. , . - . -• , - . . • 111 :W..t~arrata~r... , : ~ vprr,: ~.~~r~, w i ~:s.as~ ; e.e. ~^!7:~c ~a~r~e.ra; MR:~ ; 'Cul' said Mr, Todd, gro .. . ilii,kir4 l th'e l l eaa'' . t 4' .lll % iiii:Weelte ."' hit •- %'' '' ' ..; 4 f: i it* ti\'.itoulii.-" : - oriii; - , - W it? gire'.4nAiiiiiii., CO'refsitilie. cOinpa c round con*eil WO their.Ospectiva - liorta . , e tnunntur t at hie . Wife grew mo :P I ! :t q. ll de Alit'. " • ,'; :‘'' .f thoie i':,irlWhai Dies .i.ha.g.tertitinthiiiivinti,fr. '. Me eve the Convention proceededla::vote for.the nom;' _lst* himf...merc tightly, 'ea Lois tb+ 'iniiiiW ~te Do, ni ; idisn ' ti.regillinat ion;of imam aod'uot attack them ' . . Canal Cotumiesioner, which *lilted earil: taut down I' - 0Y4C4 71 , , V4 -N!:, - -, ..,: . .,p . , 4,,t . ,%, itk . inentliyoui' , ig. 4 ; "yrrt•nt r wal ! inform . yet as' follow. s :•-; '.; - ~' - r. .. :I - ffi .‘ *itsen' ce. f' ' to Note. s. 4tti;- Still. ' Th'ent said "Mrs. Todd, ' . all th ./11111411 talit "w illiell - Sat hilt liar.' ; it .•• • iLongsteethi •11 ' 41 6 '39 1; 53; S 3 '-' a II Douglass, ;-.; .12 . 15 ' - w ''- . 41- -:',.-: ;e•t;•- -tt. ""- t,,, , - ~•.i. tell,"' ma springing out of bed, she threw . n _,_.' ...tz -4,;""1""*.s, ..1 , 1 . 4 ----_,.- it F-..; '' • 51. e *inflow. and cried, `match l' at the to o '""P'''' E e"Ta•- 1 4; . ; u-rlifF - nta P -Anna. . arch in..t4" 6lt - er Voice. i - -. .. .:, Ul u : ',. i(.-- ; . , . Ina . few moments the streets raj% on' ad ., c ht. : . 4 " cilk 6 glixThr '• s • - Tit *th the peculiar sound of rattles, andb a few, fog- '--*- .iit -ki ni' .' t iL. 1: 7 41: 1 M5. 41 V 111:'id.":4 - " ._ • • _/ 11411 ° ten- ''' atcA I , tion, ,' MReynoldi, , , , 47: t Dillinger, , :::i 1.4 .4 1" to norm Farley ; . :.: 10 I . ..re, a whole, bevy of the guardian. O'f the'r''''" • r • ''' • ' alli4ll4 ' l G f a l • MY l42e3 - 6 - 41 1' tti , "'!" . , iiiiiiiihlea4VthiCTolOtt:‘- 11 ina llal C : m at 1 : 1. "-" ` " ; • 0 " : y ri-" t b . , .. 1:"- ' -- - ' r- 1 _ 3 3 1 r- i. b t rtusitedint&the dwe ll ing of Mr. Angus- [. to ' a ! 'le a iv* ; a7. %PreParaturns frr all o'clock this morning ,and was palled to ;or ', . Todd, thr;congli the door t h at Felix h a d f or- I Conflict. -'. *.. • ---' --..- 1- . Wastitsaroa. March g-,10 P. M. ~. der - by Mr. Sanderson of Bradf o rd .' HON. Ivor . ' 8 : ,tileiS644ltillebiiid him and straight to the , n in, 4 on R. KNEASSiSs3 :, of il l' i lila iri delpifia. w fiti fan \ ts . ilud inl , . 6, 'By the scluioner Delta at .Nei Orleans `s feet where the d iscovered our friend,- h . • • pointed ChairOin for ta te parer)! o 111 , : , g , ~• .. ~9 ~ . 9 f ee t reposing iitiri t -firetifirtion - --tbe-ttitrof --S e-,lsCsaat;:•-lscliare.....p.eXe.AoM...;,TaniP,ll.4ion-of-the.miiesting. .-_The roll I sailed, mail pr ; -,: 1 he piece•of ham *Tithe tible', l lid: hit WY ro- th e `2 oth i l 4B ~, ii i .„.. . . ~.. ~,_ ~; t .: , a 'Committee.,4painted to select o: . err for the " n "; * 5 ' .. sing his chair—which, 0,3 Well as his herd, i fluinagle, 4 . . . -.1 - eensiderably on 'the decline . -•' ': , 1. ; 9 . th r --',.,.*:&.:1 . 7...'T:4 - ',i6 "7 4 1 41 , e' 47,111thatigitP•-I,:..lre°e.r.a.- r i . 5.„.... %; permanent orOnization of the me 'mg. Smith . 6 Afternoon.eessiou—Upon the seinblini of ‘. ' ..' ' Haley' exclaimed Felix,- aivakened by their - ha ! l *. 4 --.A Ots'l#o .l ,,YY,.:PTdOr . • )• t • 'SO'W --- A nia, 1 the ConventiO, the Committee reported ihat i Du ll , • eisa..- what's the matter ? - *hat the donee - i.F4,l'!-!1-,?..e1.1e.P.151,0..V0P,S marched 63'. illy ifite r i : I they had seleited HON., WILLIIAM BEAT- , D i l i ' , ' O v rn i - ' 111 " 1 ;here" :611-r1 • • " • - • ,- . iir' %.- - •:•-:: g •11. , -.„. ...: .;. ~. . .. ~. - • ..1 ~: , , TY, of Build Co., for President, by! .0 Diller, t . tlkor, .. ''''Why,..ilt - Flintier 1' haid;:thewatehmatr Of , '44.thoustiodi*-1.: b ites 4 th9' Pica I the usual 'waiter of Viee'Preside ts and See- I ~, . lie Atitikeliti which Felix - iesidia. •!' :' ; -,-.; i ~ y . ., i_Febx Flinder r.said - Todd,; who eiceited Mined with a pair of pistols,- - -;- . had ..ti , ,i , ,Ottiiiiiviiiio', wile& has *i4etta'let4 , rotaries. ii'; terfr&ii is - 11e,, peen , offic'er 'to a, - 'etT' '''Eltited t ; 'Salitt*.ilie 96,,WhiChStatee'thet - S n'ta A ; At-. , . . "lit " Crispin, (Evans. After setthng the claims to c.. tested seats, An- Mr.. Knob niiiVed that the Convi;iition wa nner, , p roceed iFoulkrod, .. , 1 1 ; .• Wh i y, 'Mr , Flintier r - said Mis..Toddi.,4 am . na Was to mar c h on Saltine - preparatory to at - It o make nominations for Govarruil . , which was I Myers revised= --what do you mean by -'i n ieh4,66. ",,49}-4..-ng-i'-Montere.y... Gen. - Hrr . ea _with s,9oolagyeed t o . 11 ',.; ireePs,at, -t om was. to attack Matamoros, ; 31r. Hale taco read the followi -1 , Et)111- I;•it ee ,' said Felix, b eg i hn :i hn , ao4 ,: ea l_ 401,44 liatli.eizpeditiona must prove success- I James Burni) whiehl was ordere. iehis - situation: - 'l've - grit into tic -irrone 'Ol -. .: The writer of this letter is Santa .Arma'slpart of the prteedings.: I • hortie.' ''l; ; • .„ ° private Secretary, and he lays - they Shall give . , ;"•;: LAU aunt no ; .31art -' , Gorin'the wierig house! l' M Todd. vat E• the Yankees hot work in the North while Gen- !To 'Col. R. 04 4 , Hale_ JohO S: 31il. ' l ' Yes: rePlied Felix' now= sobered, 4'-instesd'of oral Scott is marching on Vera Cruz. i ' Thonias BiOwn,' Esq., 1/tilegatt Opening my - own door. I Opened-yours-and'SO ft is pretty certain that 'Santa Anna is now of Mardi iloui-entipn :! -- , Came . this oCeurrence? • 'All had a he or, at Saltillo, and it is'even.repOrted „Oat; he had f GExttziitii :--As taut partiallty of the De at it, and 'Fe Unlocked his own door, closed eng a g ea.la; l 9, confliet.With General Taylor ; but moeratie eontit itu4ney yo i represent has maid : . it softly after hini,', and ' crept noiselessly up the l a tt er' hi itit - bOeyeff at Tampico..., .. , fested itt , elf iii instructin you te present,eiy i Stairs,. who* ' lie 'found 'Dolly 'apparently in a Pen' Scott has issue d . or d ers, to , puritan a ll name to the th Of Mar h Convention, al3 a aacp'sltiiiiber.. • .. • crimes committed by Mexicans or Americans candidate fue:Governor, feel it 'to be Inv din NeitiaYi attire dinner table the're might not proNided for by the army'elaius . e 'after- tti- • the I ty, through you, the repr sentative of that Dt itive.beeti noticed a sty twinkle in Dolly's eye, ally a military com .. mission, adeordith 1 ° - i moeracyi to decline. the loner thus conferred iiiia' in evident bureheeked desire to burs,tia- laws of the 'United State. • • inpon me-iv Fly friendsit '3litilin and Unbe '''to 'laughter.' . ' - 1 ~ . The Prope ll er Washington arrived at New . •.,.. I count i es. If Orleans 20th Feb. from Brazos ! 3d ; Gen. i, . 4 !kilt my acar,' she said; cutting a slice a • Butler came asses er . •Ho is suffering so • • , a very fine looking piece of ham, • shall. I help ,-. P g, •.• i -.- . . g , rebel-lug yotk, front the in .s. ou , to . a g oe r • ~, ~ ~ , , • enue . i . frowhts,woun • tat i ' , ho - is drained for /oh you 'by rte Dc iciest active :service. • '.A . piece of ham, ' replied Felix; ' a piece of, ' county and the 'adjoinint Ine'its the reielleetion .of the lest night's ad- • Gen. Taylor with Briggs's: and Thomas s may be enabled to adop iurntires rtislii4l upon hits „0 000 - of bale batteries and the 24 Mississippi realment, ar- : , fil be satiseaetey to .your r Yes; my dear,' said Dolly, • *piece of ham. rived at Saltine an 2.ll•February, tial taken a and Promotetl,he union a position 'at Agua "Nueva. All the troops were ! moerae Whsr 1" always thought 'you weeeaery,fond of' y • of tenn4lvar.k. . . to to there on . the ~ 10th, eicept a few to re- the apprO cli . • -.; I Um' .- • - "-, or ,m,,e.ontt s main in tomb , 1 Ji4tt I am. my deaeleplied Felit, ' but.;---' ,:. the Democriby not milt Th little doubt hilt that Gen. 'Ninon , of f i iii whoikt.'„;,.... Ida- Dolly; 1 sal of linglittr, ' "bat '34 e st: Oh 'ypn men-th ives don't rkhnw anythii inn all al:kit-It this ninti fon" fairly ~ shook 'with t i _ ...arty _ i ell you something Wow. 'that key*? ' ,, . ' . 1 4 Yr. 4 ,• . you did, Dolly,' replied Felix ; ' and . f have thrown it away; nd after this I Willi alwiys take your advice: . And I think that if :all married men w:,uld- co low my example; they - would probably find the selves happier'by so .ig Ding.' 'Felx` Flinder has persevered eves since in his good resolution ; and on coming beriously reflect uPon the adventures of that eventful • hi, has become convinced' that drinkinewas 1 7 an extremely fplisii and useless habit ; oft ' eading to sad'and- =hunts results. Accord ingly, lsy grid with the advice and consent of Dolly; he his lately become an active and nse ful member of that excellent society, the 'eons of Temperance.' A Series of Cstsualties. . . • IRstory (loos not, probably, furnish as in stance of a series of casualties in rapid succes sion, equal to that 'Which occurred on the Wor cester relined on Thursday of last week. The series enumeneed on a train which was leaving Tioreester for'Springfield. - In' yessing under a bridge about a mfie frorwthe depot, the head' or one ,of the brakemen came in contact with , the timbers of a hridge, - tseverely 'injuring him. -Whereupon . the conductor attempted to back :the train to the -town 'to give relief to the 'wounded men, 'led en the way met another train; and emne inhollisiorfwith such force' as to break im 'serail of the cars. A short time, ' after , another train left Worcester for • Boston, - Mid iiai4ng 'proeceded about two.miles came in' sceliiihirrwith alravel Hairs which was coming pp., The engineer of the gravel train,`‘ seeing'' tips; batman was inevitable, reversed the en- / titnd - jiimped -off ; as did also the other; on . . , !the tram. The , consequence Rase that as farther! ant, the gravel =train started the other: way:whin:nit the. engineer, and weal met by another train from Boston, and ;anoth er collision took place; the engineer and •fire min of the Boston train saved themselies by 1 jumping; and no &ewes injured.. Mew min- 1 _ ittea afterwards the steamboat train fromßos- tote, =me up, and attaching the two other trains ' ' to' itself towards: - Wortester otl-thel .south 'track. From this stage of events we' `Opp from the_Worcester - Christian Mims.; _ , 4f When about ,wile from Woiceeter while ,I,Tilt-one of:the -, .iliad handiY`. was Standing] lispiiit'the platform of the third chr frem 6e'en: ,gmte,axml :Mr. Rufus K. Porter, baggage mas ,-ter of,the - New'Yerk train .' * standngby his : ‘ige,iniother,ternlde Cellisiontook plectsrhich ~ milked in consequences 'mire dreadful than aay.thiit bid before happened. This acchient was " - ' '. ill ';consequence of 30 large freight care' ' ,. iles",f3eeitlett ,on ilie .1;i 1 4 of which no 1 - lU:eke " keen then, awl upon which no sic ml. • t had. eenpaacea. :-Itiietish ensue; .A031;3414 several of the or et& verie.bro - le*vi - "e*, se4,iiiigitg, rinii-"sirstaineir by ~ some . the ` pareengini,. '', 'u roffir r ioif ' whi c h I r. Neu; : FfintAtiol:Pi*r.iiefec atiridirig, was _.jarMiled into the' One lest' fitirili'-t !Sk Flint 11 4 ai ernight lictiecitlieliiiiiMar r a.ef`t;ne ter .Aled,the weedwerk of the next, and .oflisliellln the most shocking mannir.'' 31r;'15,ifit. was :,:forCedin Ate ail; direction "igitiOk tie; t , door I - _Of . the /ifilt:01 11; :* 1 1 1 0" ; fiFitillidat Oia:l l :**iii v ili/a-0 1 :us:p ;4€44.1 4 4 'Titartaits'frol - I?* 1 lisleg, however; VetWeeiithe knee 'Ma 'eide,l . - inkernshea. 11101,14a1i, broken ,, and 'also"' " ' 4440be):Cceired other 7Seveie biuliesin different isliti'of' 1 4" - *ion. 'lt was lfoilid -Al,9#l,lle.W.,e.Victiie 36;Fillit'*htil' .11 Au 1 :40 Feig 14 seliii4o;4l4cli . 3iis . ih_ . , wore *)(064,11.t-1?P941 : . e :0 -*Iit11i4s. 4 :, t ~*r e 10ir0as-_-Aloi&,-*el*iikaifi village; d' a6lbieohout ,, . Ijad-oiitiiitialt.iii l4 , • 10 6Wi - Oa;, "beliaitol i#,141 6 :": 4 S e g . le 7 i ilrom .triii4l*as 1 4itkiii A *t4rr.7oo:-441470ere -,***-4,ll;'*'4,fiff• s :l i . t # 'i o . - - ,. in . ,* riL ki! , •41 1 ,41.114k. , : . i , tt lag, ,, , ,iLt ri esti i; 7 li t . -'; ~, ~44 ,, .;,1. 4 1 r e t, ,-1 0 : 1 ,4 0 * - '— 1 • 'SOIIIOE et l• . ^-P .“- 4. , # / 1141 * ' •«-: ' , l l 4l Vi**? '. : 4o L aw -4 1 1. #;,-***lK:reeitiii • • 'ii% 09 = tort Ix; ..... ise ti il i a iar . : ex 44 lil o-4 11 4: ~ 4 .4, 4 xyaiiiii - velSeeieTt ie - iitoieatti . public 4#tieti IwiTlmesti• destrnetiou of lift , and limb, as I . l , 1 ..nere ie will giye General Taylor considerable trouble. It is stated that General Taylor wants light tromps very much. A letter 'front' Brazos. da ted 22d February, sayi that Taylor was busy making water tanks, and collecting a large dt - The anew rating' into & loud like Mrs. - Todd's the kypur poor little g. Todd told ing,' and her round &lighter, • Didn't I . . I'', flushed nitii!ietory—:it enemy _ .LP*l ..:,, Resol v e d . 'Ill•at we, in common with theland - the.flaMes went hissing on in that '.direcji sleep standing': ' . theiliffer cat • ean:ied animal. train of wagons and pack mules. -__ ~,- , had appui realy l e f t thatpart of the parts niknown—Supposetttowaril Vera C country for : every I T° 7 - ' - II -I •'I Gen. Worth's division hid all embarke4 eN- t h ese. nenl i I power. With , energy ; and lexha st every resource, to people of ettunt ry, dandy sympathize with .t' destroying every thing in. their coursti!' were rela;S:riiiiiiiala..; . iiiiiiit;:irataful and clossi , I ion. . f establish isi its 4 f perm ant t. 4 - 1 , , tho s e o f Irela.,d and other parts of Eurepeon : i n cintling the recently tit.ted , up, and heavil cal attitude's Tlielitni and.the Ciger,•the Icon coOights; atm d us, P 4 i"ting out the ' whun the hard mad_ withering hand id I aulibe I stocked, Dry Good store of 41 S. ,&.,' '3l- (.I,i art! and the panther, were lying , with their. Flu : tent thn:Dragoons and light Batteries. • Gen.' !dangers in dur path, i behooves us to bury tis laid, anti whose - miserics are aggravated I.Y im em . ,, r, until they were arrested, 0 . Inio.st for affeetionatelY •tnined about vita egliei; • iiitl- I', orth ig*ja, sail in a-day or two in the Etlitir.l , the - past in 'Oblivion, an takin,fl.4 - oat Maki 1 despotic rulers, win) rub labor of its just rewal 4 ~ • n ant of fuel. 'lle most southerly buildin i g out regard to spOes - of nativity. ~,-./it., cants s. —— - .. ------- ' -- - -- I Every thiiig for Kit elides and nothing for I ~ and impoverish the many for the benefit of the: , lbrn e d was the old one ore spied b 3 M., C. _lr„ where is more. ban- one aninial,:it iii,the,ne*er- .1. men," to prkss forward t to the enatest as onei few. i ' rout as a Harness shop. • The extension Stagy failing enstont for one . to keep wateh..whilell.. i . man. 111 . , i 3. Resolved, That it is,a s.airce of - gratiti- I Wings attavileti n. the Chit moat Tiouseavhich others sleep. The. sentry' 'is felle . yed 'ti - itir:i, „;! In conclq . pion. let in say, that whatever mayi cation 'to the benevolent an d idllbinthepie, to; wore situated on the south side of Pine stre4 much, reLnibuity 'as id ii Well regiiiiito ealii4f I be the result of the .del berationa of die Con.(l Witness the christian and republivan spirit ,„ ‘ere 1 1 3.50 nestroved. • ';' soldienc - although not probably with 'us' --- vention, Ls 311 be found, where I trust every Which animates. the 'people of these• United ! In the mean time the alestroyirn , • elemenl . precision in regarato;time, Tfje' sentinel ( .Democrat will be found supporting with heart Stattls in aktendizig aid to their suffering breth- .1 was busy in another direction: : The largp Ludt and fnitln: and is,very„.eareful.net tt t and hand, khe candid, tes 'nominated by tin ren in i. ,, 1 LI c•S countries, and that we recommend , three :in ay wooden building, : directly north If or do any" thin,„4,l6-irousehileentrittles, Conventionk whether Cy- be those whom I • . toour friend . throindiont the Commeliwaitilj the one in which - ' the Incfire. broke out, l - lielenaill II -J, -d -I R nI • 1 ,-, elision:l 3 .e 1105' own, , I, ...i. wa 1 4• r f d. not. 'Let us all reel e - • ' . . wad.. mere erre • • . ,to mho-the moat liberal etllltributious in 'matey' to 31es s rs. J. I). &.• 1.... D. Montan:ye and N. '4.:,. hmiti towards _the-Sreet et-tle ea,ge, 'and that this is the course f duty, and the glorious and provisions according, t o th e ex t en t. of their: Betts, and occupied by the former as a Div !sleeps until he'is..relieilVd... 'l l lt,is singulal i banner of Tkeniceraey. lott. trailing in the (bast, ; ability, for their relief, * , • Good . Store, and bv Mr. C. Pratt asa Grocerl, : tom, Herr Driesbaeliitt,fonirs'lM since I)' '' heretofore, berm! aloft in Vic- . - ' will be again,. as I 4. Resolrecl, l That,the increased prosperity , wt ,,, next einistimea. The second.story of thks. i ttection with theniena'gerie, itel,,a...nei,6 !tcry. , - . - F, -. .- - - . anti pewnr of our grea t ..eoun t r y, t h e results 4 4.1 building was eecupied by Ulysses 3lereur, .EscO, to be viohittal..; Tlieinas'Cai4.,7fitlntlf Witlitnafiy thanks to you 'personally. Ind ; her tree institutions and the faithful adminis- "as a Law Othee, and by Messrs.l i. 4 Posycl.& Ped- ; as Uncle Torinx ip,...,.,the,faithful . :ifigin thro' yoli4your constituents, for their many ' I tration of the Government, are satis'actory' evil ; n) backer as a Tailor slop. . The -Hall .of tlie ' o '' th e (t-..tablishment, antlylvi is now the manifestati4as of partiality and friendship,l :denetts that the accustomed war-cry of our op,- ', Sons of T empera nc e wast.in the -third z..u01. ,Ini_wilnit'On tfi l e, United'''. ateiVeinifiti. ..... , , remain sort. sineetlely. anti respectfully. suit ir•ponents as to the ruin to be accomplished bY TI I. -1 - -IF , 1 •'l* ,- tl- '" ' the rear ;statement.'" '' ' ..:'" - i'' n. arget %NI inf., louse ; t irt.e 3, in friend. - '" JAM1 28111 : 11 Ns . the tariff of L'Ati. will fail to Lace • any other iof this buildhr, belonging to Col. liitn , shuit in lr ' ' ' The - C-n . nation . then proceeded to male I effect than to excite a feeling of ridicule towards- and occupied -by 3lrs. Spalding, was consunied. i . 1 - , " 3 S. -74 4P- fOIIfIWMA 4., t.a. ; .',deseiii nominationf_for Gus when -, ' I the atithors of these senseless predictions,— . Th e next liniklinn in th.i.direetien of the ,rivO, i the islanliyhere the volunteers are to i Mr. Fr3-4,nominateil Francis B. Shnall:---‘i Our farming, manufacturing and other iadus- on the south side of the public square,- was :1 !sous, previens,, to 'inLattack upon Vera.' Mr. Winchester, 11 'o. M. Hollenback ; Nr• i trial interests, t arc in the highest state.- of pros- : two story wooden one, occupied - by D. C. 141' as in is supposed : \--,, Hale, impEpl4 ank and Joseph B. Ard ..--, ' perity, and are, nut i n juri o usly a ff e cted by the*Fas a Stove Store amid Tin Shen, :Ind owned 4 . 1:1 The Island ef.l.4obos;dc'Orlsliitiel; Mr. EbanO, • in; - igler ; Mr. rßride, IL ( operations of the tariff. , D.- F. Mirstow, Itlsti. 'This was burned, togeth- I I irt c mile in. ICingth anti .-lidt a.mile,lin D. Faster •-, - 'i' Mr. Heat , Win. P. Wilcox ; and I 5 Reo/red. That Ire have untli wird 410 'er with the two small huiltfings directly easti' llt is thickly coserntl qtli . it\ t, kindis.4j . i Mr. Grahakin N. R }hired. ' ' confidence in:the integrity and purity of the- Next came the "Clairmont House," the lat.- ' llnd ' + . 4 s-' '.l i' . 'no - • ; Kerr, a .t. tree,.., ~ h . 9.. - • litan T 1 • The macs ef 'Sle‘srs. Hollenback, Bigler.,l President and Vice President of "-the United :a- es t public house in the place. Nothing lin ' ,! tl the cabbage :lad lime ireett. • AS , it , ha: Wilcox ant Foster iv re- withdrawn. - 1, I‘qates and ofthe several heads .;f departments, '' smouldering ruins now tell where it stood.„ -L„- ,tofore -been ichlorii vi..4ted by the',1647.4 A rettol4ion deelar , ing it c*pedient that toe;an'd recognise , •iii the performance of their high ",' This too, was owned hy Mes' srs. *1...D.& ED.. i it is filled - with snakes, rats, lizards; ant, ndidate ',o be nem tinted lly this Convention ' rovernor shall Ii ye two-Oirds of the votes' abilit . Conention„ w s mutt diced by 3lr. :kr- ' nil debated for a short, time, when it them. 'the table ' seas ',3, nays 30. to pro cod to tote on the rionii- constitutional duties, the just evidence of the y and energy with which they perferint d the duties of the high stations entrusted to : next, a . I 6. 'Resolved, ,Tlfal it is - with pride and gratifi-1 1-etit . ion we present T ' Montanye, but occupied by 3lr, (.2- i nkrFe . m c ilr.. lof ether reptiles, : }-is situatedin lath I sereau. The Shoe Shop .01 N, -Tuttl7,, ~ealln. , el;26m. north, : lengitiiclai.deg,t.m.,4ss: int-then went in AMA. sueceision'. ifie I Vera Cruz. On the aniiiinVe t side -ef I Store House ofthe . ..Messrs. l 3lontanyes, .lid 'land is an., e-veellent atiellera e, well al- the Blacksmith Shop of Wm. Trout. ~. . 11 . i front the nerth,.and. whieb -re itirca . .-no 1 ...RANcifi,ll. Su nx a, as our ; From this point the fire crossed north Ito 1 lar instructierts-ibr. d'edeliMais , tug being agreed to, the bal- camdidate for Governor; his private character ' the Court Hoin. , e, which all efforts could 9 ptl the fine* : fiall,.p.re:e2.s,43l 4dtlit wit \'a : . 16 irreproachable, and his long public services ~,a re. , '• . . :. I' land line along the shore, snob as red . .. . _ , ,catty, libaumont, Bough I afford thn surest guarranty of his future 'Udell- i We are, unable to 'give y .cstimate of thel&e.; and ait,niglit-,,alLthat.hf;:.petiessa; 'item, Benham, Bennett, i t y and devotion to the public interests, and to amount \ f :the loss, ,or indeed, to say h4w take a long..stiak,;tindineelrltwenty 0r . .. ran: Cleekner, Clark, 'sound Demeeratic principles.., During his pica- I much, I anY, was insured, -Indeed, wea!re birds from e.aelt i itilq, - , - ; - - - A - 1, ..ici Veit...l:now hotel!. elly, Drum, Dun- I emit term, bis administration has been distill- ~5 , ,, 1 fatigned that -we are , obliged .tode Or this ,u - 41 last, as',l4ll4s)iaxe,,A,deeidedinicf es• Dr ' llbkb°h • j guisbed for an inflexible adherence to the car- r eore minute particulars. • - . , ~. . I. t erenee to 'ganie, '.'"Peirklatt*Tieaus. afe. l arng' :- 021 Fry, J. - shua , di„i prinefples 'of Denweraer, sound ccottom;Yl In looking over the above we-notice that . we c — . Cornesport#4A7R: itint.,• ; i ... j . hart, • hick- ;and a rigid enalutenanne of the Irtibiie fait4; , liave omitted to mention tholesttnetioin of tlie ' , Hazard, this whole coti' duet. as well :is the usages of the , heavy stocked 'Store House .of the ties ..{•, EY'l netv't . kiVi . IV '- Ilt rittii -=-Thf I, l ti _ 0.1 ... ~.. - , ,,7,. 4, ,F .: , AL . S • sr ~., Glen- Mercers, which was Situated in - tle .31 °°tL`•inne 1; :i. (4 12 :)':falitt*,I qs,: . 1 1. , 1 all p i ited to his re-nomination, ' party, em i 3L• y o i , '' , " n, I and his re-election will be sustained by the silt- ;rear of their More. . directly . " Ain intelligentiand reliablid enridspistident• . , I at jilmouri. rtite,:-tiotinty inkrm's ini of a '4TI" ' fines of an honest and intelligent people. i ! How the fire originated ire have not yet as- , .-. *,,,,,..,,,- ~. *. ,.. „ , 7. Resolv d, That we heartily approve of 1 cer t a i„ e d: i _ ~ , • ..4 f. c Ii I gular eireitinstaki:Wineh hnalolTlOl l `4l- t r u ''' st and demded course of Gov. lintx.a.' in the' ' .t . friiOili4 'ititdisOrth`di serums IF it d.tuany,o . - . . c . happen if you got Pram itr.st. Luis itergblican, Extra, Fib. M. Later lapin New Mexico. i I Our correspondentatindependence annonn- 1 ces, in the' following letter, the arrival of a 1 company of ' Traders from Santa Fe, and the reception of Wry important intelligence. from 1 New Mexico. ' He wt.' es : 4 , t INDEPENDENT 'MO, Feb. 10. 1547. .1 As news of some i ortance from SantaFe I ''ist reached ' us, I asten to give yorithei Aion. Nine men, with two wagons, di-'' Santa Ye, rcached here this evening, I intelligence of a battle-baring been I n Col: Doniphan's regiment and I l bout fifty miles above El Ptessot ve just had an interview with a trader from-this place. company just in. The me are as follows : is march down - the, xpeeting to join en within about 1 ley observed I cm" with al t out an v it. ha itifo `red fr witc,l briig 'l, fin W.tw i. the Mexicans, L ' N ' orte. • I b Mr. M. L. Knrrsc who was one of the ... particulars Which belga Col. Doniphan was on , country, either intending or 1 0 en. Wool at Chihuahua. fift7 , miles of Passo del Norte, a body of Mesieans approaching black flag: Doniphan halted and se interpreter to know what was meant .. The answ-er was a demand for an uneon 1 'at surrender. Col. Doniphan milked fif Minutes - to think of the matter, and in les. ,than the, time asked; formed his men in battle ) array, - and at the tithe:',-. ordered his men, as 'Soon as they formed. 'to" squat etose to the gronni, Whieh they did. 'The Mexicans fired. Col Doniphan did not'return the fire, hoping to avoid a, battle. The Mexicans fired again, Which 'wounded several Americans. Col. Don- iplith thinking its little more , serious than at, tire which firm, ordered his men to tirewhich they did i with considerable efhet. . he Mexicans stood but the one fire from our it erring marksmen. They 'brake ranksiand scatt red .in coufusion. le'arVitig 30 bled en the' fiel ' • Doniphan bad about six hundred men with him at the time, 'aid they report that there were twelve hund red Mexicans. None of the. Americans were kilied—secen, were wounded. . ..,-, There hhd been an insurrection planned at Santa Ye. headed by the priests, but it . was I discoveied in time to prevent it. At - the time e the company left, the Am 'cans had twenty 'ef_the ringleaders arrested., early all of them `priests; and it was -though t hey would be ex ecuted. , . ~•:~. , :.1_ .Y.c There has been a peal- deal-of sickness 'in' the American army, whictOras very fatal—fe- Ter of zi.ttiboid r6arrfetcr, - sweeping *cm off daily. - Ont of Priee's whole regiment, there were not 300 men . able. to-perforin duty.— lio*eccr, a pskimi:Of hiii.regiment was in the Mountains, but our.; informant has 'reference to. those in Santa " Fe. Vonipinut's regiment has 'been' much mo r e healthy .. - "-GOO& were etthitliebilovr at , Santa Fe.--1 Calicoes are as low as they. Are here. Tobacco i fs Selliro4fien Cents .peir pound. = Seyeral of `We trider**A , Mit- at reduced 'Odom he 1 COMpanY'sold 430 - sent, upon eastern ; nest. Not* 410 tfienirwill lose 'money. _ • • - 1 1t-iiiitholfght4V Santa that ,Taineal striit been noticed) Witiddlie''. - pull& death at Chihuahua. As you Ittiwiniireblied' by the Indians -below , *lkmnttheiiiiiken prisoner by the Met , Itypi - i-and - foitud upon - big 414p*hea to , peo. - wool. irhole s oiri.Otittthiit'airkeittigiN: having litaiiiwitffintmilf3"yeiti; multakenthe oath vt" 0 11 4**.. 1!1 . 11.44 / 1 P 4 4 1" ,traiwr- The winter4olo 4 : inliguant 'ievire in :Mita Petadie'ecilittiewitltigrAe recollection L of thcol d efyin4abitant; ; The t'ln_p,l4 odor the Mor ' asprif- *hoit *Wariktr,,ti - tagiteti:# ll idie .o4 W: , , , "1416"6**1021* :tiittis4l4' j proNalikr nearly the whole of themper ! j,..b e rt iipNmrn were frozen to death at Cow - - • of tit wholeUnion,,m, The maiuts3liance of the 'ciples of Duty party,, imp every Detue#at the sun al prefelletufp or- rejuil mind Alia t r.ha m EMI Or tti Cauley was laid 4 The mooo nations for:,Go lot stood A l i) folio Messrs.. iAllismi; nor, Blnel44l3rtnti, toLt Buchana4Cliristia, W• •r. Cox, , Cha .. an, Cla •, Do r, 'lap; De lager, 1? 1, Deep t. i irn Derr; t; ra.:, S, Erre, 'razer, Di 't. I Fry, G whin, GL.fii, Gialloway. , flea ,; man, Ilaies, lielbrook, liamilton, , IfeeltinantHeatlaEfoorer„ , Hartley, !, coy Jon 4, ,Sartiliel Jones, ;Jayne, .1a -, Kneass, it t ,,esslei,diatz, Knox,' Kugler, Lo `Lyons, Ltpg, Loirgacre, Lnehenbach, Leiper, ILippeneott, Lee, .James Miller, : 14:Cu:Bough, M7Kinne* M'Don&ld, • 31 . dern-ell, Mason, Montgo4ry.. 3.1.00 re,. .:SP.) . enoins, M'Bride, Nill, O'll Oen, Painter. Ott, Alexander Power,' i Porter, thilips, Riddle, Li !Robinson, Reed;.; j Henry 144 y, V. - 4s tillei.ly, ' Reamer, Reef:mm-1 I der, Ilultlr, J. Ro instrn, ltiankiu, Rider, tild .- . imer, Stainer, San erson,intith, Stroheeker, • Storm, ,t culler,' ... toward,' Sharp, 'Stallmait,! Trout, Lta!ris Tayt r,, .Sam gel Taylor. - Vonte; ,Wartroa4lVinehe ter,. Weleb, !and A. D. INrn-4 0 0 1, 7 1oc,H„voted.ro . y.FR.vslats it. SLIIINfi,. ' 1.. )• ' '' l ; Bra n:1 •., .Baw4r, Cake, Ebaugb,, k , xlri Diramie -). Farm er,-: . f.il ham, Gloninger, ilawes, : f,,arAr4l,l,- John. S. Millen M!Cauley, Thomas , Powe_ 2 -d Pa e-14—voted for NAT/lAN4L B. E Ditxp. Measrf !Darirls r„.ViottLlJohnson, S.eariht., and A. I,ilWilso 5-!r•TOfor R. ix J.. os " Lot BEA t3tl .., - lIIE=ICZ=NO Vaux, . 1 w • The names of the gentlemen marked th is) (w) were •Withdrawn, Meant LON GSTitET IL of Montgomery coun ty, having received a, majority of all the votes given on the fifth vote, WU S declared duiy nom 'inated as the Democratic candidate for Canal Commissioner. On motion of Mr. M'Cauley, , the nomination ,of Morals LoNC.STiMii was unaninNusly con firmed, and a Committee to inform him of his nomination appointed.. The State Central Committees were then ap pointed. - The Committee on Resolutions, consisting of Messrs. .1. Glancey Jones, of Berks- county. ltcah Frazer, of Lancaster county, Wnt..J. per, of Philadelphia city, T. Donnelly, of Alle ,ttlitue!ttoifneis, i t m ha p t os indlz . gheny county, George Sanderson, of Bradford party of my native , „owcy, t lard Painter, of 'Westmoreland county, countyand Wm. IL Dinunick. of Wayne county. re suchi ported the foll9wfteg resolutions, through their amediate a co of ur 17m a.s n' 1 n 3-O a; "u stituen "' I clmit man, Mr.-. 1 j Glancev Jones, which were ul harreemy of the unanimously ado.rted:: The liniportance Relul,7(d,. "hat, the . members of this con• vo l iiism are ueep y unine,su with senseof in Perinsylvania, to, of our own State, ' but gratitude -ft;r the abundance with whiOk a tot be oret-estimated.. • ••- _ i seendan6 - of the priii erativelt demands of ,ender nt-every person tee. L 4 us- bear in enemy encounter tLa.t. mill slor . • a g letter from to be made Tom er, Esq., and .s to the 4th T tbL iMuhtiful Prcvidenee has 'filled this land of freedom, and for the great prosperity that per vades the countriv.in its mural and social eon and in alt - the industrial art) productive pursuits of the petple, agricultural, comtherei al, manufacturing and na.c.h.anical. j 1 ant :oiu,. lres :ctious land responsibilities which ho has so re • tedl ' urged -upon the Legislature to be, applied ~ 131 nking institutions ; the establish ment of th t • just securities to prdperty, and the profits ' biber in r , ''crence to the Banks chartered at th. last session receives our de- cided approbation, and as we believe, the ap probation, of the pc. e; and we e)itirely,ap- move of did able honest and upright .course / /ich ho has pursue in interposing his veto to all corporations ch. rtcred for indiviilual.j,niiii 1 by which on exemption was thus asked and' conferred from the oldinary responSibilitiea lot individual enterprize. , I , • 8. Ersolptd, That in the Hon. Miuta,ls.' a.i rin LOCISTIEML: We have a ca'ndidat for L'Unal Coinmissionei of whom the DCMi3 racy May well bb pro d. Ais inflesible iote *ty, big . h. order of to cuts, and Sound Deniot tic.pinical pies, col= rabbim to the:cordial Oppottll4:4 affection o every Democrat in Pennsylvan 9; •.Reso red,' That the recent aplion 9 ; Ipe: t . v i cJtate..ni of r Thou ponent. -of -life has eV . . maul 4 triviri* "I 1 the ;ixitiin ,. : . ci _ t _ yi I;l 7:y: eat s ur_ e n .. n , i ....... an ... ; ;,...es ,Thir rii ' lol4„ o ki ,ot 3o: i . s t i , :. ) The entire freedom of the pr4s ih jaamy to'P li ttbh:e.:: e en inis Tsur bo d es u en , e 'e L t . ss7 iriu _ett P ti u m b al .o l :to f : , oe _ . . in .p7v re ! s :: o h n o , s p e l l : livtanniti f i r d le , na m il f o o l i rma n :u The elan on ,j 4ha ll igivv il irnl ot : : . Y iii i t t' l . hgr,, :in: 6 4% : : e re-: ; 1 1 , , ii st: n tho d ris o of r mi libert eha ies'i meas " mi. "l3 loi Y- th ett:e th re e r -" ep e re.S . e t! Vi7tpea-ILla7:lllafnintists:;-,ilighthe'llir saber. girl iii. , w il l: ld 4 . Itk ii etl y i' l " a of...,everf tizeiiwlKE'llklungt.-thnl in oritit; Norse,lecelvvititifornitthitt4leskto,` Ito_ 1 p , t.i l vil o. e , g ße e oA itai tne , iie l e tis n t fne .i.it e . m oil e ;s n. iv ., g .. s.o ; w - D ': ~- .. , of her sist ., ,ers , bad:died , oflitiareati : . ,tm, , p i - ~, , : i. 1 , .. , 1; .: : , the lite eient State Treasurer, i entitle te h . 'Qr., Th e ji iitc hiiio w l atrtl * l„. 0 ing ii•the . greter itlislike OC 4 .4' . ,Ven*Ro Y.: ' rnt, b.pitelt_,,,, , r 4 # 24 . 41 0.00‘,. , -4 .#40 . 4 1414 : I°43tii -the el sdrviees -It has, rendered the•oohull uncl i lll•t ini Clindny! $2O 7' ; theirie•Mtplhttlettift*thi ye rgle e' the snares ful perfohuanee of his 0 , eial .., Oties,:fiof of the roor f trelall. • , t t 35 .1 I S '9 . v, le United States, iu tiM.expeigion Ritchie, the able ana l faithfiiii-ex-, u ftearlat the doetri es of democracy,: ihist Mced his less devo "on_ 4; the of the great, 'ncipl of fog er eetslith mg '. d : denim/turn, -r r Uni a h w a4a hyp r o,ti 'rem dat w 9 Vi r e b tli r e t i l Psralle e se r4"t iio 'l4 4 4 ift‘r ; 1 7'1' . ' 3 ' . . Froll i ßil leir exi Y° C o* : web - 4 - .81 - 1 le t;:"lpre coi putiforth d3,iring. time casnpaim 1-T oi lta y S a t f in H of av t a h n t n a oo id n e stn h n ar o l un es 4e tron d , th o e f .rece_ i o 184.4., ati . :thet would iroseribe *sane 16' rte -,!.,_; c - ::::„.. .; i. ,-"-:i t ji; ,/, :-* ~ „1 oni ,{ lrem Cruz to the Bth, an the, • ./1 1 . Risold That* pledge OutselVes to - 111exi,e0 to the 6th Fehr. , ' , 1 .„, , .., at oc e ni s, e re m e t m ic g ie: an undivided and hearty sitilperCto . tlio l'l Tito substance of thii intplligenee is tl / , n min' ations of this colivenfien, , :Iclur candid resistance •of the Clergy to the meditates 1 i p n irt entl y y a w nd eril ite y p efi p h i e e, s'ppptni of the lack iiipon their property 'has ben.suceessi r d.nDen t 4 .1 The ferment which --they havp , been 'f oera Who is tine to hRi. tic.' ni willliieinahad" intimidated both th', Govern] . pro pm , , . 4 .- . , . . - 1 L ~. :g etup i hipis , , . directly or , ins*etly,,,frous , :aetFausei4nd-,Gen. Santa Anna '';' the latter Lavin i ti) oppOSe tlic"in:' Y. ';',- '"' ' —'*- .';'' en ilea letter to the Cengress: 2 ' '- wl , .In & i, ~1 12. Resolved, That - we are in favor .of a_ rsinuated a disclaimer :of the authority , vigorous and energetic prosecution, of it - e - ex- i " orship - Of the Church' desponding i'Sting war with Mexico, repudiating the " ma- ', nd advised ,tl4-' adoptiti** s*.:loic r ~ terly inactively ", policy as unitise and inipo- ant substitute.: ~.:- . . ~ ,-. i. :1,-...",-H' , I litic, and ,only calculated - to piolorig - thelvar; ! - 6. . T he -final-issue '*-land cheek the patrioism which - the jtistiee.of 1 o'rprniitent for4-LOotti4tootoq pet . ;our caush has, in such an eminent , degree pro- ti l l the.restoratiOuet ret.i.cer.X l . l i lckl it *1 i'duced throu,,,whout the United States. : . .rstoOd the.S.:llOrk'_ietle, -- iiiiii4-0441 - 4 I , 13, flemitreil, That the rereoval from the l' f t - Meant fine the 'pin:o4k et the - Aim: marions o ffi cers at Washington, of every oppo- I finned ; to inert 5,.. dejipitz,,thti vi germ. 'neat of the . National Administration, .or ofl imserluilo. eXtortieitis, 'ef.Saida ARna y ., I.l)ennicratie principles and measure, has been Oecure i money . and proVislOn iheref ilbng called for and is alike demanded by she ;could finfithem.-_,...-- , ~_ -..-: , ~,),., ivoice of the Democratic pirty;Mal tiled:lost in- 1 Santa Anna had forwarded; a• dest, terest of the country, and ought not , to he .letter to the Goverinnetit, in - which,be.repi ii,onger Postponed or delayed.. I : . - . lie "chatoe of npatlvAnatle,agamst him, i . Mr. R. U. Hale, from the committee on Ad- lie Impible destitution .of his forces, Yet . . • , dress, made report; 1 • - ns protestatibus 'of valor,. and [patrtotisin, and ' iThe address will appear l4reafter.l .- .. ideclares his rcadiness - te retire Inteprivate lite, Cho Convention then adjourned sine die; t or to go again into,. foreign veils{ it'Congret s , 'think - lest" "''' . )''''''''l'''''l'''; .-- :'" . 47 — " ''? -', 1 11 If they wish hira,-TVltinsiln at the heal of Lille Army, they•know bii . gridresolution; which is to nmet4.he eeemy; and to - Win imperiihalle lt'glory for his.conntryi t ly4leath,er,sictory. i Ile adds that be. is abort to,pc.ei Om enemy. Th e capture of the American detachments bad !roused some enthusiasM.- Theletter was di tett Stith ji nary: , ' ..' : '.: 1 at L \ ‘ ' e e t r i a ve C' P r r n i z, 6. as r late a§ ,the 1 1. "Newa of the Idss Of the Britikl ; Tweed hail reached Havana.,. __,, , We have a rumor from. Hiatwa; -tltat Santa 1 Anna, Auring - besiilities;' Ival lola declared 1. 1 I' oteeteir of'Mexiean 'Liberty; - with --full power I to bring the War to a speedy termination ; but It is'only a rumor. . - •,'-'. , '.,', ~ • -, A great part ofTosiant in Aphe The Court llou.se and Jail— him* House Pine Heavy Dry . GOods EstablisAments— t l'hrer Grocrrits,--Several Dwelling. !Jou"- scs, Store liouse., Sh ps, tables, 4'c., all burned to the ground ! ! ! From the lirmlfot4 Amu. ofSathrdaY• • As we write we have before us the simmf dering runts of the must destractive,confiagra lion which ever took place in this section of! ;the State. About two t . elock this (Friday)l ;afternoon, we were aroused by the cry of E jaml upon lookino• nt fro our ollice. window, well i:discovere the frames burstingfrom the roof ctir tithe -bilding . on the east side l of Main street,) . jf as t below the public square., occOpied by 11) plessre.,J, Kingsbury, Isl . , IST. Betts, am k ,:31ontanye and Fox, as dry gOotistorcs. • Upori rep:firing to the spot we discovered that all at 4i ftempts to save that and the adjoiniuglmilding* i wonld lie useless, and the Worts of eitizen*' wore mainly di, reeted to carrying out theetfectsi A powerful effort was luade th prevent the tire fruhs crossing Fine street upon the .Suuth, but the wind.was lively i'rom tho North, and alt was vaii. Vie Flat Store of Henry Mercur and the dwelling ix:Untied hyJ. K Ferd.;whieh were directly across the -street, soon caught _ , Nevi., 'Post OHlce Law. • .! The fqllowing items in the Alcor law will1 1 ;he of some interest to our readers 'The franking privilege to-Members 'of Cin- A , ress and officers of Congress is,eympletely4e stored. • During the war, and• "three athothifafterilhe officers and solders of the Army aro te,ret: Ire. their letters anll'newspapOrs free:Of p9gtaz ~, ; ..I Tt is_lnade illegal to deposit two :tottcr.l4 • in the sante envelope or leacaSo to affreici#, Ot oes. The penaltj. is slo, i one,,hilrto tholitt ormer. 'rltere is, however, a firOlso thit'llVO,, aw shall, not apply to packages gent to.fOr4mii enuntries: - - . 1-' ' i •._,'.-''. ; r 1 ' • icespap e rs not gr!t front the - oftco of p#b- L lice - Lion arc to be charged. with=threewith entslm.st .ge. : Fro, also. a4.liatitibilli':iitid ; ',,ir9l444:,, !! Newtilij,`Or's truiar . l . 36,o#4, ''.9itt_o,tli fitail by — itny'koo tractor s oi*ati,slio•.':ill9,n: titter 9r Bale of for - tlii,tribiaiolti," ~., _I _ 1 o°llo4 rostrOirite . .aficopkirj,., as - tiyro . 'hii9(krea doll: 1 , 114 'tin& ' i'l,ll9i —" - - •1- and 'under, at 9 atlbtFo- rq 4 Av. o lettora fre_ ii(')!italo vate bigness. i t 1- DREAN'IIL t ew Y or k -lop ) . uno sao'k, Oaf a servant ' 4 '4 -at in the :family o( General IL BM MI • Ila.bitst of nettageOW - Ileastu. A writer in 4 cin c iiii,4o .midnight visit to , thelannuais; 0 .0 1 .4 11113 dA Waring's 31,enageri, .inNyintnrsjuarlers in that city, With Driesiiail,-tlie fataut:s says •- • . It's - as a sig,ltt -worth walking' teu-sniles to see. - We found, bantrary to the aSs6rtions natural his toi ianti, an" ekf3hant lying down: ' alas always' bten'fisseKteft that; these, anima! This„Wki: 4 4.4l)ll,eaßtlieO:Prnti imiijenie:fir2ht of thegreaS t :Ara' erieoi seeral in lengtb:aa'Oeniiiiii - Og'inAliOn 111'0c:frill S )11Tengergf,,th9y,=-90,along in i taog , and .at , tiokesictorke.neit:tbe..#l‘ele ileiron•— The writer saysearn fikini, fine nortb s .and,steared,,,n..orly . soutbi;,,soind i ff6ir foes as ' tre'eoinit others so liiih4i(LlFß l Y.t' beficen., A,one_tirne tlto *biA:etulhptseeined to be darkened witli • tii4 6- : 1 iNI east to westr,,north.tO son 01; ,fro4:4 6 4PKof t . " 44,1411 a t i sisht,,e4ferefieli l iras bi l e ail • "*The 04 1116 4, sage, 401.4) SPArip 4 iu'liis; *odd inbet:''' where the' oweA ate e Itmd ri. Eirq., - I* . ,k fired the ! , 10 , 11 le** t 3 lint** .:s , t mrelc. geotkuPol yin* Vol ;defence Isere nol:in; 'ail Slimmer
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers