II • oommtaiioneM—On nt. ,. .... Of m dons, land edit* _of. , awotve , ,l4m. , dm flibitanee OIA - WI U filiiid L ali‘Tej ' nit*" - 011* . iiiinit belbrer,Mera-Ca il , t,um Perry re li eved Comr; Conner 20th. f Marsh. On the SUN he writes • . t, saying ti in : The sailing of the P; e nostou tb for the United States offers an oppor of infermingtthe Department that Om ' had, the 22d iustant, the • y after mettoosimand of ..tliiiSqusiiro , so far .4:4 tinictisee of his bat -in the Vera 'erns as to .antlicrrite t i ....0 ', tinilittyVilikkolai tlii. refinial ' the (love i n s ,. - imrrender,ef 9,911#1.,L . , .11st three oraiiirar ' - --- : ~ . ';',' T,n ittodforiiit• irith` , - ' - . kilie iliorhiniloitteGetteid ,:.. .110tillitlit smastesiiiiertiutei litnadeett' iedi3r P Olgilliailair Spitfire; - NY talta a' issiition 7 - siMultiiiettiiiiint *gin the was promptly and gallantly 'fire weilept up with great a in tieirreiong.' 1 Vo:viiitiog them at their ipcisition,7 that the two steamers had nearly ex - their itinininition; , but having i ieceive& flesh - supply during the night fromithis ship; hilatl ••siiiiime moved to s more faverablaied dvan -yid Obit, sad resumed and . tiOntinneil' ... eirfue 'lran' recalled by signit ' : ) ,-:' ' - - • At•the earnest desire of myself and- Seers, 'General Batt, generanslyasskned a pe ition in, the trepchek to be - atonutedlOrith guns from I the squadron, and worked bt, seamen. Three - - 8-inch Paixhaiiit and•three 'prig 82-pounders, (all, that Were required , )' consequently. landed, ana after immense or in transport ing them:Oren& the sand, It in which parties from the divisions of Generals', Patterson, 'Worth' , and' • c ll ow i respietiVely detached by t one of-1 fi - -ehoeiftilly participated , the piece were -phi impoisition and openeo upon th city &- bon 10 o'.elock yesterday. iaMiediatoly rasing. upoa:them a sharp fire fro the -enem ,which • inal short tilde killed and. Ounded to of the '- detachment from the squad '. . 1, _ ;tact- .. In order to give alriehat, , to aery in the )(avid battery, oppesite Vera Cniz, wit. treeehes.for the honor of w ich there is a great , taelnnents from thili shill, the Potomac, Rari thotigh generous strive, I i - ve t arrao d that ; tan, Albany, land St. Mary's, under the officers . r i etlm h me a a f rom eac h s hi si n respect - i namefin the acCompanying list, and relieved fully of lieutenants, and th twhele coOnanded Capt. Auliek and the o ffi cers end men under ! his command, 'by a captain or commander, ' , shall be dieted i - eveiy twenty - four hours. optain Au 'ck, as-q The breastworks, having been much broken - -sisted by Commander : Mac - nzie, .and severididi2rn in the cannonade of the day, the night liettenants, liad,-the. directitib -of monn ing 't4e4-waa passed ,in repairing them by Lieutenant Apt* and opening the fire. and well an brave- Tower, United States engineer, and his party, ly Was the duty performed. IF Captain eye is from whom ;received great assistance. Short now in, eharge.and will be Olieved in t tu. ly before true of the 25th, the enemy hay- The Ohio arrived on the[22d lusts°. butin big opened hit firer upon us from four of his eo . ueneerof a Norther, did not h her batteries,,atactive,eannotiade was returned . „ . anchorage until yesitirday-af, ,l oo a n.— na and continued , without interruption until I Mucus v Wt s -hem. freer .-the. N . ma half-past two, P. M., when they were silenced. taL , -eo Bayed night and day iis . ' landing r a t h e i Two batteries. on , their extreme left subse tranisports thmstores and monitions of the ar- , qeently turned , their fire towards us ; but on my. our briskly, retrusies.iktbey also ceased firing, m..Enclasedis la list of the4ll . lell - : - -and Minded ; and about balf-P44--tbree , P. M., our ammuni. asc"rtained). ,up* to this .hoer,(l2 m 'dian,)i tion being e*Pe,Pda, the, cannonade ceased on with the-tert of Captain 4ulickral , a list l our Part: --'-'-- - . -of -the-small vessels curtquiiiiinOhe tilla of t . . cannot Oa ,hiehlycommend the zeal, conr , the squadron, all of which were enga .on the age. AnA activity 'displayed by every officer and 22 4 hu 1 a: • man under my , commaed ; and 3 regret that - 1 . Fialsar, March 26, 847. the, efficient service which they tendered should. Ste : e detention of be Princeton ens- have been attended with the loss of one officer, , -Me me to inform thb de • ment of events tip Midshipman T. B. Shubrick, and one seaman, , to-this hour,- (10, - A. M.) 4 -,- . - 3. Williamson, killbd, and three slightly wound captain Mayo s and his piii:ty have turned, I ea. _The admirable conduct of Midshipman baOng4s.et?sl relieved in thalbatteries y & de- Shubrick, down te, the moment ofhis fall, whilst taelimett under Captain Mae. X hardly need pointing a gun ,on ithe enemy, occasioned me as we the department' that -the Tarty" under the more to lament his loss. He was a young te C t . ...M ,T a b y e t: ni tai bai ned dm ,' wi en t t li! fmn urialia tti ted -, courage officer of great merit, and promise, and bad be sPirit, the admirable fitle of the naval bet :,,sc confirmed thiotigis,- 1- night. A beilvy i I lived, must hate become an ornament to his rreac h e a i profession arid country. . , Very respectfully your obedient servant, . ~ nettlier- now blowing, , (the birdie, iiv i - days,) . J. MAYO, Captain. ... 'hail -prevented cemmuniesseis with to e s h or e To Corn. M. C. Pester, Comd'g Home Squad •lsisbe last evening. Eeverill mercha , vessels ' ron. „ , . hate been thromi, this witting'. ittlao :by the ' i ron. ST,A;*EB STIAXEi MisiisinlTl, Anchorage near Ye.ra Cruz, March 26,1847 .1 - ... s cue d• . used- rerrt a ftr. c... 4. ids es ea 1 d , Sin :I am writing in the midst of one of so an additional fiat of-kW ' and w, ~, : , _ the heaviest' northers I ever experienced.— A i tcalg „ t h e marre4 ,4 t h e -hal e d. w in. „ 'found Twenty-three merchant vessels have already this: or Midshipmen T. B. Shubrick, a most a- , gone ashore since morning, many of them with isi •I t de and promis t ail inr* officer. army stores and Manitions. . - of ilrod onewoof the meats The Vessels of i th e squadron have so far held i - th k e' Nina Bettetien ins the 24th.• sul 25thon-. The loss of rife I fear will be great.— - - illefareh, 1847,:, , q ' • - Tis the third. neither we have bad since I tilled on the- .2.4th-..iiiillium , , sea _ tooVeemma.rid, five -days since, and -we have man ; Jae. Williams - Asizitet-igiMn r ; Joe. I had thirty !ream , I *. r i ogun, h ca b ira he a ! m ate; D a - M e . : I write this in , anticipation of the early sail- Ginnis,landsman ' Jno. 't`,' key; • '.. an. d, 1 ing of the Princeton, learing,l should net have flilied oft - the 25th,— Thee. B. N.tibrick, I, time in the morning. Both the Raritan 'and midshipman; Jno. Willis n, .„ . . Potomac have bad vessels across their hawses. - Womultdonthe 24th.—}A. S. Bald 'n,lien.ll anl ignorant.of the extent of damage done to tenant, _ slightly i Edward Black, - seesese,ithese, vessel 3, 'but notice- that the Raritanliat slightly ; Mathia3 Nice, Senna% s.' . tly ; thad. her fore and spritsail. yard carried away. :William Hamblin, seamen ;: slightly; - il - crest We bite - parted-one of our chains, and have 'Carey, seaman, slightly. ri . . not yet recovered Our anchor.' I I- Wounded 1.-on the 25 '.—Three - • - ; •• It . would :seem to me very necessary that we slightly, Dames ' ,a rmee,. , . - , = ,t,_ should have , a spare chain and anchor for each se UP/11ED STATES urp Pero c, ' " Class - of resiel3. ~ They; can easily be pat upon. , ' Off Sacrificioslllarch 25, 1847 . . one of the islands. ' Several , boats 'have been , Sin tln eomplianee rg)ils Your le ter this • bet in the gale,' one actually Mown from the inbaientreeeived, calling i. ayeport . i sty pr o . davits of the ship -;:. rot less than ten small -enedinge= in -command -of Ithe. detach ~ , t on bolts are absolutely necessary to our Sante ; shoie yesterday . ; I have tbd lwrior Ass a • that" the "ammonites fastened whale-boat, snob as 1 the battery,of three 8-inetr; Piithan,_ , .3 and are made at New London , or New Bedford, 12 porn ere from t . .. squad_ costing frosi,f , 6o. to 1 160 i will answer very well, ron was -turtledoves.: to steVat 10 4. ~, by the , and they ern alWayabe purchased ready made. aoonsplisl;editieiteer offiefer who co ,strueted - Spars of assorted kinds are also wanted.— it_ i . 1 (Capt.:ll,:•;E.t - Lee4 - 'wbik'as.lrell • . Liens. It isloped that the frame for thelospitat to Flnith , or - 4- -a 4 4.1erei. • Willis , . aid of be erected, and one or morevbeds will soon ar- General Seed, remaniedisi; he battery . rough. rive. • 'We maY soon anticipate - mach Sickness, h :/id out the fire; •tbe?"ineray . MIT: tjakts , mann. r and therein, ams . ent,issfast approaching. 'The vies before diseev4"douloai . '; .. . - eiseed Ohio sad Miseissim are the only vessels arii - the attack upon tut. t. annietraitel ordered , Ted of all those expected; and I have all day the guns to be unmasked,r i essid the ~ „ • lan_ been fearing that the former siouldnotbold on. Meneed- on the enemy's •,bl4tts - srie‘-ss .ie ." eras The saiameta are not" in -so 'much danger , as steadily and deliberately 4etimietwe .: ,r,hor r t they- all work their sleds orropellers. , 1 , 14 01 144 .w°' P.' - '' M-. whelp -aniline. • ge of ' I en 4 Elk r,e B Pectfully. your obedientraer'vt, .- ' . tuition; of which' we , 'ad only .I ' - iffy' -' • l ' l "' * . : 24. °- PERRY. '- . ' ' • i- ' IPi IlL,i Masten 29, - Ulloa. - batter . Amen forts of the e next dis !ERRY. -'. t wa t , Vi a r• 0) r.--' - ft' - ' 7l it a T niii* 1, • ... '- A _l.. .-, . i ‘— ' t'° ' Y.S , _ i - sp wra p s 7 ' , - pitlieil ~ liii_ And. ..• .. _ , '.., 4 ley . . - dem ak at ik Which 1111 ni 7 :, .. •, i , dot, with greta -,." , .t i es*orlf4; En theXporniiitf :. , g ; I °n u e at the erany's (Wits i: A U b y ii A K * . . , ' IIIII QPITHAPI .-: , ~•?..,.. . ilikr liriii' 4weArroir , _ , '-aildijiWlrom'Ati6' Same flag-staff • A-oldie to Midshipman Al lan MoLane'that TOottla not omit to mention that on a call , for :,i nteertrio out away some brushwood which; o tructedthe view of a bat= 4efl'euiraidilo*', '_ ; to. direct-our fire.-he sdrvng-thr9uffli-IFI .._bralUTPl,folls?wed by two men, f„-Ylilttnill flax' - ugh, seetturs-.-the name of the : other Iligive °than able to widen:* 1,) and 7 4.4ithit , : kiholre of ball ., quickly removed ii the obstruction , for- r hick gallantrij compli teented2.thenili on the , spot., .1" am:. however, sure that any ether; officer present would have been hippy of an opportunity.to have done the seme. As you desired to forward this report to the department by the Princeton, leaving at .12:11, to-day; it, Ili - necessarily a , very hasty and brief one. 1 I Annex a list , of 'it,ha killed and wounded, and also of the of of the detachment. • I am, very res fully, your obedient s'vt, 3, AULICH, Captain. To Com. M. C. P4CARIF, commending Hoine Squadron off Sacrificios. List of Killed.—Wm. Marcus, seaman ;—. duo. Williams, quarter-gunner, Raritan; John i Harrington, boatswein's mate s , St. Mary's ; . Dalai McGinnis, landsman, St. Mary's, and Jno. Tookey, seaman; Potomac. - List of Wouncla.—A. S.' Thildwin, Poto mac; Edward Black, seaman, Potomac; Wm. Hamblin, seaman, Potomac, and Deforest Ca " Toy, landsman, PotOmac. 11 13 =phi of • ,g of or to • . • In the of the lin Qui -nee a Draft' .d the I late zai !';:kvavel Ittr a j c." 6 "i :1 euted, foot UNIT ED SIIITES STEAMER MIISSISISIPP Of Vera Cruz, March 26, 1847. SIR :In obedience - to your oilier, I proceed on the acternoon of the 24th inst., to the ith de- usto r ilit ai. r ' '" P - iiillifflate• Actier 41Th ' y ..", '`i'wptilo aliAlu#lta.--St r . 4 Arlih 1: 1 0 4 & ] i t . ) i tift i algi + lif Ily tiliairefofWe ii Tim Imillmared It Sltbf l ft from the Mesimi tit the Trtai 101 l r relv, our i datOs theice olorrto 27th of 4 rn t wai t ,„it :i, . torye ... ~ ~,,.. Ilipe I ' Ake i details o the tiro t 1 .. s in the Mexico, one undir r . - Facias, tl President, the other under cicn.- Pena ragan. Much bhiod bas-laistasslad, ls out aA7 decisive sets . 80, th parties Minato id theiiwsirese tie one of power;lhe ot*or a gaining it. were sent off speedily to:Santa Anna tails of the revolpticearimpt, ani If fell•back 'from net North combat off in their violeSee, and ii ind of hull was observed • berore the Ith ?duel then mention isMadea t it hurries iwe wish here to •betto - to kilother viett American arms. ,;), El Republiduto . of the 115th March ces that the American anus have tries Chihuahua, the papital of he State, hi The small : fortes which defeated it, Republican° we* routedtilt A letter fromp t hrango s publisto March 4, whichisys that en. Gam left Chihuahua Mt the 10t of Februa head of 800 cavilry, to the Arm vaders and bad arrived on the 22d at enda of Encinillss, which ' about seve north ofi the road to El aso.. From! Encinillas, 0 1 e plashed scouting partiett, and on the had moved with his amain , hod to the Bc4 3 Pastor, which Without 18 miles fror las and about %linings from the hi Carmen. It win; supposod, that th States trOOPS, t the number of 900, Carmen by the 28d, having just marcl er from Curiae)! It was , Condo's it await at Bfignille the attack of the and he was to be joined there by th Gen. Heridia, consistingf 600 info dragoons, arid On pieces f artillery. The junction had not effee 23d, Gen. Herldia being hen at th of Torreon. which is but few mile / men ten, we judge by the map from Ch I Whether the junction was effected I know. Conde's, position is said to excellently eboken, but we fiud it it had thrawn urredoubts and bloc roads in order to hold the Ameri and favor a re :cat in me he we 1 IWe cannot bu nfer, front the ma the Republican° intredu4s the Chihuahua didirt fall tit' after a ous to the American arm _, 1 The Republican° of t$ 17th ports that •certain Indians of (Los Chimavoi) to the number sand, have riiunt against Ithe A joined the pueblos previously in We do not find El Republica great ado about the victory of S Buena Vista. ;It republishes w de la Petrie says on the subjee comment. All Santa Anna's e ous letters, general ordera bre", there is no attempt at glortficati or regrets that the destitution prevented Santa Anna from fol advantages obtained by him, br we have •seen pretends to claim r3"-------; z ~,, Santa Anne told a conhcil of February, at Agna NueVa, a mously adviseifia retreat P. Sa Anna was of the same opinion, retreat accordingly. The 'pro council of Wariere given it le , Anna's: despatch founded th over the sameield grounds wh' in so Many forms hefore.l Our; readerilwill be interes na's movements. .He wail at heard of the revolutionary att : of Mexico. Ile wrote thence March, avowing his oppo'sition and then pushed on to Match thencel on the '6th nit. to the -iumouncing that he would ma tal with a large division of hi down the yevolinion. , * Another letter of the same Farina is full f kindness for geance upon the traitors. On us :,--" With eeason Taylor . tillo three weeks since, 'I d. - Anna ;. there 14 be a revol 'very soon, and, he will be would lair to publish these, I are far too nuhierons. - The entranie of Santa An Potosi, on thOth ult., *u i All classes went out to meet miles gun the r4d. , At night _ and the' town lilluminated. The "fullowhig day he wrote a despatek to the Secretary* War, , anno nixing that two brigades of 'gantry, composed of 4000 men, k with their Corr, esponding tteriors, were •on march to Swann, and the were to be fol lowed.* two iithers of all s, to the aid of the supreme powets of the na 'o traitorously at tacked ThiSletter would le one to suppose conclusively that he intended to put down the attempt agiii*G omen Farina adniiiiistratiod. He thinaanceitin unqualified terms the attempt at a rrolutichi at such *time. - But the dair, after, March 10, he wrote two other letters tto Mexicone to General Bar unthe he or the - revoluttinary party, the ot er Golt Ferias. In t ese Ins tone is al He ' enennces Civil Idiesensions, but is coniideratie Seeking, -terms of courtesy towards Barrier and Ferias. • . liceonjurekthem tAidelist•from further boa tilitieSiii the krapitel, mid announces his per-' rose of Fueednig thithr immediately. He tells Bermahlecitto fm4 foe himself or others eciiptisisitsidf,Sby the reirolutionar3i attempt . ; that ire has Sit one desire, to mate all Men- - muutAkerAke.4l, Thelettee to °oils: Fatima is, Josol irsmazmi of relitiSainspetance that , wii - make a Usti '.. et, it,:t. i • ..-',l ,-..-- . . • , 1, ' Frzl,striew.,:-aie t Ati m ti e sk re ',Wlo ! 1847 i to.thilisills wiiieh the Wok capital .is suffer ',mgt.* vie* ofreivil war and all - the cabin- West :oOnsolft*lllieltit-iiimi to thetraaamod eat ipiiiishistrirerthenoeitsteediotto all Alio' jlefithfiroshOi - Ibase.jletievehtediliiihilkg to 1 11 4.1 1 01134 1 :1 ' . , 41 / 011 ffee ilia lb* 4 48 110 - 1 =4 io_semeitte the isirifierr of ' G4oniar , ".; 'lliejaqiitetta:ltasaiettiss. Nam Mtlit . saiihklliesobeen entrust „ , - ' 61: . • • 340 117. "riatilite ll 4o ll o l ‘i Inak . *lll - litli - elite Mi#,,will :be. TOT 'soul, r foi. I 4all 1 h t MEI AND I. in att. 'Coahuila, lattle of Bu ts& •a . 'apt know l; :for iie ipplir PiWieed - thitbcr bi l iorCejonrce4N you . iragd give direitiOnita. Mika ji!o#ifiba - of 'evii'y ra te kind in obedienci:to die v of iisvoil and It ' Inanity, wbieli is ins''' . °attire:by t shedding 01111 ext , ook?lrkiek - .lmillt. l o mi t to flow o*tiO field, °Klatt!. in dii,hing . - a d isLados our unjust. i nvader - . ::: .i ~ ~,,, ~: z 6. ; 7 ' : To GelWwid ali. hi de liPenapßarragsll, .Chief of tlisil/rms , s j. have made the same reconssembie imd:l triit' that the chiefl of bah the . lligerent:forecs willobsertel the truce Aiaicat4i e considenteian of th e no.; ' ble views Wfitai•• . "• d ire t o -,- s i ac i t w ~ ~-,., ~:.„ I transmit for your intelligence and that it may. receive compliance froaryouout of respect to the patriotic ma, have - proposed to my self.' ! ' "''' • •- . - ' God and, Liberty, ANTONIO LOPEZ DE BANTA ANNA,_ ' we 1- of pion . eityi prevjO )( Faint cable city of ie Tice ?IlAt if With-. l ere ob taining °counts I rid) de- Its he' into fell ow truce Fur- J below ; 4.y of the There - followed from these letters, which were published on the •13th or 14th, a suspen .'on of hostilities; hough each party accused the other of-violating the truce. Santa Anna had not arrived on' i the 17th; but would encoun ter no difficulty , in assuming power. All par ties were whiting for him impatiently, and each claiming that ho Win side with them. From the Settees. Santa Anna at San Luis Potosi—Taylor in . pursuit of (Jrrea. annonn phed in, fallen. says the The Matamoron Flag of the . 27th nit., given, farther accounts from Santa Anna's army.— They were communicated by letter dated from Tula, the 11th of March, smitten by a Mexi can officer to a friend in Matamoros. The • - ter says Santa Anna arrived at Sin Di.. Po tosi on the Bth ult. Re returned at z the head of a remnant of one of the divisioniof the ar my with which be marched out*; attack Gen. Taylor—the remaining two/divisions having marched in directions where food might be pro-, cured for the famishing soldiery. The writer remarks of the battle and retreat: "We have suffer e d a far greater loss• than in any engagement ever before fought in the coun try—upwards of four thousand were left on the battle-field or died on the retreat--the army was destitute of provisions of any kind, and the soldiers were rendered ferocious by their pri vations and sufferings ; dissatisfaction is wide spread throughout the ranks, and I may say, the army under Santa Anna is virtually broken up." Thisletter also mentions the death of several citizens of Matamoros, officers in the Mexican Aimy, who were killed in the late tattle. dated Conde , st the skim in tro haei ty miles forward ebplary 'lts del Encinil lends of United were at ed thith- lention to Americans, force. of "intry, 800 d on the .1 hacienda eight, or ihuahna. we do not have been ited that he ed up the I ns in check beaten.— , net in which abject, that battle glori- General Taylor arrived at Monterey on the 9th of March with the. Ist Mississippi Rifles and the Kentucky Cavalry as an escor' an, from an article in the American Pioneer, a pa per published at Monterey,) we infer that he was yet •there on the 15th.. What-day he lea Monterey we are not informed, but all' accounts amve that ho was in pursuit of Gen. Urrea. We extract from a letter in the Flag, dated Camargo, the 234 ult., which purports to derive its information for Major McCulloch : !if March re ew Mexico, f three thou cricans, and Old Zack is down on this side 'of the moun tains, hunting up Urrea with a sharp stick.— The old here is wrathy at being assailed in his rear and having his bread-carts demolished, and if he but lays hand on the Mexican Gen eral, will flay him alive. .Urrea will doubtless effect his escape, for he would sooner meet the devil with odds than old Zack. At the last accounts he was at Linares, making a straight out shoot for the.Tula Pass. nsurrection making very Ma' Anna at at El Soldaslo 'bit -without uses ill vari- '• re given, but .n. • The edit,- of provisions owing up the nowhere that decided viet,o- The Kentucky Cavalry are here, having been sent down by Gen. Taylor as an escort to a train. They return immediately, accompany.. ing the Mississippi and Virginia regiments of infantry, which proceed through by the way of China. • on t-Im 25th they 4 unani . Luis. - Santa nd ordered the cedings of the h, and Santa reon. It goes h we have read In addition to the above, the Flag of the 27th says the Mexicans pretend that Urrea was quite recently at Linares, with 2;000 cav alry, but the Flag rather incline, to think he has fled for the Tula Pass. Gen. Taylor, it is thought, will advance on San Luis Potosi so soon as the reinforcement called for arrives: - The bodies of the officers who fell in the bat tle of Buena Vista, have been placed by their friends in coffins, in which pulverized charcoal was introduced, the coffins - placed - , tenlporarily, in vaults at Saltillo, until removed to their late homes, which will probably be done as soon as the communication between Saltillo and Camar go is opened. - d in Santa An ira` 1 when he L f pt. in city on the 8d of to the attempt, ala. He wrote • retary kif War, h on the eapi forces, and put Terrible Powder NM Explosion: C.rrespondence of tbe ientury Ivanian. WILMISIIITON. Del. April 14, 1847. date to Gomez I him, and yen passage amused marked at Sal not fear Santa tion - in Mexico eposed.' " We ten, .but they . . We regret to inform you of the terriblnand,: heart-rending • seene which .occurred on the Brandywine, about 6 o'clock this morning.. I About 5,000 pounds of powder, in the pack- l' ing house and pressroom, at one of the Messrs. j. Du Pont's Powder Works, exploded in two successive shops, killing eighteen persons and wounding one other.' The bodies were so torn to pieces that it I I was impossible to recognize, them, and no other means existed of ascertaining . who were lost and who saved, than by calling the roll (after ringing the bell) of those attached to that port 1 tion of the works: 'Thai silence•which' followe4l i the calling of the unanswered names was thi only evidence of the loss of the !limit . of thctsi `who had so often replied when they were call; i ed. ' ' • ~1 9 One man, who .had his leg broken at. a long distance from the scene of the occurrence, by being sane t with a piece of timber, is the oni, ly one wb ,1 dad who survived as far. as coula , -0 il be - aseertaked. • ' . • The amount of powder *exploded; it is bey lieved by the owners, did not exceed 5,000 pounds. The pecuniary loss is comparativels small; although- the glass •is shattered [roil) the windows, isd the plastering stripped, in t l . great' degree, from the, ceilings midi - Walls . the - houses for a mile around.Y _We saw many Window!, bloWn in entire. . some, of the large residences of the Mes srs. Du Fonts, nots window is left,pcifect, an on One -sides, * they ire all blown entirely ou -Much glass wit biolten it the distance of i mile and a half -' ' .,' - ' . '.. The screams and lanientaiixis of the waver sad children, were truly' beart-rending. were heard bewailing their ttreadfulliss at &tines of more than a wille . -,, - ' 7 f . Of °muft i: it iswitogetbeiimposaible to forii any scmjecture lie to the came of the eiplostoli: It is even Unknown whiCh 4 the two Isiildinits exp&Oded firiti -2 ' -,, ' • • '• 1 ..-. ~ ~ "Tberi4oo where the building:ON , which-Ote erpkeion occurred, -1494 is lefk Si 'tries* 40•1414 i. IS ' , Omagh Ih4r.Work .s.of infant Aribei and,aillillat TWAT bei#';ii3OW.it: : ': *few Ws* atkine,:treita*iiiitet'ibla - 400 , iiid.7.eharsid spheier.a; 'eian - . 0 , ' ' 1 the tlisionsahni:toilidicitijkit ' - ':''' - • ':. * ' :whiek - therso: riceOlyilingidat.-,• . :_;: ':il . ;LUAU Wrid:atOna.!ofittuOriarki ---.. loos, .C.idoilaintahmil Ideliiesitiok:.i. — ''''' :460i.tait it- Otwbugding 1 Iry *hid: `tie indi keriif. [ a into San Luis . • triumphal . one. ,irn two or three was serenaded , efltei--,weri.—,,rtiler:.o4 oo f .1," ft r n - 4 111 44 . ' - ', 64 iii9Elatn2 ~nt , rffi4s, - led 41 quenekl, -Ram " ; 1 6 ii: water, "At , wii° 11 4 1 P liald. *4 W* - -* l oft telbre their* 414044 _ti th 40140 , irighin, sad i'thulAnbtla6- Priirry inAnY, tre it ble liv* 4:- . .iv,:ii , it-,. :: - 0. -_-Itl i .. hose killed havtahr* Lui4v ' .t wies• and -children. !:;;Tlie.S limit ." ii,De 411., molt value* and sneeessfulihiiiida itftielo I nd •to beSe gre4tvorki,tinanftdl them! 1 ~, . of !pendent meting ~:-, 4 ~ , ' - :.S t 1 ---:-..-. -' , Z,... __ • .... - 7 - , f-vi1...-" -,..--1, .-- mom weislivisrlott bar We clip the following from t he Wash ington correspondence of the Penrasyoanian: ,There can be no doubt now'ai to the future: I policy of the admnixistration.,--If life 'eci- -AIM [stall persist in her madness, and ref • . , ,,tito! - 'mint for past injuries, ~it,ix! t he desi' : ... the adMinistration to takepossessioriof - apitol; :all dictate the terms, of,peace,it, ,:_ay be, in th Montezumian palace. "Tha,vie "ri ! tut • Sealrr hali doubtless ere now 'dui '7 • „oar eaglet; in triumph 'in the streets of Meade,. ' and, em boldened by past success ~,will sou. , beim his ,way to the city of Me no. Nothin;but tke unconditional sore' ' er of the Mexi_ n 'li authori ties can te' t, t ball;" when one fairly in ci e 'motion. Sue , s owever, lathe dist 'eted con dition of t • Mexican people, at t capitol, that it o; y be difficult to find a govertrment with which to treat. Santa Anna has no doubt gamed the capitol.. with the remnapt of the any that waa not killed by " dya utery "• at Buena Vista, but so formidable ar :the de ments arrayed xgainst him.in the .iii y, ' that it t isdoubtful whether he would be p milted to 'conduct negotiations, if -even he attempted it, He will be still less in a mood fight.— Iri this condition of-• " confusion vvorse con founded," all eyes are now tinned to Mexico Ito witness the Onouemint,.. i•hich i#,evidentlyl dose at hand. Peace is believed tobe the re stilt, but hardly two men can belciund to a- 1 greo as to the exact manner in which it .is to Ibe brought about.b! - 7, / i 1 1 Your readers are, of- course,-iu Possession. of the gratifying intelligence, that the war loan lof eighteen millions kas been all taken, above par, and at a premimb varying fpm i one-eightli 1 I to two per cent. Better than all, the bids 4amounted to nearly Derr-Eton? millions of' !dollars, nearly forty millions-more: than the 'amount advertised ! It has been stated to me, lon good authority, that not One dollar of 'this loan goes into Elie hands of foreign capitalists. `This 'I esteem a fact on Which we have reason to felicitate ourselves, as the coutitry Is not 1 drained of at specie by the payment of thein terest. Besides, it establishes the-Igrand:fact of our National Independence, lathe literal I meaning of that proudest term jo,it nation's 'vocabulary. It demonstrates inecintestibly, Ithat the United States gave resources in and !of themselves, amply sufficient to rueetaill her, !ordinary expenditures, and,,condact a fierce ' war with a distant nation besides, ;without in yoking the pecuniary aid of any other power lon the face of the globe. The Rotliseliilds and IBarings bad sent in their bids, bytheir,agents 1 in New York, but neve of them were a ccepted: ' i At least, so 1 km 'credibly informed. 1 'Are not the Feds of your city a little beside Ithemselves? They have never, it is true, stood. in danger o f being brought before Ju n *. do Pan ' SONS to answeria charge of arson, m / that they , Thad set the Schuylkill on fire, but pever have) , they exhibited such positive symptoms' of in-, ;sanity as now. NO OCO finds fault with their; ! glorification of Gen. Taylor—for the gallant? old hero deserves all the laudatiotrithat can be : la‘islied on him—but it certainly comes with!, l a most doubtful grace from them. i The world ! knows how they has'e denounced the war, and j every one connected with it,, and; the world wonders with what face they can npw adopt a* 'their Presidential candidate, the General whci l has app roved and: conducted it. The history : j of man kind, from ,Adam and Eve I down, r does I not furnish a parallel example of: hypoorisy,! !duplicity, anti consistency. It is" "itsdi' itO ' only pararel." 2 . i '-• ' Among the resolutions adopted at theii I meeting in Independence Square, there is ono lin which Gen. Linn is lauded as " the faithful; ; eon st ant, and-able advocate of a sit,stew of na ;timid policy that ' is not only immediately eonol ; fleeted with; but is absolutely neceiisary to, the 'prosperity of Penitsylvanaia." 'This, of couisei C has reference to the protective ,policy in gen- . l era and to the tariff of -1842 in particular,- , - 'Then follows a resolve, nominating Gen. Tay; lor-for the Preaidency--yes, 'Gen. Zaelulry Tailor, of Louisiana, the open and 4voiced ene. ,my of that very! " system of- nati 'nal policy:". ILI which Pennsylvania is supposed o have such a deep interest. ;If this lie..not,li litieal char+ 'lath:ll7 ' where is one to look f , it? The I Goiernor of ,Pefinsylvania; or (I :any :It,he4 State, every school-boy knows, exercises .p more control fifth.) adjustment pf. the tank question, than do the select and common coun'S oilmen, - the high constable, or the street coat missioner of Philadelphia—and he is . to be elect+ jed on the exclusive ground: of his devotion V.h la particular view; of that question, liapposedtei Ibe -a popular view in Pennsylvai4l—'whilit,ii President of the tn . ited States, wt i o has an all 7 controlling voice `on the tariff; ax can either : make or mall the law relating t it:is tobb elCcted; whole opinions, there is very reasrib to believe, ac diametrically opßo-ed -to the expressed by the men that not= , ted. Lim !.4 In plain 'English; the meeting •r solved i Mile will support A.vie fOr Goveiaor, vr i o has notli ingto do-with the tariff, heearise be fain fa.Vtlr of a 'high „tariff-and.wewill support Taylar fur 'President, who lasievery tbing:to -do Nirith ' the tariff, although he is a Southeraer,-end be-' Moved td-be in fitter of a low tariff!' flat, prak,' give the Fells: NI sway,. and the4Will;as they !awe always clone, prove their o -best execii-: ' tiouers4 - , i , . . , 0 ATTACKED. A t i LA-ST.—We per olive -, by the — Baltimore paper* that Van - Ain , urgh-baiit length been attacked - by one of ,fa -lions. ilt occurred on Thursday aftertmon*Sac,4i Bal timore. %r , i 'l' - - ' '. _ . 1.'" , ".. • '- tt .. Van Amboy& had been tlitatigh:o6e cage and had entered the secend,:iniatagrical, tiger'-and twa t leopards .44 ulaian -*lame' 4r two, threw hiinself acro ss the the' cab 4 monster resting hie head' against' cheek rin a few Moments cbanging 'his poet leis to' 4oft with the leopsrdp, the hou, rareed'hil head; lull 1 4 vi-thou spy - Apparetit *tort 'or ; shin! -,.' oVarl_ger, indden - opeoet hie .mouth .:pid . ileisatE' -Vain Am, bit', fa& side , l - 'bia •;, - " bWia jaws eeemZg y for , tle 11 0 114 1 - 1 ,0 1, - 41101 * the of the pt 42. : . ... , ;.t.; A :- , .-1 .. " - 4. , , - --.• ,L-4, Tbe_ t. pabk.pwomd Male Stet - !kit ~ 44.17 thesetion; 'amd , the - Ibm; . -iater al 7, ~. . let : oldirlielk heti Vita *iebeto ~ she9 l 4* 7 and iiitiiisOidittAid-hd . ktritli;e4i liege, .4 'but: lnjamlbilieient y . veltitio ; be verfylight, ,Itivaik7thic,litit s itatiAtii4. i . Oihiallibeii***Useabubl . :tom=, ter, and this fart prebablyvii the ittaekr Eat v. Meigge. Senate andirtnnte ef Reinitantatites Tuisaar :*the .enttged n A ratings , the:Yaniners' and lifecbaa• ,to be locsitil thellorongh ,of Eri e , bein passed by: both branches of 1 . tura, has been lseientedloi my a .„ , i3et • - shaps all will agl4:thit'there is no tub to the control and st4pin t remitted . -. .of government, which sib_ sets mo ..,the interests of nociety,-both in its mo , , 4 pecuniary' relations, 'than .the entre, ~ i .'rerseentlitlye.ttf: the.. value of the , toperty of the - penple: -While !kit , co, ng. influence extent ; to t icioi t . _ 7 • • • 1 .y these whn . .depend upon the' proceed. , an tar fef'atiZ-' , :rirjStrr,' — .1 o intritblr..4.titility the evi , promise tepays'ililits "ill/ ;depends I .u1 1 99. -4 .A,44 1 0i.tY vAslthiell Abe prom' eemed. , Th e_lit i ' ' may of man has a discoveretkand: , . ', apprehen d never ' ! . v9'. any . systems ,1 1 1)Y,whisit';:tliemen leg of bank -.paper can be made to add übstantial wealth 'of byw ,* n be made to passittt pat,yhen . dishen. ' refttial` to “tedeeMl_ it..p ;gat ",t . i ; r:silvet: 1 best but a doiiientence;_and,Onefor wb . tassof the.iiidnsttions-imalkodiming. 1 ' pay a most onerous tax: -., t X'ai . .hewer nterwnren WitlConthabitaitifiklnisise ~' 1 444Mt.iii1ik45,4044.144. 1 44. • V°, thereftite,sinee ifir inaneilea to 611 ~ aimed at ~.tlfeAeatrttetien °Ube s,yst. t my desire his_ been to prevent its ex ~ and to correct: ,evils attendant ID 1: far as seemed prticabla: ~, .` • he middle aged,,.*td..those more adva. I `e, of titer good iateople orkennsylvania, i llect the seerien lof speculation, nab 1 oralization; that,fcillowed.fr the train of . king system of 1. 1 04,-;ithich wits - forced. , r, be State byi a-reckless and infatuated sp ' ambling, ini defiance- of the veto and g advice of that-wise-and _prophetic eta , a , Simon Snyder,-whose memory: is de e people. And whnie there among us / t . not lear testimony to the evil `Off , o u e moral, politicA and 'peentiistetest e community; of the . late..a ' t...4,ive. _4. • iz, speculation, prodacial the'.re•charte Eri e Pi 1 eile Bank of the United tites, and the ex o of the capital' end piivUeges''9r , othe . i tions, that, have„ exploded; leaviog .., , . - e onto of their_ existence, • ruined reputati . ruction of pnvate fortunes, beggared 1 , and orphans; the State debt nearly .1 i ' currency depteeiattd, . and -t..;.beilest. 4 ated out, of its just';eward ? From th I T a of this vitiouslielinyi , the...peoplelave e recovered, nor, ean - t.heyfor . years - to . 'h interest of the an‘frnentett State debt ' o .e a nnually e ° s i ; e another o f the l rPYid offspring lf consequenc es ° o r f . i i . t db , l' m A:l u ili a l :C t P i n a : i4l - i e ee : tl . ' ; '', ,n il our resoutees , -nuable -us to :cancel tl Vol these facts beret.e us, should t ,we tint p n learn lessons of. Wmdcm andprnde.uce h experience of the past. • .. , ; he capital of the thank proposed: to b. a lished II the hill under eons*vstion, l e rl'e, is only fifty thoesitil : 4leVar`s,.but ve ois Terceived Fail for ereating„audther . la e, which will not Warrant the 'establish , few hanks'in Many' other parts . of the i n nwealth. The creationOf tlii. hank, ti' . 0 c, would sanetisti the comMetmement 9I A cr extension of the system, tbuding 'lir :o all the minims einsequences ' that hav ',,e ded excessite issuing of paper - entrenc s 4 ;e O uP-tigli. 1 . 14 t.,i 11 iillqg,,,anA..01(: 1 5'hic., . :i a pc Aro of thialtorennanwealth bare had atiu[aeutable tx-p'etiplkei,:,:. -7. , - . f, {1 I ant ; there.ore, _constrained byascon th us sense •of dutyilo- - adherti 'tb the w ich -I have. ,hevetilfoWindicAted„, Of lim tit eupital of the banks of issue to' the pr ount ; and, us their respective-charter pi e, if they are' fontal.viorthy.,ef renew tlipose such restrictions upon them as a , cated to restraiTexcestei,‘4nd-prOtect p ople agaitisitthe-;onischiefs the , syste , It etofore produced4 , ',:-.. - • ' - - : The country: is new in:.a, highly - prosy to dition, Exchanges ...at4reatly in - ot ✓ , specieis 'Rowing* upon--im ha abun , a d the curieneykompared with its condi n i fb v years' ap.yris sound. if. We: should, t .fOre e guard with , exfreme,eaotiott again. inlroductien:.er extension of: any-system of ety ; calculate claStuth thiabealthfand Able state . a thino,,, ~iit. in only by an i . ble adherence to. eotind:prineiples, regardl inlportunities-Mid:argnments of expedienc minveoience,' that "sve-,Can hope ,to avert t ,enrrenee of all,theMiiailiefay attendant. gieessive. , hanifing, 44 perpetuate the p s bstantial prOsper4y - :of ,the ;people. • I • ntertaininetheserntiments, I:have d' t e bill tole 4eturned,,,,yjthont,..my. sign i the Senate_ Wherelik(piginated. , .. I . ' ,_,., L. , FITS. R. - STIUN txEcovtva CUAIDER, March 13; '47 .ty.l - , ! . “ Fire ii lite Rear." - 'hie secr et , • ,°*: .:74 . e. iitikolNqs , ii e 'en: scott,*.to:,rial'ffhiii4eq,:,_ kit no )1 , d the beraiiiraogiemiLao, got fairly ';'i exic .0 .*:4'....g044.-batare Aka'. aidla a aroz and itkwi;;'o4lii:,Castje; : ttiaa.:liil 1 'P ' 'II *4B; 4'04, , ili4ii...filq; in •Lia rca 1 minitu':d General Tity,lo.rloi:' the, PFoi , ', t first,. , c-4 . ;pard, .14 gre0,...4 . 0 A'.. -. ,,Ei 1 • )0 Attaikaistr#ll4lotit';_i*ill)itlips .G, . cote to take pckana*id . . : a.t our. Forces . in re . -- Subleiiiiiiiili - 00 - 'oailibti;o6reie naive,. and indign a nt,ie - ry . tioteiiit . ,. tlisi , Taylor arailittlio'.o4o:added...;::lsoo,,afe ' . ill - 464 sq)a*itlaamili.agaqpie two ' ..c 14 OCcerali ,7 .. :cor4Ccait* - Ccr'., itic ' , F . ~.- i tist iiid I:,iiifa*k!:.:*.ar akai . aai '. . i ''. 1,14 aittididittill:fai , :iiie ."'Pfaiidano 1 I *0 POThili,,fi"-4,4 l *L.Vng,paily.;:xitli - , • 41 . 71 c , cr tAilp i ::..44*Aff , r7* . - ....oitoidoti 4 6 ccm'i , .**,ii.,,;t0,4tit:41,I4C,,t.iieir 2 hea l c thatAi,coo4l44**CiOict men cI 3,.*jf**4o l Viiiiiikt#,llT: ' l s 4 * Are., ccio.*;Aititro4 4 4io* t 4-VAlWtii*,g,ll.l.3c4,:f.ficriko,:: , jr,a ..-1.4.,._c0.-.6.. ; fei.iiell4ii'.ol, o ,4til I—#s l o:j*!a r 'o4oltst.Wiewaii„.,lnia 1 f r O.- 40 61 iiit:, alliKlttatitiiiiiiii4:l6 - ' & Ore9Y.9t: ll 4:oo*4*.kiltiopr sr* or 'C ris k-.,**-la"Ceraiiktt' tc ,-,: :`;‘-: . .f.*.p.010. • friio: l l;.:',:i'-•*, ' `:•;:tri*:iiiiii , c:lo.44 - .0: Pikeflic#44 l llol*** - iiiilik.:thia(P i'. Fis***,t..,'SktiktilifV. thaw, ir.in - seiviouitrij ~, '- ' ll : iiiiiiiiiditi'li*-: the r, - il “WA, 10 'l - ^:rc,:, ~. .4P-liitl*Eti: ii**4:44#iii di .; • , 0 . ..',:...**,..!,',...;,,,„,,,. ~.- . - A .Tiv-t.,1 1 il . ':' , --:•• 6 , i, .:.:74******igic4 , '. : 1 L, ~ , , i., -- iniattrialt*ifitqaat... ‘ 1.7 At:4 4 :-',*?.': , :' , .; .. " 1...:',„:1.,1 . .,: - 7 ..',.- •5i....;;. - ,, , I I;,at o itiOliet:444o4o#o,,*!' 44Aii*L'Oc***fijOc tofth;z minl, Sect al lie has, rose r fa ; per, licna 1 1 . , ec turt led , ' nate oft le! e mo end. es for 1 ' -ad in. -- Illw al ra t zed he is