Northern democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1844-1848, May 27, 1847, Image 2

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z - r- - h - 4miiimieraiiosia' * Ali; '- ' r,"
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Prepared Surrender e e Capllll4,
Frobalde recovery. .of Gen. ts telds—Voha4
teem refusing to Re=ent Military ~07i..
ders—Conditios of Mexi4o—The Capital
seeking the protection of pea. g cort .„.s e .
nor Atechu—Arrieu/ of (ben. Pillow mid
others ! • P. •
.. .
• , Ili extraordinary express'tbe Lager has
reemved mi "extra" from thqolfice of tie Pic
ayune, dated at 1 o'clock, Pi M., on. Monday
last, petition* the imnexedlatmusting int e i..
ligenet front the seat of war
nr+ ,
}The pWtion of Maxie° is' : . ry day .becom
iog 'morb intricate\ and. ble, and the
pre , •IsalOty, is th at \on ea . ' in the capital,
Gene* .S cott inillind Mmselrather in the (....
'igen eta:protector than tin - enemy of its in
habitants—sianding betweie 4 hem and the n
ew-ions tundra pf their owntcountrymen, who
111 , 4.k.1,1./Icid - collecting towed loans from
mi rard
I#oli and laand iatuinio , citizens:'
liicotettrapid and n m repents
are, however , ,threatened to cheek .by the
general desire ,prevailing :smog the vo unteers,
-whose periods of enlistment
I,t 4 l lniting, to re-
Aura to-their homes, lint we er think that
when they come to the pointg-going • forward
yr 'turning their backs on er" Hails of the
-,Mentesumas," the entering of which drill be
the crowning glory of the tar, that a goodly
numb& will be found.ready to rally for the 011-
W niszch: . k
The rumors are, howevei Of -a conflicting
character, so far as regards the ' prospect of
peace:. The government ap , to be for "war
_Se She hilt," whilst the , . , In—those who do
thefighting--are beginning to yearn for peace,
with its accompanying blesstags.
The probability of the recovery of the
General Shields will he t l eceived with great
pleasure by his countrymen. q His wound was
of the most fatal cliaracter, 4 the ball passing
through his lungs, almost JO' iddin to g all hope l
curtain death.
But without further rem k, we_ annet the
contents of the Picayune ex oa, whieh contains
matters of general - interest from,Gen. Scott's
section, of the may.
' 'The- s tea mshi p James L. Day arrived at the
Levee'at New Grimm, early l ion the morning of
the 10th instant, from Vera lPruz,whence she
sailed on the sth instant. y this vessel we
base received; says the Pica une, our regular
coerespondence and files of , era Cruz and-Ja
i+ papers. - Apart from t intelligence eon
tamed in our letters, we I verbally that an
express reached Vera Cruz , moment before
the sa il ing of the James L.
eil ty, with informa
tion that a deputation had e down fromthe
city of Meiico, to
(t o n. Scott to take
the capital under his protee p. This news is
almost incredible ; but whe4 it is remembered
that the system of guerilla wrfare has been a
dopted 'by. Mexido, and that; t ie banditti who
engage this service are as ngerons to their
own countrymen as to the fnemy, the report
-gains some probability. 4 ,
Tie impression was gain' pima in the ar
my that there would be no ore fighting. It
WIN not expected that there would lie any op- 1 i
position this side of or of ebla ; and it was I
even. doubted if the Mexi in would defend
their" capital. Ripectatio sof this nature
have, proved deceitful so oftfn that we indulge
them with much misgivingao
The Mexican papers conttpue their declama
tory strictures upon the ' 'on of Atoeha.—
It *Odd appear that the 'rig of this miser
alirkfellow on any importan mission to Mexico
has given, greater umbrage ha s all am that
has been done by the Uni States. They
regard him in' the light of i an o ffi cial pimp, a
treasonable pander, a paffillons miscreant, and
indeed the concentration of baseness. They
think that he was sent Sheri by the American
cabinet in mockery arid mita' ~
The wherealanits of Santa Anria is some
what Problematical. The , huthentic intel
ligencelocated him at, I '• 1. with a miscel
laneous ecesurnmrf•ef 31 1 I Subsequent ru
iimrs report him as haring leme South, to re--
critit his ranks in Oejaat. fth 'is certain that,
lobe not shown himself sit the capital sinee
mildest. , There is 2 Ilithat he desires
to have the country, but r. Kendall thinks
bemay,make a dash upon melted parties%
the irmir of the army,, orstuponwagon . trans,
with a view to reinstating himself in the good
*ion of the nation. i
It was 64141:Mention of (en: Scott, upon the
arrival of the wagon trail that was to start
from Vera Cruz, about the Oth inst., to cut off
all emmesion with the smOcest„rely, upon the
maestri for'sustenanee and push forward for
the city. This general orler, dated at Jalapii,
30th April, intimates as ninth. Balkh. Ken- '
Itars lettter of the - - tlie very latest news:.
—throws mike do upoli the speedy
3ii.n Wald:in, is eonswinenee of the deter
mination Of the twelve maths' volunteers, in
a r lied) , , , notto ee-enlist i;th thirs may' t retard the
shapes 4 the army, indeed e report
-ed readiness of the city 1. surrender be con
firmed. !If the rumor e ~ e true, the guerilla
troop's iiiisierifmaran , a bend of pirates,
andel - Mid be treated - ',..: , ,* 'a ~ y.-
- GeitWorth was gatherang lip ll the grain
he eoulkmullas ell the *hones at wad(' as
if in anthipatiien pc brealrifig off communication
with Vera Nil.. . 1 f, '
It will be gratifying to to learn that Gen.
S,idOils was thought to in a fair way to re
ei.rviir, We have; aliiskyi . * him as the'
test appointaient from ci life yetnide by
Maj: Gen. Pillow cl 4 pamenger in the
Jamea.L. Day. Iris wooed 0 doialt wa 1
-, ,, liatiss. Col:Anderson, 4 the firseTiniessee
regiment, came over iny also. ' He has
seennueb service, both , Gametal Taylar .
20.:Pell• >Nat, at Monte and Cerro Gordo,
and now returns on aeoMm of il l -health.
_,.'"- z,-, ./Alatiliiesee. ,
.!:-Tieerilew Weans . `7. ' of .the llth, eon=
laic. the: fetilditg '. i ' , =items of news
-4 8oidt and Me',' , i •
A morllol lo loot of . 'l?efto, 'Writing from ;
Jiabri,4o Ail *SS ' . , Coustiorbol i ad
Jim" — aninifeiel•ideaeo l i mats thalaper-
Was laii.beavaide ~r emove tite seat of
Gosoomomii4iedojt, " ease iier'immy mii..
ches (0 ttOlty; F:p r,
~, of. the • renoul of
44 -itinfoliilit; 1 1 4e 40 -41 4 use, (1417-
in `t u
be: -1 i 1 4 1 140 166 10 740 - lood'
las men iirtiiti; oftip. A. , 1114 goo kites
*Sig 34 1 1 "alia* ' l4l.othliber **lob
441iied himilait --. ' riiiiirkswm, lilt
iiiito4 i'lliottor . iil ' - *kik lb*. 1001tyt
.11140411114 11 o' . ~1 1001'4, 0 1 4_707
lowilli*Joitmi.' ifir '., isis witokl.: Inotir
Solli, l ttd4licert lit .. lOit iii- - -'coOktelikin.
I' , 1 . •'.:- ,I,'" 1
kiiii; - -iingkiii*den lit thitivito I
te,Vora Ursa d4qgthe present
ins of tare mos: - pew* :he
murdera : ':: . i .2: ..
In Vera ceeryttli gap ko
-ly. The i husiness of thei ty le' ,
wendertal 'degree- . The Otens
with "tmoilient vesoisle ' - N'inkee het
kee auction litinox, Yankee *ill
and Yanlimilie-IMIWO, ire starting ,
every tarn dale Ono: '
Another correspondent, under dal
Ono, - May foth, Writes ile follows :
The British m aul at this place h
leeived a coma 'cation Menthe Br
inter, Mr. Bankhead, saying that th
Government iiie solicited the frieni
tion of 04 goveniment to settle the
between , Knipe and the United
learned this morning that such a
i been received from Mr. Bankbead, at
;palled on the English Consul, who to
such is a fact. You may, therefor(
, the accuracy of, ttis statement.
'Santa Anna, is about 40 mileel
with 2,000 men, threatening to „ma
sack Vera Cruz, l This information e
-a Spanish merchant of this place, wi
Yesterday from ' Mexico. He state
saw Santa Anna,, who advised him t(
thing it out of toe; city, as-he should
erything in it. This of course, we (
mere Mexican hiavado, as it is not
Would make his Plans public, did he
ecuting them.. We are, nevertheless
ing our men (infantry) at the artil
not to be; taken by surprise. , .1
- We learn by letter from the city
that they' have stopped throwing n
meats around the city, and do not int
ing a siege or bombard ment. Fo
time since I have been in Mexico, I
think-that the wer is abbut drawing
- P. S.--Sinee, writing the above, t
ted courier for the English mercha
Beraz.a, has arrived from Mexico
for theltr,itish packet at Vera .Cruz.
but little, yet it has leaked out th
organizing gueri ll as rapidly in both
Puebla. All the robbers in the latt
theiinanie is legion, have received
i ceases to rob sod murder on the
beauty of the 'system has `already
itself, for it inlaid, they have alrea
cod plundering their own people on
Late S. lopertsuit from Ve Cruz.
rnaa Use New Orleans DeltaOlth I
'General Siott, has determined to push on to
the City of Mexico, without wsitin • for rein
forcements or supplies. Re las pted the
poliey , of Cortez, who, two hundred years ago,
on the very shore now occupied by .ur troops,
collected together his ships, and in t e presence
of his little army, burnt the who fleet, by
which alone they could ever hope . retttrnla
cross the raging sea they bad just ravelled.
So Gen. Scott; with his small rave army,
drops his terse of operations at slaps, and
without a reserve or line of co .. unications,
pushes on towards the city, of w ich he has,
ere this, become a second conque . Ile left
Jalapa with • but eight thousand men. Of
those three thousand are voltin • a, whose
term'aill expire about the time he, reachmthe
capital.. Puebla has - already sent in a depn
tation to surrender that noble city If a war
like population of eighty thousan . such as
that of the ancient city of the T along, so
promptly yielded to-our arms, the is no reas
ui to apprehend that any furthe resistance
will be ,offered to the progress of .1R army.—
When last heard from, Gen. Wort .'s outposts
were thrown forward on the road to Puebla,'
eighteen miles from Perote. .on] last Friday
week his whole division, constituti g the van
guard of the army, took up the eof march
to Puebla, with a strong saege trai
On the Monday following, Patt
follow, with the volunteer force.
up the rear, with his force of
Scoit's force is too small tp spare
for garrisoning his towns in the r
mg open his communications.
that the new force to be sent to hi
ble to clear his rear, and forward
; For the present, he will have to (IA
enemy for his subsistence. Suppl
ly be obtained in the country, for
compensation. But the people
I she esttle, and destroy the crops
yield them up to our troops with();
After the battle of Cerro Gord 1
na fied to the hacienda of the
Garcia, who lives a few miles fro ~
Don Garcia,bas ever been, one 01
firmest and most-influential friend,
nearly tie whole p . ropertyirnmJ I
Cam, and irides immense herds 1
has also iliwge ' ton factory in
, eration near Jalap &e I
to An ,
interview-with Do Garcia, beforel
`battle of Cerro . do, and it is
cis advisedUn to leave the con , 1
impossible to resist the American'
. 1 -
Gem. Taller , "
,By the ariival at New Weans
er Sarah, flap. DM* four
Brazos, the AT. ©.Delta, and Y
11th inst.-nrereceipt, of la
from Genital T ylor's ann..
following e;,t4rite'i l ,e from the
the. Deltaz_ L
*VIVA VISTA, ;Mixico
Ede Ildta • We are doub
er the rainy - Mason has omme
fors week or Om beat has
eight V
• 'renew one of our foragin
pitied that, they came in isight'
of hovers. ;! The. Minis tl
us tbat-• - bail
t )l4 `
hoe. NOth
-l ati ( 'o 4
t is Kesqa'
Aliliois the Sae
at t=
sii ea
the allik
and r
441;'asd v owe d,u4ke to ride "es. They were
mat t forward to SS Trois Potosi, awned by
a &imam* of **es•
to 001110
of fel
could be
QuesPlty I;u4er.
The Delta has hien, Wormed that a despatch
was: traniliitted t4cloU;.Cadialleder,vordering
hitito jobi Gina with his present cotS
mend. '• • ;11
The 'same papO pub li shes a letter from Col.
Lane, refuting thlcharges relative to the al
ledgedmiussaducttof one of the Indian regi
ments, at Batt). of Buena Nista, confirm
ing the statement! heretotire Made by Gen.
Lane, who eommalided the brigade.
Than Seems to be doubts of the onward
moveusents of Octal Scott, notwithstanding
the inte ll igence b ught by General Pillow.
Lintel Ma 4 lions
been enthusiastically,
received at the v *OW public places of New
S. Consul at the city of
Mexico, states thit when he left the capital,
so much confusidi prevailed that no idea could
be formed what 4uld take place. The gov
ernment, however; had decided to remove to
Lojes, a bundredleares distant, when our ar
my reached the vteivlty. This was before the
battle of Cerro Garde. Major Gaines, Major.
Borland. and !Veit. Clay were then in close
confinement, Gen4La -Vega turning a deaf ear
to their complill*.
in a
! covered
! i, r4ll
p tere at
l e of Vera
's just re
fish Min
1, Mexican
ly media
'letter La
d at once.
. me that
1, rely on
an here
h in and
.. , esfrom
o came in
. that he
take his
astray ev
, nsider as
I likely he
ntend ex
, ery, 80 as
Arril ' vat the Brltsinisla.
—-- - ,
The steamship ,iritannia arrived' at Boston
at midnight on Sinday week,lwelve and a half
days from Liverpjol. The following is &sum
mary of herinte
,gence : ,
There had beiiii considerable fluctuations in
the grain market A butA the last advices prices
had an upward tendency. The cotton market
has declined, andiales consequently diminished.
The potato blight has reeppeared in the
' neighborhood of 'itelfast. 1 1
O'Connell is i4nking daily,. TLe' accounts
which come to heed through the medium of the
French papers slew that his earthly career is I
drawing to a 01(4. ' '
The Government education scheme has.pass
ed to a third reading in the House of Commons,
after a three nights' debate, almost without
2 4
A few days not fewer than two thousand
emigrants sail
_from Hamburg for New York.
In some parts of the country emigration is'ear
ried on to almost.s an alarming extent ; whole
villages go away en masse , and entire districts
become &popuhiled.
The lated et i i i r tunts from Ireland represent
the mortal of the Lord Lieutenant as
rapidly drawing tre a close. The Dublin Even
ing Post holds °it no hope of his recovery.
' The Great"tain is still fast on the rocks
at Dundrim ba y` though the pros p ect of re
leaving heal, is T flattering. It is expected
that she will be brought into. Liverpool in the,
course of a mono.
The timely re li ef which the Americans have
sent out to theidarving Irish, has been the
theme of popula r eulogy in Ireland, and of
warm and gine4s sympathy in England.
The papers contain the advices by the Over
land Mail fronillndia and China; from the
former the most important intelligence seems
to be - the death 4if•Kanir Khan, of DosCMa
homed. At 'Carlton it is said the business had
"lessened by the new year holydays occurring in
IFebruary, and "4,he failure of two important'
Chinese firms.
In Portugal, the Junta still keep_lhe Queen's
forces' at bay. Cite insurgents are now -too
powerful and witalthy to be extinguished by
force, and ineaeli are in progress to buy off
their hostility.
• The Queen ofiSpain and her husband show
symptoms of enduring , each other. They
have appeare d
~ 6ogether in public, and the re
conciliation is skid to have given rise to great
rejoicings. ,
_,, .
iIIELAND.—IIe weather has of late under
gone a favorablehang.e. Vegetation is mak
ing rapid firegeek . s. The accounts of the wheat
and oat crops )ire highly encouraging ; and
even in regard 4, potato very favorable ac-'
exults are received. The smaller class of
farmers, who title siiffered so terribly by the
destructive . failipes of last year, are plucking
up courage totheir favorite root once more.
The early spri planting of potatoes been
confined to the farmers and gentry, who
could affordio hake experiments, but within
the last week tije small farmers are also ven
turing. Probably the,amount..planted will be
about the Aka part of the crop of ordinary
years. i
Ftancs.—The news of Gen. Taylor's vic
tories waszaed with' much satisfaction.
Great • continues to chat. Bread
is excessively *liar; and it is feared that during
the months Of !ray and June, provisions of all
kinds will be **Ter than they have, hithe!to
been—v' 'n is very backward, '
owing to
the, l
old ro an :the last fortnigkt.
The bill '( . tive to the esViblishment of
regular steirnert between Havre and New York;
has, reeeivell the Kings's assent, and is now
the law of thend.
Mr. Beier t, the American' Minister in
England, hes . on a visit to Paris. On
° t een
Sunday; the 1 th, he was received-by King
Louis Philippeg
Mr. Ingerso the 11. S. Minister to Russia,
aceompuued b Mr. Colin and Mr. Ingersoll,
the. attaches- his embassy, were also received
by the King at the same time. '
Irsior.—A tiliabolical plot to murder the
Pope has beeniliscovered. It was first found
out by the fFnthth Ambassador, who revealed
the navies of the eonipirators to the Pope.
Their intention• was to assassinate him while
giving sealratifi to- one et them, who was ap
pointed to lull him: A icaptchin Priest pre
ented himeelffer an audience.- His Holiness
requested his lime, ieh be gave, but before
he was ''t the Pope looked over the list
of • end found the name of the
&robin ; kii immediately summoned his
fgunk who, 4( the Capuchin's entrance, nix-
ed him, end o searching him, found he had a
brace of kiedell pistols,
and ntainted dagger
about his prtein., Th e Capuchin was convey
ed to prim, lied ewiny aneats took plate.
f Mexico,
' nd stand
the first
begin to
to a close.
e celebra
ts, Rafael
th letters
He says
t they are
h eileo and
Ir city, and
regular t
ad. The
4 coalmen-
he roads
rson would
ars. Gen.
lany details
ir, and keep.
is hey! IS,
will be a
is supplies.
-nd on the
es can east
an adequate
:11 drive off
rather than
t eompensa-
Santa An
l'ealthy Don
ants Anneo
1 1 .. Ho owns
pp, to Vera
of cattle, be
ceesatul op
bad 1 a long
andifter the
id DOn (iar
•, as it was
f the eehoon
ye from the!
yune of the',
e make the
, ndenee of
I April, 12.
1 u to wheth
,l or not, bat
'rained every
parties re
a'small body
e eity assure
. . ,
jar 11:11 ,CAMMON -exiiresses the fat=
lees '0.006d6* - hii - the re-eleetio t e of)!,. Skunk,
sad"thia Szelini sea in Pennqivanis who are
e i.
better hthinitid. ' whole e eilkieee are esti
LW to RIMS . ration and Ireepect.--Har,
Fi5 64 76 afr t '' - ' •
ri a he
Z i p fa,
- ; ' G Iv! ait: Cv has esiled on else ileade' of
coati rims 137;500 as iniessifieati on - for
ow Lier* A"pnirdrin' flit ' 6 ololl l dit
1 —.2a f• • I
to Sots 11*a, the =timid
ateoai Dow buried, in the
That is what Ile would
advtimd one itop be-
There'lue already 1,575 0W. 4 °
Telegraph Wires completed and-in operation.;
while there are nearly five ttoisand
der &Attract atid'in process of construction.—
When the litter is completed, 'we shall have
over 6,500 nines of Telegraph Wires, con*t
log the mosedistant points,, stretching through
the length and breatb of our country. When
it'is reinemhered that it is now less than] two
years since the firstmagnetic telegraph !was
put in operation, we think our.national charac
ter for going ahead is fully viedicated.per
tainly far as the telegraph is concerned, we
are far ahead of any - other nation—it seemed
to chime in so with the genius of our people.
In connection with this subject, we / may
mention that. the Sultan of Turkey hai regent
ly sent to New Haven for the apparatus ]of a.
Telegraph, with instructions how it should be
used. He intends, it is tresumed, to establish
the system in his dominions.;:and it is to be
hoped that, civilisation and reform will tben
progress a little more rapidly among his 'lwo
ple.—Set. Eve. Post.
Ns* MOVEMENT.It is said that a battal
ion of 500 marines, under command of )14
Twiggs, the commandant of the barracks in
Philadelphia, has been ordered to join tho ar
my in Mexico. Another and larger battalion
will shortlysleave, under command of Col. Wat
son, and the whole force, about 1700 men, will
be formed at Vera Cruz into two regiments,
the first to be commanded by Col. Watson, and
the second by Major Twiggs—the whole
prising the brigade of Gen. lienderson. I,
We have no doubt that these - gallant *tips
I will do as good service on the highlands of
Mexico, as ever was done by the same cl4ss of
troops on the decks -of our men of war. We
are pleased to see the administration is tuning
every branch of the service to account in the
war with Mexico. Both General Taylor and
General Scott need reinforcements, and very
description of troops will be of seriicein Mex
6. The war has been prosecuted so far, in a
manner highly creditable to the administrtttiou,
which has given the general direction te it,
and the gallant officers and men, who have ex
cuted the orders of the government. If noth
ing else be gained by this war, our countrY will
be amply compensated by the elevated:Tank
which' t will give us among the nations of the
earth.L—Denwratic Union.
Tun Bo nN T Burn lc:T.—The Bradford Re
porter says : " We perceive the Messrs. 3lnrcurs
have commenced operations for rebuildinobeir
Stores. We are told-also, that • several dthers
are making preparations to build at averyiearly
:The county Commissioners have deter Mined
to push ahead with the 'public building* ; in
anticipation of which, they have already ad
vertised for proposals for a proportion of the
Business bids fair to be active here fdi the
next year or two, and we hope soon to see our
iown arise from its ashes, exhibiting more
beautiful form and features than before the ca
lamity, which so seriously marred its beahty.
stated that it bas been ascertained by poiitive
returns from our Custom Houses, that the
amount of exports from the United States,
between the first of September, 1846, and the
.the tenth of April, 1847, was 1,421,000 bar
rels of fionr, \ 315,000 barrels of Indian corn
meal, 1,491,000 bushels of wheat, and 8,500,-
000 bushels cif Indian corn. These few' arti
cles alone would amount, at their shipping
prices, to ovarly twenty millions of dollars.
Another, but unofficial account, makes the
amount more than as large again.
of TROMAS'ELDEn, Esq., one of our oldeit and
most respectable inhabitants, was entered on
Saturday night last, and robbed nt silver ware
and clothing, to the amount - of several laindred
dellars. A considerable portion of thei sliver
plate bad teen in the family for sixty years,„
and of course was more valued by Mr. 'Elder
and his family, than the same am , unt'of, mon
ey would have been. We trust that the
creants who committed this outage may be
brought to justice. Up ta the tim.: ,Jf nor go
ing to press the burglars bad not been detedt
ed.—Democratic Union,
ONED:—According to a letter received at New
Orleans, from Shelby county, Texas, the guests,
sixty in number, at a wedding party at Wilkin
son Rouse, were poisoned, bridesmaid, grooms
man and all.
Thirty will die ; twelve dead at the list ac
counts, two of whom were sons of the Rev. Mi.
Britton. None ofd the family injured, and old
Wilkinson had absconded. It was supposed
.that the negroes had been employed` toipoison
the. • coffee, by a disappointed suitor.-1-N. Y.
Daily Globe. •
A now county, called Sullivan, in honor of
Gen Sullivan of the reirolution, was authorized
to be erected by the laid session of the ILegis
lature of Pennsylvaniai It is to be created
out of the northeaster# portion of Liaoming
and Tioga, and comprises within its hounds
the townships Of Fox, 'Elklane FO:ks, Plun
kett's Creek, Shrewsbury, Davidson and Cher
ry. If the people approve of it by their vote,
there will be sixty counties in Pennsylvania.,
LINA.--NO perceive by a correspndenCe pub
lished in }ho Union„ that the Pregdent and
the Ilon. John Mason have accepted the
invitation to: be piesent at the mime • •nt
of the University; of North Carolina.
ger The Washing:ow Union says: "The .
re,inforeeMents for General Scott'sl army,
-which for - several weeks have been en ; route,
ineluding'tbose that mist reach Vera c r iz by
the end of May, will be fully equal to tbe num
ber of twelve months men, {who are to; .be &-
charged in Juno and July, as they will, or
&nose, remain id, the field of service up to the
end of tbe twelve "Plinths for which they are
avi('; l
Oh:slangy, the Union says, is pre.
ed to he, his ay 4 homs-from CaliT e n d
maybe peeted some tiine this , „
. lie
has Went thorned to turn over his cornmea l
e t
to.-Col, M rgan, which was:done on' hie appli.
°Won of last fall to return home after„rerde.
'tins Airs in California.!- -11
Oaßik ...sONDO utt bat.
ti of %pato Gordo and Witerloo w t
di4s..Bstibigh, ilNopring oddo
wag fklottemith. those , : Weltiniton l'epeoun.
ta l i'. Coto' Gordo Maas priinderl
thaniirStePo, -
ear , e them 4 hospitable u
MaterNl& Odd to &It& Anti i wW telt'
ing Glin:l3Cott $ll4 big 111641
. THE - iIEMOCItI'I!. -.;: ..
1 - i TTTr. r
Democratic Noailita.
07 111 , 1/1(3.)111EILY COUNTY.
U. .0. ZEN/IVA DEAD . —Hon. 4iTESEE
SPEIGHT, U. S. Senator' from Mississippi,- di
at his residence in Lownds, on the Ist inst.—
He was a native of North Carolina, had resi
ded in Mississippi, !about ten years, and raised
himself, by his own exertions and strict Demo
cratic principles, to a seat in the U. S. Senate.
His ? term of office, did not expire until 1851.
MIV" JEFFERSON DAVIS, of Mississippi, ha
beer( appointed Brigadier General in the place
of Gideon J. Pillow, promoted. Mr: Pavia is
a soli -in-law of G eneral TaylOr, and was the
distinguished leader of the gallant Mississippi
ans n the battle 'of Buena Vista.
edersil Lle” 44 Owned Up,"
The " Federal organ" of this' place, which
has been wonderfully annoyed of late because
we have seen fit to expose some .'of the faults
of its " ruin" candld i te, and especially his vote
fora tax on tea and coffee, was out again last
weett brim full of indignation, because we had
propounded some questions in conneetiork with
the- subject that compelled. it •to either ac
knowledge the allegation true, or deny it< in the
face of the most incontrovertible truths.;, The
predicament'we knew to be an unpleasant one,
and;we are not surprised that our neighbor be
came considerably " stirred up" by being thus
draivnsinto a correct answer. But as there
was; no backing oat, after prating for awhile al
bout " infamous. falsehoods," " positive testi ! .
molly," "miserable. subterfuges," " prevarica—
tion" and the like Woke phrases, he iat length
" owned up" all
,we desired—what, in; &et, he,.
has beep laboring for weeks, withazeal wottby
a better cause, to disprove. We pay lie ad,
snits the charge—for he has neither denied
attempted to disprove it. Does he deily that
- the !bill in question taxed tea and coffee T No :
he now admits it, although a reference to his
fileS a few weeks hack will show that he deni
ed oven 'this* acknowledged truth. And does
he deny that Gen. Irvin voted for that bill rip
on its final passage? No, indeed : this be bar
note attempted to refute ! Put that and that
together, and what does it prove ? Clearly
that he voted to tax tea and c flee, as we.have
all 'along affirmed. These are he faets,.'dmwu
• , ~
im our neighbor, :by the gre test effort, • tis
true, but of none the less eons plenee for that.
Now how does e get ar.ui• them ?;
by the " stop thief cry olf "subterfu g e"
and " prevarication :" But Ihe may thih it
" - sitbterfuge" or any other fuge he pleases, if
it i$ any more palatable ; his own writhing and
extra-indignation; are conclusisie - eyidenee that
it is exceedi gl:: unsavory .andrembarrassing - at
33ut the most laughable and absurd feature
of the whole, is our neighbor'3 ; pretentions that
Gcin. Irvin " did ;all he could to oppose that '
ta; from. beginning to end." [ This announce
nuint, taken in connection with his statement
seteral weeks since, that he cUst no vote " di
reCtly. touchingthe question of tea and coffee,"
will certainly berich to his readers, and we May t
ad i ii ; from a discepancy at once awkWard. and
unenviable. [lei admits that Gen. Irvin "dod-
Oil" the vote upon the only que r stion,directly
toitching tea and coffee, and yet boasta - of hav
ing proved by i‘ members of Congreis, who
",izoted side by side-with hint;"" that he did all
hei could to oppose such a tax. Marvellous
comfistency. Terrible opposition, to reCord'his
vote upon every question immediately preceding
and f&llowing the only on directly touching.
'this tax, and, yet when that question ;,iii about
to be tested, to absent himself from his post, or
otilerwiie dok, , the responiibility I Btu% op.
pOsition is; to say the least' very queStionable, -
and we opine our Inei4bor will find it a very
di)licult task to onvincie even hinting much
mare the peoploief Pennsylvania, thati'dodging
de vote upon soiinportant a question 'comports
WO a very strong oppositihn to the measure.
But why need tie say more? . Has not our I
nCighbor admitth4, reluctantly, and with con
srrable. qualift Lion; it is true, all that we
b ve alleged? 1 e 14 . conceded at last that
the bill did tax ' and coffee, and ' tnereoveir,
t at Gen. Irvini oted for .that billiwith aliCar.;
i -
1 , ..
approval. ' A ytidng further 'we
. dernil44.j
11 ' " V. 04 case is clear —aO appears'
l en
i m our cotemtrary'a min ,admiasioUw—iut . d 1
.ik such a condi nwe are Willinginisnlitnit it
4 thWpeople toldee!de,whii l i lain iha right aud,
ho in` the wrol, who has fefenil e d , :h4. ,
~ 4 0 ,
he the truth. 1 that Gen. Iryk..orirotWfOr
'ng tea and acriree,l therefore,' we , 'alkali eon.
t We to proil4U wliere+'and ;whenever. it
suit our oh eet, l itHitaribeak of Our iiligh.„
• , , a i.- - : .-- ~ ,
, e _
ll pxt denuidesiSol
la guy
, R i l i w ,
• m
inna~ the month
m thitountii I 1'
is Ito , New -4 1 1
;PlOids, iI fridialli to 46-`O4,
• andighlinien iiligerlii - I
- This gallant young dioar whe fired the ere.
iploi r iiider the very guna:Ot the Castle ef Ban
Jail de Ulloa, and afterirarde was taken pri g .
oner. l by the enemy while meindg tk,,,,
Castie, is still's -captive ,. itialive; in Me 'co .;
t/ e -
For 'a time be was initatred in the - if
%Vie, but when that. plde Was deadened be
was iremoved, nobody 'Jaime where. 1 Sinc e
his capture ewer& IX 1(091 Mexican ohm.
ere have beef released; iiiid yet strignri to say, '
' all (lints toproture the ilbery oftbislietrep.
id ottnefleve levied eliertiVo. 13)relitrondu c e
displays but very-little watioeal meg4aimity
or henor. The Secrete# of the Na',y' ho ho
been; very „active 'in pticiOni liii -Telesii,
threatens the 134 3yel4iii' r
eliiblitiOnl,if eis not ;
soonlgiven up. '. . f - 1 : H ‘
~-..,..- •
Majs. Gaines, Boreland, and iCassiu's,
M. Glay, are still prisorrers in Mexico, aotwith
stang that arrangemeets 4ere made for their
release by Gen,Taylor at Buena t NI
bad faith, to say nothing of lie lob anity or
the Mexicans, engenders! noting" but the bit- ~,
terest contempt, A- letter freer Maj. ) Gaiiwc
dated the 3d of Apriknieski 'of thembeing
in close confurementindie castle of ntisgi:
f i
When prisoners are agiatkeatitured b our ar
my, may such vandalie,Mbe remembe
• giiir What is' he rerinen the Regs* die,
not last seek condesceid : to . notice eurilues
tions relative to the - "Erithlic benefit" 4f corp.
rations ? Isit disposedto back outfits de
fence of such -srott4mitl air' ? Or d it nee
. i ii
" breakers ahead" '•W .e rhicli portend ; to li e
party if such aithestioa is agitated ?, We are
' very sorry that our neighbor did riot inake the
' attOmpt, at least, to enliglidn un andlthe pub
' lie upon so important an well as complicated a
subject. Perhaps, hoWever; he overhloked our
questions. If so we Will state, dere 11gain.
-1. Will the Registo: l int:em us or Old " pub
lic benefit" incorporate institution which
might not have been equally as well secure&
by individual or co-partnership en , rise ?
Individuals and members of a co partner
ship are jointly and , severally resPo Bible for
the payment of all their just debta, ut mem
hero of .a corporate bOy are not—is
emption from such liability, that "
fit r ,
4. In what way is '.the public benfited
this constant liability to be defrandel ?
An answer to thesetCquestions, togi i ther with.
an article which appeired in this iiiitper two
weeks since, would' NI thanifulfy eked by
an inquiring public no. less than, on
We hope it may not escape our neig, bor's at
tention again: • -
The Conntry . :and the T • 1111 .
Our readers will all remember tl ' e terrible
hue-and-cry set up by: our Federal a -tempora
ry of the Register. immediately after the re
peal of the Tariff of. 184.2.- The,c4intry was
to be ruined at 'one°, and no. misiake. The
price'of labor, inlesS than six. months, was tq:
i v
be reduced a stankard With the auper la; bor of Europe, the fernaer's produce as to rog
injhis garner' forwent of a heme ma het, mak!
ufheturing was to : cease; the shat s of coal
mines were. to be eload, and - the res of the
furnaces to ge out--in short, every liepartment
of business, even governmentitself, Was to laol
gnish, and finally be buried beneath the •gener;
al: wreelc ank Y ruin'f 'of that hydra,i known ie
the vocabulary or Federal slang as . 1 ' the moo=
strous British Tariff?' - ' -l, --
-Bat how haVe these predictions been fulfil
ledu ? 'ls the country " ruined ?''' Is the pried,
or labor cut down ? ,Do the products of agri
pultnre find no .market? Have : *ng and
mannfaetnring ente'rpriies lanais td, or the
wheels of gpviernment begun • to lag r want of
Motive - power—n#ENnz ? ' The who
wiold assert this would te'regardell
There 14 then, not the least. analog
the prddietions of;. the "ruin"
nionths'ago, and the condition of
now. Ottirneighbol-knows and f
hence' his's,allen hut. not : the less
silence upon the subject. He kno
stead of the " rain" he predicted '
ed, its very counterpoise 7 —u - nex
perity—is visible on :every band.
kis Own leading oraciis are foieed
J l udge BANES, 011VilatIPPiltted by
hor for the Aide 'cif; floitemor,l. and
Treasurer, holds the following litni
istion to the - unexampled, **PI
country, in a late eireular to the T
the nestling eOuntiet in this - tate :
.1; .._The present year promises an unusual &
pey '
of prosperity. I 1 ThIS-prici) of all kinds of
'n and agricultural products is 'good, and
have found an early roiAret The re*
inns aeOrningfronf r Our publin Arori a
will this
Year greatly exceed-0080403y p7vionsYeat
Our prospects are; Itherefort - full 0 hope, and
are such as to dispel any _thing_thing ' h e doubt or
, tespondeney. . : i i;'• , - - I - -
LWe commend, thabot.o - I,oilio ' ' ' attn.
ton of our neighhor t whiListill en tines
eek to week, to e t • enrvinny-tote eameut;
ulfdlid predietiond i set,withdut th ecourage
1- 'at I A aught that the brat pursed
heir realitYWellrell remember his bravado
^ bout a '46 Tariff mail, fcif: - ' or, and Is
ying inenuiti that the Derr do OM
lot ;nominate ' 1
. 1i 4 04 1 4ii - fojythat 066 ; -
in l ' 6 -* liovitt#4*!liii 'hik,r',:w e # 1
. 71nina,, 1)iii,1:6„:44 . It
~.:?f !i,itti ., ,dlnvite lu . P s :
''') mal l i k* i lr:, tlestitA :AI, ' , i s al'
tati' ' rair hi put ii - mmti :- i ba th
he dafe'not r ientheitee bid spenc! l . '
.4 *
• •
i_nr.- °.
‘11717 '81444
t ther or o`Maipa; for: the .taint pt
- y r
- 4
430110+ii for
Du e
710,11 '
this ex-
14 belle
as meant.
Lc between
s this, and
s that in•
d bewsil
, pled pros•
Era •a
o admit.—.
our neigi•
low State
ge •re•
ty of tho
' aßrell of