Northern democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1844-1848, June 24, 1847, Image 1

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• Mime nor money
• . . Int Donotrat
IrtILLER do HERIPSIMI). Against Joe
neighborhood, h
succession. Joy
Ihe borrOwed, an
ji - la sued Joe, a
he ordered the s
in his wrath, cal
'curse to the no
I Were soon. repeat
lan action.for lib
centi; Provoke I
he wato:hed for
'dor, upon him. se.
mt,go spear,ifpald advance.-or $2,00 If paid at the
ease of the tear.
?5 eta. charged for postage If raided at the publishers!' ex
tols& 5
DisconUnilianees optlonat t except when arrearavi are phi&
Overrtipmtesrs one dollar per square of twelve/inea. or
%est, for tbstfirst three inserlonp, nod evrenty-tivecents fnrer
try selosequent insertion. A I?a,naJ discount well be made to
the.e'who.idrerthe by the year.
ry• Business kite's and communkadons far the paper thast
be rove PAli to Mat= attention.
From the Ilmdfoa Reporter.
Mien of Eailit,Arlise
3Y ,E. E. .4VORD
Men of ritrth, who bow, lubtnissive,
I 'Neatlnoppression's iron rod,
Rise! astert your native freedom,
And pteserve the gift of God !
Up !no /4nyr sit Inactise, . •
And in , Jain delusion•rest.--
Justice ealleth 'you to battle
For the injured and optiressed !
What thoOgh pliant slaves of falsehood,
Sing of i justice, loud and long !
Know ye hot, it is a mock!ry—
Feel rent—the tyrants thong . ?
Yes.: the stains on Freedom's vestments,
And th 4 cries of servile wo,
In the t As of Truth, will tell ye—
There is yet a ,cork to do.
Earth is gioaning 'neath the burden
Of accumulated wrong,
And, uporithe breeze of Heaven,
. Niiry s plaint is borne 'along— "
ihiiirent lights are trampled
In the*ekless rush for power,
And the elouds of dark oppression,
O'er faith's fairest regmns lower!
'let. your limit's are not so mighty,
Nor. so 4rong the trrnny,
itthat Tiuth's bright - sword may cleave the
And yolk fettered rights. set tree:
Then arise!: in strength of spirit—
Break Uppressions eoh-web chain—
And, with liaticls release' from hinulage ;
From yoUr glory wipe,thc stain:
11ally! fr,in the lain and runfr*i tr--
Frotir'-'llle vil'll and the glvn'
Rally frOin the hind and *inn,
In the pil'Oe and st,: s ength 'of 'Men !
Like—the I.4..sliing of the torrent,
Like— ewe wild waves of the sea,
Like—the sweeping of the whirlwind,
Let your mighty gath'ring be :
With RedCtnption't beaming liatmer
(for you:, waving - free and bright—
litrike! fog liberty—your birthright„ •
And. Toe !inure agew—tiglit
Oppiession's thrones shall totter,
And they towering pride come down—
Then, the humblest foot - sit:di trample
in the ditst=her jewelled crown
-From each (-enc" of dark corruption
Truth will tear the veil away—
Truth .will Wrest the iron sceptre
From tI4 grasp of Tyranny
And regen*ated
Will theipealing anthem swell— ,
Now, shall free-born man s . no longer
At the Meek of tyrants, kneel !"
o:e e the 64i-burnt brow of labor
Thllight niajesty shall shine—
..gadthe M,5; D shall .bc the monarch,
By .a ous right divine!"
kVint.l4, 1447.
• ')
:Fruro the Coletnbian Magazine.
Ihe Pl 4. that Billed hh %elthbo
?minded on Pack
• It is eurlntus to observe how a mans api
nal statelents itself in the people and
r ,
mats arou him ; nay, in the very carme n
trees and litanes.
, .
Reuben ißlack was an infestation in
sieighbOrboo where he resided. The v ,y i
sight of 11th produced effects similar to t.e
Ringo° cati*al tune, called Rang, which 'is
said to 'brin g on clouds, storms and eart., i
quakes. His wife seemell lean, sharp and p l _
eosafortable'. The heads 4 his . boys ha a!
bristling aspect, as if each inaridwal hair st. d
on end with perpetual feel-. The . cows ,pe :ed 1
out their horns lioriiontally, as soon as he pp tn.
ed the bat4-yard gate. • The d4l dropped ~ is
tail betweeil his legs , and., eyed Ihim askan e,
to see what humorhe was in. The cat looked
wild and s'a ggv , and had been known .to rush
straight nothe chimney when be mgred to*: rd
her. Fan; 'Keinble's expressive descrip ,•n
of the Pen ylvanianatage-horses exactly, IS ,P- •
ed to - Reuben 's poor old nag. ' His bide 7 . e
ambled ankild hair trunk .' Continual lob .
ping and igercing had made him such a ; tp,
that no =Oat of blows could quicken his , ;
and no chiriuping could. change the dejee. - 1 . 1 1
drooping,othi s Herd . All his nett:l:m.ll4n
said, as plain as a horse COULD say it, dint . ), . e
was a moat ; unhappy heist. Even the trees 1 .
Reuben's ptemisee had. it gnarled and ki! . ,
a PP!!!iraneel The bark 'wept little..sicklj:' . , a
Bu m , ant the - branches grew a,way, as }t s 5.
felt the cotitinnal discord,. and made sorry f '
..s 1
at each other behind their order ' s back: : *Ail
fields wer e . i red with sorrel, o r run ov4rlir th'
Toullehl• very thing seemed as bini dna
id s e his o' ii visage. Every„ be ea ::d
the town iujul the neighborhood, . beCause t.l y
Poisoned MS -dogs; and' stoned . bit. bens, and
hm h t
a i i t u s c . 6
e Cn r nuat h . a la t w
t - o s h t
asd involved
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Q spend du the improvement a pear that had fallen into his father's garden.
N The instant he touched it he felt something on
mith, a poor laborer in' the 'he hack of his neck like the sting of a wasp.
had brotight three suits in It was Reuben Black's whip, followed by such
said he had returned a spathe a storm of ' angry words that . the poor child
Reuben swore : he had not rushed into the house in an agony of :terror.—
recovered damages, for whigh But this experiment failed also. The boy was
eriff to seize his pig. J, soothed by his mother, and told not to go near
NI him an old swindler, and-41.- the pear tree again ; and there the matter end
ghborhood. These remarks ed.
-to Reuben.' $e brought This imperturbable good nature vexed Reu
and recovered twenty-fit ben more than all the tricks and taunts be met
at the laugh this occasioned from others. Evil efforts he could understand,
e to psi by, and set his 14 I and repay with compound interest ; but he did ]
. mining furiously, ' Call milsnot know what to make of this: perpetual tor
en old swindler a n, will you ?' An•egil spits bearance. It seemed to him there must 'be
lit is flore eonta, ions than the plague. Jolt something tontemptuous- in it. He disliked
went.: home and s olded his wife, and boxed lit ;Simeon Green more than all the' rest of the
I tle Jne's ears ; ant kicked the cat ; and not or*: town put together, because he made him feel
lof them knew - wh< tit was all for. Mortniglit: so uncomfortably in the wrong, andilid not af
atter,. Reuben 's ig dog -gas found dead bi ford him the slightest pretext for coniplaint.—
I poistin. Whereu , t he brought another actin Tt was annoying to see everything in his,Feigh
: anainst Joe Smit and not being able to prays ;byes domains ; ooking so happy, and present-
him ilty of th charge of dog-murder, lit , ing sweh a bright contrast to the forlornness , ,
took his revenge y poisoning a pet lamb, bei, lof his own. When their wagons of
longing to M "' db
rs. . Thus the bad gat* ot er on the road, it seemed as if Simeon s
i i
went on, with tual worriment and loss.- -11 h SO tossed his tread higher, and flung out his,
,Jue's temper gre • more and more'vindictivt4 !mane, as if he knee,' be was going ty Reuben(
and the lave oft lking over his troubles' at the Black's old nag. He often saiy he supposed 1
grog -shop there sett upon him. Poor Mrst• Green covered his house with roses and honey-1
' Smith cried and . aid it was all owing to Reui, suckles nn purpose to stain his bare walls.-1
• hen Black.; for a better hearted man never liv , lii But he didn't care—not I He wasn't going
ed than her Joe, when she first Married him. ii: to ho fool enough to roy his boards with such 1
Such was the tate of things when Simeol I stuff. But no one re,stnted his disparaging re , 1
Green purchased be farm adjoining Reuben'*lnrarks, oi sought tp/provoke him in any way. I
!The estate had b en much neglected, and hat; The rose smiled, the horse neighed, and the i
caught thistles a d mullein from the neigbbori calf capered; but none of_ them had the least !
1 lug fields. But ' imeon 'was a dilligent man idea they were insulting Reuben Black. , Even
blessed by nature with a healthy orgastizatioti the dog hadno malice in his heart, though he'
sad a .general to nperament ; and a wise and, did one eight home his geese, and bark
kind education h d aided nature in the perfect at there through the bars. Reuben told his ,
I den of her goodly work. His provident induss)l master, the mit day, be swore he would hringl
'try soon changed the aspect of things tin thlit:atviction against him if he didn't keep that!
farm. River-In autumn-leaves, old shoeSllclng at home, and Simeon answered very quiet- ;
and old belies, wire all put in requisition to ask`lv that he would try to take-better care of him.
Dist in one prothidion of use and beauty. psif For several days a strict watch was kept, in
trees, with breathes pruned, and bark ser/petlippes Pewter would-worry the geese again ; !
free from moss and insects, soon looked i vleall but they paced home undisturbed, andnot a
land vigorous. }leis of grain -Waved whersi' solitary bow-wow furnished excuse for a law- !
I weeds fadvinted. Persian lilasht bo t ied grace"' suit.
fully over4he simple gateway. ILiehigan resciil
The new neighbors not only declined guar- 1
covered bar -the; house with tYeir abundant! telling, but they occasionally made positive ad
cluAters. ;Even -the;
rough 'rocks - Which foimet veneer; towards. a friendly relation. Simeon's '
the door-itep, wain edged wiyh golden moss. wife' sent Mrs. Black a large basket full of very'
the sleckiberse, feeding in clover, tossed hit, fine cherries.. Pleased with the unexpected at
s mane and neighed when, Itis master came near= ten_ sheeordially replied, ' Tell your moth
s as t rauel as to say, ' Theworld is all the pleas 4 ., er it ens very kind of her, and I ans very much i
: anter for having you in it, Simeon Green !' --5 ., obliged to her.' -Reuben, who sat smoking in I
; The old cow, fondling her calf under the greak: the chimney-corner; listened to this message
walnut tree, walked up to him with a seriou once without any manifestation et impatienc%,[
' friendly face, aikiing for tbe sliee of Engar-bee ': except whiffing the smoke throrlgh his pipe a!
he was wont )to give her. Chanticleer, strut. :little faster and - fiercer than usual. But when 1
about { ring abo with his troop of 'lump hens an ' the bey was going out of the door, and the
`: Anivny little chickens, took no trouble .to keegitriendly words were again repeated, he ex-
! out of,his way, but flapped his glossy wing.ll c i a i me a, ' Don't make a fool of yourself; Peg; I
land crowed a weleomein his very face. whel They want to give us a hint to - send a basket!
Sinieon turned his steps homeward, the bol' of pears ; that's the upshot of the business.—
threw up their caps and ran out shouting, ' Fal' You may send 'em a:basket, When they are ripe ; '
titer's coming : 1 ' and little Mary went toddling;
for I scorn to be u
op to him, with a dandelion nder obligation, especially to
hlossorh le place". vonr smooth-tongied "folke , Poor Peggy, ,
lin his button-bole. His wife was a woman 00 ' w h o „ arid life had been for the moment re-1
few words, but she sometimes said,to her neighs` with a little dew of kindness, admitted 1
hors. ho with a quieakind of satisfaction, ' Ever.Y -I distrust into her bosom, and the halo that ra- 1
!holly love's my husband that knows hita- -- 4 diated round the rip"e glowing cherries depart-
They can't help it. , ' ': cd. _
Simeon Green's acquaintance knew- that tai Not long after this advance toward. good
was never engaged in a law-suit in Lis life ;---4 neighborhood, some laborers employed by Sim- I
!lint they predicted that he would find it 'imp! . . eon Green, passing over a bit of marshy'
I sink to avoid it now. They told him his cies ground, with a heavy - team stuck fast in a bog
neighbor was determined toluene, with peo- occasioned by long continued rain. '[he poor,
I ple, whether
sT thev!'would or -not ; that he wakl oxen were entirely unable to extricate them. i
. •
' like'ohn Lill:tut-Re, of whom Judge Jenkin ' selves, and. Simeon ventured to ask assistance
said, 'lf the world was emptied of- every per- from his waspish neighbor, who was working!
son but himself, Lilburne would still quarrel, at a short distance. Reuben replied gruffly,
with John,' and John with Lilburne.' - ' I've got enough to do to attend to my own
_ .. -. . .
'ls that his diameter ?' said Simeon. 'l' business.' - The civil request that he might be
ne exercises it upon me I will soon kill-him.' ' allowed to use his oxen apd chains for a few
' In every neighborhood there are individualW moments being answered in the same surly
• who like to foment disputes:, not from any defi-; tone, Simeon silently walked off, in search of a
nite intention of Malice, or mischief, but merely more obliging neighbor.
because it makes It little ripple of excitement in - The men, who were left waiting with the pa-
I the dull stream or life, like a' contek between! tient suffering oxen, scolded about Reuben's
t degs or game-edeks. Such people were note
• ill -nature, and said they hoped he would get
slow in repeating iSimetin Green's remsik 11-2 stuck in the same bog himself. Their employ
, bout his wrankling neighbor. • ' Kill ME ! wilk er rejoined, ' If he does, we will do our duty
'he ?' exclaimed Reuben. He said no more ~ and help him out.' There is such a thing as
I but his tightly coin, pressed mouth bad such being too good-natured,' said they. 4lf Ron
sigaificant expre4ion that his dog dodged him, ben Black takes the notion that people are a
-las he woeldthe irack of a tiger. That very. (raid of him, it makes him trample on them
iinight Reuben tined his horse into the high-i worse than ever.'
I way, in hopes be!trould commit some drpreda-' ' Oh, wait 'a, while,' replied Mr. Green, ami:
itions on neighbof Green's premises. But Joe' ling. ' I will kill him' before long. Wait and
!Smith, seeing th 13.nimal • at large, let down tb fi i . see if I don't kill him.' •
bars of RI3I3tICII'B pn corn-field, and the pen . It chanced, soon after; that Reuben's team
!beast walked in.feasted as he had not done fo did stick fast in the same bog, as the workmen
many a year. Itilwould have been a great sates had wished. Simeon observed it from a neigh
il.isfaction to' Reuben if he could, have brought a, boring field, and gave directiona that the oxen
law-suit against his horse.; but as it was, he and chains should be immediately conveyed to.
was obliged to deptent 'himself with beating his assistance. The men laughed, shook their
I him. Ills next lexploit was to shoot Mary' heads, and said it was good enough for the old
Green's handsome elantielier, because he stood• hornet. They, however, cheerfully proceeded
'on the stone -wall land crewed, in the ignorant to do as their employer/had requested. 'You
t 30y of his heart, two inches beyond the frontier are in a bad situation, neighbor,' said Simeon,
;line that beunded the contiguous farms, She-. as , he eame along sde of the foundered team.,
eon said be was sorry for the poor bird, and-. But my men are coming with two yoke of ox-
l i ann-y because his wirer and children liked the t-il, and I tbink we .hall soon manage to help
!pretty creature ; but Otherwise it was no great' i y ou ou t.' ' You m y take your oxen back a
' matter. Ref had been intending to build la gain,' replied Re. . n ; ' I don ' t want any of'
lPoultry-card, wit 'a good high fence, • that his 'your help.' In a ery friendly tone Simeon'
bens might not a nor his neighbors;
Ile was admonish dto mace haste • and de it.--, e vening is coining in, and you have very little
life would buy t iem a snug warm hone k'a lime to lose.. -It is a bad job any time, bileit
- I _o- tuil-sr i ; answered, ' I eanno consent to. do that i i , for
in ; they s ould have. plenty, of grav i el,i f ill b e still we : in the dark.' ' LigliCor
I• don't ask y ;nit help,' said Ilenbut, em-
By. '1 wo ldn't help you out of Ate
,bog, the other da , when zoo asked me.'—
end oats, and ro m to promenade' back ' . d t nd pb ar ai lr ien
forth, ankerow a d cootie to theirleitee 0 - 11
aii i
tent thetp they could' enjoy themselveii, a
i d
be out of
,Harms ay. - • '„ - 1 ' ' The trenblelhad in relieving my poor oxen
' ' Brit' RePben Beck had a degree Of ingemik ; teaches me '.to . • . thine '
with .others iii the
ty land pereevem 04! which might have prude- Stinelitlittioin! an . ered Simeon. 'Don't let
cell great mitts or mankind, hadthote qui- 'us waste`words A° , tit, neighbor. It ii w
ipes been evote .to some more nettle inirpOie passible for nie to . home and leave . you bore
i tinin proud log ' Is, - A p ear 't r ee lii hi l e the bog, and fig It coining on.' ,
I I garden ver imp , fly stretched era' a frietid- , The team was a. 91 drawn out and Simeon
Ily erm its Sim Green's premises. 'Wheih- ?ind hie men Went away, Without • waiting, for
tithe stuio its, : (things th e re had a.cheer. thanks. " Whett : ;ben wept borne that might,
effect on AO ' ''l know'not ;,but it lisp; e was unusually si nt and thoughtful After
I pened thalil this io hanging bough 'bOre more . eking , a what- ' deer otMtemplatiow he
isbundinitifruit, a glowed with .a. richer hoe, ay - knocked the hes. from - his ipipe, , ned`
thin the other bo L One day, little!. George mid with a sigh,' ' eg g ' Simeon Green No kil ,
Green, as tie wen bistling along, picked up 4ed me '.' ' What ii. you mean r said his wife, s
dropping her knitting, with a link of surprisS.
' You know when, he first came into the neigh
borhood, bo said he'd kill me,' replied Reuben,
• ' add be 43 done it. The other day be asked
me to help, draw his team out of the hog, and I
;told him I told him I had enough. to do to at-
Itend te l / 4 my own business. To y my team
!stuck fast in the same bog, and s came With
two yoke of oxen to draw it'out, I felt sort
lid ashamed' to have . him lend a hand, so I told
!him I didn't want any of his help ; but be an
swered just as if nothing, contrary bad ever
happened, that night was coming on, and he
was not, willing to leave me .thete in the mud.'
'lt was very good of him,' replied Peggy.—
'He is a pleasant spoken man, and always has
,a pretty word to say to the boys. His wife
seems to, be, e nice neighborly 'body, too.'—
Reuben made no answer ; but I after metlita
tingti while, he remarked, ' Peg, you know
that big ripe melon down at the bottom of thel
_arden ? you may pis Well carry* over there
in the morning.' • His wife said she would,
without asking ; bin] to explain where ' over I
there' was.
But when the morning came Reuben walk- ,
ed hack and forth and round and round, with
that sort of aimless activity, often manifested 1
by hens, and fashionable idlers, 'who feel rest-
less, and don't know what to rim after. At
length,the cause of his uncertain movements was
explained, by his saying, in the form of a qiiFs-
tion, ',I guess I may as well carry the meion I
myself, and.thank ham for his oxen ? In my 1
flurry down thereim the 'marsh, I didn' think
to say I was obliged to him.' 1
He marched off towiard the gaiden, and his
wife stood at the door, with one hand on her
hip, and the other abiding the sun from her
eyes, to sea if he would really carry the melon'
into Simeon Green's house. It was the most
remarkable incident that had happened since
her marriage. She could hardly believe her'
own eyes.. He walked quick, as if afraid he
should not be able to- carry the usual impulse
into action if be stopped to consider the ques
tion. When he found himself in Mr. Green's
house, be felt extremely awkward, and hastlin
ed to say, ' Mrs. Green, here is i a melonmy
wife sent you, and we reckon Wei a . ripe one.
Without manifesting any surprise at such Un
expected courtesy, the friendly matron thank
edl him, and invited him to sit down. But he
stood playing' with the latch of the door, nd
without raising his eyes said, 4 May be Mr.
.. _ 1
Green ain't in, this morning :, •
'Ho is at the fump, and will be in directly,'
she replied ; and before her -words were spo
ken, the honest man walked in, with a face iii,S
fresh and bright is a Juno morning. He step
ped right to Ret ben, and said •' II am glad ' to.
see you, neighbor. - Take a chat'.'
' Thank you,' l'i can't stop,' replied Reub n.
He pushed his bat on one sided ,rubbed is
head, looked out of the window, and then said
suddenly, as if by? a deSperate effort, . The f. ct
is, Mr. Green, I didn't behave right abaut tie
-- • •
',Never mind, never , replied Itlr.
Green, • Perhaps.' shall get into c the,bog again
some of these rainy days. if I do, 1 wi 11
know whom to eafl •upon.
• Why you see,' said Reuben, still v4y
much confused, and avoiding Simeon. ' YOg,
know the good book. says so. I 'have learned'
by experience that if we speak kind words, we'
hear kind echoes. •If we try to make others
happy, it fills them with a wish to make us;
happy. Perhaps you. and I can bring, the'
neighb whoOd round, in time, Who knows ?
Let us try, ; Mr. Black, let us try. But. C ome ;
and look alt.iny (*chard. I want to show you
a tree which I have grafted with very choice'
apples. Kyou like; I will.procure you some
scions from , the same stock.' ,
They went into the .orchard together, and
a fliendly chat soon pat Reuben'' at his easel
When he returned home, he made no remarks
about his visit ; for' he could not; as yet, sum
mon sufficient great ess of soul to tell his. wife
he bad confessed , h mself in - the • wrong) • A
gun stood behind t) kitchen ddbr, in readi
ness to shoot Mr. Green's dog felt having hark,
ed at his horse. Be now fired the contents in
to the air, and put the gun away; in the"barn.
From that Aay, henceforth; he 'hover sought
for any pretext to qUarrel with di t her the "dog
or his master. A eiort time afar, Joe Smith,
Ito his utter 'astonishment, saw hiin pat row
ter on the lead, :a ' heard hirjr say, '
fellow I'
Simeon Orion irs fer too magnanun' ous to
repeat to ao• one t t his q uarrelsome neig
rbor had confessed ! himself tot' ': i
blame. e
merely smiled asfic Said to pis wie , ' r thought
we should kill him after a while.,! i
Joe Smith did'no believe in sel-i doctrine.
When he heard et4c
advenfures ,in the marsh,
,he said, ' Sim Green s a fool. ViThen• he first.
came here lie talked very big la.bottt killing
folks if they didnit ielind their Ss and Os.—
But he don't appearito,bave as Tench spirit as
a worm ; for a warrei will turn 'hen restrod
upon. . , '' i -
Poor Joe had gro more intOmperatel and
more quarrelsome,
~ et last ribbody would
employ him Abou a year aftetthe meniorit-
1 ble incident of the , tor melon, some one 'stole
several val4ble hi. s from Mr Green. i Ile
did not mention the : iruarattaan to.t any i one
but his wife ; arid bey both Sid reason to
suspect that iJoal iv a the% tbie ,1 Ma pent
Week, the followirig idnyinous 'advertisement
appeared in the rMw piper or tcounty.;
'Whoev'stolOa ; lot; -of hid ;on Friday
night, the 6th of thc•risent mo h, is infirm-,
ed; that ther - o,wneri • sineo wish ;to . be i hie'
t e
friend. if povert7 i site:opted' 1 ire to 'false;
steps, the owner Will' ST the wlrele trammet
ion•secret, and will, .! ypnt‘hini in ;thermal
Of obtaining. money. . ;Means mere likelyto
bring him to peace o Mind.' • il ; ;'. 1" ''n'
- This singular edv. ' ment• of coarse dui.
ted a 'goodies! of r' :kirk. There was. ritueb
debate *heti)* of riiit the, thiefhwould- daitii‘
himself of the frimiisV offer. —Sown• acid :ha;
woOld be raimentl l. ifi he Mit fir' it-twal! i
maiifestly'S trap lo leh him. ''tiOut h* kb,
cotaiaitted 'the disk :lest devil i skim ra
i p
whence the Leaevoient offer came ; an I , he',
knew that Simeon Green was not a man to set
traps for his fellow [Creatures.-
A few nights afterwards a timid knock was
heard at Simeon's door just es the family were
retiring to rest. ' When the door was opened
Joe Smith was seen on the steins, withiaload of
'hides on his shoulders. Without raking this
eyes, he said in a low billable tone,;' T hive
brought these back, Mr: Green.. Where Isbell
I put them ?'
Wait a moment till I can light a lantern,
and I will go to the barn with you,' he replied.
' Thed you •will come in and tell me how ithap
pened. We will see what can be done fo
you. ,
_ .
Mra. Green knew thit Joe often went hun
gry, and had becomnuccustomed to the stimu
les of rum. She thereforh hastened to make
hot coffee, and brought' rom the closet some
cold meat and alpie.
' When they-returned from the barn she said,
I thought youmight feel the better for a little
warm supper, neighbor Smith.' Joe - turtle&
his back towardher •)and did not speak. He
leaned his headaga inst t he chimney, and' iaaf
ter a moments 4 . ence, he 'said in a choked I
voice, ' It was dr first time I ever stole any- I
thing; and I have felt very ad about - it. I.
don't know how it is. I did 't: think once I
should ever corn; tube' what I am. • Since I
begun to go do bill, everybody givea- me a
kick. You are the first man that has offered ;me
a helping hand. My wife. is feeble and my cbil
ren starving.- Y u have ,them Jriany a
meal, God bless --- - stole the bides
from you, meani • the first good
clianee I could ,„ t. you the truthi:
Mr. Green, kis ,be'firb, ever deserved
the name of a titter
' Let it be, the last: my friend,' said Simeon
pressing lie hand kindly. - ' The secret shall
be between ourselves, you arc - young and can
make up fot lost) time. Come,inow, give me a
promise that yon4will not drink tone drop ofin
toxicating liquor for a year, and / will employ
you tolnlorrow, 4 good waged. ! Mary will 1;4
to see your family early in the 1 morning, - and
perhaps we may, find some, employment for .
them also. ' The little boy can it least pick up
stones. But eat, -a bit now and') drink some hot;
coffee. It will keep you from Wanting to drink
anytbing.stronger to-night., Yon will findit
bard to abstain at first, Joseph); but keep up ,
a brave heart, for the, sake of your , wife and
children, and it will soon become easy-- When'
you feel t'ie need of coffee, tell my Mary, and'
she will always give it to you.")'
Joe tried to drink, but the food seemed to
choke him. He was nervous and excited.—
After an ineffectual attempt toicalopplie him
self, he laid his head on the tab e and wept like
a child.- [ •.
After a while, Simeon per4uadid himp to
bathe his head in cold water, atui ho ate and
drank with a good 'appetite. When he wen(
away, the kindhearted host said . Try to do
well, Joseph, arid you. will altiaks find a frientil
in me.' • • . • • 1.
The poor fellow 'pressed his hand, and re
; plied ' understand now bow it is you kill bad
j He entered into Mri Green's i'ervice the next
tlav, and remained in s it any Spars, an honest
and faithful man.:
Nantticket Whalers.
A most striking picture of thefpriv s ations and
sacrifices of this hardy and peculiar race of men
is given by Mr. Abbott :
A man was speaking a few, &lye ago of the
emotions with which, he was overwhelmed
when he bade adieu to his &mil, on his last
voyage. The ship in which..l4lras to sail was,
at Edgarton,on Martha's Vineyaid. The pack- .
et • was at the wharf which was convey him.
from Nantucket to the ship. went , down ,
in the morning and saw' all . h . . private sea
stores stowed away in ,the sloopOnd then-re-'
turned to his homo to
,41E0 lesvepf his wire and
children. ills wife was sitting it the fireside,
straggling in vain to restrain he tears. _ - _ :1
She had an infant a, few mont s old in her
arms, and with lier-fixit was roe, ing the cradle
in which lay another little daugh r about three
years of age with her cheeks hl:-with a
burning . fever . - No pen can des lat the an- .
guish of such a parting... It islizst like the
bitterness of death. The - depar i lather im
-1 prints a kiss upon the cheek of hi child. .. : Pour
years will pass-away ere. he take that
child in his arms.. - Leaving his' 'wife - sobbing
iAanguish,.he , chses the door of, his hotise be
hNd him. Four years must elap se ere he • ean
cross that threshold. again.; On sea captain
1 upon this Island has pissed save years l out of
forty-one upon the laud. e. . - s •
A lady said to mai few even ings :ae, ~1
ilhave been , married &yen years ,;. ' mil licrtaiting
all the days my husimial:.bea on At•l bine
since our marriage,;, it. Amon 4 , to but. three
hundred and sixty-difs."4He -,nowl'absent i
having been gone-fifteen months and two years
more must undoubtedly ' : elapse - - fore 'his Vire
,li i .K.
can senbis face • again; and wheel- he shall re
turn it will bi merely a visit to ibis: • family for
a few months, when he will again bid them a
dieu for another four years' absence.
I asked the lady the other-day. hewm 2 DY
letters she wrote : tp her husband . during his
last voyage., " Ono hundred," , lras , the., an- .. ,
ewer. " And, how r nieny did he receive?",
"Six." - , The. invariable rule 0 to Jrriteriiy
every-ship thWeares••thin port or , I'ew Bed.:
ford, or any other port that may . be heard of
for the ~.Pacifie ocean, ,yet the -'eluiticee
are very small- that any t o ships Will,peot, pa,
this, boundless expense, It sometimes. .14q);
pens that a ship return;, when tlescorcbck'ard
have not heard -one, word, from fapm families
during the. whole -period; of their abeetwei:. til •
• bonen'', Aleni Ake *alp -of husband, and
flther-wite Atone to: the hor
.; liautookei
after these ion of lorty-e months, du
ring- which •time he has iidinge.wkstr•
ever. from his h omet -7, L 'lie: sees I.! that ;00attliblk
ing, eff from the' why* WhiO4# - JP.1 0 4 kilk
tidingsf of weiLlorbw* lie etrol-1014* 1141
treetblihtb; roilllt-. - ;the': dtinkar . 10.0 ;
which hi Taitt! . eases ors . Ito Le/OmA i. 4
friend in the boat greets him with a smile and,
1 - ' ' t "ta' family
, saYlk '' op me our '
are ... _ lir
Or 'pe rhaps he says, "CaptaiW,..,lolb3,
news' for.-you, your wife died t wo ; ' ben
spin , i
Years age'. -• .'
. 1 - .?,,-.4..r0.1.r '
.• . kypung man lift this island u s t.,„“ fi g w .
leaNdegio his quint home a. yllbefite.
.ful Wife and an t . ikilltpt, child._: ''
rifii-and .
1 child are now foOiltzt the grave l .? B*lthe hui-
I band knows notAiidt,preheblyi will set lusww.
tit for some 16146 10 0ti11ue ,. .:.• 1 4-POPi
asleep every oigh4 thinkiiigWf,the . ;limes
lett j at his , firesi4 Iftlth(taissitg , ? that
are .both cold in_deatlk• i- ~. ..-, ''...,-; a: ,
On a bright summer afternoon
Mitinfineecthat ileaPel LW,W44lltorar
ed. in the heriSon4 and iimitedintely ''thil'ilkarn
auditripes of our•tnational-lanner are'tdifuried
from our flag-staf‘ Sending a wave 4 ellotilia
thin' the
„Own - . Many familiAre hoping th at
it iithewhip in which 'their - friends - are to re
turn, and all arohoping for tidings fromthe
absent.' 1 - 1 _
Soon , the name bf thethip is 1 'ainiouneed ;.:-.
land then there: isi eager c nitejition - with;llhe
lboya to be the-first hearer of the joyful ti
rto the wife of theicaptiin, forWhieVisehteo a
silver dollar is tiled ievariable'rek 1 . 2 • ' '''-.,'„
And 10.30 can describe w hich
must then agitate the bosom°fak:Wife T'l'ar
bane she has heard of no tidin gs from Oilahip
for More than WyeSz. ,Trembling withlidte
ment she dresses herself to ment herliiistind.
' Isile alive,' she Says to bers4f, t''Oid'aiti ‘ . .1 it
widow and the podr' children orphans ?''` fibs
Wallis about the room unable nable toopiiii6ig , ii`r:
self:mirk: ientlS. *sit d own. 'Ea gerly ;a bet
lOoking - out of the Witidew and down the street
, —she sees a man witli hurried :step - turn;" the
coiner, a little boy hold of his hand:. - ';"--'
Yea, it is be ; a d .ber,little - 44i:'' - hilk . ' , gione
acyfin-tcPthe boat nd found his ''father': On
P instead o this;sho:'seen,! sect :Whs.
neighbors retwwf' slowly andrsidlY; '44 di
recting their step to her do ck . '' ' 'G ood.
g o w, A• h s ek upon h ' heart. Thefili'ilt, ''' - the''
tx .
door. It is the khell of her littilind'W*lith ;
land she' falls-senseless to the fleoi as Air 'tali
that her liniband has long sinee - fieett 'EM-•
to:abed is
the fatlipmless ocean. ' - -::','‘.
, This not fiction. These ate net -extrillie
cases which the itnagiustifin ereeiiii. - 'llify
are 'facts of continued oceurrenee'-;'-fieta 'Why-h.,
awaken emotionv to which no pen eiiii2-4;jit
tice. - t .
,I , •
A fewiweeks agp a ship returned — ''in Ali Is
land bridging news tif 'another' ship that'wwa
nearly filled with v ii ; that all !On toartVirere
well; and, that she might be: expected, in a
neighboring port i l n 'such a month.„ -- 'llie‘itife
91 thliftrtun.r-eitdediksiilitiOintitiiii:OittAy
in , the - month, with ntieirt throbbing with 11-
feeticet and hope, Ishe Went to -1 0eit hiii' Aid
bind Mt lie return. . , ''- ~ • ~
At length-lhe Ship appeared,' thipPiCher
anchor in the harbor, and the Mends' Of the
lady Went to the ship to escort the' hishithil;to
the' wife from *tear she had been mithei - ii).
arated. . Soon'they sadly retuiwed - with 'Vie
tidings that her husband . bacLbeen seised with
• the
,coast feverupon tho island of 3ladagaioar,
and, when about a, week oat, mi liiii, -Altura
honie, he : ied and was his
burial. A few•daYs after. I called upon,. the
Weeping e:itiow .and, little ilaughter-itif. their
destined, home of bereavement and anguish. .
ISilai and thei gleifivo'ireolieciis,e,
- Free suffrage kite 'ever beep
,',Ohnealeae , lto
Federafism. It hates the sentiment as „pia •
asit dreads its pra deal ''operation.,: Hidiciiit
is that'in the tem y triumphs if aiiit,::l),r
-iy,! averiefroitt is ace, to abridge .the eteOtiyit.
fralehise by contusing it to;these;'•otid ( piiiee
alene, Who happen to POPeti'thO n titoOd i ,#,Ctim,
Or can jingte the 'almighty , dellt:0::: It' A tm ,
ihei Ion - pot . sinv: the sentitneltiretw rt Oia
. pePple; hut lie sooner do' they iqet'atiikitni4p.
exted triumPh, than, in the giddiness M*
teilihy their, Inott'lhck; theil4e ergkk,;,ilif i gtair
- inefential policy land ,y. '' . bold itroktop:
dedioi to secure fills .4oili: , ,oftles4', 'WOO
, creed. 1 •.. . i .. , ,' ' ~;,,,,:., ~l
.lilB4o vi4ioiltsm - 4 , taio l o:3l,ll4tiktud
iioalieis'itorthy'oreiverpi r ty,,i'lide4 9 oo.
A President of theik`own, audititrge:wkCiiiWitt . 3'
in !Congress, they , IdeeMed. thediselt4'iiftweig
enough 'to attack it.he'll44o.:litfiemliiiiii,PY
'!obtiitig the bone Mel'etti( ‘ ier 'ref 0,1,44 0 .'41A
I - Meistimable right;liiiit', ii)iii
_t_ii,4o,iiiilit, „It* ,
sources government witiiiiiihe litifitetti.,,,k
cle” of well bred.and• well born..., The k fiTt
thatia "large `Majo:y ''. if the lihetiOns Opt4a
, this" country tout.? red ' . the liciii:itriti! le.
I will! cause suificien with, theledirer Ma j ft tirdy
to adept some plarrhymilele Sher.. Might be ile t .
I prived,of any influeneein thnseleetwM,iktaddr "
rulers.- But who Would haMr4sdpposegsthill?:,‘
the gentleman whe,iunner headv.sitidistiele,'
is' one of that majoiity in sentiment, apdp lic .
~, In-no State i in the Kinon4cthise more .
der p ; seated opposition to-,thietwiejoettitiliViin- .
.eiple than' in .Penneylianic? 00" people am.
gird the, freedom or the ffineldideet thit.t*lf-
Pia# -Al our, P9liti4ta edifkev.i.:4l wesiClikt,
nedix.anY 0 4PAIRottletosi goPPotttanritinle* -
eve:_iloulded theltoP k y, suueltlewil_usiiikr
engaged': in destroy ' g . i ikiprat4ear z__ f'' '
1 114 will doubtless be - antlitiatd :ath*they
learn OP, Yedoill cenditkitelllmq _fogs*
iii - ,-,-6:4fri. Ori . .tlw 'faded ~sint4cotn i gric.
12044# -4g to4reof,,poto4 ag: quilt domes*.
offrpotoopoge,-.- not, indeeilvin,44 , 4ireet vittit
brit 4 11Pasuet-ktyl and.- :efriesoiOns c iana
iess honorable, as _doings be. teridetAll!,
merpensibilley.ofidAltestAckeo iTbstisalt -
POtifOrmta-PoN 9 44o.tralle.WO - :
teciltviAlv4ii fur bikeourallee-bu-b• Illia 1
g ;
Ifirtlica tOillignoe&leadAbsd4
4•*llervie, akieleb esastdit (0 . -bit ... "
es*lr ilia pekkalt _ rederek-...1.:! k n0i1yi1...1 , ._
3 : ;444 . . ,..-Thote t irtnAkZ,
that,_ 4
44 40
_l4o„ti: t lishcoritl4 AlfaimAiszi ilk
'l•Aittili• to ottemArthotimtil*
"hie . kid been d : and 'tap'` is; A . 4.i. , tin/ •
tokiii. saki -_OOOO - to Miotedo,4oi#l:2l, .
mos 44 Aole „.4010*tritakkrt::**1. - -.
o*,, ,Tho,billy: -: ~. '-'041 F .,00 -*:•esigrompl,: , filti*,tliilL., ' ~...,
tiOuttia ll
motion, oballthe %Naos? a a*
e r•-v 4,,fr
;( ;II t
q vr..".:3 :-; i 1:1‘.:
1 •y•
I ".1;:
1 . , , . s , ,
• d
-r • '1
*pit, iii
I NUMBgßfiiip