•P' _ PM El e,.. 4 i m '~ }~ Ell Lil ' itk e :Fiji/kmeat wet , unpin' toutis t Ult. ''' • •' ' :-'' . . , ."8 4 00 08 1 -414 " a ?' - ~. r. *PIP of a. *. t st ar itk l ) 44-1142thm of ourl. ,: , „ - lts . Shuith, and, loa fili*iholit iiiii*Adere4odon, it lola tielngs7 etthe - - Dehiom4 fi-PetniA* 6 4 4 o l ' thit'lle Deletib=s3A oa. steoviiiiiithiT i: - iiidiiii, iiii instrtota Iti --- Idol&PW4Pthisi_.ph - die Col*Taittialiio WWII at` ifigaialift. f ie 4th day of )6* Col: 3 WiAil4 . i mired to Bias OA thin' voilohitien sWirinibstltute the following,: Respreedli-.Thatil.oikt Delegates to thefith 4 4fMarnhtrifitaint** 0 4 111 - 4 1 1 14 1 slitat" a% free Pi. fell *Pi* Among the Dtae-'•, gate, from offer sections of the State,f thit it:: would Iff,palltic, and expe dient for the party,; so eommitaili new *date, fresh from the; ranks oftheteoplc, they are hereby retom-1 mended to do so; having . a due regard to tli dawn' sof Northe rn Pennsylvania, and to thel 'peculiar °platten of every candidate in relation; to•the leading question of the day. • Which after some discussion by Col. Dim-: oc k in.aver, R, and ; Messrs. Fuller and Leet against its adoption, the amendment was reH Intel. j ~ 1 - CA Lust il offered the following resolution; hich:was injected. Iteselra4That the duty on iron and coal' • the Tariff - Of 1846 needy modification. L'w i ,ResoftedsThat this meeting recommend Psi holding of a Senatorial I Conference, for the appointment y a Delegate to represent this Senatorial Thitrict in the Convention to be lield at Harril; burg on the 4th of March next, ..*ll that Hafioyllier,_ Lorin T. Farrar, .l. T. Line" snit Edwin Tiffany be and are here 7 ,by appointednferees we the-part of •Sunne henna to met i the conferees' of Wayne and.Wyr caking, at DWlslaff on Monday the 18th day of Pebnmfy *w r it. , Col. Lusk Uloved to modify by substituting the followhitgi Re.sohied4Thatthis meeting concur in the appoint:nit:tie S. S. Winchester, Esq., is Sen -30141 Dele , te,-from this District, to the: 4th ,c. •of March Co nation, After some,discussiom the amendment was lost , „,I'.i " .. I Resolved-4 - That Win., Hartley, Esq., be, thel Representati,Wdelegate to the 4th March oin,- "won frenlis county, and that tits conven- • .... • don coiner im he appointment of Judge Jayne from 'Wyo. _- Rao/red—ghat the proceedings of Ibis meeting lie ptiblished in. the Northern Demo= •erat, Wayne 'County. Herald, Wyoming Patrol, Washington 3Jnion, Pennsylvanian, and the Democratic 16,idon,at Harrisburg. i• ISAAC RECKHOW, President. • 34. C. TYLER, .." dos. Jonssoi, 0., 3L GERE, 411 s . SMILY, . Daniel BrovsteT, f 0.41. Grail?, f Sec':ys. TenaperiSsee Maas CalmestUon. „ IN pursuer* to a previous resolution, the friends of Temperance, from all parts of the county, asseMbled in Mass Cravention at the Presbyt *erra' n Xceting House, in the Borough of Montrose, oh Tuesday the 1.9. th day of Jan uary, 1847, fot the purpose of taking into ccn , sideration the evils of intemperance, and devi piing means to errest and suppress this common FvTogof mazo. Motion, title Hon. WILLIAM JESSM chosen tRESIDENT; URBANE Beano sr. s,' ray $ Tuoiteriersos, SIMEON TINKER, ALSON:i Ttstiwr, L. Mem, F. M. Wittraers,i; - Doer: E."l4l3ansixkor., Jesse Fates, Wd,. I ALISON MrDY, Vice Preesidents, and J. I . :S. Pal Mer a nd Albert Chamberlin, Sect'yr,; , ' The Committee appointed to prepare and ar- Imp) the business for the Convention, through ;11ELT Cheirurad, Hon. Geo. FULLER, reported he following Rreamble and Resolntionrwhich, a fter being folic and ably , discussed bj• Judge Jessup, Lieu4Duryee, Rev. Mr. Miller, Eld. A. L. Post, Gko. Sanderson, WM. J. Terrell, B. S. Rintley,P. A. Grow and J. T. Richards, Esqrs., and ostlers, were unanimously' adopted : WnsezesiThe history 'of the past, as well as the experimer of the present, concur in this testimony, that the =lnfect:we, vending and lase, as a beverage, ofalcoholic liquors, are not only useless, bid serious® detrimental to the pranperlty and happiness of all concerned. The ' hot that, three=fourths of the misery, poverty and crime in the land, are the legitimate re sifts Cif 4 - derrrirerr, I.llce, is ,recorded in bold and legible 'characters, . upon the walls of every alms-holise, jell. aYtd penitentiary in our land. 1 rbe united terOmopy of the most, eminent Phy- Ariaisns, has ebfiblisned the fact, " that the use 4 intoxicating do as a beverage in health, was always unnecessary, and never safe," thatrf6e natural effects of alcoholic drinks, was to prerse oid disc* and death. The use of in nks, har been the fruitful mite of :pritiste mdfsrini--iit Inu; wrungtears of bitter sisAtli from the suffering wife, and brought dowerthe gray hairs of broken hearted parents toile? , grave, it)ms , hurried its thousands to a premature 'end, 41.64 it hais filled the prisons and ponibouses of Orland, and has broil poverty .whatrlete in ffigittfsd profusion. And Where- As o krtaeting that rfbe taw which legaliies apd Amstalne a tralfie &ight with each Loaded"- I,tde 1 Clieriget tra atteaded by Consequences . o ffiatigin'tbeir — effixts, should be =candidnat° y repealed. 2lo4oeitisa that the law ought ' ;restrain this , tra altogetber,leteept, for w ipeses of u 'radieilisend the arts, rests upon prin riipletasFhb iikiiinnutable as those which from the - badger the prosperit, the heppiness; n a y the yeti e , • -It ee of the . y . politic;-- A n d berievbig :' , lst the sale of, intoxicating" drinkk Ski es* other subject of police, rega-. lab% is ,within pc scope Of , legislative control, shallit punish' *ad= the mile of Unwhol -073/IP. sests.frogi tbo butcher's stall; ne said tted -drogsfsete.the Alw4 , lloOary's ehel.—= Autalual the ago of Bombe i f oo high and eat ;,,I;so7d . p..prisilege'ito be: , .'. _ - , or modified, ,whila i _fike law deolares-the - , , ~ _ of ardent 4104 re,yeriiire, if it produces . * 4, arness, may .it.int 4Yate bands 'upon a Si; i , which does aslutoporrwpt_iociety, to: , . '' ‘ y the public rem and.mai* mime; t., ' . all other eau- . Askaataltiesd, lastrfanszabit intaduthelome- Ibmilifibia Oa*, sake Yu lib feeds np-; Pl* vitals - 0 0 , 0. 1 tuk t . ' ilakel Kb' "big iNif alsiotho, , ,tbe, -er,4he mad -1.'.1311ek #W44 1 * * 10 4 : , :- : ' . ' Tu l a ,_._,, / - ' Tjioll64ll3l; tits= 3n=. ' fititlit Vie. . , i s. 4,3joite,-,peitlogiiiir.i 40014**44, 4 h. ,'"'"-'- :4i:l4i-11e/dual .fouiddiciAbiteioi-Poss4 . e*Sia; nni Ailigto :ImbeffitAcoliswin lierhiOltai , elivairer "li l l l 4o**# o4 ** 4o 4l . !"ooo64lre 2 ,6 ; 003! 5i140:044#344P.461e,3*J004110 at ' - tonool:47wwyrogirn; AO: . y 1 140 'f_ig k ft, lifeitOxid .minty fn' others '• : , . -., • . . ~, : 1 i traffic •;iiiiikqueticin, llipinis b everage, is a eirditi‘eiftlinda "SP,* Piciralk. tOrrliPtingr cruel, O S tire and triurder , ova in its effects.. 1,1, . I ! i :. . Rafru/1074Thaithe iirliolii ' iiyiltean:l ' 1i442' i sint!nlieilintileittuetive a - trailkili. '''' Itirrniigaiiiiieuriblivimmorel, '. - I -I-; - ''' l r l* , 461414 GOlaadiloiriabit Of ought at Oiee4eret hreitir ta be '''' ' ''' frAm 4 41, cnit , gilit* boobs , iit beintinldipf',' :'' '_ : .. Nitiiiilaralhi-iiKeibl bilitilibitiol "... POn - ' bibieliiiiiikelompt Or issedi - .;. - ..:; . '' V' '1 i ' - Ibilelial- - -Tbat, that bor iLeseett: at :' iiiiii.itoerStataleitialat :. ~ gaiiikieriat. Qiiali, or • NO:Sek"-:- - of auto. , , drki, - to the vote of Ile tree, we bilie* be foimded uginieorreetprinciple, analhundl I republican in it character and tenderief,is recognises the' people as the legitimate naive of power and the right and: ability of the Ma jority to govern. : . , , i ' Resolved—That as the mile of intenicatiii . liquors, to be used as a beVerage, ten ds ',/,O th increase of drunkenness, paver:nun and icrim no men has Or can have, A moral riglit.pur sue it'; and if any dopursite it to the in ul o the pnblie, the people- havi a right, a dit ' I their 'Solemn duty, though them -ediuni f 'and just legislation, to protect-themselven an. their Children from its manifold evils. . - 1 Resolved—That the legislation which for bids the sale of intoxicating liquors, as a boy erage where a majority of the people so Willi would not deprive any one of Ins righte, he would merely forbid hint to violate the ;right: of others, and deprive him only of the leg. right so to do. - . Riplved—That the friends of tempnrari.-: in urging the people to the unprejudiced; coo sideration of the "No - 13ale,"..miestioii:, •.: Prompted bytfingkof benevolence and phi- lanthropie me 'yes; desirous only of the be: intereats of society; and not wishing to 'affee ' the interests of individuals, only - as they tend; :to disturb and injure the general good: - ' - ReOlred-LThat we ask our opßonents to an Open and candid discusston of this subject o ;" Salei et No Sale" of atoxicating liquorit that when we-canvass the votes at the approaching election, the sober second thought of our citi zens r4ay be fully expressed. , , Resfaved--That public opinion lairlY and legitimately expressed, ought and should goy .;ern in this, as well - as all other matters regtiki ling the government of a democracy, and we believe no good reason- can be given why the :;traffw in alcoholic drinks should be exeMpted :from the operation -of the general principle Xrule ?' Respired—That the restricting or prohibit ing the sale of intoxicating liquors,' can slot be deemed an act of wrong or injustice to the men engaged in that traffic; since abundant and well attested facts, shew that,not only the deal ers, bit especially the tavern keepers, have generally failed to acqiiire that ,wealth Which is theit only motive for continuing in the hied ! . hem, but vast numbers of the* have been -a -i mong the greatest sufferers frois intemperance, lin their persons, families and property. I := Resolved—That this Convention have entire f Confidence in the practi4ibility of the refornia tion of the most degraded drunkards, and Would arneztly recommend, in view of all that has been accomplished/in Opens of the land,i that ito pains' be spared to raise all this unfortnnate class from. this ' , .degiadation„ and bring them back to be a hie sing to their families and to tire world. . Resolved . — at the hope of the temperance , r . eformation is • • the rising generation, and this Convention real ends the formation in every ' tows Ship whoa . district and 'neighborhood (li t= throughout the 'aunty, of juvenile temperance . associations, an the wide circulation of join- . ile,papers and tracts, to instruct the youthful I *id, and 'semi the millions which are coming , after us. . 1 . 1 '. Resolved-4liat while we regard the vote to be given at the; approaching election* on; the i "No Sale" quesfion, as of the highest iMpor ! , trance, considered in reference to its influence upon the temperance movement ; _ yet we *mid 1 caution our friends, that in making strong ef- : forts to bear immediately upon the vote to be ! given, they do not neglect efforts which ; they have been accustomed to make te force 1 on the cause of temperance generally. 1 : i .. i ', The Convention continued its sittings until i 'llnirsday noon, each session being opened by I prayer by some one of the different clergyinen 1 present. The spirit of the delegates 'which ; were in a ttendance from all parts of the Conn-. 4 ty, gave the most. - cheering assurance that the , traffic in Rum is a doomed busbies, and that 1 the time is not far distant, when men will cease to beemie drunkards " according to law." I . Committees of Vigfience for each Towniihip: Were appointed, A list of which will be given next week. , On Motion—Resolved- , -That this Conien don recommend a Young People's Mass Con- , , tention to be held in Montrose on the 4th day of July nest. • . . ; !On motion—Resolved --Thatthe thanks 'of this Convention be'iendered to the President [for the able manner in which he has presided over its deliberations; aid also to thePresliy terian Congregation Of Montrose, for the Usei of their beam Vic Pres'ts. motion of M. L Mack Esqr.—Resoteed —Mt the thanks of this Contention be t'em dered to the citizens of Montrose for their hos pitality te'theit brethren in the cause, in attim dance from the different parts of the CountY. lisolved—That the proceedings of this COn reMion be signed the officers and published in lhe different pa Tin the County. (signed by the 4cers as above.) [ 4 What haw beam .of are Tad" ! , : 1 ..4111.813 f"—Pm • , hosier.. i ]-'What has become of it ? - • it's goon to thander-rrior perhaps it's joined th : volunteers,l and gone to the Rio Grande, and ..,: , Meal- 1 mod; -. At any rate it's among the ~*-,:' 'g,l and:one might is well attempt to hunt er,t. a 1 federalist in Middle Smithfield. township, a 41119 1 fteekfor this fermium, and defunct idol of the [ tlideril''Porty. This same tariff was - at one time the sons and body of federalism—it m*:11 thiliarde-piirpose the eider barrel did in 1549, (thengli,withlesasOirit,) and had not theE , ,„„„:"kidioilaiaion .wiadom of the people 1 vailektliWiptat t*y.of " PIFK nil , , trt3l69,L'AsiglWatiltbe heard ringing tiwisigUtliti! land o i43iiif iii , noW:.dea4l—aa dmid-lia . 11 , 0 fr Morgan :POO!, 00(0010 we knoirat bok, 1 and:was aiiiiiitv interred without 1'• - •044.41' 'ind- wilt no Paged parson to breathe 'amenl over Its grave. ' It . bif 100 . forever, Oith4fivelt *be - alai*. eDieCiv l ol , l itifoitiii*l**l44o : .-0,900. .161.0: -,: :40 1 * 0 *. i044 ..i.0 01 1 ,1 4 1114 ' ' ' - :I t e 9 . ii,e , Oisitioy:is:iiii- : ,- . ' -.. *Os 4-4, '.. :„:•• ..5 1 :4101:.0***111:1(eiiriliWilii. ..... •:: • • it*it 4ll .oo4:**o::****ii 4. * . 1 4 0 14 4 6.061. 1 6 0*Siiifrigoi it iii**l poor !MI MI NE El 61. inctied;that Wili 'hot 16,14, both ways. Oils mountains of and ars selling higher .than ir—lron 'is in daisimi, 'sa d a:lnfinite; to 1 ,• prices; ,sitid*Fanners are reaiing . t reward from theiil - bited and boundless (*.cti,-which theirhoneat 'toil and labor doubly F: v. : eit—rhile the Alanufactirer is reaping all , can ask. Dray branch of laminas is pros.: us, and we can feel thimble' to God that into li is the cam. Those who, expected there to Make political capital mit of the tariff plight - as well "bang up their *Mee? because Prima*, are detennthed to ; try the Tatilfof ill4o, aid me how it works. ijf it, suits them. t let well enough alone ;" if Mit, it oan easily be aznended.—aptoit Argusi 3 Mire ritter from Elroy.. .The.packet ship Atlas, front Liverpool on the 6th ult, arrived at New York on Friday.— do from the commercial intelligence, the news' is unimportant. Cotton lama firm, grain improved,and the Iron trade was brisk:. ! The impression was rather general in Paris, that a Carlist insurrection in Spain was intmi hent. !, 1 In Spain, the flew elections are going on.— From Portugal, there is no news. A Genevease journal says that . AuAtria has demanded from the Papal, goVernment, the a *mint of a debt contract dUring the Neap litan war, thr . eatening, if it be not paid imme diately, -to occupy Ferrara andAccona. The great tenor, Dupree,' is on the eve of retiring from professional life. There's peers to be no abatement in the tOgit"opular movement," (the run for fire firms,} ) all the provincial journa;b3 bearillg wit gess to the unprecedented briskness in the gun bade. si Louis Phillippe has - wyittoo to his holiness the Pope, recommending more • titoderation in his progress of reforms. Pewylvanla Legislature. Correspondence of-thd Weekly Paper. Hangman uo, Jan., 15, 1847- On Saturday hat a variety of petitions, reso ace:.; - Were offered in 09C House, and tie Bill, reported by Mr. Halt, to exempt the Sheriff of Philadelphia, for deporliting his books iit the.Protfmnotary's office, passed finally. A bill to punish bribery was reported, and sever al other bills of minor importante read, repor ted, &ie. In the Senate, petitiOns were pre sewed din various matters, and a variety of bills introduced and resolution's of thanks to Ake Army of Occupation laid over till Mon c4Y• On Monday, in the Senate, after the presen tjition of sundry petitions, the: resolutions of thinks to Genera l Taylor were passed unani nfously. • the House a number of petitions were presented. Mr.. Bowman offered a resolution I to exempt the property of married women from liability for the bail debts of their Husbands, wldch was adopted. Mr. Fereou introduced a bill providing additional compensation to the Pennsylvania volunteers. Mr. Lyburn called p his tariff resolutions, when the House ad 'earned. ' , Tuesday, 12th—In the Senate there was , business of importance transacted to-day. lln the House a number of petitions were resented, and sundry private bills read. An 'fort was made to repeal the 52d rule—which; 'Alone(' considerable 'discussion. Lyburn's Tariff resolutions were tt `iiiken up, when a number of amendments were a ffered and adopted. Upon the' final amend eat, which was, that the Senators in Congress aei instructed, and the Representatives be re 4ested, to support the measure of increas ng, the duty on and Iron, the vote stoatl yeas 57, nays 39. The resolutions, as amended, were under I ,ussion, Mr. Bingham on the floor, when the a!mse adjourned. !Wednesday, petitions and memorials were resented--and seveial tills reported. Among bcse lit Mr. Darsie 'read in place a bill an heriting the Sandy and Beiver Canal Corn , y to borrow money, which was taken up iid passed. Mr. Darsie also reported a bill plementary to the act creating the office of 4ato Printer. This bill defines more partticu ily the former act. On reports, ,coniposition charged frequently three times. This. bill quires the printer to print a certain number ',copies. Mr. D. also introduced a bill regn , lug and defining, more particularly a law of 5.(43, under which the State was defrauded aat of nearly auction duties. Thursday, 14th—In the Senate, the Judici -7 Committee reported the following Acts, An Act relating to =deified lands. !An Act for the suppressicui of lotteries and a tier purposes. An Act preventing the sentehces of convicts Airing during the winter months—all of Bich were passed. , Resolutions-were introduced instructing the :Oaten in Congress, and requesting the Rep aentatives to vote for an appropriation of land l t a the volunteers, and to increase their-pay. Oonse.—Mr. Cooper, the Speaker, conclu . a his speech in favoi. of the Tariff act of '42. galienes were crowded. TO-day in the Senate, .the Committee on 'itance reported a bill relative to auctions., a a bill Foviding for the cancellation of re emotes of certain banks. number of private bills were passed. A report was received from the State Treas . concerning defaulters. Hoesx.—After the disposal of several local a s, the Tariff resolutions were again taken a a iMr. Knox speaking when the House ad- i a *tied. lAt a meeting held it the (lout,. Rouse for .I)nrpose of organising a Washingtonian So 0, the following prpeeedirtga were had : TemPenult** W the, undersigned, believing that the old • 1 • , ions of the Temperance Society have , , • hin their turn accomplished , the end for s i'h they were designed, and that the time i inow come, to arouse the' dormant energies o ti,, former friends of _temperanew--to awp c.n, . *riterest in the minds of those who oak d lierto t none, and to give a ' de* imptdie * thein, iiise c ir organisation is necessary ; sod is *o can b, testimony of the happy result films, every here attended the Washing '• .. , Beromers, aam encouraged tol hope 411 - sime bleithi will be leStaireition ni ; OS . $ll inarfrienda *ad , eighbors--do Otie-, \ P i . . :Dadopt the foil** Pledge ead'ece4ititip, , . , , Itiodro• \ ' , oillecul**.eltok alro* that% we Mil 6.,,, bolosibilititiess, 110 , Info ILIUM t ,177 4 ; 10 0 . • that ire wilt IN4 rovoklthila itiqficie. - 4:44)-,. * 10 ( e i r j o j ii iii V 444 4101-I.* _SR, wal, `I *lin diOlislOtiillinee OWl l5l i 0 1 09 W koo. 3l l lll Ftl'. j ' . § ~~~ >; v ....xF: ,r. ~"~Yak:a.S:t.? %.a~7;ua'a~t^vtb~~':~sii;,:~~,M~r IMiVI . . .; • "'', * Costatlttfillow ;-,.;• :" '' ' ''' 1. Aitt.l. l This 804etit . be ituoint as the Montrose and Britian* . Wi s hingtonian 80. ifity. The r• ~- • i 4'; N LArt. 2. .•• ... , • - so4*ty shill a i l Piegidenei fOUr V . ": 4 ••+. ..• dental _ a : C4i wilding Secretary,. aiid ik :'.. iniling- .• : .. --. :.1 1 .4- . lsNostiter midi an.•Aaecutivel 0 , ~ ,' , • - I I 063 t414- 4 7: e Mrtill4ll of the : . . ety, wlio 1 1 shall, ~ be aected , . , at he tion 4 t tud mi3e Z. $ of ;the godiety, ands' easel of &pliancy* any Stated meeting of the society. f'• ; / . ; J Art 11.; Itihall. c 4e the dntykof the President, when ptesati . t;to thi 'and society to order, l te.preside over all delibOrtiontr thereof ;.'and ill aii*Of.his 'ilibiterice, tie same duties Shod_ devolve apOnthemellresidenta. 1 it Art. It shall ithe duty of the Treasur erdi to receive - 4.nd * bin*, Its may be direeted 1 by the soeiety;ittY !fun& of said society, that 1 may come into ikt handi by contributions or otherwise, and'to *Belk his accounts to. 'the Executive COmmittbe fof their approval at 'the annual meeting of the society, and without such approvtd/icr account shall he passed. Art./6. It shall he the duty of the Secreta-i . , r, tare to correspond With other societies in re latkin to the great interest of the Temperance cause, to record , all the proceedings of the So 4iety, to take charge of the books, to give no- , Lice through the public papers and otherwise" of , all meetings; and to'cautle the insertion in said papers of whatever pr4ceedings the society) shall direct to be . publiShed, and to present the bill for said prtntin4—if any , charges be made—with their oWn appended, to the treas urer for payment. :. Art. 6. It shall he the duty of, the Execu tive Committee to call uketings Orthe society at whatever time and place they may think ,neeessary • to selects peakers for the year; to tier t h e accounts of the Treasurer, and at the annual meeting to, present them to the so ciety for their approval. ;`: The Exeoutive Com mittee may, at any time 'hod place, convene the Board for the transaCtiinf.of business. ME . . • Art. 7. The Board, consist of the Pres ident, Vice Presidant, !Treasurer, Secretary and Executive ComMittal .nny five of whom shall consist a louratitfotthe transaction of bu siness. Art. 8. Any perion tiPon signing the pledge and Constitution shall bpeome a member of this society.: Art. 8. The Society Shall hold its annual meeting at the Court 'Hause in Montrose, ou the evenirqs of the thirdNonday of January, i in each year, for which ockasion a speaker shall be selected by the Exemitive Committee, eith- ; er from the Memberi or from, abroad: Quart erly meetings shall be held for the transaction of business, and for other purposes, on the third Mondays of April, July and October in each year. ; a Art. 10. There shall be a Committee of Vig ilance and tenet; consisting of five members, whose dutyJt shall be tai remonstrate with a brother who may haclh-fallely from his pledge ; to visit and. elieve, if necessary,' the families of the inebriate,''tind - the expense thereby incur red shall be . submitted to the Treasurer for 1 • payment, and: embodied in his report. Art. 11. 'ittily meinber. who may unfortu nately violate his pledge,' shall be visited by the vigilance Committee, 'who shall endeavor to reclaim him to his;antY i ; and if their appeal fail, upon full proof that he has thus violated his pledge, his name shalf, be publicly stricken I from the rolls of the society. Art. 12. The first thirilin order at all meet ings of the society, shall he reading the pledge —for this is the watehwotd and Banner under which we have enlisted-4.nd an - invitation- byi thiv-President to all whom present that -have not done so, to Sign it, andan inqUiry made by I him whether any brother fallen from his' pledge, and if s. measures arc to be ' taken to i , bring him back f possible'. Art. 13. The Society ;imay. frm time to time, enact such By-Law i for, its governmeht as they may think necessary and the exigen cies of the ease inay require, not inconsistent with this Constitution. Art. 14. Thin Constitution shall not be a mended except by Consent of two-thirds of all the members present, 4nd the notice of such a mendment shall be given nt the next stated meeting preceding the In§eting at which it is proposed thus to amend the Constitution. The preamble and constitution being read, was adopted, article by article, and finally re ceived-the unwed ois app oval of the-meeting as a whole. After which, in pursuance of Art. 2, the meeting proceeded tti the election of of ficers for the ensuing year; which resulted as follows: President, . THO3EASOOHNSON, Esq. Vice Presidents, - ILiRVEY TYLER, JABEZ W. FOSTER, LEr B. GURNSEY Recording Sec'tv, ' A. 011A3111EILLIN, ESq, Cor. Secretary; Executive Coin ~ 1 • Wsl. dEssim, Esq. • • . •' , .MirtoN.Morr; ' . i,GAIIERT 'WARNER, ..„ IYANIEL BREWST*B, ' . _ . • .D.OID D,ANIECS., Coro. of Vigilanco amt,Reliof, •- ! T. t. ST. JOHN, . TIT MASJOUSSON, Esq . • . - C. 4. ClntllB, I -' „ B , , I ; • . LiE9ItGF. BACKUS. i - B. 4 BENTLEY., Esq. i , The meeting being thusOrgauized, was feel ingly, eloquentlyl and ably; addressed by his Heuer Judge Jessup, folloWed by Mr. Duryee. The profound attention With which their ire marksh were r spe tively redeived, was not only a compliment to: ese elmalpions in the Tem perance cause, bu conelusite evidence that up en this imports nstibject, ,t'.the audience were right aid ready.; , ' f '.. Oa motion of ', ~ T. Biehitills, Esq., Second living resolution Treasurer, , ' • €~ LFOR D Intim he printed rotaries, and that take meanies adnit, person in signature.. drawn. to serve at F &nog. Bum, Joe. Chi* liworib Sohitiein Seeein D -114 1 3Preon , . 401;fflie . • ~~ ~i.=~ • rt _ h r •! • Ger Wad; Si . n Gll*ii,riadif idie.i if otdk i TionP .liett - EttaiN. - *anti: Wat. "i ert ' .::-1=• lac yet,Wiii is ' c irifli am * ;-. ,--- ip; etiry t telitiiii. -, AI ' . '-' .I , etn , s; Wine infly,' "- 4n - bakiiij it fisitiMethas. Libertiilhommr-CM tirix4 ' '4,7- ' Fargf 3lll,4 " . le ' ",* '°4 :T iii r at td . ', . y ibet, wit, %Warm Lit, - - .),. • ' ;-Charha,ll:eff,r,.; `,.:, 'l'' .: i, l' ',., A _ SI viirltAiketll4l*l me eig it: ~ ..., 1 tOnivini' rlam - ' WA- : 7 - 3irethiail Ifontits — lit2.- • iffivilailliimieffilie, , like i tii k ~ 4 ' l6 kEitimEs, - Dec;'loi,h 18.14 r: Hon: Win. Jessup ' ; I'l' - i '-- • •• , ' DEAR Sl*: . ~,,,' ' - ,-.- - -1 1, i:Theatildett otiCholilli ing the " penalty of death - fOem e c rime " k...tilil irecently _, beer agitate& i(i: this a lecturer has. been, Oeli4Oree in** of OA I Measure, by Mr. C. C. Ihnieigh.:- . - : (*. The undersigned for tbemselveb and: on be. lhalf of many ofthe citizens are deairens of hai-.. ing youi opinions on the : questiotOnnd there., fore most 4espectfully ' ,request . (if eonsiiit'enti 'with your engagements)'#.publiw ., expresti , i:m•,of your views on this Subject at . uch tinie rand place an may'beinost convenient std yonrsClf, • t . With high regard it, remain ; } ;; . : : ~ • . ' Irma very revectfolly, .'" .T.P. St John, i:t 5 '--Wm. jl.* Post,; i ' A: Chamberlin, •.• ri „ -S. I.3.l;Mulford,l ” ' J. B. Salisbury; ; 1 Walter Pollet. , J. Blanding, • ;- - .k. (eo. Puller; t • Benp S.'Thintley. .• - , i , . , . -Mii.stramin; Dee. 2,2 d, 1846. • GENTLEMEN: ~. .s , k : Your note of the 10th inst., :ask ing oine " a public expression of my views'" on. the :subject of the repeal of Abe "death penalty " 14 the crime of murder; recently ag itated in this connuunity,i, was reeeiied'on my return from" - 11Onesdale. II have !not the time amid the claims of paramount importance which are at present laid upon Me ' to vim the subject the full consideration which at the present Mo ment it demands -before this coMmunity !but from variods reasons I am - constrained to yield to your request and will 4liver my view's upon that question' ea Monday i evening the 25th, of January next, at the Court Ilcitme, or any , other convenient - plate, if that tin e andlilace I should suit your convenience, or at any other `you may suggest more coavenienti! I Respectfully ) } Yours, :. 'r. % 1 WM. jESSUP, T. P. St John, A. Chamherlin, J. B. Salisbury, J. Blailditig, B. S. tentley, , - Wm. L. Post,,' ' S. B. illuiford, • Walter Follet,. Gee. Puller, 'Esquites. .. The trustees of the Presbyterian Church, h 'r ing kindly granted the use of their, House, the Hon. 'Wm. Jessup. Will give . his Viers upon the death penalty, at that place on Monday even ing Janunry '2sth, at half past slit, at which time all who feCl an, interest in the subject are respectfully invited to attend. ! i Temperance Lecttltes. , Lieut. DuityEr. will leetUre agfedlows: • On Friday evening next,!, ?2nd inst., at New Milford. ,- On Saturday evening & Sunday ;23ti&24th at Great Bend. On Tuesday evening.L.266 ; at Lancsboro. On Wednesday & Thursday evenings, 276 & 28th, at Jackson. On l Friday:& Saturday '.evenings, - 24th & 30th, at Thomson. • On Sunday, 31, at IlerriCk. On ' Monday and Tue4day, I.st &2d . 4 February, at - 3fount, Pleasant. On W4dnesday, 3EI, at CAbson.. . On Ifhtersdny, 4th; at %rford. On Friday and SaturdaY,' sth F. 6th, at Lenox. . • - The Townshiii Committees, andi friendil of TOMpetllllCe generally, are requested to make proper arrangement% for tho meetings above notified, and circulate notice thereof • By order of the County Committee. .. B. S. BENTLEY, Jan. 20, 1547. • New York illarkets.--VWo - W as last quoted. $0.15 a 1.20.. aye, 85 eta. Corn, 71, a 74. • Coals, 36 d ,40. Wheat Rota .$5,42 a 5,50 Mesa Pork, Ohio, _510.25; a 10,40 Prime , - $837.1a 8,59: Beef Cattle, $5, 86, a 7, for choice lota. Tallow ; Sa, 8 1-2 o.ts; MONTROSE INARKETSoi•WhO4M.OI. Corns SO cla. , Rye. SO et.. Ostr„,'" 25 Os. "41/oekillet, 35 cis. Tallow, 11 ets.• Butter,;l2 m '. a. Ls , 8 eta. Pork , frestt.,s cts. Haw. tot $7. Dr i ed apples, 60 cis. ,Beaus, 88 et.. Fl z Seed; 88 a $l." %A1M:X . 40,9 On Wednesday evening, I3ttrin4t.,near Heart ; Lake, by Rev. John Long, Zr. • L'omatrus J. CGRTTS, to ABER CUARLintrE GRIPFING.. On the 20th bY Bev. bound, Mr. GEORGE W. RonciEns, of Bridgewater, to Miss AMELIA GAY, of Brainttim, Wye fining Cu. DIED; In 'Middletown, on the 12th Inst., 71AlitlIA F. daughter of Dexter and Fanny ''. Marshall, aged s,years, 11 months and 13 days. , Abbertionnettts.' '201) BUSINIA OF Dried A pples for' alo by . . E. TIFFANY. Brooklyn, Jan. 19;1947. • • MilA4 . lll/822 3 / 1 01122tif a rri HE *ili!sprsber :would infocrn his . friends, and ;he pikb.lie,thilt. he. has ptohased the shop fortnerly neurned by P.; ; Jenke; but, more re eendy by Mr. H. Patrick, .11 ifeor rods west of the Court House, where he ii-now cafrying .on the above!business all. its branches. ; Helm. licits a stM re.of the publie'psitimeko.l, • • . I AVALTER FOLtET.' Montrose, Jan. 28, 1847. NEW GOODg A( EtrLENDID intof Pan. Bietpunta. , Pik pAcCis; CAtisiviittra - unit.Ps:4lpm;pit reeiheed„,and bog/gilt that can sail 'their, 25 pe r , Cent kin titan thnne'bottithii in thn t•ilENTLEY*ifixtvp-1 liiontrami lam 20.1847::, . 4 &my, supply , of Puise,and ,Bsi; .11v_osti plain pod isluUlptt alsc4`o - S. Chiosnd, Nods BENTLEY Eh,o otirtsff & IMENEREE,:frosb: ; IL/ list by, BENTLEY $ll I 4:4 VRE6II rO l l Brin' TAl4owt I y4A9gcs foe id 4 by. , - 3PitiOrik,72: vu l aw*Da.mlcawasA. IF-Ttoodiby ME : AMCIrB !Mehl!' mtlESE..Pilis ai 01?,e, .I.';c46iiimiiiidi3i,oreol As a COMMIT family In alt.!tempoiariconiptithiniir ; bowels,„:llead , nelie f ' . 104 1 ,..! ruilt4SPeqdootta ! li ld*P' oh the first appetirin, Oilifld variably stare Much .Chattiii., liarik4depted 0110 Otess ' lif* eras - debility=kiny,dertingerniefal antliesifecially with' tensaleir Ibterruptediustk:of:',thelptiAk t i with Me.directiAns sitll -- ..IMITTtI_. _ organ, o f , stomach'thes n their *cl i en t :and. regulaiehe'lliiiW#l4;:. the - whole system;'-': '''-;.':-...' • :--- .:f.." There ii,:nordispirti liin'te ,-- giSt coMMendatinns of tiiiiii... : l While' iiithe , :result.ef scion) - experiee and Mattbrough a. period!' Of fit is sot; supposed, or Oeten - ded, ' taise,the , dead; neither are the used as freely di we ,t/Se * , ;_-F•ci the_true_ purpose of Mkt icitits.,.. , , priate entice is ;to miiiist tiptoe ii s*sleta loefiroper. iiiite - and ILO,. vcid4blk,- aethrinighteareleatentiw N.:curries iteranged t i c Many - sirei- - 7-e. beke,need this airf.,'l Arid thistnest liable ..to irregularities of tna „ay nPeiltrat - almost te'"iiiY, 'Mat iv:o safe end efftiiie ieOlaies; OW 'the a ore of itine‘s, is ihelpart of iris" a M e dicine the Proprietor i knows ~ be.,j And he is certain thavr.int : ses not of fifty, where a 'lair trial. cording to the directions, :thekt.will gain qie a.. standout toed itilne. ';',i knoi t a an ' instance, where; lits'Yiili‘ itsedk)n Which the y qava not met Wi IFIED4PPROVAL: . j ',' Ntinieroui, testimettials { may beti,. .Generat ptlice of sate; otpd4eferettisla .. givelloisutisiantial wan; witnesses of valuiible.curative priiiterties.. - ~ , ,- • • The pithtare_pareiy vegetabl e .; are kinds, stimulan t and purgellre'littlifl blood, and_ produclatia healthy ;action the entire - systeM ; are a valuable. Anti. Medieine, and eminently useful li comptaints--Weakness, General pepsyTulmonary Affections, Livei Rheumatic and Stui#iodic AffeCt Complaints, Palpitations, dm No Fe l niiiii'afier a fair trial, wit - ~ -.el ... I Ahem. '4 ThSy are put up lie Firm cgi DOLLAR PACKAGES., each h4vOiga Cet anihrieing a vahlahle Treatise' or with full diretions for use. The Dull ages nre the ghee petieto- the pinibatei may lie ordered throtigh• Nagged% gi Street:and' N0..0f the tGeohnil • - 141. , .As Tula' valste )thealtii-rTry, Sold, Whalesaletand - Retail, t 'No. 140 Figthit street, Sect nd Poi*, 14 Betiveen Nassau-Street - enit Droadwa? =1 SIX The nbove Pill 0 are aisci for tale 'store cif BENTLEY - 4 READ, of thii- NOTICP:is hereby given-tn debted to ,the ite.or WILMAM BIAN Aecetiled, late , lf the Toshipi& Milfora, to ninhe immediate lti ,payspent, tits persotis hiving any claims against acid' are requested to present than to the int fo4settlement. • UR!AH CLlNTON..gavesdin New' Milford, Dee. 23, DM. - 'ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE: • OME is herebi given to.all';periW 1. 1 1 diihted to the estate 01 ABRAHAIe deceased, late "of Auburn Townitil immediate payment, and an: claims'agamstsaid Eitate sent them to the sillasMibers fciejetti • JAMES. LOTAL) •A. S. LO Antatth, January, 14, att: NYEAW 101RJV GOOllll AT WROLESALE & - RETAIL' THE Subseriher woUld inforai the clii of Monirose and vicinily, that he has just, turned from Boitoni an New York, with 1 • „ t...i.4t,. l worth of Dij d i t,ocle, which \ tT have beenlPorehlfel+4 ed for Cash, si ce the , reduction of theaiiifili' and will -. be sold from 25 to 50 ~ per ‘ . eent. kfaxv77. than Spritie , pri4es. . -, .....,4,t i .tf.05, mktic El ANTS in particular. will i 'find i 110:,: their ineerest, td call and examine his 5t0cit,,4044 tore visiting NeW Y9ri ; as hels , ionfident o .,,hieV, advanta'ges are such as to enable` : ! . him le telf:'i - '`' , . on better terms than they ‘ can buy in liew z• i York. Cliti and satisfy yourselves, all the telt end of of Exchtinge,Buildings. , • _ ~ H - '-'l .l O , . f i it: J WISNER * -:'' :,...x . ~ Binghamton, Sint. 17114.1816. 1, I , :-`--- -11 " . A • BOOK PniLIP . WILLIIIIII2 I Iregteill - 7 1 4 --- : ,: s • . ••., ' k ADiscussion on Untver,sitsm, netweeexut. , Warreh, arid 0. Praser, just,pub_Ostied4r. L. -- for sale at the store of Jerre Lyons, iliontrnie., Price 124. cents. ' , . , I', f. , .. .. ri Am —itgen'4,l3opsantl Infant's 'Cam fat, 4. received and for safe by •= '. , ,:. - ...., 1 , J. ISONV., -' '- 1 I BODICB,. Large Fainily Dibleg,lor,,B" ,'' -. els. •-. C..- -in i ,•:' 2 -,'.. ,m0n and Porket iihiai Testametise Deem* . , , pities and A111114'4 Arithloetimi. Grammars. phi:. =: , Ins o lihrt,and ChOnietr4, Spelling '" .B!..)0k1, - ;„iiid „„,,-. Porter's ;•.11.0811Crel Top Books and , -Tieltlnip ". Blank Bbolty, "`irl til9o, spit Nem Hymn - "Book it l ,‘ , ihe Preilfylmian Wnil. , antilit Stkeiittlyq.:4o ~ Metliodiit Ilyinn Pool* going _altian_ si - '4' *h. ' ; - Store of, - ;- -' 1, 1 4 .T.,LiroN,- , .' Sept. 10.1840: ', , arl ODFISII:—A ;oriole Inl just, roseil:ot* IV for isle elieup by IIBENTIZT:,11 'mak- t Dec 16,1846. ; [ - - ----•: "Li -.4 . - 1 -- ~ ; - --;•-•-4-,----,...,' . ... ~.,,•1 ._ ..,-, ' TO HUNTERS f.TRAPPERH, NO)lttlyNows 1 • _:-..,-; filislnay io4eolll'l'4', "' , .5:4;::'2`..rf: -. „. _ ", ` . .- - : ...- ' - f dd - -: -- g l i l : rriti t! Red , —Ci escSePricil%' Atitit' s -2 .1,1110.107:4 , • ,11.' iisinil'i'igikirtir, { ;•o* -- 44 1 4:4 ekaufio afro. W." 11 11111" sit ,1,-.-i..•::-,natari:. elloillralk.DOci 2.441146.' j --- 1- , `5,- - i4l*ti., '?,-A . ' 4, - ', - ;•;. ~.. -4r5,.,,,z,,„.:‘, - ;:*0:,.1 ,- ,:--„,'•-1-: t iiiirp*4,-,-,•--1 af t -COOK ' : ......... T aziONiloptvoia keiwilitli4r - ' 1 0 4-t__,' ,l • l k,Te, to.hlPrn.94ftiond..# - - '.4e9po : ir bit re*.i-% I 11•1 SHOES - - Rubber Ctii lOren'a ehoga and l slip!, a ga4assartilientk for ettle cheap by Nov. Oh. 1840. • ...A1 rono mar. READ, 1 1 41 7t4C:. .i- 1 ,, .. L- ~.- t .-.. - ,,,:, 7 z-, - :; , _ ::-,' ,- , ::. i:ve I.? ii.:fi.7.---"- rsEClrrtiws mrrids;' 4-.i. 1 :943 . 1,-,..;,-i...1:;.' , 72 , i - :::.:..7,:c.. - ,... .r..--.4.-L-=';L::::L,I', BEE `-‘ .=-i‘L •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers