Northern democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1844-1848, July 01, 1847, Image 3

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    • • •
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r , •
Thursday, July 1, IS4T.
DenieCratic NominatlOllS.
o m ancoiesir cotrwre;
The rtresident% Reception.
- 5 president poll:, accompanied by yon. j Na
than aifford Att'y General; Hon. Edmund
.13nrke, Comifiissione of the Patent Office . ; and
'others, left Tilashington on Tuesday week for
a tour through the Northern States. lie ar
rived at Baltiinore the same day, and Philadel
phia the dap following, in both cities' being
greeted with it welcome worthy of the Nation's
Head, and of b it renowned hospitality. Par
ty lines were 4isevered, private differences for
gotten, and etch viel with the other in render
ing unto the; Chief Magistrate of the Union
those compli4nts and civilities, which his high
and dignified position entitkd him to. Pri---Pri
day they proceded to New York, where exten
sive preparations were made, and a reception
given eminently creditable to the Empire City.
It was estimated that two hundred thousand
persons were tuvsent at their ingress.
Ttie Tarrying Time:”
Our rieighbi,ir of the Federal organ here, lace,' into operation but 4eht which had acenmula
big illustrious prototype, the world-burner, Ited under the "glorious Tariff of '42," and the
Miller, has atllast discovered that there is a Sher that thus effected the one, and if r we
itarrying thee" of short duration, which is i
,remeniber correctly, the other also. These
lust precedinkhis much hoped-for and, anx- 'are the. montinents of the impending ruin
ionsly expected millennium of " ruin." We livitdi whose ghost our Federal cotemporary en
tail it" the tarrying time," because the cir- tered and " swaggeringly" conducted the trim
rimstanees warrant the cognomen.. Did not paig,n t These " stoppages" at that time were
. Father 3lillir",Predict " ruin" to all terres- ' doubtless . concerted and advised by the Fed
trial, things? 1.. So did our sapient cotemporary feral leaders and wire -workers, for politicaLef
propheey the Most fearful " ruin" to all of the i,fect. But be that as it may, both establish
interests and ,enterprizes of our great, and de- Invents soon changed handsand are now doing
1 immense i
spite of his wishes and labors, to the contrary, ,an bur ‘• swaggering," ly
now highly peesperous.count7. Did the for- i iing bombast of our "funny" neighbor to the
tiler, after waiting . for the fulfilment of his"wildli contrary notwithstanding. And to give our
and extravagant predictions until the time ap- treaders an inkling of the " ruin," 'which our
painted by flint had passed by, and his hum- neighbr,r once so "swaggeringly" predhted
bug been exploded, discover all of a sudden and still hopes fur, we annex the following from
that be had utilde a mistake in regard to tI4 la New York paper of late date. It will serve
T . -prise time a the dire calamity. and that there J both as an item of news, and as a complete ex
rasappointed4." tarrying time" as a precur- Itirignisher of our "funny" neighbor's reckless .
tor of the eventful hour, in which we had iust i ntisstatements
petered? Sofa's°_ has the latter, tinder f pre- I " The Troy Bolling Co. (formerly the Vail- i
n.,3r the sartip‘tireintistatiees: discovered that; can -Co.) have more than doubled the
o dimen
.-;.i " favorite 1).4" of ruin -to the country, was sions of their hiililing; and we learn it is their I
. ention io commence peritions in nys I
rat a little fu , tt her off than he had eitleulated o l
,or as soon as sufficient workinm stock s
car A be
:hat it was to he preceded by a " taiTYing ' procured.
time," and that, shortly the much wished=for A little farther dotin, but within the limits
Period of his mklennium would be rolled ar, und. of the city, other works of the same deserip
under . the siperintendence of the Troy
Last .week. ion cap the climax of all hardi- ;tins,
, will
-.AI and brai,e'n falsification, cluing, no doubt land Albany C0.,t0 .are being; built and wi ,
; put in operation_ this season. ThiS will enable
i , the fact tin*t he had been effectually head - 'them to more thaw double-their business."
din his unblishiro e , h
attempts to deny baying i
._, . And yet these are the times of ruin ! Are
a:wed the cry of ruin, be suddenly - tacked ItheY not mad to expend sotriieh
l cap . ta
i in - so
, :.
hip,''ana," singular as it
, may appear to those
I"ruinous" an enterprise ? Our neighbor cer-
Lot acquainted with, his nine-sided
" w i se itainly onght to. send them a file of his paper
when in cram& spots, he even • denitli having ,
pending, the last eleetion,'aecoMpanied by a
denied making such predictions! startle not, l
.t; , f
reader, for , it i 8 even, so, as true as there is a l ew copies of Ids last week's edition. Will he
00 it? .. 1:
sun in the firtilament. Anti further : he not ,
In tenet sion We repeat our challenge for
only denies this, but he even goes -so far as to i our „ ..n'#-lov ing' cotemporary to name s6me
try to tan the,expirin,g lamp of hope in such a
l our
the many teaS - es of "stoppages" that have
calamity. Indeed he seems quite angry with
come under big observation..
some one LeAse the time has, as be pretends,
been postponsid, and with a . bravado spirit I •
equalled only, I,y his hardihood, challenged us
to prove that i this [referring to his predicted
ruin] to some ?xtent, will not prove true."-t--
To some erfent I Ah ! Then he has given
up all hope ofi its being fulfilled "to the very
hater," or to itny areat extent, but to "some
extent '
..°' Teiily, this iv a step towards a back
log out, antklan acknowjedg,ement of having
been the orgaS of imposition and deception, ; or
we are no jud'i'es. Cannot " show that it will
not prove tru('-Leh ? What a valorous op
ponent! Utter a prophecy, and then "swag
exutt that an adversary Cannot prove
it false ! W i ltat courage 1 What a victory! !'
Ve shall tiotliry to prove it false—TlME
do that fast °trough, besides we have tither flu- '
ties to perforni meanwhile. There are several
other points a small moment, whielLive will
notice in conclusion. One of there is
sertion of omvateighbor that "many manufac
turing estab4nonts were compelled to stop"
(which we have noticed in another place,) and 1
that "many elhers projected to be startettwere
ahandmied." i if this assertion is made merely )
to make 4 fir the absence of truth, and to
bolster his avant humbngs, this fact alone is al
sufficient refittation ; but if under the impres
sion, and to *mince - the impression that they
are trit. its once would, be mightily. enlumcedi
by giving thd names, dates and places - where.l
How a nmn 4 ememotsense, who has read the i
papers for tie' last six months, at all, couldl
make assertiiins so utterly false,- and. so often
exploded, is it poser. Nothing but atkextreme
ease oould hive driven any man to such a re
sort i!
Again otrPneighbor scouts the idea that buti
ter, isworthioure in this counts "than it was
previously, 4d attributes it, if it is so, to the
Erie lkilroa t t Yes, a railr* or " the potato
rot" or sorsei.f, 'other " rot" is 'always at fanit
when the colttryla prOsperous udder a iktsi
erraticatl4istratiau. but if WO!! while
rale the eo4ryis proiperous, it is always at:
Witted to tie fravaleues uf ''T {b,
iles. 'lf irnr ineighbor will awake from his
trance, howeVer, and inquire of the farmerS a
bout the County, he will find that many 1 of
them are selling their butter at their doors Ifor
15 ots.- per pednd—not for the Erie Itail4ad
Co swallow dean, but—for the New York tidy
market 1 Moreover, " Whigs"—patrons of liis
paper—will tell him—at least they have told; us
—that they this year sold the same quality bf
woolfor three tents a pound more than ley
got last. " So' much for the two column of
swv g er" as .our neighbor has it, trying , to
prove to a proiperous people that they are ru
ined. kOne of tiro things is evidently true, ei
ther that our totemportry is oblivious, or else
that he aims to deceivennd gull his readers by
r the most arrant humbugs and untruths.
A " rinUty" Crawl On: •
The Itegister-mkn, "funny" soul, wit]; Sis
usual tact andunserupulous fondneas of
to get hinelf out of a bad fix, stated last
;week, that the i new Tariff had already cot
menced its foretold , work of ruin, and ti
many manufacturing establishments .Ire
'compelled tk stop," &e. Will our veraciet
Incighbor name a few of the " many" ofthiest
teestablishments?" We should like • to know
their whereabouts, for we confess the account
is new to us, and withal, looks a little sus'pi
cions. Will be condescend to enlighten the
public upon this point . ?
Now we, reniember, havizig seen the state
ment going tl4 rounds of .the Federal press ,
immediately after the passdge of the new law,
and pending- the last fall's election, that the
Vulcan Iron Works, at Troy, N. Y., and we
believe one other establishment near Easton
[are these 'our neighbor's " mat*/ ?"] bad
" stopt work," as our cotemporary alleges ;
but we happened also to know that it was 'riot
the new Tarifesacty, which had not yet gone
The organ of granny Irvin, up-street, last
week paraded ;with ` 1 grog, gusto" , a garbled
extract, from the Pottsville Democratic P4ss,
.. i.
nzelation to :the late visit of Irvin to that
lace, (doubtless to " come Paddy over" ithe
ilh laborers 'there) in which the General is
poken of us 'tplain and unostentatious in; his
ersonal appearance.." The extract is veriba 7
int so far ,all'it 'goes ; but the truth is, lour
1 eighbor'ehose to go rio further, because en
i:the Press cai \ ne to speak of his qualificat oils
qnd prospects for Oovernor, it gave hint a
most tremendous thrust, such as our neigibor
ould hardly
i elish. We saw the articki in
1 he Press, an marked- it for copy, putting it
nto our drawer, as nsnal, but when we clune
I look for it fo lay it before the compost*,
o I it was guile, and we could get 10. clue. to
he logy abed manner of its going until we Saw
he garbled portion of it in the Register I I-
SU" If th '' veracious editor of the Fe. eral
Organ, 'gal ' names and dates to the H I P. he
initold in his issue id relation to the m e mber
, ,
of .. the Shill* party," who is charged th
visiting this Place ou an electfoneerixg t our
or /ran, (?)ihe mat gull a few green ones of
pis own Idducy‘by the humbug. OtberWise
the: story of his own coining to " help.alcing"
will be abort' - .s ipolpits
flee the on.
' A I were shown,
adayl Awry, raised in the
garden 41 . 4; 1 1g13 Janus, i n thinydiage T which
measured-thre and a quarter inelms in dream
reollCF• . - !Tht ori g ins] plant, which - wan ob
, ed by tbn Judge last Aqua, wai'fioni the
garden 4* ( 4, RooTey, of Massachumetts, and
beilie denied from the seed, is known a
" Hooey's Seedling." •
. ' The Washington U' . si states that the
bimation of t*.ii3cO . ii entirely his
The administration'-'pave no' instruetkn
t c,
the subject-I -made AO _stiggeitione, and
'ldling of it.; i T-;- ,
A VOW PlllOll (pees
. Li' he o;gan grinder of 'the , Fede
sttpet, labored through the greater
tivo brevier columns, last week, vaiul
ig to shift the responsibility of
mtplies and - reinforeenients front G,
(fp which he has abused and calum
POsident to the utmost of his capab'
hi 4 owm party to the friends of Mr
This is a characteristic effort, and
41, be adhered to with his usual m
niity. Yet we canna forbear . as
plain questions upon 'the subject, h
thpy may renew his memory a lit
th# same time not be deemed too im
Were they the friends, or the •
*Polk, who, in Congress at the
tts§d their influence in every way p
&pat the measures for raising su
rer4orcements for Gen. Taylor and
i. Were they the friends, or the
14, Polk, who, after having voted
luon, declaring that " war existed
oPilllxarco," consumed almost the e
sign in declaiming against it as the
tetr, thereby encouraging distrust a
incur own country, and a deep sett
reioncilable hatred on the part of her
in4' abuse upon our own soldiers
" did and comfort" to their inhuman
rie ?
Was it a friend, or an ene
PSlk, who said on the floor of Con_
" l your President asks of me men
egto prosecute this war, with God's
my own faculties, he shall have
6144 if I was, a Mexican, I woul ,
eta i V you nokroom enough in your
try to bury 'your' dead men ? If yo
mine, wc will welcome you with hi.
add a hospitakde grave ;" that "
means left but to withhold the mea
o 4 this war," &c.—See Corwin
Were the the friends, or the
)1. Polk, who finally noted for t
tlierizing reinforcements?
•.0. Was there a single " friend of
44) voted against that bill; or of
ate xray?
i'Vhen our Federal neighbor shal
sOered—not evaded, as he usually
q4stions, and perhaps before; we
aipther batch, which, if they do
e.niious clamor about the patriotic
itAtw 11 at least make him feel very
" All the Inteillgenc ..!
Gen. irviti's recent visit ti
114: won for him htists of friends, a
nited and courteouslaring, his,
prpssion the must gratifying.--Reg' i
17th. . .
Now compare the following with
pike of bombast, and see what .‘
intellect " Gen. Irvin possesses.
a letter written by him While he wa
at for Congress, at the especial
1409,—0f the genuineness of which
assured—and published in the ecn.
of October 3, 1840. It is all ,
rioSity in its Way and should be gen
audidate for a ljgh office who
tcOucli loaf methods of securing sill
not deserve to be elevated to the I
rifl chair of our great and growing
wealth. It is undignified, vain an
arld' reflects any thing but credit xi ;
t lior :
,Ilespected Sir. I takethe
pilig you a few lines ,respecting the
requesting ofyou as a personnal fit(
yqu-selves as much as pcissible as
dlpends upon our-activity. Our pr
phars good, and if our friends only
wht will give them such a hearing tis
hive met with before in Centre'
trhst yOU will spend !holiday and.
qiiietly calling upon our frietfds an ,
tlllm to set aside all business and
Ek.etion, on wednesday, and sho
world, that the people of this distri(
seine regard, to moral character,
clijAce of their public officer—l -r1
u not are aware that allthough I am not
- ot; your society, that I have friers
te*ards it, and at all times have
upon contributed to the Erection
houses, Er.e. and not long since nu henderson a Lot of groun
diks for the erection of a meeting
.tying that you can do for me will
as a particular favor by Your
There is a beautiful specimen of
irtellect," of scholarship, and Fed ,
*ice truly ! The most ordinary
iii Pennsylvania, could indite a b
one more' correct, in language,
stile, and elevated in its tone. IL
Brent from the plain, unassumin :
lltANcts It. S):IVNiI ! And the'ar •
tlie motives he urges to induce hi
*irk for, him—how magnanimous
bliyr convincing I He " did not be
Cturch himself, but he gave a lift
b4ild Meeting houses!" 0, sham
1 4167. The U. S. Gazette's echo
,with its tharacteriSt . io defference to
nd that the former had ever cen
Ttiylor for his *melding to the
*ns of the capitulation of Monter
ao In the Gazette of the 13t
;hilt we And thelollowing :
We should be inclined to am
wjiich permitted a large army; wit
tidepart in safety, Wellsuppli!d
aiiia cannon, without. the Fact
Oman' not to fight again; and
ilOrde OZATAIN by cirettouttasteet
17:4tteted not in accordance
but iltdeCenktneiteith'
Oft A CAAINZT AT WASl4ffo " AtifY
- these terms 44144
iiipt at Washington!" • Noth4i,
as our neighborivery well knows. X:lts own, no
leas than the Gazette's„ eolumnebkve teemed
with the foulest ,calumniationof thOresident,
because it was reported that he 4jd not pp
prove'them. In view of this fact *0 submit it
to any candid man whether the Galtte did not
virtually "censure" Gen Taylor ?
And yet thatpaper and its echo There, con
tinue their clamor about Mr. Polk'. giving the
Mexicans a leader !- Comment is nftedless!
As, up
• ortion of
n. Taylor
intei . the
,) from
The Benefit oi Corporailons. ,
The Lancaster Tribune, a Federtl paper, of
the 22d ult. says : 1 -
" Our cotton Factiry Vivo coirogai is
working admirably. nVv ednes4 last, for
ty looms turned' out 16 pieces of b uslin, each
ni l ts
piece containing 35 yar —working t one day,
fire thousand site hu li
ed yards !
And thiS, too, be it 'remembered, without an
act of incorporation 11 Yes, that ;Conestoga
Steam Mill manufacturing company tthe refusal
to approve an act incorporating which caused
our Federal neighhor si t ich agonies t) , few weeks
ago' Doing an immense business! Why,
how wild ! ! Its managers must: beg insane, or
else they have not sein their organ in this
place very lately.—ls l our neighbor prepared
to tell us yet what " public benefit ' could ac
crue from an act incorporating thati company ?.
Would it be an eiemption from liability to pay
its honest debts, wbereas it members are now
held individually responsible ? "re pause
for a reply r ; ~
ig s few
ping that
~ and at
tes of
t session,
ssible, to
;lies and
, • army
nemies of
• r a reso-
y the act
Itire ses
i esident's
1 i treason
and it-.
lon, heap
. d offering
i iL of Mr
ss, that
For the Ilederallst4 l :-
We take the folloWing pang+ passage' .
from the Louisville Dainocrat. l'is'a caus- 1
tic rebuke, well-deserVed, pointing! exactly to
the course which Federalism wmild have us
_lnasmuch as our neigltor of the
Register is given tolparoxismstecasionally
fur the want ofsomething to say, wOrecommend
it tb him for re-publication. It will effectuate
his Corwiuismixactly it- l`. .
Whereas, this country has•bein plunged !
into an unjusti, wickdd and atrocitius war by:
the President , therefdre 1
" Resolred, li.: That jive lied liki the d—l, 1
when we vote .that w4j- was brout*lit on by the
!act of Mexico.: ~, 4
j 2. That thetleclaralion of-war to rescinded
land our army ilisbandell.
i -
" 3. That coinmissio4rs be apptited, Cur -1
win chairman,;to proetcd to Moto to beg al
peace. 1.- 2 •
- 4. That t4se coonissioners, clothed in
sackcloth and ashes, with their li4ds shaved,
I proceed to the.carnp o Santa Amt it,, and there
tailing auwil al hisfeet ask pardon oftim fur
the wrongs doe his quntry. ,_ ' . 1
ii . 0 . That Telma be surrenders to Mexico,
aryl that $50,6000 be approp aced to in
demnify her fdr the e4enses of tlio war.
6. that all the Meltican soldie*" who have
been wounded : Are entitled to a ptusion from
the United States, and; that the- la' ilies of the
soldiers in Mexico wilP have be killed, be
supported at the publill expense o the United
States. ' l' 1
7. That the Presi, ent he imlienched fur
making the Wltims vo afalsehoqd in saying
that war existed' by t e act of Vesico, and
that Gen. Taylor be cphiered foribeying um
.constitutional add wicked orderS.
fi. That the; thanksq of Congrespare_Aue to
Mexico for hergallanqand perSeriting resist an unjust andlwicked invasion of her
territory, and Oat Santa Anna. Nripudia and
Arista, have each a modal struck ith a suita
ble-device in - eammemu ation oft 'eir glorious'
services in the cause o national ' tice.
land mon-
: ssistance
either ;"
tell you,
-wn COllll
come into
dy hands
base no
to carry
enemies of
o bill au-
Ir. Polk,"
used it in
have an
-1• es—these
1 11 serve up
.t stop his
of his par
I ncomfort-
1 Pottsville
i E :d his dig
arged and
dean im
ster, Jime
the above
Ve subjoin
a candid
election in
e are well
re - Demo-
x*ry eu
rally read.
mdtl stoop
port, does
.on its au-
.sa r •
- 1, %1•Ak .
Another battle—Thel Mexicans llkfcatedi-
The Pennsylvania nrecidved l i s t evening,
contains advises from 'ew Orlean4 to the 206
ult. From it we. lea that a battle between
Gen- Cadwalader with4about 1,601 l troops, and
a large body of Mexicans, at the National
Bridge, about 05 milesj---if we reniember cor
rectly, from Vera Crud—the Melficans being,
repulsed with a loss orfupwards ofj one - hund
red men. Our loss was set don+ at fifteen
killed and some thirty wounded. iVe have Clot
time to give particular. It see*, however,
that the apprehensions, expressed! in another
place, about a stand being made ai that place
has been realized. Our Army "a ved at the
Bridge in detiChed parties, and Ave engaged
in Several skirmishes previous to t.e arrival;of
Gen. C., and the general engagruent, each
time being repulsed with considerfble loss.—
The number of the enemy is not sttted. Gen.
Cadwallader's and Col_ Mclntosh' forces, (the
latter, it will be' recollected being company
with 'the specie train Which vas attacked) were
united. • I
IG, 1839
ty of drop
lit to exert
aspects sp
urn out—
they never
ounty. I
tuesday in
go to the
it to the
t still pay
C. in the
sume you
a member
y feelings
!hen called
lof meeting,
.lieited of
-1 near Waa
• - A
e-- ny-
, .
The garrison at Jalapa has beeli broken - up
by order of Gen. Scott; who; has °feted a road
to Tuspan, whence he has', also ordered the
Government to be removed, from 1 Vora Cruz.
This change . is owing in part to Ilhe siekneas,
at •V. C., and because communidotions could
be • more easily kept up bteen Fuspan and
Puebla, than, between the la ter pl4caand V.. C.
Capt. Walker has commenced riitaliation up
on the guerrillas, having already aptnred 19,
and one Alcalde., Geii. Shields lies been or
dered to join Gen. Scott who is no at Puelila.
There are positively no preparations to de
fend any point between Puebla a4d the capi
tal. All is represented as doubt *il confusion
at the capital, and the , troaps col nted there
for its defence; are badly disciplin and worse
armed, so that no formidable re'tune Ras
elpeeted. Congresa has refused f r o acoopt the
resignation of Santa Anna, ;against whom is a
large party, .crying "Downfarith l im. 7 g
Geu. Scott Will remain at Paoli a until rein
forced. ,
Ake' umallsz 10.'14-
: Wareitx. i
" vigorous
ral intelli
er letter ;
:sieal in
w very tilt'-
. letters of
ent, too,
friend 0
!, laudable,
!bug to the
• money to
f this Ow;
truth, de-
d' Gen.
1. :Let us
of October
A able gentleman called it stir Office. el! he
said, to inform Its that he bad been afilipted for fifteen
years with Rheumatism or :Gout, anti ,occasionidly
with Tic Doulonreux tTi b it the has' beet , -frequently
1 cesitined to hie 'room ler months togethe ;arid often., m
aned the molt intents and'excruciatin pains, but
'that Irately he had been using. J ays ' . vraasetes,
from which belbuid the meet Sigma an unespeete.d
mite& lifassyeAte found.) hs medicine y Oilmen&
and affantial. mid that he • now esiuderildissialf:
thitiougids eitied.-/Siiiritif this now: i ‘ c-;
LIFE.! LIFE!! , LIF . Ei I .
!! Ali that awing NO:willhit give for ble,,,A .q
ire Ihntiticiiidedirs - thoWinat Sieektit arid of bath,
i nt Mk
* 0 Wit see tkonsaftds flyhig'unnisd: " with con-.
re conduct
its leader,
with atm
coca. of a
e we not
at Cienerei
to own
more 1110,
. .1.
sumption. Croupv'Cotigh• AethYta• It , 0-tir ,Sp. = ,, i t _ tingblocid, and other Pulnioniry street it. wir iris ad
to denbt the correctness of the above a "t c; tope.
1 efiklly since it is se, well known that ; a cafe iii ! nianorily
may be obtained, which always. arrests th 4 diseases..l
1 D r . Jame. Etpacrourk Bier fella bigivwselief, '
and cures after every other mein, have filled. •Thie 1
con be led has been proved in thousands erristances,
where it ha. effected radical eines, sifter Mtn patient '
had ben given up by alibis fridnds and- plUalatase •
- --
Though not recommended as a unive....... 1 .. curefell.".
have nevertheless proved supiiinr to evei thing of
the kind; especially in Lien Cforruior ikii - Dun,. - Dun,. ;') (o
era.; and when used in eanjunition iiitk his Tonic
Vermifuge or Alterative, wilt 4t fail one - itime in an
hundred, ofeffecting a permanent cure. ,:- i
Prepped only by Dr. D. Jayne, Pkilidollphis, arid
sold on agency. by N. lifitchsii ej• Co., pruned'.
*nitro*. Pa. q - 4, • I I
Also Jayne's Carminative, a never failihg remed y
for Bowel Complaints, COlie, die. ,
.1(rIn abbertfirmentii:
NEW G. 00to S.
____ i _
respe4fully an.
. 1 .
• ounceTtbat he is jilt receivt a fresh
supply of i
:- I
SUMMER 003* '
of every variety, carefully .'selec:ed, Ond which
he will sell as cheap as the cheapest,
and no humbug. i •
N. B. J. B. 8. is also The only ' agent In
the county, fur the CANTON TEA CiONIPANT.-
Those desirous of procuring runs ia&s at low
prices, had better give4im a call. 1- .
1 July 1, 1847. ' - • I ~,
REMAINING 'in the Jost 0014 . , at Mon
trose, -Pu. July. Ist, 1147. , .
Ayres Squire Lyon Williatit
Beebe Mrs Sarah A Lynch- Martin
%Buckley William' Leads James?,
Byrne James Lathrop Mist's C
Babcock Benjamin Mclntosh —4.— .._
Bushitell.Geo W Mack John
Boles James 1 Miller John 1 -
Bronson Lake . Mites Parker
Boyd F T Maxwell Rofterf
Bennett Edward ? Moony Ebenezer B
Berry Miss - Mary A. ',McMahen Jetties
Conk 1) J -Oldham-) '
Catlin Geo L. Pierson hlisiElizabeth
Cushman Rev . M K Patch Benj 4, . .
i Churchel Mrs Louisa - Per kins hits* Emma C
Cole Miss Permelia ' Pidney Hem* 2
Clemons FJ PeekinS'ThOnison
Chamberlin Mary C . Perrigo Charles .
Chamberlin Miss Ruby Pratt Lafayette
Dorsey Miss Caroline, Palmeter N(Ctlus
1 Doloway Hiram , Ridgely Miso
I Drisland Edward • attach Wm.k
Dean Judson R4rdon Wiiii.
Earle Miss .1 C ' Riphardson Jlohn C.
Evens Martin Stephens F. 'A . .. 2
Fuller Mr , Satton Mark, 2
Feet. Mrs Matekla Shufelt 'WM
I ; .
Fargo Bishor 1 Stone Mrs Temperance
Guard Elisha ' Smith Elhannn
Geer David Smith Dr Hfrace .
Hollister F H . ' . Tucker' W rn.
Huston Rebecca A Thayer Dr R..
, Hogge John Thornton Chns.
1 Hogan Martin Tracy Silat4E.
1 Hicks Geo 8 2 TOmson Jellies •
Hose Jbhn • TOrry. Seth d...
. Harvey Charles Worthington Gad
'Holbrook Yin J 2 Wynn Dr.
IHalsey Samuel P 2 - Wartrous Gal l. Jos.
!Howard James W.Blcrot G4es
Ives. Miss Sally H Walborn Geo , •
~i Jackson Thomas J Watkins 'William
'Kidder Miss• Mary Warner JaCob
iKkißlum Isaac . Weeks' GO N 2 -
Utter Peter . - Wartrous Spencer
Lathrop Miss Roth 82 - .- '. _II -
---,---- .
L. M. REXFORII has ma. 4. arrange
ments with the NEW-YORK PEKIN TEA COM
-1 PAN Y, for the'sale of TEAS in Binghamton, and
i can furnish his customers, and the trade, with Teas at
I the same prices that the Company charge for them in
New lork, which is, at least; from One to Two Shil
lingirclicaper on each pound than the Gincers sell . at.
1 And in every case where therti Teas do not give satis.
faction, the money will he paid hack forithem.
. GREE's,;'. 1
Young Hylton, good, . r, 137 1-2 ,
Do. do. sweet cargo, , 150
Do. do. fine cargo,: t'' 75
. •• Do. do. silver leaf; I', 00
Silver feof—seidompold even by largerdeitlers, because
of the very small profits made on its at t e--is a very
superior Tea. t
Do. ab, . g olden cho p, 1‘!; 50
Golden chop—Thts. is the finest Green l''ha cultivated
in r China. It is of ilia first pickings, ilnd excels all
ether Green Teas Ault* delicacy of fia§ror, strength
sod aroma. Heretofore - Able Tea has haver reach.
ed this country, except in4tball lots to'luit the pur
chaser. ,
Ilyson, fine, 75 •
Do. very fine, , .:• li 00
Gunpowder, fine, : r ‘ 2 75
Do. extra fine, 110.9
Imperial, fine, . .
Do. extra fine, Aiioo 'T . .
Hymn Skim, good, ,' 37 1-.1. .
Ning Yong,. strong and good flavdr4l37 1-2
,Ping Yong--elle- grocers sell this at; 50 cents, and
, 1,
call it Oolong.. • - . 1 . . , •
Oolong, a delicious Blaulk Tea,' I i, 50
Compare this superior Tea with 'that Old by grocers,
as being an Oolong Tea. :The difejence is too
plain, and the deception tot Palpable.ii ' ..
Oolong, plantation growth,l .' 75
English Breakfast, fine,' r . , 59
• Do. do. i extra fine.' 1' . 163'• ' .
. .
Howiiiia's - Mixture, .a richt& high!) , fil
• flavored, , . 1. . ii 75 ,
Pekin Flower, •
Do Scented,! ! '.!50 '
. Ne Plus Ultra, - ' : '. II 50
N e Plus Ulira-- - .This Tea is ...aofragraitt and awtet
as a nosegay. It.yields a perfume that is truly de.
• lightful. It ia.uf garden growth, and superior to
anything of the,kind ever sold in this ''.ountr,f.
Er The above Catalogue. irs not doOeprise all the
vanillin contained in - my askirtmont.; I have every
variety imported, and every shade 'of nirdlay, and can
' suit the most fastidious purchaser, Tip above Teas
are ill done up in Chinese packages,4ll.l , qbantities of
1-4 lb., 1-2 lb., and 1 lb. eaitii .
jr,, • . -
We have tried the. Tess imparted byithe Pekin l'es
Company, ?Sand 77 Fultdir-ri . . l , and if We live will try
them 'often. They are selling the mosidallniotie Teas 1
we ever drank, and retail theta at .whrilaele priees.—
Evening Post. ' • j ,to
You may be sure of obtsinjrig at all' tatneit - pare and
highly llavoricf tele, by - the ngle p ail, at whole
sale prices , of the Pekin T o es ' Company; 75,8. 77
Fulton-et. They have probably the! largest: stock
and greatest variety of fine Grean asul.ack -Teas of
any oneastablialimerit in Atte ‘,i7.lnited attai. They
are doing a large ktials k ariditre a great denedt Wean.
emirs of tel.-rAties. „1 i ": - -I i% ' • ,:.
Heretofore Whim been very ditrietlKler44.l6tittiri:
ble, to obtain good Green and Sleek T sa. ' -:. %I tiOW
you have only to [ bit the adresroo m . . th e . . Pekkt
Tea Company, 75 and 77 Purina-it, 1 1 obtant 'O. oe.
imitate and fragriat ties as icni molt : ' roV.-Ork;
Ty Soli: - - •. . 'I i ''' -
A• 44 0
ward re Teri iirTokonv.--Mle r %Ilia: Coat.
i4i i 15 i tt i c t 17 luttan-411; hap) its " _ into;,tble
market inimetante hundred fii*iiind'ol . T 'ror, irnith of
ihe;geeet geedeleaf Grate lia4Sktiktdret rotas la
the Cele.StiatEmPir!4. l ".. 11 1, 1 4 4 . 1 litilOarisea heik
4 441
Packages that Chines* Wyatt rein ittilnat. .11 fa ne.
privilepto buy to et : this], ft t: ' '. -:
2 iiid
!lately aid coattail I. drink t :frieli;„poi
Tafammly, ■sad !Hail tbeantr Sioissaffifi t ialtc , C,olint
I , \' 2 1 ,.: it .
. ._
tIY me*"?-10 1 .! thl Aell• &cid, utir;
oI :sse
- au. Theikbote Tg6B
M. REXFORD:I - - - -
Slag Alton; * P49AlNT6istir•
Ewihitgtoii; 71[y . 1841; YO. RS law
VOTICE is hereb glean that theftaldilet
s Laws tin Susquehanna F.4yi tea b
the Legislature, of ,Petinisylvatila,StAif
!session. Wive been, reeeisred, and, at, • •
delivery to those emitted to 'rest AO.;
J. B,LAND NO, f.
Proth'y's Mkt Shilipae,4
June 2% 1847. ,• • •
. STRAY i COW:.!
QTRIAYED froin'the einebistne'ii 'llmi-sub
k7- scriber on the 6th hist.; a lb* . rs old
ma t ek - Cow;', ontilddliite itliez - Oat** ill
I ; rea
farrow anti gave* small:quantity of yak when
she went away. Whoever will return, said
Cow to , the subicriber, ni•ghte infs . Oak al%
ther to! hint; or at this office, .•wbAte may
lie found; shall, tie imitobly ; compen tel.,
' • - . .CALEB )11 I.LiR.
, Dimock, June .'8,1847 . ,
:Adritinistratoks - Note.
NOTICE is hereby given,to all - moot in
dabted'lli the estate =JOSEPH' AVE
VIIV. deceased, late of Harmony Totenstiip, to
ma keii romediate payrient, a nd.all *nom" hav
ing ahy claims ageiest:•sitil Estatba*telluest.
ed to ptesent them to to sUoS6ribeki 10r settle.
mewl- .1
it)HN N. REYNOLp.Attatioistr.
Harniiony. l .lune 22,1847. No, 257-0-w.
. NEW Al i i iGEISIN i
tSutsciberst 4 :tetT Itoaojparineis t ;Ptl, o ctml
, [ '
undei the firm :of Sierra & Snurrs, bbreby ten
der their professional services to the goodie°.
pie of Laneshoro' and Vicinity, wall , the fialt
confidence that if an Ocqualitanceearii4aud it;
punctual Attendance toi their bushiest" is SI paw
port to ',public patronageohey, wil ftejtiorAt lib
eral ihare of the same: Those w misfit
tune it is to needmmedi al attends are ibid.
I tm
tedlci give them A call , . :,,_ ~,:, ', ~,. •
Office anti ledgieeibf Ufa &St itssiedlotibe
firm, ver the Engineer's offite; end' - oft belbt.
ff} )
ter, a t his residence::- - - • •s 1 ,I- [1.,::', ? .
' , , _ :*- E.-*•;eirrils
11. - Sariic
Liiiiesborof June 14, I#34t -1 1 If. •7
SPRING SUmmEß:poops.-
4T . AI. S. WILSON ' S, maibe foundittgett
/IL eral assortment of Goods, end* *Aral
lowest Prices. ,
Puichaserti will find Atli their 'adval i t i ttO to
call and examine Goods - and priced het they
purchase aid's/here.
NEW 60 - ()Okl,
, - 1...:
subscriber is now reCeiviet A . I
assortment of •• = 1 J;3.?. h, , r 7 .
Dry-Goods, Groceries; J . llard*irei;;f
• , Crockery, .Bonigts,. kliy,4 l -,-;,, '
Palm, l'iaf Hats, --
, -
&cj&c., ....„1
Than - Oil tor tuist five* he wetitd-ratis!
. I , lo:itati:4o
.fully licit the patreetage!Whisile - !WWI
the publiegeherally, ,tind,,willeideexof ho poll'
leadt or
them:goods es 114111 1 flor • the riusid36_,_n'Tot
approved credit, as those who beistinqert
wad drum long i : •.,', ,
\ .A‘ longer.- - • .:1,7,t.
posus , DE. 1,4114650 .4 1, 4 1 44::-,1 11
1. GingluOni, for
IGIUSSIt- too -
• Ric? •
NEW Rico just reoifed it ' 1
•-, . . r Tams
NEW. .• . 4,F
EfW GO e .. PS:
:: 1 •-iiink ammo' , l,. -
y.)-_, 111- -1--,.!..„., :ia;.l: ' &i qlf: vlt
mg S '..
übiscribere ire ,receivi n g .
A , hsdrid stock cif -
.;: - .` 4.- - if-- - , --, 7i, •' ;
, : ; 1 ...; - tlistcp , • - de t zgry4E- , , IX. '.'
which will make .thei= sdr - issimem ve . 1
3 .1
pletei and Ahoy . areilqterminid:Ab imil" foirios .
16RA : will 611,5;1605mi IwPAireb5 4 41 1 61 , - ' ,- - - v t
ru. a ' , . ;.4) f•
Giiiiiif i l l i n i e t ; late i-... 4:12 ,2, 11! ~.?wAle Rt
, • r.,,,..,.. ~,...-../..,,,,.
. 2 -. , , Illecitlicoo =
~ i, , repit t iiii i a d.
soio Oitteriii, '
II- kiii * • alif tisitird
• if i
•,:';' 4 : ::+ii , :, IPIPAINTI l PIPAINTI *gar ' LI.:441;" -..":,,_
101141 , n0w hits. 1.4440- 0t . Mc - ,
,f,.. 0,41 1 ,21 ii kqe: ri a
l l a r*.:4* . ;
tior Ofettar 'ta .' - , A . -- , liitz
mi s t* Amaihroatitikv: . ," i moJr..-0,,,-,,,..-., .-Acf,,,,- ~... ,00141... „,
One 11 / 4 11 trj "4q: - 1 . -F!; .'"
',. i' , '..,- 1 ,4 . -1 , -.3•,.; . . i f , `....,,,,.,...,,,, 1.'4'.704%. ti..
..,.., -_,„ - ' ; ',.
.' • i.---Y'
_. ~~..~~c ;,t-