Northern democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1844-1848, February 18, 1847, Image 3

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    i , .. l'itE IHIMOCRAV-1-I.L
nielgod bow tido. to. Ltlonioodi L aw
No row Om)? IO aid oo shalt swe.`
1! I = 3
. _ _
g fr iends must exams Am tor Termii
i ng .sozera,ottrteolmmoS tOlheimst4niny, at
11 . ,.4.9u .the-sebjegt 4.4le4iesgif
'On*. ..C4r 3 a0".Z. 14 ! 0 4611 !(4 - ti ad
viiikismeleeiliari4le 6 '4(*** t e al
*stain;nroidir b l e.sisigesiiiiini6M. n o t
444.0.0i6.101.3"(Wir*: iind to
admit all " 14 4 iiiii)*lti:!,plete
sa*rly er4aiiiirteesent
i pp o n . noes. • I wo be
satisfactory toad of our Mends slim lave - done
of the honor 4414,ithReiti to their riews
umar, and ,Messrs.
sun r t iirptitt ? continue to lay us cadetidiom varlosalaii,lic favors.
htie reeetivi numbera.'of
the ilowseaitol Iteiorter4".published in
is;eitg - frotn BissucLjormerlioi
,Bn4lya,thiskonnty, but low, as we learn
front the "ReOter,r wnieraber of the ISewste
oftbatinfintisate. His friends, witkeursels,
will sincerely e?agratulate hint that he has sit.
seised so ptotilnent a position in the riir4S of
do Demme* party off off hex. .
bar Gov. stinsa has vetoed the WI to in
the Pennsylvania Adroit - d Iron Man
ufacturing eouipany. Reason, absence of the
iOdividnalliOty clause, ail strongly Opposed
p ` * Cooper, the probable Fedsral candidate for
`4lofernor. • .
'Tns WlL:sto.r Priorteo.---We learn'that our
noPtOnontativelin Congress, Mr. Witstor, en
tettained the Howe With an able arid eloquent
-speech upon what the " Wilmot pro
iito." on Monday week. We hare not seen his
, r!warks in s ftdl,l but see his effort highly spoken
•of even by thosewhodiffer with him upon that
llobject.. The galleries of the House are said
to *me been thronged during its delivery.L-
We.sliall publish it as i soon as a revised oopy
is wxtived.
The idie of an Editor.
. A Ortain able and experienced writer * has !
:well sail that "'the editors of newspapeto have,
in fineiotts!aski It is not the writing of the
lesdihgl article itself, but the - oiffigation to write:
Olt article every week, whether inclined or'
- nit, is siokness Or in health, in 'tallied* dis-,
trets of riled, iinter and slimmer, year aftei
fear, tied down! to the task, rcmalning iri one
spot. Iris aesiiething like th 6 walking a thfitt-i,
rain - miles in thousand hours. In itti va il
elf it '1
appears ?loth' : but the Moor is not ruatdfest : 1
l o t i 4 it thesis or, it is -thecoatinual attention!
wilich it mild ~. Your life 'becomes, ali it
iwkv . • „: , %..ntr:-- -- )tte.-4trevir.itvur'
r-itreetbil and , tinted, than on comps ,another, :
It is the Stone of Sisnanim an endless rfrpetir
Nies of toil, a,. oonsuutt weight ttpon .the mini,
a eswtintial irearing-upon the Intellect and Ipir
- . - irtion of ; your
are compelled til do
'o write for, a paper.
one, is to. '
Aims arc so itverse
"hiltablie, nee alilie; 4k. wish
i ,
i,Mbject, and what may -.:
0106"; may be, iota 4
ilksically, ~.mss
'lad!. '
100 1,4. • Orie disll,es hislapeT
ttactiiii -of 0 Vet storier" aii4
A' Nit* *1 brii: viSile iht
toil •inditar'ihniliteis tdis it a-1
thy ,
L Pat up=
14 sal.
lay its ,
;sliceable to
ibeisast it is
'•ls . oaL :iiibehLa paper, if
eastaii#g• kie of -them
1t 1 f 4 0. 41'14 . hiee' , One #4/ 1 -"
,ber‘stse it is not ,
1e163-4061e0.124#1-url,l anyj
4 e *Watt
One deems it
the ready 'se
as ettry,l, L. ,
A - laq wander;
boo An - in' aiding theitefinens
i iiiirteondemna it most ba
it acsosip jy , wen
of the ~iisi it
lady Nieuwe
Armly. 014 them ita couitenenee. ''
Aa Matamdiefilariatter Mulles just come
*ll 4 our .. salrb erOt ill S n ts '
tratiax of , MOMMlPloliOlte ona:° ft eOln"
we quitod ' ' 41**m , A '4lll Y or two
`afloatimettt—ie Inn Drif 1 11 , -
44a fa' mi aoseftkevillalol oiloolleiMl4 . _ 4
MY 7 - ' ' 'or , liberal and DasooMtie
16114-- adafeWohg Vt i l•wrifi w i' 6214 efi
dito)gdyielikit4,4idakidi- ~....
,1 ,, 44,,,- ;;;
..ili itrciiiidiat444.:nithiii:
11**itt!r 4-441i-*P‘PeK th OtWoore dm*
like 4 with i i'''''' ' i- - '.
..- 7-, ''l / 4 -
1 don't nt it any lager," said he; " t
11. and yeti' appriip ri
it is net all. it is
trndgery of, editing a
lers" and etceteras.,
inable list of excban-
Etc., that renders it
things connected
• store perplexing than
like s the pir . son : and
:editinititude to please :,
, tip of 211 character*
otnitninirk.,.nf 'Anse
refinement down
gradations, even
and superetition,—
id, he luts them all to
be deeitied
performed st all. It
• has fully weotipliali-,
Roidrl Ot!rit3tisly; baf_
froiiiibti empyreal.'
The FehkakeY'reiniber of; the NE! Your
Miimiinsiii - sJsa been reeeirl
red, Sna Idn4d hare been aeltedged ere
this. si l o* it it splikAioitebody'sgtapit.
Ames toke-fr voa diet ik • Pte= he&
tolkg" to emit : y-.
mail" ,
A largenaiNini br Va. '
t ro,l 4 :kt 13 4 1 millions
44 1 4 ire to JAnteitietelOy in iife
has tae much
and I
~ wont have it." •
However, after a few mome nts, parlance,
which we discovired full
maw:of his ire, because Ire Lad„ iiithont his
consent (I) puldisbedthe.Addreaa,of tha ‘ coun , , ,
ty . Teinpernnce Conception, : AndAi
or Temperance meetings and lectures, dr.e., and
qat.too #y !quo: of a = and certainly
v ery.respectable portion of 'our 'readers, _lse . ;
Teri politely
_!nf°,rited, l 4 l n thkit Al* taqinest•
cou l d be grunted: whenever ho might find -
convenient to attend to his part of the busi
nos, at the : captOes office- and
settling up" arreanige&i.
We have mentioned this, what wo are happy.
to call,,unianaLisircumstance i ,for,the solo
of shoiifig *hat silly, ebibrisi o jectiont
are oft(iiti , sisefl,:ami !hat an eiidless., diversity
of tastes and teiiiiieraan editor mustrplease, or,
fall under a ponderous weight of ' indignation
_without measure , or mercy. Say what ho may,
bt 4 do *bat he' will in his calamity, it matters
not him; inexceptionable to the general reader,
ha is most sure,to find . some cynic to frown, or
same : captious , narrow-souled wight among the
multitude - othis patrons, who will be prodigal
a hia,censure, or wreak his vengeance in some
rimier. , He may rack his brain from morning
till midnight, and wearout his existence in his
endeavors to please; but alas ! poor falliable
mortal, he is prone - to give some trifling um
brage; but for himthe world bas-nOt an atom
of mercy.
Who envys an editor his condition ? or who
can grudge the scanty pittance 'he exacts for
his patience and toil? s
• It gives as sathrfactlOn to add here, that our proapectire
tan Was lannedEitej) made op.
The Relief of Ireland.
From every nook and corner of the Union a
voice comes up proclaiming that the knell of
Ireland's angntiog, which has so long rung its
dolorous - poi* unheeded in 'our land, has at
length been' beard, and that its mournful ca
dence bas awakened a sympathy Which cannot
again slumber until the ravages of the dread
monster, starvation, shall have been'stayed, and
relief, ( l ama ample, extended to that writh
ed alai seemingly God-forsaken people. In
nearly .every city, town and hamlit'in our land,
a spirit of generous liberality, commensurate
o A n i ty With the world-lauded sympathies of the
crican people, has began to manifest itself.
Public meetings have been numtrons‘held, at
which the greatest enthusiasm and noblest gen
erosity were. exhibited, While citizens - every
where, privately, and solely unaided by this
*raising maebineiy-, are generously rontrib
uting their mite to arrest the work of anguish
and of death ainongtheir less fortunate breth
ren abroad. Congress too, although borne down
as we are by national want, has nobly stepped
forth in the philanthropic cause, and will, we
cannot doubt, extend a charitable hand pro
portionate to its means. • In short, there is no
enunieratinilia deinbutidni iitefrarhy_be
ing pat forth for the relief of poor, famishing
Citizanwof Susquehanna I have you nothing
to contribute toward the furtherance of this hit
inane and ehristian' enterprise ? Think of the
mournful condition of'the thousands who are
literally stdrting to death, while the living, in
very many instances, have not strength enough
i left to bear the unclad, uncoffined bodies of the
dead to the tomb! Can yon not from your a
bundance spare some little aid to that suffering
1 portion of the common brotherhood of man ?
For remember that though the wide Atlantic
rolls between us, - yet true charity knows no 11111- ,
its, - And litlw sweet would ba the reflection
that some famishing mother and her children
had been fed by your liberality I.
-- Contribtitions, 'however small, will be grate
fully reqlyed, and may be safely remitted to ,
Joust J. 1 1 11, 1 4E11., 'ESQ., President oftbe 31er
lehatits'Itank ti: Y. City, wfruOvill receive and
1 forward all such , eums as .t'be benefoleut arc
disposed to give. ,
Of the two full 'pagt. of Legislative proceed
ings is the Harrisburg papers we find scarcely
ja sentence that we•can imagine of any Interest
to our readers generally. A Ll]l providing for
the election of Prosecuting Attornys by the
people, ae infrcidtmed by Mr. Dimmiek, passed
the -SenafaieTtursday. A supplement to the
bill incorii4ting :the Piits*g and Connels
ville, Railroad CoOpany bas been under discus- '
tg,io :th4.*l:-.- The to incorporate the
Pentiffyiranialliilroad Iron Mandsottning Co
ire - Tifealije-the- Govefifot; as (gal_ aup
reconOkeili6}:ud indefinitely postwiled,
- The -Ito* passed a-supplement to u bill to
incorporate the . FaMere PePPsite, of
Eittshurg:.-ayes'42, nays 37---and. rejected the (
lirbliitj elapse aMendment:—ayes 34; nays 138.
li: ew4k iity ; CaPitairinieshMent,ileenseiam,
ite. l .tover the remain
rfport :41egis!at!Teaction fur the week
past, , , ~;- • •
The reeolittiott .adjourn An the 16th of
3 tarch but
- •
1 )1 q4 1 1! 103 AF , Felmitasyis t herm pt;` ami a
t+ pital number it
the pease--manly owe 11:44r, y1i4 : 41 4 4:4 0
diki_lllo4'# PF c li and. P *..l4i*lLlge
l iar Gov Fuesi,,Denioerat, louphsten.clee-1
ted by the Legislature of Michigan to the ,-.11
S. Senate for six yilftrilioin the 4th of Match
next. lie -
ilk° thii place of Woodbridge,'
Whig. • .
- „
NEw ousrsarzirs.---CoUnteriett 'ono dol
lar bills 'on the Tompkins Co. Bank,.lthica N.
Y., vignette, locomotive and cars, Mir in drat.
Alsci Ws, on Morris On; Bank, MOr
ristolp, N. J. Engraved by Barton be Qnr
ley, brwhieli 'they may be detected. Also
10'S on. the Columbia Bank & Bridge Co., Co
lumbia, Pa. Look out for themi .
- c rLatitrtEtti charter of this
Bank was repealed-by the Legislature of New
Army , on Wednesday. There are an immense
amount of bills in circulation, now at a discount
of seventy-five cents on the dollar. •Ot' course
the - persons who issued the trash ate safeLitls
the bottlers who must suffer.
BINDUASITON AIi"AKE I .-11:(3 observe from
a notice in the,' "Iris," that a meeting of the
friends of suffering Ireland was to have been
held in Ilinghamton
.on Tuesday evening last,
for the purpose of contributing means fur the
relief of the starving poor of that famine-blight
ed land.. Cannot Montrose bestir herself in tho
cause ?
Senatorial Delegate.
WE understand that the Conferees appoint
ed at our Demecratie County Convention, met
at toundaff, on Monday last, pur§uant td in-
structions, as well as former usages, and ap
pointed.there being no Conferees in attendance
from Wayne or Wyoming, F. N. CR.4..,NE ESQ.,
of - Wayne, Senatorial Delegate to the 4th ,id
March convention.
Secretary . tif the Treasury in connection with
his recent report; submits a table shoWing the
duties paid fiorn the first of December, 1845,
to 24th of January, 11 4 4(i, under the tariff of
1842; compared with the duties realized from
the Ist of December, 1848, to the 23d of Jan
nary, 1847, in the five port - 4 of Boston, New
:fork, Philadelphia, Baltimore; and Clarks - um.
showing an increase - of the duties paid on the
tariff . of . lB46, to exeeed those paid under the
late tariff in those five ports for the period of
one month and twenty-three days,, upwards of
seven hundred thousand dollars.—Huntin t don
• say- Tho following eommnnieation should
have been 'published last week, but was not
received' until wo had too Mach matter under
ay to admit it without great inconvenience.—
However, "better late than never," is an old
saw whib we adhere to in this case :
: • For the Desenew.
l'imo License Law ExaailliieL
Yhe.questiou is not whether temperanee is !
good orlliatl. - But whether the pitting : Alum:l
of thliieense Law iiiit . .rentove intetnporance.l
I honestly think it will not. It savours too I
much of tyrannf.and oppression especi,' itt, a
'rmefty , lik . o - 17,ii.g. , . ,- r - tat ' ,t: j a il!
the moiements of those temperance men by a
. 'dialog" in the following manner : I was trav
elling upon a long journey, over a bad Toad on
foot, info in the afternoon, tired and weary,
when My attention was suddenly arrest6d by a
friendly- voice froth the way • side inquiring )
which litiy I was . journeNin2. I assured lam!
I was •dn my way- to the City of Life with some 5
special land important business. &it says tom- li
perancii, (for that was the name he ' claimed . d
I surely you will not refuse to go to may house ~
land take some refreshments and I.should bq
happy fo entertain you through the evening.--:I
I, I repli4d, " Sir, I thank you very munch for died
'kindness you have manifested in my behalf, II
but I lutist assure you my business is such that'
necessity- requires I should prosecute my jour 7 l
ney immediately."_ " But stop," says Tem-I
1 perance. " I feel it to be my , solemn duty to'
linform ;you that you are on the wrong-road to,
I the City of Life. If you would ever
at . .
i that happy- place you 'must retrace your Steps,
.1 and that inunetliately for I tell you ,plainlyl
you are on rho, broad road to Death ! Atithe
close of'these remarks he again besouglitine,.
to. to and witness his friendship and love.-4,'
1 - thenitold-hint it was 'utterly impossible for
me to 'ltlelay my journey another moment I
saw 1' was absolutely ,agitated at this . declar-•
iation I nd If& some emotions of dread
. and a,-,
' larm' - 'dlqueried in my otVn mind whit this
1 meantf l . fn .the meantime , while I was ruminal
1 ting neon these things, my pretended friend
temperance had platted himself directly in my
Path staring me full in the ,face; and thus he •
laddreated me w . ithia stern. face and an 'iron !
voice 4 "Sir, "said lie," I have used kind ten-1
der-eetreaty together with eloquence- and rea- I
son bet they hate all - proved unavailing. 11,
Will nOir try. one.. other :expedient which shall'
effect lily purl . and that is absolute physi,
ail strength,' As ,he.. uttered.-those words he
made al)espe' a effat toAay. - bands° ontne„
hut.l. Parried' t . '
effort - and made good 34 es;
. ape 41 d passe on my' *ay, not alttle stapri+
s - e 4 Atrthe.strange . .conduet of my old friend
terape,-Anec; for It Was
,evident ~ he intenaed' a
vfoLtiionsof my person or property., . •
[ - It I.true that:eloquence. and ioPhistry may '
I hid,..t, e 6 . ...,.tf0rni1ty of a erne! and arbitrary law i
and 'trick* pratewee -of friendship deceive I
An ho est and mompecting community and
take aWay-theirriglit* .
,_l:da not say that my
temporal:lca frig* intabil by the enforcement .
of 01014* to injure the' awe of temperansi, -
bikitill I have no .doubt - that'thig will be the
resultalmo . st in-every town where .it shall be
put in 'force. 1, • .
Virli nt hook, around . and behold Beast I . '
winch few days k bpd 'every Appearance
of It loMnii. 410 W .beginning to aSsunwk all the
feinciittif.wllmi. WI cautiousnessWlPsPcni 4 4
Me .therais ;something wrong.- 'lt is true it
may ' flour, -but then- it may , liq e 4 unetf l in 4 l.
vale" ht.. '• r ' .'' :.• ..' --.-! ''- t'
' - - ..n ,- ilea what'good reason bas-beenlaul
beforaitha,publie that, this Law will reniOvelnt
teMperatica if it-shoithl be carricitisto ~effeet ?
rantiolit mt not one. There has beet'
tqueb • And writteTt,hafarr oVtemOerance
Ana I. 100.1* iitlt niait: Mid ii*pi,iii4;-
.', Ant
i. 140 ti:U Nail - tlitie iiiiclipir • tlittfieutiive
ak. : -of in .. The ...objecfer will
rota Ily say :t t-ilquor cannot be had.... rut
M itao,l-to.Vili say it*oloa Will-* hiotr,tha
atilt ' , if 041.14 isi:'‘iiiitiol -onviiiiiiti )i
iwuititigi; Ciiiiseqoritly the .fritapper
; myt h .-__tli :
me mu Increase his drams. For the
44i. of my 05,41,90 '
refer to , 0.14iv0 proof;
proof that 1 prelliune will !mi. not cannot be de.
mC[l' 4
• 11l OtQkinint h Tt s'hled,
y w ere or " mr y resided,
this cit'd; similar Lam rids been liiiedittelist
season* and the result:report says is that more
than twice the Liquor has been used, and
total disregard of the Law, and- further, that
°Very, man deals in Liquor es- he' thinks prop- 4
et, .But I will refer to the assertion- of the
3lontrose Mass ! QonvpntioniThey say they
have the," united testimony oft;ho.rapst eq.
netit physicians to establish the fact, filat the
use of intoxicating drinks as a .heverago
health was aliays wunecessary.and never safe."
HeriTs - tin nppeal to the ' united testimony
Of the Inost•euunent PhysiCians in regard to
the use o:intoxicatin g 'drinks. To. them then,
wliarc . appeal, and for my iiart I ant wi ll ing to
abide their decision. First then sjc page 3/
and 3:.! of Doctor Win. Beach's first volume,
which reads as follows;
" Wine unmixed ivith aleahoy - used in mod
eration may be considered a wholesoMe . _drink:
In those countries where it is produced in n
Intmlance the people drink freely of it without
injury and are proverbially temperate. In
i'muce,.wheie there arc . such immense quanti
ties of wine, a druiikard is Seldom or never to
be found."
. . .
' Says a noted - writer , upon this subject :
".Witte when used in moderation proves gen
erally grateful to the stomach; it warns and
stimulates it to greater exertion; pi:it:motes
pr'o'bably a more speedy discharge of its. con
tents, and from its immediate action imparts a
ransient sensation of warmth and eomfiartY—
" The usages of wine arc great both as a tiev -
orage and as a medicine." hear we-..have the
opinions of some of the,most -eminent l'hysiei-.,
tuts in the world, and they highly commend the
use of strong - drink especially of wine and that
as a beverlage. Out of your own mouth will I
cohdeinn thee thou wicked and unprofitable
servant. But again I call the attention of the
candid reader to the old testament and we find
testimony they dart not nor cannot confute iti
favor of the use of 'aline, and in like mariner
Pan] recommended the use of strong drink in
the New Testament. But last, but not-least,.
I Christ goes in favor of the use of strong drink.:
:Ile nut only turned six water pots of stone,
leach emitaining two pr three firkins& piece, fill
to wine,.t. but he conamanded them' todmw'iaut
i and hear to the Governor of the feast. !rids
1 eircumStance alone. ought to Ikttisfy..evcry.irea- .
I sonable man, and I presume will if' duly taken
in consideration.
.Let me and -let every Man
raise his voice in humble gratitude to God for
the gift of his dear son, together' with all his
pre'eepts and. okamples . They are as far a
hove the smouldering ruins and disorderedanea-
Sures of our poor deluded or bewildered would-..
be temperance men, , as the heavens are higher :
ithanthe earth. • Ask me, not, ye fanatic;,, to
1, thrust from me with contempt those • blessingsj
!which the God of „nature has created for inryi
;Comfort. Had the Redeemer of the world liv-1
1 ed_ in our time and dared , to have . done What I
;he did in, Galilee he - would:, be called a - soul-
Ide_stroying, God-diShonoring wretch and'elas- I
ised with the Drunkards and reprobates. .
i Friendly reader you now Lave the subject in
11.4 true light before yon. On, the one hand]
!'you have 'a poor, deformed; decrepitb-fatherless 1
;.ti hilit. Ills mother - was atii - kiiinot. oti his heatlT
"is a tyarnea t:rown With 'this moue' inSeebetl,
,i!ott the front, tetotalist. in• his hand is' held a
rod of iron, his animal propensities: are • large;'
benevolence and intellect small, and :altogether
making iiktiogroasftd aati.siie4E...oppeotailie• ~, Al
can't sayrileillic Aliim.:i •-iitit on the other
Band we have the innocent the, unassuming'
child if 3.lary the son of our father in Heaven,
he is all Love, Benevolence and Mercy. On
his head is a: crown o,f glory inscribed on' the .
Tyne in letters' f Gold are these word s, Eat,
t Drink and.enjoy the good of yOtti- lal,fir. He 1
holds in leis hand the golden sceptre of Liberty.l
and equal rights; he is the friend of the afflict- 1
i •
eti-every where. But, not a Lord. over Tyrants.
He was accused-of being a glutton and. a wine-1
- bibber. , . i
Fellow citizens you 'are to-morrow Called
upon to choose wham you will serve. .:If the
Lord be God serve him., But mammon be
God serve him. WM. WELLS.
Clifford, l'ebruary IF, 1F.47. .
* The result may ditsv In di ff erent Mares, on that the case
eiteA may nut give +stair jetport' or. Olefin= at theetrtrgemvat
iy. A gentleman ell Med in the dWiping business in Bmorne
county, N. Y,, we are credibly informed,, soya that he does not
'veil more Maui halfoithe "critter'' under the new low - that he
aid beano. Moreover, tan Law in Nett. York is oridely,differ
, ent.frons our's. as we harcou'law alioning any man toe U the
galknus.--I,Ens. .
t " Wine 'ufazed with i t tcoitai, no 400t.11 Tery *hole
wane, awl (Kim producing evil effitts.--11EDs. • .
hantly rapposethet the wirtetnade by our invient an
on We ocensiou, or 'sten oh nay other, contained aknitehe
Pi s nPeartee:Uke tbelrecraroudaurtWhhikey ralmed cif (nt the
pore Auks of they - rape" luny ..ride)e.--I.Ens.
Heuer Meeting. ati wsudangton.
• An immense and :enthusiastic -meeting was
held at the Odd Fellows 'lnn, at \Yashington
city, in. aid of the starving I poor' of • Ireland.—
Tice President Dallas Treibled,' assisted by
Vice Presidents from every State' and. Territo
ry of the Unionyand six..ecretaries. A com
mittee Was appuinted:te . drift resolutions, - and
during their_abience,ait . -reloquent address was
delivered by. ,On.' • tile - return of
the COmmittee; .- Danietli'ebSter was desired
,read the resolptioi(prepared by him, which
heNful, prefacing them' ith a 'brief .but
.rent speech. `, The resolutions . : recommend
immediate contributioiniihroUgliMit the mun
try. ..Tho CollectoiandMayor oflthiladelphisi
and many others were placed on the • Commit
tee to - receive and -tritusmit donations. - ,
IteV'. 0. Dewey - delivertt -an 'address,
which Was adopted by -meeting. The, lion. -
3feelar R. - Dale Owen /and "Ciit
tendon delivered use speeches, after which the.
meetinfr adjourned. .
lIgART- ZNITI9 CA.0 1 47x..4.--The Veneto
gi? Democrat states' that the 'dwelling house of
Mr. Anson• Benedict, of that county, was eon-.
sutned by fire ori die eveldrig of Thursday, the
21st ult., and qieciaul tit' reliite, tint° of
'Oho eldeSt alnittt thirteen ''}ears of
ftge) peri,s4d.iit the flames. great the. Posh ,
tion it - which their reiniant' is, were,,aftiltatudi
found, it is nuppomd that they. Inuit hare been.;
in hell vdeep, - aethe 'time ''the •firdlooksi `ea
ind - oi;eritio lt iii4ti.';'''rhe fire - is *nityposUir to I
e l m
hall) origin ea tiontii"iesi ei of hOt asta left '
on the pore, or stoep r Athother,awfnl„warling
Wh i oris4. - eu ' .itha other ' s, that they'ea4ot
b ( i . 4iaki , 1 4 1 ,:the mopi .:P.4
f- 'so 9gkaug
Ali article A li live isles. .% ;`.,; i 1
" A '
Will be heta bY the,,,,nloOem of _the, Mn
rose Young bileiart.lool.xigMl, 4s7 t
Mouday'eveniUg neut. , * :Ind . Wt., ui1t.11 1 ,6
ffehoOl House; to - commence - at half raid
' 6 40 454 - , 4 .fCgAg i
beneficial to. oinitauP4.!' t.
The public 3/t0 atfeckil.
i_ , ' • ~ p • •
• . t t r fi4-4 11 ,1 1 1 11 .0 4 . 1? ; ei TFI
The Sontifein^min `is iii; but bilpgs no fiir,, ,
ether news from the - Army ottailitiliTiiiiii
port of the assassination of. Santa AT % '
contained in anothCr place, is not yet*frillika
ed,i nor ii it . owi,., • :7 T. ~ t. ;. v .
The Senate, on
trar ia
Yt.- 0na11Y.,..P5.5..94 ..a
resolution 9xcluding the editor 0' 0 4) .l iNit- .
il)citell!tiniik l i fiVinlie iiliie} eililieriA49
her of that body—an act ta - atraordhitY as
it.,ii hase'atid iirl44at :',TVe
. undi;:treti
Brice was the appea r ance of an arthlletl in 't,lie
Trillion censuring 'the,' policy of the I,o i .:lists,.
an& some half dozen bine-sided SOnthierallem
ocrats itilli6rSenate for theirititim W a d i _
crops, mid disgracefuleourlfoairegarft44l the
measures:het:ire thatrbody fo - }' the. illetieerion
of the war. *:Tll6.'Peileralisti 41 40hili* are
'' '''of Bola: '''
. 4‘l l
at tho bottom tho;,:tr arm. ~ ft !vote
. .
stood—eVei27, te!,ya 21..1it " ,. )111 of
the presW?"' . Tioij4ohn Quino:y....Cdinisiairiv- 1
ed at li'ashingtow.and took hit sent id the
House oit'Sitiurdit. J r -' -t`c
- _ _ „, •flo •• I : 1 . _
• •
NEW; :1 - QIIK. ;Rff, As now
selling at;,:57,25, rp7;oo,'foriNestem i apd $7,
for Southvint Wheat is , w0rth•54419,:a147*.% ,
for Geneasea. Ry.e9o a 95 , eta. '4.l3arleY, 80
ets. Corn,-Sl,OO a 1,05. 404'at4 its..
Beef, on foiit,, and for
r{~ttea qual
ities, $Q.' Co*a - arO ; l olling arfium sls;a c sso.
Shea p and Lambs, from $3..a. 0' l ice.
Butter. no ,otiangei
' - faftbirtistmehtii l
_ •
TUST received direct from the MatigraCtureri
ft/ the largest and cheapest• ~..usacirtmegit of
Carpetings, ever brought iota this County,:: AD
qualities, varying in prices , Ii fl Os.:- per
yard. BENTLEY SkitE4l).
ELF. 18. 1847. 3 .t 7:,.
AFULL assortment of Storm Ware this day
received, and will be solemnisibv.
-, ' • . , -7 , ,----.. .;.
NOTICEis 'hereby givfn;rthat; by. ii.hrder'
1.1 -of the Orphan's Court of 'the • County rif.
Sesquehanna, will be exposed to - Fake by pub
lie vendue or out -,c4; at the houselateoNamea
Shearmun, deceased,-in therltawrisfdpef,Dim-,
rick, on Thutssiay -the 25th- day'Of 'Mirth nestfii
lat one o'clock-to the r etturnecat cit.thitiday,l4l; l
1 those two certain; lols.'pleces'ot..pareela-PC laildi
, situate, lying cod 'being in the township ofj
i Dimock afort-sifid, late the • estate of James
Shearman, late el the said townshis4 deceased,
'and severally bounded and diiiettbialait foT4',',
[Cows:VD-wit :—the;first piece or linrcel thereof,'
teing the la nit fprtnerly owned IMO OcCupiedl
by Allen
.1300 - 1, --. . - -Boulided ork the. North, byl
land of Richard `Gatretsen— on the. East, by
lundS,of Gurdcm D;Hercpsted, and Elisha Tit - -;
fany=on the Semi), by lands of Charles Green..
weed, it nil -George Gates,- a nd- on , the t-Weid,'-hyi
lendsof.lhcob S. Mills, and Pudlq.,..4.itti.,
containing pros e hundred on slaty four Sterile
; with a abut 000. hiitid red and 'twentriliaiscriit ,
iiMpiOved, and having iliereop,' , One dieelljng
Ij,beit .twri - IldlitiViirte - Olegumk-ignit7o.o . le . e ,
mill.—The other piece erlifitcerlitrinilliiii ig
tire north jiart-Olthe tiirmkboiii;4oo iliiil.l
ry Barkley farnti; '=Said part, 'being - hounded;
on the North by\ lands cf Avery Bolles,, and i
Francis' Tingley—on the East,' by ilitclds ail
James Dennis-'-on the South', by a road lenir..
log from the :Turnpike roar. to Thernas4ll . i i
Aluizy's 'qnd the other ball f' said lot—sipd,r
on the Ayest; by • lands of J ohn Woodholise.l
containing seventy-ieven acres or thereaboulfti]
with abbot' fittrieres improved ; nod !giving.
thereon a dwelling house, barn, and two citift , l
ards—and being that part •• or said '. Barkley' .
farm,' as Wah purchased .by him .of Alvin gy...
era. with the appurtenances. ' ,
Terms tumti \ knewn on the day of sale. ,Z= , '
R. T. STEPHENS, Adininittra tor;
Feb. i 3, 18-17..
1 '8 4 7" •
:EV' 45 4.4) fb
-"S"mall.Profits.* quiik'Return.o
HE subscribers have the plhasure of anal
eouncing to theit.frieuds and the public,- 0)4!
they have `received from the city, a well Be-,!
lected stock of GOODS, bought by one of tllttl
firm,ar much lower prices than many of._ the . :
same goods could be. bought in the tall, and ire%
are desirous of disposing of them at a very
swam. PROFIT fur Cash, Beeswax,. Flannel' ,
Socks, Flaxseed, Rye, Corn, Oats, &c.
We are satisfied that we Tan 'offer greater
duements to purchasers, ithan We ever haild
done before; and• Remenafter, that we will notbat;
UNDEREOPD. Bentley ¢ Itead,:`
Montrose., Feb. 1;1847
Valuable Farm For Sale: -
M" E undelsign , ors of AMOS Smith
lute of the' township !rooklye.' jail*
County of SuSulu:ketone deceased loyirtaeof
authority in the !est will,ariti-teetaMeet•
said deceased cuntainadcwill.eitposarri,SalaA
public vendue on Thursday :the , Alithi Aar - , et
March next at tem o'clock in, 00,,ofie,inoot4
all that certain tirm, piece or parcel 104
late the Estate of said Amos Smith deceased,
lying in the township
. of Brooklyn, at - ores:oJ
about 5 miles from Montrose. and containing
about one hundred oartd,forty l !Area l bteatio*
lion ; one hundrerl4,whicb l are - improved and
under a fine state Ofcult( n iatiou , and the resjdO
Woodland. • Said weftlivitter . ddi i
handsomely; hadihereorai'ettellint
art! of hearing trees 4 a , dWilting house,
a blacksmith's
,ildisputabketitle will be given with the ek=l,
ceptibn• of the ividow:airight ofAdowerLtrt . ,44ll
premovti. subject iiistehick,it,lWi,ir.le,
unless said incumbrance l*,!•emorlt!pißme i •
art ingement prior ,tcrlfie . 4af
; ,17„errris o ,
MOor the purchase inesseY wt
quired on the the .deed `s = lime.l6ll : l
toe "gitien . for the payrnent'_ of the residue, SAO'
saitte c tieing secured by Bond and. Morigago; 4 l
- Sale to:be held on 'the Premisei.
. A t -n, ir i mmyp_,o:qpi,„+. 72 s:ll7
Feb. ABW , L,I I #FkW I I7 ,
e 10,,,184T r ;-
* 1 £..
. .1 0 1 . 1 , :.;' , ; 111131 ~COTOIFIP NOTtalltil 1i ,, 4' 7 , ( 7 -' 1 1
. . ----k- '', ' , •AL, i
* 40 411 . 1ittlliiii •
.. 3 1 41,1 1 1101. t . 1 , _ .
Alt ei adAte of
. 1 1 , 20 , 411544
all'oei, 44m.. - 70v04 1 P.,. 044* ll
awAil, t. and all, -... y
ins piny _soh* 'sod .80004 art _
. eihnlpremeat jbrfloc. Sfl
Met ~, ,. ...:,f *r•• -' ', 21. g 1 / 4 - tfillli . , ki CT:44f , J,..t.1 , 1
.1, :, ,,: , tr11 1 LA5:a.0,111 - C*; .. .101.3
! . e. , ., . AMASA on N4E. '
_ l ti,uqs, ~T
-. ,- ; . JOHN BLANDING; . 't I •'''t
Iljtiord, Feb. 10, 1047., - No; 6 7 11 w-ti
t.•,, , I
' 1 \ atOMMMIAIki
' 1 ; :- :, :t - , =r-4.;-,... - ':- - ; ,. .-- A, -, • '
.-', - bet • Auld JANA Int, friiiii;
~, ~.. mi. Ifiq put*. tbilt b• bas "waned I*
a i r*
oFfilitherrr jiticUPOr.P..leqks. bat .
recenqr by Mr. If._PAticii. it MOW iiNiii- 011.
a l li Parttriti i titn o 41111 7Ying ,
Ore. busi i ii. t . . ninths"; RA
li#4ll#44morihe ptitilic - pairensge,i
1 r • -."'' ' Ag. - WALTER FOLLET. ~,,
i.-rose. • 1 10imont Jan '•
• 1047 - -- '
r s
Apolll;f il or il isik bY 4.4
pit ' • N'7, l 1,147; 1
' firtfirlr,clu -
taienitilv -
;•-•:„- -,
~, -
1 ' recoiling alifie - igarline g
' t
t r —t" 131
l of L.,14.06 ,14.Miiil"kgrit-!kt"'
l i lt,'
zP4.: -°1—"*""" A
. 4 ** ll° ‘
A - ,
'N tw : , 9 odd Trtig- - - -
. - ~ .t.,.. __z ,---...,3:,,..
, 400,
UST 0pew.yda64,enf0.t. 4 *,..4 , ;,,
,„-:Tiicell—indikilifigi Fitor'L l inhogit„ '''''-'.
%fit, DibliCr:, 3 ,-' 1,1
_1- - 4,0144, .. '..
tet-gelttrlto - 2 4 -1-- - A g stl ow l .7 _,. ;
' - - ;-1t '- ,- " ' 1"1 -`
N; B. 113 - 4 0 ;k . ' l l . ' •. • - - ^- FnAO'IP. , :' ;.
t-clilelate b Mt*
_.. !o iiiiirifi)wilt ' MN. inif
ineamtely. g, - r ,,.; .-t. f •,.. . .., ', •
I : " . A) ' - st( ,_ ',
At!kg,iol',4, 1 - - - r -
", .-Tht*T.aPf ' 7 .--
, •L'ill YisdatsiSl44o"o*. _ „A.f- , -;
forming th e . pitkiie j ltutt tierAlktp& - si- -\''
gla t
itri asttfeet u now wilt Ai -'' "- - ' ' •:t`. \
metes for cutpog i ttepti ever " t. - .r '''!
ill irmilit
The structure - 011 Ni. ctedip;* — 1 lifIlli . •
iblill'al. 46 td C 0 0 1 4 17 gral!_- 1 1itik44 . _,'' iii.7 . :- . •.L;- - -
borthsis is , ustsifiyi l le tfitwittri/'
chatittinmisso **worm,
_, . Pf
citizens pf ttfi&cottaly , who kil -
~. . i .. ,.
it leAttring, th itistat 10$ 10 zirli' ( 4 -. . .. can
be Aires if rerersawiS desamt) , . . " . - ppt tif •
"PrPoPtinetklutlierjuri OY Otbrlitof cltßistftlitiY ..
instrume4tOtille. 0)0 ~ r . *fp. mi. &Ara - -
,An • 'opportunity:it exermw
„. , ~.A urti
a*. utility of.ttosj.isstiumettiostA
:y be "
gitens, They4-w.iii Ile pFel*-..f . the
first of Mayon nfi-tbil.V.Pciri, 1 ...," .. üb:
lic Place* ib lAd i ct l ai lbe coglltYo-'• - &ttM .-. .
PriCesilifelitairildit , . =__ etc.
' iikeilli
1 4) . i' k ti commcTiiktiat. 0 3 4,i§ORtateihr •
do Wi*Vtiktild Atm' "- :r . t-tik,kfi;-:•zzi-- 5.00 •
Do 'Mitt tiefibind tilttlidrdis ~ ' `!"443 ,!
. 11,50 ,
.41,0 Teeth:pliited ,- - - :'..v-lattio 3 "".J . e - Pa'6,ol/
P . . ; =7t t.:l trikal4s; .• - -
, ,
' ' Feti.4t h -1547. - --.- - V--`' ll4 -' , '":.•%:t- - -
- •
,Giitirditin's/Seir, •• I: -. '
Y virtue,oflin*et of 1 I ' ' lonit
1) held at' AOnt . rag, in and ii " - 1 -iaty
of a'aitquelutoiliOn'the,l6tted op lifobir._ .-
1846, therii wilt - W,hold etc' ' trthlit,t or
outcry, at ttie,tkoiilier,;of 16 4 4titt - 04 11 ito 'the:
O r
township' "lif ' -. Apitliciiitti hi''stild" " tti on.
. 1 pe_lBthifity . of° Merck - fie*, lin aim
o'clock 'itrt,hii(ji li fgincon,.lhilli ll oiritt - ii- -
bed,pieceeibi p ' 0o:of Lank*** _ A*
pjece contaltinkfive - acrei and**. - atas ‘
ricie,ia. laiiindeit - und' descrtheithcltalloirs, to
wit ; Beginning at the__ Notihicast 'Corner of '
Charles Etuffum's hit atll'ibett'llrOo - -"ihOtleo
Zug Nay / two perches to a Fou l ; then&PAgtith
thirty sev en-degrees West thirty seven Perches.
1107a4m4; thence West fourteen perches to a '-',
pest; thence North IA .
._ 1 / 1 8440 0 „., ol*_.. .1
Northeighty threedegtespßlA
_hetet= to
I apost, and thenestlionit fe.migomkAtgrees gut '
eighteen perches.. to thelpirktut; r pkiregineksg : ,-
being all'cimproved4aitAketkl/4040i,ff".
I , aid of some 70 or 80 tineiltbeteon, ~.._-', .' •
L_.i , ....0.4t 1,60.9,k.piece is desct'bed itrdliairst..
segiiiningefulp&firtile-fr _ 'Water of ' -
=DaVidPlnfibm's lot ; thence 2,alOok . tAlitlread
astoth'gdaW,lwA 4 8rff*,"•Aas41319 1 14Killtiklbet- '
chto.n post ;,,thence 3 oii, l 44,ol4ll l fliftooto 4
' ~ 414111t ;- 41, 0 111Y • - file-, •
'Went pighteen and a half: . impot sad
hence..Nortb rune degrees - a
~taftlY shots
lies le the place of
,Ireginedlig, mnining.
three acres and; sesen tea* rfaissp*, 7 **,lwith ,;.
• e appurtenances,a_ barn mi 4 -„ eldhsched
.TherctO,',EtoAltllittiProV4PQ,s ~ ..if41e0...r
::- Said pieces of lentil/4re aaracuitsulkse.ty
11 44 fttun,voly Child' or . )3 enAsitga,44Atfat de"'
ceased,'es hefshare•OKOM x". 101, *Opt , rand
her Robert Buffum, deeeitetic,bY,ill killUftt
that was held for the purpose of maluntnetrti
lion' of, the rent estate,of.setiC RD 10 EAltolifurn.
deceased, among his heirs and represenkashiss,
ilia wilt be sold by- thefero.l. _lb*.# l ,l4/0,,,,___)",n
i nftatid•Mary. and as:Wi 0. 11 /,,,AtftPislio
i jkdrumbdecriosfd- . .1 - -eriAtit-tri.;;qt, -
I_,i - . 1 Terms ofrpayment
o adq , anytatcpsday of
.. .
sale. -p, 47- ha,••.A
, February 4 -1847. :0 li uff.ll-04' I.
~• I.
'W... 4 10.116
I:l7Hift-Cji $ 7 41.1,,...•.. 1 _ '
r.........,,,,,,.*.,..,,,;„,,,,r 5 r-f
1 Th. Ainexis,M;;; . 4 .,_ •
retata i r egitiiitglito444 1 '•
` ,I E Pile arerpak-At*Owthoco
'pounds in tale itlepti*#.7., 1
mop (amity iihriq i ,p4p*c*gikil' : I'.
oporaty ccimptatotto thitswegaltioid:„- .. ,
Pea ache coldN Ate444 1 04,11M, be -
iideti upo n , WO ip. pill "441041W1n
J 1 I 1 II
' • fly
fp HP
,u...• Col
As a con
irr,Oll ter
NOT del
thiiegil '
_ ....
a. ,,,, pt,4,. t n i t l a valuabkil"”itagesiag
ti C "'Went ittetnkra"lt ili*lllity.T.l..,
edict e,.ailit e r ita tuillowsk
4 '''.4'-'. 1114451
gtopo W
Phi° ikil4t7llllllll,
'SOliql "rift" liargh '.
°eft! '
' in t UP ;* ' tr
' '
kat* ‘
4t%''' ,
, VG *
t ',
viniviiiit lOW
r , itiocho. .
~ ~
I wo * .
rde,lll .. i . l _, ,
max o d No, of file_lar"o7m.„ 11,4143 '
stripet n
iii ieuma no. , , -
,Irrirr '''' t tho k
..-- Grimy , ,
abos NIB o'll *Vi.
it ( l i tAp i alsi
tawci B E NT LEY A