 4-.lt i lat Awl! - fi,F, l l' . .e 2 W-4 7 71 -",i'ttigeltelttialtertiedy for, get myscl; for nOY.r ,r IIr:ILL. - 13 tfi- 4 1:.;v 4 T-7 81 ifi ',' 'taidilandi!ksiitilo..living. mentery-1 .. ,STIt .5..44. - )rtfi l At tl _r-r(' I. ."LW.; ' ''TAlta L 'Wheatferei'W°` ir• 6 : ,not, he sciiri ean . 4oo,lkr !4, fln: it ll n g : TrAkser 7. - iiii - ottittbe iTcl-4$. 00 0:-b4 1 fiti _air, ,wl llB l,, ‘ & l 3Tc-Tar; 10 ,,a 4 I . , ; : sligak_iilipktli,* ::.` - 0 - 4as-vitintateit-ailtaQ,,. IslOgh-tii.n 6 E - %:-.P L Q - #g li° OPlP / - its in04 , 1% . 1 As ~ , l- l i,Tirviti Will . ..iirif -144:t , .. khe Wio:h,,t9(l,il-lik,, resume _, At o tl mi ii i / O,ri.: , : .7 ... -4 1, i" , , - 'oWinel ,s ; ' lithillijka , L-' .A;k4a3 r -fE 46 PqQ,g%* , ,, , Alck , ImitK ., t . .,:llr - A6,.. , 41.. t fati.10;1:r. a. gout;o4 . 101 ?; 1 1 6 -e 9 j - l ige-4 5P u * - 4 . 444: ,- AF ;4- 9 /4 . 4 ,#t er t 2 .4.4;Qiite /Fran & '' ; '' .l ' lest' P*, - •PPI/WW!.04: 1 1 1 1 2, ,otyloilq• ; Mo. ,-4. :' ,, , ,- i- -, ;--- - --4- - -- -., -- 4, - ...fiqx.t.lisgto r *#is.if.p,oflible.:ecur, 4 ;tl--• -4-44,4-.4'rrainlaa„-t,-,iitit:_, avittlOP 4..TP, ,- •-:-.n. „T e at,* A ECul':ll'4... T''' ltallltt tiVitlit9S IL 9, lorr er_443itioL O; - -,-- 004.1.11/I)*lrtn, 1t",,, 6 StiliPta::-llgefTgl,lP.:4-01: SlWifilAiti4l:' puiw it t — '.,TA,t v F... d - - ft pr=. k- , a,g,unce , ~..,,,:- ~,, ,_„._ e i tu ni ine: - ,-nt. 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Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers