4 -- a ir We meet to learn that G e n. Dnom- Goma, who was jtit re-elected to 'Congress from the second district, Qom, cli.. - on. Tlinrs by. This event deriv es the I ocratic par ty. of one of its able# and most accomplisled advonstes. . , _____ , inner Atncha's Mission. The statement in 'elation to 'the " Diplomat ic mission" of Senoe i Atocha to 111.exio, which has been going thdivbunds of the rpposition press with much flourish, (and whit* we no.;. ticed in the clique. oNan, up street, last week) thus received a (I,oetus in the Washington Union of the 22d Ist: "We feel 'ourseßes authorise(' to say, that Senor Atocha wasli t tid invested with the high dignity and r esponsilility of an American Ile nipotentiar/to 3leico, nor with 'any Diplo matic character whgever." • ' Thus, then, die feat t bluster about " Polk's o ff e ring to give fiftten millions to k (mien to im b u e a r am" - all moonshine fter • Tvto Pays Later. The steamship S.irah Sands arrived at New York on Thursday 4:venial& after a Very rough } wage 0f . 23 days fiom Liverpool. Her news' is comparatively unimportant, being but two days later than that brought by the Cambria. Flour and Grain we:te again on the rise, and in a little better dema#d. The money Market - was u nchanged. The 4ather in England was de lightful, and prospects of good crops }cheering. TITS NEW YORIILLUSTRATE for May, is on our * hie. It is entertaining and sutistantial coin the able pens of Scfm Smith, K Robt, F. G reely, Kf Oakes Smi Street, and others, iiind is the mol decomted.of any magazine of thL seen. The ‘Tiew xin Wall streb' t,j from the conger Of Broad," ii:ccrtainly splendid. .Alto getter this is a supOior number. Remember it is published by , )lurgess, Stringer iSt '22'2 Broadway, N. T. The Tsiriff of 180.. Altlynnzli we ha 4 already written and cop; ied many articles lit relation to the Tariff, and the " bite rale; of :.he Federalists, yet we do not think we hare siren among them: all so spicy and so cutting' , a rebuke to the ,"ruin" •I'party as the followit:a,g which we take from, a late number of the ) ennsylrOdan.: 3, The present nni+hen silence of the opps-1 sition press on the subject of the Tariff, is in singular contrast with the course I pursued by the same press when the law of 1 46 was en acted, and that of i 14::. repeale. It is not so long since this te:olt place, that it should re quire any thing mitre than, an all sion to re , all the facts. Thi whole land as to he coy rred with the relic:(oc industi nd the evi (knees of ruin. Furnaces were to he blown out—manufactures!blown up—a d all the se curities of so. iet)' and the eletne is of prosper ity Mown away. The orators r Federalism screeched thoir .glo4iny prophet.i s by the hour. a•ol their I,re , seis . , ptivte.l them .y the yard. 'lr DAL LA ~ WllO4 v,te carried the new law —Mt Wlt nor 140 stained it—Mr. Bt. - . 11A NA N, who WOlll4 Dot leave 1 t c Co.hinet on account of it—Mr. •:NV Ai K ER, •, ho urged and defended it : for eatdi.of these a special gibbet was prepared, and fin- all a emu o on and an in famous immortalitf. They w .re assiled as traitors by every immortality .r 1 popinjay iv the land—ridicae4 in caricat res—and con signed. to infamy it( some Of th worst poetry that ever was written pr c' elated. The .V,,rth American., the U. S. •G, zette, and N. Y. Tribune, their fechoes an. their panders, fulminated their dcOnnciation. and scattered their pi-opheeies, wtbh all the z • al and indiscre tion of end-of-tho-world pr.achers. If we had not still hissin* in our ea .: the epithet.; of these elautorons,fniies, it-wo dbe difficult to conceive the workthey used s the ravings of anything but wild ilinsanity. They were for the Tariff of 1142 ,‘.nd " not ing else." Mr, i..ti CLAYTON, from his ari.tro 'c repose near New Castle, hurled his the erbolts at any Lode who - DAR ED! to intimit e such a thing' s as the modification of the new' law. - The North American. aftmli go inthe cfintest in Pennsylvania on Om Tariff ssue alone_ It worth - 140 out amcnt the blig ted fields of poor, . 1 1.) ruined, seduced P.nsylva. azpong the de serted work-shops,-her blo - r out furnaces— her beggared meehanics---an would then in voke npun the 4[4 - ping Deo . racy the curses and the vengeaneOof a decei ed and a deluded people.. The youti wh'o- firs. the Ephesian dome—the incendiary with ' -gunpowder-plot —FtEscits with its infern machine--men who open railroad switches—. • ogle who poison reservoirs--becam4 suddenly embodied gaints; in comparison with those wh had lighted the train for the complete ruin . the country in passing the Tarif . Lbf 1. 1 ,were each work than. a - Judas Iseatsiot of a I; • nediet , Arnolsl; with this differeroe: that he treachery bad been consummateti, and on • required . a few,. snore months completely to ulfill. Sensible people heard tbi. torrent of defama fion—this deluge cif Frredic;ons--and smil e d. Weak people bear it'and waverer'. A n d a few—s very few-41ost the. foot-hold entirely, I and went openly itto the ... : of the enemy. I We saw the cheaqearly : a t oired the acting,. applauded the poetry of fli. writers, but sus pected that the th imder w . only sheet-iron— the lightning onlyEja sped. • n of clever pyro tecluies—andthicse who o . dated at the cere monies, and proncianced the maledictions, a set of heartless and *ant 1112 I / stets. And so it has prtwed to . • . These prophecies have all beer'faLaed. T . country never was happier or morgppsperon- We nevet looked - forward to a brighter F ire, or back ,upon . a clearer Past, Toil is ever cwhere liassisom* rewarded. Capit*.l is emb ?keit in now invest, ments, opening a4nues of ealth, and fearless ly placed iii expetimenti t at would have been pronounced doubtful lot • es during the exist ence of the Tariffi l tlB42.• " Our ships whiten every sea," ladenrwit . h o prcauets, and the world is thronging to our lerves for corn to feed its hungerednagges. Furnaces make, the night joyous with their= . .. es. Forges resound with increasing later ; . d iron and coal have advanced in the li)tnds; of the very trickster who slanders his 4onntry bile- she is =kink hity rich. An e4ensive ii felt no more in the nation thatl int w , e a, 44 on a fair day; andler thelirst tim - during such a con teit—we believe* histo , — , es' overnment pa l'er is at a prempk and . illions are refused by the trca fiery when a nis advertised. Thii *AM totosppetl NO; wonderit strikes the Federal prophets-Lthe:Jeci Smiths of the opposition—dumb I - No wonder they have no courage in - the midst of siach a scene to prate of Thin;' -No wonder their presses have dimwit aside the-protective iiolicy 'as among the wornout and nuOinery,of the day. Their silence, is profound and Significant. It is ore eloquent against.their cenrse on the sub sleet of protection than theii, most humiliating eonfessions could be. They fear to confess be cause they dread the ridicule:that ninst await such a conclusion to such a eommeecement But there is not in the nation a voter who has not been impressed With the severity -of the rebuke which has leen visited upon them by the total and complete failure of their predic tions. , i Who are Enemies ofthe Country?' We clip the following home thrust, which ex plains 'WO! from the Peantylranian. It was written in reply to an articliin the Inquirer : GENEII - AL TdirON cannot, be separated from the wiz. With the war he • is indissolubly identifiel; and those who oppose the war, and thwart t war, and delay its termination, as present Federal friends have done, and are oing,, °ppm him. We gave on Friday a number of startling proofi of the feeling with which the,vrar and its . prosecution is regarded by the laders of the •Federal party. These opinions; uttered in all quarters, and by hund- , reds of those who are eminent in the ,opposi tion ranks—repeated by almost every Federal press in the Union—commit that party to the policy which, if successful, would not only have disgraced our army in Mexico, but have. given up General. Taylor and his forces a sacrifice to the fury of a foe, who, in the language of Sen ator Corwin, (so eloquently 'toasted by the ed itor of the Inquirer on the .4th of July last,) are always ready to give them " a bloody °wel come and a hospitable grave." Amid all the sophistry of the Inquirer—its s elections of an individual opinion, here and there—this start ling and Overwhelming fact demands and defies contradiction. The views here expressed have not been without effect upon many at those who have ' heretofore been called " leading Whigs."— They refuse to go with a party that is always against the country. .The course of the Fed eral-papers and Federal leaders has driven a number of leading men from the opposilion ranks. In Virginia. the Richmond Ingarer alludes to the conversion of Col. A. J. SMITH, ' of Harrison county, and otherS, fur this cause aidae. Ii New Hampshire, Gen. LOWE, who was one of the Clay electors in .1844, severed I his connexion from the same cause in a manly address ; so also did JAMES COCHRAN, of the same State, formerly a very leading man in the opposition ranks. In his farewell speech .he uses the following language, in alluding to his former. political associates : 1 " They have taken the same identical course which the old Federal party took daring the last war ! They have travelled on the same Ibroad road to : infamy. They have denounced the war as'. Jim Polk's war'—the members ofj ~1 , From Gen. Taylor. Congress who supp , ort it as ' cringing, servile)l ft -- "1"., , ,,,,` The Washinalon Union of the , 29th tools of the South, and 'dough faces. and the, 't alt., *t h ains an pfficial despatch from Gen. 1 war unparalleled in the annals of in:aMy, and. • lof course, all of us who support it as i 0 f,,,,,„! Tarl:n iefly complimentary to that distin -4 e , withirut parallel.' ; guislted,offieer. Col. Morgan, of the Ohio V 01,.., ,.., " I cannot, T will not support such a pat ! unteert•f ? fur his gallant conduct at Seralvo, as ,any longer! I shall rote fur Jared W. Will- tilt eadji noticed.' The following received at Tams at the coming election, and I will vote . s , time. me is not without interest ‘)l, _ ! thela.. • fur no man who is engaged in this in'eMous - Tlt,c last letter from en. aylor, .of the 1 positin to his country. soul uick 1 11998th March. „reports that our co T mmunications 1 thi.tit o of.standing still and Ice thh d e midoin•h q t in er Iwith theare measurably secure, no inter the rear ' (-midi:lry apply the .totch to my dwellin ,, , irtiptioti have taken place since that. reported on midnight assassin plunge the daoer in the the 'inchult.. A train arrived on the 'llth , bosom 'of a friend, as to think of standing still and see the honor of my country tandsh dt or i under escort of the Ist Indiana regiment, and her flag disgraced, inAbis her hour of peril and . arn'tlittt.Nras , 13i.+ expected. 'lt is understood, -, trouble. 'that tl't`. regular cavalry of Urrea had retired; from that 4inarter across the imaintains ; "I take my stand on the. side of ley country' patriotism orders it---duty directs it: The ! natural result ofthe.retreat of the main army Itowara San Luis and of our preciutions to se- • 1 party that supnorts my' own Government re ceives my supi.kort.” • . , cure die trains. All was quiet at Saltillo.--! ~The trimps in good health and the - wound ul ' tn our own State, the noble examPle oil. • ,11 . 1 y; , recovering. The inhabitants, both at jJ'nd!te Ert ECK 'EN II IDO E, of Pittsburgh, will not' ra sa P it ' d • lo and Monterey, were generally return- easily be forgotten. • .. - , ing to Their homes, and, in the country, are en- The Lou4sTille Democrat gives the folio*-1 - m e 4, p l am i n, , their crops. ing abstract of a speech from Mr. Burt.}:a, at!, ; s. • a Tederal meeting iu that city. - Mr. BU TIER ; i The Volunteers. is a very influential "Whig.".lie said: :In dieting a late letter from an old Every steamer brought us news of battles, reimbli .. i4a in atehigh county, in this State, who from • . quiet of his }soli does not hesitate calmly and victories. He would, not tell the soldier {the otl ito_observe the doings of the busy world beyond , who was going into,the battle for the honor his country, that he was about topour out bi s uhim, vie were forcibly impressed with this oh-1 servati , ?n : " Our recent victories are singular. blood,probably,-in an unjust and unholy war. w h o ky gratifying to Ire—not so much for the tern. goes forth to battle, to be informed that he It would be poor comfort to the soldier, raryi advantage -we have gained over the cue mutt 3 ".toy, a because they prove that the citizen sol i must go under the. ban of a denunciation, , Ilier, hi : defending the honor of the country, is' 1 one fighting in.an unjust and wicked war. He equal f. 9 the most thOroughly disciplined voter been the audience that there neVer had 'an in the regular army. We need now have been a war in which some bad not been found n to cavil at its propriety and justice. Thereo feais of a standing army; that bane of all Iwere those who thought the war of the revolu- fortnefu,republics." 'These are views which tion ttrijiist and wicked. In the war of 1612, ino dotibt are entertained by many others.— It is theirforeible truth, more than their origi lsome would go only as far as - the It pers o ns n ow ?_... t nality,lthat commends them to our observa j line—and where were those : ... 1 tion. :Military men—the martinets of the I.He did not wish to be amongst their.. in: .Ken- i sehuobiltay . e combined in denouncing the vol In another Congressional district itickv, Mr.. You NG'S district; the Democrat I. witee : describes a graphic scene : . "Mr. Young, orin the Bardstown district, i. 1...._ : me home from Congress. He had listened to t 6 Mexican advocates in Congress—beard the, ivaidennunced and the denunciators applauded by ! the :Whig : party until it was familiar to him. ,He got up to address hisconstituents in Bards- soh) as incapable of steady courage tin the i jhour if danger. Bust,. from the coin ' inence)pent of the present war with Mexico, woetopr in the fatal streets of Monterey,.or on the erinison fields of Buena Vista, the volun teers leave' only approved their valor and their imnstattey in the hour of trial, but have actual:ly saved the fortunes of the day. Thrice, in the Liter struggle„ did they pluck victory I town, and forgot that he was in Old. Kenttick, from ,the very jaws of `death ; and repeatedly where patriotism is generally at a red' heat.— did they roll back the furious masses of the fee So he eta loose on:the war as a President's war. _roiiiiug- only to Make ff against Like new. _effort ort against Like Mr, McHenry, he did not know whit the the iron ranks of the enemy. Allshistory may 1 pbj eet of the war was—thought it Was to rob, lie sought for evidences of ennal )bravery and even churches. He was sephed to by the Hon. perse ,o ranee i n the face of t i le same mth;.... _ - Charlek A. Wickliffe, who quoted his language. Geneiil TAYLOR himself, and he is known to' After waiting some time, Mr. Young saw how .prefetqle regular to the volunteer, was heard, the wind blew. -He found'he was i in Kentucky, to tle4.lare that the Mississippi Rifles were three and not down. East ;,so he denied the languor times ,'',Worsted by the foe, and did not know it! This brought a reply from W, - id which le The iMpetuosity of the Pennsylvanians at Arent ! gives the.certificates .of .several - persons who Cruz is indicative of the same feeling as that i heard Mr. Young's statements. A few years whicleWould contest a field against overwitehn ilierme,,we predict that there can't by a man ., lag sio a droll s frf the-enemy. - 1 rOnild,i,n -Kentucky, who ever said' a word The world witnesses this spectacle with stir; lagainst the war., : We'll havetotet tip eertift-. p_rise4the cOu'ntritrith satisfaction and pride. cotes to prove the charge wherever riMde." To the, first it is a lesson and a warning—to This proves enough-proves indeed what the. hilt an assurance and a hope. For while the Federal papers have becit• constantly de- the soldiers: of .people are thus invincible in. nying. ; The Course of the Federal leaders on, a foretga land, how resistless will they not be, the war—a course consistently pursued by them , when;, fightinifor. their;oirti homes ! The-war has disgusted the people, and beencitindenia , with. Mexico will, prove to be a blessing to us, e 4 on all bands, These, procifi, : ample and, as well as to her—te her, because it will coneltiaire. as they 'are,. expose also the hypoc-^ thi3 dfier to - rational and civilized freedom--to rug ainlinseirapulous ambition 9f- those who ; otirselfres, -because it has revealed tons a new now profess to be General TATLon's niOnsive : `and rortant element of national . strength and I !ter . a I 1) friends, • .' " i .. 1' . • ra es --- - coneytionian., _ . ~:.. 1A Tau Bi)EAnzn,.—Hon. Jesse B. Brown, s ' lr - of the' lowa Legislature, is six feet se- Veni ehes iitlieight. :He can see all parts of 1 the, i 'uSc, withont rising . from his 'seat. - • ~: ''• 'Mr; Walter CAM an American, has estab-, newapaper in California ; blue being cOpitraine4 to use the Spanish type : lin which are no IV'tt, ho subntitutes two ld'a monad, Court Proc , eliaboss. [We hero reluctantly iimipelled, for want of r4ornlast, r week i . to_ilefer . our usual report of qtirt Po iceofings until to-day.] ‘,.FixtsrFEEtt, CONCLU DED. -:-..o6loMollr3altli vs. Rhinisvaults, for , riot--Verdiet guilty and sentencea to pay a fine of $5 each,' and costs. Streeter & Bentley for Prosecution, and Little & Myer4for Delta: Commonwealth vs. Sprout, for assault , and battery, verdict not guilty, and County ry , „the cost. Little 4Sz Grow for Cotreth, entley & Richards for Deft. Ad journeohursday April 22d; to Monday. SECO:(1) WEEK.—Court called and after be ing occutiied. for a time with' notions, rules, road cases, &c., tavern licenses were grant ed to th4following applicants, viz : Chocenut, Joseph Hide. - Cli ff *, Benjamin Ayres, and Geo. Brown. Forest. Lake, Elisha Gibsop, Olney Sweet, A. J. Chamberlin, Joel Stecriback. Harmony, Benjamin ,Aylesworth, J. B. Sco field. iY Leno:C. D. H. Wade, Thomas Gardner. LiheriY, Anson A. Beeman. New Milford, Cabin Summers, Ithamer Mott, Waller Olmstead. RusVNathan J. Sherwood. Springville, Spencer Hickos. The 4!ourt ordered "that the Clerk append to all 'thin tavern ,licenses issued, a nefiee that the lice* will be revoked in case the tavern keeper dells Liquor on Sunday." Case tff contested election of Matthew Dun more,. fqi Justice of the Peace in Rush town ship-9 complaiut , that votes were received in the room where the board sat—petition set a side for :Want of sufficient reason in the same, and theelection affirmed. Bisbite vs. Waldron, in debt—after the Jury were sworn—plea withdrawn and judgement for Pltft, amount to be ascertained by the Prothotiotary. Streeter & Little for Pltff., Bentley! for Deft. j Tingfey vs. Richirdson, fur Libel—verdict fur Mtg., $75, and costs. Little & Streeter fur Pltft, ,Bentley & Lusk fur Deft, 'Ward* Gray, appeal—after Jury sworn, plea withdrawn, and judgment for PIOT., by. agr. eei4nt, for $:?..4. Chamberlin & Bentley : fur Pitt.; Little & Streeter for Deft. I Whipple vs. Westcutt, ejectment--veriliet fir Pla, the lands claimed and costs. Little & Stre4ter for Pltff., Bentley fur Deft. !!SeeciAl. Coeur--Court 'Called on Tuesday tile 276 tilt before Hoff CoNrsonAm. Greek vs. Perkins, ejectment, after hearing tlig evidence, Pltff., a nun-suit. Little & Stree . ter fur Pltff., Case fur" Deft. CornWelket al, vs. Deans et al—submitted to the''Court on demurrer. Case for Pltff., Bentleir-for Deft_ Posters. Tallman, rule to show cause, &c., after arjrument, rule discharged. Turrell for Vittle & Streeter for Deft. Other causes on the special court list con tinued Jurif discharged on Wednesday, and on Fri , day, Chart adjourned•to August term. ' - Istbatkas of.lrehtuutteipec. -- - 1— We see various intimations in the party pa pers, that the administration has tits attention earnestly fixed upon the IstlunnsfUf Tehiutnte pee, as a neck of land very desirali)e to the 11.. States. By taking advantage of twontivr ble rivers, one of whiCli empties' to the Pacific and the other lido the :Gulf of Mexieo a emit-. munication of some, kind it is supposed, could be made across the Isthmus{ at al very incon siderable expense; as etunpared, tii 'the advitn taps to be derived from it., not 1 imly . to AO commerce of our own country, but t that of the world. The able Washington corrOspondentof the Public Ledger, of this city, says that some Members of the cabinet and "prbbably of o pinion that the possession of this Isthmus would be of Aligreater advantage than any ) territory south f the Rio Grand9,' or south of the 36th degree, of north latitudeiin California. This Isthmus, you map depend oh, it, will play a very important part in. the negotiations for , peace; and for its possession, it hi not unlikely ;The government will be willing to: make shine sacrifices." , i As confirmation of the abbve. the fact must not be forgotten that the Vice Piisident, in a letter recently published, has set], forth the ad vantagui of such a possession,the immense Mu enee it would have on the develokinent of our I commerce and navigation, and O ,benefit it I would Provo to the Mexicans themselves.— Sat. Bit , . Post. . General Scott at Church. Gen. Seotkattended Church Vera Cruz on the next Sunday after it east taken. The American Eagle," published in that city, says the General appeared "devout dad Tim' Eagle rklsolu s inishes,ll3 with the following interesting inferinatian:— " We noticed that much deferimee was paid to our General,, and that he was . thefirst one to wham a long lighted candle wa.4,handed. Ile received it solemnly, crud held it fur a time lighted in his hand. 'This was pleasing to the citizens, and from all appearakes they seemed to think we were not all the (ideas they had ! hadpietured to them.? This last was a v reasonable, concluAnn, notwithstanding the old adage about holding a candle to•'—a certain. distinguished person- EXECUTION OF CO ARLES Mont:R.—This unfortunate make was executed upon Friday of last week, in .the yard 01 the: 310yamensing i Prison. His Offence, it will be remembered, was the murder of his wife. Who was manyt years his seniot, aboui, a year ago. said to have met his fat 6: with entire resignation and wonderful fortitude; having repeatedly, of late, expressed his contritionfer bis crime, trn ',tieing iu a great degree, to his intemperate] habits. . The execution was , witnessed by about al hundred persons, principally officers of the law, physicians and members of the press, Vho it' seemed had the Itcraori, (?) .extended to them of being jiLvitecl upon the occasion. • Sheriff Le lar, himelf, performed the duties 9f hangwanl,, a course for which he deserves eimunelidation: for if to hang a man be right, ,the hai gman's office cannot be a dishonorable lone. - Mosier was about forty years of age. He came from the Grand 'Duchy ofp3aden, in Ger many:and had been in this country ten years; eight of,whieh he lived _ with the Nsfife whom he murdered, and who, previous td thiir marriage, had nursed Min assiduously thrintgli avrbtract, ed and. dangerous sickness.—S!at. l Ere Post. CA PTCRE OF Texas papers we learn that thii d istinguished gentleman, as soon as ,he heard; of the danger-, i ous situation of Gen. Taylor, print to the glo rious battle of Buena Vista.. gathered a troop . I of nhout 80 horse and .set off tin his relief, and I „after penetrating into some difficult passes of !the mountains bond the Rio !Grande, he - was attacked by greatly superior huMbers of the enemy, whom he fought till be l6st half his men, when he found himself enmpOe'd to sur =render.. Gen. L. was once Preisiditt of Texas, r and'is a devoted patriot and lirasie soldier.— ; We are sorry to hear of his mi4rtnne.—Penn. ' PENNSYLVANIA REA ElY.—We leave the sat-' israction ,of stating that our S4itet is main-the. first to respond to the call of the President for more troops. It is only a fewr days since that lwe announced this draft uponiotui patriotism, land now we have it honored{ The two fine Shgcmpanic of Capt. TAYLOR, of Bedford, and pt. CALDWELL, Of :Mifflin, have been ask,..,oa !ed to compose the 'additional corpi - of the Xlth Regiment. We learn from head-quarters at Harrisburg, thatthese conipaUies Will be ready e l 3 for the field in a: 'ery short time They are made up of the v • best and bra -est material —farmers and soli of farmers;—renusylva'n __:_:;___,.______ • _ L The IVafhingtons Union,l of the 27th says :—Of the 6,904 rolunf are em braced in the call for the pry Ith. about 2,009 are destined for Oregi Tanta Fe. 4k!etter from Bath (N. H. states that snow' in the woof depth, and that near Strai four feet. _ . _ TUE PRESIDF.NCY. , —The iPaS ington Un ion says that " Mr. Polk positively disclaims, as he has uniformly . done, everyi idea of the succession." • COL. BENTON—In a letrer to the editor of the litissouri lb:11(1in, deeihMs 4 nomination for the Presidenev. , I 51[4 7 3321 4 / 3 091 In Braintrim, on the 29th lilt. by- Eld. B. Sturdevant, Mr. Das jr. of A - burn, to 3E14 SA LLY BUNN lit I. 'of Braintrim. brrOuntritt.9 sr/twin:o 4 WAY about the first ifistivit,. •LS LI NGS, one of which isd B son who will leave infortridtirib at ens!" Office of their tcliereabensis, Aiy reworded. NEW GO J UST opening and doing Oen Mby 5. CAUTION • rHE publid Whereby cautlon .. against pur chasing a certain premised y note, given about the 15th of November.): I to Abiather Millard, or bearer, for 115(11, wjth -.signed by !obit B. Weattott and JererniaWesteett, is we have receiyed no valtm far laid note, nod ore deierminedinot to pay. the 'knits unless corn. pelted by law. JOHN B. WESTOOTT, ' JEREMIAH . WEBTCOrr. Le110X; May" 5, 1847. " No. 18-11 fr. ° 4 U'W tWHEREAS, it ileineininarelly u t hstIORIt GROVESi. t the -: IGliwieti ,Tayldr 'Of MOntrase," executes aR hitulal f work in WI 800 of business, in a little bOtUr atile: and at isifair prices as ais otherrey for this side of Mexico; , this : , is to 1 4, 111 , "- who have,!or nt ay favor Wu with their 4 that he has. jusilreeepied from' Now Tork is usual int riety of SI 3 RING A2o;l_-SUMMER ASH/On , c and is now prepared to wait up o i HeOUoolen when it shall s t3 t 7 it their conveniently. ~ May sth, 1, . ' . '7 , NE W SPRING AND sluilunroit,pooDs.L. 00 , all linda just received - first in niarkf,t and will be sold as cheap as the Chestiest at • SALISBURY'S. Mt:intros'-. April 15. 1847 t ' , CLOTH CAPS,, PLAlNjand fancy, made of light cloth,:iodi • suitutile for summer, at - Win, AL Post. 4 Ws. , . NOTICE' To WhOlesOe Dealers aid leeialliersf of; Illiechandlse, County o Susquehanna. IN purshance-of the act of AssemblY of thi CommOnwealth, of 4th day Of fiLis A D. 1841 entitled "an act to Provide; revenu: to•meet the deinundsupon the treasury fu other purposes"'—and an act of April Midi A. D lB4s—entityted " an act to increase the ;reviniu and . diminish the legislative expenses cif Coinnents6aith act passed the= dux of April A: D. IMO entitiell,.•' an alit t provide tiff the reduction 'of the public abt,' the undersigned, Appraiser of Mercantile time for SusqUehanna County, has prepared a list o .all bleichatid.s trudingOr doing businets withi said County, had placed each of the said Ater ' chants in-that ciasS Which to him eppearstigh ; end just accordinglo the provi;nons of said act of az.seinhly ns tollows,viz : BASIDEMCE.,.. NAMES Of MERCHANTS CLASS Brut*iyu, RT: Ashley. ' do Edwin Tiffany,— tfu - 0. A. Eldtidge, - 1 Choconuf, J. S. Peironnett, 1. 1 do Mutt & Stone. r . 12 do . Benjamin Green, Clifford, •A. Browning; liquor 1 E. Mapes, 1 Dunduff„ S. B. Wells & Co., I,quor, do A. G. Phelps, ' , do . J. H. Phinney. liquor, ..... do Joseph B. Slocum, Store, L Drama, •L. H. Woodruff, 1 Gibson. • U. BurFuws & '.... du .N. E. Kennedy, do lenity & Curtis, do D. M. Mapes, liquor, .. Great; Bend, Wm. Dayton, do • J..Dubuts, do• Warner, Brothers, do . . Brayton- & Gender, ... Burford, S., Seym%us do G. G. Pride ;& - Co., Harmony, i. P. Badger,. do D. A. & J. D. Lyons; ' do - DeGruff. Barker ¢.00., du T. B. urns 4. Co t , liquor, do Aaron Wakeman, liquor Lenox, - E. R. Grow 4- Br's... 4r Nl:morose. Mills & Sherman, ... 'do I. L. Pust . & Co., do .1. B Salisbury, do . . J. Lyons, do . Lyons Sr.. Chandler, .. do S S. Mulford & &a, B. Sayer, do , George do • M. S. Wilson. do Al. C. Tyler, do ..N. Mitchell & Co., . du J. Ethridge, liquor. .-. do R. S'en rl & CO., liquor, do Bentley & Reqd. do • Merrill & Rout, Dom'c, N. Milford, R, L Sutphin & Co, . do Henrytrritt i, do Bennett Weaver, ltquOr, Rush. Almon Picket, ... Spring - Ville, A. Lathrop.. ... do Thomas Jackson, do Ira Scott, Jackson, A. J. Seymour Jessup, ; N. B. Cornwell. And the Judges Of the Court of. COMmt pleas of•said county will bold a coiirt.of appe at the Huila House in Monttlose in and for the county ,of Susquehanna, on Tuesday the St day of Aline next, at one o'clock P. M.', !alloy* titne and place any of the merchants ,define • describL•d and classed as aforesaid: oh the agent or attorney. natty appear and appeal tro • said assessment if they think proper.persort deallrig as aforesaid, and classed by the SW acts (W Assembly according to the amount o annual: sales by them respectively made—a: tottows;: • I Chines. Ain't of annuniniain. Atu't of licenses lot . v 8300,0_, $ 2 O 2d • . 2013,00 U • 150 3d 100,000 loo\ 9th • 85,000 80 5.h . , 75,000 - 60 , 6th '60,000 _ : 50' 7th 50,000 • • 40 but - 40.000 .30 , 9th 30,000 ‘; 25 10th , 20;000 , - \.I 20 11th , 15,000 • -ii .15; 12th , . 10,000 - . ,' II 12: 13th 5,000 ' - r, 10. 14th' less than ' - 5,000 : --, -its! 7 Provided—that when such wholesale pi retail dealers (niline their purchases and solos tt buying and vending goods, wires, and in n discs. the growth, product and minufaeture of the United States, be or they thall pity only It. halt the amouut of lihcense required by 't e provisions tit this act. ' ' j ' I • 1 ~ And every seller ut vender of witietcor els tilled liquors, either with or withoth other goods; wares, merchandise, commoditiesi ore Acts, s aforesaid, shall pay tar his license' iftY r cent„ iti addition to the rates abovi spec fied i the respective classes* and every !minis he - after grit n- _te&oliti)ll speedy whether ilia' par y obtaining the - 4 is or 'is not. entitled. to 11 or .vend wines. or distilled - liquor: Prop' . That no person whose•annuat sates donut e . teed one thousand dolls'); and 'rio ftitte; le trader, or single woman, whosea s nriutit aisles c not exceed two thousand .five hunifted 4 dalla ;., venders of wines or distilled liquor's'. except , . nor any , importer Of foreign goodsi•Wares .; merchandises who may vend or dispi ea. I of t.'e same in the original packages a imported, n.l any person who may vend or di'stioSeofiiiiicl I of his own growth, produce or • miniesetu e shall be required to take out aliChaiii and •i this act," • ~I l• ' ' ' ' ' l iik J ' ' 4 '. Except such storekeepers or spot earl .1 as shall- come under this 4ttrsection of .ah,tict. 't assembly passed, the 7th day of A prils ..4‘ -• I. 1846, entitled - "an ac t 'authorising 'the;Cilizli of certain counties to decide by ballot ith • r I ttia sale , oi'• iiiroutand - L:spiritouc liquo ...ab 11 • ' be continued in said counties". then:su t r '. ...' 1 sons, or firms residing in any-borough . . ff ship. in said County, that has decided bj a: in .. 7 jorsty 'of votes . polled;" ageiosk the:aide OH i quers,": ited - who have. procured a 1i0n4 , ./ . ., = toe-Judges of the clitirui . ..'.of ippiOr.--i*fons. i said-iibill .- pif:tblit sum Jif:flveC,dOlf re in itadition,to the titini.lnow required tb i li.bili . tc be.paid for license to store' keepers in _ . je .:. is ca nes whit venders of foreign merchandise. si 1 - L .! • ' :4: ~ ,--..,.-- .i.. , .0, W.GAR I r Appraiser of Ateriiniiilerf4cii,lar oaStiiii Brooklyn, May 6,....181.7, - - - ,ri . ' .!..k . l - -; f 19.6 wo feet in Into four YEA#. 11. Any per. I the " Demo . hall he mufti. Blny 8. , DS at j. Lyons. I Brig par TN Cor the 18-3 m qua] the Co{ Sept Brigade trispOclor's ()ince, Ha rforit, Aptil *hi • PERSONAL 'PROPERTY - AT . PUBLIC s I THEbscribim being p tto teems - su tins county,iivill .ili4 ; 4)l`at,riubl '. on Tirestosi,'t kin '2sth - tif ttroilext-si'll . . :k ri dence In Appallican,klate, bOcOotiOlo his Household tinti . ,Klichen 'fOniftire. c , I sing bedateadi,iikllles, bureaui,sofai ease' 'At ov et. potiti:ite,;l4c....4l,tertkitletetsere on eliptic sp,rinigs,,tarnen, add the. s re i of his (arming toplenients; rend ii . :iiir other a iticlett. i-• -- f r ' Sale to commence atll.o'clock. A. If ~,Terms: model known on the day of sal .. • !,. , • .$1: MILIA t NEW STYLE GENT'S RI SpringFashien for rr ROWN--71-4 inches high. 548 y bell at lodes. 1-18 front and. curve. Ttr--1 oval, flat.;Bust-1{ wide, Front , ono 4 rear, and 1 9-16 at BINDING-.-1•4 ofan inch wide Ihe above stew style, 'introduced York on Saturday, March 6ttr, by Bee. tar, are now reaiy and ler sale by April 8. MERSUA. 4. R PROCLAMATION ! Pri Bono "Public°. INTHEREAS, Nature, haying Turn :• 'V V the head of Man. no covering, 10 protect, it frOm the .Winter's storm butnintrays of Summer's stin,ft is.fou . ty.essential.to .his.ceinfort and beauty provides himself ivith,scrne kumanE lated tostipply the deficiency. And. _ r prudence requirrir, that every one, sh , chae.such articles al they :mil if • ; those equally grind, can be obtained ti I esi prices; therefore, BE IT. ittown, tint 'tants of Susquehanna . County, and I whomit may. cpricern i that -' I . ... WM.I PC ikeirro . &C O.' Have established thernselvel at the o d one dontsouttijittlie Fautaas', - Sib .' they intend: te*iotuft'squre., and keep on band, .Llars pf. every . deacription.. • tion to their unusually large stock of ;, on band, - andnianufacuired at their' = • ment,'W..4,P..&.Cp..liave just reeei NEW YORK, afulfsupply of t SUMME ' & CAPS, WWI; gives tbem.„.the most and varied assortment of 'Goods in 1 ever offered lot sale in Northern Pen ~ All of whiqh will bei: iinid for Casa- PAT • TWENTY AVEitii'Ciirrlunder the L.. , ces. ... .. ~ • i .-- - ' . ' I 111 13' , 14 12 r;33 IMMO IMIEME Montrose, A p ril ;11847i SPRING- STYLE' FOR A ND esery style of Otter. Beaver IA- Brush, ; Dam:mere, • 'Moleskin, Muskrat, and toney Mrs, (dal!, dm colors, colors, qualitierfand prices !from 01,1 at the Hat & Cap Drpot - ofi ;. WM. =II LEGHORIT AND STRAW /1 ENS and Eciya double eqd si 4 .L 7.1 Legboriii also, American Eng, Coburgalsb American Ruda.' of - different qualities, tor sate cheap - y WM. M. POST. .1 Ell EU GLAZED' OAM 15‘11 DOZ: Mens andt - 86 . ' ys. Silk, V -Cotten ,Glezed. COON of new iiful styles, cheaper Than at any oth may. be found at Wm' M. Post, 1 - • P.4IIILEAFIHATS, OF every kind, and in piny goon low at WM. M. POST, .• Ram auttuaristautai AT . this Old I Stand of Lions - & may be found F.. B. Chandler, a , c. Simpson , wbo have entered, into pa, under the firm of F.ll. Chandler, &C . will endeavol at n'iltimes,to be in •• . attend to th.., who may, favbk the, call. ~ 1 . , , The remaining stock of Dry r cerles,HairdWarei ThiWaiiii, Glitsey&c.*O l iwhtcb viellave oa : behold uttusii - aily low. . ' . F. B. CHANDLE;,I •-.. , ! ' ROBERT C. BI • I t3UTTEA, Socks, Flann6l, TawCl ' 177 Beeawax," l olil Coppei, Old Pew of all kinds and noccssa will be rein for any of our Goods. P.. B. CHANDLER, spool, ' lIIPOUI UNIMORA illiaZa i At tlie.Acsistem y 11 is Mon /DAIS .. 531001, is now I opened f. misoon MI pupils, under the di Miss,Fssa 5 , . 'WILLARD,! whose lon eneelin,teaciiing gives herample Os comMunity: , , t, ~ ,' • Particular attention wattle paid by lord to qualifying young, ladies for acid especia I i vlor teschiot r Common TERNS OF Turtipx. For Cotornixt - Engliib suidies, .... History Botany; Sat. PhilOsoliby t Ninth) and Drealing;tExtrea 1 1)14) These - ' lis under the entire ci n• Willstd; 'hi) Will'igive Veri:Y'''part lion tolbwiniiineriend•Owindiect . U The =heel confidently,_ the petnieege • Good ;beard ten bit hitt* I in . respectablit temithis. 6! f f Ples_l l 4 .o 4i Boani • Mtinfiose,":l4irjrze, 1847 - PLOUG H S L.::: • W - itrEE ronlii,'lo? sate Apiil;2l. ;: I A _7 77 41 nta,„l.4 o ,khi erso d,,c. arn . New:lllli!foidi April 21i 1 47„, s „ irtAIN3Z:f -b Figs lite XVI” I *zt, wg !tit i sklivO•Ver thy 5, 3 3 '1 ; 'i. a - roue air. gor et or 4 t I 4 -.. w • IA ed to ; 8 000 : 1 1 OT C • Anew p. Ise, I pri. titiltr - • sit" t 015,010 ' El brim lishams 40's. kin and bone b- El tvi very h ndler, d ober; tiff rship .They d . ess to ith a 1 Gio-• tlj WIiL ON =EM!! I R ags , IGrakt, taken {CO. se. ad- r, A : thaw i r to be ingt book'. 424450 1 . 3,60 .&00 • • MIS , ;; .,.ed to panea . POI • • . NEU 'Tr i n'll II