Northern democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1844-1848, July 08, 1847, Image 4

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    aa afillll‘ ?
Wa r w. ,
1,`,);V , 1 s hAProgn4bp Dollar 111+Iper—Ptillaileip*
t- The Farr'Bolg.
BY C11AR4.9 Akrß.E., ,;
$ 1 0.1. 1 *. /LW y.p er.A.
• W ho sings at the
,ta. , of his plow-- -
-1 monarch of prairioiancl-forest, • ,
only to God belMay bowl
He is surely a fortuna4 fellow t
Re raises his breaa 'and his cheese;
,And though - hard is; labor in summer,'
In winter he lives t s ailis ease. .
thorBgo.orscia: inter is broken,
Siirilligie4l44l"gladden and bless—
Wieliktiksilocks initineadows are sporting,
b ding her nest—
The' fanner walks forts to his labor,
and Rrniis his treatl,
•As-he-seatters the for the hirvest.
That yiddAo - the nitieatheirbread.
\ t
Ps banks are all tha4ered by nature—J•
Ossir credits are aiqle and safe; . •
aAerks never islopeeith deposits,
• i t ..„l.orlnted by the rtriie of the poor.
..' ,,, :lErsastoelo are the berit in the market
shares are the tai ares of his idOW;
.114,itbriiig the briglAold to his coffers,
...L pleasure and hiialth to his brow.
When his fields with 46 harvests are teeming
And the reapers goforth to their toil,
• NOne so happy and fr4e as the farmer—
Possessor and lord,cpf the'soil.
Ef.e,sings while he roons'his broad acres,
_....'," - 423 . ..50ne but a fanner can sing,. '
And would not exchOge his condition
••9rtir the splendor and pomp of a king.
When hfs crops irOlf.l .. gather'd and sholter'd,
Lz - And' his cattle are-snug in the fold,
He sits himself dowl:4by his fireside
Anti - laughs at the lempest and. cold.
A stranger to-pride 01 a ambition,
Has clutiesi he strives to fulfill,
Detemined whateveOetides him
Ta*t the world j as it will.
His trustis in Him .*ho basgi ven
The seasons, the On-shine and rain,
Who has promis'd hint . '" seed time andharvest,"
So long as the eat* shall remain;
And if ken:ilia auti4 he.winder,
• Led on by his venforesome, will,
Through life and its Oimiging relations
God a providence follows him still.
liatamsnune, PA., P 47..
From theo4eittle . Arritcsa.
A -SlGWVllltniCaffT.-
Thou must go firth alone, my soul
Thou must g 4 forth alone—
To other seene*.to other worlds;
That mortal lath not known,'
Thou must g,o fOrth alone, my soul l— ,
To tread the Marrow vale;
But he, whose 'kord is sure, hath said,
liis' l eomfortsshall not fail. •
' ' Then must go Birth alone, my soul,
,the daftsonie way .. c
Vilic Cie brit sun hasnever shed
warm an# gladsome ray, ,
'lad yet the Sun of Righteousness
Shall risetm i4 dst the gloom,
And scatter fro:ln thy trembling gaze
The shadowi, of the tomb.' •
Thou' must gd: forth alone, my soul!! 4
To meet th4God above ;
But shribk not -Helies said; my soul!
He is a Goceof Love.
His rod andstiiff shall comfort thee
Aelosp, thi. dreary 'road, •
Tilt thou sUejoin the,blessed ones.,
In Heaven' ;serene 0034'
Natural Plienolue -
• una, '
eorreapondentof the Newt Orfeaus
writes that in travelling through the
,parisb of
Opelousas, La.,.froln *kelt heims juatrreturn
ed to 'Franklin, St4M.ary! s parish, he had acei
. mitcottjatertlit the house of
am n ear the Sthule.:,.a ll clindioisessed
of tehistinpie - power4 ‘of .Hie horpehav
i4 lost a shoe, he pulled h . (being in a 'light
vehicle) at itiomsttached to it the
umnblance Alighting, he inquired
de, female, - standitjg in the door, if his" horiel
;mild be accoMmoctated with a shoe ; .she re- 1
pliad.ttiat her husband ,would be- in shortly,
and requested him* walk in untifhis arrival:
1 4:* Ers, fti .
Tn a eel mtna4 the bliwny "px-Slioi' of the
smith darkened thn back door of the premises,
and 'simultaneously a little urchin, who was
entering the frouttway, struck his foot against
the 'ailland waSt.precipitated headlong and
heavily upon the Boor. The wife of the smith
• in an instant 'mist) . the fallen boy, and with 4
mother's tenders wiped away his tears;
while th e .f a tber 4ttered imprecations on the
is s''' bhoni awkwakhiess 'of the u.nfortunaM
- si - .
. ter eiplaini4 my visit, 4./
and reqiesting
i ' smith to supAy the loss mylorse had sus
; Mined, he imme4tely led, him away for that
purpose: Havio4 Observed in the eyes of the
little one a pees Cityof formation, I. had an
opportunity, whA. he of the anvil was awed,
of indulging an dge7ilsward curiosity. ' ;Miring
the childicarMei,,4. found his eyes =may
large,imanotremnrkably prominent.,
~ T hairM. ~
widehirati'da - ' l 4lit hazel color, ;encroacled,
. _ - ': -1 -
more thin ordumtily on the sclertitie coat, and'
t , the widely dilate 4 pupil, on examination, proV-,
• ed to Inrra no tait6Letile energy. 41 a:con
i -
versaton i i
with t mother, she . ohiterve4Cthat
- 4,? -. 4.
i •
her soi cfrald disi)over objects et 'fiiconeettable
diatan*hut i4nithey were within the,range
of ordiisair visimi he appearedliind au-an ow/
at noontide-- .', ti A. -.-.
• 1 ,
gave a olati the
"siabtionsior AlukultereSting
°*: 1 1 . to teet '; the 4 °440 of
of JulaterP9o4*li)r ;'hpl ea
ON4liit*: l 9: l 4i l/
fort the night supper hastened
to make the _ experiment. The firmament
was studded witf, its .starry gems—i westerly
~er ac ss~.?Ju , 3^ta'~uP;~ti~ ,~~~~.~.~.<;.+a•,~~.s::-~-.~:,.-.
kr .13{ V`: '
iffittd , )tatel - rencrered'thaattnesphere as pellucid
5ai0.044-,-afia Japiter.andAaturn were to
be-seen trusting in majestic splendor, without
a riv,al.among the thousands of their contem
pararick Having with me a small telescope,'
of pow*. s l efficient to observe the satellites of I
Jupiter, I &meted the boy's attention to this
planet, at the tame-time requesting him to in- 1
farm melt he ijaw i any small hinninaries in its
vicinity, abd-ittate how they were situated with
regard to the ,primary body. In a moment he
asserted thate saw " three bodies like golden
marbles,, one a ve the planet, one on the right.,
1 0
and the o th er n the left hard." I then lasi:-
ed their"appaint relative distances from 'the
main body; and he answered that the upper;
one was thest remote, and that on the left
hand the leas 1 -
I immediatei y pointed the telescope to the
spot, and, found' to my indescribable astonish
ment, that tbm,boy was minutely correct in ev
ery partiqular.i! His attention was next drawn t
to the planet • Saturn, when he announced that l i
he could plainly discern four small bodies, sim
ilar to those adjacent to Jupiter, but of an in- l i
ferior size :, inlthis instance I was not prepared i
for an investigation, the power of my instru
ment being toe limited. The next morning I I
pursued My jouney, with the intention' of • re
' turning in a few days to renew my inquiries.
On my return. I instituted other experiments,
that proved to a demonstration the telescopic
visions of the child, but au I have already writ
ten mlnrin than I intended, I shall not now at
tempt a recapitulation of them : I may men
tion, however, that during my absence the rela. : .
tine pbsittions of the moons of Jupiter had ma
terially changed, yet this wonderful boy again
fully convinced me that his unassisted siltltt
reached as far, at least, as my telescope.
As I intend to write you again, giving in de
tail sevetlal experiments made on the same sub
ject, I s' 11 close this article.
TuE I)READTTI OF IT.-" My dear, come in
and go to bed, jilt," said the wife of a jolly
son of Erin, who had just returned from the
fair, in al decidedly " how come you so" state.
"Youlmnst be dreadful tired, allure, with
your lon, walk of aim miles."
" Arrah I got away with your nonsense,"
said Pat," It wasn't the length of the way, at
ail, that fatigued me—'twas the breadth !
SMAO: TALK..—A farmer's daughter, in
Maine, s Was visited by a rustic youngster, who
finding it difficult to keep up the conversation,
asked thie•girl, , after an embarrassing silence
had pre-Yailed for some time, " if she knew if
any bodi wanted to buy a shirt r " I don't,"
she replied, f` kayo you ono to sell ?" " No,"
said be, I only asked to make talk."
A Western editor recently heard a young
lady at table ask for ,' hen fruit.' Meaning
"Governor Bebb, of Ohio, assigns as a
reason for pardoning forty -firc convicts in five
months, that they have embraced the.temper
ante ' pledge !
The money coined in the United States. da
ring the fifty-five year's ooerions of the Mint,
in copper , , - saer, and gold, amounts to $122.-
I/. MI. REXIIPOIR. ' 111 has ma4e arrangr.'-
ments with the NEW-YORK PEKIN - TEA COM
PANY, for the sale of, TEAS in Bioghamton, and
can furnish his customers. and the trade, with Teas at
the samelprices that the Company charge for them iii
New York, which is, al least, from One to Two Shil.
!lugs cheaper on each pound than the Grocers sell at.
And in every case wheio these Teas do not give saes.
faction, !be money will be paid hack for them.
! , 4 REEN:
lionng Hyson, good, 37 1-2
p 9. do. sweet cargo, 50
I Do. ' do. fine cargo, 75
IN, do. silver leaf, IQO
Sileet /elof—seldomlsold even by large dealers, because
ilk tlielvery small profits made on its sale—is a very
super a.
Or Tea. i
. ; o„. do. . , golden chop s ;..., 150
Gelai n
tin jeep--Th is the fineaftGreen Tea cultivated
in t t a. -It iii of the first pfekings, arid excels all
,-- iat r Griseff.Teas,for its.delicacy of frivol-, strength
and a •oina. Heretofore this Tea has' never reach-4
edyria poetry, except in small lots to suit the pur
chaser, I i
' Hyison, fine, 175 - t
Do. very fine, 1 00 ',
Gunpowder, fitie, •-• • - 75
Do. - extra fine; '" -- 100
Imperial, fine, 75 . 1
:.., t.i '1)o. Eliza fine,.2 -• , • • . 100
Hyson Skin, godd. • 37 1-2
isTig Yong, strong and good flaVor . , 37-'l-2
Ning Ytinge- 7 The grocers sell this at 50 cents, and .
call •i Oolong.
°along, a delicions Black Tea, 50 .;
), pp . 0 N TUTS, and Bon net T r imm in gs, Si
Compare this superior Tea witb that sold by grocers,
_L. andiCotton Parasols, &n.
as being an Oolong Tea. The di ff erence is lob
plain, - and 'the deceptiein too palpable. t;,. Bentley 4- Read.
Oolong, plantation growth, . 75 •
&Ili!" Breakfast, fine, 50
. Po. . do. , extra fi ne, 63 .
flUircuats Mixture, a rich & highly
flavored, 75
...- Xikete flower, :,,. : 1:00
Do Scented, - ' 150
le Plus Ultra. 1.40
us Ultra—This Tea is as fragrant.andl sweet
nosegay.: It yields a perfumethatis truly de. 1
iful. It is of garden growth, and superior to ~
thing of the-kind ever sold in this country.
The above Catalogue don not comprise all the I
es mintained in my assortment. 1 have every i
it imported, and every shade of quality, slid caul
le,moat fastidious purchaser. The above Teas)
Ildone up in Chinese packages, in quantities or,
3-2 lb., and 1 lb. earth. i. -
as a
varlet .1
sett t
are all
1-4 lb,
.ate tried the Teas imported by the Patin real
75 and 77 Fulton-et. and if we' live *ill ill try
Rem: ;They aye selling the most delicious Teas
l i t drank, and retail them at wholesale
v r Pod.
pniy lure . of obtaining at all times pere and
''savored teas. bribe single pound, at whole.
ices, of the Pekin Tea Company; 75 & 77
. They bare probably the largest stock
t - variety of fine Green anti Black Teas of
I .e establishment is the United ? States. They
sig a largelousiness,and am. a great*efit to con.
l l ' 'of tea.—Atlas.
lefare / O. has.been eery. difficult, indeed impossi
-I:o6tain good. Green and Black Teas.
ye Only' ltreisit 'the . / Seare , roems:cif the Pekin
atpasty, 75 and 77 Felton-*. to obtain as de.
aid fragrant teas as you could with for.—Dai-
we ev
highl •
and •
We. .1
Tea Ii
liciou 1
ty Soli
;•e r d
•tird to TectriOnkeit.—The itekin Tea Com
7.5 and 77 Ftitton 7 st. have imported into this
teninisone inihdreiPthonsind doilaii ivoitb of
nat - gendes'if -Green. and Black Teas groin t
Ileatialptapila; dock ng io a ll the various fancy
get that Cnintie ingenuity etc invent. It is a
!gelittbny tenn,nt this greateestsbliatipseng, a n d
~..od,eittsfott,,nny.didaktbsent . .,Tni, seCg a i a l
;'iti'd - retell them at sitoleside prices. Conn.
tolian!'s whni wish to always sell good tess, Can
l' ii, gletit 4ikiii,,, 9,5 fe.,P. 444 UM+.
..., ..,.;
: he aboye,4EA,lii are for ialeN. : -,,
,-- •
L. fif: Ittfailitlj, ''' . ......
Agent for Broome County.
.No. 25 6rno.
Pr i7. l
mark •
B. CHAODLER; & are now receiving
Fa largekiind weltaelected addition to their
stock of Gooils, to which they would invite the
attention of *chasers.
Thoir stoclCis obw, quite large, and they are
determined tbp.t fqr Cash,Barter or on appro
ved credit, thgy will sell at least as low as any
establishmenr in the County.
Mbotrose, Atay 20,'1947. •
RINT*, good assortment, American land
1 English wary cheap.
Chandler 4- Co.
SDZi e IIIER tuffs, Tweeds Drills, Bro Linens
(I,INGHAS, Lawns, DeLanes and other
l3lr' Dress Qoods.
• 7,
y EGEIORP and Straw Bor(nets, plain and
IA fancy Iliaid. Ribbons. Flowers &c.
.-i Chandler 4- Co.
LI ,_
ARDWAREI 1 Iron Nails &c. at
Chandler 4. Co's.
GROCERES, a good stock, among the rest,
the bestland cheapest Tea and Tobac
co. co in
~ , Chandler 4.
cLOVEA SEED, a fresh supply, for sale
lJ by F. B. CHANDLER & CO.
HEETINGS, Bro. and Bleached, ayanety
PARASOLS and Shades at
ci Chandler & cc
AME RICO , French and English Cloths
and Calisimeres, Satins and fancy Vest
lags for saltCby •
Chandler 4. Co. •
A T ii. B. RRITT'S, may be found a large
.111. and mnst desirable assortment of Dry
Goods, consisting in part '
of rich caliOes, French and English Ginghams
of superior styles,Gingham and Printed Lawns,
Muslin de r s iLanes at 17 cents and upwards,
Printed BaOges, Fancy Silks, including
the newest sly les.
Rich Silk, De Lane, Straddle, Barege, and fan
cy Net ShaNvis and Sca rfs, very cheap.
.FIorence BCaid, Chinn Pearl and Coburgh Fan
cy, Plain -*raw, Lawn and Common Fdnc
Bonnets, 140 Rich Ribbons, Trimmings, an
Flowers, at!reduced prices.
A splendi,liassortment of Silk, Gingham, an
Cotton Patasols, and Umbtellos at very lo
Broad Clois, Cassimeres, Sattinetts, Tweeds
Summer Cloths and Vesting's, both rich mi.
Common itillarge variety and cheap.
A choice ailliortment of Fur Napped, Fear Col
ered For, a t ad Wool Hats ; Gems Leghorn, an,
Fancy Pals Leaf Hats ; also Clote, Velvet, en
Glazed Stiintner Caps, of the new and lates
GinghamsXhecks, Bed Ticks, Cotton Sheetin _
Yarn. Cop ed Carpet Warp, Batting, Carpe
Bags &c., &c.
All whicii in the vahnus Kinds, Styles, IN
scriptions (ind prices will furnish the most - de
sirabla indOcements to purchasers, who are in
vim] to *mine his stock with the a.suranc;
:that 'as his"' purchises nre made entirely fo i
cash, and largely of the manutacturers agent:
in the cityi . and will be sold at small profit
they will Etta fail to be pleased.
New Sligoni, ?day 27, 1847. ,
HAW 00010 Z,
&alp Tuinaz esatum.Lp a a 3
THE subscribers are now receiving a lar,
and iyesirable, stock of
which weje i bought for Cash, and will be sn I
for the same as cheap as \can be bought in No
them Noirisylvarna. Our friends and cum
mere, wittiplease accept our thanks for the
fiery Tiber a; patronage during the pass year ; a
REM ElltlEß that any thing wantedin o
line (or 14 year to come will be furnished the
on the'priticiple of , Lire and let /ire." NO
TO BE I.OIDERSOLD,' is our motto, and w
intend strictly to adhere to it. All kinds
Country riroduce received in payment, as we'
as Cash, .:Old Silver, Flaxseed and Beeswax.
ti = Bentley 4. Read.
1 Moqtr4e, May 20,1847.
ii_ ------
! D ROApCLUTHS. Tweeds. Merinoes, a
17 falr Cassimeres, Satinetts, Jean's, Ve
, tins. an Summer Goods of a great variet
just opent4 and selling right by
P Bentley 4- Read.
LIMB OIDERED, figurW and Gingh
12A LAWNS, Mouslin De Laines, from
3d. to 2sad, per yard, English - , Irish and
merican Pinghams, Oregon Plaid, and a spi,
did lot of calicoes now opening by
Bentley k Read
BROOMS, Patent Pails, (common and I e
dal) Butter Ladles and Stamps for all
right bn
CLOCKS, a full assortment , watches,
el rit, Bagley's celebrated Gold Pens.
Also Hag Twist, Steel Beeds, Purse and l
Clasps 41td trimmings.
Bentley 4- Read
TRONind STEEL.—Swedes and Eng. '
led BON, Drag Teeth. Band, Hoop, /to
and Sc(nll Iron, Cast, .'Guinan, Alfieri•
Spring4and Eug. Blister STEEL,—AIso
Itixis—#a cheap as the cheapest by
Bentley .1 Re,
-+ANT TERSperm, Refined whale, Lia,•• e
.V V
end 9tive : oll46 of the purest -
Also, iNints, of every color and descript of
warranted to give satisfaction, and will be of
rerY /oily
• 1-
FlSll.—Sword and Codfish, Shad and M
erl! selling cheap by
Bentley Bei
-PLO 13 WKS.
ANAm r and full assortment of P/oughs al
1F Casting of the most approved 01
structicie, just received, arid for sale at low pri
.m. byt ,- - .H. Buzau' .
' :Npw MiltordvApt4litth 1847.
1170,10 1 011AMS.4)RESS LAVirN Safi.
splenad patterns just received and sang:
cheap fft cash by J. 11 ,
Chandler 1r Co
Chandler 4 Co
Chandler 4 Co's
I WARE and Crockery—a full sto'
mod. Bentley 4- Read
Bentley e i - Read
- Bentley 4. Re'
. .
.._... _. . ,
N BAI 000:D - •
THE Babscriber is now receiving mid offer4l
. for sOle a new' ant: desirable stock ,of;
prices which cannot fail to be satisfaetory to,
il who desire great bargains. His stock-com:
irises a full assortment of .
iall of which will be sold at unusually loin prices.
J. 44cras.
May 13j 1847.
N. B. No charge made for exhibitink good s,
therefore don't fail to give-sus a call before pur—
chasing_ elsewhere. J. Lyons.
1 000 YDS. Sumter Cloths, cheapest
in Town for sale by
J. Lions.
9000 YDs. Heavy Sheetihg al 8
cents per Yd. for cash, for sal
WOODEN Palk, Butter stamps and Ladles,
Clothes Pins, &c. &c. at J. Lyons
CANDLES—Home tnauutacture, fot sale
byJ. hyons.
Eilt •
GOOD writing paper at 12i cts. and letter
paper at 10 cts. per quire. For stile by
J. Lyons.
June 17.
WHEREAS, it being t•enerally understood
that JOHN GROVES, the "General
Taylor of Montrose," executes all ,kinds of
work in his line of business, in a little better
style, and at as hir prices•an any other Tay—
lor this side of Mexico ; ,this is to inform all
who have, or may Itvor him with their custom.
that he has just received- from New !York his
usual variety of
and is now prepared to wait upon Gtntlemen
when it stall suit their convenience.
May fith, 1847. 18.3 m
THE aubscriber having withdrawin for the
present from all connection with the -tai
loring business except cutting. will •Itereafter
give his attention to that particular branch ex
clusively. From a lobg and successful experi,
euce; with recent improvements, and'a regular
receipt of the latest fashions he has entire con
fidence in his ability to please all who May
employ him. To prevent- nil-apprehension he
would further state, that having worked hereto
fore for !the sake of working, he tweeds in fu—
ture to Work for the sake of the pays; (except
where charity may dictate otherwise.) Those
therefore who are able to-pay but always with
hold, will please also withhold their cu,tom.
' Shop over the Hat Store, first building - north
of the Stage house. P. LINES.
Montense, M iy 5. 1847. 20m3
Spring Fashion for 1547.
CROWN -71-4 inches high, 5.1¢ yeoman,
bell at sides, 1-16 front and rear, 1-4
curve. Trr—i °vat, -flat. Bout—:111 inches
wide, front and rear, and 1 9-16 lit sides.-
1-4 ofan inch wide.
The above new style, introduceid in New
York nn Saturday,rch 6ih, by Beebe &
tar, are• now realy and ior sale by •
April•B. ME,RRILL tt.., ROOT.
Pro Bono PubVico,
jAA j EIEREAS, Nature, having furnished to;
1 V V 'the head of Mau, no covering, sufficient i
1 to protect it from the Winter's storm, or the'
burning rays of Summer's sun, It is found high. t
19 essential to his comfort and beatify, that' he ! l
I ) ! provides himself with scrnelluman fabric calcu-
1 lated Id supply the deficiency. AO. whereas.
• ‘ prudence requires, that every une,ihould pur— 1
H ( chase such as they may need, where 1
i those equally good, can . be obtained at the key
, i est prices. therefore, BE rt KNOWN,.IEI the tribal:l
d l itants of Susquehanna County, ari d all others,
,• whom It may concern. that
1 1: . WM. M. POST, SI. CO.
, !
r , Have established themselves at the old stand,
,d , one door south of the FARMERS' S•torce, where,
r !they intend to ,plunufacture. and keep constantly
n lon hand, HATS' of every description. la addi•-•
'r i lion to their unusually large stock clt. Hats now .
'e! on haffd, and manufactured at their establish
i ; ment, W. M. P. & Co. have just renewed from
ll' NEW Yost:, a full supply of SLIMMER HATS i
& CAPS, which gives them the mtit extensive
and varied assortment of` Goods n their line.
ever-o ff ered for sale in Northern P innsylvania.
, ! All of which sold for cost}. or READY
' a I PAY TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT under the usual pH-
Mgntiose, April 29, 1 - 847
AND every style of Otter. Benvier, Nutria,
Brush, Cassimere; Molesii-0,. Angola,
Muskrat, and Coney Hers, of alt shapes, sizes,
colors. qualities and prices, from 0000 to $5.00
at the Hat & Cap Depot of
WM. M. POT, 4 , CO.
Ai ENS and Boys dabble and L' single brim
11l Leghorn, also, American English and
Coburg straw, also American ROland Hats,
of different qualities. tor sale chmiti at
WAL M. POST, 4. CO's.
rth DOZ. Mens and Boys, Silk, Linen and
lON., Cotten Glazed Caps, of new and beau
tiful styles, cheaper than at any Other estab
lishment, may be
- ' • Wm. M. Post, & Co's.
PLAIN and fancy. matte of light cloth, and
.suitable for 13 urnmer. at I
Wm. M. NM, it Q.'s.
, CIF every kind, and in any gentility, very
I kJ_ low at IN Nl' M. Post d cots.
HBURRITT, is now receiv
. sive and' seine; essortmen
to which be would, solicit the
friends and the pablic.
His stock as.usual will compr
k `: full varieties of Fancy and Staple
Dry Goods, Groceries,
Hard' Ware, Hollow Ware
Iron 4. Steel, ' Nails,
Paints, Lainp Line
od Palm Leaves, -Ploughs •
Grind Stones;
all o f which will be sold on the
terms, and at the lowest Cash, ;
. New Milford. May `2l}, 1847.
y OOHING Glasses,& Pimp
LA size just opened by
T _Somtrimrd..
HE Subscribe! would inform his friends.
and the pubt c. that be has purchaqedtbe
shoji formerly .oc: upiecl by P. Jenks, but more
recently by Mr. 1-I ‘ t Patrick , a few rods west of
the Court House, here he is nowcarrying on
the above busines4 in all its brooches. He so
licits a share of th e ptfblic patronage.
Montrose, Jan. 40, 1847. . .
The Gratoe-Vine Cradle.
THE undersigned takes this method of in-1
forming the public that he is "now engaged in
manufacturing one of the most useful instru
ments for cutting grain, ever offered in market.
The structure of this Cradle is such att to en
able a man to cut ibis gra in,with muck ,less la
bor than is usually .required—thereby [-almost
Changing the tasklinto pleasure. A number of
citizens of this county, who have useetbe Cra
die during the past season, (whose names can
be given if reference is desired), hesitate hot to
pronounce it superior, by fifty per cent., to any
instrument of the lurid they ever,used.
An opportunity of exami3ing, the structure
and utility of the_ { instrument will . shogirly be
given. They wit be offered for sale; by. the
first of May, at alit the principal stores and pub
lic places througOzait the country.
Prices --- according to The article.•
Fur a common article, (scythe included) 8400
Do Wire t rimed &c. do 5.00
Do Five teeth and trimed do 5,
Do Teeth plated do , 6,00
J. Lyons..
Gibson, „Feb. 6tb,_1847
DR. Segur's Restorative Pills. Dr. Spoon
er's Hygenin, do. Lee's, Hopper's. and
I omatto, do.. Also, Dr. Rafferty's Family
Medicines, consulting of Balm of Gilead, Worm
Oil, Vegetable Pills, Eye Water, Strengthening'
Plaster, Embromftion, &e. &c:
For their superior excellence and, great use
fulbess, these medicines are entitled to a place ;
in every family. j Try them.
OPODELDOC. Dl. Jayne's Vermiluga, God•':
frey's Cordial. Covert's Balm of Life, Camphor,;
Horehound, Paregoric, Licorice,.&c. &c., for
sale by J. LYONS
April 8, 1841. •
DR UGI --- 3 rt STORE,
BENTLEY &READ, hav9 this day receiv
eif an adddion to their stock of Drugsi
Medicines, Dye4uffs, Oils, whic4
make- 4heir,wint:er assortment Complete, and tifi
which they invite the attention of their- friendti
in Susquehanna ciunly. Physicians and othi.
era supplied wail every article in our tine at a 4
low a rate hs at-I tiny lather •establishineat iti
Northern Pennsylvania.
Montrose, DO. 9,11846. •
pas Accnul
Expectorant, Ve'
Sand's- Snrsapa
Opium, Balsa
British & Harle
Shumar's & I\-
many others of
day, for sale r;gl
~ ;~~ ~1
just the thing,
for Sore
Bruises &c. &
supply j us
Purse Clasps,
ment jus
also a lar_
ROCERI 'S.—Sugar and Molasses very
1.31 . cheap, '1 °tweet), Terta. Raisings, Coffee,
Chocolate, Z. rtes Currents, Pepper, SpiCe,
Saleratus, Ginger, Soap, Liwrillards
gate's superb° Candles, &c 4, &e—just received
and tor sale, Ipw by
' Renticy4 Read..
-- • • -
and upper Leathee—also
is just received and' for sale by
IBentley Ijr Read..
I Calf Ski
N excbane
I Cloth. Fla
Grain, Old P;
gaiters, I,
Palm leaf Ha
sots, du., jwiti
Ware A m
. . !
FULL a orttne of atone are this day I
receive , and will beisold onus by
Feb. 11,1 7.1 t
. .
-- ---t .
111211 - itillgiLil'ilje3Ml2litit9
A T the 011.1 Stand of Lyons & Chandler,
may be found P. B.handler, and RobertC. Simpson, who have ent red. into partnership
under the thin of F. B..Ch ndler, &.CO.' Tiliey
will endeavor at all times 0 be in rea.dOelslto
attend to those who magi favor them , with a
call. . -/
of D _
The remaiiiing stock of Dry Ctood4, Gin
cerles, 11.11.rdware, iftwitre, lloaiips,
Glass, &v. s‘c., which " e havd:en huod,,Mtit
be sold unus ally low. ',l 1
t •
F. B‘C AMAMI ~- E t
kg an exter—.
iteption of his
1-0 Beesw
of all kinds
for any of o
Stone 'are,
ed Oil, Fish,
TIN, decea:
make imme
ing any cla'.
ed to preen
Oost favorable
rift or Credit
almost every,
low at
ey ¢ Read,
Balsam of IV id Cherry, Scar!
.tic Oil, World's Salve, Jayne'(s
miftwe, Carminative 'Balsam',
ilia, Dr. M'Munn's Elixer of , ,
of Life, Bullard's Oil Snao:,
In Oils, 15.1otrats Phenix Bitter 4
istar's 'Cough Lozenges, ‘anil
he populai medicines of the
Iv ORE _waiter stramed,'Fall
Relined Whale OILS, 01s4,
,need and Tanner's do., for gu.lo
eap by
LLER'S, celebrated Leatlie
e an,i writer Prop( Oil Blacking
'r this weather, for sale by i
. Bentley ¢ Read.
Eyes. Cuts. Swellings, 'Born,
just received and for sale by
Bentley 4 Read..,
:DS and•PURSE TWIST, a nelir
received, also, Steel Bag and
ides, &e. &e.
Bentley 4. Read.
EDICINES— A 611 asiorts
opened, and foj sale riaht by t
skins, Slippers end Gaiters--
e assortment at Children's shoes
Bentley ti Bead.
NVir r ei =A) :
e for Goods, Kggs,j3eeswa4 . , lbw
1 / 4 , Butter, Riled Apples, • ittts,
weer, Beans, ite.c. &c,
I -
;. J. Lydiq.
•oriment of Ladies' :,shoes,", slips
uskins, Childlrens' shoes, ; milts
Boys Caps, Umbrellas,'Paia
landing at J. Lyoni.
el, tow Clot, finks,
will be readily tiiiien
Socks, Flan
!X, Old Copp: .
nd EvEscAsß
r Goods
F. B. C
1 rs. Nptioe. !
en to, all petioni, in
' Of JOSEPH 41:1S:
rmony Townshil), to
/, and all perionaltitv
i d Estate are ItectOst•
subscriber ktrl lle
i i 7. ' Istp. ?s''', 6-0.
ia hereby gi
to the estate
-d, latebf H
iate !laymen
a against
thdin o.tho
June p, I
oton Cloth, rrtveede;
nd plaids unbonfAon
acs sir ipes
11 11 11 I . 11 HYE HIS PtLLS. 1111 II l' II
. r ~~.,~..~,;,..
. • • ._ . . ,
u ' The Av ers narrowed
t ltlygielatiV4eital il'il
ile edilheine
fp FIEBE 'Pills 'ilie'dne of the 'best Medical
'I cOmpounds_ittase at the present day.-
As d common fainilk.iitiysie, for administratioe
in all temporary cdinOlaints of thes(omacbsod
bowels, bead , trehe,- colds, &c., thdy may b e
fhtly depended upchi, and a prompt Use of the m
on the first appearance of indisposition will in.
trariably save much sickness. They are m e _
liarly adapted to all'cases of weakneiss and ge e ,
0-al debility—anyfierungement of the syste m,
1 lind especially with i females—and asteady,h e ,l
interrupted use of; thdrn, la strict ,confornatt )
.svith the directions will' very soon testore th e ,
Organs of the stomach Jo their n atura I tone and
ticiioe, and regulate pas, bowels, avid renovate
'the whole system. 1. ' , • ,
li There is no dispiatiftitin to givis (*ravaging
, Fommendations oribein. What is here stated,
as the result of natant' experience with thew,
'and that through a period` of - fifteed years, k
iis not supposed, 01 - Katmai:Jed, that , they vii
Cr aise the dead; neither
. are they dealgned tope
['used as freely as we use dur FOOD : i Such is r et
'The true purpose of medicine. Its Only appr t ,..
tariate office is to, nature in "storing the
; ystem to a proper: tohe and action, when aim
litoidably, or through ,carelessness Or excess, it
becomes deranged. Many are careless, and
!hence need Iris aid. 1 And the most careful are
liable to irtegulatitles of the syStern. It - is
needless almost to, sax , that a prompt use of
safe and effective remedies, on the first appear.
* nee of illness, is the tart of Wisdom, 117 Sud
a Medicine the Pmarietar /maws' tkese -Pills h
be n zo And certain that in flirty nine ca.
see out of fifty, sibeiea fair trial Is made ac.
cording to the directions, they will be used a
gain as a standard medicine. He has ne t
ko , Jon an instance, where they hatte been - t e e ,
used, in which they have not met with triseast.
, . Numerous testimonialA may be seen at the
General Office of sale, and references. wit be
given to substantial living witnesses of their
valuable curative properties.
. The Pills are purely vegetable,,; are, of two
kinds, stimulant and r purgative, purifying the
blood, and, produCitiO 'healthy action through
I,the entire system are a valuable Anti Bilhoue
`Medicine, and emirently useful ii6ll lateens;
complaintri_Weakness, General .Debility.Dys.
peng,Putmonary Affections, Liver, Complainte
Rheumatic and SpaSmodic Affections, Ferns!.
i • ortn plaints, Palpitatinne, &c.
No Fatally, after tt air trial:will be witleta
hetn. _
They are put up 'in -FIFTY ! CENT and
'DOLLAR PACKAGES, each havirig
let embracing a . Velnable Treatise on; New,
with full directions for ose. The !Dollar pack
'ages are the cheapest to the purcbaset. They
may be ordered through Druttgistik, giving the
Street and No. of the Cieneral Depot:,
Sold, Wholesale and Reif it; ett
No. 140 Fulton street, Second Floot,
Between Nassau-:street and Oroadway
irjr Au you valrieflealtik—Tryillelia 7.40
irr The above
_pills are also for e(tl at tbi
tore of BENTLEY a READ. ofilhifipl-ace.
• ,
HE Subscritter Would inforai the citizev .
of Montrose and vicinity, that ltd. h i s just rt.
Imp ostou Rind Now Yritk, with
15 000
worth of Div Guods, which have)rieen
ed for Cash, since the reduction itif the Tariff.
•t nd will he old from 25 to 50 per cent. Iw
than spring prices,
MERCHANTS in padicular, twill find it ti
their interest, to call end examine his stock, be.-
fre vsiting New York; as he ts' confident,
advantages ate such as to enabl6 him to tri
on better terms than they can; , buy in Net
York. calland satisfy yours-1 , 6.6,m the Fits
end of Exchange , Buildings, Binfr,hamton.
Tl.l' n'J R E
esdIDOZ. Tin Ware, includihe Pan?, NI!
NY Dippers, Coffee and Tel Pots, Bakers
Basins, &c. i&c., at ,whole,sale or retail, at great ,
ty reduced paces, fOr sate by I
April I
33ug1ttrss ear
GUN, AND, §IIRGEON -i -(thee at ha
dwelling third house east of t i e Court Huo
—Will he at borne Saturdays( of each week,
where he will be happy to . wa4a . .ipou alt those
who may favor 10111 w,th u call. •
Montr.ose, May,.1847..
11. Dl,Mocll's';,
A -
Attorney at Law,—Has removed hie Office
Turnpike Street, one door p,ast: of 13>T
Case's. Office, and three doots West of oe
. Register Printing Office. ,
G.' A. GROW,!,
Attorney at Law,--Office on s
Thrnnike et., Iv
doors East of Bentley & Reads- Drag star
DR. H.
DENTIST—Sets Teeth
dues all Dentist,, work
work warranted. Car
on Monday and Tues
MILS 45c
Dealers in Dry-Good:
Crockery, Iron, N'
below Judge Post'
Dealer in • Dr* - -dri
&c—Byotilt I y n,
Physician and
change r Spri
Physicians an
ce over
Coach, WI
pike, a
De.verso n=o o 4 Stnple Dry Goods, DM
medicines Pnintsltn4, Dize-stuiTst Cr
ery, HSlA`are; piodelies liooking O!
1• Clocks. WatchnsOduslcal instruments.
, elry, Stnoa Ware.,
&c.—One door ttitof the ola stand of 13eill'
44 ,fi