Northern democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1844-1848, July 22, 1847, Image 3

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• , ursday, July 22, 1847.
mecratic Nominations.
ife , torgot to invite attention last }gee
• ifrtisentent of Lee, Judson & Lee.
4011 that they offer great indueetnen
4reantile friends, wiw, r trust s wi
iz ealL
to the sd
It will be
to our 11,
give the
-63 second Address of the Democrat:
e ,i ontral Committee will be fouiid
's to-day. We trust it will. beigen-
Id for it more than merits it. Na on
,it without endorsing the Penflsyl4
:declaring that, it is a " forcible an,
'Ole vindication of - Pcm - ocmtic
4n eloquent appeal in behalf of th
l ie candidates. The exposure Of th•
ie State
our cola
erally re
can pent
vaman I
ares, an
hill for the sale of -the public works
Mr. Senator Grano:vs, and foired
ci r ': Federal lash,. through the Senate
through the Ronne, is overwhelm
1 0, bill is one of the latest pro4s o
juire policy of the Federalistsi and
Benton disregard of the interests of the.
leleas unquestionably the most infm:
far • history, "since tho passage of the
14er the United States Bank of Penn 4
!lid it will long be recollected to thv~
the Federalists. The Central C'oni4
h spoken Of it in terms of just indig+.
under tl
and aim
jug. TI
the prose
of their
mous in
hill to ell
mittee hal
The Irvin Letter. '
4eiti will recollect the letter which
ifid,,two or three weeks since, the an
* Qdcli was attributed to Gen.
' atral candidate for Governor. To
4firtrnarl4ble for bad spelling, bad
114rammar,' bad logic, and bad every
t,4s but, to repeat every body's opin
.ll9 . The schf,ol-boy of "seven sum
'fact it•was a production of the very
taste, discreditable in the ex
nittu a third rate pedagogue, and we
b)re not much surp esed to find the
- secabd Joe Ritner here, consid
lripant'at its publicity. It certainly
14tretion which ni3 man'Could be proud
we hot seen its genuineness pretty
i's:hurhcd, - me 'should have pronounced
with-our neighbor, and passed
Our re
.we pnblia
\•in, tlte
scow I
ion don•:
viers." I
vor.t 1)0
I , elne •to
were de'
'mit if
( r2ll}(q ]l]_
of_ h
it a - fur
it bv.
.-'our neighbor; (whether actuated by
stretion the re4vier . May judge from
‘l'`,S) pronounced it a base .‘ loeofoeo
..nd so dl4l a number of his party
&y from the which the
• ?known "Some of them admitted wrote the lcttcr, but that the
do it displayed were not his, but,
('some "base locofoco," whileothera.
4,he ever wrote it at all. How far
;'tistifialrle in making such ebtirges,.
their philippics may 'be Orned
fkilowing, - 4from the Bellefoute
4 Pol!ltical Forgers '9
zeal, of 4
11 hat fell{
f .rger,"
pre c a
fa -Is er l ,
UT? erice'l
the work
denied th;
they wi r I
and bull
from the
ocrat 4-
ttiis ear tion the North American and
;ear of the 2d lest. 'says :
I' S G
an amon ,
ports to
a candid
caster •
eo Foeo papers—the reansylparti.
`others—are publishing what pnr
lie a letter 'written by Gen. Irvin when.
h for Congress in 18392 The "Lan
! 47,1iner" learns from a reliable
at this letter is a forgery." 1
`piild like to know the authority upon
9charge of forgery is lounded, f iiras-
lye learn. frkins a reliable source that
ch above refired to is genuine, to the
f,an i and the crossing of a. t. JThat
pie original itself, now layiaeiefore
era' Irrin'tt owe handwriting. -, Oeti.
. 4fll will not dare to deny it. If hig
tile North ~-4literican really hplieve
A. " .- Loco-Osea torgery," they, hap
edy,''and jtudrwit: to themselves dq
. " they shoulaltursup it.- Will they
nOugh to try the experiment? i
its home in mind that the above is
*emocratic paper in Centre countjr,
IN residence, and that neither Uri:
r; - his organ in that county date de
iiineness, and that, nuieover, ilk were
:ry" the law would take cognizance of
it of itsnuthenticity vanishes at once.
ii; the " intelligence" . ofthe candidate
Irtior of the ' all the intelligence' party !
source t
We s
which t
much as
the miss'
Its in G
Irvin 11 . 1
friends o
it to
ikeir re
mods til
be good
from the
Gen. In
self dr.
lty itage!
- a • forg:
qt, all do,
Yet vac
for Gov
vs .
R T .
~_ i_
PILE 011 THE "ULN."—rrollts ____, r
to in po fission . of the Treastiry
ascertained that Ithe reeeW*I Depnrcmei
it hash - dfr
the Tf6)f 1846, for the finit seven Moifthe‘
of its ': do have ` exceed ei th4e of that
Tariff Q
4 .842, for the same fhe du ink tbe,)
last ye ~ y upwards-of inze'rnilliennjA44.
. 1 ,
What , our neighbors of the a Befiuster"
and its eOpationer—the'first of whiellntibris&
ed and enilorsea 41 prediction thsit . the rattan!
derivable Onit fie new Tariff would mit 46mmild
eighteen ihillionii- r -to slily to that? -.VIO:poull7
_has ~ 4 been - raked, as they predicted, bid
on the otttrery Is enjoying u nbo u nded pril.;'
Pei*. rhe reveille hail not been '! rodinied
one 11 ,' rns the . Register, nagely prophet*
but ha 16a. *creased at ; the rate of two intl.: .
lions •( e4ly one twelfth) lbeirat .Yeat. i . ; Will
our eel Mors; please furnish their raid* .4
a soloti*pf tbis di l acrepi4eY r: '`
' i r;
live men were Idled by' lightin i ng + . l:
Bun dajH t, at Troy,N. Y.
W cagy cnirontiion.
t i ill:lit:1 , 11liter anti Harbor Convey
as the in:T said by "the eleptiant," has
and gene." Pelegatei from upwards of wen
ty assembled at Chicagl'j,.lllinois4 'n the
sth init., and organized by4thc election o Ed
win Bates, of Missouri, President. A umber
of letters were received apologizing foi. the
,Son-appearance of their several authors, among
which welnotice. One each frani ex-Goliernor
Silas Wright, - Mr. Van Buren,; Thos. H. Ben
ton,i and. Lewis Cass. Several fine speeches
were made upon the subject of the improve
ment of the avenues of "internal commerce,"
ind fine.* W"Declaration of sentiments" was
adopted asserting, in substancti, that the Con
stitution warrants the. appropriation of !funds
for ' - regulating commerce among the 'overt,
States,l' that the clearing out of the Western
rivers, lakes and harbors, is what 133 meant by
" regulating Commerce" as above, .and that.
" the salioard and inland waters are under the
same category for constitutional action." As,
these were propositions whiCh nobody dispu
ted, the objects of the Convention were Fot a
long with very harmoniously. A effort
was made by some 'of the Whigs tolgive it a.
party complexion, but it was " nipped 6 tho
bud," and finally abandoned., Whether, in
that, this great assemblage has accomplished'
any thing new, or changed public sentiment in
reference to the subject which . convened it, is .
very generally and, we think reasonably, doubt
ed. •
'The Wilmot Proviso In (4eoroln.
We take the 'following article from the N.
Y. Evening Post. It is . needlessAo remark!
in connection with it, that the same s'nbject :
produces a .great deal of excitement • among :
both political partiei of the S'outhern or slave='
holding States, and that both protest, in the
strongest terms, against the interdiction of
slavery in newly acquired territory, in some ea-.
ses carrying their . h estility so far even as to ,
refuse to support ally Northern man for the,
Presidency, no matter who may be the nomi
nee. This circumstance was what elicited the
letter from Senator Benton which we Published
a few weeks since :
A general convention of delegates of the 'great leader of the Federal party
democratic party assembled in Georgia on thek t.ry ,
29th ultimo, for the purpose of nominating a delivered in Philadelphia in N
candidate for Governor. At this convention a was Published.leading -flex
series of resolutions were adopted C.x-presui've pers, and gave the most lively
the sentiments of the democratic party in the. "It is fully believed that Mr. Po
state upon the leading measures of the admin-Jtration is tottering to its fall, and
istration, upon the acquisition of new territory, :ti-war party of the United Stet(
and upon certain incidental matters: take . 'come into
power. — etican I
D •
notice cif the resolutioi:s relating to newly ac
quired terrify, not only for the purpose of pre _, :: ernmeol Paper.
seating all the opinions that may be expressed
in every part ,of the country upon this loonier,-
tons .question, 'but because they are expressed;
with a.spiri iedi..ative of ca!macss and a - de-i
sire to.settlb a serious difficulty, and which isi
not to be fdund in the, impulsive ebullitions of
some of the southern ilenventiOns. • The wbig
convention, in session at t‘he.satite time, adop-•
ted a resolution of hostility `to the Wilmot pro- :
vise, so that the sentiment ottlie state may bet
regarded as Unanimous.
But what is the present posit iiiteof the gees-?
tion ? The point insisted upon by \the north'.
Lq, that all territory which may hereafter eome
under the jurisdiction of the United States,
then by purchase, voluntary;
_annexatio or
conquest from Mexico, shall forever be exeMp
from the introduction of slavery. • The south.-
insist that as citizens of this republic, they',
have an equal right to settle iii any territerie4
With their property. • But men, women orl':
children are not property by nature, and can;;
never be held . as , such, except by ate.
express law of the government under which:
they live. What, therefore, was property ire
Georgia, becomes a•freeman upon the emigre,
lion of the master to !any of the states of 3lex-c-.
ico or Oregon, because no law' is in foree.
there which recognizes slavery. The mere pa-Z
sition mentioned above, which the south insists(
upon, is mit therefore sufficient to secure theiri
ol , ject. All the southern conventions there-i
fore insist!at the same time, "(that the govern
ment, of the United States can; exercise no con
trol, directly, mediately or immediately; oven .
the" peculiar property of the south. Hexer
then, ig aportion of property in a country, yeti
the government has no control over it neithe
within the limits where it is to be found, or in
,aequisitiorls of territory where: it is not to be
found.' This is asking altogether too much for,
bur republican spirit at the north; to Ott up
With, even although the the request ponies :
from brethren.
We are,all strict constructionists of the con
nutrition. We abhor the smallest violation of
that instrument: It is admitted that the peo,
ple have therein withheld from the general
government all control over slavti property,
*itbin the present limits of its existence.,--i
Dut beyond those limits there is no check or
CPA upon it. It *ill 'rule supreine over', slave,.
p r operty and every other property; and A, tbe t
*oat glorious expression of Perty ever seen
*nywhere °wealth, may discharge its sacred
dart' t° humanity, by forbidding the entrart
of a eirvile foot Within the Pew and ample
througli - Which it is destined to diffuse:
Peace, happiness and unbounded prosperity, off
it may, though aur 1 - sloth and hecdielme;se, or
indifference atutinUetiveness, Overpass that du,,-
ty and stiffer large Portions tif this new and
fair *Mil to bo gryep up to injustice, inequali-',,
ty of rights Find hangar.
• There arctic 1i of.all the New En
ghted . statet4 New ... York, Pennsylvania,-, Ohio„'„
Minas andnuellonse of the Legislature o
Delaware speaking-in, the most brietand. ,deci4
sive terms on this. renbjeof." l 'At the :south)
. •
there the Legittlatilief Viegmia, numerous:
publth meetings in 'South Cafolina, a tew .
*lsola Alibarna i lan4 thefolle wi,
=FA" - from: Otergia; -ea,: the opposite
e'inkit the resolutions ; alluded te, both:
belsarlso It~l ' era too : length j', 2 and . x.r. e'i n t"l
as the 'Ost's remarkti'Uhoweil Froti
the. it will fiii , peeri that thttSeutk iittOtte .
OS* fieilylbjeott.ons- to " Proviso ; up!.
the ground' that slaves- are their prot,eity, itut
ililiiitbOlderw would be pi4ibite
• .• •
erg- 19 4941 ., 1?: .14.14 101 7 iivf4k '..0 11114 .
jr. / 1 - z411:1MOW . ertal
• ,t 9 yaj ihia it**. now pro lited front remq
Otlgt)lo.f.l"P7;.l-. worth °I!'. 11 ;Psi ,
liarsOidi4 - 1 1nverty.' k Fence we we ;
-cover no new phase to the ftil?jeet,
[tiler abridgement of their rights tin
exists, except it be the refusal to fa
eel for an unlimited slave traffic by a
'territory ont of what is now free.
)east none but ultra, fanatical ;Ab
desires to meddle with or, curtail t
!slave-holding immunities, but nre
`each state, should uphold or &bilis
'tier! Within its own limits wheneve
bcst comport with the wishes (if i
But we do ask that territory now f
er be curted by the tread of a h
!learn by the Pennsylrchtian 514
ing that Joseph. C. Neal, .1145 q.,
" Gazette" bearinF hia name,died
;his residence in Philadelphia, of " 4
the brain," on Saturday evening
Neal is known all over the Union
of superior ability. He was for
itor of the Pennsylpanian, but
'more generally known as thelmth
coal Sketches." He died in! the
his age.
dwelling of Mr. E. L. C. Stewart,
was struck by lightning on Mesa!
last andthat Mrs. Stewart was. q
. though not dangerously burned a
; injured. The house waaconsidera
The house of Mr. D. Bushnell,
consumed by fire on Tuesday mo
charged soldier, right from Perot,
through this village a few days sh
us that hornet ten thousand tro
way to join Gen. Scott, who was
He further states, what in fact
of all our army intelligence, that
of another battle, at the capital,
ble, although no doUbt is eater ,
.officers and soldierA that it will
theii favor.
people that the speech of Daniel
Whig Promise.
-The N. Y. Tribune has been
prominent organ of the whig p
'cluently it speaks as " by author' ,
Might it must be viewed when i
" aid and comfort" to Mexico as
. "If this war (says the nibrin
Itninated before the branguratien
President in 14 9, we shall then
. ously urge a peace on'the line of
On which the Belfast Jour 2.,
"There, Santa Anna, there's "
fort" for you, front t'he whig par,
ted States. hold out, if you ca
longer—protract the war, and pu
istration to the expenditure of nt,,
treesure, and be assured that wb
comb into power you shall have is
own tents. A Whig President
give baek \ all your conquered Sta
surrender Up also, one half of the
'The Tribu goes beyond.his
Anna; this bras' Mexican has
of late, to nse - his o n language,
the Yankees beyond- e Rio B
Grande, which is the as e, and'
boundary as we have claitned it
Mexicans, could they intrest tl
whig hands, would be better \ T.
their Own generals.
Later from Euro
The Britannia arrived at Bos
day last, twelve and a half day:.
pool. ' Her advices are quite ba
est. The fall in the price of flo
bbl., Corn nearly in the same
decided improvement in the cotta,
the chief items or importance.
The Washington, 11. S. Nail
wed at'Bremen on the 19th ult.
nia reached Liverpool on the 28,
The Bogue Forts in the China '
tared and eumpletelY destroyed
land and naval forces, on the 26t
Eight hundred and seventy-six p
lery were seized and spiked in 2
Father Matthew has receiv
300 pounds a year from the Cr
states thpt the Pope had decline
Bishop of Cork._
Mn O'Connell's remains are e
rive at Seuthampton - om the Bth.
Fevetis dreadfully prevalent.
it has made the most destructive
the Catholic Clergy, eight havin !
away in two months. The dis
every instance contracted by the . 1
in , the sick. •
Fodemlists, Abolitionists and
and Wilson both-Federalists, hay
to Con: ss iIl tbe two vacant
C,Ol. Di Phan ilued
I , . d no fink
• • - .) • , . ...-.
At tlnireeimt welcom e i
his bravo, troops in. St. laonhhr,'!
from New Mexico, in reply to l ' ! ":
ry speech from C01.,84t0n, I,t,
' ' .d
regard to the merit's 41f - the )
Whig, his reMarks on this.inb i '
of perusal :, ':•-:' = Vii,
Col.D. observed, very em
this was a strange war. It ';',
home, and stranger abroad.
by Col.; D.'s Own party, as liar r;
yet opponentkas well to stip = .1';
sustain it., Whigs and;Dem. ;,,
the same ineisea and slept in i•!'
he was only Sorry that the sain!
been evince& in the councils ' l ',
ment. As an instance 'Of Wh'N
in the.field, Col. D. said that'
months, during which •nothing 1
from the States, and; :while :'
yearning to bear from theme, 1"
met with in An:erican Otpers . i
.Corwin, of -Ohio ! ' It was a c="
bath! It was receivedfwith a
der ! After ,having overcome
impracticable mountains—aft ii
way through; the enemy, all t
to be told that they were ro It'
throats! . Colonel D. Indign. 1
' every speeek and everylpara .
to decry the prosecution of't te l
close. It was said- that these
speeches belonged to the pow:
thing! They would, 4n the
pone peace to 'eternity .;; Pro .i 1
sustained action, or all efforts
Colonel Bent,,on!s plan, its star:: ' Liman, ivoidd have helliev !'.„
would.haVe been In forte, Sa I
have been crushed forever, an i„
the Democratic party, lould ,1
fated A government to Mexico:
have interposed to preVent ins
The war would have been term
efforts have peen cramped by
of means. Oen. Tayloi. after
led vietoriesmay be said to ..1
result. -It Was like a than in
violent efforts were followed 14
ing exhaustion I Taylor's lin 1
this moment', -is as fat"; from
peace question, as if he were
p y
i racks. He Is where he was „
'and there, will be be found n °
Scott is nearly as badly off. il
tones only to remind Ifim ho il
=trippled, while Santa Anna. i i
fresh resources , and to give f."
Col. D. appreciated fully the ..
this war mud have upon the •
the triumphant contradiction
with regard to the bra - Very of
it was a war without the loss i ,
tle: He snake of the conduct .r,
'at Buena Vista. Be ispoke ,
progress aml readinesi under
and Wool. : - i 11
i n at present
qi a chan
aking slave
No one—tat
!, litionists—
eir present
filling that
the institu-
and'as may
e may nev-
an being in
nday morn
ditor of the
suddenly at
(ingestion of
lust. Mr
~ as a writer
me time ed-
erhaps was
t of " Char- 1 ,
Oth year of '
am that the
in Dimock,
,y afternoon
ite seriously
d otherwise
' y shattered.
n Rush, was
ing last.
Tr—A di-
who passed
ce, informed
ps on their
at Puebla.
the burden
he prospEet
ined by onr
rthinate in
,t before the
Webster, the
n this coun
rember last,
can newspa
k's adminizt
that the
most soon
!Ho, a Gar-
l• •
Advertiser says that Mr. PO ipithe first Pres
ident-of the ,United Stites wl as celebrated
the Anniversary of their I liapendenee by',
passing throngh five of those 44tes. On the
sth inst., he. honored Maine, i rk liampshire,
Massachusetts Rhode island Connecticut
with his presence.—Boston • kt. Branch.
urges the attention of the peo 'ei of Maine to
the raising Of apples fair the k , teign market,
stating that apples which in '• ne are made
into cider, 4 fed to hogs, will ;4:!,.umand a dol
lar a bushellin England; the ~!:t of sending
them he estimates at twenty - per bushel.
iftevolence and
;ovements, is
tiiiws in Rome,
,Lagnified into
ty ; eonse
k-." In that
gives such
his :
) is not ter
of a Whig
nost strain
11,e Nueees.'"
thus cow-
laid andicora
', - of the lini-
I, two , yeavi
our adinin
re blood and
n the whigs
ease on your
, ill not only
es, but will
' tate of Tex-
TUE Pore, with the great
wisdom that. characterizes h
making efforts to elevate the:
and meliorate their condition.
Lt.,Col. DlArs " the,
Paid Alto,.iB rusticating in Bo
ed of all observers.
friend Santa
con satisfied
Asthma cared by Ja 1 •-
rant. lii I
) '
), Lambertville. N. J. 1, li, 4lpril 27 , HIM
Dr. 4aine-t-Dear Sir.4By tit fi!casing of God.
your Exreerciassr has effected a c'
„'' in me pf a moat
distressing coMplaint. Id Dccem 4ilast;' I was eels.
ed with great iseverity by "a
paroxy of ASTHMA.:
a disease with . which I lad bet . - ti icted for many
years pist. It was attended frith 4 ; hoarseness and
iota - leas of the lungs and''', thrpat, ether with a la
borious cough, and complte prost .„ ' on of strength,
and worn out ; with suffoca t ion , w , ! , :s bottle of your
Expectorant Was sent to my house. first I thought
it was nothing but quackery, but • ` it was so high.
ly recommended by Dr. Giving, wit whom I was well
acquaintei, Cwas induced to try it -.' d In' few days
it completely cored me, kir havd .' er had say re.
turn of the dialase since. 1 hive s /* formed so high
opinionof your mediciriti, that .i '' bad but a few
ho ties of it, end could obtpin no mre,, I would not
Part ith them for ten dam each. .' , • . •
1 • Yo ur , most' retiectruily. '
illons'Slosa. 4
c HaptistChur i et atLarn ertrille. N. -
. —i--- .
Froin le.Nomeriille, N..fW hig.
Some time 'am I caged upon Mr. F. aeon, of _ . Somerville, for Dr. Tat( celebrateli : a Tome. td . I
restore my hair, whi will then i tifli' , 'but iligy., 'I
procured one bottle, an riplied,itis c. dents aecorclifig i
In the directicika. When mWO was exhsuated3 1 ,
discovered to my great suit ise ,d satisfaction, drat ,
the Yocum HAsa was 541%1671 4 h iPd . °l l Y ; I 4 11 " 4.
it r r Ci ee P h " O r t e t h ieß g6 , i d ad s 7c: coin 1 ' sabot . sty hair is
another, aon till had used
as thick a cier. s
And what is more s p r ing. , triY. Wriest was not
occasioned by ; 'Mint , iNwhicis case t '' .it gamier
hope of restoratio but was hereditarY..' , \
• J4l. . Romie.l. Methodist Xi ' ter.. ..1
is,/ Mount
D Horeb, SOlnerset Co.. 7 4"1...1 •
,lo by Dr. . Jayne, Philadelph . and
neiy by N. giteliell, ;fit:' Co.,‘Drug ' 0,,
I , Co""cr Rio
hick is the
of course.—
. eir cause to
red than 'by
from 14ver-,
en of intor
of $1,50 per\
tie, and the
. market, are
,teamer, arri-
The Iliber-
Pastor of
eas were cap
y the British
of April.—
eees of Artil
a pension of
%11 Rumor
making him
potted to sr-
havoc among
been swept
per was 'in
while visit-
*old on a l
Tiimperarpe M eeting. '
The " Montrose an& Bridgewater:Washiut
tertian TeMperanco gemiety7 met i n pursu
ance of preVious they Court Rouse 'io
Montrose on.. Motiday!the 19e‘l day of July A.
D. 1847,Ae Meetingthavingi been! called to
order by the Presiden4 the followintiteseln
don war;inaniMetualf sdipiitai 4 ,1*-aPhicil•
that a committee of thtee be appointed by the
President, ihose duty lit shill be to repert,te
the next meeting:of theEloc4ty. the names of
all such member, sitliey , muivbtain , .•itilialD•
tory evidentat bayelssulten.their Plipilitc"` ' I '
In pursuance of t said sesiilugell.Vit:ll,lo
Baldwin, Ti L; Poet _ !anti!. J. trovn . were
a Pe ili ta= 4ll ht ( *ilt :I.Wriiigiii,;- ,l q 4 b
5 O cab tho :thiktikieiit .' iflpur!.*:).oo ‘#i
the CouittinnitkinAlintiom, on the timing
f; he fourth. Meeday ,Ugast , .atert . P,=3l4
and thoitiii lye I •P; lient*lglitid
;address the at Imud:ameting.- -
solved that Ao pride ink,* dtk:itiOngi,
published in the a -- oratiVAloy-, , .) d i ::
'Tiros - :404480w5Prakt
*gay iUgolufaiiN, Sect'y.
I: union of the
.14 !cites, Tue •
k been e d
.15n b
top an and
.i l): spat ein
It bilr Um—Wheat f10ur.013,93 10
"I.' as , ; c°!*; 0- 3 , e4;` osis, *A;
Misskto stair ; smii, suro)isit Limo,
len* flutter lit 1 4 41 t delosto3-41ce not Straw
Caiinttcoo ,— Til o 4/:Whe*Ol"Per• SO
eOl4 OM. 01 eto Dried Aopiesl do.; ss 1 4 1
evi ; Tow aotb, 90 to Weteputlll Wdel,to 8118
e . to, lb. '
. Being
h are Inmaii
. " 421.11111Xt111114 • '
ottili'e, Bth, inst'4,l7 t tev. , ' John
Nri,Patrat. • irscsitAkltit, of Any
Mistf = 1 trltuoitjt,of Rua..
&tinny, that
strange at
iras branded
ia#t war, and
s rallied to
• composed
e I same tents ;
unity had not
the; Govern-
fleeling while
4r long, long
been heard
Illhearts were
be first thing
s ;the ,speech,of
blete shower
. -
Thi11,277=11 aC4 4 MA -
- . TATE,B . OOK of- Penrisylvania--contain.
I int: an account - of the Geograiliy. History,
ed Citizens; dr.c.pwith a. Mernf the State
as each CnehlY—s by T. 11 .. B ur"' •
N 1
' ALSO, The Businese Man's lintilstant (con
taining a variety of Practical Males, Tables &
F , ms. Book-Keeping, &c.—Judi received and
1• sale fly *-- • ': :1-, ; J• Lyons."
..CREAM i 101016.1
OUNG Hymn Teas.atll3,ei, y 31, 38,
44, 80; 63, 73 and 100 w. per lb.
4 lbs: Sugar for one dollar.
of 4- Pulverized Sugar, it Box Raisixs,
12 1-2 lbs. for one dollar. .
'0 yds. Calico for one dollar. 3
• nd all GOODS rinzarkably a law, bow sel
for t h e Beady at thatore.of,
uly 20. `,T. Lyons
- • •
liary leagues,
inttin their
thanksr was,
i i i i firs and cut
1, 4 which went
fir to a prompt
.ho made such
i4ty ; no such
i ,
' lrltrary post
:-. t action, '
11 Ore in vain.-
IV thatgen
,;'si 41., Taylor
1 . Anna would
Winierican Eye. Satre.
--, L
. Sovereign Remedy ht all ceOes of acute,
or choice infbimation of the - ptic Nerve,
1 ss, and,a ff ections of that glicate organ
o fe th v e e r r. di c se u a rv ses y , sfi i i t: pcot Alc . r s o p f l u n l a a l .
B d Y i . a SiP ti te e S °1:11. lI S
Z. e t i C.
. r restoring its briiancy and
strength in cases of debility ah dimness of
'lilt; incident to old age, and all; whose soca—
requires its intense action, fir !sale by
fontrage, July 21.1847. c
',lonce have die-
Nothing eould
I nt negotiation. _
Seott'a t
.he same want
islfonr unrival
,. e 'mired at no
fever, his most
4 correspond
operation, At
rmg upon
Yet Fe rson tar- - ,
st September, fi
has won vie-
Much :be was •
• ,
I . .
t ROM the enclosure of the tcriber about
I the.lst of May last, a sor ,three years
I mare col:, with a white stripe in its face,
ad one white hind foot. Wholter will return
d colt, or give iniorniation w er it may be
. i lid, Abell be reasonably remit. ed.
Amok r ßurrows.
i ridgewaterjuly 14,1847.
left to find
er trouble.—
' I effect Which
'4ld. He saw
the slanders
THE sulateribers are agents r6e, ,
ihese Inval
uable Pills; and would confNently reenm.
`lnd them to personti nfllieted,q with Innings•
as, impure BLOOD, #ll.l.tous itfSetufes, ,Nze.
DEsturir, HEAD ACME, COUGlif.
411 . en soldiers.
i a single bat-
I the volunteers
iikther or their
;, 4nersas Taylor
my 13, 1847.
(CATS LE4. & nllO2O '
i • .UPY the *orpacioui. FIVE I / 4 :TOORY WARE=
. OUSE. Nes6, C E DAR STREET ; the teems
aigf whibb is detmtid•tct Alte caßbitiOrtH and gala of the
' le article of - '
Their ;present Stock coheirs of n i , ly
bracing sonic THOUSAPS DS o , ' rent patterim
d colorings, and comprising cverei thing desirable
the tine. FOREION'and - DOMESTIC.
All of Which are offered for sale, lir cash, or satia
tory cred it, at the Lowest PricetSj by the •s,
. _
Now Styles are received slmostl?,' ?very day, and
. ny of them arc got up for our o,iti sibyl. and note
.be found elsewhere. ' ' - c ' ,
DI Printed 'tits of Prices. :orreaid from
. y. with everY4ariation 'in Ili in A st i , an
. the hands of buyers. ! i 1 '
Merchants will be 'Ali +' t* fans '
tent and Ninety of ear' aisortr
t the value of our Inuit stock i
lent, twice the value of the
.s usually kept by our lariat
tilt fact, together with the fact
r attention, instead of kin , -
riety of articles. are der
A . / . der the advantages whir
rlrfeetly obvious; and '
to visit our establi-'
pointMent. t
One assortment )11
• ar.
dragoon". of
tin, the observ-
. that theneWCrin,Wil
itienee in this branch of tho
tinguished the other two hr
ILiiL- .i:j
iHE ',ion' ,terril . 4lll'aomk
aj, July 7th. Giateitil:forAht
iil ady received, phi" would !ea
la and thelriendivir Eddeatint,
c 001 l will embrace the usual sop!'
1 iniotrottien,' the Fee
ileafbusc%ts•-, Good bolitliclin
hle 'tcrina in rcititectahle tatnii,
-, TEit.MS 9r,-TVIT)
Common English Studies,:. r• f
,History. Botany, Nat. Phileacey,
oaintinuandltawing,4 , ::‘. 1E
Susi* on the Piano, !French.
lid, irociocti. , ): - ,-
• ,
, formerly
'ph tor partner
,ter, from which
ince, .hai reisconct
and ha entures Co
'WOO , • 11- " 1 ,
, ,
... 1 , ,
_,. •-,. - .. o'-'4l'4 ' , '.
--- --- : 11,....''
..:,,,,? (;« ,
= , I,` ..,,,...'airm. iteelviag a Pawl
....,....,iiithem.... , l l ,- 7 -.
-71:11-11: 0 17 : ellf : r--- a:k$:, 13(nine$11-#'c . 1 11 ... -‘- ' l l l ln I F ia isk: f:keid% . ' ,ll a.
uiu u*
f ilysigicit,, the PatuOlalll-.4- weadeieng tivesil
t publie teeeratiul"'"' - - i sA r ;at
di* Itiodsi as LOW for;lbetelbei&--,
l i Plinwill'Aredit. u ti tiO s e T , 775 , .
ind ni, lopter; 1 li .,'A l r• tv- .
, „ .
111,2000141.ab0am, rquietwf4,:
„at !MIMI STMTS. Croton
ga Ginn t br r es'atri r n and p
EW Nce Just receited at
IMACKEItEL, Shade Pickdadi
171 cad4sh at I,
BeiNNETS: , ::r
TtiscAli, Straw; Lac e, 'end=
.:, at • .
DRAWN . 0001),3.1
4.,GREAT variemof teem Barred ale! IMP
hist' ' l 4ineua, Jacoietts4,4l
4000 „mg, Whiter Lead in Oil Cla r k itionit
priues,l;(thn price has advanced, in niiriaa )
Paris Green in oio best.qiuttity withal - is ii•
i s
much 'handsoiner given than an 'ether; far
window blinds._ ite». Varnisbe 13 . ,Ttara•
tine. Putty: dm. at il U., ~4, , es. - ;
SPRJNG sumsigß IGC01)8.
ATiM. S. WILSON'S..may be found a pie-,
atal-aanntment: of Goods.att i :tit: i. 9ll.7.l7 .
lowest prieee: iii ,
tarchnstiini will find it to their-11441364i $ 1 '
call and exantintr Gnodiand price" before dislr
purchase 44iewhere
June:104347. -
'w 4 X 1 L',„1! 11 1" -
201 V !I • 4#lll'
00 1 1bS• at I the , oars It;
N- 7 bY t ROM&
e,i2,11347. •
I -
Y . f i—
Y virtue' Mill 6rVenditiOiti EZlPOriga, i 51444
D 444
of the Court Of Comp:ion Pleae, ottlsoi moot* ufi11144,1
(*henna, and to restdirected. will be ferPiatelAtell
lie isle at the Court douse in Montvale: co iiiatweilay l
the'2l'et day of August nett. at - ono 0 4 -intoolt tolbii sr-:l
ternoun,-.411 those t+ certainyieceeteFlind situatsbi
lying,' and being in' the townihip of Hirroid, in the
county of fiusqueharlita and State of Penosylvanis,... .
sThe fi rst of said lots hutted, bounded `ad described.,
follows, to wit : Beginning at a ilea f items in. Ist
original line between pc, Drinker and Poyang rostai*
beingithe South East*orner of a Leto land-_ stitvrtil . l
to Sits,' 13..Gui1e:.-thence by the said i WOW' •
south three', fotirtki oft degree westerns hundred Isis.;;
forty ens perches saltine° tenth. *fifer& eel
and stones Ahem= by laud of William ' • l Eita, OW' '
eightrfive:degreee west nine perches to: a. pea(
stories ;- thence by tend otloseph - Peek loath sixty
degries'Oieacene hundred and sixty nee' Perches'
fire tenths.efa perchlo *poet and stem; ilisiii"
aa t i
hod Offderke Fulleeinerth -forty fivelaadl, - 1, billf._
gm:i'll:kit twenty oneperebes to a pe ,
thine/kV the same ' :forth forty toor_degrecatiejit, „
hiandred atidins perikes to a . pea- and! itamite - ii
line of a lot of land' serveyed to Da t iwi.:-,
theme byliad of Widnw Richardioa ' :' hitt .
degrees &la twenty iiktori perches :.- ..:!i t tootit.,,,, , ,
Intones, formed) , a sugar tree 11**turibi"41_,111"
ly ofiacob P. Dunn earth eighty - roe ''....(. * -
fourtkiieginei Emit wt.) , meted eiedfieti htlith`Pieilis4
to' the cadre of the , : , ,Riefiardtiost .5.14 1 .'170 - 14444'. 44:-
tong Umlauts south sixty and a _half
fOurteett perches 4 theatre south seventy eta 11014.14 . *
- degrees goitsaiati perches I ° . P.c!! 4 a a n O t ai' ' af. ' r '
glebe lett ltherice alitigibeientnt - . the' , Ea , • '
mod, Olney the Giailti'read!aad byllaad iiiirasid '
atettlisoveaty - lea &tikes East, ow .. , Sail.. , '
eaty fourtpatolie r w otie: fi vo tenth,. of: i i Vetch' la . '
place of beginning-Containing two , sad :
tyconi acres and one hundred alit ' fake lie
tudfPerehei itriettnatisine, ' - '-- :, --, -....- 547
. Arid the ethetoi'sas lots .:boonditi sa -, feliskra,`_
wit :::fieghtuits‘'atO i w ileech .i s the[oet ' . ~
earner of the orgirild. survey; thma,i_rarth:
six aid' a litilfdegrees tit ninety:eight *edits - lac
' liceeli ilbeice !forth 'MAY six and filtidr 7
west along the criginriClias of tawny. ewe-
'.aPd seventy limb= to a, Pot -*gal. statmt, i -
ll‘ftk,afilicY. four ao4 8 ! P . angle ails-,
red Ind seventy one d qiiarter, perches ;lir' - 'ei,:':'
~. ' -
ofitenea hi the Easteto melt litis Oil . * ri'111:: ,
along the original' ino of serve, IMO No`
thirty micelle , ' weal,: one .I.huadted 'aistE4hitti. l .
*chile sod three fourth' of a melt .44tholAtIlastilf,
beginatini,'OMitaininig !ninatpaix mew " pad , tot,:
pmetiti-of liiid and heilg part of the hit iniq ;tfimpoa
'described, : together with the appistedoen*4 Itialit
I housi;ftipied . barn. , v* . ligft amok crilhad•lled Ilkill
seventy_ acres improved.. - ~, • .
_.l = ~,,, ,
,„ , ,
...-,.., 1 •••,:
1 - Taken iii - execution a t the . s u it of Peter . V.:'DkiNl ill
the use of ilariah liarpeyaa'# 4 4 . l . ; ‘-;----
-..- - P• i- I ALSO; -
s ' t .
l i g - 1 ; - . - ol'i
• All that . Certain lot if land ,` is Dim leamillodo li
susTrAsiu CoutiVlbuitotled Illz' fo ., ::' I4 D w.ll-,
s geglanint.lP!‘a Pc' e tAkui o. s tate• 49 0 • th!ox-- ilii.M.'
chest Otto easterly cli4ioronithat • d mars( mime
J;Miles; thence by land' of Digioa Datith. ••*lll4
Masi ilognimoast - 04 7 1modied and '93pitelio: Mot; .
post*aiMsOutk hoc of ,the Amitill lot. Aaef'loolol.,.
them* aknig.seid,lino by the.Yosbwi Jot: am - 6 1 1 13111
L ot
!iy4 Ai* eaat elelleen'Yerchee to heriiiiCto 4,
thence, by other land" Urbane 'Sail, *Oil
loot - 117 - pcieliii Is thestate reed i'' • 4alitt.'-.114 ~.
Middle, of this-Man; iiiiiltB9. l- Irmolliali:.
tothi:e4o#, of bcogiiivpitibingio: ;asmiiasiTo/1
—wi r th thelPPorOnanool=atransidMool.4ll,444glire
iii a luird'andlibijd forty. dve seerattaiiirogr:
1 - - ,Taiii in: eiecatiO4 st the . Sit if i leati . 'lkiiiNlt . 5
-ei Je4epb liakar., •:-. I '' • ,:,,-, ' ;=!!l . i
i - gr - iaili . .
;;-...c. Vi .
. *gibs* .o,l lll * Pii!?
Simi Loki townsh ip in
omfilliate•cie Poorisylvii
witiollisi fiilbria• to IV
Ilaioaal llMPirdlo lot,.
Pere** 14, 11 414 ,
.tun lie
. to' gat
44 perches :_efe pest
of Stephan /Melia IMO
post ;; ! tiwiiiaosi as)
E.*ma i r ti liamhiM
lioOMlif ' "lade
said Dail,liiiiiwaiiril
Ciotti** stomViati. I
Os 0 4 4 WItiltulm. , :i•
'..,1 _W
4-4 A; IA
kiiiiiiiis , Oircn '
ill**o li O 4 r#
fulti-if :NEV , -. ~ ; ..- . •-f:
~:5,.;.:,.,1-vf.7.: ' ,
;:i'Ail thit.cirifiiiii.„
id) iiial — taitiiiiiitlh
&Maier ititMihisitW
. rtookid, ratiM3ll
iPiCtifik'ia, the
" 'ebsytioliV lliii
tat, ''o "air-:
1 *
"*100:-IPAPR- 4 4 1k
41 , 11 0 01 14 , 40 -
ii,liih!qrwitt,j ,- :,..._ :,• .. ',-- ,
i -:‘;.,;. • 1 1'il-;l , '-,P7' - '''s . iw- - t?o - i 7 vtit4• -
9 - 1
ciegie; MO 24 Mai . ks . n 1.-.;
1 -1,
, - .
tide ia;
. of dit
means and
pions a vut
to WIC. will
,to dealer' .
care that none
with any d*.
see. of the
if Lee.
Of Lord Br.
ioal firm of
e, withdrew
ith Mears.
wsoN k
'hand the
Pile pre- 1
he belong.
27-1 y
iy inform . ,Pa- ,
:rally, that bai'
or govainment
Seminaries' of
tathattaa sea:
• 3 OD
will, tits
.Bolt:" ~~
.; .
Ally ono'
at fay,
\ -
111410 ii.
' -