Northern democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1844-1848, June 24, 1847, Image 2

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    AL—vrdJLOAS9BI , ,_4I)I449I4-0.)- 1 ..-0at
'Whitens upon the iable, 4 3 and th e question
being put, the yeas were 87, pays 6 6. Moog ;
the yeas is recorded the name of JAMES
IRVili. See Journal of the House ,"ofilie
• 4t
27th' Congress , page 905. - 5 '1 i.
According to our recollecltioir of theriamie' s
Of members, every fedenifist in , the Hoop°
voted as Irvin did, and ever Democrat void
Irvinin favor of the bill. It will ,o f avail Mr. 'a
•to say that ho did not vote inst the bill, hilt
merely - favored laying it' on Pie tab* ---as every
body knows that the latteelpracticir is always
adopted to defeat a bill by those liQk hating
the courage to meet it fairly It was disposed
Aif by the aid of Mr. Irvizi's vote, and there the '
bill slept,
, was never again tilled up. as it re
gnirea Xitnahirdit.of the 'tense to take' it up
out of its order. • No Jinni,. effective plan to
'defeat - the billvinld: have b en adopted. How
honorable such-sreourse iii we will leave .to
- !otherstb 84, - ''i
.--. Fellow - citirens , •w e
have]submitted to you I
the evidence upon which w 4 have charged the .
Federal-candidate with "an Attempt to abridge
'the:right of free satmge. Wkre have,appealed
- to ths reeord--4f to the law ainil the testimony."
. It litter Von to Sky '.lilieiiiii4plith b. candidate
ia arortliY - of your- suffrage/ `nat . -this vote
Anli .recommend him to the confidence• of the
' , aristocracy, is very true, •laat that the humble
.-iotof toil'will-east a - vote ,or such a , min; is
more than we will believe: Peimsgreanian.
ITAINgIiCe of Scott—Rumori4 :Resignation of
Santa Anna--Buntor di ow insurrection
• . at. Ruebla--Continued; , ?,llobberies—Froza
.Taylor's .I:oision, atOthe safety of Col.
I)oniphan'.s Gallant Cotinand--Deatla of
Gen. Hammond, of iliiipm.
'The - - New Orleans Pie4une published an
4ixtraat noon on the .7th ial:t.. containing the'
iLdallig.ftwe brought by the'ilrrival of the steam
',ship .2tmw Orlcans from N .... 1:ra Cruz, „ bringing
dates to the Ist ins k t. Stitialso touched at the
. Brazos on the 14th. - -, -,
',, Gen. Scott had left Jaliipaat the head of
, six .thousind tromps. Gen ; Twiggs with his
division„entered Puebla on} the 29th. It was
not positively known wkat'peti. Scott's inten
, Stows were, but the generil supposition was
that he would advance upon the capital with
his present force. Accour4s,from the capital, i
state that Santa Anna resifned the Presidency
ru thm.2Stli, but it is not kmown whether Cen
,gress had accepted it or nit. This step wasl
taken by him in consequen4 of the opposition
to his views in relation tithe defence of the I .
eapitil, as well as the de,f4matery articles in 1
iht p uldie prints of,Puebla'i s . .
The American army war florally expected,'„at the capital by4.h e sth of the present
fib, and but a s li ght - , t. stane4 anticipated.
Santa Anna bad commeged the fortification
;• iii G . nadaloupe in person, aid ordered the same
. speaSures at Mojlcatzing, niar the suburbs, but
this,eansing general crtsapprobation, his rei;ig, 1
satire followed. It was badieved that it would
he accepted, and ,Herrer4 nominated. The
treops at the capital were lout three thousand
in -number.
There are later date.l'ron General Taylor's
army, but very little oflimportance. The
Massafebusetts refitment h 4 started for Mos- i
!terey. , Lt. COl. Wright ad been elected to I
he , want, COoneley.; aj. Abbot chosen
• 1
fi lje*Ontart Colonel, awl ' tain Webster, M 3.-.
Ao,v of trlie Regiment..
Port of Qol.'Donildian's oforce bad arrived z at
Saitillo,..nnd the remaindeLwai expected in as
law 1a a . A speedy RUM., ent by Gen. Tay- -
. or *wards San Luis was .itill anticipated.
. About, 800 officers and 14. en came passengers
" ,in the iteamshipTrom - Vern Crux and the Bra
t's: Major Hammond, U S. Paymaster, died
ion the passage. f,
..1 Later from 'kende&
lire Fortifications at - Rio Frio Progressing
'Rapidly— Ten Thousand Men at the City
of Mexico—The Seat of Government about
tobtqlemered—Gen. 1l orth's Men not Cut
CI—GeU. Cadvalader i at Vera Cruz.
.---' 'Fagnratckszepc, Vs., Jnne 15.
no New Orleans pipets, of the Bth inst.,
bi:lng further details brou lit by the arrival of
the steamer New Orleans but no later dates. !
Vire intelligence is very e tradietory.
' ' CaPt. Lazurian, of the emisylvania
.. C.phan-1
ieeri, infnrtirs the Picajtu . that the fortifica-
' 'tints at 'll,io . Frio were ra dly„progressino, and'
that an English courier ho arrived at ,Vera
'Cetus the night before the fteamhr left„ stated
jtoisitivCiy thaftwenty tho sand Mexicans were
.' engaged in the works.'' _ nether account re
dupes 66'1:Muller mpg' to twelve thousand.
:''-' Crijit.. Lauman estunatls,the total.effeetive
iMn that' Gen. Scott cauleoneentrate at Pu
ebla at five &roma sir itiundred, independent
-- Of those recently arrived.
General Alvarez is all 4) said to have ten'
Simi:infra Men with him ' the *lraq:. of the
T i
scat of Government was abind heing.'
t icra
4 1iiiiiired to a man place' ' th of the Capital,
,landliiir arty was a bmu I state ofeonfu.sion.
' ,"--(14, - Cadwrilader, with portion of his corn
itiana,:eltad arrived at V4ris Cruz on the Ist
inst:„.' . 4
'Getairriila parties haffltid waste all the ran.
- direr on thetnad up, ond driien tiff all the
peassitOidivo' sed juoprittririt. •
Later from
Samoa Anna invited t
`r Capital--Rumor' of a
4enfinned--Itegwlte ; of . '
•-o‘ tdeat not yet knot & 1
• -,,-, •FREDERICKSWErIiGrIIIe 17th; 1847.
,' Thor Picayune due y ideklity, has -not yet
arrived. New Orleans ;papers , to 'the 10th,
*rajah additional items ty the Oregon: The
""cderme riblishea Bauth, Anna's dispatch to
, the•lrresifte, substitutel urging a-Tigarentsl
promeeatkin oftbe war 141161 ample justice is
ebtained for the tiniestit greasier', 0' the Ur& i
ilia States , and deelaring hat the salvatioief
tikey,lapitid is *indivertailflk; and proposing, to
rep lie bike as Corceituuler in ,Chief end
ArratAlaghotrate, if neeeisary. If also gives
Anayear , reply,-eolneidi with trio views of
and inviti him , ta
Manta Atm, take, formal
tfiCapirpir of Capita P "-.- '
iqtrethireis mafiosi? the papers at the
delipitallti leglird . WBi: Alltgeb'reCeptiOn,
ulbethar Moot orikund by the vorlsee' or
et*, ' -frateconetrpien evide n tly . oulignrtl
. „,-,.
... ~„ ~...,' soothing to
dimwit a damp totOtotti'Anna on the Prod-
Ea* - The4esdon) - detmabled IMillir all
AbotStatee see tae ea tint 1 411 W.
Matti iire;n ha ot latii. *agree ay
ser a
l i ppelo c k etiit ll.-- , ._., , 1 , _ •
''T -'," 3 / 1 111141 . tICII ' ILIK-Vii.C,;* It--
..1,-;,1 s , Noboomer:Zeno , aniy*Fit 4 C l r -'
tt , -T;: , i.- • . *Veirs ditiorite &Had.
V- ,I °-r - •;L`: 0 Ect'4* 0 thee-alf eietftlintlhe
ga l
ti t
ay under
of Santa Apia's resi 051 ,
o.l7l.ideiaiiirVitia-29th in .•
:401 iet4lll upo ititthe:lit :ti 1000
.Vise,ier Otis *tie .on
lowed* that Offenetil B 0. as
4fiient, itut,th is . is piubi 75* l
bifida; as the, Vice Pita f ,
in order to ,:get vi,or Glom Fart
not luten eatibl4bia '4 • -Biagi
centlfin co maul of;Pue la, an
recently at the head of the y - , i
The Bag sal* 04 the l ' ectio
dent was to . -e placeo tb
,' , lstii.
ingiJir*bl) 41Int.thelr . 9_§ it o wd
totally count d and de ies lt be n
This paper t inks . Herrera ill be I
' Gen. Scott reached Pueb a on t
day bofore T 'ggs arrived t ere. I
remained quit in the city, cur soli
inhabitants ing upon the I best te e
A mi ll Seen altering party :. l
had been S,entito e twenty , miles
thin, mid enittunt red no e nemy tl
The Meal -ans4 are creking w I
distance this ide lot' the 6,pitnl,
*le treats th, as, unimportant an
to be oomph ed. 'I ,I
The a report that
been imp:6 . o4llm an accusatio
correspondence with Gen. Scott.
It has been atertainedo that el
was killed- at !the time Col.liSour
ed. ' -- !I -1
A naval expedition against Ts
the C.ommodoro in person, was abo
The ithooner Morris, arrited fr ,
brings dates to the 3d inst. T 1
that place *as i quite unfavora l
cases of the 'Olio* fever had ocen
Thomas dibbons, of Baltimore,
ly stabbed on the Ist inst.' by G
of the Baltimore {Battalion',
Later II , i!
The 'soh ner
rived at N Or
Tampico, w enc.
She brought eve. '
diers of the Bait
der had sailed !
other vessels for
says: i. 1
The report of .
retched Tavicii
it been riceel I
ings of the p Co . pl
tered against hin
Froui'laMpie ,
interest. i . 1
By thq=arfival
sesion of Fapnis
22d of May: TI
eeived were to th
Although thes l
some extracts f
given, they eon
first of the Presi
The electi n
the returns are
learn that t e
Gtanajtutto vot
did Itiehoactam,
Santa Anna!tico
Thus, thol, s
have any eesitsin
received the Tel
San Luis Potosi
rent has thervoti
Senor Ocampq has repeired t}
bbla. This we think looks faro
Tlerrera, w'm isi much better kn
and abroad thani Angel Trios.
Anng, so far as the papers infon
been a candidate save in Miehone
.The LegislatTe of the great St
declare(' by ii Y eof 14 to 42. thi
lof Congress ordering the eleetiot
stitntional, and they refused to g
I This - is regarded as a step towa
.4 .a
and the ultunat independence of
We haven Slat Anna's addrei
on the .29th ult_ but it is too 100
' morning. One f his first acts ii
I power was to Imul the law r
Ifreedom of the p 5.4 . ' His itilmin
to consult.the üblie sentiment
known through
Senores Rosa
d Gen. Ale
portfolios Isidro
tars hiring ten
The proceedi .gs again Gen.
loss of the battl s of the Bth an
and the semen i er of Alatamoro
linquisbedwith I a view to his '
the defence of the capital.
The excesses lof Oen. Urrea a
dinates, cotimitted towards the A
~selves, are loudly complained of,
'vices 'in harratsing the Americ
fully acknewledged. We have
Fsure that the. Mexicans would
cryor 4l guerrillas. J .
6 Itrcier ' Gen. I north's
Puebla is ' 'yen with ininuteties
is set do ' by the Alexieans
with -thi n p eces of artillery.
.D , He no Itas a long de
tlele upon , he , Partisans of Pt
1.2004 the fi rst knowledgment f
of the exitten of such a pity.
is imputed !tote divisions/ 'am
gates of war. . d
On the I 21. ult.', ; Abe new
- founded ' at of 1824, was
a' , - San Ann, ll'errera, and
of Con ' s to 'observe it
away befit or i, they marched
tindorbern a solemn ft,e,Deuta
'Thee papers I give accounts o
' moienients 'on the Nam, som
'lle Bth falt.
;horities. 1
e possession of the
4in'cg 'stoma' not
etiOnfor Pmsi-
been to
toki Pres-s,
oils !.
1 1, - Iknd hid
Was re"
the centre.
nit., Mean
phetr,he ef
`, de known.
e 2Sth:the
::rery thing
Mere and the
our troops
ioyond Pu
llin far.
ks a abort
t the • E -
:I not likely
lmonte had
of holding
If one man
'reeditlf' *teamboat Disaster.
The Buffalo INpress of the 11th-inst. gives
the following brOf particulars of a' shocking
collision on Laki) Erie:
" About one O'clock, yesterday-morning, an
unfortunate collision occurred between the
steamer Chempitake and schooner J. F. Por
' ter, off Conneani—the steamer bound up with
passengers 'anal merchandise, the schooner
bound down witli a full cargo of wheat and
earn. The lets sunk in 8 fathoms water, and
crew were savedlby getting on board the Ches
apeake, which inade for Conbeaut harbor.—
She nnfortunagly sunk,. however, about two
miles out.
The passeug ' and crew were picked up by
the Steamer II:' . rival about 4 hours after qe
disaster. The dumber of lives lost is not aft-
certnined. II ort says three of the crew
are !missing. . r. D. A. Folsom, of Cleve- . '
land, is- probab lost. .
After the Hapison left, the Cleveland came
down, visited tl Wreck, and would have ren
all the as,:istance she could, had persons
been found lion ,ng on planks or doors, but
none was found':
_ --_
IVe learn from 001. John Fisk that a 'Dolan- i
choly accident ccurred at 'Niagara Falls on I
Sunday last. 4, fine lad, of the name of John 1
Murphy, aged +out 13-years, in the employ I
of Judge Pu i, in crossing to Chippewa in al
canoe, was dra ' into the rapids on the Cana- j
da side, and in , the "Great Hor'se Shoe Fall." 1
. I When first di' c ,vered, he was beyond
i the little fellow, lid all that his coutage and
"- we nuts strength c,;uld •—.ln.hling his-canoe for uear-
P '
otosi and i
Ily twenty mim s aim st Stationary; and when 1
' ra • 8° tee . I tired nature Me up contending longer, with 1
It votes and I the wind and c rent against him, the little
fellow plunged verbeard, and with the courage
and perseveratC of a man, for some tithe;
breasted the en„ ,ent—but a1a.,.t00 late! tho'l
f i r
within one hum red red yards , of the shore, he was
iu :the embrace . f the rushing cataract, which
never releases ' s victims : -
The broken agments of his frail hark were !
all that' were fif nd of the little =After. AI
widowed moth and three children mourn the
loss of a son at' brother, and many strangers '
. ,s I
lament the fat 4f a noble and excellent boy.-1
Rochester Data Ad. , . !
!ham) under
1 t to start.
m Tampico,
e health of
i le. Many
sas Mnrthl
orge Norris,
the Ctity of
cansre gon, leapt.
chns on /the 9t
she suileil on th.
twenty-Iwo di.'
ore battolion—
n the schooner
'ow OrleOns.
!army, ar
i inst. from
barged sol
be remain-
Morris and
gnation had
uncertain if
The feel
uch embiti-'
. •
Fanta Aiina T res;
but we l ure still
d by 0,4m7re5..,
are mahifestl,y
tows of any
we linvO no I(x.a
of the Oregon tv
o m the ity,of
le latestpApers
e 19th.
are ►n pos
exico to the
revio►}sly re-
SO 1,.t0 as
ave idready
news] And
• jpapera are no
a -letter WI
ntial election.
timed hn the
Ishoirly Owning
ates nfJEtan Lu
for GOn., JTcrr
e reeeiring ei
ads the result,
knowledge. A
cs of the Stat
and Cr uanajuato
Is of Queretaro, '
!so far as NIT
Trias has
!..3 . of 31exieri,
Gen. Her
, era Cruz and
vote of Pu
ble for Gen.
wn at, home
us, has not
to of Jalisco
t the decree
was uncon-
on with it.
d revolution
this State.
s, published
g to give this
n resuming
strieting, the
stratinn aims
so says the
can •only be
left the muus
ry of State,
he two other
the Minis
n untrammelled l
nd llondero.bare
as still Seeref
rta of War
7#.cant on the '2'2,
end their resign
'Arista for the
9th of \lan•,
I have been re-:
l i tnployment in
!d his
eaicana them
while his ser
ns pre cheer
d along telt
,se the first to
lentranee into'
His forte
t 4,2.80 men.
tmeiatory ar
ec." It fs al
lom this source
Its strength
ng the advo-
ally adopt
the Blomberg
and the eere
. the Cathe
as celebrated.
200 troop*
and declared
—The Philo
nmis from
, s were for
the capital,
.bably have
ntleman who
, and is fa
it'ss mach
Gordo. ' It
steep assent,
, • with high
to admit
,t' Griotrirrt
; ,4 The
*be Merle
iloOtt would
jilaee. A 1
the count!
pass, describe
haeithst of Ca
no tail with
mties3be - r
I onir IndEe
igh )
,iy of Until
'The pre is
Itt ?be Frio
ith. :water.
Ore have iv
stand ago
A Wrsooel
ll,die bele
.kved no
4 moirekeent
bout 36 inike
'(Cold. river)
'doubt that - if
fiat Geo=
- P 4 .1 1 ',. R., ...( 4 ,t!i_lrak,.rayler.. , ....- .
- Bir the steams ip.leir Orleans, the Picas,- i
gg e bas liOrAdi, 8 fromihititin Grande, and,
the' stimi a, G erg Taylior. A portion ofl
ea . woirlisties mound hid reached Saltil- ,
lo;aftikr O. sharp eonitter With ta . body of hos-1
tile IsaiahB. ' ?; : !' • !"; - 4
l'hit troops Teti lining at !Matamoros. after;
the: & m Paktu of he Nassasthusetiti regiment,'.
will be 'three co t ' nio of the 3d Dragoons,
Thiget'S, Bader' and Merrick's. , : .These dra- '
gaon coMplinies are not yet furnished with 1
horses, mull it is neertain whether, they will ,
btaimunted-,-pr , . bly,anys theYlag, not lln- i
til 'they are ealle,, bag active service, without
afforaing an opp tuniiy to drill. , !
Col. .lack .11k,.. - was at Pain Alto with his
regiment of tea:. Rangers—describad ai ' be
ing 5 a body of re , arkably hark men. l was
Waiting for orde .to march to . the ca mp of
Gen. Taylor.
From the ilfa
we learn that 1.,
companies of 111
ing a wagon tra"
horses, took up i
on the 29th ult.'t
maiming six corn
to Camargo, the
transportation ci
moros Flag of the 2d inst.,
.ut. Col: Abbott, ' with! foatr
sacbusetts volunteers, escort
arid a number of artillery
e line of march for Cerralvo
Col. Wright, with 'the
anies, was to proceed by boat
,ce to Monterey, as soon as
'uld be had. •
MAJOR G EN. OTT.— We learn that the MeßS
ures-adopted 13; the government to send for
ward reinfor cuts to replace the twelve
months robin ers withdrawn from the army
under the inaw siate orders of Mnjor Generall
Scott, hake 1.. n very successful ; and that,
althdngh the t - elye months' troops have left'
the seat of wa • some weeks before the expira
tion of their teitm, their places will 'soon be
supplied by °tiler troops.
It is cafe' ula)led that nearly 7.000 regulars,
old and new r*iments, will soon reinforce, the
main army via Vera Crnz—of which between
2,006 and 3,0Q0 doubtless have arrived at
Vera Cruz, in tal Apra and May ; and of the
residue, by th4middle of June,— Washington
. .
L 1E1: T. Ron' NSON.—LiCa. JOHN C. ROBIN:;
sox of the sth; ncantry of the U. S. Army, is
spending a hri
. 01 leave of absence at his father's,
Hon—Tracy R6 . binson, in this place. Lieut.
IL was in the Patties of Palo Alto and Resaca
de la Palma; itt the storming of Monterey,
and the captut4 of Vera Cruz : 'and in all es
caped with`noting worse than a slightly bruis
ed limb,- from .t e bursting of a shell at Mon
terey. His health has generally been good.
At Coro Gorito, his regiment arrived too late
to share in thificonflict. After•this last de eat
of the.enemy Mexico, the recent demise df
Leint. R.'s t$ children having come to the
knowledge of .I . !is commanding officer, the gal
lant Worth, he kindly despatched him to the
United Statesbn the recruiting service ; which
gives him an ttportunity to see his family.—
Lieut. R. is .0.4 i tioned, for the present, at Roeh-
I ester.—Bing. 9 ,ourier.
states that a markable Cavern has been dis- i
covered in the: - mestone quarry of Mr. John
Kennedy, in rt Kennedy, Montgomery coun
ty. this cavifti is 160 feet in length and six-•
tv feet wide, 4:11a twenty to forty feet deep.—
The interior stows; some beautiful specimens
l of nature's qcbitectural power. There are
larches, piers ll'id cornices, exhibiting almost
the same regularity of workmanship as though
leieeuted by the hand of man after. the strict
' est rules-of ar!. When lighted, the scene is
, I beantiful. Fflrty or fifty lights splendidly ir
radiate the Sc ne, atid gives a magmificent ef
fect. Such a... utiful natural curiositiy will 1
, „
no denbt att ; Much- attention.
1 • - ~.. ,
PROGRESS SPEED.,--Whea the old steam
-1 boat fi Chane 0 or Livingston,", made her trip
'to Albany in • nty-eightliours, all the peo-
I ple- Fwere ire , . • iss it tile remarkable short
plume. B. : when the old" North America"
steamed it th .ugh in twelve bows, why the
- whole popnla:i:on from New York to Albany
wore perfectl = thiinderstruek. When loeomo-
tives first got . ,to active operation the whole
of **lamina, -up in transports 4;if astonish
ment; and de ;-', ed it perfection in swiftness of
a na y e gi n g, . t-. t-again, comes • the, Telegraph,
-iid , turns th , : notions all ovep-i.time, itself is
ditainied-in race.: There is speaking by
i Ling•by Telegraphouni a r e s h a ll
jona l ian ~ t ~.. by ibb Telegraph=—neth.
dig Will be ii ,' e to go-ahead of .it then.--&i.
enti i k..44og 'AM' -- • - . ..,
, Ns .
ascertained fiern reliable data that the notline
of thinkMeitner' fottted tr 4s run betieen New
York and airoie, Of which tie Wishingtou
is the pi , i?fieer, will cirrainne, in , the*, ontwaed
voyages, - :• the etion4nus quantity e11,11h,000 '
tons of cipal per annutn—a quentitylsuteient
to freight a fleet of 375.yessela of the bt then
of 300'tOne each, or, lqual to nne-ninth - Cf the
, quantity: rought to', the tide water on the read
' ing railydail the past year. ' This immense rail-
Iroad withler its extensive machinery of cars
and eng*its tyonl d have full occupation Or for
ty days do bring an lamotit
the supply rewired for their purposes.
spirit of the rather is 'beaming in the son.
George Washihgton Lafayette is a member of
the French Chamber of Depoties, and it the
last election, Oscar, ; the grandson of the old re
publican hero mid patriot, was elected toi scat
beside his virtuous and noble' father, who in
herits the nimo of the immortal Washihgton.
Thus the children of the mighty deatt i sreinobly
sustaining by their .virtue and patriotisea. the
fame of their .fathers. They both sit among
' the liberal members.
TILE LATE DUEL iN TILE 111:1Y.4A letter
received here fiom the army in Meiico, fur
nishes an account of the late duet between
Mumford, of Carrington's company and Petit.
Malian, both of Virginia. They foiight with
muskets—both wounded at the first fire, I\lm
ford receiving se - Yen buckshot. ; :,Mahan's
friends ha+e three letters, written on theleven
ing of the duel (21k, May) When hoth were
living; but not expected to-recover.—±
Itir The Jackson' Monument comm' ittee
held a meeting At Washington on !Tlinrsday
week. It was decided that the foundation of
the monument shall consist of one sOlid t block
of rough stone, estimated•to weigh at least one
tboutand tons. The design of the :italic,
which is to be of brotine, is after the; i model of
that of Pls,ter the Great. Congress will be ap
plied to tOr the old 'cannon taken during the
present war to be thereto appropriated. !
NEW S r:ECULATTONS.— Mahemiq Ali has
found a•new-source . of revenue , in the fine lin
en-in which the immense deposits of iMuinmies
are wrapped. by applyin g it to the manufacture
of paper. Cslettlatiorsfounded upOn mummy
statistics, make the linen swathings of the an
cient Egyptians worth $21,000,000;
This is better than stealing pennies from
the eyes of dead men.
- TURNING THE PENN instonce. of the
freight mania, at Buffalo, has'been qelated. to
us. A poor man on the Ohicecanal, l bought a
scow for $550 ; and freighted with flour to
Cleveland, his profits paying fur the scow.—
Ile then hired it towed to Buffalo,: and in a
few hours sold•the old scow for $1100! So
much for twenty days work, and a little enter
ALL MAY LEARN,7-A little girl went to
the study of a learned philosopher for
" But o von have nothing to carry id in," said
he. The . girl took up sonic cold ashes tin her
hand and placed the live coals upon it„ the
philosopher threw down his book, exclaiming,
"with all my learning I - never should have
thought of so simple'an expedient rl
rG" - The people of Pennsylvaida will hear
with great regret the death of G it. H
-11/01.110.ND,1160 died while on his way from
Vera Cruz. to NeW Ortearis. lie !resided in.
Milton, Northuml‘eila'nd county, in this state,
and was appointed one of the quartermasters
in the regular service a few Months' ago. He
had served in Congress, and the State
lature, and other public positions, mid was re
markable for intelligence and firmness of
actor. His sun, Lieut. I-1/MSIOND was.z killed
a few months ago, while fightiag under Gener
' al Kearney in California.—Easton *gas.
t ri - - .1 ; Some 'silly Mexican Whig Was-endeav
oring to . confound an active. democrat the other '
day, in speaking of the war, and qk-anted to
know why r if he was so strongly • favor of
fighting the MexiCans, he didn't shoulder Lis
musket and join the army ?,
-Said the Denioerat : " If yon 141 go and join
y)ur, side, I'll go and join mint."
Whiggery sloped ilistauter.—Easen Argus.
A GrFT.—Abbptt, Lawrence, of Mass. has
made a donation . of $50,000 for the . ptirpose of
erecting suitable buildings . nd enthirwing Pro
fessorships in the Ktiiversity of Harioni. The
new department is to form a .school of Practi
cal Science. The 'donor specifies three branch:-
es, viz. Mining, Engineering and Machinery.
SHIPWRECK AND Loss or LIPE.--,-The Brit
ish ship Columbian, Capt. Marshall,lvas struck
by lightning last Monday off Cape Henry, and
sunk. i Four of the crew were drowned. The
remainder arrived at Baltimore to-day.—Globe.
More than thirteen of the fixed stats, it is
said, have disappeared within the last two cen
turies. One of these presei4ed such a brilliant
appearance for about sixteen months, as to •be
visible to the naled eye at midnight. La
Place supposed it was burning up, as it has
never been seen since.
From the Custom 'House hooks, it appears
that from the" st 'of April to the . 10th Jime,
a little over - two months, seven thousand four
hundred and thirty-night passengers have arr
rived at that port, nearly all of whoin are fin-,
Ow countryman Mr. Catlin, has received an
order from Louis Ph illippe to paiut twenty-five
large paintings for Versailles, from the designs
he submitted to him of the: travels of La Sallee
on the Mississippi, St. Lavirence, and the great
lakes of N. America.
district Judge, 'in his recent
,charge to the
Grand Jury stated that there were engaged
in this business 12.5 vessels, with 5000 seamen
and a capital of about $5,000,000
TtOuT learned doctor, rbfer
ring to. tight laeing, avers that it a liablie
besefrt c , inatanuch as it kills all the fOolish girls,
and leaves the wise ones to grow to be women.
Gst.P.TTsaboN has lieen tenderedn rub
he Dinner by the citizens Of „lltirrisburg with
outdn'iti oction of party, fta, mark pf respect
f9r the highly valuable ser+ei, he has render
ed his , country in tho ,war with
t' SULCVM.—Gro. F. Kr - t,L, of Milton, Nor
thumberlan4 co l 'Pa., committed suicide by
hanging himself in 'the gaxr4t olf his louse, on
Efundny the 6th nst. , • •
- The, harvesting his al y commenc
ed in some portion of -oar so then country,
and the mounts are generallyi favorable.
. Frowthernstsusacest,. .._.., ,„.,„...
Federal s y mp a thies.. The Csitlioacs.
"IS is anew thing underthe sun fotOwir
Government to recommend the .seiznril of ,
Chuich property, there being b(th robber nil;
sacra involved in the recoMMendatiol .
Tbe'brgan of the Administration seeing tlf ef.. ,
feet:if its original Purpose• upon the plblit
linin , seeks nbw to weaken theforce:nr it4: 11 07 .
farions design, but without Swiss; ;
concurred in try-many of the party. ,FroM . the;
first,, the propesitionialarmed us, for we li*Nir
notilithat church or Creed might:'. come nett.:;-- ;
If the Mexican Cathialies are to be robbed to.;
Iday,l.Mexicaa Protestants may fare as badly'
to-ntorrow. Once b eg i n this barliarnus d war,
upon Churches and sects, Bishops and Priests,
land the end may be a war upon our own altars;
and ;re li g ion , "—Pittsbu rg h Gazette, Junolo.l
NY e have, for some time past, perceived in-I
dicaltions, on the part of the Federal presses of
jourjeountry, of a disposition to try and. excite
{a feeling of distrust towards our national-ad-7 1
mtnistmtion, an the minds of our Roman path-
(:ili t elfellow citizens. We have abstained flom
Irefqrring to the matter until this time, prefer
] ringto fet these pure patriots—these devoted
frieuds of civil and religious liberty—these es-
I pecial friends of Catholicism take such alength
of Rue as would enable ua to " play". them at
pleasure. We think they are now fairly "hook-
ed,' and will therefore try and secure the: prize
—4 indeed it shall prove to be such. In the,
am %gement of fishing, however, there is much !
of i isappointment. Sometimes, when the ang- I
er supposes be has secured a fine specimen of
herlinny tnie, he is doomed' to find that he
as only caught an eel ; and often,.afterwait- '
g; for hours, -without obtaining a " . .glOriotis
bble," he has experienced the mor tification
drawing up a little miaow ! At any rate,
have hooked sonietking—the' result will
iw whether it is an eel, a minnow,, or some
hg even lessgratifyine to the sight '9£ the
Lerman than either "these. - -
he Gazette of yesterday morning. is, wiry
solmnly, benevolently—ay, religiously im-1
pr s
sed, with a sense of the deep and prying
wr ngs abeet to be inflicted upon our Itonian il
Catholic countrymen, and more especially upon,'!
the Church in Mexico, by' our government.-t
" It is a new thing for our government to wen
enenend the seizure of Church property ',"--,r
This is no doubt deemed a discovery on tint'
part of the Gazette ; and, so far as it would
imply that any such recommendation has been
' made, either directly or indirectly, by the Ex•l
ecetive of our country, or any responsible off. ;
; err . or authqrity ender our government. it'is 4
diaeovery for which the Gazette mid it, Fed. 4
; oral coadjutors deserve all the credit. No of ;
ficer of our government, in his official capaeitY,
,--no one amenable to the people, (except as all ,
i citizeni. of our country are amenable to the rest
; of theircoutitrymen,) has made such a recomi
,mendation, go far as.we have any knenledge.',
' If ;it is meant to be asserted that the President
; : of the United States,•either o ffi cially or 9therhl
wise, has made any such recommendation, eitlf r '
er . directly or indirectly, TM are authorized WI
sa y that the - whole statement, in all it beati-
, ings, is unqualifiedly false ; . and we hesita te !
, not, to say, that even a:majority of thhse who
, are maki,pg use of it. with a, [view to bring diii-
, Credit upon the administration, know 14 to lie;
, 'false. :.They know. it . tebe in character with'
the attarlks which they and their forefathers
• heretofore made, tupon the great Apostle .tif
American . Democracy hit:as-elf; and that it:lis
no* me*t. vigorously Made by the, 'elentiial
prints Which once circulated the intareeus ills-
I sertion, that. the election of Thomas ..1' efferahn
; asjPresiaent, would lead to the entire ;bartish
ment of the Bible from our conntry, and that
nethit but', one vast 'scene of infidelity and
moral tin would overspread the nation l Such
wire Federal prophecies years ago ; and the
whammies of Federalism to misrepresletna on
and falsehood s in order ~to defeat deinoe .' is
men, and democratie measures now, are not i(ss F
.stisme than they were forty years ago.; • ,
~ •
. .t` The organ of the administration!' has.
' , linirei-er, it seems, given circulation f a set ti
meets which have been construed into' a rec.
rimmendation, that the money of the phureli in
Mexico should he seized upon, in corilir tolpay
thei expenses of the-War ! Now; howl ver im.-
wise and impolitic it may have beeb, italic led
iter of the Union, to admit into the eqlumis 6f
hiP paper, any article, calculated ; in the least
I dierce, to favor the idea of such a course being
,3d.,-isable,—since he has positively idechlred
that no orm i conneeted with the • administration
ot-, our general goverhment had any knowhidee
~.whatevera the article,—we think it U,not:ex
.: •
aptly fair, or just, or honorable, to 'held I, the
adMinistratien responeible•for the sentimeets
which may have been favored by the ;article,
ieVen if th - ere were any facts going to , . prove
that the Executive exerts any influence what
, user over the columns of . the paper. ! Indeed,
: we; have good reasons fordoubting that the ed
of the Union bisiselfsaw4he article whieh
jbal been referred to, previous to 'its; pub4ett
tier' in the . paper. . : . • •
l ' i . flowever,. we care not, so fee as tle article
,itself is coneerned; whether it *was a direet.eni- ,
aiiittion from the mind of Mr. Polk hirnselfj the,
editor of the Union, or any ether DeriMeralt..S.-;
We utterly condemn the sentiment whichliit is;
leenstrued to favor ;—and in this . se:iitenie of
ejn (so far, as any expression has,
1 be given giveh on the subject,) every leading D
kwt em-
ic paper in the country has been plain, and
unequivocal, They cold net,, indeek be.iith- 1
etWise : for the,moit extended and eaniprelien- I
I slve ground of civil and religinustoleMtion aitd I
lprotection, is a fundamental doctrine, ofsJef- I
ibnian Democracy . 'The man who 4nuld'
j fit a moment forget this., would at onde loge PI
I p)) er and influence over his fellow citizen i;—
Van if he were in the enjoyments (Apolitical
di inction Mid honor, woukl inevitahl' be' icon
si ed to insignificance and ignominy.; i..
' ut; while defending the. administratiorq and
i ii
I thDemocratic party, from a charge se utterly
pjr undless, it may not be amiss to give anlidea
o r he quarter from whence.pomes this charge.
' f the,party who manifest sties, ,it a
i mkod.
,S patby for the .members of the ] Ontliolic'
ch ph ; such a holy horrorat the idea (Alle
m& Catholics being deprived-of the
.0(14 re
f iotni.privileges, whieh they.enil in sw iim ise
wi, all others; end. which they roust and wilt
*:6) y, until the time shall come, (and this. we
lai lc can never be in our country,) - whey the
i it of WI)) ggery—of old' yoderal4o,4haA
, ;now that the great es ofer. !a i i
'tb ii chnutty are from anol IrCiani•
at least Tour fifthS, perhaps,.. of theiselemi-
ti,, .are Members of ,the .Rotnin :Catholic
i h ch. gPre is a sPectinenofthelpmfietky
- I for this elnis by, the Yekla4l r .party: in the
ert Leff !fen/ Xork. It isfront the :r.rim es, a
lea ag rig paper: , •
1:*• 1
j ' ' We stela the injuries .which- Ireltuid-enf
er.. - Her. iftrynigs harclecome our 86iirge.
Atriailft of her oppesitfd , and , atianiipp c , o7 .
arc Ihrown upon our lvores and our ckarity.
l'h# throng our sirets p they fill our poo r
h,aitAes ; 'tl fy infect 0 1 4 i VERT: ,ATMO#Pfltil,
r ' to difi s pread sipliaess aid, death aineng . nrp eo ..
pleJj *What business ,' says the !Londo n
Ti . t4es,) ha;re 20,000' Irish panpers i in the
streets of Liverpool'{' What business, y e
askil that number in the citie s
'of America? They are British subjeatti, tire i
beta,' rg to Liverpool, for their eountryinen live
thece. But why are they here in Nevi York?
Why - are we taxed to :give them bread"
''the Democratic party welcome thtse . " op.
prosed and starqng4oor," whether' Roman
Catholic- of Protestant 4 to the shores of our he.
loved, . andl prosperonk :.coulttry-lthte they
need po lodger be opPrekaed-'=-'•wheret ey need
notlendure tho'pangs Of starvation";-bstArbere
they -may become ,happy and ; prospe entrain.
zen / s of this 'iflinil Of . the free, :an4 the' home of
I the' braye.," : - . This extruet :may not be safro
eient fer the Gazette; to AniWr' the extent of
svrtipathy prevailing 'for Boman' Catholic* is
the Federal pirty, We will therefle give a
notifies: Ilere it is: '' It came to ligli 'leis gm
thgee years ago; and its paternity is: traced
:toithe regularly nominated candidatelor Piot
canting AttornetyJor the county of Albany, at
the recent judicia election in the ,S.taie of New
'York. ' It is a ge nof synipathyib - rt the Ito..
man Catholic por ion of our fello w ci4zenti;
r‘ But we have seen a new principlt s infused
into the ConteSt T aiiiinciple, which ' Alililli.
cat's,. hs Piotesitantsi: .- - ..-:•4 4 - -- - "r:" -
1 we cannot but detimiritei h ' ,' We have] seen the
1 ; forei'en 'Catholics bainditigtheteseivesitclgethe r ,
. -'•
.i.s. , :trono• as ignorance , and 'bigotry can make
• men ; marching in a,,•bodY to the,polls, and to.
gether as one man casting their voted, as Cath.
1 odes. • -
- . I
We have seen this reuse of foreign !countries,
this implartation 'of Catholicism, Ibisistarveling
ejection ftein the ignorance and supratition o f
European poptilation; ; attempting to ontrolthe
pOlicv of bur countrYand..attemptint to over
ride ibe ikelligent and patriotic peqle of our
oWn lentil" •
,:. • • 1
-' This i starvel i ng ejection from tbei ignorance
and superstition of European popu*ion," this
- refuse ef•foreign countries," now Halms the
especial tiare, and condolence, and pitoteetion of .
the PittsNtrgh Gazette—a paper which sap-
p4rts the men and the . measures °lithe party
in our country, who;;from the days pf the eld
-leri Adams until.thisimoutent, have had their fa
i cis firmly set against " the oppress4l and star
, wing poor," of Europe who have sought to giin
lilkrty, and happiness; and plenty, id onr cone
; try.
Another extract, 'and: we. dismisl this sal.
; jdyyt for file - present, ~ The fellowingis from ti
"'pinker If ill Artrora,oue-of the lea ' .. g Whig
.phpers of 'Massachusetts :
,i - .
, " Our country is ltterally -being o errun vith
the miserable, iyretChed,. vicious a el unclean
paupers of the old country. They re not on
: ht; intrOducing wretabednese and disvise among
~ , I
• us ' but, it ever they recover from thakplagnes,
;they have a worse, which ill ovetspread the
• country, in their religion. We thifik there is
' ninch , to fear from the angtitentatidn, by such
armies of deluded adherents of Rontanism in
this country—the evidencts and fru4 of which
' remain to he seen anti felt bereaftdy. In any
view- that can be t-dikn of the subjeftt, the con
s.otineue,;, of the influx of ` foreignprs, and 4
kifein paupers, on, the future welfare of tld*
ebunity arc greatly! !o .be feared."' r ,.,„ .•
i -i The worst plague .7 --ivors4 than in otebetiness
i and disease—which:" the oppressed and•star
ving poor" from Enrcipe thing - irio them t)
, ahr c'ountry, is their- - rutin •nwtactox.”-
. Tbese - armies • of deluded adhachts of . lio•
' • man ism," they dread. An why 'chi : they dread
them t Why in the, ithig. 'cities otiCharlesinn
and Philadelphia, have theUchurclu's and oth
er edifices for religitins - puriMses, ben razed to
t)e groun d , or fired.'by the . torehoflthe hen- .
diary ? Why have their innocer,ti and unol
-Itittling wives and datightet 'been / left to the
insults of a mob, headed by- ieadia`nr Trligi?
The answer is at hand: They lefty Er:trope i')
01 joy freedom, and viten they.reaeli our shore.
they instinctively attach themselves!to the don
oeyatie party! In this lied the sdcret of the
pc,rseenticus which they halm endured here;-
and which they must expcet to- - endure eviler
ANlbig rule. But thaltoman Catholics of Pitts
burgh arc. not, to be . deceiN*d by this sudden
ttirst of concern for the safety of their proper
ty, and zeal for 'their religious rights. They
have s o me recollections connected with their
‘ former condition lithe; and remembrance does
' not revert to Fedeitilleaders and Fhderal pro
-1 ses, as those who
.4ympathi,ed with their af
flictions or sustained their rights. ! '
, SEIiATOR CaRION 10AXill.—Senator Cor•
win, who is said thibe ery,fond of! a practical
I joke, and equally fond'of his o*.i3 dull rhetor:
lc; was recently the!Viellin f)f atfelaberate bon.
Mr.. Knapp, the-editor of the Marion Demo- ,
c rat Mirror, gravely...wrote to the Senator a:st
ing his consent -to have the recent anti-war
speech of Corwin read In the Common Schools
of the country, and whether he thought 'it ad
visable ! Mr. Corivin not preceiviiig the irony
of his correspondent, .and emulous! of "teach
ing the young idea how to _shoot . ," hat ran
away, half consented,, half refused, andAoki:ot•
edthat the strength and prefoundness of ha
feelings had hurried, him into occasional mg-
gence of style. •, 1 ' ' i
Mr. Knapp, say? the ' etroit, f i ree Press,
:inlieg his victim 'gullible to theilast, then pro
posed to.have portions of+
:the ebb selected,
by the teachers and 'rea lsy, the to the pu
every morning,i With suitable eiplanations!'
to lead on his victim;. he - iivioto "to him that
he 4 .gretlemoral infliteis whieh , the patriotic
speeches` and oratihns.4NVashington, Jeffer
liOn, Manna, MadiOn;',l4cicson, Henry, Web'
Titer, Clay, and.many other eminent statennea
4nd gifted orat \ ora, • hive • produced upon the
grinds of pupils in'Witnon schools, is acknowl
dged and appreciated by all," sad iltV) in
rtimated that 'the friends and admirers of the
Mexican Senator'. think his` speech second te
*Oone ever before dnli4eredl This , compliment
[had the desired elket, and Alr l Corwin m re*
Illy , ghaY Onso,nt%',nrid aiisures,his tormentor
that he can "havalio'ilart of objection to the
Se" of the spieeh i irepetia Earle soya "the
tive s ra fano! d i . 4. y 'the sep
mo ,
.gtme.— .an -e u repe of .„
lf,timents," :be feetfl_ itrongly'ennadent, " vu'
Poietir remain;nni,i4e,abbable; iiinf with the
„biverg 'nflrutk and ! , ontid*Oaiiiii: morality. 46i1Atiblo. ' Mr.'liEnatitr, l itimediate
,ly on - thee ree'ipt,ll , lie - i hist:letter,. pablisbes
ithe Whole corrOidenee %011ie 'lit mirth of
Ithe prililie; evein airi t he 'boys, in t e o tl imoa
'Sdhools;' who inivelsi' donble ' , v.,' 'ef pleasure
in ilie hi '' '
:nails; ant tor. s 'Olt .
opn . aNa
ThA re)
. .
at, Vota
ell, reoeiv