.5 . 01 , 0 ' w . —.Aso, MEM EMS 43 - • Tiro eras -; Tointrigers an - - • erik-,. . , - • For soma i years pa.4;.tlheteeplelpfthis count try hava l eitOned marty l lieoplii*sies in eon ,, ~,ao4,upre, -. 9440 , 00, pp44Leßgp4l4 l 44rpf.o4 potatbabrops. We have felt this ealiMity In 'our own eoti t nty Tory tilioich,; : aiiitig the:: past 1 firelie:nielitS2 : ''.' '''''' t'xl, '',. 6 '.`' ).-, •kt.- -, .- Now, .•, • - , y-- , •-'i•z•.4 l4 tt . .! r cm- , •-•-1,, ,,, , , , . - •--A. my, friends, s u elfhavinglmei the case, I will here - o**: i , #iblle : vyliieh will prevent the rot, andievigihnieithObSnal crop. I. nee)! t rionliiol 3 ,64i444,4ntiierr . tit ever' fan mer plant, his .patatoes7o,bove , gronnilc&Cte ! _ftilltnying way. When hour ground is a' ; - ell, * - 4 !Oveilitlititii . Manure,. 411-14 ar t*efeet i ••741 13 ::!_* ' :*°)4 11 t . i,4riiii44 41 ;qri i f4* ' g:4 l. ' ineedl,.then lay your, , "_. - 4.ltv the:top4o. or 12 ' .#,y,,'''4lolos7:erei, and 4,0v#. 4 '..PAl l 3V 7 ;:;Mket*4 l 4 sell erngito*minAlielbillitWf lewitiiitiliestiiii.:, ViKtje Oa 'reMains - nairle . ini4oith'e'kroxind. 'mei:lmes more mellow, J.l* potatoes growmuch -Plainer; *old io'4 . * * . z 'gealoii: tflbr.`tiiineeiiary ..... _water 5111 runoff and prevent the, rot. • ; thi,_ e*periinent*t' Ol iii. 4 4 ;gentleman, 4 4 ia,a•lpti.pne of which w put in the .ordinary • V a .Y4 . o.:4 l A win g -.49,7 1 4 41,444 0 ,90 7 . 1 .pr,7 1 .4 put in a alietoe: tiPtheY4l; *Van 'Caen . np, not' 6.7..0ne- cola. be - found , .4se sod, :and. ' more ,than ';.',lol3le•tlie'ilniptity s tii ' • •',. as they had giown t ,oniet larger. han thOia ' . • , tea on the =other ..- .liit of the . let. , --Land, ter: Examiner. • ' , . . Assts ott Conao--A correspondent asks the 'editor of the GeIIeSSCO . raiMer, What is the best .methed, of , applyklg., ashes on corn ? Shonia it be put in the; 011.1 when. planting ? on top of it after planting ?—or after it comes ; 'if, ? - And what is the uantity to be applied either way, opingeache orleached? „To. wilicktle replies —l-The above, are ques tions of considerable im/ortance. , Imat season ~., we injured a crop-of colt, 9r rather , saw itln jiiired, bf - tiMaiplicatiori of ashes and salt: in. contact with young ender ,plants. These vierelthicth tlinlol on eactub..'llad the application.beeminittai.as soon as the' , corn g q waa covered_ at plaiitin - . spreadin' g , tho „ashes . _andialt over considera e. Endue, no •,- - , There is nniiiiiinsiiiiiit.jo' kiie::,iiii.iirim eiddirnend.ationief itieho::Whitt,' itiliere 4%4 is the resolt'orinitiiiit'lsii#Orieriieleith' thy, if if thsiethreuktvaiieriiiskrof fi tteeolsers.'• k • i is not SetiPesesi. l, 6epreteodedi , thagl , they veil rdise the dead ; neither are they deeigned to be u ed as . freety as we nee our . anorp! Lginch is DO " 11 ' true purndisibrivisedicitsCultieritt*Oro: s / rli tote (Alice is _fp esaist;ositoieje rinpar, 40* gtem.t o a preißer, tosie,ftnikaptintol: whentins. • v •lifably, or through icarelessnesalir'eaes* 4 - becomes darange&-: iSitin.y , are careless; eat ti ' nce,need this aid.„.-;Arql.t4e most careful are li 616 t 0.., iireatilarities. cif,. the syateirt-* It a n ridleas itirriost- to -ady. Y thiai. a firainpf 'use et solo and effective remediatromi. the Aral appear. 'lace of iiineNs; is the part of w,isdotP, 07.544 a [Argaiiirie . ille'l'i*Wiit-banaS - agile Pil4 to b ... ..43t , Ana he is certainthat in fdrty nine .: 81 out of .fifty, -, where whir triallis made sc. , curd incto . the.direCtionsr, they:wilt be used a. ' Otto as •a , attinderd ..... flietticine:: . )iier jure l i mp _ ka , ,uns an . instance, where . they beim been thee 1 iieed, in whiele they'haier oat meit itithlheQutt, I ratan errsovit :•,•i .:'l - !: .: . : ,-1, ,~ I Nimierciva tiltimoniala may .11elaeep it the.; tienerat Office of sale; and referencia Mil) he 1 Oven to substantiatfrtiPing-• witnceses of, their valuable f Llillii VA , PCPP9FO • DO. '• : 1 ; , '-' I • i Tfie. Pit ls iare n .purely,Ll)pgoa6o, i. are of oral 'k 1 ed s, Otriti lent A eti;], ' i purge!, lire; r. purifying the. blarid , modfirodnOi,OlialtliY . ill"°n through titer t, eiSre.s,ys.terir ;` ' ateriiirititable' ?intl . Billion. 'Nledrefue, rtntleriiiiienO.Yeseftilin all lingering iniilSinta—Wisaliitiraar..Geoerat Oebility.Dys. • .psy,FultrionarylAiFectioria, liver Complaiste, c 1 tteuma t in and .:Speedtiodie., Altacqoas, Female urnplaints,Po!pttatißoa, itc: - l., • ' 'is Fainityoarrer I.:'faircrtall.willlibe•wlikent li. them: • ~• ; , Tney - ,nres - pot. .o..'iri 'FIFTY' ;CENT and OLLARPACKAGES; . eachrhairing n pamph i ens hen ci rig' a•l s yttliitible Treatise on .Thsetne, it h fall directions•Vir use. - The 1:11511ar pack a. ifes are the Cheapestitro.the purchaser.. . They • ay be ordered thriiii . 'll:.Drucgiett.; giving the Street and Vo - , of thel' enerel ,Thipot, .. , Sold:Mhplese Blind - Retail, et- ? A r o- 140 . -F4dloit .50.04 Second Floor, N., t, 1 Between passati,etreet,a.nd Broadway, ' . •,. ....tcr- As yen valarelli f ealth—Try iheml4a ' . 1:F - The abOveFirliitire alga. foie'sale , at the t•te) - .•nt BE.IsiTIZX it:J.-RE/0; ofithis place. • _,- • 7 ' . I M II 4.:•,• • - • FL BEFDS and PURSE T ' IST, a new l' Zsps llrStelideces,vd:,et also , Bag.and . Bentley 4. Read. • • • Lurse "IFIR4NIC delebrate.d Leather Preser4aiire and', , weather, Blacking jnst the thing for this weather, for4iale by 1., . &rift I, ;ea. 1001 80 60 50 40 30 ' 251 HE subncribei offers- for 'oak .hig Farm, -a- containing one Hundred .acres, situate io Ilint part. qflthe townshiti tirNew- Milford, known its the Stanley nettletrient,Sosquehaniht Qoun. ly, Penn4yllvania t i;:Ackont.• ,sixty lacresot said lartn aren't a goodienite or colpvalion.—the ivitole in well waters -=mood 'a d: Convenient theteon—an'd as orcharct cif..2ool.ear. Ono I' 20} • 1,51 12!50 10 71 .7., ,,,. .2. 1 '. •. -.it • • !' APPLE TREES,; : . itcli idst e year, wiled . 'moat oi4hd ds in we eighborhnod were' 'rendered , . *ciiiheas for the Oieasoti by !he 'fros7v yielded , upd*Atile f 400bil• shells!—also, a goOd variety oy ot er fruiii, ,imnag which ate Pdars; Peaches, ,pin'ing,fr,t. The pOrtion,tfot eilea' - 'redle . ..w.ellii fiddle*, Pi I'lle -l a''m as a Whdole,:-leffireg66liiidTents to itnv one with is'tiesir,cins of porebit'sine ram) in ui t !hfs section 6t counto. , There Bien attach. ri to - ( he f3ferais-Sa# id', Cider _Mill a d Cidu , ti I House. . ::=[ .: .),1,)11N STANrAY. v Milford, 3nnei'flt,ti*'lB4l:o . 23--il • - . liriAN 6 ES-..tici+ ibinufactuse. for ale by , .1 : . J. LYONS. • : .''SI I 4ITH,t IDENTlS . P=oSeliteeih tin GoltV-Plion chi dOes Deniikt - Work in eKbest - etyle. All work warrnnted.iotin be fa. ndfat L. Searies on :Monday- neid Tuesday of .:ch, week. ; 'ISM :LS; ‘: SHF.RIIIA Dealers in D r ,Goods. Grocerie4.llar WO I ' Crockery , - 1 a ils , Fi s h ''' dce , ron, A l ,, -.k ',,,, ~' - , k. %.. 11 !plc iii Judie. Pei Vs.• ' ' ' Deil6r inltardwara , . "&4-13rookiin; S ,steneCo.,-Pc. , - phigiciao the'Et ,,chtnige, Djmom Me*. • . er 3 over tg1.§1?• 14 !4 t4q o Y,StOfe„ _ • . , t:. 1,13:4V14 chEmonl V l ‘Tagaii *faleig,tClifeittufacturer ** l ' Repairq—a l hop ion th(rWilkesbatre Til• pike, a. faw. rod* below diltd)*ga' Dealer_:. rocke`i are. - ourt Attlideits w:-Eskane , .., I v it c., „ Tit ... , ..,. : i r ~...,. -.„..1., or w. . c AO . rney ( fi, Coun .if'' '4it'C' " iff c lithe mo( ' tore of J,1;r0ii , 44,00. - ,i 1 0 r oom piaci. I. '6eCti , hid tiyliiiirirlii , iii.'s. , , . ____ . . ii..q.; =BAN •'':' - - .N i • De 19es infiknoi44;s pie:Dry Veals, DIM 1 , - . 0 10 41 0 .....4 , f 7 1 44,14 0110, cF sei ..,irs,plurdw.‘iiicirlitik 1,6 : 4 4 0 1 P I ' ‘l"l6l9l‘Vitich likslealiiiiefurnwits, els '-'' Oiliy; - Ti - aiiit Ili iNittiibilari" * l44e ' - ftt4o . o:46ofiliitottiiold'it.iiitbr,pea ll q ' rip.Mtitellelit '4 -,,- • 11 1% . • -, - , 2 y :F- 1: N =ME winter st ined; Fall dr, UR . Itegnsed• Wbalel OILS, also, Liisk.ed os;nd Tanner 4119., for sale o cheap b 1' BENTLE READ. FARM! FOR SALE. ; 4 : s ' 3 u :#..,slutearb.l. ' -7 7,k19,,Igtvia_ .1 ire "'" HW • Grocer-4Ni • • • • PIT 13.65)at " Stone 64,64 . .1.00166gi,-IMPaf, — below It. ni t St re • 10)09 $ k i se; l3 4rlla , 1,41 i • oLivor,i+ g'8064,ki•4 2 .;17!!!! . 0:',6; 1 0