Northern democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1844-1848, May 06, 1847, Image 4

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late cabbage seed, malt; ly York,. Batter
sea, and Sugar -.lraf-ithe Flat Dutch, the
Drum Head, and SavOy. This, entbracingear
`ly tad late varieties, sftire a 'continuous
supply of cabbage for the table or market, as
'the-early kWh; may to about being used up,
the late kinds will time into' play. Having
sown your cabbage et sit- a, of different aorta, sow
ashes thereon with Oight hpal, then rake the
seed in, so is to cover them s liglitly, when you'
must pat the ground !Auwil with the beck< of
your spade. It mayiiaa well here to remark
that plant beds shcnitil not be shaded, but well
exposed to sun and air. When the - plants
come up, if they 'WO be attacked by lice,
bugs,; or Aber inset mix up equal quantities
of sOot, ashes and flOor: of sulphur, and give
them, a very slight (*sting with the militure,
two or three days in suctlession. Having
sewn. your Cabbage lied, in the other divisions
of your prepared bed, sow Tomatoes, Egg
Plant, Cauliilower, Brooch, Celery, and Let-'
tune seeifs.
• PrAs.—Select l'iiamy bed, and manure
with well rotted manure, dig that in, rake your
peas therein thickly and cover with the hoJ,
patting , down the grcOnd as you proceed! To
secure a continuous 4upply,yoli cad either sow
the early varieties at intervals of ten days apart,
or sow the early andlite kinds at the same
EARLY POT A.Tots:,—,These may be planted
as soon as eve,r the rrest is out of ,the ground.
Sound potatoes mustile selected, as it is use
less to plant 'those itifected with rot ; and, in v
deed, as a, precantioqs, xy-means, we would ad
vise that (for the garden culture) the seed Po
tatoes should be im ersed in brine before be
ing cut into sets, acid when cut, that they
should be dried in Ashes, Lime, or Plaster.—
In planting the sets, after manuring the drills,
we would sprinkles 'Mixture of charcoal dust,
lime and ashes over L'ithem prior to covering
them up. When dui potatoe plants are about
an inch high, we world dust. over them a mix
ture of equal parts I lime, plaster and salt, in
such quantity as to give the • young plants a
gentle &sting.: W. do not say that this treat=
-bent will protect th potatoe from the rot, but
*may -do so, and is,sorth a trial. •
EARLY) TIIENIP9.—In the early part o
this month will be a good time to prepare
bed for early turnips. ' For this crop a compost
made 'of six parts Coif dung, one of lime, and one
of ashes, will be - fourld to be the best. .Mix
the 'whole thoroughi together by frequently
turning over the mans, then spread one half
the compost on the bed, and dig it in the depth
of the spade, rake the bed. well, then 'spread the
other half a spade lop, and rake the bed thor..
oughly, wbert-it will; be ready to receive the
teed. Previously, however, to sowing `the seed,
—which should be Esriy Dutch—it should be
soaked in fish oil for twelve hours, then taken
out, drained and detimi in ashes or lime, sow4il
thinly, raked in and:the ground compressed,*
being patted with the back of the spade.
aeon as the plants cieme up, a mixture of equal
parts' of plaster and itshes should be sown there
on, so as to dust thi plants well. The Opera
tion should be repented daily, each morning,
until the plants gedinto the rough plants begin
to-belly, they mustche 'thinned. out so as to
stand about 8 ineekapart, and the weeds kept
down until thojeafis 'shades the ground.—
Thiii Vested; a beta of early turnips 'may
secured for table itaal market—and of this,
Abase who live nest emarket, may be :Osumi;
that",they, will find iftily sale and good prices.
Ulu, few perSonsfraise turnipi this early far
4 111.11141 t. ,
COSAGE ?i,Alls.-"Thotso who haie bc'en
sa proilleat u ; to 4ise Cabbage pleats in ;it
hot bed, iiouid sine the menial' of preparing
a lied to'set•themiint in, as-sixm as the frost
Out f ilie ,gronn4.' Cabbageisre gross feed
' ers, therefore\ reqiire a good. deal of strong
manure. To prep* ,plantii railed in hOtbeds
tfaesplentaticii, it is accessiry _to raise
up the liglits for +eral Ultuire them to
the weather befortsetting pro-
ttet them from thi out worm, prepare a paste
like mixture of Soot " and flour of , sulphur,
• moistened and bri:4l4, to the consistence of
paste, 11 d " 4 0* t 0 . 43 001, as you are about
eri the phiuti,4odip TlO.ruots and. item
*eh plant bait up to she lea*, when it
behmeTted hitothe grcanal,
ten mill not only:iprotiet the plants from the
mks of tha en(.woini„ but servo as an active
saserly,:itart in their
growttl....4.oT.firg"Nit *l 4 o l knee aa arr
• X:isA.* sot Csamrrs,
wo m bli t ,th i e ID. each garden -'sland4
b e ipiropristed emote an early sappli .
abaikeiieilliiif *fa, I, AN the sametso
4-4 1 .***0
the bed 4ut ind4ol, raid sad laid of
iitortaw2l4 iiart, - -:*lievillitega, be
innOk timely atpolak .
- 1; 1 ;4 s Wits ki#rt, the pie‘*
pan, 40 the es is about 4 'hikes 'Part.
The **l moot be slesitid out and the Mirth,
boomed two or three enet'before the erSp is
/4 1 4.12
•Boawi.—The Lisbon, Mangan and *ind
soobeans may - be planted as soon as tbefrost
is out °tale ground. Ikons delight beat in: a
clayey, or clayey mould soil; which abould be
moderately mamied, dug with care, and thor
ouglY raked.
kinds, may now be planted ont,
Fran We his.
J 111:
Through life's tempests are beating
With power on your head,
Acid earth's pleasures so fleeting
Forever seem fled :
Tbougk sorrows surround you,
Temptations assail,
It your watchwora be onward,"
At last you'll preta.l.
Though friends wboaii you fondly
Had reckoned your; own,.
Have left you, life's eturmt
To stem all alone ;
Though hopes so long cherished
May one by one fail, -
If ye - ur watchword be " Onward,"
At last you ' ll prevail.
,Then,cease all repining—
, Choose rather to laugh—
,: For surely that's wiser,
And better by half,
Then should sorrow oppress you,
Or troubles assail, •
With your watchword still " onward,' _
Yon never can fail.
rrpril , vir7 , rrr!irTi•!ml.l9 , .!
I have often heard children ask the question,
—" What does the Almanac mean .by the
DOIKINICAL ILTTER ?"—" What is its use r
and " Why is there a new one every year ?"
These are very proper inquiries ; and an
intelligible answer to them would enable you,
to solve a great many other questions, which
you would find extremely useful, as well as en
tertaining. And if you will give your attention
to the sdbject, ? and not allow yourselves to pass
from one sentence to another, till you have ful
ly comprehended the preceding, I will answer
these questions, so that you can readily under
stand and apply the information to many prac
tical uses. I shall number the paragraphs, so
that your attention may be directed to each,
is order, till you are satisfied that you fully
understand them all.
Observe thou; I. That our Almanac-ma
kers have chosen to denote the days of die
' week, 'by the first 7 -letters of the Alphabet ;
just as in music the 7 original blues of the oc
tave are indicat\ by the same symbols.
2. .If the year consisted' of exactly 52
weeks, (or 364 days,) yon plainly see, . that
these letters being once applied, would remain
invariable from year to year. In that case, if
A represented the last day of January, (as it s
always does,) and the others followed inorder,l
(1 would denote the Ist der. of Dec., and of
course the first'day of the next year would nat
nrally commence again with A. Thus these
lbt,ters would severally represent the same day
of the week in every year. But,
3. ) As an `ordinary year consists "of 365
days;there is one day over a complete week,
whiCh makes the last day 'of Dec. the same day
of-the Week (and denoted by the _same letter)
as the first day of the previous January.—
Consequently, the next year must commence
one day (Stile week later than the preceding.—
i And if this order were regularly, continued, you
I plainly perceive, ghat these letters would sev
erally run through the wh'ole week, in the
cow* of seven years : and then the Ist day of
' January would rear on the name day of the
lweek, as seven years before. But,
4. You know that, , ordinarily, every 4th
year is a Leap Year, which contains 366 days:
I consequently the next year will commence 2
days.later than the' preceding. Hence the
former order is interrupted every 4th year; and
the letters indicating the days of the week are
deranged; (just as the . locality of the semi
tone. in the octave and, consequently, the
names' of the notes are changed, by the intro.
duction. of lats and sharps;) and a return of
any - day of the year, to the mime - day of the
waeli, Would not, tike plice, till after the lapse
of 4:iin;ei, 7 ? or 28.
5i To obviate : both of those4lilfiCui •
nes, so
Asti thi lirist day of every year.may
. be dona
ted* 1, and the first of each month by itt
oirniletter frail year to year, -(while the. days
of-the 'neck are Constantly changing?) imeth
od liadibeeit adopted to
.secommodatek these
letters to the days of the week, in aunt con
forktY to the abotre mentioned changes.—
*amp ,
fi'.., The letter which in any other I
year stands
con Oui'firs; dap:of the week, called the LORD'S
i: :701e ( T i l
ii : a se tur v i'lkathi and - the,, As at p i : str; : s .
,theßansa t:LlFT, w :by o.bster fo th ef 'mn:lide ese lams tie :7 y a
1 - 71',4140,44:::764,that_witi'ufen'tregeot*indija
aciassni; the moist* of thineciular days, yang
ki; Oiel,iioi . 4 11 4 I,e,t,rof-the year to lath.
es*46'44liati;-;. 'l,:-.,:' ) • ,:_t
'4 - 4
8636 • ,44 tindi*,fihn ThlainienlPetta, 'tal i
. . 7-1 1 ,4 'l4 l Wi o, , CY*ol.lnol , ' ectij 0 4 : ,,
po l
sOii to- : Pe iind *tient -
, many- op.;
0.-. oi.‘ .-i:, --,,_,-.!,, -,.,-/:,: ... -,
:,-., O. . : branch of\ education dn, you lava
. tii.griicasior -‘.:-.-- 11' .s
. t. viiiiii; atii -:Ttaiiiiliter bat
' . . Up alm):40 a whole tree'." ', '
-1 ~ , I •
I - •
A"v'' and full assortment of Ploughs and
Plogr at autiv or the most approved coo.
Attraction. received. and for sale at low gri.
ea, by !, • . BILIREUTT.
New hlllOord, April 40, 1847.
=ID ird110:)......0L1D OTORZI•
Mt !sob s ant Still eftell.
,' .--..
T theA l idore of th e Subscriber 160. 6. Turn
pike streecmay be found a general assortment
of Goods. ,!' peed goods and at tbe lowest prices
--Consisting of
cat.cickar, STONE-WARE,
11.42D4ItAXE, • SADDLER!,
Shoe-Kit and findings &c.
- r
Montrotie.March 3. 1847
a .
silror, - eanox 0P..871/3.
THE Slibseriber's Books and accounts are
at his Stogie "No. 6. Turnpike Street, nod he lb
generally there ready to wait upon those who
call to extunioe them. Those who have neg
lected settefing-over six years are requested to
call and renew their onliptions to pay. Those
whose Regounts have stood five, four, three or
over two years are most earnestly requested to
make pitypteot and those whose obligutiontrhave
not stood pver one year since they' became due
tire inf r orrited that payment will not be refined
of them—A general settlement is disired.
March 4,11847.
, .
il A Rare Chance.
GODEY'S REPRINT of the two mitst pop
uliii.;Snd Fushionah le English Mukaiiiies.
itepriq' of
. Blackwood's Ludy's I
Magszine, Monthly, $1 per an.
Do, 2 , Lyndon World or Fash-
tom • $1 per an.
Two collies of either, or one copy
of each, one year, $1 50 do.
Any pqrson aubscribing to Godttyls lad-
dyls Book s .and bending $3 an a.,va nee. shall
be turnistled with that work .roe year. and a
copy also:: une year, of either of the Reprints.
The above works aflord a greater profit to lo
cal or 'travelling agents than any other
published,: For terms, addreis the Publishers.
L. A. GODEY, Philadelphia.
Botanic and Hydro
: pantie Physician,
WOULD announce to the citizens of Mon
V , trims and vicinity that he has made a
permaneet location in the village of Montrose.
1 -where hd•will be happy to wait upon all those
who may favor him -with their patronage.—
From thejong experience he has h in his
practice. he thinks tie can safely recommend
himself tO this community with perfect coal
dence oft access.
He tame patients at his residence where
they will-receive especial care and attendance;
and would especially invite all those who are
afflicted with Chronic Diseases, and have tailed
,to obtain; rebel front Phy,icians of the itlopa.
thy Schoid, to give him a call , for by his prac
tice he has been tauolit. that most, it not all of
the diseaSes which afflict the human family,
can be chred or greatly mitigated. He wilt
keep on pand a large assmtntent of
r for famdii uses; conststini, of Stomach and
Billious Pills, Cough Syrups, Streni!thetiing
Bitters, spice filters. - Serotala rups.. Com—
position Powders, Amok BaisameMother's Cor
dial, Stfrogthening and Adhesive Plasters,
Worm Syrup, which is an infallible remedy.
with medicines which are effectual in .caring
Chronic land Acute Rheumatism, ,with many
others ion nuo•erous to mention. lie would al
so say, that 'patients laboring under diseases'of
a ConsuOptive and Caneerious nature, need
net despair of relief under Ins treatment.
Mont rise,, March 4. 1847. No. 9--tf
1 8.4 7
Zeir....9.71t17.41:a .
.$ man Profits eesuick Returns.'
A. ;.! • - •
HEi:s . übscribers have the, pleasure of an
nouncing:to their - fru-oda and the public, _lieu
they hit received from the city. well se
lected stbek of GOODS, bought by one of the
firm, at Much lower priers man m 'ay of the
same gobit'Sla could be bought in the tall, and we
are • desirous 01 disposniz of them• ate
. itery
SMALL iinvlT fur Cush.. Beeswax, F 'Janet,
Socks, Flaxseed, Rye,.Curn Oats. bus. dre.
We are 'gatihfied that we can offcr greater in
dticementit to purchasers. than we ever have
done herrire; and Remember, that we will not be .
narnEesclp. _ Bentley 4. Read.
- Montt.okse. Feb. 1, 1847
(or Sore yes Cuts. Swellings, Borns, BrUises
Stc..&c.Ejust recmved and for. sale by
i f f , - N , • • Bentley 4. Read.
R EMM NING in the Posts:Ace at hilontioses
Pd., April Ist, 1847.
Asnoldifienry S. Losier Miss Harriet
AsburnAtiltun Little Mary A.
Armes lihrilham 3 Little George
Aldriclf ;Nathan Lewis George W. 2
Aren Charles Diabor Tbo's
Browiiiosepti M. riloore Joseph-
Beach Emily Mylert Mrs A. N.
: cklet i lotin McCollum Jolla
Brown ; Ws Hiildah Messenger HoraCe P.
831614 h Miss L. A. 2 Moore Mrs. Miiriu ,
Bullard Miss Amanda O. facMieban hales
'Buttertleid Benj. A. Miller Dan'l •
;Bowel Edward Maine Ezekiel.
'Beebe MM. Sarah A. McGray Patrick
Eremithr Miss Octavia_McKeeby Gilbert
`Carawfill Lydia W. 'Marsh Hiram p.
eronk Nahum, Newcomb Samuel 2
Coon Miss Helen B. Nichols Abel,
Crane Sohn A. Orton Miss Elizatie,th
Coon ik B. • Pecking Margaret
DudlALeonard Peckins Mrs. T.
Davis *Sham - Perkins Ruth A.
- Do*SO, tin Post Matilda-E.
Donlvpitharine Potter Mu, Cliiriuda E.
Daviiii_a William Park L. Lorena
Flyt Eirret ' Pickering Thomas W.
Preset Orauklin a Reardon 'Wllliam •
rieenilpo Henry Reynold/taffy.
&smitten Henry L. @Pierer Mrs.: Shan
FiliTflien Isaac Sayer Erei 2
Fordin Geo. M. Sanderson Mika E.
Palm*ld Miss Sarah Simpson Miss'Jane
Pallet gee. W , - Shay Theodore
laroser Miss Helea ' Smith Mule Jane
Gerd* L. '
.8.0 Raert
. 1 .
Gartisler /mush* H. Mimi Mihaly
Garrellion Deborah Tracy Bilas_E.
111Lia4 Susan ~..• . Thompoon R etie , I.
ilaytilavJamea . , Tuttle MU*, l a y
Heritilleer Pete:, ~ TylerMeil. delis
EA.* ri G. 2 Thayer free
se Miss Mary
.. Whitney Hal m E. •
et 4,11
I ' ?UP. ' , - '' Wiintouff i ' II
beki M , OW; . t Walker Mrs. th •
lick* O. P. ''..: , White Hoe.
'Thkalkis:ll, A. - Young Israel '
Kentigobert . U. i . WEBS, P. M.
• ,
THE Subscriber would inform 'OW friends,
and the public. that he has porchasedahe
shop formerly occupied by P. hulls,
few rods of
bu l t re
re to
recently by Mr. Patrick, .a
the CoUrtitiouse. where, belie n q w "~ oari l i nil' on
- above businetw in all its brahcbps. Heqso•
licks a share of the public patronage. -
&wrote, Jan. 20, 1847. :
JUST opened end selling .4df o usual low
Prices—inctuding more of ttioee Large
Family Bibles. ' J. 4.1 7 014 b.
Feb. 3, 1847 , ' f 1
N. B. Timed who base promiaedr Grain end
calculate to bring it, will do well to Jo soiim.
mediately. . I -J.l e 4.
ri .1. Tr a ate , .
i r o giknoz. Tin Ware, including anis, 1).0ln,
Mr Dippers, Coffee and Tea las, flakrs,
Dianna, &c. &e., at Wholesale.or reL il, at grOat'
ly reduced prices, for sale by •
April 1. 1 • i •
A FM, assortmrni of Stone Vir re thisiiky
cl i p
received, and will he sold by •
Feb. 11.1847.
D R. Segura Restorative Pitts.`Dr. Spcion
er's Hygeian, do. Lee's,. Hpoper's ir iril
I °motto, do. Also, Dr. Raffery's Fa ily
Medicines, consisting of Balm.of Gtlead, Wbrui
Oil. Vegetable Pills, Eye Water, Strengtherfing
Platter, Embrocation, &c. &c. ,
For their superior excellence sad great Pse
ulness, these medicines are entitled to a place
n every family. Try them. 't t
0 - PODELDOC, Dr. Jayne's Vermituge, God
frey 'a Cordial. Covert's Balm of Life. Camphor,
Horehound, Paregoric, Licorice. . 45E4,4 for
sale by J. LYONS.
April 8, 1847.
-........• ...,...-:-..............., - ........4... -,........L........ , - r
. _
The Amer)... Improwi.d
. Hue San 'Vegetable Medicine. i
o f: Pills lo
in a use reo n a e t •
tohfe presen t
the be,. t til d e a ti s i , e a 1
As a common .Family physic, for administration
in all temporary complaints of the idomachiand
bowels, 'head ache, colds, ilkt., they naaV be
fully depended upon, and a prompt use of them
on the first appearanceuf indisposition will in•
Variably, save .pinch sickness. Th y are pecu.
!early adapted to all-cases of weak n ess and gen
eral debility—any derangement o f the syStem,
and especially with females—and ii steady) un
=interrupted 'usn of them, in strict conforinity
with the directions will very soon I restore i the 1
organs of the stomach to theil natUral tone .S . nii<
acs lop, and regulate the bowels, lud renovate
the whole system. .. •
There is no disposition to give rxtravagant 1
commendations of them. What isi here 13ttited.
is the result of actual experience I with tifem,i
land that through a period ; of fifteen yearsl li
is not supposed, or pretended, mai ,hey will
raise the .dead; neither are :hey dekgned ti be
used as freely as we use our rum '.!- Such is iii) i
he true purpose of medicine. !Li Only apllro. ;
prime oilicen) to assist nature in restoring the
as stem to a pmper tone a,nd amine. when One 1
vcrdshly. or [trough carelessness fur excess. it ,
becomes deranged, 'Many sire careless," ii lid
hence need this aid. And the most ca tefuti are i
liable to irregularities of the system. ti H .
needless almost to say, that a prompt use of ;
safe and effedire remedtdi , on the Ili Ist ti. I
mice of tittle's. is the part
~of artSdoin, 117'..$uch I
a Medicine the Prairie/or knows [ltem Pali to 1
be.zo And he is certatn that in ttprty nine: ca
sea out'of fifty, where a lair trod is nuidti ac-'
cording to the directions. , they will he user! a- ;
gain As / a standard niedicine. Ilk has serer
kn'nen an
,nsfilince, where- they have been %hus
used; in which they have not, met With•otsQl:4l,
IF fen seisovat. 1 ' . :1 'l ..
.Numerous testimonials, may be seen al the i
General' Office of sale, and .references will he!
given In substantial firing %anodises of
! heal
valuable curative properties. t
The Pills are purely vevtahle. are off:Iwo;
kinds. stimulant and purgafive, purilyiii ih.. I
blood, and producing is healthy Helm liiriitugh]
the en;ire system ; are a Vahlable Alk,l Bil Hus 1
Medicine, a - lid i•ipir entry useful in all I ir.ooll .
complamts—W . eitkness. Oerierarth-h.iity. Dv s- I
pepsy.Pu'monary Affections Liver C ((((( filifints i
Rheumatic and Spats , Andte Atieettotis, Fr tulle i
Ciimpinints, Pal pitat ions.;&e.l'
- ,
No Fatally, after a fair t• 01111, wilt be wit bon t :
Mt - M.
They are put up in ;FIFTY. cEvr en d .
DOLLAR: PACKAGES, Oteti haying a p qm pi,
let embracing a valuable Tieatiike on Daiense:
with full directions for use. The Dollar park
ages are the the ,pest to the purchaser. They
m%y be ordered through 'Druggist-, giviholie
Street Ind No. of the General Depot.
Sol 1. Wholesale RetaiLat
No. 140 Fulton street, Second Floor, N.
Between Nassau-street and Bro•ol way.
Dr-As Jerm'traleeletaith—Ttrr them Ix° i
117 The above Pills are also for sale a• th ;
tore ot BENTLEY & READ. of 'hi. , place.
The Grape-Vlne Cradle.
THE underbigaed `
token this method of tti
foi-ming the public that he is new engaged
manufacturing one of the most useful tow -1
ments for cutting grain. ever offered in market.;
I'M structure of this C, alle is such as to en-I
able amen to cut his gto in with much less 4mi
bor thbn is usually requited—thereby Monist
changing the task into pleasure. A numberoi
- citizens of this county, with have used the Cr`a4 -
dle daring the past seaion, (whose names Cali
be given if reference is debited) hesitate not; te
pronounce it superior, tis , fifty - per cent., to 03 1 °
instruinent of tile kind the ever used.'
• An •• opportunity of exsrniiing the struiethce
and utility of ibe instrument will shintly Jb
given.; They will be (derail for- sale by the
first of Slay. at all the principal stores 6E14114.
lie places throughout the country. • •
Prtear..delecOrdlital to the lull i
For e ' common article,- (tiny the included) IS
DO Wire trimPtl &4 do
Do Five teeth andtrimeL I
do i
Do , Teeth plated , ' do .. I
r. r G. 8.. A MEI
Gibson. Feb. 8tb,1847.1 ;
IEW bit. GE)olll!li .
!AT i
THE Sobeerieer 'olio d inform theC i e
of Mentrtwe and vicinity, that , hi hai r j4t • .
turned.lrom Boston and rw York, with, -
. *l5- 1
, 0(1'
worth of Dry. cloode, :oh eh havebeen'f r ir has.
ed for Cash„ since tbi ducsion of the 't riff!
and will be./told from' Ito 1110 per cent leas
t h a n Rpring price*.i I . ,
MERCHANTS iii Pa teular.. will Aiol it , to,
*lnk interest, to call end comine hiergoe . It
fore_eieiting New York as he is confide, il, No
auvemagea are ouch as enable him to :ell
ontension than 'tl y . , aim . buy i New
Y . Cab eadiatisry ()unmakes, Ili e Beet
i go
end f Eschew Build . -
Bi. • ' a - .4.lvis ER. i
nghtantimi, Sit. 17Ow, 1846. .
, . .
'6111111D11117 glaillaitt e -". I
t 6
LARGE 'tack Of Fling GA
RD6I Ew e ,
(including Shaker's.) just oPeriOd and for
sa eby 1 , L LYONS. , :
. . ,
rch 18.1847. .
sh4LLipersous Indebted to ths'estatet of RO4,
- ERN KERR. late of,Bridgewater town
p. decd. are requested to make immediate
payment ; and all persons having, claim's it.
gaunt Sid estate. ahD, requested to present theta
duly attested for settlement to the subscriber,.
HENRY L. KERlL=Adstirtiattutor:i.
liridgewatek March 18. 1847; 1144 v.
AFEW more Sprit* patterns Of!DE LAINE
and Cashman; on hand, and will he xild
very Cheap by
• - Read.i,
Tariff Reduced.
I.IIF elf kinds, qualities and sixes, and a,t low. ever before known, miry be found
st, the; Hat Factory opposite the ** Democrat"
081ce,,, where the public at large, andi thcise
wishing to purchase in particular, are invilpd
to emit and examine before purchasing enik
where,i as we will not be uncirraoll ay Aint
Fork Susie Shop, or " Farmers' Store", io the
County. The best of" workmen are employed
at . the Shop. and all hats Manufactured by them
are warranted. , ,
N. B. Cash paid for Sheep Pelts and TM's.
NOV. 18th, 1146.
4 Disctission on Universalism, between A.
Warren, and 0. Fraser, just pOnlished; &
Poll sa te at the store of Jerre Lyons, Montrose.
PriCe 124 cents. •
*torn) , just received. Riau. Steel Bug. and
Pnrse.Claaps, Slides, &c
Ben4ey cf Readi
. .
, i ,--- •
. , .
FRANK MILLER'S, celebrated Leather
Preservative and water Proof Oil Blacking
just the thing for this weather; fot sale by „ •
Befilky if Redd.
susquilaw A COUNTY
D R 114 - .STORE.,
DENTLEY & READ, live thjs,aily teceiv
.ll.) ed an addition to th .ir stogk of •Dritg,s.
Meiligines, Dyestuffs, Oil '444 4.c., witch
Makes their winter tissottinent conipiete, and to
Which they invite the lineation of, their friends. ]
in Susquehanna county. "Physicians and nth „
ers•supplied with eirery'rirliele id oar link at as i
low a rate east any caller, establishment: in
Northern Pennsylvania.
Montrose, Dec. 9. 1846. i
- i . . ,
ti zURE winter ! grained , &
1 . Refined whalp OILS: also,
Linseed and Tanner's d0..,f0r aple
- - • cbeap by
_ _ —4_ .-- •
IiALTISTEK'S Balsam of Wild !Cherry,.Scar.
V pas Acriusite Oil, Workl's! Salve. Jayne's
Eitpecturrint, Vermifuge, Cat romitftrve
Sand's grin/awl/ilk, Dr., dr&funn's Efixer of
Opium. Baku ni of Life, Bullaffd's 'Oft Sosp,,
0/flirt; &,. Harlem Oils, Muffins Phenix Bitter s .]
zflff urns r's & %y ist sr 's' Cnugh fi.oz,oges, if off
ntssfy others oflhe popylar trOffeines of tile'
day, fur s .le right by
DEN rLEY & itE9D.
sabot-riber offers for side big Fiiren
J- one hinnire I iitres...sitimie iti
hat part of the township cif New 11110'01, kliol4
as Siamioy Feitlemartr Sascai.
by, Permrwlvarmi. Atom six Nerra.of 4410
;farm areal a goad slate o!' et~ltivatlon,—th
adiTole is well vrateied—i!ooii and rooveltier~t
hi l.iings thereon—,toil au °relit.; TL.
' •
I 1 ,
year, When most (4!•ltriitt in lo i e
oirtglib, , rh,ioit were rendeted 14orthleett lot tin.
i ',4•1 1 0 0 ,
,hv llie frogr; v lel ile.l nnwhrilF; of 4(m h,.
l'4••el.!— also. a glop! :V.,rieiv 'of other froii*
~famom . , which are Pe irs. Pemq•eto. ,
:the r.ip,red nii,l
'Tie farm as 11 niri utrilte 4e.
I 4,vy one ‘4,11 , . •reno.s4 p•irefi4snig - a r,i.„
, ithig section ot ennotrv: firie,l re .1 leo rilimti!t
p.i. in the preMiere, i C tr i er • Mill mut Vii6l
New Milford, June 11th, tA.t 23—t.
X 3 - 0" 6
o _. .- , • ..
). - • . C.) ..
:„--- = . '..ct =C - . •:;:, e•
41 -
-12 co = .13 . E-
11. 7 ; 5.. ,'. 8o = =
~.ii az t • 4 t.) 1.. Z
1 4::" .
i o •
g,i r-4 e ' 8Z.6 0 , c%
1,.. u q .4. ‘O . . > lIB I ED4Qr/)44 .- dii ll
• ia - •
0 "1'
• .
4 ' ' .. r. I"
1 r, .1 g .• 0..• • - a•• 0 ... , ....
I 4 . ~7 Pr-4 .=••r, ;00 . = „,., t .
ril 44 Er 04 t.. 5. 4.• m 7 4 0 Et
14 -r. -,_
IZ1"•... 3.:g...,••53 or 0 1 ".. 4 171
..; 0 oT.ur i• •••••• ....1 7
t 1; =:-.
r 9 0 a 2: 6 , a
_ ,gil y. : '4. ii: M 4 ;
......-4 e., 2 . a:
ad ..-- . t ....4 .., t , , -1
Z.' 04 ir es ur a
iii Cr.. vitel ;E i l 42.=
T. 44 td ail 2g° 0 A I 8
0 .... 1. , i t p
S. 'A ic. rn . so C.) , ~_ J 1
a -. 0 ....• 743 1 ..,r 6Y
:t 3 1 _ ,e‘., ge m 's
Cs 0 it "
``‘ =C.,G.,MO.
I a. 'me -.
..a z.• e -
IrLIS - 11111E0* X AMIGA' Al:
kwARDED the . .. Gold ad Silver Illiedihl. I
fi r s; piamiurim i and two Bightst Monom i al -
National, the Massachusetts; ' the I New- I
and the Pennsylvania Exhibitimmi*Pleo
for the most splendid Colored. Daiguer :
and, best' Apparatus ever eahibitod. i! j
f" . Portraits liken inexqtositistylii, witb'
i;ard to Weather. .
Instructions givetfin ; the art.
A large assurtnient of Appnraiini and
1. 1 w4 1 1 on tilled; at ' he lowest *la , pria4
Nl* + York. 251 Broadway::; ."Ptithalli4
Chestnut3o !St; Boston , 75 - Cimit, _an.
anovet . Si.; Safillrlorek 0 0 3 _Baitinse '
bashington, : Pennsylvania , Avenue.; P
urg, Vs:. Mechanics' 0811%!Cincionati.
r d ' I !!"'"uti'' 0 4 4 .110 Main AL;
, S at t
pings. Broadway ; drill; 127 Viellal y
Semple ; Liverpool;32Chtit*b pc
A b O y DLEB , --Home mitmilactllato(;,
W $
t are iplii'receivijik kite
of iffmitixi,dioo'sloicW4v haviti
;taptioit of our.
Vtl kNICY - Billintre tortiuktineiii t. g e
ioo or his frieseilit and thisiettOie to the ,
tier and-extensive assortment of Staple and A i
cy Dry Goods for Fall aral %Pieter. *V-. hi
is now receiving;! comprising Alt -eitri g
1 4
Dry -Goods( GtoCerietki rockeiry, Herd saf
Iron, Steel, Naito' raloll‘. eilic,l",". Liam' Nil .
'Onset& Oils, FieSßolfel Robe.; Palos 'I.
&C. tte. • Hiii hew supplied and! poets' '
cilgoods wilt at all time! iii - hetetolbse be
of the most attrikettve and desirable that
antl Wilt* aohtat - prietis•antitely cantor ahQ
re the present hicr,grade of the inarket, a f
roost goods: at it large redaction bout f
nrices, for Cash, eroducei or,approved t` -, •
1 New Milford, get. not,' Hit 46. '
i .110 Da.k otpops,,
OW nneninti at H..Burrit4 a chatii
sortnaint9 611 Catlin Prima; Plaifl
Otriped arid Isialeted-Alpactail.Blaek?;-
tid Fancy de' Lniiite.; gatial
o. Robes. NeWßtyles,' - rih;CaShinert de
Or, Gress!R.ilke!; ißilk-Velirets; 0461114-7/C
Ribboniks for Biopics'; Gimps. ipreal I
Ftinitei; Plain de Laing; Net find
Islbawla of the newest Styles from $1.50
ndies and Genii Patent Rubber ;
oths; Black,„and Fancy .Caashuer
heap, do. &anew", Winter Vistings of
Gin, Styles, CcittOn sa,rn . Carpet Wain;
Sheeting* &c. aLe,ttll at Iwhich- Art
sold at redriced.ncices and very:cheap. •
New Oct. 21st, 1816.
pl l .oVf.S—Sis: P.ltde Stoves of superm
tern, s iid Slime "lie, alespaist receir
skitte sold log by H..BURRI
1 New Milford,lDett 1, 1846..
• 200 -1)11811ILS .
d -- 1 F Dried Apislea for sale by
1%-.P , ' E. TIFFA
Brooklyn, Jan: 19. 347.,
!Pill Aferek., Wilke 4kl t
Be Mitterasold
, .. .
T pE Subscriber tenders his e •
, : knowiedgementa. to thosai who 1)11% 1
renizeti him, and siolicitsa.contiiiiiolo-e i
ii i Atriiiiiige, and Of The public giaterdi' . E,
,tow receiving his weld selected ii'incir 11i
aS flii II IWS t .. .
DRY 1. 'OOD.
AMO mg : which; may e found,-11-040.r
Bro.ol Coittis„ Pima oid :Finiy Ki,;ro I
Soi'dietis, Some New Pyle s Ittugliii t)
Cashmeres, (kepi) a .I_Alpiotca:Rubt4.
19 Ill'
b 0 1
YDS. Print---iiroilie Daniask Nose (11041
Willtle Shawls.: Silk Velliet, Black Sati . [isti
hienno Vesting& Newt Patterns. Cotton Ya k
Ticking& Sheellitg&atiii B &us; Lathe's jay,
is 'great Varietyl— i '
MUFFS. FU IX Tani', D .C.LOT It i [Oil;
Gitt)C . . , '' l
ERE.. ',
•i •
Wining&ea. Si.l SyirriipiPi
H y .4”rt, ilysnalSkin; Hint Sniniliciinitf
fresh. Druwii Lienip
white ontveriz4ll do. i Americo' ;
Molt latlitiw enq Stitt, in C.llll
I.r; !tire, Smek . hUh. hen {
shods lioot
frpnrh kid Stipa, l ir,.
Cpil,t's do in aktiot vnrieiy. 3 •,•>
(.lemi.t itiiiiii,4 l Qhm4i. • ; ,
A good aemmtnent of Crocker ) , ti
Tip Ware Etc»,
'Mill Samig, ICarpettifra Knit
F , ! Irks Pen tittll Pocket Knives, IkAT Cul
Citczdar Extrik. Cui•ry 'Copt'l.4.. A 1.);, , ..ur,‘.
els; H. ttttt terg;tiati,il paper, dr,,critc.;
• Fiour i`4iv eginrcr
Fietkell •Btliotitt
Carpel B )).yr. • 11'14
Ail 01 wittch,'i I* -tittered lor.s.ile xt
Cosh, ffpdmtwit
B , ii;Tr, '44.r..:11, 8.-T.44 4x, corn
1 411114 L rrli, ('efts, ?tire, an ;
Vett I
, • . } 4 l. c,. y I
I,lov. 1 Ith 18161
- _
ODFI 8i - A ipriaoe lot just rkwi
ILI for sato ti;tili.4l) 1 } •. BEZITTLEY &' i
_ D,ec. 16,4146' • •
Dt.'ll. SMITH,
DENTISI7t-;Seis Teeth on .Gold
dueloll Deltititit ..ivoik in the best . ot
- work warranted: Can be toned e't
on Mondriiiiid•Tuesdasi of each
•Sr, $lO RMAA
Dealers inr.Dry-Goods. Grocerim 1 4
: Crockelyil Iron, N4ils, Fish. du.-
1 belo, Judge Poles. '
- E. TIE - FAIN 44,
Mer intTy-Goods. Gniperies,
414-4 *rn Sustfaiqo, Pu.
1 .11 L4TI4OP
SUritect-01fice over!
change4o -ringyille,.
• JA , A4K•46. ni t JR,
.ee over, Ri Bearte.dtege4 Store: ,
Aavns S,
Coltaht Steigq. lifinufap
Repoirin 7 r4hOp
Dike, it' ( 1 1 # PdOwlowAid Villa
'Dealer; In' o*'Gocidi o . - -'43froceriei,
Crbelniry.Lookini Stun
ware... Sims Itc. , z-Fixist Store
Court . 130-se:East side of Public.
t door
, :.ta
Attor ilet'
Fa Tw i n' 4=
Attorlitl. ft Counsellor* Lair.— ,
Stole 04' L. Pest .11,C4b_in the
ty (mimed , bY:Hrenr Ninher•
Meier' in tagail l ail tiiiitaiii Dq.Go!
'ilediaincli : ritintiiithsi - Dyamid
e#*;:kietitieeek Groceries, -Igielt '
- N
-, ::Oket atott*ldalical bwit
, . , eliyi Thueettjhetie,War!
&a:—On. doer met 4the old 4tikti
, fie Mitehell..,- - -
t I ty
fir I,
,r.? Ala
I '
1 1..- , rul
al 1,
; • S
tk, hat.
ill Ad
as sal
It Ai
1 awl
11f di MI