TH:t DEMOCRAT. DIONTRO§E Thu ay, May 13, 1341.. ' _ Deniopratic Nominations. 'OR GOVERNOR, , - FRANCIS R. SHUNK, OF4LLEGLIENY OCIONTY. FOR COAL COMMISSIONER, MORRIS MAGSTRETH, - OF OoNrcommiir COUNTY, ar We tr4st quifrieindsW'ill remember our pro posals for eftending the circulation 'ef this: paper during Pe campaign. Fifty .very small surf indeed—who caunot raise it at: any moment secure it - forfive and a hal months. Willteur friends. all of them, interest: themselves in OM effort ; and give-us a," thntri- - ping" list ? ‘d along your half dollar; of ther in a "c1ulk:1 or . singly, and We promise to satisfy yord , --foi it. of Sacramento.: Among the test brilliant aeldevments oc'eur arms since the I* nmeneement of the wary. is reek-i aneil that of 84rameeto. the official neritit which is given another page. The gallant Thmirti AN andillis brave command have earned lawrelq, whics even ,in a time when victories,' g lo r ious vietorks, are "everytdayeceuriehees," and valor less thought of and appreciated than ordinarily, givi: them a fame as brilliant as their ,leeilq and as ignperishable as the universe.— Their-A elebriti is every where .acknowledged• Nine hundred pen, encountering an enemy of inre than ftlr thousand upon :well-fortified luronml n 2 thei . e own elidOsitie, and overWheitn ,, +i4 then: in suet inglurions ilCeat, with a loss of oar man oli defies a paiallel in the annals lof war. • Wh4: rejoicing ever the ,vanquish-: Jo ~ a t of eowar* Santa Anna, let us ; trot for r i to h.Jnor Attl , bi-ave 3lisionriatS ;4m have Ipurne our arms in such brilliant triumph in tin. far-off regi , us if New Mesiro and California. ••• Ootticy IFlCAtiry I*" If thi' M,.4an nnt terminated soon. We shall be 4rter getting . ' the head to thii article stcreotked, to save . labor. Why there nothing but .42 Victory !" "Victor 3! n". t.ry : whei we hear from our army, and we don't expect tire will be while there remains !4 hostile Mexan between the tropieS : To di y we chro:itifa anillierfbrilliant triurnidi tof I tae southern ling of our army, and the cam- plete defeat 24-the wooden-legged hraegart, 4' S-Lota Anna, and all his forces ; under eireunt- ,(aoces which lied a new lustre epon the gin- 1 r, of our trop, as enduring 3 111:Ft(Trity. i But the reAcr u ill as.,l :. " Will O t is' put an rual I.l+ 1L„ wartr ' Mere , then ' you have us.— ' ... 11" e can no mfrs - answer this question than von. Were aily other nation on the globe our a•ita-iinist instit.' , atl ofllex*.antisttstained the :aim inoTori4 tletiats, ire conlil answer at niter , . . But tl4 singular and purblind obstina cv with, whic hOesc hall-eivilied Mexicans re ,l.; alLevartnis of:peace. ut so extraordmar3 . that e'vena pridictiou* - , hazardens. ' We tho't ; soon co eto their senses when f lat they wouP N e ,th\ worsted at Buiina Irish, anti then again' at Ire ra ('rur.., buti' this we were diS4po.4/tICCI. Vet bow th tr ey nionger-hdld out is 'poser to' l a all. Ilewevee4let the result be as it may, the course of our aimy is "onward'? until a peace is ' e .nquered ever) thotigh all of . Mexico is over- . run. 4 (T'en. st a. as we learn by the late ad yiees.was pre4ing on with vigor toward the capitol, and liA dottbOess ere, this. raised the " stars and st4 . es" °ter the renowned "Halls of the Itionte4mas." .But whether this trill , ulolue the ititatuated Mexicans, or whether there, in the distracted State of aair;.4 kith t'ie President t Santa Anna) ia : theeltappnral, he can arrattg4 the prehmioatiosef peseei. axe problems not. t6ilksolved: \ This much, bow ever. we will i', venture to say, vii : we should not be surprisd if the next advices from the elty of 3lexieo,hrought overtures of peace, and the soldiers of our army were soon permitted 4',. ~ .. , to return to envoy the fruitiori of' their 'glory in their native. lina The desire for this may make is too 4nfident, but such iiour i opin ion. which the i powurdly conduct of SatifaAnna and his forcet in this- last: engagement, has contributedtied a little to fvrm. „ ..,,C , FOr the' 4 'lilues. 9l - ., If any of o* readers are -.troubled 'with, the "blues',” we, , ,,ouldadviSe4hetn by all means to get a copylitf tin..itsf*ideral organ of this place and nit to it whenever, thus afflicted. So ludicrous" dish of " twiadfo"we , have pot seen ultn4e - ti k" ,for many . a daitetnre, , I.3ut its awkwnti I wriggling" . to . .get itself and party out of 4 responsibilty of electing l'O l n,s Trsan Presicte.nt, sod eonsequeutlief,cflilet ing the annex4tion of Texas, about whieli it keeps up ancfr, an incessant, yet is silly bey4nd All - parsila• qhe same sztliy..l*.„4,i4 ,of it!! *l.! tempt. to 'stall the lirery.of the court ofiteiv- eti to serve, tit) .d. 7 -I in," dr. in .otlier:ii.L.o4lB, its bland • ' .... ,ellOrts to gji out of ttis ' i'eatr al garment , • iiiio a'Derncieriatioe, Here is a passage Obi, diewie:vinote'atoitiiretaitiP i ' " The meeqpretaineo of the "I*f:4o4g - ie. now left in 4lik - ii*ationg the chief tam d the prisenitabniabitriatiOn who broughtio.-'- ' tbia itali c , whk Dent tbe•he*:ortrats there ltie living. r,..a4n ... ,g thous`". AlsapiarOii' &oh of the annou ., of.. , T4.a'Silitid of the War which-Owl, ':**rnert_tbe - 001444- Would 'be ite t . ..'i. .., I rEiere t j . - . .2 jrthat4ekaltOtli:ivc Ottille "-ager:' - heft„, joul.enee',44 ballerdas' li:eo3 S ' Lli. Comment is 401ets. • ' • !7-. - •-• , . 1 -1, .:?: l' =I riiire44isiii - 4 : 211::4:0': ;us — . 1 VO - ais ptr. , oats! rizefferts to . . out .the Federal Prgareortbi; lohioe- - iw the . feu,' o f corixi - ati . 7 . o" . iiiii*sr4T. - pis t week is e-dr t&-"ltlla't "tiiiii ' l ' - rf ilial'bi 1., 43 PP., . • 9T- , , ~,, ,u,kall,„ ,Ya 4:5,, i t, Ingbonsiderable:zesiV awl quite,xtlivo ion ft; lhow'fight," , if as . toms , Was . not r ivied *l* about a% 00 1 ' 11 eieretice, 'as the ,e nter s 'tench: • Wp.ootrenaibis exhibition o ,t pur' age; boWeroiVi:nek wo' 424, - despise the cause lii:""triehlt: is-e c i; aged. . _ ..-- The controversy; it: 'has doubtleitheriii oh s4rki,t 'fir.liOuilfilliiil.iit.o by, our n'Oiglibi pt in relation to . the Banking system and - the Mufti plietition'ef Banks;: Pas teen gradually-diver ging until it IniS finally Been drawn by hit i rt into one general- gnettion"of the-public •ben l efit of etirperattinit.:•AliS effort fait' Week a`aithainl • devotod,to areiterition of this point, elicited, , no : doubt,-lby 'the few:Oneres . Which ' Nr4 ' Pro- i powided to hini . trio We:elcs ago. But pow a perrunt.of our neighbor's sagacity and pntilence„ . l could be led . -te••a*o* iirteP • a proposition, viz: 4 . 4i.•&j riciiiiii3 o:Atileies:the inevitable result , , , ... ,-of whichis-to ,- inultiply capital inordiriartly in the hands of it te • 4 it .the expense of the 'any, ris mote than we .can comprehend. .-- Yes such j wand to-be the fact. I • 1 • Funtte BEiiEFT+ OF COIL POR ' AT lON St—l-what a paradox ! What, greater benefit to the com- triunity is a corporate body than a co-Partner ship?. li'lla't Is the difftrence between item ? • Bina), we answer, chiefly that in a co-pattner 7 l skip, the members of . the' company are each individually as collectively respopsible for the payment of its honest debts---i-bat in a cnnion Arlo's TREY. ARE SOT T . Is. this ex, emption from liabilities, this privilege oflstrin- , .; dling their creditors, which' corprate Powers Confer upon them, of a "public benefit r--1 Then are bankrupt laws, and a 'multittide of; other enactments equally as repugnant to corn- , Om justice and common sense, "public :bone- fits." We are sorry our neighbor did not -condescend to explain how--sneh speeitil privi- 'egos, ai will enable a few scheming members of a corporation to defraud their-creditors with ' ithpiinity, considered a "public benefit." 1 But perhaps this is in reserte for a future num ber .: • . , 4 I Out eighb.or, it is true, reerred to aa' great 'Many cases where corporate powers have been _ranted, andth a number of counties in which the monied nabobs have availed themselves of these exemption privileges by the looseness of Federal legislation ; but in all we do not find a single public -benefit. named which -might not , hare been secured Ivy . ..a copartnership. , Let as take one for au example. He cites the Conestoga Steam Mills Manufacturing compa ny, of Lancaster, but what does be 'prove by it? Does:be even:attempt- to- show that the public would be any more benefited if that company.yvere imorporated, than now, when it is simply a co-partnership, the individual mem bers of which ar4 liable fur all Of the debts of the company ? Certainly not. lie "nerdy cites it because we had called- his attention to it'; and without attempting to enlighten us up .on subject; mod'estly intimates that. our tineStions were ratherimpertinent for Montrose editors, and gursses the petitioners (the stock holders and their dependents) know the bene fit, which is enough.- Astornling f !- . Ilut here is an argument taken from his late corPorption eulogy, width caps the Climax in real earnest : z..., i'-'..r.4 • Corporate powers are "to enable the many eie ens of small capital to associate it so as to cotpete with monopolies of the feu individu f ' ' als itf immense capital: l i driefr preterit, ig to prove the charge on Gen. 15 our neighbor, [from the asqnoted y .. What-A ridiculous blunder ! Our neighbor ri.,,,, emocrahc- C'nion,] and it will be seen that hasicertainly "saddled .the wrong horse" this' 14, does not give any vote of his directly touch tim. . Who, are they, let us enquire, that are ing Tea and Coffee at all." • conatantly knocking at the doors of legislation ill That this assertion is literally false our read for special privileges? Are they the Men of 40 well know. But we will take our neigh snicapital, as our cotemporaryAvers-,? Or ter's statement, for argument's sake, and what are 'they not the monied nabobs, the.Appletons, apes it prove? ' Why, that this valiant! knight Lavi^ences,Biddle s s, Stevens, and:,...i744 our of Federalism ? this inveterate opposer of a tar Lana ? . Why, the Veriest tyro can tell you 1* Tea and Coffee, "dodged" the vote upon better that, the Register )man has !, ':EYeryithe Veition "directly touching" the subject at body knows that it is your men. of wealth, not! Oi t sue 1 ' Yes, General James Irvin, the emboli ybur men of small capital, who at'elneessantly 't(inent of Federalism in Pennsylvania, although begghig,to he made a corporate body, a sort of I I ", tis name is found recorded in the list of ayes , Mining or manufacturing leviathan, ready and 4ild nays upon the questions next preceding able to crush down or swallow Up at any ma- and next after • the one "directly touching" Tea . _. nt.nt, every thing that 'ventures into cramped- Oa C o ffqa, yet, strange to say ; as uneompre- Lion with it. • Yes, these are the men who arelOising as was his vaunted opposition, upon it a llpsi4y, -coveting special privileges, priVihrs 1 that direct question 11E REFtSEI) TO rill'nl , double their espital, fictitiously as by VOTE AT ALL I Tell it not in (lath ! 14 - -- magic, and exempt Wein from every liability or Understanding men will view all efforts to "fog restraint i This fact is clear, beyond ..4 3 1)Pte- , user' and vindicate such a course, with a smile flut j ive are extending ' our remarks heynndlg-honest men; whether rich or poor, will spurn What we intended, And we will therefore dis- the trucklingldemagogue, who thuls deserted _:-. niiinfthe subject for the present by • directing } th e ir rights,, with .the bitterest etintempt.t-- . the'Attentimr, of•sosr'ctrtempoptry to t I he follow- i dur neighbor's admission being true, this att it big propositiOns: - ' N it not a whit hetter than it. vote in favor of such 1. Will our neig*ifte so good as to inferm,4 tax. We certainly commisserate our friend's. us the "public beneyte:4,na incorporate body,ltrosition, for the facts, no less than his own' width might not have *§A ~equally. as ; well se : - tewkward defence, prove him sensible to the ei cuietl,by . individuzil- or eapartnership , enter- fkeme difficidtytof the task he has undertaken. i r i s() it ~ - ' ~.---- -:. ': -- .. 1 , p We now conclude our article by propound -2..„ , , ,„ . . .. Is exemption,from hability,to pay honest kg to the.. ,4;tegister thejollowing qtteslions, debts that qtenefiCto the public y"' ' , fix : ' 3. , In what - wi` L yisttle-iniblic ber, lo 4tedhY il 1. Will that paper deity that the Tariff hill this coiistant liability to he' defrauded ? / • Which was passed in July,. 1842,, and after , . :.*,'.'-' . .4;:not , this "public benefit," afto4,ll) yards vetoed hy'the President, imposed a tax isitthative benefit. to the, we t abTt of tritaPit*- Oren Tea and cidfee? '' tatto,. .... , ..V;-,A- i- ~; IN ill,tt, deny that,,,although- Gen. James . . i ,. .' We have ether querettlef'prOlia*, `" but .these vin' knew:the fact , affinned in' the preceding 1i01,.!; 1 1 1 , , c4'_ •fliii ' . j. 7 0.0c,..,3y4? - Ijoo,j'i9.iii ,`-; eigan.lireOltquebine . the . iintitidn, -ji ; neighbor ,y,ill.conSue.hinuTelfto the 'points n a g- tila an amendment to .the tenth-section,. Whit+ gefited;?,4!tudtepni,oo:iiiinfot*O#l7' impose(' to' strike out ar ea and CoOce; he ao.i. W.fqio4o.-. ii it4e::ais c umslo" ',')i,,is. prutrsict- :kept 00..qiiesac;ii entirely . . ,- -; .. ~ • o,.ireAiit get:tare . fully ;Into the details iill,; r ,, . 1. Mit, pretend i thaty,, thy; act (dodging)l faOikrti4 il4iiiiWeinieti 6f, 0r,.6i..i, 0 -i0t..44.r.0.r. idly, bettor' than ' against tu * o 04. 7 4 after.3,sz4',Ti" , V.ljUi . ~, ~.,...lii, 3: :# ii went? 1 ., ..,„, .. ; --, • -.1 - 46iiit is *ol'o *at -illicisthel4ll6 - 9! l # 41.4f r iait4044thskttspen that; final Tiamdr,ci o;cirigGloriini:ihe;,_Nesieislistezaio , , , t; 7iiii* ofi Abe bill 'thro‘ i st the Mouse; Mr; Irvin v oted. k f 1F14: 9 4 7 : 4- ?•* 54 , f h I)Alekr aid i ' i t.? irke T-0: "o#7fr4ilkwiY settle inkinintalin4i . 44il-1k..41 . 4-,,..„‘i1i1i am. 6:llispute it t ionce, and we : Urge them upon r u m ar r yal l ig - tl i tLectii r s"..ean produce',";. , ` •' 0 r cotemporarS , :'s com=ideration. : When they . i ••• . ../ I „ Iry ILlifylard Tea std Coffee. It seems from tbe Maro c labor .414. imligna sk,g9W-iSkiitne,igh§9r,,lgegiger that is vcry,--gmeivannoYid , hpthe fact, , :oi rather re tition, that pen. Irvin, the Federal can: tffilitetor . oovernor, # voted, while i 4 Congress, tax Tea and Cdffee. , - can linagine our neiglilior's catmint!' fortification, aid therefor e otin ei‘^sim indignation, as as awkward defence. *- efforts Trove him to xelan ~,_____ 777 _____ His . ... litilmenlyaensitivo: upon the point, and are $ Wit yet forcible acknowledgment- that such .i an act on' the part (If his valorous iron lord, if fi.. proved upon hun' r ill sufficient to aaalliilatc all chums he may press -for the,suffrages of the 1,, 11 . 0p1O Of this county. ' Sib thank ,or . totem- I Orary mist nincere?y.for this unmiatakahlnad-; ,4ilssion. We all that is tecessa -4 to do in order t 1 silence his guns, is, to sub- - spintlite• the charge. This We shall now en dliavor to do. 1 - . . , .. We presume ot i tf neighbor will 'not den G hat he has already admitted, and. what we ejin prove,) that Oen. Irvin voted in favor of 1 , the . , Tariff bill of 341y,1842; which was - vetoed ri President TEE*: We are thus emphatic 14 relation to the bill- in question, bedtime we 4 perceive a dispos i t ion on the part of . oureotem- Or-m.)7, in order toescaie the dilemma, to con- jfiamd the two, vizi the vetoed by the Presi tient, and the one Subsequently passed and ap-, proved by him, which was impereeded •on the vot day of December last, together. We re- i ', !teat, if our ne ighbor does not deny -this, then ''' , ~ • .4 think me have him cornered beyond the pos. st i oility of an escape. ; Now toi• shah. clearly that that bill did tax Tea and Coffee, the ful-; .;. i ~,, thwng extract from a letter written by the late lion. A. H. READ, then in Congress, to his : , 1 constituents; assigning his reasons for opposing' that bill, are submitted. We quote from the--! e'rditeteer4- Star; Sept. 15th, 1 - 612. In rela ! t(Oh to the'vetoed bill he says: :',`:::. 'Tea and coffee, emphatically 'the beverage i al the poor, arc taxed by this bill to. the a ''' - ' l ` )- 0 60 . Mona- of ....,-a • 0 , and as Originally ee -1 !bitted by a Whig, Committee, it imposed a tax d $4,500,000." , . 1 4 v . 11 ?,i ..r. ~E.S D' 8 statement will not be doubted. t- EXC('SS received nri'der tariff of Ili fact it is well remembered that no longer a- 1846 over tariff of 1842, in ' ' than last fall he was cited •1. by our neiglibort the first fire mont months,; .s3o,o9l - 74 -1 and i h a There .are in warehouse a considerable a s eminent autorty; we cannoebel 1 ieve a s['mount of goods upon Which duties have not taist, he will have the temerity to deny the factsbeen paid—which if -paid would swell theLre ,; altove stated, now. And if not, then lio.M does iceipts very much, sh o wing the favorable effect [the case stand 'in relation to Gen. Irviii'Svotes . *! of the chance in the tariff.—.V. Y. Bro. PoSt. c Who is it that is guilty of misrepresenting,' of! ~- ,_ --- t -- „, -----„,, —.,.,,,. , , 'lWqf-t b I aN OM IN ATION .OF I Air LOR.- - 1 BO II asourig- . e-coining," to use our cotereporary's own el- Lou Union, the organ of the Administration ; cijquent expression ? Such a ease we are wil- . says : . ' . fin: gto submit to any tribunal, not doubtiniz, ; • When General Tayhir's principles have been the result. Ile may quote as many w ashing _ lly developed, if we approve of "his vi esik of. ful l Consiitutitm and ot the policy in which! thn letter-writers and Ingersolls to back up his ' the ko government should be administered,. wel fOlse positions as' he pleases ; but we forewarn ighall be able to appreciate his claims to the lom that he will find it no sinecure to impeach ',Presidency. - We shalbweigh them in the best': • spirit. We are now -uncommitted to any can the testimony of the individual above glinted. ldidate, as arc lintelredi and thesands' of fue l . oflie 'llie,"fact we etnslder established beyond caiil, !.. mei , ~ tliat the bill did tax Tea and Coffee, and we l - -7. --- — , :-------L- V d.,an conceive of no other methosl of escape, but' The oice dford. The ever active Denineracy of BeAford coun,- tn deny 'die:ply,, thaklrvin voted for that bill ity Inive held a glorious Shtmk and Longstreth d pan its final passage--a task trivia will 5t.5.e, , t , , ,,,,, ! ,,i, p, .1-k er as ene 4f the largest ever .heldl ger "even the .flegister's effrontery and easy L in the County, and sholirs that our brethren in , the west are alive to their duty and determin aviracitv, we 4pine. And therefore' the lame ......., ed to perform it. The meeting was addressed ffortfneighbor s o our to "plaster over" these .• by HOD. Jon MANN, General . BOWMAN aml palpable defects of his Iron lord, are appatentlothers, and from the excellent resolutions read a glance, needing no greater rebuke thanthe f , by the last named gentleman, we clip the fol- mnple facts themselves. !lowing, and hope the same resolution, (or a 'similar one) will be adppted by every County t- 9 But while remarking again upon this (Ines ci annexd meeting in the state ' tion, it may be well to notice the Resolved, That the federal party in Penn ii larertion w h ic h we find in the columns of that Sy lvania, in pretending to advocate the claims I , V.sper five weeks ago : . , my "Let the reader closely , e ,I t of Gen. Taylor fur the Presidency, are guilty of.hypocrisy that Satan himself would be a, , - Otielr -etendin; "he eh: - 'lli GP' shamed of. Thil 'de 'faction h- are answered, we , will aitepd-to liis case again , . if necessary. Dhaka to en' 4i:to The, citizen 4 of - Phil del bia, on Thursda •, gavo a - plsblie dinner to ,Ccen. I Dixie Cos 111..'who, owing to deelining health; has just. retuned ' , fiord . .. the; emhmand oftthe Home' Squadron," in:the Gulf t The &mier is spoken of if the * eitY patioris sis .o(istignitient The account of it ocenNes nearly-four ookunns in the Peassy/vanian. tHen. A. , l2(aistsoza, Presided; assisted by !Honk Joins M. lit.en and, THOMAS 31. Print, as Vice Pre.sidents. Invirea VOTES.4-Wfien Mi. Irvin was 4 mensber.of Congress, he voted for the British Monster, the Viseal Batik of the:UnZedStates. - :frleyeted fe;' the Baialtrup,t Law,--.-tuykafter wards, voted against its.repeal., I . lie voted against exempting salt fronX-duty. Ite diodged - the vote. , waking tiugar 'free Of duty. He voted for a tax on tea and coffee, as the jounals will show. He 'voted too, for the grand - fedeml scheme, ",Fiscal Agent." MEXICANf WHIGGER4.—A late number of the New York l Tribune, (March 26,) boasts that •`the war is openly.'glenounccd b) the mass 040 Whigs." 'This should lie remerubered m connectien Witb . the fact that the "Diario;" a leading Mexican paper, published at the cap- Raba that nation, in •an article encouraging the Mexicans to persevere in the war, says: "The sympathies of one entire party in thn. United States are on ova side, a j nil Apng will Mexico remember their'patriotisza r . . Yet this satuTparty;,)s hose entire sympathies are •ftgainst their own country, in IS4B will ask The people of, the United States to entrust them withthe control i•of government affairs. —.Detroit Press. TILE TARIFFS OF IS4 AND 1846.—Amount of duties collected at the port of New York un der the tariff of 1846, from the Ist flay of De cember, 1846, to' thelst day of May, 1847, 5 months. $7,834,982 '27 Amount coffected during same ' period, fro& Ist December, 1845, to lst'Mav, 18:16, un der tariff of '184 . 2, ; 7; 804 890 53 vile faction haft no more notion of nominating this brare,,old warrior for the Presidency than they have df nominating the Buck-eye Blacksmith! They have bro't, up his name, at this time, for the,sole purpose of hanging. their BANKRUPT, TEA and COFFEE TAX candidatefor Groyernor; Ja me a Irrin, to the ikirts of his coat tail; After the next fall electioruthey rivill drop t i lle'oliP Ger.- eral like a hotipotatoe,larUl take up their idol HENRY CLAY'. Is !there any man in Penn sylvania who can belieye that GO: TaylOr 'Will reduce himself so low, is to be found acting in concert with the '.1:1Crll , i:eS of the country in this i, ,war—those who denounce it as "unjust, un righteous and damnable," as does the United 1 States Gazette, North 'American - and Inquirer, I printed in the city of i Banks, and who now iintifess to be his exclusive frien• I Resolved, That we will 'makeln angernents ' for next fall's election So as to be prepared for • a rainy Any—and w hether it rains or shines -hails or blows—freeXes or thau's—storms or calms—we will turn out to the Polls in one ' grand solid column, tinder the Oorions,..ban ner of SHUNK & LQNGSTRETH, bearing 1 aloft the inscription! " PENNSYLVANIA. SHALL, &. MUST BE REDEEMED." Suicide at Italy A correspondent of the Nana hanian, un-: .der date of May sth, Writes as &hews : 1 To-darahout one o'idoelt, Jell Partheinore I drowhed - hiMself in the', big Canal_basin, in the] i iiiar of the State Oapitiol atid opposite Porter's Furnace, and for which nO 'tense is assigned— !he was a Man much addictid to strong drink, and probably , was - soinewhatintexicated when 1 Ihe put an end to his - exisOnce— t he is repro-, sented to have drowned hiMself ' , '.ery , system. atically—on his way cut lie intdrmed several persons that it was hied int4tion 1 to do so, but , they thought the man w jestit,g. _On his arrival at, the,basia, .he lai hill t; eclat and vest, upon dui bridge, 't,ook out . is watch and placed it in his hat, and ,n' j mpett off :the 1 a bridge into the water, Isom e 20-- eet deep ;' he dkl . this in the , preseice•Viev ral lnen who were' laboring in the.; ticighliiirli dr but before they* could redder atniatturfe,.:ll' IWatial d9ad as he wished .tO • bii. The :4•COr ',.eirti inquest iris lieldsly, kquire .Iglhiettri the verdict, as the " itenuzers 7, in yoilr ei y , would say, !t was accerdi4y.". ' 1:: j` You -*ill reeo ect , qat th' fi er and'matlV• er of J Rithebove Suicide * re barbarous= .ly ailirdired,'oe " morning aiipF., ,yearnitgo;:ii, ~ their" residenceabout two miles st of Harris burg. This t iriolkoc t s (61(oli ,itt excitement at the 66e:4141w iti4.lCtille ,0' ,iit. . .umnoo party Or, aorx, a* I;ard" this year,'pholiliwthe "tale"in nearly every tdittriet ini the . Stato.'. .' . B dicukr.o.T44l l # l 4 l 44# l 4federiek Reif' o iihollidiken.tkaaeijientoliee;nt deatk at Ilittslinikt,4olinitted inlet& during the4sighi Of TiiiwidWilisik l ,lteWVl i iiiiiblelus tun on Vtid a y; k.1i...4 :, -. Ai, rl-r.;-;'.;: iftJ I;L..;:i- : 1 _ 14 out akisite4ii ‘ n his•lefirStus. Asiatic sail or some other simrtipoidtmlisAbst t mme, Ann as this in stiopbajAhty_wust4tot ! , speedy enough 4.titketreetNdie ali# ipum:4140.141 means of p a rope made of shreds of 7 , a..ipthem.- More than `three ! weans': ' ' 660;142 was Beard 'to say ' that; ..6 ill Thik ; - ",e9niiik' .4 - this country 6' lliriating-H-peilipkiiiikht 'Wish to see tho Patelirniii3 hang; tut' ItiMtwOutillie &Sap pointed. „if you know how to undersfaki me right, you knot. tisiiii 1 iniets";''' A sleet of paper traifound in hA'eell, 'ti poi whi ch be had written the following : •:' '"'' •-' - - i "Yon need' het . piitt: the Wm' e'ttiiion any body else. • ,I. do :dot, wsot to ba linng. NI, one knim:isnytking iq.)an't it,.. *ye l it pines from but nipalf„ ., ', ) - • :: z `g4 tE Dlt;ticßElDzt-" .. =a Smitlienailitaamigictaree. The Chwleston Patriot sacs " Severe, of our • enterprising. ,citizens hate deteermin to crect ? as, speedily as possible, machinery for Iliaspinning ; _of :cotioh yarn.— The stock is taken, and arrangeirtents will be made to commence it an early , day., No doubt that in less than Aix: monthi s cotton_yarn spun in the city of Charleston, will be,arnung-onr ex ports., This is bui l the commenceuient:--who can tell where Wwill'.end ; We bare . lieli4:iriert of .ifitaigenee predict, that thoSoutli; 'Ulti'nliitely; 1 4111 become the great scat of, manntictunca in . . this country; and we have seen ftatistici Showing the increase of manufactures in that partiOn of th6linion within the last ,ten fifteenyears, which Seem ed to warrant the prediction, _ ' DItEADPUL - SiliPlitECL74ll.. emigrant Hamburg • ship, while od her tassage to Cana- da, was loit e 4n the Gulf StieaM, :and dreadful to - relate, 1 emigrants. and. 'the crew perish ed. She was called; the Stephonic, Capt. ,Ber ger, and left Hambprg in Ootober. The.masl ter and four of the crew - are reported to have been picked up in an open.boat 14 a sehOoner froth New Orleans4,l BY LAST IclGl l / 1 78131M14.- • , Thursciny Morning . The Southern , papers reedivedl last'evening bring a confirmationof the battle of Cerro Gor do, and furnish some ad:ditionat particulars.— Our lois in killed and wounded; as waits that of the enemy, has-been very severe, among the former of whom'we are pained to name Brig. l Shields. Maj; Sumner Inns wounded, but is considered Ont of dang!r: Several members of the Pennsylvania Regiments were wounded, one of them mortally. TheeOutitry mourns the loss Of allthe bravo felloWS Who have fallen in the pliant deferice of her can* The Mexican prisoners, been alloived by Gen. SCOTT, to gicto their honie.s upon pa role; except :fifteen officers .who -refuied such conditions and are ,soon to be transferred to: ' the United States. Gen. , Yega is amenithem. The amount of money taken 'frOni the envoy is sit down at 570,000. Santa Anna's carriage has been appropriated to the transportation of the wounded officers. " ' . , News from Gen: TAvlcia.s division to April sth has been received. Ile is still at Walnut Springs anxiously awaiting the arrival of the new .recruits. The Democrats-a Itherle IslanAliave elected. one of the two Congretistnen. A gain! Dar In 'lowathe, Tletnoemta elect ed. their eaniliiiates toi.thtlen,inOVory Attorney at: Lew;—Has removed !his Office to Turnpike Street, one • doer Egist of B. T. • Case's ( ffiee, and three izluurs Weist•.of the Register Printing and. ; .• Montrose, May •13i . 18411 • • e . N vv ,r'D ZlliEiSubsriber ismmtv receiving and qffert forf alo a new any desira b le stock of SPRING A SUMMER'GGOOS at prices which Cannot fail tO be satisfactory. AO all who desire great bargains. His mock com prises a full assort neat of, DRY G00D5,..; ; CROOCERY. cancriuss, HARDWARE' MEDICINES, 14136, - Dirs-STUrFa, WSlea. • .1 Izsa. &c.,,, all-of whisk will beinidAt i unesuallyftnaprices J. ~.ktats.l May 13,1847.; Li 3 N. B. No. chargel made for go ibi 600300, , therefore don't kit tkgive Ua ji, put beissre chading •elseihere. • • - ' Ji'ZiOnst swim .. 1 :. :, : =„ it •-' IN exchange folGooda, Egga, l ßeeswax,.Tiw 1 Cloth Flax Butter, Dried _ Apples, -Rap, Grain, Old Pewter, #elins, acc2le. , ' , '' ..fl'' — '4:i . . , - j•-/4011*+,::' A GOOD assutypert of La4lif!l! oboes; alipa, cheap for cai4 tiy OODEN PrOte.lnyter - starnot and 1.114.1“; v Ti Zisai! . _ OZ Eags.warit'ea' fo .1.00 Goad* 1 : 1 111 ctif.aildsieanet,R May 5. • -.1.,%;`4. h , lt„ , ly `-trOttlART Plinik at 25' cial.; And s listt aE u. i s: 6,1,7 :foe' GRP ..~`} IltrAYNEFeii:ThAthilleiNifnii;tltit by,' -4 Ii11)14,3 , 410011E11111ANt April. 21. - eitibrrtistiltintbe J. H DDIOCK, . -4-TY BEI , 4 ' llltll . 11111 1014 /60 all kinds just receiy Ind 'will be acid age., at I • 3 ifoatrcaej-:April the:fsrge kiid, of $' amivtb, did:l%2l6o)r Ne 4 • .• I ford,:kiint WAY 1:1Nqs: onn)ifldnek son *bit will leavg!inforAnt trat il 'iOdice oftheir ti•her dly rewarded; : MM lE‘public is hereby e.: 1 TCousin/ a certain pr's a tout she MI6 ortioVelo' Millard. or bessrerl feeerkt Johwja, Westcott Find we have received 'no ver are determined riot to payl i pelted by - • ,TOXIN 8., JEkEMIA Ledgx. May N #347. ic i? A T ibeA:1111. Stiond - of luny be found F.-it 1 ", C. Siiniton; who, have eat -' under( the f irm of r.B.,cis will endeavor at eckt times ettegdAoktios l ool l ilo4, -4 The temaininglitnek,of , cerlta r liarderture, Glstsss tic. iic ., wish w' be sold iulusUdlfy • '.. IF. B,C ;ROBE IaIUTTER, Sot rano _LP. Beeswax," 01 •Coppe of all i kinds efn0•137..21c.t for any of our"GOods. . NEWBTYitfIE ROW N:-.71-4 inch - • 1,3 •bell at sides, 1-16 curva. Oval,• fiat wille,ifrOnt anis' rear, and Ilinnra4-14 Oran inch wi •"r above neat • sty le t ". York' Sa tu rda gill arch tar, are - now realt and in April,l3, ME 'PROCIAM • 4ao Isano -VV/TEREAB;livii.sifitV :..the-head.o ‘- .111auni bttrn let 'rays of S immer's ly~¢seeittial to ,.his r eond'o'n, pr ides ,litiself Stith se latedAd supply the - defi t ` 'ie.' firuttence;r4quired, thatefit! cha*such:larticlea, as e titotteequally good. can be therefore, nants orSustinenSnna • ' whont. h,rpay !.Isonderrt,t ha tind ve l 4tabl ttnint sefs 'One of the Pan ottsanhitfachtrit. oft' kind s 114*.0f.. d thin tit their unnsitally, la= 1'66'1104d. nnd'inn:ilifnctu re (neat". AI: P. ,tkiCo it a v .IsTEw„Vnttir. a- full - .Supply 0, &CAPS. 'wit ieft gites them and varied assortment eve)._ Offered for,intle in. No All of which will be sold . PAY TpEill/Y7l*-!EE'OPS mi,of F ose, April 29, Js4 SP.RING .§TYL ,A - NOL'eri - r_Y I+ Pr Og ~;(*. Brush,. Cashmere,. • Corley Rix: colorh quafities stid prices atffie, Hat It Cap, pot • WM: • LEGHORN. AND Si MPNS ond dou .] Leghorn.a ), Am: . . Coburg draw . al Amer ' of differemt quAties. tore . 1 -GLAZEIY:. se , RQZ. Ml6* and El 7 1 Ir Gig.T.ed A Ilot. Ch.elip6r iiiiktrianu . ea:ay . * ' !IF?' 1.41-4 titATNitaif ,'suitable ii i'AtevOry stir •;:, , ,f:tsi AttileAk opglici scut ..L mio•pfkor ilia riiiiiittifil eiw it ia midi's, 7 " . ; -ij- ! : ,dD w c eccumb.---- :„ o t 'i :, 43 ,: irot :t ti, l . i : ,, ._ ., ...PiliiiiWiiiel' ,ii,Thookhow4e it . , i , slypii.oti,l7,4 i % nd s , tkitOstrnso •• 1 is!Thelimliojik: t bu i ut i f tiii:,iforois„,,iti.. o ,-., b0 . :,40 ..Pood 7,-l e re - olies:A‘ Jr riPecta /sfait 4, ri , - ' Mostrcee, AP1•14,,!-.. II II II II II mit thirefieiiptid , SigSTIL. ' • MEI 6 C,Slijklui: Clam , / _gt mole ft zilfilmyT. s r. , ows - 05h411,4 spiia .,l4iv 6. • . • inserts nst, pu lkgpit note, - ;gtreb. ; .1840, 1 p) Abiather w we, aim rteit by 'stab Westeott, as fir snid itotrAind casino aokasi cam. ESVAT AT : W 3111 1 MIN MOM tins endleti_anAtßotiett imappirtiaiship 1711eir ' W 9 Atilknegs s• ratJhom with a ...-!* . 10111 4 have ceileateli.wal ANDLEIW-' I,{.aothatigs. 0 Pewter, Grain. ill Lb? - retirfily -taken ,m'bumitco, gar , 411,i 1e47- I A - blau, ; , 546 yeoman; runt, sod , rears,,-174. sbpic-- f li" incites 10-16 - • " lintriduced", 41, Pkilr .11,11 b y Beebe* Co*. sabs by R1AA4..1t041% 7110, 1411 ," :,fiislied to ,coir Ong. iwincient tbe sung tbetite kw** fabric ty. A ;' fr title; *bog& titit , , ?tteed,,vbere obutineit at. tbe,iew. • 'iiitte:iii'ttiefititti‘ asyi anitilLetitem • .? itbee)4„stitti. Elm !toet.; . •aklien, ali,ititreett canistietly i•- e , rquieft. : In 8.14 j. star* of- Hats now • j . - recelt — 'lrolll / - 44 1,1 N,ER OATS. eiole her, Pgnasytvo ; Or - ,.,115n or awn% tider the usual pr - • _ ' =I .4eaver i , 5(61# - skin. of 41i ilia pea' frat 4 $1;90 - 4 44.00 r* - .- rrit: - .Ttoii:7 - L4 CO. 241e1rAp. le .Aiet.-singtt brim dead. Eiiglimb and eanlßirlied ilea, le cheito e;.- • .11 IVO% tt 411S'. Wilfi, lll l - .4 11 4000t 0111 .6*.•1 1 4. Wag 'l'46 i‘ si t oss za l . It aft.‘z,-.. -V -.., •:- -- _ o (4'..: - ,104,17 . - 4 1 : 1• . ' 4'- ._. ~::!:t l. . • IA