Northern democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1844-1848, January 21, 1847, Image 4

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or thesßevoltitlllll. • I
• •
JAV.A. n. - DANA. •
B - var of t'lletßtitolutiot!,.
itry firing blftrcen, the Aiberiew
Fludso'n"; on
relit; c atea t*isibs4lithe,neutral ;
infested. by ik set' of vretel4 cal
skirmers,,kidlind:piritte:S,- who
ill upon the‘titrioci... paxty of
irried onAlleittoutrages,iinebeekeiti
rity - to-tlie British' 'l4 leider;
who' tia eOlipe'leCn of
iad taken tithisAiresent.*lgular
,of strobities lira long before
ay ice the , American litres; and die
Lttlengthfsrkgreat , tbatiit was delc
_ay 'Cost , to 'or:till:Hite' his" exmaparly:
; as- f o iliq'elsi4r"tri," ilir*SA AO to.
pit - cles4jcp, Ifis`eeer9,t` haim i ts,
4 with ASSoFAisliipg colerltyzeriasstlie
was i m p os ske to.diseever or over
1, for Binh Naas the name the mit?,
officer at letth.volunteereil to en
'ooinFill,llos.a spy, in order.: to
lufornMtioth, as , would lead to his
; notwithstanding he knew his life
thread, in such a difficult Mission :
.trwould be ilistarit death.: besides,
Jersorial'inter* in the destruction oft
. His heartiliad been iii pOscisionj
EJ'eadley, the only daughter of, a weal- j
-, who, thjeliglithithertii a iieutjral, was!
of ; leaning, iciwarda j the .Jiinericim
'the antious Heart of the love; began
Harding, attracted by the wealth',
.ether, or by the beauty of the daughter,
Stoner or later, snake Ileadley's farm the
S:tifil lawless jatgleities. •
aa ' tt a dark ar4 stormy night on which 1
'llikit, disguised.asiideierter, found his way i
lots: tavern near the Hudson, where the j
Prates were know# ; sometimes to; harbor. I
ligreat -difficulty, Oid dot without•exeitiagl
Misr •
suspicion, lie waa'enrolled as one of their,
s . • . ~. ~
0 ---.„ *toe,- i but quw.s t0 . r , .1' as so Well connected,
js _ A - 11,i1pUbt.afte;:a Mile was removed. One i
sJ - =' , '‘ , • ~1 1 g; nj companion approaehed him.
,00:ot,o to.aceorapah y-us, for th° first time, -
?i*Agg: lit" Isaiah°. "the captairpias resolved I
t: tack Old . HeadleyiwhA, yip - .. must
4-;„ liveS np anton,
.he hills, and is almost
104-itiiAt as hn 'English lohl. '.Chet say, too, - he
Yi'jggi j pr tty clauolitetj; but of that 'I know
~.,•t•i",',..•2,- f at . i . "- " • . . *
-.:-;;;Ij g, t o if he has,"ni venture to say the j
tarn ' not forget her' .•
PrAf , -lir -.. iii. i; (% IIIA
~,,ii S f . 41,g ar t co conceal his atrita tion j
j.otWthe e words..„tiie blew which .he king
.44. a 4 , A - 14 a. •
~ . abmil to fall, and ho had neither
' '
j. „'t'ii.warn.,his frieads, or avert the catastro- ,
e: What-toil:110 dtd. ' His' - first thought
1••'q-to desert, and liastln to He.adley's,farmT—
hiltitiew he was watched so closely. Ad
t 03. ., 4 this Could Uothe .#lfected.
In sea - keW minutes Vaneban mama - d tosteal'
. ,
:- ..` •
„AY. front his comrade and sauntered into the
.;: '.' j• for they were at: another low tavern simi-
to the one where he bail first joinedtbe free-
rs: The bar-main was there alone ; the
- -,..--j i.-. ~ '--which she spoke!surprised him. -.
,**-.,- -- -WA Mo Capta, in likiding is going to attack
... • r, Headley' in
hou4'e, to-night," she said
lt. ,
. ,
eark tell him it mill come to no good.
utey has done him or the king no harm; 1
l i daughter, alnd not the father, liar-
r. She refdsed him once, when he
email, and.tiow he's determined to
n his own terns, the villain."
i confirniatiod of his worst rears,
could not withhold uttering a curse.;
tdwd up: le saw that iudignatirm
• , -6:1 him, and lis,eye quailed:beneath
[ilig,'glanee. Ilint he was"relieved by
lte titir
t`* Bll'
tf; , ,Tho Ari,l
."7hat foil
to fettr:
and saw
itVaughan,'" said the girl bending over
Bring in his _ear, "you have, nothing I
Ras, otit,tgbie up, near.your father's
oakinittiy'ilif yt: my. trikents farmed ;
--• the of of,the hill. Do vou ,
-dm itty :Gray."
was mutual. But the pleas-'
: wati alloyed t i o Vaughan by i
rd - if Harding's intentions. I
id lilitened,pretending to be
whilitthe leader had divulgedi
. folloWers, the evening 1
in *lung the farm,endly l,
hoarded up.hi.; Old, rejection,
ired4to avenge hiinself by
LuglAr of the old ; man by
,ilof Vaughan ran cold af the
....orttiiiitel i tl(itty" - was d4Osed to
hh! - ;,for lex wollan s nature was not 'so
'lased but. what s;e could feel_ or the peril
'Headly. , • ,I i „
could obtain 0e trusty messenger and
torso, we mielitlend:aline to the out
' rsaid Vinghan. ' A force could
thefarm and intercept our band."
old be imposifible to send off a ,ines
tile HitrdingHs here," said -Kitty,
we have nolibay to trust ; but I can
chat ean 'be done. There is, a c ; fast
the stable, ittA I ant a, good Hider ; I
;ill you hayeiset out, when, by - hard
4-inay r'eacli the -out-post, -and give
erning—at It ast will spare neither'
• KititY
: ''' i ' n 4
% • -
_ ,
_ .
' mires ideta*tnent at the post when .
taj7inghati,.. "Pray- heaven they
1474 for . -our scheme is the only:
the.. ll
. ; 1
conversation was interrupted
peoulmoo , ofinartling,,himself, who
zhanituiTidintudy, ana lorddring him
kive '.the roOtn. ' Our hero could but
:e trembled for the fidlity of his %tr
iteWeyer; asfte - went out he „saw
p cyan r etiAgAyiisallon with the free-
pions 30 . 0alma' dy busy_ in re- I
aide, Ina Yikusban; immediate-;
'welt in ititiltiliqjlis horse, Ho
inisbg mien Vaiding.come out.
~Fej,ealtic" ;41'.e em .him
`',llaY.e jilt& uti:tor Wu* :Ark the
*tend , . tiOt;eii#4 , in%
aresitpi to be auspeated, and
4 ltords witl!*wpficant
WV nothuirtfilt 0. 'as,well aware of the
inikOble*Pese POlnilling , anY knew that
neitherVestinf suPpcatiiiii,,,Tior rears of future
r, e.tFilinti.op *could n- s iin „iside from ;his fell
tu t
Rupdge. , No conlili aughaahopelo succeed, •
single i. leilided,'. iit thy iittenipt Ito, avert "the
doom of hie' betrotlied.'AtliniekYfroth the
peculiar look with :which`: r(arding regarded.
liim,,Vaughtia veo leil,titithil,:,that tho refu
gee rnetrated birdesigns, and- ' had hrought
1 him-wing teotertilie• iirtlie sight- of. the ruin
'to be worked.; at the Headley farm. Yet this .
I look might; mitly . nriiie from natural suspicion of
la recruit/ I But cord& • Kitty have been false I .
'iitlierltruth , was =mistakable, or Vaughan
knew neibilig,of physiognomy. But if tluire
wattle drs..goons at the , place when she arri
i'ed ? „These thoughts agitated him continual
' .'" 111ti11.414 tO iiiivo her • and if needb be,'
heinwardlY sworee F !' I will 'coserve her frump
prOfenatim hy,,, , ir-crieeing or ,
with my own
nattd4l, - r.l l , • ,
t . ,,Witli -tliese bitter,refiectims,„, Va , ighan „fol. i
towpa his commander:, ,his heart- tormented now;
by ilciair, , :and new pacified by 'hope_ .01
lei:igthWeidleyte farm,hrokiP on their right,: ,
. earl o 41Poketifeigerly in the , direction where
the dl agoon.%l 'if' coming„, would appear; hai l
,are hi isfight. - , ,1t was just, as evening
elosedland all around wore a calm mid peaceftd
I look. , Ile turned sick at heart, tr., !raze on the
) ;id lionestead ; andd-when yaughan thought of
the dsolation soon to falioii that now hapity
1 household, his feelings c=ld searc,.l:, 1 e con
trolled. But he felt the' l necessity of dis,ini
ilatian if he would even fatempt 01 :-.1 \C. Emi
" Forward—trot," .sad the voice of 'Hard-
big, at this moment, hlying returned fron a;
reeoriboissance Of the b clings, which he found,
:as hei expected, . wholly 'unprotected ; then as i
they reached,the lawn the house, he •
i l shouted in, a'' . :O n ice Whickti told the household of ;
' his .apprt 4 a,ch., ~ "'Halt l' ;-
InstantlOhe ,Men drewiti their reins, wile
'the hasty:balling:Of do4rs was heard from the ,
house. Kiwas - the wnitt of a, moment, loWev- i
i or, for ilm:va.;s4a . nts t 6 di, and stand
I before a lung halt door, .‘s-liiell had given awn
' bevore an axe which,oi4 of the ',arty ear-tied,
tho not until a shot hail been fired trot an up
-1 per story*indow. i
"Our motto Is beautc and booty," shouted
' Harding, as, the, door fell in. - Spare none,
, and revenge your fallen comrade :" With
thesewords, he rushed 'towards the -stair-ease
leading to the apartment which Vaughan knew
Ito Le occupied by Eritils-.
1 The Crisis which he bad breathlessly waited,
ever since the attack began, had now come :;..---
1 and regardless of the pertl, Vaughan sprang af
teihis,leader, determined to save her life or
!frustrate flarding's designs. And together
i they 'ascended 'the stair-case. The moment
was one of terrible ingest: , The hand of the
ruffian was on the lock of Emily's, door—the
door which .. had been fib ; sacred, hitherto. even
• froM Vau,gnaa ., s apprpach- r -When our hero ar-
I rested it by a blow from his sabre, which would
I have severed liarding's , hand, bad be not
caught file flash of steel and sprang back.
" Ha! a traitor, - he said, comprehending
everything at a - glaritTe, , vet half astonished at
the discovery u then take that !"and he level
led a pistol at our hero : who saved his life lly
by knocking up the weapOn with h(A
is blade,
In an instant the two excited men bad crossed
—Harding, furious at the discovery that he had
harbored 4 spy, and Vaughan thirsting fur his
.heart's blood as the only chance to save End-
By this time, the refugees were pouring up
the stair-case, and, for a moment, they. paused
in astonishment at .the spectacle of this unex
peeted..Cornbat. Recovering from their 'sur
prise, they threw thetustlye.s on Vaughan. whom
they disa - tirted and Inaund, after receiving many
• woundql :Ile expected nothing now but lime
i diate death.. nor did he wishto lire. Fince he
could nit save Emily. be desired to -die. ; Ile
would Ave blessed any one who would have
put an-end to his existence.
1 , " Oh! Why did my good blade -fail me
i said he, " why - mrtld ;I not-finish the recreant
To .1. "add to tids *tress, tirie of the servants, , m , ~,. .. , --- .
'who had been dmg_ted intethe'hall, - ,recognized ; lif al.l kinds:lotialtues Ana iizes , and et low
-11-tirn; and revealed his s name, - . ' ter prices ttian ever More, Known, may, l,e ioun4
"Tzm :are a loYor,. then, , of, the fair bird. at the tittff , l ' elt t rY Onctsitc 'lie '' Wl:not:tar
I : within:as . well as a traitor and a spy." said 1 ; office. wht.rire. the putitic I:4 I a rg.t.. Hnd those ,
!Harding, ',hoarse with passion, and weak-- from 1
~I ) n i fy, ...r . e . t:::: je i n t tr li pur ' r e ' t , i l ,: t r s e ing in% e ' l l " s e e _i
1 the pain of the wounds he had received .from; , ( 4 . ) 1 ., ( * e. : asi,.,. 1,.v,11 tint - he . under:ol t ay any '
[Vaughan's. sword; "then you shall withess; y„,,),, snatchop,-cr " Fanner? " Stare in the
' t hew, she Sits:ll'lm - my leman, ere you die .- I GoUtit3i'.. 'The hest of workmen are emptoyed
[ , yanglaan i writhed in mental. ag,ony. -Already ;at 9e Shop; -it lid all hats manufactured by them'
he seemea to beheld Ids heirothed straggling ta 7 e Fair ra ord. z , :' I
(in the. foul arms et the in" - ffiins, --..-.. ' N. Lt. Qttsti nail for Sheep Pelts and Furs.l
.-- - i -
ll:Frrr (f; od's sad," •• he - imPlored, '" tort ilre 1 \ P l 4 - . 15 0. 1816- '
.., - I . - 4 . i _ _ _
me--ao *hat, you will with nae—but spare Miss -• , •
tileadley ; ! spareher:' - TS
1 The villana answered by laying hold of the ; , .
. „. .
door knob; as. he did this, a bullet whistled in . ` ---= - \-b ,
. CA
i the air, and he fell dead, piereerl it- a pistol •. ;
,! • • - Ai.- - , - .
1 ball frimn an unseen hand. As-he - fell. a hnzza ; - .. ''
C. • - I
arose from the stair-case, which was now seen- ;• ..-;,
lint: Mien Currently reported through the 1
'.full -of men in -the attitude of American dra- i I 1 4
..00111A. . . ,2. roninv.iiind is the-declared opititon of ?tun- ,
. ~d retis, tni,4 in pnait.of V iriety. and qii.ility. 0.1„.• 1
1131 z 3 .•.." — . w° ila" . till. CM new in a trap, I suppl y of ',.HATS and CAPS, at- MEttatt.'4ll
I shouted. a Stentorian yoitje, which Vaughan re- . ROOT'S Hai and Cap Since du 'the IN HS: si de oh ;
1 cognised '; as that of hi comm a nding officer ; , the
,Puhlin4livenue its Montrose, exceeds any,
I" no iquarters, my lads ! rut them down."' ' l thing of ;hit kind ever exposed fur sale in this,
' dire' fight was :soon otttt—t-fhe result could - I - region Of tiountry. Reader, do you, discredit i
The' refugee vere -seeped : the
; litimiri' , .,,, Rrtnemher-the Poet's admotitt top: i
not be dOubtful.
t 1 , • f. •,. Our doubts are traitor:4 ,
up; and had no escape, while their enemies out 1
• A'nd snaki) . us lose The geed We oft ttiktbl Win, '''" t I
numbered ;them- five to 'one. . ; larding fell in ' ; 1 • t-• - 'l'
! ; Oct. 1.12,478.46.
- the begitniing of ; "fray. ':'ohs: result _the • :,_.41 ._,...:.; ;.4_41; . ...,... -. : • . -.. ... __ i
melee and the defeat` pressed' almost frith.the ' - ! • . 120 Doien
. I
rapidity attotight. - . ;
.. , ,
1 -. i_l' TRI A.' Bre . k . h 7. ll,:toleFk . in
e ltril S .
. 111 i-j
"We jetere just in time,' said Vaughan's 11 INF. :
comrade, *hen. ,thonctifilc was terminated, -untll cki. l l l ., !;l'l i. .. ti F is;, a lll . R. " 11 1 % I' l l l'''.,er 11 '''' , r t y ''''', fin , 1
ea-eri-ref(igee : eit'her'slain dr pittionett; " your t " ,'let
he . tild tifelipe . r titan ° . ( ev t.!:. i ti o i r . ; t t-7i4 e i. 2 0,, h % 1 '. c, _ 11 !P I 1
naessongeffound us!fortunately4tt "the_past.", .. ;. 1 ii ~.- -- .' . .... . : '.' .. I. _.:."
:The;.ieritified..,i4t .. pow - came 'from' 'the .5: DiCiF„.,-ettlered....tini net. •Lviix.. C.if , ilett,
rchimber: 'Aare she had:. fled. with. her father,l , ..,If ild i! - ; 9 l'-l'.l 1\ 9ti? •r- '-
; 2111 :;bi , 126 , f a i r' bailda' were Va l l e tan' = sm ' as t ---11- llit irdi. 'Afen'si and 16 . 0 - 777pr,l'itl ci v e - t - nr :T i: 7- tfpf, 4
'do e up. •
,;1, - .:Af o . l'llle - war. she andmir'llero w . tre i.2o.lolditlerent styles rid quality.iautty - :
oi......inttst;heir . fins Beho ld. i ....t
,L, ii .'..
IF,h'': il
' . 1
b - pity , marrie,d4G Aid' kitty, - as - a- reeompeit'sel' , . i -,t 1 ,, ; e• c'
~., , : .,, ; ,,, i; ,. ~, w. ,„ ,d , „ R i p;
~ , , i , i
Ifo hertsegieo,..W4:titt,
o t o x i e i ) tiltl i vk ii i ; .t y fl os t, , ,T ol e yyp r f , 9 ) , e ! I 9 9 pi :?,:i 7.: sp i ll. C . oar, ' Putts tiolt . ltrius.hs, furl
H dpa i n, :who have 11.eaid;'_fitiiii ii,rtl'eipants 1 4i H a W a ilzi,:t. ` 4,lB , , , ,, irt,; a " p 9 ' c i !T i 1 i :.11 . .,. 4 .- t ,-,,..4y# , ..
that day'!..fight,l the,;stgry of ; Ate laud pirate's ; , i... .1 , I - 11: - : . ~. , -1 „: ~.' • t'1.4.'1. 7 4.;': : i
. deatl4l - .I . ' • - : ' - ' 1 , -- 1 -- r; . ?; - - 1 . ...1-,.. 4 4, - -•...; - ...-4-:--e--4,i-4--t • t .!..
, e ,.,,,,,R,,,i4i tor 'Pl,eit - 4 -14..; t... - 114:4- - 1 R.,'_%. I
- 1 ,, ,...1._ - 3 ,..., ,:...,,, t ,. , ,1., :,... i '?,.';i: ;: •.:, LK •I7 j . r . f ,
ag q -7 0cFil 213 - =44.1,:ii - ,yi#W. t .,,
, oi , i ., :f ... i ~.5',,- - :: , - tf,'-'1; v ~,!,., .-1,,,fat.„..11..,,,,,E.-...,
, t1411i(lp-* 450,gtliinitarigeS which
autiono , xi ,ero, e we
l a w 4 1 4 4 ..., ;7 04, lioliglit4tb *PA O 1 4 4 i9:4.
4113Wmaler. - -INeri seemsoegeekk , "l
'NE interval betteenl:64 ana - inian h ot
though a. summer, mum; what theie ig of it;
is lel, 4,14 , ts ourt it,toll*kftkfields-rf
" WailibarilY be Vett of:
raii.'6kituxotheitptirposelsz Give wOlicq
414Veleduitli.eratrevember—nci sitter!
- ,4 44 . "100 -3tioPiAkfin,
i'.ii* ,, creremithe,
ed by i#,belj I
the Peth , "Nyli
i • -4
• '
. i.
:i , Aci
.? :.f. - lit
#;.l , il
r.-' , . I...i.viv i
z:- -,-,-'; I , i=tut .
, i.: L,:klifi
t-e - ung ;'. I'.
iearri Q:.
all jti l the,p
liNkY. 1 4e NO
411 4 :910y
tu1t 1 4) 1 44, 11 .
9orae : i 7in, j
anticipato t i
ins,±you •
ier .roi. ditli
~h: / .eA ihl
Lime :a
-pdt ,sti nilm
If yoii ba,N o i
um.lde ymie r
young marl
G w 0 aalt:i
tfie4iveniii 'fireside. Itappyi
Ithas a Immo ai this''season tits,
liappy he who loves it: '
it 'others eepk for empty joys,
I+ll,:dr ioqcen,;Out.ik Play ;t
gildififrunte an, ttllTls±gi,
*tie'Vintr)i COCA ervtiyE-4- '
hook - and fute.thi3,bool-ellivide;
it vet how, rater cpultitill::1 11, '"
i'44 1 et9 1 9 own rir o _l l 4 l 7 , ;
en, :take earn of , 3rniir•LeyeninsB.-L:
,w ue your leisure hourslo9
'in iktinkstrOts;litrlo.tictutte ,thent
isuit'orinern,afingionients..t They
th to, you intim' thatlola-or,
„proved. NoOs
. 91,iwtt to J I
PurisPilit4l l o l llr:. - 1:e41 13 g' 9 ' 411 ( 1 311
r. twp,e.ttith. mint% ikua : . 4evoted.
;Tor, a year to i
ge.t_a result wlnkli yo,u now hardly
• l'l 3l - 11 ' yoll• sity Y9,ll,arq not a '' gen-. I
,pre no Atueo.uunott talent, „No
I'. oniuses areas seurte as ibe.ll-1
but nue r aciAts the ear*, ut ]
to - .f.trartiinary talont, 2 lllat is]
Of, in the world,
iionnuon senses, that ,is. enwb..,;
neTOase your mental furniture, and
a. WELL-1N tr RUE 3! Eyery .
ifhght to aspire to this. ail this
4 .1
61 1 . - LETTIIs
I ING In the Pest Wive ut Moutrosei
fitolL•l43 •
Dro % n 2
ivs 2
t)i, V.lll
p 7
1 ' 511.:A C Saxto'n
l i
l ivi
I Crunirer T'Pickering
lia twil,, I G P Pariah 2
ti i poiiin Miss . .Molvion 1.1 1 atc1) •
,Garvin tit• ry y Patrick 2
41. :%1 i. •• Rail) Alio l'erkiiis
riii - ms Alvillw Quirk
{tease - Rev II A Riley.
tiMi Danie.:s iticilaril Ridgewly
,r&cin Mrs S It c-Ilea:er
ra Duffy I Iliniol Neiiile
rit. - k. Messrs R Searle & Co
I ,Liter
A Gate
- .Mrs Almira Wfich
Patrick Wholon
W W Wela 2 i t
. 41'ares
\yes • Hitp-ry Wilson
MiSsarrrttl. W Wood
Ilulti6ard Washingtott
tiktissa 13 W tight
licob-A' Warner,
g hton
1 ; 1 ariff Zt cdtletd.
3 1 000
ulyFut CapsAtt;T: Z. .31. ao r&
ii2 l iii c sind . i . PaciihriolifpO4Cll
-Ott-004, u feadoz IButrtife t itabT,*k
luOridiy. of hair l,l, ' ,4eaiii;jind worked
i ..,,,H,,,:, ci tv..:4",:j.::!-E--121W;tiletittfp .
~::"..;.:16';;'1.i- : ',.,
\ MTON)' *l4 OC' ,}l,-.404
. . -
- -;.!' 4 g':•.fi1..1.2iP jil- 40...-- , ,e,
to County , at,p,.4ll4kit'O.
Jared Lilly 2
I 1 , ,p; •,M.O r 1011 .13
IVpi U Leuoutd
HenryLvouti ril
Gee 1,.:11e
Ill6ssrs ttltlls ti'Sher.=
ors II '2
;Nliss E+tt•n ;Mitchell
Davenport P Miter
hips Baehr It !Munger
Jahn II bleK"nne
S:oonn't htt L
Henry Ilia:mod
'Photon's !tint:hews:rat
bliss Patience _blahor
Wlltnrd Wit -
It J Nice's
Enos Newcomb'
Dr E P.crien
ble-are I L & C o
Joseph Pninti,ter
P P St John
Miss Saptirtmirt Sprout
sub:ly Stlve,te'r
Plum.w S+niih
lei s h Smith
Sliss 311:leite Smith
bliss Emelinc Smith
Ws.; shtrion G ,Scott
J Ozherot &tope
T 4 Sritiih •
Rev D ttylitr
:Sirs Stephen Torry
W litter) Tinker
rtiri Mitrin Vin Voorst
Geo Walker
c... "
y .• - 7. 7 " —; 71 - 1" . --- I — ' -- - 7.
E.1;14 ' " ry i l ''> 7 . C- = 7r., '• - y I. t t,,,ltx 2
• . =, ..., „y „......r:-...: ~ ~, ;, .q e- - 6 , ... '.. .
= z - -0
,g: . tNiZ177,...,.. , t• iz z , ,4,',
0,•-rili•VIS'=' -'4l= r ,`..' el '
4." ~ ,; • 1•; ,! a 4. cars -a.t.f. , !.1' , , i.
i::: 1 PI , , ••• , t ,; .''' ) 4 l - :: ,:; . 4. f .
i' ':- -;-''..: i , , . , .f , E,4 ,
, •
~.- 4:- -ii.A.z.k , util. - te rz,r ,9 •41.1 1 ,....' 4i
--.' ... -44 " , •1id P-47 • z. - -a , •" - -S' tt,,...4.4 .4 . - 0 .w. - t
'Cas f ig. , .. E. h'-'4- 1 ; , •••!i t 3, *4.;:-.7,:te1,,.....1i ,
j =*, 7, —;,... ,•••Z a. , :74 . zoz.. - :t.r....: , t d ku.... 00
11.'"jill•- -Lt 4 ' — ' , :: E —4;›...c411t.-..t!-_ _T.
r__,'..,.,- - • , ..4 Z - ;;,-,-tz..2... - •,-,,, • 0-1.,..4Z.g c -.... c. --1
4 -1-, ' , :,1 , r .,! . 4, .E- . . , s 1 1 - : • ::.• .... •": 1 :4 t i ' -' t If:
~.....„ , v.., :-. tt ,_ . ;-,. z.:, -- ' 4 •• -: :;:z: r!: =t.
i= 0 ' r.. ., -_- -:. z.. .:-.: - .....•••'-,z r.l- - 4 ,-,-!• .4 -
, = >-. •-• ___ i 4., •°', ..r. - > c•
1 ii. 4.4 If ,- Vic- :.., 1 : ',. =
.Q,Z, , c4„:.6
....& 'I , . -.: ••• ... ..... .- 'CC . . .....' V.:
I Ma. r. - .- .1: - ' 1 1. Z .. .. . ; - .....7: 4
j ....1 i
---. " i . ...... :12 z 0 ' 7 - ,rt
~..- . :
I,lie tivr.b this day J ij: fut . , `ns,thny
rt'fit of
`Jr% !Cotten rarn; whi,h ,ii,iii , tio,nofid poi e:llettp.
as thcchrapest. by .1113NTL Y 7 - 81.:-1t EAU;
I- LEATHER. H .. , f ,„
S(I , E nrs'r Upper.,Lealltir—alto• C o l( SkinC
( 1 1 the host q uallty., j t p- ro f tviN.' e ' ii 0 oti•:or
'smie cheap. by BEATLEY A' READ.
': CANDLES fr. 44.1611MV:
R • r ,
I..D.ihiA ti nv, superior lot of Can
dies Wh,Ch will b.- gr,1.1 Otigte
Aibu, Ne., t's grovrth.
BEN:FLF g ,,,Y a: READ.,
Nov. 4. , h
AxEs) - '"bq
QLLINS Ce!ebrited 4arifor4A4Ks said i"
he thf2 bet , t cver brought 4 . 0) this iparliet,•ji.nt
w.,,f tor ..-1.1t! Itti't by J. , •
• •
11110 ADC 140 I . 1i S. K crew
.11!1 , 0 . 1
(_;t)t;o6 Yarp,
per, $V.1,1,r , . 11. , I:o4tri,t love;
"TA i 1•111 t,e s.4d the Ip.
1 n e t: (1.
.11,mtp a dei
i. 0.1 ALA' AC(' AS P;.) „; HI)
F.1110,y'41)). S:).) LlnSei, PeilllS evory
56 , :.
Itc7,/fly 4: newt,
•^1 " T." C.l
gNE horse IV GON ! arld .'i - 4111NES.0
ctierip l re a h .Ar or. oppc,pvq;Nt stotp.b. Effi,
quit BENT L.E',Y .4 READ.
Nbv. IS h. 1546.
• ..
r.-.1.-R .1 .
, , 1 5 1
A N Y quanitly t,t ForK ! Odl,j,
,Porn, Pty'r,
Wheat, af-eswax, Taihow: B4tt.-::: Drfriit
Ai) pa -s, Socks i Seed, • Bcini, niter nfri 0 4
:Siteer. ; - EL. 1 . iIF ANY . !
UILG Sill) E
13 3
F 4 S: NTLEY READ, hive tWts 'flay receiir•
ill nn ntie,t ion Tu Ittet. rtt - Diu' s,
Medicines, D:pettlitrs, Oils, c 1 43.• wLtth
make. their Winter nitsortiitekthitnittfier:nrul l in
which they tiVfrli? the unteritnultillifitir
in Susquentinna county. •linysictatis and nth.
ers suppl tea with t•vPry article in e:r.r. oi.:tat,
Lus a rate zis St any r i. - 44141.shinent ;in
Nerthfill \.
Moto IL IS4C . : I
ID U RE- wintry straiiied,-ra)l ,
—llteti•uftl .Sti hih it)/LS.. . , ' rutiner'Oldo.,
i:bttap by
' /- •
; BrZ:NTI.Y REA 0:
TEKt Balsam 'f 11'113 Merry, q4kr-
.oil, ;Vorld i ftillre tare's
Tnnt..VermifoOtt, Ottrytt:ttatte
tittrgtp9rillzt, Dr. :WNlttkrire;.4 Elttoitiof
of Ltte. ! littil 7 l,ll'll
I& 1.141et0 O. ktittfaLsiiPt4Aux Boers.
& Loit•nges,
thers !he .popultv
s~lef;oht by ,
"BEl11"1.:EY & REAT-11
Brit 11 , 11
day, fo
~, ' t.) 1 •-!
'c -
t.:07-: * 4; 1 . -. i •v, 1 . 4.!
- ..? -.- lg :-. 1 = 1 li
. ..c. ) ! -4,!
7=,...1 :
-- :-= , '''' 4 7 2 • ' ....1
~ :•
c: =•k.- 'i - -- C) ' ' z , " E l " LA? "i#,l
lE. - = 1- • t ..,C
=CD Z . , : 4 -Q = ' c>,. ..! • :,1
CZ . ''
""' '-'' :'''' V- •A ° 'di
er• r... -.--: '.. - =: 4 4 :::, Iti-; tO t'V -
- '._;7j-r•I •:4 ..=
g -E- .; ' 4- ` 4 ." , - , :& i
. ,-.- ~. ' - 0 6 --
'l t Fi . ' - ' - ' ,- z R , ...-4,„. to
%) .."' .1i • . ..... ''''
'.. C." j . / . y '''. 44
:2 . ... 1
~, . 1 4 .7 • . s' l : . 4... t• 1 7 1
7 5 4.. 1 =1 .I't :??. er C: ' l44' it; . 176 t‘ 1 4 .
12 : 7 ; 4.• 4-: - :1 2 ...5!.2 , ic..
; .o.' .....;! . .. 4 ,
.: - ,I:P- , z , ....2-
~-... ~ biz E. 1 - 2.• .., ‘•• .1 4-•• ' ,:• •••-•
.f. cz.:-. •
,1" yr c ...
E : '2'l!
• ''' z. 1 or Ci . ' ..,'
E.. t ' ...'.:•Z -''' .0 -E,i's 4 .4- - ' ,Jl9.
• 4 4 ».-. 4.=. P t.):A iir:,- / 7.z.
. ,E ..-.. , Q. c.) 'v . • bo , A - .-i.?:•
t.. ..,.. r.. , c.- , :.,
. c.-'4. •,,o-t. .-,,,
L' - ±l - -6 --- • .-t - z - -.4. .. - • -.. • .4-..
ti 1•,-.:- .. .. a ,-7.-- r .1, - it: •• ,1 :-...?
. . •
- - -.;
- 7 .
_ SAL 1,-..,-,:--
.k • .
, • , ..„, . s 47.g. n , ; A.,' I
:d:: 14: ,-.0, I- 5••-.. ~ - 7 , '
~..- r- 1 i
ilrik Filhikrithtrdfootior etitd, , hie 141-in o
7 . ' .r , :cogiiiivaleiviaatiltatred I iierlitiysittnit 'i l f:i
i it iatc , Ar to I 4 e ,g f or j . st-tio or , ritmt-Millard, , k9lwil/
I u! 3 - !IN: 813 [ 11 V , , Wt.tepcliti St._.tliu , T.t ai) P 4 pau a o', 1
1 t jr, P i e l i psyj vAtpul e -, A0? .. a1 i ,,, vi.a9r : .,,;kyrea,a!i laic; i
fa rtp tirp)ii 'a ,n r' ot . t litliniticta, i. 4.1
,yeti tEi l'it welt watere4=-,g* , andt . 'rile real 611
.bill diagicitiefpnil-Aoiftiitahai4 ! . iir'ROQII dii
1 i
', 7 ,g , ,',..;; ;Is ) • V. , 1
.: ~..!! 1 1 : 1 .4 . .1 .4 )1 .4.-F . 11 4 / Zir tP.I
.'. '' ''. , : . ~..:. ~..,/..;_, .. 4 4. • I ilir-.7 '
• - A.E"PLEIgILPFO4.4 'q '' ;
~ .11... ..... 1 4 • ` 4 lel li j,-,,,,
wilkepitagt l yetr f , 3v s hett. poitt, T FIA , t l i ;tit lig
, niiihioldittnint'ti,teti' iiii•l 'eted' : . orifiteso loi,iliie
.. 1„
geoson by the frost, yie ( deit.,up aitltt of 4000 ii:
' Blida t - --ialoci; a . good•' , 6.i? .or paler lite
- - • •....., .. . ~t,
Ainlinglurhichinteritenrii; , peacheivriumai e.
iT.4444rtitialtoi•ii4g?.***l. , .ll4ll.vred,t)iot ,
tit,..4.9ri off i Nbt -, .1e.: tfferf4l . :41 4 2 . 9441f!R =4,w•
anusttwurms.4esireCeSpy , IT Ir.+ .5., 111 3 .It,,.:fi-A . T
is ; itg.4l9p kkeoAnery_ tx , 'woo Ktlio:Ritrir,
.--1-, : .
iliftlii - AU itekra,4* - §i - cra t Virlina - tirreiti i- "It :
mirtignl4..-‘ , "' .. --; ,•11 36 lvtArrt,gy b , %, 7 pliei
New Milibal, June llth, -18telgrr- 42.0 444t ;t:' , - -, ''','-",
~ ••:,1, - ./..,.....1.- ~, ..._ r,-,- _.- - -.1 1: : . -4,
' ji.kl4 -LA - «;:;!;_4;,-...-.4«.1.,'"
W 1 41.4
D a g
15%. .lif‘ . eel . Vrilif;
r I.!,-
; 511;S:: U
r effiitio
'Plit HWlAlabseriber hitider
, 44... r tecOledgemphtsiitti.
1 1. ..,C1i iz 410,4 getl,,Noti,ulfgoite
r P a V.-9, 1 1 A *IPA °PO 1 1 1 ) .0 1 j4.
i-wr re e Tiftgi4.o W9.4E•e) ~
its Mil VV t c , t , ,` ' . ,
14; 11 ~..., , - ..s,v i tp.-, , , s,L s it ,
...i i.. 1 .Er I , t.U.
• - , - tv-3,1?:' 'S.;- - t.
i i
Amu g is (Ay 4kirel
Bfirkii i< lik, Pinjetincr:r 4 i
Sttillii . ,`SenneNiat'e' i
'Cushitttr s; Otegthf and' Ati
,> 4 .
.I 1 , Ir ~4 0, 1
YDS. ; '•Piinits- 1 3i - rii;66D
- Won oSlitiwi.4l,- SilkTerv'et
Merieu Vesrings, -New Pail"
Tirkinv.s t :Meetings mat Bal
a greia Vlitri44ty4 «:x ~
'MUF.O3, FUR ilal itiD I
Is' w,- ILK CflP4,• 1 ..•
Croix Syrr l
f,rsi.. 33r0y51 ,
t;lf Uvo:
ni4. s yf 'rat,
G il l, era. , cirsa 13;iy's -I
Giiitti!ct Hi te,t 4;:rittty. ll
Gent's ft taiher shops,
CROCK EBY, - .:!
A.goco, asoortootta of ChOcisety, Glaß t a.Witce.
;tile „ .•:i
~ Min c,„„.it„L,_,A ,„, • 1. ; ;;tiveo; 1 •0 6 .
F rke. 1t'en.41.14 i?ocket.Jotyes,fiest Cotrtf:roll4;,
Cirruia4 Extra, Curry C
e, ,
s, :).11:tnere,,S4t:,t p•tperi
Var 26 ;rife"
t 0 ,, rl 06; 1 W w his, Cott tem tototry,
F: elle:: • Batortt 1.1.111,a04. Traveliiria I.3liAceir,
(2,:r1 , ,t ,_ citt,ot B.,3uks, I)ve t. I:0 al. 1114 i.
Nortgov, Mhel,,erel •
All el 4:11,ch tviil ite Arred
tor Vat://, uppi-r,red. rre:rit nr
for Eta taa.t.S•ries,ltye,ll., ;ti he'd,
i Wafd. Bresaa,x : Coro, Bartt;-
i Wheat, Inilou , L,rd, 40,v .Cleeie ,
Ft-attte.te, liy.
Nov. 1.111. i
'<: V rmnnlTT world iity ie t)4
teut VI; •,1 t 1 . , e1
r ior extvo:Piv'e nsPori o.pi graprri. ;34
Dry f (not. (r Ehll Winter. eulAteh
irrw...: l Teert entriprlsiritr: Ar4rkti - feeol
Dry ( - 11H,.1s C tlePtler. , . (tronlreryN. - Het raleill te,
. 1
1....1;,11, Buffalo ilotw-i.. Poirp
•. &r 11 , s neie supplied bind genor . ..tiretr4:l;
b41:01ti . 111
Ihe r4e..t ntlimiroive and - tlt;6lioble.
• and ten; lo• .01..1 at pr ICPA eniirely
Ito i rtresetit tow graete (tie trrit.rf::er, rind tor
titi , ,L 11611%164 . Ni- rl hirgc: tUClclifiii +colt fordOr
itl , .Cesh. Pro( , sa ppr oved Credit.
Nt-ty'Nliirpra, Oct. 21 5 ;,..184 1 3, . • :;
01 , ,';''ty,,ccoLf .It'A a cl.totre Ds
rra,(4.t. L'r\slis.;
I.astlt- ad ; :,B121;•1r: Vlaist
)4 ad Eti 61' 41..4,e11i
fit , . II les; NaviSlvlvs. rirtc(nishiiitrwiie
Pa . . Dr *lit,&:ll,-
thittire , g ;, tiqmpf6ll)lTS-1
FrluacA;N HIM
; ut
A40,1.11 . 14 ' t•hr Q-t 8 4 1), It'S R . 50,in §`S ;
L -11 , 1 GI lir , Pa trill ill/111.0r , tltaerj, ti
1 .=;!'',! . .-1T~l..r•!::1 11 CAL , .. l ' OrreS r . V
al r. r" . -. 1 • 1 I ir '•\ r
OfAttp, V C4r-Uf . T. El , O
i'arkr.!Z4We WU. &c. &c is ).01,t4.1% %via be
pad at! regiartd itteraa wid er+ cheap. ,
wt . VIZ WU'
i• ', BPLF,NDID n..R.llr:tpient ,• - r,t' vr,yr? Fliti.!
1 itii,,,tord. qut ~, V,lvet, Glazed And Seilt)l . 4oh:
W I tli esF C.' ips athi .1144., - Alta), 'Ugh( gilirri4.riz
IMurT.:l nil 1.1t91.$ from, 61i ,L;) . *t.1..t.13crra1..(,--,
11, , i,Ls Corp,t I.ivrs &;.: 111;,4, I elletVi:Ll iil:d
;selling Ullrl'a..q.)ll:4l4:y lay lIA i 1
. . .
Ii: 815.111 1 /T,t,S. :
N&a Mi11 , )401:.. 2, IS-:G.. - •': : 1
v ES- 7 Ni:r Plate Stares . a culler pat
t e 0). and P,ipe, also, just reeei v'cid qt 0 411
w „sold igtv . 81.31111rr t •
Ne .Dge 1, 11iA16., . „'.
I ,
N EW: 000 S'
T'suti :' riper, eentlefoi t.IWS Tric'dcb tirui for ;last tavc,r4,respectcolLy invit,i4Ofieir;
itit to 'hit item nnd otritittiFt - tut ,oci - Goititiki
ft-ettirt.q. Ktotj,tittitig,43l.
}97ir pu ,
I.ltv Oil
w h
A r s
a k ere,
Cm va
TTO CLO TH 4 3„ loNter 11ra ll'e.ifft, be
toiirid [in this iitarlta ftitt OA;STI 1
1( itt ri,6lc4; . I;l.oslvax,
•'Ctiljour, I#s t Pliik;OJA%evr,CopOtj?,,faX
ot, - e:4•Aitie, gooil-1,018 VOnwAy, -
- - - J.lbifonscr'l
'1•••••••-7-Z—r 1 ,
,4,.4•N 455 . CL TIJ B • per,, OP r,
I. .tt Ar f- 1,4
_ 1
'p h . -, I A trattnuO
1 i 13 , l ad/
eelVho I hfivo(pat:i::
ril#l;itY,4'. 410. ifki
St i i*gir::: 04904 1
• 4 1 - ki,4 ';' - ilt-:: , ,IVI•t: ii-t• - 4 4
Isaft, 7.
efi ko::
- k
' (vow
, 4tC:O.
9sifif, thkilitlri z el l .
iii:ced,Riziligt,: .: il' ' 1
-• f )t t-,1 'r:, 'J: 77.f r f:l.r ,
I .I.' t ` . f 1.
1 T. _,,. 1-.4 i...1 . E.4 • . ;T •-,,; :,
frinqk Wiiigell ant)
113tricit'Shtiiii! lino'
Indleglicctierij 4 ;
IL it _ANL) . gitf;
lES• ' . .11
111, younif
1 411 q.?
ope r f., e,tp:llov,
',?';:;;St,e, • ,
• :!3•-s-`;
I nNo. 130414 i ,,
iilkiburits•litvl almet:
lAvg() Lindie-?s
lardware, CrockerY , • . =
Gl4Skyare l l i oOkiOg Glass s„
i * oceries IV its; I
!Books. &
arc .: Ato;.—§zo.;'llr
ch will be at his . gspal
••! J. GYPNS r .'
2S. ; •
I r! • ' J
Lli1)4 1, )1DI p!!1:4011!lid t
f nißtih!
Y,A • • LYON Si ! r
, "'
i Et\ •
,rdils.,ilect Pin
f*iinorati4 1.114441,4491;100-1.3i
, ••
5)Hi0tr,,..14-4a - jeceiyqit - fituf
eap -
Wt T0N. 1 81 . 41
4 1 71":
i:49f44: kAatCY.434.:A.IISItrYS
t A .
g Pi
;01 1
4 FatC
41-4laitaothil miaticiCrul
T rvii - i r '''`. * e 4 h ji kl e liPNl*
;ritipfpnittot.:**A-` c . ) . Z 7. 11
I - • . 11.
A tmrske room or 1, , i 1 '..T7l9?i' filPii:,..*
".. - , l it i r ci , . l ie „ 1
• It ii:1i0.w..„00,11 ~ ~y,. rit,jo, c,... z riNg..L. _
Sotitellrstliirtoll ,illtr • Oe , alai .9; ol llregra- --•
Berm Pills tuiltireittlia, arid,' - "eqto loillty, ,, ;-
ilia' nO!'4,th rr*iedfOrrie' t inis given; such liii.iiir-'-',
sal sattsfati. oniitrid ttbelattleit,'*fa tijfkr , •llrirli - `- -
I d
very little xertiotintailiertisi g, I , , iittimaia
haa incyeas tp.Tigiviic AOOO - box e s per tacit:—
Thu are e4tireiy,vqgctible,ft cause i ,. . ,in
ifi . lhel' .oP tl r?dloPsinbP'"g P r 4c4. 1 -84(8- or
young . or old s and, tbos'ettif d'eb linter, Consti i ,
ton*, and n 6 a {anti& me'diatir "Olive no ffiligi
They are Oh reffeeititiPreiri l e f,th.eilise L itties * of .
ls chrnatgistleftastbtlliniisrdieopea-itkilll their
various forms.‘ , Fever, , , Old` ; 1.1 Or• CornWaints,,
, tiestlachf. Coughtr f COltli,.Costiventiis &co- ?
$Ve have , varrottedtue,,ln•itliKitt ilk/. elcsita_of
, Fei;er and It gut. inul have ne'er known tiiiica
Ito tall in remving it, in thorn , 011.”" to PiIL,4 O .Y II,
fivhen" tlik4n according to : directions.'. They
never leave the bowels noslive, , :crinil loltiKild4-
1 .
mil 3r eroates ihe neeessity'i for finittier: In ner
• f e male=' d ebility'sind
VOL Psh 4
t tire, isi t tly .ttatott tub tag. ' , Titerih#ye- gestured', A
fa r - ge nua+er; of well VASesAfiel, they llad been,
donlined 1 ; Lbetc b e ds, find men ,uptyi, (Antic
physiela 0 The certifitiates, a ,, few of ,whlch
may ) seta, en nut Lucy ars lying, hi
~ IN
E had of dill- n gents' grUtis.. Th e y qtilet tlte ner
r vulis System, and:reinove the icanise' of nervous
rirrifation.v lb sitar( the'ystrenathen inirtent, .
vale the winks-system In easel of Dyspeps ia
inntl,costiyene,:tllo 10,ve workhd, wonders .4 •
iTtintecindiChuvebemt re„. , iore,dfrtuu all thehor
i rare of Ifni aVore diseases, mull a ' nymber ,pf
, i belt) In ,Syracuse. Itcl in this civunty r , PLrinir
i Tint:tars see ciFetriark" - ' ^•• ,r ,
Wil ha% r nlivaVs taken greateare itr select..
1 ing unit corttpouniltninurmedteitlea. whi c h bus•
t been doneliy.Dr: . Soutel in rierSpn, as (nay ibe ,
f*een by ink: toiloyiting bertificatet• ,-1 , ~ [;: . F.. -
• We nave acted as agents tor pr. t• L - -Elcide '
for tine; last, four yqurs t in ',lnch!: mg inostpf the
ot:do:me, well in tienOmpo4itiiin oi l his filler.
During 1161 t cline stirgenftine ariicies 13v -, ad- i •
ViLimed nr.eiriy:no 'hold/oil or' bent; 13e - ha.s •
' not vaned hi,ivrilriinihns tin !'nts.nt no'ti
t u•led any; but lite qualftf of -Aleilteittek—'- 1 ,
iWe have , him) acted us agentslin selling lifs .;
I sover. ign Balm - Pills. trod true), the nnivemul
satminclugl givvii, Ave enn4idek. they rank a-1
along the patsnow iter9 e !le• puplic., '
i Dr. 1-oule IS tbe por.?oo w o ~ ,tirst introduced I
tb i iiiw to i his eountry, , end ha.% ,contlriued the-I
rri lo ur I,•riire of tbdin eyr st ce - '
~ B hitch ,_&. Cni Sy rac -f... ?et). 23. 11346.
' None itTfigPiltlititNeXdOPl hole beartn4 thel
name • f Dr. E. 1.. Soule, & 0.,10n the lace ; Of
each box.
Agents in Suirrifia na pounty.
N. 'U t cnel ;. & Cr,. literal,- s,e ..' 1
C L B rown,
Fro-ndsville ; Benner& }Vt'• Vet', New Milford;
r;, G. Pride, Hai:ford; G. ' . Aldridge, Bnyol..- I
lyn ; r; in. Dayton. Gretirdisnd'.l
Dec. 3,1.
o. l 4Xll*W'4'l!**
fl U~i ~ ;~
AN-D et icyrboteAliiitii.ii.
WA R4Pir) •the,,G
Firs: .t tin EI
Pi at ignal. 111e3 . bl.laLl~ tug
and . the i t",,iiilvtiithiaExi
for' t trtekst' iittentlior t 1
told best. prelia - Itydirei - t]
•nrircnit's ta 610 ts
gar.i to welthr.r,. ; .. ,
t. •
I as:„gibek in th •
A kg e.aii t so.ropprtl .of
.11%% - ifys - h++ ihe I
NvrrJ , Ybilt; , :1511 Bier
MO -C fiestnut , • Si - Bost&
1-I,llmyer ,Sts.: iltiiiiimort
VVastanalpfh I ;l?Offts*4Y 11 1
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