Northern democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1844-1848, May 13, 1847, Image 4

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- . etoAsibe`Cobuittota DesikesenAt. -
VAll4lll4l.lq*Nridlig - ,
•Inew brightly on bill-side
444-verdant,hilla that crown steeps
Grom.greener in its bbm4
While all the air that rowid-ili
With inbtle Wing, breathes~ mly life,;
And, ringing With-a thousinfnotes,
'her iven& wit* int are rkto
1;-• •
Why,.• this is naturca holt y
patigher peyeat mantligon, .
And, sparldinpfertheir pebpy way, _
,gladder,shout the bripklote run I
The Ididieindineesei seem tki giro •
•A sWieter_eadenee to•tkeilleeng
-41, brighter Efe the hiseets
That lost in light along. s •
" The cattle on a thousand bits," - I
The fleecy flocks that dot 4e YaK!,
AU joy alike in life, that fills
The and breathes In et*ry gall Il
And who, that has a heart, and eye
To feel the bliss and &ink*, In,
But pants, for scenes like thelie, to fly
The eity's smoke and din-4,
A sweet companionship to to d
With Nature in her forest 'owersi., , i
.kutl learn the gentle lesson 41d II I
By singing Imola and openfpg flowers !
Nor'do they err who love he lore '
Though books' have Kew;A,..o stir my Mart,
Yet variedyage ean - i'more
: Of : rapturous joy =part !'k ~ i
No - elftilt joy—if duty ealli, Pi ,
! Not sullenly I turn• from these.—
.Though . di , the dash of waterfalls, ' 1
' The wind:a low voice among the treesH
' Finis, flowers and flocks—forlGod bath fainglit
Hi• Oh:-keep, my h the lemon still! 1
'His soul alone with listris fraught,
Who heeds-the thor's will! ' . I
Ft= the PhllidelliblaSatulay Warier. 1
''' -' ' AP•tatspe net Pre*eutive. !
-- traiwOrricr.n, JeffersorOcOunty, 0.,11
t tith 1847. if
Mr. EDlTOR .— Believing , at' I have proba
bly tnseovertol a •cure for the ' rotato DiS264, I
, feel Wray duty to make it ke rn to yo and
'-• if you think it worthy of pub lication, yon will
' oblige me by transmitting it ti) your thoniandi
of readers.. We see many sit -counts in :your'
paper of starvation in Europf t which strike ns
' serionily; we hope that thO following . may
prove a successful remedytte relieve' their
3 iwants. I will now proceed tn*iye You m own
experience of the matter. 1 • I
In 1845, I planted half an4tern of pot t atoes
in new grotind ; at digging - titito lilted 25 nsh
,els that I considered fit for use , which ,Im
rici in the ground in the nstmli)ztanner. Then
we opened them in the I Sprit)g ef 18 , we
. found them almost entirely tottens a
nauseous ; potatoes being scare, we con
to dig some out for seed ; we got three bi
whit weitaaved till planting tune as on
wa s scarce, we cut them mistlling small
put them in running water fo three da d
.would recommend a longer time, say a w
more, as it cannot hurt then 4 The obj
putting them in running watt Will be r
seen, as it will carry off the *ease as it
out, and the potatoe will behonse whits
• aeon, with a healthy appearaiee.: We
mend to be planted as soon anti, they are
out of the Water. I have only AO al
. from the above mentioned seed we Ilare
potatoes, and entirely free &l it rot ; i they
as well as potatoes ever kept,ie fall
in the; county are rotting. These ar
aleabanicks, and they are air c ost out
fine on here, as the farmerssave WO
with them than any other li t
Yours, with respect, M. ST
Sewing -Gram - -
One very prominent error *IAA eve
particularly allude to at this ° lime in LI
portant work of laying lands fp grass,
with-bolding sufficient seed.. The n
sowing grass seed evenly, !nut sufficient
to 'insure the occupation of the whole
of the soil, is one that cannot bat boob
all • is
In tnost fields there are n 4 half the
of plants of the artificial gn4ses, whit
finds footingin the soil. This giv
partunity for the native gra sses, and
NV etal tit'cinne in, which 'is Oways
disadvantagold-the fortner,-Whd a boa y injury,
'to the 'eAtp; al bay. In thisr ' , the on
ly true polleifee the farmer to adop 'is, to
sOW . 1 too much," rather titan !gtoten By
allowing a large 4nantiti of Wiattl; he draw
las Crop to a finer texture, autii sun risk of
having apart, and thwi, , n 4, ,!. , , • 44,91 1
large one , unoccupied, or(worded , vial.
It has been mucked', that itiwoukt , as rea
sonable for a farmer to permit one hilt' of the
111141 k to -remain itta,,Col;e6 xidOers, as to pupa
hid fields; that `have properlyiprepared - for 'the
- reception of grass seed, -toil remai n Inno eca.. ,
pielAttiottra,wititMitlds#Vlants. 1 ; "Na-'
4ficr tip sae - "never Arorkii in this
Ike till* , wed don't cou her , a na
IlejutiilY4tra . ao with , t ab le
4iii4iittl'.. Eim,larmer 4 4 41- •iiii4ver to'
iu t Teme, jisfaillat practicable' ) the fert,ty and ,
iiii,4oo4o4*.fiii'ril' .°38431019tet0l
hitillitt iliSerC 4 4:os 6 Irlikliiiiiiielli
two tone otiiii#;*i to ",cspvite one from
0 1
4* k,o B 4o l :** . rk #OO 4 3 •T * 4.** 1
linsAtcr., that ini thicimpori+t *Oct, *ls
b=:ll4,Y ! nd Pertl!**o4*!• t,l ? E f i iP as ' •
**Ogg :9centinnifi,:gefilt4,f,-**l .4-
0 1 44'4 11 'dor anti bli!irilli y4-im44" NI
sinqPng l st ab i is besi ullatek 1111 0*# 11 4 e "
giiiih) fotee 'ail eitti,,,;:;_, 7::' , 1:
' - dw - Aiiiteluitous, -is Aaught, - 1
- . :namely rat ;14t - dearlslxhifbef- ''''' l
at i cent,
mi i 4
- 1
/ - r a tic ii i. i' l kupi., K - lia r pet i e ,
it t icagra r iciiig . id won y mean
Hz an4pertarit atapintrau a°7
to inan e -111
. t i amountt *many proteed, in
f serious maril, every.
ull. Y 4 1111 ° . .
a airm
on tvornn sun o oo uPsee . —.
1 wiz > TAO THE
A Fox Walluultroluni itoyinan, "ti . shop •
. (Mow he calisti`there,_ pray not ask,)
But soon ke..inpdvi.a su ddeno•ol‘
To look and. wondeitt a**.
The Mai& wiiikesuitifil and fair,
A perfect Mask us e'er was made;
And Which tb lady meant *to wear
At the ensurg nuusperade.
turn'd it iltuid,iirith much surprise,
To find it Prove solight and thin ;
Hor itiarige I" astonish"d Beynard cried,
" _Hero month audnose, and eyes and chin!"
" And cheeks and lips, extremely pretty ;
And yet; onS thing there still remains
To make it perfect,—wbat a pity,
So fine a heid should have no brains I"
Thns,lto soWie;lop or maiden pretty,
'Who to get learning tikes no pains,
May we exisn, " Ah 1 what a pity,
So fine a head should have no brains 1."
, ,i i .t
Kssed by Mistake.
Our readers shall have the benefit of a good
story that wej once heard. Trivelling into
town one nigh about dush, Parson K. bad oc
i easion to call the mansion of an esteemed par
ishoner, who hied, among other worldly posses
sions, two or three• very fine daughters. He
I had scarce the door when it was o
pened by one of these blooming maidens, who,
as quick as thought s threw her arms around
his, neck, andbefore ballad time to say, " Oh
' don't' •
" presseil.her warm delicate lips to his,
and . gave him is sweet a kiss as ever heart of
[ swain deserved. In utter astonishment, the,
worthy divitisiras endeavoring to stammer out
something, when the damsel exclaimed, "Oh
merey—merq I Mr. K. is this you ? I tho't
as much 23 could be, it was my brother Hen
"Pshaw!" ,_
thonght the parson to himself,"
" you didn't think any such a thing." There
is no harm done. - Don',t give yourself any un
easiness ; though you ought to be a little more
carefuL" r i
After this gentle reproof, be was ushered in
to the parlor by the maiden, who, as she came
to the light, nould not conceal the deep blush
that glowed upon her cheek ; while the boquet
that was pined upon her bosom; shook Idte - a
flower garden;in an earthquake. And when he
rose to depit somehow fell to her lot to
wait upon l •
to the door ; , and may it add
ed,ki that in th entry they held discourse to
seder for some minutes ; on what subject. it
is not for us to ; may.
As the warm hearted pastor plodded home
wards, he , argiied with himself in this wise :
"Miss. J. knew* was me who knocked at the
door, or how did she recognise me before I
spoke ? And is 'it probable that her brother
would knock before entering? She must be
desperately in —, pahaw I Why, if 'she
loves her brother at that rate, how ' must she
love her husband; for, by the great squash, I
_never felt such a kiss in my life. "
Three weeks after the above rineident, par
son K. was married to Miss J.
CoNcyrownme.'": - are we lcd to infer
that David and Joshua were intemperate men?
/ ar
let of
Because David irhen he went out to meet
Goliah on the field of honor, "- took a - sling
and Joshua, previous to his attack maim walls
of Jericho," took a horn ;" and gave a " regu
lar blow-out 1 4 ! -
Why are the young ladies of the South Sea
Wands an important 'and useful invention ?
Because they arc divj ng bells.
Why is the eldes t sonof the Queen of Eng
land called PAnce of Wiles ? Because he is
classed Soong the 'big fish."
I sken
- luck
gourd wound ifeielf around a lofty palm, and in
it few weeks climbed to its very top.
" How old mayest thou be r sated the new
"About s hundred years," was the answer.
have grown at tall as you in fewer days than
you can want years.
"I know that replied the palm. .14Er
ery summer of my life a gourd has climbed up
round me, as prond as 'thou art, and as short thoil wilt be."
I.e im
l us the
.;ty of
y thick
Boattorm.--" Mother wants to know if
you won't-please to lend her your Preserving
kettle—eause as hoir she wants to pfeserve ?"
"We would with plemmre, boy, butt the truth
is, the last time we paned it to your mother
she preserved it so effectually that we have ne
ver win it since?'
'ous to
. should
on 0P-
" Well, you needn't be so sassy about your
old nettle. Guani it was full of boles when we
born:owed it, andlnotter wouldn't a troubled
you win, only we pod you bringing home a
new one r'
_.~ ~ ~, .
"Bobby, my lore," said a silly mother to
berdatrag Idiom sbe had been ersansing with
tarts and °timing thin" " esn you eat any
more f"
minims," was young hope- .
furs hesitatin6 kepi"; " I think I could, if I
•"Xadeftr eald a doctor to an old maid ,
u poa Stand in need the son and air. Tel
yon hsie therioteaono ite well"
“LSIVI doetotirhave noribjeetions against
vino wastsuldheir- but I mast get a has
ban4 firsk"
`Alle j o;beifii lit/lbw Welt was by Ids
watit, sejt#,! , ; ,
r";:bif 12 tor "rave ,
why yeti io keep a waleh you sat r
' Mara,' acid i fittlieirObie to hit mother,
os !le stood Beki4.4, - NOsspot lo"; '/, wurt
yoi-to pia so le a n oat 116 Froltr, ver,
so tiiolo't mice
ATitikee itll4 ail Weitr*A " water
jaelfe4 l o'o oo) ° , ' *jt jr aikitt a
ealrziatirVeli goat by the force of itattattput-
ritov was.
A NEW'and 011 assortment of Ploughs and
Li. Piettik Caiiting of the mostapproved con.
stiuctiani jUst retived, and for sale at Icw_Pri
ces by :; L e• - H. MIRTH CT.
New Milford, A . At 4th,1847.
, .
Tl 4 H- J Btiberi lArTrtinTtl inform his friends.
and tke pub lc, that he bas purchased the
0 4
shop foetneily upied by P. Jenks. but more
recently .by, Mr. _.- Patrick, a few rods west of
the Court liouse,*here ha is now carrying on
the above bonus, in all its branches. He so%
licit" a share of tkePi public patronage. -
Montrose, Jan 10. 1847.
-- - -
°LI: , eltideastp—OLD -STORM—
. Mt Qtroobs ant itin Om.
AT the store ofth4 Subscriber No. I. Turn
pike street, may b found a geineral assortment
'of Goods. Good sPods and ratite lowest prices
—Consisting of 4,i,
t'.... , 1
Shoe-K t and findings ace.
to M. S. WILSON.
Montrose. Mari? 3. 1847.
• , 4, •.,
INTOPoika IIiTIOIT OrLdia il lai
THE Subscrii er's Books and accounts are
at his Store No. , . Turnpike Street, and he is
generally there rady to wait upon those who
call to examine hem. Those who have neg
lected setteling oter six years are requested to
call and renew their obligations to pay.. Those
whose accounts save stood five, four, three or
over twol years atop most earnestly requested to
make pVment aid those whose obligations have
not stood over 04 year since they became due
are informed thadrayment will adt be refused .
of them—A general settlement is disired. t
e0, , 1 N. S. WILSON.
March 3, 1847.1
A>aare Chance.
GODEY'S REPRINT of the two most pop
ular and Ff#hionable English Magazines.
Reprint of Ilfarkw , xlit's Lady's
MagazineZMonthl y, $1 per an.
Do Londbn World of Fasb.
ion .1•• 81 per an.
Two copies bf fiither, or one copy
- of each. Ohe year, $1 50 do.
Any Person „siiliscribing to Girdey's P.a
dy's Beak. an4isending $3 in aavance. shall
be turnuilied with that work one year, and a
copy alai, one ytiar, of either of the Reprints.
gratis. gi .
The above wor, s afford a greater profit to lo
cal or travelling ;; than any other work.
published. foriterms, address the Publishers
f - 4 A. GODEY. Philadelphia.
DON-, k. TlitEß,
Eclectic, Botanic and Ilydro.
paihic Physician,
WOLILD aiMounce to the comma of. Mon
trove an& vicinity that he has made a
permanent locatfon in the village of Montrose,
where he will biiihappy to w.,it upon all those
who may favoilimi with their patronage.—
From the long ekperience he has h in his
practice. he thinks he can safely recommend
himself to Allis community with perfect eurati
dence of success
He will lake pitients at his residence where
they will receiveuespecial care'and attendance;
and would especially invite all those who are
afflicted with Chtianic Diseases, and have tailed
to obtain re'ief prom Papiei.ins of the Alopa.
thy School, togiVi him a call ; for by his prac
tice he has ben laught. that
if not ad of
the diseases whidh afflict the human family,
can be cur ed or !; greatly. mitigated. He wilt
keep on _band a large asso.tment of
for family uses o;consistint of Stomach and
Billions Pills, Cough Syrups, "Strengthening
Bitters, Spice Bltere, Scrofula Syrups, Com—
position Powde ria, Ara blc Balsam, Mother's Cor
dial, Strengthening and Adhesive Plasters,
Worm Syrup, Which is an infallible remedy.
with medicines *lnch are effectual in curing
Chronic and Amite Rheumatism, with many
o' hers too nuii.ernus to mentipn. He would Ai.
so say. that patients laboring.' under diseases:of
a- Consumptive end Cancerious nature, need
not despair of reßef under his treatment.
Montrose, Markli 4, 1847.
No. o—tf
ES 4 7.
71:2821- 07
'lntal 1 Projtti 4. quick Returns?
THE.subscribcra have the pleasure of an
nouncing to thek friends and - the,public, that
they have recanted from the city, a well se- ,
teeted stock of - GOODS, bought by one of the
firmat much loiter prices than many of the
same goods coulJ be bought in the hill, and we
are desirous oqdispostng of them at a very
strati non? fir Cash, Beeswax, Flannel,
Socks, Flaxseesq. Bye, Corn, Olts, Arc. dtc.—
We are satisfiedlhat we can offer greater in
dueeffiente to purchasers, than we ever have
done before; anotßemember, that we will not be
,'lletifky 4- Read.
Montrose. Feb; 1. 1847.
NI g
for SorelEyea COIL Swellings, Burns, Bruises
&c. ikclust received and;Cor sale by
. - ii, - --- :llentley 4' Read.
1)0 z T ice clud W are. in ins Pads. Pails.
vv Oippers4poffee and Tea Pots, Bikers.
8&e.., at wholesale or retail. at great: , .
ly reduced 'pm, for salelby
April 1. ly
AruLL assottment of Stone - Ware this day
received, sail-will be sold clear by
Feb. 11. 1847. 1 r: /
- -
m Segues itestoritire NIL Dr. Spam.
jUr cep Hygejn, do.. Lee's. HoOper'a. and
TomaUO, "do. 4 i.o . Dr. Rafferty% Family
illediainek.cooroir of Balm of Gdead. Worm
Oil. Vcirailble ; . Pl, Eye Water, ihreagtheaing
purer, Embr tion. &c. &c. -
IPor thitir rouparior eicellence asd mat• man.
o le o, jam mddicinea ere entitledio a piaci
eferifamity.l;r- Try dam. •
Oicrwinom lit. hype's" Vermiloge. :God.
forrigmr44o.l3olrartia Balm - of Life: Cannphar.
Pinrria r 14ccrice f arc. ite,for
aate,lir "`J LYONS,
Apnllll. 184 - -
I *MOTU, 9:1
4 _ - • -
A. Leif= near orrasi: aim= sum,
21-:(00°J-4 i 81-41 ' 18 ' )jusl° 77, 1 YON d i r f t
611°4 -
To Who Waft Deaden *bid IltetaHors
of lifercle, k€., 'with* use
Conaty . K sionoeluuu,iuo.
-• --.,—. t • j i
I i •
N purstitinCe of the act of Assembly of this
Commonwealth, of the 4th day' of May A.
D. 1641--entitled "an act to provide resent*
to'meet tkel demands upon the treasucy oiDd f
other purposes' —mid an act of,April 16t0 A. 1
180—entitled "an act to increase the rirventi
and diminiebihe legislatiVe iexpensco llof thO
Conatnonwpaltb "—also en act passed the 22d
day of April A. D. 1848 entitled 4 ` an lact tfk
provide for the reduction of the piiblicldebt, ?
the.undersigned,Appraiser of Mercantile taxer
for Susquehanna County. hat prepared X list of
all Merchantsitrading or doing business Witblift
said County, and placed each of the said , t: Meri
chants in that class which to him appears right
and just according to' he,provisions of said meta
or assembly nil tallow*, viz: • 1
Rummis. ! NAMES or Mmtuters 01-&110 ,
BroOklyn, R. T. Ashley, : ii .. 11
do Edwin Tiffany. . 1
do 0. A. Eldridger."... ...... f... 14
Choconut, J. S. Peironnett,
do Mott & Stone, i i ... 1 1 1
do Benjamin Green, .!... 1
Clifford; A. Browning, liquor, ` _ .. 14
do E. Mapes, ','` 14
Dundaff, S. B. Wells & Co., liquor, .. •- 1 2
do A. G. Phelps. ' 14
do J. H. Phinney, liquor, :...1 .. 14
do . Joseph B. Slocum, Store, .t... 1$
Dimock, - LH. Woodruff, 11
Gibson, -U. Burrows & Co., 13
do N. E
nneily, 'l' 1 4
do Sillily& Curtis, .... ....i... 13
dp D. M. Mapes, 1iqu0r...... .
... 14
Great Bend, Wm. Dayton,, y.. 11
do J. Dubois, • •ii.. • 14
do Warner, Brothers, ...L.. 13
do Brayton & Gondor, i,... I
Harford, S. Seymour, 14
do G. G. Pride & Co., is 1
Harmony, T. P. Badger, ;J , li
do p. A. & J. D. Lyons. 1
do DeGraff, Barker 4. co., .1 , 14 1
de T. E. Curtis 4. Co., liquor. . . . 14
do Aaron Wakeman, liquor, ... • 14
Lenox, - E. R. Grow ct Br's...... '. 2: 14
Moutrose, Mills &Sherman, 12
do - -1. L. Post & Co., , • • - 1 #
, do -J. B. Salisbury, .... la
/ do J. Lyons, 14
do Lyons & Chandler, ......... VI
do S. S. Mulford & ......... .
do B. Sayer, 10
do George Little, ' 1
do M. S. Wilson, ... 14
do N.C. Tyler,!_ .. 14
do N-. Mitchell & •
Co., .. .. :.... 14
do ,J. Ethridge, liquor, ' 14
do . / R. Searl & Co., liquor. ... ~.. 13
do Bentley & Read. liquor, 13
do Merrill dr. Root, Dom'c, l4
N. Milford, R. I. Sutphin .& Co , .. ...
~.. 13
do Henry &win, ' 13
do Bennett & Weaver, liquor, . . .. 12
Rush, Almon Picket, ; 14
Springville, A. Lathrop, . !..,. 13
do Thomas Jackson. . i 13
do Ira Scott, • I 14
Jackson, A. J. Seymour, ' 14
Jessup,. NB. Cornwell, 1 14
And the Juoges of the Court of Cqmmon
pleas of said county will hold a cow' of appeal
at the Court House in Montrose in and for the
county of Susquehanna, on Tuesday the Bth
day cif June next, at one o'clock P. M., atiwhich
time and place any of the merchants di'fincil
described and classed as aforesaid, oil their
agent or attorney, may appear end appeal I rom
said assessment if they think proper—persons
dealing as aforesaid, and classed by the said
acts of Assembly according to the amount of
annual sales by them respectively made—as
hi' tows :
Closes. Amt of annual sales. Ain't of Illenses.
Ist 8300,000
2d 20o.001)
3d 100.000 IF°
4th 85.000 80
sth 75.000 60 -
6.17 60.000 50
7th -50,000 40
fhb 40.000 30
Bth 30,000 25
10 h 20.000 20
11th 15.000 , 15
12th 10.000 12 50
13th 5.000
. 7 10
14th less•than 5 000 . 7
Provided—that wben such wif o esale or retail
dealers confine their purchases and sales to
buying and vending goods, wares, and merchan
dews, the growth, product and manufactbre of
the United States, be or they shall pay eerily one
half the amouot of libeense required by the
provisions of this act.
6 , And every seller or vender of wines or din
I tilled liquors, either with or without other goods,
wares,, merchandise, commodities, or effects. as
aforesaid, shall pay for hil license" fitly per
cent,, in addition to the rates above specified for,
the respective classes • and every license beret
liter gee Med.' shall specify whether the party
°Attuning the same is or is not entitled to sell'
or vend wines or distilled' liquor . Provided,
That no person whose annual sales do not es -1
ceed one thousand dolls' and no feme sole
trader, l
or single woman, whose annual sales do t
l oot exceed two thousand five hundred dollars,
venders of wines or distilled liquors excepted.
nor any importer of foreign goods, wares or
merchandise who may vend or dispr se of the
tune in the original packages as imported. nor
l any person, who may vend or dispose of article*
of his own growth, produce or manufacture,
shall be required to take out w,license under
Ibis act." •
. * Except such store keepers or apothicaries
as shall come under the 4th seetinn );if an act of
assembly passpd, the 7th day of April. A. D.
1846. entitled "an act authofising the citizens
of cerhain counties to 'decide by ballot whether
the ewe of views and spiritons liquors shall
be continued in said counties!' then such per
ions, or firms residing in any borough or town..
ship in saidiounty, that has decided by a ma
jority of votes .polled "against the Oilb of li
quors," and who have procured a license from
the Judges of the courts of quarter sessions of
said county•rshall pay the ruin of H e dollars
in addition to the sum now required y law to
be paid for license to store keepers a d apothi
caries being venders of foreign mere andise.
Appraiser if Mercant il e Taxes for usq'a Co.
Brooklyn. May 6, 1847.
Tile Grape'.Vlne 'Cradle.
THE undersigned takes this method, ,
of in
forming the! public that be Is. now engaged is
manufacturing one of the meat useful %mitt
meets for cutting grain, ever'effenicl in market. 1
The structure of this Cradle is such as to en- 1
Ole a man to cut his griin with much less Is -1
bor than is Usually required=-thereby almost
gbangiog the task into pleasure. A numbei of
citizens of this county, who hive used the Cfe-
dle during the . paid octagon, (whose names can
p o i l =ileference is desu'red) . heal le not. to
t r egferiokbY 66/ Per- 1.,t0 say
nistruinent this kind they ever u .
An opportunity of iiimati3ing I str ucture
4oct utility alri the instrument. will. ly be
g i n e . .:Tberivitt be offered for lEby the
first of Max; ti all the prhiciPirst? and pub.
lie Plum umoughnut the country,
pigesip.4 iamoduair tiO:llie *elle.
1 ior • ooetetott a • ' *Obi' lad °ld) $ 4 4 $
Do w lir &a. 4de • 0.00
II Do 'Pint and trimed de •1 •
Do .- MO lead ' ~ do` ' 6,00
. • G. 6 ADD&
Gibson, Feb. 5tb,1647.
..1.;:z..:......'- 4 ::'=...--1 ,
11;1111 II 11 MYER'S PILLS. H. 0 01 II
.....w....4......., ...............
1 Arbs Aliteelwies liaareveis
1 Illuelaa lfratile lalitkilime:
THESE ..Pills artOxie of - ills bait . Medical
Compounds in use at the.' Preasardiy.—
As a common family physic, ter edininistation
in all temporary complaints alba sionw..4 and
be,wele, head ache,' colt* 41a4 - ther, diaY la
filllY depended upon. sod a preopt use* them
on the fiat appearance of indapositien-Will In.
variably save oath siCktiinis.l . Mersa peel'.
thirty adapted to all cases Of spebneseenntllnP
era! debility—any dermagerhast lof thril'lttela
acd especially with females —pad astes y i , an,
interrupted use "of tiara in iteict manually
with the directions will very soon, restart the
owns of the stomach to their oaturait tema sad
action, and regulate the bowels; and renovate
the whole system.
There is no disposition to give extravagant
canmendations of them. What is here Meted,
is_ he result of actual experienee with them.
arid that through a period of 'fifteen yeare. It
is not supposed, or pretended, that they (will
w ise the dad; neither are they designee to be
used as freely as we use our IOW: Such 111 no
he true purpose of . medicine. lu only nOre
p/ate °lnce is to assist nature in, restoring the
sy tem toe proper tone and action, when
' ma
'cy dably, or through carelessness or excels, i
. t
omes deranged. Many ire careless, and 1
ce need this aid. And the most careful are
little to irregularitiek of the -system: It is
needless almost to say, that a prompt' use of
safe and effective remedies. on she first appear
ance of illness, is the part of wisdom,. Er Suck
a Hedicine the Proprietor knows theta Pills to
be.„Ee And he is certain that in forty nine ca
sett out of fifty, where a lair trial is made ac,
cording to the directions, they will be used a
gqin as a standard medicine. He has never
known an instance, where they have been thus
oti. in which they have not met with lINQUAL
Numerous te6timonials may be seen at the
G neral Office of sale, and references will be
gi en to substantial living witnesses of their
v. Inableseurative properties.
he Pills are purely vegetable, are of two
kids. stimulant and purgative, purifying the
bl ... , and producing a healthy action through
ih • entire system ; area valuable Anti Billions
M • dicine, and eminently useful in all lingering
1 ,
- plaints—Weakness. General Debility. Dys
psy.pulmontiry Affections, Liver Complaints,
eumatic and Spasmodic Affections Female
- m plaints. Palpitations, &c.
nia nisily, after a lair, trial, 'gonna, witieut
t (
They are put up -in FIFTY CENT and
D LLAR PACKAGES, each havinga pamph
le embracing a valuable Treatise on Disease,
.w th full directions for uses The Dollar packl
a es are the cheapest to the purchaser. They
m 3( be ordered through Druggists, gitiag the
St et and No. of the General . Depot.
Sold, Wholesale and . Retail, at
N. 140 Fulton street, Second FloOr, N. Y.,
Between Nassau-street and Broadwhy.
0:7 - As you value Elearni—Teribiena I -AM
1D The above pills are also for sale at tbe
tare of BENTLEY & READ, Of this
UK Subscriber would inform the citizens
of Mentrose said vicinity, that hp has just re
turned from Boston and New York, with
worth of Dry,Gpods, which have been'pure.has
ed for Cash„ since the reduction of the Twig!!
and will be staid from 25 to 50 per cent. Less
than spring prices.
MERCHANTS in particular, will find, it to
their interest, to call - and examine his stock. be
fore visiting New York ; as he is confident, his
advantstges are such as to enable him to sell
on better terms titan they can buy in New
York. Call and satisfy yourselves, at the F. 421
end of Exchange Buildings..
. -
Binghamton, Sept. 17th, 1816. ,
tiENTLEY & READ, have this day receiv
ed an addition to their stock of Drugs.
icines, Dyestuffs, Oils, tfc. itc.,* , winch
makes their wintor assortment complete, and to
which they invite the attention of their friends
in Susquehanna county. 'Physicians and oth
en supplied with every snide in oar line et as
low o rote as at any other establishment in
Northern Pennsylvania.
Montrose, Dec. 9. 1846...,
MORE winter strained, Fa
I Refined Wbale OILS, alr,
Linseed and Tanner's do.rfor , sale
ebell) by.
17ISTEK'S, :Balsam 4 Wild Cherry, Aker
pas Accoartfie" Oil, World'. Salm lathes
EXpeetorant. Vertnifuge, carminative lia um,
8 nd'a Stinsparilla, Dr. fillidno's Etixer of
0 ion), Balsam of Life, 1 Bollard's Oil Baep,
B itisb & Harlem Oils. Moffat* Phenix Bitters,
8 Rinses & Wester's ciouitt Lozenges, : and
ny•others orate poptA ermedicines of th -
ay, for sale right by I • ' •
, supply just received, 'also, Steel Bag ,and
no Clasps, Slide; &c. eitc. • -
i Besiley 4. Resit
RANK MILLER'S, celebrated Leadier
Pmervative and water Proof fly smiting
jolt the thing ior this weather, for late by
Bentley 4 4104
I •
~. 1 .
TtHE subscriber offeri for . mile his fritrlL,-
containing. one hundred acres, situ:lath tin
h part of the township of New Milford, known
as the Stanley settlement, Susquehanna:COin.
tY, Pennsylvania. About silty acrevei 'eald
fairm are in a good aline of cultivation,-.the w
hole is well watered—good - and conveuierit
tiOildingii thereon—Sod an orchard of r.
Jog I .
ills I
eb year, When most. webs 'a , l he
neighborhood were 'rendered Wartbksi foi l he,
by ibis frost, yielded - Opwaido or 400, -
eh I—Ow , a good ; -infrilay - Grottier ,:fyro t., among Which ate-Penia, Ptiaphee, Plums, ,
be portion not clewed well: thabersta,and
i. a'whclei" good indneenien to
• ferm
a 7 one who is disirous of pmuktoing a f •In
i section of country. , Thera are aleciiittallti
lill°Hth. pre
tit., - -,1144361T•1,
New Niiiroad, Jana , 110101146: -.- - • tr
-11, „ . ,
i s • _
' I :. 0,
1 .
WS rrekssd
)r sale, at dm storwo(Jarra", Lyons,'mwr
rice 124 cents.
. -. 1" 4 /4111.111
araliwk „ !Sit
ne,wioodwt, trbitt we rite%
teation - ; of-edir-lriimitejL
. .11 1 11ILLIIIAIiediramAN .
H Fist* inittartiT woultinihe the
tention ectrbr friend. end the poklio4o the
rior and eslol l llteelitittseflt of atePte anti
sy Dry Goode for Fel( and Winter) whi c h
is-now receivihrb,‘VOmbrioing-foilll ierietior
Dry Goode.l Grandest Zrockeryirard
Iron, Steel, NMI% Paints, Miami% be e p
Lamed Oils; riek - 'ol.2falo Nebo; Pella las
tte. His osir eirpplied - listi g
ofggode wallet allthus al, berate.* be rot'
of the most attraetivir:oted desire* 'ohm
end will be sad et ii_nosartetirelylFtmfor
to the prevent 4our glide or the wittrket, end
010,- gm* et w- 1 1 10 P roduct,i o ,l l fom r.
prim* for Cask, Praduce. llPPreSted GeV
New MilfMtl, 0441 2bst, ISt&
"Vow Openhitat .11arritt's '
11 s choic e
sorunont or Colic* Prints; tale 111
Striped and ,Imatered iAlpaccas; lack, pi s !,
end Fancy_idoliselliee de ' Lamng; Retro R'
do. Robes, New Otytesilleff Cashmere de
se, Dress Blasi' flint Velvets, Satins, 84,'
Ribbonds for Bonnets ; Gimps; Doris Cud,'
Fringes; :Plain de Laine, , 1 Net 'and. w
bi 4
Rhom - am newest .Btylor frcm $1,50 to .
Ladies and. gents,Paient Rubber _ Shoes, B '
Cloths,' Black and Fancy ' Caraimeres r
cheap, do. Skim:lts; Winter Ifestidgs of '5
rior ktyles, Cotton Tara , Carpet 1 - Warp,
Ticks, Sheetings &c. of which will
sold at reduced' prices and very cheap, t
New Milford, Oct; 51st, 1846 1 ;
TOVIPB--Bix Piste Moses of superior - 7
tern, •nd;a4tose 'Pip, alio, just received
Will be sold low by' It BPRRITT
Nevi Milford, Dec 1, 1846:
• 200 - MAILS
O F Dried Applo for sale 6y •
Brooklyn, lan. 19, 1847.
Trim Ateenstrake its Colors
Be llndersoldt
firtHE Subscriber tendets bis Frateful
1 knowledgemirits. - to tbose w v
ronized bim, and Wicks acontinuence of t
patronage, and of tbe'public gene ally. H
now receiving bis well selected stock ot
as follows: • , LI
Among ;thick may be found—Baver CI,
Broad Cloths. IPlaittand Fancy Kersey
Satinet:3. Some NettiStyks, Malik De Lai
Cashmeres, Oregoland Alpactea Bobs&
YDS. Prints—Brock. DanittakWool..
'Waffle Shawls. Silk Velvet ; Black
Merino Vesting., New Pniterits: ito's t
Ticking., Sheeting.: and Bans, La be '. '
a great Variety— !- *- I •
SILK CAPS. • t •'I
Molasses,43t. oraix Syrrup,Perial Y ,
Hyson, Hyena Skirt, and Socighetiang T
fresh. Brown SOgars, Lump sugar,
white pulverized do. Extra: American.
tariljlest Mould inflow andspermicandles,
fee, lice, Sweet Tobacco tkr..114,
• Shoes-J& 5 Boots.
LadiOs french. lijd. Slips, alaO .'Buskins,
Graters.; Men'. and aoy's thirkliotits and oh
Child's do in' great ivariety. ) Also Ladle's
Grent'l Rubber shoes.
• A good aelportmerit orcroekery t Glass W'
Tin- Ware Etc. „1
"dill Saws, Cartenfete Saws, Knives
Vuriut Pen aid Potket f iCnives, - Beat Coffe m
Circubtr Butt Ctirry Conde, 4ngurs,l3 ,
eta, Elainmers.flanif paper, dto„droe.
titatilltatitteital b arffielt - ‘ 1
Floor Cloths, Whfiliiw glass, Confetti°
French Bunch Reirins. Travelling Bask
Carpet Bags, Scheel Boole, Dye Woods,
go. Nutmeg, Shad,lMselierel die.i,dco.
All of which will lie offered for sale at the I I
eat possible prices ror Cash, apprioved credi
exchanged (or Flannetflothi,ftye;Dats,W
Butter, Cheese, Wool. Beeswax, C orn, i
beat, - tallow , Lard,:lrelts, Fors, - and
" eathtri, by
Montrose, Nov. flat . 1816.
griODFIRH.—A Prime h4pet received
NLI for sale cheap by -BENTLEIV & REA
Dec. M. 1848.
Nustness Altarbsi.
DR.; l: METH,
DENTIST—Sets - l*th an Gold Plate
dome!' Dentist -work in, the belt
work warranted:;ten be found at L Seri
on Monday andMweider of each week.
Dealers iorDry-Goods, Groceries,!Darl-W,
Crockery, IrotiMails, risk! die r —Doe • I
balm: JuAie Posi e s.. - I
D es ier in I *-viguises Grucerici, Hard
Itc--Braoklin; thwea, Co • Pub
Phistatin aita the
el!mol4Bpriaritle;;N:' - - I'
1 ,111 .44- 141310 C / i ,
physicians aid
co over R. taleari# V C?i Bwre•
Coach. Wagon dr.t: Bletitt Manufacturer
Repeiret—fiboriron dui Wilketibarre T
pike.. , few:rods belgw tbe
• m
• TYLER. •
limiter in'Dry Goods,
C,VekerY , Lookibr Glues" Stone &
wa re , - BW--fit- St* below
Court House; Dot_.ids alf Public Mee,
4ttorneysikt Llip 1 : 0 401 4 . o 0 door abort
Plumate Blom' I •,* . I _
item)! & Couni)okir 1a1..40111 4 *
acomq L,Lft Amit &Vo. *room
ImOvrikod_ ilea -Drinker.:
lonia Yitaiit • :, '
.8411011 , a.try
= 3ooast
11.dichwilaisiaolk.-_ OW. : ,
eti iiriaro, im
. lao e..'ocast*,wo4, liry;TioCiit*OiNili:'lHal .',.
lic.—One dOor Cast Or the old find of • •
.felditchell. ! .2.; - . ." . - 1