Northern democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1844-1848, May 20, 1847, Image 3

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G laring that he teas empower td to raise a gu
erilla corpi,;,and calls on all good Mexicans to
'sin his standard.
Leitest from the South.
Killed anewounded at Cerro GerdO—AGen.
Shields' 'toound—Mexicans out of =tau?
gation• . . .
FREDIOICKSBURG, Va., May 14, 1847.
There rave been no late atrivabs at New .
Orleans froth Vera Cruz or the Brazos. The
Picayune rived by to-day's mail contain. a'
list of the Pled and wounded at Cerro Gordo,
which presents the following aggregate loss :
Regular* -14 officer's- wounded ; 39 of the
rank and 6.4 killed ; wbnnded, 196.
Volunteeis-1 officer killed and 7 wounded;
3 of the rlttik and file killed and 48 wounded.
A letter from the.aid-de-camp of General
Shields, published in the Delta„,states his-re
covery to lai alarist certain. 'The ball enterod
the right blest, about two in4res below the
nipple, a ndlpassing though the right lobe of
the lungs without tutlicting any mortal injury.
The Mexican officers say that their govern
ment have no more guns or ammunition, and
that peace r4tritt speedily ensue. -*
Total ki6afid wounded, 307.
I rl
1 '
The follovling despatch from Gen. SCOTT,
giving a Lritif account of the battle of Coro
(oido, was flublished• in the Washipg-tun_Un
ion of Saturday week :
Plan - 41 . e1 iiio: 50 miles . from Vera Cruz,
April 19, 1t447.
Sra :—The plan of attack sketched in Ge
merit Orde-s No. 112, [published below,]
herewith, w#4 finely executed- by this gallant
army, beforeltwo o'clock, p. m., yesterday.—•
We are quite embarassed with the results of
victory—pr4oners of war, heavy ordnance,
field batterids, small arms and accoutrements. i
About 3.00(-men laid down their arms, with ' i
the usual pOportion of gOld and company offt-,1
-ccrs, besideAfive generals, qeveral of -them of
great distinAion. Pinson, Jarrero, La Vega,
Noriega, an 4 ()Lando.; A sixth general, Vas
quez, was killed in defending the battery (tow
er ) in the 4r of the:whole Mexican army, the
capture of Which gav,e us those glorious results.
Our loss, though comparativeli small in
numbers, hail been serious.. Brigadie" Gener
al Shields. alcommander of activity, zeal and
talent, is, I fear, if not dead, mortally wound
ed. He is 4me five miles fron, me at the mo- t
meat. ThOleld of operations covered mail l
miles. broken by mountains and deep chasms,
and I have tint a report. as yet, from any di
vision or bridade. Twigg's division, followed 111
tv Shield's 'f now Col. Baker's) brigade, are I
now at•or niO.r Xalaptt, and•NVorth's division isl
in rotite thijlier, all pursuing. with good re- i
sults. as I Io,arn that part of the Mexican
win I I
my, perhapsisix or seven thousand men, o
fled before 6*r right had carried the tower. and I
gained the '4alapa road. Pillw's brigade a-
lone is near tile at this depot of wounded, sick, •
and prisoners, and I have time only to dive
frai him tin. names of let ' l ieut. F. B. Nel
son, and 2d C. C. Gill, both of 24 Tennessee
f , i , t. I HasktitTs regiment) among .the killed,
and in the brigade 106, of all ranks, killed or
wounded_ 4.niong the lattef, the „gallant brig
adier general himself has a smart-wound in the
arm, but no disabled, and Major R. Farque
son., 2d Totinessee, Capt. H. F. 31urray,.2t1
Lieut. G. ' l 4. Futhvrlat:ti, Ist Lieut. W. F.
Haile, (adjutant') all of the same ngatient, se
verely. andst Lieut. \V, Vearwood, mortllty
wonnded. nd I knoW, front pert anal obser
'ration on the ground, that Ist Lieut. Ewell.
of the rifles„ , , if not now dead. was mortally'
wounded. htle, ntering, sword in hand, the en- . •
trenelimentslaroundthe captured tower. 1
2d Lieut__Perby. topograplikal engineers, I
al, saw at ;;he same pla - ee, severely wounded.'
and Gaptaitill'atton, 2d U. S. infantry, loat liis.
right hand... Major Sumner, 2d U. S. drag-1
rums, was slightly wounded the day before, and
Capt. Johnsi;ln, topographical engineer, (now
lieutenant edonel of infantry,) was severely
wounded sonic days earlier; while reconnoiter
ing. I muss not.omit to add that Capt. Ma
son an , l 2d iLient. Davis. both of the rifles,
14 , 7 f• abcone e the very severely wounded in stor
ming the saw tower. I estimate our total
loss, in killed and wounded, inav be about 250.
and that of the enemy 3:AI. In the pursuit to
wards .).;alapa 025 miles hence) I learn that
we have added much to the enemy's loss in.
prisoners, killed and w ,, ,tn:led. In fact. I Hup
p*sc his retreating army to be nearly disc;rga
tired, a- , (1 liknee my haste t, follow, in an hour
.or two, to pr ,fit by events. i v
In this hurried and imperfect report I must
not omit to say that Brig. Gen. Twiggy, in
passing the,inoutitao) range beyond Cerro (or
do, crowneeirith the tower, detached from his
division, a.s. I suggested the day before, a
strong forceto carry that height which COM-.
manded theiXalapa road at the foot, anal) could
not fail, if irriell, to cut off the whole, im any
part of the' enemy-'s. forces front a retreat in any
direetion. 'A portion of the list artillery, un
der the often distitignisbed Brevet Col. Childs,
the 3d infaroy, under Capt. Alexander, the
7th infantry under Lieut. CoL Plempton, and
the rifles, Under M 4. Loring, all ender, the
temporary Memmand of Ca Harney, ` . )d drag
oons, during the confinement to his bed of Bre
vet Bsig. G. P. -F. Smith, composed that de
tachment. i • ..' •
The styleof execution, wlneh I had the plea
'sure to witness, *as most brilliant and deci
sive. The iirigade ascended the long and dif
ficult slope iif Cerro Gordo, without shelter,
and under the tremendous re of artillery and
musketry with, the utmost steadiness, ' reached
.the hreastwtirks, drove the enemy from them,
planted the'colors of the Ist Artillery, 8d and
ith infantr - the enemy 's gag OM flying—
and after s e minutes of sharp fining,finish
ed the cotiii, est with the bayonet.
It is a niost pleasing- duty 'to say that the
highest praite is due to Harney, (Adds, Plymp
ton, Loring! Alexander, their officers and men,
for this brilliant service, independent of the
great resultii which soon followed.
i Worth's llivisicm of regulars coining UP at
this time, he detached Brevet Lied. td - e. F.
Smith, witliNial:Tht battalion, to support the
assault, but4iot in time. l'he.6eiteril reacts
ing the towit a few minutes before sue, Mini ob
serving a wMe flag displayed from the nearest
portion of tie enemy town& the batteries be=
low, sent oi*Colonels Harney and. Childs to
holds par*. /the- surreider followed in. &Li
hour or twoi -
Maj. Getill r ateraon - leff ti deli bed to share
in the dangSra and.fatigdes 'of the day; and
after the al** ender went foimird to' command
the adeanee4 forms towed' Xalatin,
Brig. Gen. Mow ant* lisigadalwiem
united witgreat daring, the ishalkys t o of
batteries ontour left ; and though without env
" 86 . they e.ontaibuted e inuch to distract and
'l4O immediate rpropent.f
President Sidi Mini; with Generate Cana.
lizo'and Alumni°, and seine six otrelgt • thou
sand men, eseiped.towirds Xalapa just before
Cerr o G or d o its carried, and before 1 *:„ .'
diviiion reached the national road above ',',
I have parole the rise . era 7—
officers and men--as I have not the m,,80f
feeding them here, beyond to-day, and ~ 'mo t
I afford to detach a heavy body of horse a , d foot,'
with wagons{ to accompany them to 'Vera
l e n& Our baggagatrain, though ineing,
c s
is not yet half large enough to•give an 'ured
pr o gress to this army. Besides a grea num
ber of prisoners Would probably esca from
the escort in'. the long and deep son road,
without subsistence—ten to one that we nuld
find many again, out of the same body f men,
in the ranks opposed to- us., Not one of the
Vera Cruz prisoners is believed to have been in
the lines of Cerro Gordo. Some six of he of
ficers highest in rank refuse to give th 3ir pa
roles, except to go to Vera Crus, and thence
perhaps to the United States. I
The small arms and their aecoutremerts, be
ing of no value to our army here or at home,4
have ordered them to Be destroyed ; !for we
have not the means of transporting th m. I
am, also, somewhat embarrassed with th ,----
pieces of artillery—all bronze—which . Z have
captured. It would take a brigade. a d hal
the niules of this army to transport th 'fifty
i n
miles. A field battery I shall take for ervice
with the army ; but the heavy tiotal *ast be
collected, an. left here for the presets . We
have our own siege train and the prope earn
' ages with us.
Being much occupied with the prison rs, and
all the details of a forward movement, elides
' looking to the supplies which are to foil wfrom
Vera Cruz, I have time to add no , morto—in
, tending to be at Xalapa. early to-morroW.—
We shall not, probably, again meet witih seri
ortZ opposition this side of Perote--ceitainly
not, unless delayed by the want of the; means
of transportation. .
I have the honor to temain, sir, wit► high
respect, your most obedient servant.
P. S. I invite attention to the accoMpany
ing letter to President Santa Anna, taken in
his carriage yesterday ; also, to his proclama
tion, issued on hearing that we had captured
Vera Cruz, &c., in which be rays : "If the en
emy advance one step more, the national honor
will be buried in the abyss of the pas t' We
have taken that step. ' I
I make a second postscript, to say that there
is some hope, ~1 am happy to learn, that Gen.
Shields may survive his wounds.
One of the principal motives for paroling the
prisoners of war is, to diminish the reeistance
of other garrisons in our march. W. S.
Hon. W. 11.4.. Maacy, Secretary of War.
, I
Orders issued on'the evening presioUs to
1 the Battle. 1
Plan del Rio, April 17. 18 '7.
• General Orders No. - Il2.—The enemy's
whole line of It. ntrenebrnents and batteries will
, be attacked iti front; and at the same time tur
ned, early in' the day to-morrow—probibly be
' fore 10 o'clock, A. U. -
The second (Twiggs') division of regulars is
already advanced within, easy turning distance
towards the enemy's left. That divisibn has
instructions to move forward, before daylight
to-morrow, and' take up position acrosslhe Na
tional Road, in the enemy's rear, so ai to cut
off a retreat toward.' Jalapa. It may be rein
rqved to-day, 11 cne*pectedly attacked in force,
by regfft it zts; cne or two taken from Shield's
brigade of volunicors. If not, the two volun
teer regiments will march fm' that paiTose ax
daylight to-morrow morning. under Brig, Gen.
Shields, who will report to Brig: Gen. Ti
on getting tip with him, or the General-in-
Chief, if he be in advance. •
The _remaining regiment of that volunteer
brigade will receive instructions in the course
of this day.
The first division of regulars (Wurtti-a) will
follow the movement against the ert_tny's left
at sun-rise to-morrow morning. .
As already arranged, Brig. Gen. Pillow's
brigade will march at 6 - o'clock to-morrow mor
alone thoroute he has carefully re eonnoi2
tered, and standready as soo'l as hear , the
report of arms e our right, ~r sr,oner, if cir
cumstances should favor Von, to, pierce the en
line oflnatcries at such point----the near
er. the river the better—as he may select.—
Once in the rear of thatline, he will turn to the
right or left, or both, and attack the batteries
in reverse, or if ablind ,ncd, he , will rursue•the
enemy with vigor until furthyr orden.
Wall's field battery and.tLe cavalry will he
held in reserve on the National Road, a little
out of view / and range of the enemy's batteries.
They will take up that position at 9 o'clock in
the morning,
Ite enemy's batteries being carried or aban
doned, all our Adivisions and corps will pursue
them with vigor.
This pursuit may be continued many miles,
until stopped by darkness or fortified positions,
towards Jalapa'. Consequently, the body of
the army will not return to this encampment ;
but be followed to-morrow afternoon, or early
the next morning, by the baggage trains of the
*Tend corps. ' For this .purpose, the feebler
officers and men of each corps will be left to
guard its camp and' ffects, and to load up the
,latter in the wagons of the corps. -A cotriman
der of the present encampment will be designa
ted iin the course of the day.
.• As soon as it shall be known that the ene
my's works have been carried, or that the gen
eral pursuit has beim commenced one wagon
for each regiment and one for tiM cavalry will
follow the movement, to.reeeim under, the di
rections of Medical 'Avers, the wounded and
disabled, who- will be brought back to this
I place for treatment in general hostital.
• The Surgeon General will organise this im
portant service, andidesignate that h oosspp it a l , as
well as the medical l:ewers to be left at , it.
Beery man •who marches out toattack of
groans the enemy, will take the usual
ofiumnunition, , andimbsistence fixlat least
two-Says. , • • -
.command of Msj. Gen. Scott.
H. L. SCOTT, A. A. Genell.
• litambuudittle Cotton.
More dine' varies probably haveiweni aide
Id selectee aid art by accident and fortunate
;blinders, tllin. in any - other. way. Ai i late
instance 4We' fortunate atumblini l
truth, wb Doti:AO:bit a. physician - id 12034114
in atteiliptiog to 'pnip,ve_iut cotton f tire
ccipt cent to and to his sitonia*ent,
that Itiu: Ott= note w o u ld not: titgO%
but TOUR ttot t eve! ". Ile repeated the
T imm s " and th e tias theeste'e / lie
iliaititire noir 11,. his' " 0 1 14
theihod of lentieb* *wit iutojeliuttib ,
very small expense. lie &Rid alleges Alt
the texture cf the cotton is not injured in the
test, and is tberiforasus capable IseiMatle
to clo th ing as before th e °insets= 'it
_. tone, is a discosery or. • le
i porrance,—Sat. Eve. Post.
Litter from GeIlL Tsar Assay.
The New Orleans .Delta of bloy 6; brings
the following interesting intelligence from Gen.
Taylor's army
We yestertlay conversed with an *fritter di
end; from Settle. He left there on the 14th
idt. The force stationed there and at Buena
I Pate, under the command of Wool, was cam
( posekof the let and 2d Illinois rithnents, the
2d Kentucky regiment, the 2d and 3d Indian
tans; and the Arkansas cavalry. The lst,and
2d Illinois were about to leave; the term' of
enlistment of the whole of them will have el
fired between the Ist and 20th proximo.
The artillery force that was in the battle of
Buena Vista, are still stationed there, is are,
also Col. May's dragoons. A squadron of the
Fatter, numbering some 200,• under Lieut.
]tucker, made a scout in the adjoining . country.
l'bey found Gen Minon in the neighborhood
f Encarnacion, at the head of a thousand or
fifteen hundred lancers. They thought to draw
Ili fight from Minon, but were unsuccessful.—
!three of the party, who separated themselves
troth the main body, got killed before they're
turned to camp, by some' prowling Mexicans,
Who . hung about their lines.
The troops at Buena Vista apd Saltillo were
in excellent health ; and the wounded, who
Were daily visited by, Gen. Wool, and who saw
that all their wants • were attended to, were
'tepidly improving. With the wounded 41e,x1-
.ans, who are in a separate hospital, attended
by their own surgeons, •it is different. The
Place is in a most filthy condition ; the Amer--
Can governor of the town had to compel the al-
Cade to pay more attention to their wants and
to the cleanliness of the place.
Gen: Taylor is still at the Walnut Springs.
'ie has heard of his nomination for the Presi
dency by several presses and persons in the'
united States, hut avoids referring to it or say
ing aught about it. Ho ',evidently appears
Chagrined, hut at or about what he does not I
Communicate to those about him. Our inform
ant left his camp on, the 18th ult.
Came/too, April 16, 1847.
There is no longer a doubt that Gen. Tay
lor intends to advance upon Sea , Luis Poto
0, se soon as he can obtain a sufficient number '
pf men and means of transportation for the en
terprise. I have satisfied myself of this byl
'the General's requisition upon the Quarter
aster's Department for a large- number of
"ndia rubber bags, calculated to carry water.
Several thousands of these were yesterday
ient up in a train. Each one iti capable of
; bolding from four to six gallons. This seems
3o me 'conclusive evidence of a contemplated
[lOarch through the waterl es s country between
43nena Vista and San Luis.
MARKETS.—In this 'market wheat is worth
*l,OO, Rye and Corn 50 cts., Butter 12 1-2,
Potatoes 37 1-2 ets., Sugar, Maple, 10 Om,
rie4 Apples 62 eta., Tallow 12 1-2 eta., and
4"ow Cloth 20 to 22 ets.
i;r Wheat, in N. Y. is worth $1,60 to $1,75;
Aye, $l,OO, Corn, 95 ets. a $1,04, Wheat
1 1 :Flour, $7,87 a $B,OO, Beef cattle, $7, a $9;00
Lper cwt., Sheep ant Lambs range from 50 ets.
t 054,50.
.711192rICE.—Iteligious services may be
'expected in the Universalist Church in this vil
ilage next Sabbath at 5 o'clock P. M.
For what shalt profit a man if_he shallgain
the whole world, and loose his own soul ?"
plark S : 36. .
n Sourlanron, L. 1., on Saturday the 15th
inst., ii t A L Vii. 1,11, I
of this Tillage, to
t ; Miss liar:JET A. Frinis, of the (urine;
I ; place.
l•rActir Lace‘ville, Wyoming Co., on- the lOtif
inst. br • Eld .1. W. Parker, M. S.D. Sten-,
Dart T, of Whldbain, and Miss Seniil-11,
5. Ruoo. '2 f the former place.
A Miry ti.srm r n LS.'
, &. 1 IN EAV GOODS a
fll H E subscriber is just recerving from New
6 . 1 Y.,rl:: a large and well selecred stock of
Spring & Summer Goods,
t every ariety, w hich nifty% fur hate upon
tic principle of .4 Quick sales and Small pratits.7
ranoklyn. May 12, 1E617
jpiemiv bbibz
&MD Tatum onaLimp a a a
subscribers are now receiving a !aria
1. and doura.bie 404 of
, which were nought for Cash, and will be sold
: for the same as cheap as can be b 4 ught in Nor ,
bern p. nosovatil.. !Our friends and comp
.:pier& will please accept our, thanks for their
liberal patronage during the past year ; and
R MEMBER tb.o, any thing wanted in' our"
line tpr the year to come will be furnished th-in
on the principle of • tire and lel ' NOT
TO BE UNDERSOLD.' is our motto, and we
:intend 'strictly to adhere to it. All kinds of
,Country produce reteived in payment. as well
xis Cash, Old Silver, Flaxseed and Beeswax.
Bentley 4. Read.
• Montrode, May 20.11847.
ROADCLOTHS, Tweeds. Marlowe. and
fancy cassimenis, Satinet% Jean'a,Ter
i:!ipp. and Summer Goods" of a great variety,
just opened and sellittg rigbt by
I. . • ' Bentley 4 Read.
ItCl a ll o rS
'rotton, r a d I
. Itnit . Trimmings.
Bentley ei Read.
r.,MBROIDERED figured sod Gingb6ns
LAWN& Mouaain De Leine& from Is:
. 26. 3d. per yard, Englisb, Irish sod A.
Inerican Ginghams, Oregon Plaid, , god asple.n-
Oid lot of column air opening by •
Bentley 41. Rea.
AILDWAitE so l d Crockery—a full stock
ou wood. I
it Read.
ICP‘ ROOll4 Point; '1 • (Comm sod
;LP dar) Butter Ladled and *amp kw ,
Xigbt bp
' LOotfh a full it
elry. Bagley's t
,Ilea Beg ltivio.„, St
i* tud ttimmin • •
I 3
isoltMeDt. *etches. leir
tebrated Gold Psu 4c
Scads. Pik* and:Nig
.-,-/Swedstuo4 Erg. 014
Path. gibd6 61000.0Rilad_
e' M, Ame r,
Wet STXtI6..-Alsolfait
dlespest by
Bentley 4. Bea
IRON and ,NTSIgi
j. led IKON, beak
'sad &roil tuff. C
Apriagr. and Bag. BI
Rads— as ebesp as II
WINTER Sperm, Refined MO Waled
ring Olive OILS the punit qualhy..
Aloo f -Paints of every color and daeoripUon.
warranted to gin withafactiemould Will be old
gargle* by
Bea ii &ad.
pRUGt 4 assort.-
ingot just opts*, and fen 11 , 11, riptst by
• Benfiey *dd.
ADIE'S Buskins, Slippers and Gaiters—
J1..41 also a large Moment of Children's/boos
THE subscribe" ere now receiving their u
eortment of
to whicn they invite attention,
Produce of most kinds wanted in exchange
for Goode. lie *fah it distinctly smsisivired
that we are not amtious torn Good" except for
Mills Sherman.
Mont rose. May 2i. 1847. - •20 3.
THE Subscribers would respectfully give
notice :n the public that they are recent%
log a new end complete assortment of •
all of which they urdi exchange fiirt any kind
of produce, that thg public are generally ac
customed toirufikc in.
They feel assured that they are pEepared to
i•ompete with any of those that a , * engaged in
the • Rag Trade' • our frien,'s in rtudihannoek
to the contrary notyvithstanding.' We sell for
the profit and no humbug. Call and prove for
yoyrgeiveg.--we do not endorse the. 10 per cent
p-rier.l—but tbeprigil of the Pudding is in the
• May 20, 1147:
HBURRITT. is now receiving an ezten—
.,seve And select assortment Of
to which hevvould solicit the 'attention of his
friends and the public.
His stork as usual will onenprise large and
full varieties of Fancy sod Staple
Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery,
Hard Ware, Hollow Ware, 'Stone ware,
Iron 1r Steel, Nail*, Medicines,
Paints, . Lamp If Linseed Oil, Fish,
Palm Leaves, Ploughs ¢ Castings,
Grind Stones, 4c.,
111 of which will be !WA on the meet favornble
.erms, and at the lowest (Auk Bow or Credit
New Milford. May 00, 1847.
B. L . svninN, a, co.,
RE juit receiving the largest and best u
A Bailment of Goods ever offered in this
market, constating in part of
Fancy Prints, Rich Giugheurts; Ginghams
and printed Lawns, M. De Lainies, Robes,
Florence and Straw Bonneis. Bon
net iv Dress Trimmings,', rich
4. cheap Summer shawls,
Scarfs and Dress
Hdk' fs, Para
sols, Silk,
Brush and leg
' kora Hats, Men and,
Boys Caps, a rich lot of
Gents.. Summer Goods, Siheet
ings,' Yarn, 'Wick, Butts 41 , c., also a
full and complete assortment of Grocer
ies, fish, Fruits, _Drugs 4 ,Dyes; Paints and
Os, Hardware, Iron ancrNaiLs,
%%hich n iIl LC' 70Id, fur Cash ~ .or approved cred
it, as low as they can tie nbtAined this side 01
New York city. Cm; and 4-7 4 03
Summersville: Slay 20,1847.
FB. CHANDLER, &CO re now retieiYiny
. a large and wed kelecteid addition to ttwir
mock of Goods, to wnich they would mviteithe
anent:on of purchasers..
Theo. stock!izi now Ode • large,and they,are
determined that 'for Cash, Batter Or .on appro
ved credit they wilt sell at Ilse as low its any
establishment in theCriunty4 _
Montr. , se, May 20. 11341%
XIMERICAN, French and English Onelts
and CHBStmeres, Satins and fancy Yest
ings for sale by
Channel' 4. C 4.
PRINTS, a good assortment, American trid
English, ray cheap.
C h andler 4. Co.
SUMMER Stuffs, Tweeds Drills; Div Litleas
r:INGH A MS. Lawns.
Ur pc/Mil ft*
Chanfier *
S BEET' NGS, Bro. ood Bleactsed • vikOoty
, Chandicr *
T EGHORN sod Straw Bonnets. plain 'sod
JL..I fancy braid. Ribboota Flowera &c.
Chandler 4.
DARASOI,B and Bhidie it •
. • EikairEe• & 64.
H ARDWARE, Ircir,Nad vilid. at j
. . CO - .
ROCEXIES. g good stock, oftdoog Use
l_T the 10 sod.dmogrse T4og, god T - •
town. ' Ciaosdkr # 91.
rILOVER: eigD. a; froth :saPply, far Is
stincritier having withdrawn for the
1 present from all inemeetioa! with , the tal•
forint bonne. neept cutting, *in tereafter
eve his attention !co that pastkalir how & -
elusively. tfrom a boltead ,lettec , eelftd
evc*, with .npo-ent impr4renNau, and • Hat
zeceiptot fashiboe be his make •
fidemee- lia ability cd , plains all Who y
amply Vim,' To prevattt iir" tie
wand gurtbar state, that tip o rrhyd
(awl Pr'thiklithe et world - *net in
tiu lo worh for the .ale piT i 'iii
Mil% amity may diemte )
tiveirefers who ate , eldeist t» bet * ll h
heit, will igivese elm withheid Moir ' ‘.
ahrop o'er the Hot ifloroAise
of the . Stap!itare. P. ale
Meetrcll%2 l, o7 5 1 16 4 7 . 3
.11:, DlitOPK.
Aurorae) , at Lowrilie removed bikOileo to
Turnpike fittest..ooe dam UM 11.
Owe CMltto, and three elore W* 4 tke
leftism Pomo*
ilpoiroek M. 1!.1847. ^ \
TAE Subscriber is now receiving and cant
for Rale i new one. diairabla stock of
at prim which cannot fail to be satisfactory to
all who desire mat bargains. His stock com
prises a full assortiliwat of
Dar GOSS% Catotzunr,
°MCMINN IfMunn.l4.
111111=1:11111. autos,
SUP-WAIL nem am, •
all of which will be sold at wassasag tow rico.
Bent?" ;4. Read.
May 13. Ha
N: B. No change made for exhibiting goods,
therefore don't fail to give us t► call berme pur
chasing elsewhere. J. Lyess.,
Whrg i ntEDP
IN exchange far Goods. Eggs. Beeswax. Tow
Cloth, Flax-, Butter. Dried Apples. Bags.
Grain. Old l'airtet, Beans, il&c. •
AGOOD-assioritnent of lAdies' shwa, slips
gaiters. buskins. bildrens' shoes, etielts
Paint leaf Hats. Boys C. Unibrallas, Pats
, .
su , m ic.. just landing at J. hgoNL
splendid patterns just received aryl selling wry
amp for cash by
WOODEN 'Patti,. Butterstamps snd Ladles,
Clothes Pins, 4c. die. at J. Lyons
00 DOZ. fresh Ply wanted for Goode
oast week at it eta. per dozen. •
WHEREAS, it being voinetially understood
that JOHN GROVES,. the "General
Taylor df Montrose." executes all kinds of
work in his line of business, in a little hatter
style, and at as fair prices es any other Tay
lor this side** Mexico ; this Wi r ti inform all
who have, or may fwvor him wfth their custom.
that he- has just received from New;fork his ,
usual variety of
and is now prepared to wait upon Gentlemen
'when it shElkiniit their coovedience.
May 5t .1847.
AND 817.1N311111111 GOODS
OF ail kinds jest received—first in market—
and will be sold as cheap as the eheaprat
Montrose. April 15,1847.
41136.11311/ 0111330-
OF the large kind, of Susquehanna County
growth, and Timothy Seed, for wile by
New Milford. April 21,1847.
a WAY about the Sic instant: four YEAS
tS. LINGS. one of which iaa Bull. An i pen
who will leave loformatioti at the'
crekt" OM= of their tclutreebouts. shall be suite
bly`7warded. May 6.
about 'be
John B.
we have
ere deters
pellets by
AT he Old Stand of Lyons &
may be found F. B. Chandler k and
C. Si!nt.enn. who have entered into panne ,
under the firm of F. B. Chandler; & Co. Ti
will endeavor at ski times to be in readiness id
attend to those who may favor them with •
204 w
The remaining stock of Dry Geoids, giro
eerie., Hardware, Tinware, Beaks,
Ohm, ac. &C., agouti we have on bind, witl
be sold unusually iow.
BUTTER, Bock,. Flannel, Tow Cloth, Rom
Beeswax, Old Copper, Old Pewter, Grain,
of all triads and eves cult watt be readily .takes,
foe any (If our Goods.
WHEREAS. Nature, having furnished to
Mit head of Man. noceiering.suffiCient
to protect it from the Winter's storm, or the
burning repot Summer's pun. it Isfound high:
ly essential to his comfort .and beauty. that be
provides himself with acme buissafishrietalcu•
lilted to supply the deficiency.i And, whereas,
prudence requires, that every , one. should pur—
chase such articles as they may need. where
those equally good. can be OhMined at the lie•
est prices. therefore. sz IT ICSIY}PII, to the tahab•
tints of Susquehanna County. and all others
whom it may concern, that .
Int. m.,porr, iii. co.
Have estsbnehed tbetnselves !tabs old stand,
ooelloor south at the FAansatr: Bross. where
they tarot! to Inaltufature, sad keep constantly
on band, Hair at eiery desciiption. In addi.
Hon to thew unusually larp stack of Hata now •
on band, and Manufactured t tbeir, establish
ment, W. Y. P It, Co. have j received from
Haw Yeaw,A full supply of 8 MAIER HATS
& CAM Wadi Rives theta the most ostensive
and varied *momenta •Goods iwtbeir line..
ever offered for sale in Nortbsen fiennsylvanie.
All of which will be sold forlcasx of JUDY-
TAY TWIMIT-110. TEA COrtlloo4lf the essalpi-
Hoot rose April Mk 1147, ~
AND Email iiyie of Ouer. : en t ver, Nufrie.
za. Brush; esssim,ere, - . in; Itatoin,
Muskrat, and Cosily' Has * tithil sluipsi , sites,
coloirs;suslitiso sod preoloA PAO 1 0 .01,01)
81 : the a't Cap Th rill. - It . co.
LEHO : 4141) ST ir : .
Mims 164 y• &lit... °Clines tins
ILL Leighowoollfool, 'AIM ' ' Flogliob 'and
CAvi tstraw, also AMA* Wald MAN
ofd ailot gootitlek Utak pat
' l ' Wilji' Oniirot CO'S:
, „ .
'rah DOZ.- Nana soli 1011 Si k. UM. and
IRV Ogam ,alaild C1,V411 ( beta."
Oki st7l,mp, abatipat diao at aar ,that -!*10-1 j
161004 milli fr i"
! i nt vat, cgs.
May 5.
AIM 443831411261/1 II 1 . V%
Pro _Sono Public*.
.: ~.- Q •.
11)LaftelPit Mery ' 24 'o'
fiehiblifir immure -
A. M.
tor It
on eliptic aprinp, baize's, ai
of hie 'farming imphnneuts ;
Bale to commence et 11 o'
Tcrina made know? on the
Sheriff's E
BY'Lit O
no a writ of
evert; of Conwoon Plage of s•
to'nia directod. will be kapossd t
Courilloin in Month* on - s.
sane nut st one e'en& P. 1.,.•
piece pa rc el of land 'hints in 1 1
inoroo, the county af' , . Sltocliteh
Peonsilvanut, bout', bounded
lows Lc 1111 'Beginningat a h
bank Of Seurat suns River. the
' TonigiVanaitherny'a lat:td t. the • •
of a shim east seventy Toiir pe
stonwilly the road; thorns along
and three fourths desiring east. 6 1
north 'ticvstity.sight degrees enter
north three fourths of a
geren perches sod throe tenths
and 'Stones ; thence north eighty
grecs cast forty thrill !porches r
thorns moth three fourths of a
dyed end forty eight perches to a
Unbent" of the Swinohanna '
said slier according Lathe. •
of Beginning. ;containing tarty
isms. with this, appurtaiances a
an *bard and - about tweets cc
awl of the said LoviUwis.
Takes in oseention at the a
spinet Levi Lewin. ) ,
, . :ALSO.
All that certain
, that certain train or parr
the township. of Silveri Lake an
entatyd Sawinehanan and anti
tad `waded aea'dw llyd as I
sling It a beiroliek a career of
ener*d te_Levi Smith; tbaa
-Jed apinst nor
ivory note. given
11145, to Abiather
we, signed by
A Westcott, as
said wee. sod
sod lire four parelou. and '
.to a se the lietCof
Chisiber is ; Abeam kt, Om ma
and twenty eight perches and t
thesis arm oue buadrid sad t
gin testis of a paretri; Woos
iiimitlt's east hoe ooe hundred
aud.tiect loathe of a psfelf to tho
Cooteining ogle hundred acre, •
appiuteniusono, slog Wrier, f
chard and about !My **ea ioip
of the saidDarkeis idePouald.
No. 18—A w.
Taken in execution pi ins sin
Ingeri, spina Anna !law -
groin ;Laity the Ann of New* I
ep 'pause plum .
glirperes strict atessum be Um
of wild land.)
equal undivided hall
lain- titt of land. situate as
bounded, and described, as tor
at a beselook tbeNerth sae
bridge land. and Sauth'eut
Mod of the said Troniridgi
glees Meat ode buadnei ant'
beroldick for a owner r Aber
stake and modes; thecae'
rived, end eighty fear Ms
perchAo a bomb, eat
of Raymond Smith NMtl
Easti!mse hundred and!sizt
lad Oldlecl deism bk '
bundied and limy um
then& South by land
tbrsiheurthe a degree
ty freer , probs. to Abelkei
tbreilinndred and aindly t
so of load. More rer Mss,) ball
ing the warantee ass* pi
Robstt Lserese.—(avMg ind
tbeirsforin. sea handfed acres
Deed bearing date the 131 h da)
-and recorded is the Pfiles fr
fee Stesera. County in deed
unto Jacob A. BriakiAlso
deed Lewin date the filth de ,
Reiconled as aforenad in deed:
Ma. in Maser
desekbearing data the dt
litipswied M ifsrenid
as. eats Elelawir Renee.)
.4hie—dm Moat undivided
,that. ot;peal land;
Wined*, sibinsid. Stein*
the Smith ealireanisr of 1
,thowit Need) six dogma`
se!,* Pon** el" ` i
Mrs WWI Saidliretei
Sea degrese4Wast. Jib
dozen this!!
Sm. INA Ms:
bah land Mei* ,
•• soil 001* who'
4tH v ti
oft latest poor'
le 11 1 0 •
" ilie lOW v.
- 11
lys# ti
1 % . 1
1149 01w
tieol , r , gay 2-0,11471
di thi remainder
'riflery or
.1 • '
- i
of* oat of du -
oafs) Crusty morel
iblir. _Sakai Qs ,
lay( ihe illth dap
Ara t certain
to isehi °Mar.
a• rid idate of
deitribeft so fol.
o goofed do the
th 'east pother of '
:orlithrro' fourths,
;-' a a Outlets sod
s 0 midi wish resell
o percher ; tot ars
a per
' 4O a ataltiii , -e•
• gr ,': test, nicety
• a eh to a poet
ad tie eoorth de.
o tap of stunts ;
ee prat lune hem
s 'toss! laplusg as
f 40 thiass4rws .
I *Ore Mass --,
R6l arri. sem sr
. 1111 - haw. -
i I
ii of Obai Weatfall:-7.
[ ..
ti 010 laitaata la
1 C mat" in las
o resasylirassia ha,.
' 1.1 1 "7"'llos•
,filad forastely -
» ea* .;;hone/'
Of a patakv
- . isi Dimbi li.
! Vital**
um I
pio a Wok ; i
y fel t bas ;ad 1
lb . itairaferosaiill i
, lag;
• ( 1, 10 ,4 • * llk lb°
, beirn. iq small Os- -
I . stabs Maui
Gilt ' . WI. Kerbs.
• tiir oo tlieraild,
•- i 1. 't •
A _t • •
- We, Oil itit; All
aitaaat is Great
ilaissaltaa and
sod CI , ritomfao
I ke ht-
Gr ate*
4144110 AN
• iind iitoOt;ii.
ropyed rat Mose.
ME; Toed test
t _ *apple
, 1104J - Ziettier
.N elle
I . aid
iimPb . iit4
r ' : . tenet SF
And os
tow n Math
oidroditail tomb
or. AnnunniA s
worn Ot low
-I,ali *at' OM
Ai Imi lotted
4,t; ;Wising
#4rsati Tom
"lei *
sight Pm bi
4 1 ght, dia
- 1 ' - to a
teens ;
a boar.
rked and
*trod by
ta l3o
us nod
14 1 1* in
cz 4Na s t:1 : i1) ; : e ? y i °la
b lb y :
L.tit page 601
at: tennis
nit • Bend
:I" stub ai
es thin;
end thir4
ty **id
tee ?intik
to .44 sill
• anti