Northern democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1844-1848, July 15, 1847, Image 3
. i Mtn NEW inOßK.+—Fe were Snow a prospectus, for a new Iftstorial !nailed, " A Pietoral. History of Amid [eliding the several Countries of 4he ni and Southern portions of the CoUti ; yi : S. G. Geoumen, Hartford Ct. Said • • contain nearly. 1000 royal octavo and be illustrated by 300 - engravings, ng some recent battle scenes in Mexico. I. • 4t, Mr. C. Watson, will canvass this • for. a short time soliciting subscriptions. pEMOCRATIO REVIEW •cor July isr, ni" number,. commencing ; Urea yJ 'line. The character of the work÷it bit standard work in America—and the ',eV moderate price ($3) might to plice 4 bands of a vast many of bur readqrs• rive lila it is hereafter to be publish !Tdbn *.Moore, No. 170, BrOadwAY P.Kell, remaining as editor. I 14gister-booby (pardon us read ire ling to ree!yrooate epithets this 10 1 at!several men in this county ha • re 14terti from Gen. Irvin. Wonder! if : negotiating for a berth in his cab' et II If - are tr says t ceived they 80 800 " Dare they deny the $l5O he [Gin% received for five days service as clerk &eche° House in 1843, during Ole. of J. B. Anfrrevis ?"—Register. '.[, it is a. falsehood,blaci with infamy. , I It , t for five days but more than twice 'tbat [of time that he was compensated asla 7 And we dare the perpetrator of the ja- 1 leic of deception to publish the wh le bitiv . e to the case. The facts are, ~ - trAndretv's- illness, Mr. Slunk es ,ii ' upon by the Speaker and requested Ito Clerk—he consented.' After a lapse of Shan for the illnessl Yeei was, n length hove. bove p l truth OE waite4 act as 1 ten or re days, Mr. Andrews got able to his post, andzothing more was heard aiter, it being of a private nature, Tin • hs much to the saprise of Mr. Shunk one else, the House, as a mark of its imation of his services, ununimously ha the $l5O, about which our ,neighbor lily prates. Will he pow dart to state ,cts, coupled with another, viz: that Whig' member of the House roiled re. olutionappropriating that amount ? resum of the til, qu i ' as any high T voted so 'gal; these rrery ' for the We s.l El r...0' wxvil Trv.—The very veracious (?) I river of the Federal organ up town has been forced to admit that the story be shout Gov. Shunk haring received 1 I salary for office, was a sheer falseh4d. 0 that a second ", Charley Ogle" 4. 4 sackin g the records at - Harrisbulrg, 4 could do he could not find the I , a- Specified. That mist be peculiaky to .our nervous eotemporary. 1 4 way, supposidg Gov. S. htil receded. oust of perquisites, what does it shaw? has not l.en a faithful officer, and 'is not worthy of re-election ? 14 : ' I , ei-tly the reverse. ' If be has " boen .1 tri a few'things," as it is ' evident ,ha the people would have dropped him eii• service long ago-:--then it is an iin- Oason why he should be intrusted with ."'. But does our neighbor dare, with yang predilections,to accuse him of hay ire.' the first farthing which did not bMong to him. :So: we dare him todo • May growl and clamor for Irvin and 'ism, and prate about a life-office, (if as not been always in office it has not e*ise he did not desire- it, as the red ote him to have tried hard enough) per )utred , on by the hope of getting a ‘. shat Senate" again, but with all his reckless ' dare not accuse Gov. Skink of having tti his legatfees. ' At , 1 AL! quill at ias coined $70,0f Ee sta been and all mount grindi By that a : That h! there{ but di! faithf has, o from t portan " man IBM 1223! aught I • . The nuin-scull of the Register continues e about Irvin and his vote for the tea v ; okay,. We have no doubt it galls i the quick to realize this fact, and its Ileeffect upon Ahe people, if known ; and not surprised that that topic, and lig blackguard, ` home-merited epithets up the sum total of his labors. He has • (1‘ .. ..he public that, he dare not publish 1 joie which we proposed, from the Dem . 1 Inion—the one which evolved the• con- thOugh we promised to publish I st/4 reply•in return. What be says he speech of Irvin is• mere lowortiiy of notice. Re delivered no ifi Congress in '42, upon that queston, i ereords show. If he delivered one at • ,' olll3 time he belied his position lby /Or the'; vetoed bill of '42 which did and - coffee. It is an easy matter to eeehin favor or against any question, is:a-very common thing to contravene, it ote.. A Representative from this county a r:,speech Attalla? the act,' hut' . for it. And until our neighbor can I hit a man east vote fora bill taming any 1, article and still not vote to tax that sr ! 4 shall pay no further attention to his scal clamor. tax, make *ad i 11 a made Ike v. allow 11221 . - When the Register inserts that ! ire +Med that several snanufac WA* ": es- I , , .- ,is have been st 4 In : t . inee of the new Tariff; it afserts wfut i t is y false. We have tuimitted noia n ch All that we Said about any . : 1 lit two did stop nnsons the new i: 4 ~... ' l O oPerdrzonAnd inconsequence of a to i , 1 prio r to thvia!li age of 1 that act. ; 1 - suarepreseutations,tuid palfry Obliig 'is infancies heyoua al= ' ~„ .e=l but the gibder ef theickan ! . to it. :We *gain defy bilk, Ito 4.,. i' angle ests.blehment that hat... Ala* the new law went' into ope On. by as he evineeslin 'elation toibia 1 'redictcalnt now van i shed gip, "' 1 ,;' * , I S di aggstaletithearelospostatehf. I ?: - have " co Mir The President hai completed his "tonsi; Life-office--Life-offic And T - et to•Wishingtim well plealed With{ LifeLoffice;Alfe-offme—Life-o1 his rciceition . 1 4 16• • ' • . • The otgaa. man ..rathar thinks; the lets ter of Gen. ,htin'a whick we printed two weeki, is.not genuine because it did not have the: came of the receiver afraid to it ! ful r What shall we say of his silly roorback a 4!. honks, member of the Skink. party "being this place (there was no name given here, eithil er) electioneering for Irvin Quere ! We will just say, to out , neighbor that the letter was published in the Centre Democrat in 1841—before its imbecile author was evet thought offor Governor-4.nd that its genuinei f eess iv , • never disputed until it chanced to pastlund , ~,p -i-ent eye. • ti PF, MoinpUtne#tairy. i The. Binghamton Courier of Wednesday him the following ACCIDENT.--On- Sunday last two persono hailing from Montrose, were thrown froin ft baggy in this village and severely injured.- , , T,heY, had started 'for home ; and being in state of drunkenness, fell to abusing.tbeir horsO, represented as a' noble spirited animal, which run With them a qnarter of a mile or more, and 'brought up against a fence. The beast, wa are sorry to add, was also badly hint. On:b of the individuals was very , properly lodged ib ja , il until he had time to become 4ober. On tho same; day, we are told, four or five other perii sons were seen drunk in our streets. This is a new 'era for Binghamton, where sobriety through the week, and especially on the 'Sal34 , bath, has hitherto been the order ofThe day. Paroxysms of the Organ. triider this head the editor of tli _air worked himself into a perfect ra week about the prospects of his second Joe Ritnei, really fancying (judging from his bombast) that they were superordinary. We certainly,woul,d be the last to object to our neighbors consolink himself in his agonies with any sort of a pictur; which -best comports with his liking ; blj a. still, reluctant as we may he to mar his reveries, or dash the cup from his lips, unrealized, cannot refrain from offseting the subjoined ae ticks to his eolunu► of deceptive twaddle meM. tinted above. The following is from the Read ingJeffersonian Democrat : . 'Never since the days of Simon Snyder, hay* the principles of Democracy triumphed so glOs. riously, or her prospects been so bright ano clear. From every quarter we hear intellkl 1 gence of the most - gratirying kind; men whin ! have stood first and firm by Democratic priMf elides in the most trying times are now coal gratulating themselves on the rich fruits of 1 'their well tried principlEs. Our country illi I prosperons—prosperous in the highest degree the farmer reaps the fruit of his toil and labor —he finds,a ready market and good prices fei - all he can raise. The mechanic has eonsta4 employment, good wages, and is paid in good money. The manufacturer is enjoying ago profit on his capital. and the daily laborer well rewarded for his work. On every count tenance there is joy, and no one but the blind rest bigot who travels our land, can avoid the exclamation : That of all people under the sun, we are the most free and the mosthappy:; , , ' The people know too, moreover, that this happy state of thin g s exists in the year 184,7 —the third year of the administration of JAMES K. POLK Id FRANCIS K. SKUNK-4 two prominent ' candidates of Democracy iii the year 1844; one for the President of these United States, the other for Governor of Orli blessed Commonwealth ; both of whom were triumphantly elected by tlu; indomitable D . moeracy. They know, ton, that their oppri nerds were high Tariff and Bank candidate and that with their fall. fell the United State:Sl Bank and ,the oppressive Tariff of 184?.- They know also that Federalism predicted and r l calltd the country to witness and remembers that in the election of the'se men and the repeal of their tariff=min, famine and haggard want', _would bestride this happy country, and crush'' its rising energies in its lion grasp ; menthe; tures would cease ; the fiery blast of our fuill naves would be ;chilled and silenced ; the sound of the hammer would cease on the anvil: the price of proviiions would tall and this love; ly land would :become a dreary waste. The people remember all this and they have marktill the party, and press that made them. Anotlo. .er election is cline at hand, and FRANCIS If MUNK—that same well' tried, honest Demo crat, is again the candidate of the Democrat i c party ; he is known to be anti-Bank, anti-Pry Waive Taziff ; anti-Corporation, and anti et.'. erything else that infringes upon the rights atjd privileges and happiness of e people, and af gainst his hone Sty the to e•of slapder is sii.. f lent as the voice of death. On the other hand, Federalism presents a can idate, not the lealA abashed with - the mortifying failure of all hii. predictions ; she asks—modestly asksthe ha* est yeomanry to vote for James Irvin,' , —the fir t vdrite of the Philadelphia InilitiFians--wh§, Laying aside all other things in dispute, thiy frankly and freely confess is the friend of * NATIONAL. BANK, and voted for it in CongreSS —+the friend of a Amu PROTECTIVE 'Tquut aiid a friend of COR PO R AT lON S without indivir4 ueil liabilities about them. In a word, du* men who stand convicted before the country an false reasoners, and the authors of false pr/t= dictions now ask the honest Democracy of the Old Keystone to desert their principles, their men and their measures * and poll their veto: a far man who will ehangeeverything„ and i4f , ', treduce the Federal theory in all its glory. 1:', Thanks to our country, the people are iratetf ligent ; once they may be misled—last fall thijr:k. - were partially—but twice they will not be. y, islthe boast of Democ#cyithat she never was beaten twice in succession-. and we are satii fled she will not be this fall. We hear daiii from the unshaken Democrats deur iI3ICII f4t med Old Berks, and it would be idlei to inky :they , are firm, and intend tU votifuext fail, raiii or (ale ; but we hear also of many who hatif hitherto voted.with the opposition,: that thusi fall they will vote for- MUNK.' limy es 14 well enough alone ; .I'l4 we have ' not pal! heartier the first man woo; voted the -Da* eidle . fad in 1844, who wifi . now, :Note fir 1 James Irvin. If such awn= can lie ;foul I let us have his name, and:We promise Our F ' 1 eril friends to publish it:; We ale trilling 44' itan .. tome ;it for their benefit, slidevpris . 0 4 1 1 *totems Federal this fa /V. l'l4-1 b a t e . b e 4 dui best'orneWl froni'ln4limo, Centric;West.: moreland, Dauphin anal other eounties. ' lh , .. . friend, and fonternteiber liorthi Ltiihittuti; writes Shunk's•majority at nothigh t ass 0004 spa the•loweit Est te it 15,0p0. 1,,,, • Letting off the t ,7 'The North American, a few 'lsbell a very oracular letter whiclilkwas predicted that S but three hundred majority in I and in which, also, among other YIN, a" conspicuous" Democrat, BRADY," was named. The Eas poses of this story as follows : Now that is truly a pretty, s reckless means the Federalists in order to gain their ends. W' the people that there is no suc James Brady" living in this cs ER WAS . to our recollection, what estimate to place upon 1 statements contained in this lyi staunch and unwavering Dem! doubt be surprised to bear th give their favorite, hoaest .! than 300 majority. Why Old nearly the whole of that herse resort to such lying and mis • bolster up their" cause and e friends, they must be " hard ru if the Federalists depend upo State by such calculations, the disappointed. Bar The High Court of A ware has pronounced the Lice. State recently enacteir(similar, in this State,) unconstitutiond cision all the Judges, Messrs. p. hief Justice Booth, and J Harrington and Hayard, concur fiEr- The Hanover Gazet widely-circulated paper, hereto politie4, has hoisted the names Longstreth. This augers well cratie cause in York. More from our old friendl plete Letter-Wr It was more than we expectei says the N. Y. Evening Post, tl favor the public with an expl , reason why the new tariff, whfc 1, him, ought to have ruined the n actually productive of so*, much This is a matter concerning whi it probahM that a politician character would -have preserved lence. He has spoken out on however. A Mr. Bragaw, of Sa necticut with a natural ansiet shis wares as widely as possible, a pocket knife of American m companied,with a letter, to w has written an answer, lately p whig prints. Mr. Clay gives, i ing passage, .his solution of which so much embarrasses his "I have been very desirous t feet upon Ameriban mattufaCtnr l the last tariff. But Europe pied with supplying herself food, and our country has been ,by the high price which all arti Bence have attained, that the oil tween foreign and doinestic ma been much less unequid than it wise have been. The strug : been between well-fed operati capital diverted from purchase o terial to the purchase of bread greatly augmented, by the sale between manufacturers worki and full time. Whether, when longer starving and shall be ag Providence (as I hope it -will b , , ant harvests, we shall be able t, icessful competition, remains - t fervently hope that our ma struck such deep and strong r will be able to stand up and fib adverse causes." So the ruin is postponed—th' off till the weather is favorable at leisure. We are not to be potato disease has ceased its . 1 the potato produces its usual c and Belgium, and Germany, bankruptcy and distress, and wl meat is to come upon this coon after the middle of the present tion is to be ruined to its hear .Lass, for Mr. Clay is dunnin time to leave an opening for our manufactures should in have struck such strong and .! they will be able to stand up a. l gainst all adverse • causes. If begins to digits usual quantit the wheels of our factories a 1 . ,. their spindles humming, and th ing,‘the treason is to be that ma struck such 'strong and deep adverse causes. That such h at any time within the last ten not a doubt, And it will be just 1850 as it is now. But Mr. Clay traces the suce, tariff to the fact that there has 1 petition between domestic and on accqunt of the deficient Lary So far is this from being trne;-th Europe _is one cause of an ince tion of foreign manufactures. bread and take manufactures to so great an extent as if the they ought to be, and as we h Rill be, more moderate, but stil bly larger quantities then if fa had not purehaled so largely The circumstance, therefore, Clay alludes as checking cow luny increased it, and as soon of Europe are more abundant, tants beim° less dependent up< waniay expect that the a in now ineinnre decline. The committee at Inaepen mired, since the last repo 1 w h fi51„50 was through Me Mantrap) • N 0,151, per Curtis,. Grand fiecreterjr of the of Pa. Lo. of CO. 14:"=Phiks. tte hCralirtit Th Tholie itlio axe fond Life-office— ,.—.Regis_icr. tricks and. Omeges of criticise with injilaticet- .7 -1 their most insatiate sit on of the Federal* Geo. TAYLOR'S letter.,, ye ago, pub- Easton, in w would have Northampton, hang,esto la a " Dr. JAWws =Argus dis- ken them wholly 'by ' it is denounced as a boldly attached—while . the opposithin prints irr , thin and surprise. All emb4rked ini faro? of GI tinder the strongest—in . ted States Gazette and othr alleged direbt—assurapees, them heart and soul. At le sited by them over and ov wentom far , as to - commit Federal policy on the Tariff ern slave-holder and a cott doubted these things , then, improisable,iand we .reminde soli:ill of Emph promises, tha reekoning vrotild overtake th not then belieVait wag so clo General l'Aviort•s letter • per,upon•Federal enthusiasm vents him from accepting the the Federalists 'offer, •anot than indicates his hostility great questions. His promis On the dividing questions of at the favorite opposition e a eandidateiwho has no °pin' eye. It appears he has °pith tions, and that he intends What they Will be, wer,must cide. And however strong ' are, that Ins views will be co of the Federalists, we prefer ciation of them. If they are ! we shall then be free, !accord I pies, to select our candidate. we shall oppose General TA . The immhdiate effect of letter upon ?the Federalists i completely and utterly out of also indicates his opposition in connection with the editor ft' atti signal, a neutral pape Democrat, on several great q -this that it deprives them of policy which so distinguished I Either of these, but the first elusive as to the; effect this 1 on the Federal party. It - will not do, thereforel Americlin to attempt to shy; considerations, by re-hashingii of the hostility Of the admini -, al TAst,orrand his alleged 'auppositiou's oppotition. It I' for that paper to attempt to ili its partisans upon General not do to cite what ho has p' we have what he has certai disowns aTheonneetion with ;letter is a rebuke of , Fed Federaliam' which proposed To a very great extent the preferred to stand off, and spirit of his 'own letter. thinks there is time enough ; j Noat Demberatic party of rth 21mdricair, therefore, bock, wheri it still claims Gre 11 Federal candidate. . - And i too "swim in attempting to his letter tilv reviving the cal administration. lie has so himself from Federal embrael bor has no !right to dragoor kindly 'disposed towards him, rations, if he has any. , We 1 without authority. '1 The gli d eparted."+—Permsy/tin ;lion. iFACTS Ili A NUT-SHELL: before Mr. Poll: sr I President. • , :men of the will resort to, ew,we assure man " Dr. and way ;ey will know he rest of the letter. Our. •rats will • no t they cannot Switrig; mor e . aucon din give When men resentation to . !courage their indeed, and carrying be sadly the will peals of Dela ise law of that 'A) the late act In this Ile incellor James, _1 ;es Mulligan, ' • an able and ore neutral in of Shank and for the Demo- I. the cam ter. of Mr. Clay, at he should nation. of the , according to tion, had been advantage.— h, we thought ,f M. Clay's a prudent si this subject, i ' isbury in Con- to advertise sent Mr. Clay nfacture, ac ich Mr. Clay .blished is the, the follow the diffienlty party : 'elm the ef l.s produced by been so °nen -I"th necessary so benefitted les of subsis mpetition be ufactures has would other-, .le so far has [ves ; between the raw ma- and capital of food ; and g short tine, Europe is no iin blessed by ) with abund sustain a sue ) he seen. I ufactures have lot, that they 'Ai against all It was : his s*orn ditty to much as 'any other Stat. Mexico commenced an inv il l the avowed object of bonque ' Had be. refused such pr 1 have been kinky of subordin =aloofly liable to inipeach i The Mexicans commenced vasion of Texas • eclipse is put and people ir6 The Americans are bringi Hereafter, American righ ed by Meitico. Heretofore most foully. trampled upon. These.tosertions ate all . the matter;in as few words as fined till the !vages. When !opain Ireland 'he period of nt of employ •. Some time 1 NOT BAV—They tell of a volunteer whn returned to Dayton,-Ohio, after having reach ed Cincinnati on his 'Way tot Mexico. s Many were. the jibes. he. enCtnuiton , his return; and among the refits couple o his Whig friend; erei asked him 'What he had cane back for. Se replied that fearing ha might TO into the hands of the Mexicans, he had retuined for a copy of Tom ,Corwin's speech; as heiwas confident all h-11 enuld not injure him among the Mex. leans while in possession of that document. _ entury the na content—,uN enough this seape—unless e mean time ep root, that d-tflourish a- after Europe of potatoes, G?.N s EltAl. P4LOW as greatly dis tinguished: himself ir fighting the I'Gnerrillary on the road from .Voa emit to Mintreo, and the Federal papers zue now 4: trying , to injure him by stories, in regard to his want of Gen eralship in ,marehing Out of `ira erns at mid; day: Ste. S. Very Small b , still twain& it looms clash ufactures have of as to defy been the ease ears there is as true after MR. PoLn.—ln liar. Po les rep y to the Committee`of Reception, in : ltimore, l ie took occasion to declare his tt, mbh3 intention not to be a, candidate for re-election, and th at tit is his deaire to retire to ptivato life. This is in accordance with hisprevious declaration" to bin frierks. -. ' Mir A 'western editor ,r ares that some women who his village in the of the yowl; ' paat ? larks m 3 the river, arei perfec divinities. Ho means, bays .a northern paper4u:k ang'els• A Mnxipasz TROPHY.-0 of the West-t moriland, pa., volunteers lat y refereed fron4 Mexico ; with a trophy of vi ory, in the she,* of a hive Mexican Info, with lack eyes, long ', lowitig blabk hair anda be ' lingitigare. ~ " t cannot imagine 4 said a raderina, "s hy ' my whiskers turn grai so lo eh, Owner tb# the hair on my head." "43e '1 observe:ll, a wag, " pin have woOced so nch harder with your, jaws flub your braine." 1. 1 Re P 4. min )#ll &gm.' , IMMO A 01111 1.-- 0 . hey was addresnint President /"elk in Friardoid, i'oma Odd ,enter ed Die robbedhotmelind WO' Tab1ib 1 90 , 413% 'I '1 . t ' -' t ii. we.:/dimi iIET/ iIL6N, Who • po4olled i per-4 ty in Tina, not long since; 11; -. been hung in due 'forte lis the pogo under the' laynsh sods., PnoSeoiPTiew:--i ti veto t 9 e &Oil*: the Jury lift all Pareltorics ow! carried at' rihr :dwa a Life Wins veto isWestield, . ss of• out new • • n little nom ! °reign,. fabric* • :ts of Europe. t the dearth in l eased imports- We send out ;n return—not dies were as op they Boon l 'e in considers ign countries, our grain.— , which Mr. r ' ;tioo,'iaa ac la the harvests ed its inhabi in us for sup .Ispatition will Hall,torvit $372,69, of or Swift fro* da of WM. - Grand Lodg 4fer• MI h tie they It,(or 00-i iCoi to is is- Anew Jthers many of lrtifies that did so Chi- amountullto at he was with :t this was as . The Gazate II openly to the [ rind he a smith o-planter ! Woe • anse they were those who were a fearfuiday of But we did' at hand. doubly .a date , It forever pre . ommation which oreovdr, it more them; on several Itirgivie his views , • the day, is a hit !', dient. of having a for the linbiie ns on these clues- , I • vowing them. ait before we de= he probabilities i trary to the vieivs ' await his °nun t g and proper, g tol ourprinei- If they are pot, i enemi TAYLOR'S ithat it takes him lbeir bands. It them, if taken oftheXincia- I.conducted by a I , estions. Add to Ihe hide-and-seek them in 1840.--- rrpecially, is eon - ter will have up for the North its eyes to these lithe stale charges tration to Gener elrocity of this not answer !fasten itself and rAYLOR. It mill tebaidy said, when ly written. He ederalism. His 'sm—for it was monopolize bib. emocratic ,party alt. This is the will wait.. ,He ' lid so does the Ile 'Union. The lalks without the weral TAYLOR BS shows its dam .calf the effect iDf it ..nies against the n and withdrawn F, , 'our .neigll - fot being land -to his aspi hopeat, it speaks ry of Ichabod.has Texas was an inaugurated as t roteet Texas, as slim of Texas, for it ng teetto, he would 1 , tic& of perjury, ,ent. Ibe war by :min- it to a close. will be respect:- I they have beep e, and present possible. . MEI o`i ' A,PPI. 1111 /4 111 . 4 t; , 4,; i ~, - 4 1 the • *shop Aio noToina; wui. onn Episcopal Churoh,_ in. rthin. ph,o6, - on 08nridny, *ldly 186, , iii p'elocki A. - lt, ‘iiatii in Sp r ag-: . 1 1 Ile, at 4 dclock, same Av.:' ~' I ; '' Ak ii i bariets i t al i o , /h i i 4 layme , i t___ 1 - , Alterative- il . iwohairs been informed by Mrs. Miihah, (s - grand diughter.of :old din. Wayne) that Ate lifthred for a number of years from the growth Of 4 largo Goitrous Tumor, which besides great deformity, produced both a -difficulty of.eglutition, and of btalthibli• Indeed, she says, the Palm upon the:. Tied/Piro was. " , grleat, an to prevent her from sleeping i in , a recumbent 'peiiiitiun, and can suffocation appeared !neviteble.— sh e also laboured under imivere indislimition from urea Coorssurr*lstoomia.'with ss horrible train of t at eette affectione, far le hiiM she ustsilldr.,Jmorys AL. TikIiATIVII. Ahichi she to regularly, for six or seven il l ° :re, with occult:oral. dpees of hi snative pale, her general health ins thereby , mpletely rem'. ta liabed,mod now perceiving some !mutation in the a, o f the &A rena T, amor , she w i ;eneouniged to vere With° fuse of the ALTXII vitondil efeiy v tige of the painful Tumor was el:timely removed; r ire cannot speak too highly of thisOmportant prep: a tion of Jayne, and for titi oak of sufferimOnt. trAnity, hope Oat it , msy_bccetri4mom generally kdown.—Pablic Ledge!. ;1 , 31 - ; WORMS ! WORMS ! 4010418 ! ' ' I,To remove those troublieomeind ifanleroos inhab. heats of the stomach end!, bowels, which so often lei, pair the health and destroy the livela ofebildreo, yes Jiens's Tonto Veaansuori a certain And safe prepare. tibn for the Norval of the Irationikinde of worms, dlepapeia. sour atomaeh„want of ists. .infantile fever end ague. inn debilily ofthe iieb and boar. e¢ and organs ordigeslion. It - is oitlieutexeeptkin o l ds r o ep ft a h re e d m o oe ni t; b a y la D ab r it j p a r y epa ne. ra p l hu ionti e n ip th hin e ; w an or ~ ld d ld em Prepared oit agesseoy N.! Mikhail, & Co., Praggisia, Mil -1 'age Pa. • 11 '1 ftlitll 01 • In JesSnp, on the , !inst., byi' J. W. Smith; Esq., i M nwix' P. BARTER, of TONMII - tis, to Miss .NDA ,O. STOffo, bf &imp. , . biroi tirrti3emp4s. ESTII. ED, i •...__ , FROST the -eaclosute of tb - S bseriber a , • .i the Ist of May hug, a wind three yen oilsti mare colt', with a White i str lin its fa .! an one , white bind foot. Whoeve ill rota j slid . colt, or give iniortnation wlse t may ,^ fUtid, shall be reasokably reiiii i rded: - , - • • • Amos Birrow * I Bridgewater, July 14, 1847. - . .ORIENTAL SOVEREIGN B u E a zt e ib p sy k‘ ibe a rs nd li . w re ot i i ) i f i entsar d rt ii t n h ti e7 mend them to persons afflicted With INDIGEIII=' impure , &zoo, Bu.t.xous ‘disposes,,- Nu% duos DEBILITY, HEAD-ACHE ir "C9I3O44 Bentley 4- Redd. ! Tuly'l3. 1847 WAREHOUSE OF reatfiT trfiViiX • 1 NO. 50, CEDAR—STREET, E c -NEW YORK. i LEE, JEDSOX Sr.:LEE; LEE & JUDSpN,) QCCUPY the' spacious FlVE="4,l,'Oar WARE HOUSE. N0.1 ; 56, CEDAR STREET ; the warms of which is devoted •to the exhibitthn and's* of the Single article'of - • ukwlinnt'aikailcoitliksia • Their. presisi Stock of ONE! THOU PACIOCES, •, Embracing some THOUSANDS otiliferent psalm and colorings, and comprising. every! thing desirable ib the line, FOREIGN: I and DOMESTIC., . • • I Alf of which are offered for selefor cash. or aitia rectory credit, at the Lowest PrieWb* the • 1 ' PIECE.OR PACXAGE. i ,Now Styles , arc received almost . eVery day, and Many of them are got itip • for our Isom salmi, and•not to ; he fotiod elsewhere. '. , f.,! .., • .1 ,_ . Er Printed lists of prices, carrepeq from day tol day; with evitrY.variation in the marks, are placed ih the hands of buyers. .: . • '..' : ' , 1 Merchants will be able to form ' , -aome idea of the I iutent and variety' of (Mr assortment, when we state that the value of our usual stock ot OM 051.1 g article is, at leiat, twice 'Jim value of the euti!et stock of dry 4odir, usuilly kept by Our largest isLolesale jobbers. This fact, together with the fact tuft 'our Means and tier attentiOn, i stead df being diijided among,. vast variety 'of arth lea, are devoted' Wholly to otis, will render the adva tages Which we cis offer to dealers. perfectly obvisms ; and it shall be hni l eare that none' ; who visit our caitablishrhent shall Meet with any dia.:l 4ppointment. s ' . : 4 . i • Our asacirtment 'is complete at ill 'lessons of the] year. Le:e 41 4 ,Lee. P. S.—B. F. ice, formerly of tlfe '6Ni, of Lord &I Lees, and laic oenior partner in the original . Arm - of Lee do Breontil, from which conneetick he wilhdrei some time since ) has resumed buslhese with Memo. Lc & Judson, ender the w firm ofLEfE . JUDSON & E ; and. ho } ventures to assure ] i's friends did the public, that the new arin will meinlim the same pre-, risinence in thio branch of the tradel , Which formerly titiguiabed the other twohousies tiaosiiicb be belong. d. • ' • • - • I , miss " YO LARD'S NG LADIES, IN TUOSE AC HE next term. will cornitencevon Wed %today. July . 74. Grateful for theirlihetal patronage. ailready recew she would respect fully inform Pa- Tina sod the fri de of Education ganerally: that her school Will rasa the, usual eyetWp-of gotecoment MM instruc,tio4, pursued in the Fentlile !Seminaries of aewicheretie. GOod board PAM 00,6 0 4 ca . caa., loanable ternia; reepechible , , . T itINS PF.:TUITInZi4; • IComma Eu hob Modiew, i is i - 104-50 History. Bot ny : litit:Phileady,Thaintityy. 3150 faintingund awing, - (E4ra)! 300 Music oo tb Fiat*. 'Frenth iiod Laths will lie t'sught, if desire' Ressancea. J. W, Itil l !*oitts, EM., E.g.; " Rep. Ile p; A.' glum " Eeintal c ti ' • ' • Mr. Wm. Tow. Sonlwo S. BEN ti M. S.. WILII6I MI Ei Op il of at . hi ' 11% iiitd ) bo i Pii II 111!,, tioso) O T IIOIIIO , I -' . - I l : 4- , 494 1{ -tEYA it. t G, A ,..99 - - 8 -. , ...... --', T ,, , Aa..4sp e z „w e ,. ,-- .• • . 1, 7 , 3z4 , , 1. • 1 dikis-- ':.::,:00:i*.- - lv ioti.i;-iii:;4' •. . at nit s 2EI MEM OOL FOR Cr 01 illa cm* lly . pectroD. last ly .1 I cioki ' • seled! / Indiwhiell lb ikeaPeli‘ also thilifgl44llpt 'arrow,Tita, nringlkiss,'"or at Well im a 0111.. ,- i', , ii - *.eiii -441...,':','. Tie 10; MEM „ I auto ; t""'"lvioklt=ti 4,4 tgA...un* IVA ; and We ready ; fte --o...."batrmoilecto isceivellbem• de 11 , 0 4 t° Pney. le e• ose.6; Naltivipp, Prtir I,- 5 1 • I 1 • SP , SIMMER ;GOODS. L 8. W;t2o gen lenonnetntaf Goodlls I P4 very lowan "prices. - • - t itordeasets'will find it to their advantage ea' oat - 4tandne;i Goods and priettalliefilite (bey itaewbare.i • J '4 . 1 1 1847. .;• t .;qt _~ -SEVANKINGEIENT libibscripeSi having ,thisi datrakeret a en-partnership for. the ip n o ce MEDICINE AND SURGENV - under the fironf i tibirvn & Einuiss,itereby ten-, der.theiT professional serviceirttribelend - peo- L , pie; of jAnesboroil and - vicinity, viler the confidence that if_e4 acquaintance ,InitA. and Pc4en:lei attendance to, their bunko/ 1 1:k o - pese. port, to public Potrodlrt thnffil, lo oo,i ) !W- I arm' share or tbe sane. Theect:rponeklmeer tune kto need mMical ettet4iotite.) . iwil lett° 'Five them-a call. • " Office and lodgings of the first' or the firm; over the Engineer's officei .- and. '041116 In!7f teri:at ;hie residenced El N4lnves; IE • Lanestuno,' Juntti Ist, 1847. DIiAWN GooDs.l itidi tpe GREAT. varieti of laces. Bariesjan audios, 'riot- Linen Joco4etto,, &o„ 1 ?i t c/ . 1 - - ;11141* , PL NPJG WHE ELS ac REELS Joueider 0, km Jr„ ert,i,tt • • Nei Milford June 12. ft . 1847. -4 , NEW iG4llloiii.t . _- - T4P . lnkscriber,lis nosr receiving 'logette - rd assortment of r - • • I Dry-Goods, Groi•eries, - Hititivxo,;" Crocker", Bonnets, 11. t - Palin leaf Bats, !Ad in! for past favors he "mkt minitlespoThi• re tht3 -paronage, of hilfriends;', the • lic.genemily, and trill erniesvorlasmil them aas LE)I•W for the r,ft,' ajaproired credit, as . those wllO toi,;‘,l4lo#r . aoddr j um lo ; - • t, . IN iichange i iiiO4 ; lbw Moth, :Nutter; (l4 . .Neauxix, Spe } ci4 and 41",e00, , • By • - C -- Alier. I iIifOUSLIN D$ LAINI3Sck- . Ind GiOghams, tor ; so4 111: 5 1: .F - 1. - ISTUFFEWroton , Olott= 1.7 Gambronek eLripes and lowa TEAS. • F OSH teas selling Id* at. ' , • 1-11 ICE. - N'tW Rice just. received in- _ • r • • ,flll, ' rEE AR lowat MACKEREL, ad. Pickeied Rio kCixlfish'et I . j BONNETS. ryiT.ISCAN. Strair, Lace. and- Bonnets, cdepp at • . SEW GO Juni TlEig:Subscribere are reeeirmg - a ieeted stock , i ' 11Z117 1 o.oolDit - - - whiel will maki. *heir aslorlmP4- „, EY- el plet*Andtley ar4 determined thiellpCtil thatlWill letisfaltoryto purchitwis.. U. BurOncis;.4-;:ei "Galion, iune43, 10347. •' • 7 'l' o,r AMMHAIN iIECES Mousseline De, tiliatiV*o 'Nome patterns, Is 24 to A5.341 - iteefil , . , ME ETI ffiE • ApNNETS: It j' L I • Daisontimo! ce;*4 it .'oetsdl'od Bonnet tritnntfogi I .! COI A? rEpIAWNS;° GINOTIAMS(.! dram gOds • • - - 01 Jl4 to i :t • _ Pk ' 12,000 1 s • LEATHER., very, cbeitp, also Ge , Cod ish, l Ne c ke r' 1. Iron, ;$ • at. - 8.4-Ca's 8 6 13 t Nails, '-. " . .J • .' ; --', • PAINTS 4. Oi . '- ''' -.- .. . t - UMW lb. Wtittel LeaCie• • Oilet lut'l: wk.* i (the , price' hail advan ced in ma Pa rii‘ Grim to oil.. beet , qeilitip-.•iiiiich much [baudionier Oven ',than: ay .40144:5 WiDaoii tdilldit i ; &C. Veritisl. to • kini l ./*lii 30:` , !,it'' ' -• 14;4:1 ' ' liiire r:, 1 ;?: .' 1 " . ... 11. 0,..,"4.; . '' '' CASE? ID 101 w id. Touodo ot OGG— , , 'tan Hat Iwo:. oboee 8431140 'Ho 05. for wide ztlio, , idig WO w ill be paid bY , .- Aftwrii+; bis t asf iii kind a PTI s Priok• 4464 *kik ' Palm . sparim', and Wail iretii - 4aor. sad 's vtotk' esWiiiik and Gk . , . 04iiiiti Velvet 0101. idliO phitOretei cariiiellift* b) , ,T -, c -' ''''. l'''' .. - 1 1111214m0t kor- 9 '•- ( 1,:„; • MM3 Aricaceorid, so, Bouertil Goo,. L k lla - Rciiimulibigirin4Ql u.Vii Oil to thilomaul-44 411% '` 4 1 4..01 . HoollWn, li Zel oaks ; - ' cayteolooll4, ihirlihy titilmirelPoo4lll4 . _ 4 0 to 'al" 4° 00164 4_ " 7 MOM: illt i'. l'iff ft y, Joe LUNG 3,184 - '„7s=iPi: El IV* . l '‘l . - I =,' F., *44 - ris d re • I Lalm Sb DS. OE 1- I l i cisal I ' Ettl 4.44 e _di _ . , uee t 4;- t • SIOIVI-4,' elinnut ver,pti for g?s ' ;vim <:: '~`~