CM 1 .ct xis. REM .b.73a 1: 1 ..a ts, 'w. ,Pa:. ,- ilitem I -of,* great -.l.::alit , We of So yaamphis 9., Ipfed in thiCfeitilerkt= ~.. s _..,lime,?s Sys .. ,F4Sia,t, after the 1 . _we er, Jacob Sheimer, whom . ; :I,:itiot4iiiin e. iiy to iwisit t at , his ;most sub .‘" i Imqiitantiallom . nd so e -years, ago, :and-from tyrbiSin I obta - ed the 'Rowing account: '',. ' Wlfert,'Ye — fig:nut ;With a large Ismity of children !pewi t "' .g up ound him, ands Pena-, ,a4-pn him foi suppor '' 'he' plainly' peret ‘ tTed T t - , thatounder the rude p : tiee then *di n e. b e • would not be able to ' intain-them,, He often tlkoughtiover his did ,tie while following -tho ''''iliie, and at length determined upon his - Vail ; which, 'followid, up without faltering, .has c3n- WI (dada Vim in 1 the delne- of - life :to'' ease`, and ~...o hince. , 1 - When - I hiatleihad resigned . tho active kh duties of. his. rm to a ison,wbo was 'following 1 , .in - bis footstep ; aftenhaving himself practiced .;.i_ his system of rO4tionfor thirty-tn.° years, with a constant im mem* in the 9uality of his MSand; which! indeed 1:11ad the • unmistakable . stamp of fen' y 'upon ?,t-. t r The farm contaielm hundred acres, '' which was divided as arlY, as 'possible into' Aght,ftelcts'of twelwia : a . 1 ..-halt . acres; ,eaci;, ncl , loci:Which was Tried 'rough an eight y4r's ,1,-zotaticm. -\ . 1 COmmencin with a Pillow - field, he then ' ', . ist year. I‘ mired nd limed ; plowed three, ( , thaesiallay June Z!,.nd August; harrowed ,„aatl s4ded,on bushetand three pecks per a •l'it,M ofirliest, bleb wit plowed under. pi. Clover red sow* on wheat in the spring, -41 Ili inarts to he acre 'which was pastured at:. -7.1 ' ter harvest. - „b. ~.3. PlasterecloverfU the spring, 1 bushel -!.per sere : ant t in Jun land plowed under ,see ond crop, and eeded ' in with wheat. 4th. ‘Vhcat—same number 2. sth. pastured earlyfm the season, plowed -, under 'second op in *gut* and sowed wheat. ' l lith. Wheat again, 'o.nd rye sowed on the stubble. 1 .; . , 7th. Sowed' Bth. Pk•wec corn ; and nex, "-" It will be o 1 year t h reelfim 4 l clever and onet .k s eason reached *beat, 600 bir skotir.—Hon. clover st e l in the spring mane. under over sod and , planted 1 season ; onamenee:d.` served that there were every wbeatilone with !iv, two with fallow. The produce' had one as high as 1,400 bushels of hels of Ern, and 300 Aast:As (orris 4ngstrOlis Address. Ernbaluiled Husband. The OU TR ,1 FRENCH'. . 4 fL-A - young and t 4 .4- • • bean ' Woman lost, ,after iarriag. 4 a husband Whom *she 1 Contriv g to evade the law, .r the be ‘ y of him whoso,prema efiloel.vedpurinto a g e': Th 'hearse bore away an hile the ennins -of the beloved emb ' was laid out on a ah L The too - was htmgvith bled,: ; in it ni and day. The *id hi oft -sanctuary, and there hed her ;sorrow. , • ' l t deplore . as . 1 sed t sly did not visit the hi l dead. 3 But the widow' , was ;.** fears of i",deeply:loved.. I , ?gile.kept by he! tare • decease s as 'she Er bt . .._4 ll 4PtY Ifobject , Pro Peri -arted- of state. — 4llitritr..l . jea 41 , PrAL ow Wilke' _4e daily £h welOire 1.. „ t ', 4 J Aber ot' & dm.. .... _- 4 aunt,altd.the world ha4.charms for; her. -0 , --. The visits to the. unary became an tisind - shorter,',a_ &the tarn became an an -trit4artee..- In' , newingNthe furniture, of her . t ht : Val; . twaa fial to appropriate. momlchapel -Amid; to soothe u se. 141.L11 of f rho th w e ikriiiveijor:the m My Ofi,. he defunct , she placed I Patti cumin abnx p cedar *IN'. A, covered with vel-1 - . vet, of Which s e alive , carried the.key, with: 1 4ln:intention visitino int daily as before.--1 lir bi a frr mon hs the faithful to her vow.' Ithe..ifii4.opsii lithe lit, knelt, and prayed. ,- 4. lbe:tittut-,eame when siO did so-no more. ,Tbe • laowinglear an advanthgemasmatch present- , ilastitseit' -' The charactr and social position :01kilanitar:. e_ saita)ei and - besides it may ~,liktha c. i ! 'sli wo A now litre prefeired la living; illalavarto a emper4r... But what was to , .;16Adene with the precurts box, moistened with', lota — tmart yr tears, simetifie/ by so many-prayers ? af Martiage once deci ded on, - "where was she tiale an ohjeet that *lad .be sure to offend Atha-sight 41.11 new cotner? After- some re-1 Section she it it put away in the garret. ' r 'The honey-' ooii - wariinot yet over, and the bright, sun sh eon theitnonth of May. Prep- Antiews„Were ade for *speedy departure,and "'taking the t ks selected for the jenritey vas `tbitilim;e:.siaire a nd, noiforgaten box. After liii;: ehiiiiiat ir - for tho key, thehusbandcall t sad ltioCarifemn iminirefwhat articles of toUet tiiiiitlhox, str refully Pontained. The pie5.4503(.61'6nd .4503( . 61'6nd eti'artd ' he was unable' to in- Wfir.§..'',l ll :e :. ;.44.:1 rinks*" , was roused, .. g t 3 `iirix" - fist box would. lie found to 1 1 16, Akadjniginiug _ imintaktoplas _ atem i n ik-papeni, -the husband, tiOdailtitFintfre': 'i3 'i :it open' and found, tlfaio 'cane* - 11's predeeessor, alio, isi4ePlivii l 4. . been: , particular friend--- Imagine his a mazement:i., Imagine Abe confu mon and shame of Ahe widow ! - . Fortunately, 1 i niCiWWlta Thg: q a 'cW °l-- 'l 1 ,W'.' fAilie too k . 1 , 14 e afta ' id 404,, .. .:Par,t.,:- .- ~,,, le is:Ain me my_dear, ~ said be. larrungio am aqpi . fs , -4 , 14 make !one Teci4est. ,If ~f lie . before l irinC,p'`aot,' ,- , fitieletinginaafter filename. tiiiiien 11 , •.:„..'. A" # Yc:*:.o. 61 * 4 13** . -**iraest:ikthe gliYe . —, . 7 , ~. , i‘,. ,parioweviimmzi - :iP azimax.—: - Tht- young 41; gl en 4111 t 1 PYOF 4r 1 ."04 . 'd 1140 04 11 g **llem K it - 4101 1 4. 1 0M ilt t t 431 24 4 40d# N dif M4AoORT..nifia:Tio lowL4t;:tesiillvitto irotomi: :Abe , ,ouiril, .axmarai:ng.latis'" dreigthP.lllo4rf ;;:• )Very.fewflaankreei i t a iiv 4l 4,l4. , -,,: . 1-* / .!*1 91 4 4 / 1 4 i & han. tMot-leliF* - 1 1- *!.gkeitgit* , 4 s o444t, l SS OttiOVIA 14 : 11 i *M II I Alle .- beiePlentgb; l men are mirky Abo*aho have Been Aught_ ik * l- 05 Y 5 44 1111 104 -:47 :*** ' :***AlY 1 4 1 0 6 1 4 1 1 004AFIrreW , Pt 0 1 1 1% an 0110 1110441:1/041144e Nike Flo :C 1 44.1i. 1 eT inkok toeffriefig66l4in - itif*WiTokkinis* b I646I :VEO O O* 'l ' ) 11 4.0 e .rk* SW . 4 h' ' ;' l i i ' 4o/ 01)0r4 P 12 9 iecit Ste% ii A th,iiAt et he ieSee: ey Woos to ttO ' liti;ina Alelifir 'SW Egivsw4R ~, MUM , '4ll6trailittnts. ' Anfi=penent %INFO Ann. 4111113.4011 Alteratt‘e• Ytlllllloo.lllo/01314*.A611.46111/1, win* 014;4 4 : 16., WAJP0 , dint ihepolfevad rota [ plain 0f:m*41;0134 .. lig h fi4road betides gnsatdeformity, both kddricla4,larkfiteliNlig.,..l l 4l.Orttreotitiog?;,- Wank site *A the; Iresiturn Opp*, the - Sias so great. as teireventiltei from , *tiepin is a trundle* "mit* and Often Unreal' . SOO :appeared , meritible.:—: S*itiattlaboated !:ender Inoue indispouition! Sinn _latrtt,calst4Pre:4ll/Japprooropith born* trail of ?r ;APO 4 1 , x , flit; whkli . shiltickleirallily sia - rovseven wee ',With: tiitessisiiiaVdisiei et -his Sanative , and her - general health! wait thereby entniAltelYlP 6 NlL_, unhand pow pereer4iog someatiminrition 113 aittittifAht4iltronsi Toiler ' • she waioniouraged , persilyereielthe oselif the Avrisarrrrit,..nntil;etery, ire of thepain" foUrisintir wail entirely ienio "ed., "Nv * p not tab highly of this im port ant! prep.' artaittre orciri.Jayne. and for the sake of suffering ho martibr..-,hape Nit it teesbecotoe 'mote generally btppto.-4.est6licAadger. t /PRISS WORMS ! WORMS I To remove those troubicsome Ind dangerous iabab. hint. of iho stomach and bowels, which so often im. pair (he health end destroy the livetiof children, use Jaiaitts Tame. Vtaitiruar,*a certain and info tinipant, tlirefor, the .removal of the visions kinds of Akortirs, - , dyspepsia, saeratomach., want of appetite. infantile fever anct.sgue, and debility of the stomach end bow. els and organs ofidigestion. It is without exception one or the 'most vilpable preparations in the irorld; Prepared only !iv Dr. Jayne, Philadelphia, and sold on agency by N. Mitchell, & Co., Druggists, Mott erase;;Pa "looping Cough and Croup. To, roz.vra.--.4.1116 . 9 EXPLCTOIWir. is withtmt exception ; the- 'mini!, valuable preparation in use, for the above diseases. It converts Hopping Cough into a mild and tractable disease, and shortens its duration More : l . l4n one.half, and producea a certain and dpeedy recovery; From half to one tea spoonful, will cer. tainly cure Croup in infants and young children, in half in Woes time. Metres of hundreds of children will be aalied annually, by alwayaiikecping it on band ready for every-emergency. •.- • ! 110WF,L AND SUMMER COMPLAINT. Dr, 4AYNE, No.B South THIRD &met, it will. Dig fo guaianteo that his CARMINATIVE BALIPAM will cure Disrrhees. Colic'. Cramp!. Griping Pains. Choi.. era blorhes, Summer Complaint, and other derange. mend of the Stouneh and Bowels, in ninctV.nine cases out of a toundiqd, and iii leas than half the time than can be effected by any other mein'.. 4 • It is extremely pleasant. and children . are fonder it- It . is eqdally as effectual for adults as „children, and \Wheit;the directions are followed, and I cure is not ef feeted, the tummy will he cheerfully returned: Price 25 and 50 chs, a bottle. ANOTHER .PH I[SIC lAN'S OPINION. The following additional' testimony in favour of Dr. Jaysm's Mitimonwas has recently been received from a physician of high standing in Ladderdale Co., under! date:of August 9, 1846. " qr. D. Jayne--pear Sir—l am hitimately ygairlcd ,With amp of your preparations, and .can sarcltrecalumend them. your Expectorant and Car ' minative Balsam I have used extensively 'in mylown prictice, arid I state unhesitatingly that I have' used nia.article; or combination of medicines, that him+ bet.' teranirmeted the purpose for which they were prepared' than the aihove, 41. L. W. W. Joninom. M. D 4, Lauderdale Co.. SLus." Pretiaretlonly by Dr. D. Jayne. Philadelphia,. and &old on agancy iby N. MITCHELL & CO., Drug gists. MaieroaeTa. , ;. F - - INE NEW TEAS, IT - NEW YORK PRICES. -- 1 L , • 1 L. IlL' REXFORD has made erredge i minty with theNEW-Y C ORK PEKIN TEA OM PANy, for the sale or TEAS in Bing bunted, and can f inish his customers, and the trade, with Teas at the saine ; prices that:the Company charge for them in I New York, which Wait lout. from One to Two Shil. lingo Oieiper" on each pound than the Grocerir sell at And is timely cue • where,these•Teas do not give gratis. factiop, tkoponey will be paid hack for them. , i tATA.LOGUL' OF TEAS.; • . i • , • GREEN. . . V° l3 ut H.Tictd. good, • • .27 1-2 ~: • Do. 'do . . sweet cargo, 50 Do. de. ' fine cargo, - 75 , • I Do. do. silver leaf, 100 Sfiveirliurfseldom sold even by large dealers, because or Ole very small profits made on its sale-,is a very suit-Fier Tea. , • • , DS. do. golden:chop, 150 Oflclek chop—This is the finest Green Tea cultiyated l inilfine. It is of the first pickings, and exce l s all nth r'Green Teas for its' delicaey_of flavor, strength ~ andaronm. Heretofore this Tea has never reach. ea(hit Wiiiiiiry , except in small lots to suit thepar erhaYer.:.... , . . . 1 OVson; fide - • - 75 • • . ' ~1' 1. DO. very fine. 1 00 - f- Giitifioiver f fine, 75 1 1 Do.'' extra fine, . 100 ichiterio, fine. . . ' 75 • - Di- extra fine, rOO • :skin, good, , • . 37 1-2 Dyson .. : ' . Nina Yong. strong and good flavor. 37 1-2 • NringiYonit i —The - grocers sell this at 50 cent, and i ca l it Oolong. i , , Oolong. a4elicious Black Tea., '5O COrtisri this so or Tea with that sold by grocers, • is 9/66' an Oelongs "Tea. The difference is too plaite...epa thetileception too palpable. • Wong; plintation growth, 75 "-; tagfiSh trealtfast; One, 50. • . ~ - ' .- . ''Dodi: . - do: "eitra fine M gg _ •: -..,, arrittia's Mixture, trieh & highly If irate& •. • 175 C ' . - " Moir Flower, OO ! ' • I._ D4l - - Seented, ..,, •1 50 ' Bre. Plus Ultra, • 150 , Ne,Rius elirri— r This Tea is as fragrant and,. sweet its'ii*toiWtay.'. It yields a perfume that is truly de lightful:4 It is efgarden growth and superior to anythireof the kind ever sold in this country. 11:1" Tide ibove Catalogue dais mot comprise alit* onetks coulainmLM my asaariment.. I have every Virilty IMArtett, arid, every shade of . quality; sou can M ittit'tfia oat' faitictious purchaser. The above Teas are ill done up in Chinese 'packagei, an miantities of o I'-4.111., 1.:-21b.: arid 1 lb. each. k . •1..,.‘,.: I/ COMMENDATIONS. ~ : - . 1= • SlTtillaaetried the Teas imported by the Pekin lea Company, 75 and 77 1 Fultres-st. and if we 'bye! 'krill try then. often. r'n4lie lentil - 0e most eeliciints,Tras ;weecter drank, and 'retail at wholesale' ripen-- A*4a 'O ipiest; •7. - '..- -, , : .- , , • : You' may he eurenf obtaining at all times and :ore -highly lianded lear.i by die tingle paid: -it whole. saleeprieu, of the Pekin Tea Company: '7 l s' & '77 Fallon-st• They bays ittabably the largest stock and4reatiallrartely.of file Green - and Black i Tees of stir one 9t mkt is the United &area.- They are Oinglk.laigeboalnaitiosnd am a greatneadtinnott. lumen ofitea;:•;-At/iii. ' . . Iteretafore it bas • .= nay diffteidt, indeed impanel. bin,* °hieing* Green and Black Teu:„, Out now i* h iithirat - .. 1 0 - **44.,,fivarankiis:otiiii; Pekin TUiPiniperly,7sf katt77 Fulton-IL toobta* at*. lietaiktittairotiesil adyin sold " Wish for."Dsi- I, ~ ^S.; ~,tl,, -N.,H I 1......4 4 -- . ••, • • -, ,i 4 weird to Tee Dkistere.--The Pekin Tele COM pi**o*iati_,TiTat,-- 'lint" it ' , Wick/W*4 o ail 1 atitketouie. thaannutdollsia-nrarth'lC *Awn Tgiukat;of Green nod Black Teat /goitre lie ' likCeimitetraftsra_ 22' Aplauip*l44 . l4 ll l Wiens fancy ! Pa*Vili p rsanintest. , - ' it ies 1 tpiprikrolai bey Au. cu b . tanblkinneisit - lid ilfsk#9 P 1 147 1 0 1 640014410 dr* : - -i.ifliir 141, lead Ila jar teas ilaly, Ind ftiailstheit at . - prion4Cumai Al It_ b tichl9 lB 0 9 ., O P :W" O ra iPlh Ili/ 1 41411—**11111. 4” - - A 111 M 1L M . , 114 ,45-Ain,"? - •=;;•Stiirsilsiii. 0 1-1':- ' ''' ' '-' - .1 t • -,.;:- , ',. ,'' ;„,,. , ri -, 243 . -Tutribii4iTiOrii‘ ''o4.*: -. '' -": iters 4 . . . Abi ' ;„. 4 , „ „ ,1 4 0 ",,C594 'Arn e ' ie~o . BMA 11400;tilt - • N 4 , 1. 4t.q9ei. 1' • ' te Ot to e ic ''' •• ; ; —"f—T r k laf aters are ,r eceiving a well • - ='• ' 'tet Wails. will}jrnake! their easertment very co pieta. and they are determined to sell oater 4 , that will tisfiefory,to purchasers. '' ' s I ' " k . ". V ' ' ' . B urrows , 4. Co. Gibion, fidelli, 1817. :as. _.....1_...4_ , 03.,A_____ tat ~...__D__._3l wax 2MPIE3 • Mousseline De Lainea, hand .40 dE somajettterna, la 2d to 2a 3d per yarn U. B. * Ca's. ill g. BONNETS. AJGO litasortment of Florence, and stra 80t i: 45, and Bonnet trimmi n'gs at U. B. 4. co's. BINTBD LAWNS, GINGHAMS, an P ; other •E'ss goods Nary cheap at I 1 , , U. B. If Co's. • • LIST OF LETTERS p EMAINJNG in the Post O ffi ce, at Mot JULI - ', .4 trose Pa. July 180847. Ayres Squile Lyon William Beebe Mrsklarah A Lynch Martin Buckley William, Lewis James ByriteJamto Lathrop Miss C Babcock B4jamiu Mclntosh -- Bushnell W Mack John Boles James Miller John Brunson Like Miles Parker Boydf TN ' Maxwell Robert Benitett Edivard A Moony Etienezer B Bertiy Missklllary A , McMahen James Cook D J Lf, . - Oldham J . Catlin Geol. Pierson Miss Elizabet • Cushman Rev .M .K Patch Benj I. - Churchel Mrs Louisa Perkins Miss Emma Cold Miss Permelia -. ;Pinney Henry 2 Clemons Ff l Pecltir Thomson CharntierlittiMary 0 Perrigo Cliartei Chamberlicelliss RubyPrait Lafayette • Dorsey Mi ' Caroline. Palmeter Nictlus . Dolmiray gram .. Ridgely Miss a tt Drisland Ward Ketch Wm. • Dean Judsdn ' Reardon Wm. •Estle Miss C Richardson John C. .Evais Marn Stephens F. A. 2 Puller Mr :4:' Sutton Mark 2 Fut* Mrs fdatelda . Shufelt Wm. Fargo Bishd,p ,Stone Mrs Temperan • Guard Elisint. I Smith Elhanun Geer David.. 4inith Dr Horupe A/Mister PH . Tucker Win. Huston Rebicca A Thayer Dr. R. Hoge John,! Tbornton Chris. Hogan Martin Tracy Sties E. Hicks Geo '42 ' Toms* Jnmes Host! John I VIII Seth L. Harvey Chdrles , Worthington God Holbrook lin J 2 Wynn Dr. Halsey Sam ie IP 2 Wartronq Cu!. Jos. Howard Ja - 'es Willcox Gates Ives Miss gilly M 'Walliqrn Geo Jackson Thirmas J Watkins William Kidder Pettsi• Mary . Warner Jacob Kellum Is* i Weeks Gm, N 2 Kater Peterk Wart rous Spencer Lathrop Miiii Ruth S 2 3, HENRY J. WEBB. P. M. NEV GOODS. FB. CHANDLER, & CO. nre nowreepiviq . a large' and well selected addition to theit stock-of Goolds, to wnich they would invite th( attentionofiurchasers. Their stoc is now quite large, and they an determined .. at for Cosh, Barter, or on appro t least as low as an} SUMMER tuffs, Tweeds Bro Linen tee. GiriGHAOIS. DeIACIeS and OUR' Drets 90ods. LEGHOR and Straw Bonnets , plain a , finny laid. Ribbons. Flowers &c.- !,/ Chandler 4- Co. ARDirVARE, Iron, Nods &e. at , Chandler 4. Cos. ROCERMS, a rood stock, among the rem Air the besearki .b cheapest Tea and T , . I acer, town, 4: Chandler (a. COVER , !SEED. a fresh suppty, for sat. F. B. CHANDLER & CO. S EI li E t &TIN S, Bro. and Bleached, a variety 4 - ' PARASOLS and Shades at' Chandler & Cos A MERIC N, French and Ertitish Clot:A and 'Ca imeres, &tins. and fancy Vest ings for sale • .y ;A NE‘AILDFII i GOODS. • A T ff. BIRRIT'f'S, way be found a larg_,i .211. 'and m r t 'desirable assortment, of Dryl . Goods, contailiing sin -part s IN LAM ES DRESS GOODS— of rich Frew:hand Ei!glii,h Gingham. of superior Afyles, • Gingham and Printed Lawns Muslin de . Lanes at 17 rents and trpwardt. 'P.sua:4l Barejeo, Fancy Silks, .J.. inciud:n: the newest la files. IN 4V3.13.1ER SHAWLS— Rich Silk, DC Lane, Scraditta, Barege„ and fan cy Net ShavOs and Scarfs. very cheap. , h! IN BONNETS— Floraineeßrs)d,ChinaiPeart and Coburgh Fan cy, Plain Straw. Lawn and Common nine} Itonirtis. with`,. Rich Ritibons, Trimmings, an KoWers, at riduceet prices. • 'i r rlN PARASOLS—, I A Splendid assortment of Snit, Gingham, an Cotton Pant4ol,- and Umbrellas 'at very lo • prices. R;. - 4 i llr:GE ITS DRESS GOODS— 1gr930 Clell4 Caasimeres, Sauinetts, Tweeds Summer and Vesting% ,both rich eat Common in large, variety sad cheap. I,HATS AND .CAP B— . • '4 choice !I thiiina iL - - '-'- :I-' m' m - o! Fu' -'r. Na a pped ,Fear Col iiiiFirianNDOl lats;.Gents Leghorn, atrimyPalltHatrijklioCi:4i,Velvat.anGlenna'Sinti,Calk, opthe ' Ow and, tales -.•-,n tr4. - ..:i ~.' -.1.;-/.lf !DOMESTICR= : ' GisiOwn_ s . 9lticksi: Bed ticks,'COtton Sheath* Yana;-gatot4 Calm, Warp Batting,. Carps .. Ai lasoke f a imit•i!---; -,_, ,--= 4 :,- Ai 14451 - 19 oteforioualPnd a ,. Ittyleck emotion - - - - 4 , ices willfurnisk - the muit'de. iiiiik4 -tie' otito - iiiiichiiiol;lllo are le elratt illeilfilli - — fie hilriktoo.:k Witli I,liii *Sanwa Ol aCria bk . 00Pcbiseirire! . ilmedeiitoty r . callibir*le, y..`oit the nilatufactiiiert - Oa ; kkliiiittitiltit4 will .'.' tio , *obi at' small - ,pro **Wilt Ail Is twpletised. .. -- - a: lap '',414747;'1517..,. fp • iii ON tAd' ll o llll 4,Tritusilinge; Parigiois; ' ent, American an Chandler Z3--Co. Chandler 1r Co Chandler 4- Co Chandler 4. Ca's Chandler 4' Co r- ''' - ' 1 " 81 4 fßiad. OINV (000Ita 9 -AMID ?laza lama)* a a -a Tat.aubscribers are, 'pow receilf(ng a large "and desiirtble stoefq * of • • ' arairip& smug= Gos. • which were Nought for gash:. andUfill beiSold for .the,sainarta cheap °actin be boughtjn or. awn Penns,yltlania. Oui friends' leptl' cOsto merit,' will please ncBept; our thatil4 for their very liberal pagrmage during the pasi rear ;iand REMEMBER that any thing wanted in our line for the year to tome will herfurntahed them on the principle of • Lire ;and let NOT TO BE UN.DERSOLD,''i is our , mint°, anti we intend strictly to - adhere to it. All kiwis of Country produce roceiveii in paymtint: es well as Cash, Old Silver, Flakseed and fleeswax. Bentley 4. Read. Montrose, May- 20, 1847. - - t UPROA DC; LOTH S. 'Needs :Metronnes. nno I.l_, fancy Calistmerrni. Satinet ts. htun't4, Ves rings, and Summer Goats 01 a greet variety, just opened and selling right by • Bentley 4. Read. • — NIBROIDERED, figured and [Ging)) ,m l2l LA WNB. Idouslin )De Laimsi frOm Is 3d: to 2s. 3d. per yard, V.nOt'sh, Iri4h -and A merican Ginghoms, Oregon Plapl, a4d a sßlen• dal lot of calicoes s now ot ening by Beittley . .Reaq. . - ARDW ARE and Crock , ry—a full stock on hand. Ltendey rg• Read. ROOM?, Pawn , Pads, (conimqn and Cs. dar) Rimer Ladles pod fur sale right by Be ;lacy 4 . Rea/. . CLOCKS, ii 11111 Itsq‘ , MlTirro, w,trili•-s. Jew_ el ry, 134;epy's cr•tet . d.alr•d add .''J'en.r. 44.. Al s o - B:..g.Twtst, Seel Ber ds, Porsei fitol-11.1g . Clasps and trimrinuzs.• 1 l: . • Bentley 4 &ad. IRON and S'PEEL.—Stvedes and g. led IRON. Drag Teetit. Band, lioip,ttound and Scroll Iron, C st, ,G..rinan. ,11. Spring. and Eng. BliStep STEEL-lit:So Nail Rods—ns cheap hs the (All:, t.y Bentley & Read. • t et Also, Paints 51t every clo'nrand .14:•riptItn., warranted to geve,satisfaetion, and will he sold rery Low by FISH —Sword rind (.7dd fish, Shad drid:Magk ern! selling cheap by Bentl,-y cSi Read. TIA.O A NEW ntl.l full ass ,rinient of fqvuOts rind .CAL Ploutzle Casting. i,t the :I T d eon strueti.,6,-lust recet;ed, rind kow Dr', ces by ! ' kiEl3.[i'd New Milford, April 4th,, 1511. -! INGHA MS. ORESS, LA 11'.V'. M. DE• L A ./.1 ES, GLYG/tAM LA 11 S', •plen,J p.tb•rts Just ledeivcd dud 41 1 b`Er rery cheap Jru cash by J. Lsons. N E WGOO6S. TII E Subscriber is now receiving End' offer, for title a new ant: desirableal SPRMC. SUPP,IIf,ER CDODS at prices whe:h fa'.,l to bt• ..tii...t.ot•nry to all who d. ire re;+` rga;ns: sock coal prises a Iyl i,s , orttriettl u 1 DRY r;001).: G VI • C:" It! ES, I=2 DVE'STUFFS, NAiLq. • • 71N-tVARE, FISH. &C., all of ‘rti,e.i) titi;l be scAd at unu.s4ailyion, prices j.; 11,2„0n5. Mn' 13 1347 N. B. Nuelmrze made for exhi‘,itior goo 's therefore 11 ,, 11 . 1 fail to give us x c ill t+f , q•i• pot.- chasing elsewhere Ift YDS'. ,urnmer Chntlis, cheapest 001/ in Tuvin 191* stile by • J. Lyons. YD - '. llP.oby'Siii-e(ing at S 1 9 0:3 1 1,11 1, u. ce.,o Yd. for cash, t r sate WOODEN Polls, Buller svimv.t.: Laitles Clothes Pins, &c. at Lyuns CANDLES—fIume rOnuffic:ure.' it by , J /lons. . GOOD writing, I), per hl' 1214 !Kier piper at 11., cts. pee Tare. Pgir , h) J. 'fLyuns. June 17 *AO AIETV i1.1!1C, m ink W•IEREAS. it taiinCi! tiiiiffiirstood it atiOllN GRAivlqs,. ti.e Tay li if — of Nitiiiiri,se," EiXe'CIIIPA • old 6 kinds n► wi',rlf in Mit. Itfae Of tiuiaiiess, in a little heiter style. and at its f priceti as any nOici• 'ray— lOr this side ot Mexico ; this is to 41M in nil who have', or ni.iy f tior tin with t :e1(1' co-tont. that lie tots jii,4 received from lac v i, York hts tistial variety of SPRING AND SU 3 - 1111 ER FASITIONS, and is now prepariiid to !wait upon quileinnn when it shall' suit t heir cOuremence: May s:ti, 1817. I 18 3m ITNIIIIENT CUTTING. • 1-T HE sub - scriber -hat;irig wit infra Wn , for present from on roiineetton with the tai wing business rlcept gutting. will i.ftrentter give hts tau-anon to that parqcultir . hr elicit ex clusivetr. From a long and successfal expert euce, with recent improvements, an.i in regular receipt of the latest fashiOns. he has eatire aqn fidenco in his iihitity to i piease all Who may 'employ prevent'pprehosion he would furthei• state, that having wurtufd hereto fore for the sake of working, heimends in fu— ture to workifor the fake of the :pay it (eAcept• where charity may dictate otherwise.) J Those therefore who are able tel but al Ways with hold, will please also withhold - dim reu.loin. shop over the Hut Stoke, first bnll4hi north of . the Stne6house. P. ridNEs. Mont rose..? 4, , NEW STYLE GENT'S- HAT& Spring. Pali 141011, 4 fo r • 1847 . RO,W N-1714: inches high, 518 yeoman, -/..be1l at sides, .1-16 front, and 'year, 1-4 curve.- t i p—/ Oval,' Baist.--ii inches ,wide, front and near, ,1 9-16 • a sides,— StitonFu-714 Oran inch,svide. , - "the ataive. nOt, styfei, introduc.etr, in New York on, gaturdaY.Mare by flee, zz. e Cos.. titOrrii riow realfr aim!' fer Sale hy I, • - 1 = MEitßll. l l4' Adnunitstratins Nt7114 - e. ATOTICE he l ieby giyea to ail persons 4.11 41ebted tq the estate. of .195E.141 A US- TlSOfeeedied; foie of Ilarritonilositnship; to make immediate payment', end ail pieqphs log any elahrit agatnst sip Estate ar4}eqtiest. coo ruse . ttt. them p pie ' ,subscribe! fpr,settle. mad. REYNOl4DB4lniiafikr. Harmony, June 22, - `1847; V.ft-8-w.- ', ZOOM PR 0 CI i trti , 1 1 - Airritp.EA , Nalurei; hiving ,fijo it i e ved t 4 IF the hea offdan.:no.c°vesingieulficien to proteei ; it fr m ,the,Winter!st storm, or , th burning rtiys 6 Surnmerts itta;it isitairilf high lyessento to, is comforV Una . treetity,lhiit hg provides ih l imsel with seem killettifithric ealcu Eared toiipli e deAviency. ,Aid,, Whereas i prudence equile; that every onti;oiliOuld purl chase such tire Att les as theyay - eeedv'wher those eqUally good, ca berobittineii t at thelovi est Priced, there ore, BE rrAirowet, , io the lithely: 'tants of ISesquebanna County, andill (Abell' whom kiting concern. that- 1 .. i - 0 - i IWM DIL POST; & co. -. I Have esOilislidd theMselves at the old start . one door sheth of the Fig:anus' 'Slime, wher they intiinil - to rionofacture. and keeticonstnntl on hand; ElArs f every descnption.• in add lion to their un sually large stock o r Hats no oti hasl(l. wind n nufactureti at their establist men t, W. M. P.I& - Co. have just received fro NEW YIVIE. a frill supply. of SUMMER HAT " & CAPS, which gives them the most extensiv and yarfed assrtment of Goods in' their tin . ever offered for sale in Northern Pennsylvenii . il A 11. of whieh w II he - sold for cAsu or READ PAY TWENTY FIVE FEB CENT under the usual pr r -• cps. hlotari)sp, Ap - SPPIN • STYLE FOR 1847, A ,NlYerOry st le of Otter. Benver, N.utrl, L. Bruyti , C ssitirre, . Aleßkrat, and d )riey Ilsrs,pf xhapes. size*, erdors. qualities a nd prices; frotnsl.;oo tU $5.G11 at tile hut ;•Se. C tp O'er:a of W NI. NI:POST', LEGII'OR2 41D STRAW 'LATS. EONS tind poys double niad single brins it Leghorri,?ils!), American En llt.h tip() eHburg ;•striami..also Aitterirmi Ruzlapti}lats;, of diffurentludlittes. for sale eilett,p ut WM. M. POST, it , CO's. • -T1 . I GAZED 'CAPS. „' . 1 --I° ' -° '. 0 DdZ. :Veins and Boys. Stilt, Linen:mil V.O pt4ien (:iluz.oll (ups, of new anasheate;,! titul stytets,tcheiier than at tiny • other estabi lishinent, only bb tonnii i,i . - . -, A I Wet. .31:. Post, d, Co's. ; P.. , 1 L. 31.1; RAF HATS, f - IF every" kin , ;mil iii any quantity. verb 1,..7 low at 1 -, W M.. M. POST, & CO's. ' C 0771 CAPS, - • ,• i DLA ES Hind t 4 hey. made of light .tloth, ado I. !... - -6i tu bie fti buitittie , r, ut - i , t . 1 Wm. 11/. Post, 4. CCs. f ' Dcat:ey 'At Read BURRITI, is now receiving an ttlen-F., itt.4.• sive and ti , Aortrnent SPRING SUMMER GOODS, to wh w n he would solicit the • attention of hi ! tr;ends and the tiublic. • I His .storli as +nal will compr;ge large and: fait varieties of Fancy and Stu pie' Dry Goods; Grocerim Criic eery, t Hard Ware, Hollow Ware i . Stone warci Iron Steel, Nails, - Pains, Lamp ,S• Linseed Oil, `Fish - Palni Lear+ Ploughs 4- Castings, Grind Stones, 4-c., 111 of w'hirh wtbn soid un the trin.tfavorlso, !ems, and at ttt:e lowest Cash, Darter of Credif N.-ye Mil ay 20. 1847 MIMEO Suhserikr would inform his friends. anti the,ruplie, Oust. he hits purchngieri the. ) shop (nrinellv lei•unied by P. Jenks,. tint innre ref-en! Iv he r.ill. Patrol:, a few rotts west ot the t'eurt Ilt.itsel where he is now carrying 'Oil ihe'a bove husio+ss in nil" its branches. Ile sow It, iis a share of the puh!hc ii , tron4ge. WM...FF.11 FOLLET. .Montrose, Jan! 20: 11;47. - i nAItL V T.E, DU til.S, ME • 'DIL Segur's Pills. Dr. Sponr4 er's Hygetuo. do. Lee's. Lino - per.. ;1011, \I ionatio, do. Aiso, Dr.. Ri4torty's Fundy; Nleibrines, ronsg,:iii s.I Bali» of Gilettil. %;,VOr tit Oil, Vegetable PO's, Eve Water,lii r'engtheiiing PibS , er, Ernbrr (Nit &e. &e. For their supt•ririr ex,•ellence and •greht ocei fu!iiegi. these teed trtnes it re entitled tira place iin every family.; Try ':tern. OPiirIFiLDOC. Or. Jayne's Verrniftge, rd tat. Cpvert's B•Ite Life, Horehound, Paregoric, Licorice. 8:;!. fir., fok • sa.le by. J. LYONS • April 13,1841. J. ,Lyons" ENTLEY &IREAD, have this day. receiv4 IL? tl In to their stuck .of Dugs Dyesirfffs, MA % 4c. wbte t trtke. !Heir iissortinent compiele. end tiji - ; which they invitt the attention of frienil4' in Sii-gnehanna Pnysidians ,and oth4 ers . supplied- with every article iiiour 'fine' /it al) lino a rate as at !any ether establishment iq Northern Penrimilvarlia. • ' : •• • Mont rrise Dec if; 1846.! - TURE winter strained , Egi 44 . 1 4 .11 i _r_, — ‘7 . 3, 1.1 Refilled Whale .O(LS. alsol,l Al ~.,, ' . LI fi.zeed and tranner'sdp:, forsale!: -,- • '''-'.014 - -- cheap by ' :1 ` ~ I , BENTLEY READ ' &, FR A 4 4 K r :"ILL,Eft..E.. . —__. eelebrate4', healh.ell Preserratirgi unii water Prriqf „Oil; t.tacking'i just the thing 'tor this weather; trirsitle.byi I i ' BC l oei4. 'gra- i , ' . • 7finews, .f -• M AGICAL rtAIN E . XT Ri; itRACTO for Soreres. -Cut.. - Stvellinkplia sinst! Oruises&c.&c. ust receivudAnd forlutlO,by PenoeY ltf:Rl44l,:;`: =IEMM!!!! TEpi. BEEEIS and PURSE TWI .'a nekit Empaly just received, also; gtieflitiel o 6( Purse Clasps, Skales, &c. I • ' De!ttleji R"2/1:' , 20m3 rtRUGBM pICI.NOS:,—;• A mint just ci fled, uml: rcir • • r AD M's Bu*in. , 'Slippersand , Pilitere . .`=c .1,4 also a large tertraet4:4l!_qaildren!saboeii 131 ROOERIE And Pernlst i MVP Ur' chat) pi .14*OPOTea.,,'Coffee Cocoln e, Zart Cur!vitt., ,pl3ppfiv Apipt k Soleratup, Ginger, sodp, ds gage's fitipenor aandles, and .i,or tale, by : • , a , . { . ;- Aelgiey 4 1 . 1 . 104, ' . y 'RATHER. apt" nOd Upp,tle.4tker-4 1 - j Lk Pair Skins pi receirld. nfld !or We t •7. ' • -IBeWey-kißead Rom WINMIRMININITIMIIf ..1 , 1 . 1 4 . 6 01 P N 6 .0 ,-! : ,16 ei;ii , r !k0,.101 PIT! Azmjusto; ~ ~ bi , ...,:, ~ is. ~, i 'T - • , ..- Benilpy 4 404, - 1 . , ArkillAT(oN ! it 29, 1847. . GOOD $. ME £L(4i. LL'LYG. VALUABLE FAMILY MEDICINES. pUSQUZNANNA COUNTY S T IR E MIL • DItUG, -ft yER,4I.PILL II II Atinsrirtisias lessioiroied, THESE =tire _ .'. e ' 'of tlie beSt Medical" Cotriponnds n tiatt at the 'lqesent day., Asa common family physic. for, athninistriainn in all tilniMrtiry nririfirAtintst of die stomact end bowels, head actse v &c., they 'nay b e fully depended upon, knits promOluse "td the n) on the first ippeartinee of indispotation nulls. variably saye muOt aicknoss. Tfiey are tea. Harty adapted to all eases of WeaknesOand ga b eral ?lerangeniettritlf the agat e; and especially- with fentales 7 and: a steady, t it , interrupted'Use — oll.then; in striCt conformit with the direction' wtik,very . nod' restore an -organs of the stomach then nitura I fulmar), action, and regulate tae lsowels,land Isnot% . the whole ayatetr4 1 t 7 I There is no drionsitipt lye sixtrava lant commendations ortheirr. WOO is here tiAtt e 4 , is the result of nettle' :experience with tile r; and that•throngh is" periiid of fifteen-years, is not supposed, Or pretendeil, (bey pal raise the dead ; neither fare :hey designed tot ! used as freely as tire usOmkr poonl. 'Such ist the true purpostfOt medicine. only appe. priate °Mee is VI aSsigt nature in. restortn ci t, system to a proper. tone and actnisw.when atm r veidably.. or through enrelessness or excess i becomes deranged. Many are rarelesa, and' hence need this aid. 4nd ,the most -careful are liable to, irregularities of the system. It i t needless almost tri gall', that a prompt use ni Arfe and effeetire'remedies, on the; first enema 4 a nee of illness. is . .the of wild m, Irr&st fa Medicine the Prisprietor hnotes these Pills , I be. ti' And he ri nerni:tn that. in forty nine co si . B out of fifty, *here , a tair trill( is made Etc cording to the direettislis , they will he eind gain n standiird pedicine, Ilica thus kit .sea an insraszeel where they linve teen thut used, in which they haye not metiwith ttlatu, IFIED AFPRoVAL! , , . , • Nomeroo testimonials Moir tie seerrat the General PincePpt Nalo and refetenees will he given to substanto 3iFing witnc4ses of their value hle r urativc„prb4:ruesi. The Pills are lithely' ieet lahlq are of t u r ( kinds, stimulant sr,iti purgative, ipurifyingth Mots% aril prod ueing hea hy ri,etion' through the en:ire srsierft Med inane, and ernieenily useful iriAll lingerie rotriplainto--Wetiltnes6 prh,titv, nepsy,Pu ( moitary AffeCt tons, tivdr Cotripleipu Rhetornitie grid Stoisniodie Affedtione, Femal eittpettoienis; &c. MEIE No Family, 411'44 A telOirtrbilii sv4ll be 'militant ! ; . They ere Out tip i 4 FIFTY.I CENT And, DOLLAR P4CKAGES . , each h-,v,sint n Nmph. ernbracivig a .Valval , le with lull diet-0143ns fir use. The iEhrhr pact. useslhe.heilpest to the purebasef. Thpv rimy he ertiored -4 111,r4;uf.0 Drueek4Ki giving ihq Street sad the General Deplh. 1 1 1711tdeart;• , inti No. 140 Second - Floor, AY, BPI Ween Nas,aku r skreet and yon yea r ue glimath—Try intim I 40 1 0" The si hrive 'Pill.. ere ilcn fni !Rai( it Chi tort; of BENTLEY & BEAD: (1( thi. Otte. 111 V uttv6 oes Ds AT WHOLESALE & RETAIL. THE SuhPerih'er wbohl iteflirni the. cir;z•m or Mmiero s e AM! leiniiy.:Thret r , turnedirom llngrno and NeW YOr*. with • 4 41 .114 00110 \Yorth of Dry G6nitP„whirlr tia we beer) wirrhp. rodtv•tino nt tt, r T ad r , 411,1 . 2.,)!df1:0m 25 to sf) ern!. Ico th.n pffire.P. • MRRCi-3.IN'I'S in wirtirnlmr. , ci. , i!! • fittrt. it:; their tott-ttp.o, to cvill it.xamirp• , flork, tw- Ittre LT, .N..ty ;-.4ts lie .1 - I : lv.umweg xre sev.ll its,to 11 . 1171 nr hotter teritt9 than they c. , ,t1 i boy in N... 1 C ti Set 1-f4 yorir,=-Iv,p, E4st end of Exchanot.iTeu , kh.n,-F , 131 1 .1-nin11 , ). , „ ' ' - J. IS N • N nschance tw• Unttis. Eecs, Phestvax, Tow Cinch, Flax, ;flutter, Dried fipples, Rage G rain 01,1 Beuris, &c. , A GoQous. ,, ri!inerit•or 1.11 , 1)es'! ttimp4, srip, gHiters. busttins,Childretqe 'mkt Palm leaf Uall;orelltt. P. &0., jug lattif trig lit .J. STONE WARE. l• AL FULL ossor'i . inonli nt -Stone War! this day OA. reeeived,,uko will - fie c'n!s OF.AP t'‘, Feb. 11. 1F447.r.':•••, THAYEk : • BOTANIC & BA'BBOPATIfIC- MYST CLAN, „AtiIY'..B.I.TBGEON-01fice at 113 dtvrtlmg third ityhmio e l 4-.4 the Court Ifotii —Will be at hhinii Mi:0)-s Of each where he.wiil !'?4 - iit_tripv %rnit upon all Itimid who may -favor}, hirri!witli 'calk 1:847k , - It piitocu,. Atiprney at I.lw. -t -fits removed ;his Offir.em Turnpike Str t def,..„Ope door. Fat of ii. T. (use's Office. - 4taihree doors 1 West oflhil FlpeisterTrintjteg Office. '' I .. :41:113C. r . It. S3I ter, . , i DtNTIST--Oetil Ter-th ,on Golit Plato and ine* oil tiOnttiti wii k In the !vitt tktyle. - All work - warranted. - -C n be:found tit L. &orie l s :.on Mon4ny.and Tt evilly of each week. 1 Deitersin Dry -Ooodt, Grotteriett,; Hard-Ware , ICrneker,y, tron',Ntils,, Fish 4t4.—Oue du% !belowJudge Poi.t't ~ ' ,f !lIFF.ANYi mpller in. Drp.anod,ts- Grocerieo, Hanlon , 4.4.:L-13i'ocklilyn'su 'fa Co Pis .L, - , ill. .1, , ATHROPI P4Ysician °pa Sir , o-7011fee civer. tbe E , ehenete i Springvilr ''Pe. ' r t ,,PAIW ./01°C4:, Phiiicintli e r eitklltiirtitis, btoritrose. Pa.-- 05 ' : . ;ea Over ft. tile;irle di Ciiss-Store.l -'- ' 'D'ArP I OIIE3IO4S; Cocicbt Wagon. Mapufactlyer I nd "'Re'p'airer=-:- - Slioiiiiii-ttiii - Wilicestmirre Tura -1011(4 a: ViMtge. D!fttier lllDWV o o4ls'aiocerletr;.. Hard/we - [Crockerikig,Glisses,,.:at(opeds Po' , t` 9 w ß l! 8 4 , r lf : i MaillfPSoObelowthe ' lifliti ; 41 ;1•TP4 tvuY l'akil" ' - f or i -... 4. un.litee in•t It tit; bigw. rz yp. r. Attoomr.44c9tinile 4 I Oh- - 4111 1 0-` roam fon" tors of.l.'a. , .‘Pooit . 7 - rii , .... tot _t _jy beiviipied , bf l p I 'l' rgn • ...----- , -0, - "HEN y aiILEAP bigentitinhei fid it - 1 ) : ‘ 1i 0 n , , ,. . i. - fG ° " d itits. l4 l, c roc k. lixt i ,iiletlictots • :t try; Nana s a 4 an i4f'l-s 1i s 1 orof * f err • Cloc., Watch es,W e - 0 c i S- A iL.stoe o kl ` in ' n . 9 eg ( „ n , 8 (tiilsol,i lallieko"we9iogrk.ltir'lnt*Na'4 P,pae & Mitehelli 'l o •' • , Nazi . . , V 3.1 ft.F.Y BENTLEY,& 'READ._ En*.fittvl earbl. H 11 II NE!
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers