Northern democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1844-1848, January 21, 1847, Image 2

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    . _
~-..,,p, , , why need We go ?
~,:_lend...hinutelf, hie '
ri#t of elifiNM_ti_kwivrelPPro
'-. . • era lineman, to museum more Italy
itifkmince and dominion of he demonof M
' ~, ''. .. , ? „Xis & would ve(itnre to taki ao
~ 1, .
P - oke - or mums, the agoniz.Ftg 77 of tiglm,
cldiiiii iedden i inebriate , of hNi, miserable wife,
i:if liiioorte than"orphan children, la soimding
ii*tzear. They cry for help; they ask Vie
Tied e,your vote in this the coreinity of their
need... We say extremity, et theirtmed, lir
t' , ; we' art well assured thit for niest ofthem darer
tAis no ':hope but in el' thekrog.
. flit sweat is to the OT tl; Pilgrims
I hs
Vto tiii.. Deeentlante of dliiM Pnn; to the
..,• T m*ym
,een of Father Matthew, the p , eat
~,of Temperancee to betud, whom twine
.77. 74.ftweli is embalmed in 0 e heart of every
i?tiro "bib nthropist ;, all classes and ae
*riptioons of persons,ste aid ne in the &mom--
: , =:llant of is moat righted, and, holy un
''',` etakinfe
And now, fellow citizens, o* address is be
' foreou ; and we beseech yli:1 to discard : all
-... zelds ess, break down tiniOrer of an evilly
I n
, .poti t throw aside every unworthy - metive, and
i At lisaratzx in the exercise of your high Ore l ,
native, abate at once_ and forever a nuisance
. which has long breathed outflts pestilence and
• death among you, and transtm — t your free in
f stitntions to your sneeessoi not only unim
paired, but greatly enhanced in value.
WM. JES SyP, President
1: ...
003LLSJoussiix, i
1., V. M. WILLIAM,
.. M. 1b.... Macs,
Saata Azimut nesOr Ss ttUta
Maims Rancheros menaci i ng Northern Posts
—Matamoros and- Camirgo threatened—
' Citizens called to ArmytH Arrival of Gen
- -eral Scott at Brazos—Dr-lay in :forwarding
Munitions of -War—Gin. Scott waiting
for Arms—Merican Congress in Favor of
Correspondence hero York 'Sun
WASAINGTON, J4l. 12, 'lO P. M.
- The U. S. Steamer Edith has arrived at
New Orleans. She left B4zos, 30th ult., and
• brims a confirmation ofrglisorted advance of
Santa Anna with a large Hteree upon Saltillo.
i • The Mexican army werenearly 30,-
f-, 000 strong! General Tay was only six or
- -- eight miles on his march toVictoria when Gen
- *sal Worth's express reached Montery. The
Voops under Twigs and Quitman were but 12
miles is advance. Ordersilwers immediately
issued to this division to ritrace their steps
and proceed immediately t 4 Saltine. General.'
Bigler had already marched with all the troops
- . he could collect to join Going Worth. den.
. Hlmne started for Saltillo with his command on
the 20th. Marshall set out the next morning
- - ;Ida the remainder of the fortes. Except Hun
,_, ter and Swartout's comma the the troops from
~- are rushing on by forced marches to
ff .
v- --
4 1 : .ett%tillo in time .for the battle. Reports
- had prevailed, before positiVe adiilms were re
eeiveti of the movements N' Santa Anna.—
I Gen. 'Tool was only ninetylmiles from Saltillo
:-at last advices. It wasMapp . oSed he would
'..'A." l :jo* Worth in season to assist m repelling the
K - 'A rumor that Santa Anil* had thrown 17,-
000 min between Worth and Taylor to pro
f:: Vest a junbtlon of the American forces, was
1 . • mot credited at Brazos. An impression pre
vailed among the passeniers m the . Edith
' that a battle was fought about the 25th. It
was thought,, however, at the American
1 ,1:' , . .. forces above - mentioned ad reached Saltillo
4 before that time. If so,,Ginerias Taylor and
Worth hid about - 7,000 mhn to oppose Santa
V Anna's, army, which was believed to have been
:- cverrated. The whole valliy of the Rio Gran
-,, was m a state of great fernient„ - opprehensons
i': of attacks being entertained at Carnage, Ma r a ,
- snores, and other points, from the Rancheros'
1 ,
'-' under Camdes.
. .
,-„, At Matamoros Col. tit.had called on the
i..--, to enrol the via for service ; and
tit!,.: dttrazos, General .1 p'i bad done the same
4 4
3.'" ,-- th'ing. Both • points w ' sadly deficient in
Ili 'arms and men. It wasitliought Canales had
1 . 1'41:400 men. General Seat" arrived at the Bra
'4l4-,:‘.____sos° on the 28th ult., and proceeded to the
if? =oath of the Rid Grande on the - following day,
'Where he was waiting the arrival of horses be
longinto theWnent of mounted riflemen
,_ when th e Edith - left. It',Owas understood he
'larould then proceed immeiliately to Camargo.
It was believed that an express had been sent
-143 I General Patterson, , !ountermanding his
~.inarch in the direetiotq of Victoria. The
Oteamship Alabama was at the mouth of the
Brazos when the'Eclith sided, and will probe
.loy bring us more:defmiteqintelligeriee in a few
'bye. A letter in the, .picayanc, of .the sth,
' A Camargo, 196 Dec.,(l2 o'clock at . night)
to rest all doubts - iiiito the faces in. the
' by G'eij. Word' to Saltillo
-1 of 8 large Mexielm force:
.:detail": all the facts above
'new arrived at New Orleans, i
- Liao'lo 20th Dee. She
. than* e had fey the Foto
.. A letter in the- Piesytme
23d Dec. , fr om a reliable ,
5-the ' that the MexiCan I
!Seidel t the war "shall not
le i
II they reset.. ve emamMsioners to
Until ever'!" hostile foot has left
andir)fery ship that lines
, 1 , .y have further re
. .: j . - noforeigis inter
to_ . ' 4 .
• about a peace.—
evieue 7 - , ta, Of thetruth
have . , ; expressed in certain
etatillopoolheid. 1
AlabaOlUt _win - ai at'New
Brasiko rthe d Wt.,: No
-- 41 trio: 8400, frail
4114 . 11 0, 01 )It'SN I ]
I r ._
-;-;', " -
;u& :
41 01 0,44
i. . • . 1 "4"" 11)114".0 111114--
~i.--1"1"..:41un, s. . ' - .)4111 , 01: l'hiiig ollitgii;i,
3.' s : .- A' --
• , '-' '-, . ':
',; - ,7. • I . "illMall°. L Ireilli
up t heiieer they f lat II '
WOW they . ',
t- ' ioftho of
aiserTm444 bOm-tossiiikAlooe - anky.,
badloonmoo iso!o was's; Olooicroo.twootil
way' woo - oiessOokasailisi Wu. Wial had
9 6 -:-W 42l 4lgiatilk;'ssi**a i a la
Jug_ giaums. as _ ' aexamts•
Gas. 4 . 4 &IWO carcipiatieiker
it,Beit' swim& 111: aria' " ' ' sandmouli
lloon*Ohi ViotOl, - its =Genend
Ti*,4iras 404m4 , Inuano aDat - ietarn
WIW slift" ill " " I* 4 o/ 1144 111611
Pattirionitiohliermstais the wky to Soo WO
will 3e Analog! - from Taigko to the
SOthildt., le sew Wet quiet and orderly.
Mr. Chase,; c wow United States Comnil,
had bee n ; " 'ted collects* of the customs at
' Tansp , ico. of meditated attack on
Tempe° ' . .nlated, bit were considered
mere 31 'mew ' tales. Trade and commerce
were'tery , Great competition exists a
moni the pa: ' *hose ratep area now five dol
lan per foot i i f . and foul dollari out. There
axe two ~ ' ,ne of pilotkonAmerican,and
the ether M • t .. A slips fit:ern Norfolk, of
yesterday's da ' received; at Washington by
eteamboat 0 • la, reportsthat the steamship
Mississippi luidjust arrived there, from Anton
Lizard°, 29th nit. On the 29th Dec., Com
modore Perry, frith several, vesiels, took pos:. -
session of Lagnna and deitroyed all the ene
my's gosa oodinunitione of war found in the
forts atuLthe town. Com. Sands, with two
vessels, was left in charge off Alvarado. The
Mississippi captured a Mexican schooner called
the'Amdia; and sent her to New Orleans for
We. Purser Crosby was killed by falling from
aloft, on board the Vixen. General Santa
Ann is declared by the new Congress duly e
lected President of the Republic of Mexico.—
From an examination of further files of :Mexi
can papers, no direct action appears to have
been .had upon the subject of the war by the
Mekican Congress. They convey the impres
sion that San Lib - l is to be the great battle
grdund of the war. 1
Official MexiCan accounts have been receiv
ed of events .at. Los ,Angelos, on the Pacific. In
the action of the 24th September, at that place,
27 Americans were made prisoners, and 3
wounded; one Mexican was killed, but no A
metieans. The cooquerors then laid siege to
the City of Angels, and on the 30th September
the town capitulated to Flores. The terms of
surrender are drawn up with as much delibera
tion as thOse of Monterey, :and are detailed at
length in the; New Orleans papers. Gen. Jes
up and staff,' and 640 sick l and discharged sot :
then came passengers in the Alabama.
P. S. Commodore Perry arrived in Wash
ington thiii evening (Jan. 14th,) in the Osceo
ta, from Norfolk, and confirms all previously
stated rektite to the taking of Laguna. Ad
vicesfrom the city of Mexico report that our
expedition against Laguna was citnpletely
giee Presidents
ArAL.IN, „ vv.
The following knee to the St. Louis Re
publican given the Most important portions of
the news received by the late express from
Fo4r . LESTEXWORTII i Doe. 21, 1846.
I send you the following items of intelligence,
this day received by express from Santa Fe.
An off ce.r of the medical department of the army'
writes to this effect, under date of the 9th of
Novels:the:, from Santa Fe i " Capt. Grier and
Lieut. Wilson, witlitwo soldiers, (of the Ist
dragoons,) pursued and overtook a large party
of Navajos arid killed two of them, re-captur
ing, at the seine time, a flock of sheep. The
rest of the, eximpany being mounted on poor
mules, could 'not overtake the Indians. The
captain's hor.4c was wounded—no other dam-'
ages done.
An officer Of to Ist dragoons, writing from
un e
Albuqurque, 'r date:of the . 25th of Octo
'bar, says to his correspondent : To-morrow I
'start on an expedition to the South. I have
(at Albuqur,que) . a ' ' soi disant " squadron of
cavalry, awn ; :being 175 men. I would feel
Perfectly satisfied with'my situation, were not
,my conhwank stQruly ineffectual. All of our
horses, you know ; h ave been sent to l'Esscnri,
under the belief that they could not sustain the ,
fatigues, andfno forage, of the march to Cali
' forma. 'When the detachment for the march
was finally made up at Socorro, all of the real
ly serviceable ; mules were selected for it, out
of the companies that were to remain in this
country—so that now I have net only for my
mounts, but ifor my teams, the sorriest lot of
animals that were ever seen. I bad the great
est difficulty in performing ,the march back to
this place, and now find myself - ith scarce the
ability to Sve from it. ' I received to-day a
call upon rue,lxhich demands - prompt attention,
and which requires -the exertion of my utmost
ability. After this:Pacification of the country,
i the Chihuahua traders'eontinued their journey
towards the 'outh, in order that they, might
avail themselves of the Opening. to be effected
for them by the operations of Gen. Wool's ar
my, for the 'entrance of their goods into Cali
fornia. • 1 ,1
It seems that some had trusted too far to
the peaceful!'professionil of the Mexicans.—
' They have all halted about'one hundred and
fifty miles frien here, and having good reasons,
they say, to ibelieve that the Mexicans from
i the settlements of EY Paso, design 'making an
attack on thim,' for plunder, have - written up
for troops !o'iroteet them. The value of their
Property is estimated at half a million of &l
bws. Altltdagh these traders have by their
MI imprudence placed themselves In this dan
ger, yet thel protection of so many American
lives, and of so large an amount. of American
property, is a. matter of great importance; and
I feel it incumbent on me,
_feeble and small as',
is my fine; to make an effort to accomplish
i it. What would I not give to have with me
l a - a q ui L droni of dratoons. Since receiving the
letter from the tradeis, I have received letters
from Geror Bent, the ; intelligence commu
nicated in Which tands to oordinwthe impres
sion that there is . a very general feeling of
discontent 4iisting among the .` ' ile of the{
province ; quid that efforts have . ,'-., made to
get up an opp osition towards us, the first de-i
v=st .4 - which is to be an. attack on the
It is said than force dens thousand men
his been *owed at El: Paso del Nett, to
act in with the *Os: , 1 : '-above in tbis
um l
..roacktoec ,jautaethas at* boil** ma
ban SI Ire may ywba• os
thaimitv ' -- - • as aidaii leo tbio *0:
-Of . fiiioirisaii4 l 4l 4o o 4 0 gal
',***.:liic : . Da shed, ...
',''4:bliffiglial :in
---' .. ,-..'
firklik„,' , 7 :4eie.46,lloiiiie tbi ilt..
iiiiiiii .--.
~ ,
.., , I ** , .Adir a* . ,
r ailiTold" , 0 1 $ 144 1 111 ;•1
iii , yr.O_liii ‘, : ..1V ' )ilit# 4 44: llo .ll lll '•.'
r#4,440:: v_.., . 1) !.1 1 110 1 , 2 's Teti
er ilrein Banta Fe.
mutt :10714'
Wears may .
just IssrlUd
44u ,:.
Air Hon
merit oni:- thin
(knowledge our Obligations to
tiles, Mesita. Thdmas and Pas-,
ntinued favors!. 'Trough their
hisive been furnished with the
S4retary of the treasury, anti ,
d.t. of Common I Schools.
• under obligationp to our neigh
. IChapman, now 1, ,Transeribing
imihte, for his fa•prs. We are
ttOr - fortitni- than: ours has not
iildful of the printer, though of
si i
alVe a
our Represent
set, for their
Reports ;of the
the .Supe'rinte
.NVe a
bor, :Tarbes AS
Clerk iu the
glad that_ a b,
made hita
air p
usual .simeeir
perance mote',
them trO hope' ,
bucto those c
something elsi
to l eorrec Ti t• l a e t .
in its account
at the Cote
occurs in that
ference i n n
.Lusk, ircom
sent Tariff as
the following
olution 4 : G co.
cing the duty
This remark
by another in
easy to eonce
least, the pos
the writer of
1 the eciiiors of
reduction of t
'and iroh.
It will be
with a notice
published by
that the in
and that he
which drove
ting aSbar•
Briggs; then
and that the
reedy led to
child. This
differing a lit
actly as we h
readerti hea
by GeO. San.
evening swat
ventio4 on
Iy Itpott- the
for our info
relative to t
of Mri 8., a
paper, as h
P"Bnt it ap
atives and
tiecome in , •
If, so far' as Laneford'li having
career of drunkenness while iithis
's l employ. If such are the facts,
ay t e no disposition to Withhold
leaders, and therefore cheerful
' 14tement we gave in regard to
We do - so, because it is' an act
N. Briggs, his family and friends,
Oompted by that hallowed prin.
Miship, Love and Truth,!' and in
we certainly
them 4rom
ly correct th
that matter.
of justice to
toecamie it, i
ciple of "I
perfe+ new
I utterly and
wounding t
this . 4.eply
have it mit
to their so
foreign to o
serve 'Our
for the err,
annt, l
ings bf, th,, l
- I
.1 4 .1
11 1°15 4 . i
ieaeq 1y is
i s; MO,
• "
~~ tii
PA `ji tO)ohl
te to Moult rime
poniphan loft Fe yes
00E1. Paso. '.', e ore much
Poyoot'" of Mani
' a
• The' suPPIYd •
sabort of - opposed
r " WILMOT kW continues to
s Tor bits owner* public fa:
toe' creel..
liars will exeuso us foi the lan
dfill we have devot3d to the Tem
dints thin week. i To most of
artd trust it will tedlliihitefilt;
f different taste ITII prOnlige
heat week.
1 41e's Advocate" 113 reqUested
1 - .alit anc•of the errors contained
oi!the Democratic Meeting held
I cave on Monday evening. It
Ipart of the article in which re
! e t'o the resolnt ion' offered by Col.
I . e4di ng a modification of the pre
riigards coal and iron. and in
eras : "On the offer of this roe-
er exclaimed, !I'm for redu•
oit coal and iron still ",
not made by Mr. Fuller, but
.'dual who was near him. It is
rcr therefore, in this instance at
I ;:
ihtlity of mistake on the part of
he article alluded to. Neither of
th;ts paper have ever mlymeateda
Represent rates of duty'on coal
t,nernbered that, in connection
the murder of Mrs. Langford,
1 siiast week, we further stated
erer, Langford, was an inebriate,
ired an appetite for drink,
ink to the, fell deed, while
nder for his father-in-law, Mr.
'4lAtbens, but now of Towanda,
potion of Mr. B. had, indi
he 'suffering and death of is
I .4tiertH ent, in substance, although
phraseolme, we gave itc
aid it, and as hundreds:: of icar
if related in a public address,
• eison,.E.sq., of Towanda, at the
LIAO : 1' the late Temperance Coa
iisiity week. Relying, confident
ciirreetne ss of the statment—
ii •
nit pursued the same reflections
• Consequences of the occupation
his child, as appeared' in our
dteds of our citizens Will bear us
v 0 publicity to the same;
sis that Mr. 'Briggs, and the rel.
mfds l
of the unfortunate wife, have
of at it, and , utterly deny the
!lime with our own desires. We
leiinly disclaim any intention of
e feelings of any one, much less of]
t feted famil'. God knows we
nouir hearts . to add a single pant
Such an idea was entirely
.ipurpose when penning ' the
tagrapia: Our readers Will oh
4etion, and we trust, excuse us
high we have unir.tentionally
Tile Convention.
eiligige will be found the proceed.
Democratic County Convention,
Osuit-house on Monday etening
ne.ito, previous notice, for the ap
f Delegates to the Fourth of March
aid for the transaction of such oth
ail was deemed necessary. A re
, tikber of Democrats from 'O2 parts '
a t t.d
t', Were present, "and
,great um-
' • in regarto the measures pro-
'm .n
s reference to the war,
z.ikasiE, the Tariff and Shivery in
territory, were sdirited with
ditismting some ffonm little dis
:_upon ,the "one term ,Iwinar t h,.
et but the . ' ' 'utisarigni:
, urn
tinuation: ,' Thi(wiecati
kOilii-iii 'o'iii ' llA l i ej# l4 * 1
I* for . *l44oP,Alt
Mai" :: ' • # 141 0 11100 4 : /. 411
46118 4 ta t ' 1 3 0 1 0tillilliallil
itaiii,:.: :1041N1060.1114'
, .itiontiliticis; '
, 1
• * Orleit "131tarOn Dren. r .-4m. sr. axe
arsaFtrzi,iiialtatorfrent , Trirgbiu, Aed at the .
Capital on i4lith The marite
respect wino, — eirred by both branches often
gr,era. Thiele Abe ;ascend:death winch oe
(*Tea in that 1144 y sauce the 4oniiig of the
present sasi4 _: •
Ws hare the 'demure Of announcing that
Taiiff Instruction Aeacdlition
fina been adopted by the House, by l a itrici
Federal vote. WO rejoice at ;dais, iber4se it
has had the effect to drive bl'ek ithe
DemOratic reproeontation, in that body, ppm
the true Democratic grounds. The Fetieral-
Ots *ere determined to restore their ola, de
funct Tariff, and pressed their resOluti+is to
that effect, voting down, en masse, every a
mendment which the,Democrats offered. The
result Las been. most salutary.. _
. Senatorial Conference,
It will be seen-from the report Of tbelCon
vention held in the Conrt-hoime en 111 nday
evening last, that a resolution,' calling a ena
torial Conference on the 15th of Februa.ryinext,
to be composed of Delegates from each f the/
several counties inthis Senatorial District, was
adopted. As 'some little' discussion ar4le in
regard to the Matter, andiest the object t& en
tirely misapprehended, we have thOughtia few
words by way of explanation, might not Im out
of place. l'
This District is composed, as is generally
known, of the counties of Wayne, Susq4anna
.and Wyoming. Wayne, ` 4 . taking time by thd
forelock," and contrary to all former wags, ap- i
pointed, at her Democratic oMtvention it) Sep- 1
tember last, S. S. Winchester Esq. of 11)-i?* miiig,
as the Senatorial Delegate to the next ath of
March Convention, and instructed :h in74more
over, by a sort of intrigue and managenierit on
the part of two or three individuals.who
f igured'
largely in the meeting. it is alleged; to support
the one term humbug, and the nomination of
Hon. N. B. Eldrid for Governor, " Thoj reso
lutions adopted by our county Convention be
itig of an entirely opposite character-41e De
niocracy - repudiating emphatically th" .'one
o i
term" humbug, and instructing their de egates
directly the reverse of Wayne:—it is easy to
see that a trifling dfference would arise,l which
would create the necessity for such a Ounfer:
ence as is contemplated. The object is„..?.union
and harmony. and we confidently hope t/
a measure fair,equitable, and frt•quently
ed to in such exigencies, it will be pr/
seconded by our sister Counties.
Army hewn:
THE news from the Army whiclt we
cle to-day, will doubtless be sought will s inter
est. Reports seem to be somewhat contradic
tory, although generally tending to the pinion
that a battle has been fought near!,Saltillo, be
tween Gen. Worth's Divisien (and piebably
the -forces of Gens. Taylor Wool and Twigs,)
and a portion of the Mexiean army ,under Santa
Anna. If this is so the next mail from the
theatre of operations will certainlY4leclitre it.
But we are seriously disposed to be sceptical
as to the correctness of these reports. We
have seen before iu numerous instances that
they have been, to say the least, greatly exag
gerated, and a glance at date.s, and then at the
reports in question, will satisfy us that there is
a possibility that the whole may be 4 farce,
and that Santa Anna is no nearer Saki* than
San Luis Potosi, or even the city of 1314xico. -
The scouts of Gen. Worth reported tli4iiicov
cry of Santa Anna's army about .she '44th of
Deeeinber,•at a distance 0.60 mils f4in Sal
tillo. the distanc& bet Ween thid pi ice and
San Luis is stated to be ,300 miles, and it is
further_settled that he could not perfiirm the
march te the place Where report saysl he was
discovered, in less than eight days: Fence al
lowing the statement of those scouts io have
been correct, Santa Anna must ,have lift San
Luis about the 6th f December. Yet; letters
from that place da d a4l late as the arith of
December, have be n received at New Orleans,
which contain not to least' allusion Or Santa '
Anna's departure. Jl.ndi as sis departure with
from IEI,OOO to 30,000 troops must h4Ve been
known to every inhabitant in the city, the pre
sumption is very plain. that the anticipiited ap
proach of Santa Anna, by Gen. Worth was all
imaginary. However, if it should • p4,ive true
we shall soon-know. • • •
P. S. By last night's mail .we learn that
the speculations above are vorreet. Accounts
from San Luis mention that Santa Anita is still
at that pla' ce, fortifying it against an expected
attach from the U. S. forces. Gen. Worth's
scouts probably mistook aiarge foraging party
of the Mexicans for Santa Anna. Sciwo'have
no fight yet to record. '
Monday last, the members of both branches . of
Legislature met in Convention fo g } the e
lection of State Treasurer. Col. .thanes R.
SNOWDEN, as a matter of ; COUT80; was the can
didate of the Democratic ; party:- Tile candi
date of the Federalists was not IMttlefi upon at
last advices.
We inippose now that Mr. Snowdeh is to be
removed, and if so, and the Februai interest
is not • promptly paid,. the public Will know
where to charge - the fault;. 6,
New counterfeits on the 'punk of
qumbersburg have made their ;appearance.—
ikrware I ' •
, sr. then Clerk of
the Post Office at Portion* irho rim recent
ly arrested for robbing ke gag; has,,been eo n :
ieleii's id sentenced twettti_ pais service
in the Penitentiary.'
I' r •
sir Reports*lali *Olt* ing
tbkanival.of V!!*11 . t lera„ C nts, and
List fiery Azieriest meow imutdilit*
ltitio° 4 °°-°° olll ll t° 01,14"*
sitTheliew Orleana papeiti ni0417. 4*
:- Rid the first. Regiment of Peringy*tiia
V' teens at that 'City, jtild eulqgiae'thearVit*
r y)Agidi. ''he Semd fiegizaatt lei FM&
burg - serrid dar Alm
1. • , Ilemintifil. - 'l, ± 1 •
,We h as oyer , oar-o(i l ig re o4n l 4 fli a ir
:with a goodidesl of care, the hope of )16;''
4 4
i Able. to all sOmeihing frOta!:.the - 414 pf
t 'aasem , Wisdom" that would *of ii:
' to our readers :- But WO-rhcoiejinoi the
ta tian, of loving beoti • successful in Our
tin ortakioi. , A,ii! that we have flt:rid, - *hich
isworthy li r i k oto, is 'given bolo*: 7),0 Army,
Na , an d; irmit appropriation
was re-1
po!ted,,read twrea apd referred to the commit
tee Of-the Whole in_ the flouie. Mr.. Rath
.buik's substitute; which proviires- for volunteers
anti not regulars; was adopted, and the Lieut.
(400 rd-clause omitted by a vote of ,ayes, 90,
nays, 120. The bill, as amended, was report
edit° the Honse,. and the question recurring
uppn the substitute, was decided in the: nega
thie-103 yeas to 104 nays.. Mr. McKay re
polled a. bill authorising the ;Lsue of Tieasury
notes to the amount of
r twenty-three• millions
oflflollars, of not less denomination that.sso—
the President may negotiate a limn for
the purpose of carrying;on the war. In Com
mittee of the - Whole, tht Oregon bill was, under
diieussion. . ,
, , ,
A bill from the Military Cemmittee. was re
ported by Mr.,Benton, inereaSing the Army to
10'regitnents, with amendments, Ras adopted_
by the Serrate. A series ohasolutions:deelar-.
ing that the war ought to be, prosecuted with
vigor, with more. volunteers, and pledging the
'labile lands for payment of 0;e expenses; were
stibmitted by ilfr. Allen. the de4,h of Sena
tor Pennybacker, absorbed the proceedings of
the 12. th and 13th. , Mr. Cameron mol„;,ed that
a section of land be given to every seddier who
should serve during, the war, 'which was dis-
cussed but not acted upon. The Lill authori
zing the appointment of Lieut.: General was
discussed, and a motion to lay it on the table
carried by 28 yeas to 21 nays: Messrs. Cal
houn, Butler and Yulee voted wits the:Whigs.
Proceedings' . of Court ,
GRIND JULY.—F.ImA ' true bill Lewis
Miller fur Arson; vs. Geo..Rrownel fOr keep
ing a tippling house, in Clifford; two vs. Lahan
Russel for,Lareeny ; one vs. Lyman Canfield
fqr disposing of his property to defraud credit-
Dfs ; one vs.- Northrop Canfield for cidluding
'with Lyman Canfield to defraud cteditors; one
vs. Henry Casey for Larceny ignored. Jury
discharged Wednesday Dor.n.
iat, as
estrrt -
On motion of Wm. J. Turrell, J. 11 : Myers,
(formerly of Wayne Co.) 'was admitted to
practice in the several courts of Susi:lol3mila
Co. as Attorney and Counsellor at law:
T a.% yeast.: J Y .--Senerpn Richards, wit
ness in case of Coneth, vs. Thomas, fined $l5
and costs for contempt of Court, in not obey
ing summons. William Warner, for :some of
fence fined $1 and costs. Lyon vs: Green,
Deft. withdrew his plea, after charge 'of Court.,
&c., judgment for Pltff. $23,0; Turrell for
Pltff. Streeter for Deft.. Griffis vs. Bowman,
verdict for Deft. Lusk & ;Little, fin. Pltff.
Bentley & Richards fur Deft. Arnol vs. Lee,
dismissed after evidence for want. of: inrisdic
tion by justice. Richards for Pltff. Little &
Streeter for Deft. Com' th vs. 'Elias; Thomas
for Adultery, Deft. forfeited his reeoguizance.
George Brownel indicted for keeping. tippling
house in Clifford. Plead guilty and was fined
$2l) and costs. Trial f Miller, for burning a:
barn in Dimock, - comn4nced -Wednesday eve
ning: Streeter, Bentley 47- Richards for
Com'thß. B. Little and R. R. Little fur pris
oner. I . .
The monster of the woods is at. last taken
He is said to be the lat•get Bear captured in
Arthent Pennsylvania.
.He was started on
Monday, the 4th inst., in Scott township, coun
ty of Wayne, and on the 6tb, was wi:ihnded, in
Preston, by C. P. Tallman, Esq.,and.still pur
sued by him, 0. P. Tallman and -others, film'
Thompson, this county,. into Hatndity ; from
there driven back into. Thompson, dud - again
Wounded by Mr. Stoddard, and after having
been several times thus driven and iv-driven,
he again returned into Wayne, wber'e be was
finally captured after a pursuit of eight days,
and is now in possession of Mr. Talltuan.
This is no doubt the Brain, that has killed a
great numl,ier of Sheep for the lastitWo yeirs in i
the region t,hro' which he Was followed. Toot
much credit cannot bd- awarded the gentlemen t
engaged in his captnro. A.,}lf CITIZENS:
At the Temperance COnvent,ion, held last
Wednesday in this town, loseph IT,i Richards,
Esq. in a critical, Inci,# and able exl osition . of
the Constitution of the United states and of
this State, showed most-canchisWely that dui
Law proposing to prohibit the sale of intoxica4.
tang drinks did not contravene anti proyision of
either of these instrumepts. Its:argument
was satisfactory to every candid ?Ilia and provl
ed most conclusively that there Were no pro:
visions in either constitution whiekwould in 4
i terpose to save Rum=sellingfroluthii righteout
indignation of tile people. , t
No one who heard. 111r.,' Richards' could 11
any possibility have suppoied him to affirm
contrary doetrini3 and yet, it, was asserted in
the eastern part: of Bridgewater ind the westL,
cm part,
_of Brooklyn, yesterdaKt l that he had.
proved before the
~Convention t t the law w&
uncoust#utiema andithis Wei Us` persiia4
men to vote for the continued sale 0 1 4toxicatink
liquors-401as 'community!, _ , nolo
Mr. Richards sold make the: t orrent with :
out wilftillypinverting the truth
In justice to Mr. Riche tas a Au: the;Avie
lto adrOolited irfore - the iftrolit*thtiutite.:
ment bald*. Om n . to as Piciiidelit'pf Ottititody
1' litlit4gsBlJt
, -
Jania/7 , ;1 18 4 1 ,
Kr "' I
. !Min': ailifikkii*#-**(':4l,'Okli.l3'.l4:r
buit*Ot, in' lo t 15.01400 1 -6 ciliiits','lsli4,4o,44
bot *fk i. Lcll.,''N-V '.''-. ' : - .. , - F
- -
. - ., 1 = , - , : : -.::,,, - ,i,-,1 ~i 2:i'' '• ..] '.: . : -. 1; ;.-- '- - '• r
creat Bear lion!.
A Lyiliglt. -1
~~ ,
,I , 16.-.• . ..; - - o f
-, iit "' IS rit - AZI - Tia -- Cii ' '
t ti
.W ITsba7Lvinis., totallf ( 4 , , 1txf>7. 4 ifigir'ita -
w. i .: . -. 7 . 1 4 weer; Aogsilllsip
tity of li' y ;leholkfainiture;:it ,
. ' t . that e; fire eilight_lots:.* L ~
f l , ',.‘ the grato l . SPOi 44,1100 i-- :-' t '-- ' c t
) m
)=-.4717 g ar kiii0 4 1 ,1311 4701410t: 1'
s' 'r: - DaYte o,lAl 4 l 4 4 .'t* l ii:ihafillro,- -,_•--,:'
t of th , II? of ThaytoOliiihinidatid- by e i tt-
a,- in the Misiat On the 2rl init.l:, ='Great deo' -11.- .
iit etion,of property iiiii tho.eoiseginisee, ant, ,
y lives wevelost ? All - the, tons on
f;tlia ,- - H- -
4V i erl 3 e l44 *3 4 'o were" ns°r°9r 40"! ds l oll*-.- . i':
'tholes(' gaiis* i'dheioriStie *ICY+ '' ' ' -,
1 I • moti rktie`Onint3r ciiirreptieL i
N pursuance of a: .- call of the 'Penitioratie , !
County Committee ; a, convention iiii - heldin... :
the Court House,- in - ,lVlontroso oirbbnidaY ere- ,
nits Jan. 18, 1847, forthe ptupose of electing ..',
delegates to the'4th.:bf;lllttreir :,Convention; to
ptit in nomination caadidates for the office of
Governor and. Canal Vommissioner,to be sup-
ported at the next. General Bleetiert,, i
1 1 The Convention ,was organized bythe' eke•,.
Itint of ISAAC 11E0R.HO,W, Esqr.,,Picaident,.
.Col. 111. C. TYLER, moues aeßßOWNy f.';,M,t
i.gERE, anti Jous SMILEY,' Biqa:, Tice, 'resi--
1 tints, Daniel Brewster, and G. id, 'Grow,.
reporf J. 11. Dimoek moved a. commit ofZ .. ve to
p Preamble ad 'resolution's for e nsid- ,
of this ConVeiition:. ,Chairi, apPoiated. ~
j. H. 7 ,l l iino'ck; - GeOrgc 'Fuller,' Hen. CT-Leet, i .
! Amherst Carpenter, and DanielPiOkek-coje-
Iniittee: In their absence the Coliventienves
addressed by B. : Streeter, with his usual a t
bility. - '1 - - r.. I
I I The committee through their eliairroan re-
!ported the following Which were adopted:
I WEEREAS—We !regard it as the duty, as
vfril as the right of the peoplein their primary
eetings, to expresS their views in relation to
t e course of policy' pi:aimed by, those whom
ey have placed of t the head of loveitunent,_
' id whereas, fierce and virulent denunciations,' -
, o being pourettont. in ,an imemiang 'torrents ~
pon the National:AdininistrationlOritscourse4, ...
I policy towards Itilb-ico, 1.1;3* it." f t urty l which
has always made it its rule to Opp* the gov- -
Onment "riett or orottir..;" mid ''Whereas, ai
careful examination of the,history of Mir rill , -
t ons with the government of Mexico,! prove-_
onclusively to every cauidid mind Oat Lail 'the -
;d rt :p o e n ac t e h f e u l l i se rt tti ci e f n
o l i e l o r il io o w f
au n government
ect an amicable adjustment of bur :claims,_
een met by insult, ontfage and Wrortg;, and
whereas ; the first , hostiln demonstration wrong;_
made Ly Mexie.e. inon unwarrantable and cots--
ardly attack upon ti portion of. our ' 14401,
chose blood waS;Aied,uphir oar o soiloritbl
Aut " any just cause or provoeatio , 1 ' ...'--,/
; Therefore Resolved—That the !main pm
ed by the President ()tithe Unite 4 States in
lotion to Mexico, meets the deeid and hear
trapproval of this 'Convention. 1 ' •
Resolved—That ive are in favor 'of a vigor
ms prosecution of the War, and opposed to
My treaty of peace being concluded, which •
nes not stipulate for a full indemnification for
1 expenses of the War, either in money it .
i tory. --
( I .t,
Resolved—That °whatever territnry maybe .
°moored from Mexico, and formally annex)
the Milted States, shall not be polluted by
. 1...
,he tread of a Slave.
'Reso/vcd—That the proviso . o4ered in' ;I:e
-louse of Representatives, at the lant'#Ciiiiiiii'n,.
)yr our talented 11Cpresenf.ative; - Otin.l;l)..iiii,
Vitmo'*obibiting Slavery frombCing inias -
• ()rated into any territory - which tray IM•llierf- '
. fter negnired, 104 which was triumiibintly c
opted bs4 the House, meets the cnrtlini app.-
t•al of tllik Convention, and his co' :se throne -
ut proves him Worthy the high orisiderathm
ad confidence in Which he is held • by his con.
tit:l:Lents- . '• : • .
.licsoircd—That the repeal of
1842, imposed upon the people, 14
,al combination- ofCireinnstances, li
?..ifies and . fietieious 1 minimum ',Mil
rohibiforyduties.-'-all combining o throw nr- '
n the cealsey and cheaperarticle. the bighett
rates of duty, and thereby imposing upon the
2onstuncrs of those articles unjust and unequal
,aurdens—is a Source of congratulation to these
who have at heart. - the best interests' Oftheir
country. ,' - .. ' i i ~',:-
Resulred-ZThai; the-markets. oftheiworld ,
7 -
the privilege effe4ding its starving millions—
is the market we.ask for the atotionitiral inter_
jests of the Country. ' The vast gmnerles4the
West, and the unbounded capabilities of our •
climate and soil, for almost alLkinds of produe
• tion, can never find an adequate market for
their vast supplies, in the comparatively small
number that may, be engaged in manufactu
ring, in our own country. The producing t end ,
- consuming clatsei therefote, aro; buttrue to
their best interesea.when they ao to be. freed
from thelmrtheirj tinjustly hoped by any re
strictive or high. protective polio • . , ,
Resolved.:-That, it is inexpedi nt, 'impolitier:
and anti-demperatic, to put In n mination any
earldidate for Goiernor, who either Toted for,
approves 0f,,0r 'will recommend the 1 Tariff of
18.12 in preference to the Tariff 41046. •
.Thatto insuret, the triumphOf
Democracy it is of the last importune 4 to secure
unity of . action, and harmony of feeling. in the
Domocratid partt during the next'caim paig
1 for Governor; 14,dliisiona and iiiissiniaon üb,
our ranks ,
;will but: insurt!!;;Aisliater and deffsiA.
Resolved=--ThaLtimi approaching -Guiaerna4 : -
tonal campaign: nduionishem .us rthat ( laiikießk•
harmony avid, caieestrion.: er . 'th4fin: ; ;9lo,,. .
cause and lothiis , for men" 'a 1110U61,423 , 31%: .
a gloriousg priftegthl,- . • which _ uld'.,l`, .
e 2
main, the ra ll ying,:cry, of the Pc 4 B o .o7. 4 4lfrelir;
..Resolnett-Tliiit eithctigk wo 1 1:4 44 ;Wt.
nizo any peeulisimerit, or pfloclplo.Wi the doe , $.
trine of ‘‘ One:Tarm,! yo.thina.mukyl, Ili sbee4:t...
sions, when.thelideptiois of wilts i 'astlifidsto pit
I the party';'- ins - i*he - * case of Mr: NlIt•414o •
place of Mr. Van Boren ; 1 thei or 'seCoFity,•
for our success. ' l ; ' - ..r.1
co. 1. 1 ! Lusk 00104 10- striae' Ontill iftet...
the word resolved. widjubstitittO followin g- -; the .
' That Ave viewl,ritlk.fict
regret - 01 P . -, : difre'dk
o*iouLin the delmeeniPlatrPrn 1 1 1411 4 1 ."';3'
of 1003',. affecting t bi' - o ''l; l' 4
thst wo recognise in . the:one
.. , I ; ,
ONO to 0fE , * 4 1 5 briA power .0:49.00 . 4J ....;-
445,11 kel):49:-khe=tin) (4l laClM itut •'?
roil/able 1 404# 11 ails- 1 0-0#10 , 14. . : t*i ,
44 olootioiie,itifincitat: V /44 .0 1( 1. 1114 04 4 :"
eat 1 / 61114 0** 8 ' 14144 . 1 4 . 4,- - 1411 4'1::.
son Ivilich mitroVliteg4k :bt. :-.-'.
JefrOrabeigit:!!ilmtii i i i i t zrit - ', - , : - • ...-,,,
elution - - 0(0q0.*:,- ; : : •r.d...,,,. :,..
K ; polk; -,-, 2 .- T,-1 - ‘,1, - ,! f - .!: , ---4- - '3l .2 ';e
liindigi?* - 4101 , ,i.p05, itit poh:ifutqf! - .44%, sl -- ,B4welt.tri,wlA : 4?„• „ . ..,,,_ , g]
I.Q i .:A, cow \ -1 :-,.. ,:,,,::,,,-.--,:- •_-,d. - . -,- ~,,- - r f: r j , -
or , z•'`
phi 3 Tariff of
an ticeidet -
rith its Spe
faations : and