Northern democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1844-1848, April 22, 1847, Image 3

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4- .7.- •. ,
_. - •
• [-14-
April 220E84% 2,r)
lr' r 37l
f 4.
OF A ii.conar couhrf.
. or pormonsat. conwrr .
On motion of It, B. LITTLE,
A. Gabs Waal on Monday -last., admitted to
pried Attorney at Law in the revOrpl
Courts this • County.
'!Our friend F. A. WARD , has our thanks
for his' otinunieation covering the impcirtiint
ors frii)m the Army l and Europe, arc., ' of last
w Yie regret much, however, that *To*
e or neglect of "Uncle ;iim"
o his Oe..nts it did not reach us until f)itlay.
eho such a mishap may not again Occur.
f sof
,It will be seen from the Washington
of the Pennsylvanian Wbiolrwe
give in k
gneeter column, that - the $18,00,000
toan ',' thorized by Congress, has been !taken
+on t
_, mist gratifying terms, and tha4, too;
is spit
i lof the predictions and designi torthe
!flericin party of the country to the co rare
The CaullpeAgiii !
The 10.beinatori4 aMpiiiirn, or this iState
*ay no i iiir be considered fairly opened. of
toe 'thee political parties--the Demeicrate,
t'edera4sts and Nativesthas brought iis fa-
Vorite candid ate into-the Ificht and alreso do
ire beg%ri to hear the "clangor of arms" `which
orien '
tt .
pthe apprOacbing conflict. Each otthose
~ es, too, is Infrared into the conte4 viith
some . , uliar recomnfendt which, (except
Native ,k) we consider it proper to names
And Brst we will pay of coMpliments to the
klistinu r .gled nominee oft-our own party.—
And hre we need not be prolix. Whe does
not kut&w Fus'scis R., Sutra, and knowing .
,him, cfn fault his chara l eter in the least, either
i politioll or official ? Who does not knotithat
be isblith capable and faithful, honest and ef
'ficient ,:, a fault ? Where is the 'man : who
can'aelpse him of even the smallest misdeed or
dexilectif i on during the entire period of his:'offi
tcial ester ? We have yet to see him. ' Even
idle sla f eronstongue of his political enemies
is mut,kpon that point—one of the best testi-
rmonialo his able and judicious discharge of
his offs duties duties that can be "given. Ile is
emphatically "of i,he people one," a self-made
maa. -Once an,humble "school-maater," ',.with
no armtut talent and integrity to lean Of
be set 'ut on the journey of life, and step by
step plitclded his way up its ascent, until at last ;
he fowfa ;himself elevated by a constituency
duly op:predating lin merits, to 'the hcglest
trust wFtbin their gi:t.4 Hence his feelings are
with, thiii people, his, sympathies with those who
_ t , • .
from-al ad forttme are.competled to otrug- I
gle th*gh life's checkered scenes as h has I
done. [pone:: too many 'whom the wcirld is I
pleasedito distinguish, his whole, career has 1
shown 'm to_hs. far removed fromi any fee li ngsl
of '''' .l racy . ; Mutton the contrary ! , had pre-
_ved 11 .4
i l to i possews a most scrupulous atid,mi- I
"Pl'' ising devotedness to. the interests and/
' andthe
welfa pf the labormg,elanses poor--
Butt wfneed not enun icrate instances fot they
are fauo, iar to our r eadeisas house-hold words. ,
Ms nelde stand ag ainst 'monopolies, in the
shape itf corporate privileges, Bank,
&c., daring the session of ear last Legi s lature,
. .F,is
is eno h, to place his name deep the afifec-1
tions o • e7ry , . poor man in thiliContunenwealth,,,
yea, te r 2ss'ign it 'a. high rank in the link of Chi
.: tes who have gone before him. , • .
But 'pot so with his most formidabiel coupe- ;
titer, .. t. . Inv ix, as , we are told by those who
know hum ' "Born,!' as the saying. is "frith a 1
!Byer soon-in his month," his whole soul is '
lockedltip in the aristocracy df weahh, Be
comes to the field with no other recommend
but th of bein,g a Federalist of the Hattford
Convect ion seriPe, a wealthy iron-master, rol
ling in'lumuyan, Autocrat in every iseMseof 1
the ir e
ta t ier
: so fir as be can be under the laws I
and - itutions dills country, a man of an in-
Infirm of talents—in short , a peifeet JOE
Bus Such we learn from all quarters t
be his ; lcompound. .1 ft
ifli which is the man most entitled to the
suppo -of a free, people, a 'people *lab :wants
uo iro league, or wealth3r aristocmay t o rile
as witti a-rod of steel '
,f laborioi Tien,
. „
would on prefer to see elevated to the. :rioi
tant twist of the Chief Magistracy, a man Who
is the 4 rbiter of his 'oWri,,fo4nrie, who sprng
by his wn industrY
porta e obscurity to eminence,, srho s?O-,
q • With your wanti; and: darns: protect
yon f ii be 'rsioacity and miler Achnients
wealth ; or, .one who; *too& to
comet Oe with, wan born id idZiltir,' it4'intr.
sed in !cristocrsey,4lkooe caper' is mar k ed by
the Ilagrant - iets cif 41, vig , bo
seen in! another t his 'piper; lis'fgat- -
1 •
teOPt4i l by any man *nee the • 4w g alsi t Pis ' c t f
~b'',4.701 2
heoltaw your su_rAge•AEP
.Executive -te-i-4,has
A 4 1 4 1 ;
tilt 'to their Oriiitifre-
melts 07 ' 1# :' I l iliii'-'4w - ri . liee ;
andlit i WpOd seem", ly a
t . , . enetio.
iii! c il o il ii heipanti:4l4ffeet-rir dee ; ion. l The
ease is too plain *AA of hesitation. A t
to thersioetive . .... a . a ....11 . RI , •
,-, ,
_ .: lt rlar d., .-- ••; • , i..,.. .. 7.,*.*,..-,4 ..
Caul tormnissionery their:Wen is ' I T
"'wide. Thin Motiarst Losiiirrirwru; %, he
-14entgornerY cPun4, frif.sierp, atilt H * * (.
nietr.i f tin
ierinsyleams . eiJOY anurreeneirspitatOn:
rti fact we defy hit eirporietts'to * "'ek• a fliiv"
in his CharaCter or' CirialiiirMaiiiii. - ,titardilie,•
1 a
Against him is arrqed.; dia.-Wins , of- itrinint
Parting, alio en irnu-Tnnitek4o pleole
iron league, ens irf theta'' , pt • ' - ,Coflo . 4' 4 C*
tors under the prodijatia.4i -:': - v
..,.: • -
.I F,
tratiorrofJos.Russz. Betw een iienr, t 'en,
n'l : Man can •-heOta , te fol7Leli iliciP4. Anditwe
cannot dotibillbutf that,J with • the' asMd of
Sirrwx .o,,l,Oiairritirri ; tire De °Mitt of
e ri
this crounty,as well IS State are d tined * li7'
dare a` victory second to none !Mee thutdee
tioti of the:Venerahle Jl6csonF. . i •.." -
i 1 % .:
ANOT BAR BANS BILL lirimosp.—lf there
is anything in the official career of, Governor
Situ N I Which peculioxli distinguishes him,
, t is
his unfaltering adherence to the interests o,—
people'against the encroachments f capital
4: p
His numerous yams if Bank and. orporalion
bills which were frisked through bOth brintlies
of the late Federal Legislature with an Tilde
cent haste, have been received withialmost rd.
vernal favor, and take an exalted rank_ ai4?ng
the acts of our most eminent Chief Hagistnos.
We publish to-day another of.his triessiig4 in
which he assigns his reasons for returning With
his objections the bill - incorporating' anolher
ihmirat Erie. We .love Ito recordkauch, ries-
Ors,: and know that our readers are for of
perusing - them. Especially do we,lcommeil it
to the attention of our excellent imighbot of
, ,
the Register, who, although I bent.rcd witt a
seat in the Senate during the entire -perio d
the lait session, has neverthelessi- been itno
rant of any Bank bill having passel that bfdy.
• -
Tea and Coffee Tax eiraln.
Our neighbor of the "Register' came out
last week, in a vein of good humoti and °mire
sy rather tinusufil, mixed with a considerable
dogmatism and evasion, with a Lime attempt
to dispitve thecharge adaiast Gen. Inch: of
his having voted, while in Congress, to itax
Tea and Coffee, as fixed upon him by an irti
de from the Harrisburg " Union/ copied :into
this paper ii:eek before last. Not to be bet;ind
our cotemp orary in urbanity, yet use mustpsay
that his reply not only opens . With { a' misstilte
meat, but it continues them,,leaving no !porn
to doubt his having the "heavy end of theilog
to Carry.'L Thei following is taken for °nibs
ample ' -
- Let the reader closely examine the
quoted by our neighbor; and** - will be Ocen
that it does not giVe any Vt;te of his [Gel4: Ir
vine] directly touching Tea and Coffee at
Now _compare the following passage fire t.he
" Union," and see "how plain a statemenii of
facts" will show-our neighbor's misitate4fit
In the 194th page of the jnurruil of i. 84-2,
July 16, 1842. the first tariff -hilt,. afterwlirds ,
vetoed by President Tv LER, was under ditiens
, sion, and an article and amendment-were p, - 'OA (I
. lug, each taxing tea and coffee ;• the first ling
the 2nd article in the Bth section, and theillh- -1
er being. an amendMent to that, and after inch
tribulation in the Whig ranks, they joinedi - With •
- the Democratic members from Pennsylvtnia ;
and struck out this whole article, G en. litvix
voting for it:" - - :
In fact the whole article Of our . -neighbl*s is
• made up of the same incorrect assertions Itth- -
I out any proof, or any reference io the 4;eu
,ments to support it. Not so with i the
—it gave not only page and section (tithe
Journal on which the fact it assi:rted might be
found, but it even quoted whole Sectim+and
proved beyond a question :that thb Elie* of
l e rea and Coffee were not in the fine list, but
t inelndedin' section tenth of amendments, wfifeh,
Ithe Journal asserts, remains attortginallylOro-
I posed. The .amenlments being'idispos4- of;
the bill Caine' up upon, the engroisment,tand.
subsequently upon its final passa,V, with;) the
Tea and Voice tax of twenty peri cent i4Clu-r ,
;der', and eras passed, - -.4r. Is vir
.:Voting l);loth
times in the' affirmative' • The assertion Or the
"Registr" that Tea and Coffee •kerel:incfe sed
. -
lin another part of the bill, is but an I:scttion
tiohieltlaels one 44ntialifesitire, :,FIC:IrF
Will our neighbir please furnish AEI we
have ilready , Mote - space
fence:set up by our trorthY:-euteMPorrittde
-manded, :AS then:foie diSmiss it, for the : pies-
I eat, • • ;
ear'llaire Onni t tCeiglbers - ef the
and "Adveca te7 seen anything of iii4Tt Oitific
thinitaidleirrltnin" yet 't peopg
loct they besiiiled_ the_ clmr ain
the Tariff policy no longer--age, than „laiktall,
and how cartieVtlY4apparently-) j l oiypi , *ted,
the veryt,of evils toevery branclki.of t lua-,
inesk certain non*inenen *69;
havo*owi*aited nearly five: nientlus isitu the
new and , 42.rikte,...%44 - first went, into. sera;
doe, rand as yethaVesOn noll ence/Of the
terrible calamity they. werimimetuahlil tallest,
here 4tff 4live - ononestmervel,sor
yet? If piiiir ‘, *(;)l:ooiii, l ll) infer+ the
public. tilt, t
w* s+tor s,ertureli is?
*Y so ,1 . 111 "0 rrigo9"v be . frank
40 tonest once •
iiiireek tad tell iss where the areiziritiivlxi
-.44)- rid .t
eeled , tor theinetnonente et 41 4.
"Idea! Tow 11111 *W1, 2,-1‘
nlkifiriroik 1 aitleil ....
bighl r Ana -110 0 10118 7a1 1 07* - . lire ,„
. '",' . 4.4froilfiliiiiiiikif : Lau* l'ins
1001041001 co at , ~,,*
*at 41tit*** - - ' 6.1414 1 1 .' ' -t)) ''
'l• r_
.., , . ,;.,,.„,4,, i.,..:• !I _ ili-4 -1 ":
.., " X . .' • " A . - , , ~_.. A,
imn- Gen.. WATIM . r ".-- ~"`-'' • , !- ' - - TV' -- "
e, V:1-
Ihr:rmighbor'o dief " Regisier' ' feigns
to. ' eteihiratune,of-th#, " L000s," as _he
mode t 1
ealls-uk werwanziocurto defeat the
non l i '
_otrotGeir !Mk beeinien‘Ww Consid
ire& hinf i n i4y - foritiAable iippineTif. ` Wi . r: ire
happYicrthink that-our Imtemporary,has am
# 06 7 8 of ethisolation, even'tkongh it be a false
oaa; fm.iwi hain, no diOn„ b t is - heart exper r en ::
sea manrhopelasa and biiinrthiObs at the dim
'. R l *eat . '9f 11604fetkiii:- :1 6 1reit7, we'ean as-
Inve_ iiila"itiCilii own Part; "that the wish is
Meet to the thought," fdr no selection could
ivi . anited - lin better.
:''P 100111ijilttliblirillittl ,-.14 -
. lir We OP tlitiA4Wilitr-k 3131 ,)*. : 4 1 * . ..
.caseer ij spic -1 14ifoli
, .-. ,
eredirsaijauthoritY,* AMA. 4 air eeprob ,
orateoy , lemma Of • ate tititati' :ai l" ) ,
I the 4me ollate ,, ,Whiob . .entitloo - it t 4 :FltudOliktted
credit. If FOOT, ii4 o 63t !OH Can t'ea
_ll lb*
, .
rwhich we-presume-to balms ; in every Mtn*.
lar,And then.help_ elexitte slainea IrNilf- tol - -the
' Gulienntorielobair,,,wa most i
willing- to snbleit 20 any rforms of-„titatitty'ind
serfdom z ~' .' : 1 ' , i • .
mr. Irvin agii4miwilieroorMhoil L i
~, 4. is the boast of , our land . that.We are. s t eel
Tbe"Haniebtirg Argus,'" noted here = F eria inr 4 ciiiitlo i tlii n : i i i d , 1 470:sir : 11 ,tieh ere
I for its obsequiousness tO.Diitn R. Poe- liberal and jiiit. " That'here'tien barn ithehigh
isd Stich CAIIIIRONi 1)013,a whom haVe riVilete ' of unrestrained illietieli:oini'liherty of
conseience,, and that the people iali , t ri %VeinL:
oetile iolli'e present" State Administra;
. .
decision of 'IN teattirt 4itibinitted to thia•tri:
0 new Tariff, andln fever of the "one '61 ' 3 '9 1:s-ma ' eYeirnlnylierittreilnkre - ih'e
'rule;' -has ' pissed under the editorial buns!. The spirit of the constitution design
of COL Sam Sattestrar, of Bradford that therutifioliddhi afrekgesibise of thought
, and comes out strictly. Democratic in and aptien't';end*l* '#utifslies an attempt
ii. It has hoisted the meritorious names ° n 1116. i'l . ft...o ll6 4ll.atiltsit 'io 'coer ce, and.
Fa ana,_Losesrann, and battles for titim
most vigorously. ' 'We -rejoice at this idate l inotheiticr violate' 'the exercise cif
free implies os the mind ; in 4he &Charge
of iti privileges. In 'the nohleness'ef hiniani
for it not only assures us that the pa - -; t . ty #d justice; theeonstitution-has guaranties ,
conducted, but , that the r i g h t t the sacred right, of, suffrage to, air: ; It is the '
in relation to our candidates,
prevails. ' boon of the poor ~ l aborer, as well ,as of the
t lording who rides in his gilded ciao)). - Every!
pleases.—.... -1
at_ the entire party is coming up to tbei men , i s free
-to discharge it as his
in solid phalanx, resolved to conquer.— i Though he may be poor, he votes •his ticket at
Liam may deal its best blows, they will the sate' bpi with:, his wealthy neighbor, and
e impotent and mock the efforts of its vo- S possesses the same influence, and Eatmte juju
as much. How reprehensible then is it for orie
• I indiVidual when be pessesses the power, tnin
,„ in
fluence men against their free'wills, and Whe
w. Y ORK CUAILTEK ELECTION.••-•• 11 Ile • da it- from . performing . . .
-,, i i to em
r election in New York city was held on' by threats and menaces.
y- week, and resulted very strangely inl Wo aro told that in 1844, General Irvin
exercised the tyrany of h Rrissian despot over
nerilin his ettiploYment. He in- 1
lection of a Federalist (Brady) for Mayor,
out one thousand majority, and a major-: th e poor worlu
sisted that they -should vote for Mr. Clay, or'
the same party in the City Council.
is a singular result for a City which al-justor I Several neble men among them, -4 iviiii
invariably gives , from three to sit thous- ' valued their 'principles above their ,places, re
. ajority for the Democratic ticket: It is fusat to voie for : , Mr.:Giay, end , were 'cts- 1
.in , ! consequence. Does this exhibit
nted for, however, fr o m the fact that the , char g ed
. that great consideration and esteem for the
poor man, which.the federalists Mr. Irvin
, ratio candidate (Brownell, one of the
li) was very unpbpular, and very many of; feele. Has he that 'spirit of toleration whi6li
arty were so averse to his nomination that the highest' officer in the Comreonwealth should
I possess' to in eminent . degree ?
.' How 'eon
would not go to the polls. But catch the
, temptible and Wan must such a man appear
ocrati of "Gotham" asleep - or beat-en a
- ,in the eyes of all true Republicans 1 We de-.
! - - I sire no serfdom in Our happy Commonwealth,
, • ' but Seek thatall should enjoy the blessed right
- Wheeled About.l or censcionce, unrestrained by ; the etroug arm
hat Lycoming• Gazette, known all over o f power. ...,._. .- "! . , ,:.. .
, 4
tate as one of the most uncompromising We leave it with the poor laboieris of the
Tariff and " 6ue term" organs, has " t a ck- : Commonwealth, whether General Irvin,' and
hip" and hoisted the banner of Sams and ] the party who support him, are their friends—
, i whether they respect them, or have any con
ne wh i c h o Ern, and the Tariff of f 846, '„ „
" I sideration for their holy rights? • It -certain
t abl defends. Hear what it says in re- jly does not appear that they have. Poor ha
-1 to the Taliff: . [ borers, remember these things, when you arc
The New Tariff'. I again called linen to vote.".., ~
11111 t
1 .1 - e confess ourselves agreeably disappointed ' ' The-Nevr Demonstration. '
-gard to the
„practical operation of the new 1 The following passage frOrn ti letter over the
.In common with a great majority ofl . a f oresign o f Geri. TAYLOR,
.datea r Camargo,
people of Pennsylvania, we were strongly
. earnestly opposed to the repeal ofthe Tar-; August 14, 1846, and written in ,:answer to
f 1842, and the passage of McKay's Bill, I certain Democrats in -Philadelphia, who were
ilise the Tariff of '46,
d that it would work serious injury to tbe l
because we were' favorable to his nomination, for the Pre.rideney,
a..d trial intere.sts, and prevent the ?ma-
ive developemeuts of our mineral resources.; to the subject ,
c:early the old hero's feelings in rt
• nod In *what light be' wM view
I- the late sudden demonstration of those who,
I ! adhered to the old doctrine of protection,
means of sustaining local interests, and tiltliWh but yesterday, Its it, were, sought to
•ti that every innovation was fraught with i jeepaidize him and his whole command, and 'e.
chief. rn a word, we felt and acted with
i l yen stigmatized them as "arined mans and
communityabout ns• but in spite of our;
!tests, a majority - of ' Congress determined .
;murderers," yet now affect for ham an unusual
n the riAncti“n and modification of the Tar- degree of admiration :
. _
The new 1:1w, went into operation on the " - '..Uy real feelings impel me to sap that I dol
, t day of December last, hod cohsequeutly. ' not desire nomination as' .a Aiandi,tiata forAe
Iliave had oti the first instant, four full I Presidency. Your letter fin d miqinliaspirant
nths of trial of its provisions. Has the coun- ' for that offine, and the agitation of such a ques,"
I been ruine4-16 consequence? - aid is it like- tion, in my present respens;blp,..pesition, is yet
o be . ? Let us enquire. I more a serious cause of regret, as TENDING
I he prospects of an ample demand for coal ITO EMBARRASS MEIN 11}LE SUCCESS
iron, the ensuing seaien, at fair prices are FUL PROSECUTION OF THE -EXIST
, dant. From every quarter, we hear of PING WAR!"
enterprises of the kind. about. to be engag
in, while_ the old operatives, are steadily en- ,
zing and extending, their business. As yet I
1 state of prices, is rather improYed than oth- ,
, se, and remains so firm, that immense
.for- I
, mare accumulating rapidly to all concern-'
we mean as , proprietors of iron anti coal es-
lislitienta. I: - But litthigpessinessof a mate
'l reduction of prices 'Obese 4taples,i- are ap- ,
bended in any quarter ; while on the other I
it is a well known fact, that oven a znate-1
reduction, can be borne without any fatal
ury to. the manufacturing establishments.
, :tead of realizing, as nnw, from 25 to 50 per
s t., pi) their investments, iron and coal spec-1
tore; may be compelled to he content,. with
.1-'lO per cent., but even that is more than a
oer can realize with the greatest prudence
d industry, and it is; enough- However,
re is little danger of foreign competition af- I
in prices soon—more is to be apprehended
.o s surfeit-of the hisihess atlome, in con-1
i , nento,of the high priies which it present
' ndgei . fiirtunei so readily to Fill interested.
e are bound to acknowledge; therefore, 'that
apprehended destruction to the coal and
n interests of Pennsylvania, has not . been
, I
II . tummatektuider , theliew s. 'H.
IThe neiiletUili islifell',Ws fe • . would hr.;
nght' about by a modificatio of tire revenue '
was the demolition of our home Market,
;I d "conseqiiintly a feduetion of prices in agri
: tural produce. / What is the ;result 'I In-
I / , -;.olcf a fixated .market, and loar prices; the
i ..Lag actually occurred, and the farmers
6 erywhere feelit to their satisfaction .and de- '1
ht. The home ma:ket, is in noway impair- 1
`,- while the foreign market has been immeas-1
! My . ..extended. - Ruin', indeed, under the
1 riff '0r1846 I--,.why, the price.of wheat in
i le metropolis of State, has ragged for the
1: tour 12 91 3 ttlokfrclu one-flufiK twelve and a
r. coaprOo i one dollar llft,Y. eepts,- 7 -a thing
1. dst luiprichdentiidl 1 i
Cora , 4 'Soiling n.
. . ..lphia for 80- and 90 dents per Woke!,
I ,a, in-our own . 'borough (Ora 112 - oents. Po
itoes; it fi‘ - 50 to 75 yenta, ; itid ~ all other
-pfitriittee* iliorrtiori. ''ls this' to Ira
`;which ailioltliames tl4 Tariffpf,p46, 161 d.
rich . *ft` Ao gra* fearallii the. Voll Pelle
1 1 . kycommi?-....Answer, - ! lie,- who ,can t.. or
.oarUi = Are-ylig4 044 of4ernnforwho
t. fi
snip; and ibankrnftcy,
. - r irithiPrepearof I ' 'TißiltoflB4.2,' *SS
'A ut error., f 2oprey!ri *elitist- is ta
, .4 -- taiiiiioilitthe ,g6iitli.: -0 ','; , •
1 . ~..,-,
, .1
11144*6 -
1110101.0.1) - forego Inten
ii--1411arMIAr-14-411'1Nili,:liriirta; had o ptima
E *tem!. *Rwesikakorroji ,444-41, iwyrat_
m14110 1 4 (14 4 0 0rold , be
emento to hilt wife.
. . ,
crroceedliags of Court. , ,
Grand Jury found true hills Vs. Sylvester .
P. Rhinevattlt, fired Rhirievault,, and ;Ezra
Rhinevault, for a riot,:gro*ing out of a distur•
bance of a Spelling S.choo4 in Forest Lake.—
One vs. James Gayner, for conspiring te'rhiso
wages. The hauls on the - Erie 'Railroad, a
few days since, all struck for higher wages,
and, it is alleged that this Defendant ,wits.a
chief cause 4 the strike. One vs. Benjamin
Avlsworth for keeping a• tippling house lin
Linestintto. 01. e vs. John B. Scofield of the
same place , fo the same offence. Grand Jtiry
dismissed Tuesday afternoon. In' ToWnships
where there was no election for Constable, the
Court appointed in Brooklyn,.
Elisha 'Mack ;
in Clifford, Jonathan" N. Baker; in Thomp
son, ;Gilbert . Williams. 'Vivid Sheldon sent
up in surety of the peace, for abusing his wife,
was required to give bail in $lOO for good be
havior for one year, and pay the cests of pro's
ecution, and failing to procure bail, was coin
mined to jail. - Causes disposed of: Dond vs.
Williams & Skinner, after oidetice closed,
Collet directed the'Fury to find for the Defen
dant. r e .USIC & Little for Plaintiff; Streeto'Bc
Richards for - Defendants. Dond vs. Suilibrin
tresspais, Verdict for Defendant., .
_Little- &
Streeter for,Plaintiff, Bentley for iDefendant.
Commonwealth vs. James Gayner for conspir
ing to raise wages, verdict guilty, ind Defen
dant Sentenced to pay* fine of $5,00 and wider
go imprisoninont an the Cou nty ' ai),'S months.
Streeter,Usk &Baldsiln,'for Ceignollipalo3.
Dimock, 40rd A O
z row", 'forl)
. e';,p
' ' ' --.
• ---. 1 " -4 ..v__... ,4' .
~ i fiIIALEDAY Morning; dVelook.,
By th e_ ufhern WI of last evening ire hive
later in ince -froxi.the city 'of )dekieo, Ve
ra'ettm:Wii 4wilt i Mees: . FronOlizieowaieve
the no 9 b' A BiebohMen wh. ~. * l ' 44 a t l r O a .
Crui nob° fffiknft,,. that tbe ,diMentique tat ,
the CRAW orepet yet tenninatedi &Wido
w/ had ed: them , and allied binself'vrith
the perty Firitkapd deterniiimtUto ini*ftt, _
the war it' 'ke , expeiae of .the Chniehi. ',_.'' TM*
lefeneint, . WtiiteOhat o . iii:4,i#e.Faill,
armed twei 'Mille:rigid frati Ver*Pial9 die
0 144, ', : : 414 1 there l'arFAiaii44 o *PC'
1 .1440E-4P.: .--144 011 e1, hot,only aility:i*
to Berm , lte . idall, Of the eir!tillir;
beltway :', . . , — ' , .
I that film , •VattiOima Aim m" &et
1 "Q- dtill io '': ' 1 ) t , i 00 / 4 - 3 ra ti: 4 *i Ma lt
in. 1411tak:' , le., janftioa of' thetirke
'arFT ". ' - Y;'lo'e idd to be awl - W. A
~ Aile s
if AieveMoeii 4.1 4 4 4 'i •J, ': . 3 14, 1 4 - As
ho 4
onsePsirili tit
it Seri,ed',
_Ma' our :. ,'' '' ~, ie ihe'*.
int Poifk - 1 1 44 1 46' bili.rousi itiisi 4 l
`'. • Thireitzetilefir Wm* . thsl,oiibilit.
*Conti niliiiiiall' y tin 1164' ' ./mtity
thiwho-IMer, kid bagun .k.i . - itliel li
!!" 47 !* t ine in Gin !cote* „ 0 0 114 mit4im. "
cuPl!Pon or flie Wen aiid mj i dir oodo.
ne heat vas bitienik'-bul t - ' on' °tam
tr )othr.
umn Sisishma iii the most. a ,44osid
itim;-;,43.04.2e0W,was anti* waiting the
&nix* of addig= of , 'VI*
wegonsrame Ism Amwsid li
1 I
him the issm*H o intenai ng . ittems3 , K
the capitol of AfirLDeimrtmeiit Rumors
current alnongithe tfbnpsl, and generally, *-
ted,lhat the Limy would be atoned for wane
titaain andlabhutJahips, ii ti y , renownetfor
; on
4befialubrity, the climatie,; her,:, they !meld
en.ifq Pe!fiet ' ) I PitY, fr°f° r a v ltkelY 3 o l4
- viimito. - . ' 1
' `Tii '' it rted on till
Gen. g a
Mat, rOli diet itional 'Ridge
from Vas Cilia: t'' Gen. Wort
was engaged in adopting it'll(
1 and approptia regulatinto f
of the city, e Ise entre ,
hie governreen aid °stabile '
tiea, The re ked Ampi* ,
lout confirmed. Three gmitle
tan report Up il and .I.4er
in peaceables
pesetiion he of .t
- [
Reim ' oranotke‘
The.Nete • leans De ltado
contains laterlnews from qen
received hi the aehr. Hong
the Brazes' on the 3d. It. r ,
T. had eiertaken i Gen. IT
tie, and eut up his foreav'
says a. ,I
We learn from a passenger tbet, juat before
leaiing Matamoros„ news we: brought in by a
Mexican that blwilly after Gen. Taylor'. leav
ing Marin, the vaa-guard of the divisinifunder
his command tattle up with the - rear4usid of
the forces under prrea and Unales, and a hot ,
engagement amazed, in which the AmOican
troops were ; fort4hort thhe'; everely htmilled„
until the main, body, unilei th immediate com
mand of Gen4TaYlor, Mune ti ; when the Meii-
cans *ere forced to retreat, , 'th great lobe
It was furthet, stated that rrea and Caries
were taken p4soners.' The c gagement itsaid
to have taken place in tbevi nity of the
Pass. This Statement is cvi . ently a mistake;
for, if our. ree lleetion serves: a, the Tula Piss
is in the monnlains. between letoria and Tula,
and it is :quite iMplobable t at den. Taylor,
whose ostensible . object 0,1 aving Monterey,
was to . open Inalimi i pf cop' inications On the'
Rio Grande, liowevei demo lie might tocto:
capture' Urrea, Would &Ile him 'to Bich al
, distance froin his illiect route It is morethat
probable thatl the. Pas alla d to is the Ream .
, Saeata, between 't hm. anticpp la g o, and #ont
80 miles from Marin. t 0 ':.- 1 .
T i bere may be vale ers.ggeration in the ri-i
eei i
morsai given above, butO t an engageinent
rhas taken place, 'would a to admit ,' of lint
little doubt, flor thOugh (he ntelligence cstmli
to Matamoro4 sblely ;bre* - Mexicait,sotirce*
moip hi mi)34
battle bit
as first reen
, often several
resses,and 'ger
tinny correct '
lee thus bonfl
it should . be" ,
stance in wb*,
name mediff,.
our rown exp
to be substa
the iiltelligen
to thethedce
Gen;, Tayl
coed 700; wi
v'sloree keit
lh one battqii,
A letter-from Buena Vast March igk r ek
ports ah quitl amtch o who, ed metgli4 T=rap.
idly. -Atom 'rig to - the cird rs of laat.i:: TOO,
upwards off rtyqmule loads o f pnovisions-had
been sent fro his camp ti, E carnaciow i for the
use, of the * unded Alexipa s. who Were is tit;il
hospital in a tate of st*va 'on. Tha ; wiiter
truly says th Itimanity Of, "ch an .. .act Li l*
yond all prai e, and' hough at is the, 'gloryi
which Genlaylor has aequ red hy a subeeS,
sion of vies() "es over thaiMatieana all he, has
rained in th s Way sin* into insignificance
compared Lei h the huina4ity of this act,l and
which he•hi al*ays shov4to* fallen ennui.
e i 'oe the Schi.
In Springiiii,
e of TITUS 8CO!
. ,
th peifeet tritibl
ttrait of thi ; C
ie who tine*, he
It'strong lane
for 'some years,
upon the 'ilia,
eeeptably dnAh
and sbe :
fling Upon! i.
dd . for her goal
1 them,.ate otl l
tha ' path .of"! :d
It may wi
,life. was t a po
and eyory on
epood to
her oyeisight
wholly turne ,
could most a
ealy - .Father
faculty ,of 10,
either intend
conragad in
cheerful au
formed a
Merely to 43 .leglie the Ilea,
object . 6f tld. ' tribute tor he
life like he ' bas elaiinslen
impart the ~ lutary leasa,
how, United ~ y, be ourf : ap
howsoeter w: may be aftlitt
ationa of P evidenee, it m
the aid of H s grace, to
l unprofitable...eriabts: '
For upwa .. 60304 years
member of t it EPiscop4 0
ing anti f shi., I fight ii).l3
Christians; nd, the faitliNll
With which 'se 'eherishei: tl
practices of a church' - trpll
bered in the arisb in,f3Fiun
hutabkt eras _ , ,`,thatAbalex
'itir X4l
about 85 Miles
•' now Governor,
mostr stringent
the government
ted the ordei of
- trui'f of:do
California tp be
the lOth , ziOst.,
I Taylor's cOlUmn,
oug whtoW loft
gcea biro: bit-
ousperablY.P . ! It
il- • ` P' les i
l i t i in ton e ' N, I
ved dire% Ott\
vs in id eil of
eially turned, 94
par . ticularly ) *theii
"Cut =favor,*
ma tcolnet- IO 'al.
three six loOtirolsr
4 ,
aged 66 "IL i elire.-
be said that:her,
istian thareeter,
will at once rd=
l g . ?. Deprived,. Of
her thotightsiwere
her in :whit ;abe
will of her I ea
eased the. ,liapPi
'or by her .. .J00114
era might
ty. It wail this
Divine WM, that
her charseter,
is not the „chief
iision to the
inent trait i
our ittention,'ind
,';.that • no
airw -of action,
in our power, by
der ourselven not
I • r
he deeeased irtafs
Lath, and alitn4;
t communiti-tf
ess and evotion
e piineitd4s - 1 and
long be semem
;vine: ,A 4 lOa
pia. ahn 00 in
Teekin Des* ,11
the 3.l:Volunteer ari
6,l.,Ati" ) §o . cer will, .
F4rdimber neiii al nil
111111 101
- ,
imen_CcfarnPusd.4 111
Wade itcsat.b:Ahne is
Volitiiimitnt Veal*
eta Div :: ptit.
II Mee, if
:1846- -•- •
. ' . . T" i
. . . 01 1
p f
1 °libel*,
(if Gen; P
. • .
1* :-t wee.. -tar I
.:. 1 !..,; • • May, nex
armed a
• •11 .. r e cta.
• '' :‘ -
.'-, i - ' Brit)
- --
litit•-Militia ' . ',
per '
pqd Rex-i„l:formady,
,'- - - at.tbe Haan -
•1:1,.. arse?. la . Mat,.
MoCtty.' ibstied iilY et
,at, tO Oak^. •A. M,
d 4alpilli,sa ilia law di
' EDWIN - 4e WEB% ,
_-!• .. i i :,, ,- ".;
waier ,Aiiiii:2l - 1 47.
1 , f •
PUBLIC IfE*113111E v ? - -
"fOrff! , _l 4 . o ooses
at his ir_enidqnce.
24ttf 6:1
'in the •forenojon. the f
One - Spnn of' ,
One Bree44lo: l
Tw&F.n. l n-H
Eight C0., 1
.-hit 6 .. tit; public suction,
Ciiiiiencilrit Av.* o'clock,
o ld s
Thirty Sheep
:0110 , yoke of,
°tie' .l Marlins
to.. will toii Omsk, 101111
-teerurily. * 1 _
‘pril 14041847-
4.e.etlit oriiineinap
ntereat and approved
Bait Bridgewater,
, alkolD -
iu*heit - P.As_the.CheaOst
PirD em
A r k -f all kinds just r
arid wilt be sol
illimtrniec April
Art*Biltzog% '.
!I „f Lyons ay. thin ler *
.11. Oland 162:Aiid, Roble l
entered' into plirthersliip
;handler; accei; Th ey
l'ines. to joe-in'.regdintilf;lol .
dull fan! 4# 1 1 01 1 1 ,/tb: a
- ..
! iii,4oz7 Giiisilt___N*
i i•Thawart .
.y=sigi . ,
1 icp W_WhilF6 o€l, isaudi *l4
VIM_ 46.1 g
Thhe Old Stan
llittY he fonnd
,C.Simpidn'..ihei ha.
under ihe:fital of.l!-'•
'will 'endeavor at lot
attend 1* those ;who
The rebet111;110 et.
be Sold Untisuntly to
tbiir ClOialagii
' 40 0 4 Old-Pewbe:i'llehei
eieer will be reeOdi tell"
.4 0 .,B eev ga x , 'pia
Of all,kiads : atid
for a cIY .01.._ , ?! good
41- 0nc 1 4 11 1 1 4.
sate by r
1 Match 10,1847. '
elieby ictitciw edges ban.
i 01 1 0 4 figgis to Ow WWI
bowed lit?erst, a altars of
. *l'COa*e*thi ivill, 01,•
1 reaviipate /6114 - slier their
are • die: -.114 t,.. het mint bti
1 uch as. aeemcutitilliag td,
atliiihhOltiiitt paYrrienti
.r bie rbe &tie in tg llijeit kind
.I'4p Jilt capital_ tirlik:trhil
•umpetci with his morels:
piirchisiiik'for iiiiti. - 'Ha
that -, every -one laditited;
tiecn„atuadipg .fittan . via:
.. (except those Vihiihave
*Chivy willi 'Calk' during
F prit),aiat , aettle.-4vrithout
1 •' , ...c AIX. TYLER.. ,
i • .t 47t , ' ::-,
THE Subse iber
self uatAe 1
have tiesteired. upon
thVir patroneiti, and
iii tave fvi
pepronted to say to„ .
stile accounib ; .t
May werlenn initiryd
talent tonskliy.inthin
tteed3-tasueteristull..f .
Vona nelib tams. - by" I
epril expect-tberefor.e.l
hoottopeounts Mor:
entintha,;:to as. yea
inaile'expre4 - atria
-the present month-:(
red and .obliga..
Montrose; April 71J
'l3 ouli
Irtment of /7 and!
(,)themilit.iipproved-ccma ; ,
di and - foisate at low prt
n. suaßtm
611:1847. - --
• 46 . •••
L 6/ . .8 •
rL ~. 4
NEW I f nd f u Q '
.CM. orch-Orsl 7 _
Strut :ni just.:rOiv
eel - IAI,', • - 1
New bliifold:.
_ PINP!!:14 Co , &c.. HO,
IY reduced prices. fa
.. , 40ri /*
• .
iovr)o!..rie62l , '
--, , :-.49,11i-eFrobs•.• i
"A-.. A. . • . 1 • ...:.: :• •., ...,
T be " score - 6 .tibel
,•iiiki.litreet. inn', be,....p.
itdOsiciels. , '• Goodl.
-.4:9nsiatipi f* - ... - : , - •:-, i
- I)*i•OPirligh . . 4 " - - •
.• , . caicutte0 -7 i
mutz-iictils.. L ' .• '-••
I -.r.,41:0 314 . 314siliesi:
1- ...,L'../ **.... -1F 1 1%.4 -, '' .i
1;...;'-,='-,- i
' 4011 4 ° 0 14 11 :i l •-•
• !:
.4 , .• ; .7414..., zz - f4 . f..i , ..74 r.,.-.7 : 1. , ..• • f .. ! ..
1 4..,l6iiiiiiitiiii.iiirOik, .
• . •..
iriltli,il :I: . '..! r earl.
ntiktOiet Nig* Pilaw
1: , :• • Awczirstik - .
~1.44-...,-; . .* •ninti,viAiuts
•,-,-.4: : ;:.. 7 ,. t wa t i uu i v . '.
1) 114
er tilkt!fi,:i
' Mike a rs,
tiiiiiiitil4 fJ EW ' l !L i ti`
.11691iegiCcorel0 *
Maier `tiOciitt
'7,a4kii ( I Ar4ptifint
,o sil*Hilotim o . , .ffie.itta
; 11k ono% elki l ly.• -
XiiikehOlid., - ffij
-- Li.
1 Air# Y, / 1 7. ,1 1 ;x.
4:1901 11411 ; -4 1
eheip .
tk We
, •
citatezhi: •"") *-
rats* Gosistsuss
.0 ;emu Peue
r i '!,`, -:z.i.}.=.7.,',.
4RD: -
Olesale or iotaik,ljktroata.
mike, by
001: -
d ticidbfelie."
.1:1r . p411.... tilt WILSON'
-i,;00 4 . 1440.4 7 ,
141 :
7.71114%, ,
ji 111,17.
-Jot luitittimiso4.
1 1ENTI4Velling0 , 1
" •
• I