Northern democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1844-1848, May 20, 1847, Image 4

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    , t d M-Tussts,'Y.:4iirens` l .--: coven d 1 11 4Pur
Paper • of itiiril 2g ` th that 1*., • 1 1'41*,.4 1 ' 61# on'
ateliDaraterisin aehe teens him, andwere it:
not Ci s thi - -nkaritier • iii:,:irlitililie Speiikc that
:` ,o so , '44;;ws , t,er lass 4 1 .-u ntu r P. 4 lt" 1
initild-tioVrepty to stivreal an mildew . *.n
11tAsa,`!bYfoc-ricY $7 ,0 44"--: n l i r yilot
seal riPe', an d-whit"- -'ioiii'i 'liana to pick
'.-iiti batirit'a production ittittplia'At'befete"the'
- -eoemtunity lam ate 10554,67 deltetimirte.. •-,
It *add seem th# a p4,ittirlmprofesses to
belong to the_ cola water.* l 3l.l. !iota/ 'WY
dare to reply to and -line , '...' ~ t =end absurd
theory that 3,114 K-trek .:Itanatic might con
jure up in his heated' :,. ‘ . nation,
,but I ;will
notice this onitte`sliow tt I did' not intend
any personalities nMy fi, tirt iele, but, if any
thing was said in it, that ir. Wells can apply.
Ito his dear'rumseliers, h or they. ate titter,
feet liberty to apply it to iheiiown benefit,
few 414
may suit them best. ~ if in writing a few
broken ideas that tidy oot to me at this time,
I should let drop a senten, orlvio; that you
Can apply to 3rourrlf, or ti) any zumseller in
the world, it-is at your*:' :ee:f and if the lash
'should hit any one it, will t. O
unintentional; and
I know of no panacea thatwill help them; but
shall "let the galled jade *ince."
Igy opponent-says herikt,t'p.s much a -temper
ance Man as I va. ,N4:tw Wish'• to ask how
yblicau,be strictly_.temportto and hold the
glass eigrog to , -your meiglibors lips, as you are
doing* encouraging the kifil system of keep
ing it in the,bar Of the takent thus tempting
the youth and the weaker•Sclass of men.
Now in the towns; that Atave said no sale, the
uor is out of sight, and ',onsequently none is.
.-N •
;if the law'is carried ito effect. Now, sir,
according to your position, and by that claim
to he a temperate man is 4bont as consistent,
as - Chaste Harlot, a Sober Drunkard, or a Holy
Devil. - 1
According to the argulient of Mr Wells, *e
must license the grog holes and throng the ef
fects of them, let them pt* upon the best and I
dearest of human societyithe domestic circle.
But it is said carry out4be old law and cor
rect the abases ; that I st isimpossible for it
has long been a matter o painful experience
that no law can prevent dip outrages" : of intern - -
perance and its blasting effects on society; you
might as well attempt to stop the order of
ture's laws or put a cheeloipon the ravages of
time. .
I contend that if a monis able to stock his
bar with liquors„he is abl(4to put in a stock of
groceries, and articles thai l are most needed ha
society, and it is a sad coMment, that as good
a table cannot,,be furnished for travellers with
out the liquor as with it ; ilnd less annoyance
. il
to travellers where there 4no liquor used.—
Now, sir, how agreeable ithnust be to stop at
a public house and call foi your supper and
lodging ; another man comps and calls Tor his,
but .as is frequently the ea& about half corned
and his money is as good , as yonrs, he is put at
the same table, direct from the- stomach about
half eat up by liquor, and then take lodgings'
with the " tait and ins ofa rmn sucker" would
be the height of felicity. i ,b3ut we must submit
to all this in order to let t 1 poor landlord get
' a living. 1 ..
With the same propriety we might have a
law passed, that the Court grant the exclusive
privilege 'to men who keep) a house •of enter
tainment, might as often Is once a week, kill
One 'man anti take his moiiey in order to , make
a living.. Would not a trivoller then take up
with a private house rather, thinkine of these
contaminating pelf-house:4 teraeriety ?
Now, sir, suppose you Shouldsee a man with
an instrument of death in; .s hand, and about
to take the life of his neighbor, would you not
rtin the risk of your own Fe to arrest the mur
derer and take from hinti the instrument oil
death, and put it forever :4ey_ond his reach 1--k)
Orif we discover a person' with an instrument]
• of death in his hand, about to take his own life
' you would consider it youp imperative ditty to
wrest 'it from him at yeurlown peril.
Why not then, when tiie rum-seller stands
behind his counter with aibottlo of liquid poi-
son in one hand (the worskinstrument of death) 1
and the other hand extended to receive your
' money, the, support of yo i*r family,and perhaps ~
the children nee), death'seor from the want of
food algt clothing; perha p s your wife almost
• in her grave from a brol4n heart, the vows
once made to her ate forgotten apd she laas !..'
' sinks into a premature gave ;! while the poor
inebriate is ready to grasp the fatal:uastrument
pays the last he has on edrth' for a r potioT of
that arhich is fast bringing him to a premature
and dishonored
,grave. 1 But he drinks the 1
Maddening poison, leave/ the rum=hole in ai
state of phrenzy, and imbims his hand in thel
blood of his helpless r nisiiing: : '. . f
Why not, then, when 4tm is .that fatal in
strument furnished by thii ruin-seller, rush - to
him andlecure the inebriate and his. helpless
children. 1
• ~ &with you willow shade Omit iced, and . unknowW
There,by that turf, with tottel* wild-ltriarenowned, ..!
- Be for whose sake the wife iska slatted tog alert,`: -
iks bouts km love a tintskatids rue has roust , , - •
' I could not min& with the lidishing throng 7
That dance along this giddy pittfoliife,
'Twasnot fer se to enjoy thOwerfnisoeg,
• Tor I was downed the wtriebeil Ilnutherd'werife. .-
ectild.ros *wall, sql sullyl hkr.4 . ,
- Thema* brat the&nowbeta& thq"
th i loweithi windowsills adthithht.
Itiroltileiteld llal 611 . 1114 4 0194 - • ~,--. , .
`'--, Wilkt 19 1 14 , P 8 **ld* *llia wo rk or &ilk
. ..Aitionispiti WO 4 - 4.,. -
P,iiinsklamedAumartolte"llolo3,la sad wealth , '.
. ithreakdositith*M0 1 0 1 4 , nielPfsikarilPieptfth.!'
~, .110/if the rtitai4entrfrOM mum ofoilibiE
. ',44eryanii:44%oA46**MMMirili r
• timt say one:WhOthe:olitayilim of
tiiiningtimileigroidliiii..;*** l 4 -
~.,y the i!hieb • 4,6rg,WleLlotpig• the
-, 46044* -4 14). b
:::e43, re-MiY'llaile Mali ,
mild come to the cod-
Aitioir - Alit irriffigseilifiriritlia l isikir - ii
pest to siciety l ',litialk 11141 on humanity, and
tViii9i4 +ll4lo"ni — iti,l l .4TFveili r in;.,
' tio,' . t eiiik§Dki4-IniiAina_:: L°-, ,
How .. t e heart of Xi. Wellelleeds. f o r the
Siudcrez,rumlcitc:r * ileiciii of aiguish
are pbed-tor,the.orphans tlmt,this,fe4i.destroy
er lii;s' iii4de; l ‘ the widows ilia 'ire inolme than
idOws ;laffectiorts once made 4 and rum :dead 1
' fOrerer; i ivir..ieeprdetr at the:alter of h y m e n;
now ~ ii',o;te!'iMiled wider fO s ot . ; hopes on
thb.brui . 4y, ei_lirightles the morning star
new des forever; sighs that are wrung from
the brolukbearts and teamthatmever end;
814.111:14d to - your vievi,thedagger of the
midnight; assassin, fired by ardent spirits ob
tained ati theists riim-holes yet crimsoned with
the bloCid 'cif an 6ot - ending victim? the axe
yet 'goriwith the blood olanalfectionatewite I
yet with Ull,these facts (which is but. a. faint
picture of rum's doings) 'no more -impression
is made on the hearts of rum-Sellers and - their
l advocates the dropping feathers or a look—no
Itears of compassion can be wrung from these
'hearts of steel.
Yetswhat floods of tears are shed for the
Slandered ram-seller and his virtuous daugh
LL Why it Would seem from the outpourings of
the , `grief of Mr. Wells that he is ready to ex
claim, i -
Oh that my head were waters, and my eyes
Were fountains flowing" like the liquid Aim
Then would I give the mighty flood release,
And :weep a deluge for the Injured race."
In conclusion I have to say to the friends of
the new lew in the townships that have said at
the balloC-box "no salej' see that the law is
fully carried out,let nothing intimidate you, id
this nnpriliciplecl_set thfeaten, for it has been
said " if we carry ont the law we are in danger,
of having our buildings burned and our prop
erty destroyed—but let it come, their high ca
reer will soon bo over and peaceable, virtuous
citizens will take their places, and society be
rid of its most demoralizing trafftic.
I have closed this discussion on my part
through the columns of the Democrat, but, of
Mr. Wellsor any. other 'person wishes to take 1,
up the subject, and discuss it orally, they can
,be accommodated by addressing Republicanus
through the Post Office at Montrose.
The ll'ess.
Thoughts flit.and flutter thro' the mind,
As o'er the waves the. shifting wind,
Trackless and traceless in their flight,
As falling stars of yesternigbt;
Or the old tide-niarki on the 'Shore
-Which other tides haVe rippled o'er.
Yet ART, by genius trained'and taught,
Arrestss— r recortis the Beating thought,
,Stamps on, the iniintU, of the hour
A lasting and eternal power,
And to Mind's passing shadow gives
An influence that forever lives.
But mightiest of the mighty means
On which the arm of progress leans,
Man's noblest mission to advance
His woes assuage', his Areal 'enhance, , •
His rights enforce, hinwrongs redress;
Mightiest of the mighty is—the PRESS.
A Patriotic Minister.
‘‘ Although these gray hairs'must descend to
the sepulchre, I would infinitely rather they
should descend thither 1:1 the'hind of the pub
lic executioner, than desert at this crisis the,
sacred cause of my country. _ -
Such; reader,'wai the-language'of a minister
of the Gospel, " enlisted in the holy cause of l
freedom." - was the language of one who
was eminent tor pie(y as for patriotism, and
both were above reproach. It was the decla
ration of the venerable John 'Witherspoon, of
Sew Jersey, in the Continental Congress, when
the.draft the,Deciaration of Independence
Was submitted to that venerable body by the
immortal Jefferson.: Bebtild him in
tion ! There be stands in that sage • and im
posing assemblage ! He rises to speak on a
subject theinost important of a national char
enter that has-eve rr claimed the attention of
man. Around hinajet his compeers, Franklin ;
and Adams, Jefferson and Lee, Hancock and
Pants' ork ind ;their, eompatrictta. But there',
Every word was important. England claimed
each man as the subject of an ignominious
But ‘ there Were no cowards ~there !
The aged Witherspoon felt the responsibility
that rested Upon him, yet with a full reliance
upon Providence," be proved himielf more than I
adequate to, the emergency. 'Die I may, and
die I must ' , but, let death come as it =5, and,
when it may, .1 wilteevix "desert the sacred
cause of mrceuntri."
Oh, for the Heaven-born fire of Wither
spoon in thisolatter days.— Washington Washington Ex
aminer: ,
!hogs:R. 7: -A noble motto fora young man
--higher-"never, loOkdown. Aim high—push
high—leap h-high. If you cannot reach the
Stara you can have the 'satisfaption of drawing
near to them. He who stands ota elevated po
i sitions, is sure to catch the first rays• of -the
gpiniOns and. So he who is idready , stepping'
iv nnd-reaehing -up, will first catch the favors,
l'ilof Heaven asi they desoend. There is no= Ob
ject on whiOh we gaze that gives as so much,
phansurc,,anthe nprird and continued progress . '
i n moral culture an(4bust . virtrie of enterpri-,
1 siug,,yoMV3Mo._ ,nn the china of idoth
are lankaa, ibe,lisioll. is clear--tbe heart bwy
aut, and trii'ldfections and ruposes itrong
higher, and 011 higikOjeika will be gained,
lii)bler prig** achieved, 11 4 5 . 1 Willie , 1 44 rnitiOn'
at4iektiiii WM tilriliWitko ft! tat!nr,egener
; 46 )4 405 ,
' 11144 i 'o i n f l ii mi ' 6 °6 *
follows P litlu "" P , 71', 71 !" - ''' ' ' ' ' .
ins *might before
!AtPAtein 1 40 0 4 -11-31 korti
thilddie ,the
etie i ., ileCailjull kW! AAA
~eB- 1 6doo orecintetioxi,ffiat
gallows .
A-14fEW andfull assortment of Ploughs and
1 ~Pkoggis Owing of tbe roost approved con
struction, jot* eceived. and for sato lit low pri
ces by '''
New Ilgilford,. Ap ril 4th. 1847.
T g ir„Subscriber would inform his friends.
and' e pablic. that he has purchased the
shop formerly ccupied by P. Jenks, but more
mcently , by Me*: H. Patrick, a few rods west of
the Court House, where he is now carrying on 1
the abase busiiisss in all its branches. He so.
licks a share otthe public patrons •
T o
f -- • l';'' ''(•• ‘, " •WAOEH • LLET.
\.411.00i01ie0a11.20‘,1847. --, 0-. i, '. '•
0:, 1 zocrAlsTr-i.o.tiattrionza—
. , oro emote anti Sitta Onto.
AT the stortf 4 of the Subscriber so. b. Turn
pike street; mairbe found It general assortment
of Goods. Gdoq goods an dat the lowest priCes
—Consisting of
Shoe-Kit and findings &c.
Montrose. Miirch 3. 1847
INF ont,tATl 0;
r rHE
SubsC iber s Books and accounts are
i , ,
nt his Store N 4. 6. Turnpike Street, and he is
generally the,* ready to wait upon those who
call to exarnin? them. Those who have neg
lected setteling:iover six years are requested to
call and renew their obligations to pay. Those
wheie accountil have stood five. four, three or
over two yea rslare most earnestly fequested to
make payment and those whose obligations have
not stood over one year since they became due
are informed ttqh. payment will not he refused
of them—A general settlement is dish - ed.
March 3, ISM
4', •
ODEY'S itEPRINT of the two most pop
ularr and fashionable English Magazines.
Reprint of Plackwood's Lady's
Magazitfe, Monthly, 81 per an.
Lolidon World of Fash
ion '
' •" 7 sl, per an.
TWO copies of either, or one copy
of each, one year, 81' .50 do
Any persoubscrihing -to Godey's 1,11-
410 i Book, rind sending, $3 in a !Vance. sha 11
be iurnished with the+ work “ne year. an'd a
c("4;ir also one lirear, of either of the Reprints.
The above work. .ittird a greater profit to In
cal or travellii a. , elita than any other work.
published. FOr terms, address 'the Publishers
: 1 1... A. GOOEY, Philadelphia.
DRCT. R, 111AtER,• -
Eciecti4Botanic and Hydro
. paOtic Physician,
AV o t b ro 'L .fa t t b % o l u c t i t nit to tee t citizens ze h n u s s of
m a n d lo e n a
permanent location in the village pf Montrose,
where he will be happy to wait upon all thuse
who may favtit him with their patronage.—
From the long '.,xperience be has: h•,ii in his.
practice. be tbrOks be •can safely recommeod
!mitten to thht i lcornmunity with perfect coal
dence of success.
He will take patients at his residence where
they will recei?e especial care and ettelkdance;
and would espOcially invite ail those who are
afflicted with ()broom Diseases, an d k have tailed
to obtain relief from Physicians of the Alopa.
tby School, to live him a call for by his prac
tice helms bec taught. that most. if not all of
the diseases which afflict the human (amity.
can be cured . or greatly mitigated. He will
keep on hand large assortment of
for family useS ; consistin4 of Stomach and
Billions Pills, Cough Syrups, Strengthening
Bitters, ;spice Inters, Scrofula Syrups, Corn—
liposition Powders, Arabic Balsam, Mother's Cot.-
dial, Strengtqbning and Adhesive Plasternd
Worm Syrup - i which is-an _infallible remedy.'
with medicines; which are effectual in curing
Chronic and tl¢ute Rheumatism, with many
others too nuni;erous to mention. lie would al.
Iso say, that patients laboring under diseases:of
a Consumptive: and Cancerious nature, need
not despair of *lief under his treatment.
Montrose, Mirch 4, 1847. No. 9—tf
PIAI3 xrriox
AWARDED the Gold and Silver Medals, Four
First Prennum . S, and two Highest Honors, at the
National, the ;Massachusetts, the New-Yore
and the Pennsylvania Exhibitions, respectively
for the most splendid Colored Daguerreotype
and best Appa r atus ever exhibited.
Portraits taken in exquisite style, without re
gard to weathe'r. r" ,
lost ructionstgiveni in the art.
A large assortment of Apparatus and Stock
always on hatid, at the lowest cash prices..
- -Kew York) 251 Broadway ; Philadelphia
130 Chestuut Si.; . Boston, 75 Court, and 58
Hanover Sts4, Bali 'more, 205
_Baltimere St.;
Wa4hington, Pennsylvania Aveale* ; Peters
burg, va., Me4hanies' Half ; Cincinnati, Fourth
and Walnut, - ; and 170 Main St.; Saratoga
Springs. Broattway ; Paris, 127 Ville Rue du
S..mple ; Liverpool, 32 Church St. 213-ly
for Sore Eyetoi?ts. Siyellinits, Borns, Bruises
&c. &c. just re ived and for sale by
Bentley et Read.
iffogMDOZ. Tin Ware, including Pans, Pails,
Mr Dippers, Coffee and Tea Pots, Bakers.
Basins:dm. &C. at wholesale or retail, at great
ly reduced prides. for hale by
- 1 ,1 J. LYONS.
A FULL a ss ortment 'of Stone Ware this day
JelL. receive and' will he sold - m . 4p
TIR. SegurS Restorative Pills. I Dr. Spoon-
JLP er'i HyOitioa do. ` Lee's, Hooper's. and
Tomato, do ' Also, Dr. Rafterty's Family
Medicines, wWiting of Balm of G ilead, Worm
OIL VegetablelffillsiEye Water, Strengthening
Pierer; Port°cation. &c. dm. . -,
ii i e
. Foir th eir, ' rior excellence sad greatuse.
Woos, theee dictum are entitled to a place
i 5014111 7 family. , Try • than., • •
OratinpooLl Dr.' Jayoe's Vera ifuge. God.
fray: Cordial eorert'o Balm of Li e, Camphor,
goroboutid t •Boreg, oric, Licorice. . &c., fot
aole : by 4 1 - -t. J ` LYONS. •
-.41ca1l- Os '1: 7. _
... Mit 011111 t
LARGII of Faust Ga y - aims,
„miiaciudlog alltakaos,) just opooed. and for
nia)jr: .1- LYONS: .
-Muralik :
police mat:
-for -being
her if she hica
; Iff;44nd
,fgri Au, •
i% ~t
kitare Chance.
T A lA' ir L .
To Vitt.' le Dealers and Betallei6 l ll 11 11 11 11 IHY ER 7 S
PILL UI 11 ,
11 li
et' Meirchandise, im, within WO. " _l.
l e Aisterteass Itintraveill '..w. 1
- - County or Susquehanna. I i ,in
- , I Yg it , .
eittn Vegetable IttedlClue„
HERE , Pills are one of the kest Medical
IN purs u ance of_ the act of Assembly ot this
...CoMni6itivealth, of the 4th day of Ma ICompounds in use at the present, drio,--;
** As a commeln family physid, for administratiod
E $ A 1 r
D. 1841-oentitled ' - an act to provide re eni4e iniall tempdrary complaints of the stomach and
to meet tte demands uponthe treasury ' d for bowels, held ache, colds, &c.,1 they may bd
other purposes"—and an act ofApril illtt4A. D. ii
fuily &pen ed upon, and a prompt use ott4eie
1845—entitled " an act to increase the re edge
and diminish' the legislative expe ~.,..._ on the first Appearance of indisposition will Ito
alles ""7 variably sane much-sickness. They are pecm
'Commoroyealib "—also an tier passed th 2Z , 11 N o y
day of April A . D. 1846 entitled' "anet to - adapt.d le all cases of weakness and = gen t
ere! debilityl—any derangefraint of the system,
provide for the reduction (Attie public ebt?' and especiajfy with females—add a steady, un
ibeondersigned. Appriiser of hlereantile 49 interrupted bse of them, in Strict conformity
for Susqaebanna County, has prepared a ist Af
with the directions yeti! very soon restore the
all Merchants trading or doing bee fi ness, ithin o f h
said County; and placed each of the said Met• organs tti stomach to their natural tone and
chants in that class which td him appear right
amion, and regulate the bowels, - and renovate
the whole system.
and just according to the provisions of sal acts
There is do disposition to give extravagant
of assembly as follows, viz: ,
ccimmendations of them. What. is here stated.
Romney.. NAMES OF MERCHANTS. LAW islhe result !of actual experience with ' then),
Brooklyn, R. T. Ashley,
do Edwin Tiffany.' / 4 add that thro l ugh a period of fifteen years. It
13 is.aot supposed, or pretended, that they will
-do O. A. Eldridge, 1 4 raise the dead; neither are iiimy designed to be
Cboconut, J. S. Peironneri, 121 used as freely as we use oar FOOD ! Such is no
do Mott & pione, .
' • 12 ,; he true parouse of medicine, Its only appro.
do Benjamin Green, ' " Name office is to assist nature in restoring the
Clifford, A. Browning, liquor, i 14 '
system to a prtiper tone and action, when una
do E. Mapes,
Dundaff, , S. B. Wells & Co., 1iqu0r,.... 12
vOidably, or through carelessness or excess; it
becomes deranged. Many are careless, and
do ' A. G. Phelps, ~- 1.4
do J. H. tiiiiney, liquor; ..... .14 hence need this aid. Andmost
the careful are
liable to irregularities of the system. It is
do Joseph B. Slocum, Store, .... 13 needless almost to say, that a prompt use. of
, Dimock, - L. H. Woodruft, 1
. 14
do ' N. E Kennedy, .. ... ' ... .1- •14 safe and elective; remedies, on the first appear-
Gibson, U. Burrews & Co., 12
once of Hitless, is the-part of wisdom, cEr Such
„ a Medicine the Proprietor knows these Pills to
do limits & Curtis, .... ..... I t • I'' . bet.. Ell Arid he is certain that in forty nine Ca
rlo D. M. Maims, liquor, 14 1ses out of fitly,
Great Bend, Win. Dayton, 1 12 I where a fair trial is made ae.
cording to the directions, they will be used a•-
do 4 3. Dubois. .. /.... .L . 1
; l4 I gain as a standard medicine. He has never
~ 1
do Warner, Brothers, .. • ''' !known on instance, where they have been thus
do Brayton & Gondor, .. L 13
L I used, in which they have not met with UNQUAL-
Harford, S. Seymour, • ~- I. 14
I do G. G. Pride & Co., •-i,., ifriee APPROVAL!
. io
141 Numerouth testimbnials may lie seen at the
Harmony, T, P. Badger,
D A & J. D. Lyons, : ..
do • 14 General Office of sale, and references will, he
.. 1. 1" given to substantial living witnesses of their
do DeGraff, Barker 4. Co., ...r - 13 valuable curative properties.
do T. E. Curtis 4. Co , liquor, '. ~. 14 The Pills are purely vegetable, are of two
do Aaron Wakeman, liquor, 4.1.. 14, kinds, stimulant and purgative, purifying the
Lenox, E. R. Grow 4. Br's . , ....-... 14
Montrose, Mills &Sherman, ' 121 bl oo d , and producing a healthy action through
do 1. L Post & Co., I 13 , the entire system; are / a valuable Anti Biltious
do' J B Salisbury, I 1 . 3 1 Medicine, and ernieently useful in all I ingerires
do 3 Lyons, '
•. 14 .""iPlaints—Weakness. General Debility. Dys
` • '1 -* . 4 1pepsy,Pulmonary Affect ions Liver Corinth] itlts.
do Lyons & Chandler, . ' 1
t 1— Rheumatic and S asinorlic Affections, Female
do 8 S. Mulford & Son, ...t.i.. 12 ' P -
13 1 Cumpla tilts, Palpitations, &c. .
do i' B. Sayer,
do George Little, • - 1 14 INa Fp:lmill'. after a fair trial. will be without
... .. -
do M. 8.1..50n, i.. 141 ihruk.
M. Ty I, r , •i'' 14 1 hey are put up in FIFTY CENT and
L ..
do N. Wieliell & Co., ... . 141
i DOLLAR PACKAGES, each having, a pamph
embracing a valiiirtrle Treatise on Disease.
do , 3: Ethrid e, liquor,
13 ,, , R Scarf & Co., iiquor - . Ill . .: ! : 4 3 ' i l a ' v l ith lull direct nets for use. The Dollar pack
les are the ehe • Test to the purchaser. They
du 1 Bentley Sr Read. honor, .-..p 1.. 13
do Merrill& R 01, D in'o
r 1 .. 14 i may be ordered through Druggists. giving the
- 41 i
N Milton], a L Sul men & Cu . u....... 4.1.. 13 street Ifali No. of the General Depot.
do Ilenry Burritt, ' 13 1 Soh; Wholesale and Retail, at
do , Bennett & Weaver, hquor, .'... 12 No. 1.10 Fulton street, Second Floor, N. Y.,
Rush, Almon Picket,.• . t 14, Between Nassau-street and' Broadway.
Springville, A. Lathrop, . .5 . .. . . I. ~
, ' (KT As Teo roans !Health—Try :bean 2,J
do Thomas Jackson, ... - -1 3 a:r The above Pills are also for sale at the
do Ira Scott, 14' ti•rept BEN r LEY & READ, of this piece.
Jackson, A. J Seymour, ~ .. 14 : -
Jessup,' ' NB. Cornwell, ..... „.. t •14 i
Ana the Judges of the Court of Cd mon 1
pleas et said county will hold a court of prat ,
at the Court House in Muntriase to and i r the
county luf Susquehanna, on Tuesday t e Bth
day otidne neN,Qtt one. o'clock P. M., at htct
tame arid place any tit the merchants riti ivied
described and classed as aforesaid, or the
agent or attorney, may appear and sipped, tro
said assessment if they think proper— rso
dealing as aforesaid, and classed by tit si
acts of Assembly according to the amo l nt
annual sales, by' them respectively , mad -
lot lows : -
Oases. Ain't of annual sales. Atelier li '
Ist $300,000 Bt l
2d 200.000 3
3d ' i 100.000 1
4th b 5,000 i
S t n 75 OW 1
6th 60.100 i
7th 50.0110 .
Bth 40.000
9th , 00000 1
10 h 20,000
11th 15,000
12th 10.000 ,
13th - 5 000 II
14th less than 5.000
Provided—that when such wholesale 01
dealers confine their purchases and sa l
buying and vending goods, wares, end me
discs, the growth, product and manufact
the United States, he or they shall pay on
half the amount, of libcense required b
provisions of this act, ,
" And every seller or vender of wines r dis
tilled liquors, either with or without other cods.
wares, merchandise, commodities, or effens, its
aforesaid, shall pay for his-license fifty per
cent., in addition to the rates above speeded for
the respective classes* and every lieensA here
after granted, shall specify whether the'party
obtaining the same is or is not entitled o sell
or vend wines or distilled liquor , P °tided,
That no person whose annual sales do dot ex
ceed 'One thousand donee., and no fern sole
trader, or single woman, Wil ' iise annual s les do
not exceed two thousand five hundred' 011ar,.,
venders of wines or distilled liquors, excepted.
nor any impimer of foreign goods; wares or
merchandise who may, vend or dispt set of the
same in the original packages as imported, nor
any pitoton who may vend or dispose of articles
of his, own growth, produce or manufacture,
shall be required to wife out a license '• under
Ithis net." I
, * E. ' apt such store keepers or apotb t icaries
as she I come under the 4,01 section of a act of
lasseirbly passed the 7th day -of April.' A. D .
11946, entitled "an act authorising the iiizens
o( f certain counties to decide by ballot w
the sale of vinous and spiritous liquor
be continued in said counties " they suc
[ sons. or firms residing to any borough o
'ship in said county, that has decided by
jorityi of votes polled ' against the sale
quors,r and who have procured .e Beene
the Judges ot 41re courts of quarter seat
said ueunty—shall pay the sum of five
in addition to the sum now required j by ,
be paid for license to store keepers and i i
caries being venders of foreign merchem
- C Mi. dp
Appraiser of Merton:der-axes for Saar
Biopltlyn, May 6, 1847.
- The Grape- V Jive Cradle'.
m fiE undersigned takes this method of in
forming the 'public , that he is now . engaged ,in
manufaeturing one of the Most - uselnl I instrti
mentsi for cutting grain, ever offered in Market.
The structure of this Cradle is such as to
able A man to cut his grain .with much less la
bor than is usually required—thereby •almoit
Changing the task into pleasure. A amber,of
citizens 4,f this county, who have used the Crih
tile deridg the past season, ,(Whose Flames cats
be gi l en if reference is desired) hesitate not, ti:i
pro, nee" It superior , by fifty Peeeent r , to any
jest meet of the 'kind they ;ever used. - ,
Au;A:ipportunity of exams ling the structu4.
and Utility of ihe instrument will shortly he
,:.They will be: offertld for sale by t*..
A r o., Offilay t at all the; principal stores and pub.-
ile'places.throughout ?Ile country. ,
IPaleelw"meeordlitid to 14e ittr'Ucle.i'
Fir , it common articki, (acidic included) 84 00
•DO Wire trimed &c. do E i i
t °/Thi ' Five teeth nediritied do • ' '
• , lio - Teittr plated - - ' do.' 6, '
, -1 , . Q. $ . itmes.. ,..
'''tlibenn, Feb. 6th, 1847, . i
i .
THE Subscriber would inform the.citien,
oe Montrose and vicinity. that he hae just re
turned Iron' [3o ton and New York. with
worth of Dry (3,rals, which have been purchnit
ed for Cash, since the refine' inn nr the Tariff!!
and will be &Id
r from 25 to 50: per cent. Iles
than Spring priem
MERC fiNTS in particultAr, will find hto
their interest,; to call and exadtine iil/3 arock, !be
fore visiting New York ; as he is confitten4 hir
ativaniages are such wito. enAde bun to eels
ott better terms ihan they can hyy in New'
York. Call and sattsfy yourselves e at the E.
lend of Exchange Buildings.
! Binghamton, Sept. 17th, 1846.
DRUG - 7-1 - r - STORE,
t • -
es to
I re of
y one
J3ENTLEY & R EAD ,. haVe this day receiv
ed an addition -to their stock of Drugs,
Medicines, Dyestuffs, Oils. ctc. cue., %Oen
Make.. their winter assortment complete, and In
which. they hsvite the attention of their friends
in Busquehajma county. Physicians and oth
ens supplied with every article in our line at as
low .1 rate as at any other establishment in
Northern Pennsylvania. ,4
Montrose, Dec. 9, 1846.
11-U RE winter strained, Fall &
Refined Whale OILS, also,
ij Linseed and TOnner's do., for sale
cheap by
---- - - -
lot IST EK'S Balsam of /Wild gierry. Saar- ,
V V pas Accaustic Oil, world's Snlne , Jayne's
Expectorant, Vermifuge, Carminative. Balsam,
Sand's Sarsaparilla, Dr. fitVll , lunn's Elixer ot .
Opium. Balsam of Lite, Bullard's Oa Soap,
British & Hatlein Oils, Muff 1s Phenix Bitters,
Shumar's & , ,Aristifr's - Cough Lozenges, and
, many others cif the popular , medicines of the
trdny, for site right by
gIiEEL BEOPS and PURSE. TWIST, a . new
fiupply ju'it received-, also, Steel Bag', and
Purse Clasps, i Slides, &c. &a.
Bentley 4- Read.
I per
a ma-
Of I i
• from
i• ons of
law to
'a Co.
FSANK : MILLER'S, celebrated /*her
'Preservaifte and water, Proof 04 Blacking
jut the thing (or this Weather ; for sale by •
Bentley cf. Read.
, • II: ~•
t, .
TTIE subscri ber offers tor, sale hiq Farm, '
'containing, one hundred acres, situate le
hat part of the: towniiiiip of New Milford, known
as the Stanley; settlement, Susquehanna coun
ty, Pennsylvania. .About sixty Wes 01,,,said'
farni; are in a; good stets 'of , cultivation,;—the ,
Whole is well Watered—good o'nd • conve'nie,nt
hullflings thetdon—and an orchard of 2Qtjt,eet.:
iln:g :• ' ,
' -
• V
' .
1 whicp idst ye p
er, when most ,orchaids in the
neighborhood Were rendered worthless for the
seasonhy,the frost, yielded upirartla:of 400 bit
-0110st-8140, a good ' ariety' of other fruits,
among - which Late Pearl, escheat, Plums,.&c.
Theportion net cleared hi all timbered' and
the bum as a whole, offers go d inducements -to
anyone who Of desirous of porchasing.a fitrm in
libis Section of ',country. Thereure ttlse:attach.
ed In the premises, a Cider Mill, and Cider
Mill Home. - I - 30111st8T4NLEY.
.;New Milford, June 1100 846 . 1 ' 23—tt '
i 1.-
A/ 1 1 11
for a
ifsetission on Universalism, won't& Q,
Werren,,,)and 0. rqukr., Just published. A.
lie at thejnore of.lerielLyoTt, Montrose,
121 cents: ' " , '
.. .. . ...
,_ .
l i VlTV ir n e ew oo g w L e a l t i : ng
_I i t !
i wtirchawre invite tZi t
tentioo of our trierult. I
1, miLl4B..& SHEtMAti,
HENRI( BURRITT would invite thee!, }
tention of nits friends and the public to the lo pe .
dor andiextensiveassmt mantel Staple andlars
cy Dry Goods for Fall and Winter.; whiChis,
is now receiving, comprisi ng .full varieties.
Dry Goods, Groceries , C rockery, Hardwar e ,
Iron, Steel, Nails, Paints, Medicines , Lamp l ea
Linseed Ode, Fish, Makin Robed, Palm leaves
&c. &c. His new - supplied and general 'su c k
°reads will at alttintrea as heretofore be fou n d
of thp most attractiVe and desirable character,
and !will be sold at prices entirely ,canformaide
to the present low grade of the market, and kr
most goods, at a large reduction Iroin form er
prices, fOr Cash, Prodice, or approved Credit,
New Milford, Oct. 2let, 1846.
JVKIP Dill" GOODS. -.-
VOW opening at 0. Burritt's a Shows u. 1,1 sortmont or Calice Prints; , Plain Black,
Striped and Lustered Alpaccas ; Mita, Plato
and Fancy Mouselline de. Wises ; -extra Ri c h
de..Robes, New Styles, rich Cashmere de Etor•
se, Dress Silks; SillvVelvers, Sating, Silks&
RAbbonds for Bonnets
,; Gimps, Mesa Cords.,
Fringes; Plain de !Leine, Net and Wool
Shawls of the newest, Styles from 4450 to 88 ;
Ladies a mi , Gent Patent Rubber Shbes, Braid
Cloths, Black and • Fancy, Cassinteres rely
cheap, do. Satinetts, Winter Vestinga of Supt..
rotor Styles, Cotton Yarn, Carpet Warp, &a
Ticks, Sheeting &c. &c.all of which will be
cold at reduced prices and very cheat).
New Milford, Oct.'2lst, 1844.
STOVES—Six, ilore • Stores of superior psi,
tern, and. Store. Pipe, alkci, just received 00
will be sold low by H. BURRITT.:
New Milford, Dec 1, 1846.. -
vvA b YNE & Poifitt4, for - We i
Apol 21. •
Arerer Strike it" Caws, Or
. Be Undersold !! ,
MEW. Subscriber , tenders his /lateral se.
knowledgements, to those who have pm
roomed him, awl solicitsa continuance of thei
imtrunage, and of the public generritly. He
,low receiving his welt selected stodk of
:Ls follows :
Among which may he found--.BPliver Clo l ths
Bred Clotho; PI .in and Fancy lOrseympl 4
SJ 1 ineus. some Nero 'Stylex Iraxl in ;De LaiOes•
Cashmeres, Oregon 'and .Alpheca Riiibes.-
, • 1,500
, : 1
_ L _ • 1
YDS. Prints:—Bronne Damask Woolen tin
Wattle Shawls,. Silk , Velvet, Black ;Satin. _an
Merick'i•siinirs, New Patterns.. Colvin Yi
'Pickings, Sheetingsand Batts, Ladie's Hosier,
a gre.,l Variety— '
SILK. CAPS. ; ' il
• , J
Mota... , sett, St. Croix Syrrup,
fiy..on, Hisao 'Skin, end` Soughcbong. Tett
f, esh. Brown Sogots Lump !sulnr, elx
whne puhreriztri Ameriesn
Rest 1410111,1 milt-m..3nd sperm 4.indie.:, dol
fee, Rice, S Neet Toiwiceo &r.
Shoes fit: Boots.
tench kid Slips, aIE , %) Buskins, 4r,
G'i item, Men's and Boy's thiek hoot,: and eh pe l f
e „Ito' s do in great variety. Also 1...01,e's
Gent's . Rubber shoes; • ; •
A kood fipsortment o f Crockery , Glass Mit
rin 'Ware Etc. ,
ItAItrOWAR • . '
• Milt, Saws, Carpenters &M s ices as
Fl.rks. Pen and Nickel Knives, Best ofre mina
Circular Extra, Curti Combs,-Aug rs, Haub._
ets. Haoimers.Sand• paper, &c..&c.;
Floor-Gloths, Winslow glass, Confectiotiali
French . Bunch Raiiips. Travelling Baketi
Clitpet Bags , School 'Batiks, Dye IrVoci!ls.
go,'NUtifteg,' Shall; Mackerel &c. &c.
•All of which will be'ofiered i for sale at thehisl.
est- ( possible mit:esti:o Cash,"apprated credi or
exc hanged for Fl an nel.Soc ks,,oa is, Wks ,
Hotter; Cheese, Woo!, Beeswax, Corn; Bahr
wheat, tallow, Lard, Pelts, Furs, :and Gaao
Veatters, by , I
Montrose, Nov. 11th 1846
CODFISH. —A prime lot just received xm
for sale thieap by BENTLEY; & READ.
Dec. 16, 1846. • '
ilusturso barbs,
DR, I. MTH, •
li*NTlST—Sets Teeth on Gold Plate a ,l
dues nil Dentist work 'in the best style. 411
work warranted.,— an be found at L Searles
on Sloedny and Tuesdar of each week.
' b117?1,3 Sr i SHERMAS . ,
Dealers inDry-Goods, Groceries, tiara -Mar ,
Crockery, Iron, Nails, FishAr.e:—rOde Or
below Judge Post's. 1 1 I
- ,
• E. TAITA.NY, • I
peeler its Dry-Goods, iGroceries, liardwiut ,
&c—Brooklyn, Susq'a. Cq.. Pa. f'
1. 13. LATHROP, I ,
Physician and Surgeo'n , —ollice ()inr the t
change, Springville, Pa,
~ - ~ ~:
ARK ,J;Sr, 1)13100Kj '
Physidinns and Surgiins,
ce over R. - Searle 41. en'a Store.
'do* Wagon & Sleigh Manufacturer and
Repairer—Shop on the Wilkesharre TO;
a few rods below the Village.
:Cif, • !iii!:-'*:.:S'i'REETIi)R, 't
14't!PrOYf-t! - 14“i - ,..=obiticti one dont' above As
at9i*::"V. •
' "
J• TURRELI4. _ '
Attorney & Coutuiellbr at Law.—Otfice in Ole
Store of kr...Poet ifippo..inihe.roont•forn i f r•
ly occupied by
Meters iiv.Fanci , and Staple Dry Goods. Drugs'
Medicines, Pairitiand , Dye-siuffs. Crock.
erYI HardwartOrweries. Looking Mom
- Clocks, Watchlak bitt,Aceinstriunonts, 310.
dry, atid Sioniol,rgam hoe, Nails, &A
.—Ono HOOittallt otAtie old eland of Bea4cy
dz.` mitction. .