Northern democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1844-1848, July 22, 1847, Image 1

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Ehe Drinacrat
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• wesedes oneldriliar per equate of twcire tines; nr
/.tha firxtthree Insertions, and twenty-tire cent' forrr
uant insertion.. A liberal discount will be, made to
ddverttre by the tear. . i
An it'
less, fo.
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trilndelphla Ratunlay Evenlra PoaL
WHITE pixitur. • ' •
r tete and eondnunicatioti far the paplillevat
nre attention:
usiness le)
rad' to
be PO!
..f tbf.
, d this is your latest style, Mrs. Jerold ?
c very latest imported, ma'am, recefred
Aeadia on Wednesday. A most beau
ling, I , assure you, and co bekomine.—
g prettier this season. It will bo gnite
e, fancy. Will you try,it, Mrs: Dolig=
I , tap, i hare another that may Suit
tOr, and the obseltdouS miliner moved
4ajong bonnet stands and ribbon brtes.
ink lmt, Miss Gale; did you take it titom
Toy th
tiful t
the ra
lass ?
ym b.
• The •,
this to
'vas . carried ioNsti stairs, Mrs. Jerold'i;--
- illCt felt too unwell to conic up to re
i f , ,.ra.' •
slit NI •
: Miss ' Willet :' sale will be sure to fan
bOnnet. Pray, send Annette to fetch
4ale.' And Mts.Jeroli, having iv
or(der, returned to her favorite custo
e pery pretty and very muell admired
, Ittlass. ' I am sure,' she !said, With
Idttity necessary tind usual npOn shell
,r,,,•• you - will cons.ider this the mast ex
fi..hinn ever introduced. I thought of
e inoment the box was opened,..and-in
sthid lo Mss Gale, ' this will lie,iiis the
i r2,,Mrs. Douglass,' and Miss Ghle agreed
, e Perfectly. y I felt quite anxious j.ou
Ibtiamonu. the first to see it, beeansil I
at you laced to lead off anything of the
cc tt a
it. M
en t' i
met, t
quisit i
you t,
<iced I
• Of
course I do: repli( d Mrs. Pouzlas:s,
but for meret-'s sake. Mrs. Jer4l.
t- aite TUC"a b. , nnet the fac Simi e of
...M;s . F
t Anything. but that. Tf ]Miss wioo
eipi one or this pattern, I net•hare
,send ,r)
I .•rtainty not,' said Mrs. Jerold,inu.sll-
el,ber rinalets.
l vet I must bare the ba'od.someakin
1-r.ilishment, remember.' ' ,
(it D ' t
has I" rt
0 l o
• WI
V EFTT haudsomcst that" can be maclei, I
.0 1 11. malam, ...No n e sball suriass'it.--
re" s(me splendid Henna vilvets just
i ll:6 richest maroon I ever saw. I 4ill
lem ti, you,-ma;am, and if I am nrt . n43 - -
-Ci'll declare they. equal anythinlin
4et. Ah ! here is Annetta"N *,, try this, if you please,'
Itnnglass had renv.ved her hat,.ard as
1 ell toward the little bonnet bearer, e
'PC M. I
Ni rs
iearful - face of Annette clew her
e+en from the all engrnssmg snhj
. otiable head _gear. Bless me! M
he exclaimed, as the young , girl MO
where did you get such a poor looki
What is the matter with her, pra,
si,iw such a pitiful sight in my lire.'
of fast.
:Jer .ld
I nf'rc
' I
r l d i s m t the
e sa ss d i
i s to p r ull • i ( n )f p io o u v t ert th y, e ' res d
usiting the flowers of pink hat as
-c-, ' I really don't like to keep the
gut me, for she is always moping and
But Mrs. Langly recommended h.2r,
NI my trying tb find employment. a d
4, Mrs. Douglass, that Mrs. Latig y,
ste is poor, is first-rate genteel, ',a d
ilie has such a way with her !hat he
foe anything she ask so I took An
114ingit. as I said befoze, I don't li,ke
111. about me.' '
t l, if Mrs. Langly's proteges, I.suppose,'
s., Douglass, ' she has a host of them 1-
1 hand. But this poor thing 'actu- y
4”, heart ache. Has she *vents?,
Other, and I believe some your ` er
end sisters, butjeally I never inq
(itdarly. I have so little :time, y u
'lfs. Douglass, it is quite injpossibl I
isf i ten to the tam By historic& tif all, o y
ens. One must regard one's basin. -s,
! ni occupied, as Miss Gale -can tell y .11,
1 fibrn sunrise till sunset, and inde• v a
e4l longer. The girl has her m .113
1 &'something to carry home somettm s,
the best I can do, and she ought„to
ritalf very fortunate to get into such
It .
and lir
tium ,4 l
can't r
bayi 11 ..
• (1 , )
said 31
trans o
yjortunate, certainly,' said Air,;..
p o*-
:ngto the mirror at which 0/e fto6l,
cipg the beautiful Paris hat , over her
Mit.. 'Rather, too large, don't ybu
o, Mrs. Jerold?'
t ii least, bit in the world,'
r,returoing with avidity to herl4l)l , ral
thought. ' A little too -deep- pt-Oe
rfaaps, hut that is_ easily altered,
alittle in front, if yoh pleasetaa'amqr
etrery thing—exquisitely/heeonlipgr.--
air you look, so*, well in anY style of bob-
and th
see of
toonglast.3 turned * head: Otis '7
tkway t and pulled,ont her shining ti s
i ate golden • hair, and 4 coiddn't -make' p:
i ..' whether she liked it or nod: 13bn
141 y in thewited whedit Would ht
: , (ide her to anything, and Mils. je.ild
!, , :io take advaptige of it. i . Wer: y
binrghandsonter than this,' the .` 0;
think you had better secure it,- "
, 4 1 Miss Fillet and Mrs. Nirtolf
1 'T - inost fashionable ladies will he-h . :
ii r, e , and I should be glad 0 say'fr ''''
`erred one. 'Tie a sweet thaS, uft
, in
1 t
--a love of a
bonnet;ju ,! perfect IoT
,theti; said Ma. toonghss; with,
;"liffeience, ' LISUpPOIit3 / 1111111 Ise 'O ,
L. ,- !la it'he .
, , I
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!Velvet, byall means:laid the milliner,
&Orly opening a drawer at her left band, art,d
*gelding piece after piece of, the costly ma' ;
taro l . Did you ever see anything so spier*
did, 'ma'am ? look at that green, it is fairb
dirzsdiug,-but this maroon is my taste. QUico
superb,, sn't it ?'• is
'Peantifuir eieldimed Mrs. Douglass, erf4
tirely, decided upon velvet. ' Now, what wgl
yen; charge me for a handsome bonnet of tliir
maroon colored?'
Mrs. Jerold pat her finger upon iher arm
and seemed lost in thought for a few m 4
Illents. The price, of course, will dEpend
M:r , tire style of trimming,' she said. I. Flows`
are expensive this season, and then, Mrs. Dongt
lass, : they aro somewhat out-of vogue.; Feathl,;
ers are coming in among the first .circles. lure;
have one feather, barely one,, that I would
to Ina into your bonnet, and that I must shot
'you, forte own the truth, I thought Of you Wel
moment I- received it. There—isn't that I
beauty'?' and Mrs. Jerold shook ehe whit
plume, and held it above the pink helmet, till
the eyes of pretty Mrs. Douglass swirled wit
delight. 'Elegant !' she exclaimed, i' but
a'raid too expensive for me: Mr, pougla!
gives me a lecture on economy- every few day
and says I am getting dreadfully- extravagantil
now, I, will let you have ,this at a '
great bargain,' said Mrs. Jer,•ll, blowing upoti
the feather, • the maroon velvet, apd whits
plurne, with French flowers inside, for—let m'e
see--,as you are an 'old customer, Mris. Deuce
lass, and I f'el honored by your patronage,
say thirty-five dollars, and that will be thb '
..,cheapest ever purchased.'
' Oh ! you une,rescionahle woman,' cried tKe
I pretty ladi, lifting her hands in. aneacreent;
t‘ thirty-five dollars : why, it is perfectly horrid
to suppose I could pay so much_ My busl,auP,
!would think -
i •
' It is very cheap. ma'am. exeeedinly cheaP
Ido assure you.' said the - wily mill nor. • I
thint4t I world make von the first Lifer,. be
cause I knew Miss Willet would take it in a)
; instant.
a bonnet, and especially such ft
leather, won't go bezging, and I stall char 4
any one hut yourFelf, .11. m Douglass, l et lea 4
forty dollars.'
• i
Mrs. Douglass paused, and took It t he no*
'coveted plume in her cu-n hand. Mrs.l Jerold
r raumentswere certai dy very conclusive, anO,
one more sn than 3l . :ss 101 l t, hetweea wh(aty
and herself there existed a constant (spirit
'rivalry. should become the possessor' of it 4
still, - 3lrs. Deugla.s,,, who unfortuoad.ely had
' been a-prorrortinnless beauty, when she marrieo
had no private incrme, by which she migh
t lease her fancy in such matters. and both I.vt
for her husband and the tar of his dis'plcasurt‘
deteried her from concluding the t bargain
out 'rentulting him. '
If you chose. ma'am' said the milliner, 'I
!can laythe feather aside for a couple of da4
ignite out of sight, and then I think you'll havk
'decided to let me make the Irn'net, which sh 4
'be the sweetest thing of the kind seen t Se*
!son. Quite unione, 1 assure you,' ti:(1
Douglas.s*nn't bjeet I am certain, 'when hi;
I sees how Well von irk in it.' a.
Thus persuaded, Mrs. Dom:lass f ielded, ar.ll
agreed to try her powers of ctaxing up, n Hi
too indulgent, husband. The white plume w 4
replaced in the box, and Mrs. Jerold, assured
her eustotner it should not be exhibited to an In,
one until she had decided, and with I a- wea :.
and unworthy desire to outshine an associat );
Mrs. Douglass swept out of the showroonN
which was fast - filling up, and where Mrs. Jer
and her assistant, Miss Gale, were now full
occupied. Our heroine, flowerer, did not pasi)
into the street-Without interruption, fdr at the
foot of the staircase, she . encountered Mr,
Lang'''. who, unmindful of the glare and glittei
above, was speaking words of comfort to thrp
weeping Annette.
' You 'must not despair, Annette,'
kindly, while her own handkerchief
I ,
tears from the nbeek of her protege,
good heart my child, and though all i
now, God will send us -light present
rt in -Him.'
Mrs. Douglasp, kind-hearted, thol
and trifling, iiivolnutarily paused, art
a bright quarterTrem lief-glittering pti
p_ed it into jAnnette's bUnd. Mrs
spoke the thanks which the poor girl
utter, and joined Mrs.
, Donglass as sh:
ed the steps. I was going to see you
ning,' she said, to ask your assista
very helpless but very deserving fatuil
Ah ! yes,' said Ars. Douglass, d
velvet cardinal more closti around b
this season there are so many demai
- ,-
' f But thisis rear) , _an 'extreme ease,' saiii .
Mis.latigly,. laying her band upon the fash4:l
iojiable friend./ 'The roothgr of that poor gilli,
iiill,.andwit; fi three children beside, has nog.;
thing tuAepend .on save the labor of. 4;
boy 0U / twelve years, 'and the chance charity 0:11
straniers. - Mrs. Jerold hue taken Annette inter,
herestablishipentoitid by And' by she may earn:
' Oii...elihood there, but at present' she can lii'
nothing for ber motber,and now that fhe ren .
ofitheir wretched room is due, with no :meanii
ofipavin g it, the poor elishl is really cryint:
herself sick, lest they shmild become • entirelyi
homeless' . , . " I - • il
'in ! poor thing,' said - kr& Douglass / bowl
irr,e4o an acquallittnee as she:voice, 4 , shOs
pitiful object indeed..' She finite, i nteresta tali
and.lwits inquiring-of Mrs . .. Jerold Abut hert
,-, 41 foti Will take my word as to their Itieeessii;
' lii.iilPope '-prirsned Mrs. - Langly;, ' and 1
yen Sri giYe egtoething - for thein, I Shall: cont.!:
eider it farpersoital bligation' ' '-', - ' ' ' lr' , .
`..i.. xi - will :tY
certainly ti ' itto i) basbirldji
ila l me
saidlifral.Vongl , ,'but e lAA e ‘ cti',lli upof
va41:413;:l aware you, Mr , Langly, *M o l t iro
filtd:4lilSenli:le answer. Go o d 1 morliliok. - :
ROpel shall fee'you veryri on up o n snore e . -',
able inisinesalhin ,' and with ' a sMil i
the atepiedinto thA b wkicli awaltett
her;And' Waii-tieen - left Siewart's ; i wkili
Metr:-11Angly, with- a sigit,' returned to Annette'
'. :Iktra. , BottglaSS,ibetr.te* entirely engrossed
w#l_l )hre . : Are idiathe new bonnet, met her
Whanilat Angier: all miles and 'plquisid,ryi.
resolved to try; her utmost po
him to . consent, to the purchas
roon-colored vklvet and the
Honied words were on her pret
'humor sparkled in her blue. cy,
there are—as ?ur
say nay to the request of a be,
' Yon have been out this mo
said Mr. Douglass, as they lira'
desert. The 'day k,as been s
ably took advantageiof it.'
''Yes, I availed myself of t
with the convenience, of a cab,
deal of business,' reOied Mrs.
' And where didyOu go ? in
band, with affertionato interes.
'Why, first, to palmy duty
marnma'st;eldfriend, ton know
She is to spend the Winter her
her daughters.'
Ah : anti where nest?'
y, nest, to the Intellige
cock A horrid business, by
Rebecca tells me she is to bi
must leave in a week.'
That: is unfortuuate, slam
And next, I drove to Mrs.
at her winter fasbions,' pursue
lass, launebiuu. at once upon th
and wiihts wLie:llay before hey
And there you saw an ainnu!
things, no I , ,ebt,' said her hus i
moredly. • All sorts of tempta
was extremely di;Thout to resisi
f):1 prolusion of lovely :
said Mri.. Douglass, eagerly, • 11
C'hurl's, I (141 w.t ire of t,
Nt t one : why how did that
ma \Vas Vier Imrse too ligh
discretion preponderate
My discretion. if course,' st
lass, lauzhintz. ' I looked at t
lion' - ets which ate really
ided. or nearly so, upon one
will suit vt..ur tatse precisely.'
• Thanl: you for consulting it
band kindly. ' Does it please
' Entirell;. Mrs. Jerold pre
the Ilia of the season, and I am
reo.ive it. A splendid velvet
maroon just the shade, n
and'—Mrs. Douglass hesitated
then added—' the most emit&
that eNer zraeed a bonnet.'
Mr. Douglass looked at his
pr( ssion of amazement-, as be r
and gave a long-and very s
• Hey dry ! Velvets and f
claimed. • Xnd what handso
.lira. Jerold affix to such a
' Priers? said Mrs. Daur , las!
the derisive moment' had arri!
must hohli v — , Why, Ch i
me the I nt at a gleat hart ain.
feather , •1* the kitd rted, an
SLJ'erll ve's't ti e thing wr.uld l l
ty dollars, and she will let me h;
'I hope, Emma,' said Mr. D
vnu bare act betn so rash as
net at Oat pziee
• N-, I have m t exactly ord
plume at least ; but I told Mis.
wide CA I should consult yon.
dear husband '—and Mrs. Do
white hand upon his arm, and'll
ingly in his !ace—' I hope, yin
to let me have it. I7pm my w
ask you for another expet.sH(
long, long time; I won't indef.
most ePonomical• creature in th
will onlysay yes this once!' .
Mr. Douglas's shook his head.
Emma,' he said, absolutely
away money at such a rate.
consent to such extravagance! I
Not when I have set my h
Indecd, Charles, I must think it
of you to say su. Don't you
look well?'
he sail
ped th'o
'keep ft
so tla4
• if we
draw itrg
rrqs, ,r 7;
I ould
i •
I ce for
' You always look well in m
her husband., foully; always
in joursimple morning dress.'
Yes—but my dear love, e
not see with your eyes ; and if.
the world to admire his wife, or
her, he must allow her to dress i
• Should be s - orry if the
depended upon your wearing a p
said Mr. Douglass, ' and as to
Emma, I would be your only
(wing het
'fie upon yon for a jealous 1
Mrs. Diiuglass, gaily, ' why tam
of you. But conic, my dearest,
refuse to gratify me, I am snre;
ed anything so much in illy - life
er; indeed, the hat frill be noth
—aitl worse than all, -if I do no
undeubtrillr becomes
which would half kill me—for n
her more than lo dress better tl
say yes, my darling, at ranee,
is a dear, good husband. Co,
Qb ! Avorrian, use well the gi t f influence
with which Heaven has endowe' thee. Use
it not for purposes unworthy of by nature.
Charles Douglass idopzed his v ntiful wife.,
and atgazed upon the, ru :lip which
pleade arnestly, though for geviiaw only,
how could he, resist their wintin , tenderness ?
'Ho shook his, bead, but less. reso tely than at
first; parted: the, golden,,hair, pen • Emma's
forehead ; pressed her to:111131ms tas elm atoOd
beside him ; and—alas ! for be sometime
weakness orthe bolder sea; a their boast
ed streangtb—bis.,Delil4l4 'gong. I • A feW
brief struggles; a little farther zpoatnlation,
and 'the doting husband consen that an im
mediate ordershituld be given • the' velvet
Elated with -success, and pl •d as a child
wold, be with the .prpapcct of,
toy; it wag not ,autil l the honr,e ten arrived,
that Mrs. - Dotiglize recollected'.et: the
• •
1847 i; .„. ;1 -10
ers, and in' uce. argent appeal of Mrs 4 Langly in !bet behale4
ug of the ma-, l lPoor Anisette 1 Ilerfpale, sad . face, and eYes
bite plume.— so red with weeping, stow they -now cattie; l he;
flips, and good ;fore the mental vision of Mrs. Douglask.atid
s, and few Men as she looked upon the comfortable -tea eqjt4p.:
!knew—who can age, and-around at. the warm, well-lighted
utiful Woman. llor, it may be that a - :feeling of •telf-reiirodeli
niug, of course. !mingled +with the memory of - that: torrOwfal
erect over their !countenance, for with the remembranc tame.
fine, you prob-. te thought- of her4own wilful tixtraVagance;
• ,
1-when ha
fellow creaturq. smyoung,!scr tiriOrotee 7 . l
ted, was bending beneath the, weight of heart- 1
crushing poverty. Her husband was 'reading
at the .table,. and 'pastinz her armr about his;
neck as She leaned over him, Mrs. -Douelats
said, gaily,
'Oh ! Ihave a message for you, Chrirle.s;l
which I had nearly forgotten.
.1. met 'Mrs.
Lang!) , this mornings and she- desired Inc to;
ask if you could spareia trifle for a family who
are in want—as every body is, I believe ; -. at;
this season-- r and I premised to do so.'
Mr. Douglass, in the interim between , his:
weak acquiescence inithe wishes of hit wife ; ;,
and the present antunent, had been reflecting,
seriously upon the folly and.extravagance. pf ;
women. in. general, mid his own lovely little,
spouse in particular, ind although he would
not retract, or recall the consent given; he still ;
felt confident that Emma could not overmaniel
him so easily again ; and therefore repled
• I cannot afford to be very charitable ; and
very lavish, in one day. If I Meld to the last,l
I must forego the first:.'.
Now don't say so; because you make mei
feel uncomfortably,' said Mrs. Douglass, presl:
sing her Ups to his forehead. would not
have troubled you with Mrs. Largly's request,,
only I had pr.omisccel:
' Mrs. Langly is an excellent woman,' sari!
Mr. Dougliss, thoughtfully. ' I wish there
were more like ber.' •
You your Wife resembled her,
haps,' said the lady ; Somewhat petnient, trith-j
drawing the hand whialt, rested on -his shoulder.;
I I love my wife very dearly, just as she is,*
; replied her husband.. ;
,• But still you wish she was more like Mrt:l
Langly ?' Y
ises it shall bel - You mistake me ; I did not say so : but IC
dl impatient to think if She would not draw upon me so laige
of the richest ly for matters which Might be dispensed with;
ither too dark, ,we should then, peqmps,• be able :to imitate
in instant, anti j Mrs. Laugh, in good Ideeds! -- ,
to white plume i t. Mrs. Douglass bit i4her lip, and a ,-shade of
displeastire passed ()ler her fair face.. Her
ife with an ex-i husband had dratrn a:comparison 'between her.;
se from the ta- I self and her more benevolent friend, althofigli
gnificant whis-i
he would not admit, atid" few women are therd
—confess it, ladies4who could ! have bormi,
he es, ..such a comparison mind:fled:
no price does ; Are those poor p4ole very mach-in need?;
ndsome •heasi- ; asked3li. Douglas's, kissing away th'o frown.
I believe •
' And will - you renopnee the white plume - in ;
your bonnet, acid givelthe price .of it. to them"?''
• Nonsense, Charles,: do you suppote I wotildi
be so - foolishly philanthropic! Charity all;
very proper in its place,. but, really such a'sac
rifiee would be 'asking • rather t. 4 .41 much.' and
Mrs. Douglass turned away with
.% careless
' Such- sacrifices ate the test of generosity,'
;Emma,' said her hushiAnd,
' Which I do hit f..4l disposed to make,' re
plirAithe lady, soiner•;-hat tartly. single!,,
dollar would Rrobaltly be.- considerad. quite
sufficient";; bothi by Air. paragon; Mrs..Lang
ly, and her poor people i. but if you are not iu give it, why presume , they are ac
customed tu such denials.'
Mr. -s sighed,; and the subject . was
t •
Th. - treing*lnd of an. evening,late
'in Not exeltuled by crimson curtains
from `.he second story of a handsome
house At, Where the fire burned
bright a pia' glow over, the
part mt where, at!ft Mirror beside which
a dozen ugota wero.blazing, stood: the blowning
Mrs. Douglass, arrayed. "in full costume, for.a,
fashionable entertainment. How radiantly
beautiful she looked, the turquoise ornaments
in her hair, contrasting so exquisitely with its
ldcn hue! How the jeweled bracelet spark
led upon her-white arnr: And how well her fairy
figure was displayed--so perfectly moulded—
in the blue tarleton 'wtieh she wore ! Surely
a lovlieriision never 'Skied:before thelnspired
eye of painter or of poet; and -eves the attend
ant waiting-maid, as iliesurVeyed her mistress
when the task was done, - exclaimed,
Uponuny word, ma'am, you look for all the
world like a real angel!'
' Except that thowings are wanting; Betsey,'
said Mrs.! Douglass, laughing.
• Yes, ma'am, all,but the wings-- , and I-think
it's a mercy you have'nt them, or you-would bo
sure to fly tight up tMtlie . •
' Mrs. jerold's girl ilfrs. Douglass, with
your bonnet,' said anothir servant, at that mo
ment opening the doori and admitting a slen
der, shy-looking girl of about fourteen. •-•
My bonnet, ah, it: , has been sent at last,
hey .! Why 'Moot 11 - Iti. - -"Jerolit - let me have
it yesterday ?'ingnired the lady.
.' I don't know, ma'am? .!
weather, and
accomplished a
II ouglass, in a
o urs. Murray,
from Vermont. '
with one of,
co Office for a ;
the way, but ;
married, and;
he suits you so
erold's to look
slrs. Doug
sea of hopes
lance of pretty
and good-hu
ions, which it
rticles indeed,'
t I assure ytu
cm.' .
I appen, Em
- or did your
'id Mrs. Doug
othing but the
and hare de
which I think
' said her hes
ou l'
feeling that
- ed when she
rtes, she offers
It is the only
I made of such
c cheap at for
re it for thir-
uglass gravely,
order a bon-
ed it, npt the
erold to lay it
now, my
gas laid her,
'inked beseech- ,
Lvill not refuse :
rd, I w ill not
article for a
d; I'll he the,
world, if youi
'lt is. wrong.
.ked to throw
really cannot
rt upon it ?
a little unkind
iko to gee Ine
eyes: replied
~enutil7l4, even
erybody does
man expects
yeti to respect
proper style.'
orld's respect
culiar bonnet,'
is admiration,
corld on that
Fhand,' cried
quite ashamed
you will not-
I never want
as that feath
ng without it
take it Niit
m purchaser,
:thing pleases
lan I. So-do
n't you ? that
, e,' I see -you
' Don't ow!kn 1 was terribly-disappointed;
you mast tell her, std could , not go to tho' re;
ception at Mrs.Nevrille's; in coitsequencm.! iLet
me see it, Betsey.' Beteruntiedtbe
'lifting the bat carefully upon her barik.Krit
up to the admiring,gaso of Mrs. Donglasi;:` It
*pa- indeed . ‘. lave of 4,..'bonnet 'AND !patron
velvet.lnuUed Soft, : we
light—r-aort-tbsi whitS nip% h ow,g
droopel.ori one liidn„,:seezniog. jlist
dance ontPpon-tbe btieSo, 8044 44;001
Cate WV' its
It out4Ops the woOd "skarn
quncipos *tsy., i tnrupl. it
..j never sSisr iinyOlingli:l4.4 ini
!.-bnt A*4* have cost a power st3ronpki,,:,;
Mrs. Doiglani surv eyed. the _precious. puce
of Misty ; with nonitinWignync: 1041:444
0.94 ill send it dmig_.* T. 4190, giO r
caved the.inessage.,_,)4.*tiumg.kilsrif d rilgl:
Aone, #4l444.l#frodiii
' Perhaps you are tolr Amid' treliubl-iend-
ii---= „„ .tsy, -9,.4mi0g,t!.. , ,,,,, , ..)8.,k. . re 4::- '.NFsi-..
..,..;:,,, .. 1 . 11 . 6 ..: ~„, ~.
DRa.sBopkesig4 041.44:18.41.4#494t
let4e4 l ,lg,,P.)cpule:;lolL.l* OA, tret ..1.: , ...-c.
I P'' ll q.7 - silfiivioN, l , 441 ~., 0: o . o4i i i i ifi ti, ,
1 i ViCS v. 4 3 ,, A : t)i=t,.:;;;l4.a . ;a4iperraii s 4 114'
,iyes ghneecl.,iillay. arourid tliisporpnent—.:l
I- .• k •' ' '.. ' f . ' " A - ''. • '.. IV •1
, y4O 414.ukipgr7--: , ,i, ~.,
_.!!1i.,•::,_,.- .- ,
1 ' Oi', vvinit..? pitic,csi:pet.p .r .', ,4, ;, -- : . !.).
o 'Of isoiherfAf4l.Jje?'! 44. 1 F fFc'Pm. . 7 4k
s' i4 110 .-' -,-;: *-1' Ji 1 i'.. , '''i ' ' , l C'. I :,' !-.i. - - ...
1 ,4 4. :** .of 'log iiiailAf's.!Ff494!l:, Baia
e.0y1044 - icbgrs 3. ,(r*i#.,*„ftuTPr4li.*:
,ijaii err: 1 444 1 4a- :bitavior• -4 :v.— -,-(
I,,,'44,plotisut's,ted: i ltidthoiilirn,.. tinik !gnus ;
ont.:, sq tounnini the! 'At tie.. iiisitto*. ; i iiiinin I .tifle :
eblil air U!Siiiii in. - •"birs. tangly ' says .Ga d is
goo but, 1-olors% know 2 , ~. -‘ .' ~. . ..; .),...) I
' P . ,i?prtiiinii ,. said Tilin.. Ji44yule.ut *Olin
sdi While the . niariiO4 Mys:lnisgliiSs, ;sus to;
ummon her - hu sband from itlii ~ ' W.T.S• 4"0, 41, --
...engin 4E4 :wirmjoiaiiiilf:Ln4Y .I!Ett it is 04 , f,l
ulAd hits unsettled 4ei:..!- : ,,rt 1 !. ...,.... '• - ..I
t iAnnn4e- T fu5 , it..31 , 19 elisr 7 rnoro,nuttincik74 :
. walls the.firp, to_ !liieti; ; l3e . tiiy's.,kincl .1464.
11 . d ties., 1,14 dfoppsitl niu4.the ~pttpx,pu ,bolire.
4 • I must ,not stay,' she said, in the same low, .
v4ild loop. .It is ',late; Mies '404 I :can't
think, my head'feels smstrange. /,.. -
`-Tell mewhat is the `niatterrhy good girl,"
said Mrs. Douglass,:' pnrhaps Dean help yoqj
'f - Help i' said Amtette putting her band to
her i forehead. '.. • 7
' Some one said there ' was help, in God.-,-
' Yirs. La
ogly, said so kAntt. nobody ; wi11......... help us
', i• - , ,! ,
1 Mr. Douglass knelt down the st neken
e 41d, and, when Detsy ° had removed ,the dark
I hood ishieli concealed her feakrek, Mrs. Doug ;;
liss started, for it revealed the?: pale, Ha g gard,
! 4rewprneoupten f tnep of - Annette..:. How .
Voting tolnow so much of suffering? said . Mr,
bi °flea*, sorrowfully,' He - chafed, the clay,.
cold hands ; spoketo her - soothingly i, prondsed
that relief should be hid immediately, but she
,did not heed • him. A ileadlyil faintness sue
ilevded. the fit • of Orthil insanity, and in , a few
, ipinnieS, Mnetto fell, gaiping,'; into the arms:
Idf the sympathizing, but to-rifled' domestic.-
1 , The whole householl was instantlY alarmed.
1 , One, ran in 'haste fOr....the doctor ; another to •
1 ,1, ring the usual restoratives; and Mrs. ioug.
I lass, agitated and atseienee-strieken,lutter-..
IV abo i nt the 'room in her gala dress, affording
:.', strange contrast to the pale, Meagre, insensi.,
blo fOrm hefore her. , . •
The 14Ysician, who 'lived near thein,, was
leeeielty• semeioned, , and a 4atle skill'and
IldiWS9 ' restered AiMnite to consciousness,
i nd'in a short time drew forththe story of her
i,,iants.and sorrows. - TO-morroiv Vll,Ectile dread.,
'etl refit-day,"l4len theY,,must either satisfy. the
letuands of their
° landlord, 'Or - igo," alas ! they,
fr o ew, ilot r whtther. : , • All day long Annette lied
j pedrelief Might, come from some
' I hut hoped in vain, and . n.nable,',, front suspe .
c , d . anxiety, to taste :the food ; , set before her,,
t a Mouthful had. paded heri,lips I since the
,i c u til s ,l . 7 th io r r o n b i b n, e4 , ., , eh H ici e p w iti ber it h 4 ca t tl ll? a rw ched da a y nd wb h e e;
iliope deferred' made her heartsick, and when
I i was ended, and-Mrs. Jerold Idesired. her ,tel
rry, the newly -finished,bonnek to Mrs. Deur.
, l m, on her way home; that itrriitched hmaa. of
~ s ekness and poverty which 'might only bear
I' tie hallowed name ,one 4:tight longer, Annette'
cup of misery seemed 911. , ..
, ' I thought I should - neyer,rl
.oli thisphiee,'
- s a said; 'for My head'ivas sofull of strange
, i ongts about, death.. I; elt as 4 I could not.go
•h me to - meilter without a sin. a mite, and I
pondered r iot it would be, a very! eat sin 4q tie
this little handkerchief iery ti ,, tly.ariAii4 Iv
I t roat, and lin'down arid. die? `. . ~ ~..
• God fergiVe 'us, , said Dr. lltarren. ' linw
ntind,ful we are of the Miserie,ef our fellow
:'.,. c eatnt'Os.' . D.y. his Orde.rss little food was lin- ,
1 niediatelY prepared ter„,Annette4 ;146.103,1k
' e allY, in a .4 r -gii,e.qaitimi, i and then 'AM
1 .
. as carefully wrapped ift Betsy; .. elolk, plaeed
t . a carriage with 'a large-ltaik . t •of eatalYieS,
a A escorted iibMtt by the kind-tiePii4Niaigm
'raid, Who',vnbintaered.hei sert#es to. see „the
peer young tbing:a'ace ;tickher, I ,motl4i," : .and
bear the. good tidings, that, certain relief await
ed them on thb morrow.,,, . .
,!,:. - ' I
When Annette was gbaS ,, ' ni:iDaaglass:re."
. . Douglass ,
to his Wife, :hie thoughts fully, ocenpied 1
it 1i devising lmis for the pon' , girl'e' future I
b refit. . I think, yatin Wu co .with i4ra.
_ „ erold may be ofoase t 6 her, i e. Snid, T ,',,and
i bee wo.get i . thesnniliaiiweltagam4Dr i War,
rem will ice • them
‘ .9-mprron. :7 may, -,be
so m e means feat& 'Of employing her .,
.td,sp.'.s. !e s* . W rj aa °l busy 'ia Douglass
ir9 with i lied , er' ' . 4 , v i t f i ice t ' ,‘ li, I , - e n 's s e
L', ° 4d e : ' ii f er 4F
4 Shand turne4.4wvijat:o44l: , sust.,4 , howJ
oht rihe : gfrfieek trAStily; !.q, lenriles4iilie
t ought, to the follies and fiat. nS (41 . * (14;
as the
t r h, c) 37 l. o a in s 4 F o gp w 7 (o , s ty lo lut ii 4 d 4 ,. .2 , at. ;iiii iti oli, t4 t ted i4i._ ?
ever: the puppet 'ot* ta4liiwy k b : 'AI:, ,is ,ievf ,, ,
fad 111,4 - A l olll4d roFoaile4 tor, it, higher,'
. 114 'deatioyl ',And' Iritli.& : ; gelblir.,ca L sili"
a 'g i n e o.:Pflh a P*l ) 4,4 l , 6 4," ciP° lll lg;AL :
uslart' 44 20 4fu10WY. Pl.* , as lie, $o
I ,
,3i: 1 1, 1 1„f01q 6 4.rp51),,,,0FT: o !..,', 1 41- "t 1 4 1 904 . 191ki
g el . ; giamariOlN: l 4sl...:4' ,-..'' -4 :, ' , -,;.,i,-.• ';,- ,z.
.N,Sei,','' she,saido l '9 l 4)Pg As ,1 011 fte• OOP
'iiiiies iii 3 tiat lOngiod, k . • Aecbwp,‘
cl'cilikries, I. Anilgo4P-p4o ,:.:iio,Obi4 ir
you SP S.Ol vi in WS All" ice : „of, it4°
j AnPi'ttst- ,, tSball,l44egrOi4 ' iiiforcymka
li - c . iottii.i,clr,e4 , , - icgar j eka.Ao4. '..,t.oog.:Ais i i7l
4Sitti:**4oo4;i o ( ll4 o ' .. ~..: :4*Y.!
j- , L.M.-.)?Ptiglfit 4.w44;iir, 1 0 , ..I.Aviße4
rt.llNcr 7 91 ;; psat he iX ','. '' ,e4ing . Oft
luti ind,h41,,0*4.14 3 4;Yi1l I ' ,r-i Irmdb , :4
t(os -, ,;.?',. t . ;•,.,..t,,:.:2,3,-,.., ~..1 .1, ~.,-, t : - 3 =,1,,k,
I .... {:
! 1,3, AcAsTIRINII I II , -i_j v Al`x l iri
O , , 4 11 94*.Pe t t t t e4.1114.., rr,-_ , , ...,
ie.'"i!, .t..,.. 6. ., . ... 4 0 11 / 1 - 404 , 4' . ` . *441 1 44F.
1 --- 11 , ,*.rprTsr 4,- 734
l' * , h t rn10414) . 4 4 - 7-- - ---' - fe1,14, 4-
, liiiiti4jßit irau ltiiiii Afi,:kiTin
tg. , tr,1).#4044.11 , mip1i,..104,. ..1,
fAk., , tile..*ooo , 44414 ' 404 v, ,t#
:.-- - '.4.-E4PBll,erfiaoshi ,
AO* it.,::**iitrx" ,; Iliil . l. A;
40 e. Italia, I*mm olio midi ,• ot. co •
' • l'
. i
. .. •
„... 4 ., 1 ir.„..„,i,..,.. ,i,;
faii, ~ -,-,1 4 , .. ty: ;41; f - , ,, i1f . . ,
,ir.:47 . ' l''' F1 .. t'1'i.'4 . 1.-,: -- ,1 ,' ill.'-r'11.i.;. , ;.:
,S. f :',,lj 'is:."-"i.F.i t ''fi , .'. - Of , .7.'1 r. - - 1 ~ ;;;;
:4 . 4,44..1 - ; ..;
if , .'.: ' I i'l - .-", f .;i1 '
! , ' , 44triiLlCP: ~ ."-i / *.; aye r; ; 444
1 ' - '-ki:A . : F , : 7 1 ... J JO %;:,-.4'. «& 1.!..!1it' '
i... , 41 w t : ), a. ; -i , -,' a1f3,14";]
.;( 1 41- - :gil- -, ;; ,— ; . :ci ,,,-. 7;1•_) : :; , •:".....) 4-3ilil,
l - 4. ,, i---...:4,-„, ,--;-,i , . fiti, tt• • , I.e , ; . :! . 1;1.'3?2,”
ilo, Irt - :ts . 1; . ? - 1 -, 2•1' ki;:jHi :',-
Ltiiii: -..-i 1' , ..1ii•., - , 2 ' E.-i;•:• , ,,••, 41 ;:;,f !-st ,T,:ht
- 1,14 1;211.1 - r , i,i„.l rAf• '' ' .2l frzr ,. ." - y-1; . J20J,S '•
.. i ,
• j,. ',
.. '• i .-.isit.F49b• 4
I , • e
1,4 it.riitiv aeW 4
f I
. 1. i
." . t
4-4,irea‘Prl ,
F , 4
N,14.1 1 1.140r?1t1ici,,,,, '
MI.I. ° 1 4 01 1 .* 114 (
plltip9r4 , l). - Y , a i
)( itil‘i.,f74 9 , l 'ocift,
+ 44 tY! / ). ii- A1 ) :5.4, 1
le **PlY-elisTV
( -40,!?4tIO liglitN
4 iv,lrlAniy4glV9. l
~' i , -•-..4 i - :f ;‘,,,- bi .
1 „ Ailii,frmi ;All, ,jr,
1 '1!1:, rpro,- nrter,•.,
F 9 P , *4l* VW/
Madj4..01a“ 1 44
'- 1 0eXatP4 .4 4 0 61
tojiee .9 1 °P)
PF4i-tt?, ;7 4 4rn1
:74 111 FX }itatbe l .
nO4/ Prf - 3 .Y, 41 71
00,1 11 P1::r 441
,R9,,w I'AP. ..,; .
,IP. •ii irtfZir o 4 l 44 ,
'en sezatia,n, .P l l4' , , '..
-',.114e: Itfist`c:dir94 ',,{c4, 1?
1 4ei,ir:iiala.til : 114pglass- t It,
1 thnix. en indet.4, since -you .
4inr' - e - n ' '.*ea Iter t 1.,) nre' .' ' • -. ;,, - , ..41 - ; i ,-, 1 , - , '
. .13, 19 ',.ig MI- „Poloas.* e l laiggi,e.
P*."'" ._L.' 1 '•, - , , :, 1, ~, , ~ , ,.•4, - ft , A.' , ..;' '
~.,1`,6r41.11,11' .1 1 9E 44, =ll3:iiiii..,,,Toyst,
band I,olape alLairut, tio.jdqm , 1940 41 k
iend'iii;orance i qn.i,the,stilije*, , C=lts,,,
_. •
.binrrasied the tier' with . ' •. is
s4urPaTes initi:Alnette, fug 49.' i .?re.ger• 1 ,
telbtl,riolarly,instinetedln 14 ' ' '
-, Inl. day or , to 11rs . Vonglus Aunionniall
**,.!4l4ly,itt .the inuptleilyUn ; lOW . .
e 4 9l ßS wi 4a l fre*PlttlitV ..._, I
nest-thaniilbebkindio ,
1 - Ir,llW*t
&en. 4 :iinnntte; I 4 king . brig* . .',.,t
,* *ffi; I
ibipk9iii,ilqo.9e 0
,•d(not ligh 9, ei t i*ll l l 6
nery"; ibil ber hilsbana',P c:99 '''"
A l 4 l 9440= 110 0a Teket - ''' ' ' eN b 441
pn *
wer to smooths OF any aiinoio lijOS
fenl at ifikeing 'Slisi,Wilint'urgialli**ol,"
eTtOifVfiite'flx,Ynol ~.: i :-',ll, ,i.hl , . ~ . .,1-1 di
'ibtoitiiss CO iriiit
TV the People of tenney7
[ - i, l .3.i:isiv,clu4i4 :.1
Plfii , F4er.e. Ai Poieik
As as theoreqbally,
thelloist political dui
:Of OtiliPa is A. O 4 4 the'.
up il lufa an d to l 4e.a ,
c'lc4 l 4•4 l ili Inib4p Weal
,, pi
tent Fir tteeyi dip
e l lu ; l4 l 4gTerY-eltufte , 1
4iTeThie E., PONet.ompoi
. F.P. tliOejitx9,4l4. l 4
icT.ii:sigit ditty, # l , itli . fj,,
K 1ti11i 44 4112 - 484,4 . : to
public Ilene am! 40 ,wlio •
4 1 ebarg. 4 bia*:ll4s 1
1ai4 1 4.1,04 . g.QP4,9",
erWAY..eleei9Y Fee4ees weer= .'
stitutionittywhielioni rihtiirirt
the regilfe,ett) l o4l petrketiele ,
1 110 7, s eee allY,e, Nhe,i44.
.F•efF o .lL4Feeg4
.. thetp ulitipps esid
ootku,try sart.a.h'esi..t , to„reelisy
i'. l 4l..rAPilillY!" Ani . .,t,reillee . 4 0 9 .
5i. 01 .c4 11 ,4red:49. 5 0..t..he bli
at 4 pal4ical freidetn, ' , eta ot
be i,eig i ffefieft te-,tbe: 14:Viiiv
l'iritii,T -,; r iheil , IR*
w irtliY4 `4) 3 9 , 44;# -of *9)
alifie 1 4,4Ye 1 i'.',.- t ,:;:; t: ' ...., , ; •:f
• ;liatiAe then!. nilt, I to, *AR
Ad r iotiVerly.yit*ta t 4 6.:
iiiiiiiii So 'hew. the right
Airiliqa lediptreuillace this
. ~ . ~, . . .., , , ,
eeetetiti t ,lo. eei9Yo 14 #kcdorj
1;*!1143 pt good. i4vpnyneag
in RR' `9, l omPgridaiitie 4 h . Fli
hie an its preservatio4„.TP .
, ly i *efq.etieScaPPlitil
in :Oiqk Toditpfl4egsllr
4ill 3 te *o* F 9 4 1 4 14 9 11
414 t l 4lOfiLlYLIt4 Fie**
6 0 0
1 3
: ftr..o%'actoci , propqrl
.al iferbi.o":4lol l eqn44
xif ibei complaint,. Their 1
1,0 - 4,te!lo . A,prien4Y Ateo.4 l l
1 el*Pfrieq:ebtliiPt4..: a J 10 . 1 )1
tiee, 411 ,1 1 Y.b94, qiula;ok AI
tiVill!ltileie inciit'l4tAexly,„ •
AIWAIViiq vilwA l 44
7Pee.ting - P_,:44,
gpF Ot..pketioq. 4' Many A
tmktsliß* l l4! , pty or our
4litZ al
! I
0.,14 ohit !
vt'.lll 4, t
F 1,
!i Ith4
O tt