TJ The Mari wave. -; It is a-place *hens te4tr thought Itaiobseleie" vigil beeped; ; his aplace.where ko love its hope, still weerth ; The vanished light of sill s life . That tiny spot enclapdb, • •-• Where followed by a thousand dreams;, The little one repotiolth. , It is s place where thattkfialnees Its tearful tribute j(tveth,. That one so pure bath left a world 'Where so much soriew liveth . . • Where trial to the hewity heart - Its constant cross presenteth, ' And every hour Some firma retains, For whieh the soul tepenteth. It is a place for Hope to rise i Wirt other brightneas waneth : -. . And, Om the derbies! of the grave ; To learn the gift it ineth Troni - hiM, Who went' a on the earth Undying love still w:t peth; Trona Him, who spoke tbose„blessedwords— `-he is not dead,•htit sleepeth !" A ilevter. There's not a heath,ihowever rude, But bath some little To brighten up its stklitude, And scent the evining hour. There's not a heart, owever east By grief awl sorrow down, Bat Lath some memory of the past, To lei° and call i s own. ' MATRIMONIAL ADVE ' TORE.- A remarka ble story, vouched for an true, is told in '4 ll agoir paP 4 The ..kdalphi Theatrethat city was veil and the pleasant play of x l he " llattle-of Sedge moor" *as in course of terfonnance. A fa vorite actress, Mrs. Do Bourgh, was upon the stage supporting one of 4e characters, when a tall military man, in one iiof the stage boxes, gazed wildly about him, dtl starting up from Jaunt loudly excleimck. My wife, by Heav ens 1 my Eliza I" Of mime astonishment en sued, and an explanation fook place, which re sulted in the discovery that the gentleman was a Lieut. Lewis, and that he was in trdth the lady's husband. 'He bad been on foreign service for many years, an, was now accompa nied by the lady's son, a 4ne fellow of two and twenty. Each believed tie other dead, and the lady had married a Mi. De Bourgh, who bad been detui about eighteen months. Soon after this a. most • agreeable 'denounsent took place,.for the united and f•happy pair availed 'themselves again of the Ininefit of clergy, and no objections being i .madei by the church or State, these two persons, ;whom the fortunei of war had put asunder,' )were re-married, in the presence of a larg body of rejoicing friesda." • GOCID ADVICE.—IIow, 4r., in bis sermon of LA week, gives the folloiring very excellent advice to the yonngladie of this flock : The berme, bright-eyed, rosy=cheeked, full-breast ed, Winning lass--who + darn a stocking, meal trousers, make her ewn frocks, command • , _ kregiment of pots and keitles, feed the pigs, *bop wood, milk cows, wOstle with the boys, and be s lady withal: t company," is just the sort of a giri; 'for zany worthy :man to marry—but you, yh pinipg, moping, lolling, screwed-up, wasp-waisted, putty-faced, coif sumptior-mortgaged, medic-murdering, novel devouring daughters of Fishion and Idleness= you are no more fit for matrimony than a Pul kn s to lock after a faMilt of fourteen chick , ens. The truth is, my dear girls, you want, gon may speaking, more lilxity and leis fashion able restraints—more kilciben and less parlor— more leg exercise and lesiSofs-, 7 inore - pudirmg and less piano—more *mess and less mock medesty—more breakfast; and 'less bustle.— Loosen yourselves a little I enjoy more liberty, arid less restraint by fashion—breathe the pure atmosphere 6f freedom, ait'd become something Dearly as lovely and bestial as the God Mes tere &signed. ' A,young lady having entered a dry goods store, politely requested t 6 be shown a certain attiale. An impatient clOk in a rough manner Oshersi her .wishes.- ; • • " What is the price ?" Sulked she. "-Three dollars:" was the unceremonious SY• • Three dollars !" exclaimed the maiden in how very hip yetis prices are!" They're cheap ennuet, if you'll only ima r.aarwas the stOs -"Wetlin' may wiap eup for me,- and I wilt take it," said the lady The article was acao4gly packed, and ta , lemg it in her hinds, she tas leaking the store. -But the alarmed clerkrrihning ifta her es - claimed, "Madam, you h4ve not paid me!" ! yes, I have, if lou'lls o itaa : gi!le so !" - she archly replied: $11 , 07/ED UETIIRN cc, MIL COK.ET or 1556. =lts long since as 1751,! Mr. Richard Dun -borne, of Cambridge, of Ommuting the de 'mum of the comet ofl2lo found thetifiao'aist ilarto-those of the eometpf 1556, that, he wail 1 147F:011e conclusion flat 7 the .two ,were idea tied, and that its return tnigh be expected 1- bekt 1848. Feb,sequent;inveatigations which 1 been made differeet esteenomers, cen ilrat - threetkelution sn there is; therefore, geed reins to look for the the eemotAtikNg . the ye#: 1848, eitlies#:cit if this event , vicidd ..-14140 ytiar:'e a r n a /aW f s Aie data —Sslli~ttsn ' s Join; :ataY• follairbog ioullet*Sited - Of*. all hr* Ile ' he leeijr-eite ) Fillie t e r oStice. 0 0 Wig Ptg**A" remaital - 'tam ' roPketik •• • 4 emceed Dr- trukthl,P!. peoPS i‘ Do ama„iut Teptace* ' The Pastof Oetho ' . iSbyteria Old thoily,l44.,,ex' ; I ;.ged a s with, one of the minister ;'; the. ;I and his horse Itkor loostdming I was missing on undai orning, stoned sonMlittle ezeite m ent in t England viliagO. l " Whe .the eler 4 ed his o'ol thO ni :g, .whic that I kneW whori .1 . , 7 t find 23, v. 3) a little4ellowj' mped oat, 't I can .441 iyoni a i r --he's in ties birn, I,iiirlhini there not hour ago 1" '; The olergy p an had a few monlenti - ; :fore hi could p .....; • ; . • l I Yaitizi Bo brito.—'What i s for board? sited a tall*reen D as he walked pl i to the sr of a hotel in New Yerk—' 1 i tdo board and -lodgings?' 1,. ' Pike dollart4' • , I Five dollars li That'i too mile pose pout allewl for the! times from dinner and supper?r 'Certainly—thir . ty-thirty and for each meal.' , I Here the eonlersation ended, kee took up his i ,quarter4 for two ring this time he lodged and brow hotel, but did not take either di. per, saying his businessldetaine. other portion of the town: At the expiration of two we d went up to the bar, and said— ' Wpose we settle that' siecotm in a few minutes.' 1 i ir • I The landlord 'ended is'bill. • TWo week's!board at s.s—s ' Here stranger,' saidlthe Ya wrong.' 'how SO, Sir t t ' You've ma a mistake l—p. ducted the tunes I was absent sapper-14 4343.2 mode per 4 at 37 1-2 centweich-10 50. got the fiftir :cents change that's take a drink and the balance in , News-Bet WIT.— gentle e i one of.onr ty ferries the other 4 si eosted by o f those p4eipitat • are to be fo iiii in shoalsiabont, places, wit 'l3ny Balwer's la only twos filings i!' " The gentl to have a lat gliwith thelitrehin, am Bulwer,lmayself!' Off went i Whispering to another, a a little cited his wonderment at he info 1 to impart. Eyeing the ! i mretend,' ' Pelham' w th a kind 4 awe, h him timidly, and, holding out a , modestly, ' Bily the—' WOman of You arc- not Mrs. Ellis ?' a proposed sale ,wa effect4—N. The wise man basj• his for es, no less than a fool; but it has! been id that .bete in lies the difference--the folli•s of the fool are knottn to the world, „put Are hidden from himself; the follies.of the r: • are known' to himself, but hidden. from the world. A harmless hilhrity, and a hnoyant and ,cheerful ness I - i*,not uncommon e}►neomitants of genius 'and we are never more leceived, than when.' :we mistake gravity, for:lgreatness, solemnity for science, and pomposity for erudition. 'Where 4id you come ; ' from ?' to begg in the hie of Wight ' From tlie'decil.' ' Wklt i 4 going on there?' Much t h e same u hiere! •What's flirt? 1 • ' The rich taken in; ati'd the p An obstreperous hnsband,'eon • ing his wife: upon being admo. judge that the wife was the !ea plied—" Thep if she is the weak • • mitsn'tcarry so Much mak" KEEP A*AX E. —A ?leepy sometimes engaged in popular the Minister use the words " sh; mortal coil" tarted up, rubbed Amaal k med,," bold on—it,'! my d. Do you-sirarit a work,.. prac 'No of cotipo not. 111 am and have pienty of that 'at home ii,Westerii editor yritill sto ' , I the lams relently enacted again. of deadly !weapons apply Ito doct pills in'tbeir pockets. An hearing houto treating exclaimed,.•" Bo a ginn'to tread! Be jabimrs, r I've' been wanting a !broil) this " Yon look rather tia4" as mord:to - the pancake. " 1..w0u14 take that e l an ins Pane4!.."#...Teit had: no( been Ai French paper raentiOndian frona fittuaUfra, which hits at • delis po of eiTtlization u to refuse oaks night eap - Thetis iiirihnne of/ 36 kesPait"rherelleiaYs , I is M t •tiitieli -ill Tice - . ed.' , ottveitiset' saw is Parr. pra baits tiijet able Way in good maw,'L., , „ . , letsHhin g tos )43,1! #lo l 4i uPPIA-. 4 0,10$ ft 41 ; 0 F+rTiiau=-sot snake All;ateha l le i _b# l 4o at pua. a Pak trwie i ng- . • MO Clairol' in ort time ago, NEW GOODS. FB.CLIAMOLER. &CO . are nowtereiving 11' . a, large skini well selected addition to their stock of Good, to wnich they would invite the attention of pupbasers. Their, stock is now quite large, and they are determined thlit for Cash, Barter or on a ppro ved,credit, the t will sell at least as low as any establishment n the County, • , Montrose, Mb , 2(3k 1847. ..rhood, 1 - he night, and which wea -1 a quiet New : • ~ n titter was, "Oh ! I ' im 1" (Job, p -acid cried !Deacon Lit ,. ore than -an Ito sit down . eel PARASOI4 and Shades at • Chandler; & Co's NEV GOODS. Tr FIE subsctiber is just receiving from New 1 ,11. York, a Iritrge and well selected stook of .7t Sprlns Si, Sommer Goods, • otevery tariety, which he offers for sale upon the principle of " Quick sales and Small profitt" , ED WIN TIFFANY. Brooklyn, gay 12. 1E147. co you charge onotain ' boy, second rate k a week or F!81 - 1.—Swilrd and Codfish, Shad and Msck 'eml cheap by. . • Bentley 4- Read. but I sup am absent LOOKI NG Glasses & Plates of almost every size just 4ened by Bentley k Read. a. half cents id the Yan eels. Du fasted at the ner or sup him in an- MUTUAL lINNURANCE COMPANY. THE membrs Of said company are hereby notified tfiitt the Director. of said company have levied a ax cf 25 per cent on their pre mium notes, to_ iay,a loss by fire which occurred on thei2th of March last post, in Towanda, to the Messrs. Mircurs. Alt the members are re quested to pay l in their respective assessment.: to M. S. Wits4 - Treasurer,_ by the first of Au— gust next. By of tho Bonn] of Directors M. S., Wilson, Secretary. he again I'm ioing H,MW 80(ODZ., lie, ' this is aux, lautz 02231 33a 3 THE subso§bers are now receiving a large and desirable stock of 'ye not dc .m dinner and y-28 xneals f you'i_ not duo I'll • • srattirp & SIINIMEEt GOODS. which were tuOght for Cash, arid will be sold for the same n 0 cheap as can he b,,ught in Nor thern Pennsyl/ania. Our friends and custo mers, will pietist!, accept our thanks for their very liberal paitplage during the pass year ; and fiI,NIEMBERIhat ,any Thing wanted in our line for the yesr to crime will be furnished itivrn on The principal of • Lire and lei Um." NOT TO BE UNIRSOLD.' is our' moon, and we intend stlictl to !Where to it. All kind's of Country prodtete received in payment, us well as ,Cash, Old Bayer, Flaxseed and Beeswax. 4 ? , Bentley 4- Read. Montrose, May 20, 1847. n crossing dai was ao i venders, who 11 our public work, sir I man, willing W hy, the lad, and distance, ex ation be had d author of ROADCLOTH S. Tweeds. Merinnes, nna faney.Caasimeres, Stitinetts, Jelin's, Ves iings. and Sunimer Goods, of n great variety, just opened anjd selling right try - Bentley 4 Read. BON NETS' iI and 7Bonnel Trimmings, Silk and Cotton Parasols, drs... approached , ninphlet; said ngland,' sir ? EIIBROIDREtD. figured end Gingham LAWN Moulin De ',aim's, Item Is 3d. to 2.5. pqr yard, English, Irish and A mdrican Gingte:ims, Oregon Paid, and a sp!en• did lot of calicties now opening by • Bentley S. Read. • ARDW Ott and Crockery—a fell stock 14 Bentley 4. Read. course the . Times. BROOMS, Palen' Pails. (common and Ce. Oar) Butler Ladles and Stamps fur sale right by CLOCKS, aJ full assortment. watcha, Jew elry,Bl4ky'a celebrated Gold Pens, 4-c. Also Bag Twist, Steel Seeds, Purse and Bag Clasps and trittunings. said Wilker IRON and STEEL.—Swedes and Eng. it'l— led IRON. Drag Teeth. Band, Hoop, Round and Scroll IrOn, Cast, Garman, American, Spring. and gtg. Blister STEEL.—Alit4all Rods—as cheap us the cheapest by ' Bentley 4- Read. - TINTER Sperm, Refined whale, Linseeil Vl' • and. Olive OILS of the purest y Also, Paints of every cufur and debcription, warrantecl to give satarfuetion,and Will be sold very low by 'CIA out! "F r • of beat- Shed by the er vessel, re r vessel, she NEW SPRING AND .411531 MER GOODS OF all kinds just received—first in market— and will le sold as cheap its the chesprst at SALISBURY'S. Montrose. April 15. 1847 s deacon, who es, bearing e off this is eyes, and NEW GOODS. cal speaking, . , HE Subs4iber is now receiving and offers Tfor sale * new and detirable suck, of SPRING & SUMMER- GOODS, at prices which cannot fitl to be satisfactory to all who desire great bargain& fits stock com prises i full ai4ortment of DRY adODS, • CROCKERY, G Roe EKI:E.S. 11.4RDWA RE, DI EDICI4O3. . DRUGS, DYE -11 FP'S, NAILS, 1• ' , 11N- wAxte , visit. &C., all of which will be sold at unusually Ipw prices. ;,-* J. ' i4OnS. Mayl3, 1047. ✓ N. B. No charge made for exhibiting googs, tberefOre acm't<, Alio give us ? a call before pur chasing elsew ere. J. Lyons. ' WOODEN? ails, Butter stamps and Ladles, ' II V tlothesi. ins, &c. &c. ati' J. Lyons 100-1:104 fresh Eggs, warned for Goods nest*reek at 8 eta per dozen. May! 5. .j, .J. Lyons. -1 arried man, ow whether the carrying ti who eitrry moo was a ' Mexico is glad of it ny a day." e tea-kettle t," said the • • ming it:: I nrang outang , so high a to ileep with, CA' DLESii-Home maoufac:ure. fru Eale t - 1 - - J. Lyons. , . GA4IIENT CUTTING. T i t. subsciiber having withdrawn for, the 1 • reseniNM all connection with the tai Writ* tinsine, except cutting, will hereafter Tec i n give hie intent" nto that particular ( branch ex clusively: F! ' ' a long and successful experi receHl4 t. Improvements ends regular ' i t:the illstest fashions, he 'has entireeon! fide' in biksbility to pleate all who may emplii ;him. l'o'prevent mislipprehension he would further t ate, that having worked hereto fore for then is of workiag, he intends in fu ture td work *Awake of the pay ~. (except wherelcbaritylar dictate at.herwise.) Those therefore Who re Iblato pity'but always with. 4141, 0 T t i1l ,ril . eiso Withhold their custom. Rh over`tlie Hat Store, first building, north of the Stage lixue. P. LINES. .. Illotiti SI 5, 1847. 20,3 ~.„_... ose, .„ 4 ............,_ 4 ,_. ' t_ ' .P.4.31bE1F #4271, 1 :. .:, ..- ,_ (rim! ) , Mid, and in any quantity,- very iirir at ll Wlif. M. P 081; 6. C 0... . 'ti 'the Srprds Drunkenness be 1184411 - , as exchange for a small tht IL Y. .i.4o4rodued -- • 1 - • • not - , - • .1110 f, 1114;21d glinrtinentritin. —t - Snegluehanna County Bentley Read Bentley 4. &ad Bentley Se Read Bentley 4- Read NEW G 0 9 ColS. HBURRITt is now reCeiv ng an , exten— . sive and select\asstirtment f SPAT/VGA; S UMMER G 910, to which he would solicit the atteation of his friends and the Public. His stock as usual will comprise la ge and full varieties of Fancy and Staple \ Dry GOods, - •; Groceries, Crockery, Hard Ware, Hollow Ware, Stony Mitre, Iron k Sled, Nails, Medicine.% Paints ; Lamp 4, Linseed oi4 Fish, f_ Palm' Leares, Ploughs k Castiiigs,' • Grind Stones, 4c., I all of which will be sold on the moat favorable terms, and at the lowest bash, Barter of Credit prices.' I New Milford. May 20,1847. • SIOMFA T T RING NE WitbEHßLioAsHisli G twine x t v , er s e ral theiy un , e , r n st e o r t Taylor of Montrose," ill-rules all . inds of work in his line of busines% in a littl . better style, and at as fair prices as nhy oth r Tay— lor this side of Mexico ; this is to inf rm all who have, or may i ,vor him with ineir custom that he has just received from New itork his usunJ variety of SPRING AND SUMMER FASHIONS, and is now prepared to wait upon Ge4tlemen when it shill suit their convenience. May 50, 1817. I 18-3 m! • NEW STYLE G E NT'S lIA,TS. spring Fashion fort 1347. CROW N-71-4 inches high, 5.16 yieoman, ;tell at sides. 1-16:front and rear, 1-4 curve. Tie—s oval, flat. BRIM—I; inCheb. Wide, front lino rear, and 1 9-16 at sides.— BINDING-I.l4ofan inch wide. The above new style,' introduced jn New York on Saturday, March 6th, by Beebe:St. Cos. tar, are now real), and tot sale by April 8. . MERRILL & RQOT. ---- r PROCLAMATION ) ! Vto Done Oublico. WHEREAS,, Nature, having furnished to the head id -Man. rm covering, sOtlicieni to protect it from the Winter's storm,inr the., . burning rays of Summer's sun, it ts [mold high-1 The GrApr-Vine: Cradle. ly essential to his coal-tom and beiluiv,ithist he'll , _ provides himself with scme human fubrie calcu ; HE under Signed takes ibis method of in !sited to supply the deli, limey. A sid i Whereas {arming the public that he is now engaged .in pruden'ed require:, that esirry one, shintild pur- t manulitcluritigi one of the most useful instrti chase such artic'es us it ey may need ! , where vitents tor cutting grain, ever offered in ma rlOt. those equally gaud, can be obtained of the law t": 14141 structure of this Cradle is such . as to ea est prices. thtrelore, DE IT KliiiWN. to thd mini b 1 - able a man to ut his- gr.. in writ much less la ;nod; of Susquehanna Csiunly, and ad otherstior than is usually required —the'repv alriaisi whom it piny concern. that *changing the Ipisk inimpl,ensure. A, saintlier Uf WM. M. POST, & CO. ! • I.:elt.zens , f this . iounty,• - who have used the pia ,6e 41ring:the past seasm, (whose 'immeli gain Have established themselves at the old stand, be glen if re:erence is desired) hesitate not tn tine door . ..south of the FARMERS' STOREi witeril they intend to nvsnufacture ili , d keep coustantl pronounce it superior, by - filly pe e r cetit., to air instrument of Ike kind they ever u:ied. sin hand, HATS of every descript ani. in adds- instrument opportunity of exaini lbw the strucft4e lion to their unusually large stock ot Hots now . Oil hand, and manufactured at their establish; and utility of .6te instrument will' Shortly he meat, W. M. P. & Co. h,,w, j ust ~,,.,4,1 from given.' They Will be offered for 841 e by the NEW I:c4RR. a full supply of SUMMER I I A'F:-.;i flrst of May. arall the principal stores and pub Si. CA PS. which gives them the m-st eitteristveP lie places throughout the country. . and varied. assostmesit tif Goods in their isise.l 'Prilectissoqiitmording to the artitle.:l ever offered for sale in Northern Pennsylvania 4 F,,e a common article, (scythe included) $4 00 All of ;which Will be sold fur CA , II or READY 4 Do Wire Rimed &c. do 500 PAY TWENTY FIVE PER CENT Under. the usual pi i.,„ Do Five teeth +vt unlined do • , 5, 0 cis. " ' Do Teeth plated da 1 6 0 r Montrose, April 2,9, 11347. _.. li . -G. S. AMES.; ; ',SPRING STYLE FOE 18-.. A ND- every style of Otter. Be a ver, 4 trio Brush, Cussimere," Moleskin, Ample Muskrat, and Coney LIATs, of all shapes. s colors qualities and pric es, from 81,00 to S 5. at the Hut & Cap Depot. 4 WM. 51..P0S T., 4' Co. LEGHORN AND STRAW HATS. FINS and Bays.gonbie and single brim LVI Leghorn, also,. American Erigl44l and Coburg draw, also American' Rir land flats, l of different qualities, for sale cheap at WM. M. POST, 4- COs. GLAZED. CAPS Mk DOZ. Meru: and . Buys. Silk, Linen and 41,-/ Cotten Glazed Caps, of new and beau tiful' styles, cheaper any other estab lishment, /nay be found itt Wm. J'IL Past. & Co's CLOTH CARS. PLAIN and tancv , made of light cloth, and suitable for suinmer, ilt ' - Wm. M. Post. ¢ CJs. SIUSQUERAXIA, COUNTY SS. PUBLIC NOTICE )lt hereby aiien that in pursuance id a Writ of Partilion issues from the Orphans Court of said County, and to me directed,an Inquest wilt be held tor making p:irtition of the Real Estate of Jabez Hyde. lute of Rush township, in said County deceased. among the widow and heirs of the said Jahez Hyde deed. on Saturday the 31st day of „July next, at II o'cl”ck in the eorentmn, on the prern ices in Rush township aCcording to the act of Aisembly in such case .'made rand provided. Said Real Estate is described as failows to wit:— r The ,Homestead'—containiog one hundred .} sixty one acres, sixty mil- and five tenth per - ehes,—. The Samuel Hill Lot,' adjoining the shove. and containing twenty three acres and thlrty six rods, and • Thd Austin Rowell Faint,' crintairung , one hundred acres, and on which there is a dwelling house, horn and tanliou,.e, each of the above tracts:being situated in the township of Rush a tbresn,td. N. C. WARNER, Sheriff. Sheriffs Office, • Montrose, May 26, 1847. "NUTTER, Socks. Flannel, Tow Cloth, Rags, L. Beeswax, Olit Copper; Old Pewter, Grain, of all kinds and Eve's eAsn.will be readily taken for qny of our Gpods. F. B. CHANDLER, St CO. VIII ANK MILLER'S. celebrated, Leal 'her Preservative and water Proof Oil Blacking ..jilist.the thing for this weather, for sale. by Bentley 4- Read. I N exchange for Goods.%ggs, Beeswax, Tow Cloth, Flax, Butter, Dried. Apples, Raga, Grain, Old Pewter, Beans, &c. &c. A _ GOOp asiortment of IMies' shoes, slips gaiters, buskins,Chiloreos' shoes.. cacks Palm leaf, Hats, goys cap's, Umbrellas; -Para. Bola &c.. Jug la ding et J. Lyons. GINGHAM.% DRESS LA WNS. M. DE: LAINES, ) GINGHAM LAWNS. some splendid Putterhs just received and selling very cheap for cash by J. Lyons. STONE WA RE. - AFULt.assortmem ortone Ware this day received, aid will bidold cue.,tp by BENTLEY !WAD: Feb. 1 1,11347.. SH" VINGS, Bro. and! Bl e ached , a' variety at ' DRAWN G90.1),3 ; GRE: i r vasie(y of Isees, thirred and *ripe 111. MU' de, Irish Linens, iaaaaatta, Occ, at niers. , :8.L.464; THE Subscriber would inform hi s friendk. arid. l hetnat he bus purehased the slit)" former l y occupied q P. Jenks but mote recently by Mr. H. Patrick, a few.rods west of the Court House; where he-is now carry ing On tte t h e above business in all its brunche s . He se, lil.its a share of the , public patrona g e WALTER FQLLET. Montrose,..lan; 20, 1847. 0 7.31:1 CITAIIM.• , OLI) EITORE.rt ®!ti C-oolrs anti litlil Ones. 1 T of A , , the Subscriber NO. 6. Turh. Ake street, may. be found a general assortmebt ofVoods. Good goods and at the lowest pric4s : —Consisting of rho' GOODS,;, oaocOtEs, CROCKERY, sToNE:I,,WAILE, HARD-WARE. sADDLERIe, IRON AND STEEL, , NAiLs, I , LoUcirs, \BooTs AND - SHOES- Silob4it and findings &c. - , ' ' Al. S. WILSON. , , ! Montrose, Mitch at 1847 . _ !,... ; ilalley'N, • • • AGICAL PAllls EXTRACTOR, rue 1,1111 for Sore Eyes, \ Cuts. Swellings," Burris, Bruises &c. &c. just received and ft,ir sale by 1 • Bintity. 4. Read. i 6 VALUABLE FAMILY IiEDJCINES. - . DR. Segues Restorative Pills. ',Dr. Spoon. , er's Hygeian, dp.• Lee's, Hooper's, and omen°, do. Also,, Dr. Rafferty's,-Family - Medicines. censistinglot Balm of alletof;.-Worni Oil, Vegeirible Pills, Eye Water, Strengthening Plower, Embrocation. &c. &.c. For their superior excellence and great use , , fulness, these medicines are entitled to a place in every family. Try them. OPODELDOC. Dr. Jayne's Vermituge, God frey's C0r .. 0 la 1., Covert's Ira I in of Life, Ca mph4r, Horehound, Paregoric, Licorice, &e. &c., for le by J. LYONS April 8, 1847. ALARGE glock of FRESH GARDEN SEEDS, (iacluding Shaker's.) dust upeaed and 40. ale by . J: LYONSL. Mardh 10, lag. • i. BENTLEY & READ, have this day receii ed an addition to their stock of Druis, Medicines r Dyesityrs. ¢c. gtc7 , roa keg,thetir winter assortment complete,- a ado which they intote. the attention of their •' friends in Susquehanna county. Physicians. and otb ers supplied with-every article in our line at Is low a rate as at- any other establishinent Northern Pennsylvania. - Montrose, Dec. 9, 1846. WISTEK'S Balsa' of Wild chary. sar. pas Acmeslic Oil, World's Salve, Jtiyu Expectorant, Vermifuge, Carmtintfave, BniSilo). !V'S Sarsaparilla, Dr. (11'Nfunn's*r Opium, Balsarn of Life, Bullnial's Oil Sot, Briti4h & Harlem Oils, lUoffats Phenix Bate lihumar's Wistar's Cough Lozenges, .unit runny others ofihe popular medicines of the day, foF Bate right by URE winter straineil, Fall (ra_37llN Refined Whale OILS, alio, Linieed and Tanner's d0,,,f0r sale cliepp by BENTLEY & READ. I -•-- STEEL BEEDS aturPURSE TWIST, a nek• supply just- received,,slsd, Bled Bak add, Purse Clasps, Slides, A Diicussion.on Unive.rsath ‘Varren, and 0. e raser for sale nt the store of erre Price 12it cents. lIRUGS 4 MEDICINES A./ meta just opened, and i , Bentley J4ADIE'S Buskins, Slippers and Gaiters also a large assortment ot Children's shot! &c. Bentley &Read. 1 (I,II.OCEKIES.—SugUr and Molasses very .cheap, Tobticen. Tens, Ruisings,i Cone, Chocolate. Zartes Currents, Peppet, Spice, Sideratus, Ginger, Soap, lortllards Snuff, Co • gute'a superior ,Ctmdles, &c.....just l received, and for sales, lolv by ; = • Bentley $r ?mod. 11 i . E4THER.:—Soie end Upper Lestber—ilio - L Cull skins just received. and for stile by Bentley 4. Bead. ! , ii , MERICAN, French`find Enilisti Cintis,s 11l and Coisimeres, Satins .and limey Vest legs for isale ,by, ! J.' Lyons. rianr AM/MARV:6 , T the Old Stand Lyons di Citandlei. .4s. may be foiled P. B. Chandier, and Robel: 4;1 Simpson. whO have entered into partnirahi under the firm of,P, B. Oh,tandier e & Vc4 Thep Will, endeavor qt atl timer to be in readiness ,'o attend to. thaw who may favor them: with diil. - 11 .11 The - rentainitiglatock of 111 9r.TGwaill, G Cedes, Tlaware.ollloip Glass, 4111,c - act.; Which r e - h aye,o q . haml r wi , be sold qus nually tow: F. PHANDLER.I , ROBERT C. SIMPSON. ;Chandler 4. Co's COA=D t;313Z12 U) 4a Gibson. Feb. 611!, :1847 PLOUGHS. Flouetis & for fqte by MILLS &SUSRMA?C.i April 21. StiSQVZHANNA COUNTY DRUG TSTORE. BENTLEY*. READ • A BOOK-THAT WILL SUIT YOU: 9 i ' ir- -- - r-, .1..,. ---- ; . ------- , e•d-- ,, 1. ~. ... , 6.. 1 %.1. 4 ; , ...... , .i..........., :' 111 11 11 11 II N'l E ll P.llll. 11 11 11 li 1 4......... , ...,,,.........., Tha..Ainieritrana Inspenveit . 1 !flick's/1 Vigellsablo litiedielse k ' rntiEsE Pills are lone tot the - 4,4 Medical; : iii Compounds,in Mei at the ' pp:tient day: ; /ts a common family playsico fur adieinistnai en bn. all temporary tompiainttof tile stomach end, owels, head.achei cads, ar.c., thigy may be : l rally depended upon, tied a_prompt bse.of th e m On the first appearnue of balispeottiOon will it. , ,iiariably sare'mucksicitnesi. Thep are pee e . : harly adapted to all cases of weakngssanilgea,: Loral detail ity--a iti derangement - of ;the system, i Und eXpecially with leinalea—and alsteadt uni. sinterr, pted use of them, in strict iconformity. with t e directions Yvtltvery soon iistore the i organ' of the stomach itei their natutel tone and. limier, and regulate the. bowels, ai,tl renovate the whole system. • ' ' There is no disposition .to give extravagant i itomininilalions of them. What is here Elated, Os fite'Ciasult of cetual . experience }.vith them, 'hod that„through.o peCiod . .of fifteen years. I t ' is not supposed, 'or pretended, that they vd tasst ihe deacil neither are they denignell to b. lased us freely as we urni.otir FOOD: , ISU6h isnot iishe true purpose of maieine. ka only appro. 'priate office is to assist nature in iestoring the System to a proper tone and aetioNwhenua e . i Ycidably, or throtigh carelessness or excels, it becomes deranged. Many are r.ayelessi and lence need this alai.; And-the mese,careful are liable to irreeulnrities 'of -the system. It d i ieedle#s almost to , nay; that a prompt Use a i #afe and effective remediesi, on the drut appear. (knee rif inness. is the part of wisdoih, trrs4 'is Medicine th e • P r oprie t or knows ihtse Pills to And. he is certain that in f'o'rty nine ca. ties out of fifty, where-a bur trial its made ac. teording to the directions, they will; be used a. t..2:1111 118 a standard 'medicine. /fe has neap, I' an initance,.where they Italie been thus I.''iseit, in which they have not met With UNOIL. :)Fm ED 'A rrnovet. ! . ;i Noklerou.e. testimonials may ,belseen at ti e !, I Clenerril-Glfice of sale. • and references will is :',kiven to substantial living witnesses of th eir l',valuable curative properties. ' The Pills are purely vegetable, rare of tan kinds, stimulantand purgative, Orifying the ,blood, and produeing a, health,' action Itlreegti lithe emire7sySterri ; are it valuable 41nti Billions I ,lllled icine;i nil emir-619y useful in all lingering I.irimpleintii=Weakne*General Di-bility.Dy s . nepsy,polmonary Meet Mai, LiveriComalairtr, 'Rheumatic dad Spasiendie -Affections, Female Complaints, Palpitations, iitc.l e Ito Fatall y, -.. Mean. , i , 1 , 1 They ilia put up in FIFTY CENT and ( 'DOLLAR PACKAGES. each havii i ig ii nmipti. Met embracing a yalinitrle Treatise, on Disenhe, with full directions for . use. The ~Pollar pad, liges Sire the - cheapest to the purchilser. They 1 Puny be ordered through britegistri giyingihe Street-r i nd No. of the General" Depot. - f,ritrl. Wholesale and Rein 1, at I ''% - c , . 140 1 F altonstrce4 %Second Floor, A: I Iv- Between Nassau-street and Brionittray. [ K As yint value Health—Try tikemt.4l - U 3" The r i hove- Pills Rre silso fdr 'pale at . the !Are of BENTLEY & READ, of tfii4 lm 1 HE Subscriper.vOultl infirm ,!the citivin i nt NI out ri-i-e Heil vicinity . , that he Ijai jiiiit It. :wined !tont Ili - titinti an - Nen? Yorlq ivith i . 9 $.15 000 • ;worth Al Dry CamtlF, which have been pinchn, tt.l hir Rich, since the ri.d action of; tild — rartif`! ti.rtvil I he rohl from 25 to 50 pair 'cent, Ina LI, fl , Rpm's, prices:, ERC AN TS inttpirticular, find it to inlet est, to atittexattline his stock, h... Ilor e Visain g New Yor:kl as he chafident, !•,I..vanta l !es are such lagto eta, ' hint to r 6 lat better terms titan they can duy in Nrcr Fork. Call and satisfy' yours-thres; at the Eat ..end of Exchange Buildings, Braghitintort- , T 1 as lir WPM , Tin NW ing; Pans. P ii!t, WPM , Dippers, Cote and Tea Pigs, Bakers, &c. &c.. at who!esltLe.or retail, at gviml• ii, reduced prices, for bale cy • 3., VON'S. April 1 NEW and ti sortnient of iPloughs find L 1 Plough Casting. of the most niiproved tructi,,ii, Just received, and , for snl of Ion: lin. ces by H. BURftl-fT.. r New 1 ..litforti, Aprit4th, 1 ' 411111106 J. If.j!DIOCK, Attorney at Law,—Has removed his Office t Turopike . Street, one door &kit of B. T. \ Case's Office, and ,three doors West of the Register - Prinfing Office. G. A. 'GROW/ - Attorney, at Law—Office on Turnpi e two doom East of Bentley dr, Read's Drug Store. Montrosei.Alay 20;1847. ' ' DR. H. 'S3IITH, ENTIST—Sets Teeth on Galli! Plate inJ dues all Dentist work in the best style. All i work warranted. an be found a 1... .Beetle's on Monday, and Tuesday of each Week. 'Bentley ct Read. ArtijiS &. SHERMAIf; [j)enlers in Dry-GOorla,Proceries. 'l4O- weft trockeryi• Iran, Nails, fish door below Judge Posa • , E. t.I.F.E.ANY be. Di . y-Gooicl4, Grtr..eri7,l Hardware, &d‘. Brooklyn, Stisq'a, Co., P - Physician a 1 change, Spn P.A.R [7 DtMOCKj Physicians and Sturg&tns, tilentrose.Pa....olo ce over R. Searle,4l,C ks Store, ,' DAVID CLE)ANS>i poach, Wagon ..& Sleigh Nutectarer aod' Repairer—Shop on the Will ie \ rre Turn- I pike, a tetw 'rods below the 1 . C t • TYLE4 peeler in Dra tindsa. 'G rocer j es ,i H er d I I Creel we. Stone it WI ware, is. su m o below t e Court Putilio:Avenue. METER. Varney:a at ,Lewe.,4fruee One 0 00 6 ' bap do Farmers' Store. Chandler h Co. 1' Ytorney 44 A c V,It . 1, .TURK R i fa4 , 910313ePpr taW.,—Office. fo At Store of L LA. Peat ni Co., in the room former' ,Ij Irozecipied by Hiory-DrittkOr. i ItENTar 14- REO "4 • ,Dea in Fancy an _ Sitap el- elf Goods,Wit ' , ;Medicines, -Tont"; nn42,4lye-intilfei Croi • ilartlwitok,Grcseeries,._laxiking GI.WI. Clock., Watches,' Maslen' ,liiatramenls, 30 1 w• `4311Y.' Tin and ,tilionOVitris &el-01)410ot culottlin old Gond of Baader & Mitchell, E ir croons ATMOLESALE & RETAIL PLO U Vila% - 13itsfacin earDs., L B. LATHROP, , Surgeon—Office over the Eir a NER