Northern democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1844-1848, July 01, 1847, Image 1

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The Democrat
juvFtl.i.EU de. HERWSTED.
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A nvirrtseissrs one dollar . per square of twelVe linen or
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ery subsiquent Insertion. A liberal discount will be made to
those wAo advertise by the. Year.
Flfisineas letters and communications for the taper must
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_in_ ensure attention.
The War-ship of Peace.
a i
Sweet land of song, thy harp (loth hang
Upon the willows, now, ,
NVIOIe famine's blight, and fever's pang ,
stamp misery on thy brow;
Teti take thy harp and raise thy voiee„
Though faint and low it be, .
And let thy sinking heart rejoice
1 friends, still 'left to .thee.
. •
Le.tout. loll; out across the sea
_hat zird-z thy emerald shore, •
.N Aip e Iva*. bound for thee
liut with no warlike store;
Ilert ‘ thulider sleeps—'tis Mercy's breath
That wafts her o'er the sea.
She.gAeinot forth to deal out death,
lint b6ars new life to thee.
Thyi wasted hand can scarcely strike
The chords of grateful praise ;
Thy} plaintive tone is now unlike
'I ,v voice of prouder days,
1 , 4; even in sorrow, tuneful still
L.•t Erin's v..ic:e proclaim
iva7,ll• praise, on ivory hill
iikrious name.
_ _ _
Robert Burns.
\Veto I to upon that sendl
h hears the-reeerd marks of faule,
'EnOraved Illltte brief and hold—
The but the pr..ndest name,
Td urn, asj 7 very Se...tolunan turns'.
choose the muHu ef'llet)ert Burns.
No ltinzly
herita;tty of noble line:
A T anm:h.:hoy poet,. born anti ,reared
lottnlllo loastitit's shrine,
Ytttev ,, r\ - hos,,m yttarns.
To otnnt , of lt , •l.ert. Bunts...
heart'u an.l lowlana shrine,
e•,.ry heart, on us...t.ry t.anzue,
1114 . •
itirrcio• oi•a nation's praise
rr.A‘l! ti:e hard, i, an,l
fondly learn.
To 4irtatho tin' name of I.l.llourt Burns.
Ti4ro. aro, whove sprig with I.‘`..tior vtimain
Ti,an swept ;li e peasant minstrers
But never. lived the bard tone
kindled Stith a holier fire:
v er ,, e th e wrong, the ivrant EptrrnF
S. tirav 1- Robert btirm.).
t J
4 all the world.; that con- has'flown
every hearth and every lane,
An tauttht the common heart to love
the music of hip uentle strain;
An every heart al4te. inurns
Tht name the fame of Robert Burnq.
Mal:y 4th, 1547. C. D. T L'Alt T
- So be it,'
t a little. but I
so. Is there
1 From the N Y.-1/Itarated Mar&zine.thiS morning
011 TIE 1 El, LOW FEVER IN NEW YORK 5.3.14 Burdett
!have determil
'.keeling the E
‘iThat bus .
TIDE yell- , w'fever in 1798. was an nwfkal via- I thoroughly t
itatiqn to tile city of New . York.. In mama.- I said Steel.
ging ever old papers, books; and documents, as elean as a
we find several reminiscences of that time fhat o f dirt into' ti
so severely tried both the souls and bodies of .llcot till of
men,which may be interesting to the reader of it will be I
of the' present day.. The yellow fever had ap- lays from her
peareil in the city in 1791, hut its ravages by 'this time.
tverot very extensive at that time, though : wai rushing
amcntigits victims were a number of eminent ; streams." 1 :) 1
and Imspectable citizens. In 1803 the same us ito home;
fatal disease occurred amain, sweeping off about , ; They as:x.o
six hundred inhabitants, and again in 4805,1thmr way hp
whenabout three hundred fell I ietims' to-its!. betbre they
powq. But the great year of this fearful des- Fren i t that fill.
treyqr in :yew York was 179 R, when in•about sil4-walk - s. ,
thre4 months it carried to, their long, home bone of the c
twenty-four or fiye hundred. Twti thousand; thdi head of
and'eighty died in the city, and it was estigia- i don Broad
tedat three or four hundred of those who i Tesided in co
fled rout the city to escape the contagion, diedll the gene •
• ;
in the surrounding country. 1." 1 . that day wa
tt,: should be remembered that ; New York at • acoompanied
thatkime contained tut about stXty -thousand streets and t
inh4bitants. So that the number Of'deathe 11 ,4i s h, if no
compared with the whole population Would be, fuither revs!.
equal to fourteen or fifteen thousand 'at thetbd large qu
prwknt time. Almost the whole of the city, anO other lo
then was below the Park, and the most Ifenteel I liar state of
and;fashionabl e residences were n Pear , Pilo,• appoint the.
aoilliVall streets. • • - lap ear fors •
qn the twenty-sixth of July, Says :tine who-I muggy, and
witnessed a large part of that sadldraniu,' " the j enveloped i •
alarin of fever was heard througli die ',lay like .cidse of the •
the gambling of distant thunder, , i The physi- 'a general
eitufs pronounced; it'lualignant,and ' predicted fr ' a repo
its (gal character :. In two or three tOays its da -died .of
first ( victim departed for ' that Comte , from an 'ety of t
mho° bourne no traveller return.' it is per -1 . .Fivery ev.i
• .
son kept a store on . knout-stree.t i near °ties &pet arid t ,
Bhp; In that neighborhood the doCka ad for Ist, togetli ,
son aims been in erNinfiiiished, statei, and it gaiildect,.tn ,
was: the public beligf that the disease originated pabtively he
iron) that cause. This belief ws strengthen-. Boirrart, eae
•ed loy the fact that sei , end other" .of the, tolthst of ,
fevir, which occurred in the course of he fel; neilimed to ,
lotqog week, were' all in the * same ne gbbor- the decksi a
': • ' ''''' t
- Nal
r .111
1,5. •
. ,
. 4
• ,
hood: '..,lltie i
lof the l'ity fel
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1 the at osphe
1 more a awe,
('the *Wow
1 wastet at n
I thirteenth of :
l of rai but o
who t h ur ator
winos of hi
I came down, nc
the time inkflo
it were pourec;
streamt pouri7
mence ramin
ing, atSd conti
inhahiltant h
body 4f water
it ceased rail
several' days,
thick. [heavy,
Abnat soy
fourtepnth of .
, in hisf,stare
slake n littl
rig ttie l world
begari it in th
donee, and ee,
boy, t ad his
uld couplet,
Pe that
William 131
: mended basin
that lie might
in the mornin
i.f bliciness hi
for h emqo
eeas d for a
idev4e in Lib.
Mai4en Lane,
his 4tore bein
!a stileet befor
. er, throwing
et.l aloe_
t h:‘
(;a4 dowii•w
hitu l from 'the
At that mom
s ipp of his fr
. floor for s
' old you
Never: sa
fiicnid, and co
rit hill
„* - lito I See. '
l'iNV I . tie tit,
tilt' i!A.II.IW-i
dra . nn . t,t.,.. 1
hut I as - the wa i
to th , m, titetd
,d Itr d itl n al
:.ittivirea and
aildi the wate 1
utel it seetne
met is would
wat'pr :•um^ 0
wished the 1
por!and dust
•!Ther - e.
• yin may as
labitants therefore in other Wrts
I tolerably „seenro till aboutithe
st, when the,pecul ar staf i p of
, seemed to render he distase
nd it soon showed itself tO be
that, walketh'in dailroess, '"tuid
outlay.' On the twelfth :and
.ugust there were heavy shovers
the morning of the fourte4th,s
opens, it seemed as thougli..:the
oven were ttnstopt, 'for thelain
it in drops merely, but some of
I ting sheets of water, as tlAngh
ease first appeared. But about the. tiienty
fifth ef the month,to use the language of an eye
witness, the city suddenly seemed like a•town
' besieged with shells and red hot allot.' Re
ports of fever were now beard in every direr-'
den. In the morning numerous cases were I
reported in John street and New Slip, before!
noon several were taken down in Cliff street,
and ere night the pestilence was raging with
violence in Rider street and Eden's Alley. A
universal panic now seized the people; limbs
trembled, countenances turnedpale, and'hearts l i
fainted. - The general impulse Was to flee at
once from'the city, and thousands simultane
. ,
prepared for removal: .
1 On the twenty-sixth, says the eye-witness
already_ quoted, ' every vehicle, from the hum
cart to the gilded carriage, was put in re-
quisition, removing families, furniture and !
goods ; the old man of eighty, with the Ftri--
: Eng of one year, the lame, the half, and the
i blind, all crowding boats, the lanes,. and out
lets from the city, fear quickening 'their pace,
and the destroying angel at their heels.'
.The merchant locked his store, and the rile
: chanic his shop, and the hOuseholder; his' da'el
lag, and hastily gathering up what moveables
they could carry, rushed out of the city. Ili
the great thouroughfares were thronged from
daylight till dark, and even till midnight, with
teams and carriages of 'every kind, conveying
all sorts of promiscuous loads, no one scarcely
y - the plough would thrive, ? : knew whither,.except that, it' was to some place
' lust either holdor 4ive. li • out of the city. The rich in carriages and the
r.ilett therefore, who: had ihm- poor in - carts, hundreds on ' horse-back arid
ss in a small way an d w i t M ut thousands on foot, were thus seen ' day after
kept nu elerk.tu ogoi his store. day pouring out of the city in every, direction,
rest in the liom‘e till, a late hour' till nearly thirty thousand had left their homes
, but be had gol,e to his place ;had their business, and fled for their lives.
,self at fixo o'eloelt tole riladv I- 'The number of:deaths continued daily
l• to in
rs. As the rain now parfiall ,
y ,
crease, and at length it became .difficuit to tad
a- minutes, he.starteafor laves-
~'nurses and well people to take careof the sick.
rtv street ; but when he (mine to i The three neighhprs in Liberty street, with
which lie had tocross in liisae. • their families were together in the evening, at',
north of it, he fliand, ibsteid of Thornton's house talking over the news of the
him, 'a deep, rapid, mudd4iv- 'day, and consulting what it was best fur them.
In insuperable harrier in his .:*--. „., to do. It bad been a fearful day;. the number
aiden Lane towardßroadw , he of deaths reported, was greater than oa any'
tn , rom-11 the water,, w hi c ,i now day previous, and Thornton advised that they,
de-walk and was pow .i nv ,,,, t ,, should the next (Jay shut up their houses and :
remove their families out to Greenwich Vil- ;
resently a ash deltor e ollrain
h such 1 . ,,r0e as almost to 4reep Inge. 1 , I
ide-walk into the . street-fiver. I Tlitil proposition seemed to be assented to by
i nt he wniarainst the Packeitnith all except Nit . Steel. - Hesaid he.approved of
I , nd Steel, and he rushed nat the families being.removed, 'awl would take hiA
cher. 'f : ; wife and child out with the rest, if they! dud-
•Ner see ti.e like of this •:-' is-aid
from the eloilds, like the bioad
. g over the mill-dam._ It Om-
I: about five o'clock ih the nii,rn
tued for five_ hours. • The otilest
d never befote seen so late a
I fall in so short a time. After
ng, the sun did not. appeal fur
nd the city was enveloped itn a
iAlv mist.
n o'clock -on the morning a the
ugust. Mr. Burdett was wafting
I Water street, for the ralo to
that he mig'it return tiomo to
0 was a young man i lust
h4* in
in the way dbu-iness, atul he
right way, with industry, .Iru
nomy. He had beet) a thriiier's
ther had early taught himhe
(led to go ; but for himself he felt a strong con
vi :tion that it was his duty to return and re
main in the city to help take care of the sick.
n great was the panic, that he bad already
heard of a number of cases where the sick had
lv teed to use your, swahi:this been deserted in. •their dwellings, and left to
Beirdett, jc,r them watipr,e- die alone, without•, nurse or physician. He did
down ypur chilmicy to keeo, - our I not think his constitution, very susceptible of
disease, and he felt but little fear. Under these
stud Stetd. hastening to, Lel-.circumstances he did not think he should run
eta op fres). dry c> al. and iblied much risk by remaining. At antrate be felt
uith tiee it force. tittle that there was a high and huportaat duty for
is leapt out in seieral iiinees • him to perform, and while iu .the perfoymanee
er dashed fr:an the thimpk on of his duty he was willing to trust himself in
and fii:kered, and re3Y%i- the hands of Providence.
I Su‘l•f, givine one Oani-e
thiuirtz the eliuk of his lialitimer
v,,:ff! Cf.. e.uders. , ' Ail hearts were touched by the noble senti-
fufiW, and the sparks ficit up. means expressed by the worthy and high-soul-
ponred'flown, and fur a foie...miff- ed, blacksmith. Mrs. Steel wept, and said if
rt doubtful which of the twii ele- her husband remained in the city she must re- 1
btaiii the Mastery. , At la - the main too. , What was a duty for him. was no
v i c iori ous , 'and having e, ; !.itin- less a duty for her, and if he was. exposed to j
.st spark of fire, reveled ' riot ng , danger she 'chose to share it with him. Mr. t i
tiers, t'froivin , up 'eloufls 4f va- i Steel remonstrated with her, and told her if the',
like smoke from a well-Ill,u_r,lit!other families went, he thought it would be her 1
- i duty to go. He said she was naturally timid, ,
el. you are beat,. said 13'4clett, and her health was feeble, and he feared, she
yell. shut up shop S go to 14-4 - j would be peculiarly liable to au attack of the
, ? : i-.; \‘' fever. Besides consulting her qwn safety, he
said Steel, 'as 'soon as it holdsup..l)lrged that it was her duty to go, on account
11 not gO out as long as it fours ortheir only child, then sitting on his knee.
any more stir about therfeverland t}hough but four years.old, leoking up in
?' ;. , his father's face with an expression altogether
ere are two or shires new eases,' I too anxious, for his years, as though he tom
and_ the health commissioners prehended in\some degree the general sadness
e 4 to enforce, the ordinance for' of the hour. \
treets clean.' k'
:: 1
The argument of Steel addressed to hi s'
ness has been attended to Pretty wife were of no avail. \ She replied with calm-
t: is morning without theiribelp: I ness and decision : " No,, Mr. Steel, if you re= 1
This rain will wash the greets ; main in the city, I feel Ora I must remain too. !
house-floor, and (=try eveiTy bit I You say there have already . .beenniany cases!
le- rivers.' i !'-'.; • 'where the sick have been left' to diejalohe in 1 1
i it,' said Burdett; • ' ;some phrtion ; their houses without any nurse or physician.—;
dged in the cellars.l.....klYtie eel- i Suppose you should be taken doWn ,-yourself, 1
to the east river are ne:triy full and I away From the city, who could, you de-
When I came along, the4vater i pend upon to nurse and take, care of 3*? ---I
into them like so; many mill . - 1 . 1c0,,Mr. Steel, it's no use for you to say *e
t, come, it 'holds up a little: lett word, I cant'go out of the city unless you do.',
!, • :-!: ;-. ' Well, Julia,' said Steel,-' a man's first du
dingly sallied out. and pOsued ;ty is to his family, and if that is your fixed
Maiden Lane as fax as Bro4lwaY, I resolve, perhaps it is my duty to go with you.
temptki to cross the rapikcar-II will leave the matter wholly to your decision.
:d the whole street .etven w 4 the/ If you feel desirous of going with our friends
When they reached .the Onek- ; out to Greenwich Village, as I thibk you aught,
ty, they hid of course ar*d at i and still are resolved not to go without me, I
the river, and therefore turned I will go. Now it is for you to say."
ay to Liberty street, wheat, they i . Then, I shall not decide to go,' said Mrs.
dwellings. rjueus
: ti :.!
1 Steel, 'Heaven forbid that. I should be the
- %.
sentiment through the cl,,y on means of preventing you from performing what
that-the heavy , rain, writ was you consider a great and important duty, and
by thunder, Would 'so purify the all I ask is, that I may share with! You the 'du
re atmosphere, as greatly 0 di-.lty, abd the danger, and the consequenCes.' •
entirely remove; : the danger of During this conversation, little Mary Thorn
es of the malignant fever./ But .I ton, an amiable Child about nine years old, was
ntities of water l o dged, in cellars i bestowing her attentions upon a favorite house
places, together,wtb thepecu- dog, which She called Fido, and 4 which she
he weather, were de;;tiued kii dis- was . exceedingly attached. , Tieing am only
expectations. Th sun IA not child, and 'having brit few asspeiates in the
era} days, the air was. warn 4 and neighborhood, Fido was -to her, brother, and
lo city remained day ande,liight sister, and constant playmate.' i •
a close, sickly.valo r . 4 the. `. 0 Poor Fido,' said Mary, . pitting . her arms
ext day, the fifteenth of , gust, round his neck and- looking in his face, •.' I hope
rm was spread thriugh din city 1 3 "-on wont.get. the fiver, and be Sick, and die.
that fourteen perspps hat), that You mast be careful, Fido, wont you ? and not
he fever ;.and fromlthis tittle the g o down to Coenties Slip, nor q, to John
e inhabitants daily, ibereasdA. , ;'street, nor Rider street, n ,or any ,htreet where
bin the families- of, ißurdeht, and. the fever is. .And you . must go to bed early,
eir mert door -neig or. Thfirpton, Fido;and„ get your sleep, and inoeithiuk about
to -talk over the . , 11-eagfiLsdng the fever , and then youwont be so likely to get .
empare the reports 1 bey Itid Ten- it. Youlittistsn'tle Afraid ditto 6)04: 'Edo,'
ird• during , the day , and :tai gain nor think about' it,:thir&iekni, .says you:. must
ii one for WINK b
_y4o* !riat, isq,..;but pat Must &flour day flti trust to
i ...
5, neighbor, Iliih :4lio COOS PrOvitience, -Wont • you,t PidO . ? tliow' .Come,
'confined to.tSe low. ow* *it Eldo,..yow oust ge ttcbsd.' .Th., 1 . , ,
id:in the viOnity wiiere 014, dis- Pith these Woiiht, Mat Mary tetired to Che
kitchen,-and the faithful, dog followed her.—
Here sbe lit a candle and conducted her com
panion down into the back cellar, where ,a little
room had been fitted up speeielly for his ac
She arranged hi 4 little bed, and gave him
! his supper, and patting him on the head,, gave
him another charge f to go right to bed and go
to sleep. ,
I There, good night, Fido,'!said the child, as ,
she closed the door; and then turning the key,l
she bung , 23 it up Lyz the side ot the door, and re-1
turned to the parlor. Mr. Steel and his wife
ihaving decided not to leave the city, the other
two families postponed their , decision till the
• neat !lay, and the !parties separated for the
Early the following niorniug Mr. Steel was
down in. the neighltorhood of the East River,l
, part ly on some business, and partly to ascer
Vie progress ofltbe foyer, and passing near 1
Peek Slip, he obseryed a woman with a child I
in her arms hastening toward a Connecticut I
; .Sloop, which seemed about ready to leave the
1 - dock., On a nearer approach be perceived with
i surprise that it was Mrs. LUdlow, a neighbor
who kept a threaa.and needle -anatanoy store
ncaliy opposite his residenee.on Liberty street.
Why, Mrs. Ludlow,' said Steel, 'are you
going Out of the city?'
Oh, lord a rnas.iy, yes. Mr. Steel,' said the
woman, ' as fast as this vessel can carry me ;
but there' s so little wind, Pm afraid we Shall
.-ro dreadful slow. I wish it . blowed harder.
But where is Mr. Ludlow? said Steel,
I dues he go with you ?'
' Lord a massy, Mr. Steel my man is took
! down with the fever, and t hat's what makes
me in sich a hurry ko get away, before the ba
' by and I ketches it.'
' ' Why, Mrs. Ludlow, is it . possible your bus
! band has got the fever
' Yes, he's keeled up with it very bad,' said
Mrs. Ludlow . he was,reported this morning,
and the doctor says. he's very malignant.'
Is it possible Mrs. Ludlow,' said Steel
very Earnestly, that you are going away to
leave your husband in such a situation ?
• Oh, I couldn't stay for all the world . , Mr.
Steel; I couldn't stay if you'd give me this
whole city ;. I should ketch the feVer and die,
I know I should, and the baby too.'
' nut, Mrs.. Ludlow, isn't it your duty to
stayand take ear of your husband in 'such
an awful hour? ,Who is to nurse him and
talc care of him ?';.
' The Lord kohws; said tae fancy-goods
dealer ; ' it's no use for me to star, a nd for-us
all to die tdgether,: I'Ve done the best I could
for him. I've only locked up to store, and left
everything - there Was 'in the house for him to
use, except a few:nice things that - be wouldn't
want., and them I put into the store. And
then I spoke to the negro woman in the meat
door basement to go in and carry him water,
and, band him things, if begot so he couldn't
get about. I dint see what more I yould do,
Mr. Steel. And if he should die, Mr, Steel. I
wish you would lOck the house up and write
the word tb Stonington '
With that she hastened on board the sloop,
which was already casting off from the pier
and making sail, and Mr. Steel turned his•steps
homeward with increased anxiety, since the
disease had broken out in his own immediate
neighborhood. The news of Ludlow's sickness
bad spread like a flash through the street; and
on Steels reaching borne, he found. the neigh
borhood filled with consternation and tenor.
Many had suddenly made up their minds to
leave the city, and were huruir'
pale countenances, making
hasty- departure.. Among the
resolved to leave the city t}l
were Thornton and Burdett.
a carriage already at his doi
family to Greenwich.
Well, said Steel,
wife, ' what is your Inind
iog ?'
The same that it vas las
calmly and decidedly.
' Well, hadn't 'we better se:
out with Mrs. Burdett,' said
get her to take -charge of b.
less exposed, and we shall be
to give aid to those who may
This, proposition was. ass(
Steel' and the little boy was di,.
dingly. In less than an hrax the two families
were on their way to G enwicb yillake, and
Steel was by the bed-ode Of Ltalow, mtnister
ing to the sick m: s Wants. He found. him
violently attack i by the disease in its worst
form. The ,ysician, who had been in to see
him, thou there was but very little chance
fir his recovery. But Steel was unremitting
in his attentions to him; he visited him three
or four times a day, and procured a nurse to
tike constant care of him.. In a few, days he
had the satisfaction to perceive that-Ludlow's
f6verhad passed the crisis, and that he was
beginning to recover. Thinking ; now, that.
Mrs. Ludlow might be induced to return and,
'lake care of her husband during his weakness,
he sat down and wrote her a line, that her
husband bad ao far recovered that them was ,
little:danger of anyone tatting the fever of him,
and it being very difficult ;to obtain a nurse to I
stay with him, desiring he to return and tend l i
to Min. • In
_order that she might be more sure
to get `the letter, he directed it to the Post
Master at Stonington, who by 'the - next lAA
returned' him an answer, that Mrs. Ludlow was
dead ; and buried, having been taken down with
the fever on the same.dayishe arrived at Sten—
ingtun, which. terminated fatally in a very few
days 4 ,
But to return to the emligrants from t f iber,
V street to : Greenwich, Village; Thornton's
carriage drove off with a' Ouch pace up-Broad
way and into. Greewich Lane, while searftlya
word : was spoken by the; terrifo stand fffini
Nr/ Tboratqn hagd haftilY sePrealds
mere and orilol t Os of vslue,, fi l itso4,l4p 114
doorn windotisouithariiid.bis Lay off
without breakfast .. NM' hid been
coiled 6oOor )041, lialgdkalloroi . time
to axis Wet* she, wig liraried> to
riagei atarrhirlca 1:94,94` '
ti ey were passing through' reenwich Lane, a • Ascending to t • ()head' olitielCeilitti she
little dog ran by, the ca 0i , which -caught ttiett.thelatebiland.the.door...would „* . opent
Mary's eye, and the child suddenly • buist into She - renewed-her'•offorti,ago,frii*ii , ntr ,
tears. • ... • ' iil ' ' still the door would neitcperu:... t.i .Eihri •tireof • • -
-' Mary my child, dont-inn? said Mr. Thorn lected•that,theilatchelressereen,io.4°aablit
ton, 'we are out of theeityt i lnow, and we shalt sometimes:in.sitch • a mariner,thielti,o4 DOt
soon be up to the village Iwbere the fever wont be - opened - on thetionerO'ide:',ln'4niriotar
be likely te come, and we'll iirtay there till it. is ror sheinvoluritarily_leremied . fir Thelh t and
all gone from the _City. JDen't Cry any mere, sunk down upon the stairs. . . - 2 "
child' ' l : • ' 4:t . t.t,
~ BeHer eaUSrwere rdl.* rainy...for flo9no. l rao
. But Mary only cried he harder ; -
she wept' ! withip hearing{{"Piesently. she rousedirelf
and sobbed, as though - . liertvery heart would- and tried thelbor. apiti,
_Oat" :with:liti better
break. " ' I
- , success than before._ ~,,She..po,ulA ,riet,•44, it,
' Why, Mary, whet ik the matter ?' said' and she had mit_stretigtli,..47 : 4nti abs
Mrs. Thornton; ' why can't' you keep quiet?' - , could contrive, to ferce it Pien,,,,- 16 111 ,,d 4 .0ent•
. ' Oh, mother,' said M i ry', • we've left poor edagain - to the cellar and t ri e d. do . t : l4Ok of
Fido shut up in his thous ' cellar, and Fm some other means to eseapei Id :101
afraid he'll take the fever Band die there all, forded her thedeast hope. ' silo'. now :f - the
alone, and nobody to take care of him.' , entire desolatehess ofher situation; ijr•ottiaott- ''..
Mrs. Thornton felt a Sudden shock tit thel,er in • that dark, lonely cellar,- Where;
thought, of the poordog beihg left in that conlshe'must die before any relief ; , to :
dition, but-it was too 10e now to help it, and l her. , The window, which usialli let ! : in- i
she tried to di what she could to pacify the child.,f to the cellar, was closed with a heavy:: : tier"
She assured her first Fido;' was iu no danger• inl &manner that she egad net, open I it, ''''Her
of taking the fever i digs never took it ; and I candle - was netirly-gorte z, and &wig, tileie!,,des4
she , must be quiet and he ';',4 good girL Bute pair, she went,into Fide s room, and her '
little Mary could net reascin on the subject ;tI self upon the vouch ;she had so often: mile u s ik I„
she could only feel ; and she felt that one half for him_ Here; she wept, '-till ' tired iiatare v ie
of herself was-left id that dark, ionelypellar te; sweet restorer, balmy sleep,' came tribetrattf.'
die alone of the ibier, er starvation, for Elbe .' and locked up, her weary. Bermes :irk 941 11 gUL'
thought, of that ,now, arid ..e.dded, addressing [ness• -<3-
her mother, that pohr Fdo'had nothing to-eat,;l ' (Gtmeiuded next — ; rel4 s
and a new flood of fears! coursed down her faire .. ,
soft eheeks. , • I ' -' , TUB. tLLING INaIDENT.- 0 4kt a einDernee
..-1 ..,
' Cant we go back new ina get him ?- 1 said I meeting in ~Ik,hiladelpr/ s ome YearL.,agrk lit,
'she ; 'it wont take bit a little while; you:learned clergyman spo ein faior of win. ~as ai
needn't get out of the carriage. I'll go in and drink.;i demonst ting it, quite tolibtirientuttisi
brine him out.' . ' ''-• ;1 faction, to scriptural, geritleaaal,Ti t -t.irmi
'No indeed,' said Itlre4' Thornton ; , wiry;, healthful., sc riptural,
the eleruman eat .d • enma, ,
how unreasonable youlare,l Mary. Dont you' a plairj„phlerly man rose, and isirelifieliberty
know we should run.tlth riek of our lives to go °i 'Banng a IQW w°rds• "A young friend °±'
back there now ? Boat yen know the fever is Piner'' said he, "Who, had lo '*2 *
right there in' the street, efese to our floor ?,4"' ate, was. at length prevailed cin, to:, s alie,:great
You must stop crying and be more reiso able.' joy of• his friends, to take the eedge, ofoatire
Little Mary said no niere, but itinued abstinence trom.all that: cold intimierite. , ,t. He
I kept the pledge faithfully for son:Maio, tifirlh
, weeping and sol;bintr, fill they reac ed the vfl.
'lege, where they found rooms for their accom:.l the struggle ;with his habit; watefeailali, till
s one evening. in.a social Party, tior*lr.*;
=dation in the house of 4n acquaintartee.—c
• were.handed round, . They,; 4 . trgy-
The carriage returned: to be employed in con; '
1 veying others from 't city', and Mr. Thorntort;l, n'ail present i ttrho teeka gliaom*,,,A, few
'with :kr. Burdett, .Wb -arrivei about the same ;
words in viiitheation of the prahtimr, :',7el3,*
time, walked ab out the village to make the; thought the F i oung „.. man, ' if . a crewman can
necessary preparation fon e few week's es i ta k e wine' a il ' i' L ' 4 " ,, Y. it so w e l O rla Y•; t o Ir
i deuce. li ra. Thornt n arid her servant I, girl ts° he . also t°9 l t a glas s ' I t,;• insti Or;* 3l ‘
I were bus?ly eroploYetl 1 arisnging their eles • eti;
/ 1
I died his'fiery and slumbering appetite ; ;;; and
i and, trunks, and Maul was eft to run abont ih I after a rapid slowoword; course , t he . 41 i 41 - ,1 • of do
liriunt't rernerts---u raving nladmatit7
any part of-the house or garden in the hope 1
that'she would amuse h fself so is to forget 1
, The old min paused for utterance ;:imd•wais
just able to add---" That young mom itaii
1 her poor Fide. But lithe hope was altogethe
son,; and the clergymaleiviwtbri .H.e, ;Def. -
vain ; there Was"no arusetnent for her, when o nly
„ m bl y i t......fkimier of Terve/124e, _-- -•
the'dear (c4.mpanion,.t at hpLd been accustomed end pc i c!°T-. '''"" has ...a44fre:S B o l :# ll3 48.
to share all her arnuSements, and joys, arid,
I pastimes, was shut- uo in g a dungeon to die of
(starvation or perish I.4 i y the pestilence. .. :
1 . The child's feelingaLwerp wrought up to non
intense energy. , She iriarefl- not speak to her I
mother again •on the, subject ; but ltd. little I
heart was growing hi ler tend fuller, and her I
will stronger and stronger ! ' till at last, about'
noon, when her motherswatlout of the way, she
suddenly seized the key o 4 the house in Liber-1
ty street, gipped on lit* bonnet, and running',
into the street unobserved b!..a.ny one, started
on foot and alone for tho.Lity. Three miles
was a long journey fe'r- a i'lehild like her ; lint;
she did not stop to.thinic `;').1" the distance, el
only thought of Fido. ll She did not even now
the way, bit she knetv the general • eetion, '
or she could sometimes see some r . is of thee'
city, and on she went. ; runMng tiliPut of bread);
- " till 'Abe'6 tired she had
she was riot go- .
was not lost.
e was going,llie
her to return
it risk in rnanY
'V alone. But
• she rmination
...1 -
said she must go and :et, .p . Wo out of the cellar;
and then she would cern° back and tiling bin
with her. And along shy tripped,' down the,
street, while the gentleman stood and looked
sadly after her some ninnies. When she cane
into Liberty, street; every thing seemed so stilt
and death-like the Title girl shuddered. The
street seemed almost entirely deserted. in that
part of it where their ; ouqe wits, she e . ould . net
see a single person; l hOranae. to the door: - t' .
The solemn stillneSs_#aus:td the chills to run
over her arid her teeth to Fatter. She unloal44
ed the door and open: d it; and in her tremu
lous fear she looked i again on the inner side,
taking the key out an keeping it in her batikci
for fear of losing it, 1 ; ; s,
And now she haste !
She went into the kit!
descended to the belt
cellar door after iier.
cellar, and approache.
and called- his name. '1
voice that she might ,
Fido gave no answe
herself, if Fido hal; 1
and take care of bitt;.l
and found the key ha ,
it. With - trembling'
door and looked id.
' Fido7pose-'
an envious glance rou
and 'motion as - "Fb i
looked a - glatice l in
it is not 'tberol ShO
to iske of it. " .1310
tea Admit heitrio,
did of: tbe,TofrOpf:,
onion* li 1 1 4 74
trembled bit On 4
I I.
Ain! , a little out
at length, came
.ndered oil , and
terself in Broad
the her down to
still md
ioked at - her, as
treet, they werb
and perils tb
looking gentie-
l i ed it° liberate - Fiflo.-;-
1 I
heal and lit a eandle, and'
r, carefully (dosing, the
8143 went into the back
th 4 door of Fiddroiiii,
She ;wanted to hear hig
,of feel so lonely:,-• Bit.
- - 'Oh'. she , thought to
t ille:-fever, I.ShalV stay
1 r .*-- name • to his "cfo!
gingi up -Where atiOleft
hand she unlock the'.
: , 1 !--- • .., ,•.-,•,;:;,,.., , , 5,... :. c y,,
lidoi? - *aid Mic . ivii*itit
. d 14' celli-''All , wisist
;rood ' iiiitii , 'Entedr.;liliii
,•:), 0644, "_ corner .',. 2 FidO
ockti*WiktinPtei•frilit4 -. .
Oh* scold AO' tell; What
''', iji . i . i . igi!tailditi;iiiit ,
1 tie !- , iis.,.' initilii-:how
I n
,L,..... '4, 14 _Opaqiiiit
il,;:ii hti.'.: :13uiiietiitiii*
0 fro m ' tl, 04 . :ffilt,tiiik 7 r,''
1 . ! ,l 44 ~... '7,..:?..:•:Ka7-1i•
Governor Shunk.. . '-'
. ,-,. ~• 1 . >,:,, ..i...! 4 .
I. . We are gratified t o learn, that ~titefpror;-
; cratic party of thi; ; St te, Nitlir:jk,,Aratj
unprecedented, and der, :the .eircnOitonots' ,
unlooked for,. are emir**, raritkallF-
i ii,
port of the rd-cde ( ctisip. ofiGoir. F ACTS R.
sH.UNK, a.. that 'there is new Sei*y a
°doubt of t. ...,.success - of theApul44 4 Btatte
Ticket, y a.very large maippty.:. We maker
this- nnodmiement 'from a sincere :conviction
o 'ts truth, and because we, arehappyi it be
',g the instrmneet to announce to thATilemoc
' racy of Lycothing, th . e.,exmence once . .snare , of
a clear Democratic horizon 7 -of perfeit (*lion
in our ranks,; and /the best ''spirit ;anti
among the. members. . ,, , ~,, ..rf: .
And why should, the result be not sii Antici
pated ? has not Governor Shirai, adhered
I firmly and honestly to all the great „r*sures
1 of the party, and.with a ieoltruly., - ei - annioinda
ble, exerted himself to preservethe ; ilii.t_Sor_ and
credit of thou State ?, Have we, any .... 401t to
find with the measures efliis iclrittnert*ort?
1 lies he ever swerved from. i the line Itty,- to
favor -corporations or individuali?" l ,s : „Catt it be
said that the poor is, not, pro ..from this i
overbeari ng - arni, of the,ricirf:-.-that*Oliii•olies
have sprang up like , mushr:;oiniin:iheAftte,
without the interference oftbe .M ove. to
prevent it ?Ja the.-olOotrilOok -pp row
new ; than 'Liles -been heretofore, tuidei,Demo
- - - and, fina lly, ; ltiC
erotic administratiOns 2-
~:w have
we to gain pr -expect by a, ebkne . ?,', i Tbose
questions are submit/in -the ~coi4eis t uin of
.the sober; intelligent, intnitigritetortiOn,,of the
People, whose only_desire,,Politicilly,:ii the
continued prop . erity ,of the ; country, spa the
maintenance.ofjusCand equal lairi.-
_Ais for
them—the 19rgeportinn of the Peoplie-to say
whether , &good Governor, ,antrit,,- o,Alpro . us
country, shall be' changed-for.tim unoctltn ttOlt
of, . Federalisia-_- fur. the , purpoSO:•,'o,f . ,-;44 an
experiment which ' ay well prove W. io this
country. e fable of the Pi , mrh l 4l lit ' fan '
the leg of mutton from his niontliiXoAutp the
shadow in_ • the watAr,...heiraya,‘focw,figly,
than Would the people liPennslipoga„:ll . 7 t h e
abandonment of Goverpor:Phoo,, It4itie erisi-
I rvin
toTatie Iron Master, „ciericrat,
, :*„ ... , , Th ey
.would_repudiate a good ~,ur4ielc itt'pArieesiolti,
for a shadain,', everkif they 40 'to - lustottgleti
in- the,dive for it—llona i g,,ckwAte . ,,. i
•-t4-------:-:- . ---L4:'i' ::.
: Dc, Ifilnin b as it';:riglit:44.tiiilitiOita of •
any thing:4 11 or s r ,goo4, 5045n„„, , ,40ne,53 it •
ought. to ,ke, wipiont,ailiase .- „lntlietKlitOg it
the Jigittotia'oN. ...I . , ,1... i . 5 .,•-•-. 1 ,1 .' (17 - ': -. '
'iThat , . 4 4i 4 01 1 itte;: 11 4!0,0-41. - Ginetil
irria's.givi‘i a few- berie)tii of ::.,.ei!irj ifOO to '
Ireland, 111i,(1311°F41100*iiiik.Ahrk0.iatiT
..-4;astaTh 41rg44,,, : -,, • ....,' , ' -:.; . ,•Z. , ,, . 1
, ,t;, : , 4 ,, , ,; , !.- 7,---,? 1
"1 4 1kedik of ibi:igiliiiOie-Hersla. -rsquenka.
ito initliitietS'iit -. *Yankee iDiUlo . 4o;Twrits
"re4i,eeLPeOi st Odth - twoja!i:or* l inp,
vey, to - kellii*-P;10* - 14:itealiNfit. -
- - - '4-.. ,- ...--..4a '..• ,, 4,111. '
tViiiityyfnuif aollsrciltuThiliah, 11110/PV
*Arab& 04 04itT'it 'Neir.,,,r,.... 1 0, 1 _,(* 1 9
and - twents y . artllo.3 '' . 14•`,11,4.; ; ._ll9l,,Allrlieli
itrialliiLv.mi ..-.- .-, •••:,Vil• ii„l - 4 - t - t,t--,•-:W 4. r, ' 1 -
, : - Ilf • 1 :4; -i•--- • ' -" • - ' --- . si. *''
."- -'
A44c ifoo*nflo gired#S - „, ~
re 4. 44 40-1 *Si *Ater
, ...., ~,..:,-„,.....,
-' ;..."'A . Litil s didi: . - -•
Atiiiirimpi.. .
Atpioni titioktmt, - • los
f.v. sr - r's• " 1,- ,- A' : '.•'''. t•r -- rje. 2 .''-,t-I ,it:141,•:14 ,A 14.. ~ ",
- -
.... ..