13 VOLUME . . . ~ . .... .. . . , - , .. The i . h o rse's-hoots to be head. Tturf w a s soft I emne i ) near. lltit I,ailv !Slaty looked at Ii r' % , .. 1 "i hetter• and ably to go out again antl As.nre l tll) , ,, e f 4 inti< identity though I . owerfal uvulan i ,.,:;l4,2a-.4ay, t - be- - ght prntotrat. . . Lite 11.,fwvr... • . laid not intdtiti to Last thrown . 41 . iny - tlis riii-:,', ~ ~ . ~..iir ~ wa , ,,. . yl . cgr iHrtsy , sy me ,, NIN „ . I apd - grt .. •int, the wind it4tjed iileasatitly antonc , with pity and eOmpass-on 0. r her age. t ddeill ' a •a l lrsuppo4 , + f, - • lit i ii: .. 6 ~,:t- ,-3 1. Y. , 0,..• •t i , -, J) -103804„ , .. lit ii''_ _ ....., ...te wma rtn:t .thee fil - tin ieuSsor was , apptilitt .1) ! iwuleiplea,l e ss..eam-r.t, the leafy branehes;and the air w,as full of swettt . The old woman in a feeble voice belong' it • And a joYful sod grateful 1110:4,t , age did Lady;.() ste m , h a d . it,..not b f e e ,tu defend s, CUs tnat4r • sliCit , t-whoraceepted the liriln.... 'ltn - a itotliesi'd' - ' ;• . ...44: • r. 'odors. l i ady Diary's lwart was full of the' them to have charity fur lher age and intirtni-, 3nary re c ei ve tsar night frtan her tosier-moth-. the shadow 'of „1 4 1`aine in happiness 'Aspired by this Sweet, calm scene. :ties, and bestow or their abittalanee tin ' her er. - . '' l w he re is the 'Lady Edith ?" .I),vening came, and the two sisters nut to- ' They lookt;d•rtatiid surprised to Outiliem-:p . - ...":1 1 '• The earth seemed to her very lovely, and this 'wants. ' , io ve li ne , ss w as re fl ec ted i n h er _ own b eau tif u l " flo to the castle, and ask fortfie stewaiti _muter in one of tin lar,,"e drawing-roums of selves alone. Truth is, tin: LadY Edith lifidi. werthy : Mat r p r e vi dl e d, u pon,li ta . ich e .I* i-1)4 16 4 1 • ] • an d -h e will att en d to what you need," sail • the antique ,building. 'I he soft light of -silver kit the neon, bUrnin - g with Mingled feelings of Id el it rov e t t, t h e , pa ' p e 1 .,,j t0t , kit j i et , 6% ,..,...„di g , Ai l " 1 . countenance. ! '., lamps shed a mild railiztace through the apart-. (tetra !Yell teri de, diSta '• ' t f I ntl si f, t r _,.y '• '- - . But in an instant the scene was ehan i ti•ed.—' Lady F,dith, turniug euldlY away. and shrittk- :lant. . • ~„ Rein men re...en men . notoet aues.„ 'willies- inetlittiMQ sras : :ittforstted-- .lasi as they were 'enteriug upon a narrow bri- `for as if for fear her garinviles Feld would teuelt :neut.—TEß' Linty ,Mary's cheek was paler than' 'When she niet 'Sir Edgar atedti herlaughty• that thisietidence,euldine be "oil' 4 -'• = • ti.‘ , - - zPir -lr t-11. • tile path, wht.re the houghs of the trees hungi, the stranger. . . usual, and the long frin g e uf her lashoa droop- brow:was Calm, its ever, her prtiti t t lip wortLits,igainat hini;and:,that thetpinseentitekivelilyiretit 'low over the _pathway, Bessie started as if stung' " I tin foot-sore' and a-weary. llenven help . t•d more heavily than was wont over the large, setertiful :smile. ' Ile never kii e .iht4 liefi, of entirtilY;npok therrestiaibillothilr . traiseittoplitte. .. ...' by sonic maddening insect, and sprang violent- 'IM‘, - sighed the pour old creature. " I lave mild orb,; b enuat h t h,, lii , m il t h e li g ht dace- 'lava torrent had folletl' 01:er 114' heart, buts Ilpo . ritite:triah. w4hthe.:3Mhitital.:;; ..,,, oftillem-r ''• , ly•f o w ar d, so th a t f At ily '3l:try's bea- u tifnl head. pity on my age, and gt:n•••6 me Wherewith to fold • c(bnui sliarkled in -the ePis of Loh. Edit 11, and ' (teethed that Ail; hail fulfilled a h a ppy, d e stiny,. : M an d of an ,jfk eer ,, .., tc i., A l a , l ia , -: . ,frp h iql:idi .. , was brought i n con tact , with a lar g e branch, la hydgentent 'for to-night; to-lit I Ih'sst . a rie. glow suffused her check. and her parted 'when she wedd e d th e Duk e of 1) c c , n W e althi - Ju l tu l,ttd n-_6t. t j 6 . 'lir- f.' V i e r '''• ' 1 , lips just diselosinu teeth whiter than pearls, •er aud of noble rank an'd lineage: - ti l ian' •- hiMselt - ;-1414at i ;ti'd ° !!co ' 'nf - us l eti c his 4l ,4lB :l4 er . . ier.i s '- ii.hir ....• , stakmg her senseless to the ground. 'Forth- Igo farther," hut 'as he ItelittVed not hitlfse rich in.'one sWeete.that-lie:fett-tseeure-0f...int,..aeg t at, 4 17. : -. 4 4 ''lately her dress was flowing free, and her foot I, Lady _Mary took seine silver etas, end put!, betokettell pleased e:;.peetaitry, a luVed and loying,wife., , , Tyres not taught, Su that she fell on the softithent kindly in httr• band, Saying , . - Take these I The Lady E.alith rooked superbly b eau tif u l, tr„,,,,„,.,,, Moment. the tatal -pa_ • !was; produnedit,4los l l° ."''' • ( turf, where she lay still a s d ea th, while old now. got til mother, and ry under (a tage will shel- , and her beating was proud, and meal. -IWast'edinlemned' and e ' uted! >,;ll4.:it o t -- • roma ttßALundoniVeritypespatek. 1 - . , , - -, ~, .... ~,(7. I llebert dismounted, and with sorrowful excla- : ter you to•-night. . To-morrow (-time Op to- the, - At length; ir E I igi ir .Iyling was aunounced,. • . tIEANt. I mations bent over her, to• see how much she castle, ingeire for the Lady Mary, and she will and in a moment he entered, richly dressed i n • t hose gill days, and his was injured. 'rho young peasant at this • inn- !do what she may f o r tint,awl not waiting to ; the graceful eustutne of how nue. alter ail, is true . genuine manhood , :,,: ~ ;, c ririglitfial Sit**, „, „-,, ~.,-' ht a werld full of .Intings that, are' called me....n1.7..exi,t11°,,177-731:7„.'••1'...__,.._,_--.5•fi'11_.17._.8!.7,11.k.'11-";,•,.1.1:".:,[71.:t„,i,,,1i..!:.4:‘,:r.7. ~ I seldom do we Meet With one, in our' vari , ,l';,.,.,Th 6 f u tt ow h ig :.ih r tilli ng ac ` t,:if a, Mather Intent came up, and lookin g w ith int e rest on the .1 hear the words 4 , f .s • l lky soft hair sweepii g 1 1 1 .graceful waves i fair, pale fare, eagerly offered his assistance.' after her sister, who had walked on, and Wiil , down to lii, fallilig shoulders : • A fiii et co l or ' how ra h. c heck, ~,,i t , ed intercourse. with society ; who is every.whert i aiid. hurrying to a brook not 'far distant,. re-! reproved her indiscreet generosity sharply, out rlayell over the. I,: n ly' -and Itertbree i...hildieu beitipitaied.fi, turned with his cap tilled With water, which lie' Lady Mary made 110 answer. , . , Are welt, onteii him, illl Alary s 1,4 3,2 s•• 4 Mil S. , ttivens, - -a istissert,e ,fts d the Lady Edith became and at all times„ worthyof that -highest of t r ••• h. .3 .. 6, %, •8 s ~i a si ••• • l a - , , 1 1 sprinkled on Mary s pale face. Snell was the 1 .. . a littlt• a g itateti, thou g h but for a moutent 011-tinS, mail : one - Whose smile is a beam oft ,"1 .. ,*,th, ; •--'' '• - - ' ' ''' "'''-' ' I soul; Whose 'words ado .the loverfhtwingS of ti`'. `Arz,,\„,,,,,, a i..5....„, t • wa ' .l • ,i; t h'' . ,4" - '''' I'-' 1 " 1 - 1- . scene that met the. eyes of Lady }Midi as she' Ti. a lowly:cottage oh the skirt of the f t rt•si. Ir. • ho'reeardS a warm -friend' ;, i a ' ''"\ - --''''L -149 '' 43 '1'77r, r • • i t:,°;,-, t.-°•-T7tls - 7 1111 .. l ea m e ga yly b a rk to me e t her companion,.—;lava lay a little ehild. at the point of death., 'flit. The keen dark e.)1... , of Sir Edgar glanced ' getiennis heart • w n • - wp.,r s_ , ,,a,y,,,s3ao4Ler'auli,ner,,spula,-,44?pre4troy. more, tient a full purse; who not only'professeS oli ng. i i ,c, a ndi,i, c ,' 17ttering a ery of surprise and grief, she flung room in which it lay was small, and roond . from one to the other., lint they rested holger behind a,dnit.,,,,,itirs, e.;_slea4",-;.-- ' herself unaided from her horse, 'who stood qui- and over the twroettsetnetits clustered. the btrge. on lady )1ar.) . 8 soigne:l loNelittess, th an on fricndShip. hut tis ready, if need be, to show it •s uthhoils • frpul,o. . .. b.) , l 4 lLich;; T tiii i c i4 e my> apparent etly ands prAng to the side of her sister, still leaves of the clematis vitnliat, with its purple Ile.: der/lite-beauty or her sister. .. mo t ,•• ilte Ctdy Edith will forgkt e .in suliti t ;lolls; whose sympathy in -your sor- ••• •1 • I'• ,i- forest,\ •• ••• ' "" - .l' . "‘"Y - '`• • rood is like tote wetter,of the mountain-spring, passing, ATioek. a - gI".V ut-.!P? Ver-,".:tt.prasia pale and inanimate. ' , • blossoms almost hidden Itenlath the luxur and abundant, whose high soul despises terrible:moment whew tit&itiother-, I firt.:` helield " She is dead :, she is dead'" she exelaimed„ ' foliage. The soft slimmer air stole in thrtingh rw,s_ligentre of the ile,riiitig, :said Sir Ed gar: pure ' . ineanne.ss though circled by the, ,navel tiara, those ravenous anintalslaM,Pdisilt 4 ,ilitiliiiiid . while anguish wa.:_srdepieted on her now colorless the leafy street', and fumed the fevered (leek - Ina urgent duties claimed me erscWhere.' her ; but She keeWthe .only•hope'lo4.4ii,ilie • - snytirier.stiviftneas of heritursdiand,:ses-slit:'ies- • spade. anti wrapped inthe .brewit- euati of 1 eountenance. •• What means all this :'—My , of the pnnr infant. Near ity!,' with- a cutout.-, " I most perforcc f0r...:3‘ 0 you. Sir t il i g l i t, '-'llll , l admires honor though leaning upon the sweet sister—toy )lacy !" and Edith lifted the ',,,nance of intense atisiety, stood-its old gruod- I even if I were mit di-po s ed to 11.: it williit e ly," .. But ,. euttago ! You will often enotigh meet with! fu.rw „ rd : t t -le 'tallied - sufficient, igese3re 0f1:,.. 'Alt- . 11ri , -,14 h0 - - insensible form il•oni the ground. and laid that • mother, with tears sl o wly tilling her eyes:. and s:tid Lady Edith, sunlit,: g gr a,,iom-I'. at the; top of liiii:sppcit;d ;lb p 1 +o Ple ` • graceful head in her la.p, and tried to restore d ro ppi ng one by, on e utter the surcharged lid. ,ilu,te:ol .•f 1, wgiVyllesS, irt•nillt lac to o ff er 3 ., „, the mot rtetoas smile, !the outward. tokens of higl t 1 „ . - 1 ,1,,,a iseetri o a,„,,,,, „thi s •di t i vie;il l i ,, ! • art- the life that but a 11.1 0 111(111I before 'hounded in This was the last darling of her dead dun` later, di:mks `,- , r the t x(nii-.tely rich alisictl I reeeived . gentilitYs the freetPolite, and getitleinanly car- et f..4, 4 , 4 4, p4 :h ex .i n , t h e - .!i w i r i p c t l it .., y . . iia l ..q, : • but they art.: trei l uently the. veins of her novel; sister. , . • ' and on this child hor hettrt had conceit iratett the; frian ) ,.ar hands tl:i- nirning.." - masks. 'iti r and 'dashed ahead, e t itf - igly.lpt g • ''''' i't Whiels -meanness hides its deformity: the tinsel I ' .i •• t. i'• ' • It _l . :••`'''Ll-c.._...T , ' APlt'..-.'"'„.....': \ II ~ • t eame. t, t ie •uungry- tutuatus,,ant f ain t ,heithisral-‘ The young peasant place s 1 his hand on Mary's affective of lier-ngi.. 'Every moan of the sutler- - lam gratified that it met Wllll favor j:t y our heart, and said ge n tle, •• zslte is not dead,. there: Sr seemed to stiiKe on her very heart. and with siilit- You noticed ilie !Ilan by WIII.III I scot tralTing " 1 a lulkw heart ; the livverY of hcgt- f l i g ht e d h or s e , , - `,3lif eal 4 f „, 4u aii i i* s 4 N i l . or Upon the shoulders of infamy itself! . The r t.R , is a faint motion." - !trembling anxiety:.slie watched every breath. -it'. The mist-al is one fie id•oemed for me at hest spetimens of larnatlel , :th Often cover the., hitt railes ; of : trackless was rest ' 4,.Cs- The first moment Edith looktql as if she' There were otik.r wa-to,lo:n. th ere beside that ll,ottic, lle Inuit- a t‘i,igular taste in these . poorest speeiniens of Inimanity, and the flitherll„6 . ..:Jieatitua' 'tt th a . ' '' 'ea, ''''''lie u • 4 fore:the ,traveller; Would, rea&t - .; ihe Sirs „y - wreild have withered hint by her frowns. for !lowly couch. I'l;l.re was a lady, young and 11,atters.'' tlitring to lay his hand on her high-born sizit<T; ' beautiful, with mild, soft pit yin!: t•f es, aod i : " I have been surprised,'' said :Loy 'ii: a r y,. eq hishornsin a beaver, and looks gracitntsly!througlr the eke... of all evil nadir hides - l'ikS - .f i lli ti - gtives.,. , -The mother ela r sped...hetoAes.eltarr dic next she blessed him fur what he said, and sweet smile, who (spoke gent le Stools to the • to see bow stip.i.rior he seems to his rnnk in Ile hatit man ) aetptirements-u.,t usual to - lets of gold spectacles. 4Fa :tithing distitietithis la. ; 1 Lt.', hex: Aosom,:as, the 110w1mgaeanIlp,ti,p, But theA(4:ll*d z l4`t•iii,.iw `while tears trembled miter superb lashes, she rhild, and batlitql ills parched lips with the roll i litC. runmnittanosti at Ala% sale,,oe, i t ite-I_, _,,..gedite, are nothing.: ,oilices, 'titles, public trusts, or '• a loam -'•'They'-do aot i.iitthlx,pcs". down. 'desired him to aid i 3 bearing' her sister to the draught, and administered the litt'di•`loo 11 hieb thost. of -ohtintlile'a g rade." ~ threatened every element .baStliiii_liir; 'aud:.•tter • Latin tilt proud and ancient rate, Sir Edgar! side of the bro,,k,—which was done in a few it took front her Asitliont a ninon - or. And her .'..• Yeti Itarte ,yling_in his twenty-third year satr himself scent somewhat of hint of - old .1101mrii, in, es-timating • I make men, neither .are . they : moments. In the course of halt' au hour they • eostly r t tbes were not :-Wept Ictelt fr(tni flat tom - dame Forstiors, us 1;e has told me." the warrants o f • i seemed te ; kaiki ,stipereatural-rSpekt,44 4 11 a-a,,° • ~,.:e s sed of the baronial castle of 1E11dt:foot, I sure- c elled in revivinher, to consciousness. 'ly bed, and kr white jeweled band 'lid not - Yes, - a4swered till Lady -Mary, e:4loring '"" 1 " 1 ""si in thi•se wlio•enjity tbein. The heart. dashed,withipereased ielecity k ' rtinit e . :lain` . . alle .. to. with the park, lake and fore-,t. attached to it, ! ... where have you .- brought. me, and whaf has :shrink from exmtaet with the shrivelli.d palm of .Leily. - • : may .;vc.rtiow 1 with gall i: may rankle witlf•re-I,a r i g h t ] ~.Vo to t twh ile,..the • -x 4 y e p , w e re , .ci n ., ,ad a rent• roll'ettrrespea ding. autply 'sufficient ;ha pened ?" . said she, in street but frelde at.- the 1.111 grandame. Intl another 100 11'n e• there. ; •" 1 (At told talc net of it," said Lady Edith. "venge; may Witiligc is itS own mettline.4s ;. maY,, t h e ~a ;;, ' I nit ,,h'i ss i e 64 .. ,* ons f li ‘ ;- + "41 0 ,-- „e lie „a. - • . .rvii for his liber,ril disposition. liti was band- ' eerits, raising her lettal to her head, as if be; I Ti , e sante pettsaitt•whoin Lady Mary had he- ' quickly, I.4ing ANL' nestle at her suer.. ' : g row hitt ek with treaeherror liendhiliwithmal- 4 4 .' i l l ihei-..gaing r oe,the.,sloilge . ;t be" "`"..""' 'r .. ..1, e • , t •othe enough. ix of a fine athletic timire. •- 1 wild - erect and in l ain. ' ' fore seen in the wood, and who, haring - smile .I,zoty )lary lett,. that she . loOked cu nfu, se d. ice,-.while an inatorable,timst procures' en lion idea 40! , 0,0eurn a trothei,rnot.) ; 4 . 2 ,- ; jo - f - 4,1..; -i i ei r ii. sad having a fair open couttrena 2 ve, a keen,; "DO not speak, sister, you have had a 'sad •• skill in leech-eraft, acquired when abroad for ' awl eni - harra:-rfv(f, under the sr•thAling gaze ~ uf oralile title: ithile-ffio.wtrod of power is inthe . . ;r 4 l.6„ ,„'l,44. A .,, c hig ren „o.l4.t4ns,,,itttit Mark eye, and an expauded broil., around which' a ,,,.i ihmt ; but you are saved, Heaven be prail- some years, was ii..Or exereisiti,7 it in bcibalt of (hos,: brillialit e) es. But she sultan' tiled nes- listti , ' and the splits (Is . and. tokenS of honor are, m o t il e 1 beipursuit,;k:shelblileara, i l4: • ••18 , teri.d his nut-hroirn veering hair, which l ied. - and Edith's countenance beamed with of-- • the little Maude. ol u tion to reply, that she did not think it of on .the brow../ •• ', ,1 au ;149.. _.,0, 8 1 111, T.iPg 0 1 1 P ). 1 ) - -ief - f i - 0 11alitLfit'",.:•Ytr"' ~ , ,J1 % r a tin g alinest to his shOulderS, in the lash--: • t • 1 1 • •• • ' , feett- , n as line ~a zeo owner yomiger sister.— Th e e ves ef, the voun g peasant, were not al : l:sufficient a w.....,..L.1,„4. 9 h.„ ' . ~,,. , , Be who is. tt Man •is orie hy Ma hire,. nn(1_011 1 p i t,,,, s b khrlifkihnlt-tlin:AeMl4oo;4* . • '-it' iorrittlea ii rel in other rktFpeet: he w*s brave ! Ato iN• . • '„. . ~,,,i , „&o,s , 1,,.. t -- ;',. eot x ...„Tti:e. k-•-•4,- , •-t•`-<- ' ....t4;•-li ' llauld. " Y‘g' '''' . t• !'" 11.4 Imr it " l P' . •• • .. t ' 4LitUt7 ' ''' ri° " - ' 4 '' .---- ''' . 'alit . • I '' - ' 4643 "" t q 1. ' 4r 9 . - .-* • .. - ,Wiii , - ul&teritiriiciiiiiiii -- ' ---'- It wit 0u.,,0,„, .„1„,, , z,,,,„„ ,s,li l nkirthiet, !And innteerivii % -yut•to -t A, wen- -.1: • . ,i., - .:...,.. ~... - •11 - rtit siiiih , iptiverit ~. on his finel • curved lip.• onlv 'when. it snits his convenient:L.. when her • ''• •' t. 4 .--. 2. , !' glance at the lovely being.: Ite.ore hint, bat no !, . tc , • • .' .' . , . ' ... - onee,olOre,volrangalmatAArmie e fill. •:,•:- sc.?, towards whom he entertained feellt,,c - ~,rt ki •Jtobert c ave andible thanks that his. (me spoke, save a few words iti a IPW 1...+1W, and " lint I fear it is otherwi , e with, poor ll.,bert. ;is dealing with merles keen as himself ; an d . ,l e -J distauo • betw . . . 9 her, and, th 9-, trid,*.s; ' - . • fraost chivalric dev.,tion. Nevertheless. fro - ni' d ,,, ar ...,.... : citing nostress Was net killed, while the 1 after it while notoit all.. ler the erisis of•the Fe- ' l'Srtly by eltaner, partly by skillful q uestion- section it mild be probable; but frute•liineiPkiforanotpes hour, she contlitue4 t , the paw! of.wl- - arc eam:e. or!othcr, Sir 1.42ar had !never placed; , peasant stem' leaning against a tree a few steps !Yer was drawing ' near, when lit( I , r death' jug, i lave learned that * his pre,suntptuous heart'from the noble, generous impulses of his o w n i tpi . kiat.e.idemir . apd. , bcpct..„.uw, : s , hp,3wel i le a , jtt 14- heart fairly in the km ping f "- anY lady; I distant. ltis. brielt intelligent eve fixed on the' shonld declare itself triumphant. A little dares to beat quiekor at the approach of the • soul, which lie canoot 'restrain if he would, and L .• ~ ----- 1 toe •y e ry, J aws erdeatlL-s7liew uu,t4oo4,preter- _ ~ - ..hoi , ll he often dreamed of a,gentle beiag ‘ who t stem ,„ , while before the sick child II:1.1 1;1'4'11 a liri 7 ht': Lady Mary de NY /life, and „that her voice rings . would u 9.1 if he could. Ire is, As just inhi --s natural 'exertion of , spec* un,' tit*. pot' ef ,tho• 1 i t • • • • , 0-r 'as lie ifs it" his deal %no:Ll,' add the charms of gritre and lorelihess I 1 lady Edith looked at hini wislfullv. •...As if I and happy creature, siogine all day long. as! sweeter mush: in liis'ear than the softest kite , deal 11,..ts with a . tran b t ~ . . herse ottve)mrantomentary,respite ktlringtl - the ttristderatie eltganet. of Ilind-,foot. • breathe. _H ot , I erte(ii"'' nor pardon', I in" , 'S with his friend • Ids transactions al*nvs 3t. a 1.,, 'divining her thengliti.„.: he immediately With 41 her feet end eltildish ha tors essayed to sat Se 'tan . • .. ;) - . . .. ! _. , _ ~,,,e y....,gewas.iii:ssiglit i -, ; Alit tiorribley . .to. re-- Now it s o happelibd that 011 a gentle enti- !bo w gra ' ~.p full v awkwar. deSired the prit'ilegic l her grandmother from t oils:Jim. step , „ r ; „,i, ; engirt not thus to have spoken thus" and .F.ir 1 e‘burt the light, and 110 Te l -sillier 13 )• exposures .latekailtliiit,inomeat slin.healt•d4 flack:444e' e .s, clothed With Tidbit. trees. and risible:of rittino' 1,1,1; to the castle and sending them her in her lighter (nikti. I ler sumty blue eyes . Ed.t . ,-ar theeked hut suddenly. • I lie never takes advantage ofl ignorance, nor .1,- h h ail , • Tli iad ,_ . . ,_ I :. cig . :wilen,way-,,,f ~.,3, Ttipuei,,,J ,_,F l urp-. - f-t,ir, the I n tl windows of his castle, stood the' a ,.. 5i .,,, ta1 •, - ,, e. _ Itt •y•tl • tt- he tlet tt'Untein 't from Il' I • were like`the videts she loved to gather. an/l• Tir6 Lady Mary was covered with confusion. retina Nil t. I.al ..s. . P • iigh• - _i kun ; ,slll, antrreadered herself to-,11..e '• • :,n,nd residenee otirs? belottging to lord Alb e r t . tally Edith incline lier : It:moldy head in! trip up to the eastle to eatTy to the ladies: wit,' but the, Litay Edith's dark eyes flashed tire, a s `Minded fellow being, bere.ause P"ert.rma.Y. Mn - elfflirotigh-thefrfast.gathering higlii'iliereatigh4-a „, t . :h. Wttlfe, a nd oe , ul i o d, s i m ., ),i, d ea th by hi, thanks . as she all-tiara I l i.: enurles v , and asked often spoke of her,happy, Wirming ways, aril :the exclaimed— • umbraetol him in In:plea - IL skeleton arms Mal' .' -r r•- a. . •a.-, . ..3.5._,, -- •••'. -•,,, - -, , vie or fi fa 4sQnSe; oll -4 , 40;101,110 , 5igin ;;Ok, , ,,mais , . "1% , beautiful daughters, family -Edith and ii:,,i,dk . ' hint if it did. m a tithe from his duty. ' !almostalways steal:Lek by her sate little till! ~...' -` P..restunptwnrs slave: how dared le lift his, mi-e? - Y• Stith her calikered tooth, fattened Ittp-, viLlgo..t,;;lV die ,thU.S,,,in-ilie t t ,otrsarety;Oras larr. In per , "nal nPliearnime these latnes - I-am a r etaiii'er of Sir Edoitr A yling!s", , , to add to her old grandame's emit'' , trt, turner ".:, -Lase-Corn eyes to the (Laughter of an atleient l on his heart . • And in ..tt cold-htmrted ivt •ld, (terrible . 1,.51te „looked tighatiziegly,int,,thp,fapss were not unlike. lioth pos4 , Ssed tall.' ideg,ant !. returned the peasant. 'While a deep eider suf-'• Forster was held in grateful retuembranee, y rare like ours ? I would have him scourg e d where so many are thinking for t.hcm. , tel Yes„ 1 t ,r.b .(1 . ; 014. e.3 „ ;4:6 1,„,.., wur,0 , , ,.". : . A t i b iwooe. ...,_ ti-nires and a to-duly diPiltY of wa"n!"T• a" • fused his (-heel:. " Ile aeconnts it the duty oft Lady Edith. and Lady Mary, as well she inii4t 'like a hound from the gate." • lOn themselves:. and struggling' !or1 • - .!: - • • . plenum.. f h i s ~-ishe strained,tbem.3o,her-,bosopm,elie b •iii had fair complexions, 'brilliant eyes. aml I.Cy ss--entleavorin te advance their own - ! !! - l ids s.ervants. to render aid to thost who require' he, for was she n•;t• their t• I t •ter - mother. eell Though it pe:isant, he is not "base-born," ' ihmose. k.- g _scene t4dirwa.th•fo.t follex.: .. finely' Jewett! , oval. fore-he:4c and ; both had : i c y did she not love the ehitdrrm he had eared . fir slid Sir Edgar, ralinly. •• And I see not' euds and interest at whatever expense of prhi- I llut, ;stfaago,.to,k.4,-..the f, ale'llge held - together,. rirat 1031.1SNieet-toneel voices. It sr.. not ea- Y ' • •IW'ell and n e bly answertd.". .said Lady F.,-- and tended in their infaney and childhodU wherein he has so deeply erred, as lie has rev-' i I 1 e_p e. oinesty, and fait:;4.lealings ., where the i 44 (), A . :,hpri.4, 4 epogny t in g ,•fii s .„ti nnt% „O fta li c dt" to , Itoose het weeti ' these arematilished ladies. 'dith, ap pro vi ug lv, •• t•lo, a dd w h en thou c o nt . - w h e t, their own sw ee t mother s lept ill the moult',' or-intimated his fully to the object of his ado- I crafty tat taking advantage °file - shriplei•itini l i i• qttrar , .at a puentlint lek,,t,lie . ,wolvetiapr* , -- , •• and yet was Sir F.llgar A yiing deterinmell to ' e.st'a,gaitt to me. I Will. reward thee." • and the Violets gross on the gra.ssy grave Whit t 1 ration. - I,the strong are preying upon the. weak, it is 0 4 , 1 , 1 ,.,.: , h a! Juphe d• inp. , 0 __ e...1.n t --L, • , ig • - PM iIW-Yzifflre v. -- Do mll.) ice+l the one or the other, and this, .And I also," said Lally Mary, sailing , her lord promised to lay her in, as she was 4- • "The very thought itself is worthy of death," ! cheering to the heart, _land stiftens • somewhat i now u i c ,- . e to•the,yillage,, Asinhaibileite•by • • ~ ii Id , . is to tell yon how he sped in Itisiwooing.! swilA i l .. ! • ing, for that she 'could not bear to be plzwedill cried the haughty Lady, while she drew her i our . disgust at human nature, to find Oreasiou-,.tuna t j u j,.. 4 ,Ju t a b 0 , c0 , 0,44 , 4 1#6 , ,,thi1p , m0ix,e5; and whether it chaneed him to win hialbride. .. The young peasant bowed Inn% and mount- idle odd, and dark anti narrow-tomb': , tall limn up to its full height, aril • stood like . " allY I one -who tan come out of the charmed! eir - loßt„up.tlictripitrt:Oi,:tfk , tke! . .;;VALY , rnbi4. l f*c —,•'l' d I .: rode •t . • Ic. nv Itoi And now .Lady Mary was re: f ulfill. , tt .[ an 4..ffi'll ded (lateen before her disloyal suleets.,. , •mgas re ter. e,. aa t tut rillp i „ . ell' of self-ititerest—whoSe heart an(Ppurse 16.4 4 . farlll3ll4llsgglandi!Yidtleti-4 - 41.tz 4E144 ),ptey - 1' 'a ' , " 11 "lar'• I'adY 3rarl'," :rid Edith, as both „the •eitstle, and explained 'his rnis.sioM 3tt I - kindness'of her old nurse. Bat where was II- I " Then yeu Ile not believe that a pure love, both (pen to a fliend—Who lool‘s •rt m tiltind l o ow l y i v , asullenly,",.,...Tho.akalge k titheiarami- tue sisters were riding ant, attended,in an uld ' wh en h e h a d seen -th e neeesSary aSSiEtaiMe le-I dy -.Edith 7 Did she never eon& tti see 'text*. [ennobles the one' who feels it ?"' remarkea Sir as his brethren, and! not - as liiik . victink-4--L-wlini t i pu ; f i v i ts f ott imt t „ .o . 4 411 , 4 ,, 4 4 • i n j oit aL•o u4 it ; servitor of the family, - come. here is a broad spatehed; he Slanted net back to the ladies in (ter-mother ? il' dg courteously: - I had rather Mir ancelis neighbor's interest, thatil ww hiii wy i ta lAyi n i ve ib r q eovi o nt . balk., 4 ••• - r .',. , ...t',.119!M , : , "' opens ace, let us pain a gallop, and See *bah- g•the forest 'but rode thouiditfully au-ay in an-1 Lady Edith. to. say truth; had rontentil " llut he has no right to feel it, unless my I make him his dupe, Or fleece him itrwhat is u- e not h er og e „„„A n , eggipoliAls,,thlvourlogoes , '' 1 • er my [ proud 11,:rian is in..t more than amatch other direction. - I herself with sending kind messages, and whilt. foolish sister has given a sanction to his ti a tit l i : I sunny called it keen bargain ; - amid.`Wlto river, ay.. thin,., ; 0 , m ,ii fiction. ' \ : '.:,'ilt.:l* `,,r your gentle Bessie. Come, I say," and u I s ' lever else might contribute to the comfort ',1,!! folly, by her romantic ideas of what she titr e s forsakes a frientrtiTh the ' friend' haS .. - •foritken . - ..1.. 1 •,•--,,---,-...--- ~, - - ........ !,,, v,e haughty smile of the Lady 'Scented to chat- i . A da. seenl t the two!1 . 1 1• l hail 10 1 tt, • • -it to humanity," there was a cold sneer i n virtu's.. Gott liclP hini who bath no such friend,' ~I , ,• .:, Mitratietijuier , ...'"°--- ~ yor tem after this en t, lc the (. it ( , and te II li• mite in perm ~.4 ,1. ~ '. - , , F •.; 4 , , •, ~ t - .. , ~ :1 i i.a 1 , , ..r. 4..2.* 4 , 1;10',., 2 :N) • .. lenge any•and all to (Ntinitete with her. - :Indies were watinor forth tqwards sunset, fort To-day she was expecting a visitor,—Sir v.a. • the Lady Edith's tone, fatal t o till h e r pro u d and the world that bath . 'SC few lo give. : ..- jilt folloWitiiueidentiis'sttiiiit 43141 , -•! Nay, sister, bethink you:our good - Bobert. , . Mary did not wish to ride tigairi to) soon. and I gear Ayling,---and elegantly- Ind• elaboratet . beauty. .. - - - ------, _. - ------- , , ride -;t*cently in • the, neig)thierhood,i ' Pi olil, and cannot keep near us, if we ride b l ot as the y walked theY Cheerfully conversed ;of I dressetl;-• she seated herself in the library, war • (lien turned Sir Edgar to the Lady Maryi Story '6l - ti 11i!Vcall Robber. • -•,:estert l'i: 14. i ii.-.-' , . i hne • ;.i.i.,•:.;,.,1.. - ,...;.1,,f io , Z rmaidly, though he path! seek. to do so, to his '', ros i n , e ven t s . l'he long olden rays of the; ing his coming.' But lie e.arne nut. At lem. ' who with mild dignity prepared lieNelf to replY l The Swiss conStilsresided in the street et Sig.! ~0-.VE'sleic4..ridinp_aritwetitios,,t,o,„Bhls ts ..- own injury." ' levet-sing stn-Lay aidataf the s °nth - velvet ttlrf.lthe Lady deseries'm liorsemaa riding up 11 ;tin her sister's charge, and before she could nt- I flosine. Abotit-We ve or ene q.t.:lock:in theday tih the . ..lt Great ,- WesternaitiliZielstlay.i'Arsening - •," feet him stay behind then- Am I farsoothi an d. were 'b ro k en ,by the spnlading branehesinf 1 hill—lt is lie, Ito I . he, draws nearer. It is tl , ter a word, - said, in his deep manly voree, "If time, a carriagedrove tfp tohisAdoor t apilthrec•thistattd,after,fdaneitig taidifr.ellellitig Act.lbeir, to acoommodate mrself to the infirmities of an the oaks and lindens that stood ill dumps. - li . )r ' peasant, tuortntedjou Sir Edgais favorite him. • the I.ally Miry has never given by word •or • m en g ot, out, One hi the itress Of a pile;it ; . (lieyih ear ei, e , o fit en t„theyi se t t h e i r „f nei o,„ D oi l i t A ..; old man, who win attend to duties not fit ! for I s li m ly on th e !freedawl gently undulating barn, i courser.- Lady 1.:(litIr utters an impatient e_ look the (cast encouragement to the poor peas- werti admitted by the _porter, and. pie dour do- t, at two Wasehatctlinttorning,A,t fcvdr4slnek, him'' If) ou, will - not come:, I-will go .alone," i th a t swe pt g radually down ( from the sideS 10t i prtwsion of disappeintment. and turns awa,, ant's roinantic dream, let me beseeeli you to , set!, When they immediately sekedi,:snd iiaggedl-thate w t , being. a tite,-,higitest44l 4; ,,ilastr ha • • and Lady. Edith palmed a moment, reining in' th e castle. Lady Mary lodked'a shade paleri'resently the serving pan brings her an to do so nett; for beheld hint a. suitor id your! him, Went into. the htiu.S'e, and relit* d Ina four - - to stop for•daylight,!ateia!mitalltaYertriteseilt .-• her spiritegsteud, and awaiting her sister's an- 1 thad usual, While the rich color deepened in lic. tique, richly ilhiminated missal, which Sir Ed feet." i dead the consul. The, tinlY elite'l for time dis-, eityP'•Wilerehuddled: togethcria- s- roaltj teicii-'• - ;;• . ""ere F e l l - ec lat o f Lady'Edith, as they walked , lilt. gar promised her,.and a message, saving tha - The Lady 31ary looked Int" Sir Edgar in eovery, of the nuirderer.,tvas -4 met al betton. a t in t lhoit a ; t lpupLethe,kadqrs,s.et: tbein,i - 114 :, 'kering thi brief colltiquy,meither had no-•!The were speaking of Sir Edgar Ayling, W tol-SirEdgar Ayling would have the honer t 'sweet bewilderment, and not till he had repeat- . with it:mall : piece efeltith littnelicd,to:it, which I ti,o l a l iAi ng t, : i jitjW j ne dwit'ilf lEiPingti*V.:4: (wed riding Very near them,- °°, Il• stout - 31111 . had 1 tiriee : ridden over to SIT them; rinse be ipresept himself at. thelcastle in the evening. ' ed his rct[lest could she find words wherewith W as found clinched itt the, fingers of the uteri 1 ' lenti l - ,,e hi ; bachelor and A pOttY girlikiiiii-.' horse, a coarsely clad Pt`asatt.t , ir" secured t° i had been informed o f th e j a e c id e nt to Lash •' With this the }taught) . Lady, unatte,uStomed to answer Merin, and while she g ave him the re- tiered inan, and wiliellle lid tern 'frean:thettee • •liartled.ititol*Marritiesttakititini::': .. • • . Ire endeavor:mg to pass them; and - plaeeill th •-, .• ; .: . 1 i 1 to disappointment, mast be conttott. . ply he souht, she 'asked hint wonderingly, Coat of 'one ortherolibers. : Sifspituott. at.l4l•;ett e en 3r ini"-the-companyi4wiseledolithWity-,•••i•.' nu; ,Lt, in the wayjnst` as the liadY l " Ile is comel and ersonable, and sweesoff In the meantime the Ladytiklars - Was at the :what hisdisguise might mean. - - ' fell unon, lt aillther •4116 Was ; Sectr.,Witliltiore 'the:, - ; rut Alte,valagiatstiteisiatig. : -, hay gently and deeidedly Mused to go., •1 ' 8 h ilia}" • said Lad' fare, in a gentlel humble -bedside of the'sufferilig child. As thdi And Olen he told het how he wished, free money than he t ,OtilitiCi r etint,rer•' .. - IJ4 „, O tt r..,l4j6 t4at i o igk e s... A reeeren t opi ? i*- pr it,;.,„,. peec .10,3• , Lady Edith smiledlosornfully, and lifting her, t „, t , 1. sl, . :, 1: day wore on, the littlb ercattire became. lc; l,; from conventional forms, to read Iter6haracter, tell were Seatrelit:il, Mitt t4, - ,eeii, i: l l .friini, i 'syhmh, s ' erf it e - I , ant l,k i t y . sees iwo4il ol ,,iiiii- - *;:• : ; , . rulingb' wan, w-as-ahout to touch Florian with i ~ I have seen' handttoerl men, and beard! re , t h, n . Mid finally sank intott deep sleet. .' and how lie had assluncid that disguise, . which the biittoit had been torn ''We's'it Mal ' these,. -, J- *yin ' - ii - olivirttd , ..liruself.;AS,'{:fttett - ieletia t ena. -, ''', it, when her eye fell •on the peasant in her', ; better a ke'ri , ''• - 're lied dith, hastily. , NOY- •I 'l ,, From this sleep she will awake to life. or Int , P ho would have e hanoeif for anoth&r,• had it out ! Ile was (n;iivicted,_ but he relied Will ;the Itt;r.• ieldres tii•_theparties,-4 - referenee - Abliht‘itel ~, . • patii. . tertheless•The youth - is will hnough. • Tralyj II death" said the peasant in a soft voice. • been so • talecessfuL Black hair and eyebrows, 4 inost'eonildence,uPentA,lnnttlk.S;c9l'.)T•anes.,- emu:step:they SertitiliiiititS take{ liutlaiwilin- •• " Bemoit from the way," was ' her haughty th eve ~,,,,,, , fit aga h ot , hint. "' I , , f ,: - 1 •.,,_ T. , if ,_ L.' • •,• ti and staintal complexion! anti hands, a coarse ill- rthe'fitvorite. aid4We - gmp - tif liingideWittii -Prrititp . elotiuniettef thiiiiliehktor 0140404 a _Lee tatty 1 ary casting a arting gtanee at Poutmand, ;tittered with a-' ,gesture of imps- r " Nhy. e stster,' [-Iteard rimy his sentinterrtsl ' • - littin caws,—this' was easy, and brought•him 1 Anna, Its apetoup we: • , e.was:,brou t owit g .in SS, . Wars '* 'll l . Ilit l . ars of lan bter . nt his noel; •- tivnee, • •- ' ; the isleepcir now lying Irak. .as a lily, atta. %vim- g. - • , • - , were such fill 1k9,3316 3 kpol t and inlonoti lc I• - _ , enng a few words of encouragement to her cod Into contact with those who' knew the ' Ladies'l Mit to bacieTtied,litidlittalestilie stud; . mike -paySutore ..U.400449,114.1iint • „ .., . actually.,.. , . . , .- The pwisant listened •to obey, butlis ill-i ,gentleman." l . •• ' ..i :J • "i 7• i . . ' : iIP . Tell, and from whoni lie c oul d .11eitr 'What' lit .t the'llital'lMifil, With tlie,iollar,ailtieca ..p e t l e tt eltp l iegheier",l*gioi,, ji„ 4 , l ,- or . . trained animal bore hint tnorc in the way : than '- • ' Marty alalse heart 1161m - der. fair speec .;,„ ; Mille, proms ; o l se ed t ' rid ' th '' f I m the 0 _MI a' :!ould! not hear lis'Sli. Edgar 4,04.- . •!,-.,!" !lartaindithitiet,44',l 'the . : ifitili.: l abeid,,.. to til•geittlensinitailniek-,olit,ittiAit*gist, • ere t ' - 4 ior trio tend See w iat night be the issue o e ~ , , ~ . • - said Lady 'Edith, -tanning; "magi Ilituiiikigha afrogi '.- • . ge. . . • , Strntge that I 'did not recognise'you?' said! turned, when he said acildl, I Walt/Seim/A lijt)rttapgiAttektviireeeetteeltiA4p*oukt*iitei,. .: " Awkwlrd re iwrk 4 !" cried - the LadY'w anti- heart is wizened by fine- welds. But' - !truer i • i Lilly... Nary; 'blushing, es lies c•a•rested for at who arp , my - tmeOlitpltees•:•- , Colonel.,,li r anes, l l the. .t=i te i t pattneF;t4tdein;;;AnenitAttlm..!:/* striking the • horse a Imes blow whit'l .644; what is tilis%itr" .I.hi taxis tors -tilin .. The.pcasant brouglpt her "gentle Bessie" c ilinnetit2on the animated facet of. er suitor. !eliefl." - The exeeitti'lia4asSitspiiiiletthinl On ' - ll o newesio n k i e k - - Itko v iii4.. Jude him spring forwarkshe sigke-,ao•Florina,• Nth r gentlt "i i . ;,„ .gltr , .. •.: i- J ,i. the doer or the: . eettit,,e, and with a grace.... ° "'Nei Very strange, forl "think yen, - neverl searching thelimia'of iltues'; . ;kenti'eiatidtinti3 •iif-,N,WirYitrk,4(nieltittiteti4i . .waiami - • ,- SitilliasilX who seeded. nothing,to targerlant nj, so l d in;,a, '! an ; l't' 4 4 , : n e d ! - h t ' ' ' If .. l iii w i l l . A ' itil,not expect, aSsist a her t? mount. • - y nought t that I wot of , a c .. 1•...- : / : : • •. • !Joked ht 'me," retorted-Sir Edgar gaily, -- '. 43 ciitheirWas dlsitive'tekutliieli'kullystabli - slrri• a i'e l ti s ide s ti l iti i -'l4/1 7 - "I' -'. Aloe l'-''': -'. WM . .`irrk: 7 '.. ', .'o. l 't:: - ' moment they were king like the wind Over Mel Lady' . .!Mary, icheerily bat fa a moment; itaerl'. •••••Ak° llo rode -4 0 1 3 1 : aw a y" -.`lie stood maga, -Lady Mac knew better ,itt her heart, `. bat led his guilt. ..ity'tliis l iiitr,k'Ott . i,ol . .l. tillil4,ries",, 4 ; 4004 4ring• &nowt jahe - ittattiea t r4 - 40 . !0.. smooth 'level-Wore '-'-theirr The peasant'in-wi was deep in sou ht, and that aboutthilif-'411.0 - /fitsg ttlY'r 'Prier° le re-entered the•cottage„ •be iiiiFtript say it aloud. '. -•-- ' --•-• --- • -'• • Items wia;tlitiqii • ii 4 1 440 4:=l,,lY_#,____4_,Plit,t,„_,kik_ l .47 ii',ite-ii oiwl :11ki..'*4 4 ,„...5., 40 140_,5ig it iiF*li. ".'": {`- few fliontefito rein ' up, • and.l o ,fted • ite h- e n#tsi r m, kv i.; ~, : • „ ! ; . ~ , ' ~,W,_ At , An-a few hours the so t Yiolot eyes opened d qv Weir more - strange i t? continued' he,;,'lthat`ten very'nea4,selit'ed - P" imp', w hos e iro,m - , 1 ,11 - as. ankfileti..;ti ihillyt,i*.invlsitrsettstsuersik,,, '':'". - . ::-.';', 'along, while Lady Mary-tied 011 7- Robert rael i ir,4 t ,1 i r k," inept, too, ~. ~iti f o r a t0; 1 a.,4" '7;100k..1x1 limguidlyi nroMid thei reem, anttlt - i t aid. not. mistrust theold-woman whotWed[iOe t latialirlatOtfitieriee,oier,b 4 o - ' o,l4tlyiti..r tho,ottelpattyliahatleltn,deete 511,4444. -- ''. - 1 -- .'' at a gentle ranter in thastunedirmtiotits that ittiaisti--4)reltatilliered -slowly ion., While •tho entewee. tiehildisliNeiee called liel . ,wandmothur 0 I almaltif you•en the lawrr.",;• •••=•' • ••" •'•••i;' , ,t - ktioirii . te'llif; - ' 'T'ilt; ,'mitt! yle`li - •,,t,114' - Obi; t lulletk,inn*Al t e s ,Myee,,,/lenstinkt ;- - 4144' - Pursued by!sulysEditii,;lsho•really rode *eiii t we's linkingilneath• the verge of tbe haiistm !!, •t•thtt , sitin; of little : Matt e., Thengh. indeed . et '• Why,should -I ? Surcily,that With net pe I dice Wi'phAs' '..tt.° l t:t.4 . - 1 14-11 hilt AO *0,4 .ielioriettlawilitOp4.6*, - 4... i and manta W* - eitehditsitUuutiful pieturkl lifeantinie:there sdittneedthwerd, thentili ill I WitlAreatiii tie., etPrlP•leartli;44:A. e .. it„was z torieWiteho soo)c.thati method to sal w es ;;;l9 f '7Y : • , ;i5i,:411.,,,,th0 1 ,,ttn4 let,* l iii i k - • -- id i a e .,,,i4lol4.o: ol bil - -* •; ,/ ,"-:„ n 'ttr. l4 "tandr* : wer INKRIWIPIWWL , -1 11- w• - • few. ing on a staff, an infirm eld °mak bout , . • ' 11 .1 and'kissed her darling, with a devout cjac-, -li 'oh power -sweet! leharity possesSed in later. . ~i ,-;. , - ..., , s,:•,of,,s,oppipcoA4iitailie the`•l4initiunttinfAnt-;!brit, .-41m01,0;:, - 1 l' ' ' •:•-• ralwerantriarag , ilwasettarsd* -,er.' 'the }Now ' •• ' "--- lik ki' ; I ; i a ---- -1 ' --.--- • 14 .1 1 wlth.yesurpr aeiner;i*tet Ito . epti re en i ed4i t o 1 !ion Ofpraise t - God, for site Saw with the k a i l heat iv, • I?_eigiat Melfer not believing you i•-we - „ aktigpi r lirid,ger;i -- lith,l,loUntliii ; e4plie,F, , ,ltiii, it*, ..*llottleitOgalitirs4o.o4oy . ,s** ;; - • - . ;; ts ng lite, : that lni•through the-fasi , i eriabinfa ft* athi t 1 i . F t! !f. 4 ! beug .4 ° recivelVJ 'Rrei 'pereeptimt , nf affection that. s „ i f weee ht e chan e at limits bola} felt yee. thtlett 1-I,ei s the first i been depiiiiited,„whlokftir*l4lthiFop..ndintett , wo644 i i is t stia nnt iez.„ ll o,o ool o**l l * . ,- ~.„,,,"1 " Wiwi t 44 Nine twit l 4 l ; *heft : Otli itenil ' "• - the emued"to'' '' me "their,•intlici -1441 140 4,0 1 /o* -- '• •''l• -- - .ii •.'' •I• • - ' '-- in inglyonitinveetewitie sounded in. DIY ear." lof the gat of Yams; und i feredlitin -.a large: Athig t i,t - :4 1 -. . ;tt nifottbekit -- $44,,iiit , ...... • y,:-Ais•• y, , ....." the beautiful- winding ypitbi; thatlay in ;. the ii ii t i ec albf e o r in t i k eir*,indla4y ;! kdith: -.•.,-; co l iet'id Careful fitrieSing would' restore her: •• Nay; fthein ~11reteusdiesiam:I, to' know ,ill-bribe,ro. givtit•PP4.'d : .11,CAtiNcialtivan01441 11 4,4 il't(1.!':. , ;::::::*; 4=1, , ,-: , .':,:.:11;,;i. 4 . i'-0...:ii7, L', thelladi of noble t - •la 'trees. ,ltie . Oen ary - ygmast arell.fliek,iiith , ...4.ihmOty Aisciewleird. Oat 'sweet thfld, an Mary -bad sent- a good iAi i i . fro the 'or sionte , :ethe4diegUille,• to ight judgo-4'4fiell .014xTr*iticiffitts i . i. Peopl e -iisigitisktbr'llo . l4oo;.',*t - Aitifi.iO4 - i.. - : n'aiing .-1 - 4- mot; tiff . was itbe:- seund'.l..bm ene,ollii‘tcoatiielv.houldiurre Preatititedl : X6 , and4refel perlsmi:to-peiwitlillel till ibe child - (ibe I withal] VI •i'r • -- •s' •,!' f!f' • - I •-•- ril l ' ;firmly * . ttiatesL ticimolitivricis(.ol;4iltefut - :.***llo.-tkikiiiiii)it.,94,,44 l . o - i -- ',..:''; .. ...:1 • - .: , ',. • • '',2.- '.• ' ! ';: • (---'" •-. ,•, ;! .1 , 7.;-; 7 .4?•.:, t :3' , ' 4l • `,t. .1 , • ,- .1.1 - ' " , t 'r.-" A t. 'Y . LI •'‘ll - '' 0 VII i:3 ' 4.F. f.P. ifit ft' - •,'t '.-: •1 ci*.. - Z•4 4 oht . 4 ' .... _...• '-'• 1.-: • ' - a rtPL TSIkED & 1 E It Yt S. 51.50 aroe, It pattio tOcatce, or 112,00 if roll nt the ciao of ttee' r. 23 cu. coargod thr posthge M nstrhtl ot the pubfkbers ex- Dipe.otinuour-co Optionld, elcopt when arrenmdes are paid. Aoarrostenri hne donor per square of twelve !Own, or f.O env Iltstthreeinnertlons, nod tweoty-tlve cents form:- nannniu.nt loynxttott. A Medd ritmeatint wilt be made to nitrertOr . by th• peer. CIX tlutlndsa tetteralutd'emnarooirettinow for the paper mutt er.orrAto to etutire Oviortion. POETRY. FnAin Illark‘vnud's Illagastue. Whether or No. ',!,11 4 1 a' the'braw lads that come hither to woo me, thine's only. but one I woubi lam mak' toy Joe; And flinch I seem shy, yet so dear is he to me, I scarce can forgive mysel' when t say "No," My sister she sneers 'cause he has na the penny • And silos w ye main reap, my lass, just as ye ow;' blc Inither he bans, but It's a' due to Jenny ; Ehell just tali the lad 'she !Mei, whether or no. aly father he erlesk Tali the Laird o' Ktniocie, For liel has beitb Innithini and t owd to benow.'" yy rultbOr erica rteivt, 'Yak' the plentrogur Uut ran I pletnte baithe 'hew ? —well I wet no And aince 'Us int - ,el* mann be garner or lo.or Mann drink o' Ilk's bicker, Les Weal or be't woe, .1 deem It but fair I tbould te, my a's chop ger, N. iocc wrU I liken, then whether or no. Csutl Pruitwice may count on gowd and ha 3( rev, And think them the guru o' !Armin: below ; Cot tell me, can waalth bring content to ha makers The car, weinkled.face of the' udder fiat, oh : whefi pure love meets a love correviimuling, thick blkii lt imparts as the World raimi4 know; ltichtem lifea load, keeps the hears from Let fide gale orrcrowl , it smiler whether mach MISCELLANY. _ Frow the Rodin WA' tallow The Brlde,6lsar Edgar. - r. 011 SE: • - • • , • ••N • 2 • • • : I , . E•.. • • \Mira MONTROSE. PA, THURSDAY, FEBRJARY IS, 1847. !I; 1 t . . ME DEEM =Z=liii=oo - EZikZl .1-7;t4:11:1 ---;.,),k,;:tj r 4-46,4;41. • • 174, UP. , I i • r? , ,:, 50...4 A IMMO • 4:- . . MBI=M . ' , I= 1:11==i UM 11M .,tf.:;„, i 1 M 8E 7i13,0 . ?' .1 ' , ''' - :j. , 4:ill 11,...iw.tfail ~ i i'.!% NM=
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers